New President for US Church

by Peter Ross-NYC

On Saturday April 29, 1995, the Reverend Moon assigned new leadership responsibilities to Dr. James A. Baughman and Dr. Tyler O. Hendricks. Dr. Baughman, who has served as the President of the Unification Church of America since 1988, will undertake new and expanded responsibilities with Dr. Joon Ho Seuk and the International Education Foundation. Dr. Hendricks, who has served as Vice President, also since 1988, will now take on the responsibility of President of the Church. To celebrate these appointments and to take time to honor the achievements and sacrifices of these men and their families, a dinner was held on Thursday, May 11, at the national headquarters building in Manhattan. Hosted by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak this event brought together Church leaders and others representing the broad and diverse activities of the Unification community. It was a memorable evening, bathed in the warmth and richness of a community that has been tried and tested, and yet still prevails.

The program committee, comprised of Michael Inglis (Chair), Abdel Mesbah, Peter Van Gelden, and Jonathan Gullery, greeted everyone as they arrived and ushered them towards a sumptuous buffet table. Throughout the ensuing informal dinner the hum and chatter of friends and family filled the room. Such is the mainstay of any community, and the one constant amidst the throes of providential flows and ebbs.

Entertainment began with a delightful rendition of an old "doo-wop" number, In The Still Of The Night, performed by Yun Shin Kim, Keiha & Kiyomi Kobayashi, Daniel Chin, and Hyung Chan Kim. The rhythm and harmony were sustained throughout as they sang, a cappella, with unfaltering panache. For some of the old timers it was a refreshing trip down memory lane in the gentle hands of the next generation, and for the younger ones, it was a pleasant reprieve from some of the standard contemporary music.

Then followed a vignette into the cultural expression of Unificationism as members of both the Baughman and Hendricks families performed. James played guitar, while his daughter Jimi played violin, and Nari, his second daughter, played flute. The first piece was an instrumental, Rustic Dance, the second, Sweet Molly Malone, which allowed James to display his fine singing voice. Then came the Hendricks sisters: Helena (on flute) and Unity (on piano) together performed Ave Maria. The control and beauty of their performance embodied grace and purity. Despite being unprepared, Unity courageously undertook a spontaneous rendition of Italian Song in response to the calls for an encore.

Raoul Joseph, accompanied by Kevin Pickard, touched a chord with his very personal rendition of Can You Feel The Love Tonight. His encore was a remarkable and spirited rendition of Amazing Grace. Sheila Vaughan, who so often has captured and expressed the heart of so many important moments at celebrations through the years, sang The Rose. Her encore was the upbeat Nothin's Gonna Come Between Us. Shelia and Raoul then together concluded the evening's entertainment with the ever-hopeful, Somewhere Out There.

As the program turned towards its essential purpose, Daryl Clarke, Pastor of the Manhattan Church generously offered the evening and its importance to God in prayer. Farley W. Jones, Esq., President of the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace and himself a former president of the Unification Church of America, then gave remarks in recognition of the service which James had offered. In a very personal and frank manner, he noted some of the features of the position of President, not the least of which is the "turbulence" that surrounds and in many ways defines the position. Farley pointed out that changes in leadership are "very natural and part of the process." He spoke appreciably of James' consistent attendance of True Parents throughout his tenure and that he believed this to be the legacy that James leaves behind. Farley noted that of James' contributions, his most significant was that of teacher and educator, and particularly so in this capacity as an American representative to the former Soviet Union. Farley stated that he believed James would be known in history as the "teaching president." He affirmed that teaching is the essential call of all religious people. In this regard, each must discover what he/her is called to teach.

Farley, and his wife Betsy, then presented a crystal sculpture and a bound edition of all of the Reverend Moon's speeches to James and his wife, Miga. In his remarks, James said that his ongoing "deepest desire is to get the principle to the people and to connect people to God's lineage through the Blessing." He spoke of his appreciation to True Parents for the honor of having served as President. He spoke of his long and enduring friendship with Tyler, of how close their families have become through the years, and how they will be one day conjoined in the ranks of former presidents! In closing he spoke of his optimism for America and then went on to honor all of the former presidents: Philip and Vivian Burley, Neil and Peggy Salonen, and Mose and Onni Durst.

Michael Inglis then introduced the new President by following a humorous line of inquiry explaining how, in Michael's words, Tyler is a "very unusual man." Having worked with Tyler for 7 years, Michael recounted Tyler's most notable milestones throughout his life. He concluded by asserting that Tyler was unusual because, in paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln's words, Tyler "has always tried in everything that he does to ensure that he is on God's side." Michael concluded by pointing out how he perceived God has prepared Tyler to undertake his new responsibility.

In his inaugural address, Dr. Hendricks began by quoting from Reverend Moon's closing remarks at the most recent UC leaders' meeting wherein he exhorted everyone to faithfully follow Father. Tyler continued this appeal for faithfulness by pointing out how Father for his part, so faithfully follows God. After providing a brief providential review of the history of the American Church, Tyler concluded that our essential challenge today is that of confronting the essential front-line between God and Satan on the individual and family level. This is resolved through the restoration via the Abel - Cain process. He then spoke poignantly about the suffering and lonesome course of the Messiah and how we are challenged to appreciate and to inherit the han, of True Parents' deepest heart towards mankind. He recognized the endeavors of Church elders in this regard. He recalled Reverend Moon's final remarks at that leader's conference, "even more so, you have to push Father to go with this project and to stand on the front-line." Tyler refrained from announcing any new plans but he saw many new endeavors germinating. After recalling an experience early in his Church life of feeling the burden of America upon his shoulders, he stated his resolve to heed the advice of an elder Japanese sister "to keep on going."

Congratulatory remarks were then presented by the Continental Advisor to the American Unification Church, Reverend Joon Hyun Pak. Rev. Pak characterized the new appointments as a "double blessing." He said that America was not losing Dr. Baughman, but that America was sending him forward to new and international endeavors. He placed in context these new assignments having described the new providential course announced recently by Reverend Moon. Rev. Pak spoke of the difficult arena that James Baughman would be working in but he offered reassurance by affirming that Father had trained James for his new responsibilities. Rev. Pak stressed that the personal strengths of James's character included his faith, love, and obedience, and Rev. Pak affirmed that James was deserving of the title "the education president."

Rev. Pak spoke with appreciation for Tyler's "workaholic" nature. This was apparent to him because Tyler's office light was the first on in the morning and last off in the evening. Together with his many practical skills and abilities, Rev. Pak applauded Tyler's great faith. He called upon the American membership to extend to Tyler the same support as previously imparted to James. Rev. Pak then spoke very emotively of Reverend and Mrs. Moon's sacrificial and pioneering efforts in South America. Following their example, he called upon one and all to renew their faith in God and their dedication to the fulfillment of His Will.

After several renditions of Tongil, this historic and memorable evening concluded with Reverend Do Hee Park, Regional Director for Region #2, leading four cheers of Mansei: one for God, one for True Parents, one for Dr. Baughman, and one for Dr. Hendricks.