Chapter 14 - Excerpts from Published Speeches

Chapter 14
Excerpts from Published Speeches
1974 -- 1983

You should know, in order to be a qualified leader, you absolutely need more training. You have to know how to speak out and persuade others. Everyday, I go fishing out in the Freeport, Long Island area. Some of the people think, "Oh, Reverend Moon is a world renowned preacher. Why does he have any connection with fishing? He should forget it"

To Belvedere Trainees August 29, 1974

I am leaving again today for Boston, and again I have an important mission. I will go out to sea, not for pleasure, but to lay a foundation for the future economy of the Unification Church. That's my goal. There is no way we can exceed the advances in industry and technology, except in the one virtually untapped area of the sea and sea products. The international law has recently been changed and America can soon claim jurisdiction over the waters extending 200 miles out from shore. There will be much more territory to cope with, and the American people do not pay very much attention to the sea, nor invest very much in marine industries. Thus, the treasure of the sea surrounding America is virtually untapped. I feel that the future economic foundation of the Unification Church lies in this area. Some time ago, I promised that in three years I would start exploring the treasures of the sea.

I have to train you. People criticize me and say that Reverend Moon is taking it easy on a yacht out in the Atlantic Ocean, enjoying himself. Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't think very many of you will inherit large fortunes from your own parents, so I am responsible for you. I must begin to plan how you can support yourselves. You will be blessed in marriage, and God will bless your marriages with children, whom you must be able to support. While you're going down to Washington to fight this battle, I am looking more than ten years ahead and going to sea to prepare our future economic foundation. Going out to sea is the most wearying and tiresome task I have ever done, but I am determined to do more and to endure more physical hardship than any one of you.

Since we have developed a worldwide system of organization, our movement can grow rapidly in this new industry. Even in this area I want to play the role of a forefather, a pioneer.

Past and Future Generations August 1, 1976

Do you want to participate in the creation of the economy that will restore this world? I am now starting our fishing industry and with that purpose in mind, I experimented with the tuna trade this summer. No matter what time of day or night or what type of weather there was, I went out to sea. If the sea was rough the captain of the New Hope used to ask whether we were going out, but now he knows I will go out no matter what the circumstances.

The members who finished at the Seminary and now have their Master's diplomas may work at sea. The captains of our boats may have Ph.D.'s. Don't laugh. It is that kind of condescending attitude that has caused the decline of America's fishing industry. Unless I resurrect it, the fishing industry in this country will die. I will contribute to America by restoring the dying marine industry. We are now negotiating to buy a mother ship, but it is not for a pleasure cruise to the Caribbean. It is to catch the treasures of the sea. I don't like the smell of fish, but we can create a great economic foundation for God's work. Catching fish is not our goal, but the liberation of the communist world is. That is why we must advance. If you unmarried women don't want to be blessed to fishermen, you should leave now. If you don't want to marry a sailor then you will have to marry someone outside our church.

There is a vast treasure lying in the sea, waiting to be harvested by our hands, but right now the American fishing industry is dying because American young people do not like the hard work of going out to sea. When they go out to sea for three months, they return to find that their wives have left them and their money has been squandered and they never want to go out to sea again. If they are not married, they are still not interested in going out because sometimes the weather is so brutal. You women who marry fishermen must be proud of them for working for God and mankind .

I have experienced how the sea will make a man more reverent. At sea, you need faith in God because you must totally rely on Him. Furthermore, when the men go out to sea they will not forget their families. In my own experience, I thought of Mother and my children more at sea than at home because at sea I never knew what would happen in the next moment. At sea, I love and pray for my wife and children more than anywhere else. When the New Hope docks, and Mother and the children are waiting and waving to me, I feel as though I have met God at that moment. The women who can love their husbands when they return from harsh work at sea will be the most superb, exemplary wives in the sight of God.

Perfection and Gratitude October 3, 1976

You should not just know these things, but take up the responsibility for them. Even more than I, you have got to go and awaken these people and turn this nation back to God. I am determined to train young people to become responsible for this country. For example, I am now training the seminarians; they are making up a new fishing net now, and I have had them fishing in the icy water of the Hudson River to see what kind of young men and women they are. They are not making nets and fishing for the sake of making money, but to build their own iron will and to become determined young leaders who cannot be stopped by anything.

I do not only deliver sermons to you. When I get down to action, I can do anything, and do it better than anyone. Those seminarians are really rediscovering me, finding out that I do not just have theories, but that I have the kind of knowledge which can only come from experience. I have studied fishing and designed several patented tools for fishing. For instance, sometimes the hook gets caught in the fish's mouth, and the fishermen have an awful time getting the hook out. I have invented a small tool to push the barb through and get the hook out easily.

One member saw me cutting the metal to make this tool myself, and he said, "Father, why do you work so hard? Why don't you just go to a tackle shop and buy one?" I told him, "America doesn't have such a tool; if I could buy this kind of tool, then why should I make it?" I invented a new net at Barrytown, one you have never seen. It is a one- way-street net and once the fish goes into the net, there is no way it can turn around.

Yesterday, I had an appointment with the Belvedere people, but I had a new inspiration for the net and got caught up in directing the seminarians about how to make it. We worked very hard all night, and I could not get there on time.

Twenty-third Anniversary of the Unification Church May 1, 1977

I frequently go out to sea because the future economy of the world will depend upon the vast resources of the sea. The future will belong to the person who pays more attention to the oceans of the world. In addition, many people throughout history have died at sea in war or tragic accidents, and I want to comfort those people and pay indemnity for them. Sometimes, when I hear that a dangerous storm is coming, I purposely go out to sea.

Many people think I go out only for pleasure, but going out in such weather is a desperate battle, not a pleasure. I must do these things to liberate the many people who died under such circumstances. In 1975, I had a special ceremony at sea with Mother and one of our daughters, for the sake of people who died at sea. Even my own captain did not know what kind of ceremony was being held at that time.

Things That Belong to God and to Man May 15, 1977

In leading the fishing expeditions at Barrytown, where many hundreds of carp were caught, I thought very much about the universal principle of creation being killed to become food for man. Six big turtles lost their home as we dredged the Barrytown lake to accommodate more carp. I felt sorry for them and had them put in the Hudson River, thinking, "You turtles go and live in the wide world."

When I go fishing, I send the first fish back to its home. Even a lowly creature like a carp appreciates love, and when someone appreciates their purpose for being what they are, they even want to die for that person. In that sense, the carp are not a sacrifice as they give themselves for the person who loves them. This was God's idea for creation. By being loved and appreciated by the Unification Church members, all these creatures will be thankful and proud of living and dying for the purpose for which they were created.

Love is supreme. Living for love and dying in love always brings happiness. When the moment of your death comes, you will be smiling as you think about your love, and it will be your joy at that moment to be embraced by the one you love.

Suppose someone said, "I understand that Reverend Moon caught a lot of carp in the Hudson River. I'm sure those fish just curse him as they die." How would you answer? Before hearing my explanation, I'm sure you would have been confused, but now you know how carp have a perfected life if they can die for the sake of God's purpose, becoming the flesh and blood of God-centered people. Is there any more precious cause carp could pursue? There is the difference of heaven and earth in your actions, depending on how you are motivated.

This principle applies the same way both to a carp and to a man. The ultimate question we have to ask ourselves then is, "Am I ready to die for the love of God?" What is your answer? If your answer is "yes", then your death is not death. Your flesh and your spirit become the spirit and flesh of all mankind and of all the universe. When you center your life on the higher level, you will live for eternity.

Let Us Thank God May 29, 1977

Yesterday, I saw a member who has a Masters degree scrubbing the floors in the Manhattan Center. Do you hate to do such jobs, or do you do any work with appreciation? I am never ashamed of anything I am doing. At Barrytown, I taught the students how to make fishing nets. Even our professors were amazed. At that time, a theologian's conference was going on and the visiting scholars never expected to see me at Barrytown. They sneaked in to take a look at what I was doing with the students and were amazed and impressed to see me doing such humble, menial work. You have no excuses to make to me because I have done everything before you, even the most humble labor.

God Depends on Us Alone June 1, 1977

I have been going out to sea in a boat called New Hope. The public may think I just go yachting for pleasure, but every day I am collecting more material. God has hidden unlimited resources underneath the sea, and the oceans will be the key to future development in the world.

I know very well that in the course of developing sea industries, we may sometimes suffer some sacrifice. Eventually, we will have hundreds of fishing boats, and some of them may be lost at sea. Even losing husbands and brothers will not deter our pioneering zeal because that work will be for the sake of humanity.

We want to become masters of the sea. The ocean surface is twice as big as the surface of the land. Furthermore, there are vast resources beneath the sea. Any nation which can overcome the difficulties will conquer the sea. We first learned to have dominion on the land, and with the same pioneering spirit we can conquer the sea as well.

Our battle is now being waged on the land, and we must be victorious here, being tested and seasoned by a hurricane of persecution. Then, when real storms come at sea, we can welcome them. The Pilgrims who came to America were pioneering people, otherwise, they would not have crossed the Atlantic Ocean, especially during the stormy months. They realized that an uncertain destiny lay ahead of them, and that they had no guarantee for their lives. Few before had ever safely arrived in the New World, but they started anyway. They overcame by their hope and faith in God. Now, in the 20th century, we also are forging ahead, like a boat in a rough ocean, with faith in God. Whatever the persecution and blowing winds, we have faith in God.

I look at the vast ocean resources as God's blessing waiting for the Unification Church. I have promised to God, "Give me twenty years' time and we will conquer the sea, taking dominion over it and returning the glory to You." That is how I think every time I go out. Later, we will establish a great foundation, and even the Ford or Rockefeller Foundations will look like peanuts in comparison. That is the way we must realistically feel.

All these things are our pride in the Unification Church. The fisherman's life is a hard, dirty, even crude life and fishermen have to be very rugged. Furthermore, fishermen have often been known as thieves and liars. Why should I have us get into the kind of business which is known as a living hell? I go down to the bottom of hell, and by revolutionizing such a place, by bringing heaven there, I can hasten the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Our Pride June 5, 1977

The characteristics of beauty include contrast, like the combination of blonde hair, blue eyes and white teeth. At sea, there is nothing but blue water for miles and miles, and after awhile the blue color becomes boring. If suddenly, you see a black ship approaching from far away, that black dot attracts your entire attention. When the black ship raises its white sails, it becomes more exciting and dramatic to watch. If the black ship raises a multi-colored flag, it becomes absolutely gorgeous. Since everything else around is blue, you become content to watch only the black ship with white sails and multi- colored flag. That is what I call dramatic.

I am causing a lot of controversy because the white culture is like a vast ocean in which a yellow dot has suddenly appeared, and is attracting attention. Some Americans are not welcoming me, but God has been sailing vast oceans and is bored with man's present culture. All of a sudden, I have appeared like the black ship. God is focusing His entire attention upon me. I will not only raise white sails, but also the multi-colored flags of all the nations. Put yourself in God's position and look down on the little ship, raising white sails and waving multi-colored flags. It is a very dramatic sight to behold.

You are the sailors on that ship which is attracting so much attention. White, black, yellow, red and brown people are waving to the nations. There is a great deal of excitement and action on our boat!

The Desire of God June 19, 1977

You must have the faith and conviction that you are a lighthouse lighting a dark world. The lighthouse will shine forth even in the worst kind of weather because that is the time ships need the lighthouse most. When you are surrounded by the thickest fog, you must shine forth all the more. The more adversity, the greater must be your light.

I have become a legend in the Gloucester area; the newspaper there wrote several articles about our fishing and we have been a topic of conversation for the whole town. Hundreds of boats come every year from all over to fish in that particular area. When the New Hope put out to sea and dropped anchor, many other boats would follow and anchor in the vicinity. When we had a tuna strike, other fishermen would bring out their binoculars to watch what I was doing. At first, the negative people would want the tuna to break loose and escape, but after a few days of successful catches, they began to change their thinking and the rumor began that I have something good working for me.

I was always the first one out to sea. Some of the seasoned professional fishermen would go out early to outdo me, but no matter how early they got out, the New Hope was already there. The fishermen were not inspired by this, but when they tried to compete with me, they had to work so hard that they had no time for their usual drinking or laziness. By the end of the summer a rumor was going around that declining town that I was the only one who could save Gloucester.

Without any exception, I got up every day at 3:00 a.m. The New Hope went out in the moonlight and in many cases returned home with the stars and moon shining. Do you like to get up early in the morning? The staff members working on the boat were never told what time to get up, but since I arose at three o'clock every morning, they followed me, no matter how sleepy they were.

This has been my tradition for four years in America. It is not easy to follow me because no one can outwork me. My crew knows what I would do, and if I tell them to be out by 1:30 a.m. on the Atlantic, they get up and go out with no grumbling. I have even set the tradition of staying out and working all night.

This summer, I did not earn much in terms of money, but in terms of tradition, I earned billions of dollars worth. By following that tradition, the fishing industry in our movement will blossom and contribute much to America's entire fishing industry in days to come. Because I have now set the fishing tradition, no one will hesitate to go out to sea, even the women. If I were a coward, then no one would go seriously, but now people will be eager to go. There is a record of when and where I caught each fish and how big it was. In the future, fishermen will try to challenge that record.

Even though fishing is incredibly hard work, I wanted to give myself without any reservation to set the tradition for the posterity of the Unification Church. That has been my work for the last seventy days.

The Heart of Reunion September 11, 1977

Two weeks ago, I was in Alabama, which is known as the shipbuilding capital of the United States, looking around to buy a shipyard so we can build our own vessels. Would you want our factory to be mediocre or number one? That is easy to say, but not to fulfill. We have to work harder than anyone in order to be number one. It is going to be a tough job, but I will push you. There were no women working in the Alabama shipyards, and I thought that this is one way we can make history. We will have women shipyard workers. If you women become welders, your fingers and faces will get marked up, but is that all right? Now, at 7:42 a.m., on 1 November 1977, the women have pledged that they want to be welders at the shipyard in Alabama. All you men are out of jobs today! If the women are willing to do that much, then you men have to work harder, even into the night.

I knew years ago that unless I intervened in the shipbuilding and fishing industries with my own resolve and determination, this nation could have no hope for those two industries to survive. I met two wonderful individuals in Alabama, a father and son who have spent their lifetimes in the business. They said that the boat-building business is in a boom period, with many people going out to sea. I answered, "That may be true, but what about a few years in the future?" They replied thoughtfully, "Reverend Moon, we didn't think about that, but you are absolutely right. The men have no deep motivation and American women just cannot wait patiently for their husbands to come home from the sea."

Often in the past, the wives of fishermen have betrayed their husbands. What shall we do in order to reverse the trend? I will make you welders and fishing captains, and our fishermen won't have to worry about their wives running off. If the Moonies are doing that, the rest of America will not want to face being defeated and having to give everything up to us. Once they decide to compete with us, the marine industries will be revived. I am determined to give vision and hope to the American young people so they will be motivated to go out to sea. The oceans are a vast, untapped area waiting to be utilized by courageous men and women, and we want to initiate that. There is a chance for America to become great by conquering the sea, but if your countrymen ignore the sea and only want to lead complacent lives, then America has no hope to lead the world. America is blind to this.

I am leading the way in this field and the Unification Church will follow through. I would truly like to see you beautiful sisters become fishing captains and go out to sea, being so knowledgeable and dedicated that men won't mind taking orders from you. Then, people will recognize Moonie power. I want to make our women the presidents of many companies so that the employees who just graduated from Harvard and Yale will all have to listen to you. You may look tiny and weak, but when the men on the ship are scared to death, you women will take command and give orders to rectify the situation. You might even take your own babies with you! I am very excited about this idea. I was planning to travel around and look at businesses in Alabama, for instance. Mother was somewhat hesitant and said, "Father, you know that's a man's job, so you go and I will stay home." However, I told her she should come along anyway.

I will establish a system in which you women will be the captains and your husbands the first mates. You men will have to say, "Yes, ma'am," when the captain gives orders, even though she may be your wife. Do you men feel good or bad about that? If you are a seasoned captain, then whether you are man or woman doesn't make any difference; the crew has to obey.

We are not seeking millions of dollars for ourselves by starting businesses; we are looking at the world and this nation and preparing to spearhead change. Imagine the time when we have thousands of vessels and I can say to the American government, "There are so many farmers sitting idle and receiving government subsidies for doing nothing. What kind of ridiculous system is that? You pay them for not growing crops, but in the meantime millions of people are starving in other parts of the world. Let the farmers grow their crops and let us transport that food all over the world to feed the poor. We have the boats to do it."

Fishing has seasons and doesn't last twelve months a year, so why shouldn't we transport things all over the world in between seasons? How would you feel being the captain of a boat loaded with grain and headed for a nation where many people are starving? I would select the tiniest of all women to the captain of such a boat and have her wear a special hat with official decorations. We must all have a dream to live for. I have more dreams than anyone else, but the difference is that my dreams become reality.

Our Newborn Selves November 1, 1977

I was fishing for tuna at that time, but just catching fish was not my purpose. My mind was totally concentrated on Washington Monument and I thought of nothing else.

Anniversary of Washington Monument September 18, 1978

We did not start our fishing businesses only to make money, but to start rebuilding America's economy. For five years, I have worked every day to set the tradition and find the best way. Now, some officials in the government have heard what I am doing and they remark at what a perceptive man I am to see that America cannot afford to abandon her fishing industry. For fifty years, that industry in America has been desolate, but in time it will feed America. I have started far in advance of everyone else. In the last three years, our investment of millions of dollars has not made a penny, but do you think we should give up?

Our Position January 2, 1979

If I go to the farm I am a good farmer. When I go into the fishing business I become one of the fishermen. I can eat raw fish and even their guts out of my hand. There is nothing I can't do. If I go to a mine, I will dig day after day just as if it were my vocation. I can go to the slums and talk to the people and win their hearts. Without doing all these things, how can you know what your objective is?

Eternal Happiness February 25, 1979

Although the Unification Church was founded in Korea, it was not begun for a local purpose, but with a religious meaning for the worldwide dispensation. A drop of water can originate deep in the mountains and trickle down the hillside, gathering with others and becoming a brook, then a river, finally to join the ocean, and in that way travel around the world.

Cultures mix and mingle, and out of this can come something good which will advance and elevate all people. This also happens in religious development. At first a few people gather, like drops from different mountains. Then, more will come together and a river will form, flowing down to the ocean, all the time enhancing man's standard.

If I go tuna fishing this summer, who will volunteer to go with me? What about the women? I have one boat and there is a limit to how many can get on it, so I will have more boats built for all of you to get on and we'll have an armada. We will have women as captains. Then, you women would like your future husbands to be captains too, right? Does that mean you want to marry fishermen?

Jesus told Peter he would be a fisherman; being a fisherman is not bad at all. Often American women are somewhat stronger than men, so I think the 200 mile limit was reserved by God for American women. J don't just believe that, I know it! When you have a full boat load of fish, I will recognize and accept you.

Did you know we recently acquired new property for a ship building industry? What would you do to become rich? Fishermen in this nation are some of the poorest-paid professionals, so we will create the best schools and best living standards for fishermen. Now, people visit the seashore for fun, but someday soon, they will come to the sea to work and go to the mountains instead for recreation. If that trend doesn't appear automatically, I will create it.

Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Unification Church May 1, 1979

Recently, I invited some elder ministers to travel the world and examine Unification Church activities. They were amazed at the tremendous variety of things I am doing around the world and they said, "There is nothing Reverend Moon cannot do, and nothing that he does not do." I was going to go to sea today, but the weather did not permit it. Some people might say I should rest on the Sabbath, but since the Sabbath is still a workday for God, going to sea and catching many fish for needy people is in accord with God's own standard. In our concept, a holy day is not-one for just sitting around. It is far better to go out and bring reconciliation to people who are fighting.

The Trust Placed in Us January 3, 1979

How many years will it take for you to win the marathon? Three? Ten? Even for the unbeatable Reverend Moon it took sixty years to cover the course and still I have not finished the race. Last night after graduation at the seminary, I took all the leaders fishing. It was in the midst of a thunderstorm and we were cramped in a little boat. Even though they didn't say this, inside they were probably thinking, "What kind of father are you? Can't you have even one day to rest?"

When a person occupies love, he occupies all other authority and dignity as well. The record-setter is the kind of person God and history are looking at. God is expecting you to become one who sets the record, so this is a one-in-a-million opportunity. I am now investing much energy in the fishing industry and I am determined to make it successful. When you see my desire, you should put your shoulders to the job to be a champion in that arena. I would like to see all the seminarians and church leaders go for sea duty for one and a half years. At this time, there is no master or host who is claiming or leading the American fishing industry because this is one arena God carved out and saved for the heavenly dispensation.

What if I supply sufficient fish and say that Unification Church members will eat nothing else for six months, not even bread? We will give all the good fish to the trade and eat the leftovers ourselves. Will God say we shouldn't eat just the leftovers, or will He be touched? Who do we suffer for? For God and humanity. By doing this, we are covering God with an invisible net, making Him our prisoner. All you have to do then, is pull that net and God will have to follow you.

Record-Setter of History July 1, 1979

Are you the kind of people who can rebound from pressure like a rubber ball, or will you be shattered by it? We need people who are not -- only elastic, but who are also tough and can endure. American religion is like a ship caught in a hurricane and the government is helpless and has no anchor. When the water is rough and the wind is strong and your ship is pitching and rocking out of control, what will happen? That is the kind of perilous situation we are living in today.

Do we in the Unification Church have an anchor? God is our anchor and I am the rope. That means all you have to do to survive is hold onto the rope; you don't even have to grip the anchor directly. The anchor is always deep in the water, so what you have to do is grab the rope and hang on. Other churches may be offering people a beautiful rope of gold, but there is no anchor at the bottom. The Unification Church rope is plain, but there is an anchor down below. Those people who advertise their beautiful rope criticize ours; even the government boasts how big its rope is and how fish smelling the Unification Church is. However, the difference is that we have an anchor and they don't.

Historical View of the Dispensation September 18, 1979

America is surrounded by the sea, but has not conquered it. I initiated our fishing business to revitalize American fishing and seaports. This is certainly our pride. The ocean contains tremendous resources, but no one has received them. We are inheriting it from God and all we have to do is tap it.

To the MFT January 2, 1980

You may think you have been working a great deal, but by my standard you have been relaxing too much. When I was out fishing all day, not for one moment was I relaxing or napping. Every moment my mind was busy. When I watch the vast horizon on the ocean, I see a peaceful new world dawning and the whole responsibility is on my shoulders. How could I spend one idle moment?

I will not be indebted to anyone, not the thirty-six couples or anyone else, so I receive the credit for what has been done. In the fishing industry, for example, I laid a pioneering path for seven years. You know who won our first international tuna tournament; my boat caught the most tuna. I don't want to be second even in catching tuna. In every field and competition I have been second to none.

Every day I go out to the ocean at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., and come back at midnight. So far, tuna fishing has been a pleasure sport, but when I started fighting, it became a battle. Usually, fishermen go out at 9:00 or 10:00 a.m., but if they want to beat me, they have to go out much earlier. I am already out when they come at 5:00 a.m.! When I started, the price of tuna was ten cents per pound, but now we have pushed it up to $2.50, and eventually it will go up to $5.00 per pound. This is how I will bring prosperity to tuna fishermen, who in the past only made a meager living. Those who have opposed me in the past for no reason are now realizing that I am helping the fishermen and reviving the local economy.

The European leaders really worked hard when they came this time. We are building many boats, not only small ones, but thirty and forty foot boats. Professional tuna boats are 150 feet long and carry a crew of twenty-five people. I will build many of those in the future. Then, I will designate national leaders as captains of those boats, or even just to be fishermen. They will have no time to look left or right, but will just go.

Total Self Reevaluation September 14, 1980

We have also started an Ocean Church. It is a simple fact that the world is one-third land and two-thirds ocean. Man can eat everything that lives in the ocean, including the plants that grow there. Can you eat everything that grows on land? The ocean has whatever the land has, and even more. There are thousands of kinds of fish. Americans prefer to eat the meat grown on land, but they never learned to eat the meat grown in the ocean. Recently, Americans have learned that fish is better protein than red meat, and they think of it as natural food which is uncontaminated. Now they are becoming interested in eating fish, so that they can live longer.

In Wyoming, a cattleman told me that cattle could be bought from twenty to seventy dollars a head if bought in quantity. In New York, beef is much more expensive, more like $400 a head. One big tuna costs $3.50 per pound, and sometimes they are over one thousand pounds. If you caught one big tuna a year, that would be almost $4,000 income. A tuna lays 1.5 million eggs in spawning season, but what about a cow? She has one calf a year, or two at the most.

Would it be more advantageous to raise cattle and take care of them all year, or go out on the ocean and catch one tuna? I really like the name "tuna" better than the name "cow!" If you catch one tuna a year, you can support yourself. You can ask your husband why he bothers holding down a regular job where his superiors just give him headaches, and advise him to catch just two tuna to support his family for one year. When you are confident you can catch two tuna, you won't worry about not having enough money any more.

The fishing ports in America are declining because young people don't want to fish, so the citizens are anxious to see their towns revived. They know there is a good future in the oceans. Our leaders were told to go talk to the city fathers in the towns I have picked and tell them why we are there and what we will do with our own money and what kind of center activities we will have. When they know we are committed to making the fishing business prosper once more, there will be some support groups which will want to help train our ocean-going crews.

We will offer a program to any young men who are interested in working at sea and show them what we are about. If they like our way of worshiping God, we will take them as candidates . . . As soon as a five-man crew is assembled, it will be assigned one boat. The thirty centers will compete to see who brings the better quality people.

Which will have more results -- Ocean Church or the present system in the state centers? As the work expands, each small boat will have ten more boats under it, and soon we will have (with 30 centers) 300 boats plus 30 big boats around the American coastline.

Would you unmatched members like to be matched with people from the land church or Ocean Church? It's up to you; you have to live with that person, not me. When this Ocean Church is really underway, people will cherish it as a monument to the revival of their towns. America has three of the four best fishing grounds in the entire world, but America is not utilizing them because there is no substantial market for fish here. The beauty of our organization is that we will make our own boats, catch our own fish and sell them in our own stores.

America's fishing industry is declining, first of all because the ocean-going way of life is harder than life on land. Young people don't want a hard life. Second, fish don't sell well here; wholesalers sometimes pay only five cents per pound for fish, which is ridiculous. Third, the husbands are away at sea often, and their families start to break up. In this situation, who will go out to the ocean? Only Unification Church members! We pass the test in all areas.

Technology has made boat operation simple by the development of automatic pilots. You tell the machine which direction to go and the boat will follow that course automatically. Now, even a frail young woman can sit in the seat that used to be occupied by husky, burly captains. How fascinated God will be to see her, even when she dozes off because the automatic pilot is driving the boat and she has nothing to do. I like that! How beautiful she would be.

Will you women become captains one day? You should not forget there are sharks in the water. If even the women want to go, how can the men back away? You have to kick any such man. We have people who want to go, so that's the first problem taken care of. Second, is selling any problem for us? The women say it is no problem. Third, would you wives leave your husbands because they are away at sea so much? Even if they are out for six years? This ocean business is truly reserved for Unification Church members.

Our Duty, Our Mission October 5, 1980

In the Unification Church we have five different colors of skin coming from all different parts of the world. Our goal is to unite them into one family of man. Furthermore, Unification Church life is complex. It involves not only Sunday morning service, but all kinds of things, including boat building and catching fish. There are even more fantastic things coming in the future.

The same principle is being applied to boat-making. Our people are making the best boat under the sun, but making it the least expensive. The only way they can do that is by sacrificially giving themselves. Through this process the most beautiful boat is created, and no one else has a boat that can compete. With the same spirit we can make a society, a nation. If we Moonies make the best kind of nation for the cheapest price, there won't be room for communism to creep in.

In the fishing industry, for example, I am working on such a scale that no competitor can outdo me. Once I proclaim something, it will echo through the entire country and the entire world. People cannot help but listen. I operate on a simple principle and I have a plan.

Things that are Important to You February 1, 1981

My activities are not just religious; this is why people say I am an industrialist, a scholar, a movie-maker, etc. I deal with every facet of life with the same principle of love. Even if I go fishing, it is never to enjoy myself. I am never apart from my fundamental mission. That is why even tuna are attracted to me.

I am always living most naturally in two worlds, both high and low, moving back and forth between them. When Colonel Pak was in South America last summer, he met and was entertained by presidents of seven nations. He was given a great deal of honor because he was my aide . . . but when he came to report to me in Morning Garden, he couldn't find me in the house. Finally he found me at the bottom of the back yard, working with several members to fix a rope for fishing. In my life, I have embraced both extremes of high and low. God's will is to bring these two extremes into harmony, and only God's power can do this. A true Moonie is the personification of the life-power of love, so we can bring the two worlds together.

The Two Worlds of Good and Evil February 15, 1981

I will probably be fishing in Gloucester again this summer, living in fisherman's clothes instead of suits. Even if you are wearing smelly fisherman's clothes, the righteous side is still the same, and it is always going up; you cannot come down lower than where you are now. Though we may find ourselves in the beggar's position, we will never go down, but will go up. I live here in order to leave the right tradition. When young people in the future learn about my experiences in jail, it will set their minds on fire. I never minded having to endure prison life, knowing that it would leave a strong tradition for the future.

Our Identity April 1, 1981

Perhaps you might think when you are out fund raising, "Here I am on this hot day and Father is on his yacht somewhere." However, when I go out to sea, I do not do it as a pleasant diversion for one day or one week. I go out for many weeks, every day, rain or shine. I created Ocean Church for the sake of mankind; I had to establish the tradition for the future. There is no one else who can do it

I have spoken extensively about Ocean Church and some of you American members may think, "I don't want to hear any more about Ocean Church," but who can take responsibility for the ocean in America? No matter how difficult, I will take that responsibility -- that is my own determination. No matter how much you hate to go to the ocean, I will continue to do it for the sake of this country. After making that kind of foundation, I know American young people will get the message. You might say, "I like what Father says, but I don't like the things he does!" I can sort out among you those who like what I do and those who don't like what I do. How about you American young men? Do you like Ocean Church? Are you faithful only with your mouth?

During the tuna season this summer, we will spend half a million dollars -- every year we have lost money on tuna fishing, but we must do it anyway. Nobody else is doing it. The tuna season is only during the summer, so all the rest of the year is unproductive. I have an overall plan to supplement tuna fishing with other fish -- fluke, flounder, bluefish, etc. -- according to their own seasons. We must establish the standard for successful businesses and use all the different fish throughout the year.

Once you get out on the ocean, you come to love it, but until you do, the ocean is a stranger. Do you think I was born an expert on tuna fishing? No, I had to learn it from scratch. I kept on working day after day and established the tradition. Now, I am known as an expert among the other tuna fishermen. I developed the plan, putting in seven or eight seasons faithfully, until I learned how to catch tuna. Such a thing cannot be accomplished as a hobby or by someone who just enjoys the ocean.

I spoke yesterday at the seventh graduation of the seminary. Afterwards, with all the parents and professors around, I changed into my fishing clothes and went out on the boat again. The waves were rough in the Hudson, but I went out anyway. Those people might have thought me eccentric, but they don't understand what our goal is. Even though my feet swell up from standing all day, I reprimand them and command them to continue working. I certainly don't do this because it is enjoyable. I am very serious in this work.

As a religious leader, I certainly do not enjoy killing tuna. When they are bleeding and staining the water all around, I cannot enjoy such a sight. I am in deep prayer, apologizing to those tuna and begging them to understand. I tell them, "You must give yourselves for the sake of the people of America because they are much more important to God and the universe than you. I need you as a sacrifice to offer for all mankind; I beg you to give yourselves." Since God and the universe know that, . they are helping us and our ocean businesses are prospering. You must have a clear understanding of this.

For the sake of mankind, it is righteous to go out to the ocean. From this perspective, who is the noble, righteous American who wants to follow my tradition? I have been looking for those Americans for over ten years. Probably, I must bring people from Japan to set the standard here and then Americans can inherit it. If the Japanese do not succeed, I will use the Korean people. If they fail, I will send my own sons and daughters to make the right tradition. That is why I have been taking all the Blessed children out on the boats this summer. This is the first time I have done such a thing, but we must accomplish our objective on the ocean.

America will lose its chance to take advantage of the resources of the ocean because it is not taking any initiative in that direction. Many other nations are taking the ocean away from them. I have followed the Divine Principle in setting the Ocean Church tradition. I waited and tried to give every chance to Americans, encouraging you to participate in ocean fishing. If you still do not respond, what else can I do? The one who loves the ocean the most will become its master. I am trying to love the ocean the most.

You should not dismiss this thinking of mine. It is very important. All the other shipbuilding companies in the South have gone bankrupt except the Master Marine Company. Even though we were losing money for a while too, we did not stop our business . . . The businesses of our church members are based on love. If you truly put your heart into a business, it cannot fail because God and the universe will support you.

Our Ideal Home (Part Two) June 26, 1983

Look at how dark my skin is. I did not lie in the sun on a relaxing vacation. I am fighting on the ocean and enduring every day, leading Ocean Church. There has been no master, no caretaker of the ocean; no hope in the ocean. I want to harness the ocean and bring young people to the ocean so that its resources can be harvested. The ocean has been abandoned. Look at what is happening in South America, in Central America. All the countries there have become isolated, with the ocean being given away.

Look at the American seashores, east, west and south. Those sea coast towns and ocean ports have become desolate ghost towns. All have been given away to the refugees from South America with many becoming routes of Communist infiltration. Those people are harnessing the resources from the ocean. They use them as a staging area for drugs as, for example, with the Mafia who use those ports to bring in drugs that are corrupting American youth. The Coast Guard and police alone become helpless unless each citizen is willing to participate in a great crusade in order to prevent America from being turned over to communism. Somebody must defend this country. No one is really doing it; no one is risking their life to do it. While I am doing it, the local governments persecute me instead of helping me. No tuna fishing season is a fun time, but a war time. I knew the experience of catching a giant tuna would be one that members could not forget for the rest of their lives. Everybody is looking for an opportunity to fish for tuna; they look forward to it, hoping I will invite them again. In order to make American young people pay attention to the ocean, I studied how tuna fishing could be made more interesting and exciting. I am a champion of tuna fishing around the world. I discovered the "Reverend Moon" system. People observed my way of doing it and now they try to imitate me. In fact, one fishing shop sells "Moonie" fishing gear. Whatever I use, they want to buy. Everybody is following me.

Usually, during the tuna season, rich people would go out at ten in the morning and come back at two or three in the afternoon. I changed that tradition; I left at two in the morning and came back ten at night. Now, everybody who fishes for tuna in Provincetown knows that when the tuna season comes, they have to get up at two in the morning. No one can deny that Reverend Moon is the pace setter.

You think fishing is where you spend hours and hours doing nothing. No, you must always be alert. It is a master technique which I cannot explain (you must experience it). It's the black belt technique. For example, when a fish is coming, I know without looking directly at the fish, that the fish is ready to bite. There is a teasing game; if you pull in too wildly, you lose the moment. You just need to pull, pull a little bit, then the fish is so interested, coming at you and ready to bite. At that moment, you pull hard, double level, second level, two levels pulling. Who knows such things? Who even bothers to figure out such timing? I am researching and studying all things. You have to go through certain levels of instruction: level one, two, three -- even more levels to go. If it's raining, do you think we should stop and go back? Mother always thinks that I should come back a little early, that it's not good for my health to stay out so late. However, I must go on; I must finish! I am just intoxicated in teaching the members. I have to study more. How can I come in early? The future economy of the world, the food problem of the world, the survival of mankind will be solved by the ocean. This time of study can determine the future life or death of mankind .

In the future seafood industry, Reverend Moon and his determination, his world view and ideology of fishing will go on. When I am suntanned to an incredible degree, is it a shame or pride? By doing the most incredible work for the sake of humanity and the future of this country, I am going to develop catching different species of fish. Each fish requires special treatment and a special secret to catch it. I develop techniques and at the same time, I can teach those techniques. When you apply those techniques, you become an economically viable fisherman. Then, you will think about moving into higher level fishing.

This nation of America is God's blessed nation. Abundant material blessing has been given, but this belongs to God. We are the custodians or stewards of this property. No matter what, we have to do it. Organize! We have to win over all the God-given blessings. I laid the foundation. I will set the tradition in America. If you succeed in following that tradition, you can inherit the rest of the world. That is what you will do.

This is a new chapter, a new era, a new history. You are the master of this new history. In order to do that, you must have determination. Without that determination, you will not even get near it. With the determination to give up your life, you can separate yourself from Satan; Satan will have no business with you anymore. Don't try to survive. Go to the land of death. That means that God will take your sacrifice, and God will never let you die. That is the Principle. That is my life exactly! I have always been ready to die. This tradition goes down from me to you, from you to all others. As long as you are alive, as long as you are breathing, you cannot complain because you have already made that resolution; you are ready to die, but you have not died yet. You can say, "I am still alive! I have to go on, more and more. I am not yet dying, that means I can still go further. Thank God!"

My leg is not just muscle, it is always swollen for some reason. Even with the overuse of my legs from standing on the deck so long, I say, "Thank God! I have not yet died; I am still breathing. God, I can go on." One night there was an accident and I collapsed in the bathroom. Mother does not know, but I fainted. I got up and the first words I spoke were, "Thank God, I have not died. I can go on and on and on." That is the kind of tradition I laid in the Unification Church. How can we complain? If we disregard this tradition, America will become a very dismal and tragic country. When you inherit this tradition, America will be glorious and prosperous. Everlasting blessings will come if you inherit this.

Leaders' Conference June 27, 1983

There are so many varieties of activities and different projects in our movement, but when the summer comes, the most important of all is Ocean Church.

As you know, only one third of the surface of the globe is land; two thirds are ocean. Therefore, without knowing the ocean we can never have dominion over the entire globe. So every one of you, every member of the Unification Church, is required to take a basic training in Ocean Church, including navigation, repairing and so forth.

It is just incredible to think that the ocean is not dead! It is alive and moving; not only moving by itself, but moving in conjunction with the land masses and the solar system's sun and moon. It's so wonderful to know the beauties and wonders that are hidden within the ocean. More than anything else in all of God's creation, the ocean is most sensitive to all the movements of the universe and the weather.

Once you understand the sensitivity of the ocean, have dialogue with it, and cope with it, you'll understand the most intricate of God's creation. By doing so, you can understand about land masses in no time.

The ocean is not only sensitive, but is also very changeable. Therefore, to know how to cope with this changeable situation provides us the best understanding of ourselves and nature. In order for us to mold our God-centered character we must know how to deal with the ocean, how to become subject over it, and how to have dominion over God-given creation.

Since God is presiding over the whole realm of dominion, God presides over all the changing and moving sensitivity of the entire creation. This is God's character, so we have to mold ourselves into resemblance of that character, particularly the American youth, because this nation is surrounded on three sides by the vast ocean. Generally, an American's interest is focused in one narrow direction, but that is not the way God likes. You must open yourself up to all four directions, and the ocean is presenting you such a training ground. American young people have had very little interest in the ocean. Without this interest you might find it alright just for the present time, but as to a future vision, without an interest in the ocean you will never be a leader.

Many people say the space age has arrived, but you cannot dwell in space. From the ocean, however, you can draw resources, you can make a living from it. For this reason I founded and created Ocean Church. I feel in the future, the Ocean Church foundation can be greater than the land church. So far we've been living in the land church era, but from now on we'll be living in the Ocean Church era.

Becoming Flexible

Another important point is that when you deal with the ocean, you cannot be stubborn, cannot be inflexible -- there's no way that you could survive on the ocean. The ocean-going person must be flexible, and understanding of all situations.

For example, land people work during the day and rest at night. There's no such thing on the ocean; you work day and night because the tidal waters are moving and all the fish groups move accordingly. When certain tidal waters and the fish come at night, then you've got to work at night.

Furthermore, even if you have a perfect schedule, when a typhoon comes, you absolutely have to abandon that schedule. You cannot go by your own will; you have to adapt to your surroundings and accommodate to others. So in ocean life, you have to make harmony with nature, particularly the ocean's nature. On land you can mostly plan and set your goals, but on the ocean you cannot do so. While on the land, man confronts and tries to dominate nature. However, the ocean nature doesn't allow it so easily; therefore, men must learn how to live with the environment and how to be flexible. Instead of confronting nature, the ocean-going man must try to harmonize with it.

Training for Hopeless People

Some people have an inherent difficulty with the ocean because they have seasickness. Father sees that those guys have very poor ancestors! (Laughter)

In the long run, it is true that there was something wrong with their ancestors; either they had ulcers, or some kind of physical problem, some kind of deficiency -- you cannot deny that.

Unification Church members can be classified into three different groups. One is the champions of the ocean. You know we favor them, and the second class would be the mediocre: they're not so bad on the ocean but not so good either. Finally the third category is the hopeless group.

The Ocean Church mission is to use this hopeless group and make it into champions. This is true with any country that a nation is declining not because there are no strong people, but because there are so many hopeless or weak people. So the nation's well-being is assured by making the hopeless people strong, then the safety of the nation is assured. To transform hopeless people to hopeful people, that is the challenge of the Unification Church, particularly the mission of the Ocean Church. That means that the hopeless people will go to Ocean Church first, because they need the most training. So I have to tackle those people first.

Exposing Human Nature

I know how to train the hopeless people: take them and kick them into the ocean for three months. As long as they survive there . . . initially they look miserable, throwing up, looking pale like a green apple, and from every hole in their body there's some kind of mucous coming out.

But without hesitation, I say, "Kick 'em in." One by one people come out. Seasick people don't need any hospital you just leave them on the land for a while. There they get their appetite back, and restore themselves -- this is the best hospital. When their health is restored we kick them into the ocean again and repeat the same cycle. Then, after coming out again -- almost dead, let them recuperate, and then for the third time, kick them out again.

This three time repetition will make everyone who is hopeless into a champion. To make hopeless people hopeful again, that s the true challenge for Ocean Church and it is just as true for the nation.

Also, those healthy people who have aptitude for the ocean are ready to go. Tyler just completed his Ph.D., but he never dreamed that he would be assigned to Ocean Church, yet I kicked him into the ocean. I'm sure he thought he'd make a good professor at the Unification Theological Seminary, or he could write a book, or go to other universities and teach. I'm sure he thought about those things. Tyler Hendricks is like a real gentleman-type. He's very suave, very cordial. But once someone goes to the ocean . . . there is no bath- room, not even on the New Hope.

This summer I gave a boat to the sisters and a boat to the brothers, working side by side. When bathroom time comes, what do you do? You've got to do something! You have to get yourself relieved! Whether there are sisters around, or brothers, it doesn't make any difference. Then you need guts. You have to attend to your relieving mission. The men face such situations and deal with it naturally without any panic. They have to have guts to deal with it. When a sister goes to the ocean, there's not such a thing as always being polite and looking nice; she's got to be like a man and survive and deal with the ocean. She's got to expose her hip sometimes. But she doesn't even mind; she just thinks, "Well, my hip is somehow exposed, but I know all the brothers will close their eyes, so I don't even have to shield myself too much."

She needs that kind of guts, and when the man is doing his "business" he knows that all the sisters will close their eyes. No problem. That's the way it goes, and if anybody doesn't close their eyes, they will suffer the consequences.

Ocean training occurs at a crude, raw level of experience; therefore it will show the basic human nature. It exposes everything: you cannot hide on the ocean, so when you go out, you have to expose yourself. You can learn about yourself, about others and how to harmonize with others.

Another point: when you live on the land, you don't worry about record breaking or setting new records, but anyone who goes on the ocean always thinks about setting a record and breaking the record. These people are always goal-oriented.

In this life, it's so complicated, so sophisticated, it's virtually impossible to try to stand up or find a place to make a stand. But when you go to the ocean you have a chance. Everybody is at the starting point. You go down to the zero point and start from there to rise up and win all over again. When you men and women go out to the ocean, try to be the champion, set a new record. That kind of goal- oriented life, I like very much.

Leaders' Conference August 26, 1983

Christianity, Judaism, and all great religions had some connection to the mountains. Moses went to the mountains to pray for forty days, Jesus prayed and fasted on the mountain, and Buddha spent six years in the mountains searching spiritually. The Unification Church has experienced those sorts of things, but we don't stop there. We move on and create "Ocean Church" for the first time in history.

Why did Father Create it?

When you look at the globe, two-thirds of the surface is water. So where, do you think, would there be the greater quantity of living things, in the ocean or on the land? In the water. The population of the earth is estimated as four billion people, but how many hundreds of billions of living things are there in the sea! One more difference between the sea and the land is that tall the oceans connect, so that you can go from one ocean into another. Land masses are also connected, but the oceans are all moving into each other as one harmonious whole. The ocean is living and moving accordingly; it's not dead. Because the waters covering this planet earth are alive, we can see that the planet is alive.

So far the ocean has been used for transportation -- but people haven't begun digging in the ocean to find its hidden resources. In recent years, some nations have claimed a 200-mile limit as "territorial waters." More and more, the competition for ocean resources is sharply dividing the nations. Will the 200-mile limit still have meaning if there are no more fish to catch?

When people begin to discover resources in the oceans, maybe they'll begin to claim 300 miles, or even 1,000 miles as their nation's territory, and then the question will arise, "Who is the true master of the ocean? Who will be the true host?"

Suppose all of a sudden a gigantic land mass emerged -- an island in the middle of the ocean. Who could claim that land? Volcanic eruptions can happen anywhere. Nature follows nature's laws.

While God is looking over His creation saying, "I created the ocean; who shall be the host?" what is He searching for? He is looking for men of vision and courage. Actually God is looking for a group of people who are organized and committed to meeting that challenge of the ocean. If such a committed group of ocean-loving people can be found, God will give the blessing to them. Those people finally become candidates for lordship over the ocean. They must be thinking with the Creator's mind. As such courageous people from around the world come together and unite in one common goal, one ideal, that vision must transcend all national and racial boundaries. Once such an international group is set up, it will be very difficult for any single nation to challenge it, for it will truly have a global perspective.

What will Ocean Church do in the future? What is its purpose? It is to teach how to love the ocean, to utilize it under the concept of the Creator's ideal, and have dominion over it according to the Principle of Creation.

The dividing line between ocean and land is the coastline, so the coast represents the link to both worlds. Eventually the coastline will become most important. Coastline property will become most valuable of all.

Ocean Beauty

The ocean encompasses an incredible variety of moods. The calm sea is like a beautiful woman, and the beach sand is like silk -- dazzling beauty and peace. But that is not all the ocean presents to you -- a little breeze and the water starts to dance -- just a little bit. No matter what kind of a ballerina or dancer you may find, you can never compare her/him to the dancing of the ocean! The dancer is on a small, limited stage, but the ocean dances without limit. There is no end to its stage.

Sea birds fly around, coming and going, landing and taking off, all with different shapes, but all with harmony. Sea gulls come, they sing and present beautiful harmonious motion. Sometimes this beautiful scene is changed dramatically by the sudden volcanic explosion of a huge whale jumping out of the water. The splashing water shines, reflecting the light -- just incredible beauty. So much variety and change!

When the ocean gets mad it definitely shows its dignity and power as if it's saying, "Anyone who comes at me -- I will swallow you." Indeed, the ocean can swallow anything riding on it.

Normally, a high-speed boat runs beautifully on calm water just like on a silky highway, but once those waters get mad, splashing with high waves, that boat becomes helpless. When the waves go up, the boat answers, "Yes sir, yes sir!" When the waves suddenly drop down the boat can only obey because there nature is the most powerful and the ocean says, "You listen to me. Here I am! For that reason, men and women who love the sea cannot be boastful, cannot be arrogant. They must know how to humble themselves to the overpowering strength of nature.

On the land you see green. Sometimes you see butterflies or birds flying around, but everything is stationary. In the ocean, however, the varieties of fish are moving in all kinds of ways and from one place to another, demonstrating their own beauty. So is there greater beauty and incredible mystery on land or in the ocean? [Ocean]

When you put yourself in God's position and ask, Why did God make the ocean?" we might say, "It's because God would be bored with the land in just a few days, but the ocean is never boring. The sea and the ocean represent the future vision, the future dream." Therefore, anyone linked to a futuristic vision must be interested in the ocean. In this way, he is bound to become a visionary person.

Great Literature

What kind of people are found on the ocean? Courageous men following other courageous men. What about women?

If the husband got very bad diarrhea, lying flat on his back, would his wife beg him to stay at home and postpone the journey, or would she stand up and say, "Well, come on. I'll take over. I'll continue the mission." If she has that much determination then even the boat's steering wheel will wake up and be happy to find a woman's soft hands on the wheel after being handled by so many men's rough hands. When you women take charge of the mission, then even the ocean waters will feel sorry for you. They don't want to be rough on such beautiful women; they want to be nice to you. Even the ocean spray raining down is smiling, and saying, "I want to cling onto your skirt! "

It's so poetic isn't it? That's the way great literature and great poetry were born. When I start speaking about the ocean, there are many stories, legends, and myths to be told. Sometimes I speak to the birds and sometimes it's as if the birds are obeying whatever I am thinking, flying this way, or landing over there. Then when I think, "Now go away," the birds will suddenly depart.

Literature is written in that form, expressing such communication with nature. Creation says to man, "If you leave me yet still love me, I will go away from you." Man and the creation are just longing for each other, like the love between man and woman.

If a man and a woman have a date on top of the Empire State Building, 102 stories above the ground, it's very romantic. But why is such a date considered romantic? Because such a tall building is unique, and the two people are getting together at one of the highest points on the land. Even though no one notices, they feel they're coming together as a king and queen, meeting on the top of the world.

Say a man and a woman meet at the South Pole. There's no one around. It's all ice and snow. That's where only penguins are kissing each other. Even just imagining it is a romantic moment! In order to have some incredible stimulating experiences, you have to go through what some normal people would not do -- something unique, challenging, something special. Without it, you cannot derive that kind of intoxication and beauty of stimulation.


Recently I have traveled to Alaska two times. Alaska is a mysterious virgin land with hardly any people living there. It's a land of bears and wild animals. Most people think of it as snow covered, with glaciers, rugged coast, and white whales, sea lions, and seals. One day I went to a small island and encountered some sea lions. As soon as they saw me, they began giving their welcoming rally, "Arrh, arrh, arrh, arrh, arrh!" They started all at once, sounding incredibly unique! But there were two kinds of sound to distinguish: one was a male sound and the other a female sound. United in-harmony, they built a resounding chorus.

There were also whales, and halibut, which are flat-fish like flounder, and grow up to 300 pounds. Maybe there are many people who don't know about the halibut, and God is thinking, "You poor people. I created such an incredible creature, and gave it to you. All you have to do is come and claim it and use it for your benefit, but you never even bother to come. You never even look at my creation and try to enjoy it. You poor people!"

God is interested in courageous people. God Himself is adventurous, and He also made us that way.

American Women

Having all these special experiences, I was thinking about how American women should be. In Alaska, I met a certain couple. The man lived there all his life, and I was interested in why this couple lived there. "Why do you live here?" I asked. "Because we love the freedom -- total freedom." They explained that in New York and other places, even if you're just trying to walk in order to get somewhere, you always bump into someone. Or else you're always stepping onto somebody's territory and they're telling you, "No, no, don't touch it." But in Alaska, they said, you keep running year after year, and you bother no one. "We are totally free," they said. Doesn't it sound good? So even though Alaska legally belongs to the United States, men and women living like this couple in Alaska virtually have no nationality.

When I looked at the woman, I saw that she was so tiny and skinny. But this particular American woman had guts. She had a vision, and she had a universal mind. She had confidence and conviction, so that even if she went bear hunting, she could knock down the bear! So I thought, "That's the kind of woman's spirit that impelled the westward-bound Americans toward their new horizon. This was the Frontier Spirit."

So how did she come to meet and marry a man like that? She revealed to me that shed traveled all around the world. So she'd met all kinds of men, including civilized and educated men. Then she came to Alaska and met simple and unassuming men. The ones who went to the ocean were fishermen, and those who went to the mountains were hunters. Here was the hunter-fisherman combination. This one man completely captured her attention by his rugged simplicity and his very natural and unassuming nature. She married him and remained living in that environment where whatever they were doing, they were just as they are -- very real, very truthful. So when they met their neighbors, or even a stranger, they gave everything, and they loved these people much more than they'd love even their own brothers and sisters.

The man told his wife that he would show her the most beautiful places and he took her to where there was an abundance of wealth from the ocean, and when they went to the mountain they saw the hunting grounds with an abundance of wild game.

Normally when a fisherman has a good fishing ground, he keeps the secret for himself, but this man said, "this is the fishing heaven -- you can catch even bigger ones." This man was really trying to be helpful and of service to others. When I was there, he prepared bait and tackle for others, and he tried to have my party catch a big fish. He really wanted me to catch the big ones.

On that day, a lot of fish were caught, and I was truly appreciative, so at the end of the day, I wanted to give him a little token of appreciation, some gift. But the man said, "No, not at all. It's my privilege, it's my honor. If you give that to me, you are taking away my honor." I sent a representative trying to persuade him to please receive this gift but the man was adamant in refusing. Finally, though, that humble man gave in and said he would accept a gift, since he saw the Reverend Moons beautiful heart. So I thought, "After many long years, I met the True American!"


Upon examination, I decided that the salmon shall be the fish of the Moonies, that the salmon symbolizes the Moon spirit. The male and female salmon go swimming together side by side up the streams to the spawning grounds. The purpose for going all the way on such a journey is to lay eggs. The couple starts digging in the sandy bottom for a place to lay eggs. The male swims protectively around the female. Their skin color and their muscles change, and after their egg-laying mission is accomplished, they give up their lives and die. Their bodies decompose and become fertilizer for the feed for their babies.

This is their destiny of death, to succeed in reproduction by the laying of eggs, it is for love. Without fear, they go toward that destiny side by side. It's a beautiful thing to behold. I saw the image of the ideal couple in those salmon.

When all mankind is living like salmon, surely the dwelling of God will be with men, and God will be happy among men. Why did God create salmon? To educate men, to present the example to people in order that they can follow.

Let me draw a conclusion. Ocean Church has been created in order to teach the ideal of God. His creation of the ocean, so that we gain true love for, and true dominion over, the ocean. Each person can become a co-creator with God, anticipating and participating in God's great task of creation, and understanding it as a friend.

Vision and Providence in Ocean Church August 28, 1983

Chapter 13 - The Way of the Ocean

Chapter 13
The Way of the Ocean
August 28th, 1986 -- Morning Garden

Who are you? What are you doing here? Where are you heading, where will you go? The purpose or the destination must be clear, otherwise you will end up on a march to nowhere. If you met God and asked him, "Where are you going, Mister God," what do you think God would answer? God knows where He is going and He knows what He desires. He has an absolutely clear-cut desire, goal and purpose.

Is that purpose for one small village or town, city or nation, or for the universe? Of course, the small matter is part of the larger concern, but the important thing is that no matter how small or large, everything is connected to the ultimate goal and purpose. What is that ultimate goal? In one word, it is one world -- a peaceful world, a world of ideals and a world of perfection.

That is not only the goal here on earth, it is also the goal of the spiritual world. So that is the purpose, one (spiritual and physical) world. Can God fulfill this purpose by Himself alone, or does God need anything else? Because you know the Divine Principle, you know the answer. Divine Principle teaches us that God cannot fulfill the purpose alone. God needs man absolutely.

The important thing is this: God knows how to bring about such a world; He knows the structure of it. However, the problem is this: Man himself doesn't understand the plan. Thus, God has had to announce his plan in advance in order to prepare man. That is, at the proper time, He will send the messiah to lead the way and let mankind know how to live so that he does not remain in ignorance.

Throughout history, man has pursued value, but has interpreted that value in his own way. In other words, man has pursued his own idea of happiness. For example, Japan has a goal that is centered on Japan. In Red China the people thought that Marxism-Leninism would be good for their country, but they found out that it led to failure. Here in the United States people think that democracy is best for their nation. Every respective country has devised some goal, but struggles today in failure.

The Ultimate Goal for Which We are Headed

Let us think, "What is nearest to me and most valuable?" People are looking all over for this kind of thing, but they look too far. They look way beyond themselves. What is very, very close to you and also extremely valuable? You say, "True love." Okay, but how can that love be ignited? What is the essence or origin of that love?

How does true love begin? Does it begin among brothers or friends? The origin of true love comes from God. Therefore, the fundamental and basic relationship of mankind is to be united with God. God and man. However, when you say mankind, you mean both men and women. The most dynamic relationship happens between men and women. When that relationship is centered upon God, that is the trinity of true love. God, man and woman. This is the basic and most essential relationship which fulfills all mankind's needs.

What is God's position to men and women? Teacher? What kind of teacher? Somehow, teacher doesn't quite describe the relationship of true love. It must be something better than teacher. What about master? Master and servant? It doesn't sound quite right either. It somehow doesn't fully connect to true love. So then, we come to the concept which fits most closely to true love. Only parents can encompass that kind of love. Well, if the first human beings, Adam and Eve were the parents, where does that leave God? What was God? How should we address God properly if we call Adam and Eve the parents?

Fortunately, man has what we call the spirit; he has a spiritual part of his being. There are two aspects of man, spiritual and physical. For this reason we can have both spiritual as well as physical parents... God can dwell in the spirit of man and in this way we would have God as our spiritual parents and our parents as physical parents. Centered on true love, God dwells in oneness with the parents on earth. Unless this standard is born, there is no way to bring the spiritual world and the physical world together. This is the focus and central point to which God has been trying to awaken mankind. When we know this goal, this relation between God and man, we know who we are and where we are going. We are to be the embodiment of true love, both spiritually and physically. We are to be in the image of God. The ultimate direction in which we are heading is to be the image of true love in the fullest extension. Therefore, God is always with the people who are going towards this standard of truth, this embodiment of love. God shall always be with

When you grasp your parents, and within them God is existing, you are holding onto true love. How does God dwell within us? Centering on true love alone, God dwells within mankind. This is the highest ideal which humanity has been pursuing throughout all of history. Who are you then? Who are the Moonies? We are the ones who will propagate and fulfill this ideal, making it reality.

If you ever cut yourself, what was inside? No matter how many different places you might cut, you would find more of the same inside. More Moonie, more Moonie, more Moonie. Your body is just one chunk of Moonie. The real and genuine Moonie cannot be digested by Satan. That Moonie is the personification of the spirit of true love, the embodiment of true love. Therefore, the genuine Moonie is like real gold, containing the true spirit of God. Satan cannot make any claim for that person.

You have measurements over here. You measure by pounds and inches. You have one inch and one pound for which you have an original standard. Do you have two different standards or just one? Every factory and home in America has measuring tools which use inches and pounds. Something is long or short, heavy or light according to how many inches or pounds it is. However, an inch is always an inch and a pound is always a pound wherever you go. What is the first, original inch of the Unification Church?

Well, you immediately said, "Father," so I can only concede that you are not so dumb. Then what happens? You, looking at what kind of material you are, measure up to me and then you find out just how you measure up. You see that and say, "Oh, I'm a little short," or "I'm a little bit too light." Do you have this kind of scale, this ability to measure? Show me where it is. The amazing thing is that each one of you have this scale, in your mind you know it. You have the ability to detect and measure where you are inside.

Why did you come here first of all? You came here simply because of me. Without me no one would have come here. You see that I am starting some kind of ocean venture, that I have some kind of vision for the ocean and you say to yourself, "If Father is interested in this, I've got to be interested in it too." That's why you came.

Those who graduated from the seminary, raise your hands. When you came to Gloucester, were you thinking, "Oh gee, I have to go there and fish," or were your thoughts instead filled with bubbling enthusiasm and burning desire to go out? Which one? After so many days have now passed, and you've experienced the ocean and heard me talk, you should not have a cool mind about it. If you do, something is wrong. By now you should feel something like a magnet is pulling you along; you should feel like I do. Maybe some of you said, "Well, I've tasted this for the first time and its enough. Enough is enough. I will never return here." Some of you might be thinking like that. Those who think like that, raise your hands. No one? I don't believe you. Sometimes you want to be with me forever, sometimes you are changing. Adam and Eve wanted to be with God forever, but they were changing too. I'm looking at you and some of your faces are saying, "Oh, the wind is about twenty-five knots tomorrow and Father won't let us go out if the waves are over eight feet high, so I hope it's goes up to eight feet." You know that normal weather creates waves from two to six feet, so some of you might think each night, "I hope it's bad weather tomorrow and we can stay in." Others of you might be praying for a typhoon every day. Those kind of people are just wasting their time and energy. They are going on a forward march to nowhere.

I am still a puzzle and a mystery to many people. Actually, I am a simple man, coming here and going fishing, but in the meantime, the highest possible leaders in America are being moved and world leaders are moving too. When do I have the time to do all these things? Do you think I accomplish this by just sitting and doing nothing, just letting my head drop and go to sleep? Does everything happen like this? There are 240 million people living in this country. Those people cannot save this country. They would have done so by now, don't you think? They cannot save it. Only one man can save this country. Do you know why? Only Reverend Moon is saving this nation. With what?

American people are proud. They are proud of their country, but now, this country is crumbling down. How can we permit this situation? We cannot let this happen. It's a serious situation and all Americans know about it, but no one will stand up. Only one man came here and said, "I will save America." With what? What power do I have?

America has scientific power, political power, economic power, military power. It is number one in so many areas. How can only one person stand up and save this nation? What can save this country? Only God's love. Without God there is no hope. This is the problem. American people don't know about this. They don't know about the true love of God. They don't know the purpose of God. Therefore, they don't know the purpose of America and cannot reach the goal.

I came to teach clearly, "This is God and this is God's love." I have a clear understanding of these two points. The American people don't have these points clear in their minds. This is the problem. That is why I am teaching you. Centered on love, God can dwell on earth. In the spiritual world we have God and here on earth we have True Parents. Centered on love we can become one, and we can do anything. We can have dominion of true love over anything.

Many people think, "Oh, Unification Church, it's just one little church. We don't have to think about it." If they continue like that, they will never find out. Our teaching is not just for Unification Church. You have to know and be able to say, "True Parents are my parents.'! No matter how powerful our opponents may be they can never overcome us. We have been persecuted from all four corners of the world, but we have never been pushed out. How about you? Do you now understand this point? Where are you standing? Where have you been going until now? You have to take a strong stand. There are powerful countries in this world. You have to think about it seriously. How can you overcome the evil in this world? Only with truth. Only with love. Do you now understand? Who is God to you? You have to be able to say, "My parent." You should be able to stand up and proudly say, "God is not just the parent of True Parents, but also my parent." And, on this earth, you can declare, "True Parents are my parents." With this, we will go marching on. This is the most important thing for us to know.

Therefore, whatever we tackle, whether it is Ocean Church or an ocean business, it is not out of a sense of duty. No! Whatever you are doing you must understand is yours. You must be able to look at what you are doing and proudly say, "That's mine." Look at the One Hope boat. Who made that boat? I initiated it and Mr. Kamiyama organized it, but whose boat is it? It is yours.

Although Ocean Church owns the boats, you cannot think that someone else will take responsibility. You have to know that when you take a boat out, it is truly your responsibility. And the fishing gear, who designed it? I did. However, when you take that equipment and use it, to whom does it belong? To you. This way you have direct attachment and responsibility.

What is the center of our moving forward? Only true love. With true love, your accomplishments will go on for eternity. With true love, what you accomplish will never disappear, never go away, but will remain for eternity. What about the contents of your mind? If you think, "I am too far away from the standard," then this is the time to think again.

I am sure that when some of the members finished their training this summer and went back to school, you started thinking, "Oh, they are going back to their respective places. I wish it was my turn to go." Even though you are only staying a few more days or weeks, you are already thinking like that. If you don't think that way, my idea about you and my own experience is wrong. However, I am seldom wrong. How about the rest of you? Well, the rest of you have the-~ mission of not going back anywhere because you haven't caught any tuna yet. So, you have to follow the tuna, follow them all the way until you catch them. Follow them all the way to the north pole.

You only say "all right" because you heard me talk tonight, but you should have been thinking "all right" from the very beginning. You might also think, "Oh Father, you are the True Parent. You are supposed to be loving me. Why do you always push me down to do the impossible task?" Some of you might think that. However, the people who always complain are the ones who always lose.

The Price of Laying the Foundation

Many of you have never heard the kind of report before that Colonel Pak gave tonight of the media tour of Asia. Some of you may wonder, "When did Father do all of this? How come all of these things are happening?" Without any of the hard work, just by listening to it tonight, you are inheriting all of it. However, it isn't that simple. It is like this: when you finally receive the Ph.D. from Harvard, everyone will give you praise and tribute, but none of them will ever understand the suffering and hardship you have gone through. Maybe it took twenty years or only one year. Certainly, whoever went through the course more quickly, suffered more.

In fourteen years, since I came to the United States, I have accomplished unprecedented things in history. No one has even imagined accomplishing these things in American history. You cannot understand what kind of hardship, suffering and agony has gone on behind it. All by myself, alone. No one welcomed my coming. No one welcomed my suffering. No one wanted to go to Danbury. I worked hard and paid the sacrifice in order to achieve the goal. Anyone just trying to receive the fruit from that effort has a mind like a thief. You cannot get the priceless treasure without paying the price deserving of it.

The American people have been very skeptical. Especially the young people have been skeptical about my goal and my way of doing things. They have been 50/50, not 100% behind me. Now they realize that they were wrong, that this has been a sure thing, that I have been right all along. At that moment, they want to grab the result, grab the achievement, but it's not fair. It's not even possible.

You are not ready to receive; your container is not ready to receive what I want to give. The treasure is ready, but the container is not ready, so you have to leave the treasure behind and make the container ready. In the meantime, someone else who has been working hard may come and take the treasure. I don't like that. I want you to have that treasure. That is why I am pushing you along the road of suffering and difficulty so that you are able to contain the treasures that are waiting for you.

Seven years ago, sixty-one Japanese members were invited to New York. They were each given a $100 bill and told, "You are the pioneers of the fishing business, the seafood business. Go forward, pioneer the way and bring back prosperity." This year that same group came back and reported that without a doubt they have made the strongest of foundations in the fishing industry. That kind of foundation is spreading throughout the country, so the seafood people are noticing that Moonies are everywhere. Some of them think, "The only place where the Moonies aren't pushing any further is the Pacific ocean itself. If I am to escape them, I'll have to jump in." Why are these Japanese brothers winning? Because they think, "I am responsible for this business. This isn't anyone else's business. It is my business. It is my Heavenly Father's business." With that thought in their minds and hearts, they work harder and faster.

When they go forward like this, totally united in their soul and mind with the purpose of God, the blessing of God is always with them. The result is that their business is simply growing by leaps and bounds. Based upon that, we are going to pioneer in the same way with several hundred more members. Each one will be just like a seed. They will be given the same amount of money to start with. I know that if they follow exactly the same course as the first pioneers they will succeed without a doubt. Just become a clone of these older members. You have that capacity and potential. You can double and triple their result.

The Divine Providence Awaiting Us

America has that capacity. What do you think? When Americans start to learn to like the taste of fish, should the amount of money they spend on fish be more, or should they spend more money on drugs? Several years ago, I heard the statistic that in one year Americans spend more than 40 billion dollars on drugs. That must be more than doubled by now. Someone said tonight that they had heard as much as 200 billion has been spent on drugs. At least fish is a good and nutritious food for Americans; at least fish should be sold up to triple the amount of 200 billion dollars each year. That means Americans should spend 600 billion dollars on fish. Don't you think that should happen? Maybe there will be too much money and no one will know what to do with it. Maybe we will go out to the ocean and give that money as bait to the fish. You know, I might say, "So many fish died to feed this country and they paid a lot of indemnity. Go ahead and spread out some of the cash to them." What if we put some of that money into the ocean and the ocean waves carried it to South America? And then, what if the fishermen down there would come up with a big net of dollars? Instead of fishing for fish, they would fish for dollars! Eventually they would pay the international debt. Isn't that a good idea? What do you think? This fish business and ocean providence is truly something for Moonies to do. Nobody else can do what we do. It takes guts and drive to do it. What will become of it in twenty years? These pioneers will accomplish even more things than they already have. Where will you be in twenty years? Don't be like a grasshopper, idle today and subordinate to others in the future.

You should think about where this movement started from. Forty years ago I was all by myself. There were no friends, no house, no money, no organization. I was completely alone. There were no brothers. no family. no parents. They didn't understand. My parents worried about me. They thought, "Oh, our son was a very capable man, but he is going in a strange direction." Who then was the only ally that I had? Sometimes I was at the point where I cried out, "Even by myself, I will never give up." Then, God became my sole ally and only God was with me. That was the beginning point.

Today, if you consider that God is your only ally, then don't worry about your future. God will guide you and protect you. That is the key, that is the most important thing. You can compete with God saying, "God, if you are going to get up at four o'clock in the morning, I will get up at three o'clock. I will beat you by an hour." And you can say, "God, if you want to sweat, then I want to shed tears and sweat, not just sweat." You know the story about the Gloucester campaign. When I was going out at four o'clock in the morning, some of the fishermen started to go out earlier. Then, I went out even earlier until finally I was leaving at one o'clock in the morning, and staying out all night. Then, they couldn't compete anymore. We won Gloucester that way, we won their respect in that way.

The parent is always the one who works later, works harder and begins earlier. It is the parent's heart which wants the children to rest while the parent wants to do more and prepare for the next thing. The parental heart always wants to take care and watch over everything until the last moment. You thought that you were getting up early, but I tell you, before you got up, God was already there ahead of you. When you realize that God is always one step ahead of you, you cannot get tired. You cannot just give up. You always feel, "I want to comfort God," but God is already there giving you comfort. With this understanding you just want to make every effort to alleviate God's heart. With this kind of heart and mind, you will march forward and you will never fail.

This is the testimony which I am giving to you. I have been living this testimony throughout my entire life, over and over. I still have the goal that I want to grab this nation, turn it and bring it back to God. It is like a dream, but this dream will come true. To those graduates of the seminary, if I give you this dream, would you accomplish it? You may get tired, but I will never get tired. You may get tired and stay behind and become a drop-out. But, I will never do that. I will ultimately achieve that goal, win that goal and then, a few steps ahead of you, wait for your return. Don't come to me then with shame. Don't be sons and daughters of shame.

Those who promise, "Father, I will never become a son or daughter of shame," raise your hands and repeat, "I promise." This is the true hope of America and the world will become a better world than we could ever think. Wherever you go you must look for the difficult task. Think, "Whatever is the most difficult task, I will do." If you go to the most difficult task, you will already find the parents there. Parents always go to the most difficult task. You will truly find God there.

The typhoon may be blowing, but if you say, "No typhoon will ever stop my One Hope," then God will be there. God will say, "My son, my daughter. You are truly my children. Welcome." That is the secret of my daily life. It is my daily credo. Everyone look at the clock. When you look at the clock and see that it is already midnight, you think, "Uh, oh, it's too late." However, your thinking is late. If you think that God is starting to maneuver at three o'clock in the morning, then you will say, "Oh, it's only midnight. It's early." That's the way to think.

You have to look forward to being embraced by God. In order to do that, you have to begin by at least three o'clock in the morning. In that state, you are tired and start to doze in the car for just a moment. At that time, God will come to you and give you a revelation. If you just wake up happy in the morning with eight hours of sleep and say, "Oh let's go for another picnic today," then you will never receive any revelation. You will never meet God there.

You have to select the route where Satan cannot go. It must be so extreme that Satan will say, "Oh no, I could never go that way. You go without me." That is the course you must select. There, God alone will be waiting. And you solely will have the opportunity to meet with God.

You might think, "I've been working so hard and I'm bored with this, it's monotonous. There's no joy in this." You've got to be different. You have to look forward to tomorrow. You have to expect something exciting to happen tomorrow, the next day and for the next ten, twenty years. You must always feel excited for life and never get tired. That is Reverend Moon's kind of Moonie. I will always bless this kind of person with the blessing of God.

Today is a special opportunity so that you can rediscover yourself. It is historical and it is your honor to have listened to me tonight. Each one of you shall go on to your mission. Go with strength, fortitude and determination. I will always be with you. Ocean Church and the ocean businesses are a divine providence. I have declared it many times before and I declare it again tonight. These are providential missions. Therefore, anyone who is devoted to this direction will receive God's blessing and protection and shall eventually prosper. Someday, some of you will become national leaders, lawmakers, congressmen, senators. I am a mysterious person. American people think that I am only famous in America, but when they go to Asia they find out that I am even more famous there. It is the same in South America and Africa. Being here with me tonight is a rare opportunity. It is very rare. The reason that I meet with you face to face and talk to you is because you at least follow me and are trying to be one with me.

If I had not been able to establish the True Parents, who else would give a clear vision for the world today? Who else is really giving clear guidance and direction? I have had to work in the most adverse conditions, but the veil of that opposition is leaving and the world will soon be able to see who I am. Truly, we are going to be very unique people indeed. We are going to have an exciting future ahead of us. Please, look forward to and work hard for that day. May God bless you.

Chapter 12 - The Heart and Spirit of Fishing

Chapter 12
The Heart and Spirit of Fishing
July 3rd, 1986 -- Morning Garden

Is there anyone here who is seeing me for the first time tonight? Are you new members? If you are a new member here, I am sure you have not experienced tuna fishing before. What did you do before you joined the church? Are you at least eighteen years old? Even though you are all in your early twenties, you are too young. Those who are here for tuna fishing for the first time, please raise your hands. Don't worry about your result this season. I understand that most of you are inexperienced. You have learned much during these ten days of education and training. However, when you look at the difference between these few days of classes and actual fishing itself, this training is nothing. It is like a speck of dust compared to the reality. The most difficult kind of fishing, amongst all the various kinds which you can learn, is tuna fishing.

Giant tuna are such difficult fish to catch. They can be found all over the world, in five different seas. Because they travel such great distances, they need speed. When you finally see an actual tuna, you will see that the side and back fins fold in so that the tuna moves just like a torpedo. Their top speed is around 100 knots and they average about thirty knots. Think about the life of the giant tuna. They have lived in the ocean for ten to fifteen, some of them more than twenty years. They have gone through so many risks, dangers and difficulties and are still alive. In that sense, some of their brains may work better than ours. For example, when the tuna seiner comes, the tuna don't just pass by the boat casually. They turn sideways and look very carefully. We are here to catch that very smart kind of fish.

Some of the largest tuna weigh over 1,000 pounds. They are larger than a big bull, but they don't have bones like the bull. In this sense, God has prepared the tuna as a gift for mankind and we are here to receive that gift. However, in general, American people have been ignorant of how good tuna taste, but the Japanese people have known about it for a long time. The tuna is extremely tasty. A professor in Japan who has been developing and managing a tuna farm expressed concern that if Americans acquired a taste for tuna there would be none left for the Japanese. Fortunately, Americans don't know so much about tuna yet. However, when they find out the Japanese people are in trouble.

Let's compare something. If we say that whales are the kings and queens of the ocean, then tunas are the most handsome princes and beautiful princesses. We are here to catch this handsome and beautiful prince and princess of a fish. How beautiful and handsome are they? Let us suppose you have been on the ocean for days and days and then you catch one. You look at it and then immediately you go and kiss that tuna. Many people have been inspired like that.

You can think like this, "I'm here to catch this tuna, but my skinny and rough Japanese hands are too ugly to even touch such a beautiful and handsome fish." You can certainly think like that. You must have lots of curiosity about catching tuna. I myself started fishing fourteen years ago. When I brought the New Hope here for the first time, the entire country knew about it. When I first came here, I didn't know anything about tuna fishing. I didn't know what kind of hook to use or how to make the lines or anything at all about it. However, I had more confidence than anyone else that within three years I would be the master of tuna fishing.

Father's Foundation in Tuna Fishing

When I first came here there were lots of tuna, maybe more than there are now. On the average day, it was not unusual for a boat to go out and catch at least one fish a day, and many times they would catch two fish. Thinking about those early days, I want to share a deep experience with you. In the beginning, I went out time after time and hooked up a fish, but then I would lose it. All the fishermen who had caught their fish would come back and say, "Another day where Reverend Moon hooked up a fish, but lost it."

I was not able to catch the fish and bring it up to the boat. This happened almost every day. And so, this became their daily gossip, whether I could actually bring home a fish or not. You will see that there are many large and luxurious boats which go out tuna fishing. Some of them bring their children and wives. I experienced them telling their families day after day, "Oh, Reverend Moon lost another fish today."

How many times in a row did I hook up but fail to catch? Not once, not twice, not even three times. Not until the sixteenth fish did I finally succeed. That was the first time in twenty-one days that I was finally able to bring one up to the boat. Mr. Ohnuki is a living witness to this history and he should stand up tonight so that you can see who he is. Think about those twenty days that we went out and the fifteen fish which we couldn't bring up to the boat. When we got that sixteenth fish, Mr. Ohnuki was in tears at that moment. Think about the conviction that we had to have to get that first fish.

In my mind was the thought, "I must train the youth of America to be able to catch at least one fish a day." Think about having that thought during those twenty days. My focus was on the way to hook the fish and not lose it. I was constantly studying this point. Another way of looking at it is to consider the money that is spent tuna fishing. Think about spending so much money day after day and not being able to catch even one tuna. I became a desperate person.

You must understand why I started fishing for tuna in the first place. You must know why I designed this type of training. There are four major fishing areas in the world. One is in Norway and the other three are around the American shoreline. There are other fishing areas of course, but the major ones are right here. In other words, no matter what kind of fish you are looking for, you can find it in the waters around America and you can find it usually in great quantity.

The tragedy is that in general Americans don't appreciate fish and don't eat them. The fish go through a cycle, they are born and then die. In a way, it is a real waste to just die. Those fish are there to be eaten, either by a larger fish or by man. Fish are a high source of protein and nutrition. If we don't eat them, if we just let them die and go to the bottom, it is a real waste.

Furthermore, about six or seven years ago, America declared their fishing borders and foreign boats cannot cross over them. This declaration has become a political issue. Nations which really depend on fishing as part of their economy such as Japan, Italy or Germany have been protesting this boundary. At the same time, the American people do not care much for fish, so there is no one to initiate anything new in the fishing industry. Out of concern for the future, I began many of our educational projects and business ventures centered on the ocean. On the land, if you farm, it takes about twenty years to establish your foundation. However, if you begin an enterprise on the ocean, you can begin to see results after just five or six years. Better than gold, the ocean is waiting to be used by man. The problem is that people do not know or care so much about it. One of the reasons that Americans do not care for the fishing industry is the nature of fishing itself. When the large fishing vessels go out, they stay out fishing for three to six months. Many of the fishermen's wives stay at home with nothing to do and often they finally just leave with someone else.

Therefore, young people who are growing up in ocean towns don't think about getting involved in fishing at all. Instead they run to the larger cities where they can get a nice job in an office. For example, this city of Gloucester used to be very busy, before the 200 mile limit was set. Many foreign ships were coming in and out, buying supplies, loading and unloading, so the young people of this town could find jobs and work here. Gloucester was very busy indeed and at that time it was growing. However, after the declaration, many young people ran away and Gloucester became somewhat of a ghost town.

Without the boats coming in and out, without the young people staying to work here, who is the master of this town? Well, the Moonies appeared just a few years ago. When we first came here, people thought, "Moonies are the worst of the worst people." They looked at Reverend Moon as some kind of scary spirit and tried to kick him and all the Moonies out. Actually, Moonies are trying to be the best of the best people. Now their attitude has begun to change from being so nasty to more warm and welcoming.

Many people brought their luxury boats here. They sat on the deck with their big bellies showing from beneath their shirts and shouted at us, "Hey! Who are you? What are you doing here?" They said things with a very nasty feeling behind it. At first, none of us knew anything about tuna fishing. We had to go around buying different kinds of hooks and things. Some of the members went with me, but they didn't know anything either. Then, people would whisper in the stores, "Oh, that must be Reverend Moon." In some cases, a store would close its door when I came and they would say, "You cannot come in." Then, I said right back, "Open the door."

In the beginning, I would ask for some kind of fishing gear which I knew the store owner had, but they didn't want to show it to me. They would show me some equipment which was not as good as what I had asked for. I had to keep going on with endurance and patience, facing all these things. I didn't do it because I wanted to make my own profit; I kept going because I wanted to make these ocean cities alive again.

The Vision Behind Tuna Fishing

My goal is to develop once again the ocean cities in America so that fish and fish products can be exported to feed people all over the world. Some of you may be wondering why you have been called to Gloucester, such a small and insignificant town. You must inherit my spirit which overcomes persecution and difficult situations, because I have a vision of how to save the world and even provide food for the entire world.

The boats you are riding on were designed by me and built by the members. After nine years of experience, I developed the Good Go boat. When I first started building these boats, no one had any expertise. Mr. Kamiyama was at a total loss when he first heard my plan for the boats. He looked completely shocked and said, "What, we are going to build fishing boats?" He truly hoped that I wouldn't tell him to build those boats, but I said, "Build 150 boats in the first year."

Think about it. With so much money invested in such an expensive boat, each one was given to completely inexperienced members who didn't know anything about its value. With these boats, they were trained how to fish for tuna. With each boat that we produced, there was a tremendous amount of tears and sweat and prayer involved. You may not be able to see that, but that kind of spirit is built into each boat. If you truly understand this, you must shed tears when you ride on that boat. When I took my first ride on a Good Go, did I cry or did I just laugh without much serious thought? What do you think? Therefore, you must pray to have the proper attitude and inherit the spiritual and international connection to these boats. Each country around the world sent their members to help build these boats, and they put their tears and sweat into these boats. No one understood anything. We started virtually from scratch. No one knew what kind of material to buy or how to begin the first step. I know the value of each boat will be worth more than 100 thousand or a million dollars in the future. Why?

Because people will say, "This is a boat built by Reverend Moon." For this reason, I instructed the members to buy the best quality of materials that they could find; they had to build the boat with the highest standards, not just so-so.

I know that in the future sometime, in each of the fifty states, even if they have to sell their capitol building in order to buy one of these boats, they will do that. But now, some Unification members feel like they don't even want to look at those boats, that they want to run away from their boat. I see that kind of thing. My goal and desire and hope is built into this boat, but the young American members don't understand this and sometimes, they try to run away from this boat.

If you read the speech from when I began Ocean Church, you will see how serious and how important that message was. However, even after I gave that kind of explanation, many of them since that time went away from this Ocean Church activity. It's a shame, but I cannot give up. Even though I wanted to give this to American young people, they didn't catch their opportunity, so I had to bring young Japanese members to do the job. In order for you to find the most valuable and precious treasure, you have to go the most difficult path. That's true.

American members who are here this summer, did you come voluntarily or did you come because you were sent? Do you really want to be here? I don't believe you, yet. You will have to show me. I have watched so many American members leave and run away from this Ocean Church activity, even though there might have been good reason for some to go. I stood by and just watched their coming and going. In the meantime, I never changed my goal and my spirit for this Ocean Church endeavor. Why? Simply because I know the value of it.

If you American young men go out fishing, who will point a finger at you? No one. However, everyone pointed at me because I was a Korean man. You must understand that with everything you go through, every difficult situation and every persecution, I have already gone through this course before you. Do you understand? I never retreat, but always move forward. People might have said this year, "Well, Reverend Moon was in Danbury prison last year and now he is out. His movement must have declined a little since he was there. Well, they had twenty or so boats last year, so maybe this year we will see only ten or so boats." Instead I went right ahead and ordered seventy boats to go out this year! Do you have the same spirit?

I think you are just like any other young American out there. You are the same type. You are shouting "No!", but I think you are the same type. What do you think? Is this true or not? I cannot trust you. You have to show me! When you bring result, then I can see you are different. From now, we are going the difficult way. Can you do it? Raise your hands. Can you do it? Those Japanese members who didn't understand my talk missed the chance to raise your hands. Please do not forget that the boats you are riding in are the best of the best fishing boats in the world and they are made by Reverend Moon. We built this boat, Moonie spirit built this boat. Not because we wanted to make money, but because we wanted to make the spirit of America alive again.

Until this city of Gloucester itself disappears, we will come here every year. We will take care of this town; we will take care of this ocean. We have about 200 people here tonight. Everyone has a similar situation don't they? You have two hands and two eyes and all your limbs intact. I may indeed have the same features as you, but when it comes to the ability to lead people, to having a fighting spirit, to being able to go on, I have more ability than all 200 of you together. The difference is in my determination and dedication, in my spirit.

The Kind of Men and Women We Must Become

Even when I went to Danbury, I was not defeated by this country, but fought against the injustice. When I came out, I was acknowledged for my fight. We need guts. We must stand tall and say, "No matter how fierce the wind blows, no matter how much the storm comes, I will stand here and never stop." Several years ago, there was a storm warning in Gloucester and the radio announcer told everyone to stay at home. Then, at 1:00 a.m., I said, "Let's go." The wind was blowing so hard that everyone knew the danger involved. In spite of that, I said, "March." And out into that storm we went.

I like that kind of man. Any kind of woman likes that kind of man. How about you? Do you like that kind of man? Or, do you just like a disco dancing man? What kind of man are you? Are you a Reverend Moon style of man? I am a very tough man. At the same time, I must follow the spiritual direction. Do you know what I mean? This is the kind of spirit we must have, saying, "Until I have finally closed my eyes, no one will open my fist. I will grab this way as strong as I can and never let go."

In general, the American people do not have a strong tradition, only 200 years of history. A small country like Korea has almost 5,000 years of history. This means you only have 1/25 of the time on earth as Korea. In comparison, you have very little tradition. Americans tend to follow the wind. If it blows east, you go east. If it blows west, you go west. For example, because you lack tradition here, men are saying, "Well, I don't need women. I will just live with other men." The women are saying, "We don't need men either, we will just love each other." If this kind of phenomena continues for another century, the American people will simply disappear.

Think about it. Maybe the Black people and the native Indian people are saying, "Well, you White people just keep on going like that. In another hundred years, we can have our country back; we can take care of this nation without you." It's really a shameful thing. Young people in this nation do not have the concept of shame. They think that free sex is just natural, but Moonies must' be different from these kind of people, not just in quantity, but in quality. Your quality must be such that even if someone wanted to trade the entire population of America, 240 million people, for your spiritual life, you would not be swayed by that.

If there are two types of people living together, the stronger of the two will survive. Whoever puts more effort into something will become the subject and whoever works less will become the object. For example, Japanese people work almost twenty-four hours a day and they work seven days a week. On the other hand, American people work only a few hours a day and just part of the week. Who will be the owner in the future? Who comes out ahead? The hard worker or the easy going worker? Yes, the hard worker.

That's why, when I came to America, I looked around and found who was working hard. I said, "If you are working ten hours a day, I will work twenty hours. If you take twenty years to lay the foundation, I will take only ten years." That was my determination and it remains my determination. Those who don't want to inherit that spirit from me can raise your hands. It's easy to hear and understand these words, but if you try to practice this and apply it in your daily life, you will turn your head from it and say, "I can't go on."

Here you are getting up at four o'clock in the morning and there is no light. I can hear you saying, "Oh, this Moonie tradition, I don't like it at all. There's too much to do all the time. This is a problem for me." No! This is a problem for ME! For me, that kind of person presents a problem. Our situation is that we are in a difficult world. As we progress, it gets more difficult. You think about our ideology. We can unify the world. That is our concept; that is our possibility. How will we do it? How difficult has it been for you? From now on it becomes even more difficult. This is our conclusion.

Early in the morning you think, "Oh, this is crazy to live like this. This is Oriental tradition, this is a Korean system. I don't like this!" I know this point. Do you think I am just a Korean guy? For forty years, since the end of World War II, I always took the different way. Even in Korea they said, "This is a crazy guy, something is wrong with his brain." I did everything the difficult way. Not even in Korea did they want to do it this way. This is not the Korean way, not the oriental way! Why were they against Reverend Moon in Korea? Why were they against me in Japan? Why were they against me in this country? Because this way of life is God's way. God knows what I have done. I have done everything the way that God instructed. God doesn't go the way of the handsome guy, the easy way. No! God's way is the most difficult way. I have always compared two ways and gone the more difficult one, no matter what.

Why? Because I am so concerned how to make the shortest course possible. I want to go the distance in the quickest way. No one wants to go that kind of way. However, God insisted I go that way, so I have always gone that way. Now, the spiritual world and the Unification world has to go that way. This way is different from America's way of doing things. That is why the young Moonie doesn't like the Unification way of doing things. Your concepts make it difficult for you, not the way itself. Do you understand this point?

Who can represent the Unification way? You? Or you? I have always thought about the future, about the entire world. You never thought about that so much. Why do you cling to doing things the American way? You say, "Oh, America is the number one country, the leading nation of the world, the champion of the free world. We are the first in everything." And you wonder, "Why should we follow this Oriental system from Reverend Moon?" Either go this way or don't. The Bible says, "Be cold or hot." God doesn't like someone in between. Even Satan doesn't like that kind of person. How about you? You are hot to go this way? Hot water or hot Moonie? What are you? Those who consider yourselves different from the people I just described, raise your hands. What do you think of my response? Am I giving you a good smile or a suspicious smile? Make a new determination in yourself. With your stomach, with your guts make a new determination. This is why I came to speak to you today. It is my sole reason. Let me ask you one more time. Do you want to follow this way?

Father's Heart for Fishing

Okay then, let's return to my story. Sometimes, when you are speaking, you have to clean out the room before you set the table. Isn't that true? That's the meaning of leadership. Now I am sure that you have the kind of spirit that says, "NO matter how much the storm comes, I will go out." Do you have that spirit? Good. That's the difference. Now you feel confident and I feel happy to talk to you as well.

You've been given responsibility for these new and clean boats. After seventy days of tuna fishing you must be able to return these boats just as clean. This is how you not only love your boats, but you also love the country. Once you are out in the ocean, which is more important, your body or your boat? NO, no, no! Your body is more important! Okay, you insist that the boat is more important. This time, I will agree with you because it is true when you go out on the water. On the water, your boat is how you survive.

Therefore, you must love your boat more than you love your body. No matter how famous you might be, no matter how many people are on the boat, the boat is of more value than they are when you are on the water. Without the boat, you cannot exist. Think about the people who clean their hands when they have grease on them, but don't bother to clean the boat when- it has some dirt on the side. That is not the spirit that I have been talking about today.

If we have such an attitude out on the ocean, the boat will hate you and even the ocean will hate you. However, if you love the boat with all your heart, even the ocean will embrace you. Only when the boat returns love to you and the ocean embraces you can you stand and be truly happy. How wonderful it is if you can ask your boat, "Are you proud to be with me?" and your boat replies, "Yes, that's true." If you feel that from your boat, if you feel that from the ocean, how wonderful it is.

Furthermore, you have to love and take care of the equipment on the boat. The engine and the boat are protecting your life. Your lines and hooks, you must love more than your own clothes. When you love someone or something, you never hurt them. And it comes back in the same way. If you love your boat and all the things on that boat, they will not hurt you. They will even protect you.

This is the kind of attitude you must have. If you have such an attitude, there will be no accidents. On the boat, the most important thing is the engine. Without the engine you cannot move, so it is like the heart of the boat. No matter how good your boat may be, if there is a storm and your engine is not operating properly, you will not be able to move. Also, you must learn how to steer the boat correctly. You shouldn't make sudden movements which are dangerous. Don't play on the boats. In the first nine years of fishing, I never went down to the bottom deck and slept. After that period of time, I had a terrible headache one day and had to take a rest. The owner or master of the boat must keep a high spirit and take care of the boat. That is the spirit we must have.

I have seen so many members who just go to sleep all day. They lean over the side of the boat and show their backside to me. It's quite a view. Well, do you know how old I am now? I am almost sixty-seven years old. At my age some men depend on their canes. However, here I am at this age standing straight and I am the one who has to push you, you young American people. I look at you now and see your spirit. Tonight, you have the spirit of a general who wants to take over the entire world. I really wonder how long you will keep that spirit. Forever? I've heard that before! At least for the tuna season? Who said that? That's a good answer. It is the first step.

Please remember the main point. Love your boat. In Gloucester, we have people who have been tuna fishing seriously for many, many years. They are studying my method and trying to copy it. I came up with the system myself. One aspect of it is that you don't ever have to cut any of the lines. You can untie and re-tie the lines. One tuna line costs about $1,500. Whatever you do, don't lose the line by having to cut it. I have used a line for more than five years without ever losing or cutting it. If you lose a line, even if you catch a tuna, already one fourth of the price is gone.

My method is very organized and economical, therefore, it's superior to any other. The training session you have just gone through is not adopted from somewhere else; it is from my tradition. The original training session is from my heart. You must understand what kind of difficulty and agony others went through until I could come up with this method. With this method and training, you can go out and on your first day on the ocean, you can hook a fish and bring it up. There is a fisherman out there who has tried for three years to catch a tuna and in those years he only caught one. That is how hard it is to catch them, but if you use this method that you have learned, as soon as you go out, you can catch a tuna.

New Hope has a record of thirty-five fish in one season. I am giving you the direction for each boat. You should each catch at least five fish this season. You might think, "Why should I have to catch five fish? I don't like that." You are big and strong American men and you are thinking to yourselves, "Father, you just said that New Hope caught thirty-five fish and I just have to catch only five." You may want to catch more, but I am saying to you that it will take hard prayer and work to reach the goal of five fish. You may have to overcome many obstacles and difficulties on the boat. You may feel so discouraged that you will even want to cry on the boat. There may be times when you don't catch a tuna for so long that you will return to the land almost in tears thinking, "Oh, God doesn't love me." It takes that kind of effort, heart and desire. Even when you are tired, when you are ready to drop over, you will see the tuna going by your boat, not biting. Then, you have to wake up and shout with full force, "Hey, you have to come back here and take this line!" You have to have that kind of spirit.

Even in your dreams, or your nightmares, you have to see this happening and make the same effort. Suppose you go in the mountain and try to catch a tiger. How dangerous and difficult that task would be. Catching a tuna is much the same. When you catch a 1,000 pound tuna we are talking about something worth $7,000 or maybe even $10,000. Can you catch a bull or an ox which is worth that kind of money? There is no comparison.

We are going after that kind of treasure. The reality is such that if you catch one tuna like that, you and your family, even three families, could at least eat for one year without using any other source of money. How precious one fish is. If you just go out and sit on the boat, swaying back and forth and say, "Tuna, come to me," you are simply a thief or robber from the other fishermen. You've got to be serious.

I have spiritual sense. Sometimes, I know that within five minutes the tuna will come and strike. And many times, at that exact moment, the tuna does indeed take the line. I have experienced being extremely tired, but when the tuna strikes I am suddenly refreshed -- fresh like a cucumber! Think about the excitement of that moment. Sometimes a battle is going on, sometimes it lasts for more than an hour, but I am working and sweating so hard that it seems like just one or two minutes. One time, I was waiting with such anticipation all day long. I couldn't think of anything at all because I knew the tuna was coming. I waited and waited so anxiously that I didn't even think of going to the bathroom. Then, just as I thought of doing that, the tuna struck the line. There was so much excitement at that moment that I completely forgot about going to the bathroom; the fight was the only thing on my mind. Only after the fight did I realize that my pants were wet. However, because we had caught the tuna, I didn't even mind about that. That's the first time I've ever shared this experience. Now, can you imagine the kind of excitement that I felt? You should also have a significant memory such as this one for yourself. Don't just wait for the tuna. You have to spiritually call the tuna to you. They have to feel your anxious heart.

Therefore, the number one rule on the boat is no fighting, no shouting. If you have to give a direction on the boat, give it firmly, but calmly. Many people don't like to chum. Those of you with experience know about this. The smell is bad and it looks so bad that no one can describe it. You just try to pass the job around, don't you? However, when you cut the chum, you have to have my heart. Just say to the others, "It's okay, you rest. I will take care of this job." When you start your boat, don't just push the gears and take off. First, look around and make sure everything is in order. When you are coming back, don't just pack up and leave. Really be thankful for the day.

Serious Points About Tuna Fishing

Up to this point, we have learned what kind of significance there is in tuna fishing. We know there is a great future in the ocean and in ocean businesses. We have learned what kind of position and attitude we should have on the boat when we go out. We know there is a great providence behind tuna fishing. You know now how to take care of your boat and your equipment. Now you know how to really concentrate and attract the tuna to your boat, how to cut the chum and offer it.

When the spiritual world looks down on you, which one will they want to help? The one who puts all his sweat and prayer into whatever he is doing, or the one who just takes it easy? So now, let us look at the time when the tuna strikes and is pulling out the line. This is the time when you must be extremely careful. For the beginners especially, remember this: when the tuna strikes and pulls your line out, put the buoy on it and throw the line in the ocean so the tuna can take it away. That way, you can save your other lines from getting tangled and you save yourself from the risk of getting caught in the line as well. Once the tuna has taken out the line and you have pulled in your other lines, you should call in someone from your trinity who has experience. Then, you can go and pick up the ball and fight the fish. That's the safest way.

We will have a competition between the trinity groups. Please remember, when you have the tuna on your line, you have to pull the line in and put it in the basket. You must never step on that-line. Don't ever stand on it. If you get that line wrapped around you and the tuna suddenly pulls, you will go into the ocean and you cannot get out. At that point, there is no escape for you. Please be serious about these points.

Whenever you are pulling the line, someone else has to stand close by and put it neatly away. And never wrap that line around your hand. Just hold on to it, plainly and openly with you hand. Don't twist it. Never bend it 90 degrees. Just let it go through your hand naturally. The quota is usually one fish a day, so once you have the fish on your line, don't panic, don't hurry. Just hold it firmly on the line and let the next person put the extra line neatly away.

You can fight as long as you need to, for two or three hours if you need to. I have one idea about giving some prize money for the fish caught which took the longest and safest amount of time. Maybe you can get $5,000. Whoever takes the longest time and does it the safest way can receive that money. You can share it with everyone on your boat, or in your trinity. This doesn't mean that you hook the fish early in the morning and play with it all day. Some people might pull the fish up to the boat and let it hang there all day long, almost dead, going round and round and they will just sleep. Don't do that. You must live with your conscience. When your tuna comes close enough, you have to harpoon it. If you don't do that, the tuna will say to you, "You swindler, you are not trying to catch me!" And, that would be true. I would really like to give this prize money. I'm also thinking it should go to a sister's boat. How about that? Is that the right way? Let's see what happens.

This is a historical year for catching tuna. Here amongst you are some of the second generation of blessed children. They were recently blessed in marriage and the tuna will come out of curiosity just to look at their face. You may not understand the significance of fishing with these blessed children, but I want you to understand this. You should think, "I must do better than these blessed children and catch more tuna." On the other hand, those blessed children might think, "Heavenly Father, you've got to help us."

They have made the determination to become the expert tuna fishermen this summer, but I don't want you to get behind them. I already told them to have the goal of catching a minimum of five fish per person, not per boat. I want to know what your goal is. Have you made a serious determination as of yet? If you haven't, that is no good. Don't speak out loud, just put it into your stomach and say, "At least I will catch more than five, that is for sure."

Have you made up your mind? I want to conclude by saying that we have to be really careful this year. This summer is especially dangerous. If we follow everything that I have said tonight, there should be no accidents. However, if we don't unite and do well, someone might get hurt. It might not even be one of us, but someone who just comes out to tuna fish without knowing the significance of it. Please be very, very careful. Please pray hard and put all of your effort into it.


Don't worry if I am here or not. These are dangerous and difficult times. There are people in the world who are very serious and they know who I am and they are aiming at me. For this reason, the boat is not the best place for me to be. I am fully aware of the tactics that Communists and terrorists use. I have already experienced them before. Don't be concerned about my schedule. Actually, it is not easy to meet with me like this. You may just take it for granted, but many people ask to see me, especially in these times. Presidential candidates and former prime ministers, people like this are requesting to see me, but I don't answer all their requests. Now is not the time. You should consider yourself like a buffer zone surrounding me.

There is a providential war going on. Who is the commander of that war? I am the one who really understands the details of what is going on. No one in America may think so, but America needs me. In order to unite this world and begin a new world, I must be here. No one else knows how it has to be done. I am aware of this because I recognize where we are in history. The time is that serious. My hope for you tonight is that you can inherit my spirit and the purpose and goal which I have told you about. Then, you must apply that in your daily life. At the end of ten, twenty years you must become successful. Then, in thirty, forty years from now, after I've gone to spirit world, you can say, "I remember that day forty years ago in Morning Garden when Father spoke to me and that is why I have become so successful today." I am hoping and praying that many of you will become the person I've just described. Those who are more than determined to become that successful man or woman who inherits my spirit, please raise your hand.

You have given your determination in front of me tonight, so don't think about complaining this summer. If you have complaints, there can be one day when you bring all your complaints to me and I will take them. Do you want to have such a day? No? Well, then, that is even better. Is it true? You really don't want such a day? Really true? Your answer is strong and clear. Then, I trust you. I am counting on you. May God bless you.

Chapter 11 - "True Parents" and "Indemnity"

Chapter 11
"True Parents" and "Indemnity"
August 1985 -- Berkeley

Those who haven't seen me for over one year, please raise your hands. Where were you? In San Francisco? You are strange people, yes? [No.] Anyway, I am so happy to see you. You are so young; your face can only be compared to a flower, a blooming flower in the springtime. You have a wonderful face, but here in front of you is an old man. Maybe you don't need me. [No!] Sure, you don't need me. [No.]

Well then, what should I talk about? You are young people with vitality. Whatever you ask me to talk about, I can talk about that. In fact, I can talk about it for hours and hours, even months and months. I can talk about being happy or being miserable. I can talk about being excited or working hard in a sacrificial way. I can talk about being joyful or sorrowful. What would you like for me to talk about? [True love.] I don't know if I should talk about true love today. Maybe you should talk about that to me. How about Danbury? Do you know what it is, what it means? It's a prison. What kind of prison is it? It is an American prison. It is not a Korean prison. Why did I have to go there? You say it's because America didn't understand me. Why didn't America understand me? It isn't that America didn't understand, it is you who didn't understand, all of the members who didn't understand. I planned for thirty thousand members to have joined here in America by 1978. Had we reached that goal, we would have gained very different results. With that many members, we would have built a solid foundation here in America. Without that, the American people and government held us in low regard. Whose fault is that? Is that the American government's fault? Or, is it our fault? Whoever may be responsible, the government went ahead with its prosecution. However, you belong to the American government, don't you? Therefore, if you say that the government is bad, it means that all of you are bad as well. The fact that I was in prison for thirteen months can never be erased from America's history. For the next tens of thousands of years, they can never erase that. The record which contains the case fills up a truck, but when they realize more clearly who I am, how will they ever be able to explain this case?

In your own mind, how do you feel? Do you feel that I should never have gone to prison, or do you feel that I truly deserved it? I can tell from your faces what you feel. Why then, did this have to happen? One thing is this: the government was afraid of me. There was no reason for it, but they were afraid. Why should they be afraid of me? Do I have horns like a monster? Do I represent some monstrous figure in this world? You look at me and you see nothing unusual about me. The only difference is that you wear long sleeve shirts when you are cold, but I only wear short sleeves. I don't mind this cool evening in San Francisco. I am not so different though.

People my age, when they turn sixty years old, start to think about retirement. However, for me, my work is just beginning. I am ready to go out and fight if necessary. Are you also ready to go out and give it a try? The Unification Church has two incredible terms that no one else has. Those terms are "True Parents" and "indemnity". Those two terms are wonderful. Not everybody likes True Parents. And certainly, the other term, indemnity, is not well liked. That's true, especially in America. Isn't that true? Do you like that other term? [No.] That's okay. No one likes that term, that word, indemnity. I don't like it myself. No one likes indemnity, but we have to have that word right in front of our face and always tread towards it. Why is that so? Those who are blessed, raise your hands. Oh, there are too many of you. If there are that many, I think I shouldn't say nice things anymore. I should say harsh things and scolding things. That's what you need to hear.

Also, why do I find myself standing right in front of all these women? Why aren't the men up here? It's one thing I didn't think about when I first sat down. It's no secret that I don't like American women. That's because American women don't like me. Isn't that so? [No!] What do you mean, "no"? You always blame me for not being democratic and fair to women. You always accuse me about male supremacy. You are just boiling inside about these things towards me. And here I am, sitting right in front of you. You know, I am on the side of all you men. Let's get together and envelop all these women. However, can we do that through power or money? No, we cannot.

Let's go on. You know, my life has always been a fighting life. I am the one who has received the most blame and accusation from everyone around me. I may be the most abused person in history. I have been blamed and accused for everything. You cannot imagine it. There doesn't exist one Korean person who has never said something bad about me, about Reverend Moon. Such a species of person does not exist. There was nothing wrong that I ever did to them. I never robbed or cursed another person. However, I have been cursed again and again and again. The Japanese people are also the same. There isn't one Japanese person who hasn't said something bad about Reverend Moon. That's especially true of the Japanese Communists. They have written my name on placards and demonstrated against me for over twenty years. They have continuously said terrible things about me, with nothing behind it, no facts, no reason.

Unification through Indemnity

In 1975 and 1976, when I came to America and set up the theological seminary in Barrytown, and sent out missionaries to 120 countries, is the time when the American nation and the whole world came against me. I made those missionary teams from three people, if you remember; one American, one German and one Japanese. The reason that I did this is because they represent nations which were fighting each other in World War II. Why did I make the teams this way? They were enemies just one generation ago.

Look at it this way. The Japanese are small, but they are "go getters". Americans are tall and usually thin; they are like grasshoppers, leaping around and looking for just the good things in life. They are "go happy" and "be lucky" type of people. The Germans are precise like a machine or a robot. These three kinds of people were formed into teams, sent out to a foreign country, and they fought to their hearts' content. People wondered why I didn't select a more harmonious group which would get along together. It was a puzzle to many people, many leaders and members in the church. However, I could see the three points which these nations represented. The Japanese members who went on this mission boasted that they were the oldest member of the movement in the group. They had seniority in other words. That is always a very important point in Japanese culture.

On the other hand, America is the top nation in the world. No one can ever belittle the Americans and they insist on that. The Germans don't respect America, however, because they have better technology than Americans, they are more systematic in accomplishing things. The members formed teams, but because of such backgrounds, they wouldn't yield to each other. We not only had problems with pressure from outside, from persecution, but also we had problems within the teams themselves. The internal disunity was actually the greatest question. Then why would I send representatives from these three nations together? You already know the answer don't you? I did it for the purpose of indemnity. Since indemnity is the key to our work, I had to put such teams together.

The first step was extremely difficult because no one even spoke the same language. If you think about it, life can become quite interesting, quite unusual. If someone wants to say, "Let's have dinner," there is no way to say it with simple words. You have to do it with sign language. If you become harmonious in front of God, that is the highest, most stylish way of life. Not only that, but also none of the three spoke the native language of the country to which they were sent. You can imagine these three people coming to live together and not being able to speak the same language nor even speaking the native language. The resident people must have surely wondered what they doing in the country in the first place.

Each nation experienced almost exactly the very same situation. Then, some of the nations began to talk to each other. They would ask, "How about in your country? Did this Unification Church send someone who could speak your language?" They had to reply, "Well, no. They sent three people who couldn't communicate with each other and they couldn't communicate with us either. But, they are here."

Each country wanted to investigate these strange missionaries, but no one could understand what the other was saying. In some of the countries, they took the missionaries to each of their respective embassies and asked for an interpreter. In this way, they investigated about our church in their nation. They had to go to three different embassies. However, in some small countries, the embassy couldn't afford an interpreter, so it became quite difficult. Even though many of the embassies didn't support Unification Church, nonetheless, they defended their own people. The German embassy defended the German missionary and the Japanese embassy defended the Japanese missionary and so on. In that way, we were able to make relationships in many different nations.

Now, I want to reveal the secret as to why I sent out teams like that. I knew that by sending members out in this way, attention would be brought to these missionaries. Since no one likes the Unification Church, they would try to kick them out of their nation. Each nation tried to investigate the Unification Church, but they had to go through an interpreter from that missionary's embassy. Each embassy had it's own pride and didn't want to persecute it's own people. At least not on foreign soil. The world wanted to come against these missionaries and run them down. However, the embassies provided some resistance to that because they at least wanted to protect their own people. Do you think this was a foolish strategy or, in understanding this time of persecution, was this the best strategy available? While there was an uproar in more than 100 nations against our movement, I somehow had to sow a seed in these countries. The undeveloped countries don't know so much what is going on. They just accept what more developed countries say.

At any rate, I was very, very serious and had to make a foundation. The advanced countries were coming against me at this time. However, I sent missionaries into the less advanced nations so that eventually we could embrace the advanced nations. Is there any developed country in the world today which doesn't know the name of Reverend Moon? It's a household name by now, isn't it?

In the past decade, even though the advanced nations have come against me, we have established a strong foundation in many of the "third world" countries. Many of these nations don't want America to influence them anymore. They are putting up "Yankee Go Home" banners. Maybe we can start a new movement and have an affect upon that. There has been a lot of commotion about me in the developed nations like America and Japan, but, at the same time in many other nations, our foundation is growing.

The American government came against me with all that they had. However, the impact was opposite to their hopes. Thousands and millions of people do not believe that Reverend Moon was wrong and the government was right. While I was in Danbury, large segments of the Christian community, which initially came against the Unification Church, united with us and they united amongst themselves.

While I was in Danbury, I sent a package to every single minister in this country. It contained the Divine Principle book and Divine Principle tapes. We sent over 300,000 copies. Some of these ministers were astonished that we did such a thing, some were upset. In spite of that, many of them were drawn to either read the book or listen to the tapes. You know we have that kind of ability, don't you? People are actually fascinated about us and want to know what keeps us going.

The ministers in Christianity have the most valuable books in the world. They have the Old Testament and the New Testament. However, try as they may, they don't understand what these books are all about. They cannot always make a connection between the two testaments. Not only that, they cannot always make a connection between the Bible and the world as it is today. The Bible exists in many homes as something which decorates the book shelf, but it has no bearing on the events of the world today. It's often a mystery to intelligent people what connection the Bible has to the world today, to the culture at hand and the future towards which we are moving. More and more people no longer look to the Christian church as providing a function which is needed in this society. In this way, without a doubt, Christianity is declining. This alienation is the very point from which Christianity is suffering.

On the other hand, look at the Unification Church. We know the principles through which life unfolds. We know the pattern and timetable of God's providential history. Thus, we know clearly where we come from and where we have to go. When I was about to go into prison, many members cried and repented.

However, I said to them, "Do you know why I am going there? And do you know what is waiting for me when I come out of there? Do you understand the goal and objective of my going to Danbury? I knew there were several crucial things which I had to do while I was in Danbury. I knew that I had to accomplish things which American history could never erase, for however long it lasted. In Danbury, the prison officials were surprised to see many famous people come and visit me. They saw people from the Justice Department and the State Department visit me. They wondered, "How can Reverend Moon have such famous people come and visit him?" They wondered about that. Anyway, I did it.

They thought, "Hey! This is America; this isn't Korea. How can he do that? How come this man is leading so many people in America?" You know, inside our movement, the American members think the same thing. They wonder why I do things the way that I do, why I don't do things in an American style. I don't exactly know what American people outside our movement are like, but I know the ones inside our church very well. I can catch that kind of thinking right away. I know more about you than you know about yourselves. That's one reason why I'm the leader of the Unification movement, not you.

In ten years, in spite of everything, I have accomplished everything in America that I said I would. Some members in the church think, "Well, I've been in the Unification Church for ten years and I don't even have a new dress to show for it. I don't have a family, what will be my future?" You may be complaining inside yourself like that. Have you never complained like that in the past? What will you do, if after ten years, I order you to start fund raising all over again? This time around we should have a more meticulous organization than we had before. You may cry when you go out, but you would still have to go out. I might decide something like that. I know that your situation is a very difficult one. And you, you feel that I'm a strange person.

I'm not making you work so hard. Actually, your ancestors in the spiritual world worked much harder than you for this nation. They are pushing you. You Americans with blue eyes don't know the spiritual world so well. Oriental people have very small eyes. That means they can see deep into the spiritual world, while the big eyes of Western people can only see the external world. For example, when the camera lens is opened wide, it can only see a few feet away. However, the smaller the aperture, the more distant it can see. My eyes are very small and I can look deep into eternity. Also, blue is not a deep color. Black eyes are very deep. I like black eyes. That color is the color of African people. I like that. How about this? I have black eyes and when I ask professors who have blue eyes to come, they come. At the same time, when these world famous, blue eyed professors ask me to come, I don't go. The thing is, they understand. Why? It is because I know them inside and out, and they know that. Do you know how difficult it is to make a match? I can do it for hundreds of couples in just a few hours. These matches are very good matches. How can I do that in just a few hours time? Can you do that? [No.] So then, you need me. That's true. You Western people need me. [Yes.] Well, I say you don't need me, you don't need me at all. No, no, no! [Yes!] Well then, maybe you do. You young American people like excitement. You like too much excitement. Why am I talking about all these things? It is because no one in this country understands what I am doing. Not even Unification Church members understand what I am doing. You have not understood me for the last ten years. It's a miserable situation. If you don't understand me, how can I ever hope to have the American people understand me? It's not only you, my own family never understood me. My own brothers and sisters didn't understand me. They were so puzzled by me that in a way they acted against me.

America may be a great country and Americans may be great people, but all you think about is your own nation. How can you be so great if you think that way? The problems of the world aren't so important to you. There are situations today in some countries where millions and millions of people are starving. Can you understand that? No, you cannot understand that. What I have to do is connect the better side of this world to the spiritual world. And then, I have to turn my eyes down into the deepest hell and I have to pay attention to the most miserable situations. I have to solve that whole thing.

The outside world wants to measure me with inches, but I am going by miles. There are two different measurements, two different criteria. They don't know what I am doing, or why, but I have a deep responsibility. I have to teach the people who can be responsible in a language they can understand. I have to teach the Christian people what to do. I also have to teach the people in the deep part of hell what they must do, and I have to teach them in a language they understand. It's very complex.

A good example of this is American women. They want to stand at the highest, most respected place in society. However, I have to drop them down into the lowest hell and leave them to work themselves up from there. When they plummet down there, they find that they are still able to survive. They never imagined that they would have to live in such a miserable place, but they are still the same person they were before.

Not only that, I have to move people from one extreme to another. This means the Oriental people have to come all the way to the West and Western people have to go all the way to the Orient. I have to bring people of every extreme together. They can't die when I do things like this to them; they have to keep on living. Then, they find out that they do indeed keep on living. Their eyes start to grow and they find that their outlook on life is changing and getting much larger. In this way, even though they are resisting all the way, they are improving as people.

Before, all they could do was look straight forward. They couldn't look up or down, left or right. Now, their eyes can look in any direction. They can look all around and see the whole world around them. Before, Americans could only see America. Now, they see the world and they notice that it has become so small that they want to put it into their back pocket. Don't you think this is an improvement?

The Value of Indemnity

Look at this frail American woman. She can now look at the world and embrace the entire universe. She has that confidence. In this sense, America has to perish. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. I know about you. Unification members have been in the movement for more than ten years, but they don't own much. However, you have come to possess something that can never be bought for millions of dollars. You have an outlook, a character, a confidence to do anything and go anywhere, which can never be bought for any amount of money.

Within ten years, this small sister has come to possess such confidence and "guts" that she can knock on any door and say whatever she has to say from her heart. She knows that even if 240 million people come against her, she is not wrong. That is some kind of character, that is some kind of greatness. That resembles someone you know about. Who does that resemble? You know what kind of person I am. You are becoming a second Reverend Moon. Is that good or bad?

There is so much more to do and I want to push you even more. You often say, "I don't like hard work and I don't like my central figure," but, you somehow like me. How about if I make you work even more? Will you still like me? Until now, you went out and evangelized, coming home with drooping shoulders, drooping head, drooping eyes. The people persecuted you so much that you felt you were about to collapse, so, I always addressed you with nice words and comforting things. However, the times are changing.

When you go out, many people now welcome you. If you come back and I welcome you as well, it's no good. You would just stand still. When the persecution from outside begins to decline and cease, then it's my turn to persecute you. That's true. That is the only way the good leader can be. I have to be that way towards you. Look at the Roman Empire. It was a mighty empire and at that time, it had worldwide influence. However, look at what happened. They forgot one thing and that was that their greatness was for the sake of the world. They decided to keep it for themselves and from that point onward, they began to decline. Finally, they collapsed.

If you look at America, you can clearly see that it is in the exact same position at this time in history. God has blessed this nation; it is not an ordinary country. Unfortunately, the American people think it is for themselves. If they continue to use the blessings of this nation only for themselves and forget about the rest of the world, they will, without exception, collapse as well. After World War II, if there was a great leader in America who could tell the people that their role was to help the less fortunate nations in the world, the American situation in the world would be far different today. In one phrase, it would not be the country hearing, "Yankee Go Home." From this slogan, America is experiencing its own decline.

I know the patterns and secrets of history, when a nation will flourish or perish. I know what will make this nation prosper. How can I guide this nation in the direction it must go? It is the same way in which I guide you. In the last forty-three days of my Danbury term, the world opinion about me began to change dramatically. If I let you become complacent about that, you would follow the same pattern as the Roman Empire. This is now the time when I will have to chase all of you out, for the sake of the nation and the world.

I will chase you to such an extent that you will no longer want to stay around me or be near me. I will be like a lion towards you. Since you will be afraid of that, you will pack your bags and go to where you cannot feel my gaze. You will have to go to another country and serve that country. I know what makes a nation rise or fall. Knowing this, I understand what is good for this nation; I know what is good for you. How can I act in any other way?

Things go around. The whole law of the universe is simply this. What rises up must also come down. Those who are on the rising side often don't understand that they have to come down at some point. This is the problem and the danger. At this moment, I know that this nation will eventually welcome me. Because of that, my mind is already moving beyond this nation. By the time they welcome me, I will already be working in another part of the world. The time when this nation welcomes me will be the time when I leave this nation. Why?

If I stay here, just enjoying their welcome and becoming complacent, I may be able to help America, but the world will be in peril. You may love me and want me to stay with you here forever, but this is not good for you. You would stop at that point. I will tell you this much, "Okay, if you want to see me, then come to the farthest place on the globe. Come to the most difficult place with me until the last soul on earth is saved." If you still want to be with me, and if you go to wherever I am, doing that kind of work, then you will never decline. That is the one way for the American people to prosper.

Maybe you were expecting that when I came out of Danbury, I would make the Unification Church a nice environment. However, I have become even worse towards you. What do you think? Is it because I met thieves and people like that while I was in prison? Did they affect me and make me more difficult? How do you feel about what I am telling you? Are you thinking, "I never expected Father to be like this"? Or are you saying to yourself, "Father, please chase me out, I want to work even more"? Do you want to stay here or get out?

If you don't like my words, I will chase you out anyway. Those who mind are free to go. That's the easiest and most convenient way. Well, which would you choose? Are you going to go away and choose the easy way, or stay and take the difficult course? Why do you want to stay? You must be crazy! I know why you would want to stay. You know the meaning of the word indemnity. You want to follow the difficult path because you know that will lead you to a better place. You don't mind if I give you a pounding because you know you will improve from it. Why? You know it is triple and ten times indemnity. If I chase you out and you go out to a remote country, it is a sure way to gain God's blessing. You know that, and I know that. That is why I chase you out.

Since I have chased you out, when you finally come back, I will welcome you. I will make a big feast and we will have a great celebration. I will praise you then and tell everyone how wonderful you are. Your ancestors will welcome you and that will be all. That will be our time. Until then, you must live the philosophy of indemnity. What you've done tonight then, is say to me, "Father, please send me out to suffer and I promise you I will bring back the result."

We said earlier that the two most wonderful terms in the Unification movement are "True Parents" and "indemnity". True Parents are the ones who take care of you, who receive you when you need help, who clothe you when you are cold and feed you when you are hungry, who lift you up when you are down. Isn't that the case? If that was all, our life wouldn't be so exciting. However, because of indemnity, our life is made more exciting, more meaningful, more joyful. True Parents are really the ones who teach you how to live the life of indemnity. It is the life that I have lived myself. Because of indemnity, I never do one thing at a time. Instead, I do ten or a hundred or a thousand things at one time.

The government may come and investigate my life as much as they want. While they investigate, I am adding even more things that I am doing. If they made it their business to know everything about me, their job would never be done. They would never catch up. Where does this come from? It is because I have suffered. There has not been any kind of treatment that I did not receive. Because of that, I became a versatile person.

The one who is being chased and persecuted must think more than the complacent person. He has to think more in order to survive. While others are sitting comfortably, I have always been active, thinking and moving quickly ahead. I have learned to plan as I go along. I can do many things all at one time. Do you think I am a capable person or not so capable? Let me ask you American women. Do you want to have a husband such as me?

I speak to everyone with the same intent. When I speak to professors, I make them work harder, but they don't mind. Even while I'm talking to them, speaking strongly to them, they are smiling at me. They love me for doing that to them. It is because of the principle of indemnity. In Korea, for example, they persecuted me from A to Z. In other words, they persecuted me in every way possible. However, when I speak in Korea today, they listen to me. They not only listen, when I command them to go out, they are already on their feet to do it.

In Japan, it is the same thing. America will also be like this. Don't worry, it will happen very soon. There is no exception to this principle. If there is success that has been won in this way, I am one of the few people who have done it. Everyone, without exception who has persecuted me, once they were won over, came back to me and expressed their repentance to me in tears. There is only one way to glory and it is this suffering path that must be trodden with utmost patience.

What is my plan now? It is to make every one of you a victor in this very same manner. How about that? You don't want it do you? You don't like it, do you? The Korean way is to say, "No, I don't like it," even though you do inside. It's very simple. One thing that I wanted to do in America was to reveal this simple secret to you. Because you have known about indemnity, you have been able to go on and on. Because of this, you will win the victory.

You know something that no one else knows in America. What is that? You know the value of indemnity. You know the secret of paying indemnity. While others were running their own race, I retreated and studied, knowing that someday I would have to run a race that no one else could do. Those who have lived close to me did not even know what I had to do. It is still the same with whatever I do, even until today.

There is a very good example of this in recent American history. The situation in Nicaragua is so obvious to people with a righteous mind. There was a proposal in Congress to send the Contras fourteen million dollars in aid. When Congress denied them even that small amount, I knew that something was seriously wrong and if that situation was left alone, America would be in trouble. Congress vetoed the whole thing, but the Washington Times spoke out strongly against their policy and after a few weeks, that veto was changed, and the Contras got double the original amount. After that, quite a few people started calling to say that Reverend Moon should stay in America, that he shouldn't go to another part of the world. Those kind of phone calls actually came.

You don't always look at the world in the same way that I do, but you need to do so. That is why I want you to get more education. You have to begin to look at the world with the same eyes as True Parents. You have to understand the world through the principle of indemnity. The term, "True Parents" sounds nicer to us than the word, "indemnity". However, if you want to understand True Parents, you have to understand indemnity. If there wasn't such a thing as indemnity, I would not be where I am today. No one would even know who I am. I know that you don't like indemnity when you begin, but there is no other way to get a true and lasting success. The Christian ministers treated me very badly when I first came to America. However, if I invited all the Christian ministers to come and hear me speak, more of them would show up than members of this church. What do ministers believe in? They believe that if they have "belief," they just go to Heaven. That's almost superstition. And yet they call us heretics without a second thought. Their ideas are somewhat like those of people living in a children's world. It's truly ironic, isn't it?

When I came back from prison, everyone was applauding me. My own family welcomed me, all the members of the church welcomed me and many of those same ministers welcomed me. They all said that I had done the right thing. That's remarkable when you consider I had just stepped out of prison. This is history, and it has to develop in a certain way. How can you stop history? It has now been decided in Heaven and so it will be done on this earth. Even though the Western world has dominated recent history, it will eventually have to follow Reverend Moon's way. How can the Western world stand up against God, once He has decided something? God has now decided to back up Reverend Moon, how can the Western world avoid it? They cannot and eventually they will come this way too. You wait and see. There will be thousands of young Americans who will be fighting to get into the Unification Church.

Now, our course is miserable, but they will come looking for you anyway. Think about that. Your future course as a Moonie is wonderful. All over the country, people will be making noise that "Moonism" is good. The atmosphere all over the country is changing and now there is some excitement in a good way towards Moonies. You are going to go up and up. People will come, asking about you and wanting to know where you are going all the time. They will want to follow you there.

I have a reason then, to be concerned. When the people start coming in, they will come in multitudes. We will have a serious competition at that time. They may even be better members than you. Before that happens, I want to put a seal upon each of you signifying that you have passed the true course. That's why I want you to go out and work even harder.

What will become of you in the future is determined by what you do now. Do you fight all the time with the Korean leaders? You don't want to listen to them do you? What did they do to deserve such a position? It's the law of indemnity. They are like the pillars of a building. Once you build something, you don't go and replace the pillars. You will be pillars of this building as well, because we are expanding. You might be smaller pillars, but you will be in that position nonetheless. When that happens, I will not pull you down and replace you. That is what you are preparing for now.

You wait and see if this is not going to be true. The students from Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford and so forth, are going to come in. That's absolutely true. The professors have already come along, so it is certain that the students will someday follow. The professors understand and respect what I stand for. The students will learn about this as well.

If you have pride, forget it. Some members in our church are so ugly that things, monsters which you are afraid to see in the dark, are afraid of them. But I love them because they have lived in the law of indemnity. This is the great secret about Moonies. No matter how hard my words are towards you, you don't mind because you know that you are going to be elevated.

You have already heard what we are going to do for the next four months, haven't you? I explained to you about the 30,000 member goal, but now the time in the providence has changed. We have to educate 70,000 ministers. If we don't meet this deadline, it will not be easy for us. How can we educate that many ministers in such a short time? We have to bring 7,000 ministers who have come to support us or have learned about us through the Religious Liberty campaign. We can motivate them to bring ten ministers each.

These ministers have heard good things about us and they at least know we are not evil people, that there is nothing wrong with us. They at least can listen to us. It will be great news for America when they move, when they start to help us wake up this nation. When they raise up the banners and shout out to the public, this country will once again be on the rise.

For us, this means that the next four months will be an extraordinary effort, working day in and day out in order to educate the ministers about their role in America, in history. I have good reason to be confident that we will move America in such a way that God will once again want to work through this nation. Let's compare your situation with mine. For thirteen months I worked very hard in Danbury prison, still meeting every day with all the different leaders. Until now, who has had the more difficult life? I know you are working day and night, but I have to think of the entire direction of this nation, of the world and I can never leave these thoughts.

Before I went into Danbury prison, if one minister came around to our church and showed some interest in learning about Divine Principle, the members were overjoyed. Now, there are so many ministers coming to listen and understand our theology that there are not enough members to staff the conferences. That has already happened. There has been a great change. Where did such a change come from?

I have been working in America more than twelve, almost thirteen years. Does it look as if I haven't succeeded? Suddenly, it is quite the opposite. Think about it this way. This is your own country; you know the language and customs of this nation. I had to come here without knowing the language, and the American people persecuted me so much they are almost my enemy. Who should work hard for this country? You should work hard because it is your nation. The law of indemnity is simple. The one who works the hardest will gain the greatest reward. I want you to have that reward, that recognition from your own nation.

Within two hours, I have explained to you about indemnity and you now realize how great it is. It is the guarantee for victory. So then, you have learned what I should do to you. There is another law or rule which is also simple to observe. For example, if you look at man's body, you will see that there is both hard bone and soft flesh. In a sense, it is a relationship of hard and soft or strong and weak, isn't it? If you have a strong personality, you may have a weak body. On the other hand, if you have a strong body, you may not have such a strong personality, but rather a soft or quiet one.

Likewise, America is a huge nation and a very great one, but it's personality is somewhat weak. The American people are not so patriotic towards their country; they are not so fervent to defend their own nation. In Korea, however, it is very different. It has been a weak nation, pounded by China and Japan throughout its history, but the people are bound to their nation with a deep sense of patriotism.

This law of existence seems to be at work wherever you go. Wherever there is the greatest amount of suffering, it seems that the greatest depth of heart and character emerge. From the abyss of suffering again and again for the sake of the nation come the people willing to do their utmost for the leader who can guide them to victory. Korea is now divided between North and South. They are surrounded by great nations and there is nothing that they can do about it. There is nothing that they can do which stems from their own will; they must always consider what other nations might do. They are miserable and suffering from this situation, but their spirit is high and their determination is very strong. Although the nation is externally weak, its internal character is very, very strong.

It is the same with me. The whole world has come against me. I have had to take everything in. I took the weak position, observing everything and allowing myself to be hit again and again. However, when I speak out to America and speak out against Communism, they will lose ground unless they can understand and accept what I am saying. If they cannot accept the righteous advice that I am giving to them, they will eventually lose. Until now, we have been on the weak side, receiving persecution. Once we gain a firm foundation, we have to become very strong and speak out for the truth and against what is wrong in the world. Can you understand clearly that we must become stronger in the realm of acceptance, not softer? As soon as I came out of Danbury you expected to hear comforting things from me, however, I have done nothing but kick you out and make you work even more than ever before.

In the American school system, you cannot hit the child, but here I am kicking the adults. Will you survive? Will America chase me out because I kick their young adults or will they keep me in? If they keep me, will they do that for a selfish reason? It will be because they understand that they need me. You already understand that. I don't need you, but you need me. Those who welcome me, even though I'm going to kick you out, raise your hands. I can work without you, but you cannot work without me. I am more fierce now since I came out of Danbury than I was before I went in. Perhaps you think I have revenge in my heart. No, but I know how God feels towards America and I am going to give that to you. Do you mind receiving tough treatment? "No!" Then, it is my turn to say, "Thank you." I accept your promise and actually, with that, there is not much more to talk about.

The Ocean is Our Foundation for the Future

Since I came here, I have been fed very well in this house and that wasn't easy to take. In prison, when it was time to eat, you had to eat whether you truly desired to eat or didn't feel like it. You get used to the schedule, but here in San Francisco the food came at all different times of the day.

Anyway, what is your impression so far from this talk? Do you think I still might love Unification members? Maybe? Maybe not? I found the word, "maybe" to be very useful in prison. When I wanted to say "yes," I said "maybe," and when I wanted to say "no," I also said "maybe." It was a very convenient term. While I was in prison, I studied the system very closely and I could not respect that system at all. After a careful look at it, I concluded that it serves no real purpose, it wastes a great deal of time and that it only creates a desire for revenge against the government within the inmates. That's no good.

Many of the inmates wanted to call and visit me when they also get out. Many of them came and asked me if they could do so. I couldn't say "yes" because they don't understand my life and my work so well, and I couldn't say "no," because I didn't want to offend them. So, I had to say "maybe." You understand why I did that, don't you? However, with you, there is no such thing as "maybe." I don't like "maybe" and you should not like it either. With our way of life, it is "yes," or "no." We have to be clear. Now you understand that you are either "yes" men or "no" men, but you are not "maybe" men.

It's truly good to see you, but it's getting cold here. Don't you want to go? It's too cold to stay here, so let's go inside. You are here with me and I think it would be nice to eat together, however, I'm going to have some raw fish, some sushi. I don't think you want to eat that. Let me ask you, would you rather eat it or sell it? We have Ocean Church now in our movement, don't we? When did we start that project? Almost five years ago. Do you know which mission Unification members care least about? The wives tell their husbands, "Don't go to Ocean Church; they have to eat sushi and I don't like that." Well, I don't like that kind of woman.

Do you know how the foundation for Ocean Church was made? I made that foundation. I had to do it by myself; I was completely alone in the beginning. Now, we are catching shrimp, lobster, halibut. Many Americans like that kind of seafood and I knew that, so I pioneered and developed every aspect by myself. Then, I had to convince the members. I watched many of them escape from Ocean Church during these past five years, but I kept going on. Now, we have a lobster pound in Canada and we have fishing in Alaska and shrimping in Alabama. We are developing the fishing on the East Coast as well. No one wanted to do this mission; no one really liked this kind of work. I was the only one working, in a lonely way, building this foundation.

In Alaska, we have an automatic system for processing the fish, otherwise, it would be far too expensive to run. I had to plan for that and even design how the factory should be laid out. No one had any interest in it at first. I had to think about how much fish it could handle at one time; I had to think about every detail. We went into a large debt in order to set up this automatic system. However, I knew that such an investment would someday be successful.

In Seattle, we will have to create a factory that can make surimi out of any kind of fish. From that kind of factory, we can make any kind of seafood. That kind of foundation is very important. In the beginning, I had to tackle this project on my own. Now, you are coming to understand it and you can inherit it. That's why I'm telling you to grab raw fish with both of your hands, grasp the providence of it with all your enthusiasm. Be excited about it because it tastes so good and it's very good for your health.

That's true. Meat is not the best thing to eat all the time. Doctors are now testifying about this point. They are telling people to eat more fish. Americans should eat more fish for their health. That's why we should make Japanese restaurants and a delivery system for fresh fish. Many people will get upset about Moonies doing this kind of work, but we are saving the fishing industry with this effort. They will come to see that.

You know about Gloucester, don't you? When I first went there, the cost of tuna was less than ten cents per pound. Now, one tuna is more than $4.50 per pound. When I came onto the scene, the wholesale people raised their voices against me. I didn't mind. That's good. I raised my voice as well, telling them that they exploited the fishermen. That is exactly the case. The fishermen began to see my true motivation.

After a while, when I went out on the New Hope, I heard many calls come over the radio, "Hello Reverend Moon! I don't hate you anymore. Have a good day!" That's true. Fishermen don't make much money at all. They are in a miserable situation. You think about the costs of going out on the ocean. The ocean towns are in a miserable situation. Why? The young people are escaping from. those towns and moving inland. They can't make any money working on the ocean. Maybe they tried one time, but the boat went out and was caught in a storm. That's a miserable experience and many people don't want to repeat that, especially if there isn't all that much benefit for them. The young people leave those towns, looking for an easier job inland. Young people are the future. It's as simple as that. For these towns, it means they will eventually decline and perish. It's a serious question for them. I thought about this and asked myself how we could attract young people back into these towns and back into the ocean way of life. That is why I chose tuna fishing. When an American young guy catches a tuna, he will never forget that excitement. After one or two times, he can't escape from the ocean. He will be caught by such experiences on the ocean. That is why I want young people to go out on the ocean for an entire summer season. I want them to have this kind of wonderful experience. I've visited many other fishing towns. Fishermen love to brag about the fish they catch. They say to each other, "I caught this kind of striped bass and it weighed this much," or "I caught a halibut and it fought for twenty minutes and weighed this much," and so on. They talk and make so much noise, too much noise.

However, when a young man walks up and shows them a picture of his blue fin tuna and quietly says, "It only weighed 1,000 pounds," they will go crazy. They won't believe it. They will look at him with open mouths, thinking, "Is that true?" Any young man would want to have that moment of pride. I want young people to feel that kind of pride.

Many fishermen will never tell anyone else where they fish, but after catching one tuna like that, you can invite them to fish with you and they will come. Then, they will want to show you all their places and teach you how to fish for different kinds of fish. Isn't that true? Of course it is. That is how people are. If you have a beautiful boat and invite them to fish with you, they will become your friend.

In a small town, if you have a beautiful boat like the One Hope and you tell the people that you helped to make it, they will automatically have respect for you. You don't know so much about the One Hope, but you will find out about it and you will see what kind of a boat it is. I have done many different kinds of fishing and I have researched many different fishing places. Also, my head isn't so bad. In fact, I'm a fairly smart guy. I see many details and I can connect them together.

With that kind of mind, I designed and developed the One Hope boat. Have you members, here on the West Coast, seen the One Hope boat? Oh, many of you have never even seen it. Well then, you are just like a country boy, not like a city boy, you don't know about anything that's going on. You should find out and catch up to other members.

I designed that boat and from that boat, I can make any kind of boat. I learned how to design larger and larger boats. Now, there isn't any boat that presents a problem to me. We can make any kind of boat. This also means that we can do any kind of fishing. That's how we have to be. If we can do any kind of fishing, we can also do any kind of fish selling. In New York city there is a huge and famous wholesale organization and they sell fish all over the world. Many of the Japanese members who came here worked very, very hard. For whom did they work so hard? They worked hard for America and for you! It is sad that this nation persecutes them, persecutes Moonies. You have to feel something deep inside you about that, otherwise, who will change it?

I know what you are going through. I know very well. You don't have the kind of responsibility that I do. I am the leader of the Unification Church and my concern is always how to make the foundation for you. I am down in the basement, preparing everything for the house you are going to live in.

Twenty years ago, the Americans used to look at the Japanese and say, "They are just like animals, eating raw fish." After these years, the Americans are changing. Now, they are paying a great deal of money, eating at expensive sushi restaurants. The Japanese restaurants in America will make good amounts of money. When those restaurants first came to America, they couldn't make so much money, but now the times have changed. We can make 1,000 restaurants in the cities of America.

Many other restaurant owners don't like the fact that Moonies are also in this line of work. However, it isn't a problem because if you offer people good food and nice service, they will smile every time they eat. We will have that kind of high standard and the customers will come again and again. It is very difficult to persecute the people who give you such a good experience.

We can teach customers who are truly interested how to make sushi in their own homes. We can offer classes during the off hours. Then, we can make a fresh fish store next to the restaurant. The customers who want to make their own meals can buy their fish there. That's a beautiful way to serve people and make good relationships. We can expand to every coast and to every coastal city in this way. It's good for you, it's good for the American people.

What is power? Power is the ability to be responsible for a situation. If you can truly take care of something, you have authority towards that. I know this point very well. The one who takes responsibility is the one who has authentic authority. You have to become people like that as well. Does America have that kind of authority in the world?

People need high quality protein in order to survive. America has that protein, especially within the 200 mile limit, but it doesn't supply much of that protein to the rest of the world. If America doesn't see the need and doesn't help the world, then I am determined somehow to do it myself. There is a lot of trouble over the 200 mile limit. The rest of the world knows the potential that lies in these waters and they want to fish in them. Their second choice would be to buy from America, but America doesn't even fish the waters it restricts other nations from fishing.

Do you understand what I am talking about? I know the contents of this situation and I know what it's doing to the rest of the world in relationship to America. There hasn't been one young American who thought about this. No American youth have come to help me, rather I am laying the foundation for you, you and you. Now that you see this foundation, you understand clearly what I have been doing all along. Now, you have hope

For the last five years, I have known about the situation of the American fishing industry. There are many connections to drug dealing as well. It's true. Behind many of the companies on shore and the small boats coming in and out of American harbors, there are many drug dealers. The term for these people is the "mafia". The American government won't do anything to prevent this organization from doing its activities. They often control the importing and exporting, the prices at the dock and many other aspects of American harbors. They gain their control by getting people involved in drug dealing. Then, they can make people do whatever they want in business, as well as the illegal activity.

Moonies have to be righteous. We have to correct this whole situation, step by step. The main objective of our organization is to help the fishermen. We have to be open twenty-four hours a day for them and for the restaurants. If any restaurant calls for a certain kind of fish, if we don't have it, we have to call everywhere possible and find that kind of fish for them. Everyone else works just eight hours a day. After that, they shut their doors. They don't have any feeling for what they are doing, they just do it and go home. However, along come the Moonies and they are going to put all their hearts into it. We will always have the freshest fish; it will be our pride. That kind of reputation will spread.

Not only that, we will also cooperate from coast to coast, from nation to nation. If they are catching fish in South America, we will help them sell that fish in Europe. If they are catching fish in Africa, we will help them sell that fish in America and so on. There are fish in rivers and lakes and oceans, fish all over the world. We just have to find all the ways to catch them, farm them, process them and sell them. I thought about making a boat that can also process fish at the same time. When we first started making boats in Alabama, one boat yard after another was closing down. Everyone said it was a terrible time to make another company like that. That's the kind of decline that the fishing industry is in. Why don't the Americans like fish so much? It's because they don't understand how good it is, how to fix it and enjoy it. We have to teach them.

They also do not know how wonderful the fishing way of life can be, so we have to bring the young people out on the ocean and show them how to catch a tuna. Then, they will catch the spirit of it. They will want to live their life in that way. I thought of that years ago. Now, I am telling you. Someday, people will look at Reverend Moon and they will say, "Reverend Moon is truly a good man." That will happen someday.

When you are making the foundation for something, people cannot see what you are doing. Only after you are done, do the people finally understand your purpose and motivation. That is why persecution is almost a natural phenomena. It has to happen. Many people ran away because of persecution, but I know all about it. My whole life has been spent in persecution. What happened by my going into Danbury? I lost four years of work and effort. Four years has been completely lost. My concern is how to make restoration go more quickly. I don't want it to drag on and on. That was on my mind the entire time I spent in Danbury. I thought about how things could speed up in America.

We have several cities on the West Coast. Centering on Alaska, Seattle and San Francisco are part of the providence of the North. Los Angeles and San Diego belong to the providence of South America. Think about that. We have many kinds of foundations and we have to make one in South America. They have a future as well; we have to help them make a good foundation in the world wide fishing industry.

All the way from the North Pole to the South Pole. In South America there is Chile and Argentina. They are connected to the South Pole. No one is the owner of the South Pole. Someday we should go there. You should think about that. We have to connect all the nations between the North Pole and the South Pole. That is something you have to think about. From now on, you are working to establish that.

What are you going to love most? [Fish.] What? [Fish!] Yes, we have to love fish and more fish. We have to research how to make fish in the best way and in the least expensive way. If we send fish to Japan, they have a very high standard and will look at the fish very closely.

People will persecute you in the beginning, but just keep going. America and Japan actually need each other. They have a future destiny together. That is why you see many matches between Japanese and American members. There is something from each culture which can benefit the other. American brothers who have a Japanese wife can go anywhere in Japan. The wife can introduce her husband and he will be trusted by Japanese people. They will feel some kind of connection to him.

America feels it doesn't need Reverend Moon. However, it cannot be isolated from the rest of the world. Japan and America need each other. It's good to have these marriages, to bring cultures together. Everyone benefits from this kind of thing. You have such a special position in the world because you are part of these international marriages. This is the hope for the future. How about you? Do you have any concern about the ocean, about the fishing industry? Did you ever stop and think how it could bring the world together? How wonderful the ocean providence is. You shouldn't feel that it's bad to go to the ocean, to process fish or sell them. The ocean is our foundation for the future and we will all participate in some way or another in the ocean providence.

We have to make this foundation for the entire world. This is the fastest way to bring people and nations together. I am always thinking how this can be done and that is why I am making a foundation on the ocean. When we make this foundation, our direction towards the future will be straight.

Behind us, whatever foundation we make, is the spiritual world. You may not know so much about that, but this is the case. Some of our members are working in Communist countries, risking their lives, but they are making a foundation for the future there. What protects them? The CIA doesn't protect them, that is for sure. Something else is taking care of them -- that is the spiritual world. Those members are always on my mind. You don't think about them, but I am the leader of the Unification movement all over the world. My mind is always thinking about things like that.

The physical world is a very narrow place. The spiritual world is wide; it has no limits. Therefore, as you work in the basement, building the foundation, think about how wide your work will go. Why is that so? Because, behind your work is the spiritual world. This is why I made the ocean foundation all over this nation, in the midst of persecution, when no one welcomed me and everyone tried their best to get rid of me. So, why don't you work hard now and see the result in the future? I did that much without your even knowing about it.

From now on, you can become a "fish selling father." Who is that? That is a Moonie guy. Who is responsible for San Francisco? Who is that person? You have to lay this new foundation. You don't like the ocean; I know that. You can't catch fish, but you have to learn how. Whenever I come, you have to be ready to go out to sea with me. I've already been here two days and nothing is prepared. And who is the leader of Los Angeles? You have to do the same. The "fish selling mothers" are the Moonie sisters; the "fish selling fathers" are the Moonie men.

This is the foundation. Once you have made the foundation, the future is large. Already, during the past ten years, I have prepared this foundation for you. We have invested so much money and manpower, without receiving a great return. That is to be expected when you are laying the foundation for something big.

Learning the Parents' Language

How old am I? I am already sixty-five years old. What age is that? It's the retirement age for most people isn't it? When they reach that age, they don't do much that is new in their lives. Usually, they settle into the habits that they've already established. It was not easy for me to learn English; it is very difficult for me to compose English in my mind and speak it properly to you.

When I was younger, I had a brain like a computer. I could write down the concise meaning of a lesson and having done that once, never forget it, not even after ten years. However, when I now study English, I write down the meaning of one word in the evening and memorize, but by the time I wake up in the morning, everything is forgotten. After ten times memorizing one word, still I can completely forget it. Think about how difficult it is for me. Yet, I have learned English, in spite of how difficult it has been.

If you listen to people speaking English, they fill their sentences with junk words. They know the language, but they speak the worst words they can find. Many times, I have read the Bible and the Divine Principle in English. I don't like English, but I have to learn it in order to understand you and your culture. I am here in America and I am the leader of the Unification Church, so I have to learn it in order to communicate with you.

However, you should learn Korean, you have to learn Korean. Why? Because it is the mother tongue. It is the language from which our faith emerged. You can say it is our "hometown" language. When must you learn Korean? You have to learn it by 1990. After that, I won't use an interpreter. Anyone who wants to come to the leaders' meetings will have to know some Korean or else they won't understand anything. That is why many of the Japanese members are now working hard to learn Korean. You American young people have a longer way to go because English is much further away from Korean than Japanese. Still, you have to learn it because the original language of the Unification faith is Korean. Many scholars are now learning Korean so that they can read the Divine Principle in its original language. They understand the value of doing that. The reality is that you lose about 75% of the meaning through interpretation. Any intelligent person knows that they have to learn Korean in order to come close to the original meaning. You have to come close to the source of our faith, the inner portion of our faith.

You need to learn Korean before you go to the spiritual world because your ancestors will be upset with you. I know this reality very well. If you don't believe me, then tonight you can pass away and find out for yourself. I am teaching you very clearly about life in this world and in the spiritual world. Some Americans, those big guys, feel too proud to learn another language. That's their misfortune. It's the same with the small guys, those Japanese members who don't want to learn Korean. In the future, when they come to meetings, they will be miserable. Because I speak in Korean and the translation is in English, the Japanese are already experiencing that kind of misery. Usually, they just fall asleep during the speech. I don't want to see that kind of miserable situation, so please learn Korean by the year 1990. Otherwise, don't come to see me in Korea and don't come to my spiritual world. I spent so much effort to learn English. I started at a very late age, so I had an excuse not to learn English. However, can I speak English or not? Can do, or cannot do? So, I learned English at my age. How old are you? You are just young guys. For you, it's no problem to learn Korean.

At my age, I can do anything. I learned English, I went fishing, I did things that other members never thought of doing and I set a pace that even young members could not keep. You are young! You at least have to keep up with me. If you cannot learn Korean, you haven't even come of age. Do you understand this point? After ten years, many members will read the original Korean Divine Principle and be able to listen to me in my original language. If you cannot do that much, you will feel miserable in front of those members who can. Please study the mother language, that is what I am asking you to do. After the Fall, mankind divided into many different languages and cultures. God didn't want that. That's Satan's kind of world. You have to restore the original language. What is the original language? It is the language that the first parents spoke in the beginning time. However, those parents fell, as we know, and the history of restoration has been developing until the True Parents could be established. Now that we have True Parents, what is their original language? We have to learn that language, that mother tongue.

Only the power of God can bring the world together under one language. The Divine Principle should be read in Korean by everyone in the world. In this way, a common understanding can emerge. People will never stop fighting each other until they have some kind of common understanding. Mankind is separated now because they speak different languages and have different understandings about life. How complicated this world is due to this situation.

Think about God. Every night people are praying to him in thousands of different languages. Actually, it's painful to His ears. That's true. It's very complicated for God to deal with. Someone is praying to "God", while another one is praying to "Kami", while yet another one is praying to "Allah". You have to restore one language for God's sake. Think about how miserable God is in this situation. You don't know how difficult it has been for me in America. It's the same situation with God and so I know how miserable God is. God desires one language, one heart, one common understanding between His children. That is why I am teaching this clearly to you.

The ministers who visited Korea understood this point very well. Many of them came back from Korea saying, "I have to learn Korean in order to understand Reverend Moon and the Unification movement." If they understand this reality, why don't you? If other people can think like that on their own, why don't you? They are not Moonies, but you are. You are the ones closest to me, so you have to know what I'm saying.

By 1990, which is coming in five years, you have to learn Korean. I said this in 1981, but no one paid any attention to me because they said to themselves, "that's nine years away." Now, it's only five years away. Soon, it will only be four years away. Korean will not be easy for you to learn. It's completely opposite to English. There is only one easy way to learn it and that is to memorize it. You have to absorb it as if your mind were a computer. Will you study it? Will you do it? You are always promising things to me, but I am not sure about you sometimes. After 1990, wherever I go, I will only speak in Korean. If I go to Europe, I will only speak in Korean, and those who don't understand me will have to tape record me and find an interpreter afterwards, but I may not allow them to do even that.

I learned English so that you would learn Korean. I just said in Korean, "Those who understand me, please raise your hands," and none of you here did that, so you know what you have to do. Korean is very difficult for you to pronounce. Wherever Koreans go, they learn to speak the language very quickly. You hear the difference between the Japanese members and the Korean members who speak in English. The Koreans learn the language more quickly and their ability to pronounce it is much, much better. Wherever they go, France, Germany, Africa or South America, this is the case. That's because the Korean language carries such a wide variety of sounds, it almost covers any sound in any other language. Those who would like to learn Korean, raise your hands. Your government doesn't like Moonies, but you still want to learn Korean?

Your government doesn't like the fact that I came here and didn't Americanize myself, but instead, "Moonized" you American young people. They didn't like that at all, so they called it "brainwashing" and tried to make it sound evil. That's not a Unification word, that's their word. What are we doing that makes them say things like that about us? Compare your life to what it was before. Are you better or worse? You know how much you have changed, you don't have to say anything to anybody. Soon, they will understand you and recognize how good you are.

From now on, we will work even harder, won't we? There are only 2,500 ministers in this area and that's too small a number for us. You don't understand now why I am pushing you and why I am in such haste, however, in the near future, you will see the reasons more clearly. I trust that you will work hard. My plane was to leave over an hour ago, but I have been speaking to you and could not stop. I will catch another plane later.

Before I came here, I was fishing in Alaska. From early in the morning to late at night, I was on the boat fishing and didn't stop once to rest. As soon as I came here, I began speaking to you and haven't stopped to rest either. So, don't be envious of me, rather be sympathetic if you want. Imagine how the fishermen will be grateful that I once came here, fishing in the different ports up and down this coast, exploring all the possibilities in order to make the fishing industry prosperous in the future.

Not only fishing, but also all of the other projects in which I've invested so much time and effort will remain as the historical record of my work in this nation, long after I am gone. Envision this much: the thought of Unification will embrace the world in years to come. White people, black people and yellow people will all be grateful to know Unification Thought in the future. In the future, there will be poetry and literature coming from those who miss me and long to follow in my tracks; black and white and yellow people will write such things. Even the people from Danbury will have such feelings and express them. This is also true for you. We are not living for the sake of today, but for the sake of the future. I am determined that my course, which started from suffering, will end in success. That same situation must hold for you as well. If I decide something like that, can you go a different course? This is the tradition of True Parents and I am leaving it behind for you and you should tread this way, all the way, until the last of the world is saved. You cannot go any other way until this is accomplished. We call this the greatest way of life and actually, for you, it is the greatest way of life.

In your own mind, you can never erase the memories you have of me. This even includes ex-Moonies. Many of them are now anxious to come back and they are finding some way to come back into the church. Even though they left the church, they can never forget their experiences with me. This situation is a very sad and miserable one. The first time I went into prison, everyone was suffering and I look back at those times and feel the weight of it. However, this time, as I came out of prison, people everywhere were welcoming me.

When I think of members who left, I know that when they see you working out on the streets, they have to look sideways and they cannot come up to you so easily. Who made that miserable situation for them? I didn't. I never want to see people in that position. They made that miserable situation for themselves. It's a very sad thing, and I understand it very clearly. In Korea, there are ex-members like that and they cannot get beyond the suffering they experience in missing this way of life.

This is the only way I have lived my life and I can never leave this way of life, even though so many people have left it while working with me. This is the only way of life for you and you will never regret it when you look back in history. Everyone in the spiritual world knows that this way is the righteous way, the only way. I know that you will work as hard as you can. May God bless you. Amen.

Chapter 10 - Tuna Fishing and the Way of Life

Chapter 10
Tuna Fishing and the Way of Life
July 5th, 1984 -- Morning Garden

How do you feel when you look at the ocean? Sometimes it rains and more often the winds blow. Do you have any questions that you would like to ask me? Did you learn how to do things, how to put your bait on the line? Not yet? Did you want to come or did someone tell you to come? Is this is your first time here? The days are long, but you will learn how to go beyond the tiredness.

It takes two or two and one-half hours to go to Provincetown where the fishing grounds are. That means fishing begins at five o'clock in the morning. To get there you have to leave at 3:00 a.m. or even 2:00 a.m. You have to be the first boats there and get ready for the tuna guests. That's courtesy. You are ready for everything. The tuna is already here, but not many fishermen are catching them yet. We have to think about that with our common sense. Why are they here, but cannot be caught?

Patterns of Life Within the Ocean

Sand eels migrate and move according to the season. These sand eels, hordes of them, are coming up from the south. The water temperature is still cold, and the lower you go, the colder it gets, although the temperature stays a little warmer on the surface. The sand eels are beginning to gather; the fish are going after these sand eels, but they are not concentrated yet. They are in the area, but they haven't made their home here yet. These sand eels will settle down when the water temperature goes up.

As the summer goes on, the temperature goes up. Then, they will gather in one area, somewhat like a plateau where the depth is only between seventy to about one hundred and twenty feet. Other depths are 200 or 300 feet and are too deep, too cold. The larger fish know where these tiny sand eels are and they all concentrate in the general area to feed upon them. The whales and tuna stay in the deeper area, but in the morning they come up to eat. One can honestly say it is their breakfast time. That breakfast place is where we are now going out and waiting.

Herring, mackerel and cod are smaller fish which tuna also feed upon. They all come around where the temperature is warm and where there is an abundant amount of sand eels. That is the area we are going to. The tuna, when they come in and out of the feeding area, have a certain approach where they tend to go in and out. That is where we want to place our boats. That is usually on the edge of the area, a ledge. Tuna do not like rough things, just like anything normal. So where there is a cliff, the tuna don't want to come there. Rather, they will come where there is a slope. They prefer a gradual slope and come in and out that way.

First you have to study the charts and see what kind of terrain there is, and then you have to go there and try it out. I spent a lot of time investigating this, scientifically and also intuitively. That is one reason why the New Hope has been catching lots of tuna, more than many other boats. Also the boats around New Hope have been able to catch a good number of tuna. For this reason, even people who are not Moonies try to fish close to the New Hope.

You have to know substantially about these things. You have to have an in-depth perception. You might say, "Well, the ocean is the same everywhere and the fish come here and go there and its a matter of sheer chance." Not so. Not at all. Chance is not involved. Tuna have a manner of doing things, they have habits. We have to understand about their habits. The smaller fish gather together where there is plenty of food, where there is shelter and they can hide and protect themselves.

These small fish move around by schools. You will see some schools that are miles wide and long, and hundreds of feet deep. The tide comes in and out and these schools move around with it. Sometimes the currents are very strong, while other times the currents are weak. The smaller fish go in very large schools for protection, and they are looking for places where they can hide, such as the very big rocks. There are many places like this in certain areas of the ocean and we have to study these kind of things if we are going to catch the kind of fish we want.

For example, we might want to catch striped bass. Sometimes the schools of very small fish are moving too fast because the currents and tides are pulling them, so the fish in front cannot slow down even if they want to. Instead of being able to hide behind a rock, they collide into it. This leaves them somewhat knocked out, dizzy, just like a man would be if he did the same thing to his head. This is where the striped bass hang around. When the small fish hit the rock and swim slowly about in a dazed manner, they are easier to prey upon. You can find striped bass in places like this. You have to think like the striped bass and then figure out the logical place where they will be.

Tuna fishing is the same. You reason everything out; you have to think everything through. Don't just go somewhere and throw your gear into the ocean and just hope the tuna will somehow get hooked. The small fish go with the currents. There are places along the ledge where the currents slow down. This is where the small fish go and where the larger fish come after them to feed. You have to look at the charts and find these places where there is a drop-off and the depths change sharply.

You have to perceive whether the bottom is a sandy, muddy or rocky bottom. There are different types of worms and small creatures. You have to study about that as well. Some live where there is seaweed and others where it is rocky or sandy. If you are going for the smaller fish, you have to understand what the bottom is like. The weight on the tackle is important in rocky areas. If you just throw the hook down there, it will get snagged. Sometimes you might get your gear back, but most often you have to cut your line.

To prevent that, you place your weight about ten feet below your hook and bait. Then, you have to imagine what your tackle will look like down there and be able to feel your weight when it hits the bottom. You have to have some sensitivity about that. And you have to consider the current pulling your hook and bait. If it isn't much, then it won't be ten feet above the weight. It will be more like five feet or just two feet. So, you have to be conscious how your bait will hang on the line and be able to judge from that how high from the bottom it actually is.

In Alaska, where there is halibut, I put my thoughts about this into practice and it worked very well. When I am out tuna fishing, I am always thinking like this, how to do things and what to do next. My mind is never idle. When I went fishing for halibut in Alaska I caught twice as much as the others. They wondered how I did it, but I didn't tell them. However, there isn't much to it. You just have to think, and when your assumption is right, you will catch the fish you are going after. You have to know the habits of the fish, the tendency of the fish and the terrain. The rest is logical reasoning. You think to yourself, "This is so and this must be it." You then try it out and you discover, "that must be it." That is how it works. In the ocean, there are different fish at different layers of the water. Fish live along the bottom and then a few feet above that, and then still above that there are other fish. At different layers and water temperatures, there are different types of fish. Fish are very sensitive. They want to live in the environment which suits them best. They don't live in unfavorable environments like man does. Generally, the differences in depth of water determine the difference in temperature. It tends to get colder as it gets deeper. The difference is only a little, but this difference means quite a bit to fish. Remember, the fish will also go where there is feed. Each different species of fish preys upon fish smaller than themselves. They never prey upon fish that are larger.

Someone may assume that whales and tuna are big fish, so they must be in deeper waters. But don't just assume that. Think of where they would feed. The smaller fish are up in the higher levels. Even if the tuna like to be down deep, they must come up to feed. And sure enough, they do. That's where we catch tuna the most. If you only drop your bait in the deepest waters, you will never catch them. The temperature of the water, the type of feed and the environment, especially where they can be protected, all determine where the fish are going to be. And also, fish spend some of their time playing and resting; that is where the water is still and calm. After they feed, they go to play. The afternoon and early evening are the times when they usually play around.

You have to think about the currents. The small fish don't want to feed in the fast moving currents. Even the large fish find it difficult to feed and swim in strong currents. A lot of this is learned through experience. However, you have to have some idea of things before you also experience them. On the other hand, even if you know the basic theory of something, you don't really know it until you experience it. Think about the moon. There are different phases to the moon. According to what it shows you, quarter moon, half moon or full moon, the tide changes. Every day of the month is not the same. Sometimes the tide moves more strongly. At high tide, the water moves faster. Look at the water mark. You can tell if it is the high tide of the month or the low tide of the month.

It means this. When you know it is high tide, but the water mark is still higher than that, you know that it is the low tide of the month. Do you follow? There is a six hour interval between the high tide and low tide. There is high tide, then mid-tide and then low tide. From low tide it goes back to mid-tide and then high tide. The cycle moves like this and it covers twenty-four hours, two high tides and two low tides.

When you are tuna fishing, you have to consider the tides. You have to think, "What kind of tide is it now, high or low? Is the tide going out or coming in?" You have to ask, "If the tide is going out, what is the tendency of the fish? If it is coming in, what do the fish most likely do?" You have to put all this information together in your mind. And then, you must go out and experience it.

There are fish who eat when the tide is coming in, so when the tide starts to move in, you cast your bait and you can catch a lot. On the other hand, when the tide is moving out, you can even see the fish and yet, no matter how much you cast your bait they do not even touch it. Fish tend to feed at certain times of the day. They feed according to the tides, currents and also the time of the day. This is true of land animals. Did you ever watch the rabbit? There is a certain time the rabbit feeds. There is a very good reason for when they come out to eat. The rabbit does not want to eat in the middle of the day when the hawk is able to spot him clearly. The whole animal kingdom operates like this. They move about at the best times for their protection. For example, the tiger feeds at night. They do this when the small animals are sleeping. They travel up to 100 miles in their excursions. Elephants feed early in the morning when it is not too hot; the rest of the day they look for shade under the trees or they go to the watering hole. This kind of pattern is less and less predictable when it comes to lower animals. The small fish will feed at any time, but the larger fish have a distinct time when they come to feed in full force. Don't over emphasize that fishing is simple. Don't think you can go out anywhere, anytime and just throw out the bait. Don't think it just comes by luck. There is a whole lot more to catching fish than that. You have to study in detail. Then of course, after all that, there is some small element of luck.

Putting Theory into Practice, Practice into Life

I don't expect you to memorize this from one end to the other. You think you understand everything now, but when you get out there in your boat, you won't remember the first thing. However, teaching you in lectures is necessary. Even though you have never put this into practice yet, it is like a seed planted in your mind. By next year, you will begin to realize things and say to yourself, "Oh, what Father said has real meaning; I'm going to put it into practice."

It is like martial arts. The first thing you learn is basic form. However, when you are involved in fighting, you forget all about those forms. You just try to do whatever you can. Later, much later, as you keep using it, you come back to those forms and even use them naturally when you are sparring or fighting. How do you eventually learn anything? Through the practice of it. This is how you learn martial arts. It is not so much the lessons that teach you, but having to fight. In fighting you learn to put together all the lessons. And the one who becomes a champion is the one who challenges to fight again and again, even if he has to fight for twenty-four hours at a time. That kind of commitment eventually makes him the best in his class. It is not the big guy who wins, but the guy who has the most determination and trains the hardest.

It is the same with fishing. The message for us here is that we have to work hard and experience all the aspects of fishing, even twenty- four hours a day. For at least three years, you should fish in these grounds and you explore these areas much more than anyone else. When you become familiar with all these things, you catch more fish in two or three hours than all the others who come and fish the entire day. You must become an expert like this. You just have to start trying things and find out for yourself what works and what doesn't. There is some distance between Provincetown and Gloucester. Also, the fish behave in a different way according to the different tides, currents, depths of water and terrain below. You have to know all about these things.

You have to study about other kinds of fish besides tuna. You have to study the fluke and flounder. In other areas we could catch a lot around twenty feet deep, but in these waters you can't find them at twenty feet at all. So, we have to look for them, perhaps in fifteen feet of water or even less. The New Hope is a large boat and it is hard to get into shallow areas. The captain is always worried when I tell him to go anywhere near ten feet of water.

The One Hope can go into that depth of water easily. In that sense, it is an all round fishing boat. I designed that boat with the greatest fishing ability in mind. It can truly go fast and it can fit into almost every fishing situation. Some people think the boat is not economical, but if you know where to fish, you can get there quickly and get home quickly. If you don't study and know where you are going, you have to travel all over the place and still not find the fish. In that case, the boat is not so economical. However, if you study and know exactly what kind of fish you want and exactly how you are going to get it, another kind of boat which is slower is less economical. You waste time. You might save on some gas, but you waste the whole day and come back with nothing. What is so economical about that?

The New Hope is a slow boat. You cannot fish eight hours and then come back. It takes time to go out and come back. Actually, you don't get a full eight hours of fishing unless you go out very early and come back very late, and that is what we usually do on the New Hope. The One Hope is much faster; it is much better than the New Hope for all kinds of fishing. You have to show that this is the case. I have confidence in you and know that you can do it.

You have to study and then apply the principles which you find. The one who tries the most and also studies the most is the winner. Study the high tide, low tide and mid tide. These are three typical times which you have to try and discover what kind of results you can get. According to the depth and terrain, you go out and fish. You think, "Oh, this is the area where the fish are." And then, when you go out, you catch nothing. Don't just run away. Fish there all day and see what happens at different times of the tide. You have to consider all the factors when you are out fishing.

The striped bass is an extremely difficult fish to catch. I had an experience last year for three hours in the middle of the night when they were in a frenzy. At that time, you can't think of going in for any previous appointment or plan. Just forget about anything else except catching them because when they are eating, when they are biting, that is your opportunity. However, if you planned poorly, you might run out of bait. What will you do then? You cannot run into the store at three o'clock in the morning.

Well, this is what happened to us and we had to find a place at 3:00 a.m. last year. We had to look for bait. Someone had to go and do that. They had to knock on the door above the bait shop where the owner lived. Since the owner was a pro fisherman himself, he understood why we had to do that. But what if you don't have a place to go to and get more bait? I had already caught a lot of striped bass that day. Most people would have given up at that time and said, "It's been a good day and we caught more than anybody else, so let's go in." However, I didn't do that and after we got more bait around 4:00 a.m., we kept fishing and I caught still more striped bass.

Setting a record is very important. It is important for yourself and it is meaningful for the people in that area. When you set a record for striped bass in some area, people recognize you for what you've done. They respect you. What happens when they respect you? Well, they come to you and discuss where to catch a lot of striped bass. They want to know where you fish too, but you don't have to say as much. They may take you to their best spots, and you can then take them to one of yours. If you can set a record with one fish, you can gain tens of years of fishing experience in just one year by sharing with other fishermen like that. However, if you don't have any kind of record, they will never tell you much of anything. For example, I have an unusual story about fishing in Alaska last year. One man had led us to some far out retreat where there is some very good fishing. I asked him, "Who is the best halibut fisherman out here?" He and some of the other men there pointed to one fellow and said, "This guy is called Red. He caught a 400 pound halibut last year. He is the best fishermen in this area."

Then I replied, "Oh, that's a lie." I said it so seriously that I really agitated the man named Red, and he got so angry that he took me to the best spot on that first day, just to prove that he knew where the good fishing was! I also proved that this man knew a good fishing spot, because I caught a 100 pound halibut on the very first day. After that, I gave him full credit and this put him on cloud nine.

At the same time, I showed him a better way of fishing for the halibut and this really impressed the other fisherman. With my method I caught twice as many as the others did. It had to do with time. I was able to work much quicker and save more time than the others. I didn't reel in the line like the other man, but pulled it in just like a tuna line. And then, when I put the line back out, it went out much faster than the reel as well. By sheer mathematics I caught more halibut.

At the end of the day, they asked me about my method. I tried to explain it to them, but they didn't believe it right away. When I argued with them, they were impressed. They had already tried fishing like that, but the line always snagged on them. I had studied that too, but I had found a way to do it so that the line wouldn't snag. I showed that technique to them and they agreed that I had brought a much better result than they had.

This is why you have to study things. You have to assume something and then try it. That's what keeps you going. Assume something and then prove it. That's what makes you men and women. There are many different kinds of fish, but each fish has different habits. You have to come to know these habits. You have to research and study. Don't just sit there. Study, practice, make effort. You have to put in a lot of time and give a lot of effort. It is like this for everything.

Witnessing is like that. You have to put in a lot of time. That is the first thing. At first, you might not get much result. So then, you have to study what you are saying and who you are talking to. Apply this principle and put in a concentrated effort towards accomplishing your goal. Don't you see that this is just a basic principle that prevails throughout your life? It isn't just for fishing that you learn these things this summer. Once you learn this principle down to your bone, you will never forget it. What you learn here can go with you into anything, anywhere. If you learn something by doing it, you never forget. What about the person who doesn't want to study, research and give serious effort to something? We cannot have much hope for him. You have to remember that what begins small now has a big difference later in your life. If you pick up these habits now in your young years, later on in your life you will become somebody. However, if you keep on living without investing yourself in this way, studying and applying the things you learn, in thirty years time, you will be nothing.

I have lived in an intense way all the time. There is nothing that doesn't interest me. Fishing is just one area for me. I am not just a fisherman am I? Yet, I became one of the best fisherman around. This is because I apply the same principle to everything in life.

Become Worthy to Inherit from the Best

Another thing for you to remember is to get hold of the top person. Get hold of the top fisherman. Don't worry so much with the mediocre ones. You have to have a sufficient interest in fishing in order to approach the best person in your area. Even if you have a great deal of interest, you must also have a solid preparation within yourself before you can invite him over for dinner and talk with him. It's important to connect to the top people if you want to get things done. If you want to influence history, you have to become a quality person and be able to move the high quality people in your area. In order to reach these people, you have to be serious and study and be able to gain success in some area. Then, you can move the minds of people who are making the same kind of effort in their lives.

People who accomplish things in life want to have someone whom they respect to inherit those things. Who can they respect? They will respect the person with these qualities: the one who is serious and willing to study or research, and then make real effort to apply what he learns. This is the one who will gain such respect. You have to become like that.

Around the top person are usually four or five people and you have to study them. Each one has some good characteristics. One of them might work hard, but when his time is up, he's immediately gone. Another one might spend more time, but he doesn't work as hard. A third one might spend less time, but he is so serious and his sincerity tops them all. From them, you can figure out which patterns to follow. You take the best habits from all of them. For three years, don't say anything. Talking just drains your energy and takes away your concentration. Just put things into action. Be silent and learn. You must become one of the people to be missed. When you aren't there, the top man will ask, "Where is he today?" And the others will ask the same question as well. They have to become interested in you and they really have to need you to be around. Everyone should miss you. I look at all of you. I am thinking about someone whose face I want to see. This year I don't see someone's face which I remember from years before and I miss him. If I don't miss you, it's because you are not a needed person for the tuna season. That isn't so good is it? The one who has been fishing for a few years and is eager to teach things to others, is the one who has learned something the difficult way and wants to share with others. That person will have little tricks of how to do things and he will be able to teach about many different aspects of fishing that he found out for himself.

You will see someone who is faithful to his own job, but not so serious about the sake of the whole purpose. Then, you will see another one who doesn't spend so much time on his own job, but is more concerned about the whole group and how everyone else is doing. Some people are very faithful to their own boat and they don't pay attention to what others are doing. Such people think that is the best way of life for them. On the other hand, another person comes around, giving a hand to other boats and giving suggestions on how to improve things. The second person in both examples is the more precious person. The second kind of person never seems to bicker with other boats. He has already done his share on his own boat and with his extra time wants to help other boats. He isn't thinking of just his own boat, so how can he be in conflict with another boat? He is interested in all the boats. This way he keeps clear of all the little arguments that can come up.

All of us must become such a person that other people want to have around helping them. This doesn't mean you don't accomplish your own work. That's not it. It means that after you finish your own work, you are free to help others with theirs. You must learn how to be quick and efficient. I have practiced this since I was very young. As a student I developed these habits. In school, no one wanted to do the cleaning jobs, but I always took those jobs. In my school, I helped the teacher with more cleaning jobs than anyone else.

When I go to the toilet and find some litter I always pick up that litter without anyone seeing me and throw it away. When you make a habit of that, the difference will show up later on. Don't only do your own share, but be interested in others doing as well as you. Then, you will really contribute to the effort of the whole class.

I recently came back to Morning Garden after being gone for four years, and immediately I could tell whether the caretaker of this house had been doing a good job or had been neglecting the small things. In the boat it is the same. I never look at the boats on the first day out. On the first day, everyone is meticulous, but the day you finish is when I go to take a look. Some of the boats are really messy by then. The boat which is as clean on the last day as it is on the first day is the winner.

I have that strong standard of judgment in everything. Recently, I was looking through a machine shop. There were veterans of twenty and thirty years working there. I gave them some very strict comments, but each time, they were humble to what I said because they had only thought so far and not beyond that. They recognized that I had thought way beyond their thinking. This impressed them.

People who build boats think they build pretty good boats, but I go through their shop and pin-point things they had not thought about. Not a single point is a mistake on my part. I apply this kind of serious thought to everything. For example, the Washington Times newspaper won twenty awards this year in an international competition. Not just one, but twenty awards, and it's just beginning, just in its first few years of existence. This did not come about by accident. The people at the Washington Times know it was my serious attitude which produced this result. They don't think they could have put such a thing together on their own.

Basically, this tuna fishing is not just to go out and get the tuna and make some money. That is not the central point at all. This is good basic training for the rest of your life. If you apply the principles you learn faithfully, you can make a success out of your life. Do you understand? Like anything else you do in your life, you have to put a lot of time in. Study everything, discuss it with others and read it again, then put in concentrated effort.

Actually, I didn't have the time to come here, but I felt so much that I wanted to give you a good start, so I came yesterday and went fishing at four o'clock in the morning. Today I am here with you. Tomorrow I may go out too, but that will be the last day. I cannot stay with you all summer, so please, do your best. The last ten years, I devoted every single day of the season out on the ocean. Rain or shine, I went out. Literally, rain or shine. There were storm warnings and still I went out. One time there was a storm coming and everyone could see it clearly, but in the middle of the night I said, "Let's go." The captain obeyed and we went out. I've gone out in the midst of a frenzied ocean and endured it. And then, in the morning I came back in, having won over that.

While I was in the boat waiting for the tuna to come, I thought over and over again of the providence in America and planned what to do. I thought about the problem of world hunger and planned what to do step by step. I didn't just think one or two years ahead, not like that. Instead, I thought about hundreds of years to come and what to do to prepare for that. I thought about how to farm the tuna and how it could be nurtured and used for millions of pounds of nutritional food in the future. I thought like that all the time. There is nothing that I didn't think of in the long hours while I was waiting for the tuna to come.

Every morning I went out, no matter how early. I was always full of hope and expectation for that day. I came back when the sun was setting, returning with elation that I had done my very best for that day and wondering what the next day had in store for me. I expect you to take pride and to go the same path that I have gone. You are now privileged to tread the very same path that I have walked these past ten years.

Everything you do here is directly involved with me. Many things I have invented myself. I have paved the road and pioneered everything for you. Take that as your pride, and just as every rock along the pathway has witnessed what I have done, so your footsteps will also be recorded. All that we do has a deep religious significance. Don't just go out and catch fish like other fishermen, tie it up and bring it home. Please don't fish like this, not in any way like this.

This is a very precious opportunity. Don't be discouraged. Do you think that in my time of fishing there were moments that were difficult? Sure, there were. There were up times, and down times of doubt and worry. When you are very happy and elated, when you are catching the tuna, think of what kind of experience I had in the same moment. Would I have just thought about getting one more tuna, or would I have been happy because one more aspect of creation, of the world, was coming under the influence of God's love?

You have to relate the experiences you have to how I would have thought and experienced things when I was fishing. The success of your own mission is tied to all the other One Hope boats. Not just in this area, but wherever they are, all along the coast, even down into South America. When you are operating the Good Go boat think to yourself, "We made this boat with our own hands. Brothers and sisters made this boat." Also realize that we will make larger boats with our own hands as well. Someday there will be hundreds of ocean-going vessels that we will have made with our own hands.

These dreams all began here. They are realized here. The New Hope and the Flying Phoenix were the modest beginning of the future fishing fleet which will go all over the world. The first time I put my foot into Gloucester they all rose up against me. In a sense, it was ridiculous because they didn't know me at all. Anyway, in ten years they have seen more of us and they know how hard we are working to make the fishing industry successful in the future. Now, some are thinking, "What if Reverend Moon were to quit now like we once kept telling him to?"

Reviving the Fishing Tradition

In the very beginning, tuna was only ten cents per pound, when I first started. Now it is over $4.00 per pound, going up to $5.00 per pound and someday it will reach $10.00 or $20.00 per pound. You will see that day. If we can farm the fish, hundreds of fishermen can hope to make a good living out of tuna fishing. I have been paying the price for that to happen, literally. Our movement has invested millions of dollars to bring the foundation up to this level. We lost all that money in a real sense. It was just a sacrifice in order to bring things to this point.

The middle men who exploited the whole situation were really angry when I came on the scene. However, the fishermen know a different story and many have come to care about us. Not all of them see what is going on. Many fishermen don't look very far beyond their own boat, but some even love us and look for us to come each year.

The consumer will come to find out about tuna and they will begin to like it very much. Just last year, the price began at $1.25 per pound and it went up to $3.00 per pound. The buyers were upset about that, but you know how hard the fishermen work. They get up so early every morning and face the difficult weather. Did the buyers ever have to work so hard? No. They have never worked like that, yet they get most of the profit. That is why the fishermen really loved what we did. Because we paid more, the other middle men had to pay more too; they lost some of their profit margin. They are the only ones who complained. We wanted more of the margin to go to the ones who worked for it. That was our motivation. Those middle men don't have the right to take what belongs to the fishermen. Someone had to come in and fix that situation.

At one time Gloucester was a great export city for cod and other kinds of fish. When I came here the situation had gone so low that many fishermen didn't leave until the afternoon. They didn't even get up until noon! I really wanted to bring back the spirit of Gloucester. I wanted to change it. So, I started going out very early in the morning, as early as 4:00 a.m., and I would bring back a tuna by 9:00 a.m. This motivated them to start going out earlier.

When I saw they were leaving by 4:00 and 5:00 a.m., I started leaving at 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. When some of them even challenged that, I determined not to even leave the tuna grounds and just stay awake all night long on the boat. However, no one left earlier than 2:00 a.m., and so they gave up in a spiritual sense. Also, they had larger boats and they thought they were better because they had more expensive equipment. We proved it is not the size of the boat which brings success; it is the spirit of the man. We proved that.

After a few years of fishing, something like a morning ritual began to occur. In the early morning there would be a tuna strike and everyone's eyes would go searching to see which boat had dropped anchor. They would look for the red anchor ball and see which boat was moving away. Almost every morning, the first boat was a Moonie boat. We had less boats than all the other boats. Out of proportion to the number of boats we had, and the number of boats in the entire fleet, we came up with the first catch in the morning. This is the tradition which we built up with our own effort. Don't disregard this. I don't want to hear, "Well, Reverend Moon didn't come fishing this year so the Moonie boats are only doing a mediocre job." I don't want to hear that. They are thinking that we will be discouraged because I am going to jail. Why should we do less this year than any other year? Why should we be outdone this season? After ten years, we have built up the standard. Now, we can go way beyond that. Will you keep the standard really tight, or will you be defeated this year? How? How will you keep the standard? You have to catch up with my spirit. Whatever you do, do it in my spirit.

The essence is this: put all your heart into it. Talk to God and talk to the tuna. For the sake of the world, for the sake of God, do everything with all your heart. For ten years, we have fought against injustice. We have fought here in Gloucester and now we are beginning to win. Morning Garden has been returned to us, the fishermen are beginning to understand us and the mayor has apologized for Gloucester's earlier unfair treatment towards us. In all these ways, we have won a victory.

We have fought on all three coastlines. When we started building steel boats in Alabama, 3,000 people came and demonstrated against us. At that time, there were thirty-one other shipyards. Now, what has happened? We are the only ones to survive there and we continue to contribute to the economy there. Can you believe that? It has only been five to six years since we began working there. If we hadn't gone there, no one would have survived the crisis.

It was the same way in Alaska. Everything we try to do, the people come and try to stop us, but they have no real reason to do so. You can imagine how it is for me to hear all the reports coming in from everywhere in the United States. Every report that came in when we first started something was very bad.

I have put so much energy into this country. Our movement has invested so much time and money, bringing so much from all over the world and investing it into the United States. I often thought I should give up everything and go invest in someplace else. However, since God truly wants to use America, I have persevered. Everything I have done in this country began under full opposition. No one tried to understand or help me. Still, I have gained a tremendous foundation to uplift America. And you are Americans. You will inherit all this. No one will oppose you as they have opposed me.

They will welcome you. From now on, people will begin to see our motivation more clearly. We will win every fight. We have that foundation. First, you must save your nation. Second, you have to secure the future of the ocean. There used to be at least forty large fishing vessels working out of Gloucester. Now, there are only a few. There is no hope in this country for the ocean. We are bringing hope to this nation.

You cannot complain about anything. You are inheriting everything. The ocean has a great and wonderful future. I know it. You believe it. Who is that future for? For who? For us? For America. You came here, not because of your leader, but because God was calling you. You are here because of God's calling. You have to know how special it is to be here. Don't complain about being here.

I have already endured this course. I have already invested long and tedious hours. Not for myself. I didn't do it for myself. I did it for you. I know young people will come here every year. I did everything for the sake of the young people of America. You represent those young people. You have to receive and inherit all these things from me. If you complain, you won't be able to get what I am giving to you. I am concerned about this.

The One Hope is made with everything equipped to catch a tuna. It was made for you! I don't need all those boats. I designed them with you in mind. Before you came, I was working hour after hour. Will you go this course? Will you do everything that I am asking you to do this summer? Think about the tradition that I laid down here with my own sweat and tears. Everyday, working on the boat, I was thinking about you.

I spent ten years preparing everything for you. From now we really have to go out on the ocean and inherit everything that is there. It is there, waiting for you. If you miss this point, you will miss something great in the future. I have been so serious to make the standard -- for you! Please remember this. If you don't make a foundation, then someone else will come and take it from you.

I did not pioneer all these areas for that. I have pioneered Gloucester, the Gulf and now Alaska. Many people already stayed here, but they never thought about my effort. No matter how early, I woke up and worked hard all day. Many young people would never work as hard. If you Americans don't take this from me, I will give it to the Japanese. If they don't want it, I will bring Korean members to inherit everything. If they don't, I will get the blessed children and make them take the inheritance. Do you understand? Are you clear about this point? Do you know what I mean?

From this moment, make up your mind. We start the program from this moment. Each day is a step towards the future. May God bless you.

Chapter 9 - Why We Have Ocean Training

Chapter 9
Why We Have Ocean Training
July 2nd, 1984 -- Morning Garden

Let's look at the Good Go boat. Water can come in as much as it wants. You can bore a hole in the bottom of the hull and make a test. Even if people are inside the boat, they can still stay there because of the foam construction within the hull. It's been built for safety. At the same time, it's a very fast boat. If a storm is coming, you can outrun the storm. Of course, it's not the most economical boat because it takes a lot of gas to run it, but for a training program, it's well worth it. We want a boat that is safe and fast, rather than slow and economical. For training purposes, the Good Go is best.

The Value of Training

In any training course, the harder the training is, the more you learn. The training itself is what makes the program worth it. Ultimately, we want to go into the fishing industry. That's the future. How can we help America and the world solve its problems if we don't have any money? In the fishing industry the work is incredibly hard, but the return is good. In order to accomplish any task however, one first has to accomplish the training period.

Some members are now in the process of creating Japanese restaurants. You may think that a restaurant business is just a small thing, but it has many implications. First, it is a business where many customers come in and out. You can reach out to these people. You can talk to them and make good relationships. You can serve them and display the real spirit of service. We are religious people, and we also have to work in this world. For this reason, the restaurant is an excellent type of business for us to be involved in.

Now, the Japanese restaurant is in fashion. Everyone wants to try out this new kind of food. When your customers come, it will probably be their first experience. You can serve them with your full heart so that they fall in love with the food, with your restaurant and come back again and again. We are beginning with Japanese restaurants, but we need not confine ourselves to them. We come from many backgrounds, Italian, French, Indian and all kinds of cultures. Our members will have no problem making their own special restaurant because they come from all over the world.

There are not too many businesses where you can invest all your money and then, in just three years see the return. With restaurants, a certain amount of money is invested and within three years one can see the investment come back. We can make even more restaurants, and after the success of these restaurants we will have made such a track record that we can borrow money from the bank and they know it will be safe. It will be no problem to pay back all the money. We will lay that kind of foundation. Most importantly, we will teach people how to eat fish. The future diet will be fish. Once we make our investment and make success from that, we can branch out and further success is guaranteed.

In your restaurants you can serve many people every day. You can make a difference in your community in this way. Think about it. The spirit of America can be uplifted in this very meaningful and yet practical way. The American people can be making friendships with us. They can get to know us in a real way. How can we save this country? In a real way, how can we do that? We are making a foundation to really save this country through everything that we do. We can reach people through practical service. We may be selling machines, boats, cars, fish or sushi. What's important is that we truly serve people and make a good relationship. We are simply making our foundation and though it is modest, it will someday extend all over the country and have a very good effect.

It's your country. Don't you want to see a good future for it? You have to be able to offer your time, your money, your effort. People misunderstand us now, but in time they will see the real motivation behind our work.

In the fishing industry, we have to make a whole new foundation. We will go out and catch the fish. We will buy it and sell it to our restaurants. We will be the distributor and the retailer. Why is the fishing industry so low at this point? It is because fish is too expensive to take home every night, so most people don't think of buying it, except for special occasions. However, is fish expensive when it comes from the boat? No! The fisherman gets the least of anyone for all his work. From the boat the price is so cheap, but who gets the money? The middle man -- he buys the fish cheap and sells it at too high a price. That isn't fair. It isn't fair to the fishermen and it isn't fair to the consumer.

We have to think about the profit for the public. We will have to supply a good meat for a cheap price. Someday, people will welcome the Moonies because of this consideration. When we began to train for tuna fishing there was nothing but ridiculous opposition. That was because everyone was so afraid that they just panicked. However, when they fished with us, side by side, they saw how we behaved and they knew that we were sincere. Then the price went up for the fishermen. Our movement had an influence upon that price hike. We lost everything in that investment, but the fishermen were really happy. They could sell their fish to us for a higher price. This year they were even expecting and hoping for something of the same. They were concerned about my having to go to Danbury. They were wondering about the price and they were worried that we would give up on helping them. You can reply something like this when they ask you if I am coming at all this summer: "You put him in jail. Everyone for so many years wanted to get rid of Reverend Moon, but now you see that if he isn't around, the American people suffer." Make them think about that point.

We must train now. That is the only thing we have in mind for this summer. I have been looking at your faces and I have studied them. Your fortune brought you here. You may not be extremely happy to be here; you may be thinking about the hard work ahead of you, but there was no choice in a sense for you. You did not arrive here by accident. You felt something calling you and pulling you here. However, you must focus and put your heart into what you are doing. If your heart is not here, then something may happen.

I am especially concerned about accidents. Don't make bad relationships with one another. On the boat this is serious. We have to be careful and train ourselves. On our own boats, with one another, bad things should never happen. It is even more serious if you work on a boat where no one has any religious background. On a regular commercial boat, if you make enemies, it would be very easy just to "lose" you over the side of the boat. An "accident" could happen and no one could prove it was otherwise. Do you understand? Things like this happen, so we have to learn here how to make good relationships.

The ocean is a very difficult place. Always follow all the safety procedures on your boat. It's important to know how to swim. If you don't, you must always wear the life jacket. You will see many different things on the ocean. Sometimes a huge whale will come by your boat and mess up your lines. You are students and you will have to learn all kinds of things this summer. You will learn about fishing, but you will also learn about life as well. Think about the future, about the past, about the people around you. Think about your life of faith and why you joined.

Don't be anxious. Take your time. Don't try to be a Ph.D. while you are still in elementary school. Those who are Ph.D.'s may look at you "greenhorns" and think, "Oh, when are they going to have experience with things like me." We must understand that there are many unexplored areas in the ocean. We are going to discover things in the ocean that others never even dreamed about. Such things will come to pass. I am serious about developing a submarine which will explore deep underneath the water.

I am also extremely serious about building a marine college here in Gloucester. We bought the land to build that college, but the community became scared and cried out, "Oh, Reverend Moon is going to take over and exercise some kind of tyranny." Well, now they know that this just isn't true and they are beginning to accept us. Someday we will make the marine college come true. Imagine, America is such a developed country, a nation that honors God and is a first rate nation in the world. However, this beautiful house was closed to us for four years. They didn't allow one person to come in. They said, "The Catholic Church was okay, but the Unification Church -- no!" Is there any other nation in the world that has freedom of religion like the United States? We had to fight back and claim our rights. We had to threaten to sue them in order to use the Gloucester property. They thought about it and realized in the long run that they were going to lose. Our motivation was not to fight, but we had to challenge such an unrighteous act.

Now we are to begin our training and this is a new era for the ocean. A new age is beginning. This is a truly historical happening in which you are now participating. Why? Because someday in the future, all the people in this area will know clearly about Unification Church. And many of them will join. Don't you believe that? There will be millions and millions of people who will join from all around the world.

They will come here to this very port of Gloucester, to this very house in Gloucester where you were able to hear from me personally about the meaning of this training program. You, the class of 1984, just seventy-six members will be considered the "Pilgrim Fathers" of this new age. Now, you have responsibility for a Good Go boat all your own during this summer. In the future, people will have to be selected. Maybe only one out of one hundred thousand can be selected and only seventy or eighty people can come here and be allocated a Good Go boat. Today, you can train to be a captain for a boat without much competition. Those of you who came here and are already complaining about the long hours and hard work, raise up your hands and tell me, "I want to miss this chance to pioneer and be the forefather of Ocean Church." You are free to leave. If you have no vision of what it will be like ten years from now or twenty years from now, you can go. You must realize that this is a historical moment we are in.

Each year that I came fishing here, every single fishing day, I went to the boat, whether there was a storm or good weather. No matter how late we had gone to bed the night before and how early we had to rise, I went to the boat. But now, it is not as safe for me to go about freely. This is a reality that I have to contend with. I am making a firm stand against atheism, against communism and many of them would like to strike me down. It is difficult for me to be with you every day as I have done in the past ten years.

I expect you to be autonomous. You must become independent and pioneer your own way, especially this year. Otherwise, how will you become a self-supporting person? How will you support others on your way? Each and every one of you have to understand the meaning of this training period and live up to its standard during the next two months. If you experience how difficult it is to go out on a boat every day, think about my experience on the New Hope for the past ten years. Never once during any of those ten seasons, did I lay down and sleep on the boat. I put my entire will power and whole heart into this training. Every moment while I was on the boat, during the long tedious wait for the tuna, I was always praying to commit myself even more for the sake of God and mankind. That is what I want you to inherit here.

The Tuna-Fishing Training Course

As you know, the tuna also has some spiritual aspect, being part of creation. Sometimes when your spirit is dull, the tuna may even be more spiritually sensitive than you. The tuna which you are after weighs more than 500 pounds. To get to that size, it is eighteen to twenty years of age. Think about it. To get to that age, what kind of dangers has that tuna already escaped, time and time again? Over and over, the tuna was on the verge of getting caught, but it somehow escaped. By the time a tuna is 500 pounds, it is a very smart fish.

The tuna know that the lines hanging down are there to catch him. For a tuna to bite the bait is not a normal thing. It is an accident. Just like human beings who have an accident after drinking alcohol, the tuna gets drunk on eating the chum and then, in one mistake, it reaches out and bites the bait. The secret which makes the difference here is for you to concentrate and with all your heart, mind and effort, draw the tuna towards you.

If you really concentrate and become spiritually attuned, you will wake up one day and while you wash your face and prepare to go to your boat, you will sense at what hour that day you will catch a tuna. Sometimes you are waiting and waiting. Your mind starts to wander and then, you have a sharp awakening in your mind. At that moment, you realize, "Oh, in five minutes a tuna is going to strike the line." As soon as you feel that, the tuna strikes. Every one of you, if you apply yourself, will experience this at one time or another.

There is some kind of law or principle at work here. If you invest all your heart, you will catch a tuna. You have to be able to know and envision what is going on underneath you, when the small fish are coming in and when the tuna are moving with the currents and tides. You must be able to see it without even seeing it. This takes concentration.

I am thinking about dedicating the money made by the New Hope to some charity in Gloucester. If that is the case, then wouldn't you expect the tuna to bite even more? The spiritual world would encourage the tuna to bite the New Hope's lines. This year there is a quota and I am hoping that two-thirds of the quota is caught by Moonie boats. In order to do that, you really have to love your bait. Bait is the direct cause of catching the tuna. You have to connect with God's love and then put that into the bait. You are the connecting point.

A clean boat reflects a clean spirit. An orderly boat also reflects an orderly spirit. This means that all your jigs, rods, reels, lines, hooks, everything is in the right place. I can tell immediately if your boat has received a lot of heart or very little heart. And if you are praying deeply, the spiritual world will help you, inspire you and bring tuna close to your boat. Through these experiences you will discover that God is alive. If something bad is going to happen to you, you will be sensitive to that. This year, we have to be concerned about safety. The best way to avoid accidents is to be serious and put our whole heart into what we are doing. You must take care of yourself spiritually. Always keep yourself orderly.

I want to ask you an important question. "During this season, how many times will you fight with your brothers and sisters?" You don't want any such circumstance, but sometimes you get involved and a situation arises. What will you do at that point? You should not allow any fights to happen. You have to avoid creating the circumstances on land before you even go out to the boat. In the morning, while you are fishing, don't let the things inside of you get to you, even if you are burning up inside. On the way home, you can bring something up and try to discuss it then.

Sometimes you will be in the boat and the wind will be blowing, a storm will be coming. This is a very dangerous time and it is very bad to let your feelings out at this time. It is better when you come home and have a hot shower and a good meal. Then, you become generous and you forget the words which might have made you angry. Don't let things bother you while you are out on the water. No matter how someone might agitate you, just ignore him. Think to yourself that it's some neighbor's dog barking at you.

Keep your goal in mind. You didn't come here to fight. You came here to fish for tuna and this is your purpose. Don't get involved in anything that is not the purpose of your coming here. Some days you will dedicate your whole heart and there will be absolutely no result. Then is a good time to repent. You can repent and try to find the area that you missed, that you didn't understand and apply. You have to be so serious. After this training course, you will become an independent person at some time in your life. If you go out on the ocean as your livelihood and cannot catch fish, who is going to help you? Will the government subsidize you? Will God give you money? Probably not. Don't count on my coming to help you. I cannot always do that. Can you do it? Will you come running to me or will you be very serious and do it? Those who can, and will do it, raise your hands. How about the women? What will you do if you cannot catch the fish? The tuna will laugh when they see women coming to catch them. If you want to get quicker results, just listen to the men for once. And then the tuna will say, "Well, even though they are women, they respect the men; we can tolerate them." So you women, don't fight against the men. However, never be outdone by the men in putting your whole heart into it. You can beat the men that way, that is okay.

Do you wonder what I am doing all day long while waiting for tuna? Catching and landing the fish is only about one hour out of the day. What am I doing the rest of the time? I seem to be doing nothing, just sitting there watching the lines in the water, but every moment I am putting my whole heart into the effort. I check the bait on the hooks. Every once in a while, if the fish aren't biting, you have to reel in the line and look at the bait. You should change the bait three times a day, even if the fish don't seem to be around. When I look at the buoy, I can tell if there is bait at the end of the line. I don't know if Gerhard can tell this or not, but Gerhard should be able to. It's a normal thing to know this. If the bait is gone, you have to reel in the line and put new bait on.

The Relationship of Heart With All Things

The human being is actually a very sensitive, knowing creature. You should be able to tell from experience about the current and what it is doing. You should be able to tell how the hook is hanging from the line in the water according to the current. Especially two lines, the seven and a half fathom and the ten fathom line are the ones most likely to catch. You have to be really attuned to your bait and how it goes down the lines. You will also discover many related kinds of phenomena. You may use six or eight lines, but all season long, there is just one line that the tuna will bite. You may think, "Well, that's just the favorite position for the tuna." So you change the line's position, but still the tuna bite that line. How do you explain that by today's science?

The spiritual world is like the dark horse in a race. It may be the most unlikely thing, but it happens. Maybe you pick up an old line that someone else threw away. They caught lots of tuna on that line, but finally they made a new one. And you have all new lines, but you put that old one on. Then suddenly you catch a tuna. How can you explain that? It has happened. That's why I am telling you these things. You have to love your equipment, your hooks and lines. You have to cherish the ones that catch, even bring them to your bed because you never want them out of your sight. That kind of feeling, that kind of love is okay. This love is connected everywhere and it connects in an invisible way, in a most unlikely way.

The Japanese members come around to me and say, "The New Hope is becoming an old boat, it's more than thirteen years old now, Father, let's change it." I don't want to hurt their feelings, so I say something like, "Oh, you think so?" Actually, I am wondering, "What are you talking about?" Already, if we were to write the history of how we began this training program, 99% of it would center on the New Hope. Even if we got a brand new boat, even if someone donated it to us, we would never write as much about it.

It is like a marriage. If you are married for ten years and your wife gets old, do you try to get rid of her and get a new one? How would the New Hope feel if that happened? Would it be happy or sad? It would cry out! Instead, I am thinking of when I give all these things to the next generation I will change the boat and give the new one to them. At that time, I will retire the New Hope and put her in a special museum. The New Hope will understand because this is normal. The boat knows it cannot live forever and it will agree to a replacement at that time. I truly feel that way. I have that kind of sensitivity to the New Hope. This says something to all of us. How are we different from the rest of the world? Through our heart. We are making a heartistic world which is quite different from what most other people are doing. If we are going to ride on the New Hope and on the One Hope boats, we must really love them.

When you are allocated a boat, don't ever say, "Oh, I want a new boat." Don't ever say that. Just love that boat and eventually that boat will return all the love to you and catch a great deal of fish. Talk to your boat. Say, "I know you worked hard last year. I'm going to take really good care of you this year. Let's get together and be successful."

At the end of the day when you are coming back, clean out the chum area and get rid of the bad smell, take care of the boat and really clean it. Then when you look at the boat, you feel good about it. And the boat looks so good too. Take care of your boat and treat it right. This is your responsibility. In the daytime, you are too busy to keep it clean because you are trying to catch fish; the boat understands this. However, on the ocean, if something goes wrong, even if it is a small thing, you have to take care of that.

After a few weeks of serious experience you will understand how the engine sounds. You will be able to hear when the engine is going over its capacity. You have to slow down at that point. The engine is like the heart of the body. In the ocean, if the engine quits, you will be in a serious situation. In fact, the engine is almost more important than your life. You have to think like that. We should never overwork the engines. Sometimes you cannot help it if the case is an emergency. However, never push your engine for no reason. Love your engine just like a member of your family, like your wife or your husband. Then it will never go out of order.

When the birds are flying around and looking for a boat to land and rest upon, which boat will they pick? We can see this particularly in small villages. There are lots of houses, but always one house has lots of birds that come there to rest. Remarkably, that house is the one which is very prosperous. It's true. The reason for this is that such a house has a great deal of love which has probably accumulated from generation to generation.

We have to bear in mind then, that Moonie boats are to be loved with one's whole heart. Actually, I wondered if you needed me to come and talk to you this year. Then I thought about the New Hope and said, "I've been coming to the New Hope every year and it will miss me." I couldn't tolerate the thought of that. The New Hope has recently been fishing in Montauk and I have been there fishing on it. I asked for it to come back to Gloucester, however, it has just been sitting here for several days, so I couldn't help but thinking of coming to Gloucester and visiting it. I wanted to talk to the boat and tell it, "I fished with you all last summer, every day, but this summer I can't fish as much with you. I hope you can understand." I know that the New Hope will understand if I am not around so much. I am telling you these things because I want to urge you this year, not to let your loved one, your boat lose its spirit. Don't let it be damaged. Just as you would protect your own body, take care of your boat with all your heart.

Learning to Work Together

I have a reason for bringing you together this summer. Some of you are Ocean Church members and you have already tasted this training experience. Others of you have sold fish, but you never knew how hard it was to catch them. You simply said to the fishermen, "Go out and catch the fish; I will just sell it for you." However, this wasn't right. Those who sell the fish should also understand how hard it is to catch them.

When you have separate channels, when there is just the one who catches and the one who sells, the one who sells always makes demands. He will say, "Oh, I don't like the fish you are catching. You should do this and you should do that." If they have to catch the fish, they will understand and they will not be able to blame the other so easily. At the same time, fish are often wasted after they are caught by bad handling on the boats. They are spoiled in many different ways. Therefore, you have to learn from each other and work together more closely.

Americans can learn a great deal from working with Japanese members. They have an advantage. I have watched them closely for the past several years. The Americans manage boats and they are always sloppy. On the other hand, the Japanese boats are always very tidy. Do you agree that the Japanese are tidy people? They keep everything very neat and orderly. There is very good proof for this: go to New York City and look at the automobiles parked on Fifth avenue. They look really dirty even though they are owned by rich people. However in Tokyo every automobile is spic and span. There is no dirty looking car in the streets of Tokyo. This tells us something about the personality of Japanese people in general.

These are observations. Please keep your boat tidy and up to the Japanese standard. Another point about Oriental people is that they tend to be more frugal with money. Look at the Japanese people, the ones in Happy Group. They are small, they are not so aggressive, but every single one knows how to manage money. Even though you may not like it, you have a lot to learn from them. That is why I am putting you together, so that you learn from each other. The first step is for the Western members to observe the Oriental members.

Let me ask you another question. Do you like me? How come you like me? I am not a Western man. My eyes are slanted and smaller than yours. My skin is brown, not white. I am a Korean man. What if I were to say, "Okay, I'll put someone else in my position. Well, how about Gerhard? He is a very big man. He is seven feet tall and has a big face and big hands. His one foot is larger than both of mine. Maybe I should put him in charge of Unification Church because he is bigger." Do you think that's a good idea? Should Gerhard replace me? You don't think so? Well then, how about Mr. Reagan? Do you think he would fill my shoes? He would never be able to perform as well in my place. I have a capability that cannot be replaced. In the same way, the Japanese are capable of certain things and you cannot replace them. The American leaders and the Japanese leaders are different. In the face of difficulties, the American leader tends to think of a way to retreat. On the other hand, the Japanese leader would never think of retreat. Also, in the religious life, in the life of faith, they are your elder brothers. They were blessed earlier and have pursued this life much longer, so don't complain about them.

I am not favoring the Japanese. Americans may have a better potential, but the Japanese have already proven themselves. Be honest with me. Which one would you take? Once the Japanese have made up their mind to do something, they will do it for the rest of their life. If they get a job in a company, they serve that company for all of their life. How about an American who runs a Japanese restaurant? He hires two cooks, one is American and the other is Japanese. After one year, the American cook gets offered a better salary and without a single regret says "good-bye," and leaves right away. The Japanese would never do that; he would stay with that same restaurant for ten to twenty years. For this reason, the American owner should learn a lesson and hire the Japanese. Once their heart is tied to something, they will never cut from it. You have to become just like this. I have a great deal of hope in you and that is why I have brought you together with the Japanese members.

This begins your training for the summer. Go out and learn from the ocean. I am asking you to be serious and especially have no accidents this year. In tuna fishing, if you don't catch anything for one or two weeks, you begin to lose concentration. You may kick the baskets around and the lines may be on the deck and you just don't care about it, but the tuna strikes without any warning. Your feet must never be standing on any lines. This is very serious. Always pay attention to where you are and where you are moving on the boat.

Keep everything orderly on your boat and this will minimize accidents happening. What will you do if your feet get caught in a line? Be very careful about this point. If you ever get to that point, you would care less about the tuna. It's your safety, your life that is in danger. This summer I am stressing the point that you protect yourself from danger and accidents.

Organize yourselves like a tree. Each ten boats will have a leader, and then, each three boats will have a trinity leader. These three boats should especially be together as a trinity. Look out after each other and help each other. With this kind of organization make sure that no boats are out of order. Take very good care of one another. Three trinities should back up each other and one boat should look out for all three trinities. That is how all boats should be organized for the training courses to come.

Your main concern is not to let your boat get out of order. If your boat goes down, you cannot go out. You should do everything to prevent that. This is the way we shall do it. Today is the beginning. After three more days, we will finish the training on land and we will all go out and begin fishing. Whether I continue to be here or not is not the focus of this training. Don't be concerned about that. I have already done enough tuna fishing. I already know enough about that. Don't worry whether I am fishing or not. Every morning, we will go out at a certain hour. This is our tradition. You have to follow that. However, I am now exploring other kinds of fish, such as striped bass and flounder. Later I will go to Alaska for halibut fishing. Those who make a good record here can go with me. Your concern this season is to become real fishermen. Sleep in the boat and eat in the boat. This summertime is priceless. It is valuable training for you, for the rest of you life. I only want you to put in all of your heart and effort. God bless you.

Chapter 8 - Let Us Begin Again

Chapter 8
Let Us Begin Again
February 8th, 1984 -- World Mission Center

I had expected a great deal from Ocean Church, but those expectations have been somewhat betrayed. Today, let's start again and make a new beginning. You have no idea how important the foundation of Ocean Church is for this country. You have no idea how wonderful Ocean Church could be for America. You are part of an important providence, an ocean providence. I am always thinking about the kind of foundation that should be made here in America. More than anything else, I spend most of my time thinking about this. I have thought about where we should start. There is so much waste in this nation that I first thought we should collect together the scrap metal in America, the old rusted out parts, and recycle them. We should salvage these things and put them to good use. Also, there is an incredible amount of paper that is used and thrown away. We could recycle that as well. There is a tremendous need in this nation for someone to do that. However, at this time, it would be very difficult for us to set up a program like that.

What kind of life do you want to have? In the world today, many people are looking for an easy way to make their living. They want to make their fortune overnight; going out everyday and working hard in the environment is too much for them. When I thought about this, I looked for a place that would not only provide good training for your character, but also a good way of life. The way of life upon the ocean then, is a good way of life for us.

I studied the ocean-related cities and recognized that the best way to help America is to help these cities. So much comes through these cities and then filters into the country. If we develop these cities and clean them up, we will set the direction for this nation for the next century. The Coast Guard is very important in this regard. They are trying to safeguard the country against the infiltration of drugs, but the Mafia is bringing in cocaine and other drugs by the thousands of pounds. If we are to enter into the ocean way of life, we have to cooperate and help the Coast Guard with its work. In that way we can help this nation clean up its drug problem and at the same time we can even help the American fishing industry. There is a danger that these cities might come under Mafia control. In Korea, long before I came to America, I explored the possibilities of the ocean. In America, I have been laying the foundation for the ocean providence since 1974. How long have you been on the ocean? Some of you began since 1980 and others since 1981. In 1980, you were given instructions to go out to many of the ocean cities and revive them through evangelical meetings. You should have invited the key officials in those cities such as the mayor and the Coast Guard leaders.

I designed the One Hope boat. It is a strong and yet fast boat, and I know that young people will be easily attracted to it. It was designed with young people in mind. I wanted them to use the boat and do things together with you. In the ocean cities, the young people have no hope. They don't have anything to do and just hang around in the streets. They are open to being contaminated by the drug traffic. They have no equipment to go out fishing and even if they caught fish, they wouldn't know what to do with them. They have no way to gain pride in themselves or self-respect.

Where are those boats? They are still sitting in storage. There should be at least ten boats in each ocean city. If you can get five people per boat to learn with it and take care of it, you can go on to use a large ocean-going boat. Out of fifty people, you can train a full captain and crew. If you had gone to your cities and followed this plan exactly as it was outlined, you would have a solid foundation by now. You would already have experienced incredible victory by now. Before you can accomplish anything however, you first have to think of how to achieve the spiritual foundation.

I emphasized the spiritual foundation first. You have to unite with the city leadership, then embrace the young people. This formula would have been successful. No matter what, no matter how difficult, I want you to win the friendship and trust of the local leadership. The ministers and civic leaders are so important. Even now, you must go and follow this course. You have to go through this principled path.

Without the young people in the local area you will not succeed. You cannot just ask for help from other members. You have to earn the support from young people with your own effort of heart. You have to go through a struggle. You are going there to stand for justice. At first people will form a "hate Moonie" fleet, but you need all of that persecution and rejection. It is a cleansing process for you and it is also the way you win support. The Coast Guard and mayor will come to support you because you are standing up for the right thing. Use your boat to help the drug patrol. It is a very expensive boat and the Coast Guard will be surprised that such a nice boat could be used to help their work. Once you let people use the boats and share with them your ideals you will win their respect. Persecution will just bring you to the attention of good people who care about their city.

I believed that three years was good enough to lay the complete foundation. After three years, I hoped you could begin to use even bigger boats. I wanted the people in your local city to take turns in learning how to run the trawling boat. Then, what would happen? You could have even obtained support for your program from the government. You could have built an entire fleet for that city and coastal area. Theoretically, you could have trained fifty captains. You could have helped that coastal area build an entire new fishing fleet.

The mayor and Coast Guard would have recommended you and the government would have helped you based on their appraisal of you. Your purpose must be to help the fishing industry here in America. Their purpose cannot be fulfilled without you. Creating this relationship is critical. By having the support of the Coast Guard and local leaders, there is no doubt that the ocean providence will succeed and become a powerful work in America. However, not even one of you lived up to my expectation. Not even one of you made friends with the mayor or made a relationship with the Coast Guard. Not even one.

Those who started in 1980 raise up your hands. Did you do this much? Did anyone of you accomplish at least with one mayor or with one Coast Guard official? No? Then, we have wasted all our time. This is a shame for all of us. Therefore, we are beginning again and we will recreate the foundation. You must first learn Divine Principle. Unless you can teach Divine Principle there is no way for you to gain the spiritual foundation. There is no way for you to gain success unless you can teach your ideals.

You have to become attractive to your city. You have to be able to add something. When the Moonies come to a city, they always watch you, afraid of what you might do. If you go and build up the local area, they will see that the benefit goes to the local population. Then, they will not oppose you. You have to organize your battle, because you will have to prove every point to them. They will not believe you automatically. You have to be disciplined and organized. You have to be teamwork people. There is no doubt about it. If you are going to train others, you must also train yourselves. This is the course of Ocean Church.

Sometimes ocean-going people are sloppy. We have to be absolutely meticulous about every detail. You cannot successfully win over the ocean without disciplining your mind. You must have an absolutely scientific and organized approach to your work on the ocean.

You have to take constant care of the boat. It must always be in the best condition and it must be spotless. Otherwise, you will be put in a dangerous position. This mission is very difficult. However, if you achieve in it, there will be no comparison with other leaders in America. That is why I chose the ocean as the basis for our work in America. And that is also why I picked seminary graduates to lay the foundation.

However, you have to follow my instructions exactly. Your spiritual state of mind will determine everything. You must always pray, especially when you are out on the ocean. Then, you will be guided from danger. Use your mind and develop your faith. Ocean Church members are very rough sometimes. They say things like, "Why do we need Jesus?" That's a strange way to think. If Jesus isn't needed, then we don't need Moses or Abraham or Adam. If we don't need the first Adam, then we don't need the second Adam. And then, we don't need the third Adam either. So, finally you think, "We don't need Father." That becomes your conclusion. What we are doing now, Jesus also wanted to do. We are working to liberate Jesus in the spiritual world. Jesus is working in the spiritual world to liberate mankind, and that is also our task. If we cannot liberate Jesus and the spiritual world, then we cannot bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

You have to have the correct mental state. If your mind is not spiritually tuned, the fish, who are also part of creation and have sensitivity, will never come close to you. Unless you have your spiritual foundation and can fellowship with the city leaders, you can never win any kind of victory for Ocean Church. You have to go to every level and win people to your side. In your city you might meet all kinds of very rough men. Some of them would throw away their own parents, but you have to win them over. You have to convince them that you really care for them. Some of them will come to that realization. Then, you will find people in the city who will want to come with you. If your mind is tuned spiritually, they will come to support you because you have the right attitude. They will be attracted to you. As you gain the reputation of being decent and honest and dedicated men, the city leaders will let the young people come to you and they will watch your work with them. Then, they will bear testimony to you. You have to go through this course. You can ask some really rough person to come out with you and bring his own son. You can treat his son with such concern that he will be moved. Every city has parents who are agonizing over the problems of their youth. Ocean Church members will help these difficult young people. You can become their counselor by listening to them and training them on your boat. Then, the parents, the mayor and city leaders will come to your side. The people who oppose you and are negative are the ones you have to turn around so that they welcome you.

You have to grab these negative people and win them. If you can do that, you will succeed very quickly. Do you understand what I am saying? Work with the young people mixed up in drugs. No one else can help them. You can help them.

I believe that Ocean Church will succeed more than the IOWC and state centers. Why? Because the work you do with your boats will quickly gain recognition by the city. Someday you may even become the mayor of your city. The people will elect you based on your contribution to cleaning up their city. Some of you might even become congressmen or senators.

You are taking care of a boat. Go out and catch fish. Use the boat for evangelical programs and train the youth of the city. The boat can supply you with all you need. How many years have we wasted already? Well, even now we are going to do it. Don't get other members to work in your local centers. No. You, the leaders of Ocean Church must go to your city and win support from the local youth. Pioneer the city with only a few members. We should have built 300 boats for this purpose, but you were not ready to receive them. You even didn't want ten boats in your centers; you said, "Oh Father, we only need one boat. Don't send us any more boats." I was deeply disappointed.

Where did this disillusionment come from? You should have more hope than any other church project. You lost your hope because you didn't follow instructions. Tuna fishing is not Ocean Church. Not in the real sense. It is a good way to train, but it is only the beginning. You have to earn the respect of local fishermen in your cities. Then, you can begin your Ocean Church. When you can train young people to be responsible for even a big ocean trawler, you have truly begun your work. Do you see how you can gain success for the future of Ocean Church and for America? Then, you have to start. You have to start again right now.

While you are developing in Ocean Church, you should learn from the Japanese. They have to cooperate with you and help you. You have to support them as well. You have to go out to the ocean. That is your role and mission. If you Americans fail then I may ask the Japanese or Koreans or even the blessed children to accomplish the mission. I am absolutely determined to succeed. Repent for the past and make a new hopeful beginning. Now is the time. Shall we do it? Then, let us make a solemn promise today. Let us determine to succeed, following this course.

You may not know where I am, but I might arrive suddenly to go out to the ocean with you. You have to be ready for that any time. Keep your boats ready for that moment. It will come. As soon as I arrive in your city, you have to leave the coast in ten minutes. Be ready to leave your dock in that amount of time. Always have your boat ready for that. When I come, I will call you and say, "Ready?" Then, you have to answer, "Father, let's go."

If Ocean Church stops the drugs from coming in by the drug running boats, then the Coast Guard will really come to support us. The Moonies will be recognized as the ones truly trying to help America face this serious problem. Drugs are crippling the youth of this nation. By cleaning up the drug problem, the youth of this nation will have a future. I see the ocean as the way for a new foundation to be laid in America. I am disappointed because the Ocean Church providence has not kept the pace. You are way behind schedule.

So, please study hard and review my instructions from today. From here we will march forward. There is no doubt anymore as to what we must do. Will you do it? [Yes!] Yes? Absolutely Yes? [Yes!] Then, do not lose your determination. Thank you very much.

Chapter 7 - Why We Go Tuna Fishing

Chapter 7
Why We Go Tuna Fishing
August 31st, 1983 -- Gloucester

Well, without a doubt, everyone now knows that the Moonies have entered the fishing industry. One thing which has happened as a result of our fishing is that the fishermen can see exactly what kind of people we are. We go out in every kind of weather, rain or shine. We even have women fishing, doing just as well as the men, sometimes better than the men. The fishermen of Gloucester can't help but see that.

Surely, they have been talking about it, so the news traveled, even to the city officials, the mayor included. They know what kind of transition has taken place in the last ten years since I first came here in 1974. At that time, the typical daily working hours of the tuna fishermen went something like this: around ten o'clock in the morning they'd get out on the sea and then come back around two o'clock in the afternoon, with or without the tuna.

At that time, there was no price for the tuna. If they caught a tuna, they'd come back to the docks, take a picture standing next to it, and then leave the fish behind. It was only five cents per pound, so it wasn't even worth the effort to try and sell it. Sometimes, the fish would just lie there on the dock until it rotted.

The fishermen also remember how the price of tuna went up every year. Just by ten to fifteen to twenty-five cents a year, or less. The price never increased by any great amount from year to year. However, this year, the price came up to close to $5.00 per pound. This trend will continue and they know it; it's almost a fact. They also realize that our movement has had an impact on this trend.

If we can catch 200 tuna at the price of $5.00 per pound, we will break even, or even do better than that. We won't have to suffer this loss that we now take every year. Please understand that there is a vision guiding our effort; we will not end up every year like this. In the next few years, we will go beyond the loss column. Don't have faith in the results before you. Have faith in the process. We are going towards a goal. Have faith in that.

Establishing the Tradition

We can suffer our losses year after year until we finally come to the gaining point, but other people cannot do that. If they lose out one or two years, they simply quit. One thing we never do is quit. That is truly our secret. Once this process reaches a certain point, we will begin to gain rather than suffer loss. When that day comes, and that day will surely come, people will establish the undisputed conclusion that as far as tuna goes, Reverend Moon is the "king of all kings."

We also know that we are the ones who value the tradition. Our tradition is always this: first to create the solid foundation. No church, no business, no family or person can be successful without a solid foundation. We know that. Even now, they begin to see it, but not as clearly as we would hope. However, in a few years, they will see very clearly what I am doing and they will know I am building up a tradition so that the fishing industry will not go up and down every year, but go solidly upward, year after year. Clearly they will begin to see that this effort is not solely for our own profit.

America has only one last frontier. That is the fishing industry. There is enormous potential in the fishing industry. Everyone knows that. 70% of the major fishing grounds in the entire world are in America. The other 30% is shared by Norway, Japan and all the other sea-going countries. You can imagine what 70% of the entire world's catch could be. It's staggering to the imagination how much that could be, if you think in terms of pounds and sizes of catch. That ocean, of which 70% belongs to America, is more than twice the size of the land we now live on. The ocean occupies two-thirds of the globe and land occupies only one-third of the earth's surface. The. potential catch from the ocean produces far more protein than we could ever bring from the land. Fish, if you catch them wisely, are consistently there from year to year. If you take something out of the earth, such as oil, when you are done with it, there is nothing left. On the other hand, if you have the consciousness of harvesting fish, that industry can go on without ever stopping.

Does the average American really care about this? Not so much. They don't think about this and they don't think about what it means for the future. No American at all would ever dream that the next generation after Reverend Moon will be fishermen, but you will be, and so will be the next generation after that, and after that. Generation after generation we will become better and better fishermen. Why would we want to do that? For the sake of mankind, that is why.

Americans are not thinking like that. They are thinking, "Well, I will live this hard life, but I don't want to encourage my children to sacrifice like this." Some even stop their children from going to the ocean. Why? Because it is a hard way of living and the income is not that great. On the contrary, I am thinking of how to raise up these very same fishermen. After all, we are going into the same thing for which they have already lived all their life. We will embrace them and take care of them. As fast as we grow, we will bring them along with us.

This fishing industry is an important and vital industry, and it will become even more so in the future. Even though our church members may find something they have to attend to somewhere else, we have to make sure that American fishermen inherit the tradition and spirit of making a solid foundation from us. And they must carry on this vision, even if we are absent from it for a time.

People who are now fishing cannot find satisfaction in their work, unless they can get at least 50% more from their income through fishing than any job they might take on land. This includes working on shore or on a dock with boats. Why? On the land, you can plan what you are going to do, even though it rains or the weather is difficult. But on the ocean, you cannot plan like that. There are some days, even if you are ready to work, you cannot go out. The weather simply prevents you. Therefore, they cannot always depend on their income to be steady. That is, you have to gain at least 50% more of an income than if you worked the same amount of time on the land, in order to have an equal amount of income in the long run. They have to take in the factor of losing days due to hard weather.

However, the fact is that, in these times, fishermen put in the same amount of effort which others put in on the land, but often receive up to 50% less. Sometimes more, but usually less. The result is that most American fishermen eventually choose to work on the land the first chance they get something on land that is a little bit better than fishing. So, whoever will make this fishing industry viable has to manage some key areas.

The first is, how to sustain the working hours. We have to get up earlier than normal and to stay out as long as possible before returning. Others are working only one day, but we have to work two days to make up for our inexperience. The second is, technique. Since we have to compensate for the long hours that we put in, we have to find the better method, the faster method to bring in the fish. We have to research and study and experiment. We have to establish a new pattern of fishing. We have to study seriously several points about fishing. We have to study about the bait, the lines, how to use the lines and how to use the boat in different waters. All these things have to be studied and carried out. We have to think deeply about these things, and plan each area very thoroughly.

Tuna Fishing Techniques

Those who have joined the tuna fleet for the first time raise your hands. This is your first season. You almost outnumber the experienced members. Do you expect to catch tuna? Automatically, just like that? I don't believe in that. If I left you to do things your own way, if I didn't care and just let you go out and catch tuna however you imagine it to be done, it wouldn't work. If I left everything up to you without giving you instructions and covering every detail with you, you would have never caught one fish. I know that; you know that. Every experienced fishermen knows the same thing.

Let's think about that. The first thing that is most important in catching tuna is the boat. The New Hope is an example of this; It is simply too big to catch tuna and I lost several tuna because of this factor. Once the tuna bites your bait, no one knows which way it will go. It will go one way and then turn around and go the other. The New Hope is simply too big to change direction and go with the tuna. It's not fast enough.

There are two propellers in the back of the New Hope. When the tuna comes back and goes underneath the boat, it often catches against the propeller and cuts the line. The tuna is trying to escape and it's absolutely frantic. The New Hope is trying to move around and follow it, but because it is a bigger boat,-it takes a long time to maneuver it. The lines get tangled, and when we are following the tuna, the propeller is also moving. So, the line just needs to touch it and the tuna is cut off, lost.

I thought about it for many years and I kept asking myself, "how can we improve this boat so that it's 100% able to catch tuna?" It was a very important question, because the result of those thoughts became the design for the One Hope. You can see that. You have already experienced the abilities of the One Hope. It can turn very quickly while following tuna. The boat is actually almost the same size as a tuna. You can move and fight the tuna, even going easily between many other boats. You simply cannot do these things with the New Hope. As you have already experienced, it is easier to manage when you tangle up the lines between your own boat and other boats.

We used to have to cut the lines all the time, but in doing that, catching a tuna became so expensive. If you cut all your lines, it is almost $1,000. I wanted to prevent that loss, not only for ourselves, but for other fishermen. They can't afford to lose their equipment either. My major concern was how to avoid having to cut the lines after the tuna strikes. You could not work on the New Hope because of this problem. If you were on one side of the bow and the tuna went under to the other side, it was very difficult to get the lines around, especially if they were tangled. It became too expensive just to catch each tuna.

Before you plan or design a boat, you have to take all these things into consideration. The kind of fish you want to catch and the kind of boat you design must go hand in hand. We first worried about the problem of the lines. We had to design the boat with that problem in mind. My first thought was how to prevent or evade tangling, and then how to separate quickly after tangling. What you must do, is make sure that when the tuna strikes, the line can be isolated from the other lines that are still in the water. Then, you don't have to worry as much about bringing in the lines. One person can get those other lines in while the first person works on the bow with the tuna line. Why is it so important? Most people, before we started fishing, used only one or two lines because they couldn't solve this tangling problem. I wanted to fish with five, six, seven, even up to eleven lines, because the chances of catching a fish are much greater. Now, I am confident to fish with that many lines because we have solved this problem.

To space the line according to the depth and current are the expert techniques. We developed these things. Furthermore, the line we are now using is a perfect set-up. The line will not snap, the hook will not straighten. All of these things, we developed. You may have wondered about the line. You may have wondered why it is constructed the way it is. The reason is so that you can untie it very quickly. If you can untie it, you can prevent having to cut it, and so lose your line.

The line, if you take reasonable care of it, will last ten or twenty years. You have to understand there is a technique to all these things. You have to develop the technique. I realize that this is your first year of tuna fishing. You didn't understand everything when you got on the boat, why things were set-up the way they were, but you fished that way and learned how. Now you have gained the experience of seven years. This means that after one season, you are in your seventh year of fishing, so to speak.

I have now explained to you how I considered the size of the boat and the tuna line technique. Thirdly, I considered the problem of the anchor line. If you put yourself in the position of the tuna underneath the water, you can see a great deal of things. There are all sorts of lines hanging down. There are many, many anchor lines. If the tuna hooks up, he will head in the direction of the anchor line. He will try to wrap around the anchor line and get loose from the hook.

The worst problem is your own anchor line because the tuna has such a little distance to go in order to get to it. Once the tuna strikes, you cannot let go of the line, no matter what. Often the tuna runs out and then turns back in, heading straight for the anchor line. If he can get to that line while it is still attached to the boat, he will cut the line holding him. We understood this by our experience. When this happens, you have to give some slack to the tuna, but you run a great risk of losing him from your line. If, however, you are already cast off from your anchor, the tuna just wraps the anchor line around its line. You have to get to the buoy and unwrap the line, but it will not cut the tuna line because there is not the same tension as when it is still attached to the boat.

Getting off the anchor line is one of the most important maneuvers that you will make fighting the fish. Once you drop the anchor line, you will have a much better chance, fighting the fish one to one, just yourself and the fish. You always have to keep the tuna line tight. Once there is slack, you can lose the fish so easily. The tuna may go up to the surface. Once the tuna bites, you keep pulling and the fish goes against the pull. But it does not always happen that way. Sometimes the tuna runs back directly against your pull, then it gives a jerk and tries to get the hook out of its mouth.

Whenever you make any maneuver with the tuna, you have to think about keeping the hook in its mouth. The New Hope lost six fish this summer and three of the cases were just like this. We lost it because the tuna was able to escape the pressure of the line and get off the hook.

Once you can clear your boat from the buoy line, you have a 90% chance of bringing the fish in. Even though you are on the boat, you have to visualize the tuna underneath and analyze how it is behaving. I am trying to teach you everything about the techniques as well as how to think about catching the tuna. It is just like you are in school again. While you are learning, you don't understand it right at that moment, but afterwards you say to yourself, "Ah, that is what the teacher meant." By now, by the end of the summer, you should be able to understand what I am trying to teach you.

The last point to consider is harpooning. As you know, you harpoon the fish in order to insure that you can bring it to the boat. After you successfully harpoon the fish, your task is to bring the fish close to the boat in the minimum amount of time. In this one last moment, since the tuna is getting tired and you have been constantly pulling, it comes up to the surface of the water, close to the boat. And then, he gets a glimpse of what is going on. He sees the people, the boat, everything. It is completely strange to him. When this happens, the tuna often makes one last powerful move and heads again for the deep ocean. You should expect this. Don't pull, but give the tuna the line that he needs. Don't let it get slack though. This is the one last chance for the tuna to survive. Then, pull it back up to the boat. Often the tuna will go straight down deep again. This may happen once or twice, even three times or more. The Japanese members didn't understand this. Once they got a tuna harpooned and next to the boat, they thought it was a disgrace to let it go down again, but they should have done so. You have to handle the fish and expect what it is thinking to do next. If you don't do this, then you will lose fish the more often. If you let the fish get away, it could mean thousands of dollars lost. Worse yet, it probably means the life of the fish as well.

Tuna Fishing is Training

For some people, one tuna is more than one month's entire pay. You have to think more seriously about this. If you had $5,000 cash in your pocket and you let it drop down into the water, how deeply would you regret it? You should think about this. It is even more serious with the tuna, because you not only lose money, but the tuna probably loses its life. We are more serious than anyone else. Such seriousness is absolutely important. If we lack a serious and respectful attitude the tuna will be able to get away. Catching tuna requires the highest techniques used in all of fishing. Of course, you may not have known all these things, because you started out with little knowledge of any kind of fishing, but now that I have explained these things, you have to think about them. These techniques will be with you wherever you go, either in the fishing or ocean industry or some other kind of work. This is because you are learning to apply an attitude of the mind.

Whatever you do in the future, whatever problem you might have, you can solve it because you can connect it to the lessons you learned here. You can apply this to any other kind of fishing in the entire industry. Do you understand? It's a little bit abstract, but it means that you are learning a type of thinking which can be applied in any other area of fishing activity. Actually, it can be applied to any kind of activity.

As you may have already experienced, this kind of fishing demands very quick and instantaneous decisions. It doesn't leave you even a few minutes to think about it. Sometimes you have to make a decision in that very second; a man's life may depend on you. Certainly, success or failure depends on your decision in that very moment. A wrong move and something very dangerous can happen. We always have to think in a serious and not a frivolous way. This brings us to reflect about the danger of our lives as we look to the future. At any time, something, some emergency can occur. You have to think about your life in this way. It really is serious from moment to moment.

Also, you have learned a great lesson about unity. When all the people on the boat are united and all the boats are working in harmony, no one gets hurt and the tuna does not escape from the hook-up. The tuna strikes, the tuna is pulling and you are pulling too. At that time, you are thinking about ten things or more. When you are pulling, you have to think quickly ahead, "next is this and next is that."

Everything is going on in your mind at once. You have to know exactly what you are going to do next. For example, Jin Sung got a hook-up. He began to pull and that was all that was on his mind. The tuna came up to the surface, but no one else knew what to do, they were just standing around and all the lines were everywhere. If you were in his position you would have to decide what to do.

Keep everything in consideration and concentrate on what you do. Always know why you are doing whatever you do and always think about the next thing that you must do. These things all have to go on at the same time. I thought for a long time and very seriously about these techniques and I want you to learn them. It is important. Never waste a moment or you might lose the opportunity. That's what I want to teach you.

Investing in Youth and the Future

Why are we fishing for tuna? There are so many other kinds of fish, flounder, salmon and so forth, that are good to catch. Someday we will catch all of these fish. However, I am thinking first of how to catch the imagination of young people. Once a young person catches at least three tuna, he is hooked for the rest of his life. Every summer comes and this same person wants to come again. They are thinking, "It's so hot and humid on the land, but out on the ocean it is so calm, so beautiful and sometimes adventurous." The young person cannot but help be drawn to that.

Moonies are basically the same as anyone else in the world. Maybe getting a little bit better, but basically the same. Anyway, we need incentive in life from time to time. Don't you think so? With tuna, we have so far been losing money, but I am never worried about that. I will never let go of the line, never let go of my belief in this. I know it is the best species to establish this tradition. Nothing changes a man quickly, not overnight or in one year. I know that it takes at least ten years for an individual, an average American young person, to take his mind and really apply it. This is especially true about the ocean. To really love it takes one, two or three years to begin. After a long time you become involved to the point where you can say, "yes, this is my future."

Once you understand how to catch tuna, the excitement cannot be contained. When someone who knows this starts to talk about catching tuna, he cannot talk calmly, but has to get excited. He has to recreate the very moment when the tuna struck the line and go through every detail of the fight. You are laughing because you already know about this point. This is such a positive influence upon people who have never caught tuna. Sometimes you are pulling so hard on the line when suddenly the tuna gets to the anchor line and cuts off. You fall back on the boat and crash against it. These are truly experiences that make life fulfilling. Even though we lose so much money, we are not worried.

We are not fishing for one or two years. We are looking into the future, even far beyond ten years when this starts to spread and is shared by more and more people. Then, the whole tide of American youth will begin to turn towards the ocean. I am sure of that. In order to insure that, we have to spend at least ten years laying the foundation. If we do that, they can easily come to our movement and benefit from their experiences with us. Even in our own movement we have to learn. I first began to fish, and after six, seven years of fishing myself, I initiated Ocean Church. In the beginning the leaders of Ocean Church were hardly able to understand anything, but now there is a point where some of the leaders understand and they have some maturity. Don't you feel that? So now is the time when we can begin to invest more money and practical effort.

I am always ahead of you. When you weren't even thinking of what to do for the future, I was out there learning how to fish for tuna. Now you are fishing for tuna and I am already in Alaska. Alaska is something else. There, you can literally work through the night, because there is no night. And all that time, you are catching fish. In Alaska, you can catch halibut. They weigh up to 150 pounds and more. However, they are as big as the tuna because the halibut is flat. The tuna takes the line and just pulls straight ahead, but halibut pull by jerks. If you really like fishing, once you get to Alaska, you will say, "forget about Provincetown, forget about Gloucester."

There's so much there. For example, when you see the school of cod fish, you can see all the colors of the ocean. They move like a huge island of solid fish. If you had a big enough net, how many millions of pounds that would be! You have to find the way to catch them and send them all over the world. From there you could make a new tradition for the American fishing industry. Do you understand a little more clearly why we go tuna fishing? It is the best fish to start with. Once you thoroughly learn the tuna techniques, you can go on to any other kind of fishing with confidence. If you can fish with confidence, you can revive the entire fishing industry and in so doing, revive America. This is my hope for you.