Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven

In Jin Moon
July 8 2010

From, the website for the Unification Church in Korea.

On 5.27 by the Heavenly Calendar (July 8, 2010), over 15,000 members from around the world gathered at the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum to attend True Parents and hold the "Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."

There was a special attendance of representative families of seven nations -- England, America, France, Japan, Germany and Italy, as well as representatives from other nations. Over eight thousand gathered in the outdoor plaza of the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, over five thousand gathered in the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center, and tens of thousands of members participated in the event by Internet broadcast.

After a pre-program event, a video was watched, International President Hyung Jin Moon gave welcoming remarks and introduced True Parents, and True Parents gave their speech.

International President Hyung Jin Moon introduced True Parents as the Messiah, True Parents and King of Kings in this place where all humanity had been mobilized. He introduced True Father as God's true son who inherited and perfected God's true love, and bequeathed God's true love to human beings through his life, guiding human beings on the earth and in the spirit world to perfection.

He also emphasized the value of True Parents and testified that they represent the Second Coming of Christ and are the True Parents of all humanity. After True Parents had been introduced, the president of the Brazilian Church and his wife offered bouquets of flowers to True Parents, and True Parents came on stage to convey precious words to us.

Before True Parents' speech, True Father emphasized the importance of the relationship between the Word and the Substantial Body, and said that he hoped this would be a time for everyone gathered to make a new determination with a grateful heart toward Heaven's blessings.

On this day, True Father emphasized that True Parents were completely united and on the level of completion, perfection and conclusion, they had offered to God and proclaimed the age of all-encompassment, omnipresence, total authority and omnipotence. He also proclaimed that the victory ceremony of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Israels, which was to conclude the Rebirth, Resurrection and Seunghwa Ceremonies held on the occasion of the Seunghwa Ceremony for Former U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig, was transferred to Korea.

Father emphasized that God's homeland and hometown has now become Korea and proclaimed Korea to be God's homeland, allowing the Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind to be completed in Korea, as proclaimed today on July 8.

After Father's speech, the event was completed. Those in attendance were invited by True Parents to attend an Original Divine Principle workshop, starting at 5 p.m. at the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center, based on True Parents' special direction.