Never Stop Training For Your Success

In today's competitive environment, we are all challenged to sharpen our communication and management skills, to maintain our viability.

As one saying goes, if we keep doing the things we've always done, we're likely to get the same results we've always gotten. If we want unprecedented results, we need unprecedented thinking and unprecedented actions.

In any project, given that 48% of success is considered to be a function of our ability to promote our work and 46% is a function of our ability to manage those acquired results, consider the following questions:

* How can we transform our ability to consistently take effective actions and achieve satisfying results?

* What key practices should we master from the field of Human Resource Development as a foundation for our success?

While gleaning good information is important, the critical factor for success is the effective application of relevant knowledge to "real life" situations. Competence and confidence to perform are the bottom line in today's marketplace, be it educational or business.

In many management workshops, only 15% of the material is effective for any one individual because it is aimed so broadly. Another approach to professional development is to utilize a coach as a resource. Effective coaching relationships can serve to develop professional communication and management skills in very cost- effective ways.

People are our most precious asset and human productivity is our largest organizational variable. In fact, our people are the only asset whose value can appreciate with time and well-designed training. Given that, Effectiveness Training can supplement the greater menu of our plans as a vitamin can for a main meal.

Tom Peters, in his popular book "Thriving on Chaos", cites that "Work- force training must become a corporate obsession...and it is on this variable that the...competitive struggle may most strongly depend."

In this light, our highest recommendation for professional development is supervised training over time, utilizing a well-researched and designed course format, coupled together with personalized coaching from well-trained facilitators. These key factors best support the development of long-term professional competence, as well as the accomplishment of your goals.

We also recommend that any investment in professional development serve as a profit center for your organization. Seek training that increases your profits/results and/or cuts costs in measurable terms that you recognize as both valid and a good return on your investment.

In the interim, here are some very simple, cost-effective action steps, that are both characteristic among top producers and are designed to support professional growth:

Step #1: Evaluate everything you read, listen to and view in light of the following question:

"Is this in my best interest or is there a better way I could use my time to develop my personal and professional life?" Step #2: Read something of value to you, personally and professionally, for at least 30 minutes every day. Focus on material that is inspirational and informative.

Step #3: Transform your automobile into a University on Wheels. Start every day and use your drive time to listen to well-researched, educational recordings.

Step #4: Choose your associates carefully. This is an essential factor in your growing success. Decide, as many successful people have, to upgrade the people with whom you study, work or socialize. Make use of good coaches and mentors in your field.

This one factor alone can determine the rise or fall of your future. Particularly when networking to promote your work, remember to Soar With the Eagles.

In my experience, keeping ourselves in training to develop "common sense" ideas into our "common practices" could very well affect the future success of everything we do.