Inaugural Austrian Family Federation for World Peace Conference

Robert Granc-Vienna, Austria

The Inaugural Conference of Austrian Family Federation for World Peace was held in Vienna International Center, a famous conference-center. The hall with capacity of 1800 was completely packed. Of course not only Austrian guests and members attended: as Mother will not visit other European nations after giving her speech in Rome and Vienna, people from all around the Old World gathered there to receive the precious guidance of True Parents. We attended with three buses, over 130 people and all three MFT-s made short break in their missions and came to attend the speech. Other East-European countries, such as Poland or Czech Republic, also sent many members.

Mother read the speech in excellent English, just sometimes stopping for a moment or two. I am sure that she must feel tired, as she is investing so much into this worldwide speech tour for few weeks already. At the end of the speech, reading " is the International Holy Weddings that establish this new blood lineage when the Lord of the Second Advent comes in flesh", and later, on "I hope that in the future all of you can also receive this joyous new marriage blessing", she dropped few tears and stopped for a while. The atmosphere was high and we could feel the same way as her, understanding the value and importance of the True Parents and the Blessing.

Rev. Kwak delivered Father's speech slowly, respectfully, also with great empathy. Actually I could not speak with guests, but I am sure this speech made them think about many things...

At the end of the victory celebration first Rev. Kwak made a few remarks concerning this speech tour and True Parents' recent activities, and after him Mother spoke to us. She spoke in Korean and the first thing she asked was: how many times did Father tell us to study Korean? So, how much did we take him seriously and how much did we study Korean language? She did not scold us as Father does, she was really motherly, calm, quiet, but all we felt ashamed we do not speak Korean yet.

Then she spoke about Father educating South American leaders and how he told them to read these two speeches more times than their age, to read them every morning and every evening. She asked us to follow the same pattern, because by reading these speeches we can be cleansed spiritually, we can attract good spirits, we can elevate our own spirit, and they can give us constant inspiration and guidance in our everyday lives.