In Memoriam: Belmonte X. Vianale

I'm very grateful to my husband for his love, support and, most of all, his directions. In the past few years, I could see how he understood Father's direction for the hometown providence, connecting to our families and making real relationships with people.

Monte's Seung Hwa ceremony was a true hometown experience and victory. I could feel the spirit of my husband working, our ancestors lining up and working together with our families on earth. Our families truly supported us and our church practices during this time. Also on Aug. 24, 1995 my parents were Blessed in New York by satellite. I felt an abundance of God's love and support from Monte and spirit world.

I would like to share these words Linda Howell wrote to me because this is how I myself, friends, brothers and sisters who knew and worked with Monte remember him: "Words aren't enough to say because the heart was involved so much. He picked me up spiritually when I was hurting and pushed me forward so God could use me in a victorious way."

Frances Vianale

I first came to know Monte at the seminary in 1970. I don't remember exactly how we met, but I do remember his indefatigable desire to make things happen. To innovate, to expand, to build, to grow, to work to substantiate Father's inspiration and vision on the front line. In the churches, in the neighborhoods, where the people were, where it counted.

He motivated and inspired a group of us to develop more effective and creative ways to reach people and to serve-through newsletters, slide shows, talent shows and special service projects.

While many of these instruments of love and communication seem obvious now, Monte was ahead of his time in the late '70s and faced challenges like those other pioneers have met in history, trying to communicate his vision, desperation, urgency, frustration and intense desire. Monte was driving himself to the maximum to do all he could to help Father alleviate suffering in heaven and earth. He continuously grappled to master himself while focusing on contributing to others.

For years after graduation we went in many different directions in the mission field and didn't see each other so often. About two years ago, I spoke with Monte at a church holy day celebration at the World Mission Center. He shared frankly about some of the lessons he learned over the years and his aspirations and regrets. Most profound was his sincere desire to be a true son of True Parents and his repentance for any shortcomings he may have had.

Don Sardella

Monte was always preoccupied with implementing ideas to make witnessing more successful. He had a drive within him to find a successful way of reaching God's precious children. Monte tried many ways of expressing the Divine Principle: talent shows, ecumenical church services, street preaching, street witnessing, surveys, lecturing, meeting in coffee shops, storefronts, slide shows, and specialized talks on the Principle. He used his unique God-given organizational skills to reach others. In the early 1980s while I worked with him in CARP, he constantly tried to create for young brothers and sisters an atmosphere of hope and happiness to complement the long hours and difficult journey of living the Principle. Some brothers and sisters might remember "Beach CARP"-working hard in the morning fundraising in the heat in Queens, and then taking a lunch to Jones Beach for a break and a swim. Then it was back out onto the streets fundraising or witnessing. He was a dedicated brother who gave so much.

Linda Howell

For the past couple of months I've been sad because I felt like I never got the chance to say good-bye.

As each day goes by, I realize there was no point in so longs. I know you are still here and I know you are watching over me. Special thanking for watching over me at my new job. It's nice to have my teacher back again from 3,000 miles away.

You and Frances have touched my life in a very special way. You have both been a wonderful friend to me when I needed one the most. Thank you. Please continue to work your magic "upstairs". I'm sure you know that Frances needs you by her side right now. Time will heal a lot of the pain but the love and fond memories will never fade away.

Kelly Reins

My brother Belmonte Vianale was born and grew up in Brooklyn, NY. Blessed with a quick, analytical mind, he had little trouble with his school subjects and achieved good grades. He went to Brooklyn College, where he majored in chemistry. He worked part-time after school and, despite the many problems and challenges which come with working and studying, he was determined to graduate, which he did with high marks.

After school he began work as a flavor chemist and because of his leadership ability and organizational skills he was soon promoted to a management position. He was well liked by his peers in school and during his working career.

Although he had a knack for acquiring money and position, he searched for something deeper, and did not take refuge in physical possessions. He grew dissatisfied with his work and finally left it. He worked in food stores but, because his needs were few, he was able be live with financial security. However, he was still discontent.

In Nov. 1974 his neighbor Dennis Tirotta returned from his first Unification Principle workshop. He came downstairs to see Monte and invited him to a party upstate. Monte was feeling depressed and felt the change would do him good. He quickly understood and accepted Divine Principle, became a Unification Church member, and gave up his worldly possessions with a good heart. He made effort to live a high standard and follow True Parents.

After he attended the workshops at Barrytown, he went on to the Baltimore, Md. center in 1975. From there he went to a business missions, and then back to the Baltimore center. He was struggling there and having problems, so Mr. Choi sent him pioneering to Towson, Md. in Dec. '76 It was snowing and freezing cold. His prospects for success seemed dismal, but he was determined to go to Towson. He slept in a doorway while he fundraised and soon rented a storefront, which he used as a witnessing base and a place to sleep. He did many creative witnessing projects at the university there and achieved a measure of success.

Monte attended UTS and cherished his time there and the education he received. At UTS he was able to make progress with self-development and initiate some new witnessing techniques.

After UTS he went to CARP and led a team. Using his innovative witnessing techniques, the team gained the most successful witnessing results in the nation at that time.

He was Blessed on July 1, 1982 to Frances Chunka at Madison Square Garden. In 1984 he joined CAUSA and worked as a liaison with the hotels. His strong subjective nature proved an asset there. After that, he went to San Francisco as a CAUSA city leader to try to improve his spiritual life. As city leader he was able to move things along with his slide shows and talks at various Christian churches.

In 1989 he returned to New York, moved to his hometown in Queens to fulfill Tribal Messiahship, and went back to work as a chemist until illness overtook him in 1994. He passed into the spiritual world on July 5, 1995.

Daniel Vianale