Explanation of the Purpose of the Original Divine Principle Education Sessions

In Jin Moon
May 28, 2009

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This memo briefly explains the importance of the upcoming “Original” Divine Principle Workshops in Las Vegas. True Father has entitled the program, “The Education Session Proclaiming the Completion of the Liberated Realm of the Portion of Responsibility in God’s Providential History.” We are anticipating one and maybe two workshops in Las Vegas every month.

As you may recall, in the Explanation of the Divine Principle it is mentioned that not all of the Principle was revealed at the time of the writing of that text. The content of the upcoming Las Vegas is the “Original” Divine Principle that Father promised he would reveal. It includes the current Divine Principle with very significant new and quite lengthy additions from True Father.

It is the “Word” that our Heavenly Parent wanted to share with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. With un-fallen Adam and Eve sitting on His lap, this is the content that God wanted to whisper in their ears.

One major focus is the Principle of Creation and the way we should live in the Kingdom of Heaven. The workshop also reveals in detail the core principles on the eight-stage restoration course that True Parents victoriously completed. All Blessed Families are to fulfill this course and the workshop will help you know what you need to do. By applying the content we can make ourselves and our families the “temple” in which God can truly rest and be at peace.

True Father was going to reveal the Original Divine Principle in the future. However, based on the resurrection victory of overcoming death through the helicopter trial, True Father is able to reveal the Original Divine Principle to us now.

Last year in Hawaii, True Parents announced that they would be responsible for God’s dispensation from now on. True Parents are taking responsibility for God’s 95-percent portion of responsibility to realize the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk by 2013. And they are willing to pay whatever price is necessary to make sure God can rest and that the substantial Kingdom of Heaven will be realized according to God’s providential time table.

For our five-percent portion of responsibility, all Blessed Central Families are now asked to attend the workshop in Las Vegas. Attendance sets a condition of unity with our True Parents. Our new President, Rev. In Jin Moon attended the workshop in Hawaii along with the key international leaders of our movement. The twelve District Directors and most of the state leaders of America also completed this course in either Hawaii and in Korea.

The special “education sessions on the Original Principle” have developed a great deal since the first workshop in Hawaii. It is one of the most refreshing, and uplifting of experiences. This new “Word” will give your original mind strength. You will also be given deep guidance on how to unite your actions with your original mind.

Beyond the “Word” of the Original Divine Principle, True Father is conveying something even greater than the truth. He is showing us the way of True Love. For Father, there are no enemies. He wants to make a way to cleanse everything, everything in history and every person, so that all can be liberated and released from the sad history since the fall.

Please join us at the first Las Vegas “Original” Divine Principle workshop. We are expecting True Parents to visit, along with Hyung Jin Nim and In Jin Nim. This first workshop in America will be historic, and I hope you can be there with us. Graduates will receive a signed certificate from True Parents.
