Mrs. Spurgin Completes Four-Month WFWP Speaking Tour of United States

Nora Spurgin, president of the Women's Federation for World Peace, U.S.A., completed a four-month tour between January and May, 1996. During this time she spent one week in each region speaking at symposiums, seminars, workshops, dinners, teas, meeting with WFWP members, meeting with VIPs and speakers who have attended sisterhood conferences, and giving Sunday sermons. She spoke in 17 states and 25 cities nationwide.

"It was an exhausting tour and an often grueling schedule, but a much needed and well-received one. Everywhere I went, I met women who are excited to be working with us. We are creating a network of women throughout the country who are spiritually connected," said Mrs. Spurgin.

The basic seminar entitled, God, Women and Changing Times, was presented in three sections:

Part 1. An introductory speech on women's spirituality and the new millennium, an explanation of the goals, history, and activities of WFWP and an introduction of the founder;

Part 2. A Godism lecture on the nature of God, mind-body unity, spiritual awareness, the family as the school of love, the original and continued disconnection from God which results in immorality and self-centeredness.

Each of these concepts connects to WFWP's goals. For example:

Women's spirituality-women are being called today in a special way to give birth to a new age. Many women today, like Marianne Williamson and Arianna Huffington (both WFWP Conference speakers), point to the birth of a new world. "We have been impregnated by a divine idea and out of the womb of our mature consideration will come, when the time is ripe, the birthing of a new world," from Illuminata by Marianne Williamson.

Regarding the nature of God, Mrs. Spurgin points out that the feminine nature of God (as complimentary to the masculine) is being given greater expression than in the past. Recognition of God's nurturing or mothering capacity empowers women to address issues long cast aside in a world of power struggles.

Regarding the need for mind-body unity-we are presently experiencing a resurgence of interest in the healing arts and alternative health practices, as well as religious spirituality.

Again, women are being called not only to give birth to a new age, but to bring healing to the old.

Regarding the family as a school of love-it is every mother's heart to provide a loving and nurturing environment for her children. WFWP supports the strengthening of the family and True Family Values, and desires to provide educational materials and opportunities for such strengthening, viewing the need for a strong family as a prerequisite for world peace.

Regarding spiritual awareness-to improve the quality of present life, we need to understand the continuity of life. This is also the time of great interest in this subject and a breakthrough on our path of spiritual evolution.

Regarding the source of immorality, self-centeredness and disconnection from God-(the fall) WFWP is concerned about providing moral education for youth and families. This is why we teach healthy love and Free Teens as a substantial segment of our programs.

Part 3. The third section of the seminar deals with the ideal family, the historical search for an ideal family, the role of Rev. and Mrs. Moon, and the offering of a Blessing Ceremony as the opportunity for every family to seek true familyhood.

Mrs. Spurgin especially focused on meeting women who had attended sisterhood ceremonies. "Through the International Women's Friendship Conferences," Mrs. Spurgin said, "women of like minds everywhere are meeting each other, sharing, and networking, finding hope and inspiration in such sharing. It is an exciting time to live and be aware of the work God is doing. I can feel the Kingdom of Heaven descending almost daily."

As we build a large network of women who are members of WFWP we work together to bring about world peace and deal with women's family issues.

One thing Mrs. Spurgin emphasized is her desire for WFWP to establish service projects on a grass roots level in America and possibly connect them to the 10 Japanese WFWP volunteers in each of the 160 countries around the world. For example, local women may do special charity drives to meet special needs in other countries. She also emphasized the value of the project "Operation Heal Our Nation" as very simple but far reaching in its possibilities for the involvement of many women in each region. It is a project any woman can begin alone and connect with other women in their commitment to take an area of concern and to begin the healing process. In Minneapolis, one seminar guest was so inspired by this project, she wanted to go out and set up a table immediately and make buttons to sell identifying people as participants in "Operation Heal Our Nation." Operation Heal the Nation collects names and pledges of women who commit to serve once a month in a chosen area of concern. It is an excellent way for local women to share concerns and build a local WFWP organization.

Some Highlights of the Trip

Atlanta-Mrs. Spurgin appeared on the Poria Scott radio talk show and later spoke to 40 guests at a workshop.

Los Angeles-She accompanied WFWP leaders on a visit to the Commissioner on Human Rights, and met with a city-wide committee to plan the Interracial Bridge Ceremony. Everyone was excited about the plans which are evolving for this great event to be held in October, 1996.

Boston-Mrs. Spurgin participated in an Interracial Conference entitled "Beyond the Dream, A Celebration of Racial Harmony." There she received a Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation for outstanding contribution to the city of Boston and its residents from Mayor Menino and a Certificate of Congratulations from the House of Representatives of the state of Massachusetts in recognition of "your commitment to encourage women to alleviate the sufferings of our society by creating a tradition of love, compassion, and truth in building bridges of peace, unity, justice and equality for all." This pioneering conference event required much soul-searching on the part of both planning committee members and participants, realizing that both repentance and forgiveness require thoughtful and prayerful consideration.

Denver-Joya Wonderlight, who had "happened across" the sisterhood ceremony while attending a Rotary conference in New York City, was so inspired with WFWP activities that she returned to her home in Denver, contacted WFWP, joined, and has been actively networking for WFWP. Consequently, when Mrs. Spurgin arrived in Denver a full schedule of activities included a reception attended by Denver's former first lady, Dottie Lamm, the present first lady's representative, the mayor's office representative who brought a proclamation and she was presented with a pin from the city of North Glenndale. The 35 to 40 in attendance included many influential women, including a reporter.

The speeches and seminars were attended by from 15 to 80 women. Mrs. Spurgin reports that the trip has given her an overview of the work of WFWP throughout the country, a better understanding of the problems, and a deeper connection to the leaders and members in each region.