Making True Parents' Birthday celebration become a festival for all humankind

Hyung Jin Moon
December 2011

Hyung Jin and Yeon Ah Moon in North Korea December 13, 2011

Hyung Jin and Yeon Ah Moon in North Korea December 13, 2011

The True Peace and Unity Cheonbok Festival was begun as a means to address the questions: How can True Parents' Birthday celebration become a festival for all humankind? How can the declaration of the Messiah be made most effectively?

In Buddhist countries when the Buddha's birthday nears, everyone knows it is coming. In Christian countries when Jesus' birthday is approaching, the signs are unavoidable. Beginning in Korea, President Moon has taken the initiative to bring True Parents' joint birthday similarly into the public consciousness. Last February he introduced the Cheonbok Festival as a starting point.

One aspect of the upcoming, second annual Cheonbok Festival that is likely to bring True Parents to the attention of the public is a grand street parade through the heart of Seoul. No doubt the media will take an interest, as two or three thousand members -- including representatives from other countries -- are expected to take part. Recognition of the True Parents' births' worldwide should indeed be boosted by a parade through a busy city of 11 million.

In 2011, True Parents began a new tradition of commemorating their birthday on True God's Day, which is now celebrated on the first day of the first month (1.1) of the heavenly calendar -- January 23 in 2012 and February 10 in 2013, twelve days before Foundation Day. True Parents' birthday, God's Day and remembrance of the Coronation for the Kingship of God will all be celebrated on the same day.

Five thousand people are expected at the New Year Midnight Prayer at the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center, which will launch this special holy day and a week of events.

In a separate ceremony following the True God's Day and holy birth celebrations, True Parents will hold their third and final Holy Wedding, which will celebrate the restored Adam and Eve's oneness with God. A celebratory luncheon will honor True Mother on her seventieth birthday. This celebration is known in Korean as goluti. Father has suggested that at the wedding it will be as if he were the same age as True Mother.

On the eve of this day, a UPF International Leadership Conference will hold its opening plenary at Cheon Bok Gung, our World Headquarters Church. As that session concludes, cheonbok lanterns, which symbolize welcoming the Lord, will be lit and hung in the temple forecourt in anticipation of various New Year events. Though most of the ILC sessions will take place at a hotel, participants will be invited to take part in True Parents' gohui, the luncheon and the street parade.

As was the case in 2011, True Parents will be actively involved in the 2012 Cheonbok Festival. They are expected to visit Cheon Bok Gung in Seoul to create cheonbok holy salt for the spiritual protection of our members. (This will be available by mail order worldwide to members for a set donation.)

Official communications about this and other aspects of the holy day period have been sent to national headquarters. The official Cheonbok Festival web site can be viewed at

Other events to be hosted at Cheon Bok Gung are as diverse as a musical play depicting True Parents' lives and a charity blood drive. A student-run CARP festival will take up most of one day and will no doubt be an exciting addition to the portfolio of celebrations. A multicultural festival showcasing the talents and cuisine of non-Korean members will be open to anyone from the neighborhood surrounding Cheon Bok Gung.

A Japanese tea ceremony will brighten the Cheon Bok Gung lobby, and exhibitions of artistic talent, including a choral competition and talent show, will continue throughout the week. A painting competition is already underway, and the best paintings will be on exhibit at Cheon Bok Gung during the festival.

A debate, organized by World CARP, between proponents of atheism and of theism will convene students who recognize the value of being able to articulate cogent arguments for God's existence as a being of love. This will further remind us that we are part of a larger human community and must engage even (perhaps especially) those who virulently oppose our worldview.

Thus, the Cheonbok Festival is for all God's children, for whose blessing and redemption True Parents have come. Bringing our festivities out of the confines of our most private and venerated halls and into the public forum, inviting the public to participate, opens a way for the world's people to acknowledge and respond in celebration to God's gift for all humankind. 

True Mother's Higher Level of Responsibility

Hyung Jin Moon
November 27, 2011

Hyung Jin Moon, November 22, 2011

Hyung Jin Moon, November 22, 2011

Hyung Jin Nim's account of recent incidences in which True Father has been "training" True Mother is so striking that I have transcribed his statement. That transcript is posted below. The video includes additional comments by one of the women elders at the Cheon Bok Gung about how Father has been "training" Mother. Those comments are not included in the following transcript.
Brother Glenn Strait

Note: Hyung Jin Nim was speaking in Korean. The following is a transcript of the on-the-spot English translation, so it should not be considered as a precise translation of Hyung Jin Nim's words. View the video at

Hyung Jin Nim speaks by video to the Sunday service at the Cheon Bok Gung.

…There is one thing that we must all keep in mind during this very important providential time. Most especially, we are all preparing globally for the anniversary of True Parents' birth and True Mother's 70th birthday. Here at Cheon Bok Gung also preparations are in full swing.

Brothers and sisters as you well know during the Cheon Bok Festival we are preparing many joyful celebrations and events, including a parade that will proclaim to the world the coming of the True Parents for all humankind. Through these the Unification Church will appear more confident and solid than before.

As we mark True Parents holy birth and True Mother's 70th birthday, True Parents will hold their holy wedding at the third stage, the final stage, the completion stage, holy wedding of the True Parents. From the point of view of Divine Principle, True Mother is to become the perfected Eve through True Father from that point. And with True Father becoming the substantial self embodying God's being, this holy wedding in which True Mother is married together with God is such an important and historic day and ceremony.

As all of you are thinking, since the beginning when God created Adam and Eve he has wanted to love Eve through Adam. He has wanted to become one with Eve. But through the history of the fall Eve, became the wife of the Archangel. She became his object partner in a miserable position, and what is more, a history completely devoid of God's heart and love has resulted in the world. For this reason, if we speak of God's wrath, of course when God observes the sin and evil throughout the world he will especially be upset and wrathful toward Eve or those in the position of Eve.

If Eve had fulfilled her responsibility, she would have become one with Adam, and she would have been able to stand as God's wife. Because that most essential position was lost, the Providence to restore Adam and Eve has been unfolding because it originally couldn't be done. This is something we know from the Principle. True Parents are standing now on the final stage of that path. In just a few months, Father and Mother as true Adam and Eve will be dedicated back to God.

So on this course, in this time, True Mother is going through a time of harder, more fearsome training than ever before. The reason we need to understand this is that as we deepen our awareness of True Parents' position, we must return to them more encouragement, hope, strength, and energy than ever before. For example, a few days ago during Hoon Dok Hae, Father had Mother come before him and he scolded her quite strongly, saying, "That way… Offer a bow in that direction. Offer a bow in this direction." And members may have had some trouble understanding why Father asked Mother to do this.

But Father doesn't look at these things with humanistic eyes, through ordinary human eyes. True Father, who is the center of the spirit world and the embodiment of God's being, the one who sees and feels all the heavenly fortune, is the one who will leave all the future in True Mother's hands. In short, Father is in the position of Adam, and he is in that position training Mother. If we look with humanistic eyes this training course would be something very sad and difficult and very stressful to see and observe. But we must understand clearly about the wisdom through which Father is training Mother. We must look from the point of view of heart and from the point of view of the position Father holds.

As the substantial self of God he will make Eve anew and most especially so that Mother can become the Mother to whom he can pass on even greater responsibility -- even though Father's heart is so painful for having to do so. He is training Mother quite strongly and even harshly, for her own sake for this purpose.

Beloved members of our church and brothers and sisters, when we see this we may tremble and feel fear. But we have to think of this from True Mother's point of view. For 50 years True Mother has with complete and absolute faith, love, and willingness to follow and obey been attending True Father. Moreover in this moment, True Mother is going through this severe training facing these enormous challenges, shedding tears, sometimes for herself as an individual, and so many more for humankind. And she experiences such deep pain in her heart. Because she is a person she naturally feels such emotions.

But even so, as I observe our True Father, I have come to have great hope and I am deeply moved to see this, because Mother sheds tears but she nevertheless continues to always follow and obey True Father and understands her position as the True Mother. She shows this oneness with Father. And we also can understand that she is someone who without doubt will be able to reach the position of True Eve. Truly, she is doing something that no one else could do. We say that we follow and attend True Parents, but if we compare ourselves with True Mother, we are not really doing very much. We are doing nothing.

And so from this time, we must truly repent, and once again observe our True Parents from a spiritual viewpoint, with spiritual eyes. As I'll be going to North Korea in this coming week… brothers and sisters of Cheon Bok Gung church, please send greater love to our True Parents. If you attend Hoon Dok Hae at the Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, please be people who can send good energy, laughter, and joy to True Parents….

Let's begin the service today with the words of our True Father [from 1994]:

Women have sinned a lot. A lot of sins have been committed even against my position. In order to liberate those sins we have to go to the bottom of the worst place. If we do not liberate this, if we do not erect a foundation of liberation there in the lower realms, there is no place for Mother to stand. Women have confined me, given me pain. Haven't I been cursed even on account of women? All this has been in order to discover one Mother, to unearth one Mother. As I overcame things, I had to raise Mother. Everyone who said they did not like that found that they were falling back, or stepping backwards.

But Mother is such an amazing person. I feel so grateful to her. Could it just have been a heavenly accident that such a mother was given to the Unification Church? Mother regretted even that she couldn't love more people who may have thought of her as an enemy. When you see this, what do you feel? If there is such a queen in this world there will certainly be a kingdom where ideal sons and daughters can be born and raised, which will not wither away even in 1,000 or 10,000 years. There are those kinds of stories. 

How we educate our children on the Unification Principle

Hyung Jin Moon
November 22, 2011


This is from a series of five tweets from the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim in response to a question on how the International President's couple educates their own children on the Unification Principle.

We teach the Four Great Realms of Shim Jung, and find ways to do this in the context of our children's daily lives. On the Shim Jung of Parents, we make sure our children, no matter how busy they may be with school and other matters, greet their grandparents (True Parents) in person at least once a week. (We have them sing for True Parents and offer them presents such as letters and pictures.)

Showing the children how well we live as husband and wife is truly important for them to prepare for their own future Blessing. Practicing the realm of Shim Jung in which husband and wife express our love for each other teaches the children to want to receive the Blessing.

On relationships among siblings, we often have our children recite the following phrase: "We are happy because we have each other!

Finally, skinship between children and parents is truly important. When the children wake up in the morning, they offer kyung-bae to us. Thank you, Thank you, and they kiss us three times: on the forehead, right cheek and left cheek. We do the same for them.

When Hyung Jin Nim feels himself growing distant from our growing daughter, he will massage her for about 15 minutes before bed time on her head, back, abdomen and feet. Isn't he a wonderful father? Also, whenever the children return to the home, they offer a kyung-bae before a photograph of True Parents and always establish the Principle before meals. 

The meaning of "Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Hyung Jin Moon
November 21, 2011

Hyung Jin Moon, March 2, 2011

Hyung Jin Moon, March 2, 2011

This is from a series of four tweets from the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim in response to a question on understanding the meaning of "Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage" among the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials.

It is true that many members find this text particularly difficult to understand among the Eight Textbooks... and Teaching Materials. So in the Cheon Bok Gung, we invited Professor Oh Taek Ryong and studied this text in our Malsseum School. I will send you a summary of what was presented there.

We understand this to be the best text for explaining identity. First, who is True Father? Second, who is God? Third, who are Blessed Families? Fourth, who are Second Generation Blessed Children?

First, True Father was born as a son of God in His direct lineage, without the slightest trace of the fall. Second, because of the fall, God's true sperm did not reach its destination. This will come to a conclusion with God's marriage next year.

Third, through the Cosmic Blessing, each of us was restored to our original status where we are without any trace of the fall. Fourth, the Second Generation Blessed Children are the leaders of the family Hoon Dok Hae. This is how we summarized it. I hope you find this helpful in deepening your understanding. 

Absolute Love

Hyung Jin Moon
October 29-30, 2011
Cheon Bok Gung
Seoul, Korea

The substance of my sermon today is about Luke 14:26 in the Bible. "If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."

Here, Jesus used very strong expressions. Let's analyze this quotation closely. At that time, Jesus told people, Hate your parents, the parents who'd raised you. Hate your wife, whom you love. Hate your children. Hate your siblings. If you want to become my disciple, you have to hate your own life and follow me. We tend to think that Jesus said only nice things like "Love your neighbor as yourself." However, the historical Jesus was a very strong person. If we read the Bible carefully, we can find the strong aspects of Jesus' character; we come to see that Jesus lived according to an absolute standard. Jesus is like Father; that is the standard Christ lives at.

When Christians in the early days saw this quotation from Luke 14:26, they would have known the word, in classical Greek, as miseo. In the Korean language, "hate" can be a strong expression, but in some cases, it can be mild. For example, a little kid might say, I hate you, Mom! However, the word miseo is stronger than that. The word means "abhorrence." It refers to extreme hate. Therefore, two thousand years ago, with Jerusalem as the background, it was an extreme word for not only the Jews but also the Greeks next to them.

Many feelings came to me while thinking of these statements by Jesus while I have been staying by Father's side. Observing Father, I can imagine what kind of person Jesus was. Jesus wasn't like a Hollywood actor with a soft smile, a soft voice, long blond hair and blue eyes, as we have seen him depicted in the world of imagery. Jesus was actually a revolutionary. He began a revolution and brought forth God's wrath. As Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Hyung Jin nim and Yeon Ah nim pray during Pledge Service at the Pine Ridge Resort on November 1 (Ahn Shi Il)

Hyung Jin nim and Yeon Ah nim pray during Pledge Service at the Pine Ridge Resort on November 1 (Ahn Shi Il)

He also said, two thousand years ago, "Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead." If someone said that to you when your parents had just passed away, it would be a very cutting remark. I cannot imagine any leader telling that to his disciples, but Jesus said it and so has Father. Mrs. Lan-young Moon, president of WFWP International, wrote in her testimony that she had been in Alaska with Father just before her mother died. She heard that her mother was in critical condition, so she reported this to Father and expressed her intent to return to Korea. But Father ordered her to stay with him, much as Jesus had instructed his disciple. Then, however, Father didn't say anything to her or instruct her on anything in particular but was on a boat at sea all day long for several days. During this time, her mother passed away. Mrs. Moon testified that she anguished over the question of why Father had seized her like that and had not allowed her to be with her mother during the last moments of her mother's life. But after that, Father appointed her to her important position. How high the standard of Jesus Christ is! How great is the passion of Christ! We can gain a perspective on our situation through the Bible.

It is very hard on our bodies when we attend Father. Often we cannot keep up. Father led a twenty-two-hour Hoon Dok Hae, took an hour of rest, led Hoon Dok Hae again, went out to sea for more than twelve hours, came ashore, boarded a helicopter to go somewhere else, arrived at his destination and held a meeting. Those who take care of and follow Father are at the point of collapse. Actually, because I attend Father like this, I realize that I cannot always monitor myself well enough. Because I must follow Father -- however and whenever he moves and acts -- and run after him in an instant, I was not monitoring myself. I reached the point of being unable to continue, and became sick. Once I recovered, I realized the degree to which I am unable to adequately follow True Parents.

Now, notably, Father has a problem with his knees. His legs are in the process of recovering and he is not meant to stand because his knees are in supports. However, a few days ago he spoke at Sun Moon University. He said he had to be at the UPF event there. He stood up for the entire three and a half hours that he spoke. The assembled ambassadors for peace saw him pushing himself to the extreme. His whole body was sweating. Father is the body attending God without a moment of rest.

If God wants to speak for three hours through Father, Father must overcome the pain and endure three hours at the podium.

The event was to commemorate the twenty-year anniversary of True Parents visiting Kim II-sung, then the leader of North Korea. Twenty years ago, Father met Kim 11-Sung; they shared ideas, and formed a brotherly relationship. Father did things that no one else in Korean history could have done.

Based on the fact that this was the theme of the event, many peace ambassadors and others had come. After the welcoming speeches and an introduction, Father came to the podium. He began talking about absolute sexual ethics and the sexual organs. He even used expressions that from the viewpoint of society were somewhat vulgar. But he didn't say one word about the reunification of North Korea and South Korea! Father speaks about shocking topics. It was not only this event; he does so at many official events. If we look honestly into our own hearts, we may admit to feeling embarrassed by this.

As you know if you look at the history of Christianity, Martin Luther launched the Reformation. He completely changed Europe with a new revolution that began Protestantism, which continues to the present day. You may know of Martin Luther, but there is a hidden story about him that many people do not know. Martin Luther wrote in German; if you look at his original writings in German, you'll see strong, indecent, and profane expressions -- and many of them!

Martin Luther started out as a priest and later became a minister. When he was giving spiritual counsel to Christians, he educated them to use strong curse words. He said that you have to be able to shoot the worst curses that you can think of at Satan. Also if you look at Martin Luther's writings, he was attacking the Roman Catholic Pope and the Catholic organization which were corrupt and declining at that time. Therefore, Luther cursed them because Satan had entered them. One part of the Lutheran school said it was the Lutheran theology to repel Satan through curses.

Brothers and sisters, as you know, Martin Luther was the central theologian in the history of God's providence to prepare for the advent of True Parents on earth. He was the central figure who laid the global foundation within Christianity for the second advent of the Lord, the True Parents. That central figure used very strong curse words, extreme expressions that shocked ordinary people.

When Father says shocking things in public, I wonder if Father is using the same method Luther used. There are occasions on which Father speaks especially strongly to women; he used very strong expressions, strong language, about the sexual organs. When you see that, you have to look from God's perspective. That was the area of the body where Satan has obtained his greatest victories in fallen history. Therefore, from God's viewpoint, that part of the body is the most important place in chasing Satan out. Therefore, Father uses this method of cursing from a theological basis and perspective. He shocks people because he uses curses that chase away Satan. In so doing he can reclaim God's ownership and dominion over the world. This is how I see it.

Julia H. Moon, director of Universal Ballet, was awarded the Kyung Ahm Academic Award on November 4 for her contribution to the development of ballet in Korea. It is considered the most prestigious prize in Korea and comes with a sizable monetary aw…

Julia H. Moon, director of Universal Ballet, was awarded the Kyung Ahm Academic Award on November 4 for her contribution to the development of ballet in Korea. It is considered the most prestigious prize in Korea and comes with a sizable monetary award.

When I studied Buddhism, especially Zen Buddhism, I found many stories like that. One Buddhist monk was trying to become spiritually awakened, so he asked a senior monk about what the mind of a Buddha is. This is a question for Buddhist meditation and contains many philosophical connotations. However, the elderly monk answered, "Buddha is excrement." You may think that monk was very strange -- Was he actually spiritually enlightened, or was he just getting old?

In the world of the spiritually enlightened, enlightened monks say extreme things to their disciples in order to awaken them spiritually. One great, famous Buddhist priest often hit his disciples with a stick when they asked questions. It was not because he was upset, but to bring enlightenment to them. He struck them in order to awaken them spiritually. A history exists of such methods being used over hundreds of years. When I hear a story like this it makes me think about Father.

For example, we were traveling from Geomun Island to Yeosu by helicopter. I was talking with one leader about China Father was sitting right next to me. He said, "China is not the problem..." and immediately started speaking about the sexual organs. Then he began speaking about numbers. Our guest, who is not a member of our church, may have wondered how this related to China! Using the same method as those venerable Buddhist priests, Father does this to awaken us. I gave much thought to this and to what I have learned in past years.

When 172 American faith leaders came to Korea, they went around the nation and testified to many people about True Parents for two weeks. They left their own churches and responsibilities behind, and came, responding to instructions True Parents had given just a week earlier. This is no ordinary thing for such people to do.

True Parents spent three weeks here in Korea and then went back to Las Vegas. Then, Father mentioned that he had to teach the faith leaders something further. So, some of the ministers met in Las Vegas again. They participated in Hoon Dok Hae. But on that day, Father got very angry, stood up, threw books, and even slapped some faces.

Americans are different from Koreans. When Father gets upset and stands up, Koreans lower their eyes. That is the way in the Orient. However, Americans look into the eyes of the person speaking to them.' They don't look down. But because they were looking straight at Father, he became even angrier. As I observed the situation, books were flying. I was sitting at the front, so all the religious leaders were looking at me. In their eyes I could see them asking me, "Can you please help us comprehend this? We went to your country and toured around for your father for two weeks. The work at our own churches, mosques and temples is piling up but we came here, yet there is no word of thanks...."

Korea has an oriental culture and Koreans have vertical relationships, so Koreans may understand these things. In these modern times, however, even great religious leaders, great politicians or someone with a lot of power cannot behave like this, even in Korean society where such actions are more widely understood. But in American society this is something that would be almost impossible to comprehend. Because Father was using strong language that day, I actually became very worried that some of the faith leaders might talk back in strong language themselves.

However, after the religious leaders talked about this seriously, they understood Father's urgent providential timetable and passionate heart, and that Father has things he must absolutely get done for God. These ministers know the Bible very well. Jesus moved from Galilee to the Jordan River, from the Jordan River to this city, from this city to that city. He would move around urgently from here to there, suddenly giving instructions, suddenly speaking in extreme terms.... When they consider the life these disciples lived as they followed Jesus, some of the faith leaders understood that Jesus and

Father might well behave similarly. There were ministers who were very mature in heart, and I truly appreciated seeing that. Actually, after we talked together with the faith leaders, all the tension was eased and the stress diminished. It was indeed a precious time together.

Father meets us truly as the God of love, but at the same time, he meets us as the God of wrath. From the theological point of view, God's wrath is of crucial importance. We give pain to True Parents. In such circumstances, God judges us and He has to pour out His wrath on us. The Messiah is someone who must convey God's wrath and judgment to humankind. I always focus on the fact that these people are not just my dad and mom, these are perfected Adam and Eve. I am the one who must abundantly receive the judgment and wrath of God. I must repent for the things I do not accomplish properly.

Moreover, True Mother has attended True Father for fifty years. I feel how tremendous True Mother's love is. Father has given her a lot of tough training, and she has endured.

Generally when I meet people, I tell them, "My father is not just a human being. He is the living God. He transcends human limitations. When we try to keep up with Father, we collapse." You cannot imagine how great the staff members attending Father are. They attend Father in rotation because

Father transcends all human limits. Because Father can do that, if we don't take good care of our own mind and body, in such situations we may misunderstand Father. There may be times when we resent him or even are tempted to deny him.

As we saw in Luke 14:26, Jesus made extreme statements and demanded absolute love from all his disciples. Jesus didn't do so in order to control his disciples, or to take advantage of them. He did so to save them (and all of us) and to sever their relationship with Satan. He did so to bring them into a relationship with God instead. This is Christ's unique role. He has no recourse but to demand absolute love.

I say that I attend and follow Father, but we are actually laboring to do so. We attend Father all day long. Even though we may be scolded at certain times, our conscience demands that we do things for him joyfully, smile, and express our thanks. This is not just something we do once or twice, but over and over again. When we look at this fact, we are drawn to reflect on how much we really love God.

We say that we love God, but Father said, "You must love me as much as I love God." As you know when Father holds Hoon Dok Hae for three hours, four hours, six hours, or more, we are already struggling. If Hoon Dok Hae continues after noon, people become very tired, and they hope it will end soon so they can return home.

Even though we say that we want to love God forever, if loving God for only six hours is difficult, we cannot say that we love God. You may think this is an extreme expression but sometimes I feel as if in reality I don't love God; rather, it could be said that I hate Him. Spending even six hours with God through Hoon Dok Hae is challenging enough. But when Father held Hoon Dok Hae for twenty-two and a half hours, we all were completely exhausted. The faces of those attending that session were completely pale. Just to love God for one day is that difficult! How can I, who cannot love God for a few hours, love God forever?

Father gave me a huge responsibility. Walking alongside Father, I continue to strive to be victorious in the training Father has given me. Nothing is more precious than accomplishing that, I feel. This is not only my personal training. We are also learning who Christ is. When the living substantial self of God, Christ, who has a physical body, walks on earth, we are learning what kind of person he is. We are observing this with our own eyes. We can experience this all together with Christ on earth. It is not easy. It is, however, important training for which we can be grateful.

Brothers and sisters, let us put the same heart and absolute love that Jesus demanded, that Christ demanded, and that True Parents demand of us into practice from today! 

Unveiling Courage

Hyung Jin Moon
October 2011

Leaders in front of the statue. The urn was moved to accommodate seating. It holds two continually lit candles, representing True Parents and symbolizing conditions being offered by members.

Leaders in front of the statue. The urn was moved to accommodate seating. It holds two continually lit candles, representing True Parents and symbolizing conditions being offered by members.

On September 15, 1950, General MacArthur landed at Incheon with the UN forces that would turn the tide of the Korean War and open the way for True Father's release from Hungnam Special Labor Camp. Sixty-one years to the day after this (on 8.18 by the heavenly calendar), a new statue representing the Four Great Saints, the founders of four great religious traditions, was unveiled in front of Cheon Bok Gung, our world headquarters church. The images of, from left to right, Confucius, the Buddha, Jesus and the Koran (resting on a plinth), represent four of the world's major religious traditions and are dedicated, as the event title mentions, "to harmony among religions and the realization of a peaceful world."

In appearance, this is really a group of four statues, linked together to reflect Unificationists' and many others' hope and desire for respect, affection and cooperation among the unique spiritual traditions.

Four faith leaders offered their blessings for the occasion. Officially representing Buddhism was a senior administrator from the Taego Order in Korea, Mrs. Soon Gyeong Seong. In her invocation, she said:

"I pray that the statues of the Four Great Saints and the Supreme Being unveiled today will light the way through the prestige of their mercy and love and open the path to Heaven...that they will serve as the elixir for all those whose bodies and minds are diseased, and help them recover and become well again, and that they will also be a bright beacon of light for those who are lost and wandering on dark paths of life...."

Unification Church international president, Rev. Hyung-jin Moon, said, in his brief address to greet all present, Reverend Moon has taught us that God prepared all the religions to raise humankind to understand God's mind and heart. He has enshrined the Four Great Saints as part of the Unification tradition." Together with the 172 faith leaders visiting at True Parents invitation from the United States and other Unification Church representatives, Hyung-jin nim and Yeon-ah nim led the unveiling of the statues.

The unveiling was reported in a number of news organs in South Korea and MBC NET cable TV included a significant report in their video news. It is true that not all people from the great faiths believe that there is any need for the religions to work together, and not all will be comfortable with the image of the founder of their faith standing arm in arm with the founders of other faiths. Yonhap News Agency's report carried but one response from a Christian church official, who said, "We don't recognize the Unification Church as a traditional faith, so I have no comment to make. There are uncomfortable aspects to this."

Other religious leaders are less concerned about comfort; cooperation among the faiths, they feel, can relieve human suffering. Archbishop George A. Stallings, one of the 172 faith leaders, feels that there is power in the shared values of the faithful and expressed this concern: "The 10 percent that would separate and divide us sometimes prevents the 90 percent that we share in common to unite our efforts to create one family under God."

In 1950, the sudden landing of the UN forces at Incheon on September 15 for the cause of freedom caught the North Korean forces totally by surprise. In this day and age too, it takes courage to take a stand for principles. Erecting these statues in full public view might spark a strong response from those who disapprove of such fraternization. Or, like the Incheon landing sixty-one years before, it may be the perfect impetus for dramatic change.

After the unveiling of the statues symbolizing the four great saints, various faith leaders wrote reflections about their experiences at the unveiling. True Father requested that the testimonies be published.

Rev. Delores Harrison, Riverside Church, associate pastor, director of Education, New York City

To see all the religious faiths join together was so amazing. I could see and experience the unity of all the religious leaders there as they prayed. It was the most moving experience of my lifetime. I never dreamed I would experience such a profound oneness of all religions -- Buddhist, Confucian, Muslim and Christian.

Rev. William Revely, Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan

I am edified by Rev. Hyung-jin Moon's speech. Just like his father, he totally transformed me and made an enormous impact on all that were gathered. Today's event was a profound spiritual experience in which all of us were elevated as faith leaders to understand that God truly is working through all religions. It was so beautiful.

Pastor T. L. Barrett, Chicago

As I was watching the unveiling ceremony, I could see a golden circle form around all the four statues. It was universalizing all of the faith traditions, and it was a powerful spiritual golden energy that was emanating out from the four statues, bringing unity of all the faiths. I experienced myself this magnetic power of the golden spiritual circle immediately transforming everybody in the plaza, even though they didn't understand what had happened. But I felt this golden spiritual power is going to draw humanity together as one, centering on True Parents.

Also this golden circle emanated out from the plaza like a wave that within seconds touched everyone on earth. Even though they don't know what happened, a transformation occurred. That's why I felt an urgent feeling in my heart to rush to the statues after the ceremony was over, and to light a candle so that my family and church would be connected with this holy moment.

Minister Amar Nath Gupta, Hindu Temple, Virginia

To be a part of the 172 clergy was the greatest honor of my life. I am really deeply grateful to True Parents that I could experience all faiths becoming one at the Cheon Bok Gung. I am so grateful he gave his authority to his son, Rev. Hyung-jin Moon, because I could truly feel from his speech, and from the ceremony, that the spiritual power to bring all religions together as one centering on True Parents is manifesting before our eyes. As a Hindu leader, I was deeply uplifted by the profound spirituality in the Cheon Bok Gung, and also seeing the statues of the four saints.

I also enjoyed going to the most holy place of the Cheon Bok Gung where all religions are represented and I prayed there and I felt the presence of the spirit of God. I was profoundly moved that Father Moon would have the vision to build a temple for all religions to worship together as one, and that all faith traditions would truly be respected and honored. It was overwhelming, and the vision is now becoming a reality.

Our church's international president Rev. Hyung-jin Moon explains the meaning of the statue in the context of the Unificationist faith.

Our church's international president Rev. Hyung-jin Moon explains the meaning of the statue in the context of the Unificationist faith.

Father Fernando Barrios, Pentecostal Church, Houston

After so many years of praying in my own tradition as a Christian, I never really believed that there was any possibility for the different world's religions to become one. I fact, I felt there was no way that we could ever come together. However, today my life was changed. As the other religious leaders were praying, I felt as if it was my own prayer. I truly felt and experienced that they were praying to the same God that I have been praying to. Therefore, on this day our prayers became one. I will testify about this, that all religious leaders must come to experience this kind of profound spiritual transformation.

Rev. Marymarie Carmen Barrios, wife of Father Barrios

I had such an experience of the different religions on this day. I felt I was experiencing the kingdom of heaven. For the first time in my life, I could see the hope of unity, and how important it is that through all the religions we can bring the world together as one. The walls came down today. I was deeply moved in my heart by the love of God that I felt. I felt Jesus' presence there strongly.

Bishop Michael White, Apostolic Church, Brooklyn, New York City

The scripture has been fulfilled on this day. As it says in the Old Testament, "How good it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." We saw the different religious bodies coming together. I want to thank True Parents for teaching us this way. From the time when Father Moon revealed to the Christian leaders the messages of Jesus, Mohammed and Confucius from the spirit world, now we see in reality that those messages coming from heaven have now come down to earth and become a living reality before our eyes. The statues were enormously powerful, and I believe that all people will be drawn from all over Korea and the world to come here and worship.

Rev. Tanya Edwards, National Board, ACLC

I really enjoyed being at Cheon Bok Gung. Rev. Hyung-jin Moon's love exemplifies that of Father and Mother Moon. I felt so much warmth and so much an uplifting feeling. The whole thing was filled with so much love. I could feel Jesus' presence there and I felt hope for the path we're walking, that isn't only for Christians but for all of God's children.

Rev. Glenda Phillips-Lee, Coptic Church of Harlem, N. Y. C.

This ceremony was truly anointed by God. I felt the presence of Jesus. The unveiling of the statues, especially of Christ, gave me such a profound feeling that all could be one, as Jesus prayed. When I walked in Cheon Bok Gung I felt that this was the most royal place, the most significant place of royalty of all of human history. I felt the depth of love of Father and Mother Moon coming through Rev. Hyung-jin Moon and his wife as they embraced us. This gave us incredible profound love and anointing. I can feel my ministry is going to be expanding, and this anointing is going to expand to all other places. If I were in Korea, his definitely would be my own church. I would join this church.

Imam Haitham Bundakji, Chairman, Islamic Center of Orange County, California

I just want to thank True Parents from the bottom of my heart. I've never experienced anyone being able embrace Islam and understand Mohammed. I know Father Moon is truly one with God. I'm shocked by the teaching that I'm receiving here. I'm overwhelmed and almost scared because so many things are new and different than what I understood, but I know from being with this movement for many years that if I go forward I will understand if I study. I had a dream that I understood a lot about Father Moon teachings. When I saw the unveiling, the sensitivity toward Islam by displaying the Koran, and the statues of Jesus, Buddha and Confucius, it really confirmed for me this is the work of Allah.

Rev. David Scholet

I felt the gigantic umbrella of God's unity forming over all religions the moment this ceremony began. I felt all faith leaders could come together as one. I felt that somehow everyone could start from their own tradition, whether they were Christian or Hindu or Buddhist or Muslim. They could start from where they're at, and through this Cheon Bok Gung, through the interfaith demonstration, and through the statues we could all start moving together as one. This is a profound movement in history. This oneness will expand to all.

Rev. Adeline Dajuste, Pentecostal Church, Boston

I could feel that Rev. Moon's heart and intention to bring all people together -- not just Christians, although he is uniting all Christians -- was being realized. I could feel today that he's uniting all the religions of the world and all people of the world to work together for one family under one God.

Elder Donald Watts, Mormon Church, San Francisco

This was inspiring and awesome. I was deeply moved by Rev. Hyung-jin Moon. For many years I've loved and respected Father Moon and believe God called him to bring us all together. I also worried how this movement would go forward in decades to come. Today that worry was taken away when I saw how beautifully, so easily and smoothly, his son conveyed words of love. Our hearts melted.

We are so grateful to you and we congratulate you on your victory not only fulfilling your own mission but having your children take up your mission and fulfill it and expand it.

Dr. Gloria Wright, Methodist pastor, Atlanta, Georgia (When asked to reflect, she began to cry.)

In 2001 when I first joined ACLC I felt deep in my spirit that Father Moon was right, that he understood God's heart and was truly guiding us according to the truth. I offered the benediction after In-jin nim's sermon at Lovin' Life Ministries. I was uplifted when I came back. Being in the present of her brother, Rev. Hyung-jin Moon, I can feel my ministry is going to be much more blessed when I go back. I've seen snapshots of Father Moon's life but never saw it all together as in the museum today. (Dr. Wright started weeping again.)

The ceremony at Cheon Bok Gung truly overwhelmed me. I'm speechless. I can see that all Jesus was talking about is being fulfilled right now. Father and Mother Moon have the courage to do what's right, even though putting Buddha and Jesus and Confucius out there publicly is profoundly startling and shocking. I'm deeply, deeply moved. 

God's Kingdom Welcomes You

Hyung Jin Moon
September 16, 2011

Hyung-jin aim spoke at the Registration for God's Kingdom and the Fatherland, held at the Cheongshim International Youth Center in Korea on September 16, at which event True Parents bestowed Korean names on 172 faith leaders from the United States. In this speech, which was delivered in Korean, he explains the significance of this unusual gift.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, leaders from around the world, please join me in welcoming the faith leaders who have come all the way from the United States. I am deeply grateful to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here today. It is my joy and honor to be able to hold this event together here in Chung Pyung, in attendance of our True Parents. Today we are all participating in the historic Registration for God's Kingdom. What is this event all about? It is about all of us having our names entered into a family register. It is about becoming part of one united family structure, the family register of the kingdom of God. Upon birth, our names are added to our parents' family register. Through adoption or marriage, our names may be added to a new family register. Though the family register system may differ in each nation, everyone grows up as a member of a particular family and as a citizen of a particular nation. In a broader sense, we all have social and spiritual affiliations.

Today, we are here to gain a new affiliation, one completely different from our past affiliations -- an affiliation with the kingdom of God. We cannot fully understand the truly historic blessing that we are receiving today unless we first open our spiritual senses. Therefore, I would like to ask everyone to open their hearts and open their souls to hear the voice of God, who is speaking to all of us here today.

As you know, it is not simply by choice that you can become a citizen of a different nation. Even in the free nations of the United States and Korea, citizenship is not obtained easily. Many qualifications must first be met. In Korea, the Nationality Act defines such qualifications.

In the same way, it is not easy for us to have our names entered into the family register of the kingdom of God. First, the kingdom of God needs to be established on earth, and we need God's authority to allow our names to be entered into the family register. Many people have waited for such a day. Today is your day.

How is it possible for our names to be entered? It is possible because True Parents have entered our names for us.

Ladies and gentlemen, God, the Creator and Father of all humankind, sent True Parents to earth to open the way for all humankind to become part of His kingdom. Throughout True Parents' lives as the Messiah, Savior and Returning Christ, they have sought to build the kingdom of God on earth.

Our True Parents have revealed the essential truths through which humankind can be saved from evil and sin. These truths help us to understand God, and God's will and open the way for us to live a truly good life.

True Parents have shown us examples of the heavenly practice of true love. They have matched and blessed in marriage people of differing ethnic, national, racial and religious backgrounds, based on their teaching that God's ideal of creation is for a husband and wife to unite and create a beautiful, true, ideal family.

True Parents founded the Abel UN with the purpose of liberating the world from conflict and war. The mission of the Abel UN is to bring all of the world's peoples and national governments together under the banner of building the ideal world that God originally envisaged.

True Parents have invested incalculable devotion and effort to reach this point. True Father overcame many difficult and life-threatening situations, including six unjust imprisonments, and True Parents together experienced a fearsome helicopter crash. Throughout his life, True Father forgave and loved those who tortured, persecuted, attacked and slandered him.

Based on their victories through love, True Parents completed the eight stages and became one with God in body, mind and spirit. As the True Parents of the earth, in unity with the True Parent of heaven appearing in human form, True Parents have established themselves as the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. In this position, it is now possible for True Parents to enter our names into the family register of the kingdom of God.

Please join me in returning glory and showing gratitude to our True Parents for bestowing on us this unimaginable blessing. Let's give a thunderous round of applause for our True Parents!

What duties fall on us now that our names have been registered? We are among the first to have our names entered in the register, but we must not be the last. Now that we have been reserved a spot as citizens of the kingdom of God, we must truly build the kingdom of God in our midst.

We have all heard stories of the American Pilgrim Fathers. They bravely travelled across the Atlantic in search of a place in which they could worship freely. The first thing they built was a church in which they could worship the Lord. They sought to build an exemplary Christian nation -- a city on a hill. With our names now entered into the family register of the kingdom of God, we have the mission of building His kingdom. His kingdom can only come when the world honors and respects our True Parents. In order for us to change the world, we must first change ourselves by following True Parents' teachings and their exemplary lifestyle of practicing true love. We must build ideal families, live for the sake of others and uphold heavenly law.

We must actualize the ideal of one family under God. In God's eyes, all people are His sons and daughters. He does not distinguish one person from another based on ethnicity, nationality, race or religion. Thus, there can be no discrimination in God's kingdom. We must treat each other as fellow sons and daughters of God. It is our mission to stand on the front line and build the peaceful world God dreams of.

We have been blessed by having our names entered into the family register of the kingdom of God. Let's not forget this historic and providential blessing and work hard to build His kingdom. Our True Parents will be with us and guide us every step of the way. Let's be grateful to True Parents for the blessing we are receiving today, even if we do not fully understand its deep significance. Please don't forget that we are on this path together as God's eternal sons and daughters.

I wish to express my gratitude to you for participating in today's registration event. May God bless you!