Ocean Festival `96... in Autumn!

by Annie McMahon-Jersey City, NJ

During the weekend of September 28-29, Ocean Church of New Jersey organized a festival at the Liberty Harbor Marina, in Jersey City, under the theme of "Ocean Era - 21st Century ... Back to God's Original World".

For this occasion, all the ministers and educators of Jersey City and around were invited to the opening ceremony, which was at the same time the inauguration of "Ocean Day", and the declaration of Jersey City as an "ocean town".

The program started with an "Ocean Song", performed by University of Bridgeport Chorus, followed by the invocation of Rev. Kil Hwan Kim, regional director. Mr. Kobayashi, Vice President of True World Group, Inc., gave the opening address, mentioning that "ocean provides nutrition not only for the body, but also for the spirit", and that the ocean training is the best for youth.

His greeting was followed by four welcome speeches, given by Rev. G. Maxwell Jones, Deputy Mayor; Mr. Patrick Noble from Liberty Harbor Marina; Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President of HSA-UWC (U.S.A.); and Rev. Purnell Spicer, True Family Values Ministry Lecturer.

During the ceremony, U.T.S. and the University of Bridgeport each received a Good Go boat for the development of ocean providence. Dr. Anthony Guerra, Vice President of U. B. and Dr. Tadaaki Shimmyo, President of U.T.S., were present to receive the keys of the boats. They both gave their inaugurational remarks.

Mrs. Veronica Smith, representing 33 citizen volunteers, then read the proclamation, declaring Jersey City as an "Ocean City", Jersey City being located at the connecting point of the Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound and the Hudson River. The declaration was stating that "we determine to develop Jersey City's ocean and water resources for humankind and world peace by promoting education, youth activities and water related industries such as boat building, fishing and sight seeing industries".

Immediately following this opening ceremony, Rev. Spicer gave a speech for all the V.I.P.s and other interested guests, while a seafood lunch was served to them. All seemed to be very inspired by Rev. Spicer's dynamic spirit! Rev. McReynolds, from Mt. Olive Baptist Church, who used to live in Chicago, already knew Rev. Spicer. He decided to attend the True Family Values workshop in Washington, pledging to bring 10 other ministers with him.

The festival offered mainly the same activities as the festival held last May: boat cruises, fishing trips, seafood barbecues, raffle, live music, games for children, ... In addition, people could buy fresh fish at a special price, from the First Hope I fishing trip, that came back just before the festival. A tuna cutting demonstration was also given, and people could taste a peace of "sashimi" (raw fish). Many people gathered for this activity. Several True Family Values lectures were held throughout the seminar, given by different lecturers: Rev. Spicer, Rev. Andy Compton, Mr. Kerry Pobanz, Mr. George Glass and Mr. Ron Gurtatowski. There were also lectures about Solving World Hunger, by Mr. Tateo Sato, leader of Ocean Church, and Ocean Awareness Presentation, by Mr. Paul Durgin, from Maine.

This festival was the third one to be held this year. The purpose of these festivals is for witnessing and taking care of our contacts, by creating a friendly and educational atmosphere. It gives the opportunity for members and guests to participate in ocean activities, and to get a deeper understanding of Father's vision for Ocean Providence, which is crucial at this time in history. As we are heading the 21st Century, everybody needs to realize the importance of ocean resources to solve world hunger, and to plan for the future years, which may not always be as abundant as it is now, even for developed countries. Thinking in advance and developing knowledge and skills related to the ocean can only help to prepare for a better future. At the same time, ocean offers a pure atmosphere, ideal for the education of young people.

Some interesting facts happened, telling us that God and the spirit world were with us. At the end of the first day, the sky was covered with clouds, and the forecast was for rain the following day. Fortunately, the rain started only after the end of the activities the first day, continued during the night, to leave a clear blue sunny sky for the second day of the festival! Even though it was the end of September, the weather was warm enough to enjoy staying outside.

Another interesting fact: We invited the Mayor of Jersey City to join us for the opening ceremony, but he couldn't come, and send a representative, who was a Reverend! At this time of the providence when we try to reach ministers with the True Family Values workshops, it was a real blessing to have Rev. Jones with us, along with the other ministers that we invited.

We would like to thank the University of Bridgeport students, who came to help during the whole festival. Their help was essential for the success of this event. Thank you also to all the speakers, attendants and guests. Your presence was greatly appreciated. This place and facilities here at the Liberty Harbor Marina offer a great atmosphere to bring guests and witness. Please join us next May, with your contacts and family, for the Summer Ocean Festival `97!

In the meantime, if you are interested to go fishing, or bring your guests on a boat ride, let us know. There are many things that can be done. You can call at the Ocean Education Center, 201-435-3808, or send a fax: 201-435-3802.