Celebrating the 43rd True God's Day on February 14th

In Jin Moon
February 8, 2010

NHQ20100208 No. 1

To: District Directors, State Leaders, Blessed Central Families, all Members
From: Reverend In Jin Moon, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Reverend Joshua Cotter
Re: Celebrating the 43rd True God's Day on February 14th
Date: February 8th, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May God and True Parents' blessings and love be with all of your families.

In accordance with our True Parents' direction, we will be celebrating the 43rd True God's Day on February 14 (1st day of the 1st month on the lunar calendar) and True Parents' Birthday (True Father will be 90, True Mother will be 67) on February 19 (6th day of the 1st month on the lunar calendar). In Korea a number of events to be held over the course of six days (including the Holy Blessing) are being prepared by the staff at Cheon Bok Gung and the Korean Headquarters to commemorate these occasions. Many among our national leadership and Ambassadors for Peace will be attending from America.

During the 43rd True God's Day celebration on January 1 of this year, True Father spoke about 'uniting the solar and lunar calendars and using a single calendar.' On January 8 True Parents gave instructions to celebrate the eight Holy Days and all church holidays according to the lunar calendar, starting from January 1 on the lunar calendar, which is February 14 on the solar calendar. On January 8 True Father also spoke about this 6-day celebration period from January 1-6 (lunar calendar) saying, "This period will be a time for a festival to celebrate and commemorate True Parents' Birthday. It represents the 6-day period that was required for God's creation of the heavens and the earth and a period that completer the providence of re-creation through which Cain and Abel can be reconciled centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the King of Kings. A new beginning will be made on the 7th day, following this 6-day period."

Brothers and sisters, this is a time for all of our families to make a new beginning, offering conditions that can bring us closer in heart to our Heavenly Parent and to our True Parents. I would also like to ask you to pray about and consider making an offering from your family, in the form of a financial donation, in honor of True Parents' Birthday. This donation should come from your heart (with the amount to be determined by you) out of your desire to honor and attend our True Parents on this great occasion. I expect and hope that every family would want to make some offering at this time.

You may make your offering through your local church, making your checks payable to HSA-UWC. We have just a over a week before the celebration of True Parents' Birthday, so I urge you to act quickly. You may let your local pastor know the amount that you want to pledge to give, in the event that it is difficult for you to give your donation this week.

Let us earnestly pray for and lift up our True Parents, honoring them for all that they have done and continue to do for God, for humanity and for each of us. And let us truly bring joy to them by celebrating True God's Day and True Parents' Birthday with our whole heart, as one family.

May God bless you.