Ocean Challenge in Kodiak with True Parents

by Rev. Lloyd Howell-Philippines

In early September True Parents called various FFWPU leaders, mostly National Messiahs, half a dozen Continental Directors and other miscellaneous leaders, to Kodiak, Alaska, to participate in a meeting which later turned out to be a 40-day Ocean Challenge workshop.

The first to arrive was Rev. Howell followed by the rest of the Asia team consisting of the Rev. & Mrs. Byung Wooh Kim, Kyle and Shinyo Kim, Mr. Young Tae Park (Mrs. Kim's younger brother), Andrew Lim from Singapore, Dr. Lek and Tony Aparo representing Thailand, Umberto Angelucci representing India and Ralph Jensen, Taiwan.

Having arrived ten days early the Asia team received great benefit in being able to have some intimate moments with True Parents and to attend many breakfasts and dinners at True Parents' table. But most wonderful was to be able to camp out and salmon fish amid the splendor of Marka Bay and other scenic locations. During that time camera shutters were constantly clicking away as attendees captured prized photos of silver salmon and True Parents.

Most other attendees arrived about 10 days later whereupon the multi-purpose nature of the workshop was announced. These being: 1) unity between first and 2nd generations; 2) unity between Adam messiahs in Pantanal, Paraguay, where they too were holding a 40-day fishing challenge, and Cain and Abel messiahs in Kodiak; and 3) to inherit Father's vision for the ocean and love of creation.

The schedule consisted of several hours a day of Hoon Dok Hae, most of it in Korean with comments and guidance by Father, lectures by Continental Directors, testimonies, boat handling and orientation both in the classroom and on the ocean, and ocean and river fishing. Later participants were given a test administered by the U.S. Coast Guard--which all the Asia team passed!

For this writer it was very inspiring to meet and get to know Father's heir and now vice president of the FFWPU, Hyun-Jin Nim who was simultaneously holding his own training program for 2nd generation leaders. His dignified and confident posture spoke of a young man who stood on his own indemnity foundation as a true 4th Adam.

However among all of this writer's experiences the most memorable was to look into Father's eyes and see absolute faith and trust extended once again to us who have so many times failed to meet the heavenly standard. Father poured out his heart and belief in us attendees without reserve--a resurrecting experience indeed.

Of particular interest to this national messiah to the Philippines was to arrive at Kodiak airport expecting to observe native Alaskans only to find that those who I first thought to be Alaskans were actually Filipinos! In fact, as it turned out, Filipinos comprise about one third of Kodiak's population and can be found everywhere: working in supermarkets, McDonald's and as laborers in local fish factories.

Rev. Lloyd Howell is national messiah to the Philippines