In Jin Moon
September 8, 2009
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
North American Headquarters
481 8th Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001
Tel: 212-997-0050 | Fax: 212-768-0791 | E-mail:
(MEMO: BFD 2009-09-08)
TO: District Directors, FFWPU Leaders, Blessed Central Families
FROM: Reverend In Jin Moon and Reverend Ki Hoon Kim
DATE: September 8, 2009
RE: International Blessing Ceremony- October 14, 2009 in Korea
We are pleased to announce, as many of you have no doubt heard, that there will be an International Blessing Ceremony held in Korea on October 14, 2009, which will be officiated by True Parents. The accompanying International Memo [No. FFWPUI 2009-41] explains the purpose and basic details of the ceremony. This national memo will further clarify how these relate to the USA, and how those matched couples who wish to participate in the Blessing should prepare. Further details will follow as they are announced.
I. Purpose of the Blessing:
To commemorate and bequeath the important achievements of the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk, including the Coronation Ceremony for the Authority of the Liberation of God, and more (see international memo for details).
II. Date, time, venue:
October 14, 2009, 11:00 AM, at Sun Moon University, Asan, Korea. That is 10:00 PM EST (New York and Washington, DC), and 7:00 PM PST (Los Angeles and San Francisco) on October 13 in the USA. Local ceremonies will be conducted via internet throughout America at that time. NOTE: matched couples attending in Korea will take part in a program from October 13-14. Details will be announced soon.
True Parents will not match Second Generation candidates for this Blessing.
This ceremony is for couples seeking the Blessing, but also represents an opportunity to connect with and inherit True Parents’ foundation of victory in 2009. Father has instructed that all Blessed Families throughout the world should participate in this significant level of Blessing.
True Parents taught us that the Blessing, given to us conditionally even before we had lived up to its standard, is being bequeathed in stages. Even as True Parents reestablished their own Blessing in the era of God’s kingship, Blessed Families worldwide are called to commemorate and connect with the providential achievements in the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk, 2009.
Therefore, this ceremony will welcome (refer to international memo FFWPUI 2009-41):
A. Representative VIP couples worldwide
B. Matched First and Second Generation couples, previously married couples, widows
C. All Blessed Couples
Since there is no matching ceremony for Blessed Children planned for this Blessing, only second generation couples who are already engaged should participate in this ceremony. New international guidelines for matching and Blessing in the era after the coming of Heaven are being developed with the guidance of International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, emphasizing education, preparation and candidates’ ownership.
Therefore, we do not recommend hurried matches in order to join this ceremony. Candidates should have an appropriate foundation of education and commitment. Couples need the time and opportunity to know each other and become committed owners, responsible for their marital future, before making an eternal vow in front of God and True Parents. Blessing ceremonies will take place with regularity, and no couple, parent or pastor need push or rush to participate in the October ceremony unless fully prepared.
Participants are welcome to join with True Parents at the main ceremony in Korea. However, every Blessed Couple should have access to the ceremony via internet broadcast. Details regarding US ceremony locations will be announced.
Matched couples planning to participate in the October 14th Blessing should complete a special preparation workshop designed for couples prior to the Blessing. This workshop will be held in the New York area from Friday evening, October 2, through the Loving Life Worship Service on October 4. A workshop will also be held on the west coast. Details and registration information will follow soon.
NOTE: Previously, one Blessing Workshop was held for candidates of all ages and situations. From now on Blessing education will naturally be woven into youth education, and Blessing preparation will be more relevant and specific:
(a) for candidates to prepare for finding a match,
(b) for engaged couples to prepare for Blessing,
(c) for Blessed couples to prepare for married life, and
(d) ongoing educational support for relationships, parenting, etc.
The Blessing Fee is an important condition for each couple to receive the Blessing, and should be completed prior to October 14. The designated fee for North America is $2,000 per candidate [For those traveling to Korea, $1,500 per candidate is acceptable]. Candidates being re-Blessed, who completed their Blessing fee previously, should offer $500. Previously married couples should prepare $2,000 per couple. Details will follow.
Blessed couples who are also joining the ceremony at True Parents’ invitation should prepare a special donation to True Parents of $1,000.
Matched couples must register for the Blessing, and complete the application process by September 30th. Forms and directions may be obtained in the members’ section at (login at top right). Detailed instructions for matched candidates will follow soon. Already Blessed couples joining the ceremony should complete the attached application form and submit it to your district by Sunday, September 27th.
Contact:, or call Mrs. Hiromi Stephens or Mrs. Debby Gullery.