Mobilizing Spirit World
Behold, the Lord came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment on all.
Jude 14-15
And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams, and it shall be that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Acts 2:17,21
Trough the victory in Washington we fulfilled the conditions needed to liberate the sorrow of the entire spirit world and the physical world together. I declare today that the time has come for the total liberation of the spirit world and the forgiveness of past sins.
In the spirit world there are no national boundaries. Korea, Japan and America do not exist in the spirit world; however, there are different realms based on the different religions. Those who believed in Buddha are in Buddha's realm and those who believed in Jesus live in the Christian realm, and so forth. Throughout man's history individuals in spirit world have always lived in distinctly separate realms and have never harmonized. They surrounded themselves with walls, waiting for the day when the new Messiah would come to the earth and declare their liberation. Only then could they break down the walls and finally unite into oneness. They have been waiting throughout history for this day, but it could not be declared until the sorrowing hearts of God, Jesus Christ, and the True Parents were vindicated. There has been no such day in the past. Today, however, through the victory of the Washington Monument Rally, all the past sorrow of God, Jesus, and the True Parents is vindicated, and today I declare the liberation of all the spirit world. Even at this moment the barriers are broken down.
Now spirit world has formed one world of unification; the territories have merged and everyone can communicate freely, traveling back and forth. Since the spirit world is in the subject position, this unity will eventually be reflected here on earth. According to the Principle, if the three levels -- God, Adam and Eve, and the archangel -- had united together there would have been no fall. Now here on earth that unity has been established between God, the True Parents, and the members of the Unification Church, who are in the position of the angelic world as well as of children. This unity was not made on the level of one small nation; we have achieved this unity on a worldwide level. This is most significant.
What is the significance of this unity? Simply this: Satan no longer has the condition to attack Adam or Adam's family. This means that Satan no longer has any power to defeat the Unification Church and the True Parents. Satan may still attack, but now God is in a position to exact a penalty for that, and blessing will be withdrawn from the satanic side accordingly. From this time on our battle is still going to be hectic but the consequences will be very different. We must press forward in battle and work hard, and then we will see the blessing of the other side shifted to ours. God will transfer the blessing from the other camp to ours.
The wind has changed. In the past Satan was constantly attacking and God's people were always on the defensive. But from this time on Satan will be on the defensive and God's side will begin to attack. If Satan's side attacks us it will have to pay a tremendous penalty, and ultimately we will win.
The entire spirit world is now completely united behind us. The consequences are many, and at this juncture of human history we must understand clearly how to conduct ourselves to avoid being hurt by conditions we might make for Satan; from this time on we should not violate any heavenly laws. As we gather fresh determination to win new battles, our standard must always be to go beyond the intensity of our work for Washington Monument. Then we will always be victorious and the heavenly world will always assist us. . . .
Today we are celebrating the Day of the Victory of Heaven. Our pledge should be that we will maintain the standard of effort that was established by the Washington Monument campaign. As long as we do that then God can be with us all the way, and the entire spirit world will come to assist us without reservation. Can you understand this?
Spirit world is now besieging people on earth. To them the world is small, almost like the size of an ice cube. A treasure chest has been opened but most people are unaware that a new treasure has been discovered and a new power has been released. Spirit world has opened up, but nobody realizes what has happened.
Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, the separation between the spirit world and physical world stretched miles wide. Even though the people in spirit world wanted to descend to the earth to intervene in the life of the physical world, they could not do it because between the two worlds lay a chasm which was in the hands of Satan. Adam was supposed to be in the father's role, but because he failed then all his children failed. Spirit world could not freely descend until the mission of the father was consummated here on earth, and he could open a path to the spirit world. This is the rule of heaven.
God's plan was to work on the individual level with Abel, then with Abel's family, tribe, nation, and the Abel side on the worldwide level. No one could bridge this chasm during the 4,000 years before Jesus' coming.
Jesus came in the role of the father of mankind, and in him the spirit of God was manifested through a perfected man for the first time. At that time God wanted to pioneer a breakthrough in history. Because of Jesus' crucifixion, however, this pioneering task was accomplished only spiritually. That is why the Second Advent became absolutely necessary. The position of the True Father must be established in order to pioneer complete salvation from the individual level to the worldwide level, as well as to open the pathway to the spirit world.
All the wrong doings and mistakes of the past, including the mistakes of Judaism and Christianity, must be indemnified. The Unification Church thus has a mending mission. By paying indemnity we are mending the mistakes of history in the shortest possible time. You call me the True Parent. Why? Because for you my role is that of a true parent, true father, or Adam. I must mend all of the past mistakes, and step by step bring about wholesome restoration from the individual level to the worldwide level. This was symbolically consummated at Washington Monument, so that the individual failure, family, tribal, national and worldwide failures were mended. Thus I opened wide the highway between this world and the spirit world, so that anyone can ascend or descend without restriction. . . .
Now your ancestors can come down freely on the highway between the spirit world and the physical world. Our ancestors in the spirit world are our allies and will help us witness to others. They will come down in an unprecedented avalanche, like Niagara Falls. They will pressure their descendants, "You must become a champion. Go out and witness. You must do more." They will not only come down to you, but to their descendants who are not yet members, directing them to go to a workshop, or to meet a person from the Unification Church. This phenomenon will happen increasingly.
In the wake of the victory of Washington Monument a far more jubilant victory celebration is being held in the spirit world because they have now been liberated. Now they can freely come to the earth and work with you, their own descendants. From this time on, when you go out on your mission you will receive all kinds of spiritual experiences -- visions, speaking in tongues and special dreams. No only you but many people outside our church will experience these things.
We must sway three countries to God; once God can influence at least three nations, the whole world will tumble into His arms. Presently in the spirit world there is a great deal of competition. Because good spirits can descend first, the country which has more good ancestors will be benefited first, directly affecting the destiny of that nation. We are not just mobilizing Christian spirits, but even Jesus himself, as well as Buddha, Confucius and Mohammed. Taking a father's role they will come down to their own followers on earth. Not many people understand these things precisely, but I can clearly testify to them because I am the pioneer who opened the pathway. What I have prophesied has been fulfilled.
In your prayer from this time on you can command the spirit world in the name of the True Parents, and in the name of the Day of the Victory of Heaven. You can insist that your ancestors in the spirit world must come down to cooperate with their descendants and bring them into salvation. They are supposed to obey, and if they do not you can warn them that they are in trouble. You can give a command like this because you are the direct heirs of the true Adam. Spirit world, including the angels, is in the servant position; the sons of Adam have the authority to command those in the spirit world and they must obey you. Even though they lived 1,000 years ago and are your elders many times over, those in spirit world will listen to you.
The important thing is this: once you seek out the help of the spirit world you must be responsible for yourself and your ancestors. If you falter and fall away, your ancestors will be trapped. In that case your children will suffer because they will have to indemnify your failure.
You have one simple mandate from God and from the True Parents: to have absolute unswerving faith. Press forward and work more intensely than in the Washington Monument campaign. Then the power of God and the assistance of your ancestors will come with you. Any amount of spiritual assistance you require will be no problem. You will only prosper.
The Day of the Victory of Heaven
10.4.76, Belvedere
. . . The year 1976 was a year of history-making events. Because of the victory I won in 1976 here in America, the entire spirit world has been liberated and united. They are in jubilant celebration. All the barriers and divisions of the different denominations and religions have been broken down. Spirit world is enthusiastic in welcoming my work. This is why I could proclaim the Day of the Victory of Heaven on October 4, 1976.
Because there have been great divisions in spirit world, and because it is the world of cause, my strategy focused on it. In spirit world there are Buddhists, Moslems, Christians, and people of every other religion, all in their own separate communities. Since my victory here on earth all these barriers have been broken down. This is why I can proclaim the victory of heaven. There are no more boundaries in spirit world, the subject world of cause. Therefore, sooner or later that will be reflected in the object world of the flesh. Then national and religious boundaries here on earth will be broken down. A wave of spiritual assault is now crashing onto the physical world. The entire spirit world is descending not only to the free world, but to the communist world as well.
Spirit world is 100% with us. Therefore spirit world cannot leave anyone alone who comes to oppose my cause unrighteously, but will chastise them. You will see. I have a plan and God has a plan to fill the entire environment with spiritual power. Spirits will come in a first wave, second wave, and third wave. I have prepared wave after wave to assault the earth. This means that you are in Adam and Eve's position, with the entire spirit world in the archangelic position. Are you, Adam, and you, Eve, going to fall behind the spirit world? Are you going to be led by the archangel? Are you fallen Adam and fallen Eve? Are you the one who brought sin to the world, binding God and bringing tragedy to the world, or are you the one to restore all things to God, bringing liberation to God and to me? Which one?
Who Am I
1.23.77, Belvedere
The time has come to unite the spirit world and physical world, finally ending their separation. That will not occur in a smooth, peaceful transition, but through earthshaking events. Why should that be necessary? An extraordinary confrontation will take place, with God exerting all His power to accomplish His will and the satanic powers desperately trying to stop Him. One such dramatic battle took place in Washington D.C. on September 18, 1976.
The age is now dawning in which Satan will no longer have the power to accuse man in the sight of God. The spirit world may blame others, but they cannot blame the Unification Church. Furthermore, the time has come when all the spirit world on the side of goodness will come down and assist our crusade. With that assistance our work will be greatly speeded up. The time has come for the great spiritual leaders of the past, such as Buddha, Confucius, Moses, past Christian saints and Mohammed, to appear before their own disciples, telling them that they must receive the benefit of the Unification Church. . . .
Until now all of spirit world has been divided by many barriers, but the victory of the Washington Monument Rally broke through all those barriers and allowed the spirit world to become one unified world. The spirits there communicate with each other and now know who the central figures are and where the central movement is. They are traveling in their respective channels to break down the barriers between people in the physical world and create a similar unity here as well.
So far there has been no fellowship in the spirit world between East and West, but now that barrier has been broken. The power of absolute, heavenly love has united the two with God at the center. on earth, the Unification Church is bringing the two cultures of East and West into one, intermingling them by international marriage and international gatherings of members working together. In our Unification Church there is no boundary between East and West.
We have laid the foundation for unity on the individual level, family level, tribal, national and world levels. Anything we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and anything we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In the future we will take more and more initiative in world affairs, and you will witness how even our most violent opponents will fade away.
The Spirit World and the Physical World
2.6.77, Belvedere
. . . If we had not had the Washington Monument Rally then no matter what else we did well, the spiritual barrier would still be unbroken and no one could penetrate it. If it were still there and then I died for some reason, it would have meant that my mission was left undone. Then, just as Christianity endured much martyrdom when Jesus left the earth, the Unification Church would have passed through the same course of suffering. If the Washington Monument Victory had not been won, there would have been no way for the spirit world to come down permanently and help this fallen world; it could have only come down sporadically. But everything was all done and no barriers are left. I fulfilled the mission, period. Therefore, on the True Parents' birthday in 1977 I declared a new calendar and a new history. . .
This highway is laid all the way from heaven to the dungeons of hell and the entire spirit world can come down all the way to the bottom of this world. Those in spirit world have been given total freedom to go anywhere they want in the fallen world. A new maneuver has begun because spiritually Satan has to confront these good spirits on earth. Spirit world has to be cleansed, and in order to do that they have to harvest goodness. The final separation of good and evil has begun, which is why everything here on earth is being polarized. Schisms are automatically seen wherever our movement is active, as Cain and Abel divide in the churches, academic world, everywhere.
When we confronted the satanic power before 1976, the Cain side always prevailed because of overpowering satanic strength, and because of the spiritual barrier there was no way good could prevail. Since the victory of 1976, however, this barrier has been removed and spirit world can freely come down. The good side is inevitably going to win and increase and not take any more beatings. This is why I told you that this is a year to be bold and strong, a year of marching and leaping forward. Don't be a coward.
The Dividing Peak of Restoration
1.15.78, Belvedere
On February 23, 1977 I declared the beginning of the new age. That was the precise time when Abel's indemnity ended and Cain's indemnity began. If our devotion is greater then the communists' then God will fully work with us. . . .
You must realize that indemnity is transferred now, and that this is not just the time of individual restoration but world restoration, all at once. Until now you sacrificed and lost and gained nothing back, but once the foundation is laid you will never lose anything. Now if you fight more you will reap more.
Before now God could not help you freely because by His doing so you could never win your independence, but now that the foundation has been laid by the True Parents God can endlessly support you without your losing anything. This is the reason why if you work hard you can get so much help from spirit world. Many impossible things can happen now. You have to really know that before you can have any power.
The Age of New Dispensation
5.14.78, London
This November I completed two very important ceremonies. One was conducted to unite all religions centering upon the central religion, not only here on earth, but most importantly in spirit world. The other ceremony was to unite all races centering upon the central race or representative of God. These two ceremonies were for one purpose -- to create one total unified world in spirit world as well as unity here on earth. The road is open now because the spiritual condition has been set to clear away all racial and religious barriers. When you are flying you can go in any direction, and now in the same way you can go in any direction here on earth and gain the victory. Whether people believe in a certain religion or no religion at all doesn't make any difference now; once they discover the truth they can come directly to the central point because spirit world has already demonstrated that oneness.
The spirit world is subject and whatever happens there will be reflected here as the influence of that realm helps to break up the barriers. When we are elevated to the true sonship of God, the rest of the world will be elevated to the status of adopted sons. Since even adopted sons are obedient to God, this is equivalent to restoring the angelic world. Therefore, descending spiritually from heaven will be much easier and the work on earth of those in spirit world is completely possible. In spirit world national boundaries are not recognized any more, and therefore, it will be the same here on earth. In the Unification Church we no longer recognize national or racial barriers because the world is one nation of God and we act on a worldwide level. Adam had three sons, of whom the white race is represented by the third son, the black race by the second son, and the yellow race by the elder son, but altogether they are one family. . .
The ancestors of all races were united with the central race by the ceremony performed in Korea. There have been many religions on earth, but the conditions have now been made to bring them into unity surrounding this central Unification Church religion. All the races have become one centering on the heavenly tribe. The internal unity of religions and external unity of races together make up one total unity. The key word to remember is that all spiritual barriers have been broken down and everyone will be able to go around the world freely. Now more Asians and Europeans can come to America and Americans can go abroad. A great deal of movement will take place in this unified world.
When you move deeply and strongly America will feel the impact. In home churches God can have direct control and spirit world can pass freely. In the past spirit world could only descend for a time, but now they can stay and work continuously. There are no barriers to the movement of spirit world on earth now and everywhere is our home. The declaration of this new concept of home churches is in itself great proof of the victory of God's dispensation.
The Completion Period for the Dispensation
11.12.78, Belvedere
On November 2, 1978 in Korea I held a special ceremony for the events to take place in spirit world and here on earth which completely break down the barriers between religions and between clans and tribes. Since this ceremony, spirit world no longer recognizes the barriers and boundaries between religions and between different surnames like Jones or Smith. Now there is no longer a distinction; it is all one family. These barriers are broken down so that each individual can go freely throughout the entire world without any restrictions. Now it's up to you. You are going to be the one who mobilizes spirit world. You can now command the spirit world to come down here and help the earthly dispensation.
Mainstream of the Dispensation of God
11.19.78, Belvedere
This is the final dispensation here in America and when the pattern of what I have achieved here is expanded it will form the cosmic dispensation. Spiritually speaking, every victory you need has been won. There is no other victory left to obtain; the conquest of spirit world has been accomplished, and now all we have to do is translate the spiritual victory into physical victory. Since this cosmic level of condition has been set, you can go anywhere in the world and there will be no barrier you cannot cross. When we are able to work freely all over the world, the same situation will be seen in the spirit world. Now in the spirit world there is complete freedom of movement through all spheres. The time of disputes between denominations and religions is over.
I want you to become a tribal messiah. Does a heavenly king rule by using his fists and power? A true king rules for eternity by love. Kingdom building has both the spiritual and physical aspect. You doff t have to worry about the spiritual side because I have secured that kingdom. Now I want you to have the opportunity to participate in the physical kingdom building.
Without winning the spiritual victory, no matter how much you do in the physical world Satan will always claim it. But now that I have won the spiritual victory and anchored the foundation, nothing can shake it. In the spiritual kingdom which I have already built no one is idle. All of spirit world is coming down, making a fence to protect us. All the great saints who died many centuries ago and the founders of the great religions are working to shield you and help you win the victory.
Who is on the front line to resist spiritual infiltration? The saints in spirit world are protecting us like the guards who protect a palace, repelling all the spiritual negativity.
The spiritual turning point was marked by the crucial victory in 1976.
Home church can easily be surrounded and protected by the spiritual victory I have won and there is no way it can fail. The spiritual power we can employ for the home church is many thousand times greater than anything the satanic world can mobilize. All you have to do is unite with True Parents' spirit and intent. Make controversy; go ahead and create good trouble. The world is plagued with evil trouble so let us become makers of good trouble.
I came to America to be opposed by the world, and now I want you to go to your home church to be opposed by that mini-world. I have won my home church here in more than 360 homes. Since I came here as sojourner and have finished by home church, I have the right to go back to my hometown. That's why last year I went to Korea and had a special ceremony on November 2 to break down all the remaining barriers in the spirit world, liberating everyone from the barriers of religion and race.
In that ceremony I eliminated the barriers between my tribe and all other tribes of the world. I also broke down the barriers between the Unification Church and all other religions in spirit world. Because of that ceremony the door is wide open, and whether a person believes in some religion or no religion at all doesn't make any difference. There is absolute freedom now and everyone has the opportunity to hit the jackpot. There are no more barriers in spirit world or on earth. That was done by my succeeding in home church. You can declare to the spirit world, "Because our True Parents set the condition there is no longer any barrier between their tribe and our tribe. There is no longer any barrier between the Unification Church and the religions of the world. All good men of conscience in the entire spirit world and here on earth must come forward to participate in the kingdom building. I am here to enlist your support." You can pray that way.
You can also petition God, "You are my Father and I'm your child. I am going out to do home church as a tribal messiah and as your representative. Please send down one regiment of angels to come with me." God will listen to that prayer. The angelic world exists solely to assist the true children of God. So far the angelic world could not come to help very much because you belong to the fallen generation. Now by doing home church you can become the true children of God and before all of heaven and earth you can request the help of legions of angels. In home church we set the condition to liberate the world, the condition that we truly loved mankind. By that condition God will forgive the entire world.
In 1976 we crossed over the final barrier to perfection, leaping into the direct dominion of God.
Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.79, World Mission Center
On the foundation of all these victories I have explained I could conduct a special ceremony for the liberation of the spirit world. As long as spirit world was not liberated it was divided into compartments with many, many boundaries, but on November 2, 1978 at Chung Pyung Lake I conducted a special ceremony to break down all those barriers.
Historical View of the Dispensation
9.18.79, Belvedere
1976 saw the culminating victory of heaven and earth and that year Moonies were in the headlines everywhere. I really went on the offensive on April 30, 1973, for 3 1/2 years. On that day America granted me permanent residency here and in the next 3 1/2 years I consummated the worldwide level of restoration. When the battle was won in 1976, it meant that restoration of all past history was consummated. On September 18, 1976, the historical victory was won and then on October 4, I declared the Day of the Victory of Heaven. February 23, 1977 was the declaration of year one of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
The spirit world has been compartmentalized over the ages but the victory of heaven meant that there would be no more barriers. For this purpose I conducted a special ceremony on November 2, 1978 in Korea. After unity was made between Great Britain and America, as subject and object, I entered Korea in 1978, and conducted a special ceremony to demolish all the boundaries in spirit world. Until February 23, 1977, liberation was given only to the religious realms in spirit world. The rest of the spirit world has always been divided up into the many family trees and nationalities. On the foundation of religious unity in spirit world, I could lift all the boundaries between tribes and nations on November 2, 1978. By liberating my tribe and linking the entire world to it, one tribe in heaven was formed.
Now the entire non-religious world can unite, meaning there is no more separation in spirit world. Now the entire spirit world is descending to work on earth as a unified force. By the time the third seven-year course is completed, there shall be no more opposition here on earth.
Once unity was achieved on the spiritual level, the home church dispensation could begin on earth. Since every tribe in spirit world has been liberated, we can now organize the true heavenly tribes. Your home church area is your tribe. Actually we are ahead of schedule; God originally planned that home church would begin in 1981, after the third seven-year course, but because all the debts of the past have been paid, I could advance the time.
What we are talking about is almost like a dream. The home church dispensation does not recognize national boundaries or racial boundaries. You can transform every place you go into a place where the Messiah is no longer needed. Initially you are in the position of messiah, but you can be elevated to the true parents' role. When parents and children are united into one in home church, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is a reality there.
Territory of Goodness
10.14.79, World Mission Center
True Parents are the foundation of the Unification Church. Our Church family grows as more people come, widening that family domain in spirit world as well. As that passage is increasingly widened, greater numbers of good spirit men can come down to spend time with us. The intense wish of all the billions of spirit men is that the Unification Church can arrive at the culminating point. Suppose Unification Church is accepted on the national level; automatically an equivalent amount of area will be opened up in spirit world. Will opposition increase or decrease at that time?
When the horizontal line is drawn on the world level, the perfect vertical line will come down and all of creation, both spiritual and physical, will be encompassed. . . .
God is comfortably standing on our side. We can project that there is no opposition beyond this horizontal and vertical line on the world level. Our opponents will give up, and automatically we will prosper. Why should this happen? From this point on, the three elements of God, Adam and Eve, and the archangel have a legitimate right to be in the same place. Until this point, these three elements had no guarantee they could stay together; somehow they were separated. According to Divine Principle some vertical relationship is possible, but no horizontal relationship among them was ensured. Once we pass above this horizontal line, however, a new domain of Principle is opened where these three elements can be together, and Satan has no place. He knows this very well.
This sounds easy to explain, but to reach this point took thousands of years of history and all of my life. Now that which has been separated has come back into unity. For the first time we are entering the era of settlement. Until now we have been moving around, but now both the physical and spirit worlds are settling down.
Until now the spirit world could come for periods of time to help, but they could not stay continuously. Since February 22 the spirit world can work continuously with us. Now the vertical line, representing spirit world, and the horizontal line, representing physical world, are united centering on true love and True Parents. We have great hopes for the 34th through the fortieth years, expecting that things will be settled one by one in proper order. The 1990's will be completely different from anything mankind has previously witnessed. At that time, opposing Unification Church will be simply ridiculous.
Declaration of the Ceremony of Unity Between Spirit World and Physical World
3.28.82, Belvedere
The more work we do here in the physical world, the greater will be the spiritual phenomena affecting earth. Spiritual assistance will be equally strong because that realm is like the angelic world, in a position to serve the victorious Adam and Eve. In your home church you will exercise your authority to direct the spirit world to assist you. You are given that authority.
True Couple
5.27.79, World Mission Center
Amazing things will take place. Your ancestors will come and assist you because they themselves are one with you in your position. Just as Jesus' ancestors worked with him, thousands of yours can work horizontally. Even if they were not very religious, as long as they were good people they can share this privilege. This is because the blessing that has been given to you is extended to the realm all around you, to your ancestral community.
Home Church Is My Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.81, World Mission Center
Your position in the home church is that of Adam; the spirit world is in the position of archangel and they are subordinate to you. Therefore, God and the angelic world must come to help you.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
One thing you should feel from this sermon is that the time of fulfillment of God's dispensation is drawing very near. Now is the time when the founders of the world's major religions, namely Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and Confucius, themselves, can be called to work directly on this earthly plane. The foundation has now been laid for this to happen. What kind of work do you think they will be assisting in? Certainly, just as everyone else both on earth and in spirit world, they are called to do home church work and to receive that heavenly certification.
Your ancestors have direct access to you and your inheritance. Therefore, when they assist you in your work they receive their heavenly certificate along with you.
Until this time, your 360-home area was under the dominion of Satan, the chief criminal of the angelic realm. He was able to divide it up according to his desire, with the help of the Cain-type people there. But you are working with the perfected Adam and you have the assistance of the good angels, as well as God Himself. When you go to your area, those good angels will work with you and chase away the evil angels. That kind of confrontation will literally take place. Until now, Satan had the greater strength and advantage over good people on earth. Even after much prayer, tears and indemnity, good people could make Satan retreat for only a short time and in a small way. Now, however, we have not only achieved equal leverage with Satan's power, we have also achieved a dominance over him. You will see the truth of this.
. . . You must deeply realize the importance of doing home church. When you go out to your area, you can command the spirit world, in the name of God and True Parents, to come and help you; and your command will have effect. More and more spiritual phenomena will be occurring in our favor. Soon you will start to hear the crumbling of the walls of that castle of Jericho.
The best foundation for being able to command the spirit world, including all your ancestors, is to follow the direction and example of the True Parents. By doing the things that the parents do, the children become true children in reality as well as in name. The children incorporate the tradition of their parents and then, pass it on to their own children. You should have absolute confidence to proclaim to anyone, "I am proud to be a Moonie." You should never try to evade the issue; when someone persecutes you, demand of him some reason for his attitude. . . .
At this time, we have a direct connection with the highest realms of spirit world. All the great people there, including the founders of the world's major religions, are ready and eager to help in God's work. The direction of my prayers has changed greatly since last week. From now on, I am directly appealing to those highest spiritual realms and they are coming down to participate directly with us. Accordingly, your prayer should change, too. Your prayer can be strong and short, "Heavenly Father, whatever True Parents are planning, let it be done." And you, too, can directly ask spirit world to come and help you with your mission.
Total Completion of the Ideal
2.28.82, Belvedere
At this time, the home church area is in the position of Adam and the spirit world is in the position of archangel. You must connect the two and bring unity. The fall occurred because of a conflict between those two positions, but now, we must bring them into harmony for the purpose of restoration. Your home church is directly connected, of course, with the spirit world because of all the ancestors of the people living there. Since the fall, spirit world and physical world have continually been in conflict, but it is our duty to unite them.
Once you make the foundation in your area, you make it easy for the good spirit world to come freely to the earthly realm. Satan has had a claim on your area, but when you enter it spirit world wants very much to make unity with you, their Abel. The people in your areas are under the impression at this time that Moonies are bad; but they will change their attitude toward you totally once they see how good you really are. In turn, those home church people will pass the word to their own relatives.
From the base of home church you can bring down the good spirit world and drive out all the satanic elements. The satanic realms will become liberated and the heavenly realms will grow wider and wider.
Let Us Protect Ourselves
5.1.82, Belvedere
In order to bring down help from spirit world you must do one thing: demonstrate a spirit of service and more loyalty and piety than anyone else in history. Then your ancestors will come down to your home church area and join with the people there, wanting them to bow down to you. That is how these two worlds will be united and how you can set the condition of having subjugated the entire spirit world and physical world. There is no other way you can gain this condition.
Historical View of the Dispensation
9.18.79, Belvedere
You must experience having such a deep fellowship that you don't want it to end, even when it becomes two or three o'clock in the morning. It should be an experience that people wish could last forever, and if you are truly doing home church out of love then you will surely feel it. When such people come to a family meeting at home church they feel they can breathe, and when they return home they long to be back there again in home church. You are the powerhouse to generate all that.
If you create that kind of atmosphere then certainly God and spirit world will become one with you. When you open your spiritual eyes spirit world will be a living reality to you. If people experience that kind of uplifting love of God in home church then when they go back out on the New York streets they will stare at the familiar sights of cars and buses and feel that a thousand years have passed since they last saw those things. Nothing will look normal.
The Sound of the Bell of the Mind
1.28.79, Belvedere
Your home church members will see visions of me and of you also. When they are open like that then they will live eternally in the same spirit world, and realize they are to live as the same family. Love will open their eyes. You link that to your home church and they will link it to another home church, and yet another, and it will be an unbreakable chain of love which no one, not even God, can cut. This link will be directly sustained by the spirit world.
25th Anniversary of the Unification Church
5.1.79, Belvedere
Our Standard of Devotion
Rejoice always, pray constantly. . . .
I Thessalonians 5:16-17
He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 10: 37-39
Even if you lock the door God comes in every night. Having communion and fellowship with the living God every night should be our life and your home church should be like that. Please have faith in it until it can be done.
Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.79, World Mission Center
When I began my ministry, I needed eight hours of prayer in order to work for eight hours. Otherwise, there was no balance and the work was not produced. The American way of prayer is very easy. You sit comfortably on a chair; but in the Oriental way you are on your knees with your head down for hours and hours. Would you like to pray in this way for eight hours, or invest that time in working for home church? if you took the route of prayer, it would be far more difficult. Prayer is not easy.
Home Church and the Battle of Love
1.7.79, Belvedere
Home church should be the subject of your prayer. Pray with a parental heart for your home church people as your children who. are struggling in hell. Your heart as a parent must be grieved and desiring to save them. If you don't have that feeling then you are in a dire emergency; you must open your heart to parental feeling of love toward your people. If you don't have real love for them then push yourself until you do. No one has to teach a parent to love his children. If you feel like a parent to your home church then your love will be the same and no one will have to teach you.
There is nothing more important for you than this. Test your own power of prayer; take one person and pray for him fervently, constantly, without telling him. Pray tearfully for his well-being and then that person will feel a magnetic attraction to you. He won't know why he feels drawn to you.
If you receive in your prayer that you will meet a person at such and such a time, when you go there then that person will come. If you are dead serious then these things will happen. Hypnosis can transfer a person into another state of consciousness, but how much more can prayer change lives. There is no distance or limit to its influence because the power of thought travels everywhere. You can mobilize the entire spirit world by the power of prayer. You have experienced that I will work through your prayers and tell you certain things. There is no limit to the power of prayer.
The Importance of Prayer
4.15.79, Belvedere
The power of love is like a magnet drawing people to you. When you have that kind of mind and pray to God, you will feel as though some strings attach you to the person you are praying for; you are pulling him and he comes to you in response to your prayer. When you pray about his home over and over again, when you visit there you will feel that the people will never let you go. You will know ahead of time that you will run into this person at a certain place, and sure enough he will be there, even if you are late. I want you to have that kind of experience.
The Burden on Our Shoulders
6.11.78, London
What will Unification Church pray for? We ask God to love our home church area. You pray to God, telling Him what you are going to do in your area, asking for His support, and then that night you report and tell Him what happened.
3.29.81, Belvedere
You must really work hard, and then, when you really pray powerfully, miracles can happen in your 360 homes.
Father Speaks to the Crusade
9.5.78, London
How much you devote yourself to home church shall determine the distance between you and God and the intensity of love God can give to you. Set the condition that you love your home church more than your wife or husband, or children or parents. Jesus said if anyone loved his husband or wife or family more than Jesus, that person was not worthy of him. Today I am saying that if you love your own family more than you love your home church and more than you love God then you are not worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Your home church is one small world representing all mankind and the entire earth; it is a microcosm of the whole earth. Where you live or travel makes no difference; your home church is the place where you will become a child of the messiah and enter the Kingdom. Even if you live in Korea and then come to America you will still have to make a home church. No matter where you may go on earth, you must do the home church mission. Even if you went to spirit world now you have to come down to finish that mission because without going through that gate you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.79, World Mission Center
It may take several years to restore your home church, but if you are as good as I am you could restore 360 homes in one year. If your baby is sick, you would drop everything to go to the hospital and try to heal him. If your husband or wife was sick I know you would immediately take him or her to the hospital. Love your territory more than you would love your ailing husband or wife, and then you can say that you loved your territory with a love superior to all satanic standards. There is no question that if you meet that criterion you shall be the messiah of your territory.
Have you truly loved someone else as you love yourself? Have you loved some stranger more than your own wife, husband, or parents? Jesus set a profound criterion of love by saying that if a person loved his parents, spouse or brothers and sisters more than Jesus, he was not worthy of Jesus.
Only when a person loves him more than anyone else can that person have a new beginning. That was Jesus' criterion and having that kind of love is the only way you can inherit the Kingdom of God.
God set the goal in the Garden of Eden and that ideal still remains. That goal continued through the time of Jesus and comes to us today in terms of home church. Whether I remain here on earth for another ten or hundred years doesn't make any difference. I have fulfilled the ideal already and now it is up to you to fulfill through home church. Now is the time for the sons and daughters to fulfill as the parents have done. The criterion is to love you home church more than you love True Parents; then all kinds of miracles will take place.
The Birth of Jesus and the Consummation of God's Will
12.24.78, Belvedere
Those of you who have had love before know how powerful the attraction between men and women is, so you should think of home church as your lover and love your people more than you have ever loved anyone in the past. Before loving anyone you have to fulfill the words in the Bible, "Unless you love me more than your wife or husband and children, you are not worthy of me." You have to love God most. At the same time, what you have done for home church is what you have done for God. Now, take action.
Liquidation and Blessing
5.18.80, Belvedere
Jesus said that he who would find his life would lose it, but he who would lose his life for Jesus' sake would find it. It sounds contradictory, but that is what home church is all about. Your own family in particular will talk about how you love home church more than your own husband or wife and children, and more than your parents. That's why the Bible said that your own household would be your enemy. That's true. You should not worry about that, however, because when your day of victory comes your own family will repent and ask your forgiveness, wanting to follow you.
If I knock on your door at midnight and demand to know where your husband is, I don't want to hear. "I don't know Father; he isn't here yet." I want to hear, "Father, my husband is at home church." Even if all the people who come to see me at Gloucester come at 5:00 a.m., I am not there. No one can find me at midnight either. I am at sea, my home church, with the tuna tribe. Can you be an exception? At sea I can communicate with God and receive many inspirations, so I don't want to stay anywhere else.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
You would want to go to home church in order to bring liberation. You should become an ancestor, a forefather of mankind and a forefather of the home church. If you make a mistake, there will be tremendous accusation from your own clan and your generation. Do you think that what Father is telling you now your children will automatically be able to understand? Do they understand now? How about in the future? Will they be able to understand then?
Your children will know. They will ask their daddies and mommies why they failed in home church. They will ask where the home church is. "You were there, at the final declaration. You listened to Reverend Moon. Yet still you don't have a home church?"
Suppose the instruction was to shed tears and live a tearful way of life for the restoration of home church, because that is the sheer expression of Father's love. Then your children will ask you how many times you were in tears. Your children will say: "Even if you had to neglect me, even if you didn't feed me, even if you abandoned me, you should have followed God's instruction, God's way of life, and the Father's instructions. Why didn't you?" Your children will accuse you in that way. What will you say? There will be no answer.
4.16.80, World Mission Center
A wife will work harder than her husband and a husband will work harder than his wife, loving home church more than they love each other. More than anything else you love home church and concentrate there to find your own kingdom and heaven. Then you know you are entitled to ultimate heaven. Even if you appear in your home church without clothes, they will still welcome you as their savior. This is the new evangelism where we must succeed.
Reflection Upon Life
6.1.79, Belvedere
Instead of loving just your own family or children, or even doing service to your own country, you will do home church. If a husband spends all his time in home church and he doesn't even come home at the regular time, and his wife begins to say, "My husband is making me wait," she is the worst wife one could ever find.
Home Church Is My Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.81. World Mission Center
Are we going to fight this war of love now? You don't have to take my word about this. You have your own faculties for testing whether this is true or not. How do you test it? Go beyond the things and people you were close to; if one of your home church members dies and you feel more sorrow than if your own parent had died, then see whether your people won' t see visions. When you cry daily for their sake, see if they don't respond. You should have such deep feeling for them that you sometimes don't sleep at night for thinking about your home church people. If because you are thinking about them so much you don't even remember how long it was since you last ate, see whether what I have told you is wrong. Any standard less than that is inadequate. Without that kind of heart you can offer them the Divine Principle but they will not listen.
25th Anniversary of the Unification Church
5.1.79, Belvedere
Before we can talk about home church we need to win the individual war. Do you think the person who is defeated in the individual battle will be very successful in the home church? The person who is already defeated as an individual is like a mortally wounded soldier. If he gets up and tries to go to home church, he will only become an obstacle there. In order to go to home church, you need to have won your individual battle, to be strong, healthy, disciplined and absolutely determined. That is the only way you can move on to the home church and bring results.
The person who can say, "I have disciplined myself, Father. I can control hunger and sleep and sexual desire" is ready to march to home church, If not, you cannot win the battle because you don't have a weapon with which to fight.
The 360 homes you are going to visit are full of temptations. You may feel, "They are eating good meals while I am hungry so why should I go to serve them? They are better off than me. Why do I always have to go out so early in the morning and come back so late?" There are all kinds of men and women trying to tempt you. You are out there facing a poisonous atmosphere every day. Why do you go on like that, suppressing your desire? Because you want to win the victory of true love. "I will persevere over hunger and do without sleep because of the victory of true love. I will do away with sexual desires because of the victory of true love."
In the confrontation between good and evil within yourself are you confident to repel Satan? Is it an easy or difficult task? It's almost as difficult as dying. Therefore, unless you really make up your mind to die for victory, you will not win. Unless you commit your life to this struggle, you cannot win. We must win on the first battleground: then we can move onto the second battleground: home church.
We must set the highest example. The battle between the mind and the body is a severe one. If your individual battle within yourself is so difficult, how much more difficult do you think the battle will be within your home church? Don't take it lightly. The road to perfection is very difficult.
You know what kind of criteria you must establish. You must love the home church more than eating or sleeping. You must love your home church more than loving yourself, your parents or husband. With all your heart and soul and mind love your home church.
Love God more than anything else. God is the root and home church is the fruit and harvest of His love. When you come to the throne of God, can you proudly say, "God, I loved my tribe and world representing You, and now I have come back to You"?
Whether or not you can make your heaven depends on this one war. With the five senses of your body you are firing out this love. Will intensity in this battle bring us better results or poorer results? Right now people may not welcome you, thinking, "Oh, that Moonie is always coming, sometimes even twice in the same day." But the time will come when they will say, "Please do more; teach us more; discipline us." 360 home keys will be jingling in your pocket as you walk. The time will come when people will let you come in any time of the day or night. You must win that much of a reputation. If you are trusted to that degree there is automatically hope for building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, for trust is the foundation for building the Kingdom of Heaven.
Home Church and the Battle of Love
1.7.79, Belvedere
God gave us all a mission and duty, and you are given home church work to do. Can you be praised or scolded by the home church dispensation? Would it be expected that your home church is open 24 hours a day to welcome people or do people find the door closed to them when they visit? Does your home church expect you to visit 100 times a day, or only once? Actually they should want you to visit as much as possible, not just once or twice a day. Would the house itself want you to be the most frequent visitor?
Today is such a beautiful day and this is a weekend, so everyone wants to have a picnic, but even your children would say you should go to home church. That is wonderful. When you come home all worn out from working and collapse on your bed, if Dr. Durst comes by late at night to meet you should he say, "Everyone should sleep because we are all tired"? Or should he ask, "What about your home church"? When he is exhausted, even as he is dozing off his last words should be home church, and getting report from you about home church.
Perhaps you run into a friend you haven't seen for a long time and he wants to take you to a Chinese restaurant; but you should think, "What about my home church?" If you are going to home church right after you eat then the food will like you, but if you are going somewhere else then it won't like you.
The toilets in the fancy hotel bathroom will know that you should be using your home church bathroom instead. Even if it is smellier and dirtier than the hotel bathroom, you belong there. If your home church bathroom is far away, then you have to make that excuse to the fancy bathroom, explaining why you need to use it. The smelly home church bathroom knows that more blessing will come to you through it.
A puppy in your home church area will bark at you when you come. Though the dog cannot talk, when you ask why he barks, he would say, "This is my way of welcoming you." If you really have a loving heart, the dog will understand. He will stop barking and start licking you. Once he comes to love you, he will welcome you with a different bark when you come. Even the mice and birds in your area will recognize you when your heart communicates with them.
If you and your fiancée have a long-standing date to visit the Statue of Liberty, and while you are there you buy a can of Coke to share, the Coke will say, "You think you are enjoying this, but it would be better for you to be drinking water in your home church." Wherever you go, things will ask why you came there instead of going to your home church.
The bench in the park will blame you for not being in your home church. If you stop in a restaurant for a quick lunch, the food will really protest that it should not be eaten by you. Even though you eat only leftovers in home church, they will be better for your body. Ask each bench, each bathroom, each drink and meal if they have their mission, and they will say, "Yes, but we have no connection with you." When you go to sleep in your bed, tell it, "I know I should be sleeping in my home church, but please forgive me this one time. When I wake up I will do twice as much tomorrow." Spiritually everything talks.
If you go out to enjoy nature, all the creation there will feel that you are not a good person if you are not in your home church. It is the same as townspeople finding a ten-year-old running around playing when they know he should be in school. In the same way, nature knows spiritually that you should be in home church.
Always before now you felt you could freely drink water or go to the bathroom or drink Coke anywhere, anytime. But after hearing me this morning you will feel the creation protest against you everywhere you go. That is a good thing if it makes you feel more connected to home church and less free than before because everything will remind you of your mission. I have bound you, not just with one rope, but with ropes all around you, attaching you to home church. In a sense you have lost your so-called freedom, but is that good or bad?
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
True love is the target you are shooting at through doing home church. Home church is like the gun and the goal is true love. Have you ever truly thought that the number of times you served people in your home church area was the number of times God visited that area? You must think about how much God is present with you, walking with you. God is not dwelling with you when you are lying comfortably in bed with a full stomach. The time when you are very hungry and fatigued is when God is with you. Sometimes you may be sick to your stomach and you feel you cannot go out. But knowing that your home church members are waiting for you, you don't want to disappoint them and you walk out the door, almost falling down. That is the time when God is with you.
Seeking the True Master
11.29.81, Belvedere
Maybe you think, "Father talks too much about witnessing and 360 homes; I will do it sitting in my living room." There are some things which happen if you set the right condition, and some things you have to do with your hands. How nice it would be if home church would work by setting the condition; for instance, if you could write down names of 360 homes on a big piece of paper and every day make some drawing, and say, "This will serve as condition of having visited my actual home church every day." But it doesn't work that way.
Just as I worked hard, you also have to work hard and do everything as I did. That kind of effort is needed to make home church successful. Heaven on earth is where your ideal and your love dwell. Home church belongs to you, and when you really work at it, all your surroundings -- including your ancestry and your supporting spiritual world -- will come down and help you accomplish it. You will find that the spiritual world actually helps you very much, but you will never know until you really do it.
Home Church Is My Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.81, World Mission Center
Do you like home church? Do you want to do it alone, or together? Can two become great at the same time? There is only one greatest person, not two, so should you go alone or together? You know it is difficult to become the greatest. Is it greater to work for the world, or for the nation? Would you then choose to work in America, or in another country? Would you go to a desert or to the jungle? Would you rather go to the part of Africa where white people are persecuted or where they are welcomed?
How much training do you need here to meet that challenge? You know what I will say to you even before you come; I keep telling you to suffer more and work harder, even if you feel it is impossible. Should you ignore or welcome that kind of teacher, even if it is painful? You feel like you are dying now, don't you?
The Things We Want to Be Proud Of
10.25.81, Belvedere
What kind of a member would you want to be? Certainly you want to go up, not down; but if you are not following my direction, for example in doing home church, are you going up or down? You may be capable of saying "yes" and giving pledges but how much have you actually carried out?
Total Completion of the Ideal
2.28.82, Belvedere
For four years, I have been telling you that you must work hard in home church, but how much actual work have you done for the sake of home church? Our whole objective is to invite God to dwell with us. Are you making a base for Him in home church? Within your own minds, how much do you want to go out and do home church? Your words alone do not prove anything. Too often American young people say something but cannot carry it out. How can such a standard be trusted?
We all say we want to be righteous persons, but what is a righteous person? The righteous person is the one who will go against any odds, any difficulties, as long as the right path is clear. For example, Abraham's prayer in the Bible was for God to spare Sodom if there were only ten righteous people in it. God answered that He would. This is the very same position of Moonies today. When you follow my direction and work diligently in your home church area, you will be the righteous persons before God in America. Because you are righteous, some day all your home church members will also be righteous. By observing the way you sweat and shed tears for them, those people will find their hearts reviving; they will eventually have the strength and life to behave as you do.
If you are only focusing on when your wedding will occur, you are certainly not serious enough. America is literally in a last-minute position, so how can you be concentrating on your marriage? The country has to be alive first before your individual and family situation can be secured. How can you think about how you look, whether or not you have nice clothing and makeup and so forth, when the country is in such spiritual danger?
. . . But now we are engaged in a spiritual war, and nothing else is more important than winning that war. Do you understand that?
Some people say, "I need to study more; then maybe I will be able to do home church," but they have not realized the urgency of the situation. Your shoes should wear out from walking in your area. The number of pairs of shoes you wear out will be your pride and your record of accomplishment in the future. Spirit world is always eager to help you, but you must create the conditions that enable them to do so.
Let Us Protect Ourselves
5.1.82, Belvedere
What did Father explain to you before you went out? Three months ago Father showed you exactly how to do home church. He explained precisely the meaning of home church and the reasons why you must do it. You forgot, and you did not do as Father told you. Anyone who memorized what Father told him three months ago and never forgot it and tried to work according to that direction all the time, raise your hand. Who never forgot? Only a few people are confident. Most of you don't raise your hands. You all forgot. Even if you understand completely you may have difficulty; but how can you ever accomplish if you don't even understand?
From now on we must always think, "Home church, home church, home church," like crazy people. "Home church, home church": that is my place, that is my objective. Everything you see and everything you think about should be connected in your mind with home church. If you can't change your thinking, then mankind will continue to live in hell. We must cross over that borderline. This is the 5% responsibility that each Unification Church member must fulfill.
Have no idle time, and no sleeping time. Don't talk here at the center, but go to your own area and talk there. Once you come back in the evening, do not talk, but instead, pray about your area. Don't even chat. Go to your area and talk there. Here, you should pray.
You must really work hard, even with pain. Even if you collapse you must go and still try to accomplish. Maybe it is all right for you, for one individual to perish: later somebody will pick you up. But what about the world? If you don't succeed in your 360 homes, who will be responsible for them?
Father Speaks to the Crusade
9.5.78, London
How can you say you are dedicated if you have restored only two people in five years? If you had married five years ago you would probably have at least two children by now. When we are really dedicated we should each be able to bring one person a month and 12 people a year. Even at that rate, in one lifetime of witnessing we could each restore only 600 people. How can we save the world by restoring only 600 people? Even the leaders have only brought a small number of people. If some members bring only two people in five years they may bring only twenty people in a lifetime. How can you expect to go to heaven if you bring only twenty people in your lifetime?
This is a very serious problem. You already know that your result has not been good and this is why I am encouraging the home church concept. Starting tomorrow, concentrate on your area very faithfully. Within seven days you must be able to find one home which welcomes you. You can stay there and then you wont have to come back to the center except on Sundays. Stay in your home church and witness from there.
Everyone of you must do that, but I know that not many people are confident yet. When the seminary students came I chased them out the same day they arrived and told them that if they didn't find a place to stay they should sleep in the park or railway station or go witnessing at night. You must do the same thing and try your best in the next seven days to find a home which can accommodate you.
Because you have had a center to sleep in and meals to eat every day, you came back and said you couldn't find any place for a home church. You could go on like this for weeks and months and nothing would happen! The seminarians have been out already for a week and will continue for several months. Starting tomorrow you must look for a home which welcomes you and witness from there.
You must be careful to follow the pattern faithfully. The leaders are a bridge between you and me, but I will also tell you how to do this mission. Even Mr. Orme must understand and carry it out. We must raise our standard very quickly and understand that this is a heavenly army because in the future we will have to fight communism, the foremost enemy of God in Europe. The Western way of thinking is very weak and the communists will dominate that kind of person because they are much stronger. We must be aware of that and become equally strong. The communists are gaining ground in nearly all countries now. This is a serious, life-and-death matter,
We are in London but we should not have an easy, comfortable life. How can you eat and sleep if you have brought only two people in five years? I do not want to be called Father by such people. How can you say you joined the Unification Church to help do the work? If you really think about God and His will, how can you be so weak? How can you sleep and eat if you cannot witness enough? How can you expect to be blessed? You are not doing it for me or anyone else; you are doing it for your own benefit. Without having many spiritual children you won't go anywhere in spirit world. You must decide that you want to be intensely active. You only have your physical body for a short time.
Do you realize that each person must win at least 84 spiritual children in seven years? It is the fault of the leaders if you did not know this. How can they call themselves leaders if they do not make sure the members are informed? How many of you know that we will be restored only by paying indemnity? If you don't pass your examinations at college after four years then it is easy to fail again and again; if you try your very best the first time but you fail then you are not encouraged to try once more. You may try your best to witness but if you fail then you lose confidence. If you get married and your husband wants to have children but you keep putting it off, what will happen? You only have a certain number of years in which you can give birth to children,
This formula applies to all generations and we are no exception. That's why we have to fulfill the formula of 84 people, and only after that can we sleep properly. If you must rest then only do it at night. How can you go to the movies unless you have finished this? When I go to a movie it is only because I have done my work and then I take a few people with me so that they can have some enjoyment.
If it is very hot you cannot even buy some cold drink. If you are really busy finding your spiritual children then how can you be satisfied with getting a drink? If you are really sensitive and serious about this then you won't even know if your hair needs washing or your clothes need mending.
The Start of the 40-Day Witnessing Condition
7.4.78, London
I want you to understand that God will never appear halfway through a situation; He will always wait until the end. If He assists you too much in the middle of the mission then you will have to pay too much indemnity, and God doesn't want you to suffer in that way. You can say to God, "You are my spectator, and I will never let you down. Just sit and watch how I am doing."
Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.79, World Mission Center
I want you to set a record of wearing out shoes from walking so much. I don't want you to ride too much to your area, but walk and sweat more. When you wear your shoes out, they are your museum pieces. When your clothes are torn and worn out, they belong in your museum. If you are attacked physically and your blood stains your clothes, don't wash it out; that is your museum piece. If you are stabbed, save the bandages. The number of museum pieces you have will determine your place in heaven.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
I want to set the tradition of home church here in America because this is the shortest cut to the world. Would you like that? Then here is straight talk: die for the mission.
Let Us Restore Our Homeland and Fatherland
1.14.79, Belvedere
As Unification Church members we must know clearly that it is our mission to unify; before we can do so we must observe and digest. This is reasonable, like all the laws of creation; it applies on every level of family, society, nation and world. I want you to become like that and be a subject of the whole world, being appreciated by God and respected by all mankind. That is done through home church.
The Way of Prosperity and Defeat
3.1.79, Belvedere
In witnessing you are selling the love of God and Divine Principle. Now put your heart into witnessing and meticulously prepare whatever you need. You must be different from before and your influence will touch the people. Raise your flag and don't hesitate to say you are a Moonie. You have to be exemplary in your neighborhood. In the winter shovel snow and in the summer tend the gardens and streets in the neighborhood. The first house to have the snow shoveled should be the Moonies' house. Then people will come to solicit your services for themselves, and they will need only one third as many people to help them as before. This kind of thing has an impact on people.
Mainstream of the Dispensation of God
11.19.78, Belvedere
If you say that you don't like the public way, then you are retreating to hell. Only if you go the public way are you doing good work and going the way you are supposed to. Have you ever stopped to think that after you have done home church in America you will go to other countries, and even spirit world, and do home church? You can feel that in the future millions of people will act according to your direction.
Are you going to go into the arena of home church now? That's the ring in which you fight the championship bout. You must truly know the public way, for once you turn to the private way you will decline. You always have to check yourself in this matter.
The Public Way and Private Way
1.11.81, Belvedere
Father sees that you have not met a certain standard. You still have not done enough. If you continue at this stage, you will decline. Father is the judge. Whatever Father pronounces will happen. Father has told us that communism will decline. Now we will bear witness to it. If Father says that America will decline and her residents will not continue in their prosperity, then America will decline. This is truly a fearful age. Judgment is now at hand.
The Bible talks about seven years of tribulation. This is it. Father spent 21 years in tribulation. Your condition will be to go through these next seven years of tribulation. The Bible spoke of such tribulation as at the time to meet the Lord. When people meet the Messiah, they are put in an incredible position, to receive incredible persecution.
Yet if you know you are going the right path, even when temptation comes, if you don't change your love or your focus and just hang on to it until the end, then you will surely win. You will see. Perseverance is the quality we need. Then you will come to fulfill the prophecy the Bible speaks of. Then God's Will, will be done. Father's wish will come true and everything will be fulfilled.
What kind of dispensation is home church? It is the conditional seven-year dispensation. Father was supposed to walk seven years of tribulation but it was prolonged to 21 years. During those years, incredible temptation came but Father withstood it all until he finally achieved perfection, and completed everything. He went all the way to the end. And he did it with love. He did it with love. He never lost sight even for a moment. Father was always there with love.
America is enemy territory in a way. She is truly trying to destroy Rev. Moon and has placed herself in the position of his enemy. Yet Father doesn't think in those terms. Father loves America. Jesus prayed on the cross for God to forgive the people because they didn't know what they were doing. He asked for the forgiveness of his own enemies. But we must move on; we must go over the Mount of Calvary without dying, without being killed. We must bear the cross as we live. It is essential that we keep on going.
4.16.80, World Mission Center
Wherever you go you are standing on the Principle. God has given you the stage -- your home church -- where you can practice this. Season your life with life power, love power and ideal power in your home church. To get a degree from home church, you have to work day and night. If you want to become a Ph.D. you have to write a dissertation. Sometimes people devote many years to preparing on Ph.D. dissertation. This cannot be done in your way, but must be done in God's way.
Things That Are Important to You
2.1.81, Belvedere
From here do you want to go to breakfast or to home church? Do you want to rest or go to home church? You might have been sick and tired of hearing about home church every day, but after today's sermon it is a beautiful word, isn't it? Do you really feel that way? Do you love home church more than your watch or dress or yourself?
Spring Season of the Providence
4.1.79, Belvedere
If you can't bear to leave your area and you stay there awake all night then spirit world will visit those 360 homes for you. Spirit world will show each one of them that you are standing in the neighborhood and not going back to your home because you miss them so much. After having this dream or vision, when they open up their door you will be standing there. This can actually happen. Just as spirit world, Adam, Eve, and God must work as one before the Kingdom of Heaven is realized on earth, you also will have to experience this before heaven can be realized in your area.
Everything you do should be centered around you area. If you have to go to the bathroom, go there. When you cry, you must shed the most profound tears in your area. The best things that happen in your life should happen in your area, things that you cannot forget for eternity. When you become old and look back and say those were your happiest days, you will have the foundation for eternal happiness. That is where God's love and ideal will be left. I experienced that while I was in prison, and even now I can feel the same everywhere I go. These things are happening even now, not only at the early times. The standard is the same for you as for me, but it will work only if you are complete in your feeling of love for that area.
Eternal Happiness
2.25.79, Belvedere
Let those 360 homes be like your own children's homes. Go out there and stay up all night talking and look at the rising morning sun together with them. You must have the conviction in your heart that you are God's representative to them. You needn't think of visiting only during the daytime but also at midnight. If you go out there and wait to meet a certain person, staying up all night and cheerfully praying under those circumstances. then as long as you are there America will never perish.
The Return to Tears
10. 16.77, Belvedere
When you go to your 360 homes, determine which home will stop you. You have to be able to go to all homes freely. Will you welcome me when I come to your home or will you close the door and tell me to go away? Whenever I come to visit you, you feel you want to welcome me, even if I am unannounced.
Home Church and Myself
12.14.80, Belvedere
If you have been working diligently in home church for the past three years, this is the year that you can finish and graduate. You can joyfully participate in the Blessing and then live in the home church. How many days are you spending in home church? If you are serious about doing home church, should you live in the New Yorker Hotel? You should be living in your home church area. It is very easy to live in the New Yorker, because you can hide behind your door; but home church is not an easy place to live. The New Yorker was purchased for the sake of the world; it is the World Mission Center, not the American Mission Center, or the New York Mission Center. Because you have not yet gone to the worldwide dispensation level, you are not really eligible to live in that house. You must go to the home church and complete the providence there; then you can live at the New Yorker.
From now on, everybody must go to do home church. Those of you who accomplish your work in home church will then be qualified to come and live at the New Yorker. You will be in the position of good children, coming to live in the home of your parents. But trying to stay in the New Yorker without making any serious effort in your home church is not good. The rooms are not there for everybody; you blessed families must move into your home church areas -- including Rev. [Won Pil] Kim and Mr. [Joong Hyun] Pak -- without exception, you must all go out to your home churches. Although some people may think this is unreasonable, you will be infinitely grateful when you see that you are heading for the Kingdom of Heaven. I'm very serious. What I am asking you to do is the bare minimum, compared to the real value of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Everything depends upon how much you serve and set the indemnity conditions. Parallel with those conditions, your blessings will descend upon you. All your ancestors will come down to your home church area, and the ancestors of the people in the neighborhood as well. When your effort exceeds the level of effort made by anyone previously, Satan will pack up and retreat from your area. You will see that those people who were adamantly opposed to you one day will change, like a miracle, the next day. Those who continue to give you a hard time will receive instant judgment from spirit world. You will see this with your own eyes. After their chastisement from spirit world, those persons will change, too. During my lifetime, I have seen many instances of this, too many to describe. The same things will happen to you in your home church area.
Victory of Home Church (Morning Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Do you have your Cain area? Are you Cain or Abel to your home church area? The fact that I have entrusted you with home church means I have approved you as an Abel. It's up to you to work hard and pray. How nice it is when you can consult with one of your people when something needs to be done and see it through to the finish. After one or two years they will understand you much better and try to do this work with you. You never know when the result will come; as long as you work hard now then the result will definitely come. How beautiful it will be when the result comes unexpectedly.
The Abel's Path from the Providential Point of View
12.30.79, Belvedere
How much have you devoted yourself? One year, two years, ten years, twenty years? By doing so, you attract the attention of God, and He has to look at you and come down to you. True love is the major theme by which you connect one woman, one man, one family, two families, a hundred families, 360 families. When one new person is linked, you rejoice over his birth as the new true child of God. What a joy it is to see the emergence of a new child of God. With this in mind, how can you neglect to go out every day and night? When this movement of love is spreading out to the worldwide level, the Kingdom of God is bound to appear.
Seeking the True Master
11.29.81, Belvedere
Before I undertook any task in this country I met the major leaders here -- such as most of the Senators, including Senator Kennedy, and President Nixon. I met the former president Eisenhower. Go to the famous and well-known people in your area. You should feel that you will contribute more to your area than they do and love it more than anyone. You can say proudly to the parents that you love their children more than they do, and to the children that you love their parent more than they do. You love them more because you love them with the unselfish love of God.
Completion of the Providence and Parents' Day
4.15.80, World Mission Center
You never know who you will meet when you go witnessing door to door. You might find an important man who later on might save the whole nation. You must be prepared to meet such a person. Even though you are tired you should visit one more home at the end of the day because that may be where you meet the person who could save the nation. You may have visited a hundred homes and not met the man who could save the nation, but he might be in number 101. If you live like that then God will lead you to such a man.
Wherever you go with that heart, spirit world will prepare for you. Always think that you are going to find someone whose heart you can connect with the heart of God. You are reaching out to heaven and that door you knock on is your stepping stone. We are always searching for that special, righteous man, and if you are walking with God's guidance then all of a sudden, without realizing how it happened, you meet someone and you are sure he is that man. You can experience this not only once but several times while you are witnessing. It should even be a common thing for you.
The Burden on Our Shoulders
6.11.78, London
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. So, faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
I don't want you to do home church just out of duty but because of an urge that you cannot resist. If your beloved parent or child were in jail, you wouldn't go to see him out of duty. The people in your home church area are like prisoners in jail, and as God's representative you go there with parental heart. You will never lose by doing that but will inherit the love of God. The more you do as a channel of God's love, the more you will inherit.
Will you go to home church out of duty, or with enthusiasm and the love of God? Listen to the bell of love in your own heart. Your mouth won't obey if you want to talk of anything apart from sounding that bell of love; your eyes and ears wont want to have anything to do with it either. If that is the case then you are not far from the ultimate breakthrough to the spirit world and heart of God and you will always be sure of your course and destination. You are carrying the prescription that can solve all the problems and bring comfort and happiness for each of your 360 homes. If you are living in that heart then even if you don't intend to speak your mouth will automatically open and convey that love.
The Sound of the Bell of the Mind
1.28.79, Belvedere
No matter how loudly you shout your slogan, if you do home church out of duty you will never succeed. Only when you do it out of the intoxication of love will you succeed. The home church arena is where you can obtain the kingship of love. Put everything inside home church, and put home church everywhere so that wherever anyone touches you they will feel home church. When every cell shall be part of the kingship of love then there will be no more hills.
Spring Season of the Providence
4.1.79, Belvedere
Your home church will become your source of intoxication. Even though your arms and legs become so sore from your long hours of work, you cannot help but go back again and again. Home church is the source of your joy.
World Conference
2.25.80, World Mission Center
Would you do it reluctantly, being pushed by me, or are you going to do it willingly? When you become older you long to be married, and in that case would you marry because someone pushed you to do it or because you were longing for it? It's natural to want marriage, isn't it? In the same way, even your physical nature should be longing to become a messiah, longing to reach your destiny.
The Birth of Jesus and the Consummation of God's Will
12.24.78, Belvedere
Why do I drive you out to home church so much? Is it to develop political power to elect a President? No, and it is surely not for money. It is for love. This is a true teaching, and this is a true movement; this is a true ideal. There is no secondary one, so we can't help but do this.
The World of Good and Evil and My Indemnity
9.28.80, Belvedere
If you do home church only out of duty, however, you will never survive. If you become a person burning with love then people cannot help but welcome you and invite you to stay longer with them. You will become a magnet that pulls the people.
If you are truly intoxicated in the love of God then difficulty and suffering have nothing to do with you because you don't even worry about them. Because of love you want to give your most precious things to your loved ones and you hold nothing back. That's the way God is. When we know this truth there is no room for complaining, or for saying you are overburdened. Nothing can bother you, even the person who tries to hit and curse you. You feel instead that he is complaining because he has not received your love and you can't even get mad at him, much less fight back. You must see his behavior as a sign that he is starving for love. When people in your home church area are hostile you should wish you had been there ten years ago for them to receive the good news you bring so that they would welcome you now.
The Sound of the Bell of the Mind
1.28.79, Belvedere
You will discover that when you are not working for yourself, God will come and do the work for you. The Unification Church has the ideal of making that kind of man and woman out of everyone. Eventually they will become parents of children like this who will be leaders. You have to determine to drop everything else in order to be here and continue on and on until you reach the love of God. We don't care too much whether we prosper or perish; we are heading in one direction and we want to do better day by day. Then we are like the rising sun which can only keep rising. You can be confident that wherever you go the sunshine of God's love will be there.
The reason you go door to door witnessing is to give that light to your families also and this is why you must have a clean, pure mind when you visit the people. When we are not carrying our own burden but are supporting the burden of the world we never tire of it; we are never exhausted because love is never exhausted. How many times did you think, "I wish I had not joined the Unification Church"? Even those people who say no must have thought that at one time or another.
When people open their doors and receive you then the seed of love will grow in that house. Now you know that love is the only thing that makes unity possible.
The Burden on Our Shoulders
6.11.78, Belvedere
You were assigned to 360 homes but do the people like you to knock on their doors? You do it anyway because you are chosen and ordained by God to give out His love. I want you to know that you are all the heirs of God and candidates for sainthood. There are all kinds of people walking on the same street you do, but is there anyone else going down the street in genuine innocence, simply trying to give away the love of God? Early in the morning are you motivated that way. day after day?
The Tradition of the Unification Church
12.11.77, Belvedere
When I ask Unification Church members why you were born, you say you were born for home church. When you leave the building to do home church are you depressed by whether it is raining or snowing, or do you feel very hopeful and loving like the rising sun? I really feel that those members who grumble and drag their feet while walking to their home church area should be persecuted; if they aren't persecuted by the community then something is wrong! If you go out with love then even dogs will wag their tails at you; if dogs are this sensitive then how much more aware will men be to whether you have come to share love or not?
If people are persecuting you when you go out to your area with joy and love then they are violating God's law and Principle, and God will never let it go by. God will do something to them according to the law of love. You can be confident that they should have known this already. New York has been called a jungle, but you can visualize it as a desert to which you are bringing an oasis; you are bringing the water of life to the city where love is totally lacking. Once people understand what you are doing there will be an avalanche of people coming to drink.
Our One Life
3.4.79, Belvedere
When you go door to door, either in home church or on MFT, think of it as visiting one planet. Some planets will give you the cold treatment, and some people will spit at you. When you get very cold treatment, think that this house is a winter-season house. When you receive a hot welcome, think that it is a summertime house. That is the way you can rehearse everything in your life. You should be able to round out your character to love all seasons, all weather and all kinds of atmosphere. That is your goal while you are here on earth. By digesting with love everything happening here on earth, you become successful in your life.
Is it right to refuse to visit a home because you know the people are atheists? You should embrace them and be sacrificial toward them. God always sacrifices Abel for the sake of restoring Cain. For this reason I am pushing you out strongly. You are Abel so you must demonstrate sacrificial love to save the Cain world. The more you practice this greater love, the wider your horizon becomes. I have lived this principle all my life. I always forgave the people who mistreated me, and sacrificially loved them. Eventually they were conquered by love, and my own horizons became wider.
Things That Are important to You
2.1.81, Belvedere
Are you going to be someone who desperately pursues true love? Then where would you find that true love? In home church. Even though people in your home church area may reject you and mistreat you, you have the chance to live a dramatic way of life by continuing to go there with true love. Your home church work will continue until all that negativity turns to positivity.
After about three years of home church work, perhaps no one will come against you. You might begin to think that you have finished your mission, when suddenly another negative person appears. You must begin again with him and overcome all the opposition, even if it takes your entire life.
Victory of Home Church (Morning Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Is the center of true love up in the air? Yesterday Sun Jin drew a pretty picture, and asked me to look at it. The person in the picture was missing one eye, the nose was crooked and the face looked ugly, but as far as she was concerned it was a masterpiece and she was proud. She gave her whole heart in creating it, and she wanted it to be recognized by her Daddy. It was a manifestation of her love. Your home church is like Sun Jin's drawing, with one eye missing and the nose crooked. From God's point of view it is like Sun Jin's drawing, but if you have given your love there and done your best, it is beautiful. You are there to plant the center of true love. When that center is in action, you will be welcome wherever you go. True love will activate the people, from great-grandparents to little children.
Will you be good pioneers going toward the center of true love? Would you like to shout it out to the world? I have passed the baton to you, so grab it and go to home church. That's where you will finish the race. Let us become crazy about home church and the center of true love for the next seven years. When you go to home church initially there will be all kinds of rejection, even from the pets. The dogs will bark and the cats will hiss, but you can promise to bring them true love in seven years and tell them to see what happens. You can have the courage to do it because God has been living that way and I have been living that way. Certainly you can do it for seven years. God is not asking only you to suffer; He Himself has already suffered many more times than that.
Liquidation and Blessing
5.18.80, Belvedere
I am pushing you all out so much to home church that no one can stand it and most of you want to give up. But there might happen to be one miserable man or woman who keeps going after home church. That person will become the home church king or queen and all the blessing of the home church will go to that person. There God's history will be written. That chapter will say that on such a year on such a day all the Moonies tried their best but couldn't sustain the pace and gave up. But one cripple remained until the last, determined to die for the sake of home church. God will build His eternal home church upon that faith, just as Jesus built his church on Peter, the rock. The men and women who remain shall be the rock of home church. That's the way the true man and woman are revealed.
Let Us Restore Our Homeland and Fatherland
1.14.79, Belvedere
Until you have finished your home church work, you have no way to complain. You should not get tired. Knowing the Principle, I have no way to get discouraged or to slow down. I continue to march forward; even if I collapsed, I would fall forward, not backwards or to the side. I have always known that I must go over the hill and I cannot stop marching before I go beyond that hill; I cannot afford to die before I get there. Since no one can know when he will die, you must begin now to go beyond the hill. My 21-year course was actually completed in 16 years, five years earlier than scheduled. Why? Because I did not know when I would die.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Home church will only be difficult at the beginning. The first several steps will be difficult but try to cross over the point of persecution by comparing it with my energy at that particular point. When you go just one more step over that point everything will become easy. Can you do it? At the beginning you may wail, "Father, I just can't do it!" But as you continue, slowly everything will become easier. Don't worry about trying to save face. Make a new hole and tighten your belt. Make up your mind, grit your teeth and step forward.
I have been looking forward to home church for at least twenty years. This is my twenty-year dream become reality; even to speak the word home church is a dream become reality for me. I never gave up but hung on and fought it out for twenty years. How long have you been doing home church? Some of you have not even done it for twenty weeks. Are you justified in whining, "Father, I am so tired. My legs are hurting and getting sore"? Do you think home church is incredibly difficult or can it be done?
Home Church Is the Base of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.80, World Mission Center
Don't ever think home church is tough. You have to resolve to try it out with confidence, no matter how hard it looks. Find out whether the black or white people are more nasty and then go there. If the people don't pay attention to you, then ring a bell or play a trumpet all around your area so people will come out and take notice. Then the curious people will step forward to talk to you.
The Abel's Path from the Providential Point of View
12.30.79, Belvedere
You have to keep treading in your home church area, whether the people listen to you or not. The Israelites had to circle the walls of Jericho seven times before they fell down, so you shouldn't stop after seven times, but after 7,000 times. If the people don't listen, then cry as you walk.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
You have a mouth, so when you go to home church you should speak to the people. Command your fist to knock on the door. Persecution may come after the door is opened, but that comes after you knock on the door, so don't worry about knocking. The person just might welcome you, or have a special message from spirit world. If you are really reluctant to knock on the door then do so with your feet. The best people in any area experience all these things too, not just people who are having difficulty.
The Way of Prosperity and Defeat
3.11.79, Belvedere
You never hear me praising or complimenting anyone. I only push them harder. Do you like it? Why? Each time you are pushed by me you are going farther toward the goal, even though it is painful. If I am coming at night or at a difficult hour to see you, you may flee but under any circumstances don't complain. The place to hide is home church.
Record-Setter of History
7.1.79, Belvedere
The best way to think is: "Don't pity me or try to comfort me. Just push me out. I need the kind of leader who will make me a messiah." The person who thinks that way won't have enough room for hanging all his medals in front and will have them hanging behind also. Having your medals on your back is very handy because Satan will see them; he always follows you and seeing your medals will frighten him. Will you say, "Father, leave it to me. You don't have to send Bo Hi Pak to chase after me. I will do it, Father. I shall fulfill your expectation 100%"? Do you need someone to push you out every day or do you want me to leave you alone and let you bring the victory yourself?
Home church is like a launching pad for the heaven-bound missile. A rocket to Mars and a rocket to the stars can both be launched from the same pad because everything starts from one point. The home church mission is the launching pad, but how far you go is up to you. From here you can propel yourself up to the nation, spirit world and everywhere. You are an Apollo 11 with the mission of inheriting true parenthood. You are carrying 360 homes and should serve them as you serve True Parents, taking them with you and arriving in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven.
The Birth of Jesus and the Consummation of God's Will
12.24.78, Belvedere
From this year on, will you be different? Will you go to home church and serve the people, cleaning their bathrooms and their garages? You may think you are doing a favor for the people in your home church area, but actually they are doing you a favor. It is not they who will be perfected by the work you are doing, but you; and your certificate of qualification in the home church exam must be signed by the people in your area. For whom are you doing home church? You are not doing the home church providence for Rev. Moon or the Unification Church. You are doing it for yourself. When your body tells you, "I don't want to go to home church " you should kick your body. There will be no one to give you a kick except yourself.
Why, then, do you want to go this way? You must achieve the victory of home church. Like marathon runners, you are running, but have you considered how serious this is? Can Satan run to your home church faster than you and sit there, laughing at you when you get there? You must outrun Satan, reaching the area before him, telling him, "Satan, get behind me."
For three years, you have been listening to me expounding on home church. When you go to your area, you must chase out Satan, not by your fist, but by your love and sacrifice. Unless you do home church, you will be like an automobile entering onto the highway of the Kingdom of Heaven with an empty gasoline tank. You cannot go anywhere without gas.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
When Father initiated the year, he gave you a motto and set the instruction. You must write down the instruction and live every word of it. That is the absolute standard. What is the motto for this year? Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven. These are not simple, easy words; the words themselves have a tremendous connotation, meaning, capacity, and magnitude. You have to post that motto on the wall, and check yourself every day whether or not you are living up to it.
State Leaders' Conference
Anyone who listens and is totally obedient, without hesitation, shall receive an incredible reward. Those who try to figure out an easier way will be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven, like John the Baptist. Home church has everything, for kings and queens down to the lowliest beggar. For the last three years you have had all kinds of ups and downs, and hard times with your leader, now with Dr. [Mose] Durst and before him with Rev. [Won Pil] Kim, but it all boils down to one conclusion -- you have to do home church.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
I want to teach you all the things you need to know to get to heaven; I don't want you to blame me later. No one can force you to do home church. God would like to take you to heaven regardless of what you do, but Satan will not let you go without some condition. Therefore. let us all go forward together toward the total completion of the ideal.
Total Completion of the Ideal
2.28.82, Belvedere
I have directed you to do home church, and all of you know why. That is the public way. When things become difficult, you find reasons for not going to your home church. How can you say you are too busy for home church? No matter how difficult it is, you must at least think that what you're eating and drinking is for the sake of home church. You should do home church as much as you eat and drink. You must think that home church is part of yourself and that you cannot cut it off.
Home church people are all imprisoned by a wire fence and they are crying out to you, "Please liberate us, please free us." But you cannot hear their cry and see that they are in prison. At least you have to go there and hear them crying out for you to liberate them. If you cannot do that, you have to pray about that to God and explain the situation to Him. You have time to eat three meals a day, don't you?
Are you paying lots of attention to home church now? Unless you have that confidence, how can you break through even one barrier here? Once you finish home church, you are given credit for doing all the rest. Your arena where you fight the title match against evil is your home church. We have to have a world champion among the Unification Church members. We are competing amongst ourselves. Are you the Church champion at winning, or are you the champion at losing?
The Public Way and Private Way
1.11.81, Belvedere
I have been teaching you all along and pushing you to make your decision, but because I have already given you a Cain area you should get to the point where you are independent. Imagine how much the spirit world will expect of you and support you once you make your decision to go ahead. Imagine how happy and grateful to you Jesus will be to find the real Christianity that he died for 2,000 years ago. The Unification Church will revive the Christian spirit once more and bring hope. It is clear to you now what the Unification Church must do as Abel, and what every Abel must do?
The Abel's Path from the Providential Point of View
12.30.77, Belvedere
Let us prepare a package of love and go to meet God. Home church is the launching pad -- a "Love Apollo". You have a big launching pad, and you must create lots of love. You have to create lots of Acts of the Apostles in your home church area, and make lots of journeys of love. Make your life dramatic, ultimately exciting; persecution is not necessarily bad. Those of you who can say, "I want to create a package of love and I want to meet God in the home church area," raise your hands. Amen. God bless you.
God and Us
2.1.82, World Mission Center
The Unification Church is the church of vibration, the vibration of true love. You did not come here for the sole purpose of singing "Happy Birthday" to True Parents. I don't want you to come for that. I want you to become somebody. Become a Moonie of true love vibration. From today, as a birthday gift take back with you the vibration of true love. You are starting to vibrate today for the sake of the world. Those who want to become true vibrations of love, raise your hands. Where will you give your love vibrations? Home church.
The Vibration of True Love
1.30.82, World Mission Center
You must realize how much God is working in your home church. Have you thought about that? Do you have confidence that in your activities True Parents are with you? Do you think, "I'm sure they love me, and God is with me because I am not ashamed of what I am doing. I am proud of it, and God must be proud, too." If you have that confidence, I am sure your home church people will love you without any question. If you do not go there one day, people will ask, "Why didn't our Moonie show up today?" They will ask their neighbors, "Do you know what happened to that Moonie?" They wont want to be separated from you. Without fail, this will happen when you practice this way of life.
Seeking the True Master
11.29.81, Belvedere
You should be such fanatics about doing home church that your 360 homes draw up petitions to the government to hold you back because you are at their doors so much every day.
Return to Hometown
3.18.79, Belvedere
The era of individuals welcoming me is over, and the time has come that nation after nation will welcome me. Presidents of nations will ask me to come to their countries. The United States may not welcome me until very late, but many other nations around the world will say, "Reverend Moon, please come." At that point the American government and people will realize how precious it was to have me in this country. Now the time of preaching to groups of people is over. The time has come for us to preach to the nation. The Yankee Stadium, Washington Monument and Madison Square Garden crusades were all done by our organization, but the time will come in the near future that each government will prepare such a stadium rally. They will prepare a microphone, speakers and singers, and say, "Reverend Moon, can you come and speak to us?" Furthermore, this is the era of satellites, so my talks will be televised to many countries.
Will you go to your home church with that kind of excitement, or would you do it out of duty? Would you like to do your home church work before such national rallies are held, or after? Unless you do it now, other people will come and take over your home church. The president and government officials will want to do home church, and they will kick you out of your area.
History of the Providence Through Restoration by Indemnity
2.10.81, World Mission Center
I have started all kinds of social activities, schools and factories, and now I am even making a Hollywood-scale film. If I didn't do these things, people would say that I built heaven on earth only for religious people, not the people in the streets, the shopkeepers or the factory workers. Though we do many secular activities, they have a spiritual content.
Unification Church members go everywhere, not as Americans but as citizens of the heavenly kingdom, to research all that goes on. We will visit every house, not to criticize or look for something bad, but to know every family so we can raise everyone to goodness and clear out undesirable things. It doesn't make any difference if people jeer at us. We will not stop going because of that.
We are not doing this for ourselves but for the sake of the young people, to give them guidance and care. Nothing we do is really just for ourselves. We marry just as other people in the world do, but with different purpose and content. You said you are seeking eternal happiness, but do you have the ability to do it? Before you can make a machine you have to have the necessary skills. Are you skillful enough in doing home church work to save the nation? Is that job easy or difficult? How difficult? Saying that it is very difficult is the same as saying you can't do it. As long as you have the idea that it is very difficult, you will find it difficult to succeed. Though you honestly think it is difficult, if you know you can do it somehow then you have some possibility of success.
Eternal Happiness
2.25.79, Belvedere
You must do this just as Jesus did his mission. You have to think: "The 360 homes are the essence of my life. If I succeed, I will live; otherwise I will be crucified. If I succeed in 360 homes, my family will have freedom; if I don't, they will have to be scattered. If I am successful in 360 homes, when I go back to my country, I can work to save the country; if I don't succeed, then I cannot do that. My country depends upon my 360 homes." What about spirit world? Your good friends and all of your ancestors in spirit world are waiting. If you do not succeed in 360 homes, those spirit people have no way to come near you or to go to heaven. Have you ever thought that way? What about God? As long as there is one man in hell, God is still held, because that man is His own son.
Father Speaks to the Crusade
9.5.78, London
We are, therefore, craving to become victors of home church. I want you to know that, unless we conquer the evils of this world, this world will not get better and the Kingdom of Heaven will not come on the earth.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Service and Education
It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Matthew 20: 26-28
Some of you may feel that you are Abel, and somebody else is Cain, even in your home church areas. But Abel must always suffer himself. You must serve others. In the Old Testament we see that the people of the Jewish nation, the Abel nation which was chosen, were the servants of servants to God. Father does not like to see anyone, leaders especially, thinking that he is Abel and trying to command other members. Father will never allow that. The typical Abel is Jesus, who lived to serve Cain. Then Cain could come back to Jesus and serve him. Jesus spent his whole life serving, even until his death.
Father Speaks to the Crusade
9.5.78, London
In your home church put into practice what you have been taught this morning. Don't worry about whether other people love you or not. If no one loves you, don't complain, but realize it is because your own love has not been sufficient. You must love more and give more service. God gave love first, He never asked to be loved first. No, God's way is to love first.
Restored Family
1.21.79, Belvedere
In order to be victorious in home church, should we then seek out the beautiful places, where everything smells sweet? Should we go to disco dances for our home church work? No, you must go the ugly, smelly places and make them beautiful and sweet-smelling. You must go to the suffering people and make them feel happy -- that is your home church work. If you do this kind of work, then you don't have to make an effort to elevate yourself; the people will try to push you into a beautiful, high place, even though you resist and say you want to stay in the low place.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
When you are in your area trying to perform a service and you drop a dish and break it, the homeowner will not be angry because you are manifesting true love,
Victory of Home Church (Morning Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Serve the 360 homes. Go there every day and serve. Then they will like you. Soon you can say, "The Unification Church has a very good and important message. Your son and daughter can learn so much, to help them to become better people. Would you like to come and listen?" If you have served them and they like you, then they will listen to you. They will come to trust you, and finally they will say: "All right, I will come one weekend and listen." Also, they will ask you, "What can I do in return?" Maybe they are thinking about money, but money is not important, of course, and they know that. So then you can say, "You can really help me by going to listen to a two-day workshop. Come for just one weekend, any weekend."
What is difficult about bringing everyone to two day workshop? The Japanese members don't even have to speak English. Just go there and serve the family for weeks, for days. You don't have to speak one word of Divine Principle. Just work and pray about them. Then they will say "What can I do for you?" At that point they will really want to do something for you. You can say "Please go to workshop, because it is good for you, especially for your children. You must go first to find out if it is good; then you can send your sons and daughters."
Father Speaks to the Crusade
9.5.78, London
The home church mission is done by people who take up the position of God as educators of mankind, teaching people how to love God and liberate mankind. If such people become champions of home church, the world shall be restored automatically and the Kingdom of Heaven established. This is the basic spirit and principle of home church. We are going to teach the world these things: one, liberation of God and secondly, love of mankind in the spirit of sacrifice. You must know clearly the logic of the ideology upon which we stand. We will sacrifice ourselves to educate the people and love them. If you do that then without question God will dwell with you and will lead your home church, working day by day with you. You won't be able to part from God for even one moment.
Do you love me? How much? Just as you love me now, when you teach mankind and give them God's love you will be loved by them in return. I want you to know that this has been the hope of God and hope of mankind, and we are here today to really fulfill that desire of theirs. We possess the greatest of all fortunes and the method to fulfill that dream and goal is home church. In doing this mission your Divine Principle book will be used so much that it will be like a rag.
I am telling you to be a teacher and one who loves. Truth and love are two key words. Why do you go to home church? There are two reasons. First you will educate the people, but after education what would you like to gain? The purpose of education is to awaken them and bring them to the heavenly side. Education will give them birth. Once they see the vision they are no longer in darkness.
Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.79, World Mission Center
What do we do in a home church area? You have to supply your home church with the essential elements for their particular stage of growth, just as though they were in the mother's womb. The person who is already born spiritually has to be given much love. You have to be exemplary in showing this life to those who follow, and have confidence that if they follow you then one day they will go to the bosom of God's love. You have to be confident that you are doing as God does, supplying all the elements they need. I feel exactly the same toward you and your children.
Individual Course of Life
1.20.80, Belvedere
In the home church you will have to teach everything to the people. If someone is opposing the Unification Church, don't go to his house and try to get even. Keep a record of the untruthful things he says about you and teach everything you know, and if after hearing everything you have to teach he is still opposed, then go and fight him. He will be weak internally by that time and only need a little push. But after fighting, you must become friends with him. Otherwise, there is no sense in fighting.
Even though we may need to fight the communists, afterwards we have to tell them why communism is wrong so they can change their minds and have godly thinking. This is why we have Victory Over Communism theory. If Christians are against us, we must show them why they are wrong; this is why we have Divine Principle. We have a complete explanation based on the Bible to show them how they are mistaken. If they repent, it's fine; but if not then we need to make more effort to win them over. God first teaches people and shows them an example, then passes judgment. He always wants to teach still more, but He can't wait eternally if they won' t listen.
We cannot build heaven all by ourselves, but must teach other people so that they will understand and participate. We must do it first, and then with our experience we must teach them well before we can expect them to follow us. You have to be a good teacher and not rush them, or expect them to respond if you are unable to teach them very much. A person must like you first and then he will listen to what you have to say. Then he has to like what you tell him. Teaching people is not just a matter of talking. After they like you personally and like what you say to them, they must like you for your deeds. You have to make them like you in these three ways and then they will copy everything you say and do. That is how the heavenly kingdom will expand. We have to teach them by our personality, word and deed.
Eternal Happiness
2.25.79, Belvedere
In home church one of your important duties will be to teach Korean, at least a few words,
History of the Providence Through Restoration By Indemnity
2.10.81, World Mission Center
This is the only way you can win. This is the formula. No country can succeed apart from this formula. Korea, Japan, America, all need to use the same formula. If you make up your mind that you are going to be America's Mr. Eu and lecture 18 hours a day every day for three years and eight months, and if you fulfill that determination, then the entire spirit world will come down and help you create a spiritual atmosphere. The spirit world had to sympathize with Mr. Eu because he was working so hard. Angels would be sent to push people into coming to hear Mr. Eu, simply because he was working himself to death. Heaven had to sympathize with him. . . .
The first three seven-year courses are over. Now the momentous day has begun; we have started the second three seven-year courses. This is your era, your age. You will be the star. You must begin now. Father has gone through his three seven-year courses. You should feel that you can do a little better than the late President Eu, and that you can go forward further than Father.
5.19.80, World Mission Center
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Matthew 5:10-11
In home church you are persecuted many times. Your home church roster will be your record of persecution but God will comfort you and be right there with you. Persecution is a needed ingredient. In many cases when your people are rude and curse you, you come back to the center feeling depressed. But instead, you should be jubilant over what they have given you that day.
By enduring their hostility you will become a universal man who can go to hot places and cold places, high places and low places and be welcomed there. By doing so you will become a central point.
Look at the world through God's parental eyes and speak words of salvation. If you live, think and act like that, you are a victorious person and you will be approved as God's son or daughter. Do you want to do it or do you just think you should do it? This is a task more urgent that anything else. You should come to the point where you forget the calendar, forget night and day. The place we do this is home church. Be proud of being persecuted. When you are walking on a windy, rainy day, soaking wet, be proud of it. When your shoes are broken and you have to walk barefoot, be proud of it. When someone curses you, be proud of it.
Heaven and Us
3.25.79, Belvedere
It is good that we have been persecuted, for it will keep us on this road. If your desire to do home church is stronger than the antagonism of your persecutors, then you can succeed. You can include every level in your success.
I determined that I must work harder than I have been persecuted. The same is true for you. I will try to give more than I have been persecuted, distributing the blessings that God has reaped. You must see that home church is your training ground. Persecution will decrease markedly from now on. Mainly we must educate people and love them. We must give whatever we have, and surpass the standard of our persecutors.
Now we work in a wide area and stir up the people. We have been persecuted for that, but we are sowing seeds in various places. It will all be harvested one day. I sowed in such a broad way that I will not have a specific harvest to keep; it belongs to the world. But you have a definite area in which to sow, and when it grows you can harvest it as your own. Then for whom do you do home church? For yourselves. You need a foundation for your family, and home church will be that.
So far God collected all blessings as the result of persecution. Even though we are persecuted, we will definitely harvest all the seeds we sow now. No matter how you look at it, this is worth doing. Would you like to do it? Where will you sow your seeds? Go everywhere you can and sow seeds. If you are really like me then automatically your home church people will like you and want to go with you wherever you go. You will be the ancestor of a new tribe.
Persecution and Blessing
5.1.80, Belvedere
Would you go to visit just because your leader pushed you to go, or would you go in excitement that you can be there as the savior of the people? Is it better to think that it is your mission to be persecuted, or to think that perhaps you may get persecuted, or to go to your area with the expectation that you will be welcomed? I am surprised that you doff t know the answer clearly. In which area is there the most value in going every day-where there are ten families that persecute you, or where all 360 homes persecute you? Do you really like that idea of persecution?
Only one prize can be given for doing the best in home church. Would it go to the person who was persecuted at first by all 360 homes, yet became successful, or to the person who had to endure persecution by all 360 homes for one year and yet still became successful? If you said the second person should get the prize, do you have a normal brain? Your parents would say the whole thing is ridiculous. Is that normal advice? God always has a measure to evaluate with; would He say it was normal or abnormal thinking?
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
You will say, "I don't mind going to home church as long as people don't persecute me." But without being persecuted, you are not going to get the blessing. If you are persecuted and are hit, but you receive it with gratitude, the blessing is yours. It will take a while before people realize, "They only smiled when I persecuted them, but now I understand that they have been stealing my blessings!"
Home Church Is My Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.81, World Mission Center
This is divine and holy work and those who hesitate to act upon it are like deserters. The neighborhood of 360 homes where you have your home will be your community and after you die the people will erect your statue there. My name has been crucified in this city but would your becoming the messiah to your 360 homes help to resurrect my name or would that dirty it even more? Opposition is welcome. It is a great thing after all because it give us a much more dramatic background to work in. Do you feel lucky to work while there is opposition? Soon the opposition will go away and there won't be another chance later on. This is the time for you to get down to work while persecution is still available.
Host of the Future
10.23.77, Belvedere
Is it good for you to go on with this course so that you are challenged to really work hard, or to have no persecution to face and no indemnity to pay? If everything comes automatically then you will not be grateful. Would you prefer a difficult seven-year course or an easier way? All you have to do is quit the Church and go home and come back seven years later. By that time you will have no seven-year course to go through and everything will be easy. But if you know the history of the Unification Church then you will cry, and if you work hard you will have many more reasons to be grateful. As long as you go this seven-year course you are fulfilling your responsibility.
The Start of the 40-Day Witnessing Condition
7.4.78, London
When you visit black people as you witness to your 360 homes they may well persecute you, not as an individual white person, but in order to offset the historic resentment of blacks who have been persecuted by whites. Your motive is innocent but they will remember the exploitation of the past when white people came all the way to Africa and they will think you come to their homes for the same purpose. Their lips may even tremble in their anger but you must be grateful for that chance for atonement. You can confidently feel that this is proof that you will feel love from these people in the future. They may even want to pick fights with you, but still you can be grateful because that will condense the time of indemnity. Has this happened to you? Without such experiences you cannot win the sympathy of Heaven.
God only made individuals suffer so they will repent. The greater the persecution and suffering, the greater the blessing that will follow. Persecution will make you repent from the very beginning, and your perseverance through that suffering will be a source of reward in heaven. This is why God allows our persecution. By receiving persecution from the established churches and communities, you are buying the right to undertake the cause of the Unification Church yourself. By persecuting us they are selling their right to repent in their place. You have to see this point and be grateful. It means that their right to the blessing is connected to us and whatever they don't take will be given to us.
Is repentance good or bad? Imagine a beautiful girl from a good English family who has never worked hard or had difficulty. She has beauty and wealth but when she comes into the Church she experiences persecution like other brothers and sisters do. White people give her persecution as well as Orientals and black people. She will cry and cry but she can be happy because that gives her an opportunity to repent. If she continues going to every home and repenting with tears, what do you think she will be like in the future? In the future when people can see more clearly, wouldn't the person who persecuted her be ashamed and try 100 times harder to help her than he persecuted her?
Satan will encourage you to fight with the people but God will work differently. Christians often interpret God's point of view wrongly, and in this matter you must know that when you go from house to house it is not just for witnessing but more importantly, for repentance. It is better to painfully visit door to door and repent and then later help the people to repent. Just making them understand the truth actually has little meaning. If you have done enough repenting then they can't persecute you even if you beg them to. Once the people stop persecuting you they will start following right behind; that is actually the way for you to win spiritual children, not just witnessing to people and bringing them right into the Church. It is closer to the Divine Principle for them to oppose you, then repent and follow.
The Age of Repentance
9.1.78, London
Home church is your launching pad. If you are a powerful rocket but you have a weak launching pad, you cannot take off. Receiving persecution will strengthen your foundation enough to withstand the millions of pounds of thrust you need for the launch. This world must quickly turn 360 degrees but what will its axis be? Home church. Only Reverend Moon can make this kind of dramatic statement. Could anyone else give this dispensational message?
God has a great sense of humor. His most important message is revealed through Reverend Moon, who has been accused by society of incredible things. Good news always begins from enemy territory, however. World War II ended when good news came from enemy territory and Japan surrendered. Our good news will come when our critics in the government, the media and the hostile Christian churches say they surrender to us. Then our territory can be guaranteed.
The First Day and Our Lifetime
I received persecution on the national and worldwide levels, but you are receiving persecution in your home church; that represents racial rejection, communist rejection and national rejection all together. Always be grateful for the persecution you receive and take it as added energy to spur yourself on beyond the level of the fall.
True Couple
5.27.79, World Mission Center
What is the Unification Church's dynamic energy and where do we make it? it is the love we find in home church. When you are pounded on in home church, you are storing that energy.
Home Church and Myself
12.14.80, Belvedere
When we go door to door and are persecuted, that challenge gives us some standard of love to achieve. We will love the people and never be beaten by their persecution. We will push our level of love higher and higher every day, and even if there is more persecution because of misunderstanding, we can persevere with greater love. If we keep on living this way today, tomorrow and every day, then we will be prepared for the world to come.
For the Future
9.10.78, London
My life was a miserable and tragic life, in a way, but I never lost my dream. The seemingly impossible dream has become a reality, step by step. I used to dream of dancing with people of all five colors of skin, all races of the world. That could happen right here! So dreams can become a reality.
No matter how miserable you look or how tired you feel, you have the hope of home church. It shall become a reality, and it shall be fulfilled. Your dream shall be a reality, just as mine has become a reality.
Be thankful for persecution, for persecution will make you whole. Tears may flow from your eyes, but your mouth will say, "Thank you." Never be discouraged. Move on to home church. We shall win the victory at home church.
Blessed Family
6.20.82, Belvedere
You cannot win the victory without committing yourself to fighting the battle. You have learned the tactics of victory; just go. The important thing is to go, be beaten, and then win. Satans method is always to attack first and ultimately to lose, while the method of Heaven is to be beaten first, but to obtain the victory in the end.
In your home church area, if you can win the hearts of your five worst adversaries, the rest of the people will be won easily. Those people who welcome you are the extensions of Abel; they are already on your side. You should concentrate your efforts on the Cain-types; they are the extensions of Satan. You complain because you meet opposition in your area, but I tell you that opposition is the reason why you are in home church. If I had been afraid of opposition, I would never have dared to come to the United States. There is no question that if you are afraid of being opposed, you will be destroyed. The wrong attitude is to shy away from the negativity in your home church area.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Now you know the situation and why you have to work hard in home church. Once you have laid the necessary foundation you should confront people and ask what wrong you have done and you can demand to know why they do not respond. Because you can rightfully protest, the power of righteousness will work and they will begin to help you. They will have to wonder about what wrong you have done, and then conclude they must help you. You must have many reasons to protest in case they do not respond, really trying hard by putting in long hours and doing impossible things, and then if they don't listen you can confront them with your record.
25th Anniversary of the Unification Church
5.1.79, Belvedere
People will reject you initially, of course, just like the Messiah was rejected. Would you welcome True Parents if they came to visit your home? Your home church should be the place where you are welcomed as true parents. You can never reach this goal by attacking the people; only by overcoming the persecution and opposition of the people can you do this mission.
Historical View of the Dispensation
9.18.79, Belvedere
You have been assigned 360 houses for home churches. Why is that? It is the encircling tactic. We are encircling 360 homes by serving them. Some of these people will persecute you, saying, "You Moonies are bad people." Just smile at them and reply, "What can I do for you?" That is God's strategy, the encirclement tactic.
Where Do We Go?
9.17.78, London
. . . You are persecuted now, but in time you will be honored by the world, and nations will invite you to come help them. Will you start working when that time comes or start now?
Today is the day to begin in your home church. Will you be a freight car or a locomotive? A locomotive is smoky, hot and noisy, so if you are a locomotive then everywhere you go there will be noise and smoke and controversy. You have to receive persecution; that is our daily diet. People think you are weird, and they are curious about how you live. That curiosity is a good thing, and through peoples' interest you will become famous. Then you can exercise more heavenly influence.
Our Present Position
10.7.79, Belvedere
We can only overcome community opposition through home church.
Noble Dream
12.1.81, Belvedere
In home church work you go voluntarily to serve the people, but when you arrive and they find out you are a Moonie, they will push you away from their door, and even beat you up. I know this is your story. When you are treated that way, some of the neighbors will support that hostile person because they don't like Moonies either; but then others will be outraged and ask how these people could treat any human being that way.
When you show up again the next day and the hostile people confront you, the other neighbors will come out to defend you. When you keep coming back with a peaceful face, these neighbors will say that you seem even better than Jesus because the Bible records that Jesus got mad on occasion, while you never get angry.
The more dramatic the persecution you receive in your home church area, the better it is. If you are kicked and knocked unconscious, people may think you are dead and the headlines will proclaim that the Moonie was kicked to death. Then when you revive later the headlines will announce that you resurrected! If this happens two or three times then you will easily restore the whole area in the meantime.
Ideal Nation of God
2.21.80, World Mission Center
It is difficult to keep visiting 360 homes every day, but in the meantime keep knocking and being rejected. While you are doing that the dawn is breaking. You are home church messiahs. You are going to be a messiah to 360 homes, but then will be elevated to be tribal messiahs, then national messiahs. That's where you will find the restored family, and finally return to your hometown.
Do you always have to live in the New Yorker? What is the goal? Do you live in home church now? Go to your home church and serve them spiritually and physically and be the contractor for re-creation in every way. How much you sweat and cry for you home church and how much persecution you receive, there is the important thing. If you still come back to serve the people after three angry rejections, the people will say you Moonies are impossible and there is no one else like you anywhere in America.
There is no barrier you cannot break through in order to be a host and hostess in home church. Have the barriers of opposition started to crumble here in America? it is an exciting task, and they will inevitably break down. No matter how gigantic they are, our opponents will crumble eventually, so just go forward fearlessly.
Restored Family
1.21.79, Belvedere
When you go deeper and deeper into the night you are bound to come upon daytime, and if you go deeper and deeper into daytime then you are bound to come upon night. That's how it is with the universe. We prosper and develop along this cycle. Most people in the United States are opposed to Unification Church, but this is the time when Unification Church will expand and grow. The point where we are persecuted to an impossible degree is the key point where we will rise or fall. If we give up, then everything ends, but if we gain ground inch by inch even under severest persecution, the way up will become easier and easier.
The Way of Prosperity and Defeat
3.11.79, Belvedere
Of course home church is difficult. If you go knock on the door of the most unpleasant person you know he will yell at you. You may not want to see his face but you knock anyway and he yells at you. If you go back three times I can guarantee that his voice will become lower. After four or five times he will want to know why you come and wonder what kind of person you are.
The moment he smiles at you will be the moment the walls crumble and the 12 gates open for you. If you seriously work for that goal then when the 360 homes welcome you your cosmic spring is really at hand. You can know that one day your home church members will be waiting outside for you to ask you for lunch. Some day the worst person will be waiting to ask you for dinner and to sleep in his house. That will surely come to pass.
1.13.80, Belvedere
If you live in your home church area 24 hours a day, and every moment of the day everybody comes and kicks you, hits you, knocks you down and curses Reverend Moon, and yet you still love them and pray for them, you'll be able to be proud of your record of enduring and overcoming record-breaking persecution. "I endured and I won! That minute, that moment, I want to receive it, I want to do it. I want to go ahead."
Do you understand that? If you are crazy about Abel's mission, and if you are crazy about home church, trying to win Cain, trying to receive persecution every minute of the day, then you just cannot be anything except a true Abel. You have given so much that they are indebted to you. Every single home in your 360 home church area and every single person is indebted to you in one way or another. They want to repay you for the kind of love you bestowed upon them. .. .
World Conference
2.25.80, World Mission Center
Very definitely people will be moved and inspired by you. In the beginning they will stand firm against you, but know that before too long they will be melted by your love. No other power is greater than your God-centered love. You have a weapon as powerful as an atomic bomb. No other power can compete with the power of love. The best people are either hot or cold. Those who oppose you will be your target because they will be your best members when they are turned around.
Completion of the Providence and Parents' Day
4.15.80, World Mission Center
It took me sixty years to indemnify all aspects, but you can do it in six years; if you really do well then you can finish in six months. One day the tide of opinion will turn completely and people will know the Unification Church is good. When our Church is welcomed, doing this in six months will be no problem. If you could give forty days training to all your 360 homes, don't you think they will all turn around? Until the present time, opposition toward me has been totally hostile but I accomplished everything regardless. Now, however, people will oppose you much less than they did me. Also, they will not try to kill you as they did me. Clearly, this is an advantageous time.
Home Church and Myself
12.14.80, Belvedere
New York has become gentler and is not persecuting you too much, so you should go out looking for persecution. You go once, twice, three times to visit your assigned homes, and no matter whether people point their fingers at you each time, their consciences will not allow them to keep it up. The first time you knock on the door they may be almost like lions trying to bite you, and the second time may be almost the same. The third time they will stare at you, but the fourth time they will shake their head, "Boy, I just don't understand these mysterious people. I'm sorry. I didn't treat you right before."
Their apology will be as deep as their wrongdoing and the more they persecute you, the deeper shall become their repentance. This is the strategy of God. Because I know heavenly strategy I never get tired or become hopeless. It is impossible.
Our Newborn Selves
11.1.77, Belvedere
When you go to your home church area and people slam their doors, saying, "You Moonies can get out," you think, "Why did I have to become a Moonie?" The person who says that is not a true Moonie. The true Moonies are the ones who are walking all six continents with dignity no matter what people say. To be a proud Moonie you must know the true definition of a Moonie. He is the one who can go to his parents and proudly say, "Father, Mother, I'm a Moonie. If you love me, you will listen to why I have joined the Unification Church." That person will have the power to inspire his parents to become Moonies also. He is a true Moonie.
Let Us Restore the Homeland and Fatherland
1.14.79, Belvedere
You will never be alone, even though all of your 360 homes reject you. The electrical pole, the street signs, even the postal box are your friends, and in ten years they will all testify to what you did and how many tears you shed. Nature is like that. When people are your worst enemies then nature is your best friend. Even when you are trembling and shivering, that scene and experience is your friend as long as you are not shivering for yourself. You will never forget that moment. Your worst form of suffering will be a teaching aid for the future, and everything you do will be recorded as the acts of apostles to instruct the people. When people a thousand years from now read of your deeds, they will still shed tears; that is the kind of chapter we want to write.
The Sound of the Bell of the Mind
1.28.79, Belvedere
Tradition and Tribal Organization
When all the nation had finished passing over the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, "Take twelve men from the people, from each tribe a man, and command them, Take twelve stones from here out of the midst of the Jordan, from the very place where the priests' feet stood, and carry them over with you, and lay them down in the place where you lodge tonight."
Then Joshua called the twelve men from the people of Israel, whom he had appointed, a man from each tribe; and Joshua said to them, "Pass on before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel, that this may be a sign among you, when your children ask in time to come, 'What do those stones mean to you?' Then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial for ever."
Joshua 4:1-8
God is very scientific. He wants to give you what you want, so He gave you home church, where you can fight the battle and do your mission as a family unit, husband and wife together. Set the example for your children, telling them, "This is the way True Parents fought the battle; and you shall fight the battle in the same way." Your children will ask you why we call Rev. and Mrs. Moon True Parents. You can tell them that they are our True Parents because they established the heavenly tradition and way of life. They lived a sacrificial way of life for the sake of others and the sake of the world. Those who do not live that way of life are not True Parents, just parents. Tell them that race does not matter, that Rev. and Mrs. Moon are exemplary, and you are succeeding in their tradition. "I am doing home church in order to become a true parent," tell your children; "Other parents are not true parents, but your daddy and mommy shall be true parents." A messiah is nothing more than a true parent, the one who fulfills true parenthood.
Blessed Couple
6.20.82, Belvedere
. . . Adam and Eve should have been the first forefathers of mankind, the first true parents, but instead they became sinful, false parents. They did not have a true God-centered tradition of love to give their children. They should have set the tradition of true man and true woman living as brother and sister, then the tradition of true husband and wife, true father and mother, then true grandparents. Has the family existed on earth which fulfilled God's wishes? No.
Unless that tradition is born on earth, there will be no God-centered tribe or nation. Until the man emerges who can set the standard and be a model, the rest of the world cannot be set right. We cannot change falsehood to truth overnight; you have to go to the satanic world and demonstrate true love, and only then come back to the origin. It will be a great good fortune to have the tribe and tradition which is truly centered on God. It has been God's dream all this time to set the tradition of love on earth. To make it come true, He will send the Messiah. . . .
Who is the Messiah? Adam and Eve were supposed to set this tradition of love and true parenthood, but that was not done. It was not done 2,000 years ago either, so at some time the Messiah will come to install true parenthood, including all the traditions of love. The original measure or standard would be the True Parents themselves, and then many copies could be made.
If you want to find out how good you are, all you have to do is compare yourself to the measure. The True Parents' mission in the Unification Church is to establish the God-centered tradition of love here on earth by achieving it and leaving perfection behind. The Unification Church is here to become the training center for that love, and you shall be pioneers of that tradition on earth. . . .
You need to consummate the tradition of love on your level, and that is what home church is all about -- becoming a tribal messiah who lives up to this tradition. You are like the copies of the original measure, going out to make more duplicates in your home church. Home church is the most gratifying thing you could have. Without home church you will feel poor and unfortunate.
Do you need the tradition of love? Do it then. The time has come. If you have become a person who inherited God's tradition of love then you love me, and as much as you love me, you can love home church. Then others will love you as you love me. The True Parents' tradition will be fulfilled through your family, where God can visit and dwell. If you practice this tradition, your family will certainly be a dwelling of God. The name Unification Church will not be needed in the future; it is not needed for the Church itself, but for you and your descendants. Without going this route, no one can enter heaven.
You want to meet the criterion and enter the love museum of heaven, and the testing area is home church. There are all kinds of people in your home church area, so it is a microcosm of the world. You should make every single one of them the children of God, so God can dwell with them and ask their permission to do things. The greater the mission and tribulation, the more you will shine in the heavenly museum for eternity.
True Parents' Mission
4.20.80, Belvedere
The True Parents set the tradition, and now you are to follow and set the same tradition and standard on your own. Then you shall be at the same level as True Parents in God's sight.
Completion of the Providence and Parents' Day
4.15.80, World Mission Center
. . . The tradition that Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden without the fall would have been the tradition of the entire world because it would have been succeeded to by their children and all their descendants. Adam's tradition was to have been the one God-centered tradition remaining here on earth, the one tradition of home and one tradition of church.
Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.79, World Mission Center
I will chase you out to the worst kind of suffering. On the other hand, I am prepared to give you the unprecedented love of God. That is the tradition we are going to build and pass on to later generations. I have never complained while building the basis for this tradition and you also must hand it down without complaint. By living this tradition you are building a bridge between yourself, your tribe, nation, world and the Kingdom of Heaven. Not only you but generations to come will walk across that bridge. By succeeding in your home church, you are building a bridge to the world and you are the pillar supporting it. You can reach out to the world and humanity will cross to salvation across the bridge you build.
When you die in your home church, your people will bring your body to your homeland and make a shrine at your tomb. Abraham and Jacob died as sojourners in foreign lands such as Egypt, and many centuries later their descendants dug up their graves and brought them back to their homeland. But that's not good enough. The Egyptians should have done that, making a shrine for Abraham and Jacob in Israel, but they couldn't because there was no home church. You will live and die in your home church. Then your home church members will honor you. They will bury you in your homeland with great honor and pride. 360 homes will mourn your death, following your coffin to the homeland. If you can accomplish that in your home church, you are a hero and a saint.
Let Us Restore Our Homeland and Our Fatherland
1.14.79, Belvedere
You have to be able to leave your hard work in home church to your own sons and daughters. If you don't have that, what are you going to show them? . . . Without doing that there will be no happiness for you.
The Dispensation of Restoration and Myself
4.6.80, Belvedere
We can see confrontation and competition in every area of our lives. . . . In every arena of competition there is a law, a kind of covenant which clearly sets forth the goal and is derived from the tradition of the past. This phenomenon is everywhere -- in government, schools, families, every facet of our lives. . . .
Our life is already a competition, so we must learn how best to engage in that art. First, we must acknowledge the past and its tradition. Also, we must recognize the necessity of the present time and recognize a certain vision that can be welcomed by the future. These three conditions must be met. . . .
. . . New champions always emerge to surpass the records of the past, and the same is true in religion. What past saints and prophets have said is not the ultimate statement of faith so we look forward to a new record being set. Therefore, we are inheriting the record and tradition of the past, as well as recognizing the present, and going forward to set the record that will remain in the future. . . .
The Unification Church has definitely inherited the traditions of the past and we have also devised a realistic way of doing things. We are not in the clouds but on solid ground. We also have a realistic future vision of how to bring down the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and we are not just talking about it but living it. What is it? Home church. . . .
The Unification Church is a spiritual athlete in this toughest game. What will the trophy be? The love of God is the ultimate reward. We alone in the Unification Church are talking about the heart of God, the love of God for the world, nation. family and individual. . .
Record-Setter of History
7.1.79, Belvedere
So far it has been my tradition to love the members more than my own children and wife. Some of the 36 couples are sitting here, and if they don't recognize and appreciate my love then they are really traitors. I have loved them more than anyone. I will go home and set the family tradition because this is my remaining responsibility, but you cannot go home until you assume my role on the front line.
I cut all the satanic ties and overcame this world, returning to the beginning point and setting the pattern of the heavenly four position foundation. Now you are taking over and it is your turn to build your own tribe, nation and world. You inherit my tradition now and make it your tradition. Erect your own family, tribe, nation and world tradition. You should be the bulwark in the heavenly fight, the leaders who can say, "Follow me." Will you do that? Do you know this to the bone?
To send a rocket into space you need a launching pad, and your 360 homes will be that launching pad for you. As much as you long for me, let them long for you so much that they cannot live one day without you. Satan fears home church because unconditional love is your weapon and Satan has no defense against that. We should march for that goal, giving true love and true education. These are the two most basic goals. You have to digest this yourself and endure all hardship.
Completion of the Providence and Parents' Day
4.15.80, World Mission Center
Before you talk about loving your husband or wife you must set the tradition of loving your children, whether spiritual or physical. Why is that? Because of the fall the Cain-type world exists and we must subjugate it with love, bringing it to the true love of the father-son relationship. When you see a husband and wife in your home church area who have a beautiful relationship of love then you can feel that you must love your spiritual children more than they love each other. That's how you must inspire yourself. Your line will get longer and longer when you acquire the true vertical tradition.
What Kind of Thought Do You Have?
6.10.79, Belvedere
After three years you will have your children, first one and then two and more. I do not support birth control, so have as many as you want. Home church grandparents will always be competing to have your children come to their home to be taken care of. Then your baby will have 360 homes right away. Home church people will give true blessing and honor to your children. "We know your father and mother very well and they are true saints. We saw God through your parents." Then your children will be embraced and loved by your people as precious children. Do you feel that way toward my children? Your home church people will pray for blessing towards yours as well. Your children will go to the same school in the morning with the home church children.
Reflection Upon Life
6.1.79, Belvedere
Where would you engaged couples go to have your children? Where would you go to dance on a happy day in the future? Wouldn't you be happier returning to the home of your own parents? If you wear the glasses of Principle then you know you should go to your own home church to celebrate. You cannot be proud of your family all alone, but only in your home church area. After that what would you become in your home church? Not only the true parents of the home church area, but true parents for your own clan.
The Dispensation of Restoration and Myself
4.6.80, Belvedere
We are ultimately going to restore True Parents Day and proclaim it all over the world. You celebrate True Parents Day with True Parents in the center, but in your home church area you shall be in the parents' position and your 360 homes will come celebrate around you. As far as your tribe is concerned, the day you meet your husband or wife will be your tribal parents day. When that day comes your door will be open 24 hours and your home church children will come from every direction to celebrate. You will have lots of food and enjoy the day together.
True Parents Day and Our Family
3.28.79, World Mission Center
I feel that great poetry will come out of your home church activity, as well as great literature and a great history. Writing a diary you may say, "Today I am in no condition to go out. It's raining but I still must go out because this is the call of God. If it weren't for God I wouldn't do it." There is no greater poetry than that simple feeling, no better writing than that. All you have to do is carry this out and record what you felt.
Eternal Happiness
2.25.79, Belvedere
When you see someone making a mistake you can apply the Divine Principle and learn from it. Then you will find the clear way to win a decisive victory. There will be one chapter of Unification Church history devoted to MFT, with many historical names recorded there. I want to see your names there as people who made history. Home church also needs that kind of men and women. Those testimonies will form an eternal tradition.
To the MFT
1.2.80, World Mission Center
When you have your own clan, what will you teach them? You must have material and tradition to teach them. That is what you will set in your home church. You will make a textbook or manual of love for your clan in home church. Even though you leave this earth for spirit world, you will have written down everything you did.
The Dispensation of Restoration and Myself
4.6.80, Belvedere
Seven years from now all families will be registered. You will then have a nationality. Just as the Father reached perfection, so should the children. In order to enter into heaven, there must first be a united Cain and Abel. The Cain and Abel dispensation must come first.
In the same way, you must first do your Cain-type home church. When you fulfill the Cain-type home church, then the Abel-type home church will come automatically. What is meant by your Abel-type home church is your own relatives, your clan, your cousins and so on. You should organize your rosters and lists for the registration of heaven. In other words, you are given a sort of birth certificate and you are organized into certain tribes. You know that you eternally belong to a certain tribe and you will know to which tribe you belong. Seven years from now everything will be decided by family registration.
There will be a serial number assigned for 12 different tribes, which will be lined up in accordance with whether or not they completed the home church providence. You will discover that the faster you walk, the sooner you reach the goal, the more quickly you can be registered.
These 12 tribes will be linked to the entire world. In other words, the basic tribes of heaven. It is logical. Even from the point of view of the Principle it should be this way. When Father proclaims the perfection and the completion of the mission, it means that Father can be registered as a victorious True Parent. God will put His seal of approval on it. Satan will attend the ceremony and will bear witness. Even he will admit that the True Parents achieved the goal.
4.16.80. World Mission Center
One of the things I will announce at the leaders conference tomorrow is that each family name will create one circle or tribe, like the 12 Jewish tribes. In the second seven-year course all the people of one tribe will be assigned to a joint home church area which will be the tribal home church. One hundred Smiths will have one hundred home church areas, and they will cooperate as one tribe, going from one place to another, sponsoring events and encouraging people. When the Smith family is united to do this, all the Smiths around the world will be proud and a good competition will be started.
The Jewish home churches will compete, plus the British, the Japanese, and so forth. The time has come when mankind will be organized into tribes. Now it is possible because I have consummated my three seven-year courses. Now it is the children's era, and Abel must truly become the leader in the elder son's position. All of you are given the right to hold the elder brother's position. With that authority you can lead all your younger brothers in the Cain world. Therefore, we will mobilize one tribe and nation. The dispensation is now moving to a higher stage.
The Jews will become three tribes and move Israel. Irish people will form their tribe and move the Irish nation, and so forth. There are many components in America and all of them will be organized in the tribe system, and then move to the national level. The non-Principled people will be in the Cain position, to be led by the Abel world. The world will come to a true understanding of the Unification Church, so how could they continue to reject us at that time? Why are all these things happening at this time? If it is true that God is the center of true love, then inevitably it will happen.
In America we can find all nationalities and races. That is naturally why I came to America. Once the process of organization is done and home church succeeds here in America, particularly when tribal organization is accomplished, there will be a link made to the entire world because America is a microcosm of the universe.
Liquidation and Blessing
5.18.80, Belvedere
The unity of mind and body is on the formation level, whereas the family is on the growth level; each one of you is responsible to create at least your own tribe. To enjoy life here on earth you need to establish at least the tribal level.
There are three levels vertically and also three levels horizontally. Vertically speaking you have yourself, your father, grandfather and great-grandfather, or at least four generations. Horizontally, there are brothers, cousins, second cousins and distant cousins. That's the makeup of the tribe.
You must try to restore this system symbolically; that is the ideal of home church. Involving your own great- great-grandfather is not essential, but you can find people in that symbolic position.
Once you have restored this tribe, all human beings can be related, no matter how far back your ancestral tree goes, even up to the hundredth great-grandfather. All of us are virtually distant cousins. As long as you have this base in your tribe, that represents all mankind. From the dispensational point of view there is Adam's age, Jesus' age, and True Parents' age. Home church stems from this concept. When this principle is welcomed by the world then the world and society will start to turn. . . .
Always you go through three stages to reach perfection, and this whole concept is implanted in the home church system. When you consider your family as a foundation, then home church will make a clan; then a tribe will be formed on the foundation of the clan, and then a nation. Then clan is formation, the tribe is growth, and the nation is perfection stage. Home church members have to restore all nations; home church is the device for doing that. In the next phase the nation is on the formation level, next the world on the growth level, and the universe or cosmos, including the spirit world, is on the perfection level. There are always three stages.
The Divine Principle always includes three stages of three stages, which make nine stages, plus one, which is God; and this makes ten, a complete union. Union with God is number ten.
Mainstream of the Dispensation of God
11.19.78, Belvedere
Once one country is restored, the rest of the world can come easily. Centering on that, assignment will be made to 360 homes around the world. When home church is done in a country and it is restored, those who have done home church there will be privileged to become citizens. After that, however, the privilege will be unavailable.
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
The greatest weapon we have is the power of love. The entire world will be influenced by it and bow down to you. What is needed are people who will initiate home church, and when that is all done you will register as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. But that registration will be conducted by families, not individuals. This is not my concept, but God's.
Since this is God's original concept. I have no choice except to follow that tradition.
The Completion of the Providence and Parents' Day
4.15.80, World Mission Center
If you win the older people and the children of your area then everyone will automatically come. When you initiate home church the ratio is one to 360, and when the first person is won it will turn into two to 360, or one to 180. When it increases to three on your side, it will be one to 120. Even though it starts out one to 360, eventually everyone will accept and your whole area will be one family dwelling. As far as you are concerned you will be looking at your whole area as one house.
1981 is the final year of the third seven-year course, and from that year until 2000 the entire world will be organized into home church.
True Couple
5.27.82, World Mission Center
Now I have declared the beginning of the second three seven-year courses, in which the reorganization of mankind will take place in our lifetime.
True Parents' Mission
4.20.80, Belvedere
Three generations will be linked in love -- True Parents, you, and your home church people. When I come to your home church area I want you to say, "It is very good," and hear your people say, "It is very, very good." Then you can say, "Yes, thank you, True Parents and home church. I feel very, very good." Home church will be the base on which a society, nation and Kingdom of Heaven on earth shall be erected.
What was the messianic role? The messiah is perfected Adam, the head of the family and of his own tribe, the father of mankind. At the same time he is the king of all people in parental heart. He is coming with dual purpose-to become the parent of mankind and also the king of all people. You don't use the term king in referring to your own family, but only when you are talking about many other unrelated people. In home church, therefore, you are becoming a parent to your people; since your area represents the world it includes all races and peoples. You will love them as a parent but govern them as a king, teaching them the truth and teaching them the heavenly moral standard.
In the Unification Church we learn how to become a true parent and king of true people. When home church is completed and perfected, no sovereign nationhood will be needed. No matter how people criticize, this will be done because it is God's will. Home church is the altar where you and your family go to pray and present yourself as a living sacrifice; that will be the most beautiful thing to behold in the future. Again, there will be three generations offering that prayer -- God, you, and your children -- united in one prayer. Horizontally, True Parents, you and your children are three generations.
Historical View of the Dispensation
9.18.79, Belvedere
Now the history of restoration by indemnity is over. The time will even come when your prayer is not necessary. Once the dwelling of God is with men, whom would you pray to? You will just talk to God directly. Once the foundation is established, the pattern of tradition will do all the work -- the tradition of serving parents with filial piety, and obedience to the heavenly government. Citizens would automatically be elevated to the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the dream world, the utopia man has sought for so long. That day is at hand. . . .
Once the home church system is completely established, we really don't need any formal organization. The Divine Principle will be taught in the school system. We wont need church leaders any more. This is not bad news at all. We have a most glorious life, and with this goal we shall march forward until the last day of final victory.
History of the Providence Through Restoration by Indemnity
2.10.81, World Mission Center
When the home church system is consummated, no leaders will be necessary in areas, states, and so forth, because each of you will communicate with God directly.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
What is the final stage of restoration? Not the coming of the Messiah, but home church. When you accomplish home church, there will be no need for churches any more, for every home will be a church. Then Dr. Durst's position, and even HSA will no longer be necessary. You won't have to go to church or pray, but only live by the law of the heavenly country; then you will automatically go to heaven. When we finish home church, God will have His own nation, and people there will only have to observe its laws, not go to church. When we love everyone as an extensions of our own families, that in itself will be heaven. If this does not become reality then Divine Principle is just another ideology that doesn't work.
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
Providential Numbers
And in the Spirit he carried me away to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city of Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed, on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. . . . And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, transparent as glass.
Revelation 21:10-14,21
Without bringing 12, 72, and finally 84 people, there is no way for you to indemnify Jesus' mission. Those 84 followers would have formed Jesus' clan. If Jesus had had 12 disciples, the 72 elders would have united to support him, surrounding and protecting him, and then he never would have been killed. The only way to indemnify that is through home church. You must have 84 people as your individual foundation. In the family unit, you can do anything through home church. You could even work up as far as the number 120, the number of followers Jesus gathered after his resurrection. This number can represent all the nations, as well as all angles in every direction. Here in the world, all the numbers from one to ten and 12 to 21 are crucial numbers which are all contained in the number 120. So 120 is a must for every person.
When you go to spirit world you should have 24 elders and 72 disciples. Spirit world is organized according to this pattern, with 12 pearl gates, 12 disciples, 72 disciples, and so forth. Now all that was lost in the history of restoration can be found and restored. Especially in America, at least 12 nationalities will be represented in the backgrounds of 360 typical homes, such as French, English, Italian, etc.
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
First you restore yourself, then your spouse and then your children. Once Adam and Eve are restored they have to restore their family. The Bible records that Noah faithfully worked hard for 120 years and he saved his family of three sons and three daughters-in-law, numbering eight all together. Those eight were the only ones to be selected when God took them as a seed and destroyed every other person. Yet even after Noah had established the condition to save the entire world, Ham failed and God's dispensation to save the world could not be established because the family failed.
After that Abraham was chosen to take the place of Adam and Noah who failed. Since his was the third family chosen, Abraham had to set the condition to save the world. He journeyed far to prepare and establish certain conditions, but even he failed later when he made his offering. Then Abraham had to stand in the position of Adam, with Isaac in Noah's position and Jacob in Abraham's position.
Jacob led a complicated life in Haran, which represented the satanic world. He worked desperately for 21 years to prepare his foundation, doing something much more difficult than Adam, Noah or Abraham had done. Only after 21 years had he completed the condition to stand in Abraham's position, going through almost impossible difficulties in order to indemnify the failures of Noah and Abraham.
To be specific, he had to restore the ten generations between Adam and Noah, plus the two generations of Abraham and Isaac. He had 12 children to restore the 12 generations and then he had to restore Noah's family of eight by winning over Esau. All this had to be restored in one generation. Before it could be complete he had to subjugate Satan spiritually, fighting the angel at the ford of Jabbok. Only after that could he start horizontal restoration through the 12 tribes. It was the 12 sons and seventy family members that Jacob took to Egypt who formed the foundation for the 12 tribes and 72 elders of Israel.
All those who went to Egypt suffered terrible persecution and many were killed but their race ultimately survived. Moses gathered the 12 tribes and 72 elders and led them out of Egypt, doing on the tribal level what Jacob had to do on the clan or family level. The same principle worked in Jesus' time. He had 12 disciples representing the 12 tribes and 72 apostles representing the 72 elders, and he set the pattern on the national level. Jesus was to gather the Israelites and then go to Rome, where he could have set the foundation to save the whole world.
First Jesus had to gather three disciples, representing Adam's family, Noah's family and Abraham's family. Centered on those three he could gather 12 disciples representing Jacob's 12 sons and also the 12 generations from Noah to Abraham. Without fulfilling those numbers he could not form a foundation to work with the races of the world. After gathering the 72 apostles Jesus had to begin his substantial work just as Jacob needed 72 before he could accomplish his condition. Without that number, Jesus could not have connected the dispensation to the tribal or national level. If the Jews had accepted Jesus then all these things could have been done at once, but instead he was rejected and the foundation was lost. Jesus had to start all over again by witnessing to his own disciples, first bringing three, then 12 and 72. Then he would have connected that foundation to established Judaism, the race, nation and eventually the world. He tried desperately to do this in three years but he could not make his apostles unite in harmony. Instead they deserted him.
Since Jesus' foundation was lost he could not work successfully 2,000 years ago, and without restoring this there is no foundation for him to work upon when he comes again. We are the ones who must restore that foundation which was lost in Jesus' time. This is the origin of the Unification Church's work. Each of you must be aware of why you need to do this. Because Jesus was killed we inherit the responsibility, even though we come from different races. All members of the Unification Church around the world are descendants of the people who killed Jesus and this is why we must assume the responsibility ourselves for having killed him. This is why we must physically restore the foundation which Jesus has already restored spiritually.
We can ask God for the Messiah to be sent after we each make the foundation of 84 spiritual children, the basic foundation on which the Messiah can come physically. Even then we cannot take many years to accomplish it; we must do it within seven years as indemnity for the 7,000 years of history. No matter what happens, we have to accomplish this goal because without this foundation, the bridge between heaven and earth is not properly established and the two cannot be connected. Jesus was very serious in trying to do that, leaving his home just as you are doing now. The people laughed at Jesus and criticized him, just the they criticize you today.
If Christians had understood and accepted this then the Messiah could have come among them after the necessary foundation had been laid. But that has not happened, and instead Christians oppose us. If Christians had already laid the foundation then no one in the world would have to pay indemnity as we are doing now, but since Christianity did not accept the responsibility, we have to restore that foundation individually. We are working very hard to pay that indemnity.
After laying that foundation, communism must be overcome. As soon as the Unification Church members awaken to their responsibility and lay the needed foundation, God will have no more use for Christianity and it and communism will fade away because the foundation of substance will have been laid.
I am responsible for a different level of indemnity condition than you, but each person must lay his own foundation of restoring 84 people. To do that you must be better than Jacob because you will restore them all in one generation instead of three. Then you can be resurrected or revived, just as Jesus was resurrected on his spiritual foundation. This is the real foundation; so in the dispensation each of you must restore 84 people.
After gathering the 84 each person must survive the world's persecution. If you do that then the world foundation can be laid on which the Messiah can come and be connected to all the nations and the world. These 84 people should not be just anyone but people who are strong enough to defend you. When Jesus was persecuted his 84 people were sleeping, but they should have risen up and declared, "You can kill me but you cannot kill my Lord." Our position is like that of a grandfather; when he is threatened his sons and grandsons will make sure he is not killed. Eighty-four couples are necessary to protect the central core.
We begin first with our concepts but we must become increasingly serious, becoming as desperate as though we were dying. Only after we have done that are we literally building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Without doing this we are not qualified to live in the Kingdom on earth, nor can we be accepted in the Kingdom when we go to spirit world.
This also applies to me. Based on the same principle I must have 84 people protecting me. Whereas your situation is relatively simple, I must fulfill a more complex situation on the individual, family, tribal and world levels. This is exactly what I have done. Twelve couples were required representing the formation, growth and perfection stages. Because of the fall of man the number was extended three times so the 36 couples served as the 12 in my case. Next I blessed 72 couples, then 120 and 430 couples, extending onto the world level. To establish the 430 couples was very difficult and I fought with my life under the severest persecution. You must not take the easy way in witnessing either; you must really know the meaning of what you do.
The 120 couples represented all nations, just like the 120 elders who received the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The 430 couples represented the 430 years of slavery in Egypt before the return to Canaan, as well as Korea's history of 4,300 years on the world level. The number seven, or three plus four, is included in 430, as well as 12, or three times four. Thus 430 includes the numbers three, four, seven and 12. It represents the number that can go anywhere in the world.
Next 777 couples were blessed. The four in the number seven includes everything, like the four seasons and four directions. There are three months in each season, and altogether that gives the number 12. These numbers are all symbolic and they are most important to God because in different combinations they fulfill certain conditions. Once these were put into effect then the heavenly families, centering on Korea, could go to every part of the world to fulfill the dispensation. When that was done, the dispensation on the world level really opened up.
On the foundation of 430 couples I could travel around the world for the first time in 1965 and establish Holy Grounds. Man and all things were lost but they can be restored on the basis of Holy Ground. I set up a total of 120 Holy Grounds in forty countries in 1965, and then I could symbolically restore mankind, represented by 777 couples. Every combination was included in this number -- those who failed, those who fought any nation, people of any color skin and marital status. Because of that the heavenly nation can move from one end of the world to the other. Even though you move together in large numbers, Satan cannot say anything because the condition for you to do that is already established. After the 777 couples were blessed it became possible for members to travel from nation to nation to work and I started moving members to different nations.
If you have a family of your own then you qualify to work on the world scale, and on the foundation of your family and race you can go anywhere in the world to help people. You must understand now the meaning of leaving your home to find 84 people. Once the third-seven year course is over you won't even have to leave your home to find 84 people. You will be able to find them by bringing your own relatives, but until now that was not possible.
The Start of the 40-Day Witnessing Condition
7.4.78, London
Your 360 homes represent 360 degrees, meaning all four directions: north, east, south and west; a year also has about 360 days. True Parents have accomplished their victory, and by setting this small condition of home church you are entitled to inherit what they have won. Restore three generations: restore Adam's failure plus Jesus' unfulfilled mission, and inherit True Parents' era, paying indemnity for Christian opposition by doing home church. You have that responsibility. My victory was not won for my sake, but for you. Now I am waiting for each of you to fulfill this miniature condition. Then I can gladly give the entire victory to you as your inheritance.
Jesus Christ bore the cross because a certain number was not fulfilled. He needed 12 disciples, then 72 disciples. There were ten generations between Adam and Noah, and in addition Cain and Abel made 12 generations. The ten generations after Noah until Abraham, plus Shem and Ham make 12 generations. At the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were two vertical generations. In Jacob's time the number 12 was extended horizontally.
In the Unification Church the indemnification of all these generations is done through the 36 couples. Consummating the vertical history on earth, Jacob defeated the angel, won the heart of his elder brother, and had 12 children. Twelve is a central number because it is a vertical number. In each tribe there are six members, and 12 times six makes 72. The Bible says Jesus had seventy disciples, but to be exact it was 72. Twelve would become the forefather's position. Jesus was crucified because he did not have 72, or 84. If three generations had been set up in Jesus' time -- Jesus, children, and grandchildren -- then Jesus would not have been crucified. Certainly if Judaism had accepted him, Jesus could have had three generations. . .
People in this world can be classified into three categories: first are married couples, representing Adam's family; second are couples who live together without marriage, plus the realm of engagement, representing Jesus' position; the third realm is men and women who are still looking forward to engagement and marriage; this represents the Second Advent. You will find all of these types opposing you in home church. Your job is to make them willing to capitulate; this is not a militant goal, but a heartistic, loving goal. Would you welcome me into your home, to every room in the house? Your goal is to be welcomed as openly as that in your home church area. If you really know the formula, you can bring your people to understand the importance of home church in one week and they will join with you.
Core Love and Indemnity
10.22.81, World Mission Center
As you know, there were ten generations between Adam and Noah, then between Noah and Abraham. The Cain-Abel struggle began between Adam's two sons, and continued between Shem and Ham, Noah's sons. Counting these two brothers, there were 12 generations between Adam and Noah. Isaac and Jacob plus ten generations comprise 12 generations from Noah through Abraham.
Jacob was the first to lay the victorious base, and he had 12 children. Those 12, plus the preceding 24 generations, make 36, a very important number. Before Jacob, restoration was vertical, but from Jacob's time on it became horizontal, with his tribe expanding into a nation. Then the historical role of Judaism was succeeded to by Christianity with Jesus' 12 disciples. In Unification Church the first thing we did was restore tribal history, represented by the 36 blessed couples, or three generations of 12. In no other religion is the family called the building block of the Kingdom of Heaven; the Unification Church alone teaches that. Until now religions have focused on individual restoration, but now through the Blessing men and women can be united in God's sight.
Tribal restoration represents the condition to restore all mankind. Mankind can be divided into three areas -- married couples, engaged couples, and people still waiting for engagement. We have to restore the couples who married without God's approval, so I had to make some provision for them. They are represented by 12 of the 36 couples. Jesus came as a bridegroom but was never able to have his marriage supper, and this is the position of people who are waiting to be married; these people are represented by another 12 couples. The other level is that of virgin boys and girls, who belong to Jacob's generation. . . .
The root of the Unification Church tradition begins in the fundamental concept of God's creation of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that begins from Adam, Noah, Abraham and Jacob. From this analogy you can see that I am in a position truly to initiate the Kingdom of Heaven on earth on the horizontal level. No one in history could proclaim that, but now you know why I can.
The ancestors in history have accumulated a record of failure, but the 36 couples I assembled shall restore those failures and succeed those people as the ancestors of mankind. The number one is represented by 36. Thirty-six husbands plus 36 wives altogether make 72 people in this system. The next blessing was of 72 couples, representing the expansion of the 36 couples. There is always Cain and Abel in restoration, and without unity between them the heavenly dispensation cannot be consummated. In creation one is divided into two, and then the three of them should come into harmony.
Out of 12 there will come 72, another horizontal expansion. Twelve and 72 together make 84, the total unit of the ancestry of mankind. That represents the vertical and horizontal unity of the Cain and Abel families coming together; 84 represents them all. In every dispensation there were Cain and Abel, such as Shem and Ham, Jacob and Esau. The pattern of history is the struggle of Cain and Abel. The number 72 is really the condition for unity of Cain and Abel.
If Jesus had been able to accomplish the perfection of the number 84, he never would have been crucified. This number is the rock, the foundation which cannot be shaken, upon which Jesus could never have been killed. The number 72 is also the manifestation of Jacob's journey to exile in Egypt, leading a tribe of seventy people. Based on this principle, you restore the 7,000-year biblical history of God; that is represented by fulfilling this number 84 in seven years, you are restoring your ancestral tree and also your tribe, both the vertical and horizontal.
If Jesus had fulfilled this and John the Baptist had fulfilled his mission, no one would have had to testify very much about Jesus because that foundation would have had a magnetic pulling power. Jesus needed to establish the tribe first, and then go from there, multiplying through the children. Because that foundation was not laid in Jesus.' time, it had to be laid in this contemporary dispensation. Jesus left on earth the concept of the ideal of the bride and bridegroom, but that has to be fulfilled in the family. So the family is the basis for the modern dispensation.
Do you have your own 12 and 72 disciples, totaling 84? In the realm of the Unification Church do we have it? The number 12 is represented by the 36 blessed couples, and 72 by the 72 blessed couples, so we do have that foundation. Now the Unification Church can grow and expand, children will multiply and the tribe will get bigger.
Twelve represents the family, and 72 represents the tribe. In ancient times there were 12 tribes and 72 elders among the tribes. 72 divided by 12 equals six, or six parts of 12 each. Six plus one makes seven. The Bible mentions that Jesus had seventy apostles, but the true number must be 72. This seven is crucial. When seven families are united into one, every door will open as they move forward in the kingdom. There will be no wall they cannot break through. . . .
Why 360 homes? As husband and wife, you will take care of 720 homes; again, the significant number of 72 is included here. 720 represents the world: 12 represents the family, 72 the tribe; 720 is an expansion of the tribe, so it represents the world. In these 360 or 720 homes, all the dispensational numbers are included. . . .
. . . You have to fulfill your 84 within home church; without that you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus could not open the ultimate heaven because he did not have the foundation of 84 on earth. I came to lay that foundation, and in the same way you must unlock the number 84.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
Three hundred sixty homes came out of 120 times three. After Jesus' crucifixion, 120 of Jesus' disciples gathered together in the upper room of Mark's house. They prayed, and when the Holy Spirit came down a new dispensation began.
Twelve represents the number of the family. Jacob's family had 12 members and 12 children. Seventy-two is the number for the tribe. Twelve plus 72 makes 84. That is the number of the tribe. Seventy-two stands for the number of people in Jacob's family who went into Egypt. They went to Egypt as a tribe. It is a minimum tribe of Israel, represented by 72.
Abel-type people started with 72. That is a tribe. Israel started with 72. One hundred twenty is represented by three times four. The key number is three. Among 12, normally three are excellent; that is the ratio. That is why Jesus had three major disciples, Peter, James, and John. Of those three, Peter was selected as the chief disciple.
In order to come up with an elite of 120, you need 360 to choose from. At the same time, you want to create 120 trinities, and for 120 trinities you need 360. These are all the theoretical reasons why we say Father decided to have 360 homes comprise a home church area.
4.16.80, World Mission Center
What do 360 homes mean? Three hundred sixty has every number in it. It contains three, four, 12, and thirty; every crucial number is there. You have also heard of the 36 couples, the earliest marriage which took place in the Unification church, haven't you? You also know that the one year is composed of 360 days in the lunar calendar; there are 12 months of thirty days. Also we divide the globe into 360 degrees. Finally, there are four seasons of three months each in the year, making up the number 12.
Father Speaks to the Crusade
9.5.78, London
. . . Three hundred sixty homes represent 360 degrees or all directions. One year of 12 months is a complete cycle of seasons or 360 days according to the lunar calendar. Three hundred sixty contains both numbers 12 and three. The 36 couples represent the entire history of mankind. So everything is included in 360 homes.
Everything begins at zero degrees, and continues around to ninety, 180, 270 and finally 360 degrees, which is the original starting point. Satan is trying to block our way, but we are pushing ahead. At every point people try to discourage you from continuing, but still you will continue around to 360 degrees, accomplishing everything for their sake as well as yours. After you cross the peak, there will be less and less persecution.
Home Church and Myself
12.14.80, Belvedere
This is why I gave you each 360 homes. Why 360? There are 360 days in one year; that includes 12 months, as well as the numbers three and four. All the heavenly numbers that God uses are there. It also means every single year of history, including all the families and thousands of generations who have lived. That is the same as an extended form of the 36 couples, which represent all human ancestry. Everything is represented in 360.
The Start of the 40-Day Witnessing Condition
7.4.78, London
The Bible talks about the 144,000 who wear white gowns; if we have 144,000 home churches, we undoubtedly can sway the world. Do you know this is the truth?
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
The Book of Revelation speaks about the 144,000 who will wear white robes. If there were 144,000 truly dedicated people, that would be more than enough to change the entire world. Those people are about to come out of home church. With 144,000 people we could cover twenty cities the size of New York, like Tokyo and London, with 7,000 people in each city. Then those cities could be turned around toward God. Don't you think the entire world could be converted to Divine Principle by that many people?
Our Duty, Our Mission
10. 5.80, Belvedere
The Book of Revelation says that at the end there will be 144,000 people gathered together, and they will be lifted up into the Kingdom of Heaven. But what the revelation is saying is that in the end we need 144,000 home churches around the world, through which we will be lifted into the Kingdom of Heaven.
History of the Providence Through Restoration by Indemnity
2.10.81, World Mission Center
God works only through specific numbers. Noah's family had three sons and three daughters-in-law, plus Noah and his wife, making eight people altogether. If you witness to three people and eventually they get blessed then that number is automatically established. Next you will establish the number 12 and after that you can go back to your own homes. Later your work will be connected with the foundation I have laid and you can claim it as your own; then you will always be in the position of parents yourselves.
The Age of New Dispensation
5.14.78, London
The year of 1980 has dawned with great hope and glory. In 1980 we can find a very important number, eight. As we learn in the Divine Principle, the number eight denotes a new beginning and new hope. The Unification Church just welcomed the 1980's. Now what is the goal and direction of our movement? This year our job is to undertake substantially the home church providence.
Home Church Is the Base of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.80, World Mission Center
God's Timetable
Remember this and consider, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,' calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my counsel from afar country. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it.
Isaiah 46:8-11
Whatever you do -- eating, walking down the street, selling papers, witnessing or fund raising -- that is the real battle, the most precious one and the one that will be recognized in history. That's the way your life is today. Yesterday I talked about how establishing home churches will be like bombs exploding throughout New York. Do you have spiritual matches you can light to set the bomb off? Do you know the right time to push the button? If you are sleeping you will miss the time. You cannot do this at just any time. The instructions will come from heaven to push the button, but if you are sleeping then you will not hear them.
You might shrug and say, "Oh well, I can push it next year." The tiny little fingers of women, even if the women are wearing ugly dresses, can do magic if they know the heavenly schedule. The arsenals of the world will have no power if they do not know the heavenly schedule, and all their weaponry will be to no avail. God always keeps time, and if you match His time then there will be a resounding explosion.
Once you know the time and act accordingly, the explosion will disrupt all of New York. Go attend to your task with that kind of realization, wherever you are. On our shoulders we carry the destiny of God. God's rise or fall depends on you. Furthermore, you are the secret emissaries whom God has ordained. Those who want to fulfill the universal revenge against the enemy of love, raise your hands.
God has been waiting for this one moment for 6,000 years. That's the importance of the time we are talking about here. In preparing to have the button pushed at the proper time, many people and nations were sacrificed. All throughout history, during the 4,000 years before Abraham and throughout the history of Judaism and Christianity, God raised up many champions who were supposed to push the button, but no one has done it yet. At this time God is asking you to push this little button. All spirit world is watching, knowing that high noon is at hand and that the showdown is coming.
Time and Our Destined Relationship
4.2.78, World Mission Center
Have you physically visited all 360 of your homes? Everyone should be able to say "yes." When God ordered the Hebrews to leave Egypt by a certain hour one night, messengers were sent to tell all the people. If the messengers missed any home those people would not be able to leave on time, but who would be held responsible? The messenger. Throughout posterity, that messenger who failed to tell a particular person to leave at such a moment would be accountable for his fate.
You are in a New Age Exodus. It is possible for you to bring the people in 360 homes out of suffering but if you fail to tell these people to come out of their yoke of misery and into salvation then you as a messenger are responsible.
The Return to Tears
10.16.77, Belvedere
There is an offensive and a defensive. So far Father has been attacked and we have been defending ourselves. But now the theme has changed. . . . In 1978 Father initiated a gigantic crusade to really turn the defensive battle into an offensive battle. If we had secured the 30,000 members that Father requested we would already have been on the offensive for some time and by now could have influenced the nation.
America is declining. That is apparent. Without a moral change, it will continue to decline. Who has a scheme to save the country? The Administration? Do the politicians have blueprints for turning this nation around? Do the U.S. Armed Forces have the ability? Can the established Christian churches ignite moral revolution?
Everyone is infiltrated by communist elements, even the army and the government. Christian churches are infiltrated so badly that there is an open movement preaching Christianity without God.
We cannot expect a solution from anyone. We can't expect it from the government, or from the churches. Where can we find a solution? The only solution is a spiritual revolution with a new philosophy which can expose the lies of the communist ideology and bring truth, light and hope to mankind. Such a spiritual revolution alone holds hope. Communists talk about utopia, about the ideal world, but their world is violent, a total dictatorship where the ends justify the means. Those are our adversaries: those who believe that the ends justify the means. They can be as deceptive as they want. Yet here stands Sun Myung Moon, the lone champion to halt their advances. Sun Myung Moon is the one who changes their way of thinking, their way of life, their conviction.
The Unification Church is criticized for being strong, regimented and organized, and people say we brainwash. You know that our adversaries are not going to be dealt with easily. If we had our own nation we wouldn't have to fight. However, we have no social foundation, no deep-rooted social organization. That means that we have to begin from scratch, earning the economy, the finances and the organization. It is a life-and-death matter. We start out as a dot, and must build the movement from the very bottom.
Unless we build our own foundation, who will do it? Will the Christian churches help us? Will the universities? Will social organizations? No, they will not. Furthermore, instead of leaving us alone, they oppose us. They allow themselves to become tentacles of communist opposition. They are trying every way they can to halt our advancement. . . .
We must make a breakthrough. We must climb up the top pinnacle and erect our flag there. I want you to understand our initiation in 1980 of the second three seven-year courses. This is the most crucial turning point of history An emergency has now been declared. Don't go after those who welcome you: go our after those who oppose you. Father did not come to America to be welcomed by the American people. He came for the opposing and negative people, in order to convince them. You must do the same. This is a new plateau, a new height, a new standard. A new chapter of history is being unfolded. Doff t look down. Look up, proudly. . .
This is the final showdown. It is time to do it. We are like a fireball or a bullet . . . We just cannot say that we will take a few years to prepare. Not at all. We don't have time. We are already running on our way toward the target, That is the home church system. Home church is truly God's incredible plan and strategy. It will eliminate all room for Satan or communism to take over.
5.19.80, World Mission Center
Now it's up to you how long you will take to be successful enough to invite me to your area. Don't you want to be successful in this? Then you must have some idea when you can invite me. It won't depend on me but on your progress. Once you make up your mind, you have to promise before God with the seriousness of having a dagger stabbing you in the side, "No matter what happens to me, nothing will stop me. Once I make up my mind I will go straight forward to the goal." If at all possible finish it by June 1981.
I feel that you could do it rather easily within that time. If I had to do it, I could do it much earlier than that.
You have accumulated much failure in the past, so I am thinking that we will indemnify past failure within this year and eliminate that debt. Is that good or bad thinking? So should I just shrug and say that you've done your best, or keep driving you and make you understand why you need to be pushed?
I know you have tried hard and yet you failed, so you have to be driven out much more before we can expect to achieve success this time. Home church came into being only last year, and by being successful there we can indemnify all the past failures I have just pointed out. Everything that you left undone will be offset by home church success. Don't take many months or years, but do it in the shortest period of time. Make a plan and accomplish the goal. If we can set many records within this year then later members will have a much easier time and America will become livable again. America is about to go down the drain but your success can prevent any further deterioration. This is why time is so precious. I am expecting to have many people who will establish records during this one year.
Eternal Happiness
2.25.79, Belvedere
If there had been 30,000 core members in America by 1978 then even if I were to leave, America would be secure. After being educated for three years those members could be strong enough to take care of America's problems. If they were educated well enough and could witness to ten new members each over the next three years, then those 300,000 people would be enough to do home church throughout the entire United States. This was my original plan. Don't you see that our schedule is very tight? Can you say you have to rest and take care of other things first?
You don't have to wait until 1981 to start, however. If you decide that you are ready now then this is the best time to start. Then you will be ahead of schedule in 1981 and you can be the winner. Even though seven years is allotted you, you don't have to take that long. If Americans work efficiently then three years is enough. If a few people like me got together to do it, I honestly think that three or four months would fulfill the major dispensation.
The Abel's Path from the Providential Point of View
12.30.79, Belvedere
Next year is two more weeks away; at that time you must really do home church, not just make preparations.
Home Church and Myself
12.14.80, Belvedere
This year's slogan is: Home Church is My Kingdom of Heaven. You are not doing home church as any favor for me. It is your kingdom of heaven. I don't want it to take you 21 years to finish; everything should be over in the first seven years.
History of the Providence Through Restoration by indemnity
2.10.81, World Mission Center
The time will come when we will only need to do broadcasting on television and radio in order to reach many homes. This will help the home church providence immensely. Three hundred and sixty homes can be connected to a wire which will be hooked up to a certain circuit and you can organize closed circuit television throughout your own houses. You can be your own broadcast company.
You don't even need to take seven years. That is too long a time. You could probably even do it within seven months. If Father had a 360 home area, he would go out to the frontline in order to fulfill his home church dispensation. Father would have done it in far less than seven months.
In the future, 21-day training sessions won't even need to assemble. We can send the contents of 21-day training through television. People can receive the workshop in their own living room. They will also take a test by reading the questions on the television screen. They will then write the answers, mail the test and get back their results in the mail.
In this advanced era, the things that at one time would have taken seven years to do you can do easily. In ancient time, seven years was quite a long time, because these things were not at easy disposal. However, today, it is so easy to do things within even the short span of seven months.
4.16.80, World Mission Center
If you can't finish this in seven years then it might take another seven to finish. Actually, if you don't finish in seven years it will take three times as long, or 21 years. After that you will have no more chances.
The Start of the 40-Day Witnessing Condition
7.4.78, London
The battle on the frontline is always neck-and-neck. For you to be victorious soldiers of heaven, I have to send you out on the frontline. This is why in 1978, I declared that New York was the frontline and when the victory comes, the frontline soldiers will get the honor. The victory doesn't come in an office or in the headquarters but on the battlefield. Our frontline is home church. In the last 45 years, the entire course of the dispensation has been set, and now I am giving it to you, asking you to finish in seven years.
The First Day and Our Lifetime
1987 is seven years from now, but you don't have to take that long either seven months or even three years is adequate. If you fail to do it in seven years then it will be postponed for 21 years, and you don't want that. If we neglect the time of the dispensation then you will literally shed your blood at the hands of communists. You know it, don't you?
Stony Path of Death
4.27.80, Belvedere
The next seven years are crucial, so don' t waste them.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
I want you to make your base so you can practice this love, and that territory is home church. It will happen within seven years if you consistently make effort now. Then if I am passing by to another destination some power will pull me to visit you. Life goes by very fast. Already five months have passed in 1979. If you had met one new person each day and really poured out your heart imagine what extraordinary things could have happened. You could have converted 150 people. Start today and renew your energy. That's what Heavenly Father wants, what your wife or husband wants, what your children want and what all of your relatives want.
Time is not merciful enough to slow down for you. You have to keep abreast of time because time will never relax its pace. You can finish school in four years, but with extra effort you can graduate in three or even two years. Our Unification university is the same-it all depends upon your own effort.
Reflection Upon Life
6.1.79, Belvedere
I don't want you to go just two hours to your home church but to pay constant attention to it, going six times a day if necessary. If the men go 12 times, the women will go 14 times. Later you will just stay there, not sleeping, but even just standing there. Neither male nor female will budge for fear of being outdone. You can go on seven-day fasts together. Don't you think the home church people will come to stare and see what is happening? You wont have to visit them because they will visit you first! When they can come to find out what is going on you can give a speech or cry or anything. Are you fully determined to do even that?
25th Anniversary of the Unification Church
5.1.79, Belvedere
. . . To witness to every single American would take 8,000 years at the rate of 100 per day.
So when are we going to do that? We don' t have that much time. New York has 2,620,000 homes, and if each home has five people, that totals 13 million. That means in order to witness to everyone in New York 7,000 Unification Church members would be needed with each one having 360 homes. If all those members work as intensely as I have been tuna fishing all season then all New York will turn around. Then the rest of America, and thus the world, will automatically turn around within ten years.
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
You should feel that your life here on earth is endlessly precious. "Why is time running so fast? Slow down. I have more work to do. I must build the kingdom and do more home church." That's the way you must feel in your life.
Let Us Restore the Homeland and Fatherland
1.14.79, Belvedere
Particularly if you succeed in home church and become a tribal messiah, your name shall be known throughout history. Once the third seven-year course is over and the door of the Kingdom of Heaven is wide open, all future posterity can meet the qualifications easily because of you; they will have you as ancestors. That is the authority God wants to bestow upon you. In three generations of twenty years each the work will be finished, with my generation, your generation, and finally your children's generation.
The greatest virtue my own children can demonstrate is loyalty, absolute love and obedience. In that case, they will go freely with me. But if they don't demonstrate obedience, they will have to go through 21 years themselves, as well as their children. Always three generations are needed for fulfillment. You are joining me in the third seven-year course and if you fulfill in this victory you can indeed become the ancestors of the world race.
The qualification to become ancestors is available only once in history. This is your extraordinary privilege; do not lose it, but seize it and fulfill it, leaving no regret behind. Are you willing to participate in my ultimate victory? I actually started the home church program in 1978 so by June 1981 it will be 3 1/2 years old. When you first heard about it, something didn't click, but every day you are understanding its meaning more deeply.
I was born for this mission and lived it and fulfilled it. In the same way, you are born for home church, for making a victorious path there. Through home church, your victory can be everywhere. It will continue victoriously until all heaven and earth become the Kingdom of Heaven.
The First Day and Our Lifetime
Home Church and Other, Responsibilities
"But seekfirst his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well."
Matthew 6:33
Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet; and distribution was made to each as any had need.
Acts 4:32-35
Any responsibility you have is secondary; the primary mission is witnessing and home church. You have to spend more time witnessing than in your own work. How can you ever imagine you will save 240 million Americans without doing that much? If there were an easier way to save 240 million people, God would do it because His heart is a heart of love. Do not hesitate to suffer and make yourself a sacrifice. God's one son, Jesus, gave up his life on the cross. I don't ask you to do this for me but for the sake of mankind, for rebuilding the nation and the world. Do you think this is principled? Then we must live the Principle.
The Critical Turning Point of the Dispensation of God
12.31.78, Belvedere
This next seven years is the time for you to demonstrate what you are and what you can do. Home church is the primary dispensation and anything else is secondary. I am declaring to Unification Church members all over the world that this is the Parents' Day which ends the first 21-year course and begins the second 21-year course.
Completion of the Providence and Children's Day
4.15.80, World Mission Center
The Church is like an office for the families and the society, but the home church is where the parents and children can live, and where God can dwell.
In 1981 I am hereby giving you home church as your ground. Even the News World staff members should work hard at home church in addition to their newspaper work, and then they can in no way be blamed by Satan. If I call Dr. Durst and he is nowhere to be found because he is in home church, he can be excused. That is our most important priority. If one of the East Garden guards is missing all night, but in the morning he appears and says, "I was at home church," instantly everything will be forgiven.
Nowhere else in all of history was anyone else given this kind of priority and privilege. So as long as you go to home church, all else is secondary.
You want to take care of your family, but if you take care of your home church instead, someone else will help take care of your family. Sometimes I will also help your family. But that does not mean you should think that if you are doing home church work you do not have to do anything to take care of them. If you think like that, it is not right.
Home Church Is My Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.81, World Mission Center
I know that some engaged couples, women especially, are telling their finances that home church is nice, but they should be more concerned about getting a degree soon, so that they can do more in the future. "There is no opportunity for you in home church," they say. Don't you suppose I have thought about that, and God has thought about it as well? What is your mission? If there is a person who has no confidence to do home church now, but wants to be released for ten years to do what he thinks is important, thinking that he will come back and do home church later, then he should step forward and speak up.
Home church is one basic thing you must do as Unification Church members. It is more important than school, than your marriage. Those things can wait, but not home church.
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
Perhaps you are an editor on the newspaper and hardly have time to do home church. But you regularly eat and go to the bathroom; are those things any more indispensable than home church? You can always shorten the time of going to the bathroom or eating. Save a few minutes by not chatting with people; all that time added up might save an hour, and then you can go to home church. If you don't go to home church, it means you have not established yourself as a subject of love. Then how can you love your spouse or children? If you reverse the correct sequence, it will never work.
|3.29.81, Belvedere
I have done what God has directed me to do in this country. If people do not respond to my direction, I cannot do anything about it. I have taught you deeply, explaining everything to you. Are you actively involved in home church? You say, "I have been too busy to do home church," but you must realize that I am far busier than you and I have been doing what is necessary for God's providence continuously. How can you think you are busier than I?
Let Us Protect Ourselves
5.1.82, Belvedere
More than anything else, home church is top priority. Push aside everything else to do home church. For whom are you going this way? Not for the sake of the Unification Church and not for the sake of God or True Parents, but for the sake of yourself, your children, and your posterity. For that reason, you must go to home church and be victorious.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Can the News World members think they are unable to do home church? How can they not do so and still fulfill what they have to do? Such people simply have to witness to someone better than they who can take their newspaper position and free them to do home church. There are many, many things I have to take care of, even things that are not really my responsibility, and my schedule is so full that it doesn't include much sleeping time. I have to manage to find time to do everything.
God never scolds a person for doing more than he should. If you cannot go personally to do home church then you can carry on through phoning, and there are other ways besides going personally. If a person has many complex responsibilities, doing many things at once, it is that much more his blessing. I will take notice of such a person and use him more and more.
Unification Church and Heavenly Law
3.1.79, Belvedere
The newspaper has to come out, and if you are literally too busy then you can at least go to your home church area and sleep there. If you cannot do the work, at least you should take a look at the work and say to yourself, "That is what I must do." If you cannot go to your area for one day, you should at least take a look at your home church. Spiritually, there are many people really waiting seriously for you. You don't feel that because of your less intense spiritual sense.
A fighter may be a champion on a local level, but if he loses in the national fight then he's a loser. Someone might say, "I've been in MFT for ten years and I've worked harder than anybody else but I didn't do home church, so you mistreated me." Can you say that? Fundraising was not a waste of time; the person who fundraised in a principled way will have an easier time doing home church. You may think, "I'm not doing home church now because I'm fundraising, but I will do it so well that I could support all my 360 homes." If you fundraise with that attitude then you are connected to your own home church. When the fundraisers start doing home church, they can be successful in a short period of time. I brought you up to the world level and the universal level, the champion position.
The Public Way and Private Way
1.11.81, Belvedere
You are the wings of the Unification Church, the aspect which is responsible for our financial foundation. Since I set up this year's new motto I am sure some of you wonder what you can do about home church, since you can't settle down in one place. The most important thing you should know is why we are doing home church. I told our members to do home church. But MFT activities are also the result of my direct instruction to you. This is your mission for God's dispensation.
There are many other missions in our Church apart from the regular home church dispensation. Many other brothers and sisters are doing special tasks. The important consideration, however, is whether a member receives his instructions wholeheartedly and fulfills them to the utmost.
Home church alone could not fulfill all of God's dispensation; it must be united with all the other components to make up the heavenly victory. Your attitude, or the shape of your mind and heart, is important, and second, how much time you invest in your task. Finally, how much drive you invest to overcome any difficulties is of concern. Ultimately speaking, your commitment, persistence and determination that what you do is vital for the ultimate victory of God is the key point. Each activity is crucial in the direction of God's dispensation, so what is important is how well the different components come together to fulfill one central goal. Because we are focused on that central goal, we need many different departments and elements that will make a wholesome self-sustaining entity which can push toward the goal.
I would like you MFT members to think that you have an important mission to do and that you will do your best. If you are doing home church ten years from now you should feel that you will do it in the shortest possible time based on your hard work on MFT. Here you are reshaping yourself to resemble me, and when your home church opportunity comes later, you will knock it over in no time.
To the MFT
1.2.80, World Mission Center
If someone is in a special staff position which is necessary for the wellbeing of our Church, I will give special consideration and allow him to do home church later, but still he must do it.
Our Duty, Our Mission
10.5.80, Belvedere
If the home church people have money they won't consider it theirs but think how they can use it for home church work; 360 homes will be one family's work and they will want to spend money for that. In another twenty years you will be approaching your fifties, and by that time you will be assisted by many people. This is really a prime time now.
Reflection Upon Life
6.1.79. Belvedere
We are not only doing spiritual work, we are actually laying the foundation for our grandchildren. Suppose you have a deep relationship with the people who buy the News World from you. If you can explain how good ginseng tea is for good health, they will want to buy some. Once the people trust us they will rely on our services. We can start a mobile department store and a grocery delivery service and supply their daily needs with a loving heart. What we are doing today is laying a many faceted foundation for the future. Your 360 homes will all become like your own home.
There are limitless resources which we can pioneer and the time will come when you can just call people on the phone instead of running around door to door. There will be supporting organizations and people will want to give everything for the sake of New York, not just a weekly tithe. How about you; can you even do the tithing? We will be in a position to really lift up the life of the city and open the door to a much better future.
Host of the Future
10.23.77, Belvedere
There is great room for developing this home church idea. Are you interested? You have heard about indemnity but so far I have paid all the indemnity on your behalf. Why don't you just follow along and live the easy way of life now? Or now that I have paid so much, will you pay enough to lift mine away? Am I going to buy you the equipment for your home church or will you buy it yourselves? Then it will become your property and you can start your own church.
Where God Resides and His Course
3.19. 78, Belvedere
You decide one thing: what level you want and what territory you would like to take. Do you have your home church assignments? Did your leader recommend it or did you decide to do it? Your 360 homes represent the entire world. . . . When you need money, go ahead and make money; when you need people, find people. Don't beg anyone for help or money or support. You should say, "I am the one who will create the money, people and whatever else I need. I will provide them." if you work three times as hard as normal people you will do all these things.
Mainstream of the Dispensation of God
11.19.78, Belvedere
Earn the money you need on your own and lecture to your own people. You don't need anyone else to teach for you if you become a great lecturer on your own.
Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.79, World Mission Center
You may say, "I will go to home church, Father, but please help me; I have nothing. You must buy me a house, you must buy me an automobile, you must buy me food and clothes. Then I might go." Is that the way a messiah acts? No. We came as True Parents and gave you our sweat and labor, heart and soul, to lay your foundation. And we are inheriting everything to you for free.
Blessed Family
6.20.82, Belvedere
I am training you to provide not only for your family but also for the 360 families and homes in your area. The only way to do that is to forge ahead without all kinds of indecision and doubt. Once you know you are going in the right direction you don't need to question over and over again what you are doing, you just need to do it.
In Search of Our Home
7.11.82, Belvedere