Farewell Rev. Sung San Lee Welcome Rev. In Hoi Lee

by Pastor Kevin Thompson

On June 19th at the Hearst Ave. church service, brothers and sisters of Northern California had the distinct pleasure to bid a fond farewell to our regional director of the past seven years, Reverend Sung San Lee and his wife. Reverend Lee was one of the faithful disciples of True Parents who was honored with a 33-year service award earlier this year. Then, following a 47-day special workshop at Chung Pyung Lake, Korea, Rev. Lee was assigned by True Parents to be a national level representative to the nation of Kyrgistan in the former Soviet Union. This is a wonderful recognition of Reverend Lee's absolute faith and obedience to God's Will over the past 33 years. Once again, Reverend Lee immediately responded to God's call to go to a new mission with new challenges and opportunities.

At the service, Rev. Sung San Lee testified of his recent workshop experience in Korea. The workshop was a time for deep study, prayer, repentance and renewal. It was also a chance to meet Daemonim (Great Grandmother Hong) and receive an ancestral liberation. The workshop concluded with a seven-day fast of purification.

Reverend Lee received a beautiful plaque and love offering from the congregation in appreciation for his leadership of our region for the past seven years.

Also at the service, our new regional director Reverend In Hoi Lee was introduced. He is being affectionately referred to as the "second coming of Rev. Lee," however, he is very much his own man. He gave introductory remarks and read a beautiful poem, taken from his published book of poems.

Later at lunch, a farewell meeting of tribal co-ordinators gathered with the two Rev. Lees for very intimate and deep reflection and testimonies. Everyone shared their impression of working with Rev. Sung San Lee both here in Region 10 and elsewhere prior to coming to this region. Reverend Lee has been in America since 1978, helping to establish News World and later The Washington Times, as assistant to Rev. Tiger Choi in CARP and as regional director in many regions. Consequently, he has met and worked together with many brothers and sisters over the years.

Many testified to Rev. Lee's deep faith and his constant efforts to find a breakthrough in America. In recent years Reverend Lee has especially championed National Parents Day, Ocean Challenge and more recently the establishment of a newspaper in Southern California.

Rev. Lee has a reputation of being very passionate (Kim Chee hot) and seemingly focused on finding external results. However, during the testimonies and sharing, it was clear that people love and appreciate him for his tenderness and his deep heart. While seemingly pursuing the external, the lasting result and memory is much more internal. Every testimony given was one of breakthrough of a spiritual nature to find Rev. Lee's sincerity, care and love.

For myself, I have worked closely with Rev. Lee for the past three and a half years and I can honestly say that he is a man who does his best to follow True Parents' standard of Absolute Faith, Absolute Obedience and Absolute Love.

Reverend Lee's investment of blood, sweat and tears into America for the past 18 years will always be remembered with gratitude and we certainly wish him and his family well in his new mission.

At the same time we look forward to a new chapter, with the arrival of Reverend In Hoi Lee. He is currently a UTS student and his Japanese wife just gave birth to their first child, a boy. We look forward to a long and fruitful partnership with Rev. and Mrs. In Hoi Lee.