Will Maryland Lead U.S. into European-Style "Sectophobia"

Dan Fefferman -- Washington, DC

While the US is generally thought of as having an excellent record with regard to religious freedom, recent developments in the state of Maryland set an ominous precedent indicating that the US may be following Europe’s lead toward repressive measures and "Sectophobia."

The case in point is an act of the Maryland state legislature last year to create a "Task Force to Study the Effects of Cult Activities on Public Senior Higher Educational Institutions." The Task Force, which is currently in formation, is required to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor of Maryland no later that September 30 of this year.

The resolution creating the Task Force stated that "college students who become involved with cults undergo personality changes, suffer academically and financially, are alienated from their families and friends, and are robbed of the very things universities were designed to encourage…" It does not, however, define the term "cult" or name any specific "cults."

Opponents fear the Task Force will be used to stifle the freedom of speech and expression of adherents to new and small religions, the very groups that most require protection. They point out that in Europe, government anti-"sect" commissions have named such groups as Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholic charismatic groups and even the YWCA as "dangerous."

A student at the University of Maryland stated: "All freshmen at the U of M have to fill out a questionnaire in which they are asked about their religious preference. Will some of us who provided this information now be placed on a 'black list?' Is this Task Force going tell us which religions are 'OK' and which are 'cults?'

Civil libertarians agree. They point out that the Task Force is unconstitutional on its face. Identifying certain groups as "cults" singles them out as less than legitimate, and US courts have consistently held that this type of discrimination is not permissible under the Constitution's stricture that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…" In addition, the guarantee of free exercise has been found in recent court cases (Employment division v. Smith) to mean that no particular religion or religions may be targeted by in legislation.

The Task Force may also run counter to UN and other international covenants to which the US is a signatory. Recent UN deliberations have clarified that the right to freedom of religion applies not only to mainstream groups, but especially to smaller and new groups, the very ones targeted by the Maryland Task Force. According to an official statement of the United Nations Human Rights Committee adopted in 1993:

"Article 18 is not limited in its application to traditional religions... The Committee views with concern any tendency to discriminate against any religion or belief for any reasons, including the fact that they are newly established, or represent religious minorities that may be the subject of hostility by a predominant religious community."

U.S. anti-cultists have claimed the creation of the Maryland Task Force as a triumph that should be duplicated in states throughout the nation. Promotional literature for a "CULTINFO" conference in Stamford Connecticut in January giddily declared: "This encouraging development will energize you and show how you can use this tool in your state legislature."

Results of anti-"sect" commissions in Europe have been criticized for creating an atmosphere similar to the McCarthyist red scare in the 1950s. In Germany, members of the Church of Scientology have been banned from membership in the major political parties. In France, a Unification Church center was bombed shortly after the government listed the church among 72 dangerous "sects." Members of minority religions in Europe have been denied employment and housing, had schools closed, have been passed over for employment, and even had bank accounts closed for no other reason than their faith.

The commissions have also been criticized for being wasteful. After months of investigation and substantial expenditures of money, a German official panel mandated to study "sects and psychogroups" concluded: "No generalized statements on the whole spectrum of new religious and ideological groups and psychogroups can be made. As a consequence of this fact, the Commission has decided to no longer use the term 'sect.'

The Maryland Task Force demonstrates how a tiny force of misguided or intolerant individuals fearful about "cults" can bend a state legislature's will by presenting one sided arguments and taking advantage of crowded legislative calendars to push through its agenda. The above-mentioned CULTINFO conference literature states that the Task Force resulted from the efforts of one woman, Sandra Stephon, who became distraught after her attempts failed to convince her son to leave the International Churches of Christ, which he joined while attending the University of Maryland. "Hear the story of how one angry mom took on the cults in the Maryland State Legislature and won!" the literature gushes, "Sandra has shown us a valuable weapon."

As for "taking on the cults in the Maryland State Legislature," when Maryland House Joint Resolution 22 was debated in the Appropriations Committee, the list of witnesses included nine proponents and one person who checked both "proponent" and "no position." Obviously, Mrs. Stephon and her allies in the Maryland legislature made no attempt to balance the debate. Both the House and Senate hearings on the resolution were stacked with "experts" from the anti-cult movement. No civil liberties groups testified, nor did representatives of the mainline religions who generally oppose such measures, nor any representatives of the groups who would be directly affected by the action.

Opponents of the resolution did not learn of its existence until it had already passed the lower house and was within two days of passing the Maryland Senate. By that senators were rushing to deal with hundreds of bills before the close of the session and few had even the slightest idea of the resolution's contents. When the resolution about to be voted on in the Senate, the clerk misread its title as a resolution to study "cultural activities" rather than "cult activities" on college campuses.

The Task Force will consist of a panel of educators, politicians, parents and students. Some positions remain unfilled as of this writing, but critics worry that the commission is already packed with appointees recommended by anti-"cultists" and that no civil libertarians or scholars of new religious movements have been named.

To express concern or request more information, write:

Governor of Maryland

Parris Glendening
State House
Annapolis MD 21401-1991

Speaker of the House of Delegates

Del. Casper R. Taylor, Jr.
101 State House
Annapolis MD 21401-1991

President of the Senate

Sen. Thomas V. Mike Miller
State House, H-107
Annapolis MD 21401-1991

Chancellor of the University of Maryland

Donald N. Langenberg
3300 Metzerott road
Adelphi, MD 20783

WFWP-USA to Hold Convention in New York

April 1999 marks the 7th Anniversary of WFWP. To commemorate 7 years of projects, programs, conferences, sisterhood ceremonies and speeches, WFWP-USA will hold its first annual convention in New York City on April 23rd and 24th. Invitations have already been sent out to over 6000 members and their contacts nationwide.

The convention will also be the setting for WFWP-USA’s second annual "Woman of the Year" Awards. The awards will be presented at a special luncheon at the United Nations.

In planning the convention, the National Executive Committee decided to have the first days program at the United Nations, focusing on current women’s issues such as women’s health, female genital mutilation, trafficking of women and poverty.

Mrs. Motoko Sugiyama, President of WFWP-International along with Dr. Christine Durbak, founder and President of World Information Transfer will co-sponsor the first days program at the U.N.

The second day of the convention will focus on the development of WFWP leadership. There will be workshops and training facilitated by specialists teaching how to build up non-profit organizations. We are happy to announce that fifty percent of the cost of this very special workshop is being underwritten by a corporate grant.

We also offer this excellent workshop opportunity to leaders of other organizations knowing that the information will help many others in building their non-profit organizations. The topics will include fundraising, getting and keeping volunteers, getting the word out about what you are doing and other fundamental skills needed to build an organization.

But register quickly, we do have limited space for both days. We look forward to this great event. Any questions please call our National Office at 212-481-3922.

UTS News

Practical Ecumentist Speaks at UTS

by Dr. Kathy Winings

Dr. Arleon Kelley, the former executive director of the New York State Council of Churches, spoke to students at UTS on February 24, 1999. Dr. Kelley was invited to address the issue of modern ecumenism for Dr. Winings’ new class on Practical Ecumenism. In addition, Dr. Kelley spoke with faculty over lunch and then addressed the general student population in a special afternoon session.

Dr. Kelley offered his perspective of the state of modern ecumenism as well as shared with us his own spiritual and ecumenical journey. Having been raised in the "holiness" tradition, Dr. Kelley talked about his calling to God’s ministry at the early age of 15. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to be faithful to that calling. An ordained Methodist minister, Dr. Kelley has worked throughout the United States we well as in the foreign mission field in such locales as Bangladesh, India and Nepal.

In his talk with the students, Dr. Kelley discussed the changes we are witnessing in our society and offered that he believes we live in a "post-industrial, post-modern, post-denominational, and post-Christian world today." For him, this means that families and individuals are no longer interested in denominational and religious labels but are seeking a spiritual home that meets their needs. That is why a major achievement of Dr. Kelley’s tenure at the New York Council was the change from a traditional Council to a "community of churches" in which any church which calls itself "Christian" can join. He is currently working on a special project which traces the history of local and regional ecumenism —a project close to his heart.

Dr . Kelley encouraged students through his testimony and responses to their questions, to become true to their faith and to find hope in the future because we are at a crossroads in history in which God is presenting new possibilities through newer churches and faiths such as the Unification Church. Students and faculty alike enjoyed this refreshing and inspiring ecumenical discussion and we look forward to many more such momentous events.

23rd Oratorical Contest
Responsibility of the Blessed Family

Living for the sake of others was a predominant theme in the speeches presented by the eight finalists of the 23rd David S. C. Kim Oratorical Contest, on the evening of February 24th, 1999. The winner, Akira Ishiyama of Japan, drew vividly upon personal experience, and in a frank, often humorous manner, illustrated that living for the sake of others is the "indispensable responsibility of the Blessed Family."

His story took us to a pre-dawn, cold winter’s morning with Akira delivering newspapers, a job he held in addition to his job at the iron factory so as to raise money for his seminary education. He came across a car stuck on the sidewalk. Not just any car, but a red sports car, with a mini-skirted, red-headed oriental young woman standing next to it. Not your normal damsel in distress.

He was thrown into emotional conflict and revealed the reasons for it in a disarming and self-depreciating way. Laughter from the audience indicated their identification with his struggles. Not only was he extremely tired from working so hard, it was a bitterly cold morning and he wanted to finish as quickly as possible. It would interfere with his schedule to stop and help. There was someone else in the car and Akira assumed the person was the girl’s boyfriend and that they had been at play all night. Did such people deserve his help? The comparison between their sports car and his old, battered car did not help.

Akira’s struggles intensified and he passed by. His sense of guilt increased. That is when he thought of Jesus’ example of helping all kinds of people, the handicapped, the tax collectors, the prostitutes. He realized that saving people in trouble is the responsibility of the Blessed Family. Quickly he turned back and helped the women (her friend was also a young lady) in a relatively short time. The two young women were sincerely appreciative and extremely polite, asking for his name and address. A couple of days later they visited his family with gifts and money.

The lessons Akira learned from this experience were many-fold: not to judge people only by their appearance; not to hesitate in spending time to help others, and the importance of serving others with utmost devotion and sincerity.

Akira’s story has staying power, successfully fulfilling one of the criteria in judging the oratorical contest - that the audience comes away with something memorable. The judges reach their decision based also on the content, organization, delivery and persuasiveness of each presentation. In a way, all the participants were winners as they went through the process of creating and presenting a speech.

The other finalists were: Chris Antal, Yoshihisa Fujino, Maya Hazan (3rd place), Stephen Nomura, Victor Nyaarko (2nd place), Yasunori Ota, & Tom Tanemori

Distance Learning Courses Now Available at UTS.

You can now register for the following distance learning courses at UTS.

Divine Principle (BS 606), Dr. Andrew Wilson, 3 credits

Unification Philosophy (PH 535), Dr. Keisuke Noda, 3 credits

Unification Worldview (RS 536), Dr. Thomas Ward, 3 credits

The deadline to register for Unification Worldview is April 6th, the other two courses have open registration.

Please contact the Registrar, Mrs. Ute Delaney at utsregis@ulster.net or call 914-752-3012

Dr. Sallyann Goodall

The following is Part 2 of an interview with Dr. Sallyann Goodall, music specialist and educator from S. Africa. Part 1 was featured last month.

Dr. Goodall, coming from S. Africa, you must have a unique perspective on many issues, especially racial ones. How have you dealt with people of different cultural backgrounds in your work in music?

In S. Africa there is an interesting perception that music really changes people. During the apartheid years, musicians are thought to have genuinely brought some change in the country. So music is seen as quite powerful socially. That doesn’t mean that schools value music any more, but in the culture as a whole it is seen as influential.

I consider music to be an incredibly powerful source that awakens a lot of energy in us. I figured that one of the most valuable things I could do in S. Africa was to use music to help people come together. It is not myself actually bringing them together, but using music as a means to show them that they can do it. My university started off as an institution for Indian students, so when I first came to the university in 1986 we had a 100% Indian student body. This has changed now to 75% black African, 20% Indian and 5% mixed cultural background. A lot of the teachers are White, so it’s a very interesting and divergent population.

There are a few things I have found to be tremendously important in helping people negotiate cultural difficulties:

The need to research where people are coming from musically. So I have some background in African and Indian music as an ethnomusicologist . I know the kinds of cultures they are from, and understand my own (European) culture from as objective a point of view as possible. Paradoxically, this has given me a greater appreciation for western art and music.

Acknowledging that an important source of knowledge lies within the students. We began to ask them about their culture. This was quite a breakthrough for faculty, since generally professors think that they know, and that they are going to teach what they know to the students. But we had to realize there really was a lot we didn’t know. Asking the students was very productive. They felt that they were able to represent themselves rather than us just deciding where they were at.

Recognizing that people want the best in life. Usually difficulties in relationships occur from a relatively small misunderstanding or miscommunication. When I am with people having crazy arguments with one another, I sit with them and try to unravel where it all started, what the perceptions were, and how it got off track. It usually turns out to be some cultural misunderstanding, that was very small, some body language or the way a person sniffed or blew their nose, or what they ate or the way they came through the door. Such things are often at the bottom of quite serious misunderstandings, which in my part of the world have the tendency to become violent. Because of my assumption that they want to reach a place that is good, and that they want to come together, I am able to convey that I am serious and I want to listen to them. I try to give them the space to actually speak about what the difficulties are.

I also take people’s work very seriously. People put tremendous effort into their studies, and it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the teacher. Most students are not used to having a teacher who is quite as serious about their work as I am, and they really respond to having a teacher whose main interest in life is to give them a good educational experience. Having such a teacher who takes them, their goals and their pain seriously, enables students to be more serious about their own cultural roots. They can then understand the difficulties in their understanding of other people. Usually they are quite surprised and willing to come together.

Another thing I have discovered is that when people do not belong to a certain cultural group they hold stereotypes which prevent them from getting to know people from those groups. Cultural stereotypes are incredibly strong and rigid, and it’s difficult to change them. So as soon as someone realizes that a group of people, eg Indians, do not all have the same opinion about something, they realize that this rigid view is not a true picture of how people are. I think that a lot of the things that we do in the Unification Church help to break down those stereotypes, especially getting to know people personally. So my experiences from the Church are a tremendous help in my work.

From my work I have developed a different perspective on the work that our Church is trying to do. I feel that, on the part of the Church, far more serious consideration needs to be taken of where people are coming from culturally, what their understandings are, why it is that they think in a certain way, and how they perceive their own thinking. There needs to be so much more discussion about these things. I think the Church has a far greater contribution to make in this regard than it is at present giving to the world.

F.R.E.S.H. S.T.A.R.T. by Stephen Manning

Stephen Manning has just completed his second trimester at UTS. He runs a health and fitness club and will be writing a monthly article about his program.

In this issue I will deal with "H" for HYDRATION. In simple terms, WATER. We are surrounded by it, supported by it and kept alive by it. But most of us have little understanding of how important it really is. Lets look at some statistics:

Over 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water.

All life on the planet depends on the circulation of water in the ecosystem.

Your own blood is comprised of about 90% water, - lose 10% and you will become seriously ill with dehydration, - lose 20% or more, and it could be fatal!

All of the body’s internal organs and their functions depend on the presence of enough water in the system, - from the heart and lungs, to the stomach and the bowels. A lack of water stresses the vital systems.

Water speeds up your metabolism, that is, the rate at which your body burns energy (usually fat).

Almost everybody does not consume enough water, thereby stressing their bodies unknowingly and unnecessarily. Headaches, constipation, fat and fluid retention, poor skin quality, - all can be symptoms of insufficient water consumption.

So, we can conclude that it is essential to consume enough water on a daily basis. The question is: how much? How often? ..and when!

Water in the diet.

The first thing we need to grasp is that water is the most important part of a healthy diet. BUT, - it is not food! Water is a cleanser and purifier. It flushes out the system. The kidneys, which purify the internal systems, for example, rely almost totally on water in order to function. Water is essential for all the digestive functions, but taken at the wrong time, it can interfere with the process

When water is consumed alone, it does not trigger the digestive systems. However, every time I put ‘food’ into my mouth, enzymes (digestive juices) are released into the oral cavity, mixing with the food before it travels to the stomach. In the stomach, strong acids are released to mix with the enzymes, and advance the digestive process further. Now, what do you think happens if we pour pure water into this mix? It dilutes the acids, - often causing in-digestion! The body then reacts by over-producing acid, which in turn can cause other problems such as ‘acid reflux’ or even stomach ulcers if these habits are prolonged.

Tthe solution is simple. Drink lots of water daily, about 4 pints (8 glasses) for an average adult, but not at meal times. Start every day with a glass. "Get the pluming humming." Remember, anything that stimulates the digestive juices (tea, coffee, fruit juices, milk) although officially a liquid, - is also food, and therefore does not function as pure water does. ( More about these when we deal with "F" for ‘FOOD’)

If you live in an area where you suspect the water isn’t pure, it would be wise to install a water purifier.

Drink water lukewarm rather than ice-cold or piping-hot. It synthesizes more efficiently without making demands of the body to adjust the temperature of the liquid.

Fluid retention is usually a symptom of insufficient water consumption. The body goes into ‘starvation’ mode, and stores what fluids it has. To solve the problem, drink more water, and get the system functioning properly again.

Water on the outside

As Unificationists, it is appropriate that we consider the global perspective in our personal habits. As much as possible, we should try to set examples of considerate behavior both towards our fellow man and mother earth. Isn’t that what "taking dominion" means. So, in relation to our use of water, and in the realization that our collective habits since the industrial revolution have been poisoning the earth, we should be more attuned to the repercussions of our actions. In some underdeveloped countries people are dying for lack of water, while we squander ours. Every act of reserve on our part contributes to the global good, so with this in mind, here are some tips on water use in our daily lives.

Shower rather than bathe. It uses less water, especially if you turn it off while soaping. Use hot water to open the pores and cleanse the skin, and finish of with cold. Use biodegradable soap.

Think before watering the garden. Is it really necessary? The same with washing the car. Car washes use a lot of water, and unfriendly chemicals. It is better for both you and the environment if you do it by hand, - better still, get the kids to do it, and encourage principled give-and-take action at the same time!

When we deal with the topic of FOOD, we will explore production methods of popular foodstuffs that severely abuse the water-based ecosystem. With this knowledge, we can then become better informed consumers, and through our choices, reduce our give-and-take with unprincipled organizations and businesses.

Question of the month: How exactly does drinking more water cause weight loss?

Answer: The kidneys can’t function properly without enough water. When they don’t work to capacity, some of their load is transferred to the liver. One of the liver’s primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body, but with the increased workload from the kidneys, it can’t operate at full efficiency. As a result, more fat remains stored in the body, causing all sorts of problems, including weight gain. Drinking more water helps solve this problem.

Next month, we’ll look at "E" for EXERCISE.

Unification Church Vindication in Russia

Konstantin Krylov -- Moscow, Russia

On March 22, 1999, the Moscow City Court rejected the appeal of seven parents -- members and active participants of the Inter-regional Committee for Salvation From Totalitarian Sects -- in their demand for compensation, claiming moral damage done by the Unification Church of Russia. Each of the seven plaintiffs demanded 2 billion rubles as compensation for the damage allegedly caused to them by the Unification Church, as a result of their children having become members. The suit alleges that the changes to their children’s moral values and family traditions, resulting from their religious orientation, violated their parents’ right to be close to their children as well as Russian national traditions. It is interesting to note that of the seven plaintiffs, only five are parents of Unification Church members.

Summoned to the original hearing in the Kuzminsky District Court in Moscow in May 1998, the children (Unification Church members) confirmed that they had made their religious choice deliberately and of their own free will. This was followed by the plaintiffs assuring the court that the members were "brainwashed" and "encoded." They demanded that the members undergo psychiatric examination at the notorious Serbsky Center for Forensic Psychiatry (this institute was one of the leading practitioners of punitive psychiatry during the Soviet era) -- this despite the fact that the members had already voluntarily undergone examination in St. Petersburg in order to convince their parents and the court of their normal mental health. The psychiatric board, consisting of six members (including top psychiatrists and expert psychologists), came to the conclusion, signed by the leading psychiatrist of St. Petersburg, that all the members are mentally healthy and that the conflicts with their families had begun long before they joined the Unification Church.

In their efforts to convince the court of the validity of their claims, the plaintiffs used a reference book issued by the Missionary Department of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, "New Religious Organizations of Destructive and Occult Character in Russia," as well as "Informational and Analytical Research" by Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the book of N.V. Krivelskaya, "Pseudo-Christian Religious Organizations in Russia." Despite the strong anti-Unification Church sentiment of those materials, they were rejected as evidence by the court. Demands were also made that all foreign missionaries be summoned to the court to give evidence, together with the leader and founder of the Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Abusing their parental rights, the plaintiffs sought to limit the rights of their adult children to freely choose their religious beliefs. Several of the plaintiffs added that had their children chosen Orthodoxy, they would not have objected.

Evidence was presented in the City Court, which documented the fact that the Inter-regional Committee for the Salvation From Totalitarian Sects was being supported financially by the St. Petersburg city budget. It became clear in the course of the trial that political factors were at work in shaping public opinion. In this respect the media stance misrepresented the reality. In the original hearing at Kuzminsky District Court the media attitude was extremely negative and biased against the Unification Church. Even in the more "neutral" press there were articles with titles such as "Religion of Slaves" and "The Ideas of Moon Are Alive and Threatening," etc. These articles reproduced almost verbatim the plaintiffs’ suit. A series of television reports from the court in the TV program "Criminal" bunched the Unification Church believers together with criminals. Even after the case was won by the Unification Church represented by attorney Galina Krylova, the media continued to misinform the public, showing the plaintiffs posing before the cameras with a call to "save Russia."

What makes this process unique is the fact that for the first time in Russia, notorious for its court decisions against religious freedom, the court delivered a judgment based on the law, rather than on religious or social biases. Both the Kuzminsky District Court and the Moscow City Court pointed out that the plaintiffs lacked evidence to prove any actions of the Unification Church had caused their children to suffer moral damage. The court was also not convinced of any evidence of psychic violence, brainwashing or encoding of the Unification Church’s adult members.

For the first time in legal practice in Russia, a court decision was directly motivated by reference to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international law guaranteeing freedom of religion and conscience.

True Freedom

Dan Fernelius
Phoenix, AZ
March, 1999

What is true freedom? True freedom is when you are free inside your mind with your spirit connected to the love, will and hope of God. America is a land where our ancestors sought freedom, especially religious freedom. They sought freedom from economic, political and social oppression -- and most significantly from religious persecution.

When we are free, we are often thought of as free from enslavement or prison. Usually prison is thought of as external with walls and bars restricting freedom of movement. However, sometimes prison is internal, and this type of prison does not need walls or bars because we help create it with invisible walls and bars inside our own mind. We enclose ourselves in a prison of our mind limiting our will-power, our desire to understand, and our ability to initiate or respond to acts of service or kindness.

Looking at another extreme, a prisoner in the worst type of prison cell in shackles or undergoing torture is still free to love God and connect in their innermost mind with their spirit, despite their external suffering due to imprisonment. Our minds focusing on our spiritual connection to God can soar with our spirits to a place where God can easily relate to us, regardless of the harshness of our external conditions. God also experienced eons of suffering after we fell away from God’s plan in the Garden. In our intimate moments with God our spirits can then touch and taste their first true freedom.

In America we often take for granted the freedom that our ancestors fought for with their lives. We established freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion (and from a state-imposed religion as well). These were earned freedoms. However, the most valuable true freedom comes by the grace of God built on the foundation of our capacity to experience and share the true love of God. This true love of God can only be experienced in the nuclear family.

The family is the true school of love: this is where all the aspects of love are to be learned. The cornerstone of the family is the parents. They are the progenitors of our race and as they age and become grandparents they represent God more fully. A family based on true love must encompass three generations: the grandparents who represent God (the past and all historical tradition), the parents who represent the present embodiment of true love, and the children who are the future of true love. Through the relationships between three generations in the family (the grandparents, the parents and the children) we can encompass all the expanses and depths of the ultimate expressions of love.

And where is God? God is right in the center co-loving and co-experiencing the co-joy with the family members helping, loving, caring for and sharing with each other. This is the ultimate goal of life and the purpose of God’s creation.

As my means of living, I work with disabled special adults and they are basically pretty happy most of the time despite their handicaps. Why? Because happiness is deeper than our physical capacities and the restrictions must help them to focus more on what they can do with their minds. And a mind is a very powerful tool when focused on the joy of living found when embracing a positive attitude nurtured by our love relationship with God.

A rich athlete living only for themselves can die as a lonely, poor individual even when surrounded by a crowd of admirers. Admirers who only want to be part of the action and only want a piece of the pie for themselves. This athlete had no real friends and had trouble even being a friend to themselves.

However, a poor cripple living at home in a loving family will die happy and rich in relationships when mutual caring and nurturing in existing relationships evolve in their fullest capacity.

So what are the attributes of our freedom? Most essential is our spirit. Without it we would not even exist. Next is another thing we all often take for granted: air. Without air our existence would last only minutes on the earth. After that is water. We can only live several weeks to months without replenishing our body’s water supply. Water also is a symbol of the purity we should always strive for. Next is food. Even more importantly we need a balance of nutrition to maintain our health and serve God to our optimum capacity. After that comes staples such as clothing and shelter. These serve several purposes: one is protection from the elements and more important is to provide sanctuary to preserve our dignity, modesty and purity!

Then come cultural acquirements which expand and deepen the quality of our freedom such as the expressions through the modern arts and the conveniences and luxuries provided by modern technology and science. This enhances and redefines our definition of freedom.

Finally, the last stage is the preserving of freedom for our future generations. We need to store our surplus. This is a very important concern. Emergency supplies and rations should always be maintained and rotated to aid in times of emergency, calamity or war. The preservation and passing on of our civilization to our descendants is being constantly improved by modern technological innovations.

Another important factor concerning freedom is that it must be earned. True freedom is not really free! The more freedom one obtains the more responsibilities one has. It takes time to develop honor and trust in relationships giving freedom quality attributes. For example, look at our development from birth. A baby is basically only free to eat, sleep, use the provided diaper facilities and coo or cry: a somewhat limited freedom. In childhood and adolescence we look for friends and want to be treated fairly. This is when trust becomes important as we seek out friends who will play fair with us. As adults we then become legally, morally and spiritually responsible for the upbringing of our children. We seek schools, churches and organizations we can entrust to help us co-raise our children.

God is the true author of our freedom. Especially, God hand-picked America to be a showcase for freedom. However, sadly, taking-things-for-granted and apathy have enveloped our land. Individualism, greed and the seeking of material wealth have taken a front seat in many Americans’ lives. The seeking of satisfaction and self-gratification through drugs and free sex is breaking down America and destroying our families, society and especially our young people. Our freedom has become ugly and turned into license. America needs a wake-up call from God’s representatives in order to survive.

So our cherished freedoms the pioneers worked and fought so hard to earn are being flushed away by a generation which lavishes in luxury while almost half of the rest of the world is starving, has no electricity or running water, and goes to bed fearing violence and war as victims every night! This is the ugly reality of the abuse of freedom and the uncontrolled inception of license.

The thing which causes freedom to degrade into license is a spiritual factor called sin. The force of love being more powerful than the force of principle caused the fall. Freedom did not cause the fall. License or the abuse of freedom helped to cause the fall. So we can conclude that America continuing on its present course will fall as did the Roman Empire. We need to study and learn deeply from history!

What kind of freedom is in our destiny? There are many factors at play in the future quality of our freedom. Freedom is determined and enhanced by the health of our economy, the quality of our government, our physical age (child, adult or senior), the weather conditions, our attitudes, our educational level, our philosophy of life, our religious beliefs, our connections with the arts, and on and on.

If we look at the history of freedom we can see that in the past freedom was mainly for the upper-class, rich, royalty or nobility. In the present, freedom has expanded with various degrees of success to the common populace. In the future, as we enter the space age and explore the universe, will we take our freedom with us to share, deepen and expand, or will we continue to prolong God’s plan for us and expand license and inflicted pain to other worlds? The answer is within us and up to us. Let us all pray to God that we can search our hearts to do God’s will and all earn the ultimate true freedom in the ideal cosmos both in the physical world and in the spiritual world. Let us pray. Amen.

The Divine Principle

Volume 3, Part 5

While there is dispute over the exact relationship that existed between John and Jesus, the gospel record also reveals a certain inconsistency in the Baptist's behavior toward Jesus. The Gospel of John indicates a definite recognition and affirmation by John of Jesus' role: "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!" (Jn. 1:29).

Matthew indicates, however, that later John vacillates. After he has been imprisoned by Herod for criticizing Herod's second marriage, John sends his disciples to Jesus to ask: "Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?" (Mt. 11:3).

Jesus retorts sharply: "Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is he who takes no offense at me." (Mt. 11:4-6).

In light of the enormous difficulties faced by any messianic movement in first century Palestine, the chances for success were greatly diminished if the forces for reformation remained divided.

If John had affirmed his own Elijah-like role and consistently testified tot he messianic status of the Nazarene, Jesus' way could have been opened wide and the Kingdom established on earth. Given Jesus' messianic role, we may imagine the ideal situation would have been for John to unite with Jesus even becoming one of his chief disciples. Since John himself had disciples, this would have enormously aided Jesus' cause.

Tragically, even though Jesus was eagerly searching for followers ("Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers") (Lk. 10:2), John and his group remained apart. There are even indications that tension existed between the two groups. Matthew, for example, reports a dispute between the disciples of Christ and those of the Baptist over fasting. (Mt. 9:14). And according to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the Fourth Gospel seems to contain a polemic against the disciples of the Baptist (John 1:6-8) which suggests that they existed as a separate group, distinct from the Christian Church, even up to the end of the first century.

Jesus' assessment

While John was in prison, Jesus is recorded as assessing John's role. On the surface, his paradoxical statement is quite puzzling. " . . . among those born of women, there is none greater than John the Baptist, yet he who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he." (Mt. 11:11).

John was born at the ;most important time in human history and had the unique privilege to serve Jesus directly by testifying to him. John should have brought everything he had--his experience, his knowledge, his large following--and offered them to Jesus.

Because of his great influence and popularity--an influence that extended to the religious establishment--John could have thus led many influential people to Jesus. Jesus therefore described John as "the greatest born of women" because the opportunity before him was such a great one. but the sad fact is that John failed to grasp that opportunity and so was less than the "least in the Kingdom." Because John failed to fulfill his glorious place in the Kingdom to the most humble believer.

Reasons for the failure

One may ask why it was that John didn't follow Jesus. The reasons seem to be multifaceted--psychological, sociological and spiritual.

For one thing, John apparently saw a conflict between his own interests and those of Jesus. He felt that if Jesus prospered, then he would decline. In John's words, "He must increase, while I must decrease." (Jn. 3:30). Feeling that supporting Jesus would involve giving up his own following, he failed to see that if he were truly united with Jesus, as Jesus' star ascended so would his own.

John may also have had doubts about some of the things that Jesus espoused: the sayings of Jesus were quite out of the ordinary, such that he was accused of undermining conventional Hebrew morality and Mosaic teachings.

Observing Jesus' background and achievement, John may have gathered that the long-awaited Son of Man could not be as commonly human as was Jesus--of questionable birth, dubious education, a mere carpenter, and without a well-developed following.

In addition, John may have compared himself to Jesus and found the comparison quite unflattering to this alleged messiah. While John was the son of a Temple priest, Jesus was formally uneducated and frequently seemed to contradict the Hebrew scriptures. Also, Jesus' disciples were men of little education and competence. John lived a very ascetic life while Jesus ate, drank and stayed with tax collectors, prostitutes and others considered undesirable by society.

The prevailing conception

Finally, we must understand the prevailing conception of the Messiah-to-come at the time of Jesus. Generally speaking, the expectation was a apocalyptic one. It was a period of eager anticipation of imminent dramatic events, a time which combined both a sense of despair about history and yet a hope that God would act dramatically to change things utterly and forever.

Influenced by the Book of Daniel, many sincere believers expected the Messiah would come on the clouds of heaven. Daniel had written:

"I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and kingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages should serve him." (Dan. 7:13-14).

Short of such a cataclysmic event, other Israelites felt the ;Messiah would come as a mighty deliverer, raising the standard of national freedom and driving the Romans into the sea. After all, their immediate concern was liberating themselves from the Roman tyranny. Thus their concept was essentially temporal and militaristic.

Perhaps even John could not help being influenced by some of these assumptions about the coming Son of Man. How hard it must have been to accept a mere carpenter like Jesus as the Promised One!

Whatever the reasons, John's support of Jesus clearly did not go as far as it might. With no clear Elijah, with Malachi's prophecy unfulfilled, Jesus' task was rendered incalculably more difficult.

Teen Experiences in Korea

This nine stories are from the newsletter of the Education in Korea Program for teens

Hyun Jin Nim’s Visit

Young Il Loew, 3rd Grade

I remember seeing Hyung Jin Nim once. It was about six years ago, and I remember after his speech he called the blessed children into a small room and talked to us. The thing I remember most was the feeling he was my elder brother and was trying his best to take care of us. The next time I saw him I was sitting in the front row of Chungpadong church, listening to him give a speech. He was not just speaking to blessed children, but to a whole church full of people. But he still talked in the same way, as if he would care for us, and help us to be strong; and that he would always be there for us, as our elder brother. He talked about many important things: about the winds of change and how we must act in this settlement era. He talked about putting the flesh on the bones that were created by Father. He came to our dormitory a few days later and talked about connecting with the first generation and True Parents’ lineage. He talked about the purpose of studying in Korea and how it made you closer to God. All of these things he talked about, and all of these things in themselves could have been inspiring. But they were nothing compared to the joy on his face and the way he talked to us. You could see that he was determined to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. You could see on his face how much he loved us, and the only thing I can say is how glad I am to have such a wonderful brother.

Hyun Jin Nim Comes To Town

Tokuhiro Shimoyama & Eikoku Ikeno, preps, and Jane Kinney, GOP

After Hyun Jin Nim’s Sunday speech, we received a message that Hyun Jin Nim would come to our dorm thanks to our thoughtful Western dorm parent, Jeri Sunsaengnim. We prepared our hearts for him until the day he could come. We will never forget when Hyun Jin Nim came to our dorm; everyone was frantically cleaning up. We thought he was going to come early, but only after a long period of eager waiting did he finally arrive. This time he talked about learning Father’s culture, language and tradition in order to understand God because the closest children to Father are those who understand him. It is also hard for us because we have no original sin so Satan attacks us more. Because of that we have to cherish our 5% responsibility. As second generation we are historical people. We cannot only think of today but also of the past and the future combined.

Hyun Jin Nim is very good at speaking in front of people. The whole atmosphere of the room was very alive. It was impossible to get tired. Afterwards, Hyun Jin Nim looked at the new dorm while we all followed. While some of our teachers forbade our following Hyun Jin Nim, some students were desperate to go so they just ran in along with him. He came out looking happy, and then all the students from the dorm took group pictures with him. At the end we were inspired to go the right way and we truly felt as if he was our true elder brother.

Divine Principle Lecture Contest

Francesca Hill and Mara Jenkins, GOP

After a few days of attending a workshop by our teachers, we were assigned to give our own lecture. Everyone was given a certain topic to lecture on, with one day’s preparation. We also were assigned a diagram to draw with our topic.

At first overwhelmed, we found it overall a good experience.

Once we found out our topic, we frantically got to work. We all studied and took notes on the chapter we were assigned to and made our diagram based on that. At the end of the day, we paired up with partners, and practiced giving our lectures. It was hard but interesting work.

The contest took place on the morning of Dec. 31, 1998. Dressed up nicely, we all went downstairs and began lecturing according to the order in the Divine Principle book. Everybody did a very good job. Each and every lecture was very interesting, and we learned a lot from everyone. They were presented very well, and the diagrams were clear and colorful.

Everyone did a great job; the winners were:

GOP’s: Rachel Paine won for best presentation. Jennifer Hill won for content, and Alexandra Sices won for diagram.

PREPS: Toku Shimoyama won for best diagram. Jeremy Carlson won for content. Eikoku Ikeno won for presentation. Taein Hankins won for overall best lecture.

The judges said it was a very hard decision. This was a good experience for all of us and we hope we can do it again in the future.

Three-Day Workshop

Amadea Jessen, GOP

Part of our Christmas vacation included a three-day workshop. We had three lectures a day. Steve Sunsaengnim gave the lecture on the Purpose of the Messiah. James Sunsaengnim gave the lectures on the relationship between the physical and spiritual worlds, the Fall of Man, the Three Great Blessings, Attitude in the Last Days, Principle of Restoration, and the Foundation for the Messiah.

Everyone took notes. The lectures were very inspiring. They really clarified how God was trying to bring the world back to Him. The lectures also showed how easily Satan can turn people to him to become faithless. We could realize the relief that someone could stand strong and faithful, finally. It made you want to help as much as you could to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Then a man named Kim Young Jun visited us. He talked to us about how important our purity was and our position as Blessed Children. He referred to us as the ugly ducklings. Everyone thinks that we are ugly ducklings and that we are cast out, but then we surprise everyone by becoming beautiful swans. He told us that no matter how hard we try to be like the outside people or ducks, we will always become swans.

He explained that we must stay pure until our Blessing Day comes. If we have ever kissed or gone out with someone, we will feel regret when the Blessing Day arrives. We must stay pure and accomplish our responsibility.

He was very friendly, and really set a determination in us. I know that I was very inspired, and others were too.

That afternoon, we went to Chungpadong Church. We said a prayer before we went in, and then saw the room where Mother gave birth to six of the True Children. We saw the bathroom where she slept, and Father’s room, the place where the Blessings were held, and all the Church members’ rooms.

I felt really good to actually be in the house. You could just feel all of them there and see how it was. I loved it so much.

Then we went to the souvenir store. There were books, CD’s, mirrors, necklaces, and so on. It was a really good experience.

All in all, the workshop was really good.

My Home Stay Experience

Lenora DeRoy, GOP

Homestay is when a GOP goes to a Korean family’s house and experiences the tradition, culture and language of Korea.

The first day I got to the house I would be staying in for four days, I felt lonely and very sad. I missed my friends, and I didn’t really like the idea of staying somewhere where communication would be a big barrier. That soon changed though, because I got to know and understand the family. They treated me with a lot of kindness.

They were very curious, and asked me all sorts of questions. They couldn’t seem to understand why my hair was brown, and why it didn’t always snow in Alaska.

I had the best Korean food there. Since there was an opportunity to eat all that good food, I decided to take the advantage.

They taught me how to make two delicious dishes: sushi and kimchi dumplings.

I felt like I was in a family environment there. I had kind of missed that at the dormitory.

There were times I could understand a word they said, and vice versa. But we always pretended we knew exactly what one another was saying.

One time the eleven-year-old boy at my homestay asked me if he spoke good English. I said very good, but actually it was OK. Then I asked him if my Korean was good. He said it was OK.

I learned a lot about Korean culture and tradition while I was at homestay. Now I feel like I can understand Korean people better.

I’m very thankful for this experience. I will never forget it.


Jeremy Carlson, Prep

This year’s homestay experience was better for me than last year’s because this year I spoke Korean.

We all started out in Han Sung Church, the church next door to us. Then we divided up and went to different churches where we were picked to go to homestay by our homestay families.

It was hard for me in the beginning because I felt all alone and I couldn’t express myself to anyone. But when the mother of the family came I felt more at ease. Each of our own homestays were different, going to different places, eating different kinds of foods, with different children and parents in our homestay families, and so on.

But for me, even though I didn’t go anywhere special, I got what I always wanted: to speak in only Korean for a few days. I learned a lot of Korean culture there too. It was definitely a different life in that home for me. I feel that I gained a lot from this year’s homestay. I was able to speak lots of Korean, I learned the Korean culture inside of a Korean Unification family, and I was able to make friends with a Korean family.

I am very grateful for being given that experience and I can’t wait to go again.

Dae Mo Nim

Rachel Paine, GOP

Before I went to Chung Pyung, I thought Mrs. Kim would be pretty cool: strong spirited and everything. But when I went to Chung Pyung, it was a lot more than I had expected. She is so inspiring! She really gives it to you. I got really inspired and motivated by her. Love was just radiating from her. I wanted to go up and give her a hug. She felt like my mother practically. I felt really close to her. It was quite an experience. I felt I could really relate to her. It was like she was so nice and gentle, but then so firm, strong and powerful.

In her speech, we talked about the bad stuff that we did, we repented. I felt guilty and then it was like we put it aside and talked about the future, how to succeed and what not to do. Her talk was very meaningful. It got very deep: the forces of good and evil, their influences on you. She made you feel like you could do anything. You know that "Bring It On" kind of feeling.

Well, I think Dae Mo Nim and Mrs. Kim are awesome women and they make an awesome pair. They really inspired me.

Ancestors’ Liberation at Chung Pyung Lake

Henry Freeland, GOP

On the last day of our three-day workshop we gathered in the main hall to do an ancestors’ liberation ceremony.

First, Dae Mo Nim gave us a speech on ancestors and how she had prayed for all our ancestors to come. She gave us clear instructions how to do the ceremony.

After that the ansu session started. I tried to invest my 100% and sang with a clear voice. When the ansu was over, we prayed a special prayer. First, we had to pray for the spirits who had resentment towards us and our ancestors to leave. Then we prayed for the ancestors to come so that the angels could take them to he spirit world where they attend a 100-day DP workshop. I prayed really sincerely and I saw two people come in. They said: "I will go now." Then I saw a couple of people walking into a lecture hall with brown chairs. They sat down and one particular lady looked at me. She said nothing. Suddenly I saw a pair of eyes which said, "I will take care of your ancestors if you promise to study hard and win the speech contest." I said "Yes" and finished my prayer with a lot of tears and I thanked God over and over again.

This was a very awesome experience. Back at the dorm now I try to study hard. It’s not easy. Life goes on.

The Liberation of our Ancestors

Masataka Kubo, GOP

The Western Program had gone to Chung Pyung, and on the third day we were there we had a chance to liberate some of our ancestors.

We did this at the main hall at Chung Pyung. We all went to the main hall and waited until Dae Mo Nim came up to the stage. She spoke on how much she had prepared for us to be able to liberate our ancestors. Then we started a short ansu session. After ansu we got ready to start the actual part where we actually liberate our ancestors. We did this by praying very loud. We prayed that our ancestors could come and get liberated and that they could go to a 100-day DP workshop. Then they have a 40-day workshop of studying about blessed family life. Finally they come down to Chung Pyung until the people who liberated them come again to Chung Pyung. These ancestors (as good spirits) stay with the people who liberated them and help them with their problems.

After Chung Pyung we all now have a 100-day prayer condition so we can receive guidance for our ancestors in their 100-day workshop.

I think this was a good experience for everyone. I was hoping I would see something special during the prayer, but I didn’t. However, I still think it was a really special experience.

Students of the New Eden Academy Respond to the Divine Principle

As part of the Religious Education Program, students at the New Eden Academy were asked to write personal reflections on statements which bear new meaning when seen from a Divine Principle perspective.

The statements were taken from a collection of "Jeopardy Game Questions" about the Divine Principle which were put together by Dr. Kathy Winings.

Here are a few examples which may be of interest for our readers. The selections were made by Dr. Dietrich Seidel, who oversees the Religious Education Program at the New Eden Academy.

by Takami Koya:

"Children of parents who are blessed by True Parents are not automatically born perfect." I think blessed children are in a harder and stricter position, because we have responsibilities. The world tempts us blessed children more and many follow. Many blessed children have already fallen and are being affected by the people around them. Many of us want to have more fun and be free, but troubles of smoking, drinking, drugs, stealing, sexual relationships, violence, etc., are rampant and the ages are getting younger. Satan wants to tempt us blessed children more because we are in a closer position to God and God has hope in us. I remember a speech a girl made on a Pure Love Alliance tour. She was talking about her friend and on how she got AIDS by having just one relationship with a boy she really liked. She talked about how her friend regretted all she did and that the boy had left her easily. I thought it was scary and could feel how close Satan is. We teenagers are at the most dangerous age and Satan has the easiest chance to tempt us. But we have to take responsibility for what we do and take care of ourselves. Nobody is perfect. Our parents raise us up and teach us about good and bad, but we have to listen to them, and also understand why we have to think for ourselves and help our spirit-self to grow. I think it’s actually hard to do these things, but I think we could try by praying, helping others, studying the Divine Principle, etc., little things we could do in everyday life. All of God’s children were created to become lords of creation and we should be proud and make effort.

"Our spirit grows only while we have a physical body." This is true, and if you think about it, it’s scary. Our everyday events are recorded forever and will stick with us forever. I think everyone has done something they wish they had never done. I regret my sins every day and it’s a lot of pressure. Maybe many blessed children feel the same. I think there are even some who couldn’t take the pressure and left the church but that doesn’t solve anything. I have made many mistakes in the past, I could never forget, but still, there is a future. I could start again from now on by trying hard to make my spirit grow and make up for the past. Well, we can’t really make up for the past because the past is the past but we still have chances and God would never betray us. He loves everyone and knows what is best for us. Now is the most important time for us and also the hardest. But I think we could help each other to provide encouragement for our spirit to grow, not only for ourselves but for our friends and people around us. I think helping each other is what is important for making our spirit grow. Of course, there are more activities we could do, but I think that to help others is one of the most important things for our spiritual growth.

"The serpent in the Garden of Eden was a spiritual being." He was once an angle but he couldn’t get over his jealousy toward Adam. Adam had everything Lucifer wanted: a body, God’s love, the world, and—most of all—Eve. The serpent wanted what Adam had. I feel bad for him and kind of understand how he must have felt, but still, what he did was wrong. Adam and Eve were wrong, too. Everyone must have experienced jealousy over something. Some people try to do something about it by trying harder. If you think about in a different way, it could help you grow into a better person. Lucifer the archangel disobeyed God and became Satan. Sins can be traced back to the Fall which occurred between Even and the serpent. Sin is the condition of act which creates a common base with Satan. I learned this from our trip to Belvedere. I have committed lots of sins in the past, but I am thinking and trying harder to be closer to God. I know God would watch over me and sometimes give me answers when I need desperate help. Not maybe always but I believe He watches over everyone and even over people who do not know Him.

"True Father did not receive the Divine Principle without a lot of struggle." No one could imagine how much he struggled. He must have had lots of attacks from the spiritual world and people around him. I think he is a strong and great man to succeed in what Jesus couldn’t do. He had been treated really badly in the North Korean prison camp. He was not like other religious leaders who tell their believers that only their religion is the right one, but instead he taught and tried to bring all religions together. He is the closest to God and understands how hurt God is. One of the great things about True Father is that no matter how cruelly he has been treated, he would forgive these people and pray to God for God to forgive them. He would teach us to love and forgive someone no matter how much they may hate and treat us badly, which is not an easy thing to do. True Father was able to do this. This is one of the big reasons he succeeded in catching people’s hearts, and still is. True Father teaches us God’s words on how God is hurt and that He has hope in us. That we should try our best to make God happy and build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. I think it’s possible but it’s all up to us. I think the students at New Eden Academy are struggling but they are trying their best to make themselves better people and make God proud.

by Romin Johnson:

God and Friendship How do I identify God’s presence in my friendships? This is a question I have thought about a long time. When I’m with my friends, I can feel God’s presence sometimes—sometimes faintly, other times strongly. When I do something I shouldn’t have, and my friend is there with me, I can feel God in my friend’s frown or "tsk-tsk" look. At such times a friend is like my outer conscience. Other times I feel God’s presence in a good, congratulatory way when I’m with my friends. If my friends and I are playing football and I score a touchdown, my teammates come over and congratulate me, and then I would feel His presence. It’s as though he’s praising me through them. But God also relates to me personally. There are things I do on a daily basis to develop my friendship with God. Right now, my friends and I are doing a 100-day midnight prayer condition until Thanksgiving [1998]. And, although Thanksgiving is next week, I think I should make an effort to continue some type of prayer condition. I make an effort to pray in thanks to God at each meal. I feel that my friendship with God is becoming better and its is also getting a lot easier for me to communicate with Him. Whenever I need help, I say a little prayer and God helps me. For example, sometimes when I lose something, like my meal card, for example, I would ask Him to help me. I would say something like "Heavenly Father, please help me find my meal card so that I can eat and become strong and healthy to be of better love and service. Thank you, Heavenly Father, have a good day, and let everyone else in this world have a good day. I pray for True Parents and in their Names I pray. Amen." Suddenly, I feel better I know exactly where my meal card is.

by Christina Weber:

God’s Presence in our Friendships: In what ways do the contrasting Biblical stories of Cain and Abel, on the one had, and Jacob and Esau, on the other, illustrate for me the task of restoring human relationships, and what are the lessons I can learn for building my friendships?

Cain and Abel were the original siblings in the family of humankind. They were the template for all other sibling-sibling and friend-friend relationships for the rest of humanity as their parents Adam and Eve were the templates for all male-female relationships in the future. Cain and Abel were to set an ideal example for the future generations of a friendship which could withstand the strain of jealousy and conflict should such obstacles arise. They however failed this task. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and anger. This caused the template for siblings and for friends to be lost as well as the template for male-female relationships with Adam and Eve.

Jacob and Esau were God’s second attempt at a template or example for humankind. In this case the template was successful when Esau forgave Jacob, overcoming his jealousy that Jacob had received what belonged to Esau and hadn’t earned it. Jacob learned to work hard and earn what he received while he was working for his uncle. Jacob also learned humility and showed his brother the respect he owed him. Though this second try was successful, it could not undo the original failure because it was not the stem that all people would descend from, as was the Cain and Abel relationship. Jacob and Esau were only one bloodline and the many others which existed in the world would not inherit it. God then had to work through this one bloodline which eventually developed into the Jewish people in order to bring about the Messiah to restore all of the bloodlines of the world under him.

"What can I do on a daily basis to develop my friendship with God?" To develop my relationship with God, it is important to speak with God daily in a non-formal format. Speaking to God as you would normally speak to another person helps God seem more real than simply a figure spoken about in church once a week. Don’t just pray stereotypical prayers as most do. Don’t just talk to God about being holy and obtaining God’s goals. Speak to God about problems in your daily life and ask for help. I know that’s also common, but talk to God about spiritual troubles. It is pointless to present yourself as holier than you really are. Try to admit your faults openly and ask for help as you would with a friend. Being a "God-fearing" person seems to be the goal of some religions, but I think that is quite the opposite from what we should be doing. God is forgiving and will love you no matter what. Tell Him your faults and dilemmas without fear as you would tell a good friend whom you’re sure will support you.

Talk to God about what you are happy with, not just your problems. Let God share in your happiness sincerely. Don’t just thank God because you feel you should, or just as a reflex. Tell God when you are happiest, the way you feel like rushing to the phone and telling your best friend that the most amazing thing has just happened to you. Share that enthusiasm with God. I am by no means saying you shouldn’t call up that friend on the phone and spend an hour praying instead. Simply let God share in your happiness by thinking of Him while it happens. God does not replace your friends; He wants to be a part of you and your friends, and wants to share in these relationships in good times and bad.