Conference Planned For The National Association Of Shimjung Schools Homeschoolers To Be Welcomed

by Joy Morrow-Landover Hills, MD

Based on the inspiration of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon and their direction to establish schools, on May 17, 1991 in Landover Hills, Maryland, the National Association of Shimjung Schools (NASS) was founded with the express purpose of establishing a system of education based on the Philosophy of Shimjung Education.

NASS will be holding its third biannual conference on Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11, at New Hope Academy in Landover Hills. This year, for the first time, the conference will be open to homeschooling parents.

For all out-of-town participants, the NASS Conference will include a Friday morning observation time, when they can visit the various classrooms while New Hope is in session. New Hope will close early, at noon, and the New Hope staff will join the other conference participants for a lunch and an afternoon of presentations and sharing.

The Shimjung Education Conference will address the educational needs of children from preschool through secondary education. Over the two days of the conference, there will be some sessions for all participants, as well as other breakout sessions addressing specific concerns for homeschoolers-or others particular only to the classroom environment.

Priority for admission to the conference will be given to applicants whose school meets all the criteria for admission to the National Association of Shimjung Schools. (For admission to NASS, the applicant must meet all state and local codes and licensing regarding curriculum, policy, teacher certification, health, fire and safety as defined by the state in which the school or homeschool exists.)

To keep the conference at a manageable level, we will limit participation to the first 70 qualified applicants, with priority given to educators from established Shimjung Schools. Established homeschools will receive next priority. We are sorry, but because this is a working conference, attendance is limited to those school teachers and homeschool teachers who are already teaching, not those just thinking about doing so.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect and share with other educators who are facing similar challenges and concerns.

There will be display tables available for persons wanting to share outstanding materials, texts, curricula or supplemental materials with the group. Teachers who are also distributors of such materials, who wish to sell them or take orders at the conference, will be asked to donate 20% of their profits from such orders.

Since homeschooling parents often know one another, we ask that when you hear about this NASS conference: please call your homeschooling friends and encourage them to participate. The cost for room and board is $40. In addition, a closing banquet will be held at a restaurant, and participants will be responsible to pay for the meal of their choice.

Participants should plan to arrive Thursday afternoon or evening, Nov. 9. To receive a registration packet, call New Hope Academy at (301)459-7311 or fax your address and registration request to (301)459-2813. If when you read this you feel "Oh, I should go!" please follow your heart and we will see you there.