Chapter 38 - The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love

Chapter 38
The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love
January 15, 1984 -- Tarrytown, New York

The Unification Movement has not only a horizontal connection with the world but also a vertical connection. The term "fall of man" denotes a falling down from the original state; therefore, the work of God has been the work of trying to bring people back up to their formerly high level of existence.

Because of an illicit relationship of love the fall occurred. The Last Days predicted by the Bible will be the culmination of selfish, individualistic love. When most people live solely for themselves, it must be the Last Days, because that is the completion stage of the fallen act. Such a world scorns anything other than individualistic love. There is no room for the love of country, love of humanity, and certainly no room for the love of God.

Such a trend began among adults, but it has now come down to the realm of teenagers. This is the so called "me generation" in today's society Thus you know that we have arrived at the end of this world. There is virtually no way of restraining the immorality and promiscuity of many of today's young people. Parents cannot control them, teachers are powerless, and society can do nothing either. Certainly the nation and the world have no power to control them.

Why does Satan lead the world to such an extreme? God, in His will for restoration, has been promoting altruistic, unselfish love starting from the individual, family, nation, and moving toward the worldwide level. Thus Satan has become desperate. He knows that he is being defeated, so he takes the opposite direction, the position farthest away from God, trying to hold mankind on his side.

Satan's ultimate goal is to destroy any ideal form of love. God is leading mankind toward the ideal, wholesome form of love. Those who are the most susceptible to Satan's temptations are Americans. The central nation for the Christian culture, the United States has become morally degraded, particularly in love. There is a certain biblical basis for this, because Jesus said that those closest to us can be our worst enemies. Thus, within the Christian culture, in what is supposedly the central nation for accomplishing God's will, the worst enemy can creep in. So Satan has grounds to create the worst possible evils in this Christian nation.

The decline of America

The 40 years after World War Il are a wilderness period, from God's dispensational point of view. America was supposed to have taken responsibility to lead the world toward the land of Canaan. But no such idealism predominated; instead most Americans simply sought to have fun and forget the war, plunging into self-indulgence.

The victory of the: Allied side in World War II was not an end in itself; From the providential point of view, it had the purpose of preparing America and the world for the Second Coming of the Messiah.

After World War II, the United States was supposed to center upon God and realize that the world was moving toward the "great and terrible day to the Lord." There should have been a prevailing attitude within this country that the greatest goal was to love not only oneself or even one's own nation, but to embrace the world and to serve God. People should have been inspired to pioneer the coming great era. The United States was supposed to propagate such a vision through the world. People would have recognized it as a favorable sign of the Last. Days and could have started preparing for that time. Such an awakening after World War II would have prevented the current tragic situation in America.

What has happened? The United States did not grasp such a vision. For 40 years, this country has been drifting down the path of self- indulgence, fun, and destruction. Drugs have infiltrated the whole country; young people have been corrupted and turn more and more toward delinquency; free sex has become a way of life. But this has not been limited to the United States. As the leader of the free world, the United States has infected the world with its ills. As Americans try to make light of everything, wanting merely to have fun in life, their attitudes have spread around the world.

Unless something stops this trend, this nation and the whole world are destined to collapse. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God's judgment for their immorality and pursuit of luxury. Rome was in the same situation. It did not collapse from external invasion but from the weight of its own corruption.

The most important substance is not life itself; it is love. A society permeated by pure, strong and altruistic love will prosper no matter what. But when people do not practice love for humanity, for country, and for their fellow man, that society will eventually fall. Unfortunately, the United States is following the historical pattern of decline. Red danger lights are blinking all over America today. This is the reality.

God's new tradition

What is God doing about this? God must be working for restoration, trying to create a turning point to pull this nation from its current situation and move it toward His ideal. The fundamental block is man's relationship with Satan; unless we can resolve this, no other problems of society can be permanently solved. The basic relationship between people and Satan rests on the illicit love relationship -- self- centered love. Such immoral love always shatters people and separates them from any ideal.

The love of God is exactly the opposite; it is pure, it creates unity, and it uplifts people and allows them to transcend selfishness. Love is the key element over which Satan and God have been struggling. So far, God has appeared to be losing the battle. Satan has become very arrogant, taunting God. "Even you have no have no power to stop my love. It will take over the whole world, so why don't you surrender?"

When people live with satanic, self-centered love here on earth, can they possibly go to spirit world with the capacity to love God? Self- centered individuals have created a spirit world full of division and disintegration. The original spirit world is one of genuine, altruistic love; thus the elements of selfish love found on earth are foreign to the spirit world. This earth has produced such an unmanageable product and has sent it up to spirit world. Now the spirit world is a mess, divided into multitudes of compartments each trying to repel anything which differs from it.

The same phenomenon happens in the physical world. It is full of divisions. People have their own little compartments, striving to preserve their own indulgent way of life. Satan is very proudly mocking God, "Can you handle this world? I have divided people thoroughly. You have guided all the major religions to bring the world into your ideal, but look at them. They are infiltrated by my ultimate satanic power, communism. Your Christian churches have become houses for bingo and disco; they are like supper clubs now. Can you make yourself at home, God, in those churches?"

Satan is also challenging God: "Where can you find any champion, someone whom you can claim and who can take charge of the world? God, you promised the world that you would send your Messiah. Where is he? The Messiah is supposed to bring unity to the whole world, including all races, and all cultures. But even you, God, have not been able to promote such unity. How could any human being do such a thing, even if he is the Messiah?"

There is only one answer to this problem. A new religious movement must emerge which centers on love and nothing else; it must bring a revolution by totally redirecting man's love to become altruistic and centered upon God. Only by bringing a strong, unifying love, starting with the individual, family, society and expanding up to the world level, can God do something about this world today. Satan has known that God needs to do this and that He would send His Messiah to accomplish it. Satan himself correctly understands what the Messiah's task is.

Why are you here? What is your mission? You are the very group of people who are going to set the new tradition of love, centered upon God rather than on the self You are going to bring purity of love to the world. You will sacrifice anything and everything in order to build that new tradition of love, as a way of life.

Sandbag of love

When a person trains to become. a boxer, he has to spend many hours throwing punches at a big sandbag. Our way of life is similar. It is as if we God gave us a big sandbag which says, "Go ahead and hit me. Everybody is hitting me but so far nobody has been able to: really knock me to the ceiling." The sandbag is looking for a true champion who will throw it around in a 360 degree circle, up to the ceiling. The sandbag will be most inspired if someone comes along who can hit it hard enough to break its chain and knock it loose. It will say, "I surrender to my master!"

That sandbag from heaven has been waiting for the ultimate heavenly boxer, whom we call the Messiah. God has been expecting that at least one person could gain the victory over that sandbag, knocking it loose from its chain. Because of Satan's dominion, no one even attempted to hit it before. No one had ever discovered God's love sandbag; the only sandbag of love ever seen had been Satan's.

How can you hit that sandbag of God's love? You can hit it only with the love club. Only then will the sandbag feel anything. Those who love their families, nation, world and humanity can come with the club of love and hit that sandbag. You might assume that God's sandbag of love will come looking for you, so you are waiting for it to find you. Will some angel bring it to you? The Principle teaches that such a thing will never just come to you. You must go after it, reaching out to that love sandbag.

There are many strings behind you that Satan can pull on. Old strings, new strings, strings from your past, from dating -- all kinds of junk that Satan can draw on. Does anyone here think he has absolutely no satanic strings attached? Then how can anyone speak with true pride in himself? Perhaps you have a Ph.D. degree, but that wouldn't confer any greater value on you in this sense. You must make enormous effort to cut off those strings from Satan and cross over the boundary into the new area.

The true Unification members are those who have declared war against satanic love, from the individual to the family, tribal, racial, national, and worldwide levels. This is Satan's greatest fear. We shall be the ones who conquer satanic love and win heavenly love. That is what the Unification Church is all about.

Perhaps if I hit this person here, she would think to herself, "Why did Father hit me?" Without even knowing the reason, she might get angry. That is the way society is. You should search for the reason or motivation behind something; after learning the reason if you have some justification, then you may get angry about it. Satan is always trying to inspire you to reject God's true love out of rashness and thoughtlessness.

All of mankind needs to be completely shaken up. Individuals must totally deny all the love which has come from Satan on all the different levels of living -- family, society, nation, etc. God has allowed such persecution to come to you. He permits it as shock treatment.

In the face of persecution, many people have retreated. Now they are hanging from a cliff and crying out. Some say, "Mom and Dad,. please come and get me. Save me from this!" Others are saying, "God and my Messiah, I'm trying to remain on your side so please help me and pull me into your domain!" Which cry have you made? What kind of cry are you making through the deeds of your own life?

There is only one crazy man who is trying to shake up the entire world and clear it of satanic love. That one man is Reverend Sun Myung Moon. All the powers of Satan, from family, society, tribe, world levels are mobilized to push me off the cliff and finish me. However, I have one big secret. While everyone is trying to push me over the brink, I am is holding onto that sandbag of God's love. Therefore, when people push me they are also pushing against that sandbag.

What is happening? This no ordinary sandbag; it is an incredible magnet with tremendous pulling power. Thus any decent, conscientious young people who touch it and feel its goodness are automatically stuck, holding on for dear life. Young people are like little pieces of metal floating around freely. They are subjected to the magnetism of their families, their society and all the enticements therein. But the sandbag of God has an enormous power to pull them and young people are following. The power from that sandbag can attract people anywhere.

I have always been fighting through that sandbag on every level and winning victory step by step. I have come to the final level now.

The North Pole and the South Pole are two extremes, yet they are like lovers, constantly pulling each other. The magnetic field connecting the two poles is like a love field. Magnetism creates an electric wave flowing from one pole to the other, enveloping and affecting everybody who comes within its field. Just like magnetism, love can penetrate anywhere. Let's say the love of God is like the North Pole and the love of man like the South Pole, connected by the magnetic field of love. Once they achieve vertical unity, horizontal unity automatically results, just as there are lines of both latitude and longitude on the globe.

Satanic love is like winter while God's love is like spring. When springtime comes, people can feel comfortable and take off their heavy clothing. They feel like opening up their whole bodies to. spring. But in winter, we have to protect ourselves and cover up completely, wearing heavy zippered coats. In the same kind of spiritual situation, the love of God cannot be received.

The situation of the world today is like the severest winter. The Unification Church is trying to bring spring weather to the universe -- warmth and thawing of the ground. The battle between your parents and your allegiance to the church is something like this. Your society is telling you, "Stay home!" but you protest, "No, it's like winter here -- too cold! I want to go where I can take off my jacket and coat, to the Unification Church." When they hear you saying such things, however, they can only label it "brainwashing." From the viewpoint of God, we are righteous, healthy and happy people, but from Satan's point of view, we seem to be crazy.

Although you are standing on God's side now, you are not quite godly men and women yet. Perhaps you are standing with only one foot on the borderline, yet you want to say, "I am on the side of God!" Where are you standing? Are both of your feet securely planted within God's side? If you still feel nostalgia for what you loved before hearing the Principle, then you automatically have one foot still on the side of Satan.

There are many different types of members. Some people are always complaining, "Why does the church keep urging me to go out and do things?" Others think, "I can't stand that person. It's impossible to think of him as my director!" At such a point you are really straddling the line between God and Satan.

Today you may admit you are only 70 percent on God's side. Or on Sunday you might record, "Today I was 90 percent because I went to Belvedere." Some of you might feel like completely turning your back on the boundary line and marching directly toward the center point of the Unification ideal. You will claim that you are 100 percent on God's side.

Those of you who keep a diary should record your positions each day. Be completely honest with yourself and record how you do.

Each person knows where he is standing in relationship to God's side and Satan's side. That ability to know is a most important aspect of human beings. Even though you are immersed in the fallen world, each person has that element of God's influence within him. Because of that element within, each person can travel back to God, guided by his own internal compass.

Where do you want to be, on the side of God or Satan? How fast would you want to travel to God's side? You must gain victory over the satanic world. Only after you have scored some points over the satanic world can you move completely to the side of God, no matter how much you may desire to be with God. Have you won those points yet?

The spiritual Super Bowl

The Washington Redskins are playing in the Super Bowl again this year. How do you think they got to where they are -- by just declaring that they wanted to be there? Suppose they had refused to fight any lesser contest but had claimed the right to fight in the Super Bowl. Would anybody accept such a thing? No, people would say, "You have to win the victory, step by step, in order to qualify for the Super Bowl!" That means they have to win one game after another, defeating one team after another. Is that an easy way? No, it is most difficult, even miserable.

Many people say, "We only live once, so why shouldn't we enjoy life, eating and sleeping at will? Why shouldn't we just cheat when it's expedient and make life easy?" Is the Unification Church wrong in living a sacrificial life? I have declared war against Satan on every level, moving up step by step. Now 1 am declaring, "Let the worldwide Satan come forward and meet me in the spiritual Super Bowl!"

I have confronted the champions of satanic power on every level, from the individual to the national, and now we are at the worldwide level. I am at the level where the democratic world as well as the communist world is confronting me, along with the world of Christianity and religion. But I am absolutely sure that nobody can ever take away my sandbag of God's love. Anybody who wants to challenge me for that sandbag, please come forward.

I will hit that sandbag and it will fly around, 360 degrees. There is no resistance to the motion of true love, just as everything moves freely in a vacuum. Therefore, once the motion of God's love has been initiated, that motion will continue. That sandbag will hit Moscow and continue to circle.

I have engaged and married people of all five different colors of skin. You don't realize how great you are. Marriage is the most supreme and important event in a person's life. Nowhere else in this society will men and women let somebody else take care of their marriage. They won't give that right to their parents, their country, or anybody. Everyone feels, "I must be the one to decide." Yet you people are giving that right to me. Why is that? You trust that you can connect yourself to the love of God that way. You have that uncompromising faith because you are smart enough to understand the importance of God's love.

The means and speed of travel in spirit world are very different from here on earth. Each individual enters the spirit world with a different level of accomplishment in love, a different love record. Thus each has a different quality of power in his movements. Do you want to be able to travel with me in spirit world? How will you be able to do that? You must inherit the same love vibration as mine; your love vibration must be the same height and depth in order to travel with me.

Although the distances between the stars and planets in the universe are vast, you can still traverse them within one second, if you are moving at God's speed. It is the power of God's love that enables Him to move so rapidly. Beyond this world and beyond all human limits, people pursue the world of love. That is the greatest gift which God has devised for people; there is nothing better.

When I travel, I am constantly confronted by opposition from earthly powers. In North Korea, I was confronted by the communist regime. The government of South Korea confronted me as well. The same has been true here in America. Internationally, the leader of the Soviet Union is confronting me in the ultimate battle. The communist world knows me better than the free world does. They know me as their greatest threat, a menace they never expected.

Changes have come to the free world. The news media as well as the religious world are seeing that my fight as one which also involves them. They are announcing that they want to help us because they recognize a threat to their own freedom.

Who are the Moonies? You are smart people because you are sensitive to original love; you recognize true love when you see it. You have gained an understanding of the world situation that enables you to make sense out of the chaotic things going on every day.

Renowned scholars and theologians are lamenting the loss of vision in the United States. Although America is materially well off, spiritually it is poverty stricken. People here are seeking any kind of spiritual nourishment they can find. This nation is like a parched desert, without even a blade of grass. But there is an oasis in the middle of that desert where people are finding shade, water, and green grass. That oasis is the Unification movement.

Some might say, "That's only the opinion of Reverend Moon. Since he's the leader of the Unification movement, he has to say good things about it." But now, you can tell me. Do you agree with my opinion? When spiritually hungry people come to you, don't you have water and nourishment to give to them? Or are you a spiritually hungry person yourself, with nothing to share?

Spring water needs to have great strength to gush out of the ground. Sometimes it has to push its way through a big rock. Do you have that kind of power? Spring water is never blocked or stopped. It can always find a way to come out of the ground. That kind of water truly gives life to people.

Why do you like to come to Belvedere? What if I were not here to speak to you? As long as you have your own spring, it shouldn't matter. Individually you must become a person who has plenty of spring water - - enough to nourish yourself and enough left over to give away to others. No matter where I go, people are following after me as if they wanted to connect a hose to the spring water within me.

The most serious war

We must be victorious over the world's challenges in order to cross the boundary line to God's side. How does World War II compare to world restoration? In size and seriousness, bringing the world back to God is a larger war. Millions of people died on the Allied side in order to win World

War II. Today we are engaged in the largest and most serious war in all of history -- against the entire satanic realm. In this final war, our commander-in-chief is God Himself.

God has been preparing an army to fight this war, namely the forces of Christianity. When the Messiah appeared, he was to mobilize those forces and win God's war However, at that time organized Christianity opposed the will of God. Even at this time, many people are opposing the Unification Church. Thus I erected my own foundation, without the help of Christian leaders. Starting from the individual and family level I have been waging war against Satan and gaining the victory.

At the same time, God has been manipulating the situation of the world. The United States has lost confidence and lacks a solution for its problems. Likewise, the communist world is virtually at a stalemate. There is no group within the United States that has the confidence to say, "Let's save the country," nor any such group within the communist bloc. Although there is a proliferation of religious organizations, none has the confidence to take a true leadership role in the world.

However, there is one group of people who are saying, "We can lead this nation and world toward salvation." Ironically, they. are the accused and persecuted Moonies. I have two special capabilities. The first is that I have come to the world representing God and loving the world. The second is that I can even love Satan and liberate him. Within the satanic realm, no such phrase as "love everyone" exists. Only within the realm of God's love is such an achievement possible.

My own native land of Korea has opposed me. Japan, too, has declared me an enemy. Therefore, I might consider them my enemies as well. However, I have reciprocated with an attitude of love toward them. Our movement invested a tremendous amount of money in the production of the movie Inchon. We did that for the sake of this country. Therefore, the United States is indebted to the world because our movement used money raised from other countries to educate young people toward greater patriotism and love of God.

We created The Washington Times for the purpose of serving this nation's capital. We certainly did not have a lot of money to throw away on a gamble. Even though this is such a difficult time financially, we will use more money for the purpose of projects dedicated to this nation. We must commit ourselves wherever necessary. Because average people are always striving to gain something for themselves, they look at me and accuse me of trying to exploit others or take money away from this nation. On the contrary, I have been bringing in millions of dollars for the sake of this country. Although this is supposedly the richest country on earth, our movement in the United States has been supported by millions of dollars from other countries. The idea that I would try to cheat this country out of $50,000 in taxes is mind boggling to those who understand the truth.

When young people learn the truth, they will explode in righteousness. You are that kind of young people. Therefore, you must go out into the world and save others, bringing them back to life. You can't let them remain in misery.

Many people believe that the election of even one misguided president would bring an end to this country. My goal is to secure God's world; therefore, no one worries more about this country than me. Can you Moonies just sit back and expect something good to happen? No, you must get down to work. You must not be weak skeletons but people of flesh and bone who get out and fight God's fight. Don't just talk but show God what you can do.

The champion for mankind

No one is capable of leaving the realm of Satan on his own power. Therefore, mankind needs a champion to lead the way across the boundary. As that champion crosses, the rest of the people can support him and follow him. How about you blessed couples, what realm are you in -- the fallen realm or God's realm? You are not completely out of the fallen realm because you don't have your own sovereign nation. We have a church and church tradition, but no national tradition. This is why I declared the "Creation and Building of the Fatherland" as our motto for this year.

The sole purpose of the worldwide foundation of Judaism and Christianity was to accept the Messiah. The victory of World War II was to prepare the foundation for the work of the Messiah on the earth. After that time, the United States was in the position to lead the world. Korea was completely united with America. Under such circumstances, if Christianity had accepted the Messiah, great victory would have come. The sovereign government of Korea at that time was Christian. Don't you think the creation and building of the fatherland could have occurred then? We were very close to such a spectacular victory, but the officials of several Christian Korean universities rejected God's will.

At that time, God wanted to see the Christian world grafted totally into the Messiah. But the messianic world was rejected and thrown out of the Christian world and had to begin anew in a far distant position, rebuilding the necessary foundation. At that time, I went voluntarily to North Korea and ended up in prison. There is nothing lower or more miserable. Everyone thought I would die because is was virtually impossible to survive such conditions. Thus it was a crucifixion for me, one which I wanted to go through without dying. Instead of losing my disciples during that time, I gained them. Jesus' public life lasted two years and eight months. I spent the same time period in prison, gaining rather than losing disciples.

Upon the victory of my prison experience, I can claim the foundation for the fatherland. After being liberated by United Nations forces, I carried Mr. Chun Hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea. Most people aren't even able to go beyond their own needs, but I showed the example of serving others by carrying Mr. Pak for that distance.

From the earliest days, people have accused me and even tried to kill me. At the same time, I was helping many people. I was always hungry because I was always giving my food and money to others -- for their school expenses, for hospital bills, and so forth. That is how I started, from the tribal and national level.

Because they failed to accept the Messiah, the Christian world was surpassed and even encompassed by satanic forces; this is why they declined. Now the Unification Church is rebuilding the Christian foundation, moving to the worldwide level. Satan would never give up his domain easily. I knew that every level of victory over Satan would have to be paid for with incredible sacrifice. The Unification Church took the Abel position within Christianity. The younger brother is always a source of discomfort to the older brother. Although we started on the smallest level, no one can deny that the Unification Church is now operating on the worldwide level.

The ideological offensive

Now Unificationism or Godism is gaining a more prominent ideological position than any other understanding. It is taking the ideological offensive, not only against communism but also against every other way of thought within the democratic world. Last year I knew that this international foundation, which extended to 130 countries, had to be linked with Korea. Since that is where the movement began, Korea must be connected with the world. The Korean people are in the Cain position to me. Korean Christianity opposed me and the Korean government did the same, but once the Korean nation welcomes me, those who formerly rejected me will join in.

The court battle will be over this year, so this is a crucial year. The relationship between Korea, Japan, the United States and Germany. will crystallize and be clarified during this year. Once the United States has vindicated my name, there will be an irresistible avalanche of positivity on the international level. The young people will be the ones most awakened to the goodness of Reverend Moon and the Unification movement. First, they will see that we are truly patriotic, second, that we are adamantly opposing communism, and third, that we have confidence that the ideal world is going to happen: we are optimistic about the future.

The International One World Crusade (IOWC) is going everywhere to disseminate this optimism and patriotism. That is your purpose in meeting mayors and governors. Instead of being influenced by them, we will influence those leaders in a positive way. Scholars will be affected as well. Americans will wonder how Reverend Moon arid his movement could have possibly survived these past 10 years of constant attacks from the media and others. But they will see that not only have I survived, I look stronger than ever. All the blows we have been receiving only served to make us more resolved.

I knew that thinking American people would eventually come to our movement, asking for guidance and seeking to be a part of us. Wherever they look throughout this country, people cannot find true guidance in any other quarter. They are telling me that our movement is the only hope for America. People are flabbergasted to see that I will lend my support to projects which they designed to help this nation and world.

Some of you may be thinking, "Father is really a great performer," and you don't really take me seriously. But I want you to understand that you have the opportunity to hear me speak every Sunday not because you are worthy, but because it is my providential duty to come here. Whether or not you understand and appreciate my value, I come here every week for the sake of posterity, history and mankind. Do you follow?

The turning point

We have come this far and now we can cross over. The nation of Korea is in the most crucial position in the worldwide fight against communism. Panmunjom is the small village where the representative forces of North and South Korea, including the United Nations forces, meet every day to trade verbal abuses. Written in Chinese characters, Panmunjom signifies a place where enemies meet and try to hurt each other. By changing one character, Bun Munjom, you signify a place where people meet and reconcile, respecting each other. There is no other place in the world such as Panmunjom, where the communists and the free world speak to each other every day.

Kim Il Sung's name signifies the following: Kim means gold, Il means sun, and Sung means success. The people of North Korea call him Father. When the name Sun Myung Moon is written in Chinese characters, Moon represents truth, or the word; Sun means beauty or clarity; Myung means light. My name is prophetic.

No other nation is divided between north and south, each side with a key figure people call Father. Do you think mankind can have two fathers? No, only one father is the true one; the other must be a false father. Am I afraid of Kim Il Sung? On the contrary, he is afraid of me because he knows deep inside that his rule is based on lies, and he knows that the truth will expose him. This is the real reason why communism hates and fears me. I have been exposing the lies and deceptions which they have been spreading under the cover of darkness. But once the light comes and exposes them, they will have no more power over men.

The sovereignty of heaven

So far, America has misunderstood and mistrusted me, but once that changes, they will come to truly respect and love me. That tuning point will bring in the final stage. The time will come when American people will feel, "I cannot trust politicians or other people in power; but I know I can trust that man, Reverend Moon." The sovereignty of any president can last eight years at the most, but when people align themselves with me they can enjoy the sovereignty of heaven for eternity.

People are beginning to change their perspective, looking for higher values than before. Don't you think my teaching can inspire people to become better lawmakers and leaders for this country? Ultimately, there is no reason why someone with the understanding of the Principle couldn't become president. For the same reason, I have been working with the academic community for many years, seeking to inspire scholars in this country toward righteousness.

After listening to me, you feel like running out to do your work. The wise American sitting here today might think, "I want to figure out what Father will do in the future. Since he will be going to Moscow soon, I want to go there now to prepare and lay a foundation for him." However, be careful. Don't call me "Father" in Moscow; you'd better just say "Mr. Moon!"

Since the free world and established Christianity opposed me, indemnity must be paid. Who shall be responsible for the debt incurred in rejecting the Messiah? America or Christianity? The Unification Church must take responsibility because you are in the Abel position. Abel must pay the indemnity.

This is the reason why those in the second position within the Unification Church are always in the sacrificial position. Mr. Hyo Won Eu, the late president of the Korean Unification Church, was the second of the first three couples in the 36 Blessed Couples. He died in a hospital, not in his own home, about 13 years ago. At that time, our church was facing tremendous opposition from other Korean Christian churches, as well as from the government.

As you know, our second son, Heung Jin, died recently in a car accident. In True Parents' family there was another daughter named Hye Jin, who died in 1964. She was the second daughter. Heung Jin was born right after Hye Jin.

. I want you to understand that this is the Principle way of the dispensation.. This has been true throughout history and for our movement as well. Likewise, it is true for the True Parents' family. You can see for yourself that the Principle is not just something I made up, but it is the true principle which has guided history.

For last year's Victory Over Communism (VOC) rallies in Korea, I invited distinguished scholars and leaders of the academic communities in 72 different countries. The 72 heads of the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), representing the 72 disciples of Jesus, were asked to come to Korea, but were not given a clear explanation why. So they came on faith, knowing that when they got there, they would find out the reason. That's a very unusual way to treat scholars.

Those scholars had attended the recent International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in Chicago. They had all left Chicago by Nov. 29 and were returning to their countries. As I was leaving for Korea, I asked that all the chairmen of the PWPA be called to join me before the rallies started on Dec. 14. One-third of those professors had not even arrived home by then; when they heard about the invitation en route, they turned around and went to Korea. Just as I found disciples in the North Korean prison, I was able to find faithful scholars who would come to join me in Korea.

When those scholars arrived at the airport in Seoul, the first question they asked was, "Why did I come here?" The answer they were given was, "You came because Reverend Moon wanted you to." That was a very busy time in the academic community; December is normally a time for taking care of many duties. Yet they came; disregarding their own feelings, because they were motivated by somebody else.

There had never been such a rally in Korea during December. With Christmas on the way and so much to do, people are not usually interested in rallies. Thus, even the leaders of the church told me, "This is a mistake. Let's hold the rallies in 1984." There was only one person -- me -- who believed it would work. Therefore, the Unification Church members failed to have faith in me. Korean leaders and members tried to tell me all the reasons why it should not be held in December, but I silenced them all. I pulled out my little notebook and said, "I have written down right here that this rally is a mandate from God, and therefore it will be a success."

The rallies in Korea were of worldwide importance because they turned the battle against communism in a totally new direction. The Christian churches in Korea have always been quick to oppose me. However, when they heard that I was sponsoring rallies for VOC they were put on the spot. If they tried to oppose me, people would ask, "Are you pro- communist?" They couldn't say anything against me at that time! The Korean government was laughing at me, too, thinking, "Reverend Moon is making a colossal mistake. He's going to rent those gymnasiums and they will be half empty. He will lose his shirt!"

But what happened? The rallies were a success. The Korean government was completely taken aback. They felt that instead of the Chun Do Hwan government wielding authority, many people were listening to Reverend Moon. Forty million Korean people came to believe that only I am able to defeat the North Korean communists and restore health and prosperity to their country.

Surprise attack on Satan

Our goal is 7 million VOC members, both in Korea and Japan. This is a heavy blow to Satan, an unexpected, surprise attack. The Korean government knows that they cannot do anything to me himself, since I have become an international figure.

Kwangju was the eighth city for the rallies, the final opportunity for Satan to strike. Satan desperately wanted to stop me from having success in Korea, but I had already set all the conditions for our victory. While I was in Korea, the attention of Japan as well as the United States focused there. Since the satanic forces had absolutely no room to attack me or the rallies, they struck my family Our children are on a level with the Unification Church, a different level from the True Parents. One child, Heung Jin, was the target for the satanic attack. At the very same hour as our rally, 11:10 a.m. Kwangju time, Satan hit Heung Jin.

Kwangju has been a very liberal city, with a lot of communist infiltrators. I had been warned by many people that my life would be in danger there. However the gymnasium was completely filled one hour before the rally. Five thousand people had to stand outside. Often when terrorists want to attack someone they will hide in crowds. Therefore, they will never come too early to a gathering because they might stand out. But when they came to Kwangju, there wasn't even one seat available.

Heung Jin's sacrifice came at the most crucial moment of human history. Even though he had to sacrifice his life, God could resurrect him. You should know the result of the passing of Heung Jin.

These Korean rallies symbolized the total victory on the national level. From here, we can move to the worldwide level. Dec. 18 was a very historical day. That day 72 scholars pledged in front of Mother and me to dedicate themselves to the fight against communism under our leadership. This is precisely as if Jesus had been able to enter the Roman Empire with his disciples and had stood up and declared war against that empire. In the name of 72 nations, I declared war against international communism.

It was most important that I be treated like a head of state at these rallies. There are certain requirements of Korean protocol, among them that no man except the president is allowed to have his wife with him on the stage during a rally. Mother and I were always on the stage together. Also, the preparations for the rallies were made by both Eastern and Western members, not just Koreans. The level of participation was worldwide because of the representatives from 72 nations.

I have built this foundation under incredibly adverse circumstances. I have gained a reputation among the American people for accomplishing whatever I say I will. I was able to achieve many valuable things, even while going to the courtroom every day. I told the court that I was going to Korea for the rally and they said, "Oh, of course. Please go ahead." It's almost as if Jesus had been able to go to Rome, walk up the steps of their Capitol Hill and say, "I'm going to build the Kingdom of God here on earth, and all the elders had responded, "Of course, please go ahead and do it!"

In 10 days, I traveled to eight Korean cities and completely awoke the population. Even though the Korean government was reluctant to see my success, the lower level bureaucrats realized that I was a winner. Many of them came to me in private and said, "Please remember me." The Minister of the Interior, who is responsible for the national police, issued a private memorandum to his forces saying, "Don't help Reverend Moon or send him escorts." However, all the lower echelon police commanders were competing with each other to send me the best quality escorts. They told me, "You deserve it."

Imagine how Satan felt to see such a success! Don't you think he felt more than a little jealous? He saw clearly that the era of God is dawning and his own 6,000 year reign on earth is collapsing.

I have gained the respect and trust of people all over Korea. The Koreans were upset by the recent Korean Airline massacre as well as the bombing in Rangoon, Burma, which killed their leaders. Demoralized by such terrible events, they felt they could do nothing, since they were just a small helpless nation. But then I showed up and gave them a basis for hope and a promise for the future.

Heung Jin's sacrifice

The Soviet Union is the subject and North Korea its object. The Korean Airline incident was carried out by the subject nation, while the Rangoon bombing was carried out by the object nation. Together they were hitting South Korea, hoping for a total demoralization. But what happened? I showed up with new energy, and within 10 days the national morale was restored to its highest level. The communist bloc also suffered a humiliating setback in the Western Hemisphere through the Grenada invasion. No month was more hot, hectic and important than December 1983.

Last year was the first year of the final three years' wilderness period. That is why I went to Korea during that year. Our slogan for 1983 was "Home Church Is Our Land of Settlement." That land of settlement is Korea. This year, we have gone one step further with our slogan. "The Creation and Building of the Fatherland." This is an historical turning point.

At Jesus' crucifixion, two thieves were hung on crosses, one on Jesus' left and one on his right. By the Principle, we know that the one on the right symbolized the free world to come and the one of the left symbolized the communist world. The one on the left mocked Jesus and said, "If you are really the son of God, why don't you come down from there and save all of us?"

At the time of Heung Jin's accident, two other blessed children were with him. They. survived and are now in good condition. As Heung Jin was driving, a big truck approached, traveling in the opposite lane. The driver of the truck hit his brakes to avoid a patch of ice, but his trailer jack-knifed into their lane. Normally the person in the front passenger's seat would have been hurt the worst. But Heung Jin had just enough time to turn the car so that he took the brunt of the impact. When his two friends, Jin Bok and Jin Gil, got out of the hospital, they testified in tears that Heung Jin had died on their behalf. He could easily have turned the other way to protect himself, but they reported that he deliberately took the impact to save them.

Heung Jin was truly born to save others, which he did even at the moment of his death. Thus his sacrifice for the others represents a sacrifice for the sake of the world. The position of Abel is always a sacrifice, and Heung Jin never feared that possibility; in fact he virtually volunteered for it.

Jesus and the two thieves were all crucified; but in the case of Heung Jin, he died and the two representatives of the world survived, healthy and strong. Jin Bok and Jin Gil had often testified that Heung Jin was always saying, "I love my father and he is in danger. I am in a position to protect him, and I am ready to die to do that." These two boys lost their own father many years ago; because of that, Heung Jin always loved them very much and felt a fatherly heart toward them.

Because Heung Jin paved the way, the door is wide open to save the communist and the free worlds. He sacrificed himself on the national foundation level to bring unity between the democratic and communist worlds. The. accident occurred in the Western world, but he was buried in Korea; thus his body is linked to both worlds. His body was returned to his homeland, signifying the national foundation, yet he died for the sake of the world. Since he lived and died on the victorious national foundation, he will be able to travel back and forth in spirit world. He will be able to work here in America on the national level and move on to the worldwide level.

We have a far greater foundation for the land of settlement than at the time of Jesus. The door of salvation for humanity has been opened far wider because of Heung Jin's sacrifice. Even Jesus did not establish the national level, because he had not established the True Parents' position. But Heung Jin had True Parents, who laid the national foundation for him to inherit.

Heung Jin's sacrifice echoed the situation of the two thieves crucified beside Jesus -- it was their resurrection. Even though many sacrifices have been made by our church elders in the past, such as Mr. Eu and Mr. Lee, and also by my other child who died, they were sacrifices only on the church level. Heung Jin made the first sacrifice on the national level. This is the reason why he can become a commander-in-chief in the spirit world and the physical world, moving freely back and forth.

Since Heung Jin was unmarried, his death has another significance. The spirit world is still an unmarried realm and will remain so until the True Parents go there. He has become the commander-in-chief of all those unmarried men and women in spirit world. For that reason, I told Heung Jin not to worry about being unmarried. I will provide him with an adopted son here on earth. That means he shall receive the Blessing as well.

Heung Jin took on all the blame for the Unification Church; by dying for that purpose, he has freed everybody else. Therefore, his contribution touches not only our church but also the free world and the communist world. All those people will come to love Heung Jin. He loved the world and proved it by becoming the conditional sacrifice for the world. For that reason, the rest of the Unification Church must also love the world.

He died in my place. Therefore, your love for him must manifest itself in your love for me. Before this, spirit world has had no way to connect to True Parents; but because Heung Jin is a direct representative, they can now connect. Also, they can connect themselves to the Unification Church because he died for you, too.

Here on earth, Heung Jin showed the example of loving his fellow man unto his life. Likewise, out of love for his father, he died. for the sake of the world, knowing that his father could continue to live for the sake of the world. By loving Heung Jin, those men and women in spirit world can connect with the True Parents on earth. Therefore, his entry into that world was a great and joyful day; he came as the messiah of love for the spirit world.

Heung Jin set the example for martyrdom in our church. The spirit world and the physical world must love him. The True Parents' position has been that of willingness and joyfulness to contribute their beloved son for the great benefit of the spirit world and physical world.

God lost the chance to love Adam and Eve, who fell as teenagers. Now this pure, unmarried teenage son has been lifted up into spirit world. This is the first time such a gift could be given to God -- an unstained child whom He could love. Therefore, I told God that I would not feel sad for myself but rather repent that when I was a teenager I could not love Korea enough and that there wasn't enough foundation at that time. By the sacrificing of my son for the world,; I have now fulfilled my responsibility to the nation of Korea and to the world. What I myself could not do in the past can now be received by God through Heung Jin's sacrifice.

The spirit world, the physical world, and the True Parents are loving Heung Jin. Upon the total sacrifice Heung Jin made for the sake of those two passengers in his car, who symbolize the free and communist worlds, I am proclaiming that he obtained the victory of love. I will now physically save the free world and the communist world. Furthermore, I am declaring the resurrection of love. In this way, the realm of death has no more power.

The Day of the Victory of Love

That is why I declared that the funeral of Heung Jin should be entirely different from any other. It was to be a joyful celebration, even like a wedding day. Furthermore, I declared the Day of the Victory of Love. I never had the time to think in terms of my own son's death but rather of how this victory would benefit God and hurt Satan's realm. Thus I concentrated upon making many conditions to be able to declare that Day of Victory of Love.

Instead of thinking in terms of our departed son, Mother and I were centered upon the dispensation of God. In the. hospital, I held the Unification Ceremony to bring universal benefit. I pledged to God that the True Parents would remain regally proud and that the entire spirit world and physical world would recognize the True Parents and praise them for this victory of love. The entire world will proclaim to the True Parents, "You are the true center of God's love."

On the Day of Victory of Love the True Parents have reached a new level and are marching forward upon the foundation of Heung Jin's sacrifice. Therefore I said to Mother, "This is not the time to shed tears. This is actually a moment of glory for God and humanity. Particularly during the funeral time, you are not in the position to shed tears." I admonished her not to shed. tears in public; privately, as a loving mother, she will shed many tears.

At 4 a.m. on Jan. 3, 1984, I declared the Day of Victory of Love. The number. represented by that time is significant -- four plus one (the first month) plus three equals eight, the number for renewal. Heung Jin has been given a new mission. He is a truly free man now! able to travel between the spirit world and physical world. So his mission is to lead young people in both realms! cleansing them by the power of love.

We have maintained Heung Jin's room in East Garden just as it was. His brothers and sisters have all wanted to go in there to sleep and study since he has passed on; they feel a powerful attraction in that room. Thus the power and magnetism that Heung Jin has for young people is already being manifested.

I have begun a special dispensation in Korea. Members of our church throughout the world will be given an identification card with my picture on it. Those who are loyal and carry this card with them all the time will inevitably be affected by good spirit world. But there are conditions to be met in order to hold that card. You cannot be focused on selfish interests of

for a certain time before you qualify. After meeting that spiritual condition you will gain the blessing of True Parents and good things will truly happen to you.

The Day of Victory of Love is the most significant day in our movement. You too must manifest the true love of God in your deeds. Without a truly loving spirit, you cannot be worthy of this special day. I did not shed any tears over the loss of Heung Jin through the whole time of the funeral. It was only when Col. Pak came back from Korea and reported about the victorious proceedings there that I finally shed tears for my son. I am a public man and therefore must be stern with myself.

I always preached to Mother, "You are like a tree with new leaves at the top. When a storm comes, the leaves will blow and the branches will sway. But never forget that the leaves are attached to the branches, and the branches are attached to the trunk, which is attached to the root. You will never be separated from your root, no matter how turbulent the emotional storms are that shake you. You must not be broken."

Through this event, the Unification Church will never be weakened but will leap forward. This greatest sacrifice will bring about greater victories. From now on, centering on the True Parents and upon the declaration of the Day of Victory of Love, vindication will. come to us. As long as you love the True Parents more than you love anyone or anything else, you will overcome Satan. The power of love will be your vindication, because Heung Jin died for all of us and he opened the door so that everyone can be entitled to the privilege of love.

Now your duty is to love the True Parents even more than Heung Jin did. If you have that as your criterion, death will hold no power and Satan will retreat. Satan used to be able to conquer and control love, but from now on love shall be governed by God. This is a great, great day.

Basically I am telling you that our power of love is now able to conquer the power of death. Upon this foundation, I declared the Day of Victory of Love. The satanic world will crumble faster now, but you will determine the rate of decay. The faster you move, the faster it will crumble. That is your responsibility. Now is the time for you to be running day and night doing God's work. Even though you may feel you are about to die during these three years, don't worry. If you die to yourself, you will not die physically but will see resurrection come to this nation and even the world in these three years.

National resurrection After his three year mission, Jesus gained individual resurrection. We are now bringing national resurrection and we shall move forward to that goal and achieve the great victory.

Amen! Of course, everyone will die physically some day, but you won't have to die in the satanic realm; you will die in the heavenly realm. Our new tradition for funeral and burial is different from that of the secular world and even the Christian world.

Now you know the importance of the Day of Victory of Love. Your determination must be to gain inspiration from Heung Jin and even go beyond his accomplishment. He will be with you, helping you. If you tell him, "Heung Jin, I am going to surpass even your standard," he will be pleased. He will say, "Go right ahead." That is a very difficult standard to surpass, but that must be your goal. Heung Jin will thank you for that. Spirit world is right here with us, so Heung Jin is here, as well.

By the declaration of the Day of Victory of Love, even Jesus Christ has gained greater freedom to come down to this world on the national level. The entire Christian world has been liberated as well. There are many theologians, professors, and other people who have come to know me, and they have a good feeling about me. You will see that as the International One World Crusade (IOWC) moves around the country, their situations will be changing. Right now, they are doing everything our of their vans. But soon they will be invited to live in church buildings.

Due to the Day of Victory of Love, Esau is freed to love Jacob; Cain can love Abel. Previously, Cain had to pay great indemnity in order to love Abel. Cain was never in a position to love Abel, even though he might have wanted to, because satanic forces were always dictating to Cain whom he could love. But now the love of God has come down and Cain can freely love Abel. In other words, Satan's power over love has been greatly diminished.

The world is changing. You can feel it and you can see it, even in the news media. Great changes are coming; the springtime of love is upon us. When spring comes, most people think about having a picnic, but conscientious farmers will use the time to sprinkle their seeds. That is what we are going to do. Because we are different from the secular world, we are going to work in the springtime to plant the seeds of God's love in the hearts of men.

These next three years will be our time for planting God's love. Everywhere we go, we will keep that consciousness. Shall we do it?

Chapter 37 - Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself

Chapter 37
Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself
June 5,1983 -- Tarrytown, New York

There are many people living on the earth and many kinds of relationships among them. There are many nations, but there is no true unity among them. There are many people within each nation, but they have not united. You don't see total unity within your family, and even within yourself there is not total oneness. This is the present reality that we face. No matter where we look, we see that unity is lacking.

Oneness is a difficult goal to achieve. Distrust, disobedience and disharmony surround us. There is both good and evil in our fluctuating, volatile environment.

However, it is undeniable that each person is pursuing something higher than merely staying alive. There is a drive in people's hearts to pursue their original mind's goal and reach some ideal state. What is that ultimate destination toward which we all strive?

Let us look at ourselves first. Within each individual there is a battle raging between his mind and his body. Where in this universe can we find something solid and reliable? We depend upon certain things, such as our family and nation, our friends and loved ones, but ultimately we find a certain inability to trust. The self cannot completely rely even on its mind and body. The nation and world are far away from the self; even parents, husband and wife are far away from the self. The basic problem of one's life can only be solved within oneself. The solution to world harmony and unity must be sought within the self first. That is the closest place to start.

The goal of the world is to move from the present situation of disharmony to a world of harmony and unity. Likewise, the goal of each nation is also harmony and unity. Every different level in the universe is seeking after that point of harmony, which can be established only through the individual. Therefore, each individual is ultimately the key to the harmony and unity of the universe. Without this key, any discussion about unity is just wishful thinking and empty talk.

In order to measure things, we need an established scale, one which was created from an original standard. Likewise, as individuals, we need some original scale to measure ourselves. No matter how proud a person may be of himself, if he does not conform to the true model, he is not within the true standard. This scale should have universal meaning and apply everywhere. Is there such a standard for mankind?

Is it easy to control and discipline yourself? Your mind usually wants to go in a direction different from your body. There is an Oriental saying that a mountain remains forever but the human mind changes from morning to night. If the human mind fluctuates so much, where can we find a point of unity? There can be no single stationary position if everyone is moving around constantly.

Holy men are human

Let us consider the holy men of history, such as Jesus, or Buddha or Confucius. What kind of personalities did they have? These people had a certain stability of mind and body, while ordinary people were always divided.

But even a saint is never absolutely immobile or stationary. People may think that Jesus was a rock who never moved, but Jesus was a human being. As a man, was he totally indifferent to the attraction between men and women? There is always the force of electricity pulling plus and minus toward each other. Do you think Jesus felt some sensation when he looked at a woman? Jesus' feet were firmly anchored but I'm sure his body was turning toward that attraction! However, he was never' affected so much that he moved his feet from their right foundation. When an ordinary person feels temptation he usually just jumps into it, but the saints are different. Although a saint may be pulled around somewhat, his feet never budge.

However holy a person may be, he is always bound by his human character and vulnerability. All the saints, including Jesus, began with certain principles. During their own period of instability, they learned to deal with temptation and reasoned out their standards, until finally they had rock-like foundations within themselves. A saint recognizes himself as a human being but he shapes his human character inside the palace of the universe. It is only within that most holy and precious palace that a man and woman should meet in love.

The American way is very practical and easy, but can a man and woman meet there according to the original standard? Every day there are millions of people kissing enthusiastically, but what is a true kiss? Do you think we need the model of a true kiss? Saints are the people who give the world the model of loving and kissing, and the rest of the world should measure themselves against their standard. But people of the fallen world never even think about such a standard. We must come to the conclusion, however, that in order to achieve the ideal world of which all people dream, there must be some standard or scale to guide us.

No individual is capable of achieving such a standard all alone. Therefore, God, who is the Creator and the first cause, must be able to send such a standard to the earth. This is His responsibility It has been God's plan to send an absolute standard to mankind; thus, throughout history, people have shared the expectation of a Messiah figure. This model man must come from God and raise up a model woman, and together they can show to the world. a model love. When you think of it in this fashion, the concept of a Messiah becomes easy to relate to.

Even if a man and woman think they have ideal love, they are still acting according to their own thinking and standards. Will that fit into God's standard of model love? God's desire is for every man and woman on earth to love each other according to His original pattern of true love. If God's desire were fulfilled, that pattern would become the: central love of the universe. Certainly, every man and woman desire to achieve true love, and God's desire for them is the same. So, there must be one central love which is the scale or model for all people.

There can be no true love between people alone; God must also play a role in it. Can you women declare that you have a true woman's love? Can any of you men declare you have a true man's love? Whether you live a religious way of life or not, if you are living with true love, then you have already achieved the highest goal of any religion. If any two people with such love join together centered upon God, then that couple is a perfectly consummated couple. Such a man and woman can go anywhere in the universe without limitation.

True love is the point

Although people speak of becoming holy and noble, everything good comes down to the achievement of true love. Once that happens, all the problems of the world are solved. It is a rather dramatic declaration to say that the only thing we need is for men and women to achieve true love. Can this be more important than worship and religion? Ask God whether or not this is correct. He would reply that He is ecstatic over such a declaration and that no greater sermon could be given to you.

A noble man and woman are necessary for the sake of making a noble couple. We need a noble couple in order to achieve God's noble love. What good is God's love to you? When you achieve God's love, you become the center of God's universe. Every line must go through the center, so everything in the universe would be connected to the person connected with God.

Should money have the central role in the universe? Should authority, or knowledge? The greatest tragedy we can witness in the world today is people selling love to acquire money, power or knowledge. Could you buy the love of God even if you owned the whole universe? Would you like to buy the love of God if it were for sale? The essential point here is that what people are pursuing is actually the love of God, and they would go all out to obtain it. The true teaching must emphasize not the trappings of religion but the love of God; thus, the ultimate pursuit of people is the love of God.

Why do we seek religion, then? It is because religion is the only avenue we have to find the love of God. You did not join the Unification Church to pursue religion per se, but to reach the love of God. What kind of unification are we talking about here? We are pursuing unity of men and women, centered upon and grafted into the love of God. We are talking about the unification of love, and that is the highest possible religion we can pursue. With such a goal, there is nothing we cannot sacrifice to get there. Whatever difficulty we encounter, we will not be stopped.

Men and women seek each other for the same purpose -- they are seeking the love of God. Let us logically organize our thinking: our goal in life is not a family, or even a nation or world. Our goal is to go beyond all of those things and reach the love of God. Has your mind been unwavering and firmly fixed on that goal, or were you unsure? Are you men and women of such perfection?

Mind-body unity

Unity of mind and body is always the fundamental necessity, and only the power of love can achieve it. When you understand that true love is your goal and you focus everything in pursuit of it, then at that point mind and body are working together.

Especially in the teenage years, the mind and body are looking for one thing -- love. When you have a love nose, it picks up the mysterious smell of love. Love has a special taste in your mouth, and love ears want to hear the fascinating sound of love all the time. When you have a love hand, you want to touch love forever. Love power alone lasts for eternity. A teenager in love is dreamy eyed; he or she wants to interpret everything about the loved one in a good way. Everything in love is tasty and turns into joy. Love can digest any ugliness or tastelessness. Love is brave and mysterious and wonderful. All the adjectives in the dictionary cannot describe love. Men and women are always shooting bullets of love at one another. With love bullets, not only the bullets but also the rifle is moving into the heart of the target! Have you ever seen such a gun?

Love, particularly your first love, has a wonderful power. Your first impression when you open your eyes of love can never be erased. So in that sense, your first love should be your most sacred and holy experience. The person who can achieve true love as his first love can truly understand heaven. It is most important that young people fit their first love into God's model love.

The Unification movement has the goal of conforming to the model love of God, and in that spirit our marriages become absolutely important. The sacrificial love of international marriage crystallizes this attitude toward love. While we are pursuing that goal, the world thinks we are crazy people. But only model love will continue eternally.

Evaluate yourself in this light and see how imperfect you are. Your mind and body are always trying to deceive each other, so before you can ask God for salvation, you have to clean up yourself. You must bring your mind and body together, Should you achieve that unity centering upon your mind or your body? Even though your mind may fluctuate, the mind must become subject over the body. It is the only way you can become an ideal man or woman. Only an ideal man or woman can be a bridge to reach out to God.

Thus, you can say that for this purpose you can give up anything. Does it sound reasonable? Would you follow this road only because I say so, or is your original mind already telling you this is the way to go?

We must understand why the mind and body are separated in the first place. We were not born out of our own will; our lives were simply given to us by our Creator, We may ask God, "Why couldn't You ensure that mind and body would become one when we came to the world?" Since Almighty God created us, how could this separation come about? It is clear that some accident occurred before men could reach their goal.

Discipline your heart

Why do men and women have to wait and discipline themselves instead of just jumping into love whenever they feel like it? We know that the creation goes through a certain period of growth. Therefore, a child's love cannot be consummated as soon as he is born; he must grow into the fullest realization of love.

Some accident occurred during the period of growth, an accident of love. We have an explanation of the whole process of that accident of love. We know that love is the supreme power, and therefore, the consequences of any accident with it would have been very grave. God gave man and woman a commandment during their growth period, specifying that they should not do certain things. Was it a commandment for eternity, or only for a certain period of time? If the commandment applied for eternity, then the purpose of creation would have been nullified, but this was not the case.

In unlocking the problems of the universe, I realized that the greatest discovery was the truth about the fall of man. If the forbidden fruit was a literal apple or pear which God placed right in the middle of the Garden of Eden, then God's plan must have been imperfect. This was not the case. Rather, I have brought a revolutionary declaration to the world that the forbidden "fruit" was a symbol of love between man and woman. From love can spring either good fruit or evil fruit; therefore, the tree was described as one. of the knowledge of good and evil.

Love is the point of judgment for humankind. What is the love that God can relate to? God wanted Adam and Eve to grow into the full sensation of love -- for Adam to discover all of a sudden that Eve was not just a sister but a woman; and for Eve to discover that Adam was not just a brother but a man. In the sensation of love, Adam and Eve's separate mind and bodies could work together and experience the electricity of touching each other.

Once Adam and Eve realized the explosion of their love, the entire universe would have been like one beautiful, fragrant flower garden. They would feel everything echoing their love. When that electrifying sensation came to God, then He would be pulled to them and His entire creation would have been activated with love. God was supposed to be the matchmaker, bringing Adam and Eve together in the explosion of love.

In the ensuing explosion of love all three of them would be consumed! The important thing is that there be no foreign element there -- that men and women be pure when they consummate their first love. Then they become the core of the universe. This core would be so powerful that everything else would be pulled into it, and even God would be a prisoner. Children would be multiplied from that core and it would continue to grow and grow. From a family the core would grow into a tribe, then a nation and a world. How wonderful a world it is, when the universe echoes the love of the core. That is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. That is the true world.

The misuse of love

At this time in history 1, Reverend Moon, am declaring to the world that the fall of man was a misuse of love. This is the greatest of all declarations because it hits the core of evil. It is also a most logical and correct diagnosis, making possible the correct prescription for treatment. Analyzing an event from 6,000 years ago was not easy, and it had to be done step by step. In the events of the fall, the love core was not achieved. Instead, the opposite, evil result came into being, bringing division and perverted love. This resulted in not only denial of God, but denial of parents, of men and women. Human civilization sunk below the level of animals. In this world, there has been no ideal because no individual has had the correct diagnosis and could not find the proper prescription to achieve a cure for sin. People have lived in great confusion, and many even think that God is dead. Thus, they think it is futile to think about life after death or any ideal human society. This world is like a jungle, where all sense of direction disappears.

The only way to see the problem clearly is to step out of the confusion and look at it from the position of God. Many past saints sought answers but still got lost in the labyrinth, unable to find solutions. This world needs a declaration from a higher level, where the true perspective can be found.

Original love is far greater than worldly love. In this world, one man has stood up and said, "Love me more than you love anyone else in the world." Anyone who could make such a statement must be the most extraordinary man in history. What that man is actually saying is that you must remove yourself from this world and find God's viewpoint in order to make a new beginning. If you tell God that you want to make a new start from the original point and make a new world, then He will say, "Welcome, my child! I have been waiting for you. I need that kind of solution for this world." So God would gladly respond to such a person. But of all the saints and holy people, only one man made that bold declaration. Jesus knew God as a personal God of heart, and he represented that love to the world, saying, "Love me more than anyone or anything else." Jesus' position was absolutely extraordinary. God welcomed Jesus' entry into the world, but Satan held him back.

There is a certain logic to Satan's ways. He claimed before God, "What Jesus says is correct, but I am originally Your creation, too, and I deserve Your love. You cannot completely deny me because I occupy a certain position in the universe, too. Regardless of right or wrong, I loved this world first so I have a certain right to claim it. Anyone who wants to take this world away from me must first love me more than I have loved this world." Satan will also point out that all the children of the world are born in his lineage, so that anyone who wants to take the world back must create a new lineage.

Jesus' lineage unstained

Why was Jesus' family tree described in detail in the Bible? It is important to reveal God's effort to create an unstained lineage out of which Jesus could be born. God separated Cain and Abel to purify the blood lineage. The struggle of Esau and Jacob, and the special situation of Tamar are all significant. The Bible records some things which seem to be irregular, but it was necessary so that the satanic lineage could be liquidated, allowing a new ancestor to emerge

It is nearly impossible to sort out all this mixed up history. Only in the Unification theology can you find an explanation of all these tangled events, as well as a solution. You' are most fortunate to be able to inherit such a truth, one that penetrates to the core of the world's problems.

In order to consummate our love, we must deny the world and love God and the True Parents more than anything. Even though you want to do this, Satan will be trying to hold you back, so you have to know how to separate from him. The Abels who are going to pioneer a new history must set the standard of loving the fallen archangel with selflessness; otherwise he will not release you.

This world needs the Messiah to bring it life; he must come to eliminate all fallen situations. Judaism began the task of preparing the world to receive the Messiah; in fact, the central teaching of Judaism is the coming of the Messiah. God carved out a chosen people within the world -- the place where the Messiah was supposed to come. When the chosen people of Israel united completely with the Messiah, that core was supposed to move into another part of the world -- Rome. The Israelites were expected to digest Rome with God's love. Jesus' role as the Messiah was to embrace and digest the chosen people with love.

The Messiah came as a man. According to the Bible, Eve was made out of Adam's rib, meaning after the pattern of Adam. In the same manner, the Messiah was to have selected one woman from the fallen women of the world and recreate her as the original Eve. Until such a day, no woman could be truly eligible to be married. That is why the Bible implies that all women are being prepared for the position of a bride.

The Messiah and his bride were to be united as a God-centered couple. Where was that supposed to happen? Within the chosen nation. Did that occur in Israel? It was the chief priests who persecuted Jesus the most, instead of helping him to find his bride.

The crucifixion prevented God from accomplishing all these things, so now everything must be reenacted on the foundation of Christianity. The central expectation of Christianity has been the coming of the Messiah. As a Christian nation, America's power after World War II was so great that it could affect the entire world. That was a unique historical time, but unaware of what God was offering them, Americans lost the opportunity to block the development of communism. The years after World War 11 should have seen the end of the satanic era and the manifestation of the Messiah in the Orient.

We should have been accepted

The relationship of Rome and Israel has been reenacted in the 20th century between America and Korea. Two thousand years ago, Rome was outside the sphere of the chosen people, but America's position today is within the sphere of the chosen people of Christianity. If the Unification Church had been accepted by the chosen people, the communist world could have been conquered long ago. But, like Moses in the past, the Unification Church was rejected by the chosen people -- Christianity. It had to go through the wilderness for 40 years and then return to Christianity, which is Canaan. This is precisely the history of the Unification Church.

From that wilderness, we have come to the United States because this is where the victory must finally be won. Even though Satan has claimed so much territory in this country, we must turn it around. We must restore this nation by love. Even though other Christians have treated us as their enemies, we must love them more than anyone ever has. Eventually that love will win out.

Now we are in the 37th year, with three more to go. The world situation is becoming so desperate that people are starting to realize that only the Unification movement has any answers. At first they persecuted us, but now people realize that we have a vision and devotion and they are beginning to rediscover us. Furthermore, the Unification movement has such a complete understanding and world view that even the communist world knows it cannot surpass it. The free world, looking for answers, has rejected communism; they are looking at the Unification Church now.

American young people have tried all kinds of things -- free sex, drugs, the hippie culture, even homosexuality -- looking for true joy, but they have not been able to find what they were searching for. Now this one funny group called Moonies is emerging, made of people who don't use drugs or practice free sex, who don't have many luxuries. These Moonies are not confused or depressed but are happy. They have a clear goal and are working hard.

Our marriages work

In American society where people pick their own spouses, half of the marriages end in divorce. The Moonies, on the other hand, may have husbands or wives who don't even speak the same language, but they have happy marriages. When people compare modern youth with the couples of the Unification Church, they see a tremendous difference. You are not primarily pursuing fun for yourselves but are living a sacrificial life for the sake of other people -- helping your elders and trying to create harmonious societies in your home church areas.

They are looking at you and thinking, "Such strange people." Then it hits them that, according to the standards of the world, the strangest person is God; therefore, you strange people must be God's people.

It is only a matter of time before Americans realize that they have to turn to the Unification movement for answers. Young people will come in an avalanche to support me and apologize for their parents' opposition to me. They will quote the Divine Principle and protest that I am responsible to lead them into Canaan; they will point out that even though one generation of Israelites failed God in the wilderness, He still took the second generation into Canaan. I will have to surrender to such protests. Before such a situation occurs, however, let us go out and help everyone to come in. If you wait until the avalanche descends, people will accuse the Moonies of not doing enough and being weak; they will kick you out and help me themselves. You cannot stand still as a small handful of people; everyone must grow and develop God's nation and world. Then latecomers will have no foundation to accuse you. You have to deserve the blessing that I have reserved for you. In the future, even if you long to do the fund raising and witnessing that you avoid now, those who come later will do them in your place.

Dr. Durst reported to me that in his recent travels around the country, the media and officials seemed to have changed and are much more receptive to learning about our movement. However, those people have not actually changed; the difference is that while they used to wear blinders when looking at us, they are now looking more clearly. They have thrown away those blinders and can see who is espousing good and who is evil; all of a sudden the Moonies seem to look very good.

The world is a very muddy place now and people of good conscience are like fish searching for a home in cleaner water. The only clean environment they will find is within the Unification movement. Therefore, it is inevitable that the conscientious, thoughtful young people of America will come to our doors in an avalanche. You can grab any good looking, successful man on the street and confront him, "Do you have true confidence about such confidence. Only the Moonies have that confidence in themselves, their families, their nation and the future.

I never give directions to you blindly. I always pay great attention to timing, and our offensive has begun. The spiritual weapons we are using are not weak, but powerful. This is a most exciting time.

The providential year of 1948

A great dawn is coming to the world. The most precious opportunity God gave to the world was the period from 1945-1948. In 1948 Korea regained its independence; it was God's plan that the Unification movement also achieve independence in that year. In 1948, Israel became independent as well. Providentially, America's awakening should also have been complete in that year so that dispensational events could have spread like a forest fire all over the world. Since the True Parents have appeared, all people and all nations have the right to be brothers and sisters.

Unprecedented things happened after World War II. The victorious nations became almost like servants to the conquered nations. History never witnessed the way the United States helped to rebuild Germany and Japan. Today they are leading nations, surpassing even many' of their victors in World War II.

America has become more self-centered and has been declining. Its European allies have been doing the same. If Japan and Germany turn toward self-serving ways, they, too, will start to decline. All the powerful nations are declining according to this principle, but there is one group of people that is rising up. Moonies are rising up because our ideology stresses unselfishness. Our goal is not even one united world on earth, but one united cosmos of earth and spirit world. This is why the spirit world is working so hard to assist us.

We have become a tower of strength within the Christian world, pushing communism out of the planet. The free world never liked me in the past, but God is smart. Communism is becoming so strong that the people of the free world are desperate to find an answer and will have to accept me. Because their survival is clearly at stake, they have to follow the Principle. This may have seemed like a dream, but it is actually happening now.

The Unification movement has not only the hope but the power to digest both the communist and Christian worlds. That is why we are most feared by the world. For the first time in 6,000 years, Satan is trembling, so God must be feeling good, jumping up and down with joy. If Satan tries to sabotage us, God will say, "No sir! This is my property."

The first generation may oppose me, but the second generation will be on God's side. Even children of the communist leaders will eventually rebel against their parents and support me. One thing I know is God, and He and the Moonies will make it.

The Alpha and the Omega

Human history was mixed up by a man and woman; therefore, the new history will be consummated by men and women. This is the alpha and omega -- men and women. So far, God has not been able to take His true position. True men, true women and true God will consummate their love within the family; this is Unification idealism.

Every individual needs the original condition, which was God, the archangel, Adam, Eve and the world of all things. All these elements existed for the purpose of love. An individual man needs Eve. A woman needs Adam. Would you devote your life to looking for a man or woman, or would you just expect to receive one?

You are the citizens of a nation and part of the world. The problem is that all these elements are linked by Satan-centered love.

Why do we need at least three spiritual children? Finding them is the equivalent of restoring the three archangels. Actually, a family of eight members began the fallen world -- Adam, Eve, three sons and three daughters. You must restore that number through your spiritual children Three spiritual children represent three sons, and you must elevate them from fallen love to God's love.

Also, you must set a condition to restore all things, which were lost to Satan. Fund raising fulfills that condition. Until we bring the creation from satanic domination to God's side we cannot restore ourselves, since God made the creation before He made Adam and Eve. Because Satan is reluctant to release what he has, it is only by fighting him -- by confronting persecution and rejection -- that we can bring all things to their true owner. Ownership is determined by love. Satan enslaved all things instead of loving them; so, when we love all things we have a right to claim them. Our love must be more intense than Satan's.

We are declaring to Satan that we love mankind and all things more than he does. To demonstrate this, we don't need to bring every single thing back to God's world, but representative seeds. A condition is a seed. To restore yourselves, you need the foundation of all things. If you love all things from the position of original man and woman, then you are elevating yourselves to the position of original Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve failed to love their original archangel; they fell instead. Love should have been initiated by Adam and Eve, not by the archangel. Since the archangel became Satan and claimed Adam and Eve and their posterity, all their descendants are archangelic children. In that sense, when we restore spiritual children, we are restoring the archangel.

Go the formula course

You must spend three and a half years restoring all things, and three and a half years restoring spiritual children. That is your seven-year course. Unless we fulfill the original formula of loving all things and loving the archangel, we cannot love God. If you resist fund raising, you are resisting the foundation upon which your own body can be. recreated. Unless you find your three spiritual children, you are not in a position to say you have loved the archangel. Because you are trying to restore yourself to the original state of man before the fall, you must do all these things.

The ideal is for you to restore a spiritual family of eight members in place of the fallen family of Adam and Eve. Under those circumstances you can be elevated to God's realm. At this point you are not yet outside the physical realm of Satan. Even though you have your family, you must grow into a tribe and nation. You don't know about those areas, so you need the Messiah to guide you to the end;

In 1976, virtually every element in the world was opposing our movement. That situation could be overcome only by love and the desire for their salvation, not by revenge. We created the movie Inchon centered on General MacArthur to help revive the spirit of patriotism in America. Likewise, The Washington Times was created to help in America's salvation. In these ways we loved the enemies that were persecuting us. Japan was an enemy to Korea and to America. America was an enemy to Germany. We are bringing these enemy nations together centering on love. They are uniting and loving even the greatest enemy of the world, which is communism.

I have penetrated this world, and all my followers should be able to go beyond this secular world, but it cannot be done without setting sufficient conditions. We cannot go this course alone. Before leaving this world, we have to bring members of our Cain family with us. Cain is the elder brother. He was born before you, so you should let him receive the benefit first. Without Cain, you cannot be born.

If your three spiritual children truly support and love you, then you finally have the foundation to be born as true Adam and true Eve. Since the disunity between Adam, Eve and the archangel initiated the fall, your archangels must be united in loving Adam and Eve. There is a certain indemnity price to be paid before I can lead people out of this fallen world. I came out of the fallen world, but had to return and become the center of that world.

Home church is the way

Our central headquarters rests upon the foundation of the 360-family home church providence. Once you overcome the fallen state, you must return to the fallen world and become master of it through the home church system. When you are successful in four directions in your home church, God will regard it as a complete success that can be expanded onto a worldwide basis. In my era, I did it in the midst of persecution, but times are changing and you will do it in the midst of welcome. After these three years are over, the atmosphere of the world will totally change. Therefore in these three years, we must concretely establish the home church providence. Even though we are doing much mobile work, home church must not be ignored. This is just a special task force mobilization; home church is our land of settlement.

Mobile teams are to hasten the providence by proclaiming the successful foundation of the Unification movement, but ultimately we must gain the victory in the home church providence. I spent 60 years coming to this period, but you are going to do it in seven years or less. My goal is to consummate the home church providence by 1988. When public opinion changes and Americans feel that they need Reverend Moon's guidance for this country, every problem will be solved.

Three spiritual children are essential for several reasons: First of all, you must set a condition to restore the archangel and to love the creation. In this way, you can restore your position as original Adam and Eve. Furthermore, you set a condition of loving the Cain world, including the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament eras. The Old Testament era is that of the tribe; the New Testament era is that of the nation; and our era, the Completed Testament era, is the era of the world.

Moses brought 600,000 Israelites from Egypt to Canaan and Jesus was to bring the chosen people from the nation of Israel to the world, which was Rome. The Unification movement today must bring the world to the universe and spirit world.

In the Old Testament God was called the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That also signifies the first Adam, second Adam and third Adam. All these are restored by gaining three spiritual children. Without them you cannot consummate your family, even though you receive the Blessing. For that reason Jesus needed three primary disciples. I chose three disciples and blessed them first -- Young Whi Kim, Won Pil Kim and the late Hyo Won Eu. Those three were expanded into 12, covering all directions. Jesus also needed a foundation of 12 which would protect the central home.

It would have been ideal for Jesus to have 12 families surrounding his own central family. This particular process is the same, for you or me. We have to enter the Kingdom of Heaven together with those on the Cain side. Out of the Cain world we pick representatives to fulfill the condition, allowing God to grant us heavenly rights.

This is the restoration process, starting with the parents, children, tribe, society, nation, world and cosmos -- seven stages. This format was horizontally expressed in the chosen nation of Israel. The Messiah was to come to that center, so he would have total freedom within the Jewish cultural sphere. If this foundation had been available for Jesus, within seven years the providence of God would have been consummated. When God's nation was completely established like a rock, then Rome would have crumbled all by itself Since this did not happen at the time of Jesus, the world level had to be added on to the foundation for the Second Coming of the Lord.

The Messiah has been long awaited by the Christian world and he was meant to have complete freedom of movement in and out of that sphere. Then only seven years would have been needed to reach the goal -- 1945 plus seven makes 1952. By 1952 all the dispensation should have been consummated. However, the Messiah was not accepted by the Christian world, so he moved out of that sphere and created his own circle. Centering on me, seven layers were created independent of Christendom. The Unification Church created them without relying on the assistance of Judaism or Christianity. We can prevail because the Unification movement is the consummation of Judaism, and the consummation of Christian culture, and the consummation of America. We have the capability to defeat Satan.

Having consummated the heavenly world, now I will spend the next three years to save the Christian world. Since I have created an Abel world, I will embrace the Cain world with love. When the Abel world becomes one with Christianity, our next goal will be Moscow. Any sovereignty that unites with this dispensation will be saved and prosper, and together we can liberate the communist world.

Mankind needs True Parents

The fall of man can be condensed into one sentence: Human beings lost their parents. Therefore, the history of man has been a search for parents. The day people meet their True Parents is their greatest day because, until then, everyone is like an orphan living in an orphanage. You have no place to call true home. Only with parental love can the problems of the world be solved.

People must receive love from their parents; then centered upon that love, men and women can love each other and be blessed in marriage. When they give birth to children, they are creating their own heavenly four positions. You are the center -- of the parents, children, and all things. That means you are going to play the prime role; even if the True Parents are here, it is you who initiates the unity between the True Parents and yourself. Therefore, you are your best friend and also your own worst enemy. The biggest problem is your body's tendency to separate from your mind. But upon the foundation of unity between your mind and body, then you seek True Parents, true children, all things.

True love is the factor that brings mind and body together. True love must bring men and women together to have children. True love is the ultimate value. Therefore we feel that. more than spouse. children or anyone, God comes first. You must practice that attitude in your daily life -- your children may not need it, but you do. "God first" is the absolute credo of our movement.

The conclusion of the Principle is that you must make up your own mind to love True Parents more than your own' self, spouse, or children.

You need the kind of spiritual children who will be the three archangels to love you and help support your children. Your three spiritual children are not a part of the heavenly lineage, so they need to unite with your own children in order to be saved themselves. They must love your children more than they love themselves. Your children will petition you, "My dear parents, please love your spiritual children the way you love us!"

The True Parents' family is an example of this rule. The earliest blessed couples, the 36 Couples, loved True Parents' children more than they loved themselves, their own children and spouses. Because of that, my own children petitioned me, "Please promote those people to the highest place in heaven. They are wonderful people." That kind of petition had to come from my own children.

This is the tradition we are building. Once our church has crystallized this tradition, no power under the sun can ever take it away. That tradition must go to every level. For example, your own children must plead with you for the sake of your spiritual children. By the same token, when you love the True Parents' children, they will petition on your behalf. It makes no difference how many families there are. All will want to follow this central tradition and reach the same goal.

Therefore, the Unification families are always moving toward the center -- not the East, West, North or South -- because the center is where life lies. Regardless of how many people there are -- 4 billion, 400 billion it doesn't change the tradition. All families will want to align themselves with that center. This will create incredible order and discipline.

You will receive the church blessing; then you will receive the national blessing. and the world blessing. I have always said that each person must go through three blessings in order to totally enjoy freedom. Even when you receive total freedom, you will not lose your connection with the center. Just like a compass, you will be constantly aligned with the center.

Ultimately, the True Father is the axis around which all children and posterity are centered. But until you have received all three blessings, the entire True Family is the center. Once all those blessings are spread throughout all levels, then the True Father will be the eternal center for all people. There will always be a physical representative of the True Father here on earth, from one generation to another; there will be that axis on which the earth will turn. Therefore, all of you here on earth and all the people in the generations to come will be centered upon the same axis.

You need spiritual children

No matter how you look at the whole picture, the problem is always the self, the individual. Your children will not require spiritual children, but for you it is essential. That is because you came out of the satanic world and then received the Blessing in the heavenly world. Do you follow? This is an absolute. Without having spiritual children, it is not right to want to go on with your family life. Is all of this clear to you?

Those who have received the Blessing are always in the most crucial position. Even the 36 Couples have not fulfilled the ultimate standard of loving True Parents' children. My children are in the position to be educated by those couples -- the way Adam and Eve should have been educated by the archangel in wisdom. The three primary blessed couples, and also the entire 36 Couple Blessing, were supposed to take that position to the True Children.

The children can take the position of parents only when they under- stand the love of parents. The parents' position is a loving position. My own children are also bound by this truth. They must look at the True Parents as more than just "Daddy and Mommy." They must listen to the 36 Couples. I have always lived totally by the Principle, and some of my children have complained -- but there is no reason for that. This is the tradition of the Principle.

We certainly must consider our own family members -- spouse, parents, children, etc. -- but the most important person is the archangel or spiritual children. Children of blessed couples cannot marry unblessed children. For blessed couples to abandon their Blessing and marry somebody else is the worst kind of thing. The re-indemnity that has to be established is not an easy path, and you will have to continue that path even after going to spirit world.

When you receive the Blessing and reject it, you are doing something worse than what Satan did: you came into the direct dominion and control of God, then fell again. You may not realize it deeply, but an incredible heavenly principle is at work.

Setting the right tradition is so important. You spend your blessed life on earth inheriting and living the God-centered, True Parent- centered tradition, then you enter into heaven.

Three countries must be centered upon the True Father -- an Adam nation, Eve nation and archangel nation. In addition, he needs a Cain and Abel nation. How can God harvest these nations in these last days?

Do you understand now that spiritual children are absolutely necessary?

So far, you have received the Unification Church Blessing -- not yet the national blessing. That will come in the future, when your deeds will be evaluated by your children, your spouse, your parents and your brethren. Your environment will evaluate you. If you don't pass that evaluation, you will not be able to participate in the national blessing. Then you will be given a special dispensational period to pay the indemnity to be restored, beyond the wilderness period of 40 years. This wilderness period is the most painful period, filled with uncertainty and hostility from the world. All kinds of dangers surround us, including both physical and spiritual attacks.

When you are elevated to the national blessing, each one of you will have become a tribe. Your tribe will prepare a report on you, which will determine whether you pass the worldwide level of blessing. Then you may apply to register as an eternal citizen of the Heavenly Kingdom. Do you follow?

Until you become registered as a citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity, you must unite with the whole family of the True Parents. The family of the True Parents will hold a meeting and will discuss and decide if you are eligible to become a citizen. Who will be eligible? Those who are more loving, giving and sacrificial. After that registration is done, True Father will appoint his successor. That successor must be known to all the Unification Church, all the blessed couples and the True Parents' family. They must all unanimously accept him. Once that successor is determined, the law or constitution of the Heavenly Kingdom shall be laid down to guide all activities. The law will guide heavenly citizens here on earth and into the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven.

You are the problem and the solution

I want you to understand the seriousness of being a blessed couple. If you have not realized this before, you must know how important it is for you to uphold your responsibility. You are in the most crucial position -- you are the problem and you are also the solution. When I am not here, you will automatically seek guidance from my children. You have reached your own consensus of who among my children are the most Abel-like. Even though you may not have direct contact with them, you should know their names, their character, their behavior, and so forth, so that you can learn how to harmonize with them.

Those who were born as blessed children should not feel they are privileged. They face a difficult and challenging path. It is most important that they unite with their parents. Here in America, there is a tendency for blessed children to mingle with children of the secular world -- but that is very disheartening and also very dangerous.

Thus each person is his own key to success or failure. Your mind and body must become one, centered upon true love, and you must come totally over to God's side.

Today is a special sermon in which I am teaching you the most important standard. Unless you maintain this standard, you will be unable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Nobody will push you along this road - you must voluntarily perfect yourself. You should not wait for someone to send you out to a mobile team; you should volunteer, even before you hear the word from me. Husbands and wives should push each other to go out.

We are just like the Israelites moving through the wilderness, or troops on the march. Those who have babies must send them to the nursery so that they can return to the front lines where they are needed. If someone wanders around on the battlefield, clutching her baby to her breast, both will be killed in the fierce fighting. It is good to love your husband or wife, but in the time of war, God and mission must take precedence in your mind.

Before loving the Unification Church, we must love the Unification nation. We are building that nation now. You are the ones who will determine the success or failure of this venture. Whenever I look at Mother, I wonder, "Am I loving her with a united mind and body?" Mother has the same attitude.

We are going into the land of Canaan and the journey is not easy. To get there, we must pass through the wilderness. We are facing the worst situations now -- you don't know what will happen. I am the only person who really knows what is going to happen. Mother is clinging to me and following me wherever I go. Of course, she is busy caring for the children and has different duties than I do. Ideally, all the children, as well as Mother, should look toward me for direction, eager to dash out to fulfill it. I tell my own children not to control our actions. Therefore, Mother and I should be the focal point of your attentions as well.

Night and day, asleep or awake, my mind focuses on one thing: God's world here on the earth. You are going to be citizens of that world; therefore, you are responsible to become worthy of it. Should you fail to become a citizen of that kingdom when you go to spirit world, you will have to wait a thousand or perhaps even a million years.

I cannot always remain here and speak to you at Belvedere because I cannot remain in one place forever. Unless all America welcomes me, I must leave it for a country which recognizes it needs me and welcomes me on the national level, regardless of how large or small it may be. Many nations are more prepared than the United States to receive the True Parents.

However, I still have hope for this country. That is why I am pushing everyone for the next three years to invest every ounce of energy and heart to consummate the mission here. We want America to receive the blessing -- to accept God, welcome Him and ask for His guidance. That is the purpose of these three years.

In the meantime, while I am concentrating so strongly on the United States, you should realize that the rest of the world is suffering. I could leave this country easily. It would be much easier working with a country which is eager to welcome me. But that is not what the rest of the world needs. The world needs a country such as the United States to become a God-centered nation. Therefore, even though it is very difficult, I will continue on this road.

Korea and the United States are linked. If anything damaged that link, I would return immediately to Korea.

I am asking each one of you today to assume the role and responsibility which I have been carrying. Whoever desires that and participates in his mission with that heart, will have God with him. That is the rule of heaven. When you are completely united with the True Father in your heart, God is with you.

Blessed couples should be doubly strong, because husband and wife should both concentrate on how to inherit my spirit. That will produce even greater miracles. Centering upon your blessed family, you are moving toward the national foundation. Offer your family for that purpose.

Would you do this and follow my direction? God's blessing be with you. Thank you.

Chapter 36 - Three Spiritual Children as a Foundation for a Family

Chapter 36
Three Spiritual Children as a Foundation for a Family
May 13,1983 -- Korea

One thing I am really concerned about today is the decline in religious life. Such a decline tends to occur when practical matters become more important for you. I worry very much about that. If you focus only on external activities, your religious life weakens. If your religious life declines, then you will have absolutely no assistance from the spirit world, and eventually, you will have no relationship with the spirit world, either. It is essential for you to seek spiritual assistance whenever you gather together.

According to the principle of creation, the relationship between the spirit world and the physical world is like the relationship between parents and children. This is true of me, also. Living such a life as this, I always go to a quiet place to prepare myself internally. In this way we are training to return to the course of the original mind at any time in a 24-hour day. Whenever I catch a big fish, I assume that the fish was from God and I immediately offer it to Him. I am always setting such conditions. This is the essence of the religious life.

We are fighting against Satan. We must constantly be equipping our- selves in this fight by checking our original motivation. You need - time to pray and practice correcting the original motivation. One thing is very clear, whether from the viewpoint of the Principle or traditional religious reasoning: we are all fallen people. Therefore, the Hegelian dialectic is wrong. Hegel, seeing the conflict between the conscience and the ego centered or physical mind, concluded that such a "struggle" existed from the very beginning. He assumed that from the beginning, there was struggle in God's created world. He never understood the concept of the fall.

This became the fundamental problem: The Hegelian dialectic never presupposed an original humanity existing before the fall. But the reality is that the conflict between the conscience and physical mind came about because of the fall, and therefore, the fall was the origin of struggle. In the beginning, there was no contradictory nature within humankind. After the fall, however, it has become essential for us to lead a religious life in order to maintain the course of the original mind and attain the original standard of God. You must remember the concept of the fall.

Within each individual the conscience and the physical mind constantly struggle. The ultimate extension of these two struggling powers is the free world and the communistic world, and also spiritualism and materialism.

Since human history began with the fall, we must return to the standard of the original person who has perfect unity between mind and body. Only with such absolute and eternal unity can the spiritual world unite completely with the earthly world.

From the standpoint of the Principle, mankind originally was supposed to stand at the center of God's heart, with' absolute unity between mind and body. Once you are in the core' of God's heart there can be no deviation' or disunity between mind and body. Therefore, you need to remember the concept of the fall, and you have to realize that you are living in the midst of the fallen realm. Then, when the time is right, you have to separate from the fallen realm, starting at the individual level, advancing to the level of the family, the clan, the race, the nation, and eventually the world. By separating from the fallen world at each level, each one of you must establish this absolute foundation as a tradition. Otherwise, you will encounter big problems in the future.

Because this world is the fallen realm, we cannot reach God through a worldly lifestyle. More than 80 percent of our lives is a reflection of the satanic way of life. In order to return to the original position, we must realize what our nature is and examine to what degree we have become accustomed to that fallen way of life. Then, we must deny the fallen way of life. Otherwise, we may face the destruction of our own life. Do you follow me?

In this world, all relationships -- such as relationships among brothers and sisters, parents and children, and among nations -- have been established as a result of the fall. Relationships among children, having been established on the foundation of the fallen lineage, have expanded to family relationships and then to clan, tribe and nation. This is why we must think about spiritual children.

The absolute necessity of three spiritual children

What is the meaning of "spiritual children"? They signify the three supporting archangels.

Since Adam and Eve could not gain the cooperation and support from the three archangels, Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel, the human fall took place. We must indemnify this failure. Accordingly, three spiritual children symbolize the three archangels. They must be in the position to serve Adam even at the risk of their lives. You are in the position of Adam and Eve toward your spiritual children. Spiritual children should create a realm of heart and love in which they could even give their lives, without regret, for the spiritual parent. They should be educated so they can establish such a relationship.

The three archangels were created to educate Adam and Eve until these children of God were heartistically mature enough to become a family. Following the marriage of Adam and Eve, the archangels could have been given permission to marry. However, the archangel known as Lucifer fell before that happened and brought about the destruction of God's ideal.

In order to indemnify Adam's failure to unite with the three archangels, you must first secure a position above that from which heavenly law was violated, and then gain three spiritual children who can give their lives for you. Only in this way, can restoration of heart be completed. Do you understand?

It is because of this restoration process that three disciples of Jesus should have been ready to die for Jesus' sake. Jesus was like their parent; they were like his three spiritual children or archangels.

An archangel has no right to have children, but, because of the fall, man came to be a child of archangelic lineage, inseparable from Satan. Therefore, in order to regain the original position, heaven allows man to have spiritual children, even though he is in the position of archangelic son. This is known as Abel's course.

So, first of all, three archangels need to maintain a standard of unity with you, and support you in preparation for your Blessing. This is why you cannot conduct your life in the Unification Church without three spiritual children. Do you follow me?

Without three spiritual children, you cannot stand in the position of having complete support from three archangels; your position remains in the fallen realm and you are liable to Satan's claim at any moment. Also, the three archangels should attend Adam and Eve for three years, in such total unity that they would sacrifice everything to see the day of your Blessing. When that three-year period is over, Adam should receive God's approval and say to the archangels, with God's heart, "Please let me receive the Blessing with my spouse-to-be, since I have grown to maturity." This is the principle of the Unification Church. It is logical that you cannot receive the Blessing without three spiritual children; it is absolutely impermissible. Whoever becomes married without three spiritual children will remain in the fallen realm.

Good times have come. You can witness even by giving things of the creation to people. When Jacob came back to Esau, he gave money, things of the creation -- everything -- and then he subjugated Esau. So we, too, can subjugate people and lead them to heaven, using things of the creation horizontally. For this reason, we will be materially blessed. The Unification Church will receive such blessings that it will become the richest in the world. If you only try to become the richest person in Japan, for example, the spiritual world will not help you at all. But if you are convinced of this theory, and practice it to bring many people to heaven, you will become the richest person in the world! Unless this theory is mistaken, you will become, regardless of any opposition, the best. in the world. Whatever I do is in the practice of the standards of this principle.

Therefore, is it absolutely necessary to have spiritual children, or not? In the future, opposition and persecution will be over; grandfathers will become grandsons, fathers will be sons, sons will be fathers. Everything will be completely reversed. Different people will be masters. Satan, who was always pulling humankind to his side, will be separated from humankind forever. Instead, people will turn to God and enter His Kingdom.

In order to see this accomplished, you have to undergo the reverse course, which is called indemnity, and establish an impenetrable wall of heavenly logic to protect you and separate you from Satan. After that you can force Satan to retreat. This is the truth in the course of restoration; Therefore, without three spiritual children you cannot receive the Blessing and conduct your life. If this is not fulfilled yet, you must correct your situation right away; you must do it within seven years.

After you are married, three archangels will want to support you as a couple; Up to that point, the three archangels, spiritual children, have been supporting an individual, but not a couple or a family. To create a foundation for that support, a three-year period is necessary. Do you follow me?

The seven-year period for establishing a family

After you establish that foundation, a couple can become one, so that the three spiritual children of each spouse also become as one. This creates a foundation of eight people. The people in the position of archangels can thus fulfill the condition whereby they become one with the parents. On this foundation, the eight members of Adam's family (Adam and Eve and their three sons with their wives) will restore the tradition of Adam's direct lineage.

A man and a woman who have spiritual children are matched, and achieve the standard of being one in true love. Then they should reach a position free of any spirit of rebellion against God, even though their lives might have to be sacrificed for God. Reaching such a position, they can enter the true realm of life with God, and the three archangels will enter the realm of God's adopted children.

The eight members of Adam's family fell into Satan's realm as his direct sons. Therefore, all fallen people have had the wrong blood lineage, and cannot be accepted as children in God's lineage. They can reach only the position of adopted child. Children in the realm of adoption must unite with their parents at the top of the growth stage, and have to climb up from there for seven years. You have not reached the level of perfection, yet. To enter God's direct dominion, you must pass through the level of perfection; this is the teaching of the Principle. Adam's family fell from the top of the growth stage; therefore, you should climb beyond that level as a family. This has become the seven-year period for setting up your family.

How can you become an adopted child? First, you should become absolutely one with Adam and Eve, and not rebel against the Principle. Then, you must establish the standard of giving the whole value of your existence to Adam and Eve. That is how you enter the realm of adopted child and, at the same time, secure the realm of husband and wife before the fall. Do you follow me?

Because Adam's family fell, the entire world also fell. For this reason, you should make a family which is united with spiritual parents and which lives for the sake of world restoration. The fall involved a family of eight, which were taken by Satan into a realm outside of the Principle. When spiritual parents and spiritual children become one and climb back up on the reverse course, the descendants of the fallen archangel will be separated from the descendants of archangels in the position of adopted children. The former will decline and the latter will prosper.

These eight people must become one. This is the Principle. Do you understand?

Having become one, you should not decline but should go the way of sacrifice for the sake of world restoration. Satan fell by sacrificing others around him for his own sake; but you should sacrifice yourselves for the sake of world salvation. Satan fell, centering around himself, and destroyed the world. Therefore, you should sacrifice yourselves and save the world instead. It is logical, isn't it? Do you follow me? This principle is unshakable and unchangeable. As the family of eight members is reorganized, the world will be divided into two: the world of fallen families and the world of restored families.

How to attend a child

After that, what should these spiritual children anticipate? They should long for the coming of the baby of their spiritual parents, as if they were waiting for the Lord of the Second Coming. Do you understand? These spiritual children should not be worried about anything. The only thing they should long for is that their spiritual parents will bear and deliver a child. They should respect and revere the true child even while it is still in the mother's womb. Archangels were created to respect, inform and support Adam and Eve. From the time the child is conceived, spiritual children should love and revere it more than their own life, longing for the day of its birth with the highest standard and greatest hope of their lives.

In addition, after the birth, unless the spiritual children dedicate all their resources to the child and serve the child, archangel-level ownership cannot be restored. Why did three wise men from the East visit Jesus at his birth? As the minimum condition for Jesus to be connected with the standard of the world, men of high spirit came and offered gifts to him. These wise men were the ones who had longed for the Savior even before Jesus was conceived. Once they found out about his birth, they sacrificed everything and traveled any distance so that they could attend him. Thus, the appearance of the three wise men from the East is in accordance with the Principle.

Even Jesus, who was followed by three main disciples, had to walk this path, regardless of life or death, because of this principle of spiritual children. Since people have not comprehended this principle so far, Satan has been dominating this world, bringing all things of creation into disgrace. Thus, the archangel who did not properly love Adam and Eve and never loved any child of theirs is Satan himself. In order to restore an archangelic realm, spiritual children should love Adam and Eve, who are spiritual parents, and their child, even when it is still in the mother's womb. After the baby is born, the spiritual children should continue being responsible to Adam and Eve's children until the day of their own marriage. This is the way of the Principle. For example, in my own family, it is not I who should educate my children. Three families should take care of my children.

The birth of the child of your spiritual parents carries a great joy and hope worth more than the entire universe. You should welcome the event with as much joy as you ever felt at any success you ever had. As the years go by, you should watch that child grow up and be married, and then help him or her to settle. By fulfilling all these conditions, you will be completely separated from Satan, centered on the standard of perfection, because you are fulfilling the condition that the archangel could not fulfill, namely, to truly love Adam and to love Cain and Abel. There is no other way to make Satan turn around.

You always talk about restoration through indemnity, but when will you have. achieved that restoration? Only by following the principle centered on the family level which I have just explained. Therefore, spiritual children are absolutely necessary. Do you follow me? For this principle, I have given my life. I have been fighting to make the spirit of our tradition reach the standard of national tradition and even beyond. I have been fighting to implant this tradition in all nations of the world. This is what I was doing in the third seven-year course. Do you follow me?

Since I have completed the Blessing of 6,000 Couples, Satan cannot oppose the Unification Church in the world. From the spiritual viewpoint, ancestors of all nations surely went through great difficulties to arrive at this point where so many could have been blessed. However, some who received the Blessing may think, "I hope that I can get married and have a family so that I can enjoy a happy life." But I tell you, it can never happen this way. There still remain the evil and tragic foundations and traditions which Satan has established throughout human history. Racial discrimination, family breakdown, separation between parents and children, vandalism -- these are among the many problems you have to digest.

You yourselves should establish a new tradition in Africa and other parts of the world as missionaries from the Eve nation of Japan. These are 'not merely my own words. It conforms to the viewpoint of the Principle. Setting new traditions cannot be done by one person; a nation representing Eve's position is necessary. Even though you are fulfilling important missions right now, it is wrong for you to think you are great. You cannot be arrogant about the help you receive from the spiritual world. Rather, you should be grateful. You should work to fulfill the condition that the Eve nation must meet, with the attitude of a little girl. Regardless of the persecution and tribulation you encounter along the way as long as you uphold the spirit of this tradition, any nation that opposes you will be divided. Everything that faces you will be divided into a Cain side and an Abel side, because God is working directly with you.

The United States is no exception; it is now divided over me. The world is divided into two parts as well. One is standing for me and the other against me. Sooner or later, the satanic side will decline and God's side will prosper.

Don't think of ownership

We can surpass the level from which Adam and Eve fell, centered on the fallen archangel, by serving and uniting with true children. This involves passing through seven years to reach the realm of heavenly direct dominion. During this period you must work. But even when that level is surpassed, Adam and Eve still have to restore the individual, the family, the clan, the race, the nation and the world, as one connected body of spiritual children. In this way, each blessed family restores the world. Until each family restores the world, they must continue to sacrifice.

During my third seven-year course I expanded the realm of restoration for all of you to family, clan, race, nation and world, creating a representative, worldwide foundation for total indemnification. By faithfully serving and uniting with True Parents, as our adopted spiritual children, you have to persevere until you reach the worldwide level. When the world stops opposing us, we can surpass the completion stage at the worldwide level. Until then, you cannot settle down. You cannot avoid involvement in the wilderness course we are going through. Now is not the time to settle in Canaan, with our own nation. In this sense, we must have no concept of ownership.

Every single thing in the world must be authorized by God before anyone can own it. First God owns it, then it is bequeathed to the True Parents, and after that, you may inherit it from the True Parents

We have not yet restored one nation. We are wandering like unified soldiers in search of one nation. Unless this goal is achieved, there is no such thing as individual property or individual right of ownership.

Take the Israelites as an example. Until all 12 tribes gained the foundation to restore Canaan, they could not claim any portions of land. In the realm of restoration through indemnity, the side of Cain has been developed by sacrificing Abel. But now it is Cain who must sacrifice, to enable the realm of Abel to be established. In other words, the realm of Cain has to support the realm of Abel. This is a different era.

In this manner you must support the elder Korean families. As they receive support, they can support me. You cannot bring everything directly to me. The Israelites first brought all their disputes for Moses to settle directly. When it became too much, he chose elders to assist him. It is a heavenly rule: the way of the Principle is to serve me by serving the elder Korean families. Accordingly, I sent many of the 36 Couples to the United States so that everybody in the world could inherit the heavenly tradition through them. From now on you must establish new heavenly traditions in the United States.

The blessed couples with spiritual children have to set up the standard of indemnity for the world. You have to do this by yourselves as your five percent portion of responsibility.

Home church is our link

I have already become a living plant connecting everything from the root through the trunk to the tips of the stems. Therefore, the seedling will quickly grow into a tree. Although similar trees are in the vicinity of this original living tree, we need a system to link all those trees from the one original root through the trunk to the tips of the branches. We call such an organization home church. In this sense, without home church, we cannot be connected to the original tree. Anyone unable to connect to the original tree cannot be connected to the Kingdom of Heaven. Through this reasoning, we reach the conclusion that without home church, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I have spent my whole life setting up this indemnity condition for the world. I have already paid 95 percent. As you pay your five percent, the parent-child relationship is set up. Only at this stage can your names be entered into the register of the Kingdom of Heaven; after you go to the spiritual world is not the time to do it.

Admission into the registry of the Kingdom of Heaven should be decided centered on Adam's completed tribe on the earth. No foundation for that registration has yet been established. Therefore, we have to prepare quickly the foundation for registration into the Kingdom of Heaven on the global level. Otherwise the world will be destroyed. Have you registered already? From now on I must establish the heavenly constitution precisely. Many problems still remain, so I am struggling internally for the world and I have no time to rest.

The purpose of the underground tunnel which I have proposed to link Korea and Japan is to connect the fortune of Japan to an eternal, unlimited course. Otherwise Japan cannot transcend the limitations of being an island nation. If we connect Japan to the Korean peninsula, Japan can be united with the continent. One might call it the marriage of Asia.

Three Asian archangels need to become like brothers and sisters centered on parents in the Asian area. It is obvious that Western civilization is following the Oriental. After the Western nations become like three united brothers under their parents, the worldwide family of eight, the ideal foundation for the Messiah, will be firmly established. At last we will finish the course, and Adam's utopia, the ultimate ideal on the earth, will be one with the heart of Heavenly Father.

Everything needed to be done on earth will be accomplished and will connect directly to the Kingdom of Heaven, developing into the ideal Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. We must go this way, even at the sacrifice of everything. If you have any concept of preference for any one nation or race you cannot do anything. You have to offer to Heavenly Father all the results of your direct fight against Satan.

When did you say goodbye to Satan? When did you commit yourself in every sense to the building of the ideal family? You did not think spiritual children were so important, did you? From now on you have to love your spiritual children more than your real children.

Chapter 35 - Total Indemnity

Chapter 35
Total Indemnity
April 3, 1983 -- Korea

Today, let me speak about total indemnity. Total indemnity involves religion, history, and the human race in general. It includes not only the physical world, but the spiritual world as well.

God's original ideal for the world was simple. He envisioned a world which would be completed when Adam, Eve, God and the angelic world became totally one. The ideal came from God and was supposed to be passed on to our first ancestors as the True Parents of all humanity. Starting from that original point, the ideal should have extended horizontally to the entire world, to form a totally united universe.

At the center of everything is God's love. God needs love, man needs love, and the angelic world also needs love. If the world had been centered upon God's love from the beginning, it would have been not only an ideal beginning, but the direction and the final results would have also been ideal. God, man and the angelic world would have formed one perfect world, freely communicating with each other centering upon God's love.

Accordingly, man becomes perfect not by being rich or by acquiring secular power or knowledge, but by love. This love is not secularized love as in the fallen world, but original love. Everything is completed and perfected by this love.

We have five senses that enable us to see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. These would have been used centering upon perfect love, and eyes, ears, nose, hands, and mouth, each with their senses, would have all become perfected by centering on love. To experience things with our five senses centering on love is an exquisite state. It is like a state of intoxication, only with love. You feel intoxicated by the environment, experiencing a reciprocal relationship with every other being. One never feels alone. Every being reaches to eternity, and each being expresses itself in a unique way. The intense beauty of the ideal world would be found through the reciprocal relationships developed among all the things of creation.

The power of true love can be extended to infinity, and at the same time can be condensed into one infinitesimal speck. This is heavenly love. Therefore if we look through the eyes of love, everything has value. In a small thing the value is condensed, and in a big thing it is enlarged. God wanted to create such an ideal world of love. He wanted to be in the position of ruling everything by making love the center of all things. Love is the realm through which God can control the universe beyond time and space. Accordingly, to be in control of the universe, God Himself absolutely needs this love. By thinking in this way, we can see that no being has value without true love.

God's ideal was lost by the fall. How did mankind fall? Through love. The beginning point of love is not the eye or the mouth, but is the sexual parts of man and woman. The connecting point of love is the place where all the sensations come together. The real standard of love was lost at this point, so the male and female relationship was the cause of all the problems of the entire universe.

Because of this, everything has to be restored or recreated. How can we do this? One major result of the fall is that we came under two lords, or two subjects. If we had only one subject and one lord, it would not be such a problem to restore everything and return to the original state. If God were still the only subject, every creature could become harmonized with Him and there would be nothing to oppose such harmony. But there is another subject, whose direction is totally the opposite of God's. That being took the subjective position by rejecting God. As a result of the fall, the opposing power of love that pulls man away from God became much stronger than the power that leads man back to his original source. Thus, the power of love came to be divided into opposing camps of internal and external. Satan is connected to the world of love centering upon external power and God is connected to love centering on internal power. So two subjects came to stand over one object, man. Satan became the external subject, while God became the internal subject.

Each of them is in a plus position -- internal or external -- therefore, they repel each other. This is manifested in the struggle between the physical needs and the conscience of fallen man. They are supposed to be united but they are repelling each other. Man is pulled in two different directions as if he had two repellent bodies. Thus man became a being of lost direction. Sometimes he drifts to the external side and sometimes to the internal side. Since man fluctuates, everything around him is affected. Adam and Eve became such a man and woman. The children they bore also inherited such a nature. If there are 10 people, they have 10 different directions; they are scattered. The world became a world of confusion as the consequence of the fall.

Why Satan must be denied

Where is the world of God's original ideal? We have to search for the original ideal and rearrange the fallen world. This is not easy. To do this, Adam has to deny himself and Eve has to deny herself. If there are 10 members in a family, and all 10 of them try to make unity by asserting themselves, unity is impossible. If there are 10 members in a family, all 10 must deny themselves. Before anything else, God must ask for self-denial in the fallen human world. Before He seeks for the ideal, He must seek the denial, the denial of the fall. Man has no foundation to assert himself. This is God's viewpoint.

Then what is the order of such denial? It is from the external to the internal. In the fallen realm, there is the external world of nation, race, and clan, as well as family. Also there is the couple -- man and woman together. We must deny ourselves beginning from the outside, from the external side. The point we finally arrive at is the denial of our own body and our thinking. We cannot but go this far. We live in the fallen world, so to seek God's will, to seek the point of self affirmation on earth, we must deny the fallen world completely. The new starting point begins only after setting this standard. This is logical.

Why do we need the indemnity taught by the Unification movement? We must know the reason clearly. None of you in the Unification movement understands clearly the meaning of individual indemnity, family indemnity, clan, race, and national indemnity. Why do we have to do such a thing? This is a serious matter.

For God to make a new start, He must clean up everything. There must be no other subject being, no Satan. God must be the absolute and only subject. God cannot set His new starting point unless Satan's position is completely removed. For man to deny himself is not that much of a problem. The problem is to deny Satan who controls man. Accordingly, after man completely denies himself, God has to set the standard that completely denies Satan. Otherwise there still remain two subjects. Even if man denies himself, still Satan remains. If an alien subject, who is centered upon the false love, remains in the presence of God and the universe, there are two standards, and the starting step for perfection cannot be made. How can we deny Satan? This is an absolutely necessary condition in order to make a new starting point on the earth for God and humanity. We must see the denial of the false god. God Himself can stand as the subject only when He stands on the foundation of that denial and is able to take His position as the subject of love. Do you understand?

Condition of absolute denial

Then how is this condition made? The fall began with one individual, Adam. Since the individual is the center of the whole, in order to restore this fallen world, we must move forward step by step; it cannot be done all at once. The problem of sin has expanded through eight stages: from the individual, family, clan, race (or people), nation, world, cosmos, and God. Man, who is seeking for the ideal world, cannot find his way back to God, the original subject of love, unless he solves these problems. If one stage is reached, man has control below that level, but he cannot reach the ideal world beyond that level or completely unite with the. absolute God. If an individual reaches a certain stage, people in spirit world who have reached a corresponding level of growth can assist him, and he can communicate with them; however, it is difficult for him to communicate with the original God. How can the environment be enlarged so that an individual can communicate with God? This point is the worry of God Himself, as well as the concern of man who is in the fallen sphere. These two worries are made more difficult by fallen man himself. Fallen man is dominated by the archangel; it is absolutely impossible to change this by the process of affirmation but only through denial.

Then, what is restoration through indemnity? One who desires to reach the absolute unique subject must fulfill the condition of absolute denial in relation to everything in one's environment. For this, absolute denial is required. Then at what place does restoration through indemnity become fulfilled? Even one iota of a condition for self affirmation cannot remain. It must be completely in the realm of the denial. The condition of indemnity is paid by fulfilling the condition of absolute denial. When this standard is fulfilled in all eight stages, from the individual, family, clan and so on, one can reach the ideal world at the consummation of human history. You must necessarily go through the process at each of the eight stages. Otherwise one cannot reach the ideal where he can communicate with God.

God is working out the reality of the fallen world, trying to create one model first, rather than working to restore the whole. To reproduce on a large scale, we create the pattern first. On the individual level, we create the pattern for the individual. Then we should create the family pattern for the family level. From clan, society, to nation, we should think in the same way. According to the principle of creation, we must go through the three stages of formation, growth and perfection through human history in order to create the pattern for the individual. We must create the environment and set the reciprocal standard of love. The center of this reciprocal realm is man, and the center of man is love. Man must first indemnify himself on the individual level. To set the standard for the individual is not easy.

Throughout history up until now, why have women been excluded from full participation in the religious world? So far, the dispensation of the God of love was carried out centered upon men, and women were largely excluded. Why was this so? To create the model of the perfect individual, the pattern of the creation was this: first Adam was created, and afterwards, Eve. This was the pattern. But the model for perfection is not complete by man alone. The angelic world participated with God in the creation of the original pattern of man, centered upon heart. Therefore, God is the center of heart and the center of the spiritual world. Man can stand in the position of model only when he can digest the entire sphere of all things and be absorbed together with God.

The attitude of the life of a truly religious person is one in which he is completely absorbed; It is perfect obedience; therefore he cannot assert his will or his opinion above God's. He must follow God's will absolutely. It is the sphere of perfect self denial, but also he must be completely absorbed by God. If man claims his subjectivity he takes a plus position before God, which repels God. This leaves a person within the sphere of the subject which is opposed to God, who is Satan. That means he becomes Satan's possession. Accordingly, he can never reach the ideal sphere of God.

At this point in the religious world, absolute obedience is necessary. European members must understand this point clearly. Why is obedience needed? To follow your own thinking leads you to stand in the position of having a second subject. The second subject is Satan, so you become Satan's object. If you insist on your own thinking as your foundation, it sets the condition for Satan to dominate you. God and Satan are in opposing camps, struggling for dominion over the fallen human world. The original purpose of human existence as well as the original purpose of the archangel is for the sake of the perfection of the ideal. Satan knows this as well

The sphere of denial through persecution

God originally created us with the ideal of perfection as His goal. Satan knows this and he does not deny it. To establish the complete condition that will enable us to reach the ideal of perfection is not easy. It requires the state of absolute self denial. We cannot do this if we insist on our own viewpoint.

Looking at the world, where can we find an attitude of self denial? It is difficult to find it in the Western mentality, which is characterized by the love of freedom. The ultimate result of such freedom is that only the self remains. Husbands and wives live together, but both claim their own ways. In that case, there are two claims for freedom. If there are four people together, they have four individual demands. If there are 10 people, there are the claims of 10 people for their freedom. In the end, they go their own way and become isolated and scattered. There can be no unity within families, or nations. Although a person strives to enjoy his original nature through freedom, in reality he loses everything and falls to the depths of despair. Finding that he cannot satisfy his individual desires and ideals, he gives up on himself. This is the reality for many in the free world today! particularly in America. But despair is not a part of God's will. In such a world, there is no standard of perfection which God desires.

For this reason, Oriental thinking, rather than Western, holds a possibility for God. Within Oriental thinking, there is the principle of absolute attendance to the parents, and at the same time the idea of following one's elder brothers and sisters When this idea of attendance is expanded, it can reach to the clan leader, the society leader, or the representative of the nation. Thus we can gain the foundation based on the perfect system of attendance. Otherwise, we can never have a family, clan, society, nation, or world that God desires. You must understand this clearly.

Then how can God create this kind of environment? He cannot do it by saying, "You religious people must achieve self denial all by yourselves!" No, we can't do it that way The standard of self denial must be created within reciprocal relationships. If you are pushed into the position of being denied by somebody else, it is the same as self denial. Since we cannot create the sphere of denial by ourselves,

God Himself creates it. Therefore, a religious person will be opposed by everybody. This is the deeper meaning of persecution. When one believes in God and in religion, often those who are closest to him, such as his parents or loved ones, will oppose him. In such a case, Satan, as the second subject, is attacking the first subject God. When someone strikes a righteous person unjustly, it sets a condition that must be repaid. Because of this repayment, the development of religion is secured. Do you understand why persecution occurs?

Within the sphere of religion, God must enlarge the practice of self denial from the individual level to the family, clan, society, nation, and world. People cannot do this by themselves. In restoration through indemnity, a person tends to think that the standard of individual self denial is enough, but that is not true. The standard of individual indemnity must be directed to the indemnity on the world level; that foundation of self denial must be created. Man himself has not realized. this, but God and Satan know it.

People do not know the full standard of denial; therefore, Satan, who does understand it, attacks man to prevent any denial of the individual that is directed to the world level. Religions developed in the course of history until now precisely because they practiced self denial and received persecution. This was so, although nobody knew the reason why. Now I am telling you the reason. Since one cannot practice self denial alone, God allows Satan himself to deny man instead. And if man gains victory in the realm of denial, then he can claim victory over Satan. He can belong to the true subject, namely God. As the result of persecution, or absolute self denial in front of God, man can enter the sphere of reciprocal relationship with God. Thus God can intervene for him. This is why religion has developed the most through persecution.

For this reason, a person cannot find religious perfection by leaving this world and going up into the mountains to meditate. One can achieve perfection only by standing in the midst of the world and taking on all the persecution from Satan. But in order to achieve oneness with God, a person must overcome Satan's attacks. He cannot be crushed in the persecution.

Accordingly, God has tried to work through many people throughout history yet had to give them up in the end. God may have used some people in His dispensation for decades or even centuries. Yet in the end, they had to stand in the sphere of persecution. If someone gains individual victory over persecution, the individual victory can remain. Yet if he cannot go over the sphere of family persecution, he will be crushed. In that case, God must find another with whom to proceed in His dispensation. If someone is crushed, there is nothing God can do for him. God is forced to find someone else; this was the miserable course of the history of religion until now.

By understanding these general things, you can also understand how to proceed with restoration through indemnity. You cannot deny yourself all alone. Accordingly, you must endure the condition of denial through persecution. Therefore, persecution is absolutely necessary in God's religious dispensation and there is no way to go back to God without passing through that course of persecution. There is no exception to this rule. The world religions, such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Confucianism have all passed through this kind of course. That is why they are standing on the level of world development. The religions themselves have not understood this reason until now. They could not explain why religious people had to go through suffering or persecution, but now you have understood this point.

It is the logical conclusion that the total perfection of which I am speaking is not achieved without total indemnity. To guide everything into the perfection realm, we must go through the process of total indemnity. This is absolutely necessary in the history of religion. Therefore, it is wrong to think that one will have an easy life by following religion.

Who is the Messiah?

Within Christianity, there is the belief in the Second Coming of the Messiah. Who is the Messiah? The Messiah is the one whom God loves most. Which position is most loved by God? There are many people who are standing in front of God as representatives, for example, of the nation, the society, or some other organization. What kind of a person is the Messiah? The Messiah is the first person who has the same mind of love and the same direction of love as God. The Messiah is the first born son of God. Jesus was God's only son, His only child. To be an only child means to receive the parent's total love, from the beginning to the end. God is the absolute subject and the Messiah stands in God's sphere. Their relationship is the relationship of parent and child. He is the one who is born as God's first son and receives the fullness of God's love given to the individual, family, clan, society, nation, and the world. He is qualified to receive the love transcending all these spheres. This is the Messiah. He is God's beloved child.

But what can he do all by himself? The beloved must find his spouse. And where can he find her? He can't get her from the heavens. Since man has been lost as a result of the fall on the earth, he must be recreated on the earth. What does religion do? Heaven is in the plus position and the earth is in the minus position. People desire the Messiah, who knows heaven. This human world deeply desires its proper subject of love and this yearning is the Messianic yearning. The Messiah must be welcomed on the world level, beyond the individual, clan and even national levels. The entire world will be able to be united with a man of God's love, as the absolute subject. There will be no reason to oppose him; there can be only absolute attendance. Self-centeredness cannot exist anymore. To create the environment so that one exists only for the sake of the Lord was the mission of the Old Testament age and of the New Testament age. The mission of both of these ages was also to create an Eve, a spouse, for the Messiah. Once Eve absolutely follows the Messiah and that sphere of obedience is expanded, opposition to the Messiah will diminish. In this environment, the entire world will be automatically connected to the subject of love at one point. To create such an environment on the world level was the mission of the Old Testament age and of the New Testament age. Accordingly, present day Christianity and Judaism must completely follow the Messiah.

Christians and believers of Judaism who have been keeping their faith are supposed to offer everything when the Messiah comes. Their faith teaches perfect obedience to the Messiah. Yet what is the reality of today's Christians? What about Judaism today? Instead of the spirit which God desires, they are completely opposed -- 180 degrees. If a religion desires only its own success on the earth, and disregards the returning Messiah and blocks the victorious completion of God's dispensation, it will be a total failure. Any religion with this kind of attitude will be completely broken in the Last Days, as if hit by God's heavenly hammer.

In this period of the Last Days, Christians in the world are looking for the Second Coming, but if we analyze the motivation of their desire, it is usually, "I want to be saved:" There is no concern for God's victory on the world level. They may say, "I want to go to the Heavenly Kingdom, and I want my family and my country to be saved." The furthest limit is usually the country. But they must go beyond the country to the end of the world; they must enlarge their concern to the spiritual world. Yet most cannot go beyond their own self and this is a success for Satan. As long as this standard remains, God's world cannot be born.

What is the Unification movement?

Now we must begin a new movement on the earth which divides the world into two sides. We must complete God's will for the perfection of the world and enlarge it to the entire cosmos. If a religious movement with this ideal doesn't appear, God's dispensation cannot be fulfilled. It would be the same as if God did not exist. Therefore, if God exists and if He is trying to accomplish His will, such a movement must be created on the earth. This conclusion is logical. What is this movement? It is truly the Unification movement. The Unification movement must have the ideals and motivation which I have just mentioned. First of all, it must enlarge self denial from the individual to the world level. When the Messiah comes, if Christianity completely follows him and perfectly unites with him, it has achieved its goal. When the Messiah comes and proclaims himself, then everybody must unite with him. But they cannot do so until he comes. Therefore, God has been prolonging His dispensation through the fallen history of hundreds of thousands of years up until now.

God exists, yet so does persecution. Why did God allow the early Christians to be persecuted for 400 years in ancient Rome? Reviewing the Principle, we know that persecution continued until the standard which was applicable throughout the world appeared. Accordingly, Christianity came to this level after 400 years. Centering upon the foundation laid by Christianity, the Unification Church appeared on the earth after World War II.

Christianity must listen to the word of the Messiah viewed from the total perspective of God's dispensation. Whether or not they will listen to him is a matter of life or death for Christians. If one believes in the Messiah's words, he can find spiritual survival; for this purpose, one must deny oneself. One must be able to deny everything: his own past history, his own family and his own past standard of faith, as well. If he can see that the Messiah is the person he had been looking for, as viewed through the eyeglasses of biblical history, there is no problem. But for many, their eyeglasses do not fit. They are looking at things through individualistic eyeglasses, therefore they do not know the Messiah when they see him. The Messiah comes on the cosmic scale; therefore one cannot measure him by one's own scale. If you only listen to or see the Messiah with your personal point of view, you cannot understand the contents of his message. The Messiah deals with things on the eternal level, discussing events perhaps 20 or 30 years ahead.

If a small point of view predominates among Christians, when the Lord of the Second Advent comes, they will oppose him. If they do oppose him, they will automatically fall within Satan's sphere. The Messiah is the one who is born as the substance of God's eternal love on this plane called earth. The one who leads the opposition to God is Satan. Anyone who takes the other subject's position, namely by opposing the Messiah, will become a part of Satan's sphere at once. Although there may be large numbers of people there, it is still Satan's sphere.

Those who were supposed to create the foundation for the acceptance of the Messiah, on the contrary turned their guns on him and are now standing at the front of Satan's army. They have come to deny Christ himself. Immediately after World War II, the Christian cultural sphere of the world, centering upon the nation of America, had gained its greatest strength. There has been only one time in history when the world was completely leaning toward the religious sphere; that was the time right after World War Il. A small portion went to the side of the Soviets, while the rest of the world became a part of the democratic sphere, the Christian cultural sphere, completely centering upon America. If America herself, who was the subject of the external world, completely followed the Messiah, what would have happened to the world? The world could have easily become God's world. But what would happen if that didn't occur? The world would again return to the satanic sphere and as a result they would make a total attack on the central person of God's dispensation.

Perfection of the restoration through indemnity

From heaven's point of view, what is my mission? I have received ceaseless persecution from the individual level to the family, clan, society, nation, world, and cosmos. There has been nothing else like this in history. Who has received the worst and the greatest persecution in the history of religion? Your answer is not because you are members of the Unification Church; even those who do not belong to the Unification Church reply that it is Reverend Moon. The people in power in America would certainly answer in the same way. Even communists would answer in the same way.: If we ask Buddhists, Christians, or any religious person, "In the history of religious leaders, who was persecuted the most in his lifetime, from the individual level up to the world level?" they will certainly answer that it is Reverend Moon. How many years will this continue? Sixty years? I will go the way of indemnity in the condensed manner for 40 years.

God is looking for a person who speaks the truth about Satan, the world, and God, not for his own sake but for the sake of the world and God, a person who can take responsibility for leading the world and for teaching the way of sacrifice. If there is such a person, he must certainly take responsibility for the course of God's dispensation and the course of indemnity. We cannot speak about individual perfection without the perfection of indemnity, since individual perfection cannot be achieved within the realm of Satan. Once we can accomplish this, it is the end of the satanic world.

Within the idea of perfection, the perfection of indemnity is automatically included. Perfection of the individual must involve the perfection of indemnity. No one in this fallen world can achieve the perfection of personality. From God's point of view, the perfection of indemnity is the perfection of restoration. Therefore, restoration is accomplished through indemnity. So indemnity becomes an adjective that defines restoration and vice-versa.

A person who does not appreciate restoration through indemnity is the king of satans even if he is a member of the Unification Church. How about you? As you have been going through the course of restoration together with me you may have said, "Oh Father, we have gone the course of restoration through indemnity, and more restoration through indemnity. How many years, must it continue? It has gone on for 10 years, and then another 20 years and now after 40 years, we still face another 20 years!" That is true. If we are not successful in entering into the sphere of perfection at once, our own course is prolonged three times. That's the teaching of the Principle. If we can't do it in seven years, our course becomes 21 years. Those 21 years were divided into nine stages. Why is that? If we approached it all at one time and we were defeated, then we would lose everything. But if we go step by step, from one stage progressively to another, then we cannot lose everything at once. We can connect them and if we gain victory on each stage, we can go up to the next level. We have been following this strategy so even though the process may look confused, God's dispensation is relentlessly moving forward toward its consummation.

Satan is very wise and his ways are deceptive. Because he's smart, he can manipulate God's methods to put himself at the center. There are many people who manipulate situations centering upon their own desire. That kind of person does the worst damage within a religion. The starting point of all the church's activity is God, and such a person will speak about the purpose of the nation or God, yet he will disregard that and do things for his own benefit. Anyone who collects someone else's money for the public purpose and uses that money unscrupulously for himself is a thief. The same applies to anyone who claims public things as his own belongings without getting permission. That kind of person will be destroyed from within.

Please understand clearly that restoration is accomplished through indemnity and that this is the road to perfection. How about you, the members of the Unification Church? I always speak in a public manner and I may chastise a church leader during a speech. That is an example of restoration through indemnity. When I chastise that person in public, he is representing the world, and if he listens to me and accepts what I say, he is able to overcome the problem. When I do such a thing, certainly the problem becomes apparent. That sort of public chastisement is the best example of restoration through indemnity. What is the purpose of indemnity? It is for the sake of perfection -- perfection of the self, perfection of the family, the clan, the nation, the world and the cosmos. And what is the result of the perfection of the cosmos? The ultimate result is the liberation of God.

Tradition for those who follow God's will

Because I understood this, I have totally focused on pioneering the path of restoration through indemnity. My way of life has been to disregard the snow, the wind or seasonal changes; my life can be summed up in one word -- misery. I am walking a path which nobody except God can understand. When you pray sincerely about me and the will of God, you cannot help crying again and again. If you ask heaven who I am, you will cry out and a storm of tears will flow over your face. You will feel such a pain in your heart -- a pain which causes that kind of water to flow. But why is this? Originally I was supposed to stand in such a different position. If the Christian cultural sphere had welcomed me, within seven years -- during my 30s -- I could have returned the world to God's domain. The things I am teaching now did not begin recently; I started along this path by uncovering the very origin of this truth. I laid the foundation then, and have been bringing accomplishments throughout my life until this point now when I am teaching you these things. This is not just an abstract idea. I have actually done what I am teaching you now. I could not speak to you before I had done this, or you would be led to Satan's world.

You Japanese members must now reflect upon your lives. You have been working hard up to this time, following me, and months, years -- in some cases 10 or 20 years -- have passed. When you look back upon your life of faith, what do you find? I have been climbing up the summit of indemnity, higher than the Himalayas, a more difficult ascent than any other in man's history. Now I am throwing down a rope from Japan to the rest of the world. All of us are doing tremendously hard work. If possible, you who are in the position to do so should pull the rope with me and help me so that you can loosen the tension of that rope. But have you ever tightened that rope instead? Haven't you complained centering upon yourself, and criticized, saying such things as, "Father is just the Father of Korea"? If I only thought about Korea, what would have happened? I would have been taken into the spiritual world a long time ago. Such a person is of no use to this world. Only after the restoration of the whole world through indemnity, after you have cleaned everything up, can you return to your original point and think about your children, your family or your own nation. This is the only way for a person who has decided to go the way of God. This is from the dispensational point of view. If you think about things centering only upon yourself, your family or your nation, you will not be able to help the world.

Can you truly be proud of yourself in front of God? I have been leading this way as the world pioneer of restoration. What has been your standard in relation to me? Unless you can see yourself clearly and are able to change today, you cannot be the standard bearers for tomorrow's victory. On the national level, Japan is standing in the position of the Eve nation in relation to the Adam nation. This being the case, you should not have even a bit of doubt or worry, or give any difficulty to me. If we remember that the true historical tradition was destroyed by the fallen Eve, you must not give the slightest pain to the True Father's heart. You are representing the world and the totality of humanity; that's the position of Japan as Eve's nation. Do you understand? My message to you is that you should not complain but should witness and stand on the front line of God's will.

Even if we cannot achieve the standard of perfection at this moment. in time, we can guarantee that in the future we will be able to accomplish it, because we have this Principle. And what about you? Do you want to accomplish this sometime in the distant future, or would you prefer to achieve perfection during the age when I am living? To do so you must work at the risk of your life. Those who were born in the past and believed in religion cannot be born again in this modern time, even though they want to be. Therefore, they are anxiously waiting and watching from the spiritual world, knowing that this is the most precious time in history, not replaceable by any other age. When you understand this point, you must be very. grateful for the fact that you are receiving words directly from me on the earth. You are receiving education directly from me and are accomplishing God's will;.

The summit of persecution

The final and highest peak on the world level of persecution was in 1976. We reached the summit during the time of the Washington Monument rally. Since I understood this point, I sent missionaries to the entire world in 1975. If all of the missionaries had been Japanese, they would have been a strictly Oriental team. If they had been all Americans, they would have been a strictly Western team. Therefore, I organized them so that they could represent the entire world. To each mission country, I sent a Japanese missionary who represented the Orient, a German who represented Europe, and an American who represented North and South America. Then they were representatives of the world, as well as of Reverend Moon of Korea. Japanese, Americans and Germans all shared a common environment and all three were called Moonies.

If there were no direction from me, no doubt they would have fought and separated. The Japanese missionary might have said, "Japan received the blessing first, so I'm in the Abel position." The American might have said, "America is the leading nation of the democratic world, so from the cultural point of view, I am the best." Then the German might have said, "Nonsense! Germans are the smartest. We are the best organized, we are analytic and intellectual." Each of them would claim that he was the best and therefore the subject. Therefore, the policy had to be that there was no subject. If no one claimed his own subjectivity, then God could certainly assist them. So I clearly said, "If the three of you are totally united, God will absolutely help you and you will develop. If you fight, you will never make progress." And the situation showed exactly what I said. According to the reports from the itinerant workers, that was exactly so. There is no mistake in the: Principle. The missionaries have gone to the whole world and the Principle sphere was enlarged to 130 nations. So persecution has spread over the entire world. like an umbrella; many Americans were calling for the deportation of Reverend Moon before the Washington Monument rally, but it didn't happen. I fought and gained the victory. In 1976, the peak time of historical persecution against me, the world welcomed a new era. Then on Feb. 23, 1977, centering upon True Parents' birthday, I declared the new era.

How can I say this? It is because at the summit of world persecution, I accepted suffering and marched forward for the sake of heaven and for the sake of the world. Then the communist world became divided. Five years from that time, Japan advanced to the world level. When Eve is lifted up, Adam is also saved in the same way. God was wise to elevate Japan first.

The mission of Japan as the Eve nation

When God looks around Japan to find some people to whom He can give responsibility, He notices the ones who are so humble looking, the ones who seem useless to the other Japanese. Those are the Moonies. When we get to know them, we see that they are very honest and they are internally very noble. They offer everything and work with each other for the sake of the nation and the world, yet they never ask for recompense. So people begin to feel that they are indeed precious.

The mother must take her providential responsibility. Japan is Eve, and Eve must feed her children. To whom did fallen Eve give her milk first? First to Cain and then to Abel. Her daughters were not mentioned. Although women existed, they were treated as if they did not exist and up until now they could not complain. Those children who grew up on the milk of Eve fought with each other because they had conflicting natures. In the restoration through indemnity, Jacob and Esau fought within their mother's womb. The Cain-Abel relationship must go back to the mother's womb and be restored from that point again. Therefore in the course of restoration, when a woman in a dispensational position was pregnant with twins, they were not supposed fight within the womb, but rather embrace each other. After they are born, one should not try to get milk first. They each should say, "You go first." When they take turns to receive milk many times a day, they should love each other without complaint. Eve must give birth to such children.

By setting this condition within Eve's nation, the conditions for restoration on the world level can be set. Both the Cain and Abel types among the Japanese listen to my words very well. The ones who listen the least are the Germans. In the past, Germany was the subject over Japan. When the elder brother is pushed into the object position, he doesn't like it. The ones who most resist being objective are the Germans. Furthermore, in the Abel camp, the one who has the most problems, who claims his freedom while calling out for God, and has the most spiritual ups and downs, is the American. Who represents the world? The Germans and Americans who stand in the twin's position are not really very friendly. In fact, they are traditional enemies and their mutual histories have been histories of conflict. In this sense America and Germany fit the Principle view of being enemies. Adam's nation, Eve's nation and the archangel's nations are also enemies. All of them were divided at the point when they were supposed to become one. To rearrange them once again, we must start from a similar situation. Korea, the Adam nation, was the enemy of Japan, the Eve nation. Japan and America were enemies; America and Germany were enemies -- all of them were enemies. I gathered these historical enemies and told them to unite into one by receiving one mother's milk, centering on the power of love! You Americans, Germans and Japanese cannot go back to Adam's position unless the three of you become one. This is the Principle view according to the restoration through indemnity.

Through the fall, God, Adam and Eve became enemies. Adam and Eve became enemies and Cain and Abel became enemies -- father, mother, and children, all became enemies. When the realm of each of these enemies expanded, they produced the same fruit. What eventually happened was that an Adam nation appeared in the satanic world, as well as an Eve nation, and an archangelic nation. In opposition to them were the Adam nation on God's side, as well as an Eve nation, and an archangelic nation. Those two camps fought each other in a world-level conflict during the Second World War as the Axis powers and the Allied powers.

The Axis powers on the satanic side initiated that war. Japan, who was the satanic Eve nation, occupied the Orient, specifically Korea. The idea of the Great East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere came out, preceding God's ideal, as a challenge to God's original ideal by the satanic side. Japan's Shinto religion recognizes the "eight million deities," but the founding deity of this Eve nation is Amaterasu-Ominokami, a female deity.

On God's side, England was the Eve nation. America was born from England, so America is a child of Eve, and always follows her. But if America continues to follow England all the time, it is not good. An example was the war in the Falkland Islands. America should go her way independently of England. In the future she must stand up as the Adam nation centered upon the heavenly standard.

In World War II, the restored Eve nation was England and the restored archangelic nation was France. Against this, there was the satanic Adam nation of Germany, the Eve nation of Japan, and the archangelic nation of Italy. Together the three of them formed a four position foundation centered upon Satan's ideal in the top position, while the Allies formed a four position foundation centered on God. The Second World War was the decisive battle on the world level. After the heavenly side gained the victory, the satanic world could be returned to the heavenly side. In the final stage of the satanic side on the world level, communism came to exist.

What is communism? Communism is Satan's attempt to mimic the ideal of the Lord of the Second Advent, before God can establish His world. When we look at what Stalin did, we can clearly understand this point. He tried to unify the entire world. But communism has now gone through eight generations, from Marx, to Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Bulganin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov, who is the eighth generation. They have reached the end; from the point of eight, all they can do is decline. The Lord of the Second Advent brings the spiritual ideal for the unification of the entire world, while communism, based on materialism, presents the goal of unification of the world on the level of flesh.

According to the Principle, if Christianity becomes one with the Lord of the Second Advent and if the spiritual world and the physical world are united, the basis for Satan to exist will disappear. God will control the subjective and the objective spheres, so there will be no reciprocal sphere for Satan to control. Communism will eventually be flushed away completely.

If the democratic world had followed the Lord of the Second Advent after 1945, the world could have been united within seven years. But they did not unite with the Messiah and opposed him instead. Therefore they stood at the front of the satanic opposition to God's will. For this reason all the world, including communism, democracy, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and so forth, opposed the Messiah on the individual level, family level, clan level, racial level, national level and on the world level. All of them opposed him. Now we have the battle in court between the American government and Reverend Moon. The plaintiff is America, which represents the entire free world, while Reverend Moon is one person. Who will win? Now is the time of decisive battle, the time of victory or defeat. We have come to the summit on the last stage of battle.

Four important providential nations

Today is April 3, the third day of the fourth month. From the Principle view, the number 4 represents the earth and the number 3 represents the three stages of formation, growth and completion. April 3 is a wonderful day. And 1983 totals the number 21, namely, 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 21. Therefore, on this day I cannot help but speak on the topic of total indemnity, the total perfection. Since I have taught you these things, it is your responsibility to go this path; if you do not want to go, then don't go.

Where is the center of my activity? Is it Korean Christianity? No, it is America, which is basically a Protestant country. In the Christian world, the Protestants are Abels. At the time of the Reformation, the Catholic Church persecuted the Protestants. Later, many Protestants were driven out of Europe. Finally the country of the independent Protestant spirit was created in America. That was 200 years ago. Counting from 1776, 1985 is exactly the 210th year. A decisive battle must be won, centering upon the 40th president, President Reagan.

At this historical time, I have given a new order of mobilization. Our movement is not a destructive one but a movement for uniting and pulling together the whole world. Therefore, at this point we must accomplish not only the unification of the races, but also the unification of religions of the East and West. All the nations' histories are focused toward this one point. This is the year 4318 in Korean history. Number 18 is 3 times 6, and 6 is the number for Satan. God is a scientist and also a numerical being. Therefore, the restoration through indemnity has proceeded through certain numerical conditions. Indemnity requires a certain time period, a central person, and conditional offerings. Within this 40 year time period, the Unification movement has to make a condition of three great offerings. Through the True Father, conditions must be offered through the Adam nation, the Eve nation, and the archangelic nation. At this point we must make holy offerings on the world level to God. We must restore all the world by getting the signature of victory. Who must give this signature of victory? God does not do this and the Messiah doesn't do it either. Satan is the one who does this.

Four great nations were chosen by God to represent all the nations of the world. Korea is the Adam nation and Japan is the Eve nation. If it had not been for the failure of established Christianity to follow me, England would have been the Eve nation. At the time of World War II, the Adam nation on God's side was America, the Eve nation was England, and the archangelic nation was France. But Satan invaded the sphere of Christian civilization.

On Satan's side, Germany was Adam and Japan was Eve during World War II. In Korea, because of the rebellion of established Christianity against God, North Korea, where my home town is, was invaded by Satan. Thus, the head was invaded by Satan, but the tail -- South Korea -- was saved.

Satan is now holding the head of Adam and the tail of the archangel. These are North Korea and East Germany. Korea is divided into north and south, or latitudinally, and Germany into east and west, or longitudinally. Satan is holding North Korea centered on Pyongyang and East Germany centered on Berlin. If the problem of communism is solved in Korea, then it will automatically wither away in Germany. This way, global communism will begin dying out.

In North Korea, Kim Il Sung is called "Father," but in the Unification Church in South Korea, the True Parent is the real Father; thus, at this time there are two fathers and two subjects. This aberration will be rectified if indemnity is paid for the entire world; then the world will become one automatically. If all humanity unites with God and strives to be self sacrificial and serving of others, then the problem of world conflict will be solved. That way the world as it is now will end. In this respect, America is also near the end, as well as England and Germany and other nations.

Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and all religions are reaching a limit, too. All systems, whether economic or political, even families, have become chaotic. The fallen order of love, in which people love themselves more than God and others, has become self-destructive; thus the evil of the world is being destroyed. Therefore, at this time we must establish a new order of love. Indemnity conditions and loyalty must bring forth unity, both in heaven and earth. After the center of love is established, the God-centered order of love is expanded until it reaches the worldwide level. This way the new Heavenly Kingdom is going to be completed on the earth.

The Unification movement has identified central nations which Satan covets most and is striving the hardest to control. From the point of view of world affairs today, Korea is the most important nation in Asia. Japan is the most important oceanic nation. Those countries that are located on the Pacific and wish to be a power on the ocean need Japan. Western civilization must go. to the Asian continent through the Pacific Ocean, and therefore they need a relationship with Japan, which is their route to the Asian continent; Therefore, Japan must be respected. Also, Japan as the Eve nation must educate people from the rest of the world. This is the reason why in the last 30 to 40 years Japan was so abundantly blessed, materially.

To go to the Asian continent, one can also go through the Korean peninsula, but it is not easy to reach the entire peninsula by ship.

Hence the project of making a tunnel and a highway throughout Asia. In Korea, therefore, the Unification movement has become more and more necessary and important both for world problems and for domestic problems.

An interesting time has come. Perfection will not be realized without total restoration through indemnity, and that is accomplished through unity. The perfection of the whole comes from indemnity paid by the whole. Therefore, we must conclude that indemnity is paid by achieving unity among enemies.

The end of religion

If enemies unite, and if they offer their unity to God and God accepts them, then the purpose of religion will be completed. Thus far, only those who were on God's side have been offered on the altar. But today, through the unity of enemies, those who are on Satan's side are also being offered on the altar. Once they are accepted by God, the purpose of religion will be fulfilled. Religion itself will be necessary no longer. Religion exists to accomplish man's separation from Satan, but with perfect unity and love between enemies that need will no longer exist. Therefore, when any such offerings are made to God, He will accept them. We have to do that on the worldwide level.

That is why I must start from the point of loving my enemies. That is the Principle. The foundation for the Heavenly Kingdom should spring from the very domain of Satan. To accomplish that, you must be persecuted by those on Satan's side, and you must love them in return so that they will surrender to you naturally. If they strike you who are righteous, then they must pay for it. That is the rule of the universe. Through such payment, you can ultimately restore relationships. But if you hit back in the same way as Satan, then relationships cannot be restored. When you are struck, you must accept the blow completely. By restoring this way externally, you can restore the most important element inside Satan. Thus, what you sow will definitely be reaped. It is the mission of the master to separate evil from good, and to put what's evil into an evil warehouse and what's good into a good warehouse. On this earth, two seeds were sown, a bad one and a good one. The good seed will go to the heavenly warehouse, but the bad seed will be consumed by fire.

Now is the time of the harvest, and the satanic world is in chaos. Therefore, we must bring forth unity out of the chaos and must unite the people of all races. The fallen world is a world of individualism. There is no unity among parents, children, societies or nations. But the Unification movement is uniting people on all levels. Our movement is going the opposite way of the world. So far in the world, marriage partners have generally come from the same nation and race, but in the Unification Church, just the opposite often occurs. A Japanese would never have dreamt of marrying a Korean or a black, but we are doing that without hesitation. What are we doing that for? To unite the world, and bring back to God the satanic world of disunity, which would otherwise be destroyed.

In this process, who will pay the indemnity? It is the Unification movement and those people who are in its mainstream. I am the spearhead of that movement, and am walking the path of indemnity on behalf of the world. When I pay indemnity on the individual-level, I am doing so on behalf of all mankind. I have started a heartistic movement in which men feel like welcoming even the most ugly woman in the world as their wife.

Unless you pay indemnity by starting from such a humble heart, you can never establish the ideal of perfection as an individual male. Unless all women, including old women, young women, and women in the spirit world, purely love you, then you can never establish the ideal of individual male perfection. You may be hearing such a thing for the first time.

You Japanese women loved me like a father or brother or even like a heavenly husband before you married, didn't you? That is a spiritual phenomenon. Through the spirit world, you could experience walking hand in hand with me. This is because one man has to restore and unify three different loves; namely, a mother's love, a wife's love, and a sister's love. All of these were lost through the fall of Adam; therefore, they all have to be sanctified. Through one purified Adam, the historical indemnity conditions to restore individual perfection must be established on the worldwide level. Therefore, all different kinds of women must come to purely love him in order for Satan to be dominated. The pure Adam must guide all women correctly. He must even reform prostitutes by teaching them the true path. He must be welcomed by them as a true man. Although he may be tempted, he must not give in; he must instead triumph over that. No matter how beautiful a woman may be or how hard she may try to seduce him, he must not fall. He must establish that kind of tradition. Otherwise, he can never achieve the ideal of a perfected individual man.

Creating individual perfection

After Adam's individual perfection is realized, Eve should be recreated, because Eve was originally created after the model of Adam. Because Adam was not able to fulfill his responsibility when Eve was falling away, Satan was able to succeed in corrupting her. A restored Adam must now take Eve back from Satan. God prepared the earthly foundation for that. The new Eve had to be less than 20 years old, just as was the original Eve. Therefore, True Mother was an innocent 17 year old when we were blessed.

The first seven years of our marriage were the period of Mother's absolute obedience. In every way, she had to obey me. Through this process, Parents' Day, Day of All Things, and God's Day could be established. Until God's Day was installed, the True Parents had to be afflicted by all kinds of internal problems and had to pay indemnity to overcome Satan's accusation. God's Day meant the start of a perfected Adam and

In 1968, based on the foundation of God's Day, the Unification Church sent all couples up to the 124 Couples to every corner of South Korea for three years, and they were intensely persecuted. I ordered all the families to go to the front line to proselytize for three years. This was family indemnity on the national level. Some children had to be sent to orphanages, and others were sent to the homes of members' parents. Centering on this three-year indemnity and on the perfection of the foundation of the family on the national level in Korea, I was able to come to America.

This period was initiated in order to indemnify all the family problems of the past. Because of this, I was persecuted, even by families within the Unification Church. They said, "We have just begun to live a married life. We have managed to get a small house and gathered a few pots and pans, spoons and chopsticks and furniture, even though they are not very good ones; but you are going to destroy it all. Why are you chasing us out this way?" This kind of complaint arose, but I responded, "Go out." Why was I so harsh? Because of the Principle. Unless you pay indemnity on the society level, you can never establish the foundation for a family. And unless you lay the foundation for the family you can never lay the foundation for individual perfection. Unless you pay indemnity on a higher level, you can never live comfortably as an individual. That is an iron rule.

After the three-year period was over, I blessed the 777 Couples in order to connect the foundation made by the families to the entire world. After that connection, I was able to come to America. Satan knew well that those foundations had been laid. After leaving Korea by air, I stopped in three nations -- Japan, Canada, and America -- which, together with Korea, made a four position foundation. I arrived in America on Dec. 18, 1971. At that time, the Little Angels were playing at Carnegie Hall. No one knew me; and no one but God and myself knew I would go to America. Even President Kim [Young Whi Kim, who was president of the Korean Unification Church at that time] did not know. However, if you read my sermons given at that time, you can see I gave hints of leaving.

I had to restore the suffering path of Jesus. Within 31/2 years in America, I made a nationwide speaking tour aimed at reviving Christianity. In 1974, I was warmly welcomed; I was given some 1,200 citations and awards, including keys to many cities. Christianity in Korea had rebelled against me, but Christianity in the United States welcomed me, thus paying indemnity for that earlier failure. The Christian churches of America welcomed me in my tours.

After such a welcome, what did I do? On April 1, 1975, I sent IOWCs from the West to Korea. These IOWCs started their activities in Pusan. Two thousand years ago, Rome and official Judaism got together to kill Jesus. But now the reverse has occurred. America and Korea got together to unite with the Unification Church. Restoration through indemnity took place in Korea. In the Yoido Island rally, 1.2 million people gathered together. On this foundation, we held the Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument rallies in 1976.

America: in need of help

At those two rallies, I said that America must listen to me. I said that America is on fire and needs a fire fighter; someone from outside the nation must save it, and that person is Reverend Moon. Likewise, when a person gets sick, he needs a physician. In order to cure America's disease, the ministrations of the Unification Church and Reverend Moon must be received. Because I said this directly, Americans didn't feel comfortable; they even got angry. Hence came the period of attacking Reverend Moon. Thus, the activities of the Fraser Committee began [the U.S. House Subcommittee on International Organizations, chaired by Rep. Donald Fraser, a Minnesota Democrat, in 1977 and 1978]. From 1977 on, a period of intense activity by the Communist Party began, as well as the Fraser Committee, which was fought by Bo Hi Pak. He had been married before his Blessing so he was in the archangel position. His was also one of the Adam families, one of the first blessed families. Someone in his position had to bring forth victory. The hearing was truly a war. He was fighting directly with Fraser and the Carter Administration. No such fight took place before in human history.

During the four years of the Carter Administration, my sermons always attacked President Carter's programs, saying that he was selling out the democratic world and advancing the cause of communism. The Carter period was a hard one. That administration accused me of being nothing but a secular political activist and a foe of America. As a result of this, Unification Church members throughout the world were denied visas. This. happened in Japan and Germany but within three years that will change.

The Unification movement brings a very strong ideology. College professors and other foremost intellectuals are now rallying to my support, while communist movements working on university campuses are largely in chaos. Even during the hectic time of the court case, I mobilized support from the media, economists, and lawyers on the basis of the power of Unification thought. You throw a net to cover thousands of fish and you let the rope go, and when the time comes you wind it in with a winch. The rope with which you pull is the philosophy of the Unification movement. All the fish are pulled in by that rope. The goal, of course, is to lead all the fish back to God.

This is the period of throwing out the net, so on March 1, 1983, the command was given in America for total mobilization. That was the beginning of the three-year period of training before entering the land of Canaan. These three years are equivalent to the three days in Egypt when the Israelite people were allowed by the Pharaoh to go into the wilderness in order to sacrifice to Yahweh. During this three-year period you should work in a serious, intense way. And just as the Israelite people were seeking to express their loyalty to God for three days, you must live your three-year period with dedication and love.

In the wilderness, 600,000 people of the first generation died, after becoming the prey of Satan, but the second generation entered Canaan. Today in America and in Japan, the first generation has opposed the Unification movement, but the second generation may not oppose us. We will educate the second generation.

We are now in the three-year period in the wilderness. Even though our environment is hostile to the point of our being killed, we must love our nation, we must love our fatherland; we must overcome all hostility. We must have the passion and conviction to do that. That is the purpose of the three-year period. Without their training through hardships in the wilderness, the Israelite people would have had no possibility of overcoming the seven tribes of Canaan. In the same way, unless we are trained, we will not be able to overcome communism. We members of the Unification movement must wear the helmet of heavenly heart in the wilderness in order to conquer evil. We must become soldiers who can battle unrighteousness in these three years.

Therefore, wherever you are in the world, always fly the flag of victory 24 hours a day. Run it up in every town, every city, every province, every village, and every house. You must be victorious. You must fulfill your mission in accordance with the will of God. Otherwise we cannot fulfill this providential course we are walking which is parallel to that of the Israelites. You must clearly declare to the whole world that the Unification movement is on the path to the land of Canaan, and that I, the leader of the Unification movement, am in the position of Moses today. Within these three years, we have to overcome all opposition and offer ourselves totally to God and to the world. We have no nation yet, and we have no secure environment for the blessed families yet, in spite of the fact that there are many nations and families in the world. Therefore we must entrust everything to the will of God, and we have to listen intently to Him. We have to offer everything for the sake of God and His ideal and for the sake of loving all of humanity. Through absolute attendance, we must become one, transcending national allegiance, and march forward to Jericho. This is what is meant by the period of the three years.

Toward the explosion of heart

So you must never hesitate. Invest everything. If you have any energy, exert it all. You have to be ready to give your life for God's love. You have to empty yourself, with the conviction that a loving heart is eternal. Each of us must understand that we are standing a hair's breadth away from the ultimate destination of God's providence. In this situation, we must never be defeated. To be vanquished would be tragic. Members of the Unification movement of East and West must be kindled and explode together in heart throughout the world. Such a heartistic explosion will bring about the resurrection of the world. Even God Himself will be resurrected because His heart will be liberated.

We are like soldiers marching forward to achieve the restoration through indemnity. We must clearly know that. We also have the goal of unifying world religions. This year we are sponsoring the third annual God Conference. We are guiding youthful future leaders of all religions toward unity. The Unification movement is a global movement; it is inter-religious as well as interdenominational. It is also an interracial movement, as we can see in our marriages. Furthermore, the Unification movement is an interdisciplinary movement, sponsoring conferences that combine various academic disciplines. Because of such activities as these, many intellectuals are realizing that Reverend Moon is the only person thinking and acting on the worldwide level. Many people are coming to recognize that only Reverend Moon can handle all the problems of the world.

If we can fulfill our missions in these three years and establish victorious foundations which God can support, then the media will reverse their way of writing about us. That's my belief. If that is the case, the period of persecution which requires restoration through indemnity will evaporate, and wherever we go, we will be welcomed with great applause that will reach all the way to heaven. If that is the case, then we will have established the heavenly tradition, based on the foundation of the family. The purpose of our work is to establish the world of unity, the world that has one sovereignty, one land, one culture, as is written in "My Pledge." It is one lineage centering upon the one couple of the True Parents. We become ideal successors of that tradition, fulfilling "My Pledge."

We are going to fulfill the words "love your enemy" in the Bible. Christians have believed that one's enemy is simply an individual person, but that is not entirely true. The Unification movement teaches that one's enemy could be a nation or even the world, which you should then love. Our enemy countries become the starting point of our Heavenly Kingdom. Unless our kingdom starts from within the enemy nation, then the Heavenly Kingdom will never be realized. If we establish our tradition this way, then throughout the future no greater ideology will arise. This will be the consummate ideology.

Four great enemy nations must begin the Heavenly Kingdom out of this victorious heavenly tradition, creating a worldwide foundation of love. If that succeeds, then the Heavenly Kingdom on the earth can start. Therefore, we are now in the three-year period in which a complete foundation of indemnity must be made. Unless we are successful within these three years, the work will be extended another three years. We have six years in which to do the job, but a complete foundation of indemnity should ideally be established within three years. We are pursuing restoration through indemnity, and what are we trying to restore? Perfection on many levels. Adam's individual perfection is the basis of the perfection of the family, clan, nation, and world. After I pay all the indemnity necessary to gain victory from Satan on the broadest level, then you, together with all humanity, must also establish the victory in more localized ways. That is the purpose of your home church activity. Through it, you will be able to claim part of the restored land of Canaan as your own.

Where is the Canaan of today? It is the entire earth. We are already accomplishing the conditions for the success of God's providence on this earth; the expansion of home church activity transcends nationalities and ideologies. We are even working in communist countries. Through home church activity, we restore Canaan, and we "inherit" a part of the world by claiming credit for having substantially restored a neighborhood. If the fall of man had not taken place, each person would have had the right to be an owner of the universe. Your home church will become the conditional object whereby you can possess the cosmos all things, all people, the parents, and God -- by establishing a foundation of love. Therefore, without home church you cannot establish the foundation to become one with the True Parents and with God. You cannot go to the -- Heavenly Kingdom without succeeding in your home church.

Full indemnity and home church

In my life I accomplished full indemnity and established a victorious foundation. On this basis I announced the beginning of home church activities. This is the best of all possible good news for mankind. From home church, the Heavenly Kingdom on earth, the liberation of God, the ideal nation, and all ideals will be realized. We inherit home church as our daily life. God has given you such a precious thing, but you are reluctant to go to your home church areas. There are even people who have no areas. Unless you have your own home church area, which is your own Cain-type tribe, you can never restore your Abel-like tribe. Before you can restore your Abel-type family, you have to restore Cain first. No one has ever understood this point so far.

It's important to love your enemy. Why did God make efforts to teach us that loving our enemy is important? Satan says to God, "In order for You to be God, You must always maintain the standard of ideal, eternal love." God replies, "Yes, that is true." Then Satan says, "God, when You made me the archangel, did You do so just in order to love me temporarily, or to love me forever?" And God says, "Forever." If God loved only temporarily, then He would be like Satan. By the same token, if one has no standard of loving forever, he cannot show God's dignity to Satan. In order for God to be God, He must love Satan no matter how much Satan is opposed to Him.

Satan says, "I fell and became evil, but You who are good can never change, and You can never do the things I do. I enjoy attacking and fighting, but you hate fighting. You must be silent even if You are beaten." Hence, God cannot forcibly resist Satan's aggression. Why? God cannot crush Satan just like that. He must love him unchangingly so that Satan will finally come to say, "Oh, indeed You are God. I surrender to You." No matter how much suffering you may have to experience, you have to love the archangel until the ideal of heaven is completely established in this world. God's hands are tied by that demand. As you go on your way to the Heavenly Kingdom, Satan will test you. Just as God must love Satan and let Satan surrender to Him in that way! so God's children must love the archangel if they want to go to the Heavenly Kingdom.

How much love would that take? Even though you are persecuted by all of this world, which is the realm of the enemy, you must love the evildoer with your whole heart. That is the condition you have to fulfill. God is most concerned about that condition, so those people who are striving to be God's children should also be most concerned about it. This standard of loving might appear simple, but it is the very boundary line between God and Satan. No one has fully understood this before. In order to go beyond this boundary, God cannot even regard His enemy as an enemy, and He must not take revenge.

The conclusion for us is to love our enemy. When Jesus prayed for those people who were killing him, it was the greatest victory. If he had hated his enemies when he was about to die, then the providence of God would not have been successful. But as Jesus overcame his difficulties through love, Satan began surrendering, and Jesus obtained the qualification of God's perfected child. You have to come to the point where you are able to say, "Satan, don't you agree that I am a child of God?" and have Satan concede, "Yes, that's true." You must be able to say confidently, "I'm following God's direction, expanding His sphere of love from the individual level through the family, clan and nation, to the worldwide level. You have no objection to that. Right, Satan?" And Satan must say, "I have to agree with you because it's the Principle."

This is the way God has proceeded with His dispensation, centering upon Christianity. It has been the path of sacrifice and martyrdom and, through its bloody history, Christianity has been a movement to expand God's love to the family level, the societal level, the national level, all the way to the worldwide level. Through the standard of Christian love, which loves the enemy, enemy nations can be conquered; Cain is won over. By following this way, the Unification movement has spread worldwide.

Love and the Japanese people

From a secular point of view, Japanese people ought to be my enemies. They subjugated Korea and did many evil things to the Korean people, killing thousands from 1905 to 1945. Nevertheless, I love the Japanese people. When Japan surrendered in World War II, I loved my defeated enemies. This is the reason young Japanese members are now following me at the risk of their lives; it is in accordance with the principle of cause and effect. It is because I established the foundation of heart by loving the enemy nation, Japan, with God's heart, beyond nationalism. The Japanese policemen who beat me nearly to death would have been executed later if I had implicated them. But I forgave them and sent them off to Japan with their luggage.

Moreover, it is a great thing that Japanese members are now shedding tears, sweat, and blood to save the United States, once Japan's enemy. In this way, Satan is being forced to relinquish his territory on the worldwide level. Young Japanese members are now working hard at the risk of their lives for the United States, the enemy country of just 37 years ago, in order to save it and unite it with heaven. This is a wonderful event, something never seen before in history.

For what purpose are the Japanese members doing this? They are working not for the United States alone, but for the world. Thus American people should not live in accordance with selfish traditions. I clearly told an American Unification Church leader recently that all American members have their own traditional way of thinking. With such an attitude, you cannot accomplish world-scale activity. Instead, you should sacrifice yourselves with the object of saving the world. You should realize that you can establish the worldwide tradition of love only when you have overcome your self-centered desires. You should work harder than the Japanese members, your former enemies. It is to your shame that your ex-enemies are serving you more. You should not be defeated in love by the Japanese.

The European members, especially Germans, who are blessed with American members should all come to the United States, because America is the gateway to the world. The United States is not a nation for itself; it represents the democratic world. Therefore, I am now mobilizing members all around the world for the sake of the United States in order to make this country the center of the new God- centered culture and the center of the Unification movement in the future.

Even if Japan became a spiritual desert, you could survive if the United States lives. Therefore, you should devote yourselves to spiritually developing the United States. I have brought here some Korean traditions, based on purity and morality, in order to save this country. I have been doing this in accordance with the Principle, developing the Unification movement thereby.

The Eve nation, Japan, should be united with the Adam nation, South Korea, after teaching the Cain and Abel nations the traditions of heaven. In other words, you must teach the Germans and Americans, respectively. This is in accordance with the Principle. If you fail, you cannot unite with heaven. The Soviet Union and China have their eyes fixed on the Eve nation. From this point of view, the defense of Korea is a critical problem for the defense of Japan. This is the conclusion from the providential point of view. In order to unite Korea and Japan -- both physically and heartistically -- one idea is to construct an undersea tunnel between them.

We have now entered an extraordinarily important period. What I am now working on is the ultimate historical task, the terminal point of history. I am now gathering and uniting the four major providential nations, offering their unity to God as an enormous indemnity condition for restoring the world. When such a unity is realized, the Kingdom of Heaven will start, so this is the beginning and at the same time the end of God's providence. If we continue such a movement toward unity for the next three years, no one will oppose our work.

In South America, people are already saying, "Welcome, Reverend Moon." It is the same in Africa and Asia, as well as in the Japanese and Chinese communities in the United States. If such minorities are completely united, the majority will become the minority. Then their resentment of many years against white Americans must be used not for revenge but should be transformed into love to save the "enemy." That is the attitude based on God's love. If you work with such an attitude, you can establish the complete indemnity condition. Establishing the complete indemnity condition means complete restoration. Then, where does complete restoration lead? It leads to complete perfection.

The four providential nations

If we can restore the four major providential nations, we can offer to God the fundamental elements that have been Satan's. These four providential nations bring together all of these fundamental elements. What does Korea. have? Spirit and the jewel of thought. Japan has beauty, the United States has power and Germany has technique and expertise. These four nations together have all the things which can bring unity throughout the world.

Starting with the individual level, going through the family, clan, society! and national levels, we have now come to the level of making world-level indemnity conditions. Four major nations which were once enemies are now becoming united centering on the heavenly tradition. Accordingly, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is not far away. It is very near.

Realizing this, you should pull out all the stops, working gratefully even at the risk of your lives. Therefore, you members who are going back to Japan should try to work three times harder than American members. Even if you drop on the street like a toppled tree, you shouldn't complain. You should try to work with such a tireless spirit of urgency for these three years, even with just one meal a day. This is a turning point of history. I'm asking you to feverishly witness throughout the country for three years. To bolster the witnessing, I am thinking of using radio broadcasting. If we also use satellite technology, we could witness to the majority of humankind in a week! Three years are not really necessary to accomplish the mission of the Unification movement. We have to erect a movement so strong that world communism cannot ignore it. This is not just a story; it is an actual fact.

If we can build such a movement, you can mobilize and liberate 70 generations or even 120 generations of your ancestors. People in the spirit world are eager to help the earth. If you mobilize your ancestors, you can attract 70 disciples and then 120 disciples centering on your clan. This is a momentous event. The reason you joined the Unification movement is not that you have such great personal merit or strong faith. You could join because of your ancestors, the thousands of generations of your ancestors' sacrifice, service, and goodness for the sake of God. Therefore, what will become of you if you do not follow me and work for the nation and world? Your ancestors will be angry and accuse you of being irresponsible when you go to the spirit world; you'll have no place to go. But if you accomplish your mission and then go to spirit world, you'll be welcomed and served by your ancestors. Remember that you came here not based on your own greatness; you've been mobilized by the spirit realm.

I came here in order to accomplish a historic task, and God prepared the environment for me. It is in accordance with the principle of creation that the environment is prepared; everything in the world must go through a period of growth. Accordingly, spirit world mobilized you when I came. Therefore, you should not lead an easy life. You should discard your habitual ways of thinking and you should set your mind on goodness; work with all your heart, remembering the standard of spirit which you received from me today.

You should work from now in a different way than you used to. For example, you should make your wife work on the front line and you should dedicate your children to this cause as well. Indeed, you cannot love your children without first loving all other people. Otherwise, Satan can accuse you. You should strive to receive a certificate from Satan, declaring that you love all the people under his dominion. Then you are qualified to go back to your home and freely love your children, your family, your clan, and your nation.

This is the principle that I myself have been living. I have not focused on caring for my children. I have not personally educated my children, even while living at East Garden. After all, who educated Adam? The archangel did. God, the Father of Adam and Eve, did not directly educate them. Therefore, who should educate my children? The 36 Couples, who stand in the position of the archangel. Such a traditional, principled way of education has not yet been established in the Unification Church. If there are members among the 36 Couples who complain about my children, it is indeed a problem. I must resolve such complaints.

You must love Cain on the family level; then you can love Cain on the individual level. But you first need to love Cain on the societal level and on the national level. This is the principle of restoration. Therefore, individual happiness should be sacrificed for the sake of the nation's happiness. Nations should be sacrificed for the sake of the world. I have sacrificed all things for the sake of restoring the world. To this end, I have been devoting myself and the substance of the Unification movement to building up the United States.

After you have made the indemnity condition of love and sacrifice on the worldwide level, then you can return home and give your children greater love than you gave to Gain. The heavenly Abel family and the Cain family must be united in love on the horizontal level. You should love the Japanese people and my children, and after both the Japanese people and my children commend you, you can love your own children. This is the Principle.

If my children went through painful times due to neglect by the 36 Couples, I didn't complain. It was an indemnity condition. I cannot discard the. 36 Couples. With the hope that they will come to attend my family in the proper way, I have always embraced them with love. You should not be critical of them, for Satan tries to attack in that way.

If you can surpass the national level of heart and exhibit the love which Satan must surrender to, then everything will be completed. I have asked a famous scholar of the U.S. Constitution to make a draft of a Constitution for the Heavenly Kingdom. Such a time is now at hand.

Because we are so close to the realization of God's providence, you should understand how important and precious your position is; this is the moment you should correct your way of life. In our lives from now on, we must not repeat the failures of the past, but should press forward successfully to fulfill God's will. That is my hope. Now let us pray, raising our hearts to heaven.

Beloved, precious Father in heaven,

Throughout eons of history, You have established many religions in order to liberate Your grieving heart. By sacrificing many faithful central figures, You have been proceeding toward the ultimate victory of Your love. When I contemplate this history and how much indemnity was paid and how many people suffered, I feel very sorry for heaven.

You have prepared things so that we can welcome the new era. Let this Unification movement flourish on the earth. You made it possible, Heavenly Father, for Reverend Moon to come on the earth and disclose to us today these crucial words. Let us understand this message. We are grateful for You, and for this great world, and we show it by raising both our hands. We have pledged and we pledge again to march forward at the risk of our lives on any battlefield for the sake of Your will. We sincerely ask You, Father, to receive this, our resolution, with joy.

Here, representatives of many nations have gathered, beyond their own nationalities. Please guide and govern those here. You made us unite centering upon heavenly love, and You have melted together natural enemies and have been developing the sphere of love. Now we understand all these things. So we have pledged to You not to take any action which opposes the tradition of Your will, no matter what circumstances we are put in. We are grateful for the fact that we could pledge this. And please continue to encourage us so that we can become people who press on despite any persecution. We pledge to go forward effectively using our time remaining until we usher in the ideal world of Your will.

I sincerely ask You to guide us in the direction of Your will so that we can follow it unerringly. I sincerely ask this, and offer this prayer in the name of True Parents. Amen.

Chapter 34 - The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity

Chapter 34
The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
May 1, 1981 -- Seoul, Korea

Dear loving Father, please forgive us that we could not end Your suffering. Mankind is still ignorant of Your great will, and no country on earth has ever been able to follow or understand You. I am very grateful from the bottom of my heart that this small Unification group, which has nothing to display externally, could become the ones who could understand and feel Your holy will, which is to establish Your victory in this universe by ushering in the day of victory for all people.

I know we need to transcend any individual or national position and represent all people of the earth. At the same time, we have to realize that we shoulder Your great providential will to establish the realm of perfection as representatives of the whole earth.

Heavenly Father, today May 1, 1981. Today the Unification Church welcomes the 27th anniversary of its founding on earth. We want to offer all our gratitude for the privilege of welcoming this day as a new anniversary day. When we reflect on our past, a panorama of events passes through our minds.

As we reflect upon what has happened, we want this to become a time of historical import, a time to make a determination for tomorrow's victory as well as a time to celebrate our joy. Also, please guide us so we can become deeply aware of our calling to be truly great and dutiful sons and daughters who can return eternal joy to You. Heavenly Father, please be with us during this time.

We are so grateful that You have been guiding this church with Your deep, precious love and protection. This church was nearly wiped out, but was not destroyed. This church swayed, but did not collapse. This church could never have been born without the chance You gave us. We really ask that You continue to guide our future path.

Father, we thank You for everything. Please bless us with Your joy to represent the future victory. We ask that Your abundant blessing be given at this time.

All members of the Unification Church in the world are celebrating this day and are longing for the True Parents who are here in Korea at this moment. We pray that Your deep love and life energy will be given to each of Your children throughout the world. Bless all of them that they will not feel depressed in the face of tomorrow's battle but will confront the enemy as heavenly soldiers. Let them embody Your love and resurrection of life. And bless them so they can practice Your will in reality.

Let all Your blessing and love be upon Your children.

I pray these things in the name of True Parents. Amen.

Today we welcomed the 27th anniversary of the Unification Church. I could speak so much about the situations of the past years. Needless to say, our organization was founded not to accomplish certain personal goals, but to fulfill! God's will.

Then, what is the whole content of God's will? First, to restore Adam through the process of the history of recreation. Next, to restore Eve on the victorious foundation of Adam. Then, to create a perfect family and perfect children on the foundation of the perfected Adam and Eve. To help children to attain perfection, a people or tribe should be formed.

Numerous saints and sages have worked as representatives of God. What have they accomplished? They gave rise to various religions. Chronologically, there are four types: religion of servant, adopted son, son, and parents. Geographically, religions have moved in different directions: North, South, East and West. Furthermore, the various stages of religion have geographic variations: there are East, West, North, and South types of religions of son, for instance. To accommodate local needs, religions of servant, adopted-son, and son appeared in various regions. Also, the essence of even a religion of servant corresponds to the content of religions of adopted son, son and parents. Whatever the religion may be, its goal is to fulfill God's will, and it follows a path toward the perfection of God's ideal of creation. That is the case even with a religion of servant. The religion of adopted son appears on the foundation of the religion of servant, but in a higher dimension. The same applies to the religions of son and parents.

This development is the center of the providence of salvation, and the main current of history flowing toward the completion of the providence of salvation.

What is an adopted son? He is not in the direct lineage of God, but he can substitute for the true son. A true son can inherit and understand all of God's situations and His heart; an adopted son can become a successor in the case of the parents' absence. The adopted son is higher than a servant and prepares for the true son.

A true-son religion enables people to know their parents clearly. "To know" means not only recognizing the title, but also creating the realm of heartistic unity. Neither the servant period nor the adopted son period could set the standard of heart of the true son.

A qualified son who can represent the parent (God) stands in the parental position for mankind. As a son, he can also represent the whole of mankind before God. The appearance of the true son establishes for the first time God's center on earth. There can be only one center. The delivery of His son is the great moment of fulfillment for God. What a joy to embrace him for the first time! That was God's ideal and longing from the start of the creation.

There have been numerous historical courses. The Jewish religion and then Christianity have been the mainstream of religion. The period through Jacob's family established the moral responsibility of servant. Then the Old Testament period built the foundation for the adopted-son position. Jesus came as the Messiah, the son who can receive God's love. The Bible says that Jesus is the only son of God, meaning that he is the first son to be born centered on God's love. With such a background, Christianity became the central thread of world history, eventually forming the democratic world which is preeminent in the civilization of the 20th century.

Now people say these are the "Last Days." Jesus was to go on to the mission of parents after fulfilling that of messianic son. Christianity promises the bridegroom and bride as the fulfillment of the Last Days. Bridegroom and bride symbolize the religion of parents.

Then what are the Last Days? The end of the period of sons and daughters and the dawn of a new era of parents. What is the desire of sons and daughters? To see the parents whom they had never met and to receive parental love from them. In the Last Days their deepest desire is fulfilled.

The Last Days is not the time for almighty God literally to set the world on fire and to condemn people to destruction, as today's Christians believe. It is the time to fulfill the purpose of children, that is to complete salvation on the earth through the appearance of the True Parents. It is the time to build the society, nation and world centered on God's heart, God's family and heavenly moral virtue. It is the time to be completely educated in all these points by the parents and to manifest the ideal horizontally, so the world can be united around God's love and parents' love. With such an education, society can progress toward that goal. The. Last Days is the cosmic turning point.

Uniting world Christianity

What is the Unification Church? The Unification Church emphasizes True Father and Mother, and True Children. This is the most distinctive aspect of our church. Religions have had one person as a central core of faith. The Unification Church promotes the religion of both father and mother. The significant aspect of religious history today is that parents became the central core of religion for the first time.

What kind of parents are they? They stand in the position of historical ancestors who embody the fundamental parental tradition of God-centered people. These parents represent not only today's generation; they recreate this world by transforming impure children into God's true children. They teach unqualified children and guide them to become true. children by engrafting them upon True Parents, persevering in this task until the fallen world completely passes away. This is the teaching of the Unification Church.

What will happen to other religions? The religions of servant, adopted son and son will link up with the religion of parents to create a new world: the unified world of providence.

The Unification religion is the religion of son, in a sense. It has the responsibility to march forward, united with all traditional Christianity, to a new world level, the new realm which human history has longed for. Therefore, the ideology of the Unification Church must unite world Christianity.

So why the term, "Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity"? Someone once asked me, "Reverend Moon, why. did you use the term 'Unification of World Christianity?' Because of so much persecution, why don't you remove that term?" If I removed that term, who would be opposed to the Unification Church? Christian ministers and elders have said, "The Unification of World Christianity? I don't believe it." It might be acceptable if Reverend Moon were like the pope, who has a foundation in many nations of the world. But when a marginal man such as Reverend Moon is attempting to unite world Christianity, everybody always feels uncomfortable. They cannot even sleep well.

Christianity has been fragmented into hundreds of denominations in the process of its 2,000 years of struggle and development. Then I attempt to unite them! People wonder what means I will use to unite them. Bayonets? Force? Dictatorial methods? All kinds of rumors have spread.

By what means can I unite Christianity throughout the world? By the Holy Spirit. Hence the name Holy Spirit Association. Do you understand? Not by fists or bayonets, but by the Holy Spirit. We cannot unite by human power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the mobilization of the spirit world. It is more difficult to mobilize the spirit world than to mobilize human beings.

You can unite Christianity if you set aside the elements that cause disunity and preserve the core around which all Christians can unite. It sounds simple, doesn't it? Thus, we need to form a new system of truth, namely, a new view of the central truth of the Bible as it developed through the Old and New Testaments and points to the future. Such a view should be God's view and the view of the spirit world. Christianity has not been able to discover this central core. Before the spirit world can cooperate with man, God must give a hand and offer His cooperation, for God is the king of the spirit world. If the king rejects something, no matter how anxious His soldiers in the spirit world may be to cooperate with it, they may not. Only when God the king becomes excited and approves something may His soldiers, the people in the spirit world, help us out. Therefore, when the Unification Church selects the central points from the Old and New Testaments, they must impress God enough for Him to say, "That is true! The Unification Church is quite good."

In order to move the spirit world, our teaching must not only be endorsed by God but also accord with the desires and hopes of the many saints and religious leaders who lived and worked on earth. It must explain the core of what Gautama Buddha wanted to propose, what Confucius wanted to carry out, what Jesus wanted to preach -- and even the content of things yet unknown. All these people must give their seal of approval.

The problem is how to connect the religions of servant and adopted son to the religion of son, which is their center and vehicle for reaching the religion of parents. Only then can a system endorsed by the heavenly spirit world and God emerge.

So, do you think we can naturally unite Christianity throughout the world? [Yes!] You may still prefer the name "Unification Association," but it remains the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. We are confident that we can make it a reality. Unification Church members are funny, crazy people, but not crazy in a bad way. They are crazy for the attainment of a purpose. What is the purpose? To fulfill the contents of the Old and New Testaments and, with all the spirit men in the spirit world, to build a world. centered upon God's purpose. The goal of our movement is to attain the will of God. In the Unification Church, therefore, we are continuing the work of the Holy Spirit. Not that Jesus appears from the spirit world, and teaches, but that the True Parents do the teaching.

True Parents mean not only the Lord, the bridegroom, but the bride- groom and bride together, in a horizontal, reciprocal relationship. The father-son relationship is a vertical realm of heart, different from the horizontal, reciprocal relationship. Therefore, someone in the position of parent, with a substantial, physical body on earth, can teach you through spiritual phenomena, just as Jesus did. Do you understand?

I can channel into the physical world the work of people in the spirit world. Many Unification Church members have gone abroad as missionaries. Some were imprisoned; others were expelled from their countries, but returned again and again, undaunted. They did so because I appeared to them spiritually and directed them. They returned eagerly because I asked them to.

In Japan and the United States, members work more than 18 hours a day, not because they are forced to, but because they see spiritually True Parents working on the forefront, leading them. That is possible in the Unification Church.

Saints and sages of the past had to spend more than 40 years working with the utmost sincerity, in order to connect with the spirit world. In the Unification Church, members can attain that through working just 40 days with utmost sincerity.

Go to the Lord

Today is the age of the space shuttle. A marathon race is about 26 miles, but if a satellite were to run a marathon race, how long would the course have to be? It would need the whole cosmos. In today's space age, religion should have the capacity to measure the cosmos!

Since nothing special seems to have happened today, Christians are still praying, "Lord, please come." But wouldn't it be more wonderful to go and visit the Lord yourself? How about making something like a space shuttle and flying it to the Lord?

So instead of asking him to come, go to his gate and wait for him. Shine his shoes, get everything ready for him. Prepare his bed when he is ready to sleep, prepare his meal when he is ready to eat. Do everything to make him comfortable. Then he will think you are a useful person and may even place you in charge of his house. Become a better manager than he is, then when he goes out, he will naturally tell you, "Please take care of my house while I am away."

Then when he is ready to eat, do you think he will keep you standing in attendance? No, he will welcome you to his table. At first you sit at the corner of the table saying, "This place is good enough for me; I don't have to eat." When you see your Lord eating delicious food, your mouth will move unconsciously, as if you were eating also.

When he sees your mouth moving, do you think he will be able to eat alone? No, he will invite you to eat with him.

"No, I don't need to," you will reply. But you might taste a bit and discover that the food is very delicious.

When the Lord sees you eating the delicious food with joy, would he feel uncomfortable? No, he will feel better than if he were eating alone.

Then he will tell you, "Eat more," and maybe even pick up some food and offer it to you.

The next time, even before the Lord offers you food, you can ask him,

"May I eat this?"

"Yes, Yes," he will reply.

Then you can even eat up everything before he starts!

This is not just an idea. You could really do this kind of thing.

A man feels lonely if he lives all alone. Therefore, God created woman. So it is not surprising that women like men. What aspect of men do they like? Their handsome features, their rough skin and beard. Women's faces are smooth and beardless. Women blink their eyes. It's not good if men blink their eyes all the time, but women who do often have a deep heart.

Who was Jesus? He was the bridegroom prepared to love his bride. And his intended bride was ready to love him. Ministers of the established churches will be surprised to hear this, but I am talking in accordance with the principle of heaven and earth.

Jesus came as the Lord, and everywhere people pray to him with respect. But if we listen carefully, we often hear men praying to possess the world, and women praying for good husbands. Men pray like thieves: "God, make me the president of this country; God, make me the president of this world; God, give me Your position." Women without courage to pray like that ask God to give them a beloved husband. Which of these prayers interests Jesus most? Men pray to fulfill their own purposes, but women pray for a bridegroom to serve with the greatest devotion. The answer is obvious.

Men should pray, "Lord, after I make You the president of heaven and earth, please let me become the president of the world. After You have become the president of the world, please let me become the president of one nation. As Jesus' younger brother, I will serve him. I will respect and serve Jesus as my great teacher, esteeming him above everyone else." If you pray that way, then Jesus will respond to you.

The principle of love

The name of our movement is the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Therefore, by what means shall we unite? By the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the love which can harmonize the spirit world and the physical world. The Holy Spirit could open the eyes of the blind and make the deaf hear, but that is not important. These days, Christianity seems to think that since nothing is impossible for the omniscient and omnipotent God, the best thing for God to do is to make the lame walk. But this is wrong. The Holy Spirit is love. To unite by means of the Holy Spirit means to unite by the Holy Spirit of love.

The Bible says that we must worship God in spirit and in truth. But what is the truth? It is not the Pythagorean theorem or the Newtonian principle. It is the truth of love. What is the greatest aspect of the principle of love? It is the love between parent and child. What God wants is not money or power or knowledge. He wants love. Why? Because He wants to rejoice, having an object of love. We were created to be an object of love, giving God joy. Therefore, our value, even though we are a created being, is equal to the value of God when our relationship is centered upon love. Christian theologians would object that creatures can never be equal to their creator. But why else did God create all things?

The Holy Spirit, which we see in the name The Holy Spirit Association, produces harmony centering upon the love between parent and child. If we establish harmony on this earth, no matter how small its base may be, it can spread to the entire cosmos. When a broadcasting station sends electromagnetic waves to the cosmos, it doesn't matter how small they may be; they are still heading for the cosmos. In the same way, regardless of how small the realm of harmonious love may be, it can connect to the mighty cosmos. As the base of harmonizing love spreads, it becomes infinite, and nothing will escape its touch. Everything in the world will resound to its frequency of love. Therefore, God, who is the center of the cosmos, cannot help tingling with its vibration.

When we are in harmony God will say, "I love you." Then what do you think He would do? He would kiss you. Does He know how to kiss? His kiss is not like a worldly smack. Does God have hands? If He does, they must be more wonderful than hands filled with gold or diamonds. If you love someone, don't you want to touch him or her? When you make contact, harmony and unity are established. When two people rotate, the cosmos also revolves, heaven and earth and all things above and below become one. Everything becomes part of that oneness; the head can become a leg and the leg a head; the stomach can become a back and the back a stomach. God would find such a harmony interesting, wouldn't He?

Men and women laugh in different ways. Laughter has a rhythm of its own that can become singing. When you sing, you move your body, so singing leads to dancing. Embracing His beloved sons and daughters, God would laugh and sing and dance. Those who love God love laughing, singing and dancing.

If God is a real father and you cut His hair, will He sue you? Since you are His beloved child, even though He might say, "You rascal! How could you cut your father's hair?" He will not get angry at you but rather embrace you. I am saying these things to you because you need to develop this heartfelt relationship with God. I want you to have an unforgettable image of it in your mind.

Twenty-seven years ago, an unknown man tacked up a sign which read, "The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity." My name has become big recently, but at that time it was unknown. When I started I did not realize how big the name Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity really was. But once I displayed that sign, I had to fulfill it as a matter of principle. Can I quit because of the opposition? Wherever I have gone, that sign was disliked, and even kicked and destroyed. So many things happened.

Jesus' miserable life

At the beginning of today's speech, I said that God's will was the perfection of Adam, Eve, children and clan. The perfect clan should be established in one nation. Jesus sought to build his clan on the foundation of Judaism and the Jewish people, on the foundation of the clans of Joseph and Zechariah, including John the Baptist. God had prepared these two clans to be related and to be Jesus' extended family. If the high priest and other Jewish leaders had united, centered upon these clans, Jesus would not have had to do anything more. Witnessing would have been unnecessary. People could have lived with Jesus in their daily life, and heaven would have automatically cooperated. The Jewish people would have been united and could have won the Roman Empire over peacefully. Everything could have been restored, and Jesus could have become the king of kings. This was God's original plan for the Messiah.

However, Jesus lost the country, which was supposed to. have protected him. He lost the clans of Joseph and Zechariah and, as a result, Judaism as well. Then he had to leave his home and seek new followers. Those who joined him were uneducated people, beggars and lowly fishermen. I saw the place where Peter lived. It was a miserable cave. Could such people comprehend God's will and think of all humanity? No. Eventually, all they could do was desert their teacher, Jesus. He was betrayed and killed.

Jesus' life was such a miserable one. Christians affirm that Jesus gave his life for the sake of our sin. But if God is such a capable God, why couldn't He find another way to save man? Ask that question to theologians and Christian ministers and leaders. Since God is omniscient and omnipotent, why couldn't He find another way of salvation than to let His son's blood be shed? They cannot answer that question.

By reading our Principle, all these questions are solved. When you read it your eyes change, your ears change, your mind and body change. All problems are solved. But because they do not want to be defeated by Reverend Moon, religious leaders oppose me. If I were a Westerner, there would be no problem. But I am an Oriental and they think they are better.

In the case of Jesus as well, his parents and brothers and sister did not work with him. The Bible tells how his younger brothers ridiculed him. Therefore, Jesus had no foundation of nation, religion, clan, brothers and parents. He had no choice but to start his three years of public ministry.

I am telling stories that traditional Christians never heard before. That is why they call me a heretic. But whether I am a heretic or not cannot be determined until the end of my course -- whether I end up in heaven or hell. Our church's ladder reaches up to heaven. Christians are trying to visit the home of God's servant, but we are seeking the home of God's son. In this sense, we may be heretical.

After the unification of Christianity, how can God's will be perfected? Abel-like people have to take responsibility to complete God's will. There are many people in the spirit world who were saints and sages, but they could not meet the standard of ideal character which God desires. They are still classed as servants or adopted children of God. Even Jesus, who is in the realm of sonship, did not complete the entire mission. The mission of sonship includes governing your nation, church, clan and family and offering yourself to God on the basis of a nation. Since Jesus did not do all this, he must come again.

We have gone beyond the national level to the world level. Therefore, when the Lord returns, his responsibility includes dedicating the entire world to God. Christianity has the responsibility to unify the democratic world and prepare it for the Second Coming, connecting the entire world to God and dedicating it to Him. But Christianity has not yet fulfilled its critical responsibility as a mediator. When it does, its mission will be consummated. If Christianity is united, communism will no longer be much of a problem. Therefore, I cannot abandon those Christians who oppose me. Rather, I must stand firmly for Christian unity. This is the purpose of our movement. The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity means an association, not a church. You must understand this clearly. Without the unity of Christianity, it is impossible to create one world.

Patriot, saint and son

So far, I have taught Unification Church members to be exemplary patriots. This is the first article of education in the Unification Church. The next article is to become a true believer, more faithful than the best Buddhist, Christian, Confucianist, Jew, Hindu or Muslim.

However, to become such a patriot and believer is not sufficient. You must become qualified as a servant of God. When somebody calls for a servant, you should be the first to respond. Therefore, when you begin your life of faith in the Unification Church, you do so from the servant's position. The Unification Church teaches, "Take responsibility for the most difficult problem in your nation. Take responsibility for the most difficult problem of the Unification Church, and take responsibility for the most difficult problem of the world." If you don't go this way willingly, you remain as a servant and cannot reach the realm of adopted sonship.

You have to be willing to digest all the problems of the world today with joy. Then you can rise from the position of servant to adopted son. When you stand in the position of adopted son, you should be better than any adopted son in the world, taking responsibility for the problems other adopted sons cannot solve. Such a path will lead you to the realm of true son. As a true son of direct lineage, if you do what no other person can or will do, you will become the central successor among all the other sons. Everything is systematic.

As you become older, can you urge all patriots to follow your example? Can you ask all believers in other religions to follow your example? Can you say it with confidence? Even if the Unification Church members are unable to go this difficult course, I must do it.

Recently I have heard Koreans say Reverend Moon is a patriot. I received tremendous persecution in the past, but I persevered. Do you know why? To go the path of a servant. If you become the best servant, you can become an adopted son. When Christian ministers say they are God's servants in their prayers, do they really want to become a servant? They call God Heavenly Father, but if you are a servant, you cannot call someone Heavenly Father. Only a son may do so.

You must know that you become a servant among servants in order to inherit the position of adopted son. After you go through the path of obedience, you should love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first commandment. Therefore, you must devote not only your mind but all your love. As a member of the Unification Church, there is nothing more fearful than not to be able to do God's work. It has been my path ever since I came to know God's will to take responsibility for restoration. Therefore, members of the Unification Church should not avoid hard work and sacrifice. A person who does not like this path cannot fulfill it.

Those who suffer most for their nation become patriots. One patriot may be killed by a single bullet and another may be tortured, with his eyes gouged out and ears and nose cut off. Which of the two is at the head of the line of patriots?

Become a servant of servants first. That will qualify you to be an adopted son. If you become the best adopted son, when there is no other son, you will be chosen as the son. Through this process you will be restored to God's side and receive God as your parent. Unless you go this path you cannot restore the position of God's ideal son or daughter. This has been my course ever since I was born. This is the path every human being must go. I have pioneered this path and established the tradition for all humanity to follow.

Some of you may think this path is suitable for me but not for you. Does what I say apply to you? You may think that I can suffer for you and you can just follow. That cannot be so. Prominent scholars will join the Unification Church. They may complain, "I am such an eminent scholar, but the members of the Unification Church do not understand who I am. They talk badly about me." That person must understand that everyone must follow the path of restoration. If a president joins the Unification Church, even he cannot claim he is special. He must go the course of restoration. When a scholar visits me, I will not see him as a scholar until he has gone the path of hardship and sacrifice. Those who do not want to suffer cannot open their mouths.

The adopted sons who suffer the most can inherit the responsibility as true sons. If you get blessed without going through hardship, your Blessing is not a true one. In a way, I am the most foolish person on earth, taking a foolish path. Whether people speak bad of me or not, I go my own way.

The challenge of Korea

I am working now to revive our nation. North and South Korea are confronting each other. Satan is trying to agitate the masses and bring about a confrontation. Who is taking responsibility for that? The established churches are finding all possible faults with me, accusing me of trying to turn the nation upside down. They can say whatever they want. I am working for the survival of the nation. No matter how much evil they may say about me, what I want is for this to become a nation which can survive and receive God's love. Such a nation can shelter our families. Our church needs such a nation in order to live in peace, centering upon God's will.

I could cross the Pacific Ocean and live quietly in the United States. Why do I come back to Korea and try to cope with its problems? So the nation can survive. I have to do things no one else has done in all 4,300 years of Korea's history. How can we find a way to subjugate communism without confronting it? It would be so wonderful if we could do it. God's greatest headaches are the problem of communism, which -- denies His existence, the decline of religion, and the immorality of the young people. I have declared that I will take responsibility for these. As the son of God, I will solve communism, God's most difficult problem. By my own hands I will revive the Christian churches and raise up fallen youth.

Without going the path of hardship as an adopted son, you cannot inherit the position of true son. You must understand this clearly. The role of True Parents includes governing heaven and earth. True Parents have to prepare the worldwide foundation on the basis of the church and tribal foundations. True Parents have to prepare the environment on a higher dimension. If they do not do it, their descendants will perish.

Therefore, in order for the Unification Church to survive, it needs a national environment. The nation needs the proper world environment in order to survive, and the world needs the spiritual environment. Therefore, I am influencing even the spirit world. I have the cooperation of the spirit world, so no one on earth can compete with me. Those who believe in this are in the Holy Spirit Association. If people do not believe in the Unification Church, they cannot understand these things.

The Korean Unification Church members have to go the way; of hard- ships, at the risk of their lives. When many of the 36 Couples go to America and speak to the brothers and sisters there, what are you going to talk about? If the members there are working hard, you have to be able to tell them stories about doing much harder work. In order for Korea to lead the world, you must work harder than anyone else. Representing the nation, you have to live for the sake of all people, the whole world and God. This formula applies anywhere. It must always be centered on love. It is not a mere method. The one in the position of elder brother has to sacrifice himself, as a representative of the parents, and care for his younger brothers and sisters centering upon the love of True Parents. This is the tradition and order of love. Do you understand what I am saying?

Parents should represent the children and suffer more than the children, centering on love for the children. Then even if the family is in a tearful situation, they will not feel like leaving each other. Even though they weep, they continue on the path. When you have children, you should educate them in this tradition.

As a true son, you must become the one who suffers more than anyone else. For what? For the whole, for the family, for the nation, for the church. If you sacrifice yourself for everything, you can become the center, inheriting the tradition of the True Parents.

So far, I have done everything for the nation and the world. Is there anyone who has not spoken ill of me? But because I have been following the heavenly principle, I have been able to advance steadily. God has been using religion to untangle problems throughout history. He has to develop one mainstream of thought so one primary ideology could emerge.

Always a servant

In celebrating today's anniversary, you must remember your position. In the position of a servant I walked the path of a servant of servants. Even as an adopted son and later a real son, I worked as a servant of servants. As a True Parent, I have suffered more than any parent in the world. But heaven gathered all kinds of love -- the love of servant, adopted son, real son, and True Parents, and connected them with the love of heaven. Heavenly love has always existed and tries to connect all the other loves. Love is what makes the spirit world and the human world rejoice. Therefore, the Holy Spirit Association was founded centered upon love.

To see things with the mind of love means to deny yourself and go the way of sacrifice. You must become a perfect minus in front of a perfect plus. When a perfect minus appears in front of a perfect plus, another plus is attracted to it. For example, if I am a perfect minus before a nation, the ultimate plus, God, will be attracted. This is the principle of heaven. Therefore, the tradition of patriots is one of blood, sweat and tears. The tradition of filial piety is one of blood, sweat and tears. The tradition of saints is one of blood, sweat and tears.

There is one axis in history: the axis that links the hearts of the heavenly child, the saint, the patriot, and the filial child. This axis is the standard of sacrifice for the whole, set on all levels -- filial child, patriot, saint and heavenly child. No matter how ambitious you are, you cannot reach the goal unless you go through these stages.

I am a man of strong desire. My eyes are small, like the aperture of a camera stopped down to focus on the distant scene. People with small eyes have more wisdom and understanding of the truth. People with large eyes tend to be fragile and unstable. (But don't feel bad if your eyes are big!)

I pray to God: "If Your will includes the worlds of servant, adopted son, real son, and parent, then I will go the path to obtain these worlds. Along that path I will take more responsibility and be more sacrificial. I am here because I chose this way. If You let me be a servant, no one will be more sacrificial than I; I will work 24 hours a day."

Without eating, without sleeping, without playing, we must go such a path. We are different from ministers and elders in the established churches. Our prayer, witnessing and study is different. The Unification Church began from the position of a beggar. A beggar has no clothes, a beggar sleeps under a bridge. There is no job which I have not done: laborer, fisherman, farmer, dock worker. I know more about the world than anyone else. I can do God's will anywhere. If the predestined people do not follow, I will continue the path by educating laborers and farmers. I have the capacity to do all that. That is why I can be the teacher of the Unification Church. If an ordinary person were to try it, he would leave the church within less than a week. You cannot become the teachers of the Unification Church without knowing anything about this suffering path.

The teacher must guide all the work and take care of organizational details. That is why the people of the Unification Church like me. Men, women, grandfathers, grandmothers and children all like me. The day before yesterday, an 80 year old grandmother came up and grasped my hand, rejoicing like a child. Why do people like me that way? Not because I have money, but because I have love. Love, however, does not refer to secular love. How wonderful love is! If you could express it in art work, what a masterpiece it would be!

Now you can definitely understand the tradition. The servants who go through the most miserable hardships become the primary force and center of the mainstream. The adopted son whose course was the most difficult becomes the center of the tradition. The son who works hardest for the parents becomes the center of the tradition of love. The most sacrificial and uncomplaining parents can set the main tradition and go to the Kingdom of Heaven first.

When did you cry in the position of a servant? Representing the most miserable laborers and farmers, you should tremble in sympathy for their suffering lives.

Have you suffered as an adopted son? Handicapped people often lead miserable lives without anyone to whom they can appeal when they are humiliated. They may feel like failures before their parents or nation. Standing in front of them, you should be able to cry.

Next is the position of son or daughter. Today families in the democratic world are being destroyed; their young people are becoming immoral. If you can cry with them, you can become the greatest among the children.

For whom do you do this? For God and mankind, for your nation, clan and family. All are connected. Finally, you do this for yourselves. But Western people do all things first for themselves. If that is the way you want to live, go ahead. But you will be lonely and die in desperation.

Nations have opposed me. North Korea, Japan, the United States, the whole world has opposed me. Everyone opposed the Unification Church and Reverend Moon. Judaism, established Christianity and especially communism have opposed me. Most people would want revenge. But I do not. I have no thought of revenge. I am willing to forget everything, as soon as possible. I am willing to forget even though I have been kicked and maligned. When people oppose me I take the attitude that they do so because I could not carry out what I wanted to do and give them more love. Because I could not achieve what I had pledged -- to love people before God -- and because I could not prepare the right position for them, they persecute me so loudly. But I love them even though I am persecuted. When I do this the world changes.

Inspire God

What kind of promise can inspire God? "Oh my God, I have power and talent and great scholarship. I became a great doctor and I can wield authority. I am a capable president; through my orders I can control everything." Such words cannot inspire God. You can boast of none of those things.

If you say, "I have raised many sons and daughters," you still cannot be proud of yourself or inspire God. Only one promise can inspire God: "I have decided to be a sacrifice in order to establish the tradition of Your love. I have been trying to live for others. All I want to do is continue living this way." Then God will reply, "Oh, I understand you well. You have accomplished the principles of loyalty, filial piety and fidelity." Otherwise, you have no true pride before God, even though you work hard witnessing and fund raising, trying to do something for the world.

What can God be proud of before us? He can say, "I have done every- thing for you. While you were sleeping and playing, I have been protecting you, even though you had fallen." We can see everything God has done, like a videotape, if only we press the switch. It was not with His power or knowledge that God has done things, but because of His wonderful, loving heart.

Today Western people are eager to visit Korea because I came from there. Western men want Korean wives, and Western women want Korean husbands. Is there anything handsome about Korean men? Their noses are so low! There are many handsome men in America. In the blue eyes of Western people, you can see everything as clearly as if you were looking into water. They are very fascinating.

I have done something nobody else could do. Women want to be married to a man like me, and men want a wife like True Mother. At the matching of 843 couples, all the woman said they wanted to be matched with a Korean. The men likewise.

The world which I envision is something that should have been established at the time of the liberation of Korea. Christianity should have united at that time. What would have happened if other Christians had associated with the Unification Church? Instead of a prison course, the way of new truth would have opened.

If established Christianity had opened its gates, it could have been won over within seven years. Look at what is happening recently. Ministers and church elders are so surprised when they hear three days of lectures on the Principle. If the church leaders like it, won't the established churches eventually change?

Results of rejection

If such things had happened at the liberation of Korea, the country would not have been divided into North and South. If established Christianity and the Unification Church had united on a worldwide level centering upon the United States, communist domination would have disappeared.

I know communism very well. I have greater ability to digest communism than anybody else. Established Christianity is largely responsible for the situation today. If officials at key Christian universities had not opposed the Unification Church, restoration could have been quickly accomplished. However, they attacked us in every possible way.

I knew well what kind of person Kim Il Sung was. It was so clear that he would appear as the head of Satan's side and do all the things he has done. I knew that a coalition of resentment, centering on the sovereignty of Satan, would rise up and penetrate into half to two- thirds of the world. It was like losing again the foundation of Jesus' 33 years of life.

Because of the opposition in South Korea, I went to the satanic realm of North Korea. There I labored and suffered in prison. After paying that indemnity, I was released from prison. At the risk of my life, I visited several church members in Pyongyang before escaping to the South in 1951. Then I wrote the original manuscript of the Principle and worked to rebuild the Unification movement.

Reunification of North and South Korea is possible only on the basis of our worldwide activity. They cannot unite as they are. Korea cannot survive and unite without the support of a worldwide foundation. This is the view of the Principle.

The division between North and South Korea was not accidental but was related to the heavenly principle and the failure of Korea and the United States to fulfill their responsibilities. Because of that failure, the United States, England and the rest of the democratic world began to decay. The blessings they had gained during World War II were claimed by the communist world. If we belong to heaven, we can stand on the worldwide level. If not, tragedies such as the division of Korea result.

Regions which Germany had occupied became satellites of the Soviet Union. Even China fell under the Soviet sphere. A military administration was set up in Korea centering upon General Hodge. However the historical tragedy which I. mentioned prolonged the suffering and resulted in a 40 year wilderness course.

Then what nation can solve this problem? Neither the United States or any other democratic nation can. No church can deal with it. The United States and established Christianity have failed their responsibilities. Therefore True Parents have to resolve the destiny of the world. The dispensation of True Parents is to restore the entire history of Christianity centering on me, based in Korea.

The Unification Church has received world-level opposition. As a result, the world will be driven into circumstances more painful than those which the Unification Church has been experiencing for the past 10 years. According to the principle of indemnity, such painful situations will occur in families, societies and nations. Members of the Unification Church have endured much pain in their minds as they have sought to do God's will when the satanic world hit the heavenly side with growing power and authority. The Unification Church was persecuted because of God's will. There is a principle that the side which attacks another can be hit by heaven. Members of the Unification Church have been bearing countless difficulties in order to return the world to heaven. Now the Unification Church will rise, while the world will experience collapses of the family, society and nation.

But I cannot allow the world to collapse. That is why I made a base in Korea and am reaching out to the world. Christianity stands in the position of elder brother in Western society. I cannot allow my elder brother to collapse. God's love is to reawaken him. You must understand that this is why I have been struggling so hard.

Korean Christians are very aware of my activities. If they hear the name Reverend Moon even in their sleep, they cry out! I have a worldwide foundation of programs and activities. Recently I created a strong educational organization to make coalitions with other groups and hold rallies on the state, city and village levels. In spite of my efforts to save them, I am still the object of enmity by the established churches and the nation. I have spent more money in ecumenical work than for the sake of the Unification Church. From a worldly point of view, I should consider them an unforgivable enemy, but I forgive them, because they kept the position of son of God before I came and because I need their foundation as a bridge for going further. If I can succeed, God will consider them successful as

Social decline

Because God thinks that way, I do too. This is the law of Cain and Abel. Established churches have gradually become sites of dancing and horizontal love. Many have allowed things in which Satan can rejoice, such as disco dancing. It is common for ministers and church leaders to tell lies about the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. I foresaw all these things before I started, and they have happened. Because the United States opposed the Unification Church, rapid damage has come to the world.

People opposing the Unification Church have kept us from finding a solid position, driving us into miserable circumstances and causing sorrow to heaven. And we were the ones who had been worrying about the world! As the situations of the individuals, families and nations who opposed us become more miserable, we will rise.

This follows the principle of restoration by indemnity. I became famous because of the Communist Party, which attacked me. From a Principle viewpoint, they emerged to promote my success, which would have been difficult without them. Lacking the Christian foundation, how could I have become famous without the communists? Christianity, communism and the free world all tried to attack and kill me, but I remain uninjured and unshaken. That is why I could become famous.

Now in the United States, scholars are lining up to study my thought. They take the initiative to study it, even if I tell them not to. They talk about me, even if I ask them not to.

People in the democratic world do not understand the true meaning of society or the nation. They have no idea about parents, history, and tradition. Their concept of men and women is animal like. They see the relationship between men and women in carnal terms. If a man and a woman like each other, they have a relationship. People see nothing wrong in it. That is why the democratic world will decline.

To teach the ideal of the nation, we have to teach the ideal of the state. To do that we have to teach the ideal of the society, and before that the ideal of the family. To teach the ideal of the family we have to form the ethical order of the family, by following the proper path and principle of love. My heavenly ideology is based on this principle of love.

Onlookers or participants

Then what is the Unification Church and its mission? Did you come as participants, or mere onlookers? If we are an active organization, why are you standing still? The Unification Church is a group of soldiers who take action. Because now is the time when we need young people, I am rallying them around religion and forming a worldwide movement. Who but Reverent Moon can be their hero at this time of history? Those of you who consider yourselves young people raise your hands. Who considers yourself old? There are no old people here! You cannot say you are old, since I also consider myself young. You know, I have become pretty old. I am 62 years old, but if I read backwards, my age is 26! So I consider myself only 26.

In order to make a new start in Korea, the course I was pursuing with Christian universities such as Youn Se and Ewha women's universities was the path God wished. However, they not only treated me coldly but tried to destroy all my foundation, as the Korean saying goes: "The man not only rejected the beggar, but also destroyed the beggar's cup." They even tried to catch me and kill me.

These are the last days of the human race, and the last days of the human race are the last days of the nation. People today are valueless human beings, having no religion or nation. People have said that the worst enemy of society is the man called Moon or Sun, the one who is standing and speaking here! Among those of you who came tens of years ago, some of you must have said bad things about me. This is the time for repentance. Who of you once thought that either I or the Unification Church was no good? Raise your hands honestly. If so, I raise my hand, too! If you didn't raise your hand, you were not truthful. If I can say bad things about what I myself did, I think it is natural for people to say bad things about me.

There is a difference between the strategies of God and Satan. Satan's strategy is to rob by force, while heaven's strategy is to succeed by being beaten. By being beaten, we get victory. Treacherous leaders perish after they gain power, but loyal leaders become powerful after they endure the path of hardship. You must understand the difference between God's strategy and Satan's strategy. God's strategy claims compensation for damages after being beaten; that is how God restores things. But Satan's world tries to claim the right of ownership by force.

Because I learned God's strategy I trained myself to go that way. I wanted to become a true patriot, better than any patriots in a righteous country, race or church. I tried to be better than the most faithful Christian.

This is the kind of attitude God wants to see in His champion. In the satanic world, however, people persecute me by calling me the worst kind of person. But those who do so have to pay for it, making compensation for the damage they cause. You have to know this is God's strategy. Check and see if people who oppose the Unification Church and me prosper in the long run. Investigate it through three or four generations of descendants. Certainly you will find some disabled, insane or criminal people. That is what happens when people betray and oppose God.

Sacrifice your family

As a person who stands in the position of ancestor to a Unification family, you must fulfill the responsibility of parents to your sons and daughters. Your responsibility includes pioneering and preparing this path before you can concentrate on loving and living with your wife and children. This is the not the same as the worldly way. Your wife will surely oppose you and your children will complain. But the time will come when the nation and world will officially recognize that your actions as parent were not wrong. Then you will be able to stand in the position of parents, inheriting the tradition of the true family under heaven. This has been the motto of my family.

My sons and daughters say that their parents think only of the Unification Church members, especially the 36 Couples. I eat breakfast with the 36 Couples, even chasing my own sons and daughters away. The children naturally wonder, "Why do our parents do this? Even when our parents meet us some place, they don't really seem to care for us."

It is undeniable that I have loved our church members more than anybody else, neglecting even my wife and children. This is something that heaven knows.

If we live this way, following this course in spite of our children's opposition and neglecting our family, eventually the nation and the world will come to understand. Our wives and children will understand as well. This is the kind of path you have to follow.

The family foundation must rest on the basis of the nation and church. But the foundations of the nation and church were lost. Without them it was impossible to lay the foundation for the family. Because of the opposition of the Korean government and established churches, my family was shattered. Because I knew that my family was destined to be broken, I did not do anything to help them. I did not care for my family for seven or eight years. I heard all kinds of rumors, but I didn't even write any letters to tell them what kind of activity I was involved in or how I was living.

Why? Because I knew the heavenly principle, that if you cannot fulfill your responsibility, your sons and daughters will have to assume the burden. Until I fulfilled that responsibility, I dedicated myself to the public mission by staying away from my family until a condition was set for heaven to support them.

The same principle can be applied to the members of the Unification Church today. That is why, when I sent members of the church to do pioneer witnessing in the 60s, I let them go without extra clothes and carrying only their train fare. Is there any other teacher like this? There is no other path for the Unification Church than this miserable one. When the democratic world and Asia decline, when the nation and the church decline, we are affected by that downward spiral. Under such circumstances, the only way to survive is to go to the bottom and make a new start, erecting the pillars of tradition one more time.

Exemplary patriots

Korea and the established churches tried their best to crush me, but they could not. I set the foundation anew and moved up from the individual to the family, the tribe, the society, and the nation. Now I am creating the chance to establish the world level foundation.

In Korea no one can speak about patriots without including our church members. They cannot mention a patriotic organization without including the Unification Church. Our church members set the true standard of filial piety, showing more sincere loyalty to me than others have for their parents. Their devotion was so great that even their own parents were jealous. People who were formerly strangers have united to form a new family. Families with no blood connection form a new clan and prefer their new relatives to their old ones. And when different races assemble to create God's new nation, they can love their country and bring more renewal than a single race. This is the path which the Unification Church is supposed to go. Do you understand?

Therefore, we have to love the Japanese and American people. The Japanese are our traditional enemies, from the common sense point of view. The Japanese and the Germans were recent enemies of America, but I took Japanese and Germans to America and told them, "Love America more than you love your own country." I was the one who did such a thing. That is why I got opposition. I inspired people from formerly enemy countries to love each other. That is why we are opposed. But if we plan this way, we can restore the situation by being persecuted.

From this point of view, the seven-year course that started this very day in 1954 was the age for all the established churches and social organizations, and even the nation, to attack one person: Reverend Moon. Even the babies attacked me! You know this very well. What kind of period was this seven-year course? I had to devote myself completely to the heavenly will as a very lonely individual. Everybody was trying to capture me and kill me. Wherever I traveled in the nation, north or south, I walked this kind of path. When I held the Holy Wedding in 1960, I was being investigated by the court. Just as Jesus' 12 disciples deserted him, with Judas even betraying him, members leaving the Unification Church conspired with our opponents and appealed to the court to stop our church. I conducted the Blessing during this time of judicial investigation. Nobody knows that fact.

The government at that time had enlisted the aid of five top administration officials in order to eradicate the Unification Church. They tried to have me arrested and killed. And what happened to those families?

In the course of history, who would ever have imagined that a man called Mr. Moon -- who at one time was presumed dead and his body thrown out with the trash -- would accomplish what he has! Who enabled me to do so? God and the principle of restoration by indemnity. Using this very strategy of gaining the victory by being beaten, I have accomplished God's will.

You shouldn't feel downcast and humiliated when you are beaten for standing on the side of goodness. Know that the time of blessing will come, from all possible directions, because of the indemnity you paid. That is my standard of life. In the past, when I was in prison I was confronted with all possible persecution and opposition. But the more I was beaten the stronger I became. When the nation and the church oppose you, be stronger than they. I fought against the satanic world, and being this kind of person, I overcame it.

Mother's course

Then the time came for Mother's seven-year course. Every woman has to go this path. Women of the early Unification Church wanted to love me at the risk of their lives, coming to see me even late at night. So people gossiped about us. These women didn't even know why they made such visits to a man who they knew remained centered on God.

And when the Holy Wedding came, every woman, even the elderly widows, wanted to be able to stand in the position of Mother. Some women even claimed to be the True Mother, their. eyes shining with confidence. An old lady of 70 years said she would become my wife and bear 10 children! Of course, she didn't know why she was saying such things. Women with daughters prayed to God with deep sincerity and said they received revelations that their daughters would become the True Mother. They were excited, as if it were a matter of life and death.

But the woman who would become True Mother appeared unexpectedly. She was a person whom few of them had met. Probably no more than a third of the members even knew her. Yet this unforeseen person was chosen.

I was 40 and about to marry a 17 year old girl. If this were not God's will, who could be crazier than I? Just imagine, from that time on Mother's great responsibility was to carry all the burdens of the Unification Church. Many wonderful college educated women were lining up and listing their qualifications, but I shook off all of them and chose an innocent, 17 year old girl as Mother What a surprise it was! Old ladies and mothers exclaimed and rolled their eyes.

I had no choice but to live separately from her for three years. The task of restoration proceeds from outside to inside. Many female members of the church, even old ladies, were jealous of Mother in the beginning, but when they saw her situation they thought, "Isn't Father being too severe? He should live with Mother since he married her, but what is he doing?" Because I put Mother away from me, living a separated life, old ladies sympathized with Mother and restored the things they had complained about. Women of all ages sided with her. Then Mother could take her position. This is an example of Mother's course of restoration by indemnity.

During this period, how anguished Mother's heart was! One woman received a revelation from the spirit world telling her she should be the Mother. She wanted me to give up Mother and take her instead. There were many other incidents. Spirit world taught strange things, and Mother had to undergo all sorts of trials like this. Mother is very patient, and all this was merely training for her to become much stronger and greater. It continued for seven years. But the most admirable point about Mother was that she believed in me more than in her own father, grandfather or elder brother. She believed in me 100 percent. Thus she overcame all the obstacles and established a firm position.

Since a man got the victory, a woman also had to gain the victory. Mother confronted the society and nation which opposed her and over- came everything during that seven-year period. During this period I set up Parents' Day, Children's Day, World Day and God's Day. What does God's Day mean in reference to Mother's course? Mother's mission was to have unshakable confidence in her husband, regardless of the circumstance and in spite of all opposition. Whatever happened, even if she should die, she had to keep an unchangeable attitude toward her husband. That must be her commitment even if the nation opposes her. Eve fell into a position

Heaven could not trust, and because Eve mad Adam fall, Adam could not believe 100 percent in a woman. Therefore, Mother had to maintain a firm position in which heaven, God and her husband could have 100 percent confidence.

For the first time in history, when God and man could believe in a woman 100 percent, God's Day could be established. Do you understand? That was Jan. 1, 1968. In order to restore the standard of restoration by indemnity for both men and women, Eve had to go through the completion stage from the top of the growth stage. Upon entering the eighth year, after completing her seven-year course, Mother and I could obtain God's seal as a true, perfected family, and we could take our position on the earth. Then we could set forth to the world, leading our family and nation. Upon this foundation I could come to the United States with Mother.

There has been so much persecution in the United States against the Unification Church, centered upon my own family. Not only my wife and I but also my sons and daughters have been mistreated. My children are ridiculed as Moonies in school. They are also quite famous in school. Teachers watch them with special concern. They have a lot of talent in art and music. They study well.

Centering on the United States government and people, established Christianity and Judaism and all religions have opposed us. The communists oppose us, the U.S. Congress and even the White House have taken a stand against us. We had to overcome a seven-year course of tribulation. The fiercest battle was in 1976, but even though the world opposed us, we did not go backward. We overcame, and the Day of Heavenly Victory was set on Oct. 4, 1976. There will not be any worse antagonism than at that time.

By being beaten, we can regain everything. If a man is beaten as an individual he may recover things even. on the national level. A woman cannot claim the victory that a man gets; she has to gain one herself. Children also have their own course of indemnity to overcome. That is the course of restoration through indemnity. Because the True Parents have won the victory on all three stages, our family, who represents the Abel core of the democratic world, received the total attack of the Cain side. We have survived this situation and can now raise the flag of the new world of Unification.

In order to broaden that position to the people of the entire world, I sent out missionaries to 75 nations in 1975. Throughout the world the Unification Church, centering upon the blessed families, has been battered but never defeated. We have now finished the 21-year course.

Taking the offensive

The period since 1977 has been the era of taking the offensive. That means we have to go to the people and teach them the truth. We can do this on campuses and in society. From now on, conditions will change. After 1977 I have done many things to change our position from the defensive to the offensive.

Originally, if President Nixon had listened to me, our situation would have been different. But because he did not, his position was passed down to Ford, Carter and Reagan. Four generations had to be restored because God's will, which was supposed to start centering upon the president of the United States, went the wrong way. Our members supported Reagan, who is the fourth president from Nixon, and gave great spiritual help for his election. If I had not prayed for him, giving my support from behind the scenes, he might have already died. In any normal circumstance, he would not have survived the assassination attempt.

No American president had previously recovered from a gunshot wound. A 70 year old president received a bullet wound seven centimeters deep on his 70th day in office. Everything revolved around the number seven. We can see it as formation, growth and completion. Everything fits into the principle -- 40th president, 444 days until the liberation of the American hostages in Iran -- all are principled numbers. People have not realized it, but God has planned everything with certain mathematical conditions, and we are going over this historical turning point based on such conditions. Now the American president has to listen to me.

The president of Korea cannot guarantee Korean survival by himself. Japan and the United States have to be mobilized. I am teaching and paving the way for South and North to unite. I do this. not for my own sake. I do it to revive the world. I am responsible to give life to the world and educate the present world.

Koreans should not think of themselves as a miserable race. Korea has been invaded from the outside and has fought wars with Japan, the Soviet Union and Red China. Korea underwent all these trials as training. Its history has been a history of training.

Why did the Korean people have to pass through such a course? Because they have the capacity to assimilate the different traditions of four major civilizations and four different ideologies. Do you understand? South Korea should be able to digest North Korea, Japan, the United States, and even the communist world. We should not regard anyone as our enemies. Therefore, your accomplishments as members of the Unification Church have to exceed those of anybody in the Communist Party, the Soviet Union or the United States. You have to pass through such training.

Why do we have to become a people able to absorb four major civilizations: North, South, East and West? In order for the East to go to the center, it must spiral around to the South, West, North and, finally, the center. Nothing can reach the center by centrifugal force, only by centripetal force. Do you understand?

The Unification Church is the nucleus for all four directions and can control them by taking the subject position.

I find the figure 8 really interesting. When we write it we use both clockwise and counter clockwise movements. The number 8 is the number of a new beginning, but it is always drawn in opposite directions. That is how the course of restoration, the way of Principle, the way of recreation, operates. A paradoxical course is in the end the most reasonable. You have to understand this very well.

Therefore, my life does not follow the normal, reasonable way. It began as a figure 8 on an individual level. My wife went through the course of a figure 8, and my sons and daughters followed the same course on the family level.

The next level is the clan level. The 777 Couple Blessing of 1970 began to form the clan era, including various races and centering upon all the families of world history. There are many clans throughout the satanic world, but we created one new clan. When it exceeds the 60 million people in Korea, Korea will begin to follow us. From a principled view, if the Unification Church gains 70 million people, helping them centering upon Korea, don't you think Korea will follow us?

Therefore, we will advance to the worldwide level in many aspects, and the Unification Church will take the ruling seat. In the past 27 years, I have become quite famous. My fame has gone beyond the imagination of most Koreans. They had thought that the man called Moon would float off somewhere and disappear. But what happened?

Centered on Mother, the Unification Church restored through indemnity the individual and family. Then the work of restoring the world through indemnity was taken up by sons and daughters. Now the Unification Church has spread throughout 127 nations, in the position of a clan. In some nations there are so many members that people have become worried.

Be proud of ourselves

The time has come when you can be truly proud of yourselves. In your place, I have been passing through the indemnity course by receiving persecution, opening the tribal level for you. Furthermore, the foundation has been laid for the world to welcome you.

If you do your best, with utmost sincerity in this course of tradition, I will give you my endorsement. With that endorsement, you can go anywhere you want. In the United States and in church centers throughout the world, there are rooms set aside for me and my wife. In England and Germany, every center has these special rooms. If I give you my endorsement and tell them to let you sleep in my room and eat the food prepared for me, they will do it. That is true around the world. Don't you want to be treated like that?

The other day I took 12 Japanese members who had achieved certain things to the United States and let them travel around. The American members looked at them and understood them. They came to me and reported that the Japanese members are working above the secular standards. From the Principle point of view it is natural for the spirit world to assist those who transcend their limits rather than those who stay within them.

Members of the Unification Church who work by their own power cannot witness very well. Do you know why? How many woman are there who invest everything they have in their children, excel in serving their husbands, or do their best to prepare for the coming of the Lord? When the Unification Church members witness, they have to surpass the standards of the secular world. If you do so, heaven will always help you.

You may think God is not very united with you. But when you say "Heavenly Father," He doesn't answer from far away but from right behind you. That is the kind of Heavenly Father you have. God has been protecting you; heaven embraces you and gives you sweet sleep when you fall down in fatigue; when you raise your hand, light comes from it. These surprising facts are the truth.

Today, on our 27th anniversary, what should we do? I have accomplished everything and set the standard of tradition for all peoples of the world. You should do the same. Not only you, but your sons and daughters and thousands of generations of descendants must inherit this Unification Church tradition. Therefore, even if the leaders walk out, even if I go away, as long as our descendants remain, the Unification Church will never perish. The tradition of the Unification Church will shine throughout thousands and thousands of years.

Suppose two factions appear in the Unification Church. You don't have to give yourself a headache trying to choose the right one. The criterion is who works the hardest for God's will. The person who sacrifices himself for the sake of God's will and tries to give himself for the sake of the world more than others is the one to follow. The most valuable person is the one who works for the sake of the unity of the world, even at the sacrifice of his parents, spouse and children. He is the one who is closest to the tradition of heart. Thus, denominationalism will never arise in the Unification Church.

If the president of the church is self-centered, he is not a true person. But if he labors day and night for the sake of God and for the nation and world, laying a foundation of blood, sweat and tears, heaven will work through him. Any such members of the Unification movement, either man or woman, who can love others with tears is the example for everyone. Heaven will create a new history of goodness through that kind of person.

In this way, the heavenly tradition has already been established in the Unification Church. My successor among my sons and daughters will be determined in the same way: the one who sacrifices himself the most for the sake of God's will, the one who best exemplifies the principle of loyalty and filial piety. Everything is measured against that tradition -- in the family or. in the church. We cannot appoint a person to a position simply because he has money or power. He must be able to give deep inspiration and heartistic love to other people, even though he might not be a university professor or hold a doctoral degree. He may be humble and unknown, but when he prays, his words come from his inmost self and create explosions in people's hearts. Wherever such a person is found, church activities will center upon him or her. The Unification movement will follow that person's standard.

From this point of view, you can clearly understand whether you are on the correct course of tradition. You know what kind of standard you have, don't you? You don't need explanations. Your mind is trying to follow the heavenly side, but your body inclines to the satanic side. Taking the easy way leads to internal struggle between your mind and body. To end that conflict, you must reach God's love by going the way of hardship. Once you set out with strong determination, all the battles between mind and body will eventually come to an end.

Love and beauty

You women may be thinking, "I am the right age for getting married. I am good looking and I have a very attractive body. Any man will like me. Therefore, my husband will have to be a very handsome man." Instead, you should think this way: "I was born such a beautiful person because of the grace of God's love, which is focused on solving all the resentment of humanity. So I don't mind even if my husband is ugly or a cripple. Please let me be able to live my whole life in loyalty to him. It would be so wonderful if I could become that kind of woman." If you think like that, heaven will come to you.

I have striven for this kind of attitude. I have confidence that I am a better than average Korean man, but I did not expect to marry such a beautiful person as Mother. I looked for a woman who could be loyal to God's will and who could sacrifice herself for the sake of her husband. There are many careless women, so I asked God not to give me a wife who would destroy the Unification family. I knew my marriage should be for the sake of the Unification Church, the nation, and the world. I found many promising women, but none who could sacrifice themselves with a pure heart and bring the seed of love horizontally to their husband. Such women leave God sooner or later. Finally I found beautiful Mother and educated her.

These days Mother has a higher reputation than I do. They say she has not only Oriental beauty but Western beauty. Therefore, I have learned many things from her I received a great deal of Oriental training, but not so much Western training. For example, when I eat, I stuff a lot of food into my mouth at once. I don't eat gracefully, I just think of enjoying the food. But Mother wipes my mouth each time I make a mess.

People say we are a very loving couple. Mother never stands on my right side, always on my left. Wherever we go, she walks beside me holding my hand. She takes my hand first. We do that in America, but it is not so natural to hold hands in Korea. The culture is different here.

Have you ever walked hand in hand with your wife? Probably you were shy. It is not evil to hold your wife's hand. If you want to walk hand in hand with her, go ahead! If you want to carry her on your back, you can do that too! It is the same East or West. If you ask God, "Father, do You want to see Your beloved sons and daughters kissing their wife or husband?" of course He will say yes. So even if you kiss until heaven and earth tremble with excitement, it is not a sin. You can do that with your beloved wife or husband, of course, but not with another man or woman.

The true standard

Even if I die, the tradition of the Unification movement will never be destroyed. A different tradition cannot appear in the movement; even if it did, it would soon rejoin the mainstream. It is easy to tell who is true and who is false. Someone who speaks only for himself is false; if he speaks for others and the world, he is true. A son of filial piety will serve the whole family. A loyal man will serve the whole nation. A saint will serve all people. Someday the angels and all people in heaven and earth should be able to welcome you as a son or daughter of God, based on your standard of love.

Which Unification Church member is going the more traditional way, the one who is out witnessing at a local center or the one resting at headquarters? Members who are working hard don't put on makeup and they may smell sweaty. If you compare this person to someone perfumed and well dressed, who is more beautiful to God? It is the sweating person, ridiculed by hostile people, but still faithfully loving the nation. It is the person who says he will go on, even when told to rest.

When I speak at night, almost everybody dozes off. By midnight eight out of 10 people drop off, but I continue to talk. Even though I become sleepy, I fight the urge to stop, and I continue to speak -- all for your benefit. So who is serving the most, you or I? It appears that I am serving you even more than you are serving yourselves. When you see me overcoming the desire to sleep, preaching on and on, you probably think I am a man of steel. I am not like that naturally; only because I know the Principle did I become like a man of steel.

Because I know the Principle and pursue the fallen world with all the yearning love of God, I don't like to take the winding path of restoration. I want to build a straight highway, like a bridge of love. Therefore, people from all over the world will seek me out. Even if I build my house on the summit of a mountain, they will search me out, perhaps even with the aid of professional mountaineers. Someone who thinks this way must be crazy! However, by going the way of hardships, we can unite the world into one.

Very few relatives of church members have welcomed the idea of a mass wedding. Before the Blessing of the 36 Couples, for example, I sent invitations to our members' parents inviting them to their child's wedding ceremony. But I told them they needed white ceremonial garments in order to attend. People thought this was a reckless violation of the time honored tradition of parents arranging their children's marriages and wedding ceremonies. Therefore, everyone spoke ill of me. However, many of those same parents have recently come to me and thanked me for having given them such a wonderful son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

Soon we will no longer need to witness for the Unification Church. Then what will we do? Perhaps I will buy an airplane and take all the members who worked so hard for rides! From now on, we will not witness in the old style but through videotapes. Already there are videotape sets for seven-day and 21-day workshops, and a 40-day Victory Over Communism (VOC) lecture series. All you have to do is push the button. You can educate people while you relax. Then if I go on national television and speak for 40 days, the world will completely change. If that happens, why should we need to witness?

People under Satan's dominion act based on their personal desires. We, on the other hand, live for the family, clan, race, nation, world and God; We love God first, and then the world, nation, race, clan and family, in that order. Then we can understand the power and value of love and be able to love ourselves. In this world, people have usually thought first about themselves. This tendency will be reversed.

Your course is shorter

Your hard course will be shortened from now on. If it took me 60 years to fulfill something, you will be able to do it in six months. So elderly people need not be discouraged. The Unification Church is not for young people alone. Older people can work together with young members.

I encourage you to work hard in the Unification Church so you can work on a worldwide level in the future. Therefore, toil hard and go the suffering way. Go out to society at large. Do good deeds and be sacrificial. You must understand that this is ultimately the only reasonable way to go.

Today is May 1. From today, the second 21-year course will start. So how about becoming more responsible? Until now, you lived depending upon me. What will you do if I die? I want to have some free time now. Will you allow me to have it? I have fulfilled all my responsibility over the past seven years, and the time is coming for me to visit members around the world as I wish.

Up until the present, because I was guiding the restoration providence, it seemed that the whole history of restoration would fail if I died. However, I have fulfilled everything that was required. I have no. regrets. Even if I am killed, I can die joyfully. Now you also have to learn how to conduct the restoration providence. That is why I am urging you to improve yourselves in every way.

Who cleans the glass doors of this headquarters building? Do you assign somebody to the task, or do people clean them on their own? You should never use somebody who does not want to do the job. If there is nobody to clean them, do it yourself. The person who lovingly, joyfully, humbly cleans the glass doors will be the victor in the spirit world. Don't force someone to clean the building's doors. I would rather not work with people who don't want to work. I work only with those who are willing to give their lives for the world because they understand the situation of history.

In the years leading up to this 27th anniversary, my own course of restoration through indemnity was fulfilled, as well as those of Mother and True Children. Upon this foundation I built the family and clan indemnity foundation of the Unification movement. Therefore, in order to inherit this, you have to accomplish your five percent responsibility. So if you understand this and determine to work vigorously for the next seven years, the world will be transformed.

We must have a successful rally in Moscow. I want to do this before I die. The Soviet leaders, however, are quick to mock me when they hear this. But who believed me 21 years ago when I described what our church would be like after my 21-year course? I said there would be cars and houses everywhere in the Unification Church and that members would have spread throughout the world. Before beginning my 21-year course, I promised this to the Unification Church members in Korea. Many must have thought I was crazy, but I was not.

Now you have gotten a glimpse of what will soon happen. Some key Americans will declare that only Reverend Moon can bring a significant change in the world. Patriotic people will rush to help us with their economic, academic and social foundations. But because I am so busy, I cannot yet handle all the work that would entail. Therefore, if there are people in the Unification Church who can do my job, I will let them.

We must fly like an eagle, becoming God's right and left wings, God's right and left eyes, God's hands and legs.

Well, do you want to follow this way? Then work hard at the risk of your life. The Japanese and American church members are working 18 hours a day. But when I come to Korea, you seem to be taking it easy in this spring season! Please work hard and tirelessly for the next seven years and establish a good tradition in Korea. I deeply hope you will build with dignity and tradition, as the subject and fatherland of faith, and as an example to Japan, America and the whole world. Thank you very much. Let us pray.

Beloved Heavenly Father,

We know very well how painful our history has been for You throughout the course of restoration. You persisted through thousands of years to build foundations of indemnity on the individual, family, clan, and racial levels, always acting on the principle that servant-of-servant humility brings success. Finally, You were able to lay the national foundation in Israel, making possible the appearance of the Messiah on the worldwide stage. Yet when he finally came, he was not accepted and thus could not complete the restoration.

The result was that during the next 2,000 years, You had to witness a history of terrible suffering. America was born on the foundation of the heartbreaking tradition of martyrdom and constant bloodshed, and has become the center of the free world in the Last Days of the worldwide level of the dispensation. You expected America to assume the task of protecting the victorious worldwide godly foundation and offering it to You by fulfilling Your will, especially during and after World War II. But again this did not take place.

I also know how anguished and heartbroken You are when You see people turning away from accomplishing their responsibility. Today, America cannot lose her link with South Korea. The destined age for the spiritual leaders and the providential nations to unite has come. Reverend Moon, who was born in Korea and who represents the internal subjective position, and the Reagan Administration, which represents the external position, must be so united.

Even: at this moment, worldwide communism with all its tremendous power is making maneuvers designed to overthrow the Reagan Administration. The time has come for the administration to be strong and bold. The time has also come for Korea to be strong and bold. Also, now is the time when even the Korean people must be strong and bold.

Heavenly Father, we have learned that Your will is for the free world to help the communist world, both spiritually and physically, upon the complete foundation of unity between Korean Christianity and the Unification Church, and between American Christianity and the Unification Church. I sincerely ask You to provide Unification members, who are striving to accomplish Your will, with a strong and bold determination, so that they can strengthen the free world and give it the boldness to take the subject position over the communist world both spiritually and physically.

This is the road toward immortality, and Unification members have learned that this is the road to Your presence. Therefore, I humbly pray that You can bless them to be lights in the world of darkness, shining like the brightest suns, brave and strong like victorious generals. Even though the arrow of persecution may be strong, Heavenly Father, please let them be stronger still, so they can never be penetrated and brought to surrender. I humbly pray and wish to give them the Blessing, so that they can become the ones who can stand in the position to inherit the foundation of True Parents' family and represent the heavenly family -- by practicing and mastering the principle of servant, adopted son, and son. Also, I pray that they can be protected on all sides by the shield of love, and learn to walk the path of tradition as they march toward the Kingdom of Heaven and become the representatives of heavenly love.

I thank You that we can have such a time and day as today. Now we have understood what the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity is and the role religions played in the development of tradition. The path I have trodden until now has been to gather the different races from all over the world. They are not even from the same lineages. The success of this has been due to Your love. When this foundation develops from the national to the world level, then naturally we can embrace the world and absorb all cultures and historical traditions. We know such a day is at hand. I pray for the Unification members to be strong and bold so they can march forward, overcoming all things through love.

I respectfully pray and wish for them to have great confidence that victory is waiting for them, and that failure can be banished. I thank You for allowing me to return to Korea for this anniversary day.

I sincerely pray for unity among the leaders and all the members. I pray that they all will defend heavenly tradition to the death and live in accordance with this way of love. A unity of all races, with its blazing fire of love, is being offered to You, Father. With this love and unity, centering on the nation of South Korea, we can gain the power to master North Korea. I pray that members will make effort day and night without rest to achieve this goal.

I hope that one day soon we can establish far and wide this tradition of unity and love, and that all mankind can soon measure up to it. We know this is Your desire and will. I pray we can be determined to be the ever victorious heavenly army. By making such a determination, I respectfully pray and desire for members to become better sons and daughters, who can come closer to You each day. Centering on love, they can become the group that prepares the way for the restored nation and family.

I pray all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Chapter 33 - The Providence and the Individual, Past and Present

Chapter 33
The Providence and the Individual, Past and Present
February 22, 1981 -- Tarrytown, New York

You like English better than this complicated Korean language, don't you?

Since we have started speaking about language, I would like to tell you that language is something very mysterious. By the spoken word, dead men can arise. Also, people can be scared to death by hearing certain things. Indeed, language can give people life or bring them to the point of death.

Have you ever thought about what language we will speak in spirit world? Well, spirit world definitely has a language. In this present world, we speak first and then we see the result later. What about God -- have you ever thought about how He communicates? God's thinking is the same as His language. In other words, He doesn't think first and then speak -- as soon as He thinks, He has spoken. So we could say that in spirit world one hears thoughts more than language.

The conversation of thought is continued through the past, present and future. God can see the past, present, and future within one thought. Also, God expresses His thinking in language and communication.

How would you explain the country of America? When we talk about a country, we must talk about the people that comprise it. Where do the people come from? You American people are basically immigrants from Europe. All the five colors of skin came from five different continents. However, all these people came together under one common language, and with that language they created a new culture.

The history of America is created by the thinking of American people manifested in everyday life -- as it accumulates, it becomes the culture and tradition, as well as the history. The basic foundation of American culture is the Christian thought and way of life. Therefore, America has become the center of the Christian culture of the world.

This year, America is celebrating 205 years of history. For 205 years, America has been forming a certain cultural character for itself. In God's sight, has America completely grown up, or is it still in its adolescence, or perhaps even the infant stage? Is America, in God's sight, a very healthy country, or is it quite sick? If America is sick, what disease is plaguing it?

There are all kinds of diseases -- diseases of the eye, nose, ears, as well as of the hands, arms, and limbs. According to God, physical sickness is a bad thing but spiritual sickness is worse. Is America spiritually healthy or ill? The most critical aspect of a person is his thinking, because the invisible, intangible thought is what manifests itself in the physical realm. Thus, if you have unhealthy thoughts, you will also have unhealthy physical manifestations.

Today's topic is "The Providence and Individual, Past and Present." We are always talking about the "providence," meaning events centered upon God. Can you say, "My providence is going very well"? No, but it makes sense to talk about the providence of God. Therefore, whenever you talk about providence, you mean God's providence. Likewise, providential culture, providential history and so forth, refer to the culture and history of God.

However, we can observe and evaluate human beings in the light of the providence. A human being can represent mankind, he can represent the providence; that is, he can stand for something bigger than himself. We are talking about providential history and culture -- centering upon God with the individual seen within the context of the providence. As a product of history, that self also exists in the past as well as the present.

Consider American customs. When you eat breakfast, your table is laden with certain things: bread, butter, jam, sausage, and so forth. What is the history of these American breakfasts? You are laughing at this, but from the eyes of God, everything in the present must have a root.

The origin of simple things

Take the fork you eat with. Before they had metal forks, people probably used wooden forks. Somebody designed the fork at some time because they wanted a tool to eat with. Look at your hand; notice that the fork was originally designed along that pattern. The hand is a "five-pronged fork." The hand served the role of fork in the beginning. But people became smarter -- after working all day with their hands, they came home with dirty hands and they didn't want to use them to put the food into their mouths. So someone decided to create an extension of the hand and must have carved something resembling a fork from wood.

Initially, maybe the fork had five prongs, just like the fingers of the hand, but trying to get it into the mouth was too difficult -- it was too cumbersome. Perhaps they cut off one of the prongs to make four -- maybe that's why it's called "fork" -- "Four-k"!

Just as the prongs of the fork resemble the fingers of the hand, the handle resembles the arm. Maybe some old grandfather decided to trim down the prongs to only one, because four were too complicated to make. But as the food became more sophisticated, they needed more than one type of fork. So they made another with two prongs. Then they compared the one-prong fork with the two-prong fork, and the second kind worked better. Why? Because one of the prongs represented father and the other represented mother. Then they added another branch, which represents the son; and then another to represent the daughter.

So even on one fork, everyone is represented -- father, mother, son, and daughter.

I'm sure the history and origin of the fork stems from the human arm. If even a fork can be traced down to this root, how much more so the different aspects of human history? An explanation of history must be logical according to past, present, and future. The simple fork seems like nothing on the table, but when you dig down into its historical background, you can derive universal truth from even such a simple thing.

Suppose the fork declared: "The whole Western world is indebted to me! They must appreciate me because without me, their lives could not be sustained. Even though you have mountains of food, without me to pro- vide the bridge between the food and your body, your body cannot sustain its life!" From the fork's point of view, more important than anything even God -- is the fork! The fork could claim a most instrumental role in the development of the Western culture.

But then, listening to all this proud verbiage, the spoon, sitting next to the fork, becomes rather jealous and decides to speak up. "What are you talking about, Mr. Fork? In spite of all your importance, you cannot scoop up even one drop of liquid!" The spoon can declare, "Do you know that three-quarters of the human body is liquid? Thus, it is clear that liquid is most necessary for the body, not solids. When a child is born, liquid is absolutely necessary for its delivery. Every cell in the body is also full of liquid. I supply all that liquid!"

Such seemingly trivial things like the fork and spoon can make the proudest claims. By the same token, even the smallest hair on your head can make such a declaration -- it can weave a universe around itself. Every portion of the human body, including the five senses, the arms and legs, has its own unique role and can proclaim its function as the most important under the sun. Even the clothes and shoes you wear could do the same. Everything we wear has a certain history or background.

Likewise, women have their history. Before you, there was your mother; before her, your grandmother, before her, your great-grandmother. All together, you form the tree of women, with Eve at the base. Likewise, you men have a father, and behind him your grandfather; behind him, your great-grandfather, all the way back to the super-grandfather, Adam.

Is the history of women, Eve's history, a proud and shining one? You may think you walk alone, but actually you are never walking alone. The history of women is following you. If you look around, you can observe the entire history of women -- the "women's museum." What would you find in such a place? All the different races of women -- black, white, yellow and all kinds of women. Ask yourself, "Who am I, as a woman?" or "Who am I, as a man?" Where do you fit in, in the history of women and men? For whom do you speak?

Have you ever considered how many words you have spoken so far in your life? Suppose each person lived to be 100 years old. That seems to be a very long life, but it is actually only 36,000 days. If you speak an average of 100 words a day, you will speak 3.6 million words in your lifetime. How many words do you think you speak every day? Are you women double that?

All right, let's say you speak 1,000 words a day. That means you speak 36 million words in your lifetime. Words arise from your thoughts. Thoughts could not be expressed without someone to communicate with. Language is the medium of communication. Thus the word is the tool of communication. When you speak, of whom are you thinking, yourself or the listener? Think about that.

Let's say you utter a sentence. Ask yourself, "Is that for my benefit and protection, or is it for the benefit of another?" There is always a purpose and reason for a particular sentence. Is that reason for yourself or for others? Most of a person's language is spoken for his or her own sake.

Actually, the most powerful weapon in the universe is language. It is like a machine gun, and even much more powerful. In a fight between a husband and wife, the wife may be really firing her "machine gun" of words at her husband. Words are sometimes that destructive.

If you speak 1,000 words a day, ask yourself, "Did I speak even one word today for the sake of my country? Was one word for the sake of God? For mankind?" Do you speak even one percent of your daily words - - that is, 10 out of 1,000 -- for something noble and good, for the sake of others and God? Can you devote at least that much for that purpose?

Have you ever compared a person's mouth to a gun barrel, shooting bullets of words? Some things you say may make no impact upon your parents, for example. But other words will hit them like cannonballs. If their loving son turns around and says just a few abusive and angry words, they will be shocked. Such shock waves are not only physical but also spiritual, shaking people's minds.

In another example, a loving husband might say some words to his wife that electrify her. Certain words give a shocking reaction to the body.

In the Unification Church, we are pursuing the public way of life. Thus when we speak, we have to ask ourselves if we are speaking more for the sake of ourselves or for others; Perhaps before you joined the church, you felt very apathetic, not caring much about your country. When somebody talked about the country or about God and the universe, you didn't want to pay any attention. That was your past. But then you joined the Unification Church and something happened to you. It was more than "brainwashing," something you might call "Moon-washing." The direction of your interests totally changed.

So you are now "spiritually-washed" people in the Unification Church. Your pattern of thinking has changed, focusing upon something greater than yourself. Much of the day, you think about the True Parents. You have so many things to think about -- home church, for example -- that never even enter the minds of ordinary people. But we think about these things day and night, isn't that true?

The self of the past rarely. devoted his conversation for the benefit of others, but after becoming members of the Unification Church, what is the ratio? Are you concentrating all 1,000 of your daily words for the sake of others, rather than yourself?

Balance your words and actions

"Number one" means something good. Mathematically, one occurs when the upper and lower lines become equal. So number one means equal, left and right, up and down. Thus, the number one men and women are those whose words and actions are equal. If you say something while thinking something else, you are not number one at all.

Suppose you shoot out words like machine gun bullets, thousands at a time, but act upon only one of them: You are not a number one person. What if you act upon 1,000 words and only speak one? Then that number one becomes 1,000! That's not ideal either, because there is no balance.

Let's draw a conclusion, develop a certain principle: The person who speaks more for the benefit of others is a good person, while the one who speaks only for his own benefit is a selfish person.

When you really evaluate your past before the church, your way of life was really deserving of hell. It was a hellish life. Do you agree?

There must be a boundary between good and evil, a law to set the standard. What is the law in this country? It is the standard by which everything can be judged and divided between good and bad.

Laws only set the minimum

It's amazing that the law always defines the minimum, not the maximum. I here is no law or limit to how much good you can do, above the line of the law. No law says you should only be honest to this point, or loving to that point. . .

The law does set limits first upon the selfish person -- the one who always tries to live for himself. Such a person tends to bring destruction to the public welfare, so the law exists to limit him. The law is always watching out for the self-centered person. Next, the law watches out for greedy and destructive people. The law exists to protect the public from harm. Certain persons do not hesitate to resort to destructive methods to achieve their own selfish purposes; they will do anything. When someone speaks harsh, vituperative words that hurt others, he violates the moral law even though there may not be a written law against it.

The basic principle of democracy rests upon numbers; anyone who receives more than half the votes in an election will be the winner. Thus, democracy is always fluid, moving around. Suppose evil people got together and accumulated enough votes to win a majority. According to the rules of democracy, they are the legitimate winners. If evil can gain strength and exercise power, it is obvious that democracy lacks something. Even the forces of God-denying communism, as soon as they amass enough strength, could exercise power and become the instruments of "social justice."

Standards of a public way of life

So what is the more public way of life? We need certain rules and norms to determine this. The first standard is unchanging quality. Then, uniqueness. Finally, durability. Public things must be unchanging, unique, and everlasting. So when you are genuinely public- minded, you have room for the individual, family, nation and world.

"Absolutely public" means "absolutely gigantic" -- so big it can contain everything there is. Is America a big or a small country? You like to say that America is big. However, compared to the sun, the whole planet Earth is quite small. How big something seems depends upon what you compare it with.

What about the realm of germs and viruses? Do you suppose there exists a world even smaller than what human power has yet discovered? Such a micro-world must have certain means of sensing. I'm sure there must be some mini-micro hand, at a mini-micro table, reaching for the bread and butter!

As a young child looking at the ants crawling on the ground, you discovered that even creatures in that tiny world have eyes, legs, and so forth. Furthermore, those ants have antennae and their own little computers that guide them in certain directions -- and humans haven't even discovered their secrets yet. Even all the knowledge contained within the London Museum could not explain the mysteries of one tiny little ant. Think of it -- that seemingly insignificant insect is carrying knowledge too vast to be contained within the London Museum!

Law is amazing and strange, in a way. It defines the minimum which is necessary to preserve a society or existence from self-destruction, greed, and self-centeredness.

Take things more seriously

After I came to the United States, I saw how much the people here love comedy and comedians. Radio and television are filled with humor, and people laugh loudly and strongly. I wondered what was so funny and why there was so much laughing.

Comedy is a mixed-up kind of language, a strange combination of words -- it's never straight or sincere, just a funny way of putting words together to make people laugh. If Americans are so fond of such strange things, their characteristics must also be mixed up. When something moves people to laugh so heartily, they will act upon it, and live it. Comedy has no content, no seriousness, and no real meaning -- it is superficial. Likewise, the American way of life has become very superficial; people do not want to think deeply or consider the serious side of things They don't want to search for spiritual things.

Something of real substance cannot be conveyed in light tones. You cannot joke when you are saying something serious. The meaning of a serious message must be conveyed in black and white tones. Still there are people who are fond of making light of things, cracking jokes; such a person lives only superficially. Anybody capable of steering the world and all mankind must be a serious person, one of few words. The thinkers of the past, present, and future are always pensive people -- those who prefer to sit and think -- never those who like to chatter, have fun and laugh.

There is a certain way to write a musical score. The notes must have a certain shape, with their flags standing straight up above the circles or going straight down. Suppose someone wrote music with the notes lying flat on the line? Many American people today want to live their lives in pursuit of "fun," with no allegiance to any laws. They want to jump around, doing anything they please. If they feel like saying or shouting something, they do it. Thus their music and dancing -- disco, for example reflects that.

Can you imagine dancing with your father or mother and kicking them for fun? Can you say, "Don't take me seriously"? The father's common sense would tell him that his son is doing something wrong by kicking people around him. That would be a very serious matter.

Our universe is the serious consequence of creation. It never came into being due to someone's sense of humor. Therefore, the central principle of the universe could never be imagined as a joke.

Suppose there are two diplomats arguing, one a communist and the other an American. The United States always loses in such discussions because Americans say too much; they give away too much, making jokes and fun. The American might try to stop the breakdown of such negotiations, claiming he was only joking and didn't mean it. But it's too late. There is no place for a joking tone in serious negotiations.

The Chinese, for example, are very serious people. They rarely speak but just stare at you. They are the most formidable opponents in poker they never reveal their cards until the last moment. Communists can lie in wait like serpents searching for their opponents' weaknesses. Then they will attack. They are always ready to strike at any time, like the serpent, as soon as you expose your weaknesses.

In this universe, there must be some serious central truth. If there were no such thing, then we would have to form one, because without it human civilization could never sustain itself. Even as a hypothesis, we would have to assume the existence of God as the central law and source of everything.

But of course, we don't have to settle for a hypothetical God. We have the real God. How much more fortunate we are!

Past, present, and future are all governed by one principle -- there is no joke about that. Do you suppose the taste of honey changes from the past, through the present, to the future? How about gold -- does its rich color change through time? Does the quality of a diamond change? The source of their value is their unchanging, everlasting qualities.

God is indeed a public God. He is truly the center of the public way of thinking. God does think of Himself, but only within the frame of public-mindedness; He never thinks of Himself as separate. Suppose God were like air, permeating the entire universe with that public- mindededness.

Within that universal space filled with that "public-minded air' God places Himself at the center. You should always try to locate yourself at the center of public life; Standing at that center, whatever you do, you will be accepted. Anything originating from that central point will be good and acceptable. The more that comes from there, the better.

You need the center

This is like the axle of a wheel on an automobile. The axle is small but the wheel that turns on it causes a tremendous amount of motion. Even a big wheel turns on a small axle. God is like that. The universe is like a huge, public wheel. God is at the center, like the axle. As he turns, the rest of the universe turns. Thus, in that position, an individual can say, "I exist for the sake of the universe and the universe exists for my sake."

People of five different skin colors, coming from different parts of the world, living in the past, present and future, comprise the masses of mankind, both vertically (past and present) and horizontally. God positioned himself in their very center. In that environment, all kinds of people exist. One person will be smaller, another will be larger; one person will have a particular shape and another will be different. The combination of all these creates a certain harmony. They are swimming in a certain environment. Even though they seem to move at random, they cannot exist independently in this universe, disregarding their center. They have to relate with the center.

Thus, whenever the world situation changes, then the situation in the United States changes as well. This country cannot think, "Well, don't bother me. The rest of the world goes its way, and I go mine." Any change in the government of the United States inevitably affects the men and women living within it. President Reagan has taken office and is trying to make a new beginning. He is asking everybody to tighten his belt, so everybody's life is affected, one way or another. If you are living under an austerity plan, then every aspect of your life is affected. For example, if you have a wedding reception, you will need to make it more simple. In other words, one central person here in America is trying to turn the nation in a certain direction, and everyone within that nation is affected, like it or not.

God is in such a position, except God's scope is much bigger than Reagan's. God's realm is the universe and He is always at the center, always public-minded, and trying to move the whole universe toward a certain goal or action. God is turning a giant wheel. The larger the wheel, the stronger the axle must be in order to turn it. Therefore, the giant wheel of the universe can be turned only by almighty God. We can use the word "almighty" in regard to God because that word applies only to the one who . is in the center, at the axle. Anyone who is somewhere other than the center cannot be almighty.

We are investigating what good is. Good is whatever direction that God is pushing in. So a public-minded life, rather than a self-centered one, is always good in God's sight. The center exists for the sake of all, and all exist for the sake of the center. That is give and take. From that central position alone can God be almighty.

God is always living within eternity. There is no dull moment; every second is vibrant. From this central position alone, God can be the center of happiness and glory. The public purpose always comes first, then oneself. This is the correct sequence. Universal law says that men and women are made in the image of God, so we must live the way God is living.

Who is a noble person?

Historically, the noble man has tried to protect the interests of the public. The son of filial piety is the "noble man" of the family, because he is living for the purpose of the family. The patriot is the noble man of the country, because the nation is nothing but the extension of the family. And the saint or holy man is at the center of the world.

Let's say that you are lifted up into spirit world, leaving behind this physical world. At that point, you are accepted according to certain categories. Some may be children of filial piety, others patriots. If you are accepted as a holy man, that means you are already a patriot and a son of filial piety, because they come within the scope of the holy man. The scope of the saint or holy man is larger than the others. God's goal is to have everyone be a saint, more than a patriot or a son of filial piety. But you must begin at the training ground of filial piety. The next "workshop" for sainthood is to become a patriot.

Many "elder Moonies" are going through the 120-day workshop now. Some of them are thinking, "Why do I need more training? I've been teaching workshops myself." You have been serving at the level of a child of filial piety or a patriot, but now I want you to progress to the level of saint. After this training, you should be given the world as your stage. You should begin to work for a whole continent and the entire world.

The public-minded person speaks from public-mindedness; he eats and sleeps and does everything from the public-minded standpoint. There is no such thing as his private standpoint. When you look at the world with a public-minded eye, everybody loves your eye. Even though my eyes are very small, I look out of these windows with a public mind, and everybody pays attention to those eyes. You love these eyes, don't you? It doesn't matter what shape your ears or nose may have, as long as they are working for the public purpose, then people love them -- because God loves them.

This has always been my way of life -- to position myself always at the center of the public-minded sphere. If that center goes wrong, then the entire universe goes wrong. It is a grave responsibility. If that center does something crazy, then the entire universe becomes crazy. The center cannot afford to do that. To preserve the universe and the universal order, the center must preserve its central position. That is the way of life of the Unification Church members -- everyone is standing in a central position. This is why you have to obey the laws of the Principle.

Heavier burdens at the center

Perhaps you joined the Unification Church from the outer rim of the universe. But as you accept more and more responsibility, you move towards the center. The more you practice the Principle and the traditions of the church, the closer you come to the center. Approaching the center, do your burdens become lighter or heavier? Some people might object: "I don't like the heaviness of that burden. I just like the authority of being in the center!" Is that good? That is worse than being a thief -- trying to steal only the sweet part of something while denying the responsibility attached to it.

I am always thinking, "I am going to dig right into the heart of God. There I will take every burden that He has upon my shoulders. I want to bear those burdens."

I am planning on burrowing into the heart of God and shouldering every burden God has. I will insist on bearing that burden. So when I am in the center with that burden turning around and around, I am really wrapping myself around God. Even God can't detach Himself. No way. So there's no distinction, no boundary between God and me.

You want to become very famous, don't you? You are going to be number one, aren't you? That's not a bad ambition. Yes, God created you to be number one, but not just for glory -- but so you can shoulder responsibility. Then inside and outside come together and you discover your new self. Discovering yourself you find that you belong to the public. The public owns you. Those who are trying to say they don't care about the public, about the rest of the world, only themselves -- are evil.

Living that kind of life, whatever you think during the day is public-minded thought and you can speak with true authority. So, because your speech and actions are motivated from the center they have a true focus. No life, no action, no word, remains in the center, it always passes through it.

The product of providence

So, this is the concept of providence. You are the product of providence. You emerged in history to be a part of this providence. This providence is the purpose behind you, each one of you.

You are given birth in this world. From this public-minded purpose and your parents' example you were brought up. You are indebted first to your parents So living as children is the first public-minded act. For the sake of the world and posterity, children are given to you. Therefore, truly God-centered parents should be thinking they are bringing up their children in the image of the universe, as representatives of the universe. A universal gift. So you raise those children to perfection and you truly love those children because they represent the universe.

Without even realizing this profound meaning, many parents truly love their children, because nature works in that fashion. This is a universal truth.

After bringing you up in the center of their family, your parents try to send you forth, to become an important citizen of your nation. Your parents say, "All right, do something important for the country. Become a patriot." Parents are always trying to push their children to study, to be disciplined. "Stay awake;' they urge, "Work on your exam. Come up with a good report card." Sometimes they become too pushy, insulting the children, disciplining them harshly. Parents might spank their children, urging them forward, trying to make them better. It has a good purpose if that son or daughter is pushed toward the center, to a more public place.

Your parents should push you to become not only a good patriot, but a saintly person or noble person as well -- a holy man or woman. Their greediness for you to become the best is for the public purpose.

I don't mind the night

I came to America and America came against me. It has never bothered me. America is a small object on our radar screen. Being the center, I have the responsibility to turn America around. The United States of America opposes me because it is now on the dark side of the earth; half of the world is always heading into the night. But the globe keeps revolving, and what is now dark will soon enter the light.

At night, only the moon sheds her light, and we don't always see clearly. But as the earth continues to revolve, we see the sun come up. Then we exclaim: "We see the sun!"

If you become number one, you have to keep a balance. You have to like not only day but also night. If you like only the day, you are not number one. In our way of life, if you want to become number one, you even willingly allow yourself to be persecuted, telling yourself you can withstand it, you can persevere. Then when acceptance comes and people welcome you, of course you feel good. So suffering is okay, particularly when you are young. I am willing to go down the road of suffering because when that road ends and old age comes, there will be glory. There will be sunlight. That's the way, right?

Don't be a victim

So it's a great life. It's a great ideology, truly tremendous. It is almost like being a champion entering the boxing ring and challenging your opponents. In boxing what counts is the ultimate KO, the knockout. Until you reach the knock out point, you may be hit a thousand times, with broken teeth and blood coming out of your nose. Your eye may turn totally black and blue. It makes no difference as long as you persevere to the end, and knock the opponent out.

So no one should become a victim. You need to first face suffering and then hardship, because the ultimate victory never comes at the beginning, but always at the end. Stand up and persevere with a strong determination, even under persecution, until the end and then, in the final round, knock the opponent out.

You may think you want to become a world champion, but you want to avoid being hit. "I don't want anybody to come anywhere near me; I don't want anybody to touch me ' you think. "Then I will walk out and proclaim myself world champion. Yeah. I want to be like that." I say that such a person is a thief, trying to avoid all of the intermediate fights in order to bask in the glory of the final round.

Senior Moonies in particular may say, "Well, Father, I have had enough already; I want to take the smooth path. I don't want to have anybody touch me. And I don't want a big vicious battle in the ring. I fought in the British ring; I don't care about the world ring. I was fighting in the German ring; I became a champion there. That's good enough for me. I don't want to go ahead any more."

What I need are men and women who have already won the national championships. When I say, "Come here; I'll put you in the world championship race ' I want people who will say, "Yes, Father."

Are you ready to face a lot of punches? "No problem, Father. I am seasoned. I am very hardened. I am iron-fisted, iron-willed. Father, put me in the hardest fight you want." That's the kind of champion I want you to be. Is it a bad thing for me to push you up to the even greater challenge?

Who is pulling whom?

The Unification Church is within this world, inside the world, outside the world. Unification Church members are thinking, "No matter what happens to the world, I shall keep the center. I shall hold fast. I will not be thrown out of it."

Somebody may pull you, but if you are already connected to the center, as soon as the person releases you, bang, you go right back to the center. Even if you try to pull me, what I am actually doing is circling around, not being pulled out. Do you follow?

Suppose there is some lead on the wheel, near the axle. That dead weight causes a very unstable motion, jerking the axle all the time. What would you do? Would you say, "Oh the weight is too much for me"? Would you be broken at the axis, and give in?

But if you are always at the center, always strong, unfazed by anything, instead of the axle breaking, the lead will work its way out of the circle. Two things could happen; the lead chunk could fly out, or the axle could be broken. Which consequence would you prefer?

The lead today is communism. They are trying to jerk you off, trying to break the axle; but as they turn faster and faster, the axle is so strong that they will drop out. In other words, they will destroy themselves. That's the way God sees the providence of your past and present.

How would you view yourself? Would you say "Who cares about the world, about mankind? It doesn't bother me. I have nothing to do with those things, and I just live my life as I wish. It's my freedom. Don't bother me." Is that the right kind of attitude?

That is in our past. Some women have said, "I am a woman. Why should I be confined to one man? Tonight, I may go with this man, tomorrow another. So what? That's my freedom." Is that true freedom?

True freedom is harmony with the axis. That is freedom, real peace. Work is freedom. True freedom is when you are working in harmony and peace with the axis or the balance. Therefore freedom cannot leave the direction of the Principle. Within the scope of the Principle, you can enjoy freedom.

In the past, you may have spoken a lot, but was what you spoke the word of hell? If so, what you spoke was like a poison; it poisoned people and brought them down to hell, instead of bringing them out of hell.

Why did Father ask you to bring your wife here? Because you need complete harmony within your couple, within your home. Total cooperation. When the husband is going after the universal mission, the wife has a very important role. How does the husband react when his wife says, "Oh don't bother me. Why you going away? Pay some attention to your children! Pay attention to your own wife. What about me?" Actually the English word, "better half' is a good word. So the man is half of the circle, and the other "better half' is the wife. Not here. The essential line, the dividing line of the better half, is not a random position.

Don't stay in a cubbyhole

In talking about the providence, many people say, "I have to worry about myself, my family first, then I can worry about God. If I don't even take care myself and my own family, how can I worry about God?" The Unification Church is expanding outward in a universal mission. When you go home, you think you are separating yourself from the universal mission. In many cases, when Unification Church members of good standing get married, they become changed. They say, "Now my mission is over. I now have my own cubbyhole, my own life. I don't have a universal mission now." But your family is within the universal mission. It is part of the universal mission.

Men and women should be together, strengthening their position to tackle the universal mission. You have found your better half, then by making yourselves a complete circle, you are standing in the center. That is the meaning of marriage in the Unification Church.

Often when a person who stands in the center gets married, he wants to leave and stay on the perimeter. Absolutely not! When you become a married man, a family man, your family is right in the center, revolving on the same axle. So when you get married, your mission and your wife's mission become one. Together you create the center and you become the axle. Nothing you do is separate from your central position. You might say, "I shouldn't have too many children, just maybe one or two, because more than that would be too burdensome." That's a bad idea, from the heavenly point of view. The more children you have, the bigger your circle becomes.

I would like you to cover each direction. There are four seasons, each divided into three different segments, making 12 gates. Each child represents a certain gate and a certain direction. You have to give your self day and night for your children, changing diapers and everything. It's an incredible burden, but if you have 12 children, you are giving an enormous contribution to the universe by offering 12 representatives that will span 360 degrees. In other words, your family will be able to relate to every direction to the world, not just one direction.

This applies not just to physical children, but spiritual children as well. That's why I want you to go out and win spiritual children. Your spiritual children will line up around you at 12 different gates, 12 different directions, and they link you to the world -- the black world, the white world, the yellow world. Every direction of the world is covered. Witnessing is not easy. Giving birth to that many babies is not easy, and giving birth to spiritual children is also not easy.

I'm going to Moscow

My goal is the Moscow rally. Is my mission easy? Communism is my worst enemy, but I am going to Moscow for a rally. You say unthinkable, impossible. Is it an easy task? President Reagan has the mighty power of the United States behind him, and Secretary Haig has the mighty power of the armed forces behind him and still they tremble; they don't know what to do with the communists. However, without even a small Pentagon or one small state department behind me, I am going right to the center of Moscow to claim it. In other words, I am going right into the enemy camp, right into the center. It's not easy. There is a high price to pay for it. We may have to pay the price, but it's no problem. That is the goal, that is the mission, and the mission shall be done.

Send your husband to the forefront

So if in paying the price someone is being martyred, that is most valuable. If it's for the mission even I am ready to risk being a martyr. I have no hesitation in saying it. What if the day of reckoning comes, and your wife says, "Father, that mission is very dangerous mission, don't send my husband. Send somebody else." How about that? If that is the case, your wife is a failure within the Principle. Your wife should say, "Father, could you have my husband be in the forefront of that mission? Use him, please. I will take care of the children. No trouble, Father. Send my husband to the forefront of the mission!" That is the true heavenly wife.

How many women in this room can say: "I shall be responsible for all the Soviet women, even if they all persecute me. Father, let me take care of them. I will yield not even one inch, not even one iota. I shall convert them."

How about you men? If all the communists of the world come after you, can you say: "Father, let me be in the forefront. I shall not yield even one inch. I shall be victorious in your name." That is the kind of man I want you to be.

When I came to America, I already made allowances in my plan that I might even have to go to a U.S. prison or a Soviet prison, or even to a concentration camp. It was all within the plan. Nothing is unexpected for me. When I watch a movie in which someone fails his mission, is discovered, and is executed by the firing squad, I am not just looking at the scene dispassionately. I put myself into that position, I put my life in that position; I am is willing to accept it if that is God's will.

The saints pay the price

So when the nation is collapsing and the people are crumbling, you have to go to the forefront and pay the price to save them. Without paying the price, nothing can be accomplished. For the sake of the nation, the patriot must be willing to be a martyr. For the sake of the world, the holy, saintly people shall be in the forefront; they shall be the ones who pay the price first! So if that is the case, we want to die for the sake of the world and the sake of the country. Jesus Christ went precisely down that road. He died from a position in the center of the world, and it had universal impact.

Never try to avoid the things coming to you. Face them! That's what Jesus did. He stayed in the center. Think to yourself, "Whether I live or die, my victory will affect all of humanity past and present. and the entire universe." Look at Jesus. He erected his cross in the very center of the universe and died for the sake of mankind. He never grieved over his own death. He had room to forgive and to love his enemies even to the last minute.

History fluctuates, but not God

That's the way God sees the providence. Look at everything from this standpoint. Nothing can be outside of this interpretation. Even though history has fluctuated, this principle has never changed, because God never changed. Because God's position is the principle, it remains as the Alpha and Omega.

The letter G is almost a complete circle. If God, as "G," were a complete circle, no door would remain for anybody to enter. So God opened a little door and then made an entrance for you and me. But then the "d" of God is at the end; when the time comes God will close the door. Judgment day comes and the door is closed.

That's the way God thinks, in the past, present and future. And God not only thinks that way, but lives that way. So in order to be the number one man, I should be like that God of the past, God of the present, and God of the future.

Do you long for your past life?

Think about the experiences of your past. After listening to Father, you know the truth. But in the past, did you have full realization of this truth? What kind of past did you have?

You had no self in a way, no awareness of yourself. You did not recognize yourself. Because there was no center, the self was abused. Your life had no principle, no direction, no reason. You have been a wanderer, straying and floating. In that wandering you caught the Unification Church. All of a sudden, you entered the door and discovered an entirely new world. First, you discovered something fantastic, amazingly refreshing, and good. But then you tried to live the Unification way of life. Then you started looking back, a little nostalgic, a little homesick, thinking, "Well, I had all kinds of freedom then. I could go anywhere I wanted. I saw everything I wanted to see. If I wanted to dance every dance I could." What about now?

In the outside world, you could think, "I am totally free to marry any girl I want. I can divorce any girl I marry." Then here you find, "Oh, I have no freedom to do that. I have to wait for Father to say something. What kind of marriage is that?" Also, here, your mission is incredibly difficult. You go out, trying to witness, and people say, "You Moonie ' pointing at you and spitting at you. The attack comes from all directions. Then you say, "Oh, I came to the wrong place. I'm sorry, Father. I have to go. Fortunately, I don't have too much luggage."

Suppose the Unification Church gave you everything you wanted, fed you the best meals, allowed you long hours of sleep, provided Hilton Hotel accommodations, and anything else you ever wanted. Of course, no one would ever leave. I knew that if I made you comfortable, gave you an easy job, made your job enjoyable in a worldly sense, allowed you freedom, and gave you all kinds of other things, everyone would stay in the church. I knew that. But real people, godly people, conscientious, patriotic people who are concerned about this country and the destiny of the world -- those people will stay. We will have the power to rally the true, genuine people.

It might take 40 years

The work of restoration might take 10, 20, 30 or 40 years. Well, I already determined that 40 years is nothing; it's only one stage. I started this mission when I was 16. If you truly want to accomplish something of worldwide proportions, it takes at least 40 years.

The 4,000 years of recorded history have been an entangled, satanic history. It will take at least 40 years to untangle. What if my attitude had been to avoid a harder mission? What if I said, "God, give me an easier job. Make my burden lighter." If that was my aspiration, I would have been suspended from my job a long time ago. But I always sought the difficult path of restoration from the beginning. I have not even begun to fight. This is only the beginning.

I am training you and sending you out into the world. That is the standard I am asking you to meet. Actually today your standard is lower than mine.

How many of you could survive being put in one of the catacombs of Rome? How many of you could endure the pressure and danger of those first-century days? How many of you would survive in such circumstances? If the first century Christians could persevere amidst those ordeals and be strong -- even we can survive.

God loves me not only because of my philosophy and way of life; God sees that I have the power and the capability to bring the billions of people around the world into the same conviction, the same direction, the same goal. In other words, I am the kind of man God needs here on the earth. God sees that I have the power to multiply myself. Now I am 60 years old. How many more years do you think I will live? I do not believe that my physical body will sustain life forever.

Many Christians think that once you accept Christ you will never die. But then what would happen? If everybody sustained physical life here on earth forever, eventually there would be no standing room. So then what about the subsequent generations? Do you think anybody could last under those circumstances?

Actually, God is scientific. God does not permit physical life to go on and on. That's the principle of creation. When you become a spirit person, and enter into the spirit world, space is of no significance. But it is not like that here on earth. You are limited by time and space. Everybody will one day die and be buried. But through both my physical children and the members of the Unification movement, I can multiply myself by the millions. Those millions will multiply into billions; and the billions into trillions. That's the way I will live on forever.

The tradition that I am teaching is the relationship between true parents and true children. That is an eternal relationship. This is our tradition. First we need education, and then implementation of the education.

Become better than me

I want each one of you to do even better than me. Go ahead of me. Don't just duplicate me; become superior to me. My succeeding generations will become superior to me. Many people think, "Only Father can do this job. We can't do it." That's the wrong attitude! You could do even better than me, because you have so much support from God. The same God supporting me is supporting you. And you have additional support -- my support, True Parents' support and the Unification Church's support. You are in an infinitely better position.

Actually, impure elements in the church can only be destructive. We must preserve our tradition in pure form. Pure products always manifest power. Some people are always getting dark and weaker; instead of trying to take care of them, go out and win 10 capable people.

Fresh Moonies are more powerful

Don't ever be boastful because you are an old Moonie. The new ones, the fresh ones, are always the more powerful. This why I am asking you to go out and bring in fresh ones. They will be the exemplary Moonies.

Look at a plant: the old leaves just dry up and die out. The weak, early leaves become old leaves and drop off, but after that strong green leaves come out. I knew that many Unification Church members would come and go. But the Unification Church will not disappear, and I will never retreat. The Unification Church will never decline. That is a mandate from God because otherwise there is no hope.

Before you joined the church, most of you were almost human trash. You think that since you have been in the Unification Church 10 years, for example, and surrounded by the customs of the church, you don't really know the outside world now. Therefore you think that those times before the church, 10 years ago, were the "good old days." You may have some nostalgic feelings, some homesickness. Sometimes elder members tell the younger members when they join, "Well, you are very excited now, but just stay here four or five years. You'll settle down like me. I'm a normal Moonie, the modern Moonie. Don't get too involved. Don't get too excited."

That is absolutely wrong! The true model Moonie should be moving forward with increasing excitement, increasing enthusiasm, because you are going up stage by stage, to the family stage, the national stage, and the international and worldwide stage. At each stage you must develop greater vitality and greater vigor. That is the only way you can ultimately succeed. I see that person as the model Moonie. New Moonies must observe which elder Moonies are the model Moonies.

The model Moonie thinks, "Now I am working for sake of this country, but for the sake of the world, I will work harder. For the sake of the universe, I will work even harder." The model Moonie is the person who says, "When I get older in the Unification Church, I will take care of one whole country by myself, one continent. I will take care of the world." That is the model Moonie. As you become older in the Unification Church, you should shine with achievement.

The public life wins respect

When you eat a meal, you must consider whether you are eating for a public purpose or a private purpose. Are you eating for the sake of others? When you take everything and hoard it in front of you, thinking "Don't touch. This is my meal;' that's a private meal. If it's a public meal your thoughts would be, "Let others enjoy their portion. If there is enough for me, I will take it."

When you live a public way of life. you gather respect and love not only at the meal table, but at every moment of the day. Where you live, people will know there is a person living the public life. Even in some of our church ceremonies, some people dash to get the best seat. They think, "I want to get to the front and disregard everybody. I want to take the best." That's the selfish life. But public life is different. You know this is human nature; I don't even have to explain.

If you want to earn the respect of the country, you have to live for the sake of the country. If you want to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the country, you must go to the worst place in the country to advance it; that's the way you earn the respect of the country. Then automatically, even though you don't want it, people will push you to the center.

If there were a quicker route of salvation for the United States of America, I would certainly take it. If selling the New Yorker Hotel would expedite the restoration of America, I would do it immediately. It would be the easiest thing to do. If the sacrifice of America were necessary for the salvation of the world, that's the route I would take. Because once you save the world, you have already saved the United States, because the United States is a part of the world. That is the public way of thinking.

If you sacrifice your own family for the sake of the higher cause, for the sake of the country and the world, you never actually sacrifice your family, because your family will be respected and loved by the people of the world.

You should not think I am standing still, that I am taking it easy. Not at all. I am still traveling forward at the fastest speed. I always think of living publicly. Ever since I initiated the Unification Church, my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth were used for the public purpose. Even after I die physically it won't make any difference. I will live on. Just by looking at my picture on the wall, people will hear me. History cannot forget me. History will immortalize me and follow my path. I knew that would happen if I perfected the public life. So past, present, future -- there's no difference at all. One principle, one tradition.

You know yourself very well. You know if you are public or private persons. You know what is selfish, what is unselfish. Do you know that? . . . amount of money and make it go a long way for the sake of the country. That's the public way.

America must go under an austere plan of saving money. Why? So that America can save material things for the sake of the world. The American people are heavily taxed, but if they were bearing an incredible burden of taxes in order to save the world, then the entire world would bow down to America. However, the American government is taking a lot of money for itself, and many Americans live luxurious, affluent lives. That is bad! Money can do evil, just as much as money can do a lot of good. In America the dollar is doing more the work of Satan than the work of God, isn't that true? I do not even keep one dollar for myself. I want to leave my children that legacy, that tradition, that heritage.

Be unselfish parents

We do not do this for ourselves, but we want to build a tradition and give it to our children, to posterity, to the generations to come, so that our tradition and our way of life will go on and prosper forever.

Children go to school for sake of the parents, in a way. They gain knowledge and come back to present their report cards to their parents. "Father, I did this. Mother, look at this. Here's my report card." Do you know why children do that? Because everyone wants to go to the parents, where love flows from, where the public-minded, unselfish love comes from. That's why the children come back to the parents. By the same token, you must be in the parental position, and let the world come to you for love and report everything to you. You must be the unselfish parents for the sake of the world. That is what our position should be. There are two kinds of love -- evil, self- centered love and good, unselfish, sacrificial love. One type will destroy this country. The other will build the kingdom. So we must inherit unselfish love and build the kingdom here in America.

Within American families, self-centered love must be abolished. The parents should become truly public parents. The more you are trying to live for yourself, the greater the destruction that will come to that family. There will be social destruction, and furthermore, the poison will destroy the nation and the world.

Those formidable powers of Satan, based on a self-centered life, are attacking you, wanting to compete with you, saying, "You keep saying that you live with unselfish love and public-minded love. All right, show it to me. Compete with mine."

You must win the victory. Once you win the victory, even if you don't want it, you will be elevated to the center. You will be moved towards the center. That's the way God is. Out of that teaching, I conclude that this is the way of the dispensation and the providence of God and the self both in the past and present.

You initiated this journey as an individual. Then you become two, husband and wife, working together to achieve the greater goal of creating a family. The family becomes the larger unit and an instrument of God to reach even greater goals in the society, nation, world and universe.

Always think of Moses' exodus. We are in a modern day exodus. Our way of life, our family, our marital lifestyle is that of gypsies; a wilderness life. We cannot stop here. We cannot settle yet. We have not reached Canaan yet. You have to leave your people, your clan, your wife, your children, and move on. On your way to Canaan, you always find a Red Sea, a mountain to cross, a waterless desert. That is why we must live with discipline. We must be trained for that purpose.

The Unification Church way of life is designed to give you exodus training. Your fund raising, your witnessing, your home church work, your mission -- all the varieties of missions there are -- these are designed to give you training for the victorious exodus. Suppose you have advanced this far, but one inch before the goal line you falter That is still classified as failure. You've got to reach the finish line.

I am still running. Where are you? Are you dragging at me from behind and becoming a burden to me or pulling me from the front? Are you a tail wind or a head wind?

I keep pushing Mother. She just gave birth to our twelfth child, which was the incredible historical burden of her mission. Even so, I asked Mother this morning, "Can you lift yourself up and go with me to Belvedere?" I almost brought her here, but it is not good, medically speaking. At her doctor's recommendation, she still needs a few more days of rest, but still I wanted to push her to come here. If I think that way toward Mother, how do you suppose I think about you? Do you think I want you to take it easy and get plenty of sleep? No, I will never think that way. I will not be that kind of a "good" father. That is because I have the responsibility to train you and discipline you so that you will be worthy to inherit my mission. There is no easy way out.

We are moving to the ultimate victory. Until we reach that ultimate victory and great prosperity, we shall not lower ourselves. Be prepared to cross any oceans, mountains or deserts. Even if the seven satanic tribes of Canaan try to block your entrance into the promised land, be determined to overcome them. If the United States of America becomes an obstacle, we will penetrate it. When the communists block our way, we will break through.

Single-minded warriors

The speediest bullet is the strongest and most powerful; it can penetrate everything. When it loses speed, it loses its power. Suppose two bullets, one a communist bullet and the other a Moonie bullet, have a head on collision in the air. The communist bullet, even though it may be strong and moving very fast, has a dull point. But the Unification Church bullet is sharper, so when the communist bullet collides with it, it splits into two. That is the kind of bullet we must become.

Will we always have to fight and do battle? We are certainly not warmongers. When battle is inevitable, we will never hesitate to fight. But our goal is to bring the harvest to God. The harvest is when no condition exists for Satan to accuse the heavenly children and when those heavenly children can dwell together with God.

Satan always accuses you if he has any strings attached to you. Satan is an expert at grabbing you where you are weak. But there is no way Satan can grab you when you are a bold, determined, and single-minded heavenly soldier. Are you that kind of soldier of heaven? You may feel you are, but what about your children? If they become weak and half- hearted, then Satan will accuse them, and you as well. You are responsible for your posterity. Thus, most importantly, you must first free yourself from the accusation of Satan; that is your protection. Furthermore, you must rid yourself of the accusation of Satan from your children and your posterity.

Be more committed than before

God has no room to be accused by Satan, either in the past, present, or future. You too should be free of Satan's accusation in the past, present, and future. Your best tool for accomplishing this is a public-minded ideology. Be totally armed and solidly equipped with this ideology so that nothing can deter you in the slightest. Can you say right now, "I am committed and determined"? How about the leaders here -- are you committed right now? Were you already committed, or are you beginning today? At least one thing must be certain -- now we are all committed. Of course, we were committed in the past, but now, more than ever, we need to be committed and determined.

If you give yourself totally, in perfect commitment, for the rest of your life, when you go to spirit world you can accuse me if you do not go to the highest realm. I would not be able to lift up my face before you, in such a case. The spirit world is a fair place. I can be placed in a higher position only if I am higher in my commitment and achievement. Spirit world is a totally public place. No one can bribe his way in there. Anyone who is elevated to the higher places has the right to be there, according to his achievement. No one can complain or accuse that person.

There are 230 people gathered in this room, and I want you to understand that there are 230 levels of achievement, 230 levels of spirit world to which you belong. So where will you position yourself? You must make up your own mind. I want to push you into the highest possible place, but in order to do that, I have to push you into suffering. Only in that way can you prove how good you are in the sight of God -- particularly you young people, under the age of 30. There is nothing else I can bequeath to you. While I am alive, you are obeying me. If you cannot obey me in a living relationship, how can you prove yourself worthy in the sight of God? Right now you have the best opportunity, because I am with you.

No matter how difficult it may be, you must be trained and disciplined. Nobody in the Unification Church is a tougher taskmaster than I. No matter what, I know that you listen to me when I say something. Even if you don't want to hear certain things and you don't want to be pushed, when I say something to you, you are ready to obey. But when other leaders say something, you might discount them completely. Which of you among you leaders is going to take my place? You national leaders here do you think you will be able to push the whole world, the way I do? Are you capable?

The best chance is now, during my lifetime. I will give you your man- date and you set the tradition of obedience, and then that tradition will go on. For example, here is one young brother whom I have pushed from one side to the other. He feels, "If Father pushes me around, I have no complaints." But if somebody else does it, he will be furious. In other words, during my lifetime I will push you and order you as much as possible, so you can set the tradition of obedience. Your children will not have the chance to obey the True Father in the same way -- this is your privilege.

The only reason I am doing this is to give you the inheritance of heaven and earth, and I want that inheritance to be absolutely perfect. This is the only way we can be assured that our children will live in heaven. Do you understand? Actually, I hold back a lot before I give out discipline to you, perhaps as much as 50 percent. But do you want to be given diluted discipline or do you prefer 100 percent discipline? You want to receive 100 percent and I want you to have 100 percent, but I know that you must begin around the 50 percent level and then move up.

Align your destiny with providence

I never praise or compliment you, and there is a purpose behind that. In God's sight, no one is worthy of compliments. To receive perfection as your inheritance, you must be able to decorate it. I want you to be able to adorn your perfection with flowers and designs. That is the desire of providence, and heaven and earth as well.

We must align our destiny with the providence, with history, with the direction of heaven and earth. That is truly the wisest course.

I want to ask you a very personal question: Are you really trying to live up to the highest possible heavenly standard? All right, then, I will give you the secret. If you want to do that, you must suffer more than I did. Jesus became the Messiah and suffered the way God did. By that standard alone can you inherit perfection.

It really doesn't matter how imperfect you have been. While I am living here on earth, you have an opportunity. Today is your chance. This is your privilege and I want you to realize it; it is the greatest fortune I could ever give you. Those of you who can really make up your minds -- not just give lip service -- and say, "From today forward, I shall be different; I shall strive to suffer more than you do, Father ' raise your hands and say, "Yes, Father!"

Today is the anniversary of my imprisonment by the North Korean communists -- February 22. Not many Unification members know about this. However, this morning I designed my sermon for you. Decades ago in North Korea, this was precisely the attitude and conviction I had when I walked into the communist prison. That is why I have given you this important message today.

I was not wrong to commit myself to that cause. I have been proven right after so many decades, because I have been winning and prospering according to the Principle. On this significant day in my life, all you people have made the same pledge to me that I made when I entered the communist prison. This shall be remembered in history. I will not forget you, and I will not forget this dramatic event today. You shall receive heavenly blessings -- you and the Unification Church. Whoever preserves this principle shall be blessed.

From this point on, the sun of hope is rising for the world and for mankind. Up to now, we have been known as Moonies, but today you have been promoted to "Sunnies' shining like the sun. Therefore, when you made your pledge this morning you were actually saying, "Father, it doesn't matter whether you are here or not. I have made up my mind to move forward for the rest of my life and nothing in the slightest will shake me."

That is the way the Principle goes -- those who seek to give up their lives for God's sake shall gain them; those who try to humble themselves shall be elevated. Amen!

Chapter 32 - God's Fatherland

Chapter 32
God's Fatherland
February 21, 1980 -- New York, New York

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for your deep congratulations on my birthday. I owe you an apology. I myself limited the attendance at this meeting, and many could not come from around the nation and the world. We are in a war on the side of God, and I want to wait and have a great celebration after the victory is won over Satan and atheistic communism. Because we are still in the middle of that war I didn't want to make this a spectacular occasion. I want to thank those people who could not come from this nation and around the world for their love and prayers.

People normally want to be proud if they have something special that others do not have. If a person has only one thing but then acquires another thing, his pride gets bigger and if he adds one more then he is even more proud. Does the same principle apply to getting older and acquiring more years? People under 20 years old don't care about age and are eager to get older, but when you are advanced in years and know more of life, then you know that each year brings you closer to something.

In Oriental philosophy, the 60th birthday completes one cycle in a person's life, so it has a special meaning. This is the biggest birthday celebration according to Korean custom. When I was a young boy, there was always a great celebration for grandfathers, with singing groups and dancers. I enjoyed the performance, but at the same time I pitied the man who was honored by the celebration; he was very old and it wouldn't be long before he finished his life. At that time, I felt I would never reach 60, but that memory seems like just yesterday, and today I am here being congratulated on my 60th birthday.

I am also concerned that since I am getting older you Unification Church members won't pay any more attention to me. That's true! I think so. There are many people who see only that I am a very controversial figure, and they are glad to hear I have reached 60, thinking that it will be only a few more years before I am not around to trouble them any more. There are many people who follow very complex thinking. On the other hand, you people don't care what they think and just give your single-minded devotion to following me. You wonder if there isn't any way I could age in reverse, and next year we could celebrate my 59th birthday.

Let's not worry about what other people think, or even what you think, but about what God thinks. Would God think that I have been on earth for 60 years and have suffered tremendous tribulation, and then want to bring me to spirit world out of compassion for me? Or would He feel that He knows how capable I am, so He wants me to stay and clean up the world a little more before He brings me to spirit world? Parental heart is always concerned whether children suffer too much, so maybe in God's heart He wants to have me come to spirit world. Do you think so? But I know that you want me to be with you for a long time to come because, if I am around, then the hardest battle is fun and victory is sweet. Does that mean you want me to stay and continue to suffer?

Now let's consider how Mother and my children feel. I'm sure the closest members of my family would want me to relax finally and be a little more comfortable and happy in the years to come, and maybe have more time to spend with them. Now God is very confused about what He should do about me!

Do you want to hear what I think? For purely personal reasons, I would not want to prolong my life on earth too much longer, simply because I know the spirit world so well. The reality in spirit world is so good that, for myself, prolonging life on earth has no special meaning. But I am very aware that we have begun the divine task, and it is not yet complete.

The democratic world has no direction and we must guide it. No one knows what will be the end result of the powerful, enormous communist world. But I am sure that no one here on earth knows the heart and will of God better than I do. Sometimes I think I would have been a happier person if I had not known this truth and the will of God so clearly. Furthermore, when we talk about the destiny of the world, we are not talking about a hundred or a thousand years in the future, but about today, this year and next year. The world situation is deteriorating so rapidly that sometimes I am very fearful about how we can catch up with the situation.

Reverend Moon is the spark plug

Then what about us as members of the Unification movement -- where should we be? You are the champions who are fighting every day, and sometimes you get discouraged. I know that if I were not here on earth with you, your fight would be much more difficult. Even though I am an old man, the fact that I am with you is a source of power and inspiration that energizes you and helps you keep going. You need my guidance and direction.

When I was a young man, I was pushing you hard and working hard with you, but now that I am an old man and still am pushing you, it might not look too good. Do you mind? But I know it is a necessity. The world needs a push because time is against us. It is quite true that when you get old your health declines and you feel less energy than in your younger years. But at the same time, the mission is greater and requires more attention. The situation is imbalanced, with the mission getting bigger and yet my age getting heavier to bear.

I have been a front-line soldier all this time and I will remain so. Will you be a burden to me and drag me back, or will you push from behind? Do you want to push me by yourself, or bring a nation and your race and mankind to push me? Would you want to mobilize even spirit world? Would they be on my side? Are they pushing me? Who is the head man in spirit world? Would you want spirit world to be pushing on the front line, or would you rather be on the front line and have them push you from behind?

Those in the spirit world are different in one respect -- they are not limited by time and space. They can continue 24 hours a day, and that is their advantage over us. Do you think spirit men need time to go to bed? Is that good or not? When you are really involved in some game or activity, you forget about eating or sleeping. If you are intoxicated in your mission to that degree, then working 24 hours a day might not be a burden. But how serious and intoxicated are you with your mission? Have you felt that the mission God gave you is so exciting and wonderful that you forget about eating and sleeping?

Are the witnessers and fund raisers really caught up in their missions? Are you knocking on the doors of home church with that passion? If not, then you are defeated; you are not confident and sure of yourself. Today is a happy day for me, so you thought I wouldn't scold you, but then all of a sudden -- boom! But I want you to become people who are proud in your missions. I am determined to make each of you such a person.

I know that a shortcut to finishing the mission is to be so busy that you don't even worry about eating and sleeping. Then you have so much power and energy that you can go on and on. Will you be upset if I crank you up with a winch when you are tired? Would you be willing to let me use such a machine on you? If so, then I thank you very much. Do you promise?

Right now, the beautiful ceiling is complaining that I haven't mentioned how lovely it has become for this day. The beautiful ceiling and moldings [of the recently remodeled World Mission Center's Grand Ballroom] have the same birthday I do because they are born today and they want some attention from us. I can hear them calling to me. Why don't you say, "Happy Birthday, ceiling"? You know what this ballroom looked like before restoration. It has been completely revolutionized, and I designed it. I know you don't realize it, but this place is sanctified and consecrated by this day. This is the only place I have designed. It doesn't matter how big or how old this building is; the people of the world in years ahead will come to see it and remember what I did here.

People will come in the future to celebrate this day long after Mother and I are gone, but today you are celebrating with me. Would you like to celebrate in a more exciting way than people who will come here in the future? Look at everything here and appreciate it with your eyes. Open your mouth and your eyes and shout out.

You don't need any more serious talk, do you? You want me to talk even more?! You said you want to celebrate my birthday, but instead you want me to work some more. How unfair you are! You have seen me and heard me, so that is enough, isn't it? Who will decide, you or me? I don't want to speak. I am getting old!

Do you feel a little relaxed and warm and happy inside? Is there anyone here meeting me for the first time? Seated here in front are the missionaries who are returning now after five years overseas to report to me. Part of this group are native members who are meeting me for the first time. When you see me for the first time, you probably think I am an ugly man New members sometimes think I am a superman who doesn't need to use stairs to go to the second floor, or even use a fork and knife to eat. Also they think I never need to go to the bathroom.

Sometimes people have a mistaken idea about what it means to be holy. It is not necessarily a super thing but a natural thing. A singing bird is a genuine thing, and a blooming flower and growing grass -- the creation that God made is always holy. When a person becomes a natural being the way God created him to be, he is holy. Then, blinking your eyes and smiling and moving your arms and legs is holy.

I have the same emotions you do. I can feel joy and sorrow and anguish, with the difference that the depth of my feeling is far greater than average. Sometimes people portray me as being cruel because I am iron willed, but sometimes I am warm hearted and even fragile because I have both aspects. The significant thing is that I live in rhythm with God and with nature, the way God intended man to be. I could talk in great depth about this area, but I am sure you hear something about this in Divine Principle lectures.

God's fatherland

We have some money and we have people, don't we? What don't we have? What doesn't God have? One thing He doesn't have is a nation of His own sovereignty. So what should we do? I would like the topic to be Fatherland or Motherland of God, or Ideal Nation of God.

What citizenship do you have? Many of you are Americans so, for you, America is your fatherland; What is my fatherland? Of course, it is Korea. Mr. Kuboki's fatherland is Japan. Dennis Orme's fatherland is Great Britain. Paul Werner's fatherland is Germany. I'm sure people sitting here in front will have many different countries as their fatherlands, but what is God's fatherland? It doesn't exist. God hasn't found His nation on earth. All the fatherlands which people claim have no connection with God. All the characteristics of the different nations resulted from division in the world, usually coming out of war and struggle. That's the way new nations are born. There are many boundaries on earth, all of which are stained by the blood of soldiers killed in hostilities.

The highest wall built to prevent invasion is the one you build between you and your neighbor. As technology advances, we can travel to the other side of the world in a short time, but because ancient nations didn't have that mobility, they struggled with neighboring nations.

The rise and fall of nations in history often occurs through war and struggle. National boundaries have always been stained by the blood of their people. For all the hundreds of nations on earth, there have been thousands of struggles throughout history, resulting in many divisions of sovereignty. That happened because of the fall of man and man's separation from God. What do we mean when we say the fall of man? It means that man and God became enemies instead of being one, that there has been struggle instead of harmony and peace between men and God.

The primary question facing mankind is that of peace. But in light of the background of history, can we really attain lasting peace? When the cause is wrong, the result is always wrong. The result cannot be changed without changing the cause. Human history so far has been sown in blood and war, so we can reap only such a result. Therefore, to obtain a new result in history, we have to begin with a new cause, with a fertile land to receive the seeds of peace.

Today the world is filled with more hatred than love between neighbors. There is division between individuals, between tribes and nations. Unless we can start with a new beginning, a new world cannot come about. Human history started from lies, so we have to restart human history from truth. Unless a new movement develops which can sow true peace, there will be no lasting peace.

If there is an Almighty God, would He be content to put up with today's reality, or would He do something to change the world back into its original shape? If there is someone here on earth commissioned by God to take over His mission and cause, what would that man or group claim? He would proclaim that the world's present course is in error, insisting that mankind must turn around. He must tell mankind that their direction must be entirely changed.

What would be the slogan of that man? If you are clever, you should be able to figure it out. If the world began in hatred and lies, then a course which is 180 degrees different would be one of absolute love, love so great that you love even your own enemy. To me that is a powerful slogan which can change the course of history. Can you find anything more powerful than this? Some might think that it is an easy answer; once you know, then it seems to be an easy answer, but when you don't know what it is, it seems very difficult to find. All the saints of history have searched for this answer and never found it.

The melting power of love

If you have such great love that you can love even your enemy, that power will melt everything. God needs a movement that can melt the wrong world down and change it into the right one. The entire world of religion is pursuing this one slogan, though in varying degrees. Which of all the saints do you think God would love the most? The answer is simple because there is someone who proclaimed this slogan. Jesus Christ stands like a giant because this is what he said.

When Jesus was on earth, there was a great wall of hatred between the great Roman Empire and the little nation of Israel because one was conqueror and the other the conquered. Jesus knew that the only way to conquer Rome was through love. Rome conquered Israel with military power, but Israel could conquer Rome through love. Even though Jesus was crucified, he could still pray for God to forgive the very people who killed him. No power could be any greater. Love can overcome any walls, no matter how high and thick. Jesus knew that individuals have enemies, families have enemies, and tribes and nations have enemies. Hatred and animosity always cause killing on each level, and only one strategy can break down this wall -- love your enemy.

The fallen world always responds to animosity by seeking revenge. If God and Jesus had used the method of revenge to build the Kingdom of Heaven, however, then there would not be one human being left here on earth, because God would have extinguished them all in retribution. A great movement of restoration only comes from this ideology of love. Only the power of love could begin the new history and new age. When a person has the power to love even his enemies, he is truly a giant and there is nothing he cannot deal with or embrace. Ultimately that person shall conquer the world in God's way. Christianity has always possessed that ideology, and God sees that as long as Christians pursue that doctrine then they will win the world to God.

When you plant bean seeds, beans will grow. When you plant carnations, carnations will grow. No one can deny this principle. If you sow hatred, hatred will result. When you sow love, then the fruit of love will indeed come. The important thing is the size of that love. There is small love, and there is giant, universal love. Christianity has been failing to live up to this principle and failing to love its enemies. This has been its major difficulty.

Christians preach about loving one's enemies, but Jesus also said to love your neighbor. Who is a Christian's neighbor? Certainly it is another Christian. But are they doing it? Do Catholics love Mormons? Do Jehovah's Witnesses love Methodists? It doesn't matter who calls us heretics; whoever practices this principle of loving one's enemy is closer to God and is the orthodox Christian. That is my belief. Love can unite. If Christians practice love then we can unite Christians, and then Christians can unite all the religions of the world. But until we achieve this goal we cannot go on to the next.

Aren't we heretics? Why not? How do you know? If you tell the Christians of the world what the Unification movement is about, they will say you are a heretic. The important thing is to inherit the true tradition and spirit of Christianity, however, and as long as we inherit the doctrine of love and practice it, we are the most orthodox Reverend Moon? Many Americans say so. From your parents' point of view, their enemy is Reverend Moon. The media, business world, and religious world all think I am their enemy. They say I steal the children of American citizens.

If this nation had no foundation of law, I'm sure this nation would have done away with me already. Who is Reverend Moon for you? It is a very serious matter. The people who know me say they cannot change their religion, no matter what their parents, or the government or the media say. Even if those people are kicked out by the American government they would want to continue being Moonies. This is why people say you are crazy! People have no logical explanation for your attitude, so they found a word just for you -- they say you are brainwashed.

Many prayers have reached my ears, prayers by Christians who want God to take me away to spirit world because they cannot stand me. God is listening to what the Moonies are praying and what I am praying. We are asking God to forgive America and awaken this nation and let us bear the cross as a sacrifice. God is looking at these two groups -- the group which wants me taken away, which is rich and powerful, and the other group, which is humbly dressed and eats simply. Moonies look like insignificant people. Do you think God will decide He wants to be on the winning side and put the Moonies away? You say no only because you are Moonies, don't you?

Love characterizes saintly people

I have had the opportunity to peek into the Book of Life in God's house in spirit world. I saw that the people who were oppressed and persecuted and martyred all have their names in that book. They looked like they were defeated in their life on earth, but the millionaires and famous preachers and politicians aren't there. Sometimes people say, "Reverend Moon, you are a millionaire. Why don't you give all your money to the poor?" But the fact is, I'm not a millionaire, and all the hundreds of millions of dollars the Unification Church receives is applied immediately to the cause of restoring this world - - and all the poor people in it. Because the Unification Church does this, it is entitled to receive yet more money because it practices the principle of loving its enemies. We have been giving out not only money, but our blood, sweat, and heart, as well....

Sometimes I ask God for money for the Unification movement, telling Him we need resources to do His work. There are billions of dollars in the

world, so I tell God that He knows how we will use it. Anyone who can love their enemy -- whether individual, race, or nation -- will inherit from God any resources he needs. That is the kind of nation God has been waiting for. Once that nation appears on earth, it will become the center of God's dispensation, and through it He will fulfill all the promises of the Scriptures.

I know that with the power of God nothing is impossible. Therefore, immediately after the Washington Monument rally in 1976 I declared that the next rally would be in Moscow. Moscow is a very prophetic name. In English it sounds like "must go;' so Moscow means "must go" Some nation and some people must go to Moscow. Do you want to go?

The true dispensation cannot appear on earth unless an individual, family, tribe, and nation can practice the principle of loving their enemy. Until such a nation appears, you cannot talk about the Kingdom of God on earth.

I do not regret that the State Department, Congress, and the entire American government have been very hostile to me. Because of that, I have much more to show God as my achievement once it is all over. If everything had been rosy and peaceful, then I would not have had an opportunity to prove who I am through dramatic achievement. I have never once spoken against or cursed anyone who opposed me, because when a great enemy attacks me, God will send a great friend. When more people came against me in the government, more people stood up to protect me. God is fair.

Wherever there is a high pressure area in the atmosphere, a low pressure area is created. When a great negative force appears in America, some positive force appears around me. I have learned that persecution can be very sweet if you persevere with the right frame of mind. That way I can win more friends and comrades in arms without fighting.

In Home Church work, you go voluntarily to serve the people, but when you arrive and they find out you are a Moonie, they push you away from their door, and even beat you up. I know this is your story. When you are treated that way, some of the neighbors will support that hostile person because they don't like Moonies either; but then others will be outraged and ask how these people could treat any human being that way. When you show up again the next day and the hostile people confront you, the other neighbors will come out to defend you. When you keep coming back with a peaceful face, these neighbors will say that you seem even calmer than Jesus, because the Bible records that Jesus got angry on occasion, while you never get angry.

The people who see you are mistreated will be anxious to know some- thing about you. First, they may think you are dumb and foolish, but they will see that though you are not elegant you are clean cut and neatly dressed and you talk intelligently. When they learn that you have a college degree, they will be astonished and want to know why you are doing this, and then you can tell them that it is because we believe in an ideology of loving people, that we have a dream to build God's fatherland in this nation. If they ask why God needs a fatherland when He is already omnipotent, you can invite them to hear a lecture. Can you teach the Principle? I am telling you that absolute rejection will bring absolute friends.

The more dramatic the persecution you receive in your Home Church area, the better it is. If you are kicked and knocked unconscious, people may think you are dead and the headlines will proclaim that the Moonie was kicked to death. Then when you revive later, the headlines will announce that you resurrected! If this happens two or three times, then you will easily restore the whole area in the meantime!

On the outside, I seem to be mean and ugly instead of handsome and nice, right? The entire world may say I am mean and ugly, but God will be the one person who will definitely veto that statement. Because the power of God is absolute, there is nothing to fear even when the American government comes against us. I speak out strongly and without fear when the president does something wrong. God is stronger than any president. I don't care what the people say; I only care what God says. As long as God thinks I am His champion, then I don't care what the world says.

Becoming princes and princesses of God

If I were a solitary individual, then it wouldn't matter how much I was intoxicated by this doctrine. But the problem the world faces is that there are more and more Reverend Moons coming forward every day, hundreds, then thousands and millions more. Heavenly families, heavenly tribes, and heavenly nations are being formed. That is the world's problem. In the Unification Church, incredibly dramatic things can happen, with one extreme uniting with another extreme to create beautiful families. The couples I create will march forward as flag bearers who can love their enemies. Together, they will become princes and princesses of God. This is the exciting life we live.

No trivial barriers such as race or culture and language matter to us. We transcend them all with the love of God. A great blessing took place in 1978 in Great Britain, and in most cases the couples came from countries that historically had been enemies. In some cases, they couldn't even speak each other's language, so they created their own eye and sign language. It is dramatic to touch your fiancé's hands when you can't say anything. Then a kiss is really sweet.

There is no barrier we cannot overcome with the power of love. Some people might say they like everything about the Unification Church except mobile fund raising team duty. Today you have the solution -- if fund raising is your worst enemy, then do it and love it. Can you do it? Some people might think Unification Church life is exciting except for witnessing and meeting people 24 hours a day. Now today you have the answer: If witnessing is your enemy, then love doing it.

The New York members might have felt that Bo Hi Pak was their enemy when he pushed them every week to do home church. Now they say, "But now a new man has come, Reverend Won Pil Kim; he looks mean and he is old and needs eyeglasses to read with, and he is even worse than the previous one. I can't stand these Koreans. They smell like kimchi all the time. They are my enemies" Today you have the answer -- if they are your enemies, then love them all, and the Kingdom of Heaven shall come from that love. From the moment you can love your enemy, the Kingdom of Heaven shall come.

My philosophy is very simple. If you have the attitude to love your enemy, then you can overcome any situation and there is no obstacle that can block you. In my lifetime of 60 years, I have experienced everything. There were many things I didn't want to tackle, but I did it because I loved my enemy. I did the worst things there were to do -- I was a beggar, a laborer, a farmer, a dock worker, a miner. I became a fisherman, and even the tough professional fishermen gave up trying to beat my record.

Every day I am living this principle, and when I look I see that there are many people of all colors following behind me. If I push them away and tell them to leave, then they go, but then they come in the back door again. The Principle of the Unification movement is rather simple and we live it. Other people trying to find our secret under a microscope won't find it there, but we live it and are serious about it.

Shall I continue? You cold blooded Moonies, you hate me! You make me work so hard on my birthday!

My topic today is the Fatherland of God. God needs a nation here on earth. We Moonies don't have our nation. God wants a nation that will practice this principle of loving one's enemies.

Today we are celebrating my 60th birthday. These 60 years have been years of paying incredible indemnity. From this day on, the years of my 60s are beginning, initiating the years of completion and the decade of fulfillment and perfection.

We are multi-colored here; this auditorium is a miniature of the Heavenly Kingdom, with five colors of skin from 127 countries. All we have to do is practice this principle. We are not going to destroy our enemies but will liberate them. We find love by loving them. You will practice this in your Home Church providence. That is the base of the Kingdom of Heaven. That is where you can learn to bear the burden and taste God's tears and broken heart.

You have your own territory, and as we get bigger we can cover all of New York, then America, the entire world, and the entire spirit world. Finally, we will cover God with Home Church. Home church people will tell God to stay in heaven while they do the work, but He will protest that He wants to be with them. God will shout out, "This is my home. This is my tribe and nation. The fulfillment is complete. Let us dance and sing together"

The day of victory is coming when God will see His people and nation here on earth. Then He will declare His heavenly constitution. Will it be inferior to a democratic constitution? Truly there shall be a real democracy for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness under God. There will be a right to life. Life is sacred and has the right to exist -- that is the basic human right.

We are engaged in the work of liberating people in every field and arena of life. Therefore, we engage in every walk of life -- business, education, the arts. We will liberate people with the true heart of God. Eventually, I want to see a world without any national boundaries.

I am in a position to hate Americans because they have done so much against me, but I do not hate them at all. I have confidence that with our ideology we can break down all the barriers there are. We can do it simply through the restoration of a fatherland for God.

Where is your enemy? We have no enemies because we return debts of harm with love. We repay with love any damage and persecution that comes to us. Your real enemy is anything that your physical body likes. That is the one enemy you must watch out for. Don't worry about other people and what the papers say. Our real enemy is not communism, but the internal enemies of drug use and free sex and immorality, such as the infiltration of evils like homosexuality.

Today we are talking about the restoration of God's fatherland. Let us pledge ourselves to march forward for this fatherland here on earth. Those who pledge to God and True Parents that they will give themselves. for the restoration of the Heavenly Kingdom and fatherland of God here on earth, raise your hands. Amen!

God bless you. Thank you very much.

Chapter 31 - Let Us Know Ourselves

Chapter 31
Let Us Know Ourselves
September 30, 1979 -- Tarrytown, New York

Knowing ourselves is probably one of the most important things in our lives. When you say "us" or "I" you have a certain identity in mind. For instance, there are around 240 million people in America who would say, "I am an American." However, one could be either the lowest possible American, a very noble American, or in between. How do you think of yourselves?

Apart from being American citizens, what else are you? You are children of your parents. In this country your parents might be descended from many combinations of nationalities, and when you investigate your family tree there may be many variations. Your lineage may be a proud one or a humble one and your ancestors honorable or dishonorable. Your parents' lineages might even have conflicted with each other at some time. As members of the Unification movement we can ask, "Who are we?"

Again, there are basically two types. One person might be part of the backbone of the movement, while in the case of another person, it might not make much difference whether he is here or not. You may have come to some realization about whether or not you are a person of importance here.

It is always true that each person has the viewpoint that he is the center of each situation because each person thinks that he has some value or importance. Everyone also has some ambition or aspiration, and there is no limit to what man can desire. Do you feel that you are important? Do you have some aspiration in life? In this regard are there differences between races, or between people of the past, present, and future? No, each person is the same here. You can conclude that you want to be important and be recognized, and that you want to better yourself every day. This is a common human aspiration.

Let us determine whether we are good people or bad people. In the category of good people there are many different classifications or levels. It is important to know who determines whether one is a good or bad person; will you do it, or will someone else? Is that the individual right of a person, or will the majority opinion decide good or evil? Goodness must be determined from the public point of view, and whether a person is good will be decided by his contribution to the overall well being. Someone may pride himself on his good looks, but if he is missing one finger can we say his appearance is perfect? From the overall point of view, a part is missing Value is derived from the entire point of view, or point of view of wholeness or perfection.

A good person is one whom the whole can recognize as being good. Suppose I think I am the best in my family. My parents might think I am good, but if my little sister thinks I am terrible then something is lacking. Who determines whether you are the best in your family? It is the consensus of family opinion that decides. How can you be admired by all your family? When you serve them unselfishly and make them important to you, then they will respect you.

What is the basic formula for being recognized by public opinion? Two key elements must be there: sacrifice and service. Will you become a good person if you expect others to serve and sacrifice for you? No, you have to be the center of sacrifice and service. Will some of you protest this?

This is an important congregation because it is a miniature of the world, with all nationalities and races represented here. If this representative group can agree that this is the principle for determining who are good men and women, then this must be the principle that will work for the entire world. One category of people will agree that service and sacrifice are good and they will try it; others will mull over the issue, while yet others will agree that this has always been their way of life. Which group do you belong in?

If you feel you have been practicing this way of life, are you in a position to be recognized as a person of goodness by the entire world? Do you practice service and sacrifice by expecting service from 240 million Americans, or by thinking that you must serve 240 million Americans? Obviously, you must do it. Now that we have agreed on the definition of a good person, would you want to become the best person within the limited scope of America, or on the worldwide level? America is a microcosm of prejudiced man be described as a good man? If he dislikes black people, then would only blacks think he was guilty of prejudice, or would people of his own race also criticize his attitude? Is this a racial judgment or a universal one?

The universal principle is a judge

We must recognize that there is a universal principle involved, regardless of what race you are. You can see that the universe has certain fundamental laws, and anyone who violates them will be judged accordingly, regardless of his race or stature. What is the spirit of that constitution of the universe? It aims to preserve or uphold the men and women who try to live for others. It would also try to eliminate people who take advantage of others and seek to benefit only themselves. This is why we can say that good people are those who exist for the sake of others, and good deeds are those actions which benefit others.

If a person is brought to trial and convicted of violating the constitutional law, would he feel good? Often a convicted defendant reacts strongly to the judgment of the court, demanding to know what is wrong with him when there is so much wrong with society. Normally a court will not reverse its decision just because the defendant objects. If even a human court won't do that, would the universal court be likely to reverse its decisions?

There is always room for mercy in a righteous legal system, but in order to be entitled to receive it, a person must show his sincere repentance. Repentance is the key word. This is why Jesus' pronouncement was, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." What should we repent for? Very simply, we must repent for all those actions which violated the rule that says we should live in sacrifice and service for others. This was Jesus' first teaching.

The essence of Christianity is to seek repentance for the sin of greediness and selfishness. Sin can be defined as violation of the universal law of service to others. Stealing a dress from even a big department store chain is wrong. That dress has value which comes from the person who prepared it. If it is stolen, its public value is nullified by the thief. That is the sin. Another person might realize that he tells lies all the time, but his conscience doesn't hurt him. The motivation for lying always involves hiding something to take advantage of others; otherwise, there would be no reason to lie.

Everything is embraced by this universal principle and every deed can be judged accordingly. Imagine a person who sees an ugly woman on the street and knocks her down, thinking that he can't stand to see her and that he is also doing a service to other Americans who wouldn't like to see her. If that is his motivation, then is his deed a sin? That individual might try to justify his deed but the universal law will not. Universal law would decree that no matter how ugly that woman might be, she is just as valuable as everyone else because she was made by the Creator. Therefore, no one has a right to knock her down.

Everything about this principle is epitomized in two key words: sacrifice and service. In our human courts today, is there any judge who would uphold a conviction that a person did not live his life in service and sacrifice to others? What law judges deeds of sacrificial service? Such deeds are not governed by the law of the nation but are upheld by public recognition. If a person gives sacrificial service to his nation, then his country will honor him with a medal and national acclaim.

Perhaps someone will complain that this universal law about service doesn't fit him and want to know why he can't be given a citation and still enjoy his self-serving life. Would the society which honored selfish. greedy people endure very long? If that way of life prevailed, then no. unity and harmony would be possible. If the Creator enforced selfishness as the universal law, that law would apply not only to all humans but also to the whole material world. Then each tiny cell could claim that everything in the universe exists solely for him and that no other cell has any rights. That kind of attitude would bring nothing but division and destruction.

Universal law doesn't work like that, however. No one denies that the cells of the eye are important, but those cells exist for the benefit of the entire body. The purpose of the whole precedes the existence of the eye, so the eye must obey the universal law of the entire body. That eye should obey simply because the universe upholds this point of view and that is the way of life which will flourish.

You eat breakfast every morning, don't you? Where do the animals and plants come from that comprise your meals? In order to have food, you have to ruthlessly cut down different plants, then chew them up with your teeth and swallow them. The vegetables in your salad bowl won't protest, however, because they know the universal law and think that they are there to serve a greater purpose. With that attitude they can thank you for eating them so that you can serve the public purpose.

There is a harmony of purpose here. The food on your plate has a certain appreciation of what you live for and is willing to serve your body. That's the only way there can be harmony between you and your food. Otherwise, your food would hate you for eating it and resent hearing you laugh. The key point is that your food accepts you only because it knows you are living for the public purpose. Food will resent the laughter of a greedy person who wants to eat it.

Defining good and evil

If you are not living for a public purpose, then sometimes your food will stage a demonstration against you in your stomach. Then you get sick or even die in some cases. Under the universal law, goodness should flourish and evil should decline. Now you know precisely that the direction of goodness includes service and sacrifice, but until now that definition has been hazy in history, lacking a focal point.

Let us examine whether that definition is right or wrong. Everything in this world exists in one of two classifications, and even the tears trickling from your eyes can be either good or evil. Your ears and eyes could serve in two ways. If your eyes want to look at the world to find a person in need so that you can go and serve him, then your eyes are serving a good function. On the other hand, if your eyes are trying to spot someone's weakness so you can exploit him, they are serving an evil function.

There are all kinds of music in America, but who is it played for? Disco and rock music in themselves are not good or evil, so what purpose they serve becomes the main consideration. If they serve the public purpose, then they are good. If music and dance are used only for personal physical pleasure or for getting money from others, then they are serving an evil purpose. Is it likely that disco music is played for an unselfish, public purpose today? That's the reason I would not favor going to discos. If dancing and listening to that music will help resurrect people from darkness to light, then go right ahead, all 365 days a year. Do you have that confidence? Would it be correct to think that this. is just my idea, and that once I disappear it will no longer apply because it is not universal?

There are two great examples of how this universal law is unchanging through the past, present, and future. Jesus Christ lived a most miserable life on earth, but on the cross he could forgive his own enemies. When he died, he looked like a defeated person, in the secular sense. But his ideology has practically conquered the world in the last 2,000 years, and history is counted from the year of his birth. On the other hand, the Hitlers and Napoleons who thought they could conquer the world with military might have appeared successful temporarily, but have their accomplishments remained? No, because they, too, are under the dominion of the universal constitution, and that activity was unacceptable.

The saints in history are those who lived up to this principle and completely practiced this way of life of goodness. Saints are those who belong to God and at the same time to mankind -- people who live on the universal level. People are proud of any connection they may have with a saint, whether they are relatives or come from the same nation, and so forth. Why do they want to be proud? Because the saints exemplify the most basic principle of the universe.

The topic today is "Let Us Know Ourselves." What kind of people are you? You have some guidelines for evaluating your own deeds now. Per- haps you have a part of your body, a hand, for instance, that wants other people to work for you. Perhaps your body doesn't want to work at all for others but wants the rest of the world to work for it. Normally you have a rebellious attitude if someone gives you commands, but in the heavenly world you would think instead that you are linked to the universe through that person.

In that respect, do you like me? [Yes!] Why? Because you know I am a mediator through whom you can leap forward to greater well being. What kind of man am I? Some people describe me in the worst terms, saying that evil people like Hitler and Stalin paid their own people to work, but Reverend Moon is the worst because he doesn't pay anyone and yet he still makes them work hard. They say I am the worst because instead of giving you money, I send you out fund raising! If I am as evil as they say, why don't you leave? Am I evil or not?

The purpose of pushing

I can accept the charge that I am ready to push you harder than any other leader in history, but the issue centers around what my purpose is. My purpose is to let you work for something greater than yourself and even greater than your nation: it is for the world and for God. Mine is a totally unselfish motivation. While you work hard to raise funds, I am working harder than you to raise even more funds; then, when they are pooled together, it is spent for the public purpose. Each of my actions is within this principle of living in sacrifice and service for others.

I am not only doing this myself, but am pushing others to live for the public purpose as well. Does that make me an evil man or good man?

Parents sometimes seem very cruel when they push their children to study, but their motive is not to benefit themselves but to strengthen their children. These parents want their children to be future leaders and have a good impact on the world. Are those parents good or evil? Another kind of parent lets his child do whatever he wants. Though that may sound wonderful to the child, it is better for a parent to be firm and push his child in order to mold his character in a God- centered way. The leniency that seems wonderful on the surface actually reflects the fact that the parent doesn't care about the public purpose.

Teachers can also be classified in two ways. Students as a rule don't like to study and want the teachers to just leave them alone. There are two kinds of wives, as well. One kind nags her husband about where he has been and how much money he spent and why he doesn't spend more time with his children. The other kind decides she will just have fun on her own while her husband is away. In this case the nagging wife is serving the public purpose.

Some husbands are strict with their wives about not going out without first getting permission, and about caring for the children and the house. Another kind is lenient and feels that each of them should do as they please. Should the first kind of husband be criticized in this case?

Which person is more likely to be on the side of good, the person who has ten supervisors or the person who has none? Supervision can seem like a burden, but its discipline and demands can push you to accomplish more. My policy is that members of the Unification movement can't afford to do only one thing at a time. Sometimes I give so many instructions at one time that the American members are immobilized and don't know where to move. But even the smallest Oriental members will run like ants, jumping from mission to mission, and somehow bring the result.

You know how to evaluate good and evil now. What kind of person is God? God is the master and center of the public law of the universe. One thing can be said: God exists solely for the sake of others. He is the supreme public person in the universe. God is the creator and the originator of the two basic principles of service and sacrifice. Let us call these distinct characteristics A-type blood. If both your parents have A-type blood, most likely you will, too. In the same way, if we are created by God, then His principles must become ours as well.

Since God is proclaiming that way of life, everything should come under that way of life as well. That's the way God designed the universe and anything that goes against that principle will receive pain. When we establish give and take with God by living that way, it brings harmony and energy to life. Whoever is linked to that kind of give and take shall enjoy eternal life because there is no end to it. Why do we have to live the life of sacrifice and service? Ultimately, it is in order to have give and take with God and plug into His energy.

Why should we become one with God? By doing so you will enjoy eternal life. God is the source of power; He is the highest, so by uniting with Him you become highest as well. God is absolute. By uniting with Him you also become absolute, and in that unity you will be protected because no one else will have the power to harm you. In unity with God, His power and energy become your power and energy and you become a child in His image. There are all kinds of love, but none better than the love of God, which shines like the sun. You then become the recipient of that love.

The sun radiates warmth and light, and when you are part of the sun of God's love, you also become a life giving element which can bring harmony and life wherever you go. Such a person always brings life and energy and melts ungodly things. Many of you first came to the Unification Church to discredit the doctrine. You were like a cold chunk of ice, but when you heard the Principle you began to melt into water. Is that true or not? If this is true, then this is an historical event.

Leading the way

What technique do I use to inspire you this way? Am I a hypnotist or magician? There is no magic here, only universal law at work. All I have to do is teach this law. Sometimes I seem very cruel when I ask you to go out and work for the universal cause, but is it for the sake of good or evil? It is for goodness so big that it is the size of God.

I don't have any assets of my own except this universal law. Further- more, I aspire to work harder and suffer more than anyone else for this cause. God knows very well what principle I am living under. If Satan complains to God that I have been permitted to acquire too much success and prosperity and he wants me to demonstrate what I have done to deserve it, would God hesitate to let Satan test me? It is because Satan is trying to deter me that I have faced incredible persecution and torture in communist prison camps. But did I change even when I had to go through all that?

Is it true that the entire world has persecuted me? Has America welcomed me with the red carpet treatment? Do many heads of state want to welcome me to their countries? Christians and Jews are supposed to be our friends, but are they? Do the communists call me their friend? I think that in all of history there has never been one individual who was persecuted by the whole world or who has suffered more opposition than I have. Have I crumbled into many pieces because of this opposition, or am I getting stronger than ever? Even people outside the Unification movement must come to the conclusion that I am not lukewarm or mediocre. Either I am really evil or really good.

I am Oriental, but even white people are telling me I am good. It is a puzzle to the world and they can't figure it out. Do you really believe I am good? That is why people think I have brainwashed you -- it is too incredible for them to believe. Is that what I did? All you have done is link yourself up to the universal principle, but even you yourselves don't realize when you changed. You used to be just like the people in the secular world, but as you followed this way of life you covered a great distance and changed a great deal.

These days each faith has its pride. The Pope is visiting many nations, and millions of people gather to see him. Are their cheers for the Catholic Church, or for the salvation of the world? If that sound is for the sake of the Catholic Church, it is not good enough. But if that gathering is intended to help God and man together to save mankind, then it is good. If they gather to strengthen their resolve to sacrifice themselves more for the public good, then such gatherings are good.

Is the Unification movement a good group of people? What is good about us? We don't gather for the sake of the Unification movement, but for the liberation of God and mankind. What we do is for the supreme good. If we only gather to receive God's blessing and privilege, then we are not good people. We gather to give ourselves for the liberation of mankind and God, so we are a God-centered movement. In that case, the leader who founded it must be good as well. The more ardently we pursue the goal, the more success and prosperity is bound to come. My philosophy and ideal is to live for the liberation of God, in addition to that of mankind and spirit world. No one ever spoke of that goal before.

Are these empty words or am I really doing it? There is no night or day for me because I am always working for that goal. Were you lucky or unfortunate to meet me? Indeed, I am resolute, ambitious for God and greedy to do His will, but I am applying all these characteristics for making each of you a God-centered leader. That means I will push you into hardship and difficulty with an iron will to push you to be a winner and not be defeated. Even if someone threatens to poke your eyes out unless you renounce this movement, you can reply, "Even if you destroy my eyes, I will not change. They are being sacrificial for the sake of goodness." After you feel this way, then you can say ouch. Then God will receive that pain as well. When you are ridiculed and mistreated, you naturally feel pain.

But if you are serving the absolute goal of the liberation of God, then everything that you bear shall be borne by God as well. Your own death will be felt by God and He will acknowledge that you died for Him and for mankind. Then God and mankind will bow down to you because you made your sacrifice on the most divine altar.

Responsibility in God's behalf

Those who are here for the first time, raise your hands. Do you think I am speaking the truth or not? Did you come just to watch, or do you want to be a part of it? This universal principle must be taught to American youth who are in darkness and confusion today. Is the light we bring necessary for America? Night or day, the answer is still yes. If I don't fulfill this duty, then God must find someone else who will. This is the only course left to America and someone must do it. Otherwise, there is no hope.

The person who tries to fulfill the will of God every day is not going to be glorified by Congress but will be persecuted and ridiculed by the people instead. His duty must be fulfilled in that position. Sacrifice and service must be the credo of our life. Would a beautiful woman be willing to give up her attractiveness for the law of God? Imagine the most handsome white man and the most ugly black woman being blessed together in marriage, giving themselves to God at the altar. That is the most dramatic thing you can imagine. They will probably be the happiest and most attractive couple under the sun. They will open the door to historical heaven and God will be liberated by their marriage. God is truly life and love, and He is looking for this kind of dramatic marriage.

When I look at your eyes, I feel a certain vibration and it is not yet 100 percent pure. If the best looking man has the confidence that he can accept the worst possible wife and still be the happiest man, then this gap will be closed. When the two extremes can unite and be happy, everything in between will be overcome, and all people encompassed by those extremes can become happy couples. When a couple representing two extremes reaches heaven, they will enjoy total freedom to go anywhere and meet anyone they want.

That is the spirit of the Unification movement, the spirit of the founding nation for the Kingdom of God on earth. . Before the entire world comes against you, I will train you myself by asking you to pursue a very rigorous way of life. Will you accept it? Not only that, but God will be harder on you than I am. Why can you accept that? It is because you know that by passing the worst test, you can inherit the deepest love of God. To receive that unique love, you feel you can bear any burden.

Will the people of this conviction look gloomy and unhappy, or will they be the most exuberant, rain or shine? Why do we have to take up this duty and go through the narrow gate of this life I am describing? God created all things and made them with His dual characteristics. Not only are they connected to Him vertically, but to each other horizontally. God is invisible and the created world is substantial. The substantial world is horizontal while God is vertical. God's invisible dual essentialities were manifested in visible form, so everything is made in the image of God. Where do you belong here?

Each man is a microcosm of the universe. Your body is made of all the elements of the world. Nature supplied all the ingredients that make your body, which means that the universe made you by donating itself. If nature demanded that you refund everything that nature loaned you, would there be anything left of you? You can feel that the universe gave you birth and made you, so nature is your first parent. Do you feel good that you are a microcosm of the universe? All the universal formats or formulas can be found in you. You could accurately say that you are a small walking universe that can move, whereas the cosmic universe is stationary. Because you can move and act, you can govern the universe. The universe would want you to exercise dominion over it, so your first duty would be to love nature. Then, wherever you are, you can love the creation and appreciate t.

Since you feel such an urge to love the grass, trees, and flowers, the birds and running water, how can you not love your fellow man? When you lie on the beach, you can feel that you are lying in the bosom of your parent, or that when leaning against a tree you are leaning against your own brother. Would nature protest, or feel that you truly love and know it? All things exist for you, so you can appreciate them for that reason. As a man, you are the only begotten son of the universe, and as a woman you are the only begotten daughter of the universe. Then how much love would be possible between the two?

Have you ever had a conversation with the sun, saying that you love it and singing a song of love for it? Many of the people who think of themselves as poets don't even appreciate the depth of this truth, and their poetry is superficial and shallow. Am I telling the truth, or only seeming to?

Parents, and other family members

Your second parents are your own father and mother. They represent the universe and labored to bring your life into being. Men and women can feel that they are the center of the universe because their parents, representatives of the universe, brought their life to this earth. Your parents represent not only father and mother but all mankind -- teachers, neighbors, and relatives. When you serve your parents, you are actually serving mankind, not just two particular people. By doing so, you will be loved by all mankind. This is the historical background out of which we can say that our virtue as sons and daughters is to serve our parents with filial piety. Your immediate family and neighbors represent a microcosm of mankind; your sisters represent all women and your brothers represent all men. Therefore, your family is a microcosm of mankind.

The true people are those who look at all people as one family of man. If you are a true man or woman, when you see a senior citizen, you look at him as your own parent or grandparent. Other young men and women are your own brothers and sisters. If you are a true man, then you love not only your own family but also all mankind. It is against the Principle to care only for your family and not the rest of the world. If you happen to be white, then it is a most exciting adventure to find your black family, and to find senior citizens and young men and women whom you love as much as your own grandparents and brothers and sisters.

If you see someone in dire need, then you want to fill their need because they are not just your fellow man, but your brother or sister. Here in America, when parents become old and can't take care of themselves, do they go to their children's homes or to senior citizens' homes? Would a grandmother be happier to live with her grandchildren or be visited by them in a senior citizens' home?

Are you willing to accept your grandmother into your home? Would you do it in reality, or are you only saying yes because you are here? As a new wife, would you rather go to live with your husband's family of many in-laws, or to live only with him? If you want to live up to the public law of the universe, then you want to go live with his family.

You have your own physical parents, but ultimately you have one most important parent who created you -- God. Your parents were the tools God used to create you. The journey in search of the True Parents begins by loving nature, which is the first parent, then loving your physical parents, and then to the ultimate parent, God, who is our creator. God is the ultimate destination, our eternal Parent. The moment of death, which everyone now fears, is actually the moment of fulfillment. If you live your life in the right way here on earth, then your life leads ultimately to the one common Parent. Then the moment of death actually liberates you to live with that parent for eternity. He is the True Parent to us all, who has true love with no end. Life with Him is what we call the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven.

The principal atmosphere of that world is supreme love. That love is not selfish, but is based on sacrifice and service. Because it is based on that universal law, that supreme love flourishes. The Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world is our ultimate destination, and our physical life here on earth is only a workshop. No matter how long you live, it all nurtures you to enter eternal life in heaven. When I discovered the core truth of the universe, this is what I found. Earthly life is merely preparation for eternal life, and it is here that we pass or fail. With that realization, I then prayed to know the basic principle of the universe, and the answer came -- the parent- child relationship is the backbone of the universe. That is the relationship you have with the creation, with your parents, and with God. The central theme of that relationship is love.

While we are here on earth, we are attending the most important workshop of all, learning this principle so that we can ultimately reach our destination in heaven and enjoy our parent-child relationship with God for eternity. This is why the Unification movement exists and -- why I am leading you. Life on a mobile fund raising team is training to make a relationship. with God for eternity. Any money we raise comes out of nature and we value it accordingly. You can tell the money that after it has longed to be used for God's purpose it has finally come to the right place because you will connect it to the True Parents and God.

Wherever you go in the world, you face certain difficulties and persecution, out of which you gain greater value for your work. If everything came easily, then it would have little value. Your desire is to apply whatever money you have, whether large or small, to heavenly causes so that it will have true value. All things have been fervently waiting for this relationship and you are the mediator who will make it happen. No matter how old and distinguished and socially accomplished you are, you still need to make this link with nature and restore material for the sake of God.

Another important part of our mission is restoration of people. When you see other people, you can think that they have been waiting a long time to be restored to God. Now you can go to them because you know the way and purpose of life. You can be the mediator to bring them to God. By reaching out to people, you are actually serving your parents as well, and by having you as their children, they shall be glorified and saved. By finding the lost sons and daughters of America, you are serving your own parents in addition to loving them, and together you can come to the True Parents.

When you truly live this noble life, there are no parents who will not welcome you. As much as you practice loving the people of the world, you can certainly love your own parents and brothers and sisters to that degree. You love them as representatives of the True Parents and as someone who was commissioned by God. They have that value. No family would reject such a child, but instead would bow down before him.

There is one more training course left -- the training of the spirit world. You have to know how to deal with and serve the spirit world and liberate it. You should be in a position to love the spirit world, and no one can make you realize this except the Messiah. That is the most important training remaining before you can love God.

The Messiah comes as director of training, setting the example of how to love people, the world, and spirit world. Then you can pass the ultimate test. Before the coming of the Messiah, the spirit world was divided, with no harmony or cooperation anywhere in the midst of all that complexity. When the Messiah comes, he will create unity, and barriers will go down. It is one of his qualifications that he must fulfill this while he is on earth. He is the one man on earth who has the power to control the spirit world.

The True Parents are those who represent not only this physical world but also the spirit world and God, under whom you practice love. If you go to spirit world without knowing the Messiah, it might take several million years to learn to love people there. But when you accept the Messiah while on earth, you can accomplish many millions of years of work in a short time. By obeying the True Parents here on earth, you are entitled to receive recognition for loving all spirit world and obeying its rules. The True Parents represent not only this physical world but also spirit world and God, and by obeying God's representative you demonstrate your obedience to God. By loving them, you can pass every level. Now you know why unity with True Parents is necessary. They represent the heart of God, so that by loving them you have already loved God and the spirit world. That is the culmination of loving all parents -- nature, your physical parents, and God.

Until True Parenthood was installed, all love was divided and there was no harmony. Now, by loving the True Parents you are in a position to love them all. If you fail on other levels but in the end you accept the True Parents, you have demonstrated your loyalty and love to indemnify all the past. Everything culminates in that supreme accomplishment. If you are given a paper signed by the President of the United States, it has power everywhere in the land. In the same way, if you pass this final level of loving True Parents, you pass every other level as well. That is why it is an absolute necessity to have True Parents.

By fund raising, you inherit the material wealth of the universe. By witnessing to the people of the world, you inherit the condition of loving your own physical parents. When you love True Parents, you are inheriting the world of God and his love. We can conclude that by practicing loving the True Parents, God's representatives on earth, you can practice loving everything you need to love on earth. Here you can finish all the qualifications you need to be entitled to the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven. You have that center here in the Unification Church.

The people of the world just scoff or ridicule you, but in spite of them we are proud of being Moonies. Your voice of pride shall be stronger than the voice of negativity, both here and all over the world. If anyone is reluctant to speak up as a Moonie, I will not speak up for him in front of heaven. Tomorrow is the first of October. These nine months of 1979 have been months of indemnity for everything so far, and it is culminated with the birth of the new baby, Hyung Jin.

We know ourselves -- we are Moonies and proud of it. We rejoice over what we are, so when we deal with the world we shall be strong and bold. Don't be intimidated by the world, but be proud and quietly say, "You just wait and see. In a few years you will find the truth. The time will come when you will understand, and in the meantime we are proud." As long as the people misunderstand us, we will just tighten our belts and work harder to bring the victory. If you move forward and I am pushing behind you, there is no way you can fail.

Spirit world is pushing behind us. You know that the intervention of spirit world is becoming stronger. Is there anything to be afraid of? How proud we are to have found the truth and be children of the True Parents. In the morning when you stand in front of the mirror, greet yourself and say, "You haven't been too proud of yourself. Now you are proud of being a Moonie."

Those who pledge today as a new beginning to walk proudly on the streets of New York and be central people to bring this city back to God, raise your hands. Thank you very much. Let us pray.