Chapter 30 - Address at the Eighth Anniversary of the 777 Couples Blessing

Chapter 30
Address at the Eighth Anniversary of the 777 Couples Blessing
October 22, 1978 -- Soo Taek Lee, Korea

Earlier I spoke about Home Church -- the final barrier that we in the Unification movement have to go through. Since we cannot fulfill our mission without going through this last gateway, let me speak again on this topic.

Originally, if man had not fallen, there would have been no necessity for even the words "Home Church." The completed, perfected family of Adam and Eve would have become the family which could have directly attended God, and naturally communicated with the angelic world. This family would have produced children, formed their tribe and their nation, and eventually the whole world would have become the world of Adam's family.

Then what happened because of the fall? By falling, Adam and Eve were separated from God and cut off from the angelic world. They lost everything. They were expelled from the Garden, which means they lost the standard of true human beings, the true family standard, and the true national standard. Who was responsible for that? It wasn't God, nor was it the angelic world, nor the world of creation. It was the responsibility of mankind.

Therefore, we are destined to follow the course of the providence of restoration. A person cannot go this path alone. He or she needs the help of God and the spirit world. Therefore, God and the spirit world have been mobilized to help fallen man on earth complete the history of recreation.

God created man after He had created the physical world. Therefore, the restoration of man must start after the restoration of material things. In order to restore material things, people in the Old Testament Age made offerings to God using things from the creation. Such offerings united God, the spirit world and the creation into a substantial foundation. Through these successful offerings, the foundation to restore a substantial Adam was begun.

This foundation of offering was supposed to be established worldwide. To do that, a particular nation, Israel, was elected. It was God's hope that Israel would become the most important nation in the world, so that when the foundation was completed there, it would represent all the world. On that kind of foundation, perfected Adam and Eve would be able to stand.

The way of the cross of love

The New Testament Age started when Jesus Christ, who came with the purpose of completing God's will, became the offering. This offering expanded worldwide as Christianity grew and prepared the environment for the restoration of all mankind. Therefore, among all religions, Christianity became the central religion. However, its foundation is only on the spiritual level.

If man had not fallen, the original standard would have been the perfection of both body and spirit. So, since Christianity has only a spiritual foundation, the matter of the Second Advent becomes important. God has been developing Christianity, the second Israel, on a worldwide basis in order to lay the foundation to receive the Messiah, who will come as a substantial person. His task is to restore through indemnity the foundation of perfected Adam, who is the center of the whole world, and to unify both body and spirit, physical and spiritual.

The Unification movement arose out of the need for a perfected person who can unify body and spirit on the foundation of worldwide Christianity. That person stands in the unfallen position and has the responsibility to establish the ideal of God's love worldwide. In the Old Testament Age, blood was shed through offerings. In the New Testament Age, martyrs shed blood, offering their lives to advance God's will.

In this age of the Unification movement, "blood" is shed through sacrificial love. Due to the fall, mankind lost God, the angelic world, and a true relationship with the physical world. People lost their grip on true love. To reach the goal of that true love, we have to go the way of sacrifice, which is in a sense the shedding of heartistic "blood." That is the mission of this movement.

You must understand that the path which I have been following on behalf of the individual, the family, the nation and the whole world is the way of the cross of love. If this movement fails to follow the way of the cross of love, it cannot complete God's will. But if it gains the victory, it can promote God's will and bring about the age of the Heavenly Kingdom here on earth.

Then what is the family? The family is the place where God can be welcomed. Originally, the family was to create the central foundation to attend God, but this was lost at the fall. Also, because of the fall, people could not establish a vertical relationship with the angelic world. Therefore, we must restore a direct relationship with the spirit world during our horizontal physical lives. The family is the place for doing that.

In the family we can also prepare the foundation for the restoration of material things and stand in the position representing perfected Adam, or God's true child. And finally, centering upon God, through becoming substantial parents, we can fulfill our responsibility to perfect the unity of spirit and body, that is, God's sphere of unified heart. That is the internal responsibility of the Unification Church.

What is the difference between the Unification Church and traditional religions? The primary purpose of the existing traditional religions has been the salvation of individuals. Many religions developed and expanded by preaching only about how to perfect the ideal personality. But the Unification Church was formed to bring the perfection of the family. In the past, in order to be saved through any of the individualistic religions, all that was required was that a person offer and dedicate himself on the individual level. But this is now the age of the perfection of the family, which will happen only if we are able to make an offering of our own families.

Family representing mankind

Unification Church members do not start their family life immediately after they receive the Blessing from God. After they are blessed, they are supposed to start an official three-year course of separation. Before we can have our own families, we must make indemnity conditions to restore the historical background of fallen families and the many families today who are not God-centered. Then what is the relationship between your family and families in the secular world? To use the terminology of the Unification Church, your family is the internal, Abel-type family, and the secular families are the external, Cain-type families. Before Unification Church members were given the Blessing, the division into Abel and Cain was on the individual level. But with the advent of the Blessing, the division into Abel and Cain was established on the level of families

The sphere of families centered upon God expands through the Blessing By attending our True Parents, these families inherit the internal heart of heaven. As these families expand horizontally, they form tribes and nations. Furthermore, you may be Korean, but your family is not limited to the Korean people; it is worldwide, transcending national or cultural boundaries. So even if your family is Kim or Park, its members are not just individuals but representatives of mankind and the whole world. In other words, you must understand that your families represent the whole world, beyond tribes, beyond nations, beyond cultures. You have been given that kind of responsibility. Centering upon True Parents, our family foundation has advanced from 36 families, to 72 families and so on, expanding the foundation of restoration through indemnity up to the worldwide basis.

The third seven-year course

After you receive the Blessing, you still have to walk the path of witnessing and the way of faith. The fact that we have been blessed does not mean that we have achieved a stronger position than the secular world. When we formed blessed families, there were already clans and tribes in the secular world. Even if we establish a sphere of God's dominion on the national level, the secular world has already established nations and they already have their own world. Therefore we still have the task of establishing God's domain on the level of the world.

God's Blessing has been given within this world of satanic dominion. Therefore, there are still stages for us to go through. Individual blessed families must go on to the levels of tribe, society, nation and world. The final level we must reach is that of the Heavenly Kingdom.

You may think that the Blessing is all you need, but that is not true. When you received the Blessing you were not in the position to overcome the secular world completely and go beyond it to the Kingdom of Heaven. You were blessed within this satanic world, and your Blessing establishes Abel-type families. The Cain world, which is ahead of us externally, will not immediately acknowledge and obey someone whose position they consider inferior. They will certainly try to persecute us and crush us. We have to go through a process to win them over.

My Holy Wedding ceremony took place in 1960, but my family was not formed on the foundation of victory over this world and the spiritual world. Even though it had a victorious foundation, it was merely the national-level foundation of Korea. It inherited the position of Jesus Christ who did not complete His mission. Therefore, unless the Korean nation could support me, I was destined to be persecuted by Satan and the satanic world on my way to forming a new tribe, nation, and world.

Our family's destiny is to go beyond the fallen world during our lifetime by restoration through indemnity. To indemnify history, we must fulfill this task within a certain period of time, with certain conditional objects and with Abel-type people in Adam's place.

In my own case, the important thing is to establish certain conditions within a providential time period on the level of the nation and world. So in the Abel position, I have to go through persecution on the level of individual, family, society, nation, and world. I have to survive this persecution and prepare the victorious foundation to connect this Abel-centered ideology with all of these levels.

The Unification Church established three seven-year courses since 1960 centering upon me, in order to indemnify the 2,000 year history of Christianity and the struggle between the spirit and the body. The death of Jesus on the cross was the sacrifice of the physical body for the spiritual foundation. Therefore, the spirit and body were not able to unite, and they have been in conflict with each other. Traditional Christianity is based upon a spiritual foundation, while the Unification Church is based upon a foundation of both spirit and body. That is why we have been struggling through Christian persecution and opposition up to now.

The course of restoration for blessed families

The United States is the representative of worldwide Christianity. We went through all kinds of struggles there for three and a half years, from April 1, 1973, to September 1976, when we achieved victory. This victory established the worldwide victorious foundation for the Unification Church centering upon both spirit and body.

On February 23, 1977, we proclaimed the beginning of a new age. Now we can never perish, no matter how hard worldwide Christianity comes against us. We are entering the age when the more they oppose us, the more they lose and the more we gain. The spiritual and physical foundation and material blessings from the secular world will come to the Unification Church.

The blessed families in Korea have been unaware of many of the things going on in the world. Instead of sacrificing themselves for the sake of God, blessed families have been living for their own sake, because of ignorance. This keeps them from transcending their national boundaries. Not knowing how to live as blessed families, they thought that just by believing and following me, they would prosper and I would take them to the Kingdom of Heaven. But that is not the case. You yourselves must follow the path of restoration through indemnity centering upon your family and your nation, just as I have done. Everyone has to go this path. If you follow my path exactly, although it is tremendously difficult, you can inherit the foundation which has already been established, and you can be engrafted to it.

I sometimes hear members say, "I am too busy to do home church work," but this is because they don't know its real meaning. Home Church is not what you do because you like to do it. Unless it is fulfilled, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

To establish God's providence, you must go through the Abel-type foundation. You must become an individual Abel, a family Abel, a tribal Abel, a national Abel, a world Abel, and then you must become the perfected Abel who can receive God's love. Originally, this should have been done within the one generation of Adam and Eve, but it took God 6,000 biblical years to make this kind of foundation.

God's heart is unchanging. If God loses a beloved person, He will still have a heartache 1,000 years later. God is the being who transcends time and space. Therefore, no matter how much time passes, God's heartistic pain has the same intensity from beginning to end. We must understand and inherit God's heart. For that reason, the Messiah comes on the worldwide Christian foundation and connects the world through this nucleus of God's heart. Thus he brings together the present world, which is the horizontal plane, with the historical world of God's heart, which is the vertical plane. By so doing, the entire sphere of restoration is completed; the cosmos is connected with its proper center.

The Blessing at the risk of life

The Messiah comes in order to complete the historical providence and to connect all the ages, horizontally and vertically. Although he comes as an individual, he represents Christianity and the Christian nations of the world. He also represents the individuals, families, tribes, peoples of the Christian world. Since he has such a responsibility, his mission is worldwide. His mission starts from his family, because all the fallen elements began in the family of Adam and Eve. It was Adam and Eve who drove God out of the family. Because of their mistake, the angelic world was divided. Adam and Eve lost the world of material things, human value and human love, because they made a mistake as man and woman. From the point of view of the Principle, only when man and woman meet properly can they be restored properly.

What is the Blessing in the Unification Church? It is the union of man and woman centered not on selfishness but upon God. Everything was lost because man and woman came together wrongly, so by reversing this relationship and setting it on the proper foundation, we can come back to God. This is the meaning of the Blessing of the Unification Church. Who gives the Blessing on behalf of God? The Messiah must do it.

The Lord of the Second Advent of Christianity comes as the bridegroom to meet his bride. Although he takes his bride as an individual, still it has significance on the world level. Their union is the junction of the vertical and horizontal ages and the death sentence of the satanic world. Therefore, all of the satanic world will mobilize to prevent the Messiah and his bride from achieving success.

Unless the religions of the world unite and support the Messiah, they will be taken over by the satanic side. If they remain silent, they will also be taken over by the satanic side. Since the established churches in Korea did not support the Messiah, Satan could invade the foundation of the nation and the church. The Messiah had to secure his position under maximum persecution and attack -- the greatest battle ever fought. That was in 1960 through the Holy Wedding. The Blessing of the 36 Couples also took place under desperate circumstances. The Blessings of the 36, 72 and 124 Couples laid a foundation on earth. By the time of the 777 Couple Blessing, we had established a foundation to expand worldwide. That is the history of the Unification Church.

After 21 years we will open the gates so that all humanity can be connected, the gates through which all five races or colors can enter.

Restoration of Canaan

The Unification Church made a new beginning and became a worldwide church with the Blessing of 430 Couples. That Blessing corresponds to 4,300 years of Korean history. Also 430 is the number of years which the Israelites had to suffer in Egypt in order to restore Canaan. Christians set out to restore the worldwide Canaan centered on the individual, not the family. The Christians, the Israelites of their time, upheld celibacy as a great virtue. The family level remained in the realm of Satan. So from God's point of view it was the age of restoring Canaan on the individual level.

For the first time in history, the family level movement of the restoration of Canaan is taking place worldwide, through the Unification Church. Korean, Japanese and American Unification Church members have been traveling around like gypsies, unable to settle down. Then where is the Canaan for the Unification Church? It is nothing less than the Heavenly Kingdom on earth. When the planet Earth has entered Canaan we will call it the Heavenly Kingdom on earth. The Israelites were headed towards a particular nation they called Canaan. For us, Canaan is the whole world. The Canaan of the Israelites was centered upon individuals, while the joyous world of Canaan we are seeking is centered upon the family.

Now we are walking the path of the 21-year course. If we have faith and follow in heart and spirit, within 21 years we can prepare the foundation for the worldwide restoration of Canaan. Then, within 40 years, we can make this whole world a peaceful Heavenly Kingdom. Forty years after 1960, by the year 2000, the Heavenly Kingdom will have been completed. So where are we in the Unification Church now? Are we going to be like the Israelites who wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years or like those who should have gone directly to Canaan within 21 days? Our Canaan is worldwide. If we cannot go within 21 years we may have to wander around for 40 years, perhaps witnessing worldwide destruction.

When we think of this possibility, we must succeed in 21 years, expanding God's territory centering upon America, which was prepared by God as the center of the world. We must begin in that country, where the five colors of people are included. Centering upon America the whole world will be connected to God.

The 430 Couples are the ones who connect all the families of the world, uniting the five races of the world. It is very significant for the Unification Church to have a wedding ceremony centered upon the number 430. There were 430 Couples blessed in Korea and a total of 43 Couples blessed in Japan, the United States and Europe, corresponding to the 430 Couples in Korea. The original three blessed families were connected with them as well. That Blessing established the national foundation in Korea, representing the whole world; now all Koreans from all stations in life have the foundation to dwell in heaven on earth. The representative number 43 is the foundation upon which all the nations of the world can enter the Heavenly Kingdom.

This was the foundation for the Blessing of 777 Couples. By that Blessing the worldwide gate was opened, connecting all the races, nations and families with God. By going through the gate of the 777 Couples, which the Unification Church has made, all people can go to heaven. Therefore that Blessing can make a new worldwide start.

The three-year witnessing campaign

From 1970-72, many of the blessed families participated in a campaign to establish the foundation for the worldwide blessed land of Canaan.

Not only in Korea but also in Japan and other countries, blessed members left their homes and returned to their native provinces and villages to witness. Centering upon Korea all the blessed families worked for three years.

For that reason, I myself went to America, which is the center stage of the world. Up until then I had spoken at our small church at Chungpa Dong, but I had never appeared in a public place. All the revival meetings had been conducted by my disciples. But because it was time to transcend the national level and begin my mission on the worldwide level, I left Korea in 1971 and went to America. For the sake of God I gave up myself, my wife, and my children during those three years. In the same way, in Korea wives gave up their children; husbands went to the north, wives went to the south, and children went to the east; everybody was separated.

Then what is the foundation for Korea to receive the Blessing? When I asked the blessed families to follow such a difficult and severe path, I was denounced. The blessed couples all complained. Some people predicted it would destroy the Unification Church. When the blessed members left for their missions, they left their children with their parents or other relatives in Korea.

This action brought much criticism and accusation. People said, "The man named Moon is colder than wood or stone. Even tigers know that they should take care of their offspring. That man Moon gave the Blessing to his disciples and told them to live a joyful blessed life, and then when the members started their family life, he ordered them to separate from each other, husband and wife and children, and go in all different directions: north, east, south and west. He is a terrible man."

Most of those parents and relatives had opposed the Unification movement, yet they could not help but take care of our members' children. By caring for the children of our members, those Koreans fulfilled the condition of taking care of the children whom God loves on behalf of the nation of Korea. Because of their condition, Korea could avoid being punished by heaven.

When did the economic recovery of Korea begin? In 1972, when the Unification Church families went out on their missions. Because of that condition there was a way for the Republic of Korea to receive the blessing spiritually. Check the facts to see if what I have said is true.

In 1972 I started a public speaking campaign in America, and within three and a half years, I became world famous.

What does "Pak" of Bo Hi Pak mean? It means round or revolving, and "Bo Hi" has the general meaning of being pleasant or pleased. "Bo" means wide and "Hi" means bright. Therefore, his name indicates that he brings something good to Korea and to America. Round Pak becomes bright and brings happiness to the whole world. He is a representative of the Republic of Korea and he himself goes around, bringing happiness and fortune to Korea. My name is Sun Myung. The word "Sun" means brightness with no clouds -- a very fresh and pleasant blue sky, clear, clean and bright.

The battle in America

The Unification Church has now reached the blessed land of Canaan on the family level; however, more burdens and difficulties lie ahead. Therefore, it is better not to purchase houses until the 21-year course is over. We need to have our own nation in order to have our own house.

The Republic of Korea can enjoy a Sabbath only when she has fulfilled her responsibility of inspiring the world and helping it to live according to God's will.

What kind of country is America? It was established by Abel-type people who came from Christian countries throughout the world. When Protestantism was born in Europe, Catholics tried to kill and persecute the Protestants in every nation. Therefore, many Protestants escaped from their countries at the risk of their lives and sacrificed everything in order to attend God and work for God. Many of them came to America and established this country. Providentially, if America moves, it can make the world move. We are advancing our 21-year course in a new country, on a new worldwide foundation, while other nations are abandoning God and Christianity is failing God's providence.

If God could have definitely recognized America as the ideal nation there would have been no reason for the Unification Church to exist. But God could not do that. Only the Unification Church could penetrate beyond national barriers and beyond communism and head toward the ideal world of God. When we go forward centering on God, regardless of the trials and difficulties that come our way, we will surely achieve victory. If we lose courage or fail to make a breakthrough then we will be defeated.

At the time of our fight with the Fraser Committee of the United States Congress, if I had not taken decisive action, we would have been completely defeated.

The mission of blessed families

Without such a victorious foundation, you blessed families would have had to go through the same course I did. But representing you, I have established the way, so you must be grateful to me. Therefore, centering on your Blessing you are in the same realm as I and can feel the same way I do. When I feel sorrow, you feel sorrow with me. Have you done something special for the sake of my victory in America? Have you made a special altar in your home, and are you praying in front of it? There is no question that you made efforts to bear children, raise them, and take care of them. Also there is no question that you have had a poor and suffering life. But beyond that, you should cherish the True Parents and unite with their heart. This should be the goal of the blessed families during the third seven-year course.

Can you afford to quarrel and fight? You feel horrible when your child bleeds from some minor cut. In this desperate time when the world may perish, when the country may perish, the tribe may perish, are you concerned about only your children and spouse? You should have dedicated yourselves even at the sacrifice of your lives, demonstrating your devotion and pledge to God. If you did not do that, today you should repent.

Here in Korea I do not feel easy or restful, so I cannot help saying things to scold you. Those of you who are seeing me for the first time may wonder why I am like this. Originally, I was not like that. When parents have no money to feed their children when they are sick and dying, they feel anguish. Have you ever thought seriously about God's problem? You have been living your own way, while I was suffering and having a hard time in foreign countries. Those who did nothing but quarrel with their spouse, those who neglected God's will, or failed to do their best should indemnify or cleanse all those failures. Do you understand that?

I am not saying this to be cruel. Please reflect on your devotion to God's will and how central it is to your daily life. If you fight or quarrel, God will leave you. I came back to Korea from my victory. in America to bring the worldwide blessing to this country. I fought abroad and returned, just like a victorious army general returning from an overseas campaign. I have brought all the glory in the world back to this country. Those who helped me during that period will receive the reward of their actions.

Did I come back to give you suffering and pain. or to give you a good time? Because the 777 Blessed Couples represent the whole world, the indemnity must start from the 777 Couples. Are you still willing to receive the blessing in spite of the pain you may have to endure? [Yes] Then you can receive the Blessing.

Crossing the Jordan River

Brothers and sisters, please practice what I have been doing so far. You need to become engrafted onto me. If the body is dead you can regenerate it by becoming engrafted onto me. Our unity should be stronger now than it was at the time of your Blessing seven years ago. Your family should be bonded to the True Parents' family, so we can restore the worldwide Canaan together. If you cut yourself off, you will perish.

As Moses represented the 600,000 Israelites, I represent the Unification Church, centering on the blessed families. Don't focus on yourselves. If you are asked to go abroad, you should not refuse because of the situation of your children and your spouses. You must remember Moses' course. When the time comes, you must cross the river. You may have to swim across, pulling your children with a rope in order to keep them from drowning.

The Israelites who left Egypt perished and could not cross the Jordan River. The Jordan River represents the boundary between the satanic world and heavenly world. The parents have to pull their children across the river. Both husband and wife must be one with God's will and engraft their family to the True Parents. You are blessed families but there is still no family tree within the Unification Church. As a couple, unite in heart and body around the heart of God and True Parents.

Crossing the Jordan River is like crossing the Red Sea. When God divides the water and opens up the dry ground, step forward. If you miss the chance, you will drown. Many Unification Church members are not aware of the awesome nature of this time.

Bear the family cross

Since we are meeting after such a long separation, I expected you to rejoice together with God, shedding tears, dancing and singing with joy. But I found the atmosphere very secularized. I feel very disappointed, like an army general who returns from the front line expecting a hero's welcome only to discover that his wife has deserted him and his children, and married another man.

The Republic of Korea is the Adam country, and our achievement here cannot be inferior to that of the Eve country or the archangel country. What are you doing? Are the lecturers and educators sleeping in their lecture halls? Kim Il Sung is looking to invade this country by any means, so how can we sleep under those circumstances? From the northwest and the north, communist China and the Soviet Union are aiming at this country. Are you sleeping while communism is encircling you? All our members must do their best to join North and South and East and West, sacrificing themselves for the cause. The Unification movement is responsible for the destiny of this nation and for pioneering the way that will bring life to the world, yet many of you are concerned only about your own life. You fight among yourselves, and yet you tell me, "Please come back"!

You wives ought to urge your husbands to do their best for God's will. But instead you complain that they don't love you and don't earn enough money. If your husband is a full time leader or center member without an income, you tell him to go out and get a job. You husbands must have heard this kind of advice from your wives.

I am leading the third seven-year course and have been enduring much suffering. So the blessed families also go through the way of suffering. Unless you bear the family cross, God cannot be with your family. When you receive salaries, are you going the way of God's will? God would prefer to see families being sacrificial rather than eating nice food and living a happy life in the name of Heavenly Father. Those who sacrifice their families for God's will could receive much more blessing. I do not feel much attachment to those members who work for companies and who are not able to help me.

Those of you who are not able to help me and give up things for the sake of God's will, don't you realize how much persecution the Unification Church has received because of your lukewarm support? I hope you will become more willing to sacrifice, getting by on less sleep and food, and not using heavenly things for private purposes.

For the sake of God

This is the family-level course to restore the worldwide Canaan. We are facing the Jordan River and the Kingdom of Heaven on the other side. You must know that your responsibility is to bring the victorious family foundation into the Heavenly Kingdom. Moses died looking across the Jordan River from the top of a mountain. The first generation Israelites became prey of eagles in the wilderness. Such a tragedy could also happen to us.

Since I know that, I am working at the risk of my life. I have no time even to get sick; I have no time to take rest, even if I want to. If you do not fulfill your responsibility while I am alive, you will have no excuse in the spirit world. You must be clearly aware of that. Unless you can offer to God the suffering your wife or children may have to endure, you cannot follow this path. I myself had to follow the path even without giving one grain of rice to my family. I could give nothing to my children; I did not save even a penny for my family. Therefore, you must be ready to follow my path.

Because you have been blessed, you have the foundation to overcome hardships. You 777 Couples represent the whole world; therefore, if you endure suffering now, you will receive heaven's blessings on behalf of the world. Such a precious gift does not come to you in a high and glorious position, but in a humble, sacrificial place. When you offer up your family, you can receive God's greatest blessing. Therefore, please continue on this course, especially when I am not here. Create unity in the family and in the church. Please follow this path so that God can remember you and bless you.

This is an occasion for repentance. Korea must follow this path so that the people of the world will have sympathy for Korea. Husbands and wives must become united and show the example to their children. You should be able to tell them, "Since your parents are completely one in heart and follow the path which pleases God, please follow our example." By being sacrificial as a family and reaching out to others, you will receive God's blessing and you can welcome God into your home.

You blessed families should develop and mature and fulfill the dreams God had for Adam's family. Then you will be able to welcome God and His angels into your home, and all good things will automatically come to you. If you live this way, you will never starve. God has been feeding and taking care of even the satanic world; therefore He will never allow His hard working children to starve.

I have been fighting on behalf of our country and the world. God has always helped me. Thanks to His unfailing help, I have been able to walk this path. Some of you care more for your children or spouse than for God. Offer your family for the sake of your tribe, your tribe for the people, the people for the nation, and the nation for the world. Finally, the world must be sacrificed in order to eliminate hell.

When the way before you is so clear, it is foolish to hold back because of your children or wife. If you are so foolish, you will lose everything. Our whole life is for the sake of God. Regardless of the difficulties we may face, we must devote our lives to God, the True Parents, and the whole world. That is the way of the Unification Church. Otherwise, you will wander in the desert like the Israelites. The ship that has lost its compass must locate the North Star to determine its position and plot its course. Likewise, if your life is not focused on God, you will lose your way in the desert of this world.

The tradition of my family

Those of you who came with your spouses, raise your hands, let me look at you. You wives are the ones who initiate the quarrels and give your husbands a hard time, right? Tell me frankly. Your faces reveal the answer. Because your husbands are calm and quiet, you do not feel good unless you fight at least once a week! You should cherish your husbands and love them as you love God. Take good care of them. They hold fast to God's will, so you should not fight with them.

God's will is for you to build the Kingdom of Heaven first in your home. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is the kind of place where a passing beggar feels welcome to take a rest, where birds like to make their nests, where village people like to visit. Such a place is the heavenly home or the Kingdom of Heaven on the family level. God will be attracted to such a home and want to make it His dwelling. You should be able to make your home like this.

When you have guests, don't hope they will leave soon because it costs money to feed them. Blessed families must take good care of their guests, even if they have to sell their own clothes to raise money to care for them. Those who do that will be blessed in the future. If you sell your clothes, far more will be given to you. This is one tradition which has been handed down from generation to generation in my family. We were raised to take good care of guests, even travelers passing through our village. When my grandfather was the master of our house, if a beggar showed up on a cold winter day, he would give the man all the food on his table. Then my grandmother would complain. Suppose you were a beggar. Would it be easy for you to beg door to door on a cold winter day? Therefore, if someone comes asking for food you must feed him.

You are the ones who are walking the path of God, developing a heavenly heart. You must understand that the beggars live day to day at the risk of their lives. If you understand their heart, you will let them eat as much as they want. My grandfather thought that beggars were more important than his own wife in a sense, and that he had to serve them for the sake of his descendants. My father also felt that way. He, too, would give someone his whole meal. Because of that I often saw him quarreling with my mother, not because she did not want to help them, but because she was not serving them fast enough. But I am sure that God will never forget such a scene.

The head of the household is responsible for helping others. If the husband, the head of the household, doesn't help others, the family will suffer. So the center directors and the national leaders must take good care of their guests coming from abroad. Even when you don't have enough food for yourselves, you must give food to your visitors. If you do that, then one day when you are really starving, somebody will come and feed you.

Become a good example for your children

Why do some wives give a hard time to the poor husbands of the Unification Church? That is not the true way of God's family. Already seven years have passed since the 777 Couples were blessed, but up to now most of you have just quarreled with your husbands. So beginning today, Oct. 22, 1978, make a resolution not to quarrel.

As we build the family of the Kingdom of Heaven, the emphasis is on our children. You must become good examples for your children. If you are self-centered, then your children will become self-centered as well. They will learn everything from you. How tragic if sinless sons and daughters have to go the way of suffering because of their parents! If parents quarrel and fight in front of their children, the Blessing of the Unification Church loses its meaning and withers away. I have never quarreled with my wife and I never will. Will you promise me not to quarrel?

You must know that your own sons and daughters will become the official witness on earth and in heaven to testify that their parents never fought and that their parents were the best of parents. Do you want your children to say that? If you have already established that kind of family foundation, then why do I have such an unpleasant feeling after coming back to this country this time?

Go back to your local churches and tell the members there what I have said. Apologize to them. Since you are the 777 Couples you must do your best to fulfill your calling. It is better to be separated for three years than to fight even once. There is a saying that it is as easy for a husband and wife to quarrel as it is to cut water; but within the Unification Church fighting between husband and wife should be even more difficult than cutting iron. Please make a determination in front of God and in front of me that you will never fight with your spouse.

I did not come here today to scold you. What would I gain by that? It only gives me pain. So if you repent before God, He will forgive you. If blessed families of the Unification Church set poor examples, your ancestors will scold you. Can you become one in heart with your spouse and with your children? Even people in the secular world make efforts to become like this, so don't you think we should try harder? Only when a husband and wife become one in heart can God dwell with them. That is the Principle. If a subject and object become completely one, then the central core will emerge. The center of the subject and object is love. The goal of human history had been to establish this nucleus of love. When love overflows and permeates the entire family, tribe, society, nation and world, the history of restoration will be completed.

When you go back home, tell your children, "You may have seen your daddy and mommy fighting or arguing, but from now on, we'll not do anything like that again. Please forget all of that." I'm going to tell the students of the Little Angels School that if they have seen their parents fighting before, from now on things will be different.

The higher goal

At your blessed family meetings, you should counsel each other. You are responsible for establishing the good tradition of husband-wife unity. Make your blessed family meetings significant and meaningful for the whole membership. Such meetings are necessary in order to develop your filial piety and faithfulness.

In the history of restoration, I have been establishing the conditions of indemnity on behalf of the whole, but you must be engrafted to me in order to inherit them. Before you can become one with me, you have to become one as husband and wife, and as parents and children. Then your whole family needs to be bonded to me. If you can do so, you will be the first to receive the blessings accumulated by me.

I came back to Korea at this time so I could extend all these blessings to you, but I found many of the blessed members, even the 36 Couples and the 72 Couples, living a life centered not upon God, but upon themselves. There is no excuse for you to continue this way, knowing how urgent the will of God is. Please understand this clearly and become fathers and mothers who can pledge loyalty to God. Be exemplary individuals and families, capable of inheriting heavenly tradition. I hope that you will make every effort to do that.

Your family must be able to set the heavenly tradition for your descendants to inherit. It is not good if you say to your descendants, "You should not become like us."

At this time, Hyo Jin and In Jin, even though they are in Korea, are still unable to meet with their own father. I feel sorry for them from the point of view of their parent. It is natural that children want to stay with their parents, but I cannot help the situation. I must make them understand that despite their own sadness, their father and mother are working for the sake of the whole, for the sake of all human beings.

You too must show your children that you are working not for your own benefit, but for the sake of the whole. If you do that, your children will be given blessings. So, women, from now on when your husbands come home tired, tell your children why. Explain to them: "Your father and mother are different from the fathers and mothers of other children. We are living like this for the sake of God, for the sake of mankind, and we are making history. Normal husbands and wives would quarrel if they were suffering as much as we are, and even separate and get divorced, but still your father and mother are patient and have hopes that God will give us blessing. We are living a life of gratitude to God. Because blessings come when we do our best, we give our utmost loyalty and sincerity to God."

When you bring up your children that way, they will be able to inherit your teachings, and your descendants will prosper from generation to generation. Your family should live for the sake of the world and for the sake of eternity. Expand your foundation of love to bring light and hope to the world, longing to reach out everywhere, to heaven and earth, and all the people for the sake of God. This is my greatest hope for your family. If your family becomes like that, even if the communists come and try to take over, God will protect you.

The realm of family victory

Up until now, I have been pushing you to the front line and I know you have been really suffering. And just as I myself have been slandered and persecuted, people will do the same to you. All this we have been doing for one purpose, to accomplish God's will. We have pledged to gain the victory. The glory of final victory will belong not just to certain individuals, but to everybody. If you really believe this, you can accept suffering with a humble heart, grateful to God and mankind. If you have such a heart then God will surely bless you.

Since I am that way, God can never desert me. No matter what difficulties come my way. even if I am overwhelmed by their burden. God blesses me and keeps me alive so that I can become His pride. He will do the same for you. I know that for a fact.

Build your family on this foundation. When you see your spouse sleeping in exhaustion, feel sympathy and pray for him or her. Mother is also miserable. Yesterday, she had only two hours of sleep and she doesn't feel well today, yet I brought her here for you to see. In her position, she cannot sleep just because she feels tired. Her position is sometimes not a happy one. She has to come here because she is in a responsible position for the sake of the whole And yet, she does not complain.

I am very strict publicly. Mother knows that. She knows that I am willing to go forward even if I die on the way; and she follows willingly. Even if you cannot fulfill all your public responsibility, still you must make some conditions to surmount difficulties. Mother came here today to demonstrate this point.

You know what indemnity conditions mean. You have been following the path of indemnity conditions. Those who are mere bystanders will suffer. If you follow me with a responsible heart, you will surely be given blessings and your children will naturally follow the path of God's will. The older they become the more cause you will have for gratitude. Good things that used to happen only once a month will come to happen every day.

My path has always been a lonely one, but I know that the more I do, the more things I am grateful for. Your blessings come from within your family. I long for you to inherit the victorious sphere of family victory.

Living for all the people

The family of the Messiah represents the whole world. That family can understand and give love to the whole world. All five races will want to join that family, because it is the center of the realm of heart. Through that family, all people can come to the central point and then reach out to all directions. The Heavenly Kingdom cannot be established unless there is one central family.

The family Kingdom of Heaven also must be established with one man and with one woman in complete unity. In order for an individual to establish the Kingdom of Heaven within himself, his heart and body must be completely one. Likewise, in order for a family to become the Kingdom of Heaven, the husband, wife, and children must be completely united, enjoying complete give and take with one another. In other words, they must be completely united with God's will.

God's will is to live for the sake of other people. Focus upon God and live for the sake of others; then your family can be connected with God. That is the way the blessed families should live until the whole world is restored. Become the family that can love all the people on behalf of God. Then you can save all the families of mankind. For this purpose you were blessed.

God is the center of the family. From the family, the tribe begins. And from the tribe that lives for the sake of God, the nation begins.

And from the nation that lives for the sake of the world, the heavenly world is established. From this point of view, the family has immense significance. Whether or not the world is blessed in front of God will be decided by whether the family can reach the ideal. You must clearly understand that. The Unification Church must be like one worldwide nation or tribe, one worldwide family harmonizing all five races. Wherever you live, you blessed families are the Abel-type families. Live for the sake of others. When you invest everything, even your blood if necessary, they will naturally want to follow you and be your Cain The way to heaven begins from there.

Restoration of the birthright

Originally, every member of the family -- father, mother, elder child, younger child -- was to belong to God. But Satan claimed all people, all the whole world, because of the fall. The father, the mother, and the elder son became Satan's representatives, and restoration had to take the opposite direction.

Therefore, the way of Abel and the way of Cain are different. The way of the secular world and the way of the people of the Unification Church are different. The heavenly world is the opposite of the satanic world. In the satanic world people fight and struggle with each other in order to have dominion, while God's people offer their lives, even shedding their blood, to redeem the world.

I started to take the offensive right after the Washington Monument rally in 1976. Up until then, we were often attacked, but we never took the offensive. In the original struggle between Cain and Abel, Abel did not attack; he was attacked. Through enduring Cain's attacks, Abel had to show a heart that would bring Cain to overcome the fallen heart of the archangel. On the foundation of this individual victory, Abel's family can restore Cain's family through the same process of being attacked and winning over the heart of the Cain family. The same process will restore all levels from the tribal to the worldwide level.

Then where does Home Church come from? In order to establish the Abel nation, Abel himself must be trained in everything in the satanic world. For that purpose, God called Abel-type people and inspired them to give up everything here on earth and separate themselves from the world. That's why true religions required that believers give up everything in order to follow the path of religion, always focusing on the larger purpose, rather than themselves. Many religious people have given up their lives in order to pursue the way of truth, trying to set an example for the world and win it over naturally.

The position of Cain is that of elder brother on the family, tribal, national, worldwide and universal levels. Therefore, people in the Abel position have had to win the heart of people in all those positions step by step. They trained for that purpose and when they came back to the satanic world they had be victorious even if it meant giving up their lives. That has happened throughout human history.

Resurrection can take place only when Abel wins over Cain's world by shedding blood and establishing the victorious foundation. For that reason, up until the Washington Monument rally, I kept silent publicly, even though I had been so unjustly denounced. I just kept praying and patiently accepted the blows. Because I knew that God's will must be done by following this path, I did not take the offensive. Up till then God was unable to take the position of parents to the world, and God-loving people were unable to take the position of elder brother. We were the ones who had to bear the burden of the younger brother's position. From the position of younger brothers we have to restore the rights of parents and the rights of elder brothers. Because of the fall, the parents' position was lost and the elder brothers' position was lost, and thus the younger brothers, the people in the Abel position, had to bear all the responsibility. Therefore, people in the Abel position have to win their own parents over. In that way, if the Abel sphere can expand to the worldwide level, it can save the world.

This is why religious people have always had to shed their blood as they struggle against the power of the secular world. That kind of history comes to an end when Abel achieves the victory on the family, tribal, national, and worldwide levels, and subjugates the satanic elder brother. For the first time, everybody, elder and younger brothers alike, can all claim to be God's children. Until that kind of unity is established, the parents cannot be with them.

The heavenly way is established only when the elder brother exchanges his position for that of the younger brother. The younger brother has to convince Cain to follow him, even if the laws and rules of God's kingdom are different from those of the world in which he had been living in the past. The willingness by the elder brother to follow and attend the younger brother opens the heavenly way and is the basis for heavenly ethics. When a normal relationship between elder brother and younger brother is established, the elder brother can receive his proper birthright.

To achieve this, God encouraged and helped Jacob take the birthright from Esau. For the same reason, the Unification Church has to gain the birthright. In order to protect their birthright, the Israelites also had to overcome many difficulties. Just like Jacob at the ford of Jabbok, they had to overcome those who were controlling the elder brother position, and after doing that, form a nation in the position of elder brother in front of heaven.

Mainstream of a new age

In this way, when Abel takes the position of elder brother and establishes a victorious worldwide foundation, he establishes the position of parents, representing the heavenly way on the worldwide basis. Through the parents, people can then receive their Blessing. People can enter the Kingdom of Heaven only by attending the parents, who represent the new heavenly foundation. Those who attend their parents enter the Kingdom of Heaven together with them. In the Unification Church, the True Parents are already in the dominion of God and have blessed many families in the course of worldwide indemnity restoration. And yet, blessed families are still not all they are supposed to be.

There are Cain-type blessed families and Abel-type blessed families. Those two must become one. In order for the heavenly way to be established, there must be the heavenly elder who can teach the younger brother with proper authority. In accordance with heavenly ethics, the elder brother can lead the younger brother on behalf of the parents. In the past, evil people in the position of elder brother were able to dominate other people. Together with the True Parents, we need to achieve victory in the struggle over the birthright. When the parents gain the authority of God, the elder brother can also establish his rightful position. Then the age of Cain will be over and the age of Abel will start. When Abel becomes the elder brother in authority, he can, with authority of heaven, subjugate Satan.

In America I have been fighting to expand the authority of the younger brother so we can win over the elder brother. Our goal is to gain the elder brother's position and give internal direction to the Cain-type elder brothers. In the past in the satanic world, the Cain-type elder brother struck the Abel-type younger brother, but we are taking the reverse course; we have been attracting good younger brothers from the Christian world and winning over elder brothers and bringing them into the Kingdom of Heaven. People from Satan's side have changed and are now desperately seeking goodness.

On Feb. 23, 1977, we entered a new age. The Unification Church is in the mainstream of the new age, so no matter how much the world opposes us we will never perish. Unification Church members have been shedding tears of righteousness and have gained the sympathy of the righteous God.

In the past it was necessary to be persecuted and attacked. Unification Church members may have a lot of reasons for resentments, but please be patient, knowing that the time will come when I will be joyfully accepted by all the people. You young members who have been patiently working so hard day and night are establishing the basic foundations for Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Home Church and the birthright

You need a certain conditional foundation to participate in all this. That is Home Church. Home Church is the altar of God, the microcosm of the worldwide victorious foundation. Your 360 families represent the 360 tribes and nations of the world. They also correspond to time and space. The number 36 is three times the number 12, the product of three and four. It symbolizes the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Completed Testament.

One year consists of 12 months or 360 days. During the course of restoration, most days contained failures. The loss of one day may cause the work of restoration of five years, 10 years, or even 100 years to end up in failure. Also the number 360 symbolizes the day of resurrection of the earth. In representing the world, the number 360 also symbolizes Cain. Your Home Church area is the Cain world, which stands in the position of elder brother.

If you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you as the younger brother must win over the elder brother and restore the birthright. Otherwise you cannot stand with the True Parents. I have achieved the victory on the worldwide level and want to pass it on to you: Your condition is to win Cain, who represents the world, within the short period of 31/2 years. As sons and daughters of True Parents, you can now have substantial dominion on the basis of our victorious spiritual foundation.

Home Church is supposed to establish the position of parents, beginning from the position of servant of servants and rising to the position of servant, adopted son and true son. That is the essence of home church activities. In other words, it is the one altar upon which all the historic conditions for the restoration of the birthright can be consecrated. It is so amazing that at this time within the Unification Church the foundation has been laid which can bring the Heavenly Kingdom here on earth. What light and hope to this world of misery this news brings!

Please be hopeful and repent for what you have not fulfilled in the past, with renewed determination to do your best in your home church activities. You can indemnify all the past history by fighting a good fight against Satan. For 3 1/2 years invest your most sincere effort. Husbands, work so that people will say, "Please bring your wife as soon as possible. We will prepare your house, your furniture, everything." Wives, work so people will say, "Please bring your husband. If you need anything, we'll be responsible for those things." When both of you have areas like this, they will become the territory for your clan. Centering upon the blessed couple, 720 families in your home church areas will form a tribal sphere. Wherever you go, people will ask you to teach them the heavenly way. That means a new Israel, the Heavenly Kingdom, is going to begin. From that tribe, you will grow to form a new nation.

Tribal messiah

After becoming a tribal messiah in your home church, you can go back to your hometown and become the tribal messiah for your relatives. When these two realms, the internal Cain and external Cain, become one in heart and in spirit, you will become their tribal messiah and true parents.

Unless you establish the conditions to truly love your spiritual children, you cannot love your own physical children. I myself had to abandon my family and go to North Korea in order to establish the condition of loving other people. Only then could I return to my family in the South. Countries must be won over, on the individual, family, tribal, national, and worldwide levels. For this reason the Messiah comes representing the whole world and achieves worldwide victory.

The 33 years of Jesus' life on earth and Unification Church history have been condensed for you into 31/2 years. That is your period for restoration through indemnity.

We have now gone over the national dimension to solve the resentment of Jesus. For this reason today the Republic of Korea welcomes my return, even if established churches still oppose us. From now on in the Republic of Korea, there will be many people who are willing to fight for Reverend Moon of the Unification Church.

If we blessed family members become completely united and if the Republic of Korea can be completely united with God's will, then it can absorb North Korea which is the Cain country.

Once such a nation is established centering upon the heavenly tradition of love, everybody will long to come to Korea. Following the third seven-year course and after the additional three-year period until 1984, no matter what kind of ambitions North Korea may have, it will be impossible to attain them.

One national altar will be prepared, and the whole nation will march forward hand in hand with all the nations and peoples of the world. You must do Home Church so you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven and become a tribal messiah. You have the privilege of indemnifying what Jesus did not complete on the tribal level. You have the opportunity to establish the national foundation and connect it with the worldwide level. The age of persecution against the Unification Church will soon be over. We must bring it to an end during the third seven-year course. No matter how much Americans may criticize, it will be over.

Therefore, I hope your families will become the example in this nation of Korea. Within the Unification Church, especially the 777 blessed families have this mission. You must become good examples. Most of you are under 33 years old and are at a good age to do leadership work. Don't imitate the failure of your elder brothers and sisters in the past. They spent much time at home with their children. You can do your work carrying your children on your back. Are you willing to do Home Church in that way?

Home Church and the new family tree

Spacecraft may be able to travel to the moon but not to the Kingdom of Heaven. Home Church is the base from which you can fly up to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Home Church is a historic idea. If you go to Africa and start home church activities for 360 families there, that means you have transcended your nation. The whole world may oppose me, but if one country in Africa welcomes me, we can start the new world from there. In the future, numerous countries in the role of John the Baptist will appear. In that truly amazing time we can march forward in a brightness even greater than daylight.

Is Home Church difficult? Here you can work freely and we have no language problems in this country. You have no excuse not to achieve victory in your home church area.

Whether you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven or not will be determined by your dedication to your activities. For those who seek God and religion, that is the truth, the tradition and the way. Those who want to go this way may do so, and those who do not want to, don't have to. If you refuse, other people will move in. Those people among the established churches who now oppose the Unification Church will find their way of spiritual survival through the people they once persecuted. The time will come when all the people in this secular world will work together with the blessed members of the Unification Church.

Centering upon the True Parents and those who have gained the birth- right through their victory of Home Church, the Unification Church family lineage will be established. If you inherit the birthright and dedicate your sincere heart in the presence of True Parents you will be included in this family lineage.

When world peace is established and love prevails, all the people of the world will rejoice and remember you. So even if you are a person over 30 years old, you must strive to make more effort than others to establish this victorious tradition in which God can dwell. God remembers everything, so never do things the mediocre or lukewarm way. So far, all of you have been like refugees, or gypsies. Now is the time to establish the eternal tradition through what you do in your life to plant heavenly ethics and love in the fallen world. That is the responsibility of our home church work. You have to inherit the birthright of the elder brother. You must inherit this in the right way, the heavenly way. I hope you will succeed in achieving victory for Home Church, so you can pass on your heavenly tradition as true elder brothers.

Chapter 29 - A Day When We Welcome the Blessing

Chapter 29
A Day When We Welcome the Blessing
September 22, 1978 -- Kamikawa, Japan

Today we have before us two ceremonies -- engagement and changing of blood lineage. These are indemnity ceremonies to set a condition through which we can be. reborn by True Parents. Rebirth is necessary because we were born into a satanic world. A woman fell first, so a woman must be restored first, and then a man must be reborn. Through the Holy Wine Ceremony we pass through this process internally. Forty days after the Blessing, there is a ceremony by which we are reborn in the external sense. Both are ceremonies of indemnity. Through them, we go beyond the standard of fallen Adam and Eve to the standard of spiritual completion. After a man and a woman preserve a position centering on heaven, they can connect this standard of love to the love between husband and wife, and their marriage is established.

The other day, I gave the following explanation in England: A woman's beauty is not limited to her face. People generally decide whether a woman is beautiful just by looking at her face. But a face is only part of the body. We have to look at the whole. The face is the third place to look at. We have to see a woman from the front, from the side, and with regard to the whole person, such as her arms and legs, her way of walking, her voice, etc. Likewise, a man's good looks involve much more than his face. Therefore, you should not say that your wife's face is good or bad. Many beautiful women are deficient in quality of spirit, and a woman of virtue and good fortune may not be beautiful. A woman whose beauty lies only in her face seldom keeps it after two or three children. It is always interesting to see whether such a woman can retain her beauty after having children.

There are various ways of analyzing couples. Just as each person has a different face, likewise, people's fortunes are different. Each person's destiny in life is different. If a man's fortune is bad, he can compensate for it with his wife's good fortune. Likewise, if a woman's fortune is bad, her husband's good fortune can balance it. Therefore, matching a couple is like creating a level area out of a mountain and a valley. Many things can be cultivated on a plain -- grains, fruits, vegetables, etc. This helps us understand that all the many external aspects of a husband and wife need not fit together immediately. The face reveals the personality of an individual. It is important to realize this when you guide people or assign them to missions. Even the nose or ear of a person can indicate his entire personality. God also created animals according to this principle. Take the lion, with his well shaped front legs and balanced proportions. He indeed is worthy to be called the king of beasts. People are the same. When I look at a person's hand, I can understand immediately whether he has talent in sculpture or literature or art, or if he has the hand of a thief. When I look at a person's legs, I can tell whether he can run fast or not.

If the spiritual conditions in a marriage are not good, many misfortunes can occur, such as death in an automobile accident. Therefore, please understand clearly that invisible laws beyond your awareness are at work. Looking at a single generation, you cannot tell whether a family will prosper. You need to study at least three generations, or ideally, more than seven generations. Even if you think that you and your spouse do not fit together, please live together at least three years. Please have confidence and make an effort to unite, realizing that I have followed the same course.

Fallen man has never even dreamed of being blessed centering on God. God has been guiding His dispensation until now through religion in order to welcome that very day. God inspired the concept of a chosen people in the Israelites and taught them about the Messiah, planning to restore through them the victorious national foundation. But that dispensation failed. Because a relationship of trust and love failed to develop between the Jewish leaders and Jesus, God was forced to choose the Christians as His instrument. So Christianity became the second Israel. Shorn of the special blessing and protection that accompanies the chosen people of God, the Jews were ravaged by Satan, and walked a rootless, persecuted and bloody path.

Worldwide standard of heart

In the age of the Second Advent, Israel and Korea each established their independence at the same time. Israel, such a tiny nation, fought with the Arab nations and defeated them. Because this is the age of the Second Coming, Israel can be blessed. Two thousand years ago, Judaism stood in the position to fulfill a central mission for the world; there were Jewish communities throughout the Roman Empire. However, because Jesus was crucified, not only Judaism, but Christianity as well, lost the foundation for achieving victory on the earth. The histories of both Judaism and Christianity for the past 2,000 years are stained with blood, as they aspired to open up the spiritual Heavenly Kingdom. Israel shed its blood in the external sense and Christianity shed its blood in the internal sense. Together they have been blazing this trail physically and spiritually.

In this age of the Second Coming, we have to solidify this spiritual foundation into a physical foundation -- namely, Christianity has to believe in the Lord of the Second Advent. The Unification Church has pioneered this path by proclaiming that the Second Coming is at hand. After the liberation of Korea in 1945, when the Unification movement started, if established Christianity, centering upon the Korean churches, had united with and welcomed us, the democratic world would have been safeguarded, and would never have become the divided, immoral society it is today. Furthermore, communism would have disappeared from the face of the earth. However, opposition by the established churches blocked our way.

Christianity had developed from the individual level to the clan, tribal, national and world levels. At this crucial time in the providence, the spiritual foundation of Christianity could have been linked with the physical foundation on the earth, centering on the Unification movement, within seven years. We contacted people from the highest levels of the Christian churches for this purpose. My job after the liberation of Korea in 1945 was to conclude this dispensation by uniting the churches around the Unification movement's goals.

But I was bitterly opposed. So all the spiritual foundation of Christianity was lost in the providence. Therefore, I had to begin with no physical foundation. I was left in the basement of the providence. All the conditions set during the 6,000 years of dispensational history were nullified. I cannot say that I have fulfilled my mission on earth until I establish the condition for one worldwide standard of heart and ethics, centering on the land of Korea.

Therefore, in order to set this foundation, I have been blazing the trail and expanding this movement without a word of complaint, by receiving and absorbing persecution up until the 1970s. We have to mature to the extent that we can achieve the victorious standard spiritually and physically by the activity of the Unification movement alone, in the event no one helps us. To do this, we cannot live for the sake of just the Unification movement. The mission of the Unification movement is to set up the ethical standard for a nation before moving on to the worldwide level. We must set it up even if the movement itself is crucified for doing it.

That has been our direction throughout the 1970s -- the age of the 777 Couples. I think you understand that the heavenly dispensation is first to fulfill the internal family standard of heart and ethics, and then to advance to the national ethical standard. For this purpose, we have been organizing families since the 1960s. There have been the Blessings of the 36 Couples, 72 Couples, 124 Couples, 430 Couples, and 777 Couples. All these couples are meant to build a successful foundation as the conditionally restored families on the worldwide level. I achieved the successful foundation on the national level. Then I had to start my path toward world-level restoration.

Even if I had made a successful foundation in Korea, because the Christian foundation is on the worldwide level, I have to reach the Christians of the world. Established Korean Christianity opposed me, but British and American Christianity did not at the critical time. Of course, Western Christianity failed to intervene to dispel the persecution, but they did not oppose me directly.

The reason I came to America was to free the American Christian world so it could be used more directly by God in His providence today. In the United States, I laid the victorious foundation on the national level in three years -- 1972, 1973 and 1974. At that time, I received an enthusiastic welcome in all the American cities I visited. The general public thus welcomed me, although official Christendom did not. Ancient Rome and official Judaism united in opposition to Jesus, but now the situation is different. The general public welcomed me. Christianity opposed us only as a group within society at large. Therefore, I gained a great victory after

On the foundation of this success, I formed the International One World Crusade (IOWC) by bringing members from around the world to Korea. Why did I do this? The standard of spiritual salvation had already been recreated through the warm reception by the American public, but it had to be connected with the physical standard: people had to be inspired to join us in pursuing our goal of restoring the world. The IOWC campaign in 1975 was initiated with this purpose in mind. Centering on the IOWC, we worked to establish the American movement in the physical sense. Although Satan came against us, I was not crushed in that battle and did not return here defeated. Instead, I came back completely successful.

Providential history has so often been prolonged. God's dispensation is to fulfill the ideal of restoration centering on families; it aims to create ideal family type relations on all levels from the individual to the world. Now the Unification movement is resolutely marching forward toward family restoration on the world level.

The foundation of the Blessing

All these things help us to understand God's toil and sacrifice throughout history in order to welcome this one day when fallen man can receive the Blessing. Down through the millennia, countless individuals fell by the wayside, and in families, clans, tribes and nations, billions of sacrifices were made. However, no one could receive the Blessing centered upon God. The Unification movement had to reach the worldwide level by establishing itself in Japan and the United States after many battles. Now we have entered a very historical, victorious sphere.

Before you receive the Blessing, you have to see the historical significance of your life. God's dispensation has passed through a sacrificial history of thousands of years to bring you salvation. In God's providence there were many prophets, many pioneers, and many religious people who made countless sacrifices. All of them were an expression of God's love for you in order to let you stand as a victor today. The history of the Unification Church has been the same. The reason why I worked so hard was to open the way of the Blessing to all people, as well as to pioneer the path for full salvation. God has labored tirelessly for the sake of each one of us. We should feel so much gratitude! Even if we offer our entire lives, we can never repay all the debts we owe God.

But if we offer everything, God will welcome us as victors in the eternal spiritual world, the world of glory. This is an awesome thing. So please be aware that you are the ones who are bearing such a historic responsibility. You are called upon to save the 4 billion people in the world today by yourselves. In order for you to occupy such a responsible position, God has made sacrifices, and each religion has been toiling hard. However, such historical sacrifices will all be rewarded if we embrace and fulfill our responsibilities in faith. You must clearly understand that you have such a central mission. Therefore, if you move, history moves, Japan moves, and the world moves as well.

There is another thing to consider. Because Adam and Eve fell, they created the conditions that caused their descendants to shed much blood and to suffer a miserable history. But you must be different. Whatever you do, you should never pass on sins to your descendants. Rather, you should leave them with a new dimension of goodness. Whatever hardships you may endure in your life, try to go forward with gratitude. Harboring anxiety or complaint is a serious matter. You have a mission to liberate three ages -- the past, the present, and the future. You must leave a thoroughly victorious tradition so your descendants do not inherit a tradition of indemnity. The blessed position has a most serious significance. The entire human race, past and present, will come to rely on us. It is so inexpressibly valuable that the Messiah has come again and established the position of bride and bridegroom to confer the Blessing.

The responsibility of the child of a great father is to inherit everything from him. Both of them stand on the same central ground, but the scope of their lives is different. The central point that I am standing on and the point you as blessed members will be standing on is the same. There are not two points. Please remember this. I have a world-level mission and you have an individual-level mission -- but you can expand its scope freely by striving toward the clan level, tribal level, and national or higher levels. You should not put limits on yourself because you are Japanese. The center is the same and the formula for success is the same, in both my family life and your family life, in my clan-level life and your clan-level life, and our various modes of life on the tribal, national, world and cosmic levels. The only difference is that you must become a clan Messiah. I should speak at this point about Home Church, but I don't have time for that now.

I have not yet completed the victorious sphere on the world level. I am still fighting and using various strategies at this time. When you reach the world level, you can do everything in the biggest way, so please learn to do things thoroughly where you are now. Please be aware that this is the position you will have in the future. Do you understand? Remember how serious your mission is if you are laying the foundation for the Heavenly Kingdom and erecting the pillars for the temple of world goodness. Are your pillars of the best quality? Can they become the pillars that set the standard of goodness? If not, you have no spare time to take a rest or get into arguments or command others imperiously.

Man is born for the sake of woman, and woman is born for the sake of man. If you assert your ego, God leaves your marriage; if you respect your spouse, God will come in. A couple should walk together as two legs in harmony, balancing each other, not as one unsteady leg.

Have you understood the standard that is demanded by the Blessing? Your position and mine in relation to that standard are not the same. You are not yet standing on that standard and have not received the inheritance on the family level. What do you have to do in order to stand in that position? You must overcome Satan. Have you overcome Satan? If all of Japan opposed you, I think many of you would run away.

In front of God's love, we must be absolutely unchangeable. God is a unique, absolute, and eternal being. Those who speak about the sphere of God's heart, as we do, must stand on such a heartistic position. Those who join the Unification movement and then leave and return at their whim are not trustworthy. Only when we seek the absolutely unchangeable, eternally immutable sphere of God's love can He begin to live with us. To do this, we have to develop an unchanging and eternal self that can subjugate Satan. You are not standing in that position yet. To achieve it you must inherit my victorious standard.

The Engagement Ceremony

In Japan, there are huge buildings. The person whose name appears on the title papers owns the building. You can become the owner of the building through just a piece of paper. For you to inherit everything from me is similar. I achieve all the victories of the restoration of the cosmos and build a wonderful building on the world level, draw up the title papers, and then transfer them to you through the Blessing. It's simple, isn't it? All of you here are the owners of the building I have erected. Your position comes just like that. It is as though you are all now standing at the same starting line on an athletic field. Try to run as hard as you can. Surely the central tribe of Japan will spring from you. By ourselves we have no value; we simply preach and try to live the Principle. Because of our inheritance, Satan can do nothing. Today, we will go through the ceremony of transferring the "title papers" according to the Principle.

We receive the Blessing upon the promise that we will guard it and leave it as a treasure to our descendants unto thousands of generations. If you violate it, your clan will be in trouble. Therefore, the key point is how to maintain the pure blood lineage that heaven is now bestowing on us. To do this, we have to live with sincerity and heart. Adam and Eve fell in the pure Garden of Eden; therefore, a crucial issue is how to keep ourselves pure in this sinful world. We face enormous problems, even if we work hard and sacrifice ourselves. We must quickly prepare the social environment so that coming blessed children are not defiled. This is my concern, and we must hurry.

There are two ceremonies through which to inherit the pure blood lineage. The first is the Engagement Ceremony. Why do we have the Engagement Ceremony? Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were in the period of engagement. Today, their fallen descendants have multiplied and cover the world. The Blessing takes place in such an environment. Our eyes are distracted by so many men and women in the world.

The Garden of Eden contained only Adam, Eve, and the archangel. The archangel fell and became Satan. Accordingly, we have to gain victory over Satan. But to gain such victory, we must know what kind of being he is. Satan failed to unite with God, and instead devoured love centered on himself. But we are different. We practice love centering on God.

All men and women in the secular world are in the position of fallen Adam and Eve, sons and daughters of Satan. Therefore, the problem is how to transform such men and women into God's sons and daughters. It is done by the Principle, which teaches that when the perfect Adam arrives, the perfect Eve is restored.

When the perfect plus appears, the perfect minus automatically manifests itself. This is the principle of creation. When someone becomes a perfect minus, the perfect plus will appear. Notice that the population of men and women in the human race is about the same. The wisdom of heaven and earth decreed that. Likewise, air circulates freely, in order to maintain atmospheric balance. When the perfect man is born, the perfect woman is supposed to be born. When the Bible says that a woman was made from Adam, it is symbolic of this point.

You are fallen Adam and Eve. Because of the fall, you are advancing toward the realm of perfection from a fallen condition. There is no way to overcome the sphere of indemnity except through the perfected Adam. This is the Principle. This perfected Adam must be the substantial object of God's love. He must stand on that standard. The Lord of the Second Advent comes in order to realize this position, so he is the perfect Adam. He comes as the magnet to attract all people, centering on love. A minus magnet is pulled by a plus magnet, even if somebody demands that it stop. A minus magnet even has the power to attract a plus magnet.

The principle of restoration is the same. Adam and Eve fell after their engagement. Therefore after engagement, people must symbolically pass through the dispensation of restoration. We hold the Holy Wine Ceremony to create the perfect man through a woman who has been reborn as the perfect minus, or perfect Eve. The Holy Wine Ceremony sets a condition for spiritual restoration. A woman is reborn spiritually and then Adam is reborn spiritually through her.

Forty days after the Blessing there is an indemnity ceremony for substantial restoration that ordinarily takes three days. The 40 days is an interval of historical indemnity. In the formation and growth periods people do not have the authority to make restoration centering on love. Only after entering the completion period is that possible. Therefore, Adam's era and the next are the ages of failure. As a result, people could not fully inherit the sphere of God's love on the formation level (Old Testament age) or the growth stage centering on Jesus. Yet only by inheriting the sphere of God's love on the formation and growth stages can people enter the sphere of the Completed Testament age. The Indemnity Ceremony has the significance of symbolically accomplishing this inheritance. The first day is to restore the Old Testament age, or fallen Adam. The second day is to complete Jesus' mission and restore the New Testament age. In the Completed Testament age, represented by the third day, the man stands as the bridegroom in the place of Jesus and recreates the bride. Then, for the first time, he can assume his proper position as a restored Adam. Restoration requires such concrete and specific indemnity conditions.

The Holy Wine Ceremony

Jesus said of the bread and wine, "This is my body . . . This is my blood." The holy wine has a similar meaning. Through the Holy Wine Ceremony we set the condition through which we become one with True Parents. A person who has become one with True Parents cannot become one with Satan. For eternity, he is cut off from Satan. From now on, you must have the determination to create the new ideal Heavenly Kingdom as restored Adams and Eves in the eternal Garden of Eden.

Why do we hold the Holy Wine Ceremony? Adam and Eve were living in the period of engagement before their fall. So we must restore that period without any possibility of accusation from Satan. If Adam and Eve had been blessed in marriage by God and had loved each other, God's will would have been completed. But they could not fulfill this. The order of love was reversed when people began to love themselves more than God or each other. That must be corrected. This is called the changing of blood lineage, or the ceremony for the reversal of dominion of Adam. Eve lost Adam by the fall; therefore, she cannot regain her intended spouse before God unless she humbly places Adam in the position of parent. Then God can make him her husband. Up until now women have suffered and endured much throughout history. Japanese women, especially, have had a miserable history. All women became the prey of men, who after the fall took the position of fallen archangels. We are going to restore this.

What is holy wine? It contains a portion of all things that cannot be accused by Satan. If a person who has received this holy wine and has become one with True Parents profanes it, it is a very grave matter. His position becomes even worse than Satan. Satan profaned and violated the completion sphere of the growth stage, but how can an unfaithful blessed person be forgiven, when he has violated not only the completion sphere but also the substance of God? It is a terrible thing.

You may not have known this, but now you can understand clearly by listening to this principled explanation. To fall is a very serious matter. After we finish the third seven-year course, this will be truly strict. Our war is against the betrayal of love. If you do not have the confidence to be true to your intended spouse it is better for you not to participate in this ceremony. Because the Principle solves things, Satan is completely defeated by me. A man who found the secret of history and stands on the substantial victorious foundation of world restoration is a thorn in the side of the satanic world.

For many years, Satan challenged me in whatever way he wished. He tried in so many ways to defeat me. I never really took the offensive until 1976. In that year, for the first time, I made a new start. With the declaration of this new start, the age was changed. Until now, our strategy has been conservative. But we have entered into the age when Cain pays indemnity for Abel, leaving behind the age in which Abel pays indemnity for Cain. The restoration will go faster from now on. In the past, Satan corrupted good people and took them into hell. From now on, we will restore those who were ruined and usher them into the Heavenly Kingdom.

Our path is clear. We are going toward the Heavenly Kingdom. There are various levels along the way: the individual, family, clan, tribal, national, world, and cosmic levels. Every level in turn must be sacrificed in order to reach the next level. Finally, we must gain the level of God's heart even if we have to sacrifice the cosmic level. God's heart is the eternal level, where everything is completed. Everything follows this formula.

I know very well how difficult the restoration has been: When I think of how severe and burdensome it has been, I cannot fail even if I were ordered to do so. You may think that the Blessing is a light thing, that you are entitled to it after two or three years, but it is never such an easy matter.

I want you 1,610 couples to become families that God can admire, by living a sincere life with all your might. To be blessed is a serious thing. Viewed from dispensational history, God's central thought is to recreate the pure, sinless family of Adam and Eve. That family will be the model.

In industry, once a prototype is made, thousands or millions more can be manufactured. I've been working tremendously hard until now in order to create that prototype. The focus of God's dispensation is the family of the Messiah, the family of restored Adam and Eve, the victorious family beyond the realm of the fall. The central focus of man is to surmount the realm of the fall and to form the family centering on love within the realm of heavenly victory. So the focal points of God and man are really the same.

You were born in the course of fallen history, but you have attained the goal of mankind. How precious and valuable that is! Never before has it been achieved! Such a Blessing is based upon the clear contents of the theory of restoration. We have entered into a wonderful era. We must therefore think about the nature of the family in a new way. The family of Suzuki, for example, is not only the immediate family of one individual, Mr. Suzuki; it is a historical central lineage that may last for millennia.

A clan-level foundation

The perfection of Adam's family was to be the start of the perfection of the clan, society, and nation and the beginning of the Heavenly Kingdom. You are about to enter the level on which you can fulfill your clan-level mission centering on your family. I have a world-level mission, but the central point we are standing on is the same.

Jesus did not achieve the clan-level foundation; therefore, he did not marry. You must understand this clearly. If Jesus' mission had been initiated successfully centering on John the Baptist's family, forming the clan-level foundation, the Heavenly Kingdom would have been created, even if Jesus did not witness and only did carpentry work. All he really had to do was form the family four position foundation by having children.

For that purpose, Jesus did not need to trust himself to fickle crowds and expose himself to persecution. If he had gradually erected conditions to indemnify providential history, centering on the four position foundation, his life would not have been so miserable nor his death so untimely. He could have completed these conditions step by step, slowly but surely making his foundation. Had he formed the family foundation and had children, Christianity would have been far different. The world would have come under the influence of Jesus centering on his direct descendants. But all these foundations were never realized. Jesus died without having the clan-level family foundation. Therefore, we must restore it by paying indemnity at the risk of our lives. This is the way of the Unification movement, which is blazing the path of salvation for all people. The three-year course and the seven-year course are the standard course until the completion of the Heavenly Kingdom on the earth. You cannot ignore this destiny. You have a course of three years before marriage and seven years after marriage. Jesus was to build his family in his three-year course and to accomplish his seven-year course. In our case, we restore three disciples and then 12 disciples within three years, then bless them and walk the seven-year course. This is the view of the Principle. Jesus wanted to establish the foundation upon which he could expand his mission through the nation of Israel to the world. We must embrace all the things that Jesus did not accomplish and restore them by paying indemnity. This is our mission, our 5 percent responsibility, which symbolically encompasses all of history.

Centering upon these coming seven years, you should successfully witness to 84 people, one person per month. This is part of the clan- level sphere centering on 12 apostles and 72 disciples. The 72 tribal elders are the tribal leaders. If you accomplish this you can have 12 apostles on the clan level, three of them being a foundation for the family level.

Our mission is still to establish the foundation of substance by working with sweat and tears, spiritually and physically, in the place of Jesus, even if we are crucified substantially on the family level. Therefore, in the Unification Church, even if we are married, we are still going the way of the cross on the family level in order to accomplish this mission. Do you understand this? Jesus was resurrected after the crucifixion and gathered followers and made a spiritual start centering on the 12 apostles and 72 disciples.

If we do not accomplish such a foundation while we are still on this earth, the bridge connecting us to the Heavenly Kingdom will dissolve, and we will have to fight hard to find it again. This is the meaning of the seven-year course. We must witness to one person per month -- 84 people in all. This is the formula. I'm not just picking numbers at random.

The first goal is three disciples. In the restoration of Adam's family, eight people form a family. In order to protect that family we must have 12 brothers representing the 12 children of Jacob. They become the foundation of the clan. That clan is expanded and becomes the foundation of the tribe. The central figures for leading that tribal foundation are the 72 elders. Had they taken responsibility to guide people centering on Jesus, he would have never been crucified. This failure still remains in the course of restoration. I myself followed this formula, blessing three families, then 36 families (which actually represent three eras with 12 families in each era), followed by 72, 124, 430, 777, and 1,800. Since three times six is 18, the 1,800 Couple Blessing establishes the condition to transcend the sphere of Satan, to go beyond his reach.

You must follow this path absolutely. If we do not take responsibility for the world's sins and pay indemnity for them on the world level, the national foundation of Abel's sphere will be lost. To gain victory means to make world-level advances in Abel's sphere. This is our home church activity centering on 360 homes. I already planned this two years ago. From now on, we will be totally involved in it. Those who do not have a home church area will have no way to pursue restoration through indemnity. Because Jesus did not establish his own family, his disciples could not be blessed in marriage or begin Home Church. Even if you worked three years ago in London or in New York, Satan does not recognize it unless you do home church work. Even God cannot recognize it either. Because God gained a victorious foundation, I am able to form tribes centering upon Home Church. We can take the offensive in the world centering upon Home Church, centering upon tribes. Such a foundation was laid. We must subjugate Cain in order to establish Home Church -- the Cain-type individual, and Cain-type family, clan, tribe, and nation. We cannot return to our homeland unless we pay the indemnity on the world level through Home Church.

Up until now, those who led a religious life left their homes and served society, sacrificing themselves in pursuit of the ideal heaven. You also left your homes, didn't you? I did the same. I know how wonderful and precious the Principle is. So I wanted to teach the Principle to my own parents and brothers and sisters first, before anybody else. But God's dispensation is not the dispensation to save Abel. God's dispensation is to save Cain by offering Abel. That is why precious things are given to Cain, not to Abel. This is the Principle. I sacrificed all my life without buying a single piece of clothing for my own mother. I did so many things for all of mankind, but could do hardly anything for my own children. We are supposed to return to our homeland after we establish the home church condition on the individual, family, clan, tribe, nation, and world levels. We are now on the road of return.

An Abel is known by his love

This year I bought clothes and gifts for Mother and the children. Even though I bought them, it does not violate the Principle. Japanese leaders aren't you teaching a principle that I do not teach, when you say, "I am Abel because I am a church leader. You are Cain. Cain obeys Abel. This is the Principle. So obey." There is no such principle. The person who does not fulfill his mission and become the embodiment of love is not Abel.

People automatically and naturally bow before the power of love. The same holds true on the family, clan or tribal level. So if the Unification movement is the Abel movement on the world level, it must gain victory by shedding blood on the world level, and it must gain Satan's signature on the certificate of victory. Only then can the Unification movement become the Abel on the world level for the first time.

Actually, Eve stands in Abel's position at the moment of restoration. So for three years, you husbands should absolutely follow your wives. It may be better for each of you to work separately from your wife so you can develop yourself and she can respect you properly when you do get together. The three-year course after the Blessing is such a period.

Japanese civilization is the "copy-cat" of the rest of the world. Therefore, Japan should not keep things for herself. If she doesn't use them for the sake of the world, Japan will be ruined. The Japanese who joined the Unification Church must become heavenly citizens. Heavenly citizens are the people who set the ethical standard for the sake of all people.

Even if you are blessed, you still must fulfill the historical indemnity condition, finding three and then 12 apostles, and 72 disciples. You must think seriously about that. You have no qualification to be blessed, but I'm giving you the Blessing anyway. Since this Blessing is your home, if you profane it, you will have to restore it at the risk of your life. Although you have no qualifications to receive the Blessing, you can inherit everything as the children of True Parents, because you are standing in the position to have your name on the title papers. Because of this principle of the heavenly world, your Blessing is possible. Your challenge is to transcend the realm of Adam and Eve's fall. Climb up on the shoulders of True Parents and leap from there toward God and all people. Hell may lie below you, but God and all the people in the spiritual world will immediately support you. Do husband and wife belong to themselves? No, they belong to God and the universe. Love is not yours. It belongs to God and to the human race. So during these next three years, run for the sake of God. Run, cultivating your heart of love. When you love your wife, the daughter of God, love her with the heart with which you adore God. If your love is not strong enough, God will not be moved.

If people around you do not consider your family exemplary, it is because your love is still not vibrant enough. When a woman loves her husband, she should love him with the heart with which she adores God. If the give and take of love within a family can move God, the four position foundation is formed and the family will prosper. If we spin a toy top, keeping the pivot straight, it will spin well. But if we and make the pivot unsteady, it wobbles. So if we create a family with a steady and unchanging standard of love, not only spiritually healthy children, but wonderful grandchildren, can be assured. So if you want to have a good child, make your love top spin straight. Then everything will be solved. You must form a family of four positions centering upon such love.

A person forms a four position foundation thinking about heaven, all people, and his spouse. Thus, heaven, mankind, and husband and wife are united. Adam and Eve fell without setting such a standard. Therefore, first of all, we must each strive to set this standard. Our goal is to love heaven and all people, enhancing our love by sacrificing ourselves. Please remember that you were blessed for this purpose. If you do this, you will be free from accusation by the realm of the fall. This is the principled point of view. The fallen world is centered upon itself. People forgot about things such as God's love, the human race, descendants, all things, the universe, and so on. But we were created to think about these things.

We have seven years to achieve the standard of perfection in the completion stage. We prepare for the Blessing for three years and find three disciples, establishing the foundation of indemnity modeled on Jesus' course. This fulfills the messianic mission on the tribal level. Therefore, we are not working for the sake of the Japanese Unification Church, but for the sake of the nation. I am working for the sake of the world. I am one step ahead of you and have been working busily to prepare the way by doing engineering work, as it were, building bridges, and laying tracks, so that you can follow.

Satan corrupted Eve at the time of the fall. But, at the time of restoration, Eve must be pulled up to the level of perfection through the Holy Wine Ceremony. The next dispensation must take place through this restored Eve. You men, who were fallen archangels before the Holy Wine Ceremony, have become restored archangels, but you still need to inherit the blood lineage as children of God. Before the fall, Adam was the son of God. To be restored, he can become an adopted son by being "grafted" through a restored woman, and then can finally bear fruit. This is our strategy. By which principle is this possible? Since an archangel fell by Eve, he can be recreated by a restored Eve, regaining his original position through the payment of indemnity.

It is important to understand these things before we begin this momentous ceremony. Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we are here laying the victorious basis for the restoration of Eve. We need the spiritual foundation by which we can restore the bridegroom as the eternal spouse. l long for You to bless these couples so they can stand in the position of children who can be born anew centering on this holy wine. I pray You will protect them so they can be reborn and can victoriously subjugate the realm of restoration by indemnity and follow the path which leads to Your love in the coming three years. Please protect them. I pray gratefully, in the True Parents' name. Amen.

Chapter 28 - The Inheritance of Love

Chapter 28
The Inheritance of Love
September 21, 1978 -- Kamikawa, Japan

Scanning the vast expanse of the history of God's providence, we come to realize that it took not just 6,000 years, but tens of thousands and even millions of years, in order to restore a single individual in the sinless likeness of the original person, Adam.. For this purpose, many individuals, families, clans, and nations sacrificed themselves selflessly down through the millennia. The person who came on the foundation of this selfless sacrifice was the Messiah. Then, what is the mission of the Messiah? First, it is to be a man who measures up to the original principles characterizing mankind before the fall. The sinlessness of Adam is thus recreated. Next, that of Eve is recreated by Adam.

Therefore, it is an awesome event when Adam and Eve are restored and both of them stand in front of God, are blessed, and go through a host of indemnity conditions. Billions of people who sacrificed themselves throughout history are watching us critically from the spiritual world. They think that if they were in our situation, they would not do many of the things we are doing now, and, especially, which Japan and the world at large are doing. The concern of these spirit people shows that any problem is not the problem of one single individual but is a cosmic problem.

You are here as Blessing candidates but what condition do you have for being blessed? In many cases, only two or three years have passed since you joined the movement. Spiritually, in the sight of God, you have been like worms in muddy water and you have not yet internalized the principles concerning God-centered relationships. To ignore a woman is the same as to ignore Mother. To ignore a mother is the same as to ignore a father and heaven.

A person who cannot understand that he must live in a web of such relationships is not worthy of living. That kind of person causes problems for his good ancestors over 70 generations. If he goes to the spiritual world, it is worse than hell for him. The Unification Church is trying to restore even hell through teaching how to live God-centeredly. However, there is virtually no way to save a person who tramples the parents' perfection level heart, treating them contemptibly and spurning the parents' love. If there is a way of salvation for that kind of person, it is only after the fulfillment of God's ideal. But, in one sense, a person who tramples on a heart of love is never forgiven and never saved. After the third 7-year course, reblessing will never take place.

The teaching of the Bible is that a person who commits adultery is stoned to death. Those who are blessed by heaven, and who then are unfaithful, separate, and remarry on their own, leaving their lineage on the earth, pose a very serious problem about which I am very worried. Should that kind of adulterous person exist in the Garden of Eden? Should that kind of person be forgiven in the establishment of the ideal Heavenly Kingdom? There is no principle which allows things like that. A wife who is unfaithful to her husband, or a husband who is unfaithful to his wife cannot turn his or her face to the universe. They are the very people who totally violate the sphere of heart. Such people have nowhere to go to be at peace.

For a man, his wife represents mother, elder sisters, younger sisters, and, indeed, all women of the world. To love a wife who has such a significance means to love all races of humanity, all women, and one's mother, elder sister, and younger sister in the home. Accordingly, the family is the "basic training" center that educates people in human love. Therefore, to be trusted and to live a happy life in a family means to live a happy life as the center of the entire universe and to be situated at the center of happy love. There is nothing meaningful without love. Likewise for a woman. Her husband represents father, elder brothers, younger brothers, and all men on earth. This is our ideal of the family.

Passing on their love

The reason why parents desire their children to marry is because they want their children to pass on the love they inherited from them, the parents. Parents will die sometime, so they seek to leave their substance to their descendants. Parents need their descendants, since love should last forever and is the highest desire of mankind. Because parents leave behind such a precious thing, they can proudly go in front of God in the spiritual world. The family is the: place where they can accomplish leaving behind a wonderful heritage of love. Through the bonds of love generated in the family, people can go to the Heavenly Kingdom. Without learning such embracing love, it is absolutely impossible to go to heaven.

If a man is born not because of his own wishes, then by whose? By the wish of his father and mother? No. A man is born by the wish of heaven. A person is born due to the love of his parents, who are heaven's proxies. In essence then, when a person is conceived, he receives all of the love of the universe, and is born as the being who stands at the central position of the entire universe. Man is born by love, and is meant to grow by love, to live by love, to be loved and to give love. This is the highest purpose of our life. It doesn't matter whether you conquer the world or even the cosmos. To fulfill in your own family the mission of love, which is the center of the universe, is the most wonderful thing. The purpose of creation is the perfection of the four position foundation of the family centering on love.

In human relationships as well, we should think in that way. I under- stand that when a husband and wife start married life, sometimes they don't feel comfortable together. But when they confront the conjugal relationship with much stronger confidence, they can grow into the ideal.

You do not have enough gratitude for the Blessing. Satan challenged me throughout my life in order to destroy the foundation of the Blessing. A person of adulterous tendencies cannot take responsibility for heaven. A man whom his wife cannot trust is never trusted in the world, either.

We must overcome temptation

When we confront this world centering on the heavenly Principle, only the firm and strong things can remain. We are now in the midst of a battle in which we must expand the realm of goodness by applying the Principle. In this battle, we must overcome not only temptation from men, but also numerous temptations and tests from Satan. Satan, who has been accusing God throughout the 6,0.0.0 years of biblical history, has great power and subtlety. Most people are defeated by him. The reason why I myself could proceed successfully until the present is because I clearly knew the Principle, the heavenly Principle. That is why I'm not snared by temptation.

I am nearly 60 years old and do not have such a long time left on earth. Thinking about this point, we must establish a universal tradition in the world. Having established that tradition to a certain extent, I am returning to Korea for a period of time.

God has been working so hard until now centering on this problem of restoring love and loving relationships within the family. It is because of this problem that the people of Israel were ruined. God has been working so hard in order to let the Unification movement live. The most central issue of letting the Unification movement live is letting the family live. The blessed families, from God's point of view, have such a significance. The director of the family department must understand this very well and provide good education on that topic. I'm doing this at the risk of my life for the sake of the human race, which is falling into a ruinous condition, I am opening a new way, repairing people one by one and letting them live. This is God's dispensation. This is the repair factory of the family and the repair factory of love.

Strictly speaking, those among you who have indulged in premarital sex are not really qualified to start a blessed family. The fact that you have written a letter longing for your lover is itself a shameful thing. We can say so from the point of view of the Principle. In spite of this Principle, Japan is engulfed in chaos. Young people are totally confused like animals. And it is you -- who have a background of being that kind of people who are now going to be blessed! If you presume to receive the Blessing of the Unification Church without repentance, you are utterly in error. My mission is to restore virgin men and women in front of God. This Blessing that is going to be given involves a special forgiveness. I declared previously that the Blessing would not take place until we finished the third 7-year course.

Without solving these ethical problems, the Unification Church cannot fulfill its mission on the earth. It is our task to clean up this corrupt world and create a clean one. Then, why has the kind of person appeared who casually, unrepentantly asks to be reblessed? He has no qualification to say, "Rebless me, Father, please." I never imagined such a mission for myself. Now, however, we are engaged in the 21-year course of restoration, and many of the world's constraints upon us cannot end until the third. 7-year course. So I have to burden myself with and solve that problem.: But after the third 7-year course, there will no longer be reblessing.

After 1960, radical changes began to occur throughout the world. This was simply due to God's dispensation centering on the Unification Church. Today's historians do not know why history has entered a period of such enormous flux. It is because of this small Unification Church.

You should be an example

Your Blessing is for the purpose of setting an example for the rest of the world. I clearly know what conditions will be most beneficial for people in the spirit world, for those presently alive, and for future generations. Thus, I have clearly understood the providential significance of your Blessing, and upon this understanding I am initiating it. It is your mission to understand its significance just as vividly as I do and to live a blessed life in accordance with that understanding, examining yourself constantly to see that your way of life conforms with the way you know you should be living.

We are all brethren. If you have a disabled person among your brothers and sisters, it is proper that compassionate love should well up in your heart and you should sacrifice yourself to care for the individual. Parents feel that way, so to sacrifice yourself, following the example of the parents, is the way of filial piety. This is the Principle. In the case of the Blessing, Mother and I are in the position of parents. In this situation, if you stand in our position and look on your spouse-to-be, who may not be nice looking, who may be of below average intelligence, and very short in height, you should feel very loving toward that "child" of ours. It is the parents' heart to view a child from the standpoint of the heart of heaven and to love that child more than anybody else.

I take responsibility for blessed people eternally -- not just for a lifetime. If they go to the spiritual world, I will guide and take responsibility for them. To be blessed means to have an eternal relationship with me.

If I go to Korea, I feel like the father of Korea. I have the experience of severe torture at the hands of imperial Japan. If I think about that, it is conceivable that I might hold a grudge against the nation of Japan. But I don't think in that way. When Japan was defeated at the end of World War II, I contacted all of my former torturers one night and told them that they faced great danger if they remained in Korea. Then I helped put their luggage on their vehicle and sent them off. Although Japan had been an enemy country up until that time, I knew that it would become a brother in the future because of God's will. So I determined to forgive Japan which was not the "reasonable" thing to do at that time, since Japan had persecuted Korea so terribly. But I knew so strongly that Japan would work for God's will together with Korea. Now thousands of Japanese members are following me at the risk of their life.

It is the same as in my college life. There is nowhere I didn't go, from the shipyards of Kawasaki to the slums around Sanya. I know Japan very well. The Communist Party is working hard to destroy Japan, but I am doing everything I can for the sake of the future of Japan. As it stands now, Japan has little hope for the future because there are few young people who can inherit and pursue this work of building up the nation. In Japan, today, in elementary school or in middle or high school, there are some who even reject saluting the national flag. If there is a problem which we should worry about in Japan, it is not the economic problem, it is not the political problem, but it is the problem of finding young people who can build up the nation. I've been thinking in that way for decades. I've determined to raise up such young people who can not only take on the nation building responsibility, but also be able to develop a commitment to build up the world. We cannot find such young people except in the Unification Church. Here, we have the theoretical foundation to achieve the perfection of the individual, the perfection of the family, the perfection of the community, the perfection of the nation, the perfection of the world, the perfection of the cosmos, up until the liberation of God. To reach the sphere of God's love we have to go through all those stages, even if we die on the way.

I have been consistent

Thirty years ago in Korea, people did not consider Reverend Moon of the Unification Church to be even a human being. I was dealt with in a miserable way, indeed. But there is not much difference between my personality today and at that time. Now I am nearly 60 years old. But at that time, as today, I was full of courage and vitality and was a very trustworthy person. But I was treated like the scum of the earth.

Why did things go that way? Clearly, because there is Satan. The sphere of Satan and of Cain is never satisfied until they beat the realm of Abel to death. Ironically, however, they do want Abel to appear again. This is the heart of Satan. Because of this reason, I've been accepting without complaint and digesting all the persecution that has come my way from thirty years ago until today. Facing all the persecution head on, I have been fighting with perseverance and will power in order to overcome it. I'm a man who has very strong will power. Once I determine to do something, I go forward, even at the risk of my life. There isn't much difference between my body and yours. Any difference between us lies in the realm of thought and will power. I am strong because I have a way of thinking which is not only for the moment, but which extends to all of past, present, and future history and to the whole human race. In addition to that, I structure my thinking according to the pattern of God's dispensation.

Thinking about that point, if I fail, it is not only I who fail. In that event, the whole human race would have no future and the ideal of the restoration of the cosmos would be destroyed and God Himself would be profaned. I know these consequences very well. Therefore, even if I receive tremendous persecution, persecution in thousands of ways and by millions of people, I stand up without flinching for the sake of the human race and in order not to profane God's name. This is the way I think.

It was the same when I left for the United States. Nobody knew of my departure from Korea on Dec. 18, 1971. But I had a plan with God in my mind as to what to do for the world-level course. In the beginning, the American people thought that a Korean man, coming to give speeches without knowing anything about the Western world, would never be successful. However, I was perfectly victorious in this long battle in the United States, and I also just established the European foundation in England. I'm going back to Korea for a 40 day vacation before I return to the United States. I stopped off in Japan for this Blessing. But you have the attitude of enjoying the Blessing for yourselves, not for God. It is true, even if you make excuses to the contrary. Yesterday, I came to Japan after riding in an airplane for 24 hours. I've come through here just overnight. It is really something, then, for which to be grateful. I'm even doing this at the risk of my life. But I have suspicions about how grateful you are feeling.

Concerning this Blessing, the spiritual world will kneel down to me in an expression of gratitude. You don't understand the Blessing as having such a significance -- a significance that would make you choke with gratitude. You think as you like. If even you members think this way, I certainly have a lot to do to restore the world, don't you think so?

A woman must be careful

When a man feels embarrassed, he brings his hand to his chin. A woman covers her mouth with her hand, coughing delicately. It is noteworthy that Western ladies behave in the same way. This means that a woman has to be careful about her mouth. In the family, the problem is usually the woman. Women speak very quickly, like a motorcycle revving. So a woman must be careful with her mouth. Then how about men? A man has to have authority. He must be a person who has the authority with which he can judge evil people.

The more people come to know the meaning of the Blessing, the more they will be thankful to you. Please become a wonderful couple and make a wonderful family that you can be proud of at any place, at any time. But the weak, shallow, ungrateful type of person whom we saw today is no good. Everyone has a tendency to become that kind of person. I have a lot of experience of my trust being betrayed. If circumstances are a little disadvantageous, a man tends to run away. and if they are advantageous, a man feels like returning. That's the reality of man. You're the same, aren't you? You have it written on your face. History shows this and reality shows this. Even the 12 disciples of Jesus ran away. The 12 disciples were better people than you. Man is indeed a weak being.

Depending on the depth of the heartistic standard between husband and wife and depending on their degree of unity, a certain quality of child is born. Therefore, to become parents is not an easy matter. And to become a wife or a husband is also really an awesome thing.

The history of the Unification Church's Blessing started in the midst of battle. Satan's world was crazy to oppose it. But now in Korea, those who opposed us are now members of the church. In Korea, people gave a nickname to the Unification Church: "mass weddings." Let's establish such a tradition.

Chapter 27 - A Stimulating and Adventurous Life

Chapter 27
A Stimulating and Adventurous Life
April 16, 1978 -- Tarrytown, New York

It is springtime and everyone loves spring. Young people, especially teenagers, long for some season like springtime. The love within them desires this season. Springtime brings a natural, instinctive longing for something untouchable. Unlike the young, however, older folks approach spring with a sense of responsibility. Those who have raised children now have an empty nest, so they have a different feeling in spring. Their children have married, left home, and now have made homes of their own. This is the season for senior citizens to reminisce about their past accomplishments and about their families and children. For them, spring is the time of recollection and reevaluation of their lives.

This doesn't necessarily apply only to human beings, but to the animal kingdom as well. For instance, during this past winter in New York we had an unprecedented heavy snowfall. Deer and other big animals, as well as birds, sought shelter during winter, but now that spring has come they have a new hope and resurrected feeling. They enjoy this precious time of spring. Witness the flight of the birds; during the winter season they were gone, but now they are back, singing and looking for food. They have aspirations too.

Spring would be proud to say, "I have the capability to revitalize all creation." Spring would declare that we are given new life and refreshing elements in its season. During winter we can't see leaves on the trees, but now buds are emerging with new life. Everyone loves to see new buds. Plants, animals and man all have the same feeling. The migrating birds will find their way back north and enjoy the regenerating forces of spring. What kind of migrating birds do you think of? Robins, ducks, Canadian geese, swallows, swans. They never miss migration.

You urban people don't understand birds. If you live in the country, they sometimes make nests under your roof or on your porch. When the swallow is singing, it sounds to Westerners like an Oriental language, but to Orientals it sounds like they are speaking English! The swallow looks like he is wearing a tuxedo, and to see the male and female singing together is very impressive. No single bird sings; they sing together. If a bird is alone, then he sings to invite or woo the opposite sex. Wherever birds sing together it seems like love is there, right? The same thing applies to mankind. An individual longs for someone else with whom to have a subject-object relationship of give and take.

In the Unification Church the majority of members are younger people. Do you like songs or not? Because you are young you like singing. This youthful spirit is the characteristic of the Unification movement. You young people are in the spring of your lives. Your faces are shining just like the trees and flowers that bloom after the winter.

You sit straight and have vigor and energy instead of being sloppy and lazy. I don't like to see women with their hair falling messily over their faces. You have to lift it up in back to look fresh, like the season of spring I understand that you don't have so many extras, but in spring you can wear some bright pin, or even put some decoration in your hair to fit the spring season. You might carry some pink handkerchief to reflect the spirit of spring.

You have to know how to adjust your mood to the seasons. There is a wonderful feeling here this morning, isn't there? If you come to doze off in the spring, then you don't fit in here. Spring brings new vitality. If you can't be like a swallow, be like a sparrow or Canadian goose.

What animal represents springtime?

Let's talk about the animal kingdom. Which animal would you like to resemble? A tiger or bear? People would be scared if those creatures appeared, and no one wants to kill anyone. The most loving animal in springtime is the deer. Therefore, if you want to become a spring animal, I would like you to be a deer All in all, spring is good for everything.

I love the big tree in front of the main house. here, but in winter you can't tell whether it is dead or alive. Now spring has come and some vital element is moving throughout creation. Spring is the season of planting seeds. A seed planted in the earth has a sleeping feeling at first, but then moisture seeps in through its shell to waken it. Spring brings many changes in all of nature, adding a developmental and advancing element.

Do you think America is facing the season of spring, or the autumn before the winter? A scientific observer would say that America is in its autumn season, but Moonies don't necessarily belong in that category. Are you in spring or autumn? We are not talking about the Moonie who never has new buds and sprouts; a true Moonie becomes like the branches of a tree. Would you like to be the leaves of the tree or the branches? Branches. Why? A branch produces leaves. It is important because the blossoms and new growth come from the branch, not from the leaves.

The branch is the connection to future life. It not only brings flowers but bears fruit, and through the fruit other trees will be produced. That is the process through which the life of the tree continues, and that's why the branch is so important.

Who in the contemporary world will be the branches on which flowers will blossom? Christians and hippies will say they are the ones. Communists will say they are the ones. Young people will say that they will be the new branch out of which new hope for all mankind will come. It is a wonderful thing to be that branch, but Unification people are the only ones who belong to this category. You must know what goes on before the flowers appear. Think of the leaves and branches. More than that, you have to think of the atmosphere, water, earth and all other necessary conditions for sustaining this tree. A tree does not just come up suddenly; preparation is needed. Various elements must be harmonized, and that same kind of thing has to go on in the world.

The same thing applies to the five different races if they are ever to come together. Instead of fighting, they must harmonize. The water inside a tree is circulating, and then in spring the flowers come. Instead of fighting, the various elements must exist in harmony and beauty and have a peaceful relationship. This preparation must be made before the glorious flowers and branches and leaves come out.

It won't work if one branch of the tree insists that its water should not go to another branch. The roots can't insist that their nutrients not go to the topmost branches. Seeing how all the races are harmonized in the Unification Church, some racist will say, "It is not natural." However, the world cannot flower without this harmonized unity among its peoples. In this perspective, no other organization parallels the Unification Church.

The roots of a tree never stop growing, but spread everywhere, even through rock, splitting it apart. Nothing can stop them. You people should have that kind of power. It is hard for ordinary people to go fund raising door to door. but you do it anyway. Persist penetrate and march forward and your root and branch will be the ideal branch for the whole world. We can easily declare to the world that we may become the worldwide branches, roots and beautiful flowers to save the world.

When branches come out, do they look toward the ground or toward the sky? Why do they turn upward instead of downward? The sun is there. The branches will naturally turn toward the power of the sun, the power of life. The universal sun is God, and we receive the power of life and love from Him.

White is a symbol of peace

One single flower is a more superb masterpiece than the greatest painting in a museum. There is no comparing their value. A masterpiece will result when all five racial colors are put together. If all colors in the spectrum are combined, white results. White is symbolic of peace; for example, a white flag in wartime means truce. Actually, white people should be the symbol of peace, but according to past history they have never brought peace, only exploitation. Always other races had to submit to white invaders.

Very soon the time will come when those black people who worship God will have a chance to receive a great blessing, on the condition that they unite with goodness and are entirely loyal to God. Blacks who worship God, and are not lazy, have hope. God has to work through the restoration providence, and the reason white people have been able to dominate the world in the past is because they had Christianity. Without Christianity they would be nothing. Black people shouldn't become discouraged or disappointed, because in reality they have a great hope ahead. In the past white people have been aggressive and conquered other countries, but that must end. Orientals are very religiously and philosophically inclined. When they eat the fruit from trees they meditate about life, while white people are used to killing animals for survival when they get hungry. I am not implying that one is superior or inferior, but I'm interested in the kind of tradition each race has. Tradition is what determines inferiority and superiority.

The Unification movement will bring the hope of spring to all mankind. You have to seriously think about what it means for us to be the spring branch of the whole world. Do you have that kind of pride?. Are you growing as branches and leaves, or just sitting and doing nothing? Do the buds only grow when the sun is shining and not at night? If you ask the buds whether they only grow in the daytime, they will answer that they grow during both the day and night. Buds will say they prefer to go forward instead of backward; they would prefer being transplanted to a place where they can grow big, rather than stay small. They would rather be a total tree, not just branches.

If you are an entire tree, then you have everything -- limbs and roots, leaves and flowers. In order to be a whole tree you have to separate from the parent tree. Is there any other way to be a perfect tree? Would you rather be cut off quickly or slowly? That is why I kick you out. The first step in being transplanted is to get out of the World Mission Center and go form a home church. You may agree with the philosophy of this, but in your hearts you feel a little pain. Maybe you will resent the idea, but by doing it you will form a better tree. Multiplication is mobile in nature.

This personnel change won't take place in winter or autumn but in springtime. Spring, rather than autumn or winter, is a good time to transfer to another mission. The whole universe is changing in springtime, and according to that law our personnel change should also occur then. We don't need heavy coats when spring comes. If I elaborated on this point, I could go on endlessly.

Does spring bring only goodness, or hardship and sacrifice as well? It is not just a time of sitting, but of hard work and moving. Spring is a hopeful time, but only those who are moving have hope. The adventurous person has great hope and desire, which is why he is moving, but without that hope he has no motivation. History advances through that kind of person. Do Unification people fit into that category? We have a great, adventurous nature. Do you want sweet adventure, or do you have grave, noble, high ambition? Adventure fascinates young people, but some young people talk about sweetness, while others talk about great feats. Which is better? A man and woman can talk about romance in a flower garden, but instead they could work together with a bulldozer. Which is better? We are working together.

Spring brings stimulation

Spring is sweet and feminine, but when you bring this kind of adventurous hope to it, spring will respond to you. Sometimes in spring you doze off, but it is better to be stimulated and excited in spring. Some of you might have thought I would talk about sweet things, since the topic this morning is spring. But no, I am going to push you out! You know that now.

Now let's talk about celestial things and ask God questions. If we ask God whether He has experienced spring, He will answer, "I made all four seasons. There is nothing new there." But if you say, "God, You must have had some experience of love with mankind," He will reply, "No, I never have."

"Then even though You made the universe and all four seasons, You have never experienced love in the spring?"

"Yes, that is true."

Then can we say that God is fortunate and happy, or sad and miserable?

God would be very happy to hear someone say, "Since you have been so unfortunate, let's work this situation out and make it better." He would say, "It would be wonderful if someone would work this problem out." If someone promises to make Him a happy God, however, He still cannot just automatically go with that person, even though He might want to. There is a hidden reason for this. Until the problem of sin is completely solved, God cannot act freely. He is a limited God.

Because of the human fall, God never had a time of spring. He made all of these things, but because of the fall He has been living in the winter season, with everything white and inactive. How are we going to unfreeze Heavenly Father's loving heart? Only a powerful warmth will melt the ice and thaw God out. Who is going to defrost this freezer God is in? Because love has been frozen, God cannot function. The problem is that because of the fall all creation is in the same situation. Some other element should help defrost it all.

All the creation is waiting for that time to come. Can we bring that change with power and knowledge? What shall we use? Love. What kind of love? Love between man and woman, or love between you people? Pure, unchanging, unique love is needed. This is the element that is inside God, so it is the only thing that can unfreeze His frozen heart. Who is going to provide all this? Because God cannot provide it alone without an object, we have to actively give love, not passively wait to receive it as in the fallen world.

Somewhere on earth, some kind of movement must influence God with absolute, unchanging love, so that He can be happy and fortunate. One part of this mission has been given to religion, which has been able to take partial but not total responsibility. When people are united in love, there will be no war. In light of this mission, if religions fight each other then they are disqualified. Conflict is no way to resolve God's situation. The power of all horizontal and vertical love and universal, global love must be: concentrated in order to liberate God. The power of vertical love must be added to love coming from all four horizontal directions.

Will God's heart be defrosted only by white people's love? No, that is not enough. Love of all five races together must come to cover God, and the power of love from three generations must also be involved here. Instead of being scattered, this love should be focused on one point. All races of the spirit world, the contemporary world, and the world to come must first come to one point, and then the ice that has accumulated for 6,000 years will begin to melt. Only that kind of situation will begin to defrost God's heart.

Some powerful movement on earth must teach mankind about this; otherwise, there is no hope. We have this kind of hope. Is it within reach? The kind of person who is hooked by God's love is going to launch this movement; that kind of person can liberate God. That person himself will be melted on earth and be intoxicated by God's love. He will be addicted to God so much that with just the word of God's love he can go beyond all hardship and have no problem with persecution.

Anything for the sake of God

Even though men and women in the world may love one another, once God's love comes they will abandon their old love and follow Him. Even after the Blessing, when husband and wife are supposed to love one another, if they receive God's love they can leave each other to go to two separate missions if necessary. That kind of power can enable blessed couples to separate with no problem, and they won't mind because the power of God's love is so great. Even if I ask all the sisters who are already over 30 to give up their Blessing and go to the field, then for the sake of God's love they can go without resentment. This is characteristic of you church members.

For the sake of helping God defrost, we can go everywhere, even to Africa or the most unfamiliar countries. I can go anywhere when God commands it. Even though you feel pain when you get a shot, if God's love is inside the syringe, you can keep receiving it. Even though you may be working hard, you cannot give up when you get upset. God's love is that sweet. You in turn are giving an injection to Heavenly Father. He has always been receiving passive love, but now that He is receiving an active element, His frozen heart is going to be defrosted. This is what I am trying to do on the international and universal levels. There is no other method of liberating God. Will He be glad or not to see this kind of movement come about?

Bit by bit God is beginning to thaw. His eyes are blinking, His hands are flexing, and His arteries and veins are coming unfrozen. You can make Him dance. Even though God made all the seasons. including spring with all its fragrance, when He meets this new spring He will announce His first spring to the whole creation. Then the whole creation will enjoy spring and laugh together with Him.

You have to give a shot of love to God, each one of you. You will each be God's physician, but the shot you give should not contain any satanic elements. It must be pure. Where do we get the contents of that shot, in an easy place or in the midst of hardship and persecution and rejection? When you want to give the shot to God, Satan is always there, trying to nullify it and give his own instead. You cannot give the shot as long as Satan surrounds you. Instead, you have to find the place where Satan cannot come, and that is the place of hardship and persecution. The place where Satan cannot invade is the worst place, where even your family gives you a hard time. If you are willing to give up everything, however, and go on alone, then Satan cannot invade. That's the secret.

You have to also go to the world and give this shot to all the people, immunizing them. How can anyone who claims he is going to liberate God be easy going and lazy and sloppy? He has to fight and find the place with the most hardship. Do you have the necessary equipment now? You are the doctors and nurses who are going to give the injections of love to God and mankind. Even though people don't like it and accuse you, you have to give it regardless. When babies go to a doctor and get inoculated, they cry and fight. Nevertheless, the doctor has to give the shot. People may not like you giving them this shot, but later they'll appreciate it.

A pickpocket mingles with people and somehow diverts their attention in order to steal from them. You may have to divert people's attention, but you will do that to give them the shot. Because the people are ill, you have to inoculate them. At first they will persecute you, but later when they are healed and their sickness is over, they will show their appreciation. They will see that their rejection of you was unjust and they will apologize.

Shall we have an enjoyable time since spring has come, or shall we work harder to give this kind of heavenly injection of love? You are concerned with the heart of God, and even when you sleep you dream of God. When you witness or sell papers going door to door, you are thinking of God's heart. Because of you and the True Parents, God's heart is melting and the whole universe is finding a new spring. It is a glorious day. We are renovating everything, in the name of God's love. In God's providence, a person can choose to be just a spectator, or just a follower, or he can be an active participant. There are three different categories. Which would you like to be?

Let us pray.

Chapter 26 - The Heart of Reunion

Chapter 26
The Heart of Reunion
September 11, 1977 -- Tarrytown, New York

I am very happy to see all of you again after being away for 70 days. When you are separated from someone, you long for them the most if there is a common purpose or goal between you. Then you both yearn to see each other and look forward to the day of reunion. I am Korean and you are Americans, and we come from the opposite ends of the world. There must be a providential purpose linking the two extremes of East and West; otherwise, you would not miss me and I would not miss you, and we would not look forward to meeting each other again.

To the ordinary person it may seem as if the vast ocean is one stationary body of water. Actually the ocean is continually in motion, with cold currents and warm currents running their separate courses and colliding at certain points. All kinds of movement can be found in the ocean. The tides come in and go out twice a day, and tidal flows all over the globe are linked together.

Beneath the ocean's surface are a great variety of fish, which are Influenced by the currents and the tidal waters. Very often many fish gather where the warm and cold currents collide, creating areas famous for fishing such as the northern part of the United States near Boston and northern Europe. Different types of fish live in fresh or salt water, but at spawning time certain species go to an estuary, where the fresh water and salt water flow together, to lay their eggs.

It is very intriguing and even mystical to see how the places and times of coming together are very important to all forms of life. For instance, the ancient cultures such as developed in Greece and Rome without exception began to grow at places where land and water meet. No early human civilization could prosper apart from a river or the sea.

Extremes drawn together

When the distance between two parts is extreme, there is always greater joy, emotion and drama involved in their reunion than if they had not experienced such extreme separation. I came from a land on the other side of the globe, a land that many Americans think of as being a remote country. In their minds they still envision Korea as being ravaged by war. It is as if the United States was on the pinnacle of a mountain, while Korea was in the depths of a valley. That is why many people cannot understand how a man from Korea can attract such attention in a nation that stands at the pinnacle of modern day culture.

In the vast ocean a tremendous variety of things happen when the warm and cold currents meet. When we gather together we are like five kinds of ocean currents flowing into the same area, and extraordinary things can happen as a result. It is not my will or your will, but some providential will, that makes this so. There must be a universal power that pushes two extremes to unite for a greater purpose.

Exciting music is not made with just one or two notes, but with notes that range from high to low and come from a variety of instruments. That blending of extremes makes exciting music. At the same time, one instrument alone can create excitement. In order to make the drums exciting, the drummer has to combine many motions and gestures as. well as rhythms. The violin combines different extremes, using thin strings to create very feminine, beautiful sounds. The beauty of the violin is that even though it has only a few strings, it is possible to produce extreme variation in sound.

The union of people from the East and West can be compared to playing the violin; Westerners are like the low notes of a violin while Asians are like the high notes. Americans walk with a long, swinging stride, like King Kong, but the Japanese: walk lightly, taking small steps. More excitement is created when the two extremes unite to make one harmonized picture. Usually we do not use the word harmony to describe the unity of similar things. The most moving, beautiful harmony is created when extremes come together. The value of harmony lies in this unity.

What color flowers do you like? Everyone has a different preference. If everyone liked only the color yellow, however, then everything in the entire world would soon be yellow, with yellow clothes and even yellow lipstick. The result would be a mad, mad world of yellow! The blending together of all kinds of colors can be interpreted and understood in many different ways. When you can see your feelings reflected in different ways you never tire of such beauty.

In just one person you can see many different colors. Bo Hi Pak, for instance, has black hair and a tanned forehead and a gray suit. Women always wear ornaments to enhance their appearance, but they don't wear everything of the same color. When they wear red, they want to wear some jewelry that matches, something of a different color that harmonizes.

Would everyone without exception like to have blue eyes? Why did God give blue eyes to some people? The people who have white skin, high noses and blonde hair need some contrast, so God have them blue eyes, like two little ponds. Because American noses are so high their eyes are very deep; you have to peer in several miles to see their eyes! If they had black eyes at the bottom of such deep wells they would look fearful, almost evil in a way. Having lighter color eyes creates beauty and harmony in a much more dramatic way.

Imagine a person laughing whose teeth were all black. He would look strange. When you examine the creation you know that God is really an artist, and that no better harmony could have been created. Everything is interestingly blended, with people having precisely the features that would harmonize with a certain skin color.

One action may have two entirely different meanings. Imagine a person whose mouth was always open. You would usually think that something was wrong with that person, that he was out of his mind. But that person might be intoxicated by some magnificent emotion or some tremendous shock. Laughing and crying change your features in similar ways, but one expresses joy and the other sorrow.

Light is always created at the boundary when two things meet in harmony. Why should people from one culture follow someone from an extremely different culture? Why have you Americans come to the Unification Church, which was founded by a man from Asia? You are here to unite the universal beauty of the two extremes of East and West together into one harmonized culture. When two great cultures meet to form harmony, turmoil is inevitable at first. When a flowing stream hits the rocks in its path disturbances are created. It goes through many convolutions, splashing over rocks and churning at the bottom of a waterfall, but that does not alter its destiny. All streams eventually join the mainstream, which flows to the ocean. All water is connected to the same source and flows to the same destination. In the same way many parents are currently opposing the Unification Church, but the day will come when they will join the mainstream, just as all running water eventually does.

There is tremendous variety and purity of creation in the mountains, and the water from mountain streams is also very healthy. Mountain water absorbs essences from the varieties of creation found there, but rivers that run through the plains and flat lands, like the Mississippi or Nile, have no clean taste or special characteristics. Every pebble on the bottom of a mountain creek, every weed and every leaf play an important part in harmonizing the entire environment. When looked at from this viewpoint, everything becomes more beautiful. The running streams that start in the depths of the mountains will never make you sick, no matter how much you drink. Mountain animals drink the pure water and breathe clean air all the time so they are strong and healthy.

Everything that I am speaking of comes down to one simple word: harmony. The ideal world is not a world of uniformity and regimentation but a world of harmony in which each person plays a distinctive role. It is not one species alone that creates the grandeur of the mountains. They are made beautiful in part by the infinite variety of trees, some gigantic, some crooked, and of all different shades and hues.

The pinnacle and the valley

Why do we meet here? Why do we need to create harmony? I have a reason for selecting the topic of today's sermon as "The Heart of Reunion." External unity itself has shallow meaning, and I want you to appreciate the fact that there must be deep meaning and love in our gathering together. There are all kinds of subjects to study in our world, but I think the study of harmony is the most important. After being educated in the "Department of Harmony" would you want to marry within your own cultural and racial background?

White and black people live together here in America but have they created perfect harmony in this land? Who is responsible for that lack of harmony, white people or black people? Be honest and frank. I agree with your answer that basically white people have been responsible for that. Even though God meant for harmony to exist when he put two extremes together, there is little harmony among the races here in America. The white people must take primary responsibility for the lack of harmony in this country.

At high noon the sun is bright, but even at that moment the sun is moving toward the opposite extreme of midnight. In living you must be willing to go through the darkness of midnight to arrive at the high noon of the next day. The Western culture is primarily a white culture, and in general white people think of themselves as superior to the black and yellow people. Westerners think of their culture as being self sufficient, but that is comparable to refusing to go through midnight. The sun cannot always remain at high noon. The Western culture will never see broad daylight again unless there is unity. When Westerners can be broadened by absorbing elements from other cultures, a new day will dawn and there will be the glorious prosperity of another high noon.

The cultures that can go from the pinnacle to the valley and vice versa are closer to perfect harmony than those that never change their positions. The Greek and Roman empires thought they could stay on the pinnacle forever. They had no intuition that they would be destroyed, but now their civilizations are gone. Today the Western culture is enjoying being on the pinnacle, but this civilization will also terminate unless it seeks the valley. This is a universal law and no one can escape it.

The key to the continuing prosperity of the cultures is harmony, but a harmonizer is needed, someone who can bring unity between two extremes. That unity cannot be accomplished all at once, but will require time. It is logical that a yellow man would be the mediator between black and white. Because God needed such a mediator, He asked me to come to America to heal the rift between white and black. It is the white people who have been rejecting me, while the black people have embraced me. That does not mean that God is showing special favor to the blacks alone, however. That phenomenon will help to save the white people by giving them another chance to transcend the barrier of race.

White people feel threatened by two things primarily: the power of communism and the increasing power of the yellow race. When Western leaders look at me and at our movement, they wonder whether I am a communist or the leader of some yellow menace and they easily feel suspicious. But an even more formidable enemy would be the yellow race mobilized by the communist influence. America is obviously fearful of Red China,. and the American government policy makers are in effect trying to charm the Chinese leaders.

Why should America, only 200 years old but the mightiest nation on earth, be so intimidated by Red China, whose present form of government is less than 30 years old? Anyone who is aware of world affairs can sense a threat to the Western world from the Asian communist powers.

I may be from Asia but the position I take is opposite the communist stand. The Asian communists say that there is no God, but I proclaim that there is a god and that He is our Father. Instead of supporting communism I have come to the West to educate the young people about God. The communist Chinese declare that the yellow race has unjustly suffered because of the white race and that the oppressed people of the world should now unite under communism to conquer the world. I declare that we cannot allow that to happen and that our solution instead is to unite all the races together under one common parent, God; that will be the governing power of the world.

Two powers within the yellow race are confronting each other in a fierce battle. One, the Asian communists, wants to swallow up the West, while the other, our Unification Church forces, wants to defend the West from that menace. I have come to this country for a purpose that is like filling a container with everything necessary to accomplish that mission. Once everything necessary is gathered, that container will overflow and then nothing will be able to stop us from defending the West. The power that is gathered will certainly not be for yellow people alone but for the salvation of the Western culture and all races of mankind, coming together as one gigantic river more powerful than Niagara Falls. We are building up that stream, starting out like a small creek and building into a big river.

The seasons of history

In what direction should the Unification Church go? We must move to the extremes. If we are in a high place we must head toward the lowest place and work there. If we are in the lowest position we must head toward the highest position. In America, the Unification Church is in the lowest position. We should be ready to aim as high as possible and move America back to God. It is realistically beginning to happen this year. Eventually we will not be on the bottom but will find ourselves way on top.

Where should we go after that? To Moscow! The tropical waters of the earth are slowly turning toward the North Pole, while at the same time the waters of the northern areas are heading toward the warm areas. The ancient cultures were found in semi-tropical climates -- for instance, Egypt by the Nile River and Greece by the Mediterranean. The present nations leading the free world are found in the temperate climates, however. The trend of history is inclining toward the cold weather zone, with a northern power like the Soviet Union determined to dominate the world and cover it like a blizzard.

The Garden of Eden was located in the tropical zone, which can be compared to spring. Human civilization eventually spread to cooler climates comparable to autumn, and now has penetrated the coldest, most winter like areas. History has entered the autumn, and just as winter's winds blow the last leaves from the trees, the cold wind of communism is being felt in this autumn culture. But at the same time, autumn represents the harvest, when new seeds enfold the promise of a new generation. Now the leaves of the old culture are falling, but at the same time we are harvesting the seeds of a new culture.

I want you to know that this trend of human civilization precisely parallels the patterns of restoration. The seed is protected by its hull and cannot be destroyed by weather. It is protected until the new day arrives. Who will greet spring when it arrives? The seed is the only element that can go through the hard cold winter to start new life in the spring. This is not my theory at all but a historical principle.

The new way of life will not be contaminated by either the communist ideology or democracy. In other words, the seed will not be affected by any of the four seasons. Where can we find the ideology that can be that seed? The Unification Church has the ideology, and you will be the seeds that shall survive the severest weather to meet the spring. Have you ever before thought about yourself as being a seed?

You are just starting to think that way. If you are absolutely convinced that you can cultivate that seed, then this is a historical event. This concept is so gigantic and the reality is so soaring that once you deeply realize your position, you would feel as if you have been struck by lightning. I know you have never imagined that such gigantic things could happen.

Absorb from all cultures

Today's Western culture is equivalent to the autumn season. No matter how much you may want to delay winter's arrival, its coming is inevitable. Even now winter is knocking at the door, and in order to be a fruitful seed, the Unification Church needs a shell of discipline and training that will enable it to survive under any circumstances. In the summertime people go to cool places on their vacation, and in the wintertime they go to warm places like Miami Beach, trying to escape the cold weather. But Unification Church members do the opposite; we meet the seasons head on and conquer them. That is our way of life. Your living that way is a manifestation of formidable spiritual power. The degree to which the American people say you are brainwashed is a measure of your conviction.

You know you will go through winter but you must also envision spring's coming. Your job is to make yourself a solid seed so that when the spring comes God will cast you on very fertile ground and you will be fruitful. Are you ready to be tested by the cold weather of communism? Could you withstand torture by people who want you to recant your faith? If you are that strong, the fallen world will call you a problem child because no-one will be able to bend you. But in studying the trends of history it is obvious that people like us must inevitably appear. The existence of the Unification Church is not an accident but the fruit of history.

We are thankful to be chosen for this job because we have the hope that after the cold weather of communism passes a new world will be born and spring will come. That is the day our hope shall be realized. The winter is never permanent. By gathering together people from all races and cultures we are trying to exchange each other's indestructible elements in order to arm ourselves to overcome any circumstance. We can never be destroyed if we are trained for survival. .

In order to become one solid seed, you must draw energy and nutrients from all elements: the soil, water and sun's rays. All year round a seed is gathering the elements it needs. Do you white people still have some feeling of separateness from black or yellow people? Do you black people feel resentment toward whites, even after learning. the Principle? Unless each of you can draw good elements from the others you cannot survive to grow in the springtime. The whole point is how to create one indestructible seed. When the spring culture of the ideal world comes I would like to name it "choon wha" which means "one central harmony" or "central peace." Are you ready to become the essence of the central harmony?

Our contribution

History is advancing toward one spring culture of the Kingdom of God on earth. That is the ultimate goal of human history. You are supposed to be the seed that will grow in that springtime, but where does a seed come from? God is the ultimate origin or root from which each seed grows. You are the seeds of God, created through the process of love, and two gigantic loves are essential for your life and must be harmonized within you -- the love of humanity and the love of God.

Love must always freely move into the center and then back out to the world. Love is not stationary but flowing all the time. The center of that circling movement is the Messiah; in occupying that position he channels the heavenly love so that you can transmit it on a horizontal level.

Throughout history man has thought that the ideal society with perfect love between man and God and man and man was only a dream, but the Messiah shall make the dream a reality. The Unification Church is born for that purpose and we can attain that goal. The greatest contribution we can make to the world is to knit all of mankind together with the love of God. Throughout history there has always been conflict between North and South, East and West, not just between nations but within families and on every level of society. Historically unity has proved to be an impossible task, but I am striving for that today.

Even on the small peninsula of Korea the Southerners and Northerners have a sense of different identity and have had animosity toward each other throughout their history. Even in our church, when a southern man and a northern women were blessed together they were like two knights ready for battle. When they initially confronted each other with animosity their families were also hostile, but as their relationship became happier their joy naturally influenced their surroundings and their relatives. Now their hearts have been melted and they are united as one family.

Initially there was a great deal of criticism of our mass weddings in Korea, but now many Korean young people anticipate becoming part of one such wedding. Even non-members feel a great deal of excitement. There. was also violent opposition in Japan when our members where married apart from the usual traditions, but now the parents have seen how happy their sons and daughters are and how beautiful they are together. Parents have even said there must be some magic to those mass weddings to make those people so happy.

Americans think you are just foolish young people, but wider acceptance of our movement will come when people see the fruit of the Principle. The quickest way to unite mankind into one family. is by intermarriage of the different races. The movement that can elevate such marriages will inevitably bring harmony and unity to the world, without war or conflict. In the future more and more Americans will seek international marriages uniting the different nations and races; these will bring honor, not shame.

To accomplish this gigantic historical task, you must discover the extraordinary power of love, love that does not become the circumstantial victim of society. Supreme love transcends every national, racial and cultural barrier. People have always talked about love, but human love alone will never accomplish the task of universal unity. Therefore, the Unification Church rallies around one love -- the love and heart of God. We are the first group in history to talk about the heart of God.

If it is really true that we know the heart of God, then we are like the sun rising in the morning and no one can ever stop us. Furthermore, the brightness of that morning sun shall brighten the entire world. There will be one center of heart here on earth, linking all mankind to the heart of God, spreading all over the world and constantly pulsing through the action of give and take, unable to stay in just one place.

Love is most precious

Your whole purpose for reaching the center is to meet the heart of God. That experience is so overwhelming and exciting that you cannot disappear there forever, but must emerge again to embrace your family, society, nation and world. As you touch each of those areas you will always leave a bit of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is the joy in the heart of reunion. The East and West are meeting here today, not merely because we want to see each other for personal reasons, but because the heart of God is linking us together into one. Words cannot describe that heart too well, for it is beyond words. Intuitively you can understand; that something is what warmed your hearts and brought you here today.

If the heart of God is not moving within your heart then you feel empty, even though you may be a member of the Unification Church. Once the invisible but powerful axis of the heart of God is moved out of you, everything becomes empty. Once the heart of God dwells within you, no matter how lonely you may be you will be filled and the universe will be filled. A person who is completely filled is a joyful person because he lacks nothing.

Once you have felt the heart of God you feel that you cannot survive if it should ever leave you, and until you are reunited with God's heart you feel lifeless. Often a child will dearly love his mother and want to be home just to be with her. If he runs home one day and finds all his brothers and sisters home but his mother gone, then he will grumble and say, "Nobody is home." Everyone else may be there, but if his mother is gone then to him it seems that nobody is home.

If there is a center of love then you can give love unselfishly and without limit and you can become a subject of love. When you give out of the fullness of this love, you multiply love and can realize the ideal. Love transcends distance and time.

The speed of light is nothing compared with the speed of love; you have no idea how fast love travels. Love is fastest, brightest, fullest and sweetest. Love is the best of everything in all the universe. Only through the power of love can this miracle occur, not through bullets or threats. The Unification Church's philosophy and conviction are connected to the center of the universe -- the heart of God. We shall become the shining examples of that love and heart. I want you to realize that each of you can possess the highest thing, the brightest thing, the sweetest thing and the fullest thing.

What kind of mood were you in when you came here this morning? Did you want to get here quickly or did you grumble that you needed more sleep? Why did you miss my ugly face? I didn't bring you any gifts from Boston.

You came because you can feel a special power of love when you are around me and you want to receive it. But you can manifest and give that love too, right? Love cannot be seen but it can be felt. When the True Parents are not present it feels as if nobody is home, doesn't it? As soon as I walk into a room, the room is filled. Although I am the same kind of person as you, this is true because I devote my entire life to receiving the heart of God.

Anyone who is strongly connected to God can become a life giving object, even though that life is not visible to the human eye. You may not become a sun, but you can at least become a lighthouse in the dark. When you first started selling newspapers I'm sure you were scoffed at, but now if you don't appear in your area each day there are people who miss you. You have become a lighthouse already.

You must have the faith and conviction that you are a lighthouse lighting a dark world. The lighthouse will shine forth even in the worst kind of weather because that is the time ships need the lighthouse most. When you are surrounded by the thickest fog you must shine forth all the more. The more adversity, the greater must be your light.

I have set the fishing tradition

I have become a legend in the Gloucester area; the newspaper there wrote several articles about our fishing and we were a topic of conversation for the whole town. Hundreds of boats come every year from all over to fish in that particular area. When the New Hope put out to sea and dropped anchor, then often many other boats would follow and anchor in the vicinity. When we had a tuna strike then other fishermen would bring out their binoculars to watch what I was doing. At first the negative people would want the tuna to break loose and escape, but after a few days of successful catches they began to change their thinking and the rumor began that I have something good working for me.

I was always the first one out to sea. Some of the seasoned professional fishermen would go out early to outdo me, but no matter how early they got out, the New Hope was already there. The fishermen were not only inspired by this but when they tried to compete with me they had to work so hard that they had no time for their usual drinking or laziness. By the end of the summer a rumor was going around that declining town that I am the only one who can save Gloucester.

Without any exception I got up every day at 3 a.m. The New Hope went out in the moonlight and in many cases returned home with the stars and moon shining. Do you like to get up early in the morning? The staff members working on the boat were never told what time to get up, but since I arose at 3 they followed me, no matter how sleepy they were.

This has been my tradition for 4 years in America. It is not easy to follow me, because no one can outwork me. My crew knows what I would do, and if I tell them to be out by 1:30 on the Atlantic they get up and go out with no grumbling. I have even set the tradition of staying out and working all night.

This summer I did not earn much in terms of money, but in terms of tradition, I earned billions of dollars worth. By following that tradition, the fishing industry in our movement will blossom and contribute much to America's entire fishing industry in days to come. Because I have now set the fishing tradition, no one will hesitate to go out to sea, even the women. If I were a coward then no one would go seriously, but now people will be eager to go. There is a record of when and where I caught each fish and how big it was. In the future fishermen will be trying to challenge that record.

Even though fishing is incredibly hard work, I wanted to give myself without any reservation to set the tradition for the posterity of the Unification Church. That has been my work for the last 70 days. What would you do if I were to go out selling the News World 24 hours a day? Would you be selling 24 hours a day also? I might bring the victory if you do not.

You don't know how hard I worked in witnessing. For 7 years in the early days in Korea I slept only 2 hours a night, and day after day I spent. preaching the word of God and teaching the Principle myself. Sometimes members would become drowsy and sleepy and then all of a sudden be chastised by an angel saying, "How can you sleep like this when he is working so hard, day in and day out?"

I'm sure this is the first time you have heard these things. The things I ask you to do I have already done many times in the past. Now I am asking you to do the same. You have no cause to complain.

Throughout my entire life I have accumulated a wealth of experience and spiritual power, and now I am bringing it all to America. When visitors come to America they usually try to take something back to their home country, but I am doing the opposite. Everything I have accumulated I want to freely give to the American people, but instead of welcoming me, America is rejecting me.

If you were not here giving me love and listening to me, then I would have no more interest in America and I would leave this country. You are the ones holding me in America and you represent 240 million people. You are the hope of this country; without you America will be lost. While you are alive and strong you must let 240 million American people know that the Unification Church is a movement of reunion centering upon the word of God. Once you harness the power of the heart of God, you will have the energy to be a lightning bolt, lighting up all of America. The important thing is whether you have that explosive power in your hearts. You are now like living bombs, just waiting to be ignited and then explode, not for destruction but for salvation.

Today is a new day of reunion and this is the reunion place for the East and West and heaven and earth. The implications of this unity are vast; with this kind of heart New York is much too small to be our stage. When you reach out you must feel that New York is not large enough to hold you. Have you felt, "I am the harmonizer of heavenly culture and earthly culture. I am the focal point of love. I am a messenger of love of God, having the infinite energy that will bring springtime to this nation."

When you live with the heart of reunion, with the heart of God and the heart of parents, constructive and creative power is generated. By having this nation as our center and all coming together as one, we can truly become dynamos to create a new world culture.

There must be purpose for having reunion because, otherwise no one would want to meet a second time. We must be ready to meet again after creating some achievement. This morning you should be different, making a new beginning with your heart of reunion and marching forward to the ultimate fulfillment of your goal. Those who can be different this morning, raise your hands. God bless you. Let us pray.

Chapter 25 - God's Preparation for Our Church, and Its Early Days

Chapter 25
God's Preparation for Our Church, and Its Early Days
May 1, 1977 -- Tarrytown, New York

The Unification Church was formally established in 1954; however, prior to the founding of our church a most incredible series of events took place to lay the necessary foundation. I want you to understand that God had been working for this new dispensation for approximately 40 years prior to World War II, fulfilling His promises to the Korean people for the forthcoming great event of the new age.

Through the Principle you know that God has been working to fulfill His will by having His vertical dispensation indemnified horizontally. This morning I would like to reveal some of the extraordinary works of God in connection with our church's founding.

According to the Principle, the history of God's providence is developed on three different levels: the dispensations centering on God Himself, centering on the angelic world, and centering on man. The Old Testament era is the period during which God Himself worked directly in the forefront; in preparing the foundation for the future dispensation God was revealing the pattern of restoration. The New Testament era is equivalent to the work of the angelic world because salvation could be achieved only spiritually. The Completed Testament era, or time of the Second Advent, is the era in which people on the earth assume the major responsibility. Therefore, in order to consummate human history one nation must be found whose history encapsulates the entire vertical history of God.

Abraham made three types of offerings to God on his altar: a dove and pigeon, a she-goat and ram, and a heifer. The intriguing part of Abraham's offering was that there were two animals representing the growth stage, but only one animal representing the perfection stage; this indicated that perfection was yet to come. Korea was chosen as the stage for the fulfillment of the last chapter of human history in God's dispensation, and consequently Abraham's offering had to be physically and spiritually manifested on the horizontal level in Korea. The work of God Himself, or the equivalent of the Old Testament era, plus the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit together in the New Testament era, all had to be manifested in that land in order to fulfill the final chapter of human history. The foundation for those events had to be laid physically here on earth.

Eve's role in restoration

The ultimate goal of God is to find one perfected Adam, but that Adam cannot come into being unless an Eve is found through whom he can be perfected. In other words, even though Adam might be appointed by God, he could never entirely fulfill his responsibility alone. In the Garden of Eden, Eve was responsible for initiating the fall of man; therefore, unless an Eve can be found who can indemnify the fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam would have no way to assume the supreme position of perfection.

Eve also had no way to reach perfection without Adam. In order to reach her perfection, Eve must either create Adam, meet Adam, or give birth to Adam. At the time of Jesus Christ, the role of John the Baptist was similar to the bride's role, and through the fulfillment of his mission the perfected Jesus was to truly stand as the Messiah. These events of 2,000 years ago occurred on the national level, but the coming of the Second Advent will take place on the universal level, and Eve must take the role of John the Baptist in bringing perfected Adam to the world.

The dispensation of restoration does not begin at the highest position in heaven, but must always start from the lowest possible human situation. Why is that? Ultimately Adam is solely responsible to bring God back to this world and bring mankind back to God. As the man who is responsible for all mankind, Adam should begin his journey at the very bottom of hell and pass through every kind of human life and environment on his way to the throne of God. In this way he can embrace all of mankind in the bosom of salvation. Furthermore, the Lord who is coming for that mission must ultimately serve Eve. He must come all the way up from the bottom of hell and perfect himself, then meet her and serve her almost as devotedly as he serves God.

Women have many qualifications, but the most precious title a woman can have is that of mother. Adam must serve Eve even more than he would serve his own mother. Another precious title that a woman can win is that of a bride, or wife, and apart from her family the greatest responsibility and glory that a woman can assume is that of empress or queen of the Kingdom of God. When someone asks a woman, "Can you be a -- true mother?" and her answer is yes, then she is already speaking in universal terms. Not every woman will become a queen in God's kingdom; many more will become entitled to the roles of true mother and true wife. But you sisters here all want to become empresses also, don't you?

Who is authorized to bestow these titles upon women? God? Jesus, who represents the angelic world? You women will not assume your true rights until you meet the true Adam. That is principled, isn't it? Since all the men who ever lived on earth were fallen, then in the sight of God, women have actually never met a true man, and for this reason were not able to assume their rights. Women have been mistreated and miserable throughout history, cast out of their true position. They have been exploited by evil individuals, evil families, societies, nations and by Satan himself.

There have been many queens in the world, but their positions still had no value, because until women meet the true man who is appointed by God they cannot assume the true rights of the woman's role. When will that day of liberation come?

Women's liberation

Christian history reveals the culmination of God's dispensation most clearly. All the women of the world are waiting for the one moment when the Messiah will come into this world representing the universal man. Always in the past women have been taking positions above men, even trying to control them. This trend in the history of women will continue until 1988. The women's liberation movement has certainly been successful in this country, with American women seizing the role of empress.

In biblical history women had no rights and the men assumed the major role in God's dispensation, but that was an extreme situation and in one sense American women have the right idea. According to the Bible women are supposed to wear veils, meaning that women should be humble and meek in preparation to meet the Bridegroom. But instead of just taking off their veils, women have even taken off their clothes! Throughout the world women are accepted even when they are practically naked.

In this country women have a commanding voice at home. In a typical American home the wife is master of the house, while the husband is like a servant; his shoulders are hunched over and he is always checking to see what his wife's mood is. How about you women, do you agree with that? The other day in New York I saw an incredible scene. A bunch of poor miserable men had gotten together in a picket line and were carrying signs proclaiming a men's liberation movement: "We want liberation from women." Your laughing testifies that these problems are real. Actually all those men are wasting their time demonstrating; they should just join the Unification movement.

None of these things are happening at random. There is a reason and a principled meaning behind them. This is a critical time, and God is consummating His entire history; 70 represents perfection, and so for 70 years women will be trying to assume their rightful, original role. This is their time of preparation to meet the true man.

I understand the reason behind taking such initiative in America, but it is also time for restored women to resume the objective aspect of their original role. All you sisters, would you like to be recognized for being feminine and charming, or would you like to be known for being very courageous and tom-boyish? All you brothers who laughed, would you like to have tom-boys as your wives, or women who are feminine and charming? When I was matching couples for the Blessing, I asked the Western men what nationality they would like their wives to be. Ninety-nine percent of them asked for Oriental women. I am sure it was very embarrassing for the Western sisters to hear this.

It would not be easy for most of you American women to have an Oriental husband, because most of them are shorter than you are. Would you sisters like to have tall men or short men as your husbands? Generally a man thinks that his wife should be at least slightly shorter than he is; that looks very normal. God gave women the privilege of always looking up to their husbands. They should not look down on men; that is the Principle. God actually made women shorter than men for the sake of women. If women were taller than men, then throughout history their lives would have been even more miserable because they would have to do all the reaching for high things.

God thought a lot about how to create women. Instead of making women taller than men, He made women a little shorter, but with bigger hips. Why? Because women are to assume two roles. First, in giving birth to children women need a strong foundation, and second, they will be living most of their lives in a sitting position, so God provided built in cushions. Men have narrow hips without cushions because men are supposed to take the initiative and always be in action. A woman is to be objective, receiving grace from her husband and always sitting home comfortably waiting for him. That is the way it should be. At the same time a man should be masculine, and that is why he has broad shoulders and strong arms. Going out into the world is the man's role.

Now the time has come for women to restore their original role, particularly American women. Nowadays American men just do not want to get married and become the slaves of domineering women. Sometimes women get married intending to take advantage of men by divorcing them later and getting their money in alimony. Currently in America, a man who is divorced more than once can become miserably poor because the courts award everything to his ex-wives, while a woman who gets divorced more than once gets richer and richer. Again, there is a dispensational reason for this. Women are important in the sight of God since they are in a position to take more of an objective role to the Messiah when he comes. Previously Satan used women to take everything away from men, but at this time God is using women to take everything away from Satan. However, such actions will be justified only if the wealth is subsequently given to God.

Where in American society can we find the true mother, true wife, and true empress? This is the problem, and a recreation process must take place. We should reeducate women to become true wives and mothers, and then they will be eligible to become queens. Are you Unification women being reeducated? Is your thinking different from that of ordinary American women? Your answer is very spiritless. If you have to be asked to answer willingly, then you have not met the standard yet.

This phenomenon of women being able to rise and entrench themselves in power is very recent, showing that the time has come when God will elevate one woman to completely embody the Holy Spirit on earth. This is the time for the birth of the true Eve. God is looking for the ideal woman who has the qualifications and potential to become a true wife and true mother, and eventually the true queen or empress of the universe. Every woman is a candidate for this position, which is why women in general have been given a chance to rise. But God is looking for one perfect woman to summon out of the satanic world. She must have the potential to become the true wife and mother and queen, in order to be established as the first God-centered wife, mother and queen.

Beginning my public ministry

There were symbolic internal conditions that had to be fulfilled before I was eligible to begin my ministry. You now know that the appearance of the Messiah is drastically different from the conventional belief about the Lord coming in glory. The history of God's dispensation starts from the servant period of the Old Testament era, continues through the adopted son's period of the New Testament era, and culminates with the Completed Testament era as the period of true son, true father, true husband, and true king. The entire vertical history of 6,000 biblical years has to be indemnified in the life of the Messiah before the physical dispensation even begins.

This internal dispensational history that I speak of all took place before 1947; my public ministry began after that year. The 7-year period from 1947 to 1954, the year that the Unification Church was formally established, was the period in which I set physical conditions. The first place I went was North Korea. That 7-year period was truly an incredible time. Having spiritually recovered the qualification for lordship before 194% I had to set the condition of physical suffering in order to launch my own ministry, as well as the organization that came about in 1954. Those 7 years were a time of incredible suffering.

That foundation was finally laid in 1954, when the formal name of our church was established as the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity and our church began as a legal entity. From that year on through the 7 years leading up to 1960, I built the substantial foundation of our movement in preparation for the installation of the True Parents in 1960. This was the greatest turning point of all; God's blessing came to Adam's family with the Blessing of the True Parents. The first 7 years of the True Parents' 21-year course took place from 1960 to 1967. This was the foundation for the heavenly family. My personal 21-year course, which paralleled Jacob's 21-year course, also ended in 1967.

I worked to lay the national foundation during the 7 years from 1967 through 1974. In order to lay the national foundation, the members in Korea, particularly the blessed members, completely sacrificed their family life. For a 3-year period the Korean family endured incredible suffering and tribulation.

By 1972 I had already established a victory on the national level, and had begun working on the worldwide level. Therefore, in 1972 a tremendous movement was initiated in America, while in Korea a fierce battle was yet being waged, both spiritually and physically. The Korean family members had gone out and were confronting tremendous physical sacrifices. They were leading lives of great physical suffering during the time I came to America to build the spiritual foundation on the worldwide level. In other words, I began working on the worldwide level while the Korean family was still working on the national level. The dedicated efforts of the blessed families of Korea were symbolic of the fulfillment of Jesus' mission.

In 1972, by undertaking the Day of Hope tours, I launched the spiritual condition of declaring God's message throughout America. Do you think I was victorious? America had never seen such a man. For 3 1/2 years I moved like a whirlwind through every state in America, meeting this nation's leaders and receiving many proclamations from mayors and governors, including Jimmy Carter, who was then governor of Georgia. At that time I received spiritual acceptance from America. This was a most fortunate condition for America to make. Even though many Americans have since become very negative, America at least welcomed me when I first came. In the future some Americans will beseech God, "Please forgive us. Even though people don't understand now, please remember that as a nation we gave Reverend Moon more proclamations than any other nation."

By the end of 1974 I had successfully completed the Day of Hope crusade, in Los Angeles, and on Dec. 26, 1974, I returned to Korea. My return was needed to directly link to Korea the spiritual victory that we won here in America on the worldwide level. My worldwide victory must finally become a physical one. In order to do that I had to reap spiritual victory here in America, bring it back to Korea, and then begin the physical worldwide dispensation from that land.

The worldwide dispensation

The worldwide dispensation on the physical level began in 1975. That was the year I substantially turned Korea upside down. On Jan. 6, 1975, I invited all the prominent people in Korea to the banquet room of the Chosun Hotel in Seoul, and there made the first address of my public ministry in Korea, in my native tongue. I invited people from all walks of life -- the prime minister and government ministers -- all were in one room. That was the first time they had heard me speak in public. That banquet was the beginning of the Day of Hope tour in Korea.

Before that time I had never made a public appearance or address in Korea; instead I only spoke behind the scenes to our church members. The mission of the Messiah must be manifested on a worldwide level, and for this reason I first spoke publicly in America, which represents the world. In addition, America is the Christian nation that is playing the central role in God's dispensation.

In 1975, a most important dispensational victory was won in Korea. After the Day of Hope banquet at the Chosun Hotel I went to every major city throughout the Republic of Korea, declaring God's message to tens of thousands of people. It was the most historical evangelical crusade that ever took place in Korea. It was climaxed by the Korean Rally for World Freedom on June 7, on Yoido Island, which was attended by 1.2 million people. At that rally I publicly declared that communism is the enemy of mankind and the enemy of God.

It is most interesting that at that time the Korean government was in the position of supporting me instead of opposing me. The major Christian denominations were accusing the Korean government of violating civil liberties, but their opposition to the South Korean government could only benefit Kim Il Sung of North Korea. However, the Unification Church took a stand representing the true spirit of Christianity, supporting the South Korean government and declaring war against Kim Il Sung. The rally on June 7 was a most tremendous dispensational victory. Why? When Jesus came 2,000 years ago, the leaders of Judaism, the central religion of God's providence, cooperated with the governments of Israel and Rome in crucifying the Messiah. But in 1975 the Korean government and the Unification Church members accepted me and raised me up in a most dramatic way instead of rejecting me. It was also most significant that representatives from 60 nations participated in the rally under my leadership.

The Christian population in Korea is said to be 4 million. The Christian leaders saw how the Unification Church was able to mobilize such a dramatic demonstration against communism, and to keep from being outdone by us, they hastily organized a rally against Kim Il Sung that was held several weeks later. But even with 49 Christian denominations supporting it, attendance at their rally was less than one-third of our 1.2 million.

The situation at that time was like a showdown between the Unification Church and all the Christian churches, with the government looking on. The Unification Church had won such an obvious landslide victory, however, that the whole nation had to acknowledge what I had accomplished. Shortly afterward the government decided to compete with me and they also held a big rally against Kim Il Sung, but even under government auspices less than 1.2 million people came. The Korean people just couldn't imagine how I could have been so successful that year; it was almost as though some ghost had appeared and overnight done incredible things.

By attracting world attention and gathering the representatives of 60 nations, the June 7 rally accomplished a physical victory on the worldwide level. On the foundation of all our successes I could expand that substantial victory, and so I returned again to America, this time with a different, heightened mission. My previous mission in America had been on a spiritual level, but in 1975 I came back to America to fulfill a physical mission. You know what we have done in this country since then.

The first 3 years of the third 7-year course were 1975, 1976, and 1977. You are the eyewitnesses of the Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument campaigns, which culminated in physical victory. on a worldwide scale. Initially I had planned to have the Washington Monument rally in 1977, but we were even ahead of God's schedule. The purpose of the Yankee Stadium crusade was to completely win American public opinion in support of us, and to demonstrate our strength. However, God was wiser, and He gave us rain that day, thinking, "Instead of being deterred by the rain, I know Reverend Moon will be spurred on to do more. I will give the rally a little sprinkle of water so that he will even be inspired to work ahead of schedule." That was God's plan.

Within 100 days, God's prediction came true. I was determined to schedule the Washington Monument rally ahead of time. However, the total time devoted to the Washington Monument campaign only amounted to 40 days. We had to make plans and get all the permits, and that took so much time that we didn't even know whether we could legally have the rally that year. By the time all the permits were secured there were only 40 days left, but I said, "The die is cast. Go ahead."

The Washington Monument rally will remain recorded in American history, but not just as a record breaking religious crusade; its tremendous impact will be felt even more in the days to come. Scholars in all the social sciences and in all religions will research it very deeply, trying to find out how one man from Korea could accomplish a rally that not even the American government or any churches had thought about attempting. Whether they like it or not, and whether they accept me or not, people everywhere have to recognize my tremendous impact. This is one decisive result of the Washington Monument rally.

I have explained before what Washington Monument means in light of the dispensation. No matter what difficulty or opposition comes to the Unification Church, it will not disrupt our advance and prosperity. I am the only one who can build the superhighway that will enable mankind to reach God.

God has three major headaches. The greatest problem of mankind is communism, and we are the only group with a solution to communism. Second is the decline of Christianity, and third is the immorality of today's young people. Only under my leadership can we bring new life to the young people of America. Does President Carter have solutions to these problems? Are the Christian churches posing solutions?

America since World War II

In reality the decline of Christianity is like the rushing waters of Niagara Falls. Even the famous evangelists and religious leaders cannot reverse the tide. However, suppose today's Christians and the media were open minded enough to assist us in what we are doing. The Unification movement has the conviction and philosophy that can reverse the tide of decline in the churches with 3 years. There is a way back to true life and we have a God given solution. But because most people have closed their minds and become negative, they are unfortunately missing this great opportunity to be revived. The entire free world has become helpless, crumbling before the threat of communism, yet the solution to communism is resting in our hands. There is a solution for the present dilemmas of the world; there is a way to liberate American young people from being victimized by drugs and immorality. We have the solution, yet most people refuse to look.

Because you know the solution, you are responsible for America. You are going to save this nation and give the young people a new vision and sense of morality. Through the victory of World War II, God gave America the chance to influence a vast portion of the world. If America had truly been God-centered, then significant groundwork would already have been achieved for the Kingdom of God. But what happened after World War II? America retreated constantly from her worldwide responsibilities, becoming dangerously isolated.

God has given America a most extraordinary chance to work for Him by literally bringing the free world into a God-centered kingdom. America was in a position to take the initiative for good in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America, but look at the world situation now. One by one America has closed its door to those continents; already America has almost entirely retreated from Asia. Unless America advances in a new direction, it will soon be trembling alone. The Soviet Union was demolished during World War II and was struggling to survive against great odds, but even under those circumstances the communist leaders expanded their power and influence in the world. If the Soviets could advance in such a way in 30 years under adverse conditions, then what can they do in the next 5 years, when world conditions are more favorable?

In the next 5 years America is going to face a very difficult time of danger and crisis. It is like a locomotive racing toward a cliff. I am the one man who is single mindedly trying to brake that locomotive. I am trying to turn this nation around by mobilizing a handful of young people. It may seem to be an impossible task, but you will see that what we are doing is God's mandate.

If I had never known God, then I could be America's worst adversary, even worse than the communists. But the only reason that I have the capabilities I do is because I know the dispensation of God. In looking at what America has done to me, my personal reaction is sometimes an intense desire to get revenge; I even sometimes feel that this nation cannot be forgiven. But by knowing God's feelings I can suppress these emotions.

I have a dual position regarding America. I love this nation and I want to be America's guardian, a real champion for this nation's survival. At the same time my mission has a most fearful aspect because if God were to say, "All right, My son, you have done your job. Leave that country alone;' then there would be no mercy given to this nation. If God ever cut Himself off from America, you would see for yourselves how quickly this nation would decline.

I did not come here to take direction from the State Department or to win the little green card that permits me to live in this country. I am only here because of the mandate of God. Put yourself in my position; look at what the media has done in the last 3 1/2 years, portraying me as a monster If you were in my position, how would you feel toward this country on a personal level? From that point of view this nation has committed unforgivable acts. Yet if I were to leave, this country would be in a miserable state.

You should not just know these things, but take up the responsibility for them. Even more than I, you have got to go and awaken these people and turn this nation back to God. I am determined to train young people to become responsible for this country. For example, I am now training the seminarians; they are making up a new fishing net now, and I have had them fishing in the icy waters of the Hudson River in order to see what kind of young people they are. They are not making nets and fishing for the sake of making money, but in order to build their own iron will and to become the determined young leaders who cannot be stopped by anything.

I do not only deliver sermons to you. When I get down to action I can do anything, and do it better than anyone. The seminarians are really rediscovering me, finding out that I do not just have theories, but that I have the kind of knowledge that can only come from experience. I have studied fishing and designed several patented tools for fishing. For instance, sometimes the hook gets caught in the fish's mouth and fishermen have an awful time getting the hook out. I have invented a small tool to push the barb through and get the hook out easily.

One member saw me cutting the metal to make this tool myself, and he said, "Father why do you work so hard? Why don't you just go to a tackle shop and buy one?"

I told him, "America doesn't have such a tool. If I could buy this kind of tool then why should I make it?"

I invented a new net at Barrytown, one you have never seen. It is a one-way-street net, and once the fish goes into the net there is no way it can turn around. Yesterday I had an appointment with some people at Belvedere, but I had a new inspiration for the net and got caught up in directing the seminarians about how to make it. We worked hard all night and I could not come here on time.

Do you want to come fishing with me? I don't want you to come, because you just don't know anything about fishing; I would have to yell at you and give you a hard time. How can I train you people? Do you still want to join me?

Why I accept this path

Through this dispensational history that I have partially described this morning, I have come to the position where all the debts in history have been paid. We are now beginning to erect a new history and I have declared the opening of a new age. Based on the victories I have described, I was able to proclaim the Day of the Victory of Heaven on Oct. 4 last year. On Feb. 23, the first day of the Year One could be declared. Tens of thousands of spirit men have been assigned to each one of you, and if you reach out you will feel them around you. If you feel you are accompanied wherever you go, then you shall be successful. You can fight hundreds of battles and reap hundreds of victories. If you have gained confidence by knowing what age we are living in and who I am, and you also know what victory has already been won and what kind of foundation has been laid, then wherever you go you can bring victory.

The foundation and cornerstone of the worldwide victory have been laid. This year and next year we will expand our substantial strength, aiming to raise up 30,000 dedicated young men and women in this country. By mobilizing this force the three major headaches of God can all be solved. The time will come when this nation and government will say, "Reverend Moon, won't you stay longer? Don't go; we need you." That is the time that I will go.

Many kings and queens and heads of state will urge me to come to their countries and I will accept many of their invitations. Even now I have many invitations but I decline them, saying, "I am more needed here in America. I have a challenge and mission in this country" The fact that I still receive opposition here shows that my mission is not yet completed, so I want to stay. Are you Americans or Koreans? As Americans you should love your country more than a Korean like me. If you fail to do that, then do not call me Father, because you and I have nothing in common with each other. I did not come here to serve Korea, but to serve America. Are you Americans going to do more than I? Are you ahead of me now or will you be in the future? I want you to be greater than I am.

The past that I described this morning was a lonely path that I walked all by myself; it is a lonely battle that I have been waging my entire life, having no friend to understand me. Now, 30 years later they come to me saying, "Father, now we understand what you said 30 years ago." That is their honest confession. You may not understand what I am saying this morning until 30 years from now. This is always my situation.

I have always been a lonely man, because no one has ever truly under- stood me. No one wanted to volunteer to go this lonely path, and the only reason that I would accept this responsibility was because I knew that God also was deeply lonely and sorrowful. Without this understanding I would never have accepted it. The true road of restoration is not an easy one. Following me also is not an easy path but a most difficult one. Many people, even yourselves, may-not be able to consummate this path in their lifetime. It is probably far better for those who have no confidence to pack up and go live as they wish.

Along with everything else, much of my hard time here in America is because of you. Without you no one would criticize me. I am so well known that when I go to New York I have absolutely no freedom. I cannot even buy clothes or go to a cubbyhole of a restaurant without people asking, "Aren't you Reverend Moon? Would you please sign this?" I have never preferred this way of life, but since I did not want it God gave this role to me. What can I do? I have become famous and I want you Americans to also become famous; the American people love to be proud of themselves. Please go ahead and make yourself famous for doing the work of God, and after doing so you can become a shield around Mother and me and we can relax a little bit.

Can you become famous in the name of God? If you cannot do that by yourselves, then I can make you famous. Do you prefer to become famous on your own in the name of God, or do you want me to make you famous? If you do not go ahead of me and really give yourself totally for the sake of this nation, then when you go into the spirit world all the Americans there will be pointing accusing fingers, jeering, "What a poor American you are! You knew the dispensation and met Father but how little you did!" You do not want to be ashamed, do you?

When I had some American women go into the Hudson River to fish the other day, some of them became stiff and numb. I have a mammoth task to make you into real women and then bless you. It might take 10 years for you to pass the test, but do you want to pass before you get married or after? It took God 6,000 years to restore one Adam, but that is using biblical terminology. Counting by our years, it took many thousands or even millions of years for God to recreate one Adam. Is 10 years very long for me to recreate a perfect Eve?

At the recent Blessing here everybody's appetite was whetted, with even young brothers and sisters asking, "Father, what about me?" At East Garden one of the staff, who is only 23 years old, said, "Father, can I be included?" I had to laugh. "You are hardly even born yet!" On the other hand, in America you have every freedom to get married, even five or ten times. Why don't you go ahead and exercise your freedom? If you all go away, I will have fewer problems.

This is the 23rd anniversary of the founding of the Unification Church. These 23 years are just the external history of our church, but the true history, prior to the founding of the Unification Church, is known only to a few people whom I can trust. I was destined to suffer -- as a servant, adopted son, son, husband, father, and king -- more than anyone in those positions ever suffered in history. This was my destiny, and by doing this I could totally restore those who suffered on every level. This period of indemnity and suffering shall be over by 1981 at the latest.

If white America fails to respond, then God will raise up another people or another nation that will come against the white people of America. I do not have to defend my actions; I can just be silent, waiting and knowing that God's timetable is ticking by. On the other hand, however, since primarily white people are denouncing me, God can send more young white people to us, and in the future more white people will rise up in my defense. That is the way God will work.

Most of you are not qualified

Before I came, the universe was engulfed in darkness. All the many philosophers and religious people did not know of the heart of God and the deepest meaning of the Bible, and when I revealed many things for the first time it was like the sun rising. Now everyone can see the true picture of God and history. I have not only discovered the truth, but I have lived it, and through experience I know how this universal truth will work.

The Unification Church is a school far greater than Harvard or Yale or Princeton, and is a place where only the elite of the universe can enroll. Harvard University can graduate a Ph.D., but that person can only turn around and teach theories at a blackboard. Even a thousand Harvards together could not create one son of God, but our school turns out sons of God every day. Millions of dollars could not pay the tuition at this school, and only a special kind of people can come here. To make sure that only God's elite come to the Unification Church, God is purposely letting opposition and negativity be stirred up. In the face of negativity from society, those who can come to the Unification Church have to be special. Under such adverse conditions, you could not join unless you have received special revelation from God, or have a brilliant conscience and heart. That is why I say that this is really a gathering of the elite.

Only those who are given direct revelation from God are actually eligible to join this group, but all of you are like by standers who all of a sudden had some good luck. Why? The Principle is bringing people faster than the revelations are coming from God. This is where the blessing of receiving God's revelation can be seen. But because you joined the Unification Church by using your logic, then you analyze and evaluate everything too much. When I give some direction you stop and think about whether you will obey or not. However, the person who has received revelation from God directly knows who I am and does not even have to debate about following any direction I may give. God has told him who I am and he can instantly respond.

You are not actually qualified to be in this school, but God has made a special dispensation. You are like freshmen and sophomores in this great school, just eager to soak up the truth like a sponge. How could you ever say, "God, You must make me famous"? Just to be here is such a privilege that you cannot presume to expect that you will automatically receive the Blessing. From God's standpoint it is laughable for a person who is not even crawling like a baby to think about being married. After 2,000 years even Jesus does not yet have his bride with him. How could you assume that you deserve the Blessing? You older sisters may be thinking, "Father, I am 30 years old. It is getting late!" But think of Jesus who is 2,000 years old.

You think you know me well, but you hardly know anything about me; only God knows me completely. Actually you have met a most unusual person. How are you different after meeting me? Those who say, "I am an absolutely different person since meeting you," raise your hands. What is the difference? You have been fund raising and witnessing and getting all kinds of persecution and scornful treatment. Is that what is different? Have you just done all of those things passively and reluctantly, or because a gigantic change has come about in you so you can tackle those things willingly?

How do you know I really sacrifice myself for humanity? After a long trip in the car my back aches very much, so would you buy me a giant plane? When? You may answer, "When you need the plane, we will buy you one ' but don't you know that I needed a plane the first day I landed here in America? America is a huge country to travel around. The time will come when contributions will come from all over the world from people wanting me to buy a plane that I can fly to their countries. But if I do get a plane, the American State Department will say, "He just sent his young people out and exploited them to buy his gigantic plane." My buying a plane will bring even more criticism.

I have already done many things, creating factories to manufacture many varied products, and certainly before you buy me a plane, I can create one. These things are easy compared with the work of restoration. The process of restoration is such a complex labyrinth that even for me it is never easy. I am glad that you were not given direct responsibility restoration by God. You are lucky not to have received that mandate.

Your only connection to me

You will never know me fully. No matter what you think, even though you call me Father, you will never really know my true value until you die. In spirit world you will all of a sudden discover how much you are indebted to me. In all of biblical history, starting from Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel, every mission ended in failure. Noah, Abraham, Moses, all of the Old Testament prophets and John the Baptist all ended in failure. Even Jesus' mission was left uncompleted. The record of biblical history is a record of failure. In my own lifetime I have to mend everything and replace all those past failures with success. Do you think that is easy?

The foundation you stand on in the Unification Church is truly miraculous; all the historical failures have been mended properly and put into one unified work of God. I have successfully laid the foundation on the family level and expanded it to the worldwide level. Now I am ready to rest and welcome my Sabbath. Now that I have done my job I can stand before the throne of God without shame and say, "Father, I have done what You asked." Can you grasp the significance of this? All the events in the history of God are not some blind sequence of human behavior; there is a definite pattern and formula behind them all. I not only unlocked all the hidden formulas behind history, but I have put all of history together into one victorious harvest.

I am a complex and difficult person to meet. If you meet me in the wrong way you could be ruined. Your own conscience and the spirit world will come against you. I have witnessed the downfall of people who met me incorrectly. America and the world shall not be an exception to this. I think it is impossible for you understand this, but I say it anyway.

I came to stop the destruction of the individual, family, tribe, nation and world, to brake this rushing locomotive that is racing toward its doom. You also have the power to do that once you make up your mind. Once you are firm in your commitment to serve God, then God will be with you; there is no exception to this. Once your mind is completely set, then I know God will be with you.

God's work has been that of taking serious, drastic action to reverse the rush of human history toward its doom. I am sure you have a certain reservation in your commitment because this is so vast to grasp and digest. You are in awe of what it means to have the weight of history on your shoulders; Can you seriously say, "All right, I'm going to lift up history. I can be the moving force to turn history around." Have you ever thought about it, and can you realistically feel that weight upon your shoulders?

Equivalent to the Old and New Testament eras, many spiritual groups appeared as the forerunners to raise up this one religious movement. They all came to serve a certain purpose, but they are all gone and the Unification Church is thriving now. From its very birth in Korea the Unification Church has been controversial, really upsetting the nation and world. Do you think this is a movement that will eventually decline and disappear, or will we not only ourselves prosper, but bring new life to the rest of the world? We shall either be destroyed or enable the world to live. Either we will be victorious or our opponents will be victorious. If down in our guts we have the hidden potential power to transform our enemies into our friends, then nobody can doubt us. Restoration' is very difficult, and in living the Principle you have to follow the formula'. There can be no jump, and each step must be taken with your entire life at stake. If you are holding anything of yourself in reserve, then you can never progress.

The 7,000 years of biblical history extend from the original creation of man to his recreation or perfection. The indemnity for this 7,000 years must be encompassed in one man's 7-year course. In one 7-year period of my life I paid the debt of %000 years of history. Would God recognize that I had done that if I simply made an announcement of it? Do you think Satan would acknowledge that? I waged an absolute battle to go each step of that course. I had to literally pay, so that even Satan could not find fault. You are now riding piggyback upon that victorious foundation. You are like a hitchhiker. I have acquired a car and put gas in the tank and become an experienced driver. You just happened to be nearby and I said, "Come along." You will be eternally grateful just to have had the privilege to ride in this car, but do you as a passenger have the privilege of telling the driver to get you food and give you a heavenly marriage? That is exactly your situation.

Outside of the will of God, there is no connection between you and me; I do not need you. I only give 100 percent of my attention to you because I know God's desire. Do you understand? Actually you can contribute very little to the fulfillment of the dispensation, since it is already done. Do I still need you when you are only a burden?

God cannot abandon this country upon which His will is so directly resting. You at least have a chance to do something to help God's providence here so that you can receive eternal credit in spirit world for your accomplishment. If you have no strong desire to dedicate yourself for the salvation of this country, then do not even mention that you are a Unification Church member. If your goal is not parallel with mine, then you are no longer a member of the Unification Church. Are you fully aware of what you are expected to do? You have no right to call me Father unless your purpose is parallel with mine. Before you call me Father you must become worthy to be my child. Before I speak about anything, I live through the situation and fulfill it. Will you do that too?

April is over and one-third of 1977 is gone. If America does not change, if you make no remarkable headway in 1977 and 1978, then I will have no further interest in this country and will go elsewhere. You may rest and relax, but I will never do that. I will always reserve the right to say before God, "There is nothing I have left undone for the sake of America's dispensation. The American people never responded to me! but Father, You know that I have done every single thing I needed to do." Are you serious about the salvation of this country?

You must follow my path

To find the path for restoration you have to search diligently and you have to go every step. The secrets found in my search for restoration have been revealed. I have completed that search and put the Principle together so that all can find it. All you have to do is live it. I organized the 7,000 year history of mankind's failure into a 7-year course, and I have showed you how to walk that course. You must do that, but you must be deeply serious about it, like Jesus was while walking toward the Mount of Calvary. You must adopt the seriousness of that moment.

Are you looking forward to the day of fulfillment and hope? You are now burdened by the responsibilities of yourself, your family, society, nation and world, and you must go individually, just as I have gone. I have laid the superhighway of the Principle so that everybody can go, but each one of you must actually do the traveling. In this 7-year period of time you will start by going the servant's path as obediently as a lamb, then going through the period of adopted son, the period of the son, husband and wife, father and mother, and finally the emperor and empress of the universe. You have to precisely cover this in 7 years' time.

When you are triumphant in this 7-year course, then the past emperors and empresses will bow down to you when you are elevated to the spirit world. This is a very precious time because we can live through this while on earth. I have been walking this path for 40 years here on earth and now I am asking you to successfully go this course for only 7 years. If you say, "Father, please give me an easier task ' then you have the mind of a thief.

When I began the Unification Church in Korea, our headquarters was a small shabby house. On May 1, 1954, I set up a small plaque in front of that shabby house, probably the smallest sign you could find in history, but the biggest words ever spoken: "Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity." The biggest words, but the smallest sign and smallest house -- that is the way the Unification Church began!

The room was so small that when I lay down, my head hit one wall and my feet hit another wall. I was utterly penniless at that time, and that shabby house was not even owned by the church but was rented. But now here in America, there is a concrete foundation laid in all 50 states in terms of having physical centers. You are going to do precisely what I did 23 years ago. You live in a small cubbyhole, but you will treat every person who comes to you like a king and queen, serving them like a servant.

If any of you state leaders want to be served because you hold some position, then you will never be successful. You have to start out as a servant of servants, and go through each step. Unless you demonstrate the true spirit of service you will never be successful, because the Unification Church was not built that way. You must go the path that I went.

Unification Church women have to think, "God, don't worry about me. I am not even worthy to look at any man as my husband. I am not quite ready, and I would only be a burden to the man who would marry me. I am perfectly content with what I am doing, and I will give every ounce of energy for Your purpose." Is that how you think, or are you proud women instead, thinking, "I am capable, and I certainly deserve the respect and admiration of men"? Are you that confident?

Have you ever imagined having a beggar from the street as your husband? Internally that beggar might be a godly man. Have you ever thought, "I am not even worthy to receive this man as my husband"? I started out as a servant of servants and you also must start out as a servant of servants.

For the sake of God and for the restoration of mankind, there is nothing that I cannot do. After you are successful in the servant position, you will be elevated to the position of adopted son. But remember that such a recommendation does not come easily. Does a master lightly say, "You are even too good to be my adopted son. I will make you my son and my heir"? That kind of recognition is not given freely. You are starting as a servant. Will God soon pronounce His blessing upon you, saying, "You are truly my son, and I am going to give you my blessing to become husband and wife"?

Unless you as parents have the firm conviction that you have been totally liberated from Satan and from sin, how can you ever give birth to a sinless child? Do you have the confidence to say, "My children are born of God and no longer have anything to do with original sin. They are not born of Satan and are eligible directly for the Kingdom of God." That is not easy, is it? Furthermore, can you raise yourself up to be an emperor or empress so that when you go to spirit world the highest possible saints will bow down to you? You are going to be the ancestors of your restored family tree, and those who carry your family name shall be your descendants. I have covered that entire territory and consummated it victoriously. The Unification Church is the school where you can be taught, and I am now in the position to show you the way.

My 40 years' experience and fulfillment can be organized so that you can go that entire path in 7 years. I am 57 years of age; 40 years have passed since I started the dispensation at the age of 16. Ever since I was 16, I have encountered intense experiences and walked the thorny path. I am the pioneer who cleared away every obstacle and made a broad, smooth highway ready for anyone to find and follow. I not only laid the highway, but I created an automobile for you. All you have to do is get a license to become a driver and then go to the gas station to get gas. At least that much is your responsibility. If you deny and reject even this small responsibility, then forget about driving quickly to heaven; you will have to walk and nobody will sympathize with your foolishness.

Will you drive on that highway? It is necessary for you to complete your 7-year course and establish your own qualification to be blessed. You are not working for anyone else -- the Unification Church, Reverend Moon, or God -- you are working for yourself. First you must become victorious on every level, starting as the servant of mankind. I will give you more and more detailed truth, expounding on everything so precisely that you will realize, "I thought I had been a good member of the Unification Church, but now that I understand Father's criteria, I see how phony I am!"

Your Blessing should be unexpected

Do not worry about anything else for these 7 years, but become literally crazy for God and crazy to serve mankind, forgetting about yourself. All of a sudden I will say, "You are my child. The time for Blessing has come; I want you to get blessed." Then you might respond, "Have 3 years passed already? Oh no, Father, I still have more to do and I must become more mature." That is the natural response. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were not to tell God that it was time for them to get married. Instead, God was to call Adam.

. When a News World staff member wrote to me asking, "Father, I want to get blessed. Can't you bless me?" I wondered, "Does that brother really know the Principle?" Another brother was extraordinarily lucky; he was not even a candidate for the Blessing, but was just driving the candidates up for the matching when he happened to be selected. He never expected to be blessed at that time. That should be the natural situation. If you really know the Principle, you will know that this is the way the Blessing comes, just all of a sudden.

The True Parents' wedding in 1960 was not done on my own initiative. God gave me revelation after revelation, insisting, "The time has come My son. You shall prepare the altar to receive holy matrimony, and I shall bless you." This is the principled way. Even Mother never considered herself to be Mother. She was just living as a member of the church when all of a sudden her name was called to be married. Some members are thinking that. they need the Blessing or that they deserve the Blessing, but that is closer to satanic thinking. All you have to do, actually, is to find your path in the Principle and just keep busy, running and running. Then all of a sudden you will find yourself kidnapped by God for the marriage ceremony.

In the strictest sense, when I observe the American family members, there is not even a single one who passes the test. If you die in the state you are in, then you cannot be fully elevated into the Kingdom of Heaven, but will only end up in a middle level like a waiting room. You need to be reeducated before you can enter heaven. You cannot avoid this principle; you have to walk and live this principle and there is no room for complaint. Could I complain to God about having so much hardship? Could I cajole God to come up with some kind of easy path or solution for me? If I ever complained, God would say, "Reverend Moon, you are not worthy to be My son. I will have to wait for another man to come."

Dispensational history was necessitated only by the fall of man. I founded the Unification Church 23 years ago and I am giving you the feeling that I had at that time. You must inherit that spirit and make it your own path. This is the meaning of this day. You must feel my heart of 23 years ago, and you too must be a pioneer of that day. My situation was just impossible at that time; under those circumstances could anybody even imagine that 23 years later I would lead events like the Washington Monument rally?

Those committed will remain

At that time I was always being investigated by the Korean government, which was constantly trying to find some reason to put me in jail. Under those circumstances could you have thought that some day I would come to America and gather together all these young people and speak at such fantastic rallies? At that time nobody else believed it, but I know who I am and where I am going, and how successful I will be. The basic determination I had then has never changed. Many people who were following me have since become tired and left the movement, but the movement still continues. Those who were self-centered just could not stay but had to leave sooner or later. Only those people who can give up their lives for the sake of the mission will remain. Compared with my 40 years, your 7 years will pass very quickly.

Shall we go or not? Without any question, we absolutely must go. In those 7 years you must experience heartbreak and tears for the sake of the family, society and nation. You must spend anguished, sleepless nights for the sake of others and the sake of the dispensation. Do not try to get by in some easy way. In the same way that I have struggled from the most lowly place all the way to the point where I could receive God's greatest blessing, you must also progress through every step. You have to realize that you are reaching higher levels as you progress with the movement.

Do you sometimes experience uplifting feelings? These are not just your feelings, but spirit world actually inspiring you. Spirit world has to be one with you for every inch of your path. From this time on my teaching will be more precise and analytical, and you will know the truth word for word. You cannot avoid your 7-year course.

You came to our movement at the most opportune time; in the shortest possible time you can cover tremendous ground and be given full credit for helping in the overall dispensation of God. You shall become a person who can help. pioneer the final chapter of God's dispensational history. You are participating in the nick of time, and all you have to do is get down to work. You have the great privilege of working together with the True Parents, which millions and billions of people have been in anguish to do. They will not have that opportunity. Instead, you are the ones with me in person.

Even the people who come to join our movement now are one step behind you because they did not help to bring the great victory in Washington. You fought the battle together with me, and there will not be any more opportunities like that in history. Now our task is to win America to God and win the free world. The more you realize this the greater will be the burden you feel, but that is the way it has to be. With that realization you will know precisely what responsibility you carry.

Your 7-year course

You have heard before about your 7-year course, but you did not feel it to the bone. Those who can say they are already committed to it, please raise your hands. Have you prayed, "God, at this moment I pledge to You that I will begin my 7-year course. I shall no longer follow the course of Adam and Eve who failed, but within 7 years' time I shall finish the path of perfected Adam and Eve. God, trust me." Have you had that showdown prayer with God? Then how can you begin your 7 years? The Bible predicts that in the Last Days there will be 7 years of chaos, suffering and hardship. All of world history will be condensed into that 7-year period of time that the Bible describes. The Bible says that very few will survive this period of suffering, and that is very true, in that the only ones who will remain within the will of God will be those who are truly determined and who truly know God, committing themselves deeply to that 7-year course.

As soon as you undertake that 7-year course of your own, you will automatically draw opposition. Nothing will occur according to your desire. If you want to go this way, then Satan will be trying to block every inch of your way, and inevitably circumstances will drag you down to the lowest possible level. You will be deprived of all honor and left with nothing, feeling completely naked. Satan will push you down, but you must welcome it, swallow it, and digest it.

What is the method to be elevated to the position of adopted son or son? You must become a person who is ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of a servant. When you are willing to give up your life for the sake of a servant, then you will begin to find your life. At every step of the dispensation you have to be willing to give up your life. That is the quickest way to meet the heavenly requirement.

You must come to think of your own life as a trivial matter, like the morning dew. When I discovered the entire meaning and secret of the dispensation, then I felt the teachings of Jesus all the way to my bone. I felt so deeply such teachings as, "He who loses his life for my sake will gain it." Not just once but many times you must totally give up your own life. That is the only way you can cover this ground. When you give up your life and go beyond the 7-year course, then all of a sudden the universe will change and you will find your life protected. I was ready to die for the sake of the mission during the Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument campaigns. On the way to Yankee Stadium and on the way to Washington Monument I prayed, "I am willing to die for You. Whatever is required of me, God, Your will be done." There were many assassination plots and threats but I never hesitated to risk my life.

Those were truly extraordinary emergencies. Unless you can be in a position to commit yourself to that degree, you will never understand God's mission, or know the heart of Jesus, or become one with me. Whenever you encounter hardship, you can see how miserable and inadequate you are. At that time you can rediscover yourself and spur yourself on to higher levels. This is my everyday life. .

The best way for you to safely journey through this period is to put yourself down on the lowest possible level, where you can even envy the beggars, where even sitting down at a table to eat becomes a luxury. Servants do not have the luxury of sitting down to eat at a big table with napkins and wines and so forth. We must put ourselves in the position of servant of servants.

With that attitude you can leap forward, and then you can understand humanity. Until I was 30 I never bought even one suit for myself, and for the clothes I did get I always went to a second-hand store. I never wore ties or used hair tonic or body care items. During those years I put myself in a sinner's position; I never had the courage to lift my face up but was always looking down.

Nature is asking to be seen by the true man, but unless I could fulfill my dispensational role, I did not feel privileged to even look at nature. I was so humble in my thinking that I wanted to hide in the presence of nature. Now I go to movies, but at that time I never even walked in front of a movie theater. Now I have graduated from that path, and nothing can affect what I have accomplished. I have perfected that course and transcended it.

I am like a rock and no one can entice me away from God's will. There were many women who actually wrote love letters to me with their own blood, showing their genuine devotion to me. The religious path is not easy because of the many temptations around, and you have no idea what it takes to lay the foundation. But I have done it and I am freely sharing the fruits of it with you. No one has the right to complain; rather, continually be grateful and put yourself in a meek position. Even now, that is my basic attitude toward God. After all the dispensational success so far, I still put myself in a humble position before God.

For 7 years in the Unification Church you should be determined to fulfill your mission, forgetting about eating, sleeping, and everything else. Even after your Blessing I will give the couples separate missions, and for 3 years they will go their own respective ways to fulfill another significant time period. Through all of that you must be absolutely obedient.

You must have a true picture of yourself. Some members look very substantial externally and seem to be doing a great job, but inside they are empty people, who are not worthy in the sight of God. In this period you will be given the opportunity to experience everything, being cursed, or struck, feeling great hunger, and even envying a beggar's situation. It will be a precious period, and then you will be able to say, "I know the heart of God, I know Jesus Christ, and I know Reverend Moon." My hands are not so big but they have gone through much. The Unification Church was built upon my foundation of pioneering this hidden spiritual task. This foundation is not the product of easy living, but of the most incredible suffering and spiritual endurance.

When fund raising have you ever been kicked, hit, or spit upon by others? When you taste these experiences then you must think, "This is the path that was walked by all the saints and men of God in history' Being spit at or hit is not that painful to bear, but being spit at or hit by someone who was previously a member and who has now betrayed God is very painful. It is heartbreaking and you have to taste even that. You will finally know Jesus when you experience these things. Jesus had not only external enemies -- the people who physically nailed him down on the cross -- but he had internal enemies who betrayed him.

I have tasted prison life, not only under the communist regime but also in free Korea. I can never forget one former member who came up to me when I was being taken to the West Gate prison in Seoul. He looked at me and laughed scornfully, "You fool! Are you still doing this stupid thing?" I can never forget that man. At that moment I did not say anything to him, but in my heart I prayed, "God, give me a chance to testify to how righteous You are, and how I was obedient to You." This is just one instance of personal betrayal; there are too many to count. When I close my eyes and start to pray, tears always come forth. I have experienced so much agony and pain and heartbreak that I know God, and I am in a position to comfort Him.

I have no way to sit still

No one understands me. My parents never understood, even my wife and children can never really understand. My understanding of God is a lonely understanding. You also can be a companion to that lonely God. I always feel how vulnerable and weak I am, but I know that God trusts and is depending on me to fulfill. When I see God's expectation I just have no way to sit still. I feel, "God, You are Almighty. You can do anything You want, but because of Your own precious children's failure You put Yourself in a position of such suffering. You don't need to suffer, but You have been helpless, waiting so long for some man You could depend on. God, I really sympathize with You. I understand You."

If anyone truly knew me internally then he just could not help but be crushed by sorrow. Spiritually enlightened people who can receive revelations and instructions in their prayers are the people who stay. When they pray about me God's response is always the same; He responds to their prayer in tears because when God thinks about His lonely champion here on earth, God just weeps. The vast entanglement of human history seems utterly impossible to ever reorganize, and even God hardly knew where to begin the dispensation. But one lonely man found the secret and lived through everything to bring the movement this far. Even for God that was something to behold.

Day after day I continuously wept. My eyes became swollen and painful because the tears poured out in gallons. I could not even open my eyes to the sunlight. So many tears were shed in laying the foundation of this church. I will not explain this to you completely; you will never know because I will not tell you. If I were to tell you then you would be responsible to also go that way and I do not want that. I would rather leave an easier way for you.

That is why I do not want every one of you to repeat my entire 40 years' experience; I want to have sons and daughters who can inherit from me instead. However, if in your prayer you receive a glimpse of my path and agony here on earth, then you will certainly be blessed. If you can understand this, then in a short time you can do on earth what would take many millions of years of experiences in the spirit world. You will eventually know anyway in spirit world, but actualizing it would take a millennium of effort. Here on earth you can cover that same ground in the shortest possible time.

I am very sympathetic with Moses' position. When Moses went to the mountain to fast and pray for 40 days and nights he could receive the Ten Commandments, but when he came back down, his own people had created a golden calf and were worshiping their idol. Moses was over- come with wrath and cried, "How could you betray God in this way?" He flung the stones to the ground and they were shattered. I have felt that same furious impulse many times. Moses went to the mountain and worked so hard to win the truth for his people, but their hearts were so

betrayal I just want to cut off that person and turn away. I have to impose the strictest discipline on myself in this area. I have my own credo and judge myself, saying, "Before you want to conquer the world or be the lord of all creation, you must attain lordship over yourself." I want to conquer the weaknesses of my own temperament.

Personal relationships are the key

If you truly want to become sons and daughters, you have to inherit the spirit of the True Parents -- my spirit and my way of thinking. If you want to be a leader you must inherit my spirit. In whatever mission you are doing, if all of a sudden you just burst into tears, feeling such a sense of urgency and sorrow for God, then your mission will definitely prosper.

We are talking about the universal salvation of mankind. We are going out fund raising to earn pennies and dollars, almost begging. How pitiful God's situation is! But you must put deep meaning into the money you earn. Compared with the wealth of the world one penny is nothing, but when your heart is resting in each penny you earn, then it shall become a gift of extraordinary value to God. The face value of a bill may be one dollar, but no millions Or dollars can purchase your heart; when you have invested your heart in that dollar it becomes priceless. When you receive the people's money and offer it to God for the sake of their blessing, every deed of yours becomes holy and divine. Then you feel such an urgency and sense of closeness with God that sometimes you just embrace a stranger and in your heart you cry out for the people. There have been many times like that in my own life.

Once I wanted to rescue a prostitute, a young girl who came to be in that pitiful situation. I loved her as my own sister, and wept with her and truly uplifted her. At first she thought I had an entirely different purpose, but instead she found a big brother, someone who really cared in the truest sense; That memory is as vivid as if it were yesterday. That kind of deed is greater and more precious than prayer.

When you are fund raising and working hard all day you may sit alone by the roadside, feeling lonely as you eat whatever humble food you have. In the middle of eating you may break out in tears. When you put yourself in such a miserable position then you will feel God so strongly. When you are selling newspapers you meet all kinds of people. Do not curse them or yell at them if they do not want to buy. They are busy people and sometimes they do not want to be bothered, so when you stop them and they complain to you, you must accept them.

Your personal relationships are the key to everything. You do not understand how much I am training and disciplining you, molding your character according to the path that I have gone. I am taking you along that same path. When I was in school I wanted to give my friend a chance to be educated so I worked extra time at night in order to earn his tuition. Earning money was very difficult at that time, and it had to be saved penny by penny. Why was I able to do that? Because I knew the true God.

If I had developed my skills in a secular way, then I would have been the president of many corporations by now. I would have been successful and respected in an entirely different manner, but I never undertook that direction. There is no one who has shed more tears than I have, and God knows they were shed for His sake. I willingly chose the route of suffering for God's sake.

I want to stand up for you

I have been unreasonably treated by the people and persecuted. There was no personal reason for going through that suffering. But I know God's position, and instead of trying to be respected and admired by other people, I wanted to side with that lonely God. Do you think that I actually did not have personal ambitions? As a young man I certainly had ambitions and dreams, but I cut them off and closed all those doors. That is the only way I could have come this far. Even now many people think I have a great deal of money, but actually I am still penniless, even though I can influence the spending of millions of dollars. Whenever I spend money I always think of you. I never like to spend money on just myself, eating out or buying clothes.

One time I took about 20 young members out to get them seafood in New York City. The restaurant manager saw me but did not recognize me, and since I was not wearing a tie he said I could not be seated in the restaurant. I said, "Thank you very much' and left. All of a sudden he discovered that the 20 young people were following me out, and he realized who I was. He tried to fix his mistake, but I simply said, "No thank you." I am sure he knew that he missed a great opportunity, but I will not go to that place any more. Is human value decided by wearing a tie? If they treat me like that, how will they treat black people? They may kick them out. You are all suffering people and I want to stand up for you. I do not want you to be mistreated.

Every penny you earn shall go for the restoration of this country, not for personal things. The Mobile Fundraising Team members are working very hard from early morning to late at night, but they have no word of complaint toward me. If it were not for Mother I would change my underwear only once a week; it is only out of courtesy to her that I change every 3 days. Why? I know your position, and sometimes you never have a chance to change your underwear, and sometimes you have no time to do laundry.

In the past I have gone through precisely what you are doing now. You are truly inheriting my path. You and I are comrades with one thing in common we put ourselves in a position of suffering only because we know God. If we have ever committed any crime, it is that of knowing God. We willingly chose this route; nobody has imposed it on us, so how can we complain?

Are we pursuing the wrong way and bringing destruction to the world? Is knowing God a crime? The whole world is in chaos and communism is expanding because people do not know God. The churches are breaking down. No matter how miserable such a life might look, knowing God is a privilege, and it is the one thing we cannot ever relinquish.

Who will take care of God?

A wise person will go all the way once he has made a commitment; Do not go only halfway or be mediocre, because you will only end up as a loser. If you want to become victorious, then you have to persevere all the way. In doing God's will I want to go the fastest way, never being mediocre or half-hearted. For the sake of my followers I took every precaution and checked everything about the Principle two and three times. I wanted to be absolutely sure that this is the true way of God. A true researcher tests and re-tests to make sure of his results before he announces anything to the world. I have tested this out in every way possible. You can see then what an incredible discovery I have brought to the world.

Since we are committed, we cannot afford to go just halfway. Is this month of May a new beginning, far different from April? Let's go forward with tremendous excitement. I am waiting for the kind of champion who can defeat me. Many times I am sad, feeling that I cannot afford to die because I know that even at this stage no one is competent enough to inherit my mission. No one has given me that comfort yet. I have given my life to God, but now who will love Him as much as I do? This is my only concern. When I die, who will take care of my God here on earth? I want to see someone emerge who can do that.

Is there anyone who could truly say, "Father, let me take care of your God and my God. You can go"? The person who could live up to that statement would be the center of the mainstream of history and would never perish, but prosper.

Counting in the Korean way I am now 58, and in 12 more years I will be 70 years old; in 22 more years I will be 80 years old. Recently in a serious conversation with Hyo Jin, I said, "As my son, do you know what road you should take and what preparation you should make?" When I was so serious, even that most energetic Hyo Jin became very serious. I feel that I can give myself totally for 15 more years, and in that time I must find someone to succeed me.

I cannot afford to leave the world as it is, destined to more suffering. I must leave behind a world that is being resurrected. People think that after I die the Unification Church will die. Is it true? Would you prefer the movement with me or without me? Indirectly what you are saying is that after I am gone the movement will suffer. As long as I live I want to bear the burden of persecution so that after I leave the persecution will be finished. In my lifetime I want to bring this movement to success.

As your generation reaches its maturity, our movement will soar into prosperity. In my own lifetime I want to take care of all the bitter experiences, suffering and turmoil of restoration. I have already-made up my mind to take the burden with me. How about you? Will you join me in taking care of these, or are you going to wait for the easy time? Do you wish this persecution would go away, or do you welcome greater challenge and persecution? Have you made up your mind already? That is the way you should be. Starting this month of May, let us have a new day so that a new history can be erected.

If you feel just like I did when I initiated our church 23 years ago, then you are initiating your own movement in your own area of responsibility, saying, "Today I, too, am erecting a new church. I shall be like Reverend Moon in my own area." Are you going to do that? Those who are determined to go that way, raise your hands. Let us pray.

Chapter 24 - True Parents' Day from the Historical Point of View

Chapter 24
True Parents' Day from the Historical Point of View
April 18,1977 -- New York, New York

Today we commemorate the 18th anniversary of Parents' Day. No other group on earth celebrates True Parents' Day. We have four major celebrations during the year: God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day and the Day of All Things, and by: celebrating these holidays we are truly celebrating the rebirth of heaven and earth.

If there had been no fall of man, we would never have seen such holidays as God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day and the Day of All Things. Adam and Eve would probably have been the only two people who would have celebrated these days, while their descendants would have celebrated only the victory of their established foundation. All of mankind was supposed to have been born on the foundation of these days.

Through the fall of man, however, there was no fulfillment here on earth, and all joy was lost. Consequently there was no day of joy for God, no day of the True Parents, no day of the true children, and no day of all things. All mankind is born in sorrow and suffers in sorrow, and struggles to recapture the original world; because of the fall, however, that perfection has always eluded man.

There are many celebrations in our world, but all of them are for the joy of the satanic world, not for God. There has never been one day in which God could declare His joy. For example, each one of you celebrates your birthday and those who are married have your wedding anniversaries, but are they above the realm of fallen mankind? No, they are still outside the dwelling place of God.

When is the day going to come that mankind will establish a new kind of holiday? It will be the day that all people and God can be joyful together. That day will not be your own birthday or wedding anniversary or day of national independence. Throughout history all mankind has been looking forward to the day of fulfillment when God could declare His joy and personally commemorate God's Day and Parents' Day. Once God's joy is declared, and God's Day and Parents' Day are established, then automatically the true children will come into being, and all the things of creation will declare their joy too.

Throughout history, however, no one has seen God's Day or Parents' Day, and all the things of creation are in agony in this fallen world. Out of 365 days in a year the most important day would be the day to honor God, the day on which God could declare His joy -- God's Day. The day we can declare God's Day to the earth will be the king of all days, and that year will be the king of all years. I do not know whether you have ever heard of such expressions as "king of all days;' or "king of all years." Do they make sense?

Today you are all here to celebrate Parents' Day, but actually you are not entitled to celebrate on this day. Since meeting the True Parents you may rejoice over this Parents' Day, but this joyful day is also sad because only this small group of people has recognized it and come together to celebrate. We also feel sorrow that we are still surrounded by the fallen world.

There were several consequences of the fall of man. One, the dignity and authority of God were damaged; in addition, man was separated from his intended state and fell into the dungeons of hell; at the same time a portion of the angelic world also fell; finally, all the things of creation were brought down. Thus it happened that everything suffered when man fell, including the dignity of God, and since then the entire creation has been trapped in a place of sorrow and despair. The world has become sick, but in the same way that patients cannot cure themselves, the world is helpless to restore itself. Who will come to restore the world? There is only one superior person who has the ability, power and will to bring man back to his original place -- God.

The fallen process has been like a healthy person becoming ill, and in reverse process; man must be restored to his original place by reversing the process of the fall. The work of salvation is equivalent to the work of restoration, and involves bringing a person from an abnormal state back to his original state, just like bringing a sick person back to health. Salvation and restoration are the same, but the point of observation is different: From God's point of view of man who is to be saved, the process is restoration.

For man to be restored, indemnity must be paid. That is the vital principle of this process. To liquidate sin man must pay the debt of sin. In the same manner, a patient must often endure suffering when being treated by a doctor. Sometimes the doctor must prescribe a very bitter medicine, and even though the patient is reluctant, he must take it to be restored. Fallen man is like the patient and must assimilate indemnity, pain and suffering in order to be restored into his original wholeness.

What can cure fallen love?

What kind of disease have you caught? The diagnosis is that fallen man has the disease of fallen love. It is the disease of love centered on Satan and controlled by Satan, and through it men and women have become prisoners of Satan by inheriting his lineage. All people are born as direct heirs of Satan.

How did this disease of love start? The fall was initiated when one person claimed self-centered love. That person denied the value of all other relationships in his desire to make himself the center of the universe. He sought to bring benefit only to himself, and when his desire entered the realm of love, the disease was begun.

We must find a cure for this love disease. What medicine should be prescribed? Because self-centered love brought the fall, we must find a God-centered or unselfish love in order to be cured or restored. If Adam and Eve and the archangel had forgotten themselves in the Garden of Eden, thinking only of God and their desire to place themselves in a God-centered love, then there could have been no fall or any of its consequences here on earth.

What is heaven? Heaven is created by those people who love here on earth with unselfishness and an absolute, God-centered love. This is the most basic principle, and all other principles you learn are expansion of this basic truth. What I have spoken to you thus far is the very heart of the truth of God.

Do you love yourself most of all? Are you the center of your love? Is God the center? Twenty-four hours a day and 365 days a year have you been loving yourself in a God-centered way? If you cannot say "yes" then you are not destined for the Kingdom of God in heaven, and need liberation from your bondage. This is the most severe battle which you are waging every day, and each of you must become victors in this battle for your liberation. Without becoming victorious you will not deserve the Kingdom of God.

Suppose someone suddenly attacked you without any reason. The usual human reaction would be to yell, "Why did you hit me?" and try to hit back. But you must be patient, not because you are weak, but because in the name of God you are becoming different. Jesus Christ waged this different kind of battle when he blessed his enemies. Jesus was thinking about his mission for God 24 hours a day, looking at everything from God's point of view. Before seeking revenge against the world, he remembered how God had patiently persevered. Knowing that God's will was ultimately the restoration of mankind, Jesus did not wage his battle as Satan does.

Because Jesus prayed for his own enemies, especially at the moment he was being destroyed, he transcended all satanic realms and totally liberated himself from accusation by Satan. From then on he was free to go to the throne of God and exercise the grace and power of salvation. Satan is always looking for some loophole or hook of fallen nature, and since most people have a thousand hooks Satan does not have to make much effort to snag them. But Jesus' life was absolutely pure, and no matter how much Satan tried to find some weakness in him, Jesus was not vulnerable.

Jesus Christ was completely free from satanic accusation and by rising above the satanic realm he could become one with God in heaven. Since Jesus could enter that realm, God could use him as His instrument without any reservation. After Satan killed Jesus on the cross, God was free to resurrect His son. God did not have to pay attention to Satan, but could exercise His power to the ultimate degree. Because of Jesus, therefore, a new world could come into being which was completely free of the satanic world.

By knowing this principle we must clearly realize that when the Messiah comes for the salvation of mankind he will not come in glory. He will come in misery and assimilate all the pain and suffering of the world. He will be attacked by the entire satanic world, yet persevere without seeking revenge, being patient as God has been, and finally winning out in the end. Any religion or any work of religion which teaches the need for such patience while going the road of indemnity will be the religion which ultimately meets the Messiah.

Our motive for unification

Who are we, the Unification movement? The word "unification" is a big word, indicating that we want to embrace all religions so that we can unite all of them into one. Do we desire that for our own satanic purpose? No, we want to bring them up to the throne of God. That is the meaning of the word "unification." The Unification movement must walk the messianic road, the road of suffering and beatings. It is the road that commences at the very bottom of mankind's misery and rises all the way up to the very throne of God. That is the road that we as Unificationists are undertaking.

We are assuming the responsibility to become that world religion. How- ever, we must make our motives very clear. Are we here for the sake of the Unification Church, or for the sake of heaven and earth? The Unification movement exists solely to serve God and mankind. That is the way God thinks, and that is the way we must think. For that reason we receive the pain of suffering and difficulty, but we cannot be liberated from the satanic realm unless we think, "This is for God and humanity." The satanic world is totally self-centered and in order to liberate ourselves from it we must live an absolutely different way of life. As we live this life absolutely, we will liberate ourselves from satanic influence. Is this clear?

When you go out witnessing and fund raising you might sometimes think, "I am not good for this. I am so tired I just cannot go on." That excuse is acceptable if you are thinking only of yourself, but when you put God in the picture, and claim that you are universe-centered and mankind-centered, then you cannot complain or say you are tired. You may think that many members of the Unification Church are working very hard, but from God's standpoint this is not true. You have not yet met the standard that God has established. You may persevere for a time, but then you come to the point where you give up. "No more ' you say. "I want to rest now and do things my own way." Then your attitude becomes a big hook. Satan is always watching and will say, "Look, you said you were working for God and humanity 100 percent, but your actions have given you away."

Harder times are coming

Of course sometimes you get tired and weak, and sometimes you get sick, but at those times you must think, "God, You have suffered more than I have. True Parents, you have suffered more than I have.

Heavenly Father, there are many brothers and sisters in this world who are suffering more than I am. I am so grateful that I can do this, and as long as my life remains, I will continue."

When you speak your gratitude and live by it, Satan has no way to hook you. Then you are totally free to go beyond the satanic realm and to be like Jesus, completely one with God. I do not say this to bribe you to work. This is the basic principle of God. I want you to know that the logical conclusion of this principle is that even tougher days will come to the Unification movement.

You may think that every day our way of life gets tougher, with more persecution and pressure, but I want you to realize that this is the sign that we are near our total liberation from satanic influences. That final segment of our journey of freeing ourselves from the satanic realm is the year of 1976 through June 1977.

A congressional source informed me a few days ago that ever since our involvement in the Watergate issue, the U.S. government has received many letters of both protest against and approval of the Unification Church, and disputes over our church have developed within high levels of government. That source said that there has not been such a heated battle over one particular issue since Watergate. We are creating a world event, aren't we? We will see the entire world come against us, and even now we can feel the pressure of the world upon our shoulders.

Our enemies will not only create national and worldwide protest against me, but will use dirty tactics to undermine us. For example, communists will infiltrate our ranks and behave like dedicated members. Once they are trusted they will begin to make all kinds of trouble, and ultimately their actions will reflect back on me. That is their goal, and I am clearly aware of this tactic. How pitiful my situation is. Already I am receiving all kinds of accusation and persecution from outside, but even worse, there are people who are calculating how to shame me from within the Unification Church. There is no place where I can escape the heated battle.

How do you see me? Am I a tough man of conviction and iron will, with the drive to go to the end, or am I the type of person who is so timid and afraid that I cannot even speak? I am a man of extremes, and no one has a more determined will than I do. On the one hand I am hot tempered and blazing like a fire, but I am also like a person with no bones who can take beating after beating and remain patient, never desiring revenge and never cursing anybody. I think that being hot tempered and iron willed, as well as patient and enduring, is how God wants me to be, and I am trying to fulfill that.

At the moment of his death, Jesus forgave those who killed him. My determination is that in my own life I will bless my enemies by persevering and absorbing all the beatings and pain the world may give. I want to establish that condition while I am yet on earth. Jesus Christ liberated himself from the satanic world by his crucifixion, but I intend to go past the realm of crucifixion while I am here on earth.

Why do I have this determination? God wants to see that victorious pattern sealed here on earth, not just in the spiritual realm. We need a victorious foundation here on earth -- the complete liberation from satanic influence. This is my mission. I came to liberate mankind from all satanic influence, and to be victorious I have to go beyond the satanic realm here on earth.

Do you realize that the pinnacle of this providence was reached at the Washington Monument rally? Then on Feb. 23, 1977, True Parents' Birth- day, I offered an extraordinary prayer, forgiving heaven and earth and declaring a new day and a new history. Can you grasp the significance of the new day and new history? This is the work we are undertaking right now.

Today is the 18th anniversary of Parents' Day. Your 18th year marks the beginning of your maturity, and I understand that in America some states allow 18-year-olds to vote, recognizing them as adults. The truth of the matter is that women mature before men do. Women become adults at the age of 18, but men generally take three more years, maturing at the age of 21. The three years remaining until the 21st anniversary of Parents' Day will be a buffer zone in which we can fully consummate our work. This is the period where we will restore the dignity and authority of the Unification Church. The Unification Church will then be able to stand before the world as mature.

God will ask us to claim His love

It is not God's mandate that I forever remain silent and humble while receiving persecution. When all the conditions are set, God will ask me to declare my dignity and authority as an individual, and the center of a heavenly family, society, nation, and world. The time will come when we will claim God's true love and authority.

The 6,000 biblical years of God's history actually equal many thousands of physical years. God has been waiting that long for the day when one man would come to the earth who would truly grasp His concept, possess His own will and conviction to fight, and declare victory over the entire satanic world. That is happening now. Only with that viewpoint can you see how truly momentous this day is. Even if I were to die now I would not be a failure. I will go to the spirit world with dignity and power and authority and stand before Heavenly Father to receive His welcome. In the meantime my work on earth will continue. Do you believe this? We are already outside the satanic realm; I have already gone beyond it.

The work of restoration has been proceeding by the application of God's Principle, and that formula of restoration will endure. It was there in the Beginning, it exists now, and it shall remain until we totally liquidate all satanic influence. Then we will no longer need to apply this formula.

When I declare that I have won over and transcended the satanic world, I do not mean that I have gone alone: the entire spirit world has also moved with me. As you know, the spirit world is equivalent to the angelic world. Angels by nature were supposed to follow Adam's path as his servants in the original creation. Yet not only were the angels to follow Adam in his growth; even God would follow Adam. It is the Principle.

I am leaving the satanic world behind, and as I move further and further away from it God is establishing a new sovereignty here on earth. When that sovereignty is finally declared by God, anyone or any power which opposes it will be shattered. The Christian nation of America is a great giant among the sovereign nations of the world, but if America stands against the dignity of heaven, America will be shattered. That is the judgment of heaven.

Christianity prospered for 2,000 years, but in the two decades since 1960 it began a steep decline. I want to clearly declare that the reason for that decline is the opposition of Christians to the new sovereignty, the new power and truth of God. If the Christian cultural sphere continues such a trend then it will be caught in an unavoidable decline. On the other hand, if Christianity will accept me and repent, and if America will accept me and repent, then there is a ray of hope. There is no other way for either America or Christianity to find hope. Many people may think this declaration is boastful and blasphemous, but I have declared this with the authority of the entire spirit world, which already supports it. I merely bear testimony to the truth.

Satan must acknowledge you

Once we can create our own society outside of satanic influence, should we stop worrying about the rest of the world, and say, "Let them just go to hell"? If we leave the world alone it will certainly decline and die. Do you think that is God's will? I know that is not God's will. Though we are now living in the same world, our kingdom is different, and just as God sent His son Jesus from His throne to this fallen world, God is now sending you to save it.

I am now ordering you to go into the satanic -- world to save it, even risking your life. I want you to set the condition that you walked the same path the True Parents walked. I walked this suffering road for 33 years, and by your setting the necessary conditions in the next 3 1/2 years, I would like to give you all the blessing of having walked the same path I walked. I am sure that by now you desire to forget about your missions of selling and witnessing and just desire to unite with me, now that my way is easier. That is not what I want. If anyone follows me to go the easy way, I will turn you around and send you back into the satanic world. You have not yet set the condition of indemnity that you might be completely free, and only after working to pay your indemnity can you come with me.

Who is going to testify that you have paid your indemnity? Satan must be your witness, and you must go out to Satan's world and get his signature to bring to God. Many people do not understand that they must go this course to overcome the satanic world, and they think that God is just weak and vulnerable; they even say that there is no God. But God is waiting for man to go out to the fallen world to suffer and win over Satan. Satan must say, "God, I have no accusation to make about this person." God has been waiting for His children to win that kind of recognition so that He might freely exercise His power. Do you want to take the easy way and merely follow me, or do you want to go into the satanic world and fight? Would you want to challenge any difficulty you might encounter, even at the cost of your life?

You must love those in the satanic world as much as you love God and as much as you love me. It is only upon that condition that you will be given approval by God and myself. That is God's way. God and I will not complain at all if you love the satanic world most.

You need two elements before you can come to God's throne. First you need your spiritual children, for by having spiritual children you can liberate the spiritual world. Secondly, you need physical children, for through them you can liberate the physical world. God and I want you to go to the satanic world and fight to win these two conditions.

In the usual pattern of your life in the Unification Church, your first three years are devoted to winning your spiritual children. In the three years after receiving the Blessing you can receive the blessing of having physical children. Altogether seven years are involved. Each of you must go this seven-year course in order to win all of heaven and earth. Creation took six days, with God resting on the seventh day. In the same way we must set the condition of working for seven years in the course of recreation. If you cannot do this you are only following me externally, even if you are a leader in our church or one of the 36 Blessed Couples. As long as a person does not work for his own fulfillment in this Principle he is not worthy of me and cannot truly follow me.

Even now I am going the path of more suffering and pain, but not out of stupidity. I came to America to stir up this nation, expecting it to come against me. I did not come to elevate my own honor or dignity, but only for the purpose of God. For God's sake I stirred up controversy and let America come against me. The turmoil of the hurricane lies in our path, but we are going to be victorious. I am the captain who is steering the ship through the stormy weather. America has entered a new age, the age of the deprogrammers, and Americans are closely scrutinizing me, trying to find fault. They will not find fault because I have done nothing wrong.

Who among the pilgrim fathers on the Mayflower had a visa to come to America? They came with religious conviction in the name of God. They came to this land to unselfishly fulfill God's will. For the same reason, but on the universal level, the Unification Church young people have gathered in America in the name of God, to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth.

When the pilgrim fathers came from Europe in the name of God they were actually illegal aliens, but God's dispensation lay with them. We are the new age pilgrim fathers of the universe, and even though this nation may think we are illegal aliens, God is on our side. Ultimately God will overcome this negativity and opposition. The Unification Church is the first movement of liberation. No religious leaders today. are even thinking on such a scale. Only I am taking a stand without fear, speaking out directly for God so seriously that I am willing to give up my life to declare my message.

There may be some communist spy or government agent listening here, anxious to find out what I have to say. Let them listen. Regardless of who is listening, there are certain things which I must declare. If I do not declare these things then I am not obeying God's order. Who is going to bring the resurrection of mankind? Not Christianity, Judaism or communism, but the members of the Unification movement. We have the power, we have the knowledge, and we have the conviction to resurrect this nation and all the nations of the. world. Do you have the confidence to do it? Raise your hands, those who have such confidence. This is our responsibility.

Your beachhead in the fallen world

This 18th Parents' Day is a very meaningful day. You must fully realize where you are standing and what your mission is. I have explained to you what kind of attitude brought about the fall, and how by wholeheartedly undertaking your mission you can liberate man from the conditions that led to the fall; in the future nobody will accuse you of being a self-centered person or of indulging in self-centered love. You now have the opportunity to be liberated from the satanic lineage and influence.

Even though you are leaving the satanic realm, Satan still has a claim on your body because you were born in his lineage. However, if your loyalty is with God 100 percent, then even though you still have that string attached, Satan has no power to pull it. You must remember that the string is still attached, for Satan recognizes that your blood is his; but he must also realize that you have been restored to a position outside of the satanic realm, the position of angels who have not fallen.

How can you create your beachhead in the satanic world? When God created man in the Garden of Eden, He was assisted by the angels. In your recreation as well, you need the help of God and the angels. An angel is good and pure, but until the appearance of perfected Adam and Eve, the angel is not free to perfect himself. Without the perfection of Adam and Eve the angelic world cannot be perfected. For you to elevate yourself to the position of physical Adam, you must be surrounded by spiritual children in the position of the three archangels.

Now that you are in an area isolated from the satanic world you can create your own spiritual defense by winning spiritual children from the satanic world. With the help of God and those in the angelic position you can bring yourself into Adam s position. Then you are ready to have your own children.

To establish your physical resurrection you must give birth to physical children of God who can be restored in the satanic world. Those children will serve in the role of your body.

In bearing and raising your pure physical children you are linking the spirit world to the physical world through yourselves. Because the fall of man came in the growth stage, you must first restore yourself to the growth level, the position of Adam and Eve before the fall. The perfection realm was left unfulfilled by Adam and Eve, and shall be filled when you make yourself perfect Adam and Eve and win the right to give birth to your own sons and daughters.

You can go through this entire process in seven years' time, just as the total creation was accomplished in a seven-day period. In this seven-year period you will go through three stages. First, you have already separated yourselves from the satanic world and are being elevated to the position of unfallen angels. Second, you will elevate yourselves into the growth level, the position of restored Adam and Eve. Because the fall occurred between husband and wife, you must fulfill the level of Adam and Eve as couples.

The third stage of perfection is the parents' level. No matter how great you become as you are restored, you are still the product of the satanic world; you were born into the satanic lineage, and you still have ties with the satanic world which you cannot completely sever. Your children, however, will be born in the name of God, having nothing to do with the satanic world, and they will be the stepping stone by which you will elevate yourselves to the position of perfected Adam and then parent. There is always a chance for something to go wrong while your sons and daughters grow toward perfection and the Blessing; you must take constant care in raising your children until they are mature and you can bless them in heavenly matrimony.

At what point can you be totally grafted into the lineage of heaven? The moment that you receive the Blessing from the True Parents is the great moment when your bonds to your satanic lineage are severed and you become part of the heavenly lineage. Most marriages in the world are not God-centered, but in the Unification Church our greatest pride is that in the name of the True Parents couples can enter into the heavenly, God-centered lineage. At that moment they become direct heirs of God. Through

the Blessing the process of the fall can be totally reversed. But that reversal must be complete, for if some tiny hole remains then Satan will dash in to claim it.

You must become true parents

I know Satan's secret, and no matter what the satanic world will try to do, it is destined to crumble. We stand on the side of God's Principle; however, a pioneer or harbinger is needed to open all stages of restoration. Until one man can pave the way no one else will be able to find it. This is the most important key. The road of restoration follows a precise formula, but someone must pioneer that formula. As soon as you understand the formula all you have to do is apply it in order to gain the same result. You can be restored as individual men and women as far as the growth level, but to enter perfection you need to receive the Blessing and bear children. After a seven-year period of raising your children, you can reach the perfection of perfection.

You must also be protected and escorted by your spiritual children in the angelic position. You need angels around you, and that is why having spiritual children is a most essential requirement for receiving the Blessing. With them in the position of angels to escort you, you can attain the level of Adam and Eve before the fall and qualify to receive the Blessing.

You must be able to come to the throne of God having completed each of three levels in your life on earth: the level of restored angel, the level of perfected son and daughter, and the level of having raised your perfected children. These three positions must all be regained from the satanic world. Your lineage will gather behind you, beginning with your children, with each of them in one of these three different levels of maturity. Among your descendants you will see every level of accomplishment. From generation to generation your lineage will expand onto an ever larger scale, from the family level to the societal level, national, worldwide, and universal levels. Even though I will be gone, this expansion will continue. Progressing further and further through the years, the realm of your own lineage will get bigger and bigger.

Your destination is the eternal dwelling place of the True Parents. Mother and I are not going to be the only True Parents. My goal is to make all of you true parents. It is the greatest honor that I can give to you. In your own area and lineage each of you is to become the true parents.

I am not just theorizing now, but speaking of the way of the Principle which I have lived and walked. I have done this on the individual level, family, societal, national, worldwide, and cosmic levels. I have gained invincible victory at each level of accomplishment, and thus I have declared the liberation of the individual, family, society, nation, world and cosmos. Now I am declaring the liberation of God Himself. Can you grasp the significance of this formidable statement? Some people exclaim that I am a heretic for saying such things, but let us wait and see who God believes is the heretic.

Every mission we undertake must be accomplished on both the physical and spiritual planes. Anything we establish in the spiritual realm must be duplicated in the physical world, and those physical accomplishments must then be united with our spiritual accomplishments. The entire spiritual world is in the angelic position; therefore, to find the physical element they must work with the level of the physical world. Even though it is not God-centered, this world is invaluable because it is only here that you can find what you need. When you can bring your physical children together with your spiritual children, you are truly in the Kingdom of God. In the Garden of Eden children and parents can rejoice together in God's glory, freed from any acquaintance with the fall.

I am declaring the absolute standard for you Unification Church members: Unless you find three spiritual children in three years you are not entitled to the Blessing. Jesus' ministry was focused on precisely that. He wanted to find his three major apostles and raise them in faith so they could establish the foundation for their physical families here on earth. It was God's wish and also Jesus' desire that Jesus claim his throne and elevate himself to the position of True Parents. Instead Jesus met with such opposition that finally he was crucified without attaining it.

We witness to restore relatives

Jesus must indeed come again; however, if God were to send Jesus the way Christians predict, on the clouds of heaven, not only would Christianity crumble, but the entire world would crumble. The fall of man did not occur in the spirit world but in the physical world. Salvation must also take place in the physical world. No one can even talk about his kingdom of heaven until he establishes his kingdom here on earth, for without establishing the kingdom here on earth, there will be no kingdom in heaven. Jesus did not take the keys to the Kingdom of God with him to heaven, but left them here on earth. Jesus said:

'Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'(Matt. 16:19)

Without understanding the significance of the physical world, there is no way to understand the Scriptures and the true meaning of the Bible.

We members of the Unification. movement are proud people, hand picked for God's mission. We have undertaken the liberation of the satanic world and the declaration of the glory and victory of God before heaven and earth. By now I am sure you understand that restoration must go through that process. No one can enter heaven without walking this path and fulfilling this Principle. Christians have been very naive in thinking that believing in Jesus is all that is required to end up in heaven, while they leave this world unchanged. Their idea of a guaranteed place in heaven is a crazy concept that could never enable man to fulfill God's will. From God's standpoint that is heretical thinking, not the Principle of the Unification movement.

In the Last Days, the truth will seem to be a lie and lies will seem to be the truth. That is precisely what is happening today, isn't it? Though I represent the genuine goodness of God, the world thinks I am some kind of monster; some people even think my organization is worse than the Mafia. I studied science and mathematics and unless everything we do is scientifically possible, I will not even do it myself. I am not a foolish man with blind ideals.

Why does the world come against us? The reason is very simple. They are afraid of us. Jews and Catholics and Protestants have been fighting and killing each other for 2,000 years, but when I appear they hastily get together as allies to make a statement against me. Without even knowing me some people now say, "Reverend Moon must be some kind of giant because the denominations were enemies before, but now they have come together as allies against this one man!"

This occurrence is prophetic. In uniting to come against me, the Jews, Catholics and Protestants have shown that there is room for unity among the three faiths. Yet, without me there is no way they can become one in the sight of God. We must become the catalyst, for it is with our blessing alone that they have the possibility of truly becoming one.

Our diligent witnessing is for a dual purpose. We are restoring our spiritual children, of course, but we are also restoring our relatives; our closest relative is Protestantism, and our cousin is Catholicism, while our distant cousin, yet still very much our relative, is Judaism. The non-religious people of the world are extremely distant cousins. Their restoration is the job the Unification movement has undertaken.

I have fully expounded on the external meaning of Parents' Day in its historical context, but I have not yet spoken of its internal aspect: Is your flesh, blood and bone related to God or not? No matter how much you may say "yes," even if your "yes" brings the roof down, at best we could say that your flesh is only conditionally related to God; in actuality there is no relation. Now you call me your True Parent, but do you really have any connection with me? Does my flesh have something to do with your flesh? Does my bone have something to do with your bone? Does my blood have a relationship to your blood?

Restoration itself is only conditional. You will never be able to pay your whole debt, but by the conditions of restoration you can accomplish what would otherwise take a million years. That is a beautiful secret.

Love makes restoration possible

What condition will make this possible? Money? Power? Knowledge? Faith? Even faith can change from morning to evening. What is the unchanging condition by which you can relate with God and the True Parents? You are correct: True love alone will make the connection. When Jesus Christ came to this world as the Messiah, he had an external and an internal mission. His external mission was to rule the world as the Messiah, the king of kings, establishing God's sovereignty. His internal mission was very tender, for he came as the parent of mankind.

How could Jesus internally elevate himself? He could not elevate himself to the position of True Parent with power or kingship. Those would have been to no avail. It was only by a love that was higher, deeper, and wider than all the love the satanic world could offer that Jesus could fulfill his mission. As the Messiah, Jesus could declare that whoever would follow him must love him more than anyone or anything else -- more than country, parents, spouse, or children. Jesus could not qualify as the Messiah unless he were capable of declaring such a thing. From his desire to declare to the world the supreme love of God Jesus said,

'He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.' (Matt. 10:37)

He was indeed the Messiah, and he knew that he was capable of giving that supreme love to anyone who could love him above all else.

By giving their greatest love to Jesus, Christians are entitled to inherit God's kingdom and the True Parents' love. Jesus actually came to make a trade of love. He brings heavenly love, and we bring worldly love. God's love is so superior that His love will not come to you unless you can offer Him the best love you can give. In this trade of love you can restore your eternal kingship; you will inherit the visible kingdom that God possesses externally, but more importantly, in loving Jesus the most, you can even possess him and you can actually possess God. When you approach Jesus in that kind of love he will respond, and even God will have no choice but to respond to you. This is a beautiful exchange, isn't it?

Jesus declared to his disciples and to the world that unless they could love him more than anyone else, they were not worthy of him. That is a most extraordinary statement! There was no way that he could avoid being accused of blaspheming. "We will stone you for blasphemy because you, being a man, make yourself God." Finally he was crucified. In a way Jesus actually set the stage for his own crucifixion by making statements that angered people enough that they wanted to kill him. His statements were certainly ambitious and bold; how could people accept such statements in those days? Imagine a husband and wife with a very deep relationship listening to one of Jesus' sermons, saying that unless they loved him more than their own spouse they were not worthy of him. Do you think that husband would turn to his wife and say, "Yes, go love him more than me"? Any husband would say, "Forget it! You love me most; you are my wife."

The Messiah's course is a truly stony path. Over and over God asks him to do impossible things. Raise your hand if you want to volunteer to become the Messiah. Anybody who would volunteer must have something wrong with his head. T he Messiah must be able to eat his own stool and say, "This is as sweet as honey." God is continually asking the Messiah to do absolutely insane things. Does this discourage you?

God's efforts to restore true love

Why can love set a significant condition? It is only with the condition of love that you can leap the many millennia to restoration. God made love so supreme that with true love there is nothing that cannot be surmounted. Love alone transcends time, and does not know history. Among the congregation I see some elderly women. Think about that time years ago when you first fell in love; even though you are now 60 or 70 years old, it is as vivid as yesterday, isn't it? The love that they tasted many decades ago is still fresh and sweet, and they want to dwell there even now.

Love knows no distance. If your beloved is trembling on a chunk of ice at the North Pole, do you think that your love will be frozen and weak? Distance makes no difference. Love can never be confined by time and space. Even God cannot revolutionize true love. From the beginning to the end, from alpha to omega, love remains the same, forever unchanging. If this little handkerchief were love, it would have greater value to lovers than the entire continent of North America. Isn't that right? Only that timeless, spaceless, eternal love can set the condition for you to be restored into heaven.

How has God been working to restore this true love? Not just mankind and the angels but the entire creation was affected by the fall. Even the dignity of God was lost. The work of restoration means bringing everything that became fallen back into unity with God.

God divided the restoration period into different segments. In the Old Testament era all the things of creation became the mediator between man and God. Why? Everything became upside down because of the fall of man. Originally man was supposed to be closest to God, but after the fall the things of creation were purer than man, and thus closer to God. For this reason man could reach God only by symbolically sacrificing himself through the things of creation. In addition, God created all things in the world before He created man. For these reasons the Old Testament era was the time in which God was restoring all things. God had to restore all things first, before He could turn to restore His children.

Israel was the nation in the position of servant; through Judaism people were lifted from the state of fallen sinner up to the position of servant. Then in the New Testament era Jesus Christ came as the son of God to bring an era of great transformation. During Jesus' lifetime people were to be lifted from the position of servant to the position of sons of God. As God's servant, the nation of Israel was to support Jesus as the son of God, elevating him to the position of sovereign and then to the position of True Parent. The Bible referred to Jesus as a great teacher, but did not reveal the mission of Jesus as the parent. While Jesus was on earth the entire dispensation of restoration could have been shortened; the son of God came to restore true sonship, and to elevate himself into parenthood, raising the chosen people into direct sons and daughters, the true heirs of God. Then the entire nation could have been elevated to parenthood. That was God's scheduled program.

Because Israel did not accept Jesus, however, she could not advance that far, and instead of becoming a living sacrifice, Jesus was killed as a sacrifice on the altar of God. Thus Jesus actually died to lay the foundation for the future coming of the Messiah. By his own death he paid the indemnity and paved the way for the Second Coming of the Messiah; thus began the Christian era of the New Testament.

When the Messiah comes, he will bring those in the adopted child's position into the position of direct sons and daughters of God, and then elevate mankind into true parenthood under God. The Second Coming of the Messiah will be highlighted by the work of the True Parents. It will be the most brilliant new age, the final consummation of the work of God. The True Parents will be the mediators between God and man and all people shall be saved, becoming the direct children of God and true parents of future humanity.

We must build our own foundation

Judaism was the national, external foundation for Jesus, but Christianity bears that responsibility for the Second Coming of the Messiah. Furthermore the Messiah is coming on the worldwide level. Therefore, the Christian free world as a whole is in the position of the nation of Israel. When this situation is ripe you will know that the day of the Lord is near. When the messianic work is fulfilled by the free world, then God will take direct responsibility for the communist world. The restoration process can never be completed without this worldwide unity between Cain and Abel.

Presently a Cain-Abel struggle is taking place between the Unification Church and other Christian churches, and between the Unification Church and America. World restoration can be speeded up after the Unification Church, Christianity, and America find the way to unify. However, because the free world opposes us, we ourselves must rebuild and stand upon our own foundation. History records the vertical process of restoration the Old Testament era was for the restoration of all things; the New Testament era was for the restoration of the children; and the Completed Testament era will see the restoration of the parents.

Here in the Unification Church we are horizontally restoring the 6,000 biblical years of God's work in our lifetime. Within our own movement these three ages are unfolding horizontally. We are establishing an economic sphere; in addition we have children; and in the center we have the True Parents. We are restoring all of these things ourselves, and together we are bringing all of them to God as an offering. This work does not yet represent the kingdom, however; only when God returns our offering to us as a blessing will the kingdom begin.

I am unfolding this dispensation in my own lifetime. After offering to God the spheres of economics, children and parents, the next phase to unfold will be that of the society and then the nation, world and universe. I came to America in 1972, and my 3 1/2 year campaign here was my offering to God of all the necessary conditions on the worldwide scale. My offering on the worldwide scale was completed by 1976.

New York is the symbolic center of the world, and in this city we are working to firmly establish our economic strength. All the buildings we own in New York are part of this economic dispensation: the Headquarters Building, the East Sun Building, the World Mission Center, the Tiffany Building, and the Manhattan Center, as well as all the land we own in Tarrytown. Compared to the wealth of the world all this is still small, but we must offer it all to God as the heart of our worldwide offering. The energy of the world must be mobilized; every bit of money used to restore the economic sphere to God came from the blood and sweat of all our members around the world.

I fulfilled my covenant with God

The final climax of this offering was the Washington Monument rally. That was the altar upon which we offered to God everything that we had received. I want you to know that Sept. 18, 1976, was the day of offering for the sake of the world. Centering on the worldwide dispensation for America, that offering was made in Washington, D.C., the nation's capital. The five races of the world gathered together there, symbolically proclaiming, "God, we have made this an altar of ourselves; please accept all of us." That day of offering was the most serious, most divine and sacred day of the history of the world. Because a pure offering was made that day, the salvation of the world is destined to be consummated. On that day the entire spirit world declared victory. All the people of God united to declare victory.

America should have declared victory together with us, but America failed to do that. Many well meaning people even advised me that for the sake of the church we should be a little more quiet, "Why do you want to make all the commotion of a Washington rally?" Even some of our leaders came to me saying, "Father, this will be a blunder. We just did Yankee Stadium and we need more money, more men; it is really impossible to do it this year." But I remained determined. "This is the showdown of my lifetime. I will give my sweat, my heart, and my life to do it." I decided to give everything -- myself, my family, our members, whatever economic strength our movement could mobilize -- everything that I could possibly give to successfully make that offering to God in Washington.

This was not actually my showdown; it was God's showdown. I knew that God could not afford to fail in Washington, and I knew that God was the most anxious. Therefore, I was confident that God would come to our aid and I had only one conviction, "We shall succeed. We shall win."

I want you to know that Sept. 18, 1976, was like my day of execution. I deeply felt like a criminal who had been sentenced to death and was going out to be executed. That is how serious I felt that day, utterly dead serious. Until Sept. 18, I completely lost track of time. I mistook my breakfast for dinner and my dinner for breakfast. Time swam in my mind. Even on my way to the bathroom I would suddenly find myself in a completely different place because my mind had gone blank. You cannot imagine how serious I was during that campaign; only God knows.

How can I express to you the seriousness of Sept. 18? The showdown of God was at hand. The showdown of the entire struggle of good and evil was at hand. The entire destiny of the Unification Church was before me that day. Unless all the conditions could be established for God's. power and the entire spirit world to be connected to the earth on that day, I knew that I would not succeed. I was utterly serious, and I did it.

The victory of that day was a miracle. It was the work of God, not of Reverend Moon or the Unification Church, that we succeeded in Washington. Extraordinary numbers of people came. The whole event was totally beautiful! Without rain or accident, all was beautiful from beginning to end. Do you think that could be the work of men? No, it was God's work. That victory established a new tradition. No matter what may happen to America in the future, nobody can remove that footprint which I so strongly imprinted in Washington on Sept. 18, 1976.

One child got lost that day, and announcements were made all over Washington. There was deep suspense as people wondered what happened to the child who had come to Reverend Moon's rally. But he was found within three days, happy and well. I felt that he symbolized the lost, wandering world which shall be restored. It was a beautiful symbol of resurrection.

When I came to America I was a lonely man. As I crossed the Pacific Ocean I prayed to God, pledging that the mission would be fulfilled. Three and a half years later, through the victory at Washington Monument, my prayer was answered; I was able to fulfill my pledge and covenant with God. Thereafter I could declare liberation. On Oct. 4, 1976, I declared the Day of the Victory of Heaven as one step of liberation. On True Parents' Birthday, Feb. 23, 1977, I declared that all heaven and earth, spirit world and physical world together, shall be forgiven. Forgiveness and liberation have now been declared. The new age has dawned; the new calendar has started. The Year One has been pronounced.

This particular 18th Parents' Day is a very meaningful and extraordinary day for these reasons. Now, centering on my mission, you can begin to see how the Unification Church has evolved; what mission we are pursuing, and where we are going. You know why we need funds. The economic sphere represents all the things of creation that have been groaning in the satanic realm. By winning that sphere to the heavenly side by our own hands and our own sweat, we are establishing the condition to restore all the things of creation.

Love is the key

I am laboring harder than any company president in the world. I will strive harder and be more dramatically victorious than anyone in history. It is the love of God and love of mankind that makes this possible. In the name of God I want to break every record ever set.

Even more than I love my own children I love every one of you as direct sons and daughters. I watch you more closely than you realize and seek to nurture you so that you can grow into giants in the sight of God. Why do I care about you so deeply? I know so well that not only Christianity but the entire religious world is crumbling. You are the people who will replace those who were lost, inheriting their foundation and their mission. You are very precious in the sight of God and I want to pour out my heart to you. I am from a poor country, but even when I came to work in America, the richest nation in the world, I did not spend American money to advance this movement to its present level. Instead, people poorer than Americans gave the money with which I have been raising up the American people and establishing the American church.

Because America is vitally important to God, I determined to love America more than my own children, more than my own country, more than my own Asia. God deeply loves this nation and has done more and sacrificed more for this country than for any other country of the world. What is America's role? I will never say, "You must pay me back." Instead America must go out to the world, the six continents and five races of the earth, and give of itself and its wealth. Four billion people are waiting for the touch of America's hand. You must go out and serve them.

If America succeeds in this mission then the glory of this nation shall be astonishing and have no end. America will then remain the most prosperous country on earth. Love is the key. It. is love alone that will connect all things together and bring them to the altar of God. When that happens God will turn around and give everything back to you as His blessing. That will mark the beginning o f the. Kingdom of God on earth.

That is the, purpose for which I came. No matter what the people. outside of our church may have said, no matter what persecution or hardship the world may have given to me, I have never minded; instead I have been too busy giving everything to construct this mission. While Americans enjoy bread and meat, many of our members do not even enjoy a glass of milk, but only water. While American young people are idle and pursuing pleasures and relaxation, you and I have been giving totally of ourselves.

Many of the great leaders of America have been applauded, respected and given glory, but instead of receiving glory and respect I have received persecution, misunderstanding and ridicule. Even under those circumstances I have survived. I came to America for the liberation of this nation and I was ready to go to jail if necessary; I am ready and willing to give my life for the sake of this nation.

Presently I am. a miserable man in the eyes of the people. I walk the humble way, but I do it solely for the sake of God. Do you think God will always remain silent while America ridicules and persecutes His prophet? No, God could justly seek vengeance. I pray to God, "Do not unleash Your revenge. Here are the Unification Church members. Look at these beautiful, shining faces. They are the hope of America, they are the true America. Because of them, won't You forgive this nation?" That has been my prayer. America has become indebted to God, indebted to me, and indebted to you, the Unification Church. Some day America must pay everything back.

Please understand me. I love you, but I cannot be soft with you. Under the circumstances that would not be the expression of love. I have become a cruel person in a way, chasing you out to the battlefield. I want you to understand what I am doing and why, and I want you to support me.

If America had supported me with its mammoth wealth, even to the slightest degree, you would not have to go out and fund raise with such struggle. If America had supported me by freely giving of its young people, in such a way that negativity was not nurtured and spread, good people would have joined us freely and you would not have to go out to witness with such effort. However, America failed to respond in both ways.

I cried out in prayer to God, pledging and swearing that every dollar our members made represented every penny of America's wealth, and that every new member that joined us represented the entire population of this nation. "God, honor their effort, honor their success, honor their sacrifice. God, each one of our members is taking up America's role." Each dollar you earn must be glistening with your tears, such money is more precious than any amount of money earned in business. Each member you bring must be the fruit of your sweat and blood and hard work.

Do not worry, the American government will not have to chase me out; the time will come when I will go, voluntarily. If I were to leave I know that every one of you would feel no more attraction to America, but would want to follow me. How could I leave this country at this moment? If I sent away all the Japanese and European members, it is clear that this nation would decline like a ship without a captain. Do you want to watch this nation die or not? Do you clearly understand why we have walked this path, the purpose for which we are here, and the meaning of the work we have accomplished thus far?

As soon as you were born you came under satanic lineage. Had there been no fall, all of you would have been born of God. Whether first, second, or third-born, you would each be a child of God. Instead, you are all destined to be born again. By the love of God you shall be reborn into the level of servant, adopted child, true-child, and finally God-centered, sinless parents. Then you will inherit all things.

We must give rebirth to the created world, to the angelic world, to children of God, and to God-centered parents. From there we must expand our territory to the worldwide level, going beyond the satanic realm on the worldwide level and even giving rebirth to all things on the universal scale.

Cain and Abel must unite

Since the fall of man everything has been upside down, but we are reversing the process of the fall to make everything straight. God and Satan are intently fighting a tug-of-war over the children of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were directly claimed by Satan, and God postponed His hope for them. The angel was supposed to come under the dominion of Adam, but this became reversed through the fall, and Satan, the servant, controlled Adam instead. Cain as the elder brother was born in the position of Satan, while Abel was born in Adam's position, representing the side of God.

The original channel of command could be restored only by a reversal of dominion in which the younger brother took the position of elder brother, thus putting the archangel back on the servant level. The fallen, stained parents could then be restored on the foundation of Abel's victory, and the unstained, perfected Adam would then come as the Messiah. The children of God would then be born within that lineage. In the Garden of Eden there was only Adam's family; therefore, if that family was restored, all things would have been done.

God intended to complete this providence within three generations and then send the Messiah. At that time he would have established the True Parents, and the rest of the family members would have been grafted into their lineage, restoring the entire family at one time. This was the dispensation of Adam's family. However, Cain slew Abel, creating a repetition of the fallen act in which the archangel killed Adam instead of obeying him. Cain's act multiplied the consequences of the fall.

The division and struggle between the Cain side and Abel side has been perpetuated from the family level to the tribal, national, and worldwide levels, and man's history has been the history of struggle. Man's struggle has only brought greater division, and because Satan's dominion expanded to cover the entire world, restoration had to encompass the far ends of the earth.

The tug-of-war that started with Cain and Abel has today expanded to the worldwide level. God is pulling His world and Satan is pulling his world; God is pulling Abel and Satan is pulling Cain. However, if Abel's will to pull becomes strong enough, God can even pull Cain all the way to His side, leaving nothing more to be restored. The dispensation of Cain and Abel is for the younger to achieve the position of the elder, and the elder to take the position of the younger. This process of restoring the birthright to God's side must be fulfilled up to the worldwide scale. God has been winning through heavenly struggle, slowly fitting things back into their original order. Through the process of reversal God started His work at the far end, bringing everything back to its consummation at the center. The religious world today is in the position of Abel, the younger brother, while the non-religious world is in Cain's position. Cain will always seek to persecute Abel, and throughout history the religious world has always been persecuted. Cain always claims that Abel must submit to him, but the religious world responds, "No, we represent Adam and you represent the angel. You must follow us." Always the satanic world takes the initiative to suppress the religious world, and always there is struggle.

If the necessary conditions had been fulfilled in Adam's family through the unity of Cain and Abel, all would have been completely fulfilled horizontally in one family. But that failed and the entire restoration became vertical, descending through history and expanding into ever broader levels as the family expanded into a tribe, the tribe into a nation, and the nation into the world.

Cain and Abel must become one. In the sight of God there was no difference between Cain and Abel when they were born. Only because of the fall was there a vast difference in the meaning of their positions as elder son and younger son. The ultimate dominion in the world should begin with the positions of Cain and Abel united into oneness. You know from Old Testament history that the Cain and Abel providence which failed in Adam's family continued through Esau and Jacob, and also through Tamar's children, Perez and Zerah. There the continuing providence for the younger brother to win the birthright of his elder brother was consummated on all levels, even in the mother's womb. From this lineage Jesus was born.

Jacob and Rebecca

Cain and Abel were born separately, while Esau and Jacob were born together as twins. As twins they were much closer in their relationship than Cain and Abel. Why was Jacob blessed? According to the Bible's description he was a cunning man who lied to his elder brother and father, conniving with his mother to get Esau's birthright. Why could God continually bless him in that case? Rebecca, his mother, also deceived her husband and son. In the Garden of Eden Eve deceived both her husband and God, and this double deception brought about the fall. Eve did not listen to God but listened to Satan, and lied to her own husband; she lied to two generations, father and son.

In restoration Rebecca took the position of Eve, doing so by lying to her husband and her son for the heavenly purpose of assisting Jacob to restore the birthright. Through her fervent desire to fulfill the work of God, Rebecca was able to restore herself to the position of mother on the side of God, and help restore Jacob as a son on the side of God. Step by step, Rebecca cooperated with her heavenly son to restore everything:

Biblical scholars are confronted with an unsolvable question of morality in Jacob's course; he was a cunning man and a swindler, yet the Bible indicated that God continuously blessed him. Why? Without knowing the deep significance of God's dispensation, there is no way to understand.

When Isaac was close to death he blessed Jacob, believing that Jacob was actually Esau. When Esau later went to receive his father's blessing he discovered Jacob's deception, and he demanded,

'Have you but one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, O my father.' (Gen. 27:38)

But Isaac Insisted, 'Behold, I have made him your lord . . . What then can I do for you, my son?' (Gen. 27:37)

Jacob was a man of wisdom, and in order to avoid the accusation of his elder brother, he had already conditionally gained his elder brother's birthright by trading it for a bowl of lentils. Strictly speaking, Esau had no right to be angry, for he himself had already sold his birthright. Even so, Esau was consumed with anger and determined to kill Jacob, just as Cain had killed Abel. However, Rebecca again assisted Jacob and he fled from danger.

If Isaac had actually given Esau the blessing he gave Jacob, then God would not have had a condition to side with Jacob, and confusion would have emerged in the dispensation. However, God was always with Jacob, and through him God's dispensation was successfully fulfilled for the first time. All the conditions for physical restoration were met and fulfilled.

After a 21-year sojourn in a foreign land, Jacob returned to Canaan. On his way Jacob was confronted at the ford of Jabbok by an angel who represented Satan. The fall of man came when an angel subjugated a man; therefore, in restoration man must subjugate the angel. For this reason God sent the angel to confront Jacob, wanting Jacob to win not only physically over Esau, but also spiritually over the angel. By doing so Jacob could restore man to his proper position and bring the angel down to his proper position as servant.

When Jacob confronted the angel at the ford of Jabbok, he had to give his entire heart and soul, even more than he had during his 21 years of servitude in Haran. Indeed, Jacob was determined even to die, and though his thigh was knocked out of joint he did not hesitate, but continued in his struggle. The angel finally acknowledged that he could not prevail against Jacob and blessed him, saying,

'Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed. (Gen 32:28)

What was Jacob's victory? Jacob won a spiritual victory over the angelic world. From that time on Jacob was assisted not only by God but by the angelic world in whatever he chose to do. Spiritually Satan could not assist Esau when he confronted Jacob after 21 years of separation, and Esau had to embrace his brother.

You recall that Esau received a great many gifts when Jacob freely gave of his earnings of 21 years. What is the significance of this act? In doing so, Jacob set the condition by which we also can purchase our birthright through giving out our fortune. Thereafter all truly religious people have given up their material wealth to the satanic world, and in doing so, could not only win the satanic world but also win their birthright. Jesus also gave up everything, possessing nothing throughout his entire mission. Once you know the Principle, the Bible suddenly becomes very logical.

The restoration of Cain and Abel was completed for the first time through the lives of Jacob and Esau. God won His first victory on earth at the moment the two brothers became one and Esau embraced Jacob. Through his unity with Jacob, Esau and his descendants also received the blessing of God. Esau was born into Satan's position, but during the process of restoration Esau cooperated with Jacob, however unwillingly, and when Esau welcomed Jacob the two positions were restored, and God could extend an equal blessing to Esau.

Further preparation of Jesus' lineage

Jacob and Esau were about the age of 40 when they finally fulfilled the will of God; however, their success could only affect those people of that age or older. No one below the age of forty could benefit by this process in the restoration. God prepared another step in His dispensation that would protect His children from the period of their life in their mother's womb until the age of 40. This providence had to be sealed within the next three generations of Jacob's descendants.

Judah was the fourth son of Jacob, and Judah's son married a woman whose name was Tamar. According to Jewish tradition, if a son died without leaving sons, his brother had to act as a husband to the dead brother's wife so that the dead brother's lineage would be continued. Tamar did not have children when her husband died, and when the next brother refused to fulfill his responsibility, he died. However, the third brother was not given to Tamar when he became old enough, and Tamar saw that she had no hope to bear children.

She knew that her mission was to continue the family of her husband and Judah, his father, and she finally decided to sacrifice even her honor in order to fulfill the will of God. Disguising herself as a prostitute, Tamar enticed her father-in-law to have a relationship with her. Without knowing she was his daughter-in-law Judah consented. In order to save her life for the sake of her child, Tamar asked Judah for his signet and staff as a pledge for payment, and confiscated them.

Three months later when it became obvious that the widow Tamar was pregnant, she was brought before Judah to be judged. At that time adultery was punishable by death. You can imagine Judah's horror: "Bring her out, and let her be burned!" But she answered,

'By the man to whom these belong, I am with child,' (Gen. 38:25) and she brought out the things that Judah had given her in his pledge.

Man fell through fornication, so why would God use adulterous women in the dispensation? Tamar was one example of how God frequently used women of most unusual character in restoration. They are in a satanic position, but if they completely deny their satanic nature when summoned by God, then they can be restored from one extreme to the opposite extreme.

God selected His champions from the most miserable situations. Tamar was a righteous woman, and though she was originally in a sinful position, she completely dedicated herself to God's mission, risking her life, honor, and prestige. Paralleling the way Eve lied to God and her husband to bring about the fall, Tamar deceived her father-in-law and her husband-to-be, the third brother of her original husband. She was in a position to reverse the position of Eve by reversing Eve's actions. The significant thing is that she risked her life to do God's will.

Tamar conceived twins, and in this case the struggle of Cain and Abel began within her very womb. The Bible records how Rebecca's twins also struggled within their mother's womb She had prayed to God to under- stand what was happening, and God answered her, saying,

'Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, and the elder shall serve the younger.' (Gen. 25:23)

Ultimately Jacob did gain the birthright from his elder brother, Esau.

When the time came for Tamar's children to be delivered, the struggle ensued directly within her womb. The first child started to come out and the midwife tied a red thread around his wrist. That sign foreshadowed the emergence of communism in the Last Days. However, before the first child could be born there was a struggle, and the younger brother pulled the other back inside and was himself born first. That son was named Perez, and the other named Zerah. The result of this struggle was that for the first time the restoration of Cain and Abel took place inside the mother's womb, the younger brother having subjugated his elder brother even prior to birth. Tamar's extraordinary action cleansed Judah's lineage and rendered it intact from satanic invasion from the time of conception.

Mary's foundation

Through the victory of both Jacob and Tamar, God could claim a foundation that spanned man's entire life. Jesus was born in the lineage of Judah, and Satan had no way to invade his life because the cleansing process was already completed. Jesus came years after the dispensation of Jacob and Tamar because God had to wait for the national foundation to be established. Conditions were all fulfilled on the family level at the time of Jacob, Tamar and Judah, but God needed to create a foundation to receive the Messiah within a nation, that he might gain victory among the satanic nations.

Finally after 2,000 years, God chose one more woman, whose name was Mary. Mary was a revolutionary woman of faith who could follow God's revolutionary tactics. Because the fall of man came through the archangel, an angel was needed to assist Mary by bringing her God's revelation. Mary completely believed what the angel told her of her mission: that she would conceive, that the child would be great and holy, and that his name should be called Jesus.

Mary's situation paralleled Eve's in the Garden of Eden before her blessing. Mary and Joseph were engaged but not yet married; Adam and Eve were also in an engagement period as they were growing up. An angel brought Eve to the fallen act, but an angel brought Mary to the fulfillment of the heavenly dispensation. Mary was also in a position to deceive her husband and her father. Do you think Mary could discuss with her father or Joseph about how she had conceived her baby? She was risking her life because in those times, an adulterous woman was to be stoned to death.

Mary was the third woman to be chosen by God in this way. Through the previous victories of Rebecca and Tamar all satanic conditions had been cleared from Jesus' lineage, and even though Mary conceived Jesus outside marriage, Satan could not accuse her. Even inside his mother's womb Jesus was already the only begotten son of God, and after his birth everything he did was with the authority of the son of God.

The events recorded in the Bible have always puzzled the world. For instance, in the genealogy of Jesus the names of four women who bypassed the marriage bond are recorded: Tamar, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Another puzzling question was why the elder son was often in the position to be cursed by God. Without understanding the depths of the Principle there are no logical explanations for these things.

Jesus was in the position of Adam without sin in the Garden of Eden. Did God intend for Adam to live his entire life alone in the Garden of Eden? No. In the same way Jesus was destined to create his own family through restoring his bride. Jesus' family was to become the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God by creating the new lineage of heaven on earth as the center of the universe.

The son of God came alone, but in restoring his bride and his children from Israel, and establishing Israel as his own nation, Jesus could have completely restored the world. But Jesus was crucified, and could not leave the foundation of the Father and Mother of mankind established here on earth. With no True Parents here on earth, how could anyone be reborn for earthly life? Without parents how can you be born in the first place?

How to receive physical salvation

Forty days after Jesus' resurrection the Holy Spirit descended from heaven. What is the Holy Spirit? After Jesus died without installing himself and his bride as the True Parents of mankind on earth, God's concept of the True Parents was confined to the spiritual realm. Jesus came as the manifestation of God's concept of true Adam, but no one was raised up to manifest God's concept of Eve. For this reason the Holy Spirit comes in the role of spiritual mother. The Bible describes the Holy Spirit as being like fire or water or like a dove because it is without form, but the role of the Holy Spirit is that of a mother spirit.

The Holy Spirit has served as the womb of a spiritual mother, completely embracing and covering Christians and giving spiritual rebirth. Jesus' spirit as the father, together with the Holy Spirit, can bring the power of rebirth to Christians. No spiritual resurrection can come about until one truly receives both Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

God never intended that physical birth and spiritual-birth should come separately, but Jesus could not establish full salvation 2,00() years ago, and left only the power of spiritual-salvation here on earth. He must. come again to the earth to complete the portion of his mission left undone at that time.

An unusual phenomenon is taking place within the Unification Church; you are seeking to be recognized and loved by the True Parents. In your deepest heart you want to become one with them; without doing this you cannot be given complete restoration or rebirth. Physically it is impossible to become a part of the True Parents, but through your love, your total unity with them will be acknowledged by heaven. Did you ever dream of such a principle?

I want you to deeply realize that the emergence of the True Parents did not happen all of a sudden by decree one morning. Thousands and thou sands of years passed in which God shed sweat and blood and tears to lay the necessary foundation. in accordance with His. principle and schedule, yet this work was continually being hampered by man's failures. I unlocked the deep secrets of heaven and earth and determined to pioneer the path beyond the level on which all the dispensational figures previously suffered or accomplished -- figures like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Jesus. I learned precisely what they accomplished and what they left undone.

I knew from the very beginning that. unless I set my standard higher than all of those dispensational figures, I could not fulfill the role of the True Parents in heart and love. I have now succeeded beyond the level they established in terms of heart and love. From the beginning I knew what to look for, what to ask for, and what to strive for.

All the confusion and chaos. of history had to be resolved. I came like a doctor to operate, to straighten out the problems of mankind within the shortest possible time of 30 years, and to complete the foundation upon which God's history could begin and all mankind could be brought back to life. It is a miracle of miracles. What would you have done if I had not come?

Right now I look miserable in the eyes of the world. I have unlocked the most important secrets of life and have freely given them as a gift to the world; yet instead of being grateful the world has come back to ridicule me. You are God's only hope; you are my only hope. However,. since your previous life was so sinful, you can never deserve the blessing of God in the Unification Church without totally changing from your previous philosophy and way of life.

Who will inherit my mission?

Your lives must be different from yesterday; each day you need to be recreated. Will you change yourselves today? On this Parents' Day, let's forget what you have done in the past because what counts is what you do today and tomorrow. Boldly take the responsibility that God has bestowed upon you; courageously challenge to fulfill this mission. I want you to know that through you God will change the history of mankind.

I am not delivering this message today solely for your benefit. My audience is the world, history, and the spirit world. I am speaking to the world and every person here on earth shall listen to this word in due course. The entire spirit world is listening right now. The entire world will be without the excuse that they did not hear me.

Did my explanation of the Bible sound like a lie, or is it clear and effective truth? If the 240 million people of America and Christians the world over could really humble themselves to listen to the truth, there is no way that they could say, "Reverend Moon, you are seeking to deceive and I do not trust you." The power of the truth will unite men.

I am very anxious at this time. God wanted me to have fulfilled this level of accomplishment by the age of 40, yet now I am almost 60. I am anxious to recover those 20 years of time by declaring God's truth to the world so that the world which has been destined to death shall see some sign of hope for restoration.

It is not yet too late, but America and the world must repent. God still wants to bless America. No one ever even imagined that the emergence of the True Parents could be this difficult and precarious. To come this far I had to persevere through and overcome impossible opposition; I want you to inherit these experiences from me. Unless you inherit this heart of mine, you will have nothing to do with the place where I dwell and where God dwells.

When I die, I shall ask God, "Is there anyone who loved You more? Is there anyone who loved the world more? Is there anyone who really gave himself more totally for the sake of the world? Heavenly Father, can You name one?" There is no other such person. Therefore, I want to live longer because no one has yet come who can succeed me in my situation. I pray that among you someone can come forward to say, "Father, I can inherit your mission. I feel precisely as you do; I am another Reverend Moon. Leave it to me." My prayer is to see even one person like that come from among you. The greatest blessing, the greatest gift that God could give me, would be to see such a man. That person will say, "Father, I shall not only equal your own record, I shall exceed your record so there can be glory and Sabbath for you and for God." If many of you feel like that, then this is truly the glory and victory of Parents' Day.

Can you pledge in this sacred room, "God, I give You my covenant, my pledge, that I will never let you down, that I shall persevere even more than Father himself persevered, and with my hands Your mission shall be done. This world shall see resurrection and health because of me." If that is the pledge you can give, then this is the place where God will look down and take great joy. Those who can solemnly pledge this serious and most difficult yet down-to-earth commitment, raise your hands. Thank you.

With this thought and conviction let us rejoice on this Parents' Day. God bless you. Thank you all.

Chapter 23 - Today in the Light of Dispensational History

Chapter 23
Today in the Light of Dispensational History
February 23, 1977 -- New York, New York .

As you know, today is True Parents' Birthday. The topic of the message this morning is "Today in the Light of Dispensational History." According to the Principle, since the fall of Adam and Eve the responsibility of the fall has rested upon the fallen generations of humanity. If Adam and Eve had not fallen but had reached perfection, then not only they as the ancestors of mankind but also the entire universe would have been perfected.

It was God's original plan for Adam to reach perfection, followed by Eve. Then through them the first family of man would have been formed upon the earth, and the children of God would have multiplied, first forming one nation and then another. Finally the entire world would have been filled with Adam's lineage. God intended to have only one people, Adam's people; one race, Adam's race; one heart, Adam's heart. Then the center of this entire universe would have been God, and Adam and Eve. Since God is the center of all living creation, everyday life would have been centered upon one God, and that God would have had dominion over all the things of creation and all mankind.

God would have been the source of all mankind's tradition, history, and entire way of life. All mankind was to live in one tradition centered upon and related to the love of God. In such a perfected world, man would have been incapable of separating from the love of God. It would have been impossible to do.

Here on earth, children naturally long for their parents even when they are separated for only few days. This human tendency comes from the original nature of man; we are longing for that one parent of mankind, God. This inseparable relationship must be reestablished because man cannot bear the loneliness of being separated from God.

When you consider this, man has something to be proud of. What is it? The supreme pride of man in the world of perfection is to have God as father. To be able to say "God is my father; Almighty God is my father!" is the greatest pride of man. Man's second most supreme source of pride is that he can say "I can possess the love of God; I can monopolize the love of God." And man's third source of pride in the world of perfection is that he can say "I can inherit God's kingdom. I can inherit everything that my father has." Isn't that truly something to be proud of? In our world, people are proud of so many social positions. They say, "You know, my father is a Ph.D.; a doctor at Harvard; a prime minister; I come from the royal family." These positions become a source of great pride. But think of it -- you can say, "My father is God."

Many people in our society are proud of being a son or daughter of an important person, but in many cases they have no experience of a loving relationship When you say "God is my father:' however, you are already saying, "The love of God is mine." Without having a relationship with the love of God, you are not His son. Let's say you are a child of a lord and are living in his house. All the servants know that eventually you are going to be master of the house, elevated to the throne of the house. Therefore, all those servants have to pay respect to you. By the same token, in the entire Kingdom of God, everybody knows that you are the son of God. Therefore, all creation, including the angels, must pay respect to you.

God's intention was that He and man would dwell as father and son, and that He would dwell together with His son's family. The Kingdom of God would be inhabited by the children of God. A God-centered culture and tradition would be born, so that the history of God would last through eternity. That was the original ideal of God.

Today, where are mankind's desires, ambitions and hopes concentrated? Mankind's supreme desire is to become the sons and daughters of God. Secondly, man desires to possess the love of God, and thirdly, man longs to inherit God's kingdom, everything that God has. There is no greater hope for man than to fulfill these three desires.

In order to become sons and daughters of God, we must come into God's own lineage. Our bloodline must become connected to God. What if there had been no fall of man? In the first place, we would automatically be born as children of God. The fall of man was the severing of man from God. Illicit love brought about the fallen lineage. Instead of Adam and Eve uniting under God, the archangel and Eve united. The archangel, the servant of God and man, took God's position and subjugated all mankind, and all mankind came under the servant instead of God.

Of Satan's lineage

Ever since the fall, all mankind has been born, not into the direct lineage of God, but into the lineage of Satan. Mankind is part of the bloodline of Satan. Once the fall became a reality, no matter how much we called God "my father ' it was devoid of meaning. The fallen world is selfish. "Myself' became the center of everything, disregarding God and everything else. No matter how hard people tried to concentrate on God, it was virtually impossible because the master of the world was not God but Satan.

Contradiction, struggle and destruction have filled the chapters of the history of fallen mankind. Fallen humanity came under satanic culture, which centers on struggle and division, contrary to God's history, which seeks for unity and harmony. Even in the fallen world, however, all men and women have an innate, original human desire. The conscience always tries to lead one back to the original center, God. To return to God, one must be saved from the satanic surroundings. That's why those who are heading toward the original God-centered point have gone through tremendous struggles.

The entire history of man can be described as a tug of war. Man has been pulled by both powers. It has been a struggle to determine which side to belong to. This is the agony of man. This struggle started with the individual, and advanced to the family, tribe, nation and world. All have been pulled from pole to pole, toward evil and toward goodness.

History has been a war between good and evil. Each battle was a severe struggle, but eventually the ultimate winner was always the good side. God's side won each level, expanding His territory. In war, there is so much killing and destruction on both sides. It is a chaotic and confusing situation. How can you tell which side is good and which side is evil? The side that initiates the attack is the evil one. In a school classroom, if two boys with bloody faces are fighting, the first question the teacher will ask is, "Who started it?" Whose side will the teacher take? Not the side of the attacker, but of the defender. Is that not true?

Let's say there is a classroom with dozens of students, and one boy is a rascal. He does not study and is always a troublemaker. But one day he happens to be sitting quietly, and all of a sudden he is attacked by some other person. No matter how bad a rascal he may been, on that particular day he would get the sympathy of the teacher.

Evil always takes the initiative; it always attacks first. Throughout history, God has been like a schoolteacher, looking down on the struggle, watching those being attacked. God is on the side of the defenders. Therefore, the history of war is such that the attacker initiates, but always loses in the end. The universal teacher, God, is on the side of the weaker ones who are being attacked.

Why is the attacker evil? Think of human history. In the beginning, evil took the initiative and brought about the fall. The relationships between God and man, and Adam and Eve, were infiltrated and attacked. That is the original characteristic of evil. The attacker may inflict certain harm or destruction, but it is a universal law that eventually that person will have to not only restore the damage but pay a penalty as well.

God knows this universal principle. Do you think He is always initiating war? No. God does not initiate attacks. What about the people who are on the side of God? Can they say, "God, You are too good. You sit down, we will fight"? God's true people will never initiate an attack. An aggressive action will never be taken by God's people.

God's people are always being attacked, but they endure, persist and move on. That's the characteristic of God's people. Always under attack, they take the beating but never give up. It is a universal law that you become a winner by being attacked. The aggressor has to pay the damage plus a penalty. So you must endure and survive the attack on the individual level, then on the family level, national level and the worldwide level. You must withstand, survive and persevere. In the end, you will receive the entire universe because Satan arid evil have to pay you the damage plus the penalty. That's how God's side will win.

The universe will come to you

The entire universe may attack you even though righteousness and justice are on your side. As long as you withstand, you can survive, and the entire universe will come to you. Beyond the universe, there is no higher level. Satan is the forefather and the king of aggressors. God is the king of the defenders.

The attacker may seem to annihilate the good, but God will raise up additional strength and power, and the attacker will eventually lose. On the individual level there are good and evil men. The evil man may attack the good, and that good man may be destroyed. But that is not the end of it. God will raise up another, even stronger champion until He finds a person, tribe and nation to withstand the attack and survive. God will never give up. As long as God is alive, the good side is never finished and never gives up.

From God's point of view, the battle of good and evil has not even started. The start has always been delayed and extended. The Principle teaches that God can prolong restoration history if certain expectations do not occur right on schedule.

The most important pattern of human history is this: Satan always attacks and loses, and God is always being attacked and gains. Look at the example of World War I. Germany started that war but was not the winner. Why? At that time, the Germans thought they could win the war. If this were not so, they would not have started it. Satan always thinks he can win; that is why his forces start wars. But no one can violate heavenly law. This is the Principle. Germany and Japan attacked in World War II, but they also lost. God, the supreme judge, was looking down and said, "You violated the universal law."

Right now the communist world and the free world are confronting each other. Which side is more aggressive and destructive? Which side is taking the initiative? According to the universal law of the Principle, are the communists going to be the final victors?

How far can Satan advance? This is of great interest to us. Communism cannot take over more than two-thirds of the world. In both world wars you can see that the attackers were successful until they gained two- thirds of world domination. As they gained this ground, they thought they were winning completely. In World War II, the German army swept over most of Europe, and the Japanese forces took almost the entire Pacific area. But Satan could not take the final one-third.

This is because the fall of man came during the formation and growth levels, or two-thirds of the whole. Satan could not infiltrate the perfection level. Therefore, Satan can claim two-thirds of anything, but never the final one-third. This is the formula through which human history has evolved. Therefore, throughout human history, there has always been one level that has remained intact. One incomprehensible group always emerged with a common set of goals -- a religious group.

Religious people are always a problem to those in power. God is always their goal; Therefore, they can go beyond national boundaries, racial boundaries and cultural boundaries. They are just impossible people to deal with because the accepted sense of judgment does not apply to them. Throughout history, sovereignties have always felt threatened by religious groups. They are such difficult people to deal with because they cannot be controlled. To say "We will kill you!" is not a threat to them. They answer, "Go ahead; do it!"

Governments fear religions

Therefore, as new religions emerged throughout history, governments usually opposed them. They always wanted to liquidate the religions before they got too big. A sovereign nation worries only about the integrity of its own territory, but religious people don't care if an enemy is next door. They might even open the door to the enemy camp. This worries the governing people.

Rulers of nations have always seen religious people as a very sticky problem. They try to oppress them and accuse them of all kinds of sins. "You spied; you caused violence; you caused disorderly conduct." Then which is the good side? Which one is the aggressor -- the government or the religious people? Which is the evil -- the rulers or the religious people?

The religious people and religious crusades are constantly utilizing God's Principle. When the Christians arrived in Rome, they had no weapons. The Roman Empire had everything including a trained, disciplined army, and the Romans attacked the Christians over and over. The Christians just withstood the beating and pressed on: Though many were martyred, they continued, and after 400 years the Roman Empire finally surrendered.

Without knowing this principle, many people cry out," Why did the supreme, Almighty God let His people suffer?" Many people try to say there is no God, or if there is a God that He is helpless. But when you know the Principle, you know where God is

From the point of view of this formula, we can determine which is the period of the Last Days. You can determine the Last Days by observing the world situation. First of all, in the Last Days an adamant, new religious movement will spring up, and the entire world will try to suppress it. Not just one ruler, not just one government, but the entire world together will try to strike that particular religion and demolish it. When you see this sign, you can know for certain that these are the Last Days.

In the Last Days there will be one lonely group of people with the highest possible goal, and they will be attacked not just by white people, but by black and yellow people, too. They will be accused not just by white governments, but by black and yellow governments. The entire universe will try to stop them. Even the established religions will try to suppress that group. Isn't that exciting? To which side would you like to belong?

History is not made at random. History is made according to a definite principle, and it never deviates from that principle. In light of this, we can so clearly see our position in this world as a lonely group, yet with the highest, most noble ideals. Nevertheless, the rest of the world is trying to condemn us. It is with pride and great honor that we belong to this group.

You know the Principle. You know the truth of God, the secrets of God. If God sends one champion in the Last Days, that champion is going to organize a strategy so that he can emerge as a lightning rod, with the rest of the world trying to strike him. He will not try to avoid such a task, but will work according to God's strategy.

In accordance with God's Principle, this is really the wisest and quickest strategy to win over the rest of the world. We must become good lightning rods so the rest of the world is inevitably drawn to come and strike us. To have that happen, we have to irritate the world. How should we do that? What's the best way to irritate the rest of the world? By taking their money? They wouldn't really mind sharing some of their money with us. But if you touch their loved ones, then everybody gets excited!

Who are those loved ones? You are! You are their wives, husbands, daughters and sons. These relationships are very sensitive, so if anybody touches them, the families react immediately. In all the history of religion, we have never seen anything like a parents' movement organized to search for their own children. In all of history, no such organization of parents has ever existed. This is the first time in history that parents have tried to kidnap their own children. Usually a child is kidnapped away from his parents, but this time your parents are coming to kidnap you.

The final showdown

This unique, extraordinary situation is happening because God has initiated extraordinary things here on earth. The final showdown of good and evil is being waged. That's why we see this extraordinary situation. Is this of my making, or of God's making? God is fulfilling His Principle at this time. Today, even Judaism has come against us. Jews say we are anti-Semitic, and Christianity has come against us, as well as communism. The American government has not exactly put out a red carpet for us. This amazing situation is happening all over the world. To make the situation worse, I sent out missionaries to 120 nations, which created more upheavals and commotion everywhere.

So we can see that wherever we are, the Unification Church is a very lonely group, and the rest of the world, including every government and every kind of religion, is trying to liquidate us. Then where am I going? Am I so naive that I do not know about all the opposition outside? How can I sleep at night? Some people say, "Reverend Moon, your ideology is so superb, but why not be diplomatic? Why don't you talk nicely to The New York Times and The Washington Post?"

Should I be diplomatic, or should we go out and shake the world? Let's get the attention of the world focused upon us. Let them hit me; let them hit us. By doing so, they owe us a debt. The important thing is this: Today I am indeed a focal point here in America, in Korea, Japan, Africa, South America, everywhere. But while the rest of the world is banded together trying to stop me, what do I represent? Do I represent the ideal of God or the ideal of Satan? That's the main question.

You say I represent God, but maybe the rest of the world will say I represent Satan. In the democratic world, majority rule stands. In my case, only a minority is saying that I am on the side of God. The majority says, "No, he is on the side of Satan." Which side can we trust? We must learn a new democratic rule: A minority plus God is the majority! We represent the supreme ideal given by God. As long as God is on our side, we are the majority.

You must know my secret, the secret of the Unification Church. From the very beginning of my ministry I was attacked and attacked and attacked, but I never faltered, never completely gave up, and in the end I always won and prospered. This has been the history of God and the history of the Unification Church. The Bible says that the ones who are patient to the last shall be victorious. Not just one person came against me, not just one nation came against me, and not just this world came against me. In the course of my ministry, the entire spirit world has come against me, and at one point even God came against me and said, "I don't know you."

Even God tested me, but I withstood to the last, surviving even the test of God. Then God surrendered and said, "This is my son to whom I can leave my entire kingdom." God and I made a covenant. God said, "You are the son I have been seeking, the one who can begin my eternal history. Now you are here." And I said, "I have been searching for you, and finally I can know that you are my father in heaven, and I am your own son." Our covenant as father and son was made.

God does not easily give the title "Son of God." First, that person must become the victor over all human history. He must be in a position to pay all the debts of history. He is a rare individual. God took several thousand years to find that one man, and finally He has found him. I have nothing to be proud of, except that I know that God is my father, and I am His son. I am proud that I am entitled to receive the entire love of God, and that I have become a channel of that love. Finally, I can be proud to be entitled to inherit God's kingdom.

The great human desires that Adam and Eve were supposed to fulfill in the Garden of Eden were to become the son and daughter of God, to receive the love of God, and to inherit God's entire kingdom. However, this was all lost by the fall of man. I can now proclaim to the world, however, that the original human desires and God's original plan have been achieved by man through the law of indemnity and the process of restoration, and the attainment of the three blessings is now possible.

The victory of 1976

The rest of the world came around, trying to beat us, during the momentous year of 1976. In 1976, the entire history of God was culminated in two major events: the Yankee Stadium rally and the Washington Monument rally. World attention toward our movement came to a peak that year. In the year of 1976 I became known to the world. The events that we created, that God created, in the year of 1976 cannot be removed from the history of religion or from human history. I established myself as a super lightning rod in the year 1976. In my public ministry I drew the attention of the world; therefore, after the victory at Washington Monument, I declared that my public speaking had ended. Who won?

Was I defeated or victorious? Those who wished us to fail miserably were watching very attentively for the outcome of the Washington rally. By their own standard, was our accomplishment a success or a failure? Could our adversaries think we were a failure, or do they have to admit we were a complete success?

I want you to know that the Washington Monument rally was a decisive victory that became the turning point of human history. Until then I was just a person to be beaten upon over and over again, and I just persevered. The rest of the world came around me, trying to strike me. I'm sure, without knowing this formula of God's dispensational history, that even many Unification Church members thought, "I don't think God is working through Reverend Moon. If He is, why is Reverend Moon so persecuted and so lonely? Why does he have to go through so much hardship and hard work?" Actually, many Unification Church members ask that question.

Think of it. Even if God is really furious at a government or nation, just exploding in wrath, could He crush it after sending His son to save it? America thinks it is a big country, but God's son is much bigger than America. Sometimes Unification Church members are almost desperately praying, "God, please bring your son down on our opponents a little bit." But I don't pray that way. That will never be my prayer.

God cannot do that. God cannot bring His own son down to crush an opponent, because that will defeat His purpose. Rather, God is allowing the rest of the world to come against me, to hit me like this. By doing that they are just giving up their own blessing to me. Their action of hitting me creates a bridge for blessings to come to me. That's how God harvests the blessings in the Last Days. God will harvest these blessings for one God-centered ideology.

Some people might say, "Reverend Moon, I can now understand God's Principle. But why do you let the Unification Church members suffer? You are the lightning rod, so you should get attacked, take all the hardship and win, but let the rest of the members go easy." But I want you to be a bridge to give our the blessings to the rest of the world. I want you to receive part of the blessings by receiving some of the attack.

This is why I let you suffer. If you go through similar hardships, then you can be recognized together with me, and the blessings I receive will also become yours. That is the only way you can receive them. Then you can distribute these blessings to the world. If people refuse to receive the blessings you distribute, then they will become yours. God will say, "You just go ahead and keep them." So you have no way to lose. So, would you like to receive some persecution?

So far, we have been continuously beaten and we have never even turned around to look at our attackers. But now the time has come for us to turn around and face them. Why? The time has come for a different kind of showdown; now we have to disseminate the blessing. Unless the Unification Church is attacked by the entire world at once, and unless we go over that hill, we cannot be liberated.

I want you to know that this level of accomplishment was not achieved by random actions or on a whim. I have gone through God's precise timetable, from the individual level to the family level, society level, national level, and worldwide level. As you know, if Adam and Eve had not fallen,. they would have been models or symbols of perfection for every level, but because of their fall, the model that God created was not established here on earth. No one has seen that model.

I paid the debts

When you read the Old Testament history in the Bible, it is really a history of human failure. There is not much victorious history in the Old Testament. There is so much indemnity to pay for all three of the major ages: the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and the Completed Testament era. I had to pay all the debts of the past, and then expand that vertical history onto the horizontal level of victory. Unless this is done, there can be no real day of victorious proclamation.

So far, the entire spirit world has been divided because there was no unity, and no dispensational indemnity had been paid here on earth. There is one realm in the spirit world for Judaism, another realm for Christianity, another realm for Buddhism, and so forth. They all have different realms for themselves, so there is no unity in the spirit world.

If there had been no fall, Christianity would not have existed, nor Confucianism, nor Buddhism. There would only be Adamism, from one Adam. Starting from Adam and Eve as the true parents, everybody would have been joined together as their branches. But the true parents never emerged, because of the fall. Therefore, all the division was inevitable. Until the True Parents emerged to make a new beginning, no unity could be seen in the spirit world.

God has been working for so many thousands of years to create this one base where He can install true parents. Starting from the ancient tribes, and continuing through the national history of Israel, and then expanding Christianity into a worldwide religion, God created a base where this new dispensation could take place.

Throughout history, the path of the dispensation followed one pattern through all the levels of family, society, nation and world. For example, Jacob reflects the pattern for the family, but Jacob's blessing did not come easily. He went to the land of Haran and suffered hardship for 21 years. Finally he received the blessing after returning to Canaan. Look at Israel. The chosen people went to Egypt where they suffered untold tragedy and afterward were led through the exodus by Moses. Thus, Jacob was victorious on the family. level, and Moses was victorious on the tribal or national level. Then look at how much Christianity has suffered, going to the Egypt like land of the Roman Empire to suffer for 400 years. Only after that suffering could liberation come to Christianity.

The goal of Jesus

After the exodus, the Israelites were able to create their own kingdom, the kingdom of Israel. If Jesus Christ had not been crucified, he would have united the entire Arab territory with Israel, creating one united Kingdom of God in his own time. Jesus would have fulfilled God's ideal of king of kings, not just symbolically but also on the physical level.

God's plan was that Jesus unify the nation of Israel and absorb the Arab territory, and that power was then to have absorbed India and China. Then, even though the Roman Empire was very strong on the European continent, it would have easily been absorbed by Jesus' great kingdom to create one unified Kingdom of God. At that time, the literal Kingdom of God on earth was supposed to have been erected. If Jesus had not been crucified, instead of turning to the West and crossing the Atlantic to America, Christianity would have gone the other way to India, China, and the Orient, and then over to the Western world. However, because of the crucifixion, Christianity made a 180 degree turn and moved toward Rome, England, America, and then back to the Orient.

Today, America is the model Christian nation; it is the fruit of the Christian culture of the entire Christian world. Today, America is in the position of the second Israel. The first Israel was the Jews of 2,000 years ago. The second Israel here in America is a cosmopolitan assemblage of all the people of the world, all the races together, united in one nation. However, even though all are symbolically gathered together in America, complete spiritual and physical unity has not been seen here; the love of God is not yet in full swing. The Unification movement will become the spirit of America and unite the heart of America. We have come to bring together the hearts of all people and all races. We want to melt their hearts together in unity and harmony. According to the Principle, in order to indemnify the past, we have to first create the environment. Today, America is the environment for the new dispensation.

The Messiah could not come to Israel again. This is obvious because it is God's Principle that He cannot use the same people or the same territory twice. God always chooses a new champion. The new messianic mission will unfold in Asia because Asians are internal, like the "mind" of the universe. God will choose one homogeneous, united people -- a single race that has a deep religious history and religious capability. That one nation will be chosen from Asia.

There is a parallel that can be seen between the Western world and the Oriental world. For example, in the dispensation of Christianity in Europe, Great Britain was in a position equivalent to Japan in the Orient now, and Italy was in a position equivalent to Korea today. A peninsula is the ideal environment because it serves as a bridge between islands and the continent. New cultural movements blossom on peninsulas. The Hellenic and Roman cultures developed on the Greek and Italian peninsulas. The peninsula is where the island and continental cultures can merge and mingle together to become one unified culture. In the final days, the Western culture and Oriental culture will merge and create a unified culture of the universe on the Korean peninsula.

Historically, the peninsulas have always played critical roles. Vietnam is a peninsula where two cultures clashed and a war was fought. Before World War II, Korea had been annexed to another nation and had lost its sovereignty, but after the war, its liberation came. Now Korea is one nation in Asia that America must not leave. America has given up on so much in Asia, like Vietnam, for example, and now there is a lot of talk about the new administration withdrawing armed forces from Korea. This would not bring fortune to America. For dispensational reasons, America must retain her position in Korea. Great blessing is coming by this link between the United States and Korea. If that link is broken, America will be deeply troubled.

During World War II, the ungodly forces of Japan and Italy were destroyed by the Allied forces. That victory was God's gift to America. America holds stewardship as the servant of God, retaining custody over all of God's property. It is God's will to have America guide all the land of the world that is on the side of God. America must not abandon it, particularly not to communism. That is certainly not the will of God.

The United Nations was invaded

The establishment of the United Nations, a symbol of world government, was within the will of God. However, God wanted America to take the initiative in world leadership and to create a United Nations without the ungodly forces of communism interfering. After World War II, America continually retreated from world responsibility. Furthermore, by allowing communism to come into the United Nations, America has now foolishly provided a forum for communist propaganda. The United Nations is now a tool for the communists.

American young people by the hundreds of thousands shed their blood during World War II. Through them, God paid such a high price. We can never calculate the value of that blood, and yet America gave it up to enemy hands. America, as a nation, has failed in the sight of God, She harvested God's gift and then gave it to Satan. Can that be forgiven? Satan, who is receiving all of God's beautiful harvest, is still not going to be satisfied. His people are coming into the heart of the United Nations to choke the United States to death.

After World War II, America began a drastic decline. There has been a retreat in the political area, and there are great problems in the economic area. Furthermore, spiritual and moral decline is occurring. For 2,000 years, Christianity has been evangelizing prosperously throughout the world. But in the last several decades, Christian culture, particularly in this country of America, is truly crumbling. The decline is happening rapidly; 2,000 years of tradition and heritage have been crumbling in the last 20 years. Why is that? America has failed as a model Christian nation.

In the 1960s, the tragic plane crash of the secretary general of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjold, and the assassination of young President Kennedy were dark signs for the free world. Ever since, America has been declining and retreating. The Nixon Administration was deeply corrupted when the Watergate situation erupted. The administration has changed but this trend continues. In the sight of God, someone must step in to reverse the trend. We must wait and see what will happen.

I am a religious leader. I spoke up during the Watergate affair because I wanted to turn that national crisis around and unite the national conscience of America in a Christian spirit. I knew that the Watergate crisis would bring advantage only to the communists. When America was completely paralyzed by the Watergate situation, communist student were flooding the campuses. For example, at Columbia University, in broad daylight, communist posters and propaganda brochures were being given out.

Communists participated extensively in the American presidential campaign. They were trying to influence the elections, to push for someone who will advance their cause. Here in New York, in front of our own World Mission Center, there was a left-wing demonstration for Carter. Are the left-wingers interested in Carter as a man? Not at all. The Carter Administration has to be very, very cautious and alert because there is an un-American group of people who looked at the situation and pushed for him, thinking he may work to their advantage.

Human rights

In the present administration, human rights is a very important issue. This is very good, but how is the administration going to handle violators of human rights? In North Korea, at least three million people were exterminated by the communist regime of Kim Il Sung. In China under Chairman Mao, up to 150 million lives were taken. During the Bolshevik Revolution and the following communist rule in the Soviet Union, over 70 million people were exterminated. The New York Times reported that in Vietnam, about 600,000 people have already been exterminated. So who is really violating human rights? Communists not only violate human rights, they violate human lives!

Congress is talking about the Korean bribery and lobbying situation; But think of it: What Korea is doing is probably nothing compared to what the gigantic nations of the world are doing, trying to influence the American Congress. Even friendly nations get involved in pressuring, like Israel, England, Germany and Japan.

The problem of the KCIA here in America is made out to be something extraordinary. Everybody thinks the whole city of New York is flooded by KCIA agents, but the Korean government has probably dispatched only 10 or 12 people. On the other hand, the Soviet Union has over 1,000 known KGB agents in America to maintain their operatives. And that's only to maintain their central, fanatic operatives. Behind them are thousands of students and professors and different organizations to infiltrate every facet of American life.

If anybody wants to talk about human rights, then he must become a strong anti-communist , because nothing in history has violated human rights more than communism. Among communists, the phrase "human rights" has no meaning because communists deny even the right to live. To them, human life is as worthless as the life of an insect.

Human rights are important; we must preserve human rights. However, the right to live is even more important. We must secure the right to live for all people under communist regimes. This is why I am taking such an adamant stand against communism, and declaring communism as the enemy of God and of mankind. I will not yield even one inch from that position.

The communists know very well that I am their archenemy, and they are trying to destroy us. We can even find churches and government people collaborating with the communists against us. This is a sad situation. Newspapers try to paint a dark picture: "Reverend Moon is an agent of the KCIA." It's incredible, just nonsense. My life is not so small or inconsequential that I would act as a KCIA agent. My eyes and goal are not just for Korea. America is my goal; the world is my goal and target.

No president ever spoke as I did at Yankee Stadium, saying that this nation is burning and needs a fire fighter from the outside, that this nation is mortally ill and needs a doctor from the outside. I came as a fire fighter to this nation, as a doctor to this nation. At Washington Monument I said, "Leave the young people to me. I will rebuild the American youth so that they can go out to truly liberate the world." No religious leaders or political leaders in the history of America ever spoke like this. I did because I have reason to say such things.

America doesn't understand

Actually, I am deeply mistreated by America. Americans do not know me. But some day they will realize that I am truly the most notable and precious VIP that ever came to this nation. You must know that you are the people who must fight for this. No one can pull your loyalty and conviction in God and His kingdom out of your brain. No one can pull that ideology out of you. No atomic bomb, no military might, no weapon can do that. You are becoming invincible individuals now.

I am not here to please the government or the politicians; I am a prophet, a messenger of God. Whenever I have something to say, I will say it, whatever it is. I know very well that certain government people will be irritated by my remarks because they do not like to hear these things. However, I must speak the truth; no one can stop me from speaking the truth. We cannot trust anyone. We can only trust ourselves, because we have a mission ordained by God. We are not here for ourselves; we must influence the power of the nation because that is the will of God. A long time ago, I committed my life to this mission. It does not matter that there is danger around me; I have already given up my life.

Korea and America must not break apart. Once that link is broken, tragedy will come. From the current trend of history God knows very well what will happen now that liberalism is rampant and communist infiltration is so widespread. The situation is very dismal. That is why God sent me to America as His agent. God asked me to hold America, to keep America linked with Asia, to restore His blessing to all the Christian world, and then to liberate the communists. That is God's mandate.

When I declared that I would go to Moscow, I meant it. When they hear me say, "Moscow is our goal ' the communists will laugh, "How can you?" All right, they can laugh. Twenty years ago in Korea, in a small room only big enough for two or three people, with a roof that leaked, I talked about world unification. I predicted my world ministry and the sending of missionaries to 120 countries, and I predicted this crusade in America. Twenty years ago in that small room, everybody thought those were crazy ideas. .

Today, compared to the size of the communists' power, the New Yorker Hotel is like that small cubbyhole of 20 years ago. We have only a handful of people, yet we are talking about the liberation of the communists; we are talking about Moscow. I am sure most people laugh. Let them laugh now. I know one thing: In the communist world, the children of the communist leaders are on the side of God. The next generation in the Soviet Union will be on my side.

The spirit world will take care of them. The spirit world will manifest itself and show the truth to those children. Those children will fight against their own fathers; that's God's strategy. God has started that operation already. Even here in America, spiritual revelation is coming down to the leadership of this nation, even to members of Congress. Behind the scenes, truly astonishing spiritual phenomena are unfolding. The heavenly spiritual assault has begun.

What have I been doing in these last several decades? What I have done as a man in history, representing all of mankind, is to really declare victory in the name of God. Before heaven and earth I truly stand now as a victor in the name of God. No one like that has ever existed in history.

I had to suffer the most

I could have avoided suffering, but I knew the Principle. According to that Principle, I have to suffer more than any other individual here on earth. Throughout thousands of years of history, men have committed innumerable dirty, impossible sins. In order to liberate the people of the world from the sins of history, I have had to go down to the very bottom of the sinful world. Therefore I have gone through every decent occupation that a man can possibly have. There is only one thing that I have not experience military life -- because I did not want to shoot anyone.

Except for killing a person, I have experienced every situation in human life. One time I was a beggar and slept on the street. I know what a beggar feels like on a cold winter night, sleeping in the snow. I was a laborer, a farmer, a dock worker, a sportsman, a mountain man. I have been a miner digging coal There is nothing under the sun that a God-centered man can do that I have not tasted. Why? Because I wanted to drop a silk line of life everywhere so that those sinners in every corner, every walk of human life, could have a rope to climb to reach God.

I went through hardship not only because of the Korean people. Since coming to America, I have faced many hardships because of Westerners. White people, yellow people and black people, all together, have been trying to tear me apart. Does the American movement bring money to me, or do I bring money to the movement? I am a parent, and even more than parents in the outside world, I am concerned about money for you. A small nation like Korea has always been trying to win a little more military and economic aid from the United States, trying to squeeze out more money. But I am the opposite. From Korea, I have come to this country, pouring everything I have, my zeal and heart and soul, into America. So no matter what the American people say, my conscience is clear.

I want to set the condition that as a parent, I truly gave out everything for all the children of the world. I want to buy houses for them, for Americans, South Americans, Africans and Europeans. I want to be a parent to all the races of every land in the world. I will earn that money; I am not depending on your economy. I want you to take care of yourself and do your mission. In the meantime, I will bring down the blessing from heaven, and part of it will go to you. For example, our World Mission Center was not bought with your fund raising money. Not at all.

The Tiffany Building and 43rd Street Headquarters, none of those great real estate investments came from American sources. The American church is always in the red and I have to subsidize you. You didn't know that, did you? The newspapers do not say that I am bringing in my resources to help America. They know it, but they will not write about it.

I experienced everything

I want to become a unique man. I will experience and fulfill everything that man is supposed to do. Truly, I have done everything that a man can do, without limitation. Is my appearance acceptable to you? Normally men have small hips, but I am rather heavy through the middle. It is because I have guts and strength.

In high school days, I was a champion in Korean-style wrestling. Now I am like a rock and no one can defeat me. I can certainly speak, and I can be very artistic in calligraphy; I can complete a whole volume of literature overnight. When I was teaching Sunday school, I was very popular among the children, and everybody else was crazy about my God- centered storytelling. They were fascinated and I could go on and on for hours. I can also express much through my face.

In the world of literature, I can quickly grasp the concepts of the great masterpieces and great writers. In the communist prison in North Korea, everybody was my friend, like my followers in a way. Everybody liked me because I understood the people and filled their needs. When we were together, they forgot their fatigue, their suffering, and their anguish as though springtime had come. When I go to a farming region, I am a great friend of farmers. Because I speak their language, I instantly become the master of the farmhouse, and everybody says, "Won't you come in and stay for supper? Try our home grown potatoes!"

History always has a central flow, like the mainstream of a river, but in our history, the side streams were all blocked. I am now clearing that blockage away so that the water of life can flow. I am the one bringing all the tributaries of human history back to life.

I have the conviction and determination that I can do anything that man is made to do. As a religious leader, I have set my criteria as high as possible. The great spiritual leaders of history achieved a certain level but there were also many great failures. I wanted to go as high as possible and restore all the failures of men. I have done that.

In the spirit world there has been no free circulation. Everyone has been blocked into compartments. I wanted to make every river flow from the spirit world to the physical world and from the physical world to the spirit world. Now all these barriers are broken down so everything can flow, like the circulation in the human body.

Throughout history, there were tributaries for the family level, the tribal level, the national level and the worldwide level. I started out from the very top and took away the blockages between them so that the water could flow. So far, each religion has been only a single stream. Jews say, "Only Judaism is important. " Christians say, "Only Christians can come to the Father; everybody else is destined to hell." Religious people have been so arrogant because they did not know how to link together with others. But somebody has to open the connecting streams so that the water of life can flow from one stream to another.

In order to unify all the religions of the world, a person must know the essence of every religion; Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and so forth. When unity is made in spirit world and all the rivers flow together, that unity can be brought down to be copied here on the earth. That is what my ministry is all about. Here on earth, I am going to copy the work I have already done in the spirit world. Then the spirit world and physical world can become united.

Uniting the spiritual and physical worlds

So far, the spirit world and the physical world have been separate, and because of this separation, our minds and bodies have also been disunited. Unless we bring the spirit world down to the physical world, there is no way for our minds and bodies to unite. During the period of establishing unity, there are tribulations and hardships on each level: individual, family, tribal, national and worldwide. This is what I have already had to withstand, even as I was constantly pushing myself forward. Just listening to this, perhaps you think it is easy. Talk is easy, but think of what an impossible task it is for one lifetime.

In order to become a victor as an individual, you must be able to withstand having the weight of the entire spirit world on your shoulders. Then the burden of the entire physical world will also come upon your shoulders. To become an individual victor, you must first be able to sustain yourself. Then you must expand your own strength and dominion onto the family level.

As an individual, Jesus Christ withstood the weight of the spirit world and overcame all temptations, yet he could not quite move to the family level. He was prevented from organizing his own family to, withstand the weight of the world. When I organized the family of God, starting with the 36 Couple Blessing in 1961, there was tremendous commotion and persecution outside. We could not have a serene, peaceful ceremony. It was an emergency, so I divided the brides and bridegrooms into three different teams and we had one ceremony early in the morning, one ceremony quickly in the middle of the day, and another ceremony at night.

Their parents came to say, "Who is going to marry my daughter? Who is going to marry my son? No, you can't do that! Give me my son; give me my daughter!" The protest was extraordinary. But in the sight of God, the True Parents are the only parents who have the power to recreate fallen children as God's children and to give heavenly marriage to create heavenly homes. Physical parents do not have that authorization from God.

Even on the very day of the 36 Couple Blessing, not only the parents but the government, too, wanted to investigate our church. In order not to discourage the members, I had to go secretly to the police station to testify on the very day that I was to bless the couples.

Actually, the entire world was so satanic that when I came to earth, there was not even a tiny spot for me to stand on. I had to push the surroundings away to make room, little by little. Each battle is a risk and an adventure. The family of God is being organized, beginning with the installation of the True Parents in 1960. The first Blessing of the family of God was given to the 36 couples, who represent the entire dispensational history and who will become the ancestors of mankind. The 72 Couple Blessing represented 36 Cains and 36 Abels on the family level.

Since Jesus Christ had 12 disciples who were supposed to begin 12 tribes, the 120 Couple Blessing represented 12 tribes of 10 couples each, making the worldwide foundation for God's worldwide family. On the basis of that victory, I had the right to set up holy grounds all over the world, thus claiming the land for God.

Next, the Blessing of 430 couples represented the entire Korean people as the chosen nation whether they believed in God or not, thereby setting the condition for everyone to be restored. Korea has a history of over 4,300 years. Therefore, these 430 couples came out of Korean history, but their number is also equivalent to the 430 years that the Israelites suffered in Egypt. The Israelites' exodus began after 430 years of exile in Egypt; in the same way that they left Egypt, we began the journey to Canaan, the symbol of the Kingdom of God.

Since the journey into Canaan, the Kingdom of God, had begun, God had to link the entire dispensation to the worldwide level. So I gathered 43 couples from among the worldwide leaders. The 43 Couple Blessing was the worldwide symbolic counterpart of the Blessing the 430 Korean couples. Through the 430 couples, all the Korean people have conditional salvation in the sense that they can come to realize the truth. In the same way, through these 43 couples who were chosen from all around the world, all the nationalities and races of the world have a chance to be saved. The next Blessing is commonly known as the triple seven or 777. Couple Blessing. This represents spinning a silk thread to all mankind on a worldwide basis, making Blessings possible all over the world. The first of these truly massive worldwide weddings came with the 1,800 Couple Blessing in 1975.

My worldwide ministry

After these Blessings, I started my worldwide ministry, my public life. I came to America in 1972, and for three and a half years I swept through the Western world, declaring the message of God. That course was culminated at Madison Square Garden and the mammoth eight city tour that concluded successfully in Los Angeles.

During this period of the Day of Hope tours, I received several hundred proclamations, honorary citizenship and letters of appreciation from mayors of cities, governors, and prominent people of the world. I don't think any individual in America has ever received that many proclamations in praise of his work.

Because America initially welcomed me, the persecution I received in Korea could be restored. Korea persecuted me, but when I went out to the world, the world accepted me, at least initially. Therefore, I could return to Korea as a victor. At that time I brought a gift to Korea -- not a material gift or a gift of money -- but the most precious gift possible from the Western world: Western young people, members of the International One World Crusade (IOWC).

I laid the victorious foundation in America, in the Western world. Then to bring about the real fruit of victory, I returned to Korea with young people of the Western world as representatives of the Christian world. Spiritually, the victorious foundation had been laid, and upon that foundation I returned to my own homeland. Why? Jesus Christ was crucified 2,000 years ago due to the oppression and persecution of the nation and government of that time. Together the national leaders of Israel and the Roman government had Jesus crucified. In order to liberate that sorrow, that indemnity, I had to go back to Korea, this time for glory.

Two thousand years ago, Judaism was in the same position as Christianity is today, and Jesus' movement was in the same position as the Unification Church is today. I created the same set of circumstances in our time. In this environment, America was in the position of the Roman Empire. America gave initial success to me and welcomed me as one preaching the truth of Christianity. When I went back to Korea with hundreds of young people, the Korean government, in the position of Israel, welcomed me instead of opposing me. Indemnity and restitution were paid. Two thousand years ago Judaism united with the government to come against Jesus. But this time the government sided with the Unification Church, almost pushing the existing churches aside.

In Korea there was a physical showdown between the Unification Church and the Christian churches. Starting from Pusan, I began a crusade of all the major cities. It was the first time I ever spoke publicly to the Korean people. In Pusan, Taegu, Taejun, Seoul and in every city there was a showdown. The IOWC recalls it very well. But it was a landslide victory. The people came like clouds. There was no way to even get all the people inside, so many thousands of people always stood outside listening to me.

Upon the foundation of the spiritual victory in the Western world, I could win a physical victory in Korea, which was culminated in the June 7 Rally for Korean Freedom. There were 1.2 million people gathered together, as well as representatives from 60 nations all over the world. The government could not even dream of creating this kind of rally. This was a victorious stand on the national level.

Instead of crucifying me, Koreans came and praised my success. They lifted me up in the greatest rally ever held. When the 1.2 million people cheered me, it was a national cheer. The 60 national representatives that came from all over the world were links to bring the physical, national victory of Korea back to their own nations. Because of that, I could come out of Korea again for a new crusade.

The Washington Monument victory

After the spiritual victory in the Western world, I won the physical victory in Korea. Upon the foundation of these spiritual and physical victories, I came back to America again to give the final dispensational push in the year of 1976. It was a dramatic, historical year, the most extraordinary year in God's history. From the victory at Yankee Stadium, we moved right on to Washington Monument the same year. The Washington Monument rally on Sept. 18 lifted up God's dispensation to its highest victory and fulfillment.

The Washington Monument and Yankee Stadium campaigns were not conducted in a welcoming atmosphere. It was hostile. The press was hostile. By then they knew who I was, and because they could feel the threat, they were trying to block our work in any way possible. Since the Washington Monument victory was won under those adverse conditions, it was even more valuable and victorious.

The 40 day campaign in Washington was equivalent to Jesus Christ's 40 days of ministry after the resurrection. Only after the victory of those 40 days could Jesus ascend into heaven. In the same way, I consummated my physical mission here on earth through the 40 day campaign in Washington and through winning the victory at the Washington Monument rally.

The victory of the Washington Monument rally was the most significant event in human history and God's history. By that victory, the doors of heaven were open and all the barriers were broken down. An intermingling of the waters of life started between the spirit world and the physical world. All the separate compartments were opened up so that the water could circulate. That was the effect brought about by the Washington Monument victory.

The spirit world was liberated; the barriers were broken and they no longer exist. Spirits can now freely come down to the physical world and participate in our physical crusades here on earth. Even if I pass away, the mission will not stop; my mission is consummated. The divine purpose of God has been fulfilled. With this victory, I declared Oct. 4, 1976, as the Day of the Victory of Heaven. This was a very special day. On the Day of Victory of Heaven, God truly won His historical battle. This is the joy of the earth. There is no question about it.

It was therefore also a day of joy for Mother and myself, a day of joy for the blessed families, a day of joy for the members of the entire Unification Church around the world. Feb. 20, 1977, on the solar calendar, is equivalent to Jan. 3, 1977, on the lunar calendar. Therefore, on Feb. 20, the year of 1976 was completely over by both the lunar and the solar calendars. The year of victory had completely passed away, and the year of joy and happiness had begun. But I knew that there were certain 777 couples and 1,800 couples whose Blessing had been broken; some mates had failed me and run away, while the other mate was still standing in obedience to me. These were personal tragedies suffered by the 777 and 1,800 couples. Since they, too, should be happy, but couldn't be under the circumstances, I made a special dispensation to gather them from around the world and re-bless them. This was the momentous Blessing that took place on Feb. 21, right here in the World Mission Center.

Therefore, I set all the conditions for everyone to be happy. Heaven is happy. Earth is happy. God is happy True Parents are happy. All the blessed members are now happy, and all the members of the Unification Church are happy. All the happiness and joy can be enjoyed by everyone. Therefore, today, three days after that Blessing, the entire cosmos will celebrate this day, Jan. 6, 1977, by the lunar calendar, not only as the day of True Parents' Birthday, but also as the day when the historical new era began.

Surpassing age 33

Do you know that Mother's and my birthday really are on the same day? We did not arrange it that way; it is the same day by birth. Furthermore, today Mother is going over her 33rd year; she is now 34. Jesus Christ could not go over the age of 33. He wanted to celebrate his 34th birthday with God, but he could not because of the crucifixion. Now that Mother's age is going over 34 this year, she is going beyond the level of Jesus' life of 33 years. Therefore, today is an even more momentous day. From this time on, Satan has no right to bring accusation to the throne of God; heaven will not allow it.

Why could Satan ever have brought accusation to the throne of God? The universe that God originally intended was to have God at the center, with Adam, Eve and the archangel all united into one. In that world, no one would have accused anybody. There would have been no opponents or adversaries in that world. If anybody had opposed such perfect harmony and unity, he would have been crushed. That is the Principle.

However, instead of uniting with God, Adam, Eve and the archangel kicked God away, separated themselves, and created the fallen world. Mankind fell below the level of the archangel, who was there like a barrier between man and God. Therefore, Satan has always been in the closest position to God, and could speak to God. He could always accuse people before God.

Because Lucifer was the chief archangel, the good archangels Michael and Gabriel could not intervene. Even though he was fallen, Lucifer was still boss. The junior members could not speak out. Lucifer has been arrogant, directly confronting God all throughout fallen history.

During this fallen history, God could deal only with the fallen world, because there was no alternative; there was no sinless or perfected world for Him to deal with. Therefore, God had no choice but to deal with the fallen archangel and fallen mankind. The True Parents came to establish individual perfection and to expand the true Adam's territory. True Adam had to first create his own small place on the earth and then expand his territory to a family level, to a tribal level, to a national level and a worldwide level. By confronting Satan, he won territory, and suddenly God had an alternative; there were two worlds He could choose from.

When did this battle occur? The world-level confrontation between the satanic world and the perfected Adam's world occurred at the Washington Monument rally. That is why it was so significant. Now God has a choice; He now has His son, Adam, here on earth. Furthermore, there is also a perfected Eve here on earth, and God's family, tribe, nation and world. Symbolically they are all set up. Since Lucifer is fallen, the true archangel position is now being filled by Jesus Christ. Taking the role of archangel in the spirit world, Jesus has united with Adam and Eve here on earth and with God. Through that action, all four parties have united for the first time in history.

Jesus is reigning in the spirit world as the spiritual head, and the True Parents are leading the physical world. Therefore, the spirit world and physical world are finally united with God. This is the one perfected realm that God has been seeking to build for 6,000 years. It has finally been done.

Satan cannot approach God

For 6,000 years, Satan has enjoyed a position of closeness to God. But the unity between the True Adam and Jesus Christ created a new world, pushing Satan aside. Therefore, the fallen archangel, Satan, cannot come to speak to God anymore. When he tries to speak to God, God will say to him, "Go through the True Parents first; don't come to Me directly. Read the Principle. According to the Principle of Creation, you are in the servant role. Adam is my son, and you are supposed to obey My son. Don't come to Me directly. I'm not going to see my servant any more."

If the archangel comes to Adam and Eve, then the True Parents say, "If you want to send a message to God, first you must obey us. You must come back to your original position before the fall." Then the archangel would no longer be Satan.

Since Satan knows that True Adam and Eve will never budge, he tries to go through Jesus in spirit world, but Jesus says, "What are you talking about? I am the second Adam. You were victorious over the first Adam, but I am the second Adam, perfected Adam. I have lordship over you. You must obey me before you ask me to send a message to God."

According to the Principle, this victorious achievement completely blocks Satan's route to God. Satan no longer has a route or a way to accuse man before God. If you believe this 100 percent, you can talk to Satan in the same way; you can subjugate Satan. Mother and I are giving you the privilege, the authority to speak to Satan that way. You have the power to subjugate Satan, you and the posterity of the Unification Church members.

The topic of today's message is: "Today in the Light of the Dispensational History." I am declaring to you that as of today, all the dispensational history has ended, has been completed. All the conditions of indemnity for history have been met and paid in full. From this moment on, the more opposition we face, the more victories we will win. We will not be harmed or take a beating. Any persecution, suffering, or pressure that the outside world gives us will be returned to us as an equal amount of blessing. It is not indemnity.

We will win God's territory back to him, inch by inch, until the year 2,000. We will win physically, substantially, and each day's work will accumulate so that every effort will contribute, inch by inch, to the Kingdom of God from this time on up to the year 2000.

Even though the satanic world is attacking, it is no longer advancing. We are the group, we are the power, we are the force that is advancing. Satan is shooting at us, but he is retreating. At least by the year 2000 we must complete the realization of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Today let us truly proclaim the day of liberation. I am going to lead three cheers, the most significant, victorious cheers of all history. Let's make them that way. These three cheers include the victory of God, of True Parents, of the entire angelic world, of the human world, and even of the satanic world. They bring liberation to all five levels. These are three cheers of victory to liberate the five most significant levels, from God down to the satanic world.

This is the new beginning of the new history of God. Therefore, this is the first year of the Kingdom of God. Year One of the Kingdom of God.