October 14, 2009 Special Blessing Ceremony- Details and Updates

In Jin Moon
September 19, 2009

TO: USA District Directors, FFWPU Leaders, Blessed Central Families
FROM: Rev. In Jin Moon, Bishop Ki Hoon Kim
DATE: September 19, 2009
RE: October 14, 2009 Special Blessing Ceremony- Details and Updates

We would like to share more detailed information regarding the purpose, value and plan for the October 14, 2009 Blessing Ceremony that our True Parents have called all Blessed Central Families to attend, together with those newly matched First and Second Generation couples, Ambassadors for Peace and VIPs planning to participate.

I. Significance of October 14th Blessing On August 19 and 20, 2009, in Hoon Dok Hae at Cheon Jeong Gung, True Father explained:

“Humanity cannot unite and become owners of peace unless they share a common blood lineage… a condition must be set through which all six billion people in the world, from both the communist and the democratic worlds, receive the Blessing on the same day. Once that condition is set, then the Blessing can be given again and again to cleanse the entire world.”

On the following day, August 21, 2009, Father mentioned:

“If we cannot set the proper conditions together while Father is on the earth, you will be unable to set the necessary conditions without me in the future. If we miss the right time, you will have to wait for hundreds or thousands of years. Since it’s difficult for Father to set the necessary indemnity conditions to give the Blessing again, the event on October 14 is the beginning point of opening the way of setting the conditions needed to Bless the high and low people of this world, who are on all different levels, some as high as heaven and others as low as the earth.”

In his message at the celebration for the publication of True Father’s memoirs, also shared on July 4th in New York, he explained that this Blessing is held in a new age where humanity enters the realm of grace of being restored to its original state untainted by the fall, inheriting and sharing God’s original heart. He said that True Parents’ coronation and 50th Wedding Anniversary have established a foundation for complete oneness of Cain and Abel, and that this Blessing will usher in that new age, when all 6 billion people of the world are brought together in oneness through the Blessing, on the foundation of the True Parents’ enthronement. Father intends to expand the Blessing rapidly in the coming 3 years and 3 months before “D-day.” For this reason he announced on August 11:

“Everyone must receive the Blessing again by October 14 of this year. In attendance of True Parents, you must fulfill your filial duty to establish a victorious standard, calling on all the saints in the spirit world.”

More detailed content of True Fathers’ words regarding October 14th will be distributed soon.

II. Date, time, SCHEDULE:

October 14, 2009, 11:00 AM, at Sun Moon University, Asan, Korea, held simultaneously throughout the world by internet broadcast. That is 10:00 PM EST (New York and Washington, DC), and 7:00 PM PST (Los Angeles and San Francisco) on October 13 in the USA.

III. Locations - Where and How to Participate:

Couples have three options for participation:

A. With True Parents in Korea, October 14, 11:00 AM: Our International President, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, has asked for 100 representative couples from North America to join with True Parents and 12,000 world representatives at the main international ceremony. Those desiring to join should Email Blessing@familyfed.org and complete the application process. [see details in section V]

B. In New York City, where the main US Ceremony will be held October 13, 10:00 PM.

C. Locally, by internet broadcast. Our HQ will support District Directors to plan the number of sites needed to make this holy and historical event accessible to all Blessed Central Families by car or ground transportation. These locations will be announced in the coming days.

IV. Guidelines for Newly Matched Couples’ Participation

[Blessed Central Families -- see section V]

A. Who Should Participate

Newly matched First and Second Generation Couples who complete the requirements below, have registered their match with their District Blessed Family Department and completed all application requirements by September 30, 2009.

1) Qualifications for Second Generation matched couples:

(a) Match approved by parents and registered with district BFD

(b) Blessing application forms submitted and interview completed by Sept. 30, 2009

(c) Blessing Fee completed (see point C below)

(d) Blessing Education completed (see point B below)

(e) Recommended participation in national spiritual condition prior to October 14 (see National Condition, section VI)

2) Qualifications for First Generation matched couples:

(a) Match approved by district church and registered with district BFD

(b) Blessing application forms submitted and interview completed by Sept. 30, 2009

(c) Blessing Fee completed (see point C below)

(d) Blessing Education completed (see point B below)

(e) Seven Day Fast completed (or equivalent -- discuss with district BFD)

(f) Recommended participation in national spiritual condition prior to October 14 (see National Condition, section VI)

(g) The Blessing process for First Gen. includes the Holy Wine, Blessing and Chastening (Indemnity) ceremonies, a separation period and 3-day ceremony to begin family life. Participants will be guided regarding how to accomplish these.

B. Blessing Education - There will be a special Blessing Preparation Workshop for First and Second Generation matched couples participating in the October 14th Blessing ONLY.

As mentioned in national MEMO BFD 2009-09-08, in the future Blessing preparation will involve several levels of education for matching, Blessing and family life. This workshop represents the preparation of matched couples for the Blessing.

NOTE: The cost for participation in this workshop is included in the Blessing Fee. However, participants must register for the appropriate workshop. Applications will be available by Monday, September 21 in the members area at www.familyfed.org.

There are three opportunities to complete this education requirement prior to October 14th:

1) Preparation Workshop at UTS in Barrytown, New York, October 9-11. Beginning 6:00 PM Friday evening at UTS, and concluding Sunday with Lovin’ Life Ministry Worship and an afternoon meeting for all couples with Rev. In Jin Moon. (please plan departure flights after 5:30 PM Sunday- Several late evening flights to Korea are available from JFK).

2) Preparation Workshop in San Francisco, CA, October 9-11. Beginning 6:00 PM Friday evening at a location to be announced, concluding Sunday at Worship Service. Several afternoon flights to Korea are available from SFO.

3) Preparation Workshop at the Lovin’Life Learning Center, 4 W. 43rd Street, New York, NY, October 13, 2009. Beginning 8:00 AM and concluding with the Blessing ceremony at 10:00 PM.

C. Three Options for Blessing Participation

We recommend the following three options for those planning to participate in the preparatory workshop and the Blessing ceremony October 14th:

1) Preparation Workshop in NY or SF Oct. 9-11 è Blessing at Main Ceremony in Korea.

Couples in NY can complete workshop, attend Lovin’ Life worship, meet with Rev. In Jin Moon, and depart late Sunday evening from JFK for Korea, arriving 4 or 4:30 AM, October 13th. Transportation will be provided from Incheon Airport to the Blessing and accommodations, where participant schedule begins October 13th morning.

Couples in SF can complete workshop and worship, and depart for Korea Sunday afternoon, arriving early evening on October 12th. Transportation will be prepared from Incheon Airport to the Blessing and accommodations, where participant schedule begins the following morning.

2) Preparation Workshop in NY or SF October 9-11 è Return home for local Blessing Ceremony by internet Tuesday evening, October 13th.

3) Preparation Workshop and Blessing at Main USA Ceremony (by internet broadcast) in New York, October 13th. Couples desiring to experience the main ceremony in New York should arrive by Monday evening, October 12th, and join education and program all day Tuesday. Accommodation and meals will be provided; details will follow soon.

D. Blessing Fee

The Blessing fee, established by our True Parents, is an historical condition and offering of sincerity and seriousness to receive the gift of divine love, life and lineage from True Parents through the Blessing, which means far more than simply getting married. The Blessing fee for North America is as follows:

1) For newly matched First or Second Generation couples -- $2,000 per candidate. NOTE: for couples traveling to Korea, an offering of $1,500 per candidate is accepted in order to offset some of the costs of travel.

2) For previously married First Generation couples -- $2,000 per couple.

3) For candidates who paid the full Blessing fee for a previous Blessing which has broken- $500 for this re-Blessing.

PAYMENT PLAN: For candidates in financial difficulty, with an offering of at least $1,000 prior to the Blessing, the remaining fees can be paid by the end of 2009, but must be completed to fulfill the offering established as a condition by True Parents.

Blessing Fee payment forms and information regarding payment plans can be obtained from your District BFD (see section VIII). Or download the payment form at www.familyfed.org by clicking “member login” at top right, logging in and clicking the “International Peace Marriage Blessing Ceremony” banner at the right. Links to forms are available at the bottom of that page. Submit fees to:

National BFD- ATTN: Mrs. Yukari Kim
Suite 620
481 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10036

E. Application and Registration Deadline- all forms must be submitted to the National BFD through your by September 30, 2009.

F. Transportation and Accommodation for participants traveling to New York or Korea will be provided for candidates, covered by the Blessing fee. Details will be announced soon.

G. Additional Information

1) Attire for participants -- GROOMS: dark suit, white shirt, red tie; BRIDES: wedding dress and veil (veils should be provided, which will be confirmed soon)

2) Blessing Rings -- all participants will need a Blessing Ring for the ceremony. 14K Gold Blessing rings can be pre-purchased in America by calling. You must order by Tuesday, September 29, with your ring size and method of payment in order to guarantee delivery. The current price for these Blessing rings is $280 (female) and $320 (male). A limited number of metal rings are available from National BFD for $15 on a first-come, first-served basis. To order contact Blessing@familyfed.org. Any availability of rings in Korea will be confirmed and announced soon.

3) Ceremonial items -- such as gloves, veils and Blessing scarves will be provided by HQ for participants in Korea or New York.

4) Schedule -- participants in Korea should plan for three days of activities: Oct. 13-15, with the last day including sightseeing for international couples and celebration. The schedule for New York includes Blessing Education from 8:00 AM on October 13. Further details regarding the schedule in New York and local US ceremonies will be announced.

V. Guidelines for Blessed Central Families’ Participation

A. Who Should Participate

As noted, Father has asked all Blessed Central Families, including parents, children, and tribe as well, to participate in this Blessing Ceremony. Spouses or children who have ascended can participate spiritually, and should be represented by a photo in the physical ceremony. Members whose Blessing has broken, but have maintained faith and the standards of the Blessing should participate. For any whose Blessing may have been tainted by infidelity, they should participate according to the recommendations in part C below.

B. Family Participation

Family members who have difficulty to participate in the same location should join together in spirit, participating in their various local ceremonies.

C. Significance of Participation

Blessed Central Families’ participation October 14th is an important offering for the globalization of the Blessing and the establishment of Cheon Il Guk, and is no doubt deeply significant for each family. It is not, however, a forgiveness or amnesty ceremony. If a Blessing has been violated by infidelity, that couple should consult their district BFD and leadership, participate in an approved preparatory condition prior to October 14th, and plan to fulfill appropriate conditions after October 14th to restore the sanctity of their Blessing with the grace of God and True Parents. With these conditions, guided and approved by their district leadership or BFD, couples may also participate in the October 14th Blessing.

For further information, or for any other concerns regarding couples not in good standing, please consult with your district leadership and BFD.

D. Blessing Donation, Registration and Reporting

Each Blessed Central Family in North America should prepare a donation for this Blessing of $1,000 for their family and tribe. Families should register with your district. The deadline for registration is September 30, 2009. Registration forms can be obtained from your district office, or downloaded at www.familyfed.org by clicking “member login” at top right, logging in and clicking the “International Peace Marriage Blessing Ceremony” banner at the right. Links to forms are available at the bottom of that page.

The deadline for donation submission to National HQ from each district is October 5, 2009. All donations should be collected by each district HQ and submitted to national HQ, which will forward these entire offerings and a list of US donors to International HQ in Korea. Instructions for districts to submit donations will be provided later. Family donations should not be sent directly to National HQ or BFD.

PAYMENT PLAN: We are currently seeking international approval for a payment plan for families in financial difficulty.

E. For Participants in Korea

International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon has asked for 100 couples to represent North America at the international ceremony in Korea on October 14th. A couple alone may represent their Blessed Family, or if only one is able to travel, they may participate with a photo of their spouse. Couples desiring to participate in Korea should:

1) Report their planned participation by Email to Blessing@familyfed.org. Indicate the name and number of participants planning to attend.

2) Submit completed application forms (see point C above) to their district HQ, and forward a copy to the National BFD by Email or by fax.

F. For BCFs Visiting from Other Nations, Who Plan to Participate in the USA

Blessed Central Families who are members in another country or international region must apply and submit their appropriate national donation for this Blessing through their own country or region. Documentation of their application and approval from their national or regional leadership must be submitted to the US district where they plan to participate.

Any special circumstance or request requires endorsement from their nation or region and approval from the USA District where they will participate.

VI. National Condition of Sincerity and Unity

As True Parents have asked Korean Blessed Families to participate on behalf of all 80 Million Koreans, President Hyung Jin Moon initiated a 40-day condition and special activity for oneness with True Parents and the success of the Special Blessing Ceremony. These include 21 bows for 12 days (connected to Hyun Jin Nim’s 21,000 bows) and 7-day breakfast fast [devotion], participation in DP workshop [word], and bringing one couple to the Blessing [outreach].

To connect with this condition and unite the American movement for the support of True Parents’ Special Blessing Ceremony, our Executive Vice President Rev. Joshua Cotter has initiated a 21 Day National Condition from September 23rd to October 13th. Our entire US movement is encouraged to make conditions of sincerity in one or more of these three areas:

A. Devotion -- fasting (breakfast fast for 7, 12 or 21 days; 1 day or 40 hour fast, etc.); prayer (7, 12 or 21 days for unity with True Parents and True Family, success of Special Blessing- details to be announced); bowing, cold shower or other devotional offerings.

B. Word - Hoon Dok Hae with True Families: Gateway to Heaven, Father’s June 1 speech or other; For those who can, participation in ODP workshop

C. Outreach - invite guests to Sunday worship, small group or other event (if appropriate); invite new Blessing participants.

American president and Senior Pastor Rev. In Jin Moon has encouraged that all Unificationists develop a creative, personal and meaningful spiritual condition during the 21 days prior to this Blessing, based on the recommendations above. Details will follow in a separate memo.

VII. Registration Forms and application Deadline (Matched couples and BCFs) Application forms to participate in the October 14th Blessing are available at www.familyfed.org by clicking “member login” at top right, logging in and clicking the “International Peace Marriage Blessing Ceremony” banner at the right. Links to forms are available at the bottom of that page. Applications must be submitted by September 30, 2009.


For questions or additional information, please contact your district HQ or Blessed Family Department. District BFD representatives can be reached at:

Dist. 1: Doug and Cheryl Wetzstein
Dist. 2: Chen Lawrence Fong
Dist. 3: Masako Feddema
Dist. 4: Marjorie Buessing
Dist. 5: Tomiyo Miyazake
Dist. 6: Chris and Mihoko Rood
Dist. 7: Fumiye Ikeda
Dist. 8: Rosemary Yokoi
Dist. 9: Alice Fleisher
Dist. 10: Richard and Hiroko Stumpf
Dist. 11: Poppy Richie
Dist. 12: Peter and Klara Chen

The national BFD can be reached at Blessing@familyfed.org, and will respond promptly.


Reverend In Jin Moon
President and CEO HSA, FFWPU-USA

Reverend Ki Hoon Kim
Continental Director - North America