The International President Hyung Jin Moon's Jeong Seong and his Ministry – A Testimony to Hyung Jin Nim

Kap Yong Kim
September 4, 2011
Cheon Bok Gung, Yongsan Seoul Korea

Hyung Jin Moon, January 9, 2011

Hyung Jin Moon, January 9, 2011

Sermon about Hyung-jin nim's ministry, delivered by the Cheon Bok Gung's main Hoonsa nim.

Most of these sermons are either are transcribed from the simultaneous interpretation provided at Cheon Bok Gung or edited from the preliminary notes the interpreters use for reference. As such, they should not be considered a complete or definitive translation in whole or in part, and are not reliable enough to quote from authoritatively.

At this time I would like to deliver the sermon from Father's selected words, volume 63 page 28. Let us read this together.

"How much you have offered your best and how much Jeong Seong devotion and life you have invested is the question. That will determine the value and standard of the person".


This is our first Sunday service in the month of September and today the title of my sermon is, "The International President's Jeong Seong and his Ministry". I pray that you can receive much from this content and that this will be a blessed time.

First, when I speak about the Jeong Seong, the devotion, and the ministry of our International President, my motivation for doing so is, that we are now at a time when we have to make a new start here at Cheon Bok Gung. Among our members of Cheon Bok Gung, there are some of you who joined after our International President started preparing for his ministry and before you learned about how he voluntarily offered Jeong Seong and training. So you may not know much about this.

Our members know that our International President started at the Mapo Church. Some of you know this history but our headquarters church is now a conglomeration of many different local churches within Seoul. Some of you, maybe a lot of you, may not know about this.

When Hyung-jin nim began his ministry what was the foundation of Jeong Seong that he laid? What was the vertical relationship that he had with God and True Parents? If you can understand these points then you can relate to it better and you can have a standard of value.

But if you don't know anything about these points then you will just look at this horizontally and say, "Well, one of Father's sons is doing ministry". You may not understand very well the vertical and horizontal relationships that our International President has. So today in order to learn a little bit more about how heaven has prepared this person, I would like to give you a little explanation. I pray that this can be a blessed and victorious day.

From the year 2000, for seven years, Hyung-jin nim offered continuous devotions and now he has been involved in ministry for four years. This year happens to be his thirty third year since birth. We know about Jesus and his life of thirty three years. Father asked many times, "When will Hyung-jin turn thirty?" So he was truly waiting for this.

The age of thirty was a special age when Jesus as well as our International President began their public ministry. Did you know this?

Yesterday he had his birthday and he began his thirty third year (Western age). This is a very significant time, so we need to explain his background. However, how can I express his thirty three year life course in thirty minutes? I can only pick some small parts of his life and I can explain what I have felt and experienced during the last four years that I have spent with the International President.

Then, let's look at his birth. There are things that have been prepared since his birth and he also prepared himself in his early life, to become a leader. He was the twelfth child of our True Parents and the seventh son, the last son. When he was in grade school he was a real comedian; he was a real clown. Of course he went out and played wildly, but also, for example, if a teacher came, he went to hide above the bathroom. So he was a real prankster.

In junior high and high school he was very popular among his classmates, also among girls. How did he solve this problem? He started doing martial arts. What kind of society does America have? I don't know it too well. It is a country with a lot of mixed races and challenges. But Hyung-jin nim kept practicing his martial arts.

After he entered high school and college he was wondering what to do and he decided to totally shave his head like a monk. Then all the girls left him alone. So if we think about what he had to go through, we can see that he was protected in many ways.

Next, with regard to the blessing, when our True Parents asked him, "Would you like to receive the blessing?", he said, "Yes Father!" right away. Father asked him, "How can you answer this so simply?" Father asked again and he said, "We have seen how you, Father and Mother, live and that is why we want to receive the blessing". So, on September 6, 1997, he was blessed to Miss Yeon-ah Lee. Now, they have four sons and one daughter.

True Parents have many children but Hyung-jin nim was closest to his brother, Young-jin nim. He spoke with him the most and had many exchanges. Young-jin nim was very smart and studied well. Hyung-jin nim didn't like to study so well, so sometimes he was called 'idiot' but Young-jin nim always encouraged him and said, "You are not stupid, you can study". Young-jin nim could go to a good university, but he took a leave of absence for one year to teach Hyung-jin nim. Then his grades started to go up and he was able to graduate from high school well. So he felt very close to Young-jin nim.

However, Young-jin nim ascended to Heaven all of a sudden. Hyung-jin nim said that when he heard this, he lost all sense of thought. He didn't know how to live his life and he almost did not feel like living. He was at his worst state. However, he felt that he had to shake himself out of this. From 2000 he started to train himself. He would pray, mediate and offer bows. He did the kind of training where he would not sleep. It was an unspeakable training that he could not describe in words.

From 2003 he went to Japan and studied the Buddhist culture there. There are eighty eight Buddhist holy grounds in Japan. He toured these places. He also went through the training and did not allow himself to sleep. He inherited the kind of training that goes into religious life.

In 2004 he went through the holy sites of Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism. For instance he visited China and studied Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. After that he went to Harvard University and studied comparative religions.

From September 2006, here in Korea, he offered Jeong Seong of 12,000 bows for the victory of our True Parents world tour. At the Cheon Jeong Gung he studied how the Japanese members are offering Jeong Seong. He was really moved by how faithful they were, so he offered kyung-bae to the Japanese members. Then in the Chung Pyung training center he performed a special ceremony in which he washed the feet of a black member and of an elder from the Korean church.

Now he had graduated from the Master's course, and in 2003 he put out this book. It is called The Moment. At that time True Father was not in very good health so he recorded everything about Father and through these pictures he created this book. Just looking at this book alone we can feel what kind of a filial son he is.

In 2004 he put out another book called A Bald Head and a Strawberry. This is a book about the story of his relationship with True Parents. He expresses Father's will and Mother's will and also what triggered his going into the ministry.

In 2005 he came up with a book call Cheon Hwa Dang ("House of Heavenly Harmony"). This book talks about how to unite mind and body and how we can have harmony within ourselves, how we can bring unity between our family members, and how to raise up a harmonious family.

This is the content of his books. The standard of value of Hyung-jin nim is displayed throughout them.

We can also say that Hyung-jin nim is a very human person. The place where he most likes to eat is a simple kimbap [rice rolled in a seaweed layer] restaurant and he also likes den jang [soy bean soup]. Very common, plain things!

I have also seen how he relates to an earthworm. Once, after a day of rain, we were walking on the street and we saw a long earthworm on the ground. We could very easily have stepped on it and killed it but Hyung-jin nim picked up the earthworm and put it back near plants and flowers. We would wash our hands and try to get rid of the slime but this is what he did, (shows wiping hand across mouth) he did not even wash his hands and he just wiped his mouth with it. So we witnessed these little acts which were really incredible. He loves to raise up animals. He raises up small fish and frogs, and dogs. He likes birds and even snakes.

One day he said, "Young-jin nim should not always come up in my mind. When I go into my room I keep thinking about Young-jin nim, but I shouldn't do that." On Hyung-jin nim's hand, you can see a big wound here (holds up left hand and points to the place between the thumb and index finger). This is where he cut himself with a knife, almost cutting off his finger, trying to forget about Young-jin nim. That is how deeply he thought about his brother. Young-jin nim is always with him.

He also struggles with many things. He says, "If you look at what is taking place in the Unificationist family now, I feel like going into the mountains and just doing training. If that was all I could do, that would be good! But Father says, "No, you have to lead the providence and you have to lead the way".

So in a word he is the most filial of all sons. Whenever True Father calls him he doesn't just answer the phone and say 'Yes' (matter of fact tone) but he is as if (shows bowing and excitement) receiving Father's call for the first time in many years. In this way he is always showing his filial piety towards True Parents. We pray that you can also have that kind of standard.(Applause)

After such a preparation period he became a minister for the Unification Church. July 13, 2007 was the exact day that Kook-jin nim and Hyung-jin nim were called before Father. What did they talk about? They discussed this point, "Are you going to go for your Ph.D. or are you going to stay in Korea and help True Father?" The conclusion they reached was that if he decided to go into the doctoral course it would take him six years, and Father's providence would then take more time to be realized.

Since Father is very old, Hyung-jin nim decided that he would already go into the ministry. He then started at the Mapo Church at the end of July. He said that because he was the last child he received so much love from True Parents and he wanted to share it with the members.

His second concern was how to go about his ministry. He asked True Parents what is the most central Chinese character. Father said, "It is the 'Seong' from 'Jeong Seong' which means integrity, devotion or sincerity. And the next most important character is 'ae' the character for love. So, you should carry out the "Seong and ae" ministry that is centered on devotion and love."

How to approach the members? Members are all very important people. He called them VIPs. This was the attitude that he had when he started. For the direction of faith he also chose the initials VIP. 'V' stands for Victory: day by day we gain victory little by little. 'I' stands for Illumination: everyday little by little we are awakened or enlightened. 'P' stands for Peace: every day, little by little we become more peaceful. This is the 'VIP' content that our International President wants us to inherit. Did you understand that? This was his motto in leading and guiding the members. For four months, at Mapo Church he offered Jeong Seong from dawn with a constant life of devotion.

(Showing a slide) This was when he first carried out the service at the Mapo Church. Now it's the Shim Jung Cultural Center in Mapo.

(Next slide) We prayed for those who were hospitalized. Our International President did all of these things. For four months from July to November he was at Mapo, then in November he came to Cheongpadong Headquarters' Church and he humbled himself even more. In the morning he would go to the Chogyesa Temple, to the Myeongdong Catholic Cathedral or to the Soonbokeum Church. After the Sunday services he would go to other churches and he did a study of the future of our Cheon Bok Gung Church.

He went to Mount Maebong every morning, in the rain, in the snow, in subzero weather, every morning! He continued his Jeong Seong and what he called the 'Danbury training'. What do people dislike the most? It's a smelly toilet, right? So, cleaning up the toilet was called the 'Danbury training'. The toilet is full of germs, dirty and smelly but cleaning there he offered his Jeong Seong and he always liked to keep the Cheongpadong Church's bathroom as clean as his rooms were.

Then in July he had a revelation about the 'Seven deaths and resurrections' of our True Parents, the seven deaths that they had gone through. During the period from July 29 to August 5 2009 he offered 21,000 bows. He had a dream that people were falling into hell and that True Parents were fighting for the life of every one of them, to bring them out of hell. That was the vision that he saw.

As a result he explained the 'Seven deaths and resurrections', the 'Completion of the eight stages, 'True Parents' victory' and 'I'm alive, thank you!' He then created the Tongil mark and the 'Give and receive action, four position foundation, let us inherit the true love of God and return glory to God until our ascension'. Until when? Until the day we die. He created this kind of culture.

What do these things teach us? They tell us, very accurately, how our International President built a vertical relationship between True Parents and himself. What kind of attitude we should have in our life of faith from the time that we are born to the time that we die. This is what is expressed here.

Our International President's book is about why we have to offer devotions. He said that we have to offer devotions in order to reflect on ourselves. If we don't look back and reflect on ourselves, we become arrogant and we can lose our way. In order to prevent ourselves from going the wrong way, we offer Jeong Seong, devotions.

We think about our True Parents who went through the 'seven deaths and resurrections', who were victorious through the eight stages and who fought with Satan. We realize their value not by looking at them through physical eyes but through spiritual eyes. During the training, if we say, "Father", then we can see Father in suffering, Father in tears, Father in difficulties, which brings tears to our eyes. What confession comes after this? The confession that we are sinful, that I am a sinner.

After he received his revelation he wrote a letter to our True Parents saying, "Until now I had been looking at you with physical eyes but now I can truly look at you with the eyes of heaven." Then he offered a bow before our True Parents and begged for their forgiveness. At that time True Father looked at Hyung-jin nim and said, "So, now you have come to know my heart!" and shed tears. True Parents also wiped away his tears. This kind of deep-rooted relationship between parent and child exists between them.

In the beginning, he related with our members on a horizontal basis. He spoke to them horizontally and he approached them horizontally. But after the period of training he now understands the importance of the 'seven deaths and resurrections' and the fact that we are in a position of sinners.

In the beginning his message was one of encouragement and praise, all the time. However from a certain point it changed to the realization that "I am a sinner." Perhaps some members think that there is a fundamental change in his mindset, that our International President has changed, because of the change in the tone of the sermons.

What he has been stressing is that if we look at True Parents through spiritual eyes then we are able to recognize the course of hardship and suffering that True Parents have gone through, the 'seven deaths and resurrections', the 'eight stages of growth', as victors who have gone through these stages. Think of True Parents' course and how much torture Father had to go through!

As Hyung-jin nim attended and served his father, True Parents received encouragement from their son. This was the beginning of the Holy Spirit Healing Service. Father has been tortured so many times and until now his body has been wounded and in pain. But even within the tortures he established the standard of victory.

We can accept True Parents as the Messiah and as the Lord of the Second Advent when we can understand his course and that we are sinners and must repent for our sins. When we can express this clearly, this is when we can really appreciate the value of our True Parents. (Applause)

When Hyung-jin nim began his ministry in 2007 our members were very exhausted. Of course we understood that we were the descendants of our fallen ancestors, but we were not even sure about what our True Parents had really done for us, that they had gone through a course of indemnity in order to indemnify our sins. We very easily had forgotten that after death we would go to the spirit world and that this place was eternal. We had forgotten all those things.

Through meditation and prayer Hyung-jin nim began to understand where we were at, what our situation was. Hyung-jin nim always went a step ahead and laid the foundation for us to follow. In the beginning we had a certain style for our Sunday services. In those days we did 'aju' very loudly and we had a different style of music and so forth, but this was not familiar to the Asian members of our congregation. We went through various trials and errors in order to come up with a style. However, it is amazing that a true child is leading the ministry as a minister.

True Parents have been sought-after throughout the providence of God and we know that they are going this course in order to restore history. Our Unificationists members always have good faith and we pray that tomorrow will be better than today and that we can improve our faith day by day. We have a positive mind and we have the courage to do various things.

Hyung-jin nim also came and greeted each one of us, shook hands, took pictures with us and truly invested his heart and love into each and every member. We ourselves must make these efforts to grow and overcome our limitations.

We think about how our True Parents have been attended by Hyung-jin nim and his wife. Hyung-jin nim and Yeon-ah nim say they have become much closer to True Parents having stayed with them night and day since April this year.

As we read, in the beginning, in True Father's words in volume 63, it is how much Jeong Seong we have invested which decides and determines the standard of value of a person. Because Hyung-jin nim has offered this kind of devotion, then we have come to know that he was somebody totally prepared by God and heaven. If we know the heart of our True Parents and know the heart of the International President and his wife and if we decide to go forward to accomplish our goal then we will feel what it's like.

Our respected brothers and sisters, our True Father is somebody sent by God in the place of Adam. He is a unique person, absolute, unchanging and eternal. What kind of person is our International President? He is somebody chosen by heaven which means that he himself has voluntarily made preparations. Hyung-jin nim is someone who has preserved God's tradition, preserved God's lineage and inherited God's tradition in a very pure way. I hope that you can remember this. (Applause)

The Moon clan is very impatient. In order to restore the original state of humankind True Father trained himself, and our International President also went through much training. He says that, being a member of the Moon clan, he doesn't know what would have happened if he hadn't trained himself.

The second point is that he offered much Jeong Seong and training.

The next point is that he has established absolute faith with True Parents. Since April he has been attending True Parents and in order to inherit the true love of God he has carried out endless and constant training. He is not here at the moment. Whenever I see our International President he is attending our True Parents.

If we want to become like True Parents and shoulder all of the providence of the world then we need to attend them and inherit qualities from them. Therefore it's not a problem that Hyung-jin nim is absent from the church at this time. For the future he needs to inherit the heartistic realm and everything from our True Parents. So let us give him a big round of applause and encourage him and their couple.(Big applause)

The third point is that he studied comparative religions and prepared himself to become a global leader. He has made his efforts and he has come up with the Tongil thought, philosophy of 'Give and receive action, four position foundation, and inheriting God's true love until our Seunghwa'. This seems to be very simple but a very important message is found here. When we offer our kyung-bae, we thank God and True Parents and after we say our Family Pledge with our heart and mind we inherit that.

Among the world religions Islam seems to be growing the most rapidly. It's very conspicuous these days. Do you know how many times a day they offer their devotions? Five times a day! Hyung-jin nim is offering a foundation of eight devotions a day.

Because I have been able to witness these things during the last four years while attending Hyung-jin nim, I would like to share them with you periodically, also to share with you about his futuristic philosophy, his forward-looking thought, and how we can have victory over the providence of Cheon Bok Gung.

I pray that you can all become direct disciples of True Parents by following the course of our True Parents and of our International President. A few weeks ago we heard about the direct disciples who followed Jesus. St. Paul could not become a direct disciple because he did not live in the same age as Jesus, but you are all living in the same age as our True Parents. Therefore you can all become direct disciples.

I am not envious of any of the major religions such as Buddhism. Our International President has said that the way Unificationists can have their own identity is by following the way of True Parents. And I am convinced that this is how we can receive salvation. Let us pray! 

Learning at Father's Side

Hyung Jin Moon
September 2011

Since last April, Hyung Jin nim has devoted himself to supporting Father and Mother in their daily lives and it is not easy to catch him personally for any length of time. We were very fortunate to be invited for Hoon Dok Hae at Cheon Jeong Peace Palace. During that occasion, Hyung Jin nim kindly took time to share something from his heart about what the past few months have meant to him.

Question: Please can you say something about your experience with True Parents?

Basically, being with them... True Father is the living God. He is the substantial, tangible God. He just goes beyond the physical limitations. We've been through seventeen hour Hoon Dok Haes, twenty hour Hoon Dok Haes [Hyung Jin nim laughs]. Every couple of days Father does one long Hoon Dok Hae. Even for young people -- we are young -- it's so difficult to keep up with Father's intense schedule. Something about the experience of living with the Messiah, being next to him, is unique, is so transformative.

But also even from a theological viewpoint, Father has liberated God, liberated the God of Day and the God of Night, and become the substantial representative of God, standing in the position of God's body here on earth, so in that form we can see that Father moves his body almost as an offering.

Rev. Jeong-ok Yu gave a great example. He was in Brazil. Father climbed a high mountain, one that was very tough to climb. The leaders told Father, "please sit down," and they had prepared a carpet or large towel for him to sit on. But Father said no, I am not going to sit there. He found a more humble place, not the best, and he took out his handkerchief and sat on that. "I can't do what I want to do." They realized that where he sits is where God wants to sit. In that sense he is like a slave. His body is a total instrument of God's will. So, basically, he has to move his body, send it here and there, in pain, if God desires it.

I recently gave a sermon in which I explained how many of the translations in scripture use the words "serve" or "servant." For example, Christ says "No one can serve two masters." (Mt. 6:24) In many cases the word in the New Testament Greek is doulos, which is not "servant" but "slave." The difference is great, because servants are paid. Slaves have no rights. They get protection, food and shelter, but they live solely for their master. I compared this with Confucian texts, from Asia, on filial piety. There are many levels of filial piety, of course. The emperor has to be filial to Heaven. The nation has to be filial to the emperor. The father has to be filial to the state, and the son to the father.

Basically, the Asian concept of filial piety is that the children throw away their desires, ambitions and even dreams for themselves and just serve their parents, even in everyday tedious tasks. I compared this to the biblical concept of the servant, or slave, in which Christ calls us to become "slaves" of God. In the Confucian context, a son willingly chooses to become basically a slave to his parents, putting aside personal ambitions and fully serving them. It illuminates the scriptures and elevates the status of the slave to that of a son. It permits children to understand that this is what is expected when you serve God; even though we are children, we are expected to be more serving even than slaves. But we do it out of choice; we do it out of love, not to get some benefit. We do it out of love.

That context is very important, because that is how Father himself lives. That's how he is literally. He is the son of God, he is from God. He is a son, but he willingly chooses to do things that torture his body if they please God. When we see Father every day, we can feel that. He views his own body not as his own; but that it belongs to God, and that God can do as He wishes.

You may have heard the prayer of St. Francis, "Make me an instrument of your peace." An instrument has no will of its own; it is purely the tool of its user, an inanimate object. For two thousand years, Christians have been begging God that they can be instruments of His peace and His will. If we understand what that means, in this context, we can see that Father totally embodies that. That's one of the things I have experienced.

I also had an inspiration about Hoon Dok Hae. We usually have a difficult time with Hoon Dok Hae especially with Father because it is so long! Many people have bad backs and bad knees. It is brutal when it is very long -- torture. But I realized one thing, just watching Father doing a lot of Hoon Dok Hae. We have our physical limitations -- you know, we get tired, or we have back pain, or we need to go to the bathroom, or we have limitations of time such as, Oh I have to meet someone. But actually in the spirit world we don't have any of those constraints -- body pain, hunger, fatigue; we don't have any of that kind of pain and no angst over limited time. Being the footstool of the Lord, at the foot of the Lord, being in his presence, sitting on the floor in front of the king of all the spirit world -- that's what, for thousands of years, Christians have desired to experience when they go to heaven.

What I realized, therefore, is that Hoon Dok Hae is actually heaven. True Father is showing us what heaven is like. If you had none of the pain, if you had all the time of eternity, nothing pressing on you to be done, and if you could be that close to the center of the entire cosmos, the universe and the spirit world, it would be so enjoyable.... Having the honor of being in God's presence, that's the best way to spend eternity. If you are distant from that, and can't come near it, that's hell.

So being with True Father every day, I realize he is showing us a taste of the eternal world. I reflect that when I am in Hoon Dok Hae, when I am with Father, near him, my heart is at ease, at peace. In that moment, I have no big concerns -- because he is such a rock, he is the mountain. In that sense spiritually you feel, when you are near him, that he is in joy, he is happy, and you feel also joy, peace and stability inside. Think about being eternally separated from that. You don't know when judgment will come, you don't know your standing with God. That's torture. You can't breathe.

Actually, I can understand Christians and also Buddhists, particularly Pure Land Buddhists who desire to go to the land of Sukhavati (Ultimate Bliss) and meet the Amitabh Buddha. When you look at the Pure Land scriptures -- the beautiful paintings of pagodas, golden streets, and so on -- at the center of all that is Amitabh Buddha, and he is preaching the Dharma. When those who call his name and worship him die, they can go to the pure land and listen to the sweet words of the Dharma. That's Hoon Dok Hae! Christians too, sitting at the foot of the Lord -- that's Hoon Dok Hae. All the visions of heaven and all the major religions point to Hoon Dok Hae. [Hyung Jin nim laughs] That's what I feel.

Because True Parents are God's substantial presence on earth, when they go to the spirit world, they will not be separate from God. When He materializes He will be within the presence of True Parents. That's why I think Father has stressed the Hoon Dok Hae tradition.

Arcanjo, who recently came to Korea, used Divine Principle Hoon Dok Hae reading as an effective way of witnessing. He was constantly reading it with new members. It strengthens faith.

So I had that new experience of understanding why Father spends so many hours of his life doing Hoon Dok Hae. The majority of Father's Hoon Dok Hae is Father's speaking directly. When you are with True Parents if your eyes are open, heaven is really before your eyes.

At first it was very tough being with True Parents because we had to adjust and felt such a strong need to transcend the physical plane. After having adjusted, when we are with True Parents, for example when Father is fishing, we can study and do other things that we need to do. Adjusting to these changes was the thing.

We feel very grateful to have this opportunity and as Father gave me my responsibility there is no better training. Father said I have to become his cane -- like an instrument for God's will. One day we sent that tweet when I had the honor of holding Father's tray at a mealtime. I said as a joke, "I also want to be Father's dining table!" Hyung Jin nim laughs. Actually it was wonderful just to hold it for him.

I am very relaxed around Father. He is also very relaxed around me, so I am grateful for that relationship. Of course, he has had great experiences with most of his children -- for example, Kook Jin hyung spent a lot of time with Father on boats in Alaska. But Father doesn't get mad at me as much as with the others [Hyung Jin nim laughs]. I think it is a special grace, and it has nothing to do with what I have done or accomplished. I am kind of the baby of the family. So he gives this grace that I am not worthy to receive. But he gives it. So I am filled with thanks.

With Father, it's very relaxing at times. But at other times, he can bring a whole spectrum... You learn that you can never do this kind of work for personal reasons, for reasons of self-interest. Father will always check that, he will always say things in Hoon Dok Hae about you. If you were to take this personally, it would drive you crazy. They are just words. They can express love or chastisement. Fundamentally, Father loves his children!

Father allows me to be myself. I am not always quiet. I like to make jokes; when I was young, I was a prankster. Father also loves animals and loves nature, and we connect on that because I love animals and have raised many animals. He loves all the animals that we have.

Question: Father is emphasizing things such as tribal messiahship, giving out 430 volumes. Members are trying to comply with these instructions. As international president could you say some- thing about what members' attitude or focus should be?

The whole purpose of tribal messiahship is witnessing. That's what Father is focusing on. Witnessing to your family. We call this restoring your tribe. But that basically means witnessing. It means bringing them to the blessing. It means understanding that when you are blessed you have to make a pledge before True Parents and believe in them as the Lord at his Second Advent, the saviors of your soul, changing your lineage from the realm of Satan to the realm of God. That's huge, and you can't do it on your own power or by your good deeds. You can only do it by the grace of True Parents. That is why the Messiah is necessary.

In the end, the Messiah is absolutely essential. We don't need some kind of Gnostic realization, where we all feel we are all messiahs, and Father is just one among us -- this kind of new-age)' type of theology; rather, he is a fundamental necessity for the sinful children of Satan. There is no way for the sinful children to jump back into God's family without God sending His son to recover them. No matter how much enlightenment we receive, no matter how much realization we may come to, getting back into God's family can only be done by God's grace and God's love, and by the son whom he sends as His representative. Under- standing this is a very important, because it allows us to realize the greatness of God's love and the greatness of True Parents and their sacrifice. 

True to My Parents We Live in the Joy and Glory

Hyung Jin Moon
August 28, 2011
Cheon Bok Gung, Yongsan Seoul Korea

Hyung Jin Moon, August 6, 2011

Hyung Jin Moon, August 6, 2011

Note: Most of these sermons are either transcribed from the simultaneous interpretation provided at Cheon Bok Gung or edited from the preliminary notes the interpreters use for reference. As such, they should not be considered a complete or definitive translation in whole or in part, and are not reliable enough to quote from authoritatively.

Hello brothers and sisters!

Haven't seen you for a while. As you know from this week's service, we are going to hold the Holy Spirit Healing Service in a slightly different way and for eight months now we have been offering Jeong Seong and going through the eight stages of Jeong Seong together with the Hoonsa nims and the ministers of Cheon Bok Gung and many of you have been offering Holy Spirit Healing Service from your homes and sending much energy and chi to our True Parents. We have seen amazing works of the Holy Spirit.

I think this grace is a very big gift and also this is evidence that the Holy Spirit is with us in this Unificationist family. Every month we can receive a different feeling from the service but when we think about eight months before, it's true that many people feel that we have entered into a new age and I also feel that. If you look back, I think we can recall the message from the Holy Spirit and through God telling us, "Have hope. There is much to be done."

For eight months you have offered Jeong Seong, much Jeong Seong and I had a chance to serve and attend True Parents right next to them and I have witnessed much energy being received by our True Parents and Father and Mother feeling more happy and more filled with energy and chi in their daily lives. Everybody feels this. Of course they are still pushing themselves and at the age of 93, Father should not lead such a strenuous life but in spite of that, the fact that he is still living in this way, this is possible because many, many members are offering Jeong Seong, offering devotions and our True Father is receiving much energy from all of you.

Won Mo boat

Won Mo boat

As you know recently, True Parents helped in the launching ceremony of the boat, the special boat, the Won Mo boat, where the universal parent boat is in Las Vegas. When we think about True Father, we come up with many images. He is the King of Kings, He is the King of Peace, and He is the Lord of the Second Advent. These are very grand images that we have of Father. When we look at his Autobiography or the comic-book version of Father's autobiography, we see Father leading the world and Father uniting the world into one.

So if we think about the image of Father as King of Kings, King of Peace, the Son of God and the Father of the world and the Second Christ, the Christ who has come again, of course, these are the central identities of our True Parents; but at the same time Father is a scientist.

In Jin Nim gave a sermon recently and she said that through science, Father has revealed many aspects of the Principle… Dual Characteristics, the plus minus concept within cells and many things. At this ceremony in Las Vegas, Father instructed that 150 women leaders come together, and together with all the members approximately 400 attended at the Pyung Wha Guk (Peace Palace) that is now being built here in Las Vegas.

If we look at the Chinese characters for Won Mo, the name of the Universal Parent boat, Won means round and Mo means mother. In this age of the Pacific Rim era, all women should become central figures; a woman should become leader and through the Won Mo boat, women with the mother's heart come together in this age of the Pacific Rim by creating this round circle. This is the age in which the mother's love and the mother's heart cover the entire world.

Of course, that doesn't mean that a man just sits still, but as always, the men also follow Father's way of life and become sons and husbands that return joy and glory to Father and at the same time they support their wives and daughters and mothers so that they can take part in the providence; so this forms a big, round circle. This is the way that all families must go.

While I was with Father in Las Vegas, I thought about lots of things. When Father first went to Las Vegas, actually like all members, I was very concerned because Las Vegas doesn't have a good reputation as you know. Many people think of it as "Sin City," a city of evil. That's why everybody was worried and concerned. What kind of religious leader goes to Las Vegas and holds a game conference? This is beyond our imagination but when I participated in the Las Vegas providence together with Father, together with Rev. Eu, Rev. Joo, Rev. Yang and Dr. Yang and watched Father every day, then I compared Him with the four great saints.

Actually, I studied the four great saints when I studied Theology and Religion. The four great saints, Buddha for instance, did not go to a place like Las Vegas. He always went the way of training. Confucius worked for the government so he would never go to any red light districts. Mohammad himself, of course, never went to such areas. However, Jesus Christ alone went to such red light districts. This was not to commit sin in the general sense but in order to lead the providence of salvation. He went to those places and he had communication with people that everybody disliked, for instance, the tax collectors or the prostitutes that everybody despised and He led the works of salvation.

When I saw this, it really again reinforced my conviction that Father is the true Lord of the Second Advent. To go into such a city of sin, the Lord doesn't just go to the sea, doesn't just go to train in the mountains, but He really attacks the satanic world in such evil places and He changes everything through that.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:34, "Do not suppose I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." So Father came to cut off Satan's lineage and to connect the lineage to God.

So when I watched the launching ceremony of the Won Mo boat, I came to think about the big meaning of this, especially in the American providence; Father received a lot of opposition from the start. For instance, when he bought the New Yorker Hotel, "Why would a religious leader buy a hotel in that area?" Everybody criticized this. As you know, 42nd street in New York was a total red light district. Of course today, many things have changed and it has been cleaned up but when Father first bought the New Yorker Hotel -- which is just along the road -- that whole area was a red light district. So why would a minister invest in such place? Why would a religious leader buy a hotel in such an area?

Father was persecuted a lot for this. It was unimaginable but because of the providence that Father led, this western side of Manhattan has totally changed and been cleaned up. Now it has become a higher level in the region.

And then when Father started the ocean providence, He built boats and he started the fish business. Everybody said, "Why is he doing this? Why would the Messiah do something like this?" However as you know, in America people don't eat much fish. They like beef and meat and they don't eat much fish. They eat hamburgers and pizzas.

When Father first started the fish business, how could this be successful in a culture such as America? In Asia, of course we eat a lot of fish but America is a meat-eating culture and so this was also not easily imagined. However today, we know that Father's fish business ranks first among the fish business and distribution business in America and there is a whole chain of restaurants. As you know, in New York and in LA, California and wherever you go, there are Sushi shops and places that serve fish. Many celebrities and stars see fish products as healthy food and so simply speaking, through the ocean providence, Father changed America, and also helped change America into a healthy culture.

So when Father began the Las Vegas providence, nobody believed in it. I confess that when he began the Las Vegas Providence, I was very concerned. Then Father took the game culture and took out the evil portion of the game culture and he helped, for instance, the Salvation Army. This time, we donated to a Women's Shelter in Las Vegas. We visited this place. There was a game tournament earlier this year and all members got together and collected their donations and the proceeds of that tournament was donated to the Salvation Army and to welfare organizations.

This was the first time something like this happened in Las Vegas. A religious group came into Las Vegas and held a game tournament in the casinos and the proceeds from that were donated to a welfare organization. This is the first time in Las Vegas history. So even looking at this vision that Father is leading, we can see how Father is trying to change Sin City into Sun City. And this does not end there. Now, Father is pioneering the Ocean providence through the Hoover Dam in the Las Vegas area by making a special boat with helium tanks. This uses the principle of Helium that lifts the boat to run faster and save gasoline.

Through this, Father is always thinking of the environment, of the earth. And he is always thinking about this issue of starvation, the food problem, and how to cope with this problem of starvation. It is not something that you plant seeds, wait until the harvest in autumn, and then you make a donation. But daily, every day, we have to worry about food in which to feed the children. And so in the ocean, through the Ocean providence, this is possible. This is a great wisdom that Father knows.

When we welcome True Parents in Las Vegas right now, the Original Divine Principle seminars are taking place constantly thru Rev. Yu. A few days ago, one workshop had ended, and this time CARP students came and visited. There are some from Cheon Bok Gung also. It was truly an unforgettable happy time shared together with the young students and True Parents. We had a good time with CARP students and had questions and answers. We went to the southern part of Las Vegas, close to Mexico, and we had Mexican food together. We shared much precious time together. We discussed many things that I had spoken about, for instance, the Mormon Church.

As you know, the Mormon Church is now all over the world, and in America there is a special situation. America is now suffering economically, and China is rising. China is becoming strong financially. So in the last 50 years, this is the first time that America has been shaken up to this extent financially. On the other hand, there is a very new environment and a new atmosphere in America. Of course, people are concerned and worried. But what is interesting is that in Broadway, New York, there is a musical that is now recently ranking at the top. It is called the "Book of Mormon" musical. It is a story that makes fun of organized religion and traditional musical theater and it is about two Mormon missionaries.

If you look at Las Vegas, there are many Mormons and it has a lot of income through the casinos. But 50 percent of its income is made through exhibitions, big exhibits, which they have through big companies such as Samsung and so forth. The Mormons have a very strong presence in Nevada as well. The Mormons have a very special message. The situation of America is now very unstable and people are losing their faith and confidence in America. When we look at the Mormon religion, many philosophers and theologians point out that their theology is weak.

It is problematic. However, the Mormon religion continues to grow. The reason for that is that the Mormon religion believes that America has been chosen as the center of the providence by God. Joseph Smith, they believe, is the most beloved prophet of God. They say that and they testify to that clearly. In Salt Lake City and in New York, where Joseph Smith received his revelation, is a special holy ground for the Mormon people. So even if the theology is a bit strange and people do not easily believe in the theology of the Mormons, the Mormon people see America as the holy land. They believe that the prophet that God loves the most arose from this land. This is what gives hope to the American people even if their theology is weak.

So then when I watched this, I thought of Korea. Korea is also going through many circumstances and situations in the Pacific Rim area. We see China rising very strongly. It is growing in an amazing way and Korea, a small country, is at risk. It is in danger before this tremendous power of China. As you know, Kook Jin Nim, CEO of Tong Il Foundation, has lectured on the need for a strong Republic of Korea. I think you have heard of this. But this really points to the issues. Korea is now going thru economic problems and China is showing tremendous growth.

What value does Korea have in such circumstances? No matter how economically strong it is, no matter how stable its politics, and no matter how confident its people are, Korea is a tiny nation. A very small nation. So how can it go to the world with this confidence? The main reason that they can have confidence is because God had chosen this country. And through the 2,000 years of history, the Lord who opened the new history of mankind came to this land. It is not the most beloved prophet of God, but the Son that God has sent who came to Korea. It is because of this reason. Not because the Samsung Company is strong and makes a lot of money that Korea is strong, that is only a temporary thing; but because True Parents, the Son of God, has been sent to this country that it has an eternal value.

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon, August 17, 2011

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon, August 17, 2011

When I stay in America, I can see that Americans feel hope in Mormonism in a sense. But in Korea, we have to know that people really need to know our True Parents. They need to know what situation Korea is in. They need to know the true value which resides in this country; the true vision, the true goal and the true providence that has been revealed by the Unification Church. The Principle is a strong, stable, and dignified theology and nobody can explain the Bible in this way. When we look at the history of the providence, God began with Adam, and now we are at the final stages of the providence thru our True Parents who will have victory here.

But nobody can explain this without knowing the Principle. And this is why we have to have faith and have hope in Korea. Our faith and our goal is important. Our goal is to return joy and glory to True Parents. It is very simple. There are many disputes going on in the Unificationist family but very simply we can distinguish what is true and what is not. What returns joy and glory to True parents is the real faith. What does not think about the joy and glory of True Parents is not true. So we can distinguish this very clearly. We must focus on returning joy and glory to our True Parents.

So I was eating tacos and burritos with the CARP students and one young man asked me, "After graduating from college, what should I do?" And then I responded to him, "Have a big dream but that alone is not enough. Even if you have a big dream, you have to have the dream for the joy and glory of our True Parents." So what is the difference there?

For example; we have a big dream that we will become big businessmen and become millionaires, or our whole family becomes successful. In some extent, that is working for the sake of others. But it is basically working for your family. And that is a self-centered content. But I said, "If True Parents gave you talent and ability then you should go out and utilize that and succeed. You should make a lot of money, earn a lot of money, and build ten hospitals, for instance. Set up a goal. Build ten hospitals for the glory of our True Parents and then I will send you ten Hoonsa nims to those hospitals. So build ten hospitals. Become successful businessmen.

Build an orphanage and have a huge dream. That dream is not for your glory or for your joy but it is for the joy and glory of our True Parents. If we can do that, then we can create eternal value. God has given each person a special talent and special ability. If you do not utilize that ability, then that is a sin. When you utilize that ability, then you develop that but it has to be for the glory of God, and it has to be for the glory of the Son that God has sent. So as Unificationists, when we go out into the world, whatever challenges there are, whatever obstacles there are, you do not have to worry. Because as long as you have the truth and you have the filial piety, then you can win over all evil contents and you can overcome all difficulties, and you can return joy and glory to our True Parents."

As I stay with True Parents, I feel many things. And I always have to repent. Our True Parents have gone beyond all limitations. They have transcended all dimensions and in their extremely strenuous life, they lead their lives with joy. When I see them do that, because of True Parents, I am able to stand before God. No matter how much personal training I accumulate, no matter how much Jung Sung I offer and no matter how much good I do, I am still a sinner before God. From my thinking and my words and my actions, I have hurt God in many ways.

By myself alone, I cannot go before God. I always realize this and I know this very well, that because of our True Parents, because of how precious they are, although he is my True Father, he is my savior. Because of him, I am able to stand before God and receive this tremendous blessing and tremendous grace. So then I realize the way of filial piety. This is not done through a sense of duty but this is done through love. No matter how difficult it is, no matter how tired we are, if we have a happy heart of joy, and going the way of filial piety, then we can all return joy and glory to our True Parents. So today, let us bring all of our Shim Jung energy together and gather together all of our love, all of our joys, all of our happiness and offer them to True Parents thru the "Chambumonim Eog Mansei". Through that vibration, then I believe that true spiritual works can occur in this history of providence.

Let us read Father's words together:

We speak the words of True Parents, yet we speak of True Children. What do True Children have to do? We need to know. We have to be able to offer all of our lives and we have to be able to offer everything what we have and be grateful even if we go to hell. This is the kind of course that we have to go through. And through this, we can connect as True Children. And we can return to the True Father.



Matthew, chapter 10

1: And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every infirmity.

2: The names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zeb'edee, and John his brother;

3: Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;

4: Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

5: These twelve Jesus sent out, charging them, "Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans,

6: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

7: And preach as you go, saying, `The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'

8: Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay.

9: Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts,

10: no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the laborer deserves his food.

11: And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it, and stay with him until you depart.

12: As you enter the house, salute it.

13: And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.

14: And if any one will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town.

15: Truly, I say to you, it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomor'rah than for that town.

16: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

17: Beware of men; for they will deliver you up to councils, and flog you in their synagogues,

18: and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them and the Gentiles.

19: When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour;

20: for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

21: Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death;

22: and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

23: When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes.

24: "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master;

25: it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Be-el'zebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.

26: "So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.

27: What I tell you in the dark, utter in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim upon the housetops.

28: And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

29: Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's will.

30: But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.

31: Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

32: So every one who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven;

33: but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

34: "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.

35: For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;

36: and a man's foes will be those of his own household.

37: He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;

38: and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

39: He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.

40: "He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives him who sent me.

41: He who receives a prophet because he is a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward, and he who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

42: And whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he shall not lose his reward."  

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon Makes Courtesy Call to Women's Advocacy Group in Las Vegas

Ariana Moon
August 12, 2011

Executive Director of Safe Faith United Rebeca Ferreira accepts the $10,000 check that was donated to her organization to help fight domestic violence. Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, president of the Unification Church International, recently visited Safe Faith United, an outreach organization that provides counseling and education for women who have escaped from domestic violence. Rebeca Ferreira, founder and executive director of Safe Faith United, met with Rev. Moon on August 12, 2011 and gave a short briefing on the facilities and programs.

"We were so honored to have Rev. Hyung Jin Moon and his wife, to have the opportunity to speak with him one-on-one, and to let him know about the problems at hand," said Ferreira. "We need to work together on behalf of humanity. We have to make sacrifices to better the life of other people, and this is the sort of attitude humanity is lacking right now. Between 1996 and 2008, approximately 360 women have been lost to domestic-violence homicide in Las Vegas, and that's too many.

"We have an academy for the defense of human rights called Justice Without Frontiers, which trains people to become victim advocates, and we are the only such academy in Las Vegas," she said.

Safe Faith United was one of three charities to receive donations from the Unification Church's charity slot tournament, which took place at the Aria Resort in Las Vegas on May 21, 2011. Rev. In Jin Moon, president of the Unification Church USA, said the idea was to uplift Las Vegas's reputation from that of "a city of sinning to a city of giving."

The two other recipients of donations, the Salvation Army and the Galilee Camps, which provide children a chance to experience a summer camp on the shores of Lake Tahoe, received $50,000 and $10,000, respectively.

Ferreira explained that her organization used the $10,000 donation to pay six-months rent for office space and to buy computers and a television to teach technological skills to women.

"We are truly grateful to Rev. Sun Myung Moon for remembering and helping those who live in the dark shadows of our society," Ferreira said. "The newly bought computers and television set will serve as windows of communication for those who are estranged from the society and will give them hope and a sense of belonging." 

Address to Original Divine Principle Workshop in Las Vegas

Hyung Jin Nim

Address to ODP, Las Vegas

July 24, 2011

Unofficial notes from direct interpretation not to be used as quotes.

Please, only for personal use.

Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius would not come to Las Vegas. This city is too sinful for

them; legalized prostitution, gambling, etc.

Jesus would come, though. Why did True Father come here? New York city is not bad.

Why coming here?

You who are attending this ODP workshop are seeing all the people gambling and all

other things going on here. You must also wonder.

Jesus Christ brought the 12 disciples to a place like Las Vegas with a loving heart. True

Father brought us here to discover the heart of love.

One thing that human beings always do is to create a God image according to their

own desires. We make the image of God. Sometimes we picture Him as a cool river,

sometimes like a pleasant spring breeze. When Moses met God, He appeared like a

burning bush! Moses had to take off his shoes and bend over to cover himself. We know

fire. Jewish people saw fire every day. This burning bush must have been very scary for

Moses. An image of God as cool river water is not scary; it does not kill people.

When you meet True Father you may tremble with fear. Your whole body will tremble

with fear. In the Book of Revelation (chapter 4) all the angels (four beasts and 420

elders) bowed down to the ground and just said “holy, holy, holy.” [“Holy, holy, holy,

LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” Rev. 4:8], When God appears,

he is not appearing as we want but as a fearsome being. In this age, we focus on love.

However, some things are important to fear. If I break my wife’s heart by committing

adultery, I would fear the consequences. That is a good fear.

When I go around with True Father, I really feel that he is something more than

my physical father. He is God’s substantial body. In Buddhism, we are taught that

we are dung. The Messiah is ontologically different than us. He represents the dual

characteristics of God. It was the same with Adam and same with Jesus.

We, all the people in the world, are the descendents of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve’s

children come out of the creative power that God gave to human beings. We did not

directly come out of God’s dual characteristics.

First, God is the Creator. We are the created beings. The created being has no right in

front of the Creator. We have no rights whatsoever. He created us out of dirt. There is

nothing that God is obliged to give us. We are simply created beings. In this relationship,

God has all the rights. He gave us life and can kill us a moment later. He is still God; a

good God. As a creator, there is no obligation from the created being to the Creator. He

does not need to make our lives successful or good.

Second, we are all sinners. Say, “I am a sinner.” [I am a sinner] Look at your heart and

mind when you utter those words. What did you feel? Repentful? Good? Some of you

may say that these people in Las Vegas are the sinners, not me! We want to claim that

Stalin, Lenin, Hitler are the sinners, not me. They committed all the heinous crimes. Do

you not have that feeling? It is pretty common.

While I grew up in this church I thought I was a righteous person. I did everything right

as TF asked me to do. I offered difficult devotions for over 10 years. I did not drink,

smoke, date or do anything else. I thought I was at least better than the person over there.

Look closely into yourself. Do you not think that when you walk around in the casino?

This was the sin of the Pharisees, those who killed Jesus. It is a great sin. We think that

we worked hard and offered everything up to God. However, all acts of righteous people

are like “dirty rags” in front of God. (Is. 64:6)

When we think of it, we cannot make any claim in front of God. Even if Mother Theresa,

who lived her whole life for other people, goes in front of God, she will realize that all

that she did was like dirty rags.

We are all sinful, dirty people part of Satan’s family and without value. We are not

special. We are not important. Even if God kills us with a flood judgment tomorrow, we

cannot say anything. As we concluded earlier, God has all rights.

When I was a high school student, my attitude was like one of the Pharisees, even though

I was a true child, a second generation. We were never told we were sinners, which we

were. We were told we were God’s pride and hope. I thought I could go before God. I

thought that because I had no original sin, that I was not a sinner. However even lacking

original sin, who has not committed sin?

People in the world understand that murder or rape are sins. Howerver, we know from the

providence of restoration sin is to hurt God, to lower God’s esteem, God’s heart, etc.

People who blamed God, saying that they deserve a thanks from God because of their

great works. That is a sin. Remember, I am saying this to you because I love you. These

are not easy words to hear. They are not making anybody popular. In front of God, we

are all sinners. We cannot go in front of God for eternity. That is a fact. In front of the

perfect God, sin cannot appear. We are automatically repelled from God. So do not take

this badly. In front of God, be like a true child. I am a sinner. Always confess that in front

of members. I also did blame God, so “I do not deserve this!” Because I am a sinner. We

cannot go in front of God.

There is only one reason that we are God’s children. That we are good parents, buying

ice cream for children, and do other “good” things do not count. All these acts are like

diry rags. We are all sinners. I am a sinner. There is only one reason we can go in front of

God. The blood of True Parents; not because of the blood of satan. Not because we have

qualification to receive anything from God. We are just a mass of flesh.

It is only because a son sent by God, that we can have life. When God looks at me, how

will He see you? Young? Handsome? Righteous? From God’s point of view, we look like

right out of a horror movie. Covered in blood; the blood from True Parents. When God

looks at us, He will only see sins. Yet, He does not see that because he is only looking at

the blood.

I sometimes look at marshal arts wrestling. I like it. When you look at a fight, the

audience gets excited when one contender gets knocked out. It pleases me too. Before my

repentance, I did not know who True Parents were. Until I understood that I can not go in

front of God without the blood of True Parents, I myself was bad.

Some people think that repentance is dark and not good. If your heart gets darker

through repentance, you are not doing repentance in the correct way. Only through

correct repentance can you end up more happy. Repentance does not mean that you

hate yourself. Self-intoxication and self-hatred are the same. The person who loves

himself and the person who hates himself is you. The point is that you concentrate on

YOURSELSF. Self-love and self-hatred are the same. It is to focus on yourself. You need

to focus on God, not on yourself. The repentance must make you feel fulfilled. Focus on


Without repentance, you cannot have a deep shimjeong relationship with God and True

Parents. I guarantee that 100%. If you think you can be as good as True Parents, you

cannot obey True Parents. Old things have to die and new things have to appear. Eternal

life, blessing and grace have to appear. Without repentance, your stiff shimjeong cannot

be softened.

My life, my fortune, my dream are what we seek. We spend a fortune to buy our own

dreams. The American dream.

What are you going to do after death? What would you do if you could go in front of God

forever? If you call True Parnts, they will not recognize you. Mt 7:22-23 says, it is really

fearful—the day of your death “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we

not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done

many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart

from me, ye that work iniquity.” We always say that we love True Parents. However just

saying that does not mean that we can go to God.

Do you think your life is important? Your dream? Your wish? Your hopes? Do you think

that they are important? When I started to serve True Parents, I gave up my dreams. My

hopes—I killed them. No vision statement. I cannot have hope or desire in front of True

Parents. Being 24/7 in front of God, it is not possible. My vision of myself would be as a

Lord of joy and victory. I can do a lot. I am energetic. I am 33 years old. I can do a lot of

things. I can make a personal mission statement a la Tony Robins—I have done all that.

Yet now I have no dream of mine. I have a cell phone but no dream. Only one dream: TP

glory. I am a son of TP but at the same time I am a slave of TP. It is really hard to hear

that, is it not? I am not even a servant. I am a slave. Nevertheless, I am happy and feel

glory. Nevertheless. I am a slave. I am not even a servant of servant.

“Job well done My faithful servant.” In the original Greek, it is slave, not servant. What

is the difference? Servants can work all day and get paid. They can quit. Slaves cannot

quit. They must be available 24/7. They cannot go the master and tell him about their

dreams and hopes. No right. Absolute obedience. 100% the slave depend on the master.

Slave has to worship the master. The Bible says that you cannot serve two masters. Only

one. That is the joy of your life.

I studied Confucius. I was really surprised. When you think of filial piety, this is similar

to being a slave in western thought; a son who lives and dies for his father. I saw in my

Father, that he wants that 100% obedience that Confucius described. There is no Lord

without slaves. They need each other. It is a dependent relationship. Therefore if we

believe in TP through DP, when we testify to them, we have to say that we are the slave

of TP. The person who wants to live will die. Those who want to die will live. (Mt 16:25)

I am TP son. I know this 100%. At the same time, I am TP’s slave. It is my joy and my

glory. When I die, that is my fortune. Of course, it would be a sin to boast about that. So I

have to be careful. (joke)

When I studied about filial piety, I was amazed how children treated their parents. They

did not have any own dream or hopes of their own. Filial piety in front of TP!

Sometimes, I feel a little frustrated. I have to follow TP all day. I cannot even check

email. Once I took my elder sister to the airport. TF became so angry. How dare you

do that when I am holding HDH? I could say nothing to TF. Sometimes, I think if HDH

is finished by 9, I can go to the dentist appointment at 10:30. But I have to get rid of all

those thoughts.

When I go in front of TF, I feel very special. When you are in front of TF, do you think it

is like you are in front of a nice stream or brook? “No” they said.

In CIG and in the spirit world, do you think it will be like a vacation? That is not reality.

When we go to the Kingdom of Heaven, there will be a King. God exists. TP exists.

There will not be like having a pina cloada (light rum, coconut cream and pineapples)

on the beach—that is when you are the king. When I sit in front of TP, I am extremely

fearful. I get hit once, twice. I just wanted to run away. That is because I am a sinner.

I felt that I was sitting right in front of God. When He smiles, I smile. When He is not

happy, I am not happy. That place in front of God, is the KOH. God hits us when He

wants, He scolds us when He wants. We want His will to be fulfilled. That is the KoH.

In the spirit world, we will never get pain in our legs from sitting etc. In one moment, I

can be thrown into the fires of hell. I cannot say anything. Being in front of TP is difficult

physically. TF really has the body of the returning Lord. It is difficult for the leaders here.

Once I got rid of my dreams, there is nothing more joyful than being with TP. The most

joyful love of TP is far beyond any joyful moment with my wife or anything else.

The fact that I can be in front of God is a great privilege. He is the TP that loves me. His

shimjeong is amazing. In my heart I fear Him. I feel incredible gratitude and love in front

of TP. Even if I live like this for eternity, it would be a good eternal life. Even if I give

pain to TP, even if I am a sinner, this is a good life.

I want to train you. I want to give you an item of homework: If TF holds HDH for 10

or 12 hours, I usually drink fruit drinks after the speech. Maybe you have backache. Or

become sore. Whenever you feel the limitations of your body after 10-14 hours, try to

really give up your own thinking. Try to think that the KoH is here. I am in position of

going to Hell. Now I am sitting in front of TF. Get hit. Smile. Try this.

Once sitting right in front of TF, I thought that I can endure 4 hours, max. I was

imagining doughnuts and lovely bakery items. After 10 h, I gave up on any such thought.

He could speak forever. As I gave up everything, I could see the calm river water. Do

that. That is your homework next time you see TP.

I did not say that you are sinners, because I like it. My saying may seem strong to you.

Slave may seem a strong expression. The day will come when you have to shed your

body. The American dream and having cute kids and so, would be nice. Grass in front

yard. Do not buy that dream because it will not make you happy. Maybe you want to

retire early and live by the beach. Do not buy that dream. You have to live for something.

Then you have to die for something. Then you can go to Eternity. Please live and die for

the sake of TP.

When we meet each other in spirit world at TP feet, we can shed tears together. We

can call each other brothers and sisters. And we can feel grateful. At the time we could

say we had a dream. It is not an American or a temporal dream. We did not buy those

dreams. We died. We lived and died for the glory of TP. Of course we cannot be proud

of the glory of whatever we have done in front of TP. On that day, God will tell you have

done a job well done. Otherwise, God will say that He never knew you, because you

bought a different dream. When you go to spirit world and God says that you did not live

for me, that is hell. If He does not recognize you, that is hell. I beg you, do not buy that

(common) dream.

Repentance is, I am crying but I am happy. I did not prepare this talk. I did not prepare.

Earlier, I was so worried if the members would like me or not. I was a mess of sin. I was

a coward. I did not love the spirit of members. I was worried if people liked my sermon.

Useless dirty rags. I am grateful to God. My heart is happy. I am crying, yet I am happy.

Whether people like me or not, I receive the power and the grace of God so I can try to

love the people of God.

In Greek, metanoia —repentance… Meta=transform. Noia=heart, mind, shimjeong.

Repentance. Up to now, I wanted to be glorified. My mind died. I wanted to be glorified.

I am transformed. Now, THY will be done, THY kingdom come. Not mine. Meta-noia.

Transformation of the heart. I have to take out my stiff heart. By the grace of TP, I can

love. It is not really the love between brothers/sisters. I reached that shimjeong. It is a

transformation. It is not important how proud I am. I, I, I. Instead of that, we should be

concerned with THY glory. I really hope that this church discovers repentance again.

I want to save many people. However, I cannot save people, only the blood of TP can

do that. We have done nothing. We want to do at least our 5% responsibility. However

getting that portion of responsibility is a grace from God.

Next time, please try to have that kind of heart when you meet TP. Nobody can be

perfect, however try. TP will cover for you. You have to have the heart to give the glory

to God and TP. We want to say that my actions would be the proof that I loved God.

Look at me. I wear a white top and black bottom. If you can see me spiritually, you can

see the blood that is covering me. It is only because of the painful indemnity course of

TP that we are here. When I look at my wife, I do not feel that I am worthy of the grace I

received. It is only because of the suffering of TP, that the 2G can exist, that I can exist.

We have nothing to be proud of. Yet we are very arrogant. We are filled with arrogance

in our minds. After repentance, look at your heart. You may feel that you are proud that

you repented. Be careful. Instead, go through a life of prayer,and gratitude. Buy that

dream instead.

Cham bo mo nim Ok Mansei.

If we have the time, we could repent. At some other time.

I am a true son. I am a sinner. I cannot come before TP or God without the blood of TP.

If you feel the same way as I, you re my true Brothers and Sisters.

Reconciling God and Man

Hyung Jin Moon
July 16, 2011
Keynote address
UPF International Chairman
Opening plenary of the International Leadership Conference
Sheraton Hotel
Abuja, Nigeria

Your Excellencies, respected political leaders, distinguished religious leaders and ambassadors for peace from throughout Africa and the world: It is a distinct honor to have this opportunity to address you this morning on behalf of UPF's founders, my parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. I feel very blessed to be here in Africa at this time. This is my first visit to Nigeria. We had the great opportunity with Father and Mother Moon to meet your president, His Excellency Goodluck Jonathan, yesterday. I'd like to share with you True Parents message to your great president. As you know, when many delegates of different nations, leaders, come to visit the president of a nation, some requests usually come with the discussion.

Yet when Father Moon came to this country to meet your president, he came not to request anything but instead to give three key points that are key to Father Moon's own revelation and understanding of God's will. The first is that Nigeria must create the tradition of God. He challenged the leaders that were present at the table to inherit the tradition of God. The second point was to understand the value of lineage, divine lineage. The third point was that True Father has created the holy textbooks that guide us spiritually, socially and politically as entities from individuals, to families to nations in order to resemble and center upon God as we move forward into prosperity and progress. These are the holy books and sacred texts that are beyond what you would normally see as spiritual teachings. They go on to describe how parents should treat their children, how children should treat their parents, the importance of filial piety, the importance of responsibility to the nation, and so forth. He said that the third point was to resemble these teachings....

I think it is essential to understand Father Moon's identity in order to understand what he means by tradition and lineage (divine lineage) and what he means by resembling the teachings. Followers of Father and Mother Moon, commonly known as Unificationists, do not see Father and Mother Moon as simply great peace leaders, or simply great teachers and educators of the world -- which they are, of course. We see them as the returning Christ, as the Messiah to the world. This is True Parents' fundamental identity. Without understanding the implications of this identity and that from this identity comes their revelation, their fundamental teachings, their great scope and vision for the world, it is impossible to understand the depth of Father and Mother Moon.

We were so blessed yesterday to drive, with Father and Mother Moon, through your country. We saw the beautiful churches and mosques all around. I do believe that the Nigerian people -- indeed African people in general -- are deeply religious. This is the right place and the right time for this meeting.

We are gathered here at a critical time in history and a critical time for Africa. Of course, we have all been observing the very serious developments that have unfolded recently in North African nations such as Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. However, at the same time, dramatic, largely positive and transformative changes are taking place all across Africa.

Father and Mother Moon have visited Africa many times and have had representatives working here for more than forty years in every country on this continent. Recently, UPF has been working closely with the African Union, not only in convening Africa Day programs each year, but in working to assist in the eradication of diseases such as sleeping sickness.' UPF has also been at the forefront of HIV /AIDS prevention programs, character education and "service learning" for youth.

It is important for us to reflect on what is meant by peace, especially through the vision and eyes of Father Moon. Is peace simply a cessation of conflict? Is peace goodwill amongst men and nations, or is it more fundamental to our human condition? When Father Moon talks about peace, he is not just speaking about peace between communities, between tribes and between nations; he is talking about peace with our Creator. This is fundamental to understanding Father Moon's great passion for the world, his unceasing love for this world.

Because in True Father's revelation, he has unlocked the nature, the secrets of the Fall. Through the Fall, as taught by True Parents, Adam and Eve -- the first ancestors of humankind -- were taken from God's lineage and connected to Lucifer's lineage. Because they were tempted and fell into sin, they took on not the will of their father, God, but the will of a tempter. This lineage has continued throughout history....

Father Moon transcends the boundaries of human limitations and of human suffering. He has been through every form of torture devised, experienced every single type of scorn expressed. Yet he has not only maintained a heart of love toward his fellow man; in prayer he has always told his Father, God, Father may You not be angry with your children. May You have hope. Even though I bear the burdens of torture and the pain thrown upon me by men, may You never worry, may You never cry over my pain....

In our minds, we have thoughts that we should not think. On a daily basis, we separate ourselves from God. This has been the classic definition of sin: separation from God. So, if there is to be peace with our Maker, this separation must be addressed. It must be addressed if there is to be fundamental peace between God and man -- not the pain that God must experience when He looks at children who should have been His, but that have separated from Him, that obey a different master, that obey the flesh, their desires, their lusts, their impetus to love, adore and worship ourselves. Under those circumstances, God must feel pain. God must feel sadness. God must be heartbroken.

If simply on our own effort, simply on the strength of the goodwill of men and women, we could arrive at peace with our Maker, it would have been done a long time ago. Father Moon's fundamental insight is that man cannot do it alone. We cannot approach an all-perfect, all-good God when we are full of sin. When our hearts and minds yearn to do things that are not godly, we cannot approach a perfect and all-good God. The only way we can approach and be in the presence of such a holy, righteous, good and perfect God is to have His grace, His mercy and His compassion....

The Marriage Blessing Ceremonies led by Father Moon are as important as the Passover Feast led by Jesus Christ. The Blessing Ceremony -- in which husbands and wives of different faiths, different nationalities and backgrounds, different world- views and communities are bound eternally as husband and wife -- is a fundamental sacrament in our tradition.

This blessing of marriage is the fulfillment of the mission of Christ. It is what Jesus was here to do -- to take us away from the lineage of Satan and to engraft us onto the lineage of God. He was not to just accept us as friends in the house of the Lord, but to bring us in as the children of God. This is why we believe True Parents have come with a remarkable mission, not simply the mission of an educator or peace activist. It is the fundamental mission for the salvation of souls.

One of True Parents' most profound teachings is on the conscience. Father Moon teaches that our conscience knows before our parents, before our teachers and gurus, and even before God, what is right or wrong. The example he gives is that when Adam and Eve had fallen, they were bathed in sin. They disobeyed God's commandments, which were made through His love. When God called out to Adam and Eve, asking where they were, they already knew and felt ashamed of their sin. Father Moon's teaching is connected to the teaching in Romans 2 where the scripture says that even the gentiles have the commandments of God written on their hearts, that they already know within their hearts what is right and wrong.

This teaching is very relevant for our understanding of how to create a world of peace. Father Moon differentiates the conscience from our original mind. Because we were made in the image of God, we receive God's attributes, the attributes of heart, emotion, intellect and will. This is what Father Moon refers to as our original mind, which leans toward God, which yearns for God based on the heart, emotion, intellect and will. The conscience is written upon that, as an instrument to differentiate between what is good and what is evil, what yearnings of the heart are sinful, evil, ungodly and lead to destruction, and which ones lead to everlasting peace and joy.

True Parents teach that the conscience allows us to discern whether what we feel is right. Father Moon's teaching is very practical because it gives us the key to trusting our conscience. Conscience has challenged each person in this room. Sometimes we have made decisions that have turned out to be the wrong one. At other times, we have made the right decisions. But in those times of making decisions we have struggled to decipher what our conscience is telling us. Father Moon's fundamental understanding of the original mind gives us the key to understand when we are moving in line with our conscience, which is God's instrument to lead us away from evil and toward good....

Our intellect allows us balance, allows us to see our feelings in light of revelation from God -- God's word. Balancing the aspects of emotion, or feeling, and intellect that grasp and apply the gift of scripture, finally then our heart inclines toward bringing joy to God.... We must come to him not only as servants, as friends, but as his humble and repentant children. Through God's grace and though Christ whom he has sent, our sins are covered, we are led into the presence of God not as enemies but not just as friends, but as His children....

Since Father Moon challenged the UN in 2000, the General Assembly has passed a number of resolutions in line with his hopes, and with his call for interfaith cooperation. Father Moon challenges those who follow him to go beyond even their own ideas, to cooperate with and love the rest of the world's people as brothers and sisters.

As you may know, one of the key aspects of the Unification faith has been inter-religious activity, again stemming from Father and Moon's understanding of the importance of religion. Religion stands in the Abel position, in the search of man to understand his God, and science stands in the Cain position to understand man through nature, through the universe.

True Parents have built a temple in the middle of Seoul, which has images representing each of the great traditions. All Unificationists must love Christ, the Buddha, the Prophet Mohammed and Confucius. That is one of the core aspects of our faith. Father Moon sees religion in the role of guiding humanity to a deeper understanding of God....

At the Assembly of the World's Religions, convened in 1985, True Father gathered leaders from all faiths and called for the publishing of a book of sacred texts, expressing the common values shared by all religions. This resulted in the publication of World Scripture: An Anthology of Sacred Texts, a volume that shows the universal spiritual values shared by the world's religions. True Father considers World Scripture to be one of the essential texts in the canon of Unificationism.

Recently, True Father also published his autobiography, entitled, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen. It was at the top of the best-seller lists in Korea for almost two years. It has now been published in English and many other languages.

It is my plea to you today to not stop with this plenary. Don't stop. You've come, God has guided you this far, I urge you to deeply study the teachings of Father and Mother Moon, who are not simply prophets of this age, who are not simply teachers and great educators but who have a more profound identity and truth that will transform our lives. Through this autobiography and through his teachings, we will understand more about Father Moon's vision, character and mission at this time in history. These texts reveal deep understanding and allow one to probe his heart, his mission for building the kingdom of God.

In conclusion, I want to thank each one of you for participating in this important conference. I believe your deliberations here can bear great fruit and can have a great impact on Africa. They can have a great impact on the world. I pray that you remember that Father Moon, when he talks about universal peace, is talking about reconciling God and man, bringing us all back to the restored position as God's children. If we understand this truth, that from this first commandment to love God with all our might, soul and strength, out flows the second commandment, which is to love your neighbor and to love each other as brothers and sisters. When we understand that fundamental core our relationship with God as the central aspect for peace -- we are already brothers and sisters.

Brothers and sisters, God surely loves the people of Africa, and His hand is guiding the providence here. I believe that it is no accident that we are here together. It is no accident that my parents, True Parents, are here and that tomorrow we can be challenged by their words. They will never talk to us with soothing words. They come to challenge us to our very core. They will chastise us, they will, like Christ in John chapter 8, challenge us fundamentally. They will not be politically correct -- something Father has never been! They will call us to love God. They will call us to enter into God's family, to build families centered on Him and to build a kingdom for Him. 

Blessing in Las Vegas

Hyung Jin Moon
June 26, 2011


The following information is from the web page Unificationism.

Las Vegas is often called "Sin City," where the Marriage Blessing Ceremony is necessary most.

As a process of the restoration of the city, True Parents matched a man and woman both who had experienced divorce, and on 5.25 by the heavenly calendar (June 26, 2011), they were Blessed as the first Blessed couple at the Peace Palace in the city, officiated by Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim.

The bridegroom was Mr. Sung Won Moon (Korean), who has a son, and is somebody who joined the church in Las Vegas after True Parents started Las Vegas providence. The groom was Ms. Yoko Yamasaki (Japanese missionary), who has a daughter. 

God shields us

Hyung Jin Moon
June 19, 2011

Today, too, we hope that you can send big love to True Parents.... Let us not worry about how other people view us. Let us get out of this childish mentality and devote this time to thinking about the relationship between God and "I", between our True Parents and "I". Let us focus on that. Other people are not important....

We want to send our best filial piety and best love through the vibration to our True Parents. We sing the Holy Songs (Chanting Chambumonim Eok Mansei!) and we praise every moment..... Have that kind of heart.

Until 2013, what can we do? Our True Parents are on the frontline and leading the providence. And I am besides them, but I often feel that I have nothing to offer to our True Parents. But how about our brothers and sisters who are in different countries other then Korea? How do THEY feel?

So until 2013 our True Parents are fighting with the satanic world and they are challenging the City of sin (Las Vegas), and we ourselves, we need to offer them all of the help that we can offer.

And this heart of obedience and action, how is it shown? It is being shown through our Shim Jung world .....What kind of heart and what kind of vibrations do we live with?

.... we have to discard our ego and we have to build a new me...

We must offer a service with the Holy Spirit and the truth. This is when we can rebuild ourselves anew. It is not MY power, but it is the grace and forgiveness...

So let us go a step further, and as we gather together this vibration, let us build a new community....

We have to offer and praise with a new heart, we chant Chambumonim Eok Mansei! Then our True Parents can feel this...

With this kind of heart we offer glory to our True Parents and send them the vibration of the heart...

If we can offer glory to God then I believe that amazing spiritual works will occur... Today let us offer our Cheong Song and let us send even greater love and hope to our True Parents.

We would like to close with the words of our True Parents (from 2003):

"..... from now on people will experience spiritual phenomena and experience the transcendental world... like never before. These spiritual phenomena will occur frequently and people will receive a big influence from that..."

The complete video message is on: