Keeping Up With True Parents

Hyung Jin Moon
June 3, 2011
Holy Spirit Healing Service
Cheon Bok Gung
Seoul Korea

Brothers and sisters, it's a pleasure to see you all again. It's been quite some time since we last met. We've been trying to keep up with True Parents these days, and only today were we able to pull ourselves away. I have felt many things through this opportunity to attend True Parents. In particular, there are many points for me to repent over.

While attending True Parents I was able to poignantly feel how True Parents are truly transcending time and space. Physically, it is tremendously exhausting. It's difficult to imagine how they can carry on with such tremendous power. We are young and striving to exercise every day. We do Jeong Seong yet end up collapsing, unable to keep up with True Parents. When I consider this reality, and having gone through such hardships, and also seeing the young people around True Parents -- including the men who take turns massaging True Father -- becoming physically exhausted, I come to feel that our True Mother is so amazing. To be able to do that for fifty years... When I was in Europe I asked the members this: Brothers and sisters, if you were married to God, that would not be easy, right? Truly, there is no other who has loved Father as Mother has.

After taking part in a sixteen-hour Hoon Dok Hae our back hurts, our legs hurt; our entire body is in pain. Once in Las Vegas, Father asked me to sit by his feet so I sat there for twelve or thirteen hours and was unable to leave. I was sitting by the wall and so could not move an inch. My back hurt, my stomach hurt and my legs hurt. Once it was over, we could return to our rooms to rest. Yet, True Mother cannot rest.

Even after Hoon Dok Hae, or an event, she has to attend True Father twenty-four hours a day. We suffered pain in our backs just from attending one long Hoon Dok Hae. Yet True Mother has been doing this for more than fifty years -- twenty-four hours every day, loving True Father, unable to rest for a moment. She has had to attend Father. In so doing, she goes beyond herself as a human being. The True Mother who transcends being human was revealed. Let's send our heartfelt applause to True Mother!

While we were trying to keep up with True Parents in Europe, I wondered how we can attain true peace within. Can we attain true peace by having kindly thoughts within our mind? No we cannot. We may experience provisional or momentary peace or a peaceful state of mind. Yet, fundamental peace cannot emanate from us. Genuine peace can be created only by that person who can eliminate the bitter resentment, pain, and suffering that has separated humankind from God. There is a difference between true peace and simply having a tranquil or peaceful heart.

To be honest with you, when I followed True Father, remaining at his side for the whole day, I did not have a peaceful heart, even when I went up those high mountains or viewed the calm waters of the ocean. During Hoon Dok Hae, we are not listening with a carefree heart to comforting words from True Father. We are actually tense as we listen to what he says. And we do listen intensely.

When I am going around with True Parents, I do not know when I might be scolded. That is why in some way I am constantly feeling tension. Fundamental peace -- not just a peaceful mind -- is created from the context of our relationship with God, from the context of our life, and the purpose of our eternal life. It is Christ who gives us that fundamental peace.

When we go in front of God we do not just find peace in our hearts. We may also tremble and experience fear. We will be very tense. Now I know why all the angels have white hair. [Laughter] They feel tension, even in heaven. Even in the heavenly world, I'm sure we will feel some stress. [Laughter] There will still be much to do in heaven. Yes or no? Yet, fundamentally you will find peace, love, grace and blessing flowing forth from God's heart. It's a paradox. You feel that when you attend True Parents.

A couple of days ago, many of our members endured sixteen hours of Hoon Dok Hae. There was also one Christian pastor that day and he said, Rev. Moon is God. [Hyung-jin nim laughs]

For him to say that is remarkable. God's existence can be felt through True Parents who are in the flesh. We have to repent when we hear such words....

We all have sin. Even without original sin we commit personal sin or collective sin every day. A person with sin is a sinner. Yet, when they hear this, many people think that because they are sinners they cannot dream, they cannot entertain a vision for their life, and that they have to go through life concealing that. They make the grave mistake of thinking that they must live in hatred of themselves. This is the wrong interpretation.

Self-satisfaction, loving only oneself and hating oneself, all of these are the same thing. If you just love yourself, that is a sin. That was Satan's sin. At the same time if we hate ourselves, that is also a sin. If I love myself and only myself who is my center? It is me. If I hate myself who is the center? It is me. It's the same result. The same person is at the center.

Repentance is not about only loving or hating yourself. That is not repentance. If you are repenting in that way you are mistaken. Repentance does not equal hating yourself. Repentance equals being honest. To be honest with yourself is repentance.

If we are honest with ourselves, what will we discover? We will discover a self-centered person. We will discover a self- centered person who sometimes does good deeds, right? We will discover a jealous person, a person filled with hatred, a person whose mind and body are divided -- we will discover all these people within us. Repentance is being honest with ourselves and knowing that we are not perfect.

When we repent we are not focusing the spotlight on ourselves but on God and the son He has sent. Repentance is honesty. It is acknowledging the fact that you are not perfect, that you are capable of hurting God and that you have sin. Yet, you focus the spotlight away from yourself and onto God.

People who repent well, those who do it the right way instead of the wrong way, should not be in despair or in darkness. Once we repent in the true sense we can become brighter people. We become more honest people.

When you participate in the Holy Spirit Healing Service, when you enter this chapel, brothers and sisters, you must come here to die. If we wish to be resurrected we must first die. We do not come here to receive grace; we must come here to die.

That is why Father scolds us, telling us to die. His words are truly profound. Jesus said those who seek to gain their lives will lose them and those who seek to lose their lives shall live.

The reason we can go in the presence of the True Parent, the son sent by God, and to God, even as we die, is not because of our good deeds. It is because of the victory True Parents have attained by paying indemnity throughout their course. When we realize this and truly die for that sake, God can live with us. True Parents can dwell within us. I should say it the other way around: We can dwell within True Parents.

If we die like that and enter into True Parents, when we look at ourselves from God's point of view God will not see us because we are inside True Parents; God will see True Parents.

Even if we have our shortcomings, sin or anything else, True Parents will embrace us. Thus, God will forgive us and will see us within "True Parents' love.

Brothers and sisters, with that mind we must send our vibrations. We must send strength to True Parents, our strength and our energy with a pure mind, pure motivation, and pure heart and with that kind of mind-set.

If we die in that way and are resurrected by the grace of True Parents, God and the Holy Spirit, I believe that we can live an amazing dream, and an amazing life for an amazing purpose. Aju! 

Some Thoughts on Hyung Jin Moon's Holy Spirit Healing Service

Anthony J. Guerra
June 2011

Dr. Anthony J. Guerra is an assistant to the international president, Rev. Hyung jin Moon.

Question: You have said that you feel the Holy Spirit Healing Service is a significant development.

Answer: I feel strongly that the Holy Spirit Healing Service is a gift that God has given to our movement through Hyung Jin nim, through True Parents, at a critical time. By Hyung Jin nim being able to convey that gift to our members, it allowed him, as international president, to move to his higher responsibility, which is to serve True Parents directly. Even though he had been working on it somewhat earlier, the Holy Spirit Healing Service came to fruition at the Yeosu workshop at the end of last year, because there was the opportunity to do it together with hundreds of brothers and sisters.

People experienced the power of love, comfort and the chastisement of the Holy Spirit together. It created a unity among us. This Hyung Jin nim saw, and it allowed him to feel that giving this kind of love to True Parents through the Holy Spirit service was going to heal all of us. That spiritual foundation was the foundation on which Hyung Jin nim could then substantially go and directly serve True Parents.

We can connect with him in a real way through the Holy Spirit Healing Service, giving energy to True Parents, while he is there directly, physically as well as spiritually, caring for True Parents. I think the timing is not accidental that this Holy Spirit Healing Service was given by God through True Parents, through Hyung Jin nim, to us.

Question: Why did Hyung Jin nim choose the words "Chambumonim Eog-mansei"?

Answer: Chambumonim (True Parents) is obvious, because they are the center, in the original four-position foundation, the culmination of God's true love, the center of our church, the center of the providence; it must be that. Eog-mansei we have said for decades when we are trying to express our commitment, celebrate a great victory or look forward to a great providential victory with True Parents. There are probably many reasons.

One reason, Hyung Jin nim said, is that no matter who you are or how poor your Korean is, these are probably the few words that everyone in our movement knows and can pronounce. The issue of having a service that can be universal is one factor, because even though they are Korean words they have become Unificationist words.

Question: The potential effects of this service seem profound.

Answer: Hyung Jin nim liked Rohan Durant's testimony about the Holy Spirit Healing Service. He sent it to me and said to share it with members... Two points Rohan made were helpful for all of us. One is that in chanting "Chambumonim Eog-mansei," we create a spiritual Noah's Ark, and when we're on that ark -- that spiritual, vibrational ark -- we have the same protection from the fallen world, from the chastisement of that world, as Noah's family had in those Last Days. So, in these Last Days, the Holy Spirit Healing Service creates that vibrational ark that saves the community and saves anyone who is willing step on to it.

The second insight -- although this is exactly the point that Hyung Jin nim in has been talking about from the very beginning -- is that through our purely and fully centering our hearts on True Parents and on giving True Parents our love, our devotion and our sincerity, we ourselves are renewed (those that seek to lose their life will gain it). Of course, the external words "Chambumonim Eog-mansei" together demand, in order for those words to be fully operationalized, spiritually, our pure intention, our pure devotion, our full devotion. When we give that, the vibrational ark is realized.

Hyung Jin nim recognized the power of the Holy Spirit Healing Service, and he immediately became aware that he had to be humble in front of that power. That's why he immediately developed the confession at the beginning of the healing service. The essence of this came very quickly because of Hyung Jin aim's sensitivity that God is God, True Parents are True Parents and we are sinners.

Because of his realization of that truth, he was so quick to add that confessional call and develop it, so that not only the Holy Spirit Healing Service leader but all of us have the opportunity to acknowledge at the beginning of the service that it is not coming from us, it is beyond us and we are simply the instruments though which God's spirit and power are being manifested.

I believe the Holy Spirit Healing Service is guided by the Holy Spirit. I have to say that the foundation is all those thousands of kyungbaes Hyung Jin nim and others with him have done over the last several years, that sincerity. The earlier ceremony to commemorate the seven deaths and resurrections allowed us to fully appreciate what True Parents have done for us, giving their lives again and again in order for us to be reborn. That service set the foundation for us to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Healing Service.

I think it's very important to realize Hyung Jin aim's concern that Korean Christians and Christians worldwide be given the opportunity to meet True Parents, serve True Parents and fulfill their God-given mission to work with the Returning Lord. That heart was also part of the foundation that allowed Hyung Jin nim to receive the revelation about the Holy Spirit Healing Service.

Question: How does this relate to the spiritual work that is going on at the Chung Pyung training center?

Answer: The form and purpose of it may be different because ancestor liberation is for the past -- our ancestors -- and it's appropriately done in that most holy place, Chung Pyung, where True Parents reside.

The Holy Spirit Healing Service, revealed from the same spirit, has a purpose directed more toward the public, to witness to Christians and others, to take up the call to serve and to follow True Parents, as well as to strengthen us, who are aware of and are already following True Parents. 

Our Life Lived with the Holy Spirit

Hyung Jin Moon
May 22, 2011
Cheon Bok Gung, Yongsan Seoul Korea
Translation: Nina Rosario


Hello, Brothers and sisters,

I would like to give a sermon today with the title "Our Life Lived with the Holy Spirit."

Now True Parents have returned to the Cheonhwagung in Las Vegas, and tomorrow May 21st, a big rally will be held here. Now Bunbongwangs and national messiah are gathered and receiving the education of the Original Divine Principle. Approximately 2500 people will come to the Cheonhwagung tomorrow. True Father will give us his words with great grace and love.

Sun Myung Moon speaking May 21, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada

Sun Myung Moon speaking May 21, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada

As I reported a month ago, we are especially trying to change the culture in Las Vegas, and we will help the Salvation Army and various welfare groups through a game contest and fishing tournament as well as various competitions.

True Parents are really challenging the sin culture. I am very impressed by True Parents who are directly fighting to change the whole atmosphere of Las Vegas.

Brothers and sisters, today we will read Romans Chapter 8, verses 5 thru 10. Let's read together.

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.

Brothers and sisters, in this passage from the Romans', the apostle Paul makes a very clear distinction. He talks about the big difference between a person focused on the body and the person who lives for God's spirit, and the spirit of Christ. As we saw last weekend, when we discussed where human value originated from, if we add up the value of the chemicals comprising our body, the total comes to only $4.50. Also if the value is placed on our mind and consciousness, in 100 to 200 years, Robots and computers that double their processing speed every 8 months will have a much stronger mind power than human beings. If we place value in mind and consciousness, then will a computer with greater mind power than humans be more valuable than us? Because we are connected with God's lineage and family, our eternal value comes from there.

Not because we did well, or we are good people, or we did good deeds, are we connected with God's lineage. Not because of those things, but because of the deeds of the Son whom God sent, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Christ, and True Parents and because True Parents paid indemnity, True Parents fought and challenged, True Parents went the path of death, we were able to enter into God's family from Satan's family.

We received the huge blessing of erasing our original sin through the Blessing ceremony. Although we received that Blessing, we tend to always focus on the physical life. We should always live with God's spirit and Christ's spirit, but as a lacking child or sinful child we fall back into the physical focus, physical thought, pleasure, aims, and our dreams every day. Every time we fall into those temptations, we commit sin.

Last week, we read one episode from the Gospel of John. We don't want to think that we are slaves (or servants to sin). We want to say that we are not slaves. However, as Jesus said, every time we commit sin, we become slaves to it and we lose our freedom.

Today what we read about especially in Romans is the spirit of Christ; what is the spirit of Christ that is together with the Holy Spirit? That is true love. What is the glory of God? That is true love. When we come to move and live with that love, we can gain freedom and peace.

Then what kind of love is that love? Is that the love to love only you? Or to love your value? Absolutely not. If you want to resemble God's Shim Jung (heart) and God's love, you must love what God loves most. What is that? What God loves most, where is God's Shim Jung always drawn to? That is the Son whom He has sent, the True Parents.

Our worries that are outside of us, our thoughts, temptations, the false mind that wants to seek for myself only, and praise myself, will disappear. Within such vibrations, we will come to love True Parents, and not love ourselves.

When we attend True Parents, many physical challenges come to us. As you all know, True Father transcends all limitations of the physical self and is busy 24 hours a day, hardly getting any sleep, and especially during the world tour, many who follow him have gone through a lot. And as for us too, physically and mentally challenging situations arise.

There's a lot of stress, and there are many moments when we feel hopeless.

As for me, once when I was in such a situation, although I couldn't gather the vibration together in the room, quietly listening to the Chambumonim Eog Mansei music, I felt very amazingly that vibration flowing out from my whole body through the stomach, and felt each vibration gradually spreading and healing my body; furthermore, I felt my mind being healed, felt the flower of peace blooming in my heart. I felt myself going beyond the self-seeking praise, saying how tired I am, how hard I'm working and tried to enter into the realm of God's true love for True Parents, and I was able to repent, experiencing the grace of a sense of peace coming over me, and could feel gratitude once again.

As I experienced these things, I felt again how fearful the power of this vibration was. This time when we went to Switzerland, Father specially held a big convention at the UN HQ in Geneva. At that time, about 500 gathered and there, the highest minister in the Swiss Lutheran Church also came and introduced Father.

Leaders of the UN of various fields also attended, and Father appeared at a podium in the UN HQ Hall with a big UN logo and world atlas behind him. There, he didn't speak kindly and peacefully in a small voice, considering where he was, but Father went into the UN HQ and yelled out loud, hit the podium as all the audience watched and we were all shaky and nervous.

And viewing Father in a secular way, there were some who thought why does Father do that? It took so much effort to be able to speak at the UN HQ, but why does Father try to ruin it? However, we were able to see Father once again through the eyes of Christ. Especially, in the Gospels of John, Matthew and Luke, it reminded me of how Jesus completely challenged the leaders. Looking at them, Jesus said, "You belong to your father, the devil."

Just as Jesus had said these incredible words, when we discover Father who, through the love of God, the spirit of God and the spirit of Christ tries to overcome and bring us out of the world of evil and death and into the world of everlasting life, Father who has the true heart of love, we can feel again how great the love of Christ was.

Following the Geneva conference, we went up to the city of Interlaken, in the Alps. Father went up the Swiss Alps, and you had to go up on the gondolas about 4 times. At the summit, there were about four small hills. As you know, when father has to go a long way, he uses a wheelchair.

However, that day, something special happened. Father said that he would climb those hills by himself that he would walk and climb up. We all tried to stop him. It was quite far, and as there were 4 or 5 levels, it would be too much of a strain on his legs as well; if Father would get in the wheelchair, we could push it without a problem, we said, but Father kept saying, "Let's go, let's go!" and just challenged the climb. Our Father, at the Korean age of 93, challenged himself.

As we saw Father taking one step at a time, taking very deep breaths and climbing, we all cheered and clapped, "Hey, our Father is amazing!" as we saw him climb that mountain one level at a time, how happy that made us and we were really inspired by this.

With truly happy hearts, and also proud of Father, we went up the mountain and came back down, and I said something to Father. "Hey, our Father is something else! Father, at the same time I feel how fearful that small Jeong Seong of love can be."

I saw one study that said if we pray a lot for a certain person, that person will become healthier. Especially our Cheon Bok Gung members, starting with the young 2nd gen, and the Seunghwa children up to our elder 36 blessed couples, come together and offer Jeong Seong through the Chambumonim Eog Mansei praise. There are thousands of members who are offering Jeong Seong and praying for True Parents more than anyone else in the world; it looks like that power of vibration came especially to Father's legs today." I said, and Father was very happy and he said, "That's right! That's right!"

Brothers and sisters, we are not collecting the vibration in order to receive healing ourselves, or to receive more fortune ourselves; we believe that True Parents will become more happy, more energetic, and the works of God and the grace of God and the HS will fill your life. We are truly meant to receive heavenly fortune, and with the heart to inherit the blessing, with the heart of loving True Parents in the glory of God and the glory of Christ, we have gathered vibration and Jeong Seong. So God can trust us more, and He knows that if He gives us more blessing, we will use that for the world and for the Unification Family, so I believe that we will see a more amazing life of heavenly fortune!

Today True Parents are already offering Jeong Seong for a big convention, so I hope that all of you will return to the spirit of Christ, the spirit of God, the Shim Jung of true love, the filial heart of loving True Parents with a pure mind, pure motivation, and pure heart, gather great vibration and power that will shake the universe and offer it to True Parents.

Let's offer great victory and glory to True Parents today too, gathering love through Jeong Seong and Shim Jung together with all of you.

Let us close today by reading Father's words.

You all have to receive the fire of the Holy Spirit again and renew yourself. In the past if the Holy Spirit tried to work, there was much indemnity and persecution. However, now those times have passed and if the Holy Spirit really works, then it can bring a good result.

However, in the middle of that work, there is a difficult summit, or peak to overcome and it is hard to transcend that challenge. From now on, True Parents have to put aside the things they must do as True Parents and make a new determination. Therefore, this time you too must revive your Shim Jung once again and have the benefit of the whole in mind. 18-304, 1967. 08. 10 

Tweets from @loveintp

Hyung Jin Moon
May 19, 2011

Tweets, originally in Korean, from Hyung-jin nim and Yeon-ah nim while they accompanied True Parents to eight countries

April 26, Spain: It's one o'clock in the morning here in Madrid, and the members are here. True Parents came with bright faces, and noodles and kimchi were shared.

April 26, Spain: During Hoon Dok Hae, Father quietly took Mother's hand as he spoke. A gesture filled with warmth. I wonder if we will all act as True Parents do when we reach 90.

April 29, Italy: Hoon Dok Hae in Rome: "Jesus came to find his bride. Does Jesus need a bride? Christians are unhappy with that idea; however, wouldn't it be right that God's son, the prince, should find the princess of the universe? And isn't Christianity, as a bride, even today still waiting for Jesus?"

April 29, Italy: Yesterday True Parents visited the Vatican, 46 years after the first world tour in 1965. I think Father will feel those feelings all over again.

May 1, Norway: From today's Hoon Dok Hae on the work the Returning Lord must do: "These nations have persecuted me and been contemptuous of me. Each time, I thought that I would gladly accept it if these bitter nations could rise again through my being sacrificed. Even amid persecution, I have gone forward, always thinking about that bright day of hope."

May 2, Norway: Yesterday, True Parents successfully concluded the Norway assembly and then cut the celebration cake with members. We had a bite too. Mmmm! Norwegian members had stayed up all night making the cake.

May 4, Greece: Greece has few members, so many Albanian members came today. Some of the Albanian ambassadors for peace did a three-day fast before meeting True Parents. True Parents Eog-mansei for today's event in Greece!

May 4, Greece: "What? Only three families in Greece? Once a fire is lit, everything can catch fire at once!" -- True Father

May 6, Turkey: Hoon Dok Hae in Turkey: Not many members are in Turkey. About thirty plus Japanese missionaries assigned to all Arab nations came for this Hoon Dok Hae. Father emphasized that in order to give his speech, he had read it countless times and offered devotion to mobilize the spirit world.

May 7, Turkey: Today we held the opening ceremony for the Middle East Leadership Conference (Theme: Divine Wind of Freedom), which addresses recent issues that have arisen in the Middle East.

May 9, Turkey: We took a picture with the Japanese missionaries who worked hard for this event. I pray that the reign of peace and "True Parents Eog-mansei" reverberates throughout the land and seas of Turkey. Aju

May 13, Switzerland: True Father read the Declaration of the Word by God's Substantial Self today in Switzerland. He began the reading with the words, "This speech is a record of my life, like a journal. That is why each page cannot help but be the truth. You, as the children, need to resemble your parents."

May 13, Switzerland: At the conference in England, True Father told us, "People thought I would die before I reached the age of 50, but I am still here at 93, standing in front of you and speaking in a loud voice. Even if someone tries to push me down, I will not go down."

May 13, Switzerland: Today's Hoon Dok Hae, held right before the UN conference, lasted seven hours. Rev. Yong-seok Song said that he had visited Fukushima, where the tsunami's effect was so devastating. He and the members said, "If we are all going to die anyway, let's fulfill our duties of filial piety and loyalty to True Parents beforehand." We were brought to tears. Japanese members in Fukushima, I wish you all good luck!

May 14, Switzerland: "You shouldn't think in a humanistic way. You shouldn't try to do things alone. Conversely, if the spirit world works with you, you can achieve anything. That is the truth. These are wonderful words." True Father said this during dinner, and I wish to share it with our members. May the Unification Church do well today!

May 17, Germany: True Father stayed up until 4:30 this morning in a leaders meeting. Though he plainly was very tired, he also attended 5 AM Hoon Dok Hae and asked some members to sing at the end of the session.

May 17, Germany: True Parents and Hyung-jin nim are all in good health. After touring Europe, True Parents are planning to go to the United States. True Father said that the energy of Europe will bear fruit in 2,000 people meeting in Las Vegas.

May 19, Germany: The event in Germany was a great success. True Father began his impassioned speech by saying, "I came here to forgive what the Western world did wrong to me." I am grateful to True Parents and the European members for their hard work. True Parents Eog-mansei! 

Christ's path and the path that our True Parents have followed

Hyung Jin Moon
May 15, 2011
Geneva, Switzerland
Video Sermon for Cheon Bok Gung

Wherever we go, we should explain clearly and proclaim that True Parents are the Lord at his Second Advent. When I did an interview in London, I said very clearly, "We believe that True Parents are the Messiah." Many had the view that it may be better not to use the word, Messiah, at the UN headquarters, but I did not believe that. This is my faith, my belief, and this is the pride of our Unification Church movement. So we should not be embarrassed about this. If we are embarrassed, the world will know that we are embarrassed and will attack our faith....

Brothers and sisters, I came to realize this very clearly this time, while attending True Parents, although the European tour is almost over: whenever I feel things are difficult, I think about our brothers and sisters, all the members shedding sweat, shedding tears and praying hard together, and I receive amazing energy and comfort. 

Father in Geneva Switzerland

Hyung Jin Moon
May 15, 2011

The following are from Hyung Jin Nim's twitter while in Geneva. Please be advised that this is not an official translation.

Today, we read Father's speech during Hoon Dok Hae. Father started the meeting by saying

These words are like my words from my diary. So you can find only truthfulness in every page. You must become children who resemble their parents.

Father started the Geneva assembly by saying

What is the difference between True Parents and your parents? Before human history started, there had been one (ideal of) True Parents and there will be only one True Parents even after the providence is completed,and True Mother concluded by reading the speech.

Father said during dinner time

A humanistic way of thinking will not work. You cannot do things by yourself either. Only when the spirit world cooperates, anything will be possible. This is true and good to listen to. 

Interview of Hyung Jin Moon in the United Kingdom

Jerome Taylor
May 12, 2011
The Independent -- UK

Following in a famous parent's footsteps is never easy. But imagine if your father claimed to be a Messianic figure commanded by Jesus to found a new religion that could unite the entire world. How do you follow on from that?

Such is the task facing Hyung Jin Moon, a 32-year-old Harvard theology graduate who also happens to be the youngest son and likely successor of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the man behind one of the 20th century's most controversial new religions.

For the past six decades, Reverend Moon has overseen the turbulent expansion of the Unification Church, a faith that grew out of a single congregation in Korea to become a global movement saturated in controversy and accusations of brainwashing.

During its zenith in the 1970s the church -- better known by its popular nickname the Moonies -- had hundreds of thousands of followers across Korea, Japan, North America and Europe and the fiercely anti-communist Reverend Moon enjoyed enormous popularity among sections of the American right.

As the church's popularity grew so did the number of its detractors, with critics and former members accusing Moon of brainwashing young recruits, fleecing his flock to line his own pockets, and making a mockery of the institution of marriage.

In recent years the church has bowed out of the limelight, but that hasn't stopped the 91-year-old continuing to preach his message that he is the second coming of Christ and that he and his wife, Hak Ja Han, are the "True Parents", who have come to redeem the world by creating a global government under their leadership.


This week the Unification Church leader flew into Britain with his son as part of a three-week tour of Europe. It is only the second trip that the preacher has made to the UK since a Home Office ban on his entry was lifted in 2005.

At the church's headquarters off Lancaster Gate in London there is a flurry of activity as congregants prepare for the new arrivals. The Reverend Moon is staying at a nearby hotel, preparing for a speech and Mrs. Moon is visiting the House of Commons at the invitation of David Anderson MP and Labor peer Lord King. Hyung Jin enters the building, dressed in traditional Korean garments, accompanied by his wife Yeon Ah who, like many Unificationists, were hand-picked to marry each other by Reverend Moon in one of his mass ceremonies. "Officially I'm International President but really I'm just an assistant to Father and Mother Moon," he explains diplomatically in American-accented English.

Until recently, most observers believed that Moon's third son, who has a somewhat confusingly near-identical name Hyun Jin, was being groomed to take over the family firm. Known as Preston Moon, he holds a prominent position within the Unification Church across the Atlantic but has been noticeably absent from many of the official functions in Korea. In fact, he is suing his mother over accusations that she wired $22.3m from one of his companies to her own missionary organization without permission.

"True Parents are the restored Adam and Eve but we can't expect them to have a perfect family because that's not their mission," Hyung Jin says. "Their mission is to take on the burden of all the pains of the world, like Christ. We pray for that situation; it's a painful situation but we always have hope. They have been through bigger storms."

Storms follow the Moons. In the 1980s, Reverend Moon was jailed for 18 months in the US for fraudulent tax claims. The British wing of the Unification Church lost a long-running libel battle with the Daily Mail over accusations that members had been forcibly cut off from families.

More recently there have been legal battles and investigations in Brazil and Japan where followers were arrested for allegedly selling expensive personal seals, telling people they would suffer if they did not buy them. The Unification Church says evangelical Christian groups in Japan have kidnapped thousands of their supporters to stop them converting.

Many observers now believe Hyung Jin is the son that Moon needs to steer the Unification Church out of its ongoing PR problems. "He's the acceptable face of the Moonies," says one seasoned observer. "And that has infuriated the eldest son."

Hyung Jin dismisses his father's critics. "Any new religious movement is always misunderstood," he says. "There is always a little to a lot of opposition. It's actually quite expected to not be mainstream at the very beginning. I don't see it as something strange."

The Unification Church: A short history

According to the Unification Church's own literature, Sun Myung Moon was praying on a hill at the age of 15 when he was visited by Christ and told to finish the work of creating a kingdom of God on earth.

The church's core teachings are found within Divine Principles, a book published by Moon in the 1960s. Moon claims to be the second coming of Christ and that he and his wife are the "True Parents" -- a sinless couple who will create a single government and religion for the entire world.

During the 1970s, when the church was at its peak, Unificationists claim to have had millions of followers. Critics put the figure somewhere between 250,000 and one million.

Ongoing scandals, such as Reverend Moon's conviction for tax fraud in the 1980s, has led to a smaller flock. According to Hyung Jin Moon, the church boasts 300,000 adherents across Korea but only 27,000 regularly attend church.

Nonetheless the church has vast business interests in Korea, the United States and Latin America. Controversially the church owns The Washington Times, a conservative newspaper with strong links to the Republican far right. 

Difficulties facing the Unificationist Family

Hyung Jin Moon
May 8, 2011
Istanbul, Turkey

Sunday Video Sermon for Cheon Bok Gung

I know that whenever True Parents achieve major victories, Satan always wants to attack. Brothers and sisters, you've probably heard that some difficulties facing the Unificationist Family are being publicized in the media in Korea. What we have to remember is that we should not boast about ourselves. As Jesus said, we may do good deeds, we may follow, love and feel filial piety toward True Parents but we must always have humility and repentance in our hearts. Through maintaining this heart, God can forgive us, and because not one person is perfect, we all need forgiveness. In order to receive forgiveness, we must do our 5 percent -- admit that we are sinners and recognize that today we do have something to repent for. With that, with a purer motivation, a pure heart, a pure mind and pure love, I believe we can send glory and strength to True Parents.

Thinking about this reminded me of Matthew, chapter fourteen. In that chapter, as you may know, Jesus walks on water. Surprised by this, the disciples thought he was a ghost. Peter the disciple said, "Lord, if it's you, bid me to come to you on the water." Jesus said, "Come," and Peter started to walk on the water, but a strong wind suddenly blew and he was afraid and began to sink. Peter should have paid attention only to Jesus and God, but since he turned his attention to the "wind," what happened? He was afraid and started to sink. We can realize something from this story. No matter how strong Satan's wind or attack is trying to blow us, the Unificationist Family, away, it is only wind, brothers and sisters. That is not the Lord. We must look at the Lord and follow him, look at True Parents and follow them, love them and go forward. I believe we will be able to walk on water, like a miracle.

Hoon Dok Hae in Istanbul

When I saw True Parents yesterday, Father pouring out his heart, I thought, So what if he is speaking for a long time? True Parents are not here to be popular, or to make people's ears happy. Father is here as the son of God, with the mission to save humanity, whether humanity listens or not. That's not what is most important. The grace of God's love, which we can receive through True Parents, is the most important thing.

Yesterday I felt that True Father was on the cross again. We should be up onstage declaring True Parents as the Lord at his Second Advent, but because we are not doing so -- because we are too scared or ashamed -- Father has to go onstage by himself. That's exactly what Jesus' disciples did to Jesus. That's why Jesus died.

Not just in this region, members everywhere must remember why we are here. We are not here to be popular or to please people's ears. We are here to show that the son of God is here, to show God's love, a ceaseless, endless love. We go to God, not because we are great, not because we are good people, not because we follow God's laws -- we are so sinful in our thinking, in our mind and in our heart. In so many ways, we hurt God. We are able to go to God because of the son that God has sent. Because of the pain and the torture True Parents endured and because of the blood they shed we are able to go in front of God. That's God's grace; that's God's love.