RYS Promoting Peace Around the World in 1998

John Gehring -- NYC

As a peace project, the RYS had eight major projects in four continents during 1998. These service projects were designed to provide examples of religious cooperation in a world scarred by religious conflict. For young adults, the RYS provides an opportunity to practice their highest ideals while making true and lasting friendships. Part of the key to the RYS's success is that it is FUN.

Often the young adults who participate in the RYS have a rich internal experience where they discover they have something special to offer to people. This self-discovery has motivated many of the RYS graduates to take active roles in contributing to peace.

Project Activities:

An International RYS project was hosted in Guatemala on May 14-23 under the theme: "Sharing true values through educational uplift". This project was the 4th RYS Friendship America's Project, an effort to promote cooperation among the nations and faiths in the America's. Participants helped repair and construct parts of three schools.

European RYS was active in organizing a project in Bloke, Slovenia under the theme: "Building community through service". A special European RYS leadership training was organized from July 7-9 and then was followed by the RYS project on July 10-19.

Cooperation between the WFWP-Japan and the IRFWP led the RYS to Thailand hosting on August 19-30 it's sixth RYS project. This project under the theme of, "Building health and harmony through service" was carried out with the cooperation of the Northeastern Drug Dependence Treatment Center and several local organizations. RYS helped build a nurse's station and a basketball court for those in treatment.

A large regional RYS project involving over eighty participants from twelve nations took place in Bougerere and Kampala, Uganda on September 17-29 under the theme of, "Peace, health and community building" in cooperation with the support of the Ministry of Gender. The work of participants included building a medical clinic and repairing a school.

In an effort to promote peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka the RYS completed its 5th national project in October 3-5 bringing the various ethnic and religious groups together to help repair a school.

South Africa holds out the hope for peaceful reconciliation. The RYS on December 12-16 held an environmental project with the cooperation of the Gauteng Province, Ministry of Youth. Drawing together youth from various religious and ethnic groups the participants helped work on various environmental projects.

In Hyderbad, India religious tension has often erupted into violence. The RYS held an international project from December 12-20 and drew the support of a wide range of religious leaders. Participants worked on building an interfaith orphanage in hopes of provided an environment of religious cooperation.

A final RYS project in 1998 ran from December 25th into January 4, 1999 and was hosted in Santiago Atitlan on the shores of Lake Attilan in Guatemala. Participants helped add a wing to the Shimjung School which will now expand its student body beyond the 110 Mayan children.

A Princess is Born

Linna Rapkins

For the next few months we will be reprinting from the Blessing Quarterly stories about True Mother’s life from the time of her birth to the time of the Holy Wedding. Most of the information for these stories was taken from Mother’s testimony, Father’s comments about Mother’s life, and the testimony of Grandmother Hong (True Mother’s mother).

In the same province of North Korea where Father was born, a young woman named Soon-Ae Hong was nearing the time when her baby would arrive. She was at home with her parents almost all the time now. This evening, she sat on a small stool making mandoo for supper. She had a brother, but he had left home, and no one knew where he was. Her own husband had also left, so it was just the three of them. As she rolled bits of chopped meat and vegetables into the paper thin flour shells, her thoughts drifted back to her younger years.

"Mother was a good Christian, and she always told me to watch for the second coming of the Lord Jesus," she remembered. "I haven’t found him yet, but I feel in my heart that something is happening."

Soon-Ae had already belonged to several churches of great significance for the Lord of the Second Advent. The first was that of Mrs. Sung So Kim: the Holy Lord Order.

"I was barely a teenager," Soon-Ae recalled. "But how my life changed at that time. It meant so much to me to be her disciple all those years—what was it, thirteen, fourteen—no, fifteen years it was." Now Soon-Ae Hong was 30 years old.

A smile came to her lips." I loved the way they called her Kamsa Halmoni ." In Korean, Kamsa Hamnida means "Thank you." When people went to Kim Halmoni’s church, they had wonderful spiritual experiences. Then they would all bow and say over and over, "Kamsa Hamnida. Kamsa Hamnida." They started calling her Kamsa Halmoni, which means something like "Thank Grandmother." Many people loved her dearly and came from all parts of Korea to worship in her church.

As the row of crescent-shaped mandoo grew longer, Soon-Ae spoke to the air. "Kim Halmoni, how did you learn all the things you knew? You had so many revelations. You taught us that Jesus did not come to die young, but to get rid of Satan and to build a loving world. And you said the Lord will come again, only it will not be Jesus himself, as everyone thinks. A man will be born in Korea!’’’

Often Soon-Ae felt excited about this, but she also felt impatient.

"Where is he, Kim Halmoni? How long will we have to wait? If only I could read all your messages now," continued Soon-Ae as she poured water over the rice and placed it on the fire. She knew that, even though Kim Halmoni had written everything on twelve rolls of paper, eight feet long each, they had been burned by a relative so the Japanese soldiers could not find any evidence against her.

Yes, evidence! Can you believe anyone would want to hurt such a dear lady? The Japanese, who were controlling Korea then, had heard that she was saying Japan would soon be overcome. They didn’t like that!

It was a tragic day when Kim Halmoni was hauled away to jail to be questioned. The thousands of people who came to her church couldn’t help her, and so she was questioned and beaten for 100 days. It was awful. Soon-Ae’s heart still burned with pain whenever she thought of it. The soldiers couldn’t prove anything, so they had to let her go, but that dear 62 year old lady was so weakened by the experience that she soon became ill and died. It was the end of her church, also.

"It’s so sad," thought Soon-Ae, wiping at her tears with one hand while dropping the mandoo into the sizzling oil with the other. "Many people suffered terribly to prepare for the Lord’s coming, and in the end they died without even meeting him. I wish, more than anything in life, that I could meet him. Even to cook his food would bring such joy."

As she poked at the mandoo with long wooden chopsticks, her thoughts moved forward to Mr. Lee, who had been one of Kim Halmoni’s disciples. Soon after Kim Halmoni’s death, his wife, Ho Ho Bin, began receiving revelations. Many of the messages were the same as Kim Halmoni’s: They should prepare for the Lord; the Messiah would be born in Korea, and so on.

But there was one big difference. When Mrs. Ho prayed, her abdomen started moving, almost shaking, as if there were a baby dancing inside. Mrs. Ho thought it meant the Lord of the Second Coming might even be born from her womb. In any case, it was God's way of telling them the second Jesus would be born of a woman, just as the first Jesus had been. As people began listening to her revelations and praying with her, they became known as Bogjoong-gyo (The Inside Belly Church).

Mr. Lee had told Soon-Ae about Mrs. Ho’s revelation, and she had joined that group.

One day, as Soon-Ae was praying, she saw Jesus standing before her.

"Do you love me?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, I do, Lord Jesus," she answered breathlessly.

"Then please cut your hair short, and use it to knit a pair of socks for me," came his surprising answer.

Korean women always wore their hair long. It was their custom, and everyone followed it. No one was different. But Soon-Ae immediately got the scissors and carefully cut her long hair. She smiled now as she remembered shaking her head in the wind and feeling so light and free, and the strange sensation of washing short hair—as if there were nothing there. Most of all, she remembered the stares of the people. But it didn’t matter. She loved Jesus.

After she knit the black socks, she started helping Mrs. Ho to make clothing and food for Jesus from the time of his birth until he was 33 years old. Of course, Jesus had been dead a long, long time, but he was alive in spirit world, and his heart was still sore. He had been born to be the King of Kings, but he was poor and mistreated from birth onward.

"Poor little Jesus," Soon-Ae sighed, remembering how she had felt at time. "He had only swaddling clothes—rags—wrapped around him. Only God kept him alive in the cold stable."

Later, Mrs. Ho’s group began preparing clothing for the Lord of the 2nd Coming. In fact, they were looking forward to meeting him in person. He wouldn’t be wrapped in rags if they could help it. No, sir. They would prepare everything, and it would be fit for a king.

"As soon as I have this baby, I want to return to help Mrs. Ho," she promised herself. "There is so much to be done." But for now she was here in Pyong Yang Do province in the village of Sinli.

As she shifted her weight to ease the strain on her back, she felt gratitude for her ancestors who had been so good. That was why she could understand these things. Because of their goodness, God could work with her. No one told her this; she just knew.

"Isn’t it interesting, though, that I am the only daughter in my family, and my mother was the only daughter in hers, and her mother was the only daughter in her family? I wonder what it means?" She drained the mandoo on paper as it was finished.

Then her thoughts moved to a more recent event. She had met a young man named Han. He was from another group that was also looking for the Lord. This young Mr. Han had received a revelation saying, "You should marry the daughter of Yoo-Il Hong. If you have a baby boy, he will become the king of the universe. If you have a girl, she will be the queen of the universe!"

He had met her, and now she was about to have his baby. Whenever she thought of him, tears came to her eyes. Her parents had liked him a lot. Because her brother had gone away, they asked this young man to became their son.

"Please let us adopt you," they said.

But he was proud. How could he be adopted by his wife’s family? He didn’t want to be badgered about it, so he didn’t come to their place much any more.

"Well, maybe after the baby is born, he’ll come back," she thought hopefully. She placed her hand on her stomach and felt a vague tightening of the muscles of her stomach. But then it went away.

The next day, at 4:30 in the afternoon, as the winter sun was about to touch the horizon, the cry of a newborn baby was heard in the house of Hong.

"It’s a girl," announced the midwife, and she placed the tiny baby in her mother’s arms. The lunar calendar, which all Koreans use, showed that it was January 6, 1943. The new mother forgot, for the moment, about the prophecy that her baby would be queen of the universe. She just felt joy. This was her own baby daughter—and such a beautiful baby at that. They gazed into each other’s eyes, and the little princess had her first meal.

When the sun had disappeared behind the trees and the new mother had rested, her own mother brought in a steaming bowl of freshly made algae soup. Every Korean woman knows that this is what you eat after having a baby. Then you share it with everyone else in the family.

As she sat up on her mat to take the soup, she said, "Omma (mother), her name shall be Hak Ja. It means ‘White Crane.’ She will be beautiful and graceful."

The new grandmother smiled proudly and left her with her soup. Suddenly Soon-Ae stiffened with a jerk, almost spilling the soup all over herself. There was someone else in the room with her! Her eyes made out a dark shape, very ugly and foul-smelling. She was frozen with fear. As it began to speak to her, she suddenly realized with a shudder that this must be Satan! She didn’t know what to do.

"Soon-Ae Hong," he croaked threateningly. "You must kill your baby tonight. If this child lives, the world will be in very serious trouble."

She set the soup down with trembling hands and reached for her baby. "But why?" she managed to gasp. "Why should I kill my little daughter?" She held the sleeping baby very close, protecting her.

Satan just had time to sneer, when her mother walked in.

"How’s the—?" She stopped short when she caught sight of the terrified look on her daughter’s face as she clung tightly to her baby.

The older mother knelt down by Soon-Ae's mat. "What’s wrong? What are you doing?’ She caressed her hair, trying to help her relax.

The menacing figure had disappeared. Shaking and pale, Soon-Ae explained, "Satan was just here, and he said I should kill my baby."

Her mother didn’t know what to say. She just continued smoothing Soon-Ae’s hair. "There, there. Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. It was just a bad dream," she added lamely, knowing full well that Soon-Ae had been awake.

Soon-Ae worried all week. "What does it mean? Are we in danger? What should I do?" She prayed about it and thought about it every day, and she couldn’t forget the awful feeling of it.

Seven days later, she was resting on her mat when another figure appeared in her room. This time it was Kim Halmoni from spirit world—Kamsa Halmoni from spirit world—Kamsa Halmoni! The feeling Soon-Ae got was one of warmth and light, comfort and love. What a world of difference between these two visitations!

"My dear Soon-Ae," said Halmoni. "I have come to assure you that Hak Ja Han is the daughter of God. She will become the queen of the universe. God is her Father, and you are just taking care of her for Him. Do you understand? You should think of yourself as the baby-sitter or nanny, not her mother." Then she disappeared.

"Thank you! Thank you!" breathed Soon-Ae. Now she understood that Satan had lied to her, had tried to deceive her, because he didn’t want his world to be in serious trouble. She would keep these words in her heart always and take very, very good care of her little girl—God’s little princess.

As soon as she regained her strength, true to her word, Soon-Ae returned to her work with Mrs. Ho Ho Bin. While her little daughter stayed at home with her grandmother, Mrs. Hong sewed clothes all day for the Lord who was to come.

Little did she know that he had already been born in the very same province where her own daughter was born. Little did she know that he was over 20 years old already and would soon come to Pyongyang. Little did she know her daughter was destined to be his bride.

PLA at New Eden Academy

Mo Sook Park -- NYC

On February 4th and 5th, the Pure Love Alliance held a two day workshop for the New Eden Academy in Bridgeport, CT. The theme was "Prepare or Party?" and each presentation dealt with how to best prepare to confront the peer issues of drugs, drinking and sex that all young people ultimately face, and to prepare for their future.

"Keeping purity requires more than just keeping your pants on," Teddy Hose, a freshman at Bridgeport University, explained during his talk on developing character. He emphasized that our character is the basis for our future. People with goals for their future, should make wise decisions to avoid living a let’s party lifestyle.

Pure Love International, the video of the 1998 tour in Japan and Korea was shown. This inspired many of the young students to want to join the next tour later this year.

Mo Sook Park, who works in the PLA office in NY, closed the first day with a talk about self-respect and the importance of taking pride in oneself. She challenged the students be proud without being arrogant and to respect their families, and what they believe in and go beyond peer and cultural pressures to do the right thing.

On the second day Harumi Kawamura, another University of Bridgeport student gave a special lecture on feeling "lack of love." She directly confronted the students with a reason why we would do anything for love. "Ideally we are all supposed to experience child’s love, brother, and sister love, conjugal love and parental love to the fullest." she said. "Yet in reality many of us feel lack of love or even alienation. This feeling of alienation drives us to seek love, which is strongly connected to the issue of purity."

The four stages of love are meant to be experienced in a specific order, with conjugal or sexual love coming later, when we are fully mature. But because our culture pushes this kind of love so heavily, many young people get confused and seek sex when what they really need is to focus on building good friendships and connecting to their parent’s love.

Keiha Kim moved the hearts of students with her own personal testimony. She shared her reasons why she chose to live a pure lifestyle and how family plays an important role in her life. Following her talk, Mrs. Kim did an activity with her students called "Titanic." Ten students were chosen and given titles such as newlywed, professor, and five-year-old boy. The audience was then asked to choose five people whom they thought should be saved from the sinking ship in the last remaining lifeboat. The students ended up choosing the people whose titles clearly showed they were a part of a family. Through that activity the students learned how the family is really the center of all our lives.

"Comb Your Hair" was the title of the last presentation given by the PLA president, Mr. Robert Kittel. He pointed out that the main way we change our appearance is by how we fix our hair. Our hair, being on the top of our head is for public viewing. Our mouth, nose, eyes, and ears are used to relate with the world. In a sense the human body is a model for the proper relationship between public and private. Our head is public and meant for others to see. Our sexual organs are private and meant to be reserved for only the most intimate and holy relationships. To close the students gathered along the shore at the Seaside Park and recited the Pure Love Pledge facing the shimmering water.

PLA '99 Tour: On the road in the United States

The Pure Love Alliance is happy to announce Pure Love '99! Following the tremendous success of the Pure Love '97 Absolute Sex National Tour through 26 US cities, and Pure Love '98 in Japan and Korea, we return to the United States this July for an exciting tour of the Southeastern states, a region we barely touched in 1997.

The provisional schedule is:

July 9 Arrivals

July 10-11, Orientation Miami Florida

July 12-15 Service Project in Miami

July 16 Rally in Miami

July 17 Visit to Disney World

July 19 Rally in Charlotte

July 21 Rally in Atlanta

July 22 Fishing in the Gulf

July 23 Rally in Mobile

July 24 Graduation Party

July 25 Departures

This tour promises to be even more memorable than last year. As well as several high energy rallies, a new feature will be an ambitious service program in the City of Miami. We expect to be joined by hundreds of volunteers and of supporters at every city along the way.

Outings are planned to Disneyworld, and there will be sport fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, and other exciting recreational activities.

We are looking for a maximum of 200 tour volunteers. However, spaces are being reserved for European, Russian and Asian students and so participation is very limited.

We invite you to fill in and return the enclosed application as soon as possible. The fee is $995, and a $100 deposit is needed to hold your space. Under 18 requires parental consent, and all participants must provide own medical / travel insurance.

Checks should be made payable to "Pure Love Alliance" and sent to Pure Love Alliance, 305 Madison Avenue, Suite 1166, New York, NY 10165. All fees must be paid by June 1, 1999

The lower age limit is those who are 16 or above, as of July 1 1999.

Pure Love Alliance 305 Madison Avenue Suite 1166, New York, NY 10165 Tel: (212) 382 1634 x200 Fax: (212) 382 2005 web: http://purelove.org Email: pureall@aol.com. Minimum age 16. Space limited to 200 applicants. Fee $995.

The Music Ministry of NJ FFWPU: Spring Recital

Christine Libon -- Clifton NJ

Cold, rainy weather did not put a damper on our spirits on the night of March 6 at Clifton Family Church Center. We thoroughly enjoyed the Second Generation’s most light-hearted presentation yet. As host George Allen put it, "Tonight we have a chance to enjoy other people’s children." The program displayed a variety of artistic expressions. It opened with Aurelia Derflinger, a student of the clarinet, performing a Shaker hymn, Scarborough Fair and a third clarinet solo.

Then the New Hope Chorale made an attempt at a multi-lingual presentation of songs from Spain, Japan, France and Korea. Though still in need of some tutoring for proper pronunciation, the diversity of musical styles and the challenge were appreciated. Poetry reading followed, given by Mika Gagné, Sunmarie Allen, Ariella Carvel and Sylvia Santelli. The selected poems came from Robert Frost, Edna St. Vincent Millay and Rachel Field. My own favorites were "I Asked the Little Boy Who Cannot See" and Farleon’s musical setting of Joyce Kilmer’s immortal "Trees" (truly a study of trees rather than rhyme).

Reminiscing a bit, my dad always came to my childhood recitals and inevitably cried as he sat in the audience. Why do we tend to cry when we experience something especially beautiful? I suppose it is because we have been deeply moved internally. Whatever the reason, Il Hwa (Cindy) Yokpore brought me to tears several times as she put her whole self into her performance of "My Heart Will Go On" from the movie Titanic. It caused my mind to center immediately on Heung Jin Nim.

Chris Alan Derflinger played "Seven Variation on the theme of God Save the King" without any sheet music before him. WOW! Now onto the New Hope Players’ spoof of the news, weather and sports broadcasts, complete with commercial sponsors. It was a witty skit and well-acted in character. Next, came a cute, cute number from the sister and brother team Sunmarie & Karlsun Allen, "Anything You Can Do" from Annie Get Your Gun by Irving Berlin.

Music Minister and Assistant Producer Francesco Santelli remarked: "Many of these children have very special talents." Francesco’s investment of time and effort was apparent. The group has been working together with him for several months and the children are involved in their own special classes to develop their talents. The Musical Angels children’s choir has grown slightly larger; but, more importantly, the children are gaining in skill and confidence, as well as developing a supportive camaraderie amongst themselves while joyfully sharing in their artistic endeavors.

Special thanks are due to Rev. and Mrs. Hong, who produced this event and who act as loving parents to the entire NJ congregation.

Mother's Tour in Japan

This is from a report given by Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt at East Garden, March 13, 1999 and is from Dr. Hendricks' notes

A failure of Japan was indemnified by True Mother speaking in Korean in her speaking tour. Should she speak in Korean here in America? This time, True Mothers' speech is more direct Divine Principle than before, when it was more social commentary. The staff felt that True Mother was the manifestation of True Father in heart and love.

(True Mother displays posters and flyers used for her tour in Japan, and articles.) There was a lot of spiritual phenomena during the tour. There are over 300 Korean church leaders in Japan. Posters for her speech were hung from telephone poles, covering the entire city. Media identified True Mother first as the wife of True Father, then as founder of WFWP. The point is that it is legitimate to put True Father's name in the media again in Japan.

Some papers in years past refused our ads, but this year they all accepted. In each True Mother met many VIPs. They wrote good reflections. Normally the speech began at 1:30 p.m. In each city, they sold tickets; it was not free. They arrived at the auditorium early. The tickets were $50 - $70. So they made money through the tour. Each hall was packed, with no vacant seat and they had to rent extra rooms.

On March 3, True Mother offered all the donations she had received during the tour for a second generation scholarship fund in Japan. Healthy and sound children raising scholarship fund. Heung Jin Educational Trust Fund. It was written up by the Segye Times of Japan.

Japan is a female, hence can put makeup on its face. USA is the elder son, so cannot put on makeup. However, True Mother still wants to see a good turnout, and it will give her more energy.

At 1:30 p.m. the introductory video is shown, and it inspires everyone and prepares them for the message. During the tour, Rev. Jeung Og Yu's couple and President Otsuka's couple accompanied with high spirit. After the video, President Otsuka gave an 8 minute introduction. True Mother advised his appearance--selection of tie, too shiny nose. His 8 minute remarks were really inspiring, then a choir team sang Purple Rose of Sharon, composed by a member, then the Hallelujah Chorus, then True Mother marches to the podium in a beautiful suit with a big smile. Then everyone is so inspired.

As she enters, the backdrop is lit with beautiful colors, and she smiles with that kind of background. Also, they were able to transmit by satellite the event directly to Father at Cheju, during the 2nd half of the tour. Also, apparently, Father at Cheju was transmitted back to Japan.

True Mother's voice is so beautiful, and even more so when speaking Korean. Also it is easier for her to read the Korean and look at the audience. She takes command of the audience and they are completely intoxicated by her, and True Father via satellite is also grinning ear to ear. Even Father would place his finger on True Mother's lips on the screen.

In one hour, about 30 rounds of applause.

I came to fall in love with True Mother all over again. She is beauty itself. By the end of the speech, everyone falls in love with True Mother and the message itself. The audience naturally followed True Mother to the after speech celebration room for the next chapter. At the end of the speech, True Mother leads three cheers of mansei, holding the Japanese flag in her left hand and FFWPU flag in the right. Mansei for God, True Parents and the region of the day.

It is cold outside, but she is soaked in sweat by now. Instead of cleaning up after departing, as soon as she leaves the room she goes to the celebration room to connect to Father, rather than cleaning up. True Father must be missing TM, but he must be so proud of her for carrying out the mission in his place. As she enters the celebration room, we hand her the microphone and she can address Father, and he her, as they see each other on the screen.

Usually about 400-500 would be there. They will be seated there, somehow arrived before True Mother, and in tears, and True Mother enters talking to Father. Then the giving cake to each other via camera. Then singing including songs, gifts and testimonies from the VIPs. Then True Mother selects one couple, often President Otsuka's, to sing and kiss on camera. This is a new tradition. Then True Father and True Mother kiss, by placing each their index finger on the other's mouth on screen.

In Bukui, Junko Sakurata (the famous '92 blessing movie star) lives with three children and husband. She sang and gave testimony and pledge to True Parents--I gave up my career and fame for this blessing and husband, and it is more valuable and I will follow True Parents to spirit world forever. Her heart is truly good, and she educated her children well. In the celebration room they approach True Mother and called her Omonim. Also, True Mother took Junko shopping in America years ago, and bought her a blueberry muffin, shared, fresh and delicious, and that True Mother liked it. So she practiced baking blueberry muffins, hundreds of times, to try to equal that quality, and she brought her muffins to True Mother at the speech, also 1,000 crane origami. She is planning a national testimony tour when her children get older.

I saw Father signing the book called CTA and Ideal Kingdom, 1,000 pages thick, including Father's prayer and reality of spirit world. Father signed 700 books that day, taking many hours, and at the tour they were given to successful leaders. The successful blessed wives received True Mother's hanboks. True Mother sent 103 of them to Japan, that she wore once. They feel as if True Mother is always with them because of that. They loan theirs to a successful sister who nonetheless did not receive one, and they wear for one hour and take a photo . And successful brothers get photographs with True Mother's hanbok on a chair next to them. And photo with True Mother while holding the book. A heartistic revolution.

The tour ended March 4, and we were scheduled to return to Seoul, but True Father said she should fly back that night to Cheju. Arrived at Cheju at 10 p.m,. and Father welcomed her at the airport with a flower bouquet and welcoming hug. There were 1,000 Korean leaders there, and 11 pm -- 2 am we celebrated with singing, dancing and reports.

I encourage all American brothers and sisters to pray and support True Parents so this speaking tour will be a great victory as well.

A Message from Friends of Tom and Kitty Wojcik

Lynn Criner

This is written on behalf of Tom and Kitty Wojick.

The Wojicks served as missionaries in Russia and were, at one time, planning to go to Pakistan as national messiahs. However, last year, Tom nearly died because of liver failure and he could not get a liver transplant. Then, it turned out that his wife, Kitty, was able to save his life by giving him half of her liver. This was a very fortunate event for their family. There has been much rejoicing for them.

However, Tom is still very seriously ill. The medicine on which his life depends (because it keeps him from rejecting his new liver) is sickening him and he has, among other things, developed full-blown diabetes. He is exceedingly weak. Kitty has not yet recovered from donating half her liver, and she is infirm as well and will remain so for a good many more months.

The Wojicks are barely able to get through each day taking care of their six children. Tom must go three times a week for check-ups to a hospital in Virginia. The Wojicks once had a van, but they had to sell it at nearly a total loss, and their car is on its last legs.

It appears that the Wojick family will be dependent upon donations for some time to come. Although they are extremely grateful for what they have already received, unfortunately, at this time, neither parent can work or fund raise.

Our community is not particularly affluent.

However, if it were possible for many families to donate a small amount of money, such as $10, each month for, say, 12 months, the Wojicks could hopefully get on their feet. The idea behind this donation is that there may be enough families in our community who can donate a small amount each month without sacrifice. Any donation of any size at any time would be very much appreciated, needless to say. The present need for money is real.

However, the primary hope is that a small, but steady, donation, beginning in March, of at least $10 (or more, or less) will come each month from many families for about a year. This may be longer than is necessary. However, making a secure plan seems better than asking for too little and then confusing people by asking again. If the Wojicks somehow cease to need the money, we will get the word out right away.

If your family wants to give to this fund, please make your checks payable to THE WOJICK FAMILY FUND. Mail your contributions to Anna Mizani, 10606 Glen Wild Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20866. If you have questions, please call Lynn Criner at (301) 341-1140 email lcriner@tidalwave.net or Sarah Nishioka at (301) 731-8834.

Lead Us to the Gate of Heaven

We were very moved one day when our daughter Melody, 7, made up the words and music for this song.—Jeffrey & Maija Kingsley


Lead us to the Gate of Heaven.
We haven’t done wrong.
Lead us to the Gate of Heaven,
Where glory isn’t just a dream.
We tried to do kind deeds
And we tried to be caring.
We were full of righteousness.
So please lead us to the Gate of Heaven.


Over the years we helped many people.
We prayed a lot. We went to church.
We read the Bible and Divine Principle.
We wanted to free slaves
When we read how Moses did it.
So please lead us to the Gate of Heaven.


If you do lead us to the Gate of Heaven,
We will explore the planets and see
How sparkling they are.
We will make some new friends up there
And look down and see how our friends
On earth are doing and just maybe
Talk to God! So please
Lead us to the Gate of Heaven!
