In Memoriam Lawrence Anthony Parker

On July 26th 1997 our brother Larry Parker ascended to the spiritual world. He and his wife, Kiyoe Kadoya Parker were traveling from Chung Pyung Lake in Korea and a brief stop in Japan to Bless Kiyoe’s parents when his physical body succumbed to sclerosis of the liver. Larry and Kiyoe have four children; Kiory 9, Therese 8, Masanari 6, and Aelita 5, their home is in Piscataway, New Jersey.

Larry joined the Unification Church in Oakland, California in July 1980. He worked in Chicago on MFT for 3 years. Upon a victorious foundation and due to education background Larry was chosen to work as an English teacher in a Bilingual school in Japan were he worked for one and a half years. Shortly after his return to the United States Larry began studies at UTS. He Graduated in 1988 as a Divinity student and a father of two girls.

After graduation Larry and Kiyoe moved to Highland Park, New Jersey where Larry worked as a waiter and then as an ESL teacher in Union City, New Jersey. Soon after, Larry’s dream of owning his own home came true when they bought a little Cape Cod in Piscataway. Their son Masanari was born in May of 1991. During that summer he enjoyed working in the CIS and considered moving his family there. Even though they did not move, the next summer Larry had his Passport and ticket in hand but had to postpone his trip for a week due to a scheduling conflict. It is during that week that Larry was hospitalized. He was told that he had sclerosis of the liver. Two months later Aelita was born.

For the next five years Larry and Kiyoe searched for medicine, cures, answers, anything to help. They tried numerous conventional and unconventional treatments. Finally they came across moaksa treatment. Feeling that it was the last chance, Kiyoe trained to administer the treatment and they faithfully dedicated two hours a day for 120 days to undergo moaksa. Rising at 4 a.m. in order to do it before Larry left for school. Some days they worked outside in the dark until midnight. With weather ranging from freezing to stifling, still they carried on from March to July.

During these days the children consistently supported their parents. It was a time that gave Larry and Kiyoe an opportunity to talk and reflect. Toward the end of the 120 days Larry began feeling it was necessary to go to Chung Pyung Lake. They attended the ten day workshop and found that to be a wonderful and meaningful experience. Afterward they stopped in Japan to visit Kiyoe’s family and offer them the blessing. During that time Larry’s physical condition quickly deteriorated. Doctor’s wanted him to stay in the hospital but he refused and desperately wished to get back to his children. It is on the trip back to New York that Larry quietly slipped into a brief coma and passed away.

Larry and Kiyoe shared a rich and loving life together. Larry was a devoted father who loved his family above all else. He always won the hearts of friend, family and associates with his gentle nature and love of creation. His faith in God and belief that God had his best interest in mind kept him going in difficult times. He is missed but his sense of humor and his deep heart have touched many lives and will always be deeply appreciated.

Seung Hwa

Over 120 voices were raised in song to bid farewell to Larry Parker at his Seung Hwa Ceremony on July 30, 1997. Family and friends gathered from as far away as Kadoya, Japan to wish him in the words of Rev. Jerome Carroll, "bon voyage" on his final birth into life eternal.

At the Edwards-Dowdle Funeral Home, the viewing and prayer time (Gwi Han) came to an end, the casket was closed and a prayer offered for his peaceful passage into the spiritual realm. The Seung Hwa Ceremony officially began with the singing of "Song of the Garden" and one of Larry’s favorites "Oh My Little Lambs." Jeff Kingsley, a fellow teacher, Unification Theological Seminary graduate and friend lead the Opening Prayer. Debbie Gullery, who witnessed to him 17 years ago in California, offered the Eulogy (see related article). His older brother Danny, older sister Mary and younger brother Dennis offered short, but uplifting testimonies of his life. Greetings and incense were then offered as almost the entire congregation came up to offer their final farewells.

Referring to True Father’s speech, as reprinted in The Tradition book and Today’s World, he encouraged all present to understand that Larry was being born again from the second womb (air) into the final womb (heaven). It is not a time of sadness, but a time of joy just as it was when he was first born from his mother’s womb (water).

The closing prayer for the Seung Hwa Ceremony was given by Rev. Kil Hwan Kim, the regional director for the church in New Jersey, where Larry and his family resided. Red carnations were placed on top of the casket by family members as final farewell and the casket was carried to the hearse by relatives (Mickey Stewart, Chris Parker, Paul Parker, Michael Parker) and friends (David Ferraro, Robert Passalacqua, Tom Peterson, Bill Hilbert).

At the Won Jeun site in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Kyle Toffey lead the congregation in the Opening Prayer, after which Rev. Carol Pobanz, the New Jersey state leader, gave a short sermon. Speaking about how as a teacher in life, he continues to teach us even in his passing about life itself and how to live it with hope even in the midst of adversity. Rev. Kim again gave the Closing Prayer. The casket was then lowered, flowers were thrown into the burial site and representatives of his family and friends came up to place a shovel full of earth onto his casket. Everyone was then asked to forgive Larry if they had any resentment, anger or bitterness against him and they responded three times with a resounding "yes!" The casket was then entombed and we all gathered under the shade of nearby trees to take a little refreshment and have fellowship.