Ginseng and Health

Hello, my name is Sung Bok Hsu. Thirty-four years ago I came to the United States from my homeland Korea. I entered graduate school and earned a Masters Degree in library science from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland , Ohio.

Over the years my health became very poor and I decided to leave my job as a librarian at a Lutheran Theological Seminary. In 1977, with an investment of $144, I began selling ginseng tea door to door in Columbus, Ohio. With a lot of research and prayer, I developed the Internal Cleansing Program, which has the power to clean the internal organs and enable the natural mechanisms of the body to restore itself back to good health.

Human beings were created to be pure and uncontaminated. Through our concience, our minds are meant to be able to communicate freely with God, but unwanted elements invaded our original mind through the Fall. The path of restoration involves eliminating these undesirable elements, thus regaining our original mind.

The same principle applies to our physical state. The circulatory, digestive, eliminative, and lymph systems were originally clean. Because of many years of improper eating and living habits, unwanted debris accumulated in our systems. The flow in these has now become very sluggish. Our task is to clean out those accumulations and restore our physical systems to their pure state. As we do this, the many symptoms of degenerated health will disappear. We will once again live in a state of optimal health.

This mechanical improvement of the human body can be compared to an automobile engine. A new car comes with clean oil, but the oil becomes dirty as it works to lubricate the engine. The oil is cleaned as it passes through the oil filter. However, after some time the unclean oil and the clogged filter must be replaced. If we do not replace them, the engine will show signs of sluggishness. If we ignore these signs and continue to drive, the engine and other parts will eventually break down, sometimes even beyond repair.

In comparison, the human body is a living system. It is constantly self-cleaning. But if we overload the system with impurities, eventually it cannot handle them anymore and there will be a breakdown resulting in disease.

Already, one in four Americans, now approaching one in three, face cancer. In addition, we have an immense increase of immune related disorders and heart disease. We need to overcome the notion that old age automatically means a breakdown of our bodily systems.

For more than 17 years I have been using the "Internal Cleansing Pro_gram" to clean up internal organs and to rebuild them. This comprehensive approach involves proper eating habits, moderate exercise, a positive mental outlook, and especially, getting rid of the built up toxins and waste products. For example, the colon of the average American is en_cumbered with a lifetime's accumulation of toxic waste. Huge sums of money are spent every year for relief from constipation. Constipation, appearing to be non life-threatening, is usually endured or ignored. But ignoring this problem, or trying to treat it with over the counter "quick-fix" remedies, can lead to more severe problems. Examples of these are hernias, hemorrhoids, and colon cancer.

There are many people who, over the past seventeen years of my program, have changed their way of life. As a result, they have experienced re_mark_able health improvement, such as weight loss and blood pressure regulation. Others have over come diabetes and arthritis. Because of these success stories, I now have twenty associates working with me, publish a nationally distributed newsletter and also broadcast a weekly TV show on a local public access channel. In addition, for the third year in a row, we are holding week-long Spring and Fall health retreats. The internal cleansing principles, which you are learning about through this column, together with the Unification Principles are presented for the renewal of body, mind and spirit.

However, I am not prescribing a method to eliminate debilitating conditions, but rather offer a common sense management of the temple of God.

Many Unificationists have worked hard for many years, sometimes without paying much attention to the well-being of their physical self. I meet many people who are suffering from a variety of illnesses. Some of them are light, some rather serious. Sharing this knowledge, which has already helped so many others, is the reason I decided to write this health column.

In the coming months I will share with you the details of my Cleansing Pro_gram and a few of the testimonies from those who greatly benefited from it.

May God Bless you and be well.

For more information on the Internal Cleansing Program and the Body, Mind & Spirit Health Retreats, send a S.A.S.E. to Hsu Wholistic at 2007 Morse Road, Columbus, OH, 43229 or call us at 1-800-628-8420.