Food Table Produces Witnessing Bonanza

by Tom and Elaine Cox--Halifax, Canada

Street witnessing to people we have never met can be challenging and often disheartening. We have discovered a successful method, however. At lunch time we go downtown with a pot of beef stew and a sign that says, "Yes, there is a free lunch--Youth Service Project of Ocean Challenge, sponsored by the Unification Church."

The first day at the food table we served several meals to street people. Without asking for donations, people gave over $45 that day. A local television station shot a news story that aired that night on the evening news.

The following week, an interview appeared in the Halifax Herald with a large photograph on page 2.

Many people, young and old, are curious and supportive, often offering a small donation. One college student has volunteered to help by bringing food and serving. We set up the table around 11 a.m. and stayed through the lunch hour. The ones we serve food to are usually street people, but we are there to serve anyone who is hungry.

The newspaper article happened to mention that we financed the food table by selling flowers, and to my surprise, several people stopped at the flower stand to give donations for the food table. In all, we have been given about twice as much as we spent on food.

We would like to encourage other members to try this very simple method to serve others and help people understand that the Unification Church is actively addressing the problem of hunger.