First National Parents' Day

By congressional decree, the first annual National Parents' Day was held on July 28, 1994. We were blessed to celebrate its inception at a special joint service held at Bowen Memorial United Methodist Church last Sunday, July 24. At least 50 members attended with their families. It was a very beautiful intercultural experience for their congregation as well as ours. Jack Ashworth gave a moving talk on the meaning of Parents' Day and Judy Heary, representing the Women's Federation for World Peace, passed out awards to some of the parents who were recognized as outstanding parents in their communities. The pastor, Rev. Alvin Hawkins, gave a sermon entitled "God's Design for True Parents." He spoke about how wonderful it felt that all God's children of all different colors could be gathered under one roof to celebrate Parents' Day together. Hopefully we will be able to do more with Rev. Hawkins and his congregation in the future.