Three Seminars for Mongolian Educators and Students

by Ikuji Kobayashi-Moscow, Russia

When Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, Jack Corley, Terry Walton (regional leader of Central Siberia and Mongolia) and Ikuji Kobayashi (missionary to Mongolia) visited Mongolia for three days in May 1994, they signed an agreement with the Ministry of Education, the Mongolian State Pedagogical University and the Youth and Student Association of Mongolia to hold seminars for school directors, teachers and pedagogical students.

Two programs took place in early July at Lake Baikal near Ulan Ude in Russia, one for school directors and one for students. There was also one program at the end of July in Ulaan-baatar, Mongolia, for teachers who will use the course in their schools.

Forty five Mongolians participated in the first seminar, from July 2 to 8. There were two representatives from the Ulaanbaatar City Department of Education, six specialists from the Mongolian State Pedagogical University, including the vice rector, and 39 school directors.

Generally, educators in Mongolia are very concerned with education for young people, since 45% of the population is under 16 years old. They understand clearly that the future of this "young country" depends on education.

They responded to the lectures very well. When we suggested having a third seminar for teachers in Ulaanbaatar, they promised to send their best teachers.

Among the participants there was a former minister of education, who said that all Mongolian schools should teach the ethics and morality course, "My World & I," and that the book should be translated into Mongolian.

Later we found out that the Mongolian State Pedagogical University, which is responsible for 80 to 90 percent of the school curriculum, is very positive about the "My World & I" course and wants to form a committee to translate it into Mongolian.

Forty top university students attended the second seminar, from July 16 to 21. Like the participants of the first seminar, they had to wait two days at the border before entering Russia, because of immigration and customs problems.

At the closing banquet, the leader of the group, an official from the Mongolian State Pedagogical University, said that the idea of changing ourselves so that society and the world can change is very close to the old Mongolian philosophy. One graduate student said that the idea of the Three Blessings is very similar to one point of Lama Buddhism.

We received many excellent and inspired testimonies from the students, expressing their deep understanding and appreciation of the lectures.

On this foundation we plan to continue teaching our curriculum course to cover all schools and eventually the universities.

Reprinted from Family Ties.