September 14, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
Kook Jin Nim with members of a UPF contingent after kyung-bae at the Peace World Center
I would like to welcome all of you; I would like to thank you for coming here to pay your respects to my father. He was truly not just my father but he was the father of all the people of the world. During this time of mourning, we've had the opportunity to receive more than 100,000 people who came to pay their respects to True Parents. All around the world millions of people have visited altars we have set up for our church members to offer condolences at. We are truly grateful to all of you and to all the people of the world that paid their respects. Our hope and our prayer is that you remember, and you feel deeply -- keel deep in your hearts -- that our True Parents came to earth, suffered and lived their life for us. They suffered for us all, so that God may forgive us of our sins, and that we may be qualified to enter His kingdom to be with Him.
UPF members writing final messages to True Father on a bulletin board
We pray that all of you may receive God's blessing so that together we may complete our True Father's vision of creating the kingdom of heaven on earth. Thank you very much.