Day of All True Things: Celebration by Two Regions

by Rev. Chen L. Fong-NYC

The day couldn't have been more appropriately beautiful. Over 1100 members and guests from New York and New Jersey regions participated in this year's Day of All True Things celebration at Camp Sunrise. All true things did welcome us with their seasonal greenery and fragrant blooms, especially the white azaleas lining the lake's edge. It was the best time of year to be at Camp Sunrise. We were refreshed, being so close to God's natural setting.

This year's celebration was a much more organized affair than before. The program was ably organized by Bruce Grodner with the New Jersey state leader Rev. Tom Baldwin, Queens pastor Rev. John Kung and Manhattan pastor Rev. Chen Fong. We were blessed with the presence of our continental director Rev. Joong Hyun Pak and Mrs. Pak, who officially opened the celebration with Pledge Service and gave the main address at the Holy Day morning worship service. We were honored to have with us the Mid-Atlantic Region 2 director Rev. Kim, our national church president Dr. Tyler Hendricks and Rev. Dr. Zin Moon Kim.

We feasted barbecue-cookout-style with plenty of Korean and American food. Camp Sunrise's reputation for delicious cuisine remains high despite the demands of cooking for an unprecedentedly large group. Bulgogi, hot dogs and hamburgers flowed down like a mighty mountain torrent.

This year we developed the keen spirit of competition among departments, businesses and churches over a volleyball tournament played on a new sandy turf. Instead of tug of war there was a tug of love contest. Children enjoyed the ski race and the "ego game" which Father has so much enjoyed on past occasions. There was a fishing contest, traditional swimming, and boating. There was also a nature walk and talk by an outdoors expert.

Money awards were given with trophies for the winners of the volleyball tourney by Manhattan Center, adult and child fishing contest (Ryan Fong won in the children's division). Ski game: Victoria Roomet, Joong-Mi Kung, Marea Perea, Valerie Geller.

Many thanks to the local churches, departments and businesses for their donations to this celebration. This made it possible for the proceeds of the entrance fee to go to help continue operation of our much-needed God-blessed Camp Sunrise.