Chapter 6 - Who Will Inherit the Ocean?

Chapter 6
Who Will Inherit the Ocean?
July 3rd, 1983 -- - Gloucester

How many of you have never seen me before? Please raise your hands. Thank you. I came by boat today and it was rolling quite heavily. There was a dense fog, so my eyes are not yet in focus. The trip took one and a half hours from Provincetown. As I came from there I couldn't help but think, "how critical it is to know the direction." In that fog, all we had was the compass. So, by the direction of one wheel we traveled through the fog. How appropriate it is that life is exactly like that.

Mankind has been searching for its direction in many different ways all throughout the earth from generation to generation -- the entire history of mankind. By now, man has tried everything and failed everything, and has pretty much given up. Nothing has satisfied his search, but now, we can narrow things down and be more clear ourselves. Before we have direction, we have to have our destination, our purpose. We first have to have our purpose before we are concerned about the direction.

Before we conclude how we live our life, we first have to conclude for what reason we live our life. This has been the question which all mankind has asked since the beginning. Since religious people at least accept God, they can say that their life should somehow serve God's purpose. However, look at those people who don't even believe in God. No one has been able to really teach them about their life.

The Purpose of Life

This question has been raised millions of times and even great scholars have not been able to answer it. Here you are, just ordinary people, and even more than that, you are just ordinary Moonies. Do you know the answer? Do you know for what purpose you live? You might say to me, "Well Father, we live to fulfill the purpose of creation," because you have some understanding of the Principle. What really is that purpose? In our church, when we think about God's providence we immediately think about establishing the four position foundation. The perfection of the purpose of God is the perfection of the four- position foundation. And what is that term? What does that mean?

First, man and woman become perfect and then God can realize his ideal. What is that ideal? When two -- one man and one woman-are united in perfect love, that is God. Do you understand? When man and woman are united together in perfect love, there it is, that's, God. What does the love of man and woman center upon? The man? Or like it is in America, upon the woman? No, you don't think so? Then, who is that love centered upon? You are shouting out, "God," and yes, that's right. The love of man and woman, the love between them, is centered upon God.

Well, somehow man and woman are united, but where does love come from? Does it first come from man or from woman? Neither. Then, to whom does that love belong? You are right again to say, "God." So, to come into contact with that love, you cannot do with it whatever you will. You have to cherish it and respect it, because it is not yours to begin with. It comes from somewhere other than yourself. Then, how does love come to you? Does it come directly to you, just to you? Does it come directly from God? How does love come to you? The man may have lots of love, but it comes from God through his spouse. It's really easy to understand. Here is a man. He is equipped with everything, but by himself there is no satisfaction. In order to have love, he must have someone. That is the nature of love. When you think about love, realize that it comes from your spouse, not from you. It is the same for man and for woman. There first has to come give and take action, then unity and then love emerges. If you have love, it is always because of someone else. You should think about that.

With love, there is always some force to push it and some force to pull it. Here is a man and a woman, meeting each other in first love. The man completely gives to the woman and the woman gives completely to the man. They sacrifice themselves for each other. Then, where is God? In the center. God is the force which brings that man and woman together and moves them to give to one another.

In the center, God fills up everything. There is no need for discussion about who is greater, man or woman, or if they are equal or not equal. Both man and woman reach to God in the center, but look, they reach from opposite directions. In any motion, you must have a center and an axis. That is God. The axis of man and woman, of the universe, is God. Every man, every woman must be centered on God. Every family, tribe, clan and culture must be centered on God. Every nation, world and even the universe and cosmos must be centered upon God.

Then, if God is the center, what must that center be focused upon. What is the center? Power? Money? What will hold together everyone, even those of the past to those of the future? Well, how does life begin? How does it start in the first place? From the very origin, how did we come into being? From love. Where do individuals come from? You come from your parents. Do you come from their life or from their love? Life or love? Then, what are you? You are the participants in the love of your parents. That is why you can never separate from your parents. The relationship of natural law is that parents are willing to die for the sake of their children. We see that all the time in the animal world. The mother or the father fight to the death to protect their offspring.

What about man, the highest being on earth? In that aspect, man must yet acquire the respect of all creation. Children cannot exist without first having parents. Their life comes from their parents. If their parents are united in perfect love, there would never be a separation of those two people. The father's love and the mother's love together become the replica of God's love. This is the explanation of being. If parents and children understand this, they can never separate from each other. They live together and die together. Anything which is separate from God's love does not truly exist. As simple as it is, no one has known this absolutely for sure until now.

The husband would love his wife as he would love God. The wife would love her husband as she would love God. Then, they would love their children and their children would love them, all in the love of God. This is the four-position foundation, the perfection of the love of God. That is the purpose of our life. Once man and woman come together in this love, they cannot separate. And once they have children in such love, the children cannot be separated from them. When we know this and see what we see today, it is truly a serious and grave matter. It is a painful tragedy. One-half of American families are suffering separation. All children want to live with their parents' love forever, but they are denied this one simple and basic thing. There is no greater crime than this. How can a husband and wife separate? They are breaking God's love. The children are lost. The only name for this tragedy is Satan. What is Satan? He came and broke apart God's love. Nothing else. We have to establish the standard absolutely opposite from that. When you come to have love between you and your spouse, you must raise up that love and keep it. Why is love so precious that it has to be regarded so highly? For one thing, lover and love alone, can motivate life. Nothing motivates more than love. When love awakens you, your eyes and ears and all your senses are focused. You are not looking at two or three different things at once, but only at love and love alone. You don't need a translation for that. You know. Mind and body become one when love awakens you. The power of love can unite your spirit and physical body. Without love, your mind and body can never reach full unity. Without love the spiritual world and physical world would not be able to come together. That explains why God created man. God must have man before even He is excited to love. If God didn't have a purpose in creating man, He would be just a mischievous being with no value. He had to have a goal and a purpose for all that He created.

What is your direction as a man? Your direction is to meet woman. Well, why don't you look around. There are lots of wonderful men and lots of wonderful women. Why don't the men just find another great man and go live with him? Why don't the women find some other great woman and live with her? You are frowning about that. Why? Since you have this explanation, you understand the formula of the universe. Anything which defies that formula defies life and eventually perishes.

Love comes from God and life comes from Him too. Love and life are the same. The quality of love is the quality of life. When we go with the natural law we become part of the universe and contribute to it. Then, we grow larger and larger. However, those who live against that law become smaller and smaller until they no longer even exist.

What is the purpose then? It is to build the foundation of love, the four-position foundation. Here, all points meet; God, men, women and children. What more could you want? Here, there are no separate bank accounts, no separate ownership. The father belongs to the mother and the mother belongs to the father and together they belong to God. And the children belong to the parents and to God. It's so simple and so reasonable.

Why do you wash your face in the morning? You should look at your face and ask that question. Your face answers, "I want to be intoxicated in true love." Your eyes and ears want to feel the intoxication of love. Once love is in action, you don't mind anything. The man doesn't mind the woman smelling strange and the woman doesn't mind the man smelling even like old dead fish. This is the most important thing in life. The man who jeers at women or looks sideways at other women besides his wife is the one Satan likes to be inside of. On the other hand, the man who can only look at his wife and see the whole universe in her is the one God wants to dwell within. What is the virtue of man? What is the virtue of woman? The true love that they offer to each other. What is a perfect man or a perfect woman? One who brings his mind and body into perfect union.

The Ocean and the Future

What is the value of a person? Look at me. What is my value? I am a religious leader. Many people get angry about me and say, "Why doesn't this man just stay in the church? Why does he come out fishing and why does he do so many other things?" I sometimes think about that. I could put on a robe and stay in the church all day long. That would be very easy. I wouldn't have to worry about all the things I have initiated. There are so many projects now and more to come. If Christianity had fulfilled all its goals and ideals, I would not have that much to do, but that is not the case. Instead, without even thinking deeply about my work, Christians have come out strongly against me. Who has ever supported me?

Even though members in the Unification Church have supported me, I had to first initiate and explain everything. Even my own family needs time to understand me. Why is it so difficult for the world to accept me? It is because many religious leaders would have to change their own ideas to accept me and they don't want to do that. Some people admire me and want to help me, but they are also afraid of me because of my penetrating mind and spirit.

Communism has a system of thought behind it, an ideology that guides it, but democracy does not really have such a unifying thought. However, Reverend Moon's thought surpasses the ideology of communism and this is very clear to them. They are not afraid of physical power such as the United States military power. The race is already over in that area and they are the winner. However, unification philosophy is a bigger problem to them. They are far more afraid of that.

I have pioneered a new path in every area, beginning with thought or philosophy. I have also demonstrated how to begin economic projects, business and technical projects such as the factories in Korea and Germany. Then, why did I start Ocean Church? Why have I given it such importance? You can see, I am working day in and day out on the ocean. Why am I doing that? You have heard me speak about this before.

The ocean is an orphan. It has no master, no real owner who loves and takes care of it. The fishing industry is also going under. The industry can't move an inch, it's so tight. In a few years it will be difficult for man to live off the land alone. The population is now almost four billion. It will increase by ten-fold. What will happen? The land itself will be crowded. There will be less space to farm and more people to feed. The population problem is one of two very serious questions. The other is pollution. To me, the problem is how to see these questions in a new light. The worst aspect of pollution is in the air, exhaust fumes from cars, factories and such things. In the future, there will be a limit upon anything that produces exhaust, even cooking. Any kind of extra smoke or gas exhaust will not be tolerated.

That means that we will try to eat foods without so much cooking, which means we will eat more raw foods, raw vegetables, raw fish. Anyway, it's good for their health, so people will turn to it. For a while, mankind may try to escape to space and live up there, but the difficulties and expenses will be too much and he will come right back to earth. Then, man will have to turn to the ocean. It is only a matter of time. The future of the ocean is inevitable. Is fish good for the diet? Ten or twenty years ago, Americans never even dreamed about eating anything raw, much less fish. Now they are going to Japanese restaurants and trying out the sushi and sashimi.

If fish is going to be the main source of the human diet, what kind of fish would be the best to supply it? We have to produce a large fish and utilize all its qualities. What kind of fish should we use? Whales? Tunas? And what else? Shark! Actually, whales are not good to use for feeding lots of people. They are too large. They only give birth to one calf per cow and it takes a long time for them to gestate.

Let's look at the tuna and the shark. They contain the tastiest kind of meat. That's true! You may not have tasted it, but I have tasted many kinds of shark in different ways. Shark is good for dry meat. It doesn't have so much fat. On the other hand, tuna has lots of oil content in the meat. So, these two kinds of fish are the best for providing a wide variety of fish taste to humans.

In Japan, they are now studying how to farm tuna. This is a very serious enterprise for them and it means a great deal for the future that we envision. Here are some things to consider. One female tuna lays about 1.5 to 3 million eggs at each spawning. Now, in the natural setting only a very few of these eggs even survive to become baby fish. Most of the eggs are eaten by predators. And then, to survive the first few years is almost as difficult, so very few tuna live to maturity.

It takes about two years for them to grow to where they can escape most dangers. A fully grown tuna can travel with speeds from seventy- five to one hundred knots. That is their "get-away" speed. However, when they are just cruising they go from twenty to thirty-five knots. That's some cruise. If you study the anatomy of the tuna you will see that they are created for speed. The shark is also capable of speed, but not at all like the tuna. All the fins fold in and the tuna takes on the shape of a torpedo. Tuna not only swim fast, but also travel great distances -- all over the world.

Think about the mature tuna. It often weighs 700 or 800 pounds. If you catch just one tuna and then use the dressed meat, around 80%, which is approximately 550 to 750 pounds, you have that much meat to feed people with. Most people eat two or three pounds of meat each day, but they should eat only one or two pounds. If they were to eat like that, you could feed 500 or 600 people each day with one tuna. If you catch 100 tuna, you feed that many more people.

You can use every part of the fish for something. Shark skin can be used for jackets and shoes. The skin is very durable and rugged. The teeth can be made into jewelry. Why not? One day, Daikan came up with the bright idea to dry and smoke the shark meat. Later on he gave up, but that was the right idea. All parts of the fish can be used. You can crush up the left-over parts and make it into fish powder. With that you can make bread and feed people. That will not only fill them up, but provide protein as well. Think about what this would mean in Africa. There is no such thing as waste when it comes to fish.

Well then, if we are to catch hundreds or even thousands of tuna, where can we farm them? You cannot put them into a fenced-in place. The whole ocean can be populated with tuna. Then, the fishermen will have to develop the means to harvest them. Tuna sushi and sashimi are beginning to be popular. Who discovered this way of making fish for eating? I once thought to myself that if the white people had first discovered tuna sushi, there would be no way for the world to have tuna in the future. They would have taken all of them by now.

We can plant all kinds of food on the ocean floor. We have to study about that, but the possibilities only stop with us. The ocean is that vast -- our minds are too small for it yet. The future is coming and there is so much there. Ironically, young people in America are leaving the fishing way of life. Look at Gloucester. It used to be the hub of the fishing world, but now it is run-down. It is not because the fish ran away. Young people ran away. That's what is happening.

Many fishermen go out and fish long days and weeks. They come back and haven't made so much money. When that happens, the wife and husband often fight. Then, he goes out and comes back and one day the wife has run away. So, the young people and the wives are running from the fishing way of life. That means eventually the fisherman himself will run away.

When a serious man loses his wife, he no longer thinks about marrying again. The same thing happens when the reason to continue fishing is gone. The serious fisherman just gives up on fishing altogether. Today, you can see so much corruption going on in the once prosperous fishing harbors. The Mafia is prevailing, there are buyers who fix the prices against the fishermen and cheat them at the dock, and drug smuggling is a problem in every harbor.

Uplifting the American Fishing Industry

By and large, America's trading tradition is based on the Merchant Marines. America and Mexico should have an inseparable tie to the ocean, and to each other. This is not something new. We should have known about this. Your ancestors were dead serious, much more than you now realize. They suffered religious persecution and so they came here, risking their lives. They had no guarantee that they would make it here alive, much less survive here.

The evidence is everywhere. The biggest economic centers are not in the center of America where Chicago is, but right on the coast. For example, New York with the Hudson River and Bay, San Francisco and Los Angeles. It's evident that the ocean is vital to the economy of the nation.

If the jet had not been introduced, our dependence upon the ocean would be even greater. Can we afford not to care about the ocean? Look at the boat building industry. They all moved down to Alabama or in that general region in order to find cheaper labor, but almost all companies have closed down. Now, our movement is starting companies there. Why? Because the redevelopment of the ocean is soon coming and we have to be ready for that. Not only in America, but in other nations as well. We are developing boats for fishing in Brazil and boats for long-lining tuna. Now, everyone else is giving up on the fishing industry, but someday soon, people will see that the only person who has a pattern for success is Reverend Moon. That is why we have to make a foundation now. Then, people will someday wake up and see that we are way ahead. In the world today, when an industry goes down, that is when people leave it and give up. However, that is not our way. That is when we really buckle down and invest. There are four great fishing grounds in the world. Three of them are right here near the United States. People can fish anywhere in the world, but the American fisherman can easily go to the best places. Japan and Germany, even the Soviet Union desperately want to catch fish for their own markets, but America makes it very difficult for other fishermen to come in. However, the market for fish in America is much smaller than in other countries. It doesn't make sense.

The best way would be to combine fishing-ground rights and market strategies between three nations: Japan, Germany and America. If these three countries could make a responsible agreement towards the fisheries today, the rest of the world could center on that. At any rate, these other countries are coming in to fish, and this makes the position of the American government so difficult. They don't want people coming in, but there are so few American fishing boats. Since Americans aren't utilizing these great fishing grounds, the other countries that really invest a lot in fishing come into these waters anyway. America is in a dilemma to defend it's fishing waters. Who can step in and help this situation? Reverend Moon can. He will organize young people and send them out to develop the American fishing industry. This is my vision.

Eventually, the Moonies will be a strong and positive force in the industry, not to destroy it, but to bring it up to international standards. So, even though the American government doesn't want Moonies fishing and becoming successful, they will encourage us because of this situation. Now, Gloucester wants Reverend Moon to leave, but at the same time, they want to keep the same price standard for their tuna.

In Korea, they make the best fishing equipment and gear. Japanese fishermen are now saying that the best fishermen are the Koreans because they are so tough and courageous. The Koreans have guts when they fish. They'll go for a huge catch and strain the net, even if it costs them a million dollars for the net. When they lose, it's tough, but when they gain, they really gain. The Japanese don't do that. They compute and calculate very carefully. Sometimes they miss the chance.

Coming from that background in Korea, I noticed the fishing gear companies in America and couldn't help but think of how to make them better. There are many boats in the New York area, but so few equipment stores in New York City. We could distribute fishing gear so easily in America. Eventually we could build a high rise in New York centering on the fishing equipment business. In every area the fishing industry needs improvement. The ocean industry is open to us. If we make our foundation now, nobody could even think about catching up to us in the future. As time goes on, people will say, "No one can even compete with the Moonies." For example, look at the tuna fishing situation as it is now. People used to wake up around 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. and go out. However, we have been waking up at 3:00 or even 2:00 a.m. People look at our hard work and they have to say, "The ocean business is for Moonies, no way we can beat that." When I first came here, more than eight years ago, the tuna price was five or ten cents per pound. Now, the price recently jumped to two dollars per pound. We bought a great deal of tuna and helped to raise the price. Then, all the other buyers had to follow. That's exactly what happened. From the businessman's viewpoint, Reverend Moon is bad, but they never concerned themselves about the fishermen. From the fishermen's viewpoint, it is another story.

The price of tuna should go up to $5.00 per pound and even more. This is important for the entire industry. If tuna prices go up, then other fish prices have to go up. Fishermen in other areas have a better chance to make money. Today, fishermen catch tons of fish, but they only get thirty or forty cents per pound. Let's look at ourselves. We are buying tuna at a great cost and even though we are catching tuna, we are not making money. Why should we do such a program? Think about it this way. A tuna weighing around 1,000 pounds, (and with tuna at $5.00 per pound) is a $5,000 tuna. Don't you think this would attract many young Americans to come here and fish? Since you have already gained the experience, you can teach them. Think of how the coastal towns in America will benefit from our work.

I have a clear idea, but most Americans have not understood me. I cannot make you do anything just by telling you. So, I have sacrificed myself; I have worked day and night to show you how to do it. The need is there. People understand that, but they won't do what is necessary. I had to come along and show you. Then, you too have to show them.

I know what motivates people. You can't just say, "Father, I can't do that." I have already shown you how it is to be done. People try to keep up with me, but even those in their twenties and thirties can't do it. They ask me, "Father, how can you do that?" I am always thinking, "I am doing this for those who are yet to come. This tradition will stand for thousands of years and millions of people can live by it." Therefore, I don't mind the pace that I have to keep.

I have dreamed of training women captains in America. When those women go to sea for a month and the husbands don't run away, what will happen? That husband will be longing and longing for his wife to return. That husband won't run away after three days, but instead wait for his wife and rejoice to meet her. When I came to America, I realized that the Divine Principle would be best taught by showing the people exactly what it is. Then, if there was one person who inherited this tradition, everyone would understand my teaching. The woman would be happy with such a husband and that man would be happy to have such a wife. That's how much power the Principle has. When the man is happy, the woman is also dancing. Is that bad? It's BAD! No? You are shouting "GOOD!" at me. Since you are speaking the truth, you win. Do you like that? Well, what if I don't like that? You are really shouting at me now. So, you know. You know the truth. You think I am a 100% genuinely smart man. And how about you? If you weren't smart, you wouldn't have followed me, but here you are. In this declining industry, everyone is bailing out. However, our movement is spending millions of dollars every year. We are spending and investing in America, researching boats and the fishing industry, teaching and educating young people, and developing fisheries.

True Love for the Ocean

The real Moonie is the one who loves the ocean. Why? Because the head of the Unification movement loves the ocean. Reverend Moon loves the ocean. So, if you are a Moonie, you have to come to that point as well. What about you women? Are you a real Moonie or a make-believe one? How about you men?

The child inherits from the Parent. How about you? Have you inherited from me? You didn't know that I have been fishing way ahead of you, days, months and years ahead of you. If you worked harder than me, my conscience would bother me. I am hard on you, pushing you, but still you feel love from me. That's because I am already working way beyond you.

Those who really think that I love you, even when I push you so hard, raise your hands. Why did you raise your hands? Are you crazy? When I see someone like you, I am relieved. All put together, do you feel fortunate to be here? When you first came here, you probably secretly made a painful face. Americans are very diplomatic. They don't show how they really feel. You probably smiled really big, but inside you wondered about doing this.

Of all the fish to go after, why did we choose the tuna? Because I found that once you catch a tuna, you never forget it. You can catch many other kinds of fish and forget about it, but never the tuna. So, this is the best way to catch young people. You are Americans. You are here to stay. Many guests may come, but eventually they have to go away. They may come from many different countries. However, you Americans have to inherit your own future. For the rest of your life this is your responsibility. This is a really great responsibility.

Once you hook and catch a tuna, you can never forget it for the rest of your life. Every occasion that reminds you of that moment connects you to all the events that surrounded it. Once you connect to the ocean, you never forget it. We go out and everyone looks at us and shouts, "Moonie, Moonie." But once we catch tuna and no one else gets a strike, they have to look at us and think again. As we come by with a tuna on the line, we have to yell, "Get out of the way!" At that moment, they have to do that.

After that, they are silent. When a small One Hope boat has a tuna and is going towards a big yacht, you just shout out, "Get out of here!" Then, they have to get off their anchor. At that moment we can feel very proud. We are earning our way; we are earning their respect.

Suppose you lose a tuna after a hook-up. When you go back home and someone else is there with a tuna, you don't even want to look at it. That kind of experience is very precious. Then, your dreams are consumed by the thought of getting a tuna. You can't think without thinking about a tuna. "Tomorrow, tomorrow," your mind is always thinking about catching a tuna the next day. You have to learn how to live and pray and sweat for tomorrow. You have to pray even for the tuna.

Tuna also have spirit. If you really love the ocean and love the tuna, you can attract them to you. It works this way. When you cut fish for chum, don't just cut them. Think about them and talk to them, "Since you are a small fish, I will cut you up and send you down for the large fish. I am fishing for the sake of mankind and would go down there myself, but you are doing this for me and I am grateful to you."

When you pray like that and think like that, it makes the difference. Everyday, every action becomes special. You should say, "I am sorry to catch the tuna, but I am doing it for mankind." You are doing what others do, but your heart must be different about it. When you see me catch a tuna, harpoon it and bring it to the land, you may wonder, "Why does a religious leader do that to the tuna?" I do it as an offering. This will help the providence, this will save lives from further suffering. We can't joke around and sleep on those boats. Our work is even more serious than the other fishermen's.

Only twice have I ever laid down to rest on the New Hope. I had to at one time because I had a severe headache, but even then I prayed and apologized with great sincerity. Allen Hokanson was so tired one time that he was dozing off at the wheel. So, I allowed him to take a rest at that time because to steer the boat is a serious matter. I took responsibility for that and then, Allen could rest. Our work is so serious, you have to know that.

The Special One Hope Boat

To catch a tuna, I had to develop a way to communicate with them. Sometimes, there is a small craft warning and still I go out to fish. Why? Because I don't want the members to look at difficult weather and be afraid to go out. You have to be concerned about safety, but you also have to know how serious our work is. We cannot go out just because the weather is calm. The goal is very difficult to reach and very far away. We have to go through so much training to get there. The boat is one way to train. The One Hope boat is very tough. It won't sink. I wanted it that way. Twenty people can ride in it and flood the vessel, but still the front part will stay up. With your life jacket on you can just hang on and the boat will support you. This already happened with several people in a One Hope boat, so we know for sure the boat is very safe and strong. We made it that way. When we run into somebody or something, the boat doesn't break. I designed the boat, but behind me is a deeper inspiration for it. This is a multi-purpose boat. You can easily trailer the boat. It can be a speed boat, a sight-seeing boat, a tuna boat, a fishing boat, a teaching boat, any kind of boat. It can go to many kinds of programs and any kind of place. There is no limit or specific way to use these boats.

The New Hope is not such a good boat for catching tuna. It is too big and makes the job somewhat complicated, but the One Hope boat is a perfect size for the job. You just get away from the lines and the tuna gets tired from pulling the boat. Before I designed this boat I researched everywhere: Japan, Alaska and Germany.

We built this boat with specific things in mind. One thing is that the One Hope has to be able to cut through the waves. Then, it has to have speed. It cannot roll when it's going fast. Some boats have this problem and I wanted to prevent such mistakes from happening. For these and other reasons I researched for two years just on the design of the One Hope.

Now, I watch the boat and I am very happy. When you turn as you are going fast, it holds very well. Some boats would throw the man out, but the One Hope has real balance. There are a thousand tiny details that make this boat very different from other boats. However, when I first brought up the idea, Americans said, "Father, you need an expert to design such a boat."

The first one was built by members who didn't even know one thing about building boats. Such a thing can never be done by other people, but now as we build more and more boats, the members are looking and seeing that a bold new tradition is being set in making fiberglass boats of this size. We use the highest quality parts and this makes the boat a very expensive machine. You have to think seriously. Not only is it expensive, but it is also built by the sacrifice and hard work of the members. You have to realize that I designed and built that boat out of my own sweat and tears. You cannot just get on the boat and take off. This is the wrong attitude. In the years to come these boats will become very famous. You don't see it now, but this is true. You have to have a serious attitude about your boat and you have to have great pride in your boat. In the future, the record of your boat will be studied. People will ask, "How many fish did this One Hope catch?" One of these boats will catch the most and be very, very famous. Which one will that be? You have to do things with the thought of the future.

The Kind of Leader the World Needs

We are not playing. This is very, very serious. No one knows me. You don't know how serious I am. I made a condition in the beginning. More than twenty days I fished for tuna. I had to catch a tuna. There was a reason. Every day, every day, I went out. You don't know how serious that time was. When we finally caught the tuna, you don't know the feeling inside when we said, "Mansei!"

Now the Moonie members go out and catch a tuna. You just laugh and smile. You don't know the meaning of it. I am looking for the member who is strong and really researches how to catch the tuna. I have thought deeply about modern civilization. What kind of leader will fix the foundation upon which civilization stands? I have that kind of purpose in teaching you how to catch tuna. You have to be clear and pure. I have to make you pure. You are just looking around at the other boats, but you don't understand why you are out there. You have to dedicate your heart, otherwise, there is no meaning.

You have to endure hardships. It's a serious matter. I have been thinking seriously all my life. Tuna are not easy to catch. If you were to catch them so easily, it would not have such a meaning. I want to find members who can understand the meaning of catching tuna. I want those people to give lectures. I don't have time to always explain everything. If you inherit my heart this season and have a victorious season, you will want to come back next year. Between seasons, you have to go to other places and speak to the fishermen there about catching tuna. When you go to the ocean you have to think about many serious things. You have to think about making a living .

If you catch ten tuna you have made an- entire income for one year. You can support your family with one season's work. To catch ten tuna is really no problem. To catch thirty tuna can be done if you develop the skills. That kind of ability is precious. How great it is for you. How great this is for Ocean Church. You must know what is behind you when you work. Don't just work with an external attitude. You have a boat and everyday you go out to the ocean. Every time you catch a fish, think very deeply about what you are doing. You are doing this for the future of mankind. You have the One Hope boat. After the tuna, I want to develop fishing for three or four other species of fish. Then, you can fish the entire year. If it's too cold here, you can go further south. I have taught you the foundation for catching tuna. Now we have to study secondary species of fishing. From five years ago, I have been thinking about the kind of fish we have to research and catch. Tuna, striped bass, flounder, fluke, salmon, trout, snapper and a few others. You have to think how to support your family and take care of your children. You can take the boats and fish in any area of the coast. Fish every season of the year. If you work as hard on the ocean as you do on land, you will make twice the amount of money. You will see this happen if you practice it. You have to find out and examine it for yourself. I am deeply convinced about this way of life. It is for your future.

The fiberglass boat is going to be the future of fishing boats in America. You wait and see. It will become the standard for boats in the future, even up to eighty foot boats. If such a boat has a break or a puncture, we can fix it more easily than if it were steel. I am thinking about the future of the fishing industry in Alaska. I am determined to develop the boat that fishes best up there.

I am so serious about this providence. If the Western members don't inherit it, I will push the Japanese to take it. If they refuse to pick it up, I will offer it to the Koreans. If they miss the opportunity, I will give it to the blessed children. If they fail, then my own children will establish it. Why? Because mankind has to inherit this tradition. It is for the future of all mankind.

Inherit the Future Through the Ocean .

I don't blame you if you don't understand everything today. In ten years you will understand what I am talking about. So, please just do your very best and inherit what I am doing upon the ocean. It's important for you, it's essential for mankind's future. For example, look at Tyler Hendricks. He was the first PhD graduate. As soon as he graduated, he was asked to come to Ocean Church. He couldn't believe it. I had been working for seven or eight years before I could become the top fisherman, but Tyler came along and had to inherit it in one season. No matter how tough it was, he had to do that. It's really impossible, but anyway, he had to find out what it is like.

I have been fishing now for ten years. However, I cannot do that anymore. The purpose for it is in you. You have to research what I have done here and go on from this point. The first thing that you must do is gather all the information around you. Find out about the fish, how it runs. Then, find out about the currents in the waters and the shape of the ocean floor where you are fishing. If you do that for tuna fishing, you then know how to do that for any other kind of fishing. Also, don't just take my word, or anyone's word. Find out for yourself. Never believe what others say, but first find out for yourself how the fish run and what the water is really like. You have to train your mind to think and question and research like that. That is what you must inherit from me.

Those who stay in the Gloucester area should research the catching of tuna. If you catch tuna in the morning, you have the rest of the day to do other things. Research the catching of other fish. Go out and try to catch the striped bass, the flounder and other kinds of fish. Yesterday, I caught almost 200 pounds of flounder. If you watch me you will discover what I am teaching you. I am already thinking far ahead and researching how to sell fish that are still alive. That fish can be sold for the best price directly to the restaurants. Many restaurants will keep an aquarium for the customer to choose the fish he wants for his meal that night. The best seafood restaurants will develop this system. This is not new in Japan, but will be a really new thing in America.

There will be a day in the future when the best restaurants will advertise "live fish." Even the President of the United States will express his liking for such fish. Also, we have to research about live bait. We have to develop live bait stores. This will be an enormous business in itself. However, keeping fish alive is a very difficult thing to do. That is why we began with lobster. Lobster is the most difficult to keep alive. If we find the best ways to do that, developing ways to keep fish alive will not be a problem. I am thinking of how to revive the American market. That is the market which really needs new development. We can start by keeping the fish in seawater and sending it to Japan. That will generate the funds and give us practice in the market itself. Then, we can develop the market here in America. The better seafood restaurants will quickly see the good points in having live fish tanks. We can make the market expand quickly.

You may think, "Oh Father, that is not for me," but how do you know that this won't be a success? I always think of things that everyone else never thinks of doing. Look at the Washington Times. No one else even thought it could be done in three years, but in less than one year, we brought it to a brilliant level of success. Everyone is admitting that.

I won't let Ocean Church members even come to the office in the future. Don't sit behind a desk! Just put my ideas into action and you will find the success I am talking about. The only hope that Unification Church has for the future lies in Ocean Church. Don't you see how serious your position is? What is the limit of the future of those who go to the ocean? I can say with complete confidence, "there is no limit." Now, Russia, Japan, South America and North America are competing, but there is no limit. We can really inherit the future through the ocean. We are people for the future. Our thinking is always for the future. So, the future is for us. In America, the retirement age is sixty-five, but I started at the age of sixty. Can you follow me? Why can't you follow me if you are so much younger than I am? You have no excuse. If you come to a difficult point, think of me when I started Ocean Church from nothing. Think of me when I went out fishing with no knowledge and then created the way to catch tuna. You have to go even beyond that.

This has to be done. For the future, someone has to do it. You are my hope. If you don't know that, you cannot understand even who you are. The one who is close to me is the one who will determine to be successful on the ocean. After telling you this, should I stay here or go on to something else? Ocean Church members, you shouldn't worry where I might be. As long as you have the same mind and desire that I have, then Ocean Church will succeed. And if you lose all hope, remember that my mind is always with you. I will never, ever forget Ocean Church.

Chapter 5 - The Ocean Church Foundation

Chapter 5
The Ocean Church Foundation
June 10th, 1983 -- Gloucester

Today, I want to speak to you directly, but it is difficult because I speak one language, you speak many different languages from each other, and all of you speak a different language from me. When you learn Korean, you can pronounce anything. You hear how the Korean members can speak English very well. What upsets me is that the translation process only leaves you with half of the meaning. Many things get mixed up this way. In the future I only want to speak in Korean and not have to translate into English or Japanese. For this purpose, please learn Korean so that you can hear me directly whenever I speak

Work Hard for a Solid Foundation

Are you working harder than before? You shouted out "Yes" so loudly it must be true. However, think about this. Some members of Unification Church (you are also members; you put all your effort into the Ocean Church project), are working in some of the communist countries and they are risking their lives. No matter how hard you are working, compared to them, your life is still an exciting and happy life. It is something to reflect upon.

Our movement has so many other projects going on simultaneously, all over the world. Yet, I am taking precious time every day to be with you and give you guidance. I am working even harder than you are, so your position is one of sympathy towards me. To give you just one example: Do you know how much the Washington Times is costing? We have already invested several million dollars. At the same time, the providence in South America has already begun. However, I cannot think about only the things our movement is doing right now. I must also think about the future.

One thing I know is that the era of catching fish on the open sea will end soon. So, the era of fish farming will begin. Sooner or later, mankind will be looking for how to gain access to the ocean. The land will run out of room and resources for man. If you really make the effort to be successful, you will be supported on your way. Already, in Gloucester and in many other fishing ports, so much support has been given. Yet, I see that Ocean Church doesn't have the foundation to be trusted. Although we should have already begun to invest in and build tackle stores, there is no foundation for that to happen. These stores were to have been just the beginning point. I am concerned about you for this reason.

I want to go fishing with you all the time, but there is not enough time to do that. I am concerned about everything going on in this nation and in the world. Now I am worried about IOWC, so there just isn't enough time. I expect you to make even more effort than you have ever done before. Have you done the things I've already instructed you about? Does the Coast Guard of your city like you? Do they have a concept that Moonies are doing bad things or good things? There is a universal law. The easy way will never win. The hard working way will never fail. What is the easy way? That is the losing side. Alternatively, you have the hard working way. No matter how difficult the task, he who pursues this way will be successful. That's the truth.

So, what do you think? Some of you older and more experienced members, do you need a bigger boat? How big? Yes, you need to go beyond the training level of the Good Go. If you take the project and make it a success, then you can ask for and receive support. It's not a problem. However, you have to make up your mind that you will do it. Then, it is really no problem. It's no problem to build a 120 foot boat; we are already making the foundation for it to happen. We have to think about making that kind of large boat with fiberglass. Do you want that kind of boat? Okay then, make your own personal foundation first.

Those who are over thirty-five, raise your hands. Only a few of you raised your hands. You are all so young! You can still go to the army at your age. When you are as young as you are, you have to go through many experiences that will be part of your life. Do you mind? Sometimes you are working long hours, getting up early, going to bed very late. Well, you have to learn how to support yourself and your family. This is your training time. You never know what I am preparing for, what I might be doing next. I have already met many important people in my life. So many people are against me. They pray, "please God, help me in my effort against Reverend Moon." They have very strange concepts of me and because their prayer isn't based on really knowing me, God cannot answer them. God cannot answer prayers that are not based on truth. How about you? Are you a brave man or not? I faced all my enemies. How about you? Look at this brother. You are too small. How can you overcome those tough fishermen who might try to stop you from working on the ocean? If you are too small, it will be difficult for you. You will have to work twice as hard as the big men, you will have to have twice the spirit in order to succeed.

Can you do what I have instructed you to do this time? Do you feel your mission is to become a good person in front of the mayors of your towns? Unless you can establish good relationships with them you will never succeed. This is my absolute instruction to you. Those who are the chief of police and the mayor are already successful people in their city. You have to make a good foundation with them by earning, their support. You have to go through them and with their assistance, make something successful happen. You have to come to the point of being able to call up the mayor at his office anytime. Unless you build that kind of relationship, you cannot become a public person for that city. I too have gone this course. I have tried to deal with Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan. I spoke out strongly about Carter and clearly told him what was wrong with America. Wrong is wrong, bad is bad. You have to tell them clearly. I have tried to meet with every important person in society. Even if they didn't respond, I tried to meet with them. Some of them would never see me. Inside they feel some kind of fear, but I'm not out to get them. However, they sense that I will tell them the truth. Then, how about you? Why don't you see the small time mayor in your town? He isn't as big as the President.

Really, it's nothing. Just walk in. You have to make some kind of relationship. Go in there and make some tea. Have an afternoon visit. Make the atmosphere delightful. You can do that. It's more difficult for me. I don't know the customs that well. In that sense, I am very much a stranger here in America, but you are familiar. You just go in there and make friends.

I started the science conference years ago. At first it didn't seem like much. It took lots of thought, money and manpower to make that project go. In the beginning we had almost nothing. If you have a strong conviction and know within yourself that what you are doing is a righteous thing, nothing will stop you. You will meet difficult problems and you will overcome them, and you will just keep right on going. That's the way of life. No matter where I go, no matter what kind of clothing I wear, no matter how humble I look, I feel comfortable. Many times I have gone to the grocery store wearing my fishing clothes and people have come up to me asking, "Do you know when Reverend Moon is coming back here to fish?" That is a wonderful experience for me. No one even really knows what I look like. I prefer not to be known and seen like that. I can be natural then.

Sometimes I go to the department store and I am not even wearing shoes, just some house slippers. The sales girls who are working don't even notice I am there. I go to the department stores in particular when the sales are on. I want to buy the expensive shoes for less than twenty dollars. I am wearing shoes that are made out of snake skin which are supposed to be more than 100 dollars. I will let you guess how much I paid for them. People don't think of me wearing sales items. I have a big, old Lincoln car, but I don't mind going straight to McDonald's with it. It's a long car. No other cars in the parking lot are like that. Such cars are usually in the high class Chinese restaurants, but for me, this kind of meal is normal. I enjoy treating the members to high class places, but I don't like to eat at those places myself. McDonald's is the usual place for me. If I explained precisely and clearly where we are going to be in just ten years you wouldn't work so hard, so I'm not going to tell you. What is precious is that I am teaching you how to do it yourself. I don't want you to miss out in getting due credit for the result. So then, will you work hard and make your own success? How many times have you prayed to God with fear in your heart? I pray like that all the time. I am serious to the point of my life. What do you feel when you go out to sea in a boat? What do you think about, what do you pray about? These are precious moments for your life.

We have to know the difference between farming on the land and going out to sea. Especially on the sea, you have to depend on God and the spiritual world to guide you. Farmers also depend on such things because they have to sense when is the right time to plant and harvest. They have to know a great deal about the weather, but on the ocean you have to be even more spiritual and religious. You are completely dependent upon nature.

I love to have that kind of experience with nature and God. That is why I go to sea. Even Mother sometimes doesn't understand why I go so much to the ocean. Sometimes I am so tired. However, I understand the heart of God. Without help from spiritual world, you cannot do anything on the ocean. I know this point very well.

Do you think that God is helping you? What do you think? Is God helping me? If there is a difference, why is it so? If you understand why there is a difference, you are on the way. The ocean even misses me and I too miss the ocean. The spiritual world assists me and God comes very close to me. There is a deep bond of love that is there. I make an appointment to go out on the sea and I am anxious to get there because Heavenly Father is waiting there with intense longing for me.

I push you so hard and it seems to be cold hearted and severe. Maybe you feel God should stop helping me because I am so harsh with you. It looks harsh to you. When you look at things as they come to you, from the front side, it looks like persecution and hardship. However, as you look back you can see that actually God was caring for you, giving you direction and guidance for your life. An ordinary person cannot receive the kind of blessing that God and I want to give to you. Do you understand this point? Love is a discipline. It is not an easy thing to do. You cannot just love some people and not others. You have to develop three things: a high spiritual antenna, a keen sense and mind for analyzing, and many experiences in life. Those three elements are necessary. You have to think of these things clearly right now. You are young and should fulfill what you are doing with your whole heart.

Specific Instructions for Ocean Church

When you go back, are you going to work even harder? I sometimes feel your words are cheap. Today, you say you will do it, but when you come back again next time, you might say, "Oh, we're sorry because we didn't really fulfill it." So, do your best. Please do your absolute best. You have studied my previous instructions, but I want to give you more specific instructions today. Please write them down:

A: Self training and management 1: Train yourself

Before you train others, train yourself first. If you think you are already well trained and disciplined, you have already made a big mistake.

2: Practice

Practice what you learn immediately. Fishing must be learned through experience.

3: Management of boats

Take care of your boat with a sincere heart and prayer. You have to make sure that you clean the boat and manage the boat. Learning comes through practice and training yourself. This is all under self discipline. This summer you are going to stay and sleep on the boat. That is also part of the training. The boat is the place for your training. You have to learn how to love your boat, how to really cherish it. Then it will provide for you everlasting memories for which you will always have a special fondness.

4: The boat is your objective purpose.

The boat is your life. You have to take care of it with just as much love as you would give your wife. Each day, before going out, you have to make a checklist of what is needed. You have to check each thing in order. By doing this, you must make sure that everything is in good, perfect working order. You cannot have the boat break down. You have to maintain a constant check list and go over it every day. Make sure you have the proper oil and gas, everything. If you do not properly maintain your boat, you may die. It is absolutely that serious. You will be out on the water and something may break down. This should never happen. Do you understand clearly?

B: Raising up members

1: Witness to others (and create yourself)

When you are witnessing to others you are also creating yourself. As you educate others, you are also educating yourself. Therefore, in order for you to reach your own perfection, you must raise others up along the way. If you bring 100 people and educate all of them, you become the person who can manage 100 people. You will grow and create yourself by that same amount. Membership is the foundation. From there you can raise funds for your programs and develop your programs. Without membership, you cannot do much of anything.

2: Teach the future plan clearly

Make this your motto, "Let us prosper together, you and I." You have to clearly teach the vision for the future and share it with your members.

3: Move towards the great promise of the fishing industry

I have already explained the tremendous potential and future of the fishing industry in America. You have to develop it at all costs .

4: Create the local support group

Create the five member group for each boat and form a committee organization that will guide the ocean related interests of your coastal city.

C: Obtain the support of the local leaders

1: Create the sponsorship to restore your city

Find at least one good civic leader who will sponsor your committee and support it. Unless you create that kind of sponsorship you cannot give away the boats and let them be used for the public purpose. The restoration of such people, your mayor and local leaders, is very important for the restoration of your coastal cities.

2: Redevelop the coastal city itself

3: Educate those who follow

4: Bring Unification to your city

Prevent divisions in your city. Unite those who care about the future of your city. Especially prevent the use of your city as a port for illegal smuggling.

5: Education and Fishing business

One supports the other. Ocean Church members, you have to eat don't you? Your programs cannot be successful without economic support of some kind. You have to create that support.

D: Ocean related concerns

1: Import and Export

Study the relationships involved in import and export. You don't know much about this area, but it is very important.

2: Process factory Study about process factories and the fish processing industry.

3: Other related industries

Learn about ocean related industries and equipment, such as net making, tackle and fishing gear in general.

4: Research Institute

Ocean Church should develop a research institute. You have to use the boats, take them out and accomplish something with them. That is your foundation. Unless you follow this direction, you cannot fulfill my idea for your future. You really have to study the different ways of fishing, such as long lining. Check into the kinds of baskets you have to use. Study the lines and hooks. You have to check and study and learn everything. Then improve the system.

Although I made the course for UTS graduates to go first to CARP, Ocean Church and then state leadership, those graduates who have special desire and ability can settle down in Ocean Church. This is how serious I am for the success of Ocean Church. I want the kind of member who is deeply interested in the ocean.

These are my specific instructions. I am serious about all these things and want you also to be serious with me. Use the boats for which you have been given responsibility. Go to sea. This is the only way you will make your foundation. I have given you my direct instructions, but you have to think about, find out and create ways to catch fish. You have to learn about long lining, gill netting, and all different kinds of fishing. You have to practice and find out.

If you are in Ocean Church, that must be your focus. If you come to Ocean Church, that is your primary concern and mission. Don't go the complicated way in life. If you have more than one mission, you have to put them in order of priority. Move quickly between two or more projects. Make sure, though, that you accomplish your major goal. I want to establish a clear tradition for the graduates of the Ph.D. program. When they finish their studies, they should come and experience Ocean Church.

They can go to the local cities and meet the Mayor and civic leaders with the members. I am concerned that Ocean Church not only be a fishing project, but a religious movement as well. The Ph.D. graduates have studied theology and can explain our ideas in a clear and precise manner. However, in order to become a true Ph.D. in the spiritual sense, you have to go through many, many experiences. So, think of yourself as going through my own special school. This is my intensive course for the spiritual Ph.D..

I have a special Ph.D. program for you. For everyone. You have to pass that program before you are qualified to be a church leader. You may have a Ph.D., but that is just external knowledge. You have to also learn internal knowledge. You at least have to pass through the ocean going experience. This course doesn't just apply to you, but to anyone who wants to teach, lecture, or guide others in the spiritual life.

There are many graduate students in other church departments and they have important roles, but if necessary, I would take them out of their positions and put them in a boat. We should witness to the professors in those areas and let them take on the responsibility.

I am sending many Ph.D. students to work in New ERA while they are still studying, but the first one to graduate from the doctorate course is our example today. It's important to understand the core point. He should go to the local cities and witness with the members to the leaders of that city. Now, it should be clear that I want to make Tyler into a great person. He isn't such a tough kind of man, so he needs to go to the ocean. From now on he has to learn everything that the members already know.

However, he is worried because he also has to teach at UTS and he has responsibilities with New ERA. Why should he worry? Don't worry! It's simple. You know you have to go fishing this summer, so just go out. Don't be so complicated. Only ride on the boat, only catch the fish. That's all! Ocean Church is not so difficult. I myself have many responsibilities, so I understand how this brother feels, and I know how you feel when you receive so many detailed instructions. However, please use your time on the ocean. It is necessary. Otherwise, why would I do it myself? I am making a point to all these departments, such as New ERA and ICUS. I am making a point to the Ph.D. graduates. The point is to focus on the present task and work really hard.

I have many different and difficult situations to deal with right now. So, I'm worried about all these problems. I know your situation very well. The question is, how quickly can each of you be developed into real leaders. That's a real problem. Ocean Church, you have to encourage and advertise about the summer program. Then, many people will want to come for the summer program. The summer program is a core training program. If the Ocean Church members, if your own manpower cannot do it, then I will organize the sisters, woman power. At this same time, I am preparing and thinking about a boat run by computerized electronics. It isn't any problem. Physical power is not important. Dedication is important. You can make up for power in many ways. So, if you cannot accomplish, I will find other members who will.

Some of the most famous fishermen in the world are Koreans. The Japanese are very good too, but they don't take many chances. Koreans love adventure. What ordinary people would never try, Koreans gladly do. Thus, the Korean fisherman has earned respect throughout the world today. Many fishermen are trained in Korea. They come from all over the world to be trained by Korean fishermen. Do you think you can do it? I am serious when I ask you this. I am not only asking about this summer. I am asking about your whole life. Can you do this with your whole heart? Can you do it? Will you do it? Your answer encourages me. Let us go forward. Let us pray.

Chapter 4 - Why We Have an Ocean Church

Chapter 4
Why We Have an Ocean Church
September 5th, 1982 -- East Garden

Those who do not wish to continue in the Ocean Church mission, please raise your hands. I would like to speak about the ocean providence today. Until June 1981, Master Marine built 150 boats, and when they finish building 300 of these, the factory can move to Alabama. Once it moves to Alabama, it will make small and major fishing vessels in the fiberglass division. In the future, boats up to 100 and 120 feet will be built, the basic plan being to create a boat that can take Alaskan waters. This boat would have the fundamental design for other boats that could fish in Southern or Eastern waters.

At the same time, we originally planned to create thirty Ocean Church centers along the coast line of the United States. Then, thirty major boats, each something like a "mother ship," could have been sent to each center. In one year's time you should have gained enough experience to captain those boats. On October 1, 1980, I gathered all the members in Gloucester and gave the details of the vision of Ocean Church. Were you there? The original plan was for you to go to a major port and begin training young people. Each One Hope boat was to be used to interest young people in the vision of fishing and the ocean. If they were responsible, we could have even turned over the boat to them, a minimum of five young people per boat.

The initial stage or foundation was for each center to utilize and be responsible for ten boats. With five youths per boat, you should be training fifty young people by now and they could have been working with Ocean Church members. Our plan was not just for fishing, but to create a network of people with a vision for the ocean. The problem has been our understanding of Ocean Church. Why do we add the word "church" after "ocean"? Ocean Church is a church movement because it is founded upon and guided by a belief. That belief is a philosophy, meaning that our main concern is internal or spiritual. That is the essence of Ocean Church. The future is for those who develop their spirit; they are the ones who can truly take care of creation, of the world.

Basic Structure of the American Movement

I designed the basic route for the core of our movement who come through the Seminary at Barrytown. After graduation, they should first go to CARP and train on the campus. Then, automatically they should come to Ocean Church. That is the plan for educating the leadership of our movement: from UTS to CARP to Ocean Church. After that kind of well rounded training, the seminarian should go on to state leadership. Every state must have that kind of leader.

Anyone who wants to qualify in the future for state leadership must first qualify for leadership in CARP and Ocean Church. The movement is growing beyond the level of the present state leadership. So far, no matter how clear and creative the directions were, they have not been digested and accepted. The message dwindled with each step, from the leadership to the members, until it no longer made sense when it got to the members. However, the leader who moves from CARP to Ocean Church and then to state leadership can understand and respond to my direction. They will be like a special task force, ready to respond and go whenever they hear new directions.

In the future, the Unification Church hierarchy, or means of leadership and direction, will be on the state level. It will not be a strict federal system, but more a state system. Each state will become a strong unit able to take care of its own situation and create its own direction. For example, there is a federal government in America, but each state has its own government as well. This is a source of strength for America. I would like to emulate that system in our movement. We will group together the states into regions of five states, which together would form one group. Therefore, we would have ten regions and each region would have its own director helping each state leader. All that would be needed then, would be a good connection between headquarters and the regions. The mission of headquarters should be small. There isn't so much needed by the central point, except to gather information from the local centers and be able to understand the whole picture. Then, headquarters can give general directions centered upon the work of each region. Each region would have an IW who would go to each state and see exactly what is going on, what is good, what needs changing, etc. They would report directly and only to headquarters. The IW should be connected with me and know about our tradition and way of life, as well as church administration. The mission of the IW is to go to each state so that the members are educated directly. In this way they can give guidance and counseling to all the members.

This is how a unified system can unfold across the country, even though each state takes the major burden of responsibility for itself. What shall our education center upon? Tradition. And what is that tradition? That tradition will include CARP tradition, Ocean Church tradition and state leadership tradition. We will educate members to become well rounded and capable to take care of others in any situation.

Why am I interested in that kind of organization? There are three categories into which people fit in this country: those who live inland; those who live on the coast; and those who are young, the next generation. The young generation includes high school and college students. Thus we need to have both a campus (CARP) and a high school (HARP) movement.

It's not possible to deal with those who are old minded, who are so set in their way of life that they don't want to move and change. We have to pioneer a new world with young people who look to the future and are excited by adventure. Young people are the most creative and productive group in the world. However, there is division there. There are those who are serious and those who are turning to free sex, drugs and all kinds of self indulgence.

We are dedicated to creating young people who are morally clear. We have to clean them up and challenge them and channel their resources. That is CARP's mission. From 1978 on, there was almost no focus on state level church activities. CARP members were pushed so hard to create a strong CARP movement. CARP members have many enemies who are strong and willing to face them. In almost every college in America there have been strong Communist and leftist groups actively at work for many years. I knew there would be angry confrontations. On many campuses the leftist and more violent organizations almost took over. It has been and continues to be a real problem. The members of CARP have to confront that and show a winning spirit over the ideology and tactics of communist related groups on the college campus. In 1978, CARP was initiated in America, however, real activities on campus didn't begin until a year later. Before we set up our national network, we have to create a solid tradition of victory. The goal for CARP by the end of 1982 is to pioneer 300 campuses. I want to save your country. How about you? If we save America, the entire world can be saved. America is the microcosm and the world still looks to America and follows its example.

Since 1978, we have confronted many Communist groups on the campus and many of them have retreated. I am absolutely sure they can be won over. The first step is the university campus, for it is in the universities, where future leaders are being prepared, that one can begin to approach any nation. From America, the CARP movement will grow all around the world. I would really like to see CARP expand, especially in Germany. The greatest sight would be to see young people in CARP come together and break down the Berlin wall and reunite the country in true peace. I would truly like to see this accomplished through what I call the "women's force." Women are the spearhead; when women move forward, the opposition cannot stand. That is vision. Can you understand?

Relationship Between Ocean Church and CARP

Since CARP and Ocean Church are growing up side by side, they should work together. They should have a spirit of cooperation. CARP members can ask their college student friends to come with them to their boat and this will create a great deal of interest in the more adventurous students. Then, Ocean Church members can take the students out and teach them about our vision for the future. College students will be very excited by this kind of program and plan.

The inland movement should be linked to the coastal movement. That is CARP and Ocean Church. Most college students are inland, but through Ocean Church, they can be introduced to a whole new horizon. We have the system and the program, the plan and the vision. So, why not? We can go to the college campus and form a club. We can let them be responsible for a boat in the same way that I've already outlined. We can just say, "You can have them!" All they have to do is get ten people and form a club. Many students would work day in and day out to use such a boat.

Up to now detailed directions have been given, but they were not fulfilled. Ocean Church members, have you done any of these things? You should be seasoned fishermen by now so that when the university students come, you will be able to intoxicate them with a sense of the ocean and everything within it. You should be able to take them on the journey of their life and teach them how to fish.

When a big boat of ours comes to each port, you can take them out on the One Hope and show them the boat. You can tell them that if they want to, and if they work hard, they can surely have a boat like that in the future. Many young people would go crazy to have that kind of goal. You can give them something to dream about, something to live for.

You can let them fish on the weekends on the big boat. During the week, teach them by taking them out in the One Hope. They can use their weekend work towards their college expenses. They can study for their MA degree and Ph.D. degree with their earnings. What a great opportunity for them. They can graduate with intellectual and sea going skills; with intellectual, mechanical and spiritual skills.

That's the vision and the goal. What has happened? The years have been virtually wasted. Why don't you work towards these goals? I have to tell you again and repeat everything. It's disheartening. The major leaders in our church should become an advisory group and feel responsible, either for the failure or success of Ocean Church.

What do you CARP members think? Are you excited to exist side by side with Ocean Church or are you reluctant? Young people are still very much wanting to get into life. Think about it. Locate the boats at different schools. Come up with the ocean going youth. If you can't find such youth, then CARP members should take up one boat and show the way. Ten CARP members should have two boats. They can attract young people to come out and use the boats. It can become a program of great pride in that school. CARP can even give scholarships based on someone's performance in the program. These boats meet with the spirit of young people. They are sharp, modern and powerful. I wanted a boat that would move like a knife in the water and cut right through the waves. I designed the boats for the sake of young people, to excite their hearts and minds. This is the love that I have for young people.

I expected Ocean Church to take off, but it hasn't quite done that. You are clunking along. We are in an emergency all over the world, so I cannot waste one minute. When we first started to build these boats, we knew nothing about it, but we created an absolute miracle. Master Marine started from scratch. Members came from all over the world to work on those boats. Why? I wanted Ocean Church to go to the entire world. Therefore, once a member is successful here, he can go to the rest of the world. Ocean Church members are responsible to win the support of local governments. From the mayor and police chief to the governor. They will look at your work and proclaim you. Will your parents be negative about that? Not at all. The problem is that Ocean Church never took off. There was an eight year plan prepared for Ocean Church. I had hoped you would complete the program in that amount of time and be able to move on to the international level.

I had expected Ocean Church to be so successful that everyone would envy Ocean Church. Ocean Church members are well educated and many of you came from the seminary. Your experiences in Ocean Church should make you into great leaders for this country. You should deal with college professors, teach them our principles and show them our vision. Give them lectures. You can do that; it's not a strange thing for you to do.

I made up my mind. I know that you can become such people. Even the Ph.D. graduates must come to Ocean Church; they have to go this course. By training in this way, we will surely develop the kind of leadership that can truly teach this nation and show it the way into the future. I sincerely want to see you become those men and women. Look at the path I have walked. I have trained myself as a fisherman. Why? Not for myself, but to save the nation. I have determined to find the way over and beyond communism. I have been fighting all my life against communism. America must not be lost to this ideology. That is why for more than thirty years I have given every inch of my life for this cause.

I have already studied and pioneered your course. CARP members, do you know your mission? Communism is seeping into America through the college campuses. You have to expose that and confront it. Ocean Church members, drugs are coming into this country through the ocean. You have to protect the true freedom of this nation. You have to protect its original dignity.

This is a monumental task. When Americans wake up to their situation, they will look around and ask, "where is the person who can lead us out of this?" Someone has to come and revitalize Christianity so that it can truly stir the conscience of the people. God has directed me to do that. You are seminary graduates: Go out and work all day long on the ocean and then come home and teach at night. This is exactly what I have done for you. Now, are you awakened? You don't like Ocean Church? You don't like CARP? This is how we will save the nation. Do you think the government will praise me and come after me for help? They will do exactly the opposite. Knowing that, you have to be tough.

Around the world, brothers and sisters are sweating blood. They are literally sending blood money to this nation, to save this nation. You are riding the boat and the wind is blowing hard; you should yell at the wind, "I am going to go forward to justify the blood money of my brothers and sisters!" This is their hope in you. Seminary graduates in CARP, raise your hands. Are you ready to go to Ocean Church? Your accomplishments in CARP will come with you to Ocean Church. I appreciate your willingness to follow this course.

Taking Responsibility for America

Even so, I am so deeply disappointed. At Provincetown this year, the members were reluctant to go out. I had to do all the pulling and pushing to get people out. You are young; you should be exclaiming to me, "Father, forget about the high winds, let's go out!" When you know you are going out, you have to work hours ahead of time, get everything ready. When I come, the engines are out of order, the bait isn't bought and the hooks aren't the right size. How can you hope to move the world with such a sluggish approach to things?

What are you worried about? Your life is taken care of. God has already given you your destiny. You should just be serious about fishing. Someday your wife and children will depend upon your work for their life. Don't you know that? Most of you just look for excuses not to do things. Do you understand exactly how I feel? Do you think that I want you to bring money to me so that I can steal it and take it back to Korea? It's exactly the opposite. I am bringing money from overseas to help you get this project started. The government can't even see that much. They are so blind they want to kick me out of the country. However, I am determined to help you, to help this nation.

I would like to have some comfort somewhere, but there is no relief. The government is persecuting me and that is difficult. However, if you don't fulfill the simple responsibility given you, that's even worse persecution. Go to your campuses and ocean cities. Do it and it will be accomplished. Just give everything that you have and go out.

Where were you before I came? Many of you were just like human trash. Were you thinking about America or saving humanity? Were you thinking about spirit world and eternal life? Were you thinking about the quality of your own life? Did you have any real concern even for yourselves. Did you ever think about the will of God? Far from it.

What have you to fear? You are free. You are American citizens. You have the right to work twenty-four hours a day for the sake of your country. Can they put you in jail for that? They chase after me day and night, but they will not come after you. You are born here, but you cannot feel what I am feeling for this nation. You cannot feel the emergency this nation is in. This is what pains me more than anything else. You have no idea. We have to have a heart-to-heart understanding. I want a firm foundation before I depart from America. Are you tired? That word doesn't exist for us. I should have been tired years and years ago. I am over sixty years of age. I am almost at the age of retirement. And yet, I am going at twice the rate you are.

When I first met Mr. Masters, I noticed his hair was completely white and thought he was an old man. I treated him kindly and didn't push him too much. Then I found out he was only fifty-six and I thought, "Oh, I should have really pushed him much more, he is only a young man!" Why is this man here from Britain? Does he have a separate destiny from you? No. The world is only one world. America is not just by itself. No nation is just by itself. We share whatever happens. However, America will choose her own destiny. I am always thinking about other nations that can fulfill this role if America fails. Sodom and Gomorrah received judgment from God. They were given many chances to decide their own destiny. Finally, Lot and his wife had to leave. God told them to not look back, but the woman did and turned into a pillar of salt.

If I leave this country, I will not look back, not even once. Do you want to see the day that I pack up and leave this nation? What stops me from leaving this violent nation? You do. Looking at you living this way of life and giving your absolute heart keeps me here. Many countries are even begging me to come. In South America and Africa, many countries are asking for me to come. Shall I go?

Someday I will go, but do you want me to go in a way that abandons America?

If you want to succeed in this nation, you have to pay indemnity. That is my way of life. I will never change one iota of it. When God told Abraham to go, he had to leave. Abraham couldn't say, "Well, what am I going to do about expenses?" He had to take off right then and there. I am a serious man. If I have to leave America in that way, I will not return, not even if the State department realizes something and asks for me to come back. I will have to cut off and that would be absolute.

Now do you understand the importance of CARP and Ocean Church? Master Marine members, do you know how important those boats are? Master Marine members, what kind of heart do you have about your work? Ocean Church, I had expected you to realize some of the great potential of your mission already. All right then, today is the day you receive new direction. You have to remember this day deep within your heart. Your mission is so vital that the survival of America hangs on you. You have to feel this to the bone. There is no other way for this nation.

If you participate in this crusade and lift this country up to serve God and mankind, will you be forgotten? Will your grave be left unattended? Do you think this country will think of you someday? I can answer that one clearly. You will become old and tired and want to hide, but the public will search you out and make you serve even further. Can you think about just getting married and taking care of only your own family? I have treated you like royalty. You were men and women without any concern for the world, just at the bottom of life, but I picked you up and glorified you. You have been given an education. I have been lifting up your heart and spirit so that you could lead this nation. What more can I do for you? What more can you expect from me?

The survival of this nation, the hope of the free world is on your shoulders. Just go on for ten or twenty years. That is all I am asking of you. Then you will see. This nation will be desperate and needing you. You will be able to bring this nation up. Can you feel tired thinking of that? You will be in your prime when you are forty or fifty years old; that is the prime of life when you still have energy, but also experience and wisdom. Don't just be a drop out. You will see. In ten or twenty years time, you will harvest the fruits of all your efforts.

I am now fishing for striped bass. This fish is very difficult to catch and that is why I have pursued it. The whole area talked about me all summer long. While I was fishing, no one could even find any striped bass, but I caught them everyday. You have to be like that. People have to respect you for what you can do. I never said a word, but my actions caused everyone to talk all summer long. Be like that. Just have a single minded goal and work day in and day out for that goal. What kind of man am I? Then what kind of person should you be? I want to train you to be great men and women. Absolutely.

In Provincetown and Gloucester, I did most of the work, but when everyone was talking, they didn't say, "Reverend Moon did this and that." No, instead they talked about the Moonies taking all the tuna and striped bass. I want it to be like that, because all my efforts are for you. I want to push you up and up. Look at this little brother here. He just works on the New Hope engine and cuts smelly fish all day. His hands are dirty all the time and his clothes are smelly. No one even sees him, but if they did they wouldn't want to be near him. Ten years from now he can be the mayor of Los Angeles. Why not? Why not? If he takes responsibility and works desperately, he will grow and become a person to whom others give great respect. Just work, don't talk, don't look for comfort. People will then notice you and they will ask you to take care of things beyond your imagination.

Look at Bo Hi Pak. When we first decided to start the media providence he didn't even know what a newspaper was. But now there is the Washington Times and it will produce far more than its own publication. Who did that? Bo Hi Pak? No, not at all. He just worked, uniting with me and following Heavenly Father completely. Then a miracle could happen. When you make up your mind, you can become somebody. I am that kind of person. I can start any kind of company. What if I came looking for you and wanted you to be the president for that company? I want you to be capable people who can take on any task. That is why I push and train you so hard. This is a true father's love.

Testing Ground for Future Leadership

Ocean Church and CARP are a testing ground. I am looking for future leaders here. When you prove yourselves, you will then have to take care of international things. No one else is doing this with the youth of the world. In Russia and Red China there are already newspapers which have criticized me, so I know that I am making an impact. I know that they are even afraid of me if that is their reaction. Do I look fearful to you? Then why do the Communists fear me? To you, I am like a father, but to them I am a fearless and relentless fighter.

I want to design a martial arts program which is so tough that when members go through it, they will beg to come to Ocean Church. Then, when they leave martial arts and arrive on the boats, I will request that the same program be taught on the boats! They will be so shocked and want to jump into the ocean, but there will be a welcoming guest there: the shark. The shark can take care of you very well. No problem. Then, what would you do? Would you jump in, or would you survive and really learn martial arts once and for all? That's the kind of training I want you to have in life.

Cuba is right around the corner. Ocean Church may have a confrontation with them. You may be harassed by them. You have to be prepared for that. In Japan, when we made a declaration against communism we also prepared thirty gun shops around the country. We gave them a direct message. "If you come out to fight we will defend ourselves." These guns are just air rifles, but they can at least stop someone if need be. We had to do at least that, otherwise the Communists would resort to violence.

Anyone can buy these rifles and have them in their homes. The Japanese government was really worried that open fighting would come about, but our goal is not to come out in violence. Our goal is to overcome the ideology of communism. However, people have to have self defense if they are ever attacked. This makes the Communists think very hard. They didn't dare to come out in violence, not even one time. Finally, the police in Japan said, "Reverend Moon is a wise man. He made a great strategy to stop the Communists from street violence."

In the meantime, we have been making an ideological offensive against communism in every CARP campus. Communist theory has no comparison with Unification teaching. They tried to win on the Japanese college campuses by debating, but they lost to the point of humiliation. Our truth was so compelling and so clearly beyond theirs. Also, our Japanese members worked so much harder than they did. Finally, they could only resort to their own bottom line. They came at us with violence. They wanted to take to the streets and fight and intimidate us. Often they charged and attacked our CARP members. We stood up to that. We never wanted to attack first, but absolutely we defended against their attack. The Japanese CARP members studied the best Korean martial arts and they were ready to die. Many of them were attacked, but they defended themselves.

Don't you think that American CARP needs that? Wherever you go, communism is the same. If you aren't prepared they will attack you and hurt you. Don't wait until then to say, "Oh, we should have been ready." Then it's too late. Without a deep resolve, you cannot fight for the sake of God's will. This is what I am teaching the members. Look at us: only one theological school is teaching martial arts and that is our own theological school at Barrytown.

You cannot go on unless you realize that this is a life and death matter. The American government is pushing me down. Fine, let them try. The time will come when the senators and governors will convey their deepest apologies to me. I am going on in spite of everything they do to me. No matter what hits me, I go on and even grow larger and larger. This is true of Unification Church. No matter what, it will never be crushed. Do you have that inner resolve? If so, Unification Church will go on forever.

The Era of Video Education

This summer, the Blessing for 2,100 couples occurred. I want every couple to be a success, a champion for God. Should you follow me or ignore me? If you don't go this way, who will suffer? I am not going to be the one to suffer in the ultimate sense. However, you will suffer greatly if you don't fulfill. I know that so well and that is why I am so serious to instruct you about the Blessing. Anyone who doesn't take me seriously will end up following those who do. I am not a "maybe" person. There is no such thing with me. as "maybe so." I am the truth. You have to clearly know that.

In Madison Square Garden, there were more than 2,000 couples, more than 4,000 people walking upon the platform and dedicating themselves. These people were not brainwashed; they were intelligent and serious people. What can America think about me? They have to consider me more seriously; they have to consider us more seriously. Actually that battle is over. People can see so clearly that our ideal is truly great. Our marriages have a serious responsibility to uphold this ideal. When people watched the Madison Square Garden event they were deeply moved; they felt something great had happened. We can put that on tape and show it without sound. People can watch in silence. I think that will be more effective. Just by watching our marriage, people can understand what we are all about. You don't need to explain what is going on, if they are sensitive people. You Blessed couples should have a tape of this wedding in your Home Church home. You can show this tape to everyone in your area. They will watch and look at you very differently after that. You can become very popular and in demand. People will even want to pay you to see the video.

American people will view that tape and become so intoxicated that they will feel as if they are living in a dream. When they finish watching, they will wake up from that beautiful dream and they will become positive towards you. They will think, "What wonderful people these young Moonies are. They are the hope of the world." You should keep a video of your wedding at least for your own sake and for your children's sake.

Apart from theology, this is a great gift to America. Everyone who finds out that you are a Moonie will want to see the tape of your wedding. They will be so curious. Then, they will see you, your spouse and your family and when they see how you began they will have tears in their eyes. Their own families will be in such a state.

You know, almost one half of American families are breaking apart. They will see your family and want to stay with you.

The Moonie couple will be the showcase of the model family. In front of every Moonie home should be a big flagpole with a flag twice the size of a normal American flag saying, "Moonie couple lives here." The pro-Moonie relatives will have a flagpole too saying, "Moonie relatives live here." Then, when people come to visit you, you can first show them your wedding tape. After they are completely intoxicated, they will just sit there. Then you can show them a six- hour tape with all the contents of Divine Principle.

People are so curious in Japan about what the Moonies are doing that they now pay to come to our video centers. Most of them are young people and intelligent college students. They know that the future is vital, so they want to study a new idea and see if it is connected to the future. We made over 1,200 tapes and these can be watched at any time. Every month, over 100 people are signing membership. I want this to increase ten-fold, so the Japanese members are making 12,000 tapes and showing them all day and night.

When this project first began, Mr. Furuta who was then president of Happy World said to me, "It's impossible and will cost millions of dollars." Then I said, "Do it!" Somehow they found a way to do it, and after trying it for one year, Mr. Furuta came back to me and said, "You were absolutely right and now we are gaining 100 members each month."

Ocean Church you have to realize how to do this. All you have to do is set the tradition. Once there is a foundation, anyone can inherit the way to success. CARP members, you should create video centers with an entire curriculum. Great teachers and artists will come to us and we will help them express their ideas on tape. We can get the highest quality people and create an entire curriculum from them; we can educate young people in America in every and philosophy, music and religion; any field.

Japan has shown the way. We will do this in America and then take it to Germany, England and all over the world. People can educate themselves in any area of their interest. The top scholars can teach any interested person directly. Even poor people can get a degree from a university. After taking a video course, they can go to the university and take an exam and earn their degree that way.

In order to do that, we have to create cable and broadcast television. Through satellite courses we can educate anyone in the world. Initially it may be hard to attract attention to this kind of education, but eventually people will line up to come. We can serve the entire world in this way. Thousands of people can earn their degrees this way, satellite degrees.

The Standard of a Champion

I am a very different kind of man. My mind is very different isn't it? Do you want to spare me or use me all up while I am here with you? I am getting older. You don't want to spare me? All right then, we need a spare tire for when I am all used up. You have to become Reverend Moon's spare tire. That's only fair isn't it? I want you to become a "spare" of me.

You really are different people now aren't you? You Americans look and see differently than other Americans, because your vision is for the whole world. Because of your connection of heart all over the world, people will want to come and work with you. You watch and you will see it happen. Maybe now you don't realize how you are connected, but because of me, you are linked, hooked together all over the world.

I didn't set out to be a famous person. I would rather be hidden behind the scenes, but year by year I have attracted the attention of the world. When I go fishing in Provincetown, people are looking everywhere for Reverend Moon and asking, "Where is he?" Usually, I'm right there and they don't know that it's me. That's different from you isn't it? You Americans like to show up and be seen. You really love to be in front of the television camera. It is quite the opposite for me. I enjoy it when people don't even recognize me.

What if I offered an exclusive interview? Would they jump on that or ignore me? You are right. People are just dying to find out about me. There are people asking Colonel Pak all the time for some way to interview me. People are just dying to interview Reverend Moon. One person was just begging Colonel Pak to get an interview with me. She works for an internationally famous magazine. When I said, "No," and Colonel Pak relayed that to her, she just replied, "Well, I understand." So far, Colonel Pak has refused many magazine editors already. They never get angry, they understand. They sense that I am not that kind of person. What is the speediest form of transportation in the world today? You say "jet, rocket, Apollo and Concorde." That's fine, but then, you Unification members should be 100 times as fast. How can you do that? With spiritual, mental speed. They can go to the moon one time. In that amount of time, you can go back and forth ten times. If they learn one thing, you learn 100 things. If they lecture one hour, you lecture ten hours. If they work or run for one hour, then you work and run for ten hours.

You look at the seasoned fisherman and say, "He is catching more fish than I am." Well then, determine to go beyond him in three years time.

Look at him and say, "You work during the day; I'll work day and night." Say to yourself, "I'll go beyond the record that anyone set; I'll set the new record." Work more hours and do more things than the other fishermen. In that way, build up for three years and then you will overtake anyone. Eventually, everyone will come and look at you.

In the same way, I came to America and said, "I will love America more than any other American ever has. I will love America more than George Washington." Then I had to think seriously, "How can I be superior to such a man?" My answer was that I can teach young Americans why they should love America. I can teach them the spiritual significance of their lives. I can teach them the will of God. I can teach them the mission of this nation.

I can do this in a systematic and organized way. I shall restore the youth of this nation. I determined I would do this. Not even George Washington thought of these things. No matter who has set the record in the past, I have determined to break that record in serving America. When I came here I traveled by car on the highway and went to each state. I went through all fifty states without a break, dedicating holy grounds. After that, I returned to many of those states and spoke to the public. Throughout the speaking tour, I traveled without stopping and pushed myself to exhaustion many times. All the speaking campaigns were like that.

Ocean Church is not a random whim. I have a vision for America and Ocean Church plays an integral and important part in that. My mind is very deep. Everything that I do has a purpose which covers thousands of years. When Allen Hokanson gets in the New Hope and drives, he has a purpose, but when I take the New Hope out my purpose is much wider and greater.

No matter who set the record in the past, I am determined to break it. On that foundation I have begun and made the American movement. Do you believe that I truly love America more than anyone else in its history? If I go to the spiritual world, will I receive guidance from George Washington, or will George Washington come to me and receive guidance from me? If that is the case, the President today is in the same situation.

The Lonely Position of True Parents

Do you think that I live inside the house looking at trees and birds all day long? Do you think that's my way of life? I want you to know that those people who lived rich and carelessly are in a completely different position in the spiritual world. They are deeply ashamed. When you review my life, you will see a life of deep suffering. My standard has been incredible, going beyond poverty and pain. I have suffered every humiliation possible, but my mind was never changed from loving God.

I have never taken comfort, even in East Garden. Instead I have used this place like all the others, as a place to shed tears. Constantly. You have never known this; however, throughout my life I have wept and wept for God, and God knows. God knows precisely how Reverend Moon has lived. Therefore, even when I die, God will preserve a shrine for me. God will never forget what I have done all my life for him.

You've been destined to meet me. When you met me you felt something. That is an invisible tie. It is because God knows about me. Still, I am teaching new things every day The leaders have known me for twenty or thirty years. Even so, every day I have new ideas, new material for them. I am still a mystery for them. You think they know me and are accustomed to meeting me everyday, but this isn't so. They are almost fearful to meet me because they don't know what I will do next. They still don't know exactly what I think. You like me, but even if you feel close, you don't feel completely familiar with me. You also feel some dignity, some awesome power within me. I live in this house as a lonely man. No one truly knows me. Not even Mother or the children.

So, if I instruct you, don't take me lightly. The Japanese members know not to take me lightly, but the Americans haven't found that out yet. The Japanese follow without question and this is a great strength. This is fidelity. Many people have criticized what I did in Korea and Japan. They criticized me for taking so much from Korea and Japan and using it all for the sake of America. They didn't understand why I did that. After all these years, the vision has begun to take shape and form. Now, people are seriously looking at my work and they are truly awed. Christian scholars and theologians just shake their heads in disbelief. Our vision is so great.

Don't you really want to know about me and be close to me? Then you have to walk a very rare and unusual way of life. You have to follow my instructions and walk a narrow way of life. You have a destiny. Now, many very famous scholars are asking the leaders, even the members, if they can see Reverend Moon. How about you? Do you have that same desire? Do you want to meet with me often? Have you ever thought, "I am not worthy to receive direction from him. I shouldn't be in that position. People more prepared than I should be here. How honored I am." Have you ever thought about that?

Have you thought deeply in the middle of the night, looking at the moon, or in the early morning when the sun is just rising? Have you ever looked out over the ocean? Have you thought about your position, your destiny? Have you ever thought, "I am so special to be connected directly to True Parents. I can receive instruction and direction from them." Have you ever thought that the entire universe is envying you?

How much honor have you felt working for me? What about the disciples who worked for Jesus? At the time of Jesus, the people could not receive it, so Jesus could not teach the Principle. The disciples were uneducated men. They didn't know anything; they just felt something from Jesus and they tried to follow. They didn't even know how to help Jesus make any kind of foundation. He died truly alone. Completely alone.

Peter was his chief disciple. He was an unlearned fisherman, an almost primitive person, but today everyone honors him as a saint. You are the seminary graduates. Are you going to be less than Peter? If Jesus had left even one place in the Bible, just one word, two words actually, "True Parents," I would not have suffered as much.

If Jesus had taught in the Bible somewhere, even a little bit, about the fall of man, how the fall happened and how sin crept in, I would not have had to suffer as much. Now, 2,000 years later, it's an entirely new message. Today, I am teaching the way of life. People are reading my message and it will be the same message for those who come 2,000 years later from now. It will not only make sense for them, but it will truly be their "blood and sweat," their way of life. That's the standard I am teaching today.

Have you ever thought of that? You often say, "Oh, Father, you are always saying and teaching strange things." Naturally that is so, because I am speaking to an audience that will be here 2,000 years later. I am thinking, "even if I am in the middle of the mission and I work so hard that I drop dead, I will not regret it." How about you? Are you thinking like that? Do you have that determination?

Do you understand now? In particular, do you seminary graduates understand? You have a special privilege and responsibility. I want you to set and keep the record for the movement. You have to work more than average people. The time will come when I will go, and afterward, each one of you should record your own "Acts of the Apostles." You are deeply indebted in the sight of God. For three years I paid extra attention to the seminary. Almost every day I was there. I attended to almost every detail. Every extra moment I could find the time, I went to the seminary. That three year period of time is over and I have consummated my mission to the seminary.

I am never irresponsible toward you, but you are irresponsible for Ocean Church, irresponsible for CARP. As leaders, if you think nothing about the mission, you are unacceptable to God. If you just do everything that you want to do and then think about the mission, that's not acceptable to me; it's not acceptable to God. For twenty- four hours a day, I think of nothing but the mission.

You don't need any further message. You have the message. Every ounce of energy that comes out of your body and soul, invest that into your mission whether it be Ocean Church, CARP or Master Marine. Don't you think it's important? I am not tired. Every time my legs start to hurt, I scold my own body saying, "You leg, how can you complain? How can you not follow me? I will disown you! You have to help me do God's will." I push myself forward like this, sometimes I even hit my own legs.

I push to go out every day on the ocean. When the engine breaks down, I am disappointed, but feel that for some reason God wants me to stay on shore for that day. Then I search for that reason. That is the only way for me, but for you, sometimes without any reason, you just want to stay on the shore and take a rest and nap. My conscience will not allow that for myself.

The Extraordinary Course of True Parents

Do you want to follow me? Do you want to become a companion of the True Parents? Yes or No? "Yes." So when you go up to the spiritual world, everything will be shown. Nothing will be hidden. Therefore, what do you think? Do you want to be ashamed for eternity or proud? Then do something. Do something that no one else will duplicate. Do something unique. Do something that others cannot imitate. What kind of leader am I when I push seminary students to achieve the highest level of academic studies and then, after graduation, send them out on a boat in the ocean?

It seems crazy. Why do I do this? I want you to know those fishermen, dock workers and crewmen. Among those men are some strong patriots. I love America and I love the world. I want you to become like that: strong men who love their country and love the world. Then you will become teachers and you will restore the people in that field.

I don't want all of you to become fishermen for your entire life, but you have to reach into that realm of life and become teachers so that you can bring salvation to that area. You must become people who have a truly loving heart for these people. You must be one in heart, brothers and sisters centered on God, with the fishermen and workers in the coastal cities. What's wrong with that?

Sometimes I go out on a boat and there is no bathroom. After several hours I have to pass water and there is no place to go. I simply have to do that, even if others are on the boat. That's embarrassing in one way. I know that, but I myself have to walk ahead of you. I have to go first the way you have to go, to be a public person. By doing so, I am teaching the example and laying down the path. Don't worry and don't complain. Even if you are in a situation someday where you become naked and have to pass your stool in public, don't do it with shame. You have a great destiny and you will fulfill something. You have to do everything with dignity.

The saints in the spiritual world will then look down on you and they will acknowledge you as a serious and holy person. So when you pass your stool in a small boat on the sea, all your ancestors in the spirit world will look down and envy your position. They will say, "I wish I could go down there and experience that." Your descendants will also want to follow you and would buy their turn to go out on a small boat and somehow share that experience. In fact, you might have many people coming to your boat before the end of your life to do this thing and you might make a lot of money by charging a small fee to take them out. You are laughing, but in a way, this is no joke.

I can eat with my own fingers, without using a fork or spoon. I can eat out of my lap, using one hand to hold food and the other to eat with. It doesn't make a difference to me. If I have to do something like that to bring salvation to others, I wouldn't hesitate to eat out of my lap a million times. No matter what you think, my way of thinking is entirely different from yours. Do you want to think in a similar way to me? Do you want to make your thoughts parallel to my thoughts? When I landed in America in 1972, no one had heard of me, but I was determined that within three years I would turn this nation upside down, and then right side up. Millions of people have landed on this nation, but my first footstep was different. I planted my foot thinking, "No one else has ever come to this nation with my thinking and my mission. However, I'm going to do it and bring this nation to God."

If you had this same heart when you first went to the Ocean Church mission, Ocean Church would not be like it is today. If you listened to the weather report, you would know that it's rugged up in Gloucester, but calm down here in New York. Okay then, where do you want to go fishing? You have to develop your mind to at least think, "The East Coast is my area. I'm going to go up and down it and work every part of it." However you have to get there, find a way to get there. Fly by plane, fund raise for the money or just walk. Whatever you have to do, just get there. Then learn about that area, learn about the coast. Find out everything about the fish and how they are caught. Once you do that much, practice and improve every technique you learn. I do things so differently from you, because I think differently, see differently and hear differently. That's why my results are so different from yours. People say, "I cannot do it." I can never understand how people can say that. There is no such thing. If your life hung upon the one thing that you were doing, whatever it is, how would you do that? You would do it with desperation, if your life was in the balance. You would just apply yourself and give every ounce of yourself.

Do you follow what I am saying? My thinking is like this and far more. It is not ordinary thinking. When I arrived in New York, I took all the leaders to the top of the Empire State Building. I had just come to New York and didn't even know what was going on there. Yet, I told those leaders, "we will buy some of the major buildings in New York, maybe even this one." Within three or four years, we did indeed buy some large buildings. I even thought about buying the Empire State Building when the negotiations were going on, but it was too late for us at that time. However, another time will come. I know absolutely that "where there is a will, there is a way." I think through every problem, day and night, until I find the solution. I never let it go. My thinking is very different from yours.

What about you? What is changing within you? Did you just grow a beard and become different like that? Or did something change inside of you? If you really change inside, the result will show up. Where is it? What have you been doing? Well, your beards look very wonderful, outstanding. To me you look like Paul Bunyan. Did you put as much care into your boat? I would like to inspect and see which you love more, your beard or your mission. I dress in ordinary, simple clothes. I am ready to go to sea right now. I know that I was born for a unique destiny. I am going to live it out. What people say about me or do to me doesn't matter. I listen in one ear and let it go out the other. I am only thinking about fulfilling my destiny and completing my mission. That's all. That's how I think. Ocean Church is rare. There is no other organization like it in the world. Who created it? It is not that simple. Can you explain Ocean Church to others? Can you explain why it exists and its philosophy? I want to have a wives' program in Ocean Church. One day, I will announce that the wives will be the pilots for the boats. On that day, the husbands will have to train their wives. If they don't do that, their boat will be taken away from them. Anyway, these boats are not your boats. You are taking care of them, just as you would a church center. Unification Church has something of every variety. If you want something, send in to Unification Church for it. People around the world are beginning to see us like that. We should have a catalogue and if someone wants fisher women we will make them if we don't have them. You are Americans. I am Korean. You think, "Well, because Father is Korean he thinks like that." However, you should be even better than me here in America. This is your country. You are born here, your culture is here, your way of life is here. You should do more. You should break every record that I set here in America.

Shall we do it? "Yes." Well, are you just "yes" people or "deed" people? I cannot know just by talking this one day that everyone will do well. I cannot assume that. I want to have a closer look at you. The leaders of Ocean Church have been too good to you. They have been too kind and soft towards you. You need the "iron fist" method. This will bring you greater success, quicker success. You saw the movie, "An Officer and a Gentleman." That was really the "iron fist" method. I was sorry when I saw that, because I could have done so much more for that soldier than his sergeant did in that movie. That movie showed a great training method, but the morality was wrong. We have to go beyond that movie. Our training has to be more than the Marines, but our morality has to be as high as the saints.

So then, let us change from today and accomplish the mission completely. Thank you and may God bless you.

Chapter 3 - Ocean Church and America

Chapter 3
Ocean Church and America
August 28th, 1982 -- Provincetown

Since we cannot go out to sea today, I called you here. Would you prefer to go out to sea or come here? As you know we have Morning Garden in Gloucester, a very nice place which we prepared some years ago, however, because of a pending court case we cannot use the center there right now. Whenever you start a new religion there is always the path of persecution that must be followed. Not because there is anything bad or wrong with the religion, but when something new grows out of the old tradition, the new movement always has to pay indemnity. This is historical fact.

The Goal of History

The goal of history is to come to final fruition. When we look at this point, it is only natural that we go through such a process. Just as it is for fruit, which stems from a big tree, so the process to final maturity is not easy. The seasons come and go, some of the branches may be broken off by the wind, but the fruits which unite together and hang onto the branch will complete the process. It is the same with human history. That is why we cannot judge until we look back at the total process, until all has taken place. Persecution is part of the process towards that final growth. Therefore, it is not something we can escape; we have to go through it.

You are young men and women. You all live in America, but your backgrounds are very different. What is the purpose of American youth? We have to make that clear. They would like to have something of value and do something worthwhile with their lives. They would like to have these nice boats and go out to sea; it is something that almost every young man dreams about. What about you? Is that why you are here, to go out every day on a boat?

Let me ask you then, why did you join and stay in the Unification Church? You see the final fruit in the future don't you? That is why you can stay in the Unification Church, even though you have been working many years, going on and on. The history of mankind and the history within the Unification Church have many parallels. History started with a certain goal and people have come and gone, starting something, then complaining about it and leaving, then some joining again and others leaving.

Within Unification Church too, the same pattern exists. Human history and Unification history go through this struggle. It is the struggle against selfish desire and for the will of God. Within this group, I see three kinds of members. There are those who try to go forward, those who try to maintain and those who try to pull others down. Human history is the same. American history is also the same. Some people envision a better future and try to create it. Others just try to keep what they have in life, and then there are those who want to go back to the good old days.

Who will take responsibility for the future of America? Certainly the group which wants to pull others back is not the group to take this responsibility. Certainly not the group which wants to maintain what it has, that wants to keep the good life they already enjoy. This group might be good for the current national interest, but not for the world, not for the sake of human history. History always has to go beyond just normal human interest. History has always been led by the people who have an ideal and actively pursue that goal.

Look at Provincetown where so many youth come to use drugs and gay people gather together. They might become the people who lead America. Their lifestyle goes against universal law. Why was man or woman born? Man was born for woman and woman was born for man. Man was not born for man and woman was not born for woman. We are born for each other. Even in the insect world there isn't any mix-up in that standard. Even in the animal kingdom there is no such confusion in their natural setting. No other group in creation has this problem. Just mankind. This indicates to us that the final days are here when mankind must decide between future prosperity or its own destruction. We have to ask, why did Adam need Eve and vice versa? We have to understand clearly that they were made for each other in order to bear children. Children represent the future. They would have produced better people than themselves. Just as a tree produces better fruit, the desire of man and woman is to produce better children than themselves. For the sake of a better future, that is why man and woman need each other.

Why do you want to get married? Just to love each other? Actually you want to bear better fruit than yourself. Why do you love your children? Why do you love your wife? Because you can love the generations to come through her. The future is centered on you. You have to prepare the love that you have for your wife and for your children. You have the responsibility to connect the past, present and future. Each one of you has that responsibility. Therefore it is shameful for America that so many young people are destroying their bodies with drugs and also destroying their future by indulging in homosexual relationships. They are not the hope of America. History really needs a group which can lead young people into the future. The world needs that group, America needs such a group. Even God himself needs that kind of group.

Whoever goes and pioneers this new era for America, for mankind and for God is the kind of group that all of history has been waiting for. It will be the age of true man and true woman, of true men and women. I am always looking at the work of the Unification Church. I am always thinking of every detail, always thinking of you, of the future. Daytime and nighttime I am thinking of what kind of people you need to become. You should look at yourself and examine yourself. How much have you changed since you joined the church? Do you think selfishly about yourself all the time or do you now think more for the public purpose? You used to be only concerned for "me, me, me." But now you are thinking, "what can I do for the sake of God, for mankind, for others? You used to try to find value in life with a self-centered scope, but since you joined the church you now look for value in a much greater sense. Your future has broadened. Where you stand today is not limited to yourself; rather, it is limitless. You used to have a limited future, but now your future is without any limits.

Before you used to think at least about your own nation, but now you think about the entire world and even beyond. This kind of interest will only benefit America in the long range. So at some point, America will welcome such people as you. In the past, all your sweat and tears and hard work were only for yourself, but now all that same effort is for the sake of mankind. This is really the beginning of a new era, a new history for yourself and for your nation. It is really the new beginning for the world. You young people can start an entirely new world.

I want you to realize that this is our motivation; this is the direction of our work. If you look at what we are doing this summer, everything looks as if it is for no gain. We are going out to fish for tuna, but we are losing so much money in the process. You don't like to go out everyday like that do you? It's really hard to get up so early and stay out so long. Why are we doing this kind of work and why do we make so much effort? I am not thinking of what we do just today; I am thinking of the future goal. Why do we spend so much money just to catch tuna? It doesn't even seem to pay for itself and it takes thousands of dollars to train you. We do this for the same reason that we do all our projects. For example, why do we want to construct a highway in Asia? Why build such a super highway? Usually companies that build highways try to make money from their effort, but we are raising money to build that highway and we will give it to the world, for the sake of mankind.

It is the generations to come that will look at what we have done and those people will truly look up to you. It is for those people that we are living today. Therefore, our work has to have a vision of the future. We have to create a tradition that thousands of others can respect and follow for generations to come. So, today our purpose has to be for that better future. We must become a victor, not a loser for the sake of those to come. All of my life has been like this. While I was working in the early years, everyone came against me; everyone misunderstood me. But now, as some look back and see what I have done, they admit that I was right. The same is for you. Sixty years from now, people will look back at your life. People looked at my projects with such a small eye at first, but as I continued, their eyes got bigger and bigger. My work didn't stop in Korea; it went out to America, South America and Africa and beyond. I am somewhat of a mystery to others. However, within myself, I have a crystal clear plan; the goal is very exact.

The Ocean and A New Way of Life

In ten years, you will see why I am doing this program, why I am putting so much effort into it now. The Ocean Church movement then, that's what we are talking about today. Is it a good movement? You are shouting that it is a "great movement," but why is it a great movement? What we are doing is great, that's true. Think about the meaning of "great" in history. What has it usually meant? It meant to control everything. But no one likes that, so why is this Ocean Church movement great? If you look at the fishing towns in America, most of the young people are leaving, they are even cursing their home town. However, you young people are coming to these towns and creating a new movement. You don't even know that yet. People will see this new movement in each Ocean Church city and they will begin to think, "Reverend Moon is a great man."

Let me ask you something. Since you came here, did you like the strong winds or did you hate them? Did you feel on a windy day just like you do when you are meeting your fiancée or wife? No? Why are you laughing? In the start of the morning when you see a windy day did you say, "Today there will be something great out there waiting for me!" Did you feel like that? You have to cultivate your interest in life, even beyond the windy day. You have to see through it. Every young man is afraid of a storm. Have you ever studied why? Do you really feel stimulated and interested when some big wave comes over the bow into your boat? Do you see any hope there? Are you interested in that big wave? A man of the sea really tries to find hope in something like that. A small boat going through the wave is so dramatic. When you see your boat going through a wave, crashing over onto the other side, you really have to think, "Ah, here is hope for the future."

Don't hate the waves. You will only become like them. We have to accept everything, cold water and stormy skies. Always welcome the water with your hands, your feet, everything of your body. Do you do that every day? On the flat calm day look at yourself in the mirror of the ocean and realize the power of the water. On a calm day that flat mirror looks so peaceful, but the next day it could tower above you like a twenty foot mountain. It is only taking a rest on those calm days, but its power remains constant.

Man is the same as well. You can be highly excited and stimulated, but then you calm down and your heart maintains a humble, quiet, appreciative standard. It is also the same within women. You can see your face reflected in the peaceful water, even so, the ocean is always moving. It has to for the sake of the fish. The wind moves the water and this movement allows for the oxygen that the fish need to live. God gave life to the ocean and this is how they live.

If you look at a drop of water, it has no color. But if you gather more water, a beautiful color begins to emerge. How beautiful it is. In the water are so many species of fish; the ocean contains all kinds of fish and life. Water is life giving; more than 70% of man's body is made of water. When the water hits your face, it scratches your eyes because it's so salty. How do you feel at that moment? You spit it out, don't you, and try to shut your eyes? Ocean water has a basic taste, it is the natural taste of life. So when you go out again, you will feel and taste the water differently won't you?

After working all day your hands will be dry and salty. Then you can taste them. That is a wonderful moment. That is the beauty of the sea. You can even write a poem about the salt of the ocean. Any great art and literature comes from this kind of intimate exchange with life. Those who hate all the natural things of life cannot create such art and literature, but those who really love life to its bottom core can create such beautiful and inspiring art and literature.

You look out there on a calm day and suddenly a fish jumps up out of the water, just like a man would. The whale makes a huge leap and then it looks around. It seems as if he is looking for the future. Just look at yourself. When your mind and body are calm, your spirit wants to jump up and look for something good. So look upon the ocean in this way, and then life itself will be revealed to you.

When you express something in literature about the sun and the moon it is too simple, but if you talk about the moving waves, the dancing waves, it is more beautiful. If you look at the sun, you can talk about the smiling face of your father and the sun is more beautiful than just a shining ball. You have to experience the sun in that way. You have to experience everything more deeply like that. From that kind of deep experience you gain unlimited inspiration for your conscience.

One time we caught a lot of rotten, dark fish. The smell was like ammonia. I seldom feel seasick, but when I smelled that my stomach began to turn. I first thought, "I'm no good, because I'm feeling so bad over this fish." Then I began to think differently and said, "I have to pay indemnity." When I realized that, the sickness disappeared, because I could love that smell. It meant I could pay indemnity for something, for someone. I could have a sense of gratitude for that smell and with that, I overcame any feeling of sickness.

When I come back with that fish smell, that chum smell, Mother sometimes says something about my clothes, but I tell her, "You don't have to do the laundry for these yet, they are still good." Mother does them anyway. Some of you wear the same fish smelling clothes for the entire month. You shouldn't apologize. We have to learn how to digest things like this in our life, every day of our life. We do this for the sake of the future. Look at me. I am going out every day and certainly I am tired, but I never say, "I am so tired; I cannot go out." When I think of the fisherman who has to go out every day and take care of his family, I cannot think of being tired. I have often said to Mother, over and over, "today I'll get the striper," but it's very difficult to actually do that. I think of the fisherman who promises his wife and family every day that he will make the catch. He has got to catch those fish. I think about that kind of life very seriously.

Who is more desperate? Am I, who promises Mother I will catch the striped bass, or the fisherman who has to catch fish in order to feed his family? Which is the more difficult feeling? Is it me when I have to apologize to Mother for not catching the fish, or the fisherman whose family will starve if he doesn't catch something, anything? When I think about those fishermen, I don't ever feel tired and going out is no problem. We need to develop that kind of thinking. We must believe, I am doing this for the sake of all mankind, I am leaving something behind for mankind.

With that kind of spirit we have to go out. Through this activity, 1 can see that mankind will someday have hope. In the future what we do here will bring great benefit to all of mankind. I want to really make you men and women of the sea. If you men grow a beard, I want you to touch your beard and say, "I am a man and I must work harder always for the sake of mankind." Do you have that spirit? You should say, "since I have a beard, I want to get to the fishing grounds faster than anyone else." You have to prepare to go out. You have to have a good engine, bait, gasoline, everything. This is basic. I am always prepared before leaving. Yesterday I received a report that the eel bait we were going to use was ready the night before However, in the morning, I found out that the eel wasn't fixed right That's no good. You shouldn't wait until the morning to find out these things. Everything should be ready and finished the night before.

When I look at you in this basic area, you are still almost at zero. Is your spirit looking forward, always getting ready for tomorrow? If your spirit isn't like that, then you will be accused by the fisherman working so hard. I may look humble now, but my Vision is crystal clear for the future. I am preparing the foundation now for a great future. How about you?

A New Future for the Ocean

There are many religious groups in America. but no one is doing anything like this. God has a great hope in Ocean Church. From this point of view, do you feel that Ocean Church is bad or good? You like to shout that it's great. However, let's look at the word "good". God has how many O's? Just one. How many O's does good have? It has two O's. So, good is really double God. Spirit world is good and the physical world is good. Together they are double God, they are good. That's the meaning of good. Double God has a subject and an object, a spiritual world and a physical world. Also, there is land and ocean. We can't be a mountain man all the time, nor can we be an ocean man always. We have to go to both and love both. In Korea, we had a boat and just one captain of that boat. In the very beginning I had to be that captain. It was just one boat, but I saw the future and it was much more than just one boat.

Are you like that? Look at yourself. In Gloucester you have to sleep on the boats. Sometimes you are out fishing for several days and there is no shower, no toilet, and you have to use a bucket. It's a hard life. You may be looking for a place to die and cannot even find that. I look at that and think, "that's good." When I see that, I can see a great future. People don't think beyond the point of their daily life, but we think way beyond. With that, we begin the way towards a new life. I want to restore everything for God. Gloucester and Provincetown are two places where we can make our foundation. We have to think that we are great men; we are catching the giant tuna in one of the best fishing grounds in the world. With these boats you now understand how to catch tuna. I want to catch the striped bass next. However, New Hope hasn't caught enough tuna yet. Soon, during this summer we will expand the foundation. Why are we doing this? We are offering all this for the sake of mankind. I never ate any of my own catch until last year. I have fished for seven years, but never ate my own catch. It was always offered for the sake of others. The fish are hoping to be caught by us. Many of them will just be eaten by other fish, but it is far better to be eaten by man. The fish wants to reach the highest degree of life by becoming part of man. The same way that the fish think towards man, we must think towards God. We want to become part of the highest degree, we want to become part of God.

A large part of the economy in the future will come from the ocean. I would like to spend that money overseas: There are over twenty million people starving each year. You can't imagine it because the American way of life is so luxurious. When I am with the members, they are asking every minute, "Father, don't you want something to drink, don't you want something to eat?" Instead, I am thinking that it's better to conserve even the Coca-Cola and find some way to give that to the rest of mankind. We have to have the concept of conservation in every aspect of our life. If we don't have that, then God's blessing will go away. However, we can inherit God's blessing if we are always thinking of how to conserve things for the sake of others, for the sake of mankind and for the future. God's spirit will always penetrate us if we do all things with this kind of sincerity. If we simply want to find the best fishing spot and if we are doing more for God than anyone else, then God will help us, providing us with greater insight towards that goal. Do you understand? Those who graduated from UTS, please raise your hands. You are responsible for a boat during this summer season. Do any of you think your spouse might be against you coming to Ocean Church at this time? They have to realize and you have to know that I would have never started Ocean Church if I had not had any interest in the future of the ocean. Two-thirds of this world is ocean. Who will take care of the world in the future? God is the master of the universe, but who will rule and take care of the world?

The children of God have to inherit the world. Then certainly they have to inherit the ocean. That is why I am interested in the ocean.

Many people are leaving the ocean behind. Why? Because a new age for the ocean is coming. Even some nations have left the ocean behind. Why? Because the time has come for the true caretakers of the ocean to come. That is why we have a great hope for the ocean. In the past the ocean served many bad purposes for mankind. Even today, drugs are smuggled on the ocean, but the purpose has to be made heavenly. We have to change the purpose of man's use of the ocean. That is why we have Ocean Church. We have to cultivate a courageous spirit. We have to have more daring and courage than the pirates of the past.

Preparing Mind and Body for the Future

Ocean Church is the primary movement for developing that kind of spirit. The secondary movement to raise up the standard in young people is a martial arts movement. For a healthy spirit and body few things are better than martial arts. If you prepare for martial arts with a good spirit, no evil power can attack you. Martial arts have often been used for a great purpose in history. Unfortunately, it has also been used with an evil intent. Martial arts, if left to themselves will most often be used for an evil purpose. However, with a religious movement, martial arts can be used for a constructive, good purpose. That is the point. If someone comes to martial arts with an arrogant manner, we have to teach them a higher meaning for its use. We have to know that it is necessary to prepare a unifying martial arts movement throughout the world. We have to defend all aspects of our life. We are now organizing a martial arts group worldwide, and preparing to make this martial arts part of the Olympic games. Most seminaries don't teach any martial arts or even physical education, but our seminary teaches martial arts so that our students are not only prepared intellectually, but also spiritually and physically. We are preparing a world movement for God and everything should come together under that. We are even preparing for a religious Olympic association. The top religious leaders of the world, prominent theologians and scholars will come together and open these games once every two years. The Olympic games have a standard of coming together every four years, but we want to go beyond that standard by meeting every two years. More importantly, we want to go beyond that standard by having a higher purpose for coming together.

Everyone needs a good system of give and take for their body. The body, just like the mind or the spirit, needs to be balanced and have a good flow of energy. If you have pain in your stomach, it is because there isn't a good flow of energy between your stomach and other body functions. When I come home after working hard all day, I exercise every night. This is one reason why I don't get tired even though I am competing with you, a younger generation.

For a sound body, you have to exercise; for a sound spirit, you also have to exercise. For the spirit, this means a religious way of life.

We have to embrace the land, the sea and encompass all the arts. These areas we need to cover. Then, centered around these things, the new world will begin. At the core, we are religious, but our goal is to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. A sound body develops through external practice; a sound spirit develops through internal practice. Literature, music, poetry, art, all these areas we have to develop ourselves. I have learned how to do well in all these areas and so should you.

No one ever dreamed that I would come to Provincetown and fish like this, but now I have done it for ten years. The public doesn't understand why I initiated many of the things which we do. They cannot see our motivation, so it is natural that they come to oppose us. As time passes, those who oppose and those who try to help us will move a greater and greater distance apart. One side will eventually disappear and the other side will eventually be embraced by God. Thus, a new era will be created.

The Formula for Pioneering Ocean Church

Will you inherit my spirit and carry on when I have gone to the spiritual world? You are shouting a loud and clear "Yes." If indeed you carry on my tradition, then, Ocean Church is wonderful, it is good. It is double God. One god is land god and one god is sea god. Ocean Church is both; we live on the land, but we go out to sea. So that is double God. Ocean Church is really good then, isn't it? Now you are receiving persecution; this means your future will be great. No one can understand you now, but they will later on and they will respect you twice as much. They will respect you for your perseverance when they misunderstood you and for your compassion towards them when they finally do understand.

Would you like to take care of an ocean city? There is a basic formula for how to develop each city. When you plan to take care of a city, to be a leader in that community, you have to think about it. When you come to a city your first question is, "What should I do?" Taking a boat out and catching fish is not the beginning and end of it. When you show up with a One Hope boat in the city, people will recognize it as a Moonie boat. They will start to oppose you, persecute you and test you. They will start talking about Moonies, about how you are good or bad. The tendency of any community is to test a newcomer.

Therefore, the short cut for us is to find a way to make unity with the major leaders of that city. Then you don't have to be tested by the entire community. The key point is how to meet the established leaders, the mayor, the police chief, the coast guard commander, the fishermen's union leader and other business leaders in the community. Just a few people have to understand and unite with you and each other. The key point is how you can help them understand why you are there and what you are doing for the future of their city.

I myself followed this very same pattern when I came to America. I started many different aspects to our movement such as IOWC and CARP, Home Church and Ocean Church. From the first moment that I arrived in America I met with the leaders of America, the city officials, the congressmen and senators. Whenever I met those leaders I explained what I was going to do in America. They had a difficult time believing me then, but now many of them recognize what I meant.

In that way I could see what kind of movement was needed in America in order to mobilize the national leadership. I even prepared the newspaper media and six years ago started publishing. Those who came to the Washington Times didn't come just because we started that newspaper; they came because a foundation had already been laid. They came because they could understand our vision.

Although the Washington Times has only been three months in publication, it has already gone above the national standard. The conservative groups usually fight amongst themselves, but they all concurred that this newspaper is a great asset for America. One conservative group is centered on Christianity while another one is based on the business community in America. There is a new group rising in the intellectual community and the fourth group is mostly - patriotic in nature.

At one time or another, each group has made a stand against me, against our movement, but through the Washington Times, we have been able to unite all four groups. Even though I am now preparing for the court case, we are moving ahead all the time. It is like a dream to see all that we have accomplished. It is hard to tell the whole story about it. One small example: President Reagan made a summit conference and took with him the correspondence chiefs from only four American newspapers. In America there are 1,753 newspaper companies, but Reagan took only four representatives. One of them was the Washington Times. This happened only five days after we started! Why was this Washington Times correspondent chief selected to attend? It was because people already recognized the excellent quality of this newspaper and its courageous stand, and they didn't want to ignore it.

This is only one part of the plan. From this foundation, we will begin to publish a nationwide newspaper. The time will come when the major television news media will frequently and constantly quote from the Washington Times. Then the basic trend of the media in America can be changed. Many conservative business leaders want to invest in the Washington Times because they believe it will make it, that it will be successful. The "times" indeed have changed. I am explaining this to you because I want you to see that the foundation for the future of this nation is already being prepared for you.

Why did we put so much effort into the movie Inchon? No matter what the result, the motivation was for people to understand about MacArthur. I wanted to show how MacArthur loved God and loved people. MacArthur came to Japan after World War II and put the nation back together. He really respected and loved the people He also loved God very much and fought with great strength against tyranny and communism. That is what I want the people to understand. We must love God and we must love people. Communism destroys both, and so we should hate that. All these projects and activities make me extremely busy. When you are finished you just come back here and rest, but I have to stay up almost all night listening to reports and giving new directions. I am busy day and night. There is almost no time for coming here to fish like this. Why then have I done this for at least ten years? I have been going on and on every year, never getting tired. When I look at you, just going out for a few days and then getting tired, I feel ashamed for you.

Already I have seen many members run away from the ocean. This season we can only catch one tuna per week. Many people thought we wouldn't come. Anyway, we came and many people were shocked. They were certain that I wouldn't come, but our reason for fishing is not just economic. We have to fish, we have to continue on. We have to set the tradition.

I want to leave behind at least ten "Reverend Moons" so that the tradition will go on. I am wondering who has the desire to go out to an ocean city and restore it within ten years? How many of you have that idea and desire? Within ten years, if each one of you became a top fishing leader in your ocean city and could expand that foundation to at least 100 ocean cities, I would feel I had left something of value behind.

If we have 100 cities, we have a foundation for this nation. Once you become a well known and established person in a city, you can start a fish company or a related business and be in charge of that. You have to make your foundation quickly. In other words, once you go to your ocean city, you have to meet the top leaders and give them something of value for the future of their city. You have to be able to work with the young people. You have to solve two problems. Manpower and money. How can you make money and how can you raise young people so they can someday be responsible for that city? Those are big problems. If you can solve them you can start a big company, anything. No problem. The problems are how to make good members and how to make a good economic foundation. If you can solve those problems then everything else comes. First, you make a good relationship with the major leaders in your city. Then, you make friends with the major fishing leaders and the major business leaders. Pick up their knowledge and experience, and from that point, you can make the foundation to someday be the leader of your own company. First, you have to solve those two problems.

You have to train yourself. Centered on you, these problems will be solved. You can do that. You can accomplish these points. You have to work hard, day and night. Then, great things will happen.

The Ocean Providence and the Fishing Industry

When I came here almost ten years ago, tuna was only ten cents a pound. I asked myself, "how can I make the price of tuna go up?" I want to see the price go to $4.00 this summer. People used to come to catch tuna as a sport only. They came here from all over the world, but the fishermen themselves couldn't fish for tuna because they would lose so much money going out every day just for tuna. There was a great opportunity there for them, but they couldn't participate in it.

I saw one boat come in several years ago and there wasn't even a price for the tuna that day, so they lost their money on expenses. This was really sad for me to see. Last year we pushed the price up to $2.50 per pound. This year the price started at $1.65. Why? Last year the price ended higher, but the habit of exploiting the fishermen is deep set. You have to keep pushing the standard, raising it higher They don't like the Moonies, but they welcome me coming every year now. They persecuted us so much when we first started coming, but now they really want to be our friends. You now know the fishing grounds and you see mostly small boats out there. Before there were only the expensive sport fishing boats, but now even the little fisherman can try to make money by catching tuna. Think about it. If the price goes up to $4.00, which is my hope for this year, then a fisherman who catches one tuna weighing more than 1,000 pounds will earn $4,000. He can earn that much from just one day's work. That's amazing. So now, many small fishing boats are out there, going for the tuna. Anyone can own a small boat at least. Why not a thousand boats at the tuna grounds? Every day there will be a great competition to catch the tuna. That's not bad; it's good actually. Now that the price is going up, everyone is interested in coming here to fish for tuna. We can bring people here and they can experience the ocean. Some of them will be rich, but have no vision for their money. When they see the potential of the ocean, they will want to invest their money in it. There are all kinds of good projects which could benefit.

We are preparing the foundation in each part of the important coastal areas of America. As you know, in the Gulf of Mexico we have a shrimp business, and in Alabama we have a ship building business. In Alaska we have a plant which can process 400,000 pounds of fish each day. The question is, how can we manage such enterprises? I am hoping that the Ocean Church centers will train young people who can quickly mature and provide that kind of leadership. We start with only thirty centers, but eventually we have to create up to 3,000 centers on the coastal waters.

I have this large vision for America. Why? Because the fish are here in American waters. I have seen many other areas of the world, but here you can just drop a line off the fishing pier and catch a fish. However, no one is guiding America to realize its potential in fishing. You have to be the ones to do that. Over three years ago, we started thirty shrimp boats in Surinam. They are also tuna fishing. These boats are quite large. Somehow, the Americas should be connected. The ocean provides a way for that to happen. The ocean connects all the major fishing countries in the world. Eventually we can improve prices for all fishermen and also feed more people.

In Japan we have already prepared every aspect of the fishing industry. We made a famous fish selling team. Their logo is a picture of a fish selling boy with a band on his head. Every fish selling person wears that band on their head whenever they go out to sell throughout Japan. We are now preparing similar fish selling techniques here in America. Those with a Japanese husband or wife will participate one way or another in the fishing providence future.

How about it? Wouldn't it be great for every couple to have their own boat? They can fish with it and live on it and even make their babies on the boat. You can start with the One Hope training boat. If you do well and mature as a fisherman, then you can earn a big boat like the ones they make in Alabama. Some people have to spend twenty-one years to reach that state, but if you really apply yourself, you can reach it in only seven years time.

In Japan, when the members fund raised, they always experienced the spiritual world guiding them to the right person to make the sale. The same experience is waiting for you. When you go out to the ocean you will find the spiritual world helping you to find where the fish are and you can catch tons of fish. You don't think so? I think so. You have to find out for yourself.

Many people complain, "Oh, Ocean Church is so difficult; I don't like it." However, once the foundation is laid, the next steps are no problem. It only took a few months for us to come up with the Washington Times, which is now so prestigious. With that ability and capacity, it is no problem to build the right kind of trawler and bring it to this area. You can become a good captain of a large boat. Then, you will automatically be able to meet the leaders of your city. You will come to know the president of the fish processing company and other businessmen. If you make one phone call from your office, you can connect all over the world. Whatever I say I mean with utmost sincerity. It will come to pass. Do you believe that?

Leadership Training on the Ocean

I spend a great deal of time, precious time out here on the ocean. It is because I have such a vision for the future. I see that you are not disciplined yet. How can you inherit this vision? I am thinking of sending you one by one, or two by two, to the Surinam shrimping boats for a period of time. It would be good training for you. Once you go there you won't come back for two or four months. That's how long one trip is. I should also send you to Alaska. How about if I send you there in the winter time? You should be able to change back and forth. You should go easily from the land to the ocean. Those who have been out to sea for a while should go back and reinvest in the land. You will have more strength and enthusiasm for it. It works the other way around too; after a while on land, you should go out to sea.

The formula course for Unification members has been that for three and one-half years you fund raise as basic training. The economic foundation represents creation and this restores your relationship with all things. This should be changed to two years of fund raising and eighteen months of ocean duty.

I am educating you here so kindly, but how about if you are hired to go out on the ocean in a large boat? If you go out with a rough captain on a big trawler, he will just throw you around. In that way, the captain gives you training. I myself would like to start out like that with you, but I know that if I start like that, no one will be left to finish. That's why I am giving you a nice introduction. Actually, we haven't really started yet. Anyway, all church members have to go through this kind of training. Each one of you has to go some place where your English doesn't work. You will have to use every other part of your body to communicate with the other person. You will feel lonely on such a boat and if you say, "Oh, I'm sick and tired and have to go home," there will be no way to go back. Then your experience here in Gloucester will be just like heaven. Do you still want to go on with this training course? One day this season I heard a sister shouting out to me when the New Hope went by, "Father, I want to be in Ocean Church!" She sounded almost like a crazy person. That's how we should feel.

We are preparing to have refrigerated warehouses in the major coastal cities. We would open them all tonight if we could find someone to manage these plants. However, you are not ready yet. I am wondering if you will be much different in three years time. I am depending on you American brothers and sisters. If you don't do it, then the European, Asian or Hispanic members will be mobilized to do it. I will mobilize the Asian and Hispanic members. If you Americans don't want it, then the minorities in America can earn the fishing industry. If you don't want it and don't like it, there is no choice but to offer this opportunity to minority members.

In Japan there is already so much preparation in fishing related fields, but I want you to be the central people in this providence. That is why I have hope in the international Blessing. One way or another we shall do it. If Ocean Church can't do it, then Asian members in America will have to do it. I am giving you the best education now. You can learn something for your entire life. For ten years I have been working so hard to train you. If you gain success it will go far more quickly than if the Asian members have to do it.

The ocean has everything to do with the future. Don't you know that? You have to become interested in the ocean or otherwise you will just disappear into history. In the future, the qualification for leadership will be to know about the ocean. The basic knowledge will be how to handle a boat. To know about the ocean and to be able to go upon it will become the two basic qualifications for leadership in the future.

You don't know so much about me. I'm giving every ounce of my sweat to maintain the prestige of America in the world. How many days could you continue, working at such a pace? Are you thinking about sleeping each day you go out? Are you playing every day, just looking around and thinking about the pretty boats? Don't just be light and say, "Oh I love the sea!" It's actually very difficult to really love the sea.

I want to send the brothers to Surinam and train you there, then bring you back and make you into captains of a large boat. I have been thinking about that for three years, but I look at you and you are already tired with just the One Hope boats. In Alaska, the thirty knot winds are nothing. That's normal -- a calm day. On the rough days, you don't even see other boats between the waves, maybe just the highest light. Think about that. Think about the couple who would live in that situation. How wonderful it would be. They could be loving each other in that kind of weather. That's really exciting, isn't it? The way you live all depends upon what you think. It depends on how you look at it. If your spirit is willing and joyfully giving for the cause, you can do anything.

If I had not come to America with that kind of spirit, our movement could never have spent the millions of dollars that it has already invested in so many programs. We are even spending and investing more now. And yet, at the same time I am accused of hiding tax money from the government. It is exactly opposite to reality, but they can't see that yet. It doesn't make sense. We spent more than four million dollars for the last science conference and almost two million dollars for the World Youth for God conference and world tour. Tax evasion? It's really a great mistake that America judged me that way. However, I only answered the judge with a smile. I have no grudge against America. That is the kind of man leading you. No matter what kind of persecution comes towards me, I will just stand where I am. Nothing will move me from the will of God. This is happening in the free world. What do you think the Communist world would like to do? They are really against me. I am the most fearful person to them. Why? Because they cannot defeat this ideology. Instead, our ideology can easily defeat them, so they will come against me at every opportunity. You will see it. We have to work in every field to bring it salvation.

Religion is the center or the core of our life, but we cannot be separate from all these other areas such as education, business or politics. That is why America cannot understand me. They cannot see in such a large way. I have had to focus on the court case rather than many other more important projects. However, it is not just my own battle; it is to educate you, to educate America. I have to fight.

It is an indemnity course, but by following it, I will become even more famous. The same principle applies to you. Here in Gloucester you receive persecution, but if you keep working hard, the public will begin to see you as you really are. Are you a dirty boat Moonie, or are you absolutely clean and orderly? I should inspect each boat and make sure. I have a great idea and a great concept for your life. How many of you want to go to South America and receive training? The best training is to go to another country and receive your training from that low, lonely place. After receiving your training, you should then come back and work very hard for America. When you fish in South America it takes several months to fill the quota which means you are out fishing for at least one month before you even get to where the fish can be caught. Here you complain about what kind of breakfast or dinner you have, but out there you can't complain about the food. Out there you might get a letter from your lovely wife, but the captain won't let you have it until the end of the fishing period. Even if you are upset about that, nothing will be done to change it. On those boats, there are about thirty crew members. Think about their life. When you come back from fishing, there are thirty families waiting for the crew member. Everything depends on the work that they did, how much they caught. It depends on their result; they have no choice but to work harder than other boats. I see that as really good training for you and that is why I am thinking of sending you down there.

I am going to do this anyway, so why don't you just catch the spirit quickly? Don't just wait for it. I am thinking about sending one or two persons immediately to Surinam after this summer, or Berlin. The German fishermen also go out into the cold, harsh seas for three or four months duty. After that, if you are still willing to serve the ocean providence, you are truly ready to be an Ocean Church member. After you come back from that experience, if you still want to serve the ocean, I will choose you. Then, you can someday be trusted with a large fishing boat and a fishing career as a captain. I have great hope for the ocean. I have great hope for all of you. I would like to send you out and have you come back ready to serve America and become a great leader.

Your Foundation is with the Fishermen

I know history very clearly. In the near future, those who are fishermen will really deeply appreciate what we have done for them. When Karl Marx started communism he supported the laborers, but he himself never once experienced that kind of work. He didn't do his own front-line work. I am very different from that. I am truly a good friend of the fisherman because I myself have pushed and worked hard in this area. I truly understand their effort and their heart. That is the great difference.

You can't complain to me because I am always doing first whatever I ask of you. When you go back to your regions, learn how to catch the fish of that area. If you are in an area where there is striped bass, you must really research them. I want to help you, but you also have to study and do your own research.

You have to build your own foundation also. While the husband is out catching fish, the women cannot stay at home all the time. The wife has to develop a fish related activity. The husband and wife should both be active and interested in the ocean world. I am making prototype foundations: one in the East, one in the South and one in the West. On that base, we can expand. After building the foundation, we can even begin to make all our own equipment, boats, gear, clothing, everything. I am always studying and researching. I am always thinking of ways to make the fisherman's life better. We can use the fish that people usually throw away and invent a way to precut it as chum. Then, the fishermen can come and ask us for the #3 chum which catches blue fish, and the #4 chum which catches tuna, and so on. Our future is unlimited. You have to use your imagination and create your own foundation. Once you do that, you only have to spend a few hours each day with your own personal business. Then, you can go out and meet the other leaders in the community. You can find other churches and help their programs. They are looking for something to do with their young people. You can train them on your boats. That is what they are for.

How many boats would you like to have in each center? How many big trawlers would you like to administrate in the future? Your desire may be very large, but if you are going to accomplish these things you have to start now. That is why we made these One Hope boats. You need education and training. How many boats can you be responsible for?

With the One Hope you have to learn and experience how to manage a boat. That will help you understand how to manage a larger boat in the future. How many small boats can you control?

You have to go all over the sea coast and explore every opportunity. In Florida, you have many friends already, so you won't have too many problems. Anywhere you go, you can find friends. Most fishermen don't have such friendship and help, but you know how to serve people and make friends wherever you go. How can you even worry about the future? You will always have some place to go and someone to help you.

You have to study how you can make a fishermen's association. You can help the fishermen in your area. Sometimes a captain may need some help. The fishermen don't have any association or organization. They are looking for that. They are looking at us with great big open eyes. They are waiting to see if we have the ability to do that. They need that kind of help. Every environment needs preparation. We can begin an American organization, but then cover the whole world, sharing with fishermen everywhere.

That is why I am wondering how many boats you can be responsible for. Can you take care of 100 boats? Not now. Someday you should be able to guide and manage a fleet of large boats. That is why you have to train on the smaller boats for the future. You are on a small boat now; this is where everything starts for you. You can control the smaller boat now and find out how to catch the smaller fish, such as striped bass, but this is training for you. Some of you will move on to take care of much larger boats and to catch large amounts of fish.

Training on the One Hope Boats

After you graduate from the One Hope boat, you can go on to the next size boat. You can become responsible for a forty foot or fifty foot boat. You can even live on that size of boat as well. You can make the ocean your way of life, every area of your life. You have to be interested and capable in every aspect of fishing. Do you know anything about tackle? Do you know how to handle and take care of fish? Do you know how to repair engines and make boat modifications? If you don't know these things, how will you survive upon and live from the ocean?

The One Hope boats have to go everywhere so that people will see them and come to respect what we are doing. It's a dream, and I am holding onto that dream in my mind. That means that it is in an invisible form, but it will become visible. We will see it in the future. We will see it soon. A man who believes can do anything. A man who acts can achieve anything. "Believing man and Doing man." That is how I am and that is how I envision you to become. Actually, it isn't a dream. It is what I know.

Even the One Hope boat is not the final standard. I am now researching how to make it better. One problem is that the balance is too sensitive. This has to be corrected. We have to research and correct that problem. I want to make this boat useful for every kind of training. I am also looking at how it cuts through the wave. If the boat could go faster, the boat could cut three waves at once. Now, it can cut two and if you go slowly it has to cut each wave, one by one. I have already tested this out. If the boat goes 3,500 rpm it is more stable and cuts the wave cleanly.

Can you suggest anything that would improve the One Hope boat? Let's really study this boat and make the best modifications. It is already designed very well and whenever we have taken it to boat shows in this country, we receive very good comments. We make the One Hope boats twenty-eight feet for a specific purpose. We can store them easily because we can trailer them anywhere in the country. We can mobilize from one city to another city this way as well. It's more difficult with larger boats. The twenty-eight foot boat is stable in winds up to twenty-five knots. Winds higher than that are not the best for fishing anyway, so the twenty-eight foot boat is an excellent boat to train for all kinds of fishing.

What is unique about this boat is that it will never sink. There is no limit to our use of such a boat. This is great for Home Church. An entire family can use this boat; they can go almost anywhere. This as a very convenient and wonderful boat for any family. That is why I designed the boat this way. When we begin to mass produce other boats, you can sell them for your own personal business. Through Master Marine company you can order the boats for those in your local area who want to buy one for themselves.

Don't take this effort lightly. It's very difficult to come to an old establishment like this industry and set up a new tradition. We have to study it very carefully. Money is not the problem. The key point is, do we have the ability? One good example for us is the Washington Times. Our members did not have the same abilities as the people we employed, but they were able to administer and manage the direction of the paper. That's the key point for us. You should become that kind of person, who can administrate and take care of many people. You have to be able to guide people in all areas of life.

The same principle applies to things as well. Make a basic formula for all the boats and follow that standard in taking care of them. Engine and boat repair are expensive to do; you have to do your best to prevent the need for repair. You must make periodic inspections of your engines and boats. Each region, West Coast, East Coast and Gulf Coast has to make a system to maintain the boats. How many of you can repair an engine? An IW should be appointed for each coastal region. Each region has to have at least three spare engines so that if an engine breaks down, you can use that engine while you are fixing the broken one. You should be able to fix an engine in one night, even if you have to stay up the entire night.

If you need help, get the person in charge of the boats and spend the whole night with him. The IW can direct those responsible for the boats to stay and work with him, even if it takes all night. You should have that kind of experience. The IW has to teach all the others what to do. If those engines break down in the same way again, they have to go back and teach everyone again how to operate an engine and repair it. We have to learn these lessons very well.

The engine is most important. Without a good engine you cannot use the boat for anything. So, the regional service men have to go immediately wherever the boat has broken down. Who has confidence to repair an engine in this room? You have to learn both, gasoline and diesel. You can't say, "I can fix gasoline, but not diesel." You have to fix both. Also, those who fix engines have to know the electrical system. You have to be able to repair anything wrong with that system as well. The One Hope boat is so small, there is hardly anything to learn about.

However, if you go through this course and get experience and skill, you can open a maintenance and repair business for larger boats. You can repair trawling boats and big ships. You can train yourself to repair anything. Engines have common points or parts that break down.

In each center, start with one boat. If that boat breaks down, then fix it. If you have two boats and one is older and it breaks down, don't just get on the new boat and go out. You have to fix the older boat and use that boat. That's the tradition. If you have an older boat and it breaks down, you have to come up with the money to fix that boat. This will teach you the tradition of responsibility.

Catalogue everything: boat number, parts number, engine number. Then, you can order by number the parts you need for repairs. We should have that kind of inventory system and relationship with the factory. If we have spare engines in New York, and California needs a specific part, they can order from New York and it can be sent over night. Then, we can repair our boats within two days of breaking down. We should develop that kind of system. After one year, we can see which parts break down more frequently and we can stock those parts. The same goes for the electrical system. Everything has to be listed by number, every part that goes onto and is used by the One Hope boat. This includes doors, anchors, fire equipment, everything. Then we can keep track of what we lose more often or what breaks down more often. The number system has to be unified and used by every center in the nation.

The responsibility here is great. Our future is great, but we have to be serious with what we do now. Someday you will be able to repair even the largest of boats. You will have to be able to repair Navy ships. That day is coming. I am thinking about going around in the New Hope to directly supervise the fishing activities of each center, but that might not be possible. However, we have Sea Hope I, II, and III. One of these boats should be sent as a flagship to each of these regions. Then, with the One Hope boat and the Sea Hope boat, you can spend the night out together fishing. You can teach from these boats all the activities of the One Hope boats in your region. Each center has to have at least a One Hope always ready to go, so that whenever I call, you will be immediately ready to go out. That is the standard for each center, to have one boat completely ready to go at any time. I would like to send my representative to you. The moment he arrives, you must take him out. Someone like Dr. Durst or Colonel Pak may come; you have to be absolutely ready. No excuses. So, please, study the fishing grounds in your area and know the right places to go.

The Purpose of One Hope Training

Why should we have this standard? I want to explain this to you. You should be able to take out anyone at anytime. You should be able to take out a world class person and impress them with your standard. We could prepare a fishing tour from Alaska down the West coast, through the Gulf area and up the East coast. That would be a six month fishing tour. After such an experience of catching fish in each of these coastal areas, they would become crazy!

Then, we could create fishing tours all over the world. Fishing in Africa, Europe, South America. We have to prepare for that right now, beginning right now. In this way, we are connected to people all over the world and can connect people to the ocean all over the world. They would never forget their experiences. There are many fishing and hunting groups all over the world, but their purpose needs to change. They need to be ignited to do something for the sake of helping the world. Therefore, you have to study your area. Ask yourselves, "How can I make my seaport more and more beautiful?" You have to prepare your area. Study how to catch flounder, striped bass and tuna. Then, we can advertise in Japan. They can plan their trips to America by the kind of fish they want to catch. You have to experience by yourself how to catch the fish in your area. Do you understand me? If you want to take charge of this area you have to go to Europe, Africa, South America and Japan on a regular basis. Are you that kind of person?

When you are catching tuna, do you remember anything sad or happy? You forget everything don't you? Your mother or wife may have recently died, but you can forget that sorrow in that moment. The excitement is so great that you are lifted up out of any sad or depressed mood. That's true! Modern man is looking for a way to get rid of his tension without leaving his business behind for a long time. They are looking for a way to get rid of a great deal of tension in a short amount of time. Something that is great and exciting can do that. Fishing in America can do that.

I want to stop here at this point because you forget everything so easily. but we have to continue. I have been teaching you how to catch tuna, how to catch striped bass. I feel that I am the champion of the tuna now, but I have not graduated from the striped bass. The striped bass is very smart, even smarter than the tuna. The striped bass is very hard to catch. When you first start to fish for a species, you don't know anything about its habits, such as where to go to catch it. You have to study what the other fishermen are doing, then you have to inherit that and improve it. You have to go fishing with them, find out their spots. Then, study the area and mark the spot on your own map.

Follow the professional fishermen. Be like their own sons. No one will inherit from them, so you must do that. One by one you can talk to them and tell them what you are doing. Ask them if they want to help you. Many of them will say "yes." You must move them deep inside, one by one. Then, start an association in your area. Make friends and bring them together. Take them out in your boat; it runs so fast that they cannot help but become excited.

Bring them together for a banquet, tell them all your plans and share with them. Cook all kinds of seafood for them. They will respond to you and want to help you. Make them your friends. Bring back some fish that you catch and give it to them. Share your life with them and they will share with you. By doing this, you can inherit from them and they will want to help you obtain your goals. You have your own experience, plus you have the fishermen's experience of that area. You can then make a textbook for fishing by combining all your experience and knowledge from these different areas. We can make a textbook and update it all the time. This kind of effort helps everyone.

Take your fisherman friends with you to another area to fish. Ask them, "Won't you go out with me? I already bought a ticket for you and I, so let's go." And he will answer, "Yes!" Take your friends to Alaska. They will be so excited. How about if I ask you, "Don't you want to go to Europe to fish?" What kind of answer do you have? "Sure!" So, you can teach them and raise them up. When you really need them you can call them up on the phone and say, "Come here quickly!"

They will surely come to help you. We have to start from here, but this is where we want to go. We have to constantly keep the future in front of us. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Have hope, great hope. We are doing so many things and I have to guide so many projects. I remember when I started the Science Conference. Many people could not grasp it. Many members opposed it. When I started the seminary many members didn't want to support the idea either. Then the News World came and many members didn't like that idea, but the News World gave birth to the Washington Times and everyone can see how great a newspaper it is.

Am I crazy? I don't think so. You think so, don't you? Sometimes? I understand. Anyway, let's understand this much; if I don't go to the spiritual world too soon, this venture will be successful. There is no doubt about that. What will you do if I go to the spiritual world tomorrow? Will you give up? You are very strong, very firm and even heaven hears your "No!" However, even if you give up what I am saying to you today, there will be young people in the future who will risk their own life to achieve this idea. Once I have touched this industry, then it shall never perish. Now it is declining and in serious trouble, but we will pick it up and resurrect it. Therefore, you have to make up your mind. Make it up very strongly to go this way. Do you want to do this? "Yes." Okay, then. Thank you very much.

Question and Answer Session

If you have any questions for me, now is a good time.

Member: "Will you start Ocean Church in Africa?"

If we accomplish Ocean Church in America, it is no problem anywhere else in the world. However, first things first. We have to make the foundation here. Surely, we must go everywhere in the world, after all almost every country has a coastline.

Member: "Have you any ideas about aquaculture?"

Fish farming is the real way for the future. We should intensely study about that. Someday, we have to start a fish farm for almost every kind of fish. We have to do that through the academic side, so we have to start a university and that program will begin there.

Member: "Will we have other types of Ocean Challenge programs?"

Yes, we can go to places like Key West, Florida. We can do king fishing there. Wherever we go, we have to prepare.

Member: "What is the relationship between Ocean Church and Home Church?"

Ocean Church is the place where we raise the spirit of people, but the mission is the same. We have to reach out to people and raise them up. This actually takes a long time. You can stay all your life in either mission.

Member: "How are we connected to the members in Japan?"

The foundation is laid in Japan and it moves from there to America. From America, we have to think about the whole world, Africa and South America especially. Members should see themselves connected in this way. Since fish is an excellent source of protein, we are working to develop ways of sending fish and fish products all over the world. Japan is ahead of America in this sense. However, the best fishing grounds are here in America. Our hope is to connect these two countries so that many other nations will benefit.

Member: "After this season of tuna fishing, what do you want the members of Ocean Church to focus upon?"

You should study how to catch the striped bass. You should study all about the striped bass, especially how to increase its population. You should study all kinds of fish and fishing techniques, but first study about the striped bass. Your reality is that you have to support yourselves somehow in the local area. If you graduate the "tuna course" and then the "striped bass course" using the small boat, you can begin to operate larger boats and go after other kinds of fish.

Tuna is the king of fish and the striped bass is the prince of fish. When you see a large striped bass come up, you really fall in love with that fish. It's completely beautiful. The striped bass is the gentleman of the sea. Other fish, such as the bluefish, go behind their prey, but the striped bass comes head on to meet its intended catch. Even after hooking one up, they fight without extreme violence, just steady and determined to get loose.

I asked one brother to bring home a striped bass, but after an entire day he only caught one. If you can find out how to catch these fish, it is no problem to discover how to catch many other kinds of fish, such as the bluefish which is the "ocean wolf." Bluefish are so aggressive. When they pass through a school of fish, they tear into everything and nothing is left. The taste of that fish is not so great either. If they tasted really good, they could be forgiven, but they are one of the cheapest fish to buy.

Flounder is the "ocean cake." It's smooth and delicate. There are all kinds of fish and you have to learn about them.

Member: "Why are there so many dogfish and what are they good for?"

There are also lots of dogfish in Japan and in England. They are all over the world. I want to make fish powder out of dogfish, for protein bread. Then, that bread could be sent to third world countries. They could eat cheaply, but also get some protein. I think about that all the time. We have to make a factory which can produce this kind of bread. Man can eat any kind of fish. The only problem is how to process it. If you know how to do that, it's no problem. You can make fish powder thousands of ways. You can eat it everyday. People can think of what they want to eat and say things like, "Oh, today we have fish pancakes!" I would like to hear words like that all over the world. I am deeply concerned about that.

Member: "What are the future plans for Master Marine?"

Essentially, they will build many boats, big boats and more small boats.

Member: "Everything we do is for restoration. I am wondering what that means for each one of us personally. For example, what did Jacob restore with Uncle Laban?"

Jacob's course in the land of Haran was to receive training. He trained for twenty-one years and he worked under all kinds of circumstances. Everyone is in this process; they are each on their course of restoration. For example, some people are on their way to Washington D.C. and they get a flat tire. They have to fix it. Next, their engine breaks down and they have to fix that, but they don't get discouraged. They are on the way and their final destination is in front of them. That's important. It is the same for you. Don't be disappointed by the things that get in your path. You have to know the essential point in the course of restoration. Some of you sisters are really good at singing and dancing, but how are you going to make a living? You have to remember that you live to love others. Don't expect to be loved. With that principle you can always go on. If you are accused by your husband for something, how will you take it? Will you cry out or just be grown-up and go on quietly?

When I look at some of the couples, I am really amazed. I wonder to myself, "How did I make such an ideal matching?" The more I look, the more amazed at myself I become. For example, this brother here is like those bluefish I was describing, so he needs a soft, beautiful girl such as his wife who is sitting next to him. I didn't know these details when I matched you, but as time goes on, I am truly amazed at how well you fit together. There is another brother here, Steve Taylor, who also has just the right kind of wife. His wife is what I usually call an "eye-laughing" or "laughing-eyes" girl. This kind of sister has a complicated heart and mind and sometimes it is easy for others to misunderstand her. When you look at her husband, he looks angry day and night. He can pick up the good nature of his wife, and together, with good give and take, they will pick up the good qualities between each other.

I am sympathetic towards them. I know this brother truly loves his wife. She may think, "Oh, my husband needs to be different, he should have a better shape or a better mind." She may think this way, but it isn't true. For this sister, her spouse has the kind of character that best suits her. It is a perfect match. You will have especially good children. Wait and see when your children come.

When I look at you, I can see right away your inside and outside. When I look at the nation I can also see its character and future. When I came to America in the early 1970's I proclaimed that America was heading for destruction. I was anxious to proclaim this in every city and state. When people heard this they questioned why I was so intent to proclaim that kind of thing for America. They didn't know that if people heard that and united with me, America could be saved at a much earlier time. Look at the gay men and women in America. This is sad and miserable. Those people have a special kind of cancer in the blood system. What can be done for them?

Even in simple electricity the flow of energy can only occur in polar relationships, between positive and negative. Plus and plus, minus and minus is completely out of line. From that, all kinds of problems arise, even resentment and sickness. This is a state of confusion and chaos, men looking at men and falling in love, kissing and making love. Biologically, men and women are meant to get together. Man is made to give and woman is made to receive Men smell different from women. That difference actually attracts one to the other. God is really a great scientist. Even that small detail was taken care of. Even the nose between men and women has a purpose. When you understand this, you can understand the essential course of training that we go through and you can understand the essential course of restoration that we have to accomplish. You can understand the final goal.

Member: "Is the two year fund raising course and the eighteen month ocean church course for everybody?"

Yes, everybody. Including me. I myself have gone this course. We have to experience many different things. That's what is important.

Education System for Ocean Church Members

You have to train and study. The first process is to train Ocean Church members about fishing. The second is to help Ocean Church expand and gain a foundation. From there, you can move to other kinds of fishing. This way you will find out how to prepare for all kinds of fishing. You can compile the information: this kind of fish is "a- type" and this kind is "b-type", and you can write down what kind of line to use, what kind of tackle and what kind of bait. This kind of information is very important.

We have to gain our own members in Ocean Church and we have to find a way to raise them up. Use the video system. Each guest comes to see the entire video program, which is several cassettes long. However, people are happy to learn in this way. In Japan, we have gained more than 100 dedicated members from this form of education. People can come and study for themselves.

We can design many programs, such as education programs about current affairs and other things. The guests can come and gain not only knowledge in Divine Principle, but also about society and the world. If you set up your centers and you are busy, you don't have to teach them everything yourself. Use the portable size video player. Just hook it up to the television and you can provide all kinds of education for your guests.

You can create this kind of situation. Everything can connect together. You just have to use what you have and whatever is around you. People are looking to learn and improve themselves. Now there is so much confusion and people are really suffering. We showed these Divine Principle lecture tapes to many professors and they were really impressed. They said, "This kind of education is very good." We don't have many teachers, so these tapes can fill the gap. We should make 2- day, 7-day, 21-day and 40-day lecture courses where the guest can come each day and learn from the tape.

While listening to the tapes, they don't have to stop for questions. In this way, they get the whole idea of each lecture first. This will help them understand more clearly what we are teaching. Sometimes people stop the lecturer all the time with so many questions, but this prevents them from seeing the whole idea. It's better to ask questions after the lecture is given in its entirety.

We have to find the way to teach Divine Principle. How can we teach the entire world? How can we teach the highest quality person? We have to get the highest quality teacher and then make an excellent video series on the Divine Principle. Now we are starting to do this. If we were welcomed by the environment, it would be easier, but this is not our situation, so we have to give all our effort to teach the people. You didn't know about the spiritual world before, but now you must clearly experience it. People don't know that their life is forever; they only live half of a human life. They don't understand the purpose of their physical life at all.

The Parents' Course

Let us think more seriously now. My life has not been so easy. I don't have even one day for myself. I know the spiritual world, so there is no escape for me, no hope to get away from my task. I know how you feel sometimes, but I can never turn around and go back. There is absolutely no way other than this for me to go. I know the reality of both worlds, so I must continue with my work. Do you understand? You too must understand the spiritual world. Now, you are starting from the miserable place in your course of life, you are preparing for the future. You cannot see that, but I know what your future will be like. Now you cannot see it, but eventually, everyone has to go this way. There is no other way.

This is critical. During your short lifetime you can do it. Thousands of years of problems in the spiritual world can be solved by you. You have to do it. No one else will. That is why I must be hard on you. I like you, but I must be hard. I must tell America the truth about itself. Otherwise the nation has no hope, no future. The same holds for you. You decide now. Each day you decide your own fate and the fate of your nation. God blessed America, but you are responsible for that blessing. Otherwise, God will find another nation It is very serious for you. America doesn't want to hear about its problems, but it has to listen. The problems of this nation are very serious.

Who will solve the problems in America? If America doesn't solve the problems of drugs, free sex, the breakdown of the family and the decline of Christianity, it will perish. Intelligent people in the Communist camp look at these problems and work to make them worse. They won't have to shed any of their own blood to ruin this nation. Therefore, they support drugs and free sex and push towards the breakdown of the family and the decline of religious life in America. This is true. In this way, communism will just walk in and take over someday.

Can you understand my heart? Really? I am so serious. I began all alone. There was no one to lead me, no one to guide me along the way. It was a miserable, lonely course. How could I have had any hope. How could I have continued? The only way I could continue was because I had found the way to solve mankind's division and this unlocked the way for mankind to receive God's blessing. Cain and Abel have to come together and stand and work together. Then, the position of the parents can stand and God can work his power on earth through that.

Upon that foundation, the parents can come. All the levels have to be achieved: family level, tribal level, national level and finally, the worldwide level. That is the way of the providence. It has always been this way. Today, that providence is working the same way, but centering on Asia. If we can bring the nations together, the world can start anew. If an individual Cain and Abel become one, the family can stand. If a Cain family and an Abel family become one, the tribe can stand. If a Cain nation and an Abel nation become one, the world can stand. Do you understand? That is the way of the Principle.

I now stand in Abel's position. I started alone, so I had to create the foundation on the individual level and work up to the worldwide level. I couldn't think of my own family. Abel cannot think of his own family. He has to go to Cain and Cain's family, and to the entire world of Cain. Then after that, he can go to his own family. This has been my situation all throughout my life.

Think about my heart. There is so much pain. I he worst persecution comes from those closest to the heart. My own family wanted me to be concerned for them, but I could never once think of them first. This caused incredible pain for them. This has been my course. Sometimes, I even have to hear the cries of my own children, but I can't take the time with them that they need. My time is for others instead.

The parents are in such a severe situation. Cain and Abel have to come together. That is the only way to save your parents. Do you understand? When you fight one another in the church, do you think about that? So much depends on you. You will understand later on, but not now. Sometimes you are like a robber or a thief. You are taking things without earning them. You cannot steal the parents' love like that. You have to come together first and then God can send the parents love to you. You have to bring others together centered on God's providence. Then you can taste the parents' love.

Cain and Abel have to become one. With this, the True Parents can be revealed. Parents cannot become parents by themselves. They must have the children's position fulfilled. We have to solve the division between Cain and Abel, from the individual level to the tribal level to the national level, all the way to the worldwide level.

Solving the Serious Problems of the World

The world is crazy now. Everyone is working for themselves, or at the very most for their own nation. Who is really thinking about and working for the entire world? No one. That is Satan's character. Selfish. The Oriental world is more occupied with the spiritual world, with philosophy and meditation and spiritual practice. That is its basic history. The Western world is more or less occupied with the physical world, with science and technology. That means one is more internal and the other is more external. What does that indicate to us? Cain and Abel. They share a relationship. Without them, True parents cannot stand. In the court case they asked me, "who did you meet in the spiritual world?" I told them the truth. Our purpose is to proclaim the messiah isn't it? When they asked me this question, I said, "Jesus, Moses, every kind of saint." They replied, "Oh, amazing." They didn't believe it. Neither did the newspapers. I explained that I met Moses because he was the founder of Judaism, and Jesus because he is responsible for all Christians, and Buddha because he was the beginning point of Buddhism. Some Muslim people came to ask if I met Muhammad. I said, "Yes." They asked, "Was he Muslim?" I said, "Yes, of course, indeed he was Muslim."

Jewish people also wanted to know about my meetings with Moses. They didn't believe me, but they asked anyway, just in case. They were curious to find out what Moses might have said. They were curious about what he might have said to me. Others were upset that I had met with Jesus, but what is wrong with that? There is nothing wrong with that. Few people can meet with Jesus because he is so high in the spiritual world, but there is nothing wrong with meeting Jesus.

We have to defend the free world because here these things can be said openly. We can at least discuss these things and investigate whether they are true or not. In the Communist world, this is not at all even possible. We have to bring these two worlds together. Not just East and West, but also the spiritual and physical worlds. Then we can proclaim the messiah and people will understand without too many problems.

During the time before World War II, there were many groups in Korea receiving messages directly from the spiritual world. They had ideas similar to mine. They could understand parts of the message. They had a certain amount of preparation, but they didn't understand me completely and this foundation was lost. After World War II, there was the Korean War and during this time I had to go and recreate the foundation. After that war, many people were searching and could hear the message.

Now we are centering on America, but they don't have the same kind of spiritual background. They have liberal theology, liberal thinking. They are not concerned with the spiritual world. However, what is true is true. The spiritual world exists and everyone lives there from the worst sinner to the highest saint. Anyone can find out for himself. American people don't understand who they are and they are confused about the purpose of their life. If 50% of the families in America end in divorce, how can they understand the concept of True Parents? Are you going to take care of that? Do you know how to solve that? It's very serious.

Who can save American youth? Who can straighten out their situation? There are all kinds of situations. Do you believe that you can solve everything? Can you say, "Father, we will do everything"? Can you American men and women say that? I like you, but what is happening to your nation? Do your congressmen care? Do your senators really care about how young people will remain pure and reach God? Do they truly understand how to solve the problems if they recognize them? No, but Reverend Moon understands these problems and he is working day and night to solve them, to clean up the youth of America. What has been your experience with me? Are you better or worse now?

It looks like you are worse. I make you work all day and night, in any kind of weather. In spite of that, you feel better. Is that right? Why? Because you are fulfilling your purpose in life. The ideal world will come from you. That's true. In this world, all you can find is persecution. No matter how hard it is, you have to go on. I came here more than ten years ago. During that time many powerful people came to persecute me. All the newspapers and news media and government officials were against me. They started then to prevent my work in America.

However, from this time on, people will begin to see our work and they will welcome us all over the world. Many people in South America already want to meet me. Third World nations will understand me much more quickly, but my greatest concern is the Free World. It has a mission to the Communist World. If you take care of the other nations in the world they will come to help you when you need it. Your mission is at least to take care of South America. America has to understand that.

Japan's mission is to take care of America. Western people have to follow the Oriental way. That will be the way for them. Western civilization is an empire built on technical ability in the physical world, but the Oriental way has traditionally been more concerned with the spiritual way. You have to inherit that. How about you sisters? Why do you want to marry an Oriental man? And why do the brothers also want an Oriental wife? That is because the two worlds now want to meet. They can meet through you. That's true. The future world needs both. Then we can create the original family, starting with Cain and Abel. The world can start a new family. How about you? When you first came here did your parents become angry? Many of you are nodding your heads saying, "Yes." Why? Even my family couldn't understand the path I was taking. Your parents said, "Don't go, don't go," but you went anyway.

Everyone says, "the Unification Church is an evil place." Why don't you believe them and leave? You came here to solve your problems. Instead, you were inspired to solve the problems of the world first. First help the world, then help yourself. Now, everything is in perspective for you isn't it?

You need to experience the spiritual world. Three nations represent three positions. Adam, Eve and the archangel. To save the world we have to bring three nations together. Actually, we need four nations because we solve the problem of the archangel through the restoration of Cain and Abel. Therefore, we need Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel nations. If these four nations unite, the world can unite. When this happens, the spiritual and physical worlds can come together as one.

Chapter 2 - The Founding of Ocean Church

Chapter 2
The Founding of Ocean Church
October 1st, 1980 -- Morning Garden

Sometimes you might wonder about some of our church customs, such as bowing down. You might say to yourself, "Why do we do that?" Even though it has been a custom in many parts of the world for thousands of years, it becomes easier to understand why we also practice the full bow if you hear a full explanation of it. First, it is a very symbolic act. You bow down with four limbs, meaning that you are standing on the four-position foundation. This bow also reflects the proper subject and object relationship, because, as you bow, you move from high to low, which symbolizes the vertical relationship between heaven and earth.

The Meaning of the Full Bow

To bow, you stand naturally, not in a stiff way, with one foot slightly ahead of the other. The right foot symbolizes man and the left foot symbolizes woman. The right foot should go slightly ahead of the left, symbolizing also the subject and object relationship between man and woman. Then, as you bow, all parts of the body come closer together, and this symbolizes how the four-position foundation becomes one.

The head symbolizes God, and both arms symbolize man and woman and the relationship that they have. The feet represent earth. So, when we raise our arms to touch our head, this shows the subject and object becoming one with each other and one with God, then coming down to be one with the earth. Even the face symbolizes this whole relationship. The eyes symbolize God, the nose symbolizes man and woman -- one but with two parts -- and the mouth symbolizes earth. The eyes look out and see; this represents heaven. The torso, the body symbolizes the universe.

In other words, the universe stands on the foundation of the four - position relationship. It's very appropriate to greet and respect God, and those who represent God, in this way. In Korea, this custom has existed for thousands of years. However, we do it, not because of the Korean custom, but because it coincides with the Principle. This is the way children greet their parents every day, every morning.

When you see children, especially still within the womb, you see them clutching their fingers together and making a fist. Why? The thumb symbolizes God, and the fingers symbolize the four-position foundation which surrounds it. If you look at that and really notice how the body reflects everything in the universe, you can see that of all the greetings that are given in every country around the world, this one is the most comprehensive and most meaningful. It is the most proper way to show respect because it reminds us in a very meaningful way of who we truly are in front of God and in front of one another. In your own centers and where you work on your missions, do you keep the Sunday morning pledge service? This is also very important to do each week, each month and each year. At these times, the man and wife, if they are blessed, should bow down in an easterly direction, because that is where the sun rises and this too symbolizes God. The North is another direction you can bow towards because the highest point, the North Pole, is in that direction. Also, the North Star, which has been the guiding point for mankind throughout history, is in the northern sky.

The Original Seed of History

In history. there have been many civilizations. The civilization of the North is now communism. Do you understand? Now, communism is widespread throughout many nations and it is about to conquer the world. That has been the intention of the Communists and they have the ability to do it. This is the last of Satan's work. However, when the springtime comes, even the farthest North Pole will have to melt down. What is unificationism? It is the beginning of a new civilization. Let me briefly explain. Ancient civilizations were in the tropical range, such as Egypt. The ancient civilizations started out in a hot climate. So, we can say they were "summer" civilizations. Today, we find the warm to cool climate civilizations which have risen from those times, such as Europe. These can be called the "autumn" civilizations. In autumn the leaves start to come down from the trees. In like manner, we see these civilizations coming down from their former greatness. The tree loses its leaves and the bare branches are all that is left. It's not utterly gone, but just the image of the tree remains and everything else comes down. Then, the cold winter civilization, from communism, from the North, will broaden out, and the autumn civilization be absorbed by it. It cannot remain as it used to be. The cold is merciless. Communism is merciless; it leaves nothing alone once it decides to intervene. It completely eliminates whatever is in its way. In these terms, we can certainly say that we have yet to see the "springtime' civilization. You should know that mankind was meant to start from the spring. We look back in history and see that there has never been a springtime in civilization. Mankind has never seen its flower truly bloom. So, perhaps this is now the beginning of true love and all the flourishing of the fruits of true love in its first bloom.

If we had started from the spring and then developed into summer, autumn and winter, the fruit would have blossomed from the original seed. However, no original seed was planted, thus when the winter came, nothing was left. If you have planted a seed, it goes deeper and deeper during the winter and comes out even more fully the next spring. However, without the original seed, the fruit will just die and there will be nothing left for the coming spring.

If you are going to live through the winter, through the severe cold and survive, you have to have the seed. The history of fallen mankind did not start from the original seed. God has to start a new history, this time with His seed implanted into it. So, what should this seed be like? It must be very strong and hard. If you are like that, you can be planted before the severest winter and the cold will not destroy you. You will not be cracked open by the cold and when spring comes, you will begin to blossom.

God created in such a scientific way; God is really the greatest scientist. Look at water. When water starts freezing, it also expands. Look at the pine seed that lies within the hard shell protecting it The shell also has some moisture and when it becomes cold and freezes, this causes it to expand until after several times, it finally cracks.

Likewise, you Unification members have to be very strong, very tight and in one piece. Then, you have to go and confront communism, or what we can call, "winterism." And then, your outer shell will crack open and you will start growing. Finally, when spring really comes, you will start to grow and you will be able to meet the springtime in full. You will be like the flower that can open fully and spread all its leaves and its glory. This is what we are looking towards.

Then starts an eternal blossoming of a new civilization, the springtime civilization. This may have been loosely explained, the reasoning may not have been so exact, but nature is not that difficult to see-and understand. You can see the logic of the seed in nature, and if this was God's way of beginning things in nature, it was also to be God's original point of beginning the history of mankind. Everything else was leading up to that point. When the original seed was lost, mankind had to go through a complete cycle again until the Second Advent could occur. This is the meaning of the Second Advent and from this, the eternal flourishing of mankind will begin. If communism is truly the winter civilization, it must precede the springtime civilization. Unificationism is that springtime civilization. It brings everything into oneness and harmony. For example, the hot weather of springtime is not too hot and the cold weather is not too cold. It is just like the temperature of the human being, thirty-five to thirty-eight degrees centigrade. In this temperature range, all the cells and life forms start to flourish. This is the Kingdom of Heaven or what we like to term, "The Ideal World." If you can understand this and give the correct image of it, you can give a full explanation of the entire human history -- where it started and why, where it ends and how.

The Communists are typical of the cold weather. They will just storm against others, hit them and try to knock them down completely. But our way is to make peace everywhere and melt every-thing down, even the coldest ice. Even though everything melts, it will go on and on so that life will flourish.

That's idealism. Where should that idealism start? It must begin from man and woman. Unfortunately, in the original Garden of Eden, the original man and woman could not start the Ideal World. Isn't it wonderful and significant then, when we bow to the East? It reminds us of the original starting point for civilization, and denotes that man's destiny should be noble and eternal. East represents glory and North represents authority. The sun rises in the East, bringing glory to each day, and the North is the highest point, which is a point of honor and authority. When you bow in these directions, you are saying that man should have glory and authority.

Authority goes higher and higher, reaching for the highest point which is God. Glory moves from East to West, moving horizontally, so glory is always expanding. North is vertical and East is horizontal. These directions meet in man. However, the fall changed all these things. In the fall, man became one with woman, instead of woman becoming one with man. But now, we are going back and restoring the original positions, thus, the woman becomes one with man. When this happens, all the vertical and horizontal relationships can be restored. The husband and wife bow down together. That is the meaning of this.

Ideally, a couple bows down to Heaven and to each other. Then, the man sits down and the woman bows to the man. After that, they both sit down, side by side. In this, the woman is saying that she will not be a fallen Eve and the man is saying that he will not be a fallen Adam. Such is the meaning of the morning pledge service, especially in this way of bowing down. After that, all the children will come down and offer the same bow. The parents will sit in the parents position and receive their bow. In other words, the children express their relationship to their parents and to God. The children are saying that unlike Cain and Abel in the past, they are not going to be in conflict. Instead they will be in peace and harmony and will cooperate within the four-position foundation. When that is done, the whole family will come into unity and express their one heart.

The Meaning of the Pledge

We are not yet living in the Ideal World, but instead are living in the midst of an evil world; this is why we must recite the pledge. We pledge and say that we will fulfill the will of God. Without the family coming into unity, you cannot make this pledge. God does not want just the man to pledge, nor just the woman. God wants both the man and woman to pledge to Him after they first come into unity.

We have five sections in the pledge; the fifth section concludes all the first four. First we say that we are proud of one sovereignty. Although there are many governments in the world, we are proud of only one. Who is going to build that one sovereignty? We will make it, our family will make it. We have to have that understanding.

Who should have made the first sovereignty of mankind? Adam should have done that. Now, in place of Adam, you must restore that lost sovereignty. You must restore that first family unit. That is the first thing. We also recognize that we are proud of one people. That is, one people which come under Heaven. In the Kingdom of Heaven, there is no such thing as two or three different kinds of people. There is no such thing as white people, black people or yellow people. That kind of difference between people does not exist in the Kingdom of Heaven. That difference and separation has come about from the fall of man in the very beginning. However, the world of God has only one people.

Next we say that we are proud of the one land and one nation that comes under God. If God wants to visit from north to south, does He need a passport to go? If He doesn't, then why should His sons and daughters need a passport? There should be free passage everywhere and no boundaries. We are different in that respect. Satan is proud of many nations, many sovereignties and many peoples. But we are just proud of one sovereignty, one land, one nation, one people. This is really our pledge and strong determination against the divided world of Satan. The Satanic world is one long history of war. On the other hand, the history of God has been the hidden struggle to bring everything into unity and into oneness. Therefore, we have to recognize the problem of many different cultures. They have all developed from different origins and so, man has developed different styles and forms of behavior. This sets people apart from one another. This is also what is stopping and confusing the dispensation today Satan uses this as his strong point. We want to do away with this painful problem, so we are proud of one culture.

We are proud of one culture and that one culture comes from one word, one language. Actually, language and culture are the same. Language is culture in essence. This means eventually you have to speak the same language that your parents speak. In the spiritual world, what is the language that you will use? The answer is simple. Whatever is the language of the parents, is also the language of the children.

Unfortunately, you don't understand the mother tongue. What is English? It is not the original tongue of God. Why are we teaching the young children in the nursery Korean? Because it is the first language that God could participate in. Of course, we also teach the children English because they could not survive in the world today without it, but at least the first words they learn are Korean. They can begin from the very earliest point in their life to learn the mother tongue and they can learn the English language after that. Is this carrying everything too far? No. It is really a very good beginning.

When you say that you are proud of one language and one culture, do you really feel it? Do you think, "Am I anywhere near comprehending the language and culture that I am proud of?' Have you ever stopped to think about that? So, when you come to that phrase, you must truly feel regret that you cannot have real pride in that one language and culture. You must be longing to participate in that original springtime culture.

It is not just any culture that we are looking for, but the original spring culture. There is no other "ism" in that culture except "Adamism." Culture and civilization should have started from Adam and Adam's family. We should have one language. Many languages confuse and bring everything into division. There are many languages spoken here in America, and this can very easily bring about conflict.

What about us as Unification members at this time? We must learn the mother tongue that we are proud of within three generations. Within sixty years, we should be speaking the original mother tongue. I have never taught you this before, but this meeting brings me to speak about these things directly. What else are we proud of? Centering around one set of parents are all the children. When all the basic elements that we mentioned above are created, the children can then gather around their parents. Since there is one world, one nation, one family, there is also only one original set of parents. Isn't that true? You might wonder why the brotherhood of man must come before the one language and culture. Why is it in this sequence in our pledge? Without all people coming into one, we cannot create a world where we are all proud of becoming brothers and sisters. There is still a great war to be fought. Are you free to be proud of the parents now? No. You have no time to be proud because you are under constant attack by the world. You are always on the defense. You cannot proclaim to the world, "Let us follow our parents all together!" All of the things in the fifth pledge have to be fulfilled and then, after that, our pride can be freely expressed.

Then what comes? The tradition of mankind can begin to unfold. Only after you are proud of being able to have one original parent, can you create the world of one heart. And so, you can be proud of being the laborer who built that. There is no distinction there, no white, black, yellow or anything else. There is only one family, one tradition.

When your marriage is international or interracial, the children will all be different. Between an interracial couple, the children will not be the same. Some will be more like the mother and others more like the father. Will you discriminate between the children? Will the father say, "Oh, this child is more my color so I will favor this child?" When the heart dominates, there is no black or white.

If we carefully examine what we say in the pledge we can see everything from the correct perspective. Whenever I give a sermon, I see all these things in their proper order. I always have these things in mind. Do you think of these things? I conclude every sermon with, "Amen." When we conclude the pledge we say, "To accomplish all this, all five sections, we will give our very life." With such a conclusion you are saying that you cherish this pledge more than anything else, so you will fight even with your life to overcome the forces of evil and bring about the promises of the pledge. You are saying that you don't want to die without making the one world of the heart. Without doing this, if we go to the spiritual world, we have to do everything all over again once we arrive there. I have wondered why no one has ever asked any questions about the pledge. No one has ever asked why there was such a specific sequence in the pledge and what it means. No one has ever asked me why I wrote the pledge in this way.

The way we bow and what we say in pledge all comes into one meaning. Whatever we do, we have to do with the feeling that we are practicing how to do it in the Kingdom of Heaven. That time when we give pledge, the beginning of a brand new day, without any contamination or interference, is the moment when we make a deep intimate relationship with Heaven. Here we contemplate where we are and what we are trying to accomplish for the sake of mankind and Heaven. We should have those moments and those few hours and realize how meaningful they are. If we don't feel that and just waste the time, it is truly a pity.

When we eat fresh fruit, we should think, "I shall appreciate it as if I were in the Kingdom of Heaven." We should eat the things of creation with this kind of deep heart. We should consider every act as practice for living in the Ideal World. Bowing is like that as well. You should do it naturally, with sincerity and no one should need to prompt you. You should know when it is appropriate for you to bow.

I am telling you all these things because I am thinking about how our meeting started this morning. The moment that Mr. Kim shouted out, "Bow!" I wondered, "Why does he have to shout it out? Why doesn't everyone just naturally feel like doing that?" I feel unnatural from that kind of thing and I feel that it is strange for you too. However, once you know the meaning and have the full explanation of how and why, it's all up to you. You can express your feelings from deep within, in this significant way.

The Relationship between East and West

The Western way of greeting each other is horizontal. It is a friendly shaking of the hands, a lateral movement. It is saying, You and I are equal, so let's get along together. But, the Oriental way has vertical relationships in mind. The vertical relationship is the first thing to come. You have to greet your superior first, and then care about your junior member. Both are necessary, but which comes first? The vertical relationship must be first established and then we can create a horizontal relationship.

In Western culture, there is even some pride to do away with all vertical relationships, but in reality this slows down real progress in relationships. Does this sound logical and reasonable to you? The way for human relationships to function smoothly is for the vertical to come first and the horizontal to come based upon the first. This shows the difference between Eastern and Western civilizations.

Western people are really looking for something new and they are looking to the East for new ideas. The East is not looking to the West for new ideas, but they are interested in finding out new ways of doing things. That is why they want to find out about technology and the more external customs of the West. In the Orient, people are tired of the old formal customs and narrow religious way of thinking. They are saying, "What do we get doing all of this?" They are interested in learning more practical ways of doing things. So, they come to America and study how to make things and build things and get things moving. This is actually very good. From the East can come a deeper way of thinking and from the West can come a good way of getting things done.

To you, such things may just be happening, but nothing "just happens." Once you know how the providence moves, you can see the reason behind everything. So, let's face it. Among Western men and Western women, the Western men don't prefer Western women, if they can help it. Men don't want to obey women and serve women, not if they can help it. If they don't have to do it, they don't want to do it. Something inside of them tells them, "I want to get away from here; this is meaningless."

The Oriental woman may not be so active. Their calm and serene nature seems to say a lot without any words. Once the Western man sees this, he is drawn to it. The Western woman is very talkative, whereas the Eastern woman doesn't speak so much. That's the general tendency, isn't it? However, the Oriental men sometimes think, 'Our women don't express anything. What are they here for?" The Oriental woman just seems to sit there and do nothing. So, the Oriental man thinks, "If I marry an American woman, life will be very exciting."

In the depth of her heart, even American women want someone to dominate them in the right way. Someone like me. I am not always a gentle person. I can be very tough, very demanding. I can push and push and never give you an inch. Sometimes you like that. Sometimes you say, "I wish I had a man that consistent." Contrary to the popular belief that women like only soft people just like themselves, the chances are that they really like someone who is strong. The idea that men only like people who are masculine like themselves is not at all accurate either. It is not so much that one is better than the other; that is not what I am saying now. It is that men and women are made for each other by being different from each other. It is like boy and girl twins, not exactly alike, but from the same parent. And not that different once you get to know them from the inside. If you draw the line and split something in half, you have two things that are identical. Well, in somewhat the same way, men and women are the same thing, but they are also different too, in order that they can experience becoming one. That's the beauty of it. Do you understand?

Preparation for Pledge

I wonder about couples who may fight the night before pledge service. They shouldn't come to pledge with that kind of thing between them. It's hypocritical. They should pay some indemnity and repent. They should apologize to each other. If they do that, if one says, I started the whole thing and I'm sorry," and the other replies, "Well, there was some fault in me too, they can then come and do pledge together. You don't want to come in front of Heaven with conflict in your hearts. The deep meaning of pledge is that it is the weekly, monthly and yearly opportunity to clear up your hearts.

So far, you have been doing pledge service in the early mornings and many times you say to yourself, 'I wish Father would abolish this tradition of getting up so early to do pledge." I know that everyone of you has felt that way. Whoever has not felt this way raise your hands. Well, even I have felt that way sometimes; I am not always so excited to get up at 4:00 a.m. and then work a long day after that. But when we reflect upon ourselves, consider what we say in the pledge and compare where we are to that, we get better and better week by week. It takes time to perfect ourselves. We cannot just do it in a moment of magic. It takes many days, weeks, years, and we have to make consistent effort. To graduate from elementary school takes six years. If you are going to learn to go to Heaven can you do that overnight? You might look out and see a cloudy sky and say, "Oh, it might rain today, so I don't want to go to school; I don't want to go through that storm." Can you do that? Will you be excused? There were only a few days when you really wanted to go to school. There were mostly days when you were tired, or it was raining or snowing, or something else was going on, but you went to school every single day, didn't you? How about eating three meals a day. Don't you sometimes get tired of that? However, you do that three times a day, regardless of whatever goes on. What about going to the bathroom? If you hate to go to the bathroom because it isn't the nicest room in the place, do you refuse to go there when you really have to? Even though you may not want to use that room, you actually feel much better after you go there, don't you? Maybe you are really tired and don't even feel like doing it, but you feel much better afterwards and that is why you go ahead and do it.

When the pledge service comes, you have to shower or take a bath and clean yourself up. That is also the case spiritually. You have to think about what you did wrong the past week, and pray and get ready for the pledge service. Think about every part of your body. For example, if your hand did something wrong, pushed or struck someone, you have to really repent about that. You should repent if you thought badly towards others during the past week, month or year.

How good it is to have this time each week! You can truly clean yourself and prepare yourself. Then, for pledge you can bow down in the purest way. For at least a few moments, have a deep prayer before you bow down. The night before when you take a bath or shower, make it very significant. You are cleaning yourself, getting ready to face God again for pledge. Then, you can ask Heaven, "Since I am clean tonight, please stay close to me tonight and I will see you in the morning." You can even ask God to show you something good in your dreams that night. So, is pledge bad or good? You should change from now on. Don't he lenient or tired to do the pledge service. Instead, truly anticipate it and be joyful to do it. All year long, the very beginning of a brand new week is the very beginning of a brand new you. Think about yourself, your spouse, your children and if there is anything wrong in those relationships, clear it up. That is how serious pledge is. Feel to your bones the great privilege you have in doing pledge.

The Bible once warned us never to pledge, never to say an oath. That is because man did not have the condition to do so in front of God. But now, that foundation is laid and you can participate in the pledge. So, think about how great it is to come before God in this way. I am concerned that you have done pledge in a ritualistic way, that you didn't understand it, but have just done it like a habit. You should be very serious and solemn like the Jewish people when they go to the synagogue on the day of atonement, Yom Kippur. This ceremony is vitally important in order to build the Kingdom of Heaven in the family. Do you understand?

Understanding Oriental Culture

Now we know this important area. Since you are seminary graduates and will be leaders in this movement, you must be serious to educate your members in this regard. You have to educate them well. So, are some of you learning Korean now? Even though I am improving my English, I will not speak English to you. Especially if I meet you in Korea, I will not speak any English. You have to speak Korean if you want to communicate with me.

It's not impossible to learn another language. I believe that everyone of the members ought to go to Korea for about two years. You should go to the rock bottom of society and move up through every level from there. Then, absolutely you would learn the language. I think that there isn't any one of you who doesn't want to do that. I feel that you will be ashamed if you go to spiritual world and cannot understand me when I am speaking. Do you think I am just saying this on a whim or is this really the way it is, especially in the spiritual world? So, by the year 2,000, which is only twenty years away, all of you should speak Korean. Up to now, there have been other things for you to do and I didn't emphasize it so much. From 1980 on we will concentrate more and more on points like this. We will even have a formal time to learn Korean. It's necessary. Don't you think so?

Some people say that the Korean language is difficult to learn, but that isn't so. It is logically composed. Your mind tends to think logically anyway. That is how you were made. The Korean language contains all the phonetic sounds. This is why, whenever Koreans learn another language, such as English, they learn it quickly and speak it very well. The Japanese can never learn English as well as the Koreans do. It is very difficult for them because Japanese is lacking in many sounds. When Koreans learn to speak Chinese and speak it well, the Chinese cannot even guess that these Koreans came from another country. It is the same when a Korean learns to speak Japanese very well. They can never guess that this person is originally Korean. The Korean language has that much spectrum of sound and pronunciation. Also, the adjectives in Korean are rich and varied, especially in religious terminology. There is much that is expressive of the internal realm, of heart and spirit. Korean is very close to the Principle in this way. Here, you might say, "slowly, but you have no way of saying, "slowly, slowly." Or you might say, "go fast," but you have no way of saying, "fast, fast." In Korean, you have words which can emphasize like this and can convey the idea that you have more clearly.

In Korea, they use a spoon and a pair of chopsticks. There is a strict rule in arranging your table in Korea, where the plate goes and the rice bowl and the tea cup. There is always a subject and object relationship for these placements. China brags about its being the oldest civilization and Japan brags about its own history, but they don't have many of the attributes that Korea has. I don't want you to look at China, Japan and Korea and think they are all the same. There is a world of difference between the cultures. I received a report about the book and the movie, "Shogun." You even pronounce it wrong. It is not "sho-gun," but rather "sho-guun." You see the "gun" and think of a gun and just say it like that, but it has no meaning when you say it like that. If you say, "sho-gun" it is like a gun show. I cannot help but relate it to that.

A shogun is a general, but a special kind of general. The shogun is the one who serves directly next to the emperor. Anyway, people are quite excited about this program. Fifty percent of the entire population watched that program. They thought they were learning about the Orient. However, I couldn't relate to it so much because there really wasn't a great deal there. You had only one or two interesting scenes, but you would need thousands of scenes before you even began to understand something about the Orient.

One interesting thing that I noticed was the ceremony of cutting your belly, which the Japanese call "seppuku." For them, that is the honorable way of paying indemnity. If you did not fulfill your responsibility, you would kill yourself rather than be fired. If you really meant business, then nothing came higher than that. You saw some scenes about that in the movie. In reality, in history that was a daily thing. In order to ease the pain, there was always someone there to cut cleanly through your neck so that you would end your life quickly and not suffer in agony. Who did that? The closest one to you, not your enemy. Your best friend or next of kin would be the one to cut off your head. There was that kind of honor put into one's task. There was such a seriousness linked to their life. Their life was always at stake. There is no similar concept at all in this country. Have you ever thought of doing such a thing if you failed to fulfill your responsibility? The Japanese have that sincerity and seriousness in the history of their Samurai. The Samurai was the warrior class and of course, the warrior was at his best during times of war.

Well, Japan is not at war, but they kept something of that Samurai spirit and that is why they have developed so quickly. In the economy of the world, they have achieved great things. They don't go about things in a lazy way. They really feel that their neck is at stake in their job. They still have some feeling that if they don't make their job a success, they will have to cut their own belly. The past few weeks, while watching this show, I have said to myself over and over, "Oh, that's one thing the American people will never understand. Not for a long time to come." However, if you really place yourself in a serious situation, it is not impossible to understand. Imagine that the closest one to you would cut off your head, and that it would take such love for him to do that. The whole thing expresses that it is more important to carry out an order than it is to care for one's life. The Japanese have that kind of background and feeling.

It says in the Bible that those who are willing to die will live. So, in the light of the dispensation, the Japanese will do the best because of that heritage. Once they understand about God's will, they will apply themselves towards their responsibility with that kind of intensity. You may find many faults in the Japanese, but that one point carries the Japanese over many obstacles, and they often go way beyond other nations. Should I continue or would you like to have breakfast now? Should we have breakfast, or should we not have breakfast? Breakfast is already cooked, but you don't seem to want it. Well, the ocean is close by and we can just dump it there. The fish would be very happy about that. You don't mind that? Sometimes you mind working, but you never mind eating. However, if you love your work as much and even more than you love eating, then your success is guaranteed. You will never fail by working and when it is finally so long between meals, your stomach will direct you.

What you heard this morning was not the primary talk today. After breakfast, there will be much more to say. However, this was for your daily life. You need it because it isn't just conceptual, but is really practical for your daily life. So, there is nothing to feel bad about. There is such a thing as a vertical way of greeting and a horizontal way of greeting. But, now that you know about the meaning of a vertical way of greeting, you have gained a lot.

I know about America, and probably more than most Americans know about themselves. I know a great deal about Western civilization. There are some very good points, such as getting things into action and bringing about results. Orientals have a lot to learn from you and we are going to adopt that. I know you can learn very quickly. I am encouraged even by the way you sit. When I first came here, you couldn't do that. But now, you can sit on the floor for hours without stretching your legs. When I came here I saw that Americans would put their legs up on the coffee table and watch television. Even the women did that. I am not yet accustomed to seeing that. You ought to know the Oriental customs since you are going to be people of the world. You have to be aware and sensitive to these points if you are ever going to visit or live there. Well, getting back to the Shogun program, in that show one of the actors talks about "six minds and three hearts." Such a saying really baffles the American person. You always expect an immediate reply to things and when it doesn't come you try to figure out what the Oriental person might be thinking. However, you Americans would never ever find out because they don't express it. This is one reason why, traditionally, the Chinese have been better diplomats than Westerners. The Western person expresses his mind immediately. You show what you have, whereas they never show what they have.

The Chinese may feel something inside, but goes all the way to the North Pole and does something completely different. There is no way of finding out why until a very long time later. If I spend three days with you, I will find out everything from you. On the other hand, the Oriental husband and wife may be married for years and still they take a long time to find out about each other. Even friends are like that.

There is a world of difference between the Oriental way of thinking and the Western way of expression. Even though you are Western people, you are about to set out into the world, and you have to care about how other people think and feel. So, I am sharing with you about the Eastern people, what they value and what they don't, what they think is bad manners and what is courtesy.

Korea is a small country. In the past, a large country could engulf a small country and there was nothing that could be done about it. It is just like a large fish swallowing up a small fish. There was simply nothing you could do about it. In this respect, Korea has been unique. It was small and could never win against an invasion. However, each time it reappeared. No one could completely engulf it -- not China, Russia, Japan, not anyone. They quickly adapted to every situation, but still remained intact as Korean people and kept their Korean culture. Koreans learn very quickly because they had to survive so many things. Also, they are righteous in some ways, and they never want to depend upon anyone else; they quickly become independent. They observed the American way of life and quickly picked up all the good points about it. They have a viewpoint of the world and a clear idea about life. So, they estimate a situation and quickly make up their minds about it. If you look at schools like Harvard, you will see more and more Koreans attending and graduating from such places. In history, the Jewish people have usually been the ones to forge ahead in this way. The Korean people also have such qualities, and you will see them making an impact in many areas now that they have begun to come out into the world.

If the Koreans and Japanese had developed their nations together, they would have had a great influence over all of Asia. However, it didn't work out that way. Everything would have been led by these two nations, but this didn't happen. I am looking to the future now, and waiting to see what the offspring of Korean-American couples will do. I expect some unique qualities to emerge in these children.

I am not just a Korean man; however, I did inherit the basic characteristics of Korean history and culture. One of those basic qualities is that once I decide something, I will never give up. I am entirely consistent in this way. Korea is a very small and weak nation, but they have survived conquest over and over again. Also, Korea is a very religious nation. Almost everything in life is related to the basic meaning and concept of religion. Almost every Korean has had some kind of experience with the spiritual world. Many of them have had spiritual healing, and they understand very clearly about the interaction between the spiritual world and the physical world. They understand about their ancestors, and they know or sense how good actions influence the spiritual world.

Unity Through the Matching and Blessing

Those Americans who are matched to Koreans will have a very interesting life. Especially their offspring will be quite unusual. It is almost like a whole new race. How many of you are matched? When would you like to be married? There are so many couples now waiting, and if I were to bless all of you at once, the President should come and give his congratulations. Is it like that now? Could such a thing happen?

I am considering the whole nation. That is why I cannot just move in a simple way; I cannot just do things so easily. If I am going to hold a wedding ceremony here in America, I will have to bring many people from all the different countries. Would the American people welcome them or not? Is there a possibility or danger that someone would want to place a bomb in the wedding hall? Have you ever stopped to think about that? If I am going to officiate at your wedding, then it must be a fantastic wedding. I am very concerned that everything should go well and have a peaceful conclusion. I am thinking of where to have this wedding, in Korea or Japan, England or America.

The plane fare is quite a bit for someone to fly back and forth, but am I thinking about that or am I thinking more deeply? For years and years I have been telling you that the qualifications for gaining the Blessing are that you must at least witness to three people and raise them up to God. You are also responsible to witness to eighty four people. Jesus struggled with twelve disciples and seventy-two elders. Because he couldn't bring these people into unity centered upon himself, he couldn't go forward and get the Blessing.

What is your ideal? Should you get married before you are successful in Home Church, or after you have gained success in Home Church? Have you all done Home Church now? Then, this means you will have to be blessed again before you go to the spiritual world. When the world comes to welcome you, I will have to bless you again, even though I have already blessed you. You have to receive the blessing from the church level, the national level and the world level. These three levels have to recognize you. When you come to think of that, a wedding ceremony is not that simple is it? Those who are married to Japanese members, raise your hands. Those American sisters who are matched to Japanese men, do you feel something quite different than if you had been matched to American men? You've got to study and come to understand the differences. These differences can become the advantage and merit of your relationship.

Even I did not dream that one day I would be involved with so many people in this way. Well, those who are not engaged, please raise your hands. Not so many of you. How do you feel about becoming engaged? Those who are engaged, if you feel unsatisfied with your spouse, and if you are thinking, "Of all people, why did Father match this one to me?" raise your hands. No one feels that way? Even in a minimum way? You will never know how you feel until you live together and have a child together. From among those of you who don't care so much for each other, may come the best children. What will you do then?

You may become the leader of a nation, or even beyond that a leader on the world-wide level. You have to go through that, and then you can assess your marriage. A typical example is President Kim, Young Whi Kim. When he was blessed he was troubled for more than three years. He wondered why I had given him such a wife. I said, "Just wait and you will come to understand." Then, after a few years, he came to respect and love his wife, and couldn't see how he could even carry on without her. So now, he is a woman worshiper. However, can a man become a woman worshiper when the woman is bad? If I am an expert in any area, I am at least an expert in studying about man and God. I have really researched about God's mind and man's mind Actually, you don't have to say anything to me. When I see you I understand immediately how you feel towards your match. I can accurately foretell the spiritual outcome of a couple. When I match you, I don't match you on the same level that you are. Instead, my mind is looking down upon you from the very highest viewpoint.

My reputation for matchmaking is already very high in Korea. There is a Korean philosophy about matchmaking, which is a very consistent philosophy or system of study that has existed for a very long time. There are many matchmakers in Korea who have studied this art and have made many matches in their lifetime. Many times, members have gone to them and have shown them their match and they were very shocked by how good it was. These matchmakers admitted they could not have done any better.

There is a way in which you were born and I can understand about that. My matchmaking abilities didn't come late in life, but from very early on, people recognized my abilities. When I was very young I would see a couple and tell right away if it was a good couple or not. Soon, people started to come to me and show me pictures and ask me if it was a good match or not. For years and years I studied and practiced in this area of life. So far as matching goes, not just in numbers, but in quality, I am the champion of the whole world. So, if you are ever going to get matched or married, how are you going to do it? If you really know the value of it, and if the price is $100,000, what are you going to do? Would you say, "Well, I don't have that kind of money, so I'll just settle for something less than that."? No, you would go out and do anything to earn that money. You cannot judge your match so quickly. If you really understood the value of it, you would wait, and after three generations here on earth, you would begin to see. When you go to the spiritual world, you will know even more clearly. However, if you know something more than me, and if you do things better than me, you can come to me and complain. Some of you got someone you would never have even dreamed about. If there was such a person that would be the last one you would ever marry, that would be this person. Then I matched you to that kind of person. However, that couple is often the very best kind.

The quality of people is different. One is going on an upward curve and the other is going down. Someone may be at the very top of their own prosperity and they are going in a downward curve. Another person may be just starting to go up. This is just the natural way of life. You have to have the right kind of harmony. If one moves faster than the other, a spouse may be left behind and die. Marriage is a very important thing. No one knows this more than I do. It can lengthen someone's life or cut it short. What could be more serious than that?

The most important event in one's life is taking a spouse, getting married. In America, this most serious thing is taken in a foolish way. Some people meet each other and in the same day they are married. Some people don't even bother about marriage, but just freely come together and then never see each other again. This kind of thing produces a deep scar each time. I am so serious, however, and once you agree to a matching, you have to stay with it and make it successful. Do you feel that your match is a good match? If you truly feel that, then I am grateful. But please understand, even if you feel that way now, it doesn't always stay that way. Those of you who don't feel so good about your match, it will be quite different in a few years and you will feel very good about it.

Don't think, "Well, everybody is getting married and I am just one of them." That isn't so. The quality of your marriage is very different. Look at the ocean. There are many depths and colors in the ocean. Your marriages are like that. Each one is very unique. You have to feel that mystical quality towards your marriage. Think about how a man and woman who were once strangers now come to live together, and come to know each other as no one else. It is a very deep thing if you think about it. A very mysterious thing if you really stop to consider it.

So, all you men, do you need a woman? And you women, do you need a man? Some people choose the gay movement. The women live with the women and the men go and live with each other. They think they can live without marriage, but is this possible? Does life go on in this way? The basic structure of man and woman is a perfect match. It is as basic as the electrical system. To make a connection, there is an outlet and a plug. This seems simple, but many people are even confused about this basic point. All of creation is made in this way. It is a simple law of creation.

The Making of a Champion

Let us begin. What is it that you need now, and what is it that you need most? Do you need men or money? Which is more needed? Men or money? [Men]. Yes, we need manpower. Well, can any man do the job? There are all sorts of men. There are those who can teach, those who are technically skilled or those who sail the seas. There are all kinds of men. Which one is needed? You like the idea of being a sailor, but there are all kinds of sailors.

I didn't send you to the seminary to become sailors. My purpose wasn't to make sailors out of you. What I would like, what anyone would like in the church, is someone who is spiritually oriented and can be of service to other people, especially in a religious or spiritual way. That person would be able to function normally and correctly in every position that he is given. We need a person representing the spiritual world who is willing to work in a principled way on the earth.

Who is that person? He is the one who is willing and capable to draw out the people involved in the Satanic world and bring them to a Godly way of life. We need a champion who can do that. It takes a champion to make a champion out of someone else. For example, you know about the gymnasiums where there is a coach or trainer and young men come to train under him. After thoroughly training them, the coach sends them out to a contest. When they win the match or the title, they can bring the trophy back to the gym. The champion in the gym is always practicing, always fighting. In this way, he refines himself.

If he doesn't have men to train, he has to recruit them. Who will recruit them? The champion has to do that. Is there an administrator who will do that for him? No. This means that you have to become the champion before you can hope to bring in and make champions out of others. You have to have a gym and you have to have enough technique to be able to train people regularly. You have to have that capability before you can assemble people and do something with them.

If you are constantly training others, you have to be able to look at them eye to eye and be able to fight. If that person doesn't look directly into your eyes, you have to remind them to look straight up and keep their eyes focused. You have to show them how to use their hands and feet in exactly the right way. Sometimes you have to hit them and show them exactly how it has to be done. The champion is constantly showing others how to do each thing. He will never leave them alone, not for any single detail.

How many people have you trained like this? If you say that we need men more than we need money, you have to raise up those men. No one is going to bring you your men and say, "Here they are; they are already trained and you can use them." No one is going to do that for you. You will have to train them. However, before you can train anyone else, you have to be able to do every point by yourself. You have to pursue every detail by yourself. It is a desperate situation for you. If you need someone, you have to be clear. Don't just get anyone, but find the right person and then say, "Okay. I need him; I need that person."

Then, you have to try your best for that person. You think about him, pray about him and do everything to bring him. That means you have to visit him and you have to work hard with him. The people surrounding him will oppose you, but you have to go again and again. You have to be persistent and determined to bring that person and nothing else will do.

Have you ever heard about one sided love? You call it unrequited love. Once you have made up your mind, it doesn't matter what someone else thinks about you. What matters is what you think about them. You just go to serve that person, and if they oppose you, mistreat you, even knock you flat and make you bleed, still you will not give up. Instead, you will become excited by that and even more fervent to serve that person. By the time you do that, there is no such thing as a limit. That person will think, "Who am I to get this kind of attention from someone?"

When you are around many people, look and investigate who is the best one there. Determine who is the best man or woman that you want to bring over to God's side. Once you make up your mind, determine that you will never let go. Keep on working and praying until you win over that person's heart Then, when you get to know him or her, express what you feel. Tell him how this nation is declining and how you are longing to meet someone who wants to stop that trend and turn this nation around. If he agrees with you, you can ask him to work with you.

You don't have to begin from the very first moment to talk about Divine Principle. He may not be interested in that right away. For example, if someone is good at fighting and takes pride in it, and you are a bit of a muscle man yourself, go to him and ask him to teach you a few things. Then, you can learn some points from him. If you have interest in something and that person has some skill in that area, you can approach him in this way. You can first learn from others.

When your relationship matures and you become more trusting of each other, you can say to him, "Well, so much for the muscle. In order to use the muscle right, you have to be able to use your head and be smart. Don't you notice that you don't always do with your body what your mind knows you should do?" Give your opinion of how you have to fight and why. You can explain about the Principle even in such a conversation. One thing you should never do is limit yourself. Don't ever say things like, "Oh, I can't sing. That's the last thing I'd ever do." There is no such thing as the "last thing" you can do. You should try anything and everything.

It's awkward in the beginning. Go to the extreme and try the things you cannot do. Do something that no one is expecting. Then, people will really begin to notice you and listen to you. I studied this for a long time and I practiced it. I have some limitations, but I learned to go beyond them, and you should be able to go beyond your limitations as well. What is my limitation? I am the leader of the Unification Church. I cannot do many things, even though I know how to do them. I am an expert in so many things, but I cannot always do them.

It's very simple. For you to become a champion in the ring, you have to train yourself. On what? On various techniques, not just one thing. There are hundreds of ways. There are ways to move your head and your hands, so that when your head goes down, your fist goes up. If you are serious and you have to fight, if you have to, you can do it. You can use your head, your hand/ your hip. If you are a serious fighter and if you are in danger, you have to use such things. Are you a champion, or are you an on looker? If you are a champion, what kind of champion are you? The one who is more interested than anyone else and the one who learns more moves than anyone else is the one who is going to be the best fighter. That is how a champion is made. You have to fully invest all your mind and your body.

There are all kinds of things that bring people together: hiking, jogging, music, whatever. I want you to be an interesting person to be with. Don't be like a piece of carved stone or a piece of wood, expressionless and motionless. You have to be interested in all kinds of things and get excited easily. Then, you can get along with people very quickly. That is one thing that I am. I am really filled with fun. It is exciting to be with me. One thing I will never do is bore you.

If I am hiking up the mountain, I go faster than anyone else. If you go out onto the field with me, I will run and jump more than anyone else. I am curious about everything, I am filled with enthusiasm to learn anything. When you want to become friends with someone, you have to be active in the same field. If you have nothing better to do with yourself, just go out and pick a fight with someone. That's far better than sitting and doing nothing in your home. At least you are doing something and can learn from it.

You are bound to get hit once in a while. Otherwise, you will never understand about life. Getting hit by another person is not that terrible. When you are hit, then you know what that feels like. It makes you think, and you have to be a fast thinker in this life. When you come into a situation, you have to be able to think fast and do something immediately. That's a champion. A champion has to be very active in any situation and decide things very quickly. He has to know whether to advance or retreat and then do it.

I am beyond sixty years of age, but when I talk about something and get excited, no one thinks I am that old. I am like a twenty year old and that's very attractive. You have to become a champion. If you are going to be gentle, you have to be rough first and then gentle. Experience the whole range of life. So, you need manpower don't you? What kind of people do you need? Perhaps God is worried about you. He is thinking, "If you go out and witness, you will just bring in the same kind of person that you are." Perhaps God is trying to protect that person from falling into your hands, because he doesn't want another person who will just sit around and do nothing. You have graduated from the seminary and you have a Masters diploma. What if someone comes and yells at you, but you don't yell back. You just sit there and take it. If you are going to go out on the ocean, you should know what happens all summer long. The fishermen bicker all the time. There are tense moments when lines get crossed up and boats get in each other's way. Then, you really have to shout and use very strong language. In that situation, there is nothing wrong with shouting because you have to protect your rights.

I am the first to shout out when something goes wrong. If they yell back at me, I just shout again in an even louder voice. They have to listen because I am right. Other members of the New Hope, such as Daikan, don't raise their voices so much. However, in some situations, it's far better to raise your voice and defend what is right. In the mountains you have a big voice and the mountain will at least echo, but some men don't even do what mountains do; they just sit there dumb. Mountains are natural. A man should be natural too. Even the rock responds to strength with strength. Aren't you better than rock and timber? I once had an experience that made me stay awake all night. I couldn't even wait for the sun to come up, and as soon as it did, I went to that person's house and kicked open the door. Then I said, "We have to discuss this problem right now." Well, I don't do this as my profession. However, when something bothers me and I know I am right, I cannot help but do something about it. Sometimes I feel sad about being a religious leader. I am an aggressive person, but I have to be patient for the sake of God. However, sometimes, I even ask myself, "Why did I have to become a religious leader?"

To me, it's a mystery how anyone can just sit and sit, eating three meals a day for 365 days of the year and not do anything. It just makes me wonder, "What kind of man, or woman is he, or she?" Yet, whenever I call them, they have no trouble getting here. I wonder how they can respond so quickly to coming to a meeting, but don't go out and reach out to other people with the same kind of enthusiasm?

Winning the Respect and Friendship of Others

So then, what do you need? Men or money? You need men. Is there anyone who thinks, "Well, I won't do so much. I'll just sit tight and then I'll just wish for the children to be born." Do you ever think like that? You should first consider that you have to go out and find your spouse. Then, you have to go through the pains of labor which are almost beyond comprehension. And then, afterwards, the baby will often cry and you will be exhausted. Just think, you are trying to embrace the world. It is like trying to engulf a huge fish in just one swallow. Will that fish stay in your stomach? Do you have the power to digest it? First, you have to have determination. Then, you have to try and try. If you are trying to catch people, you have to invest all of yourself. Take that person out for lunch, then dinner, then again another day. Day after day, take care of him like that. Just go ahead and do that. Make friends.

If you run out of money, you can show your friends how to fund raise. They will be impressed that in thirty minutes you can make enough money to eat dinner and see the movies. Don't be limited by anything. Be able to do almost anything at anytime. That's the secret to real life. If there is a man and a woman, and the man says to the woman, "Stay right here; I'll raise enough money for us to have lunch." And then indeed, if he goes out and gets the money in ten minutes, the woman will be truly impressed by this.

You might be trying to get that money for lunch and see another gentleman standing on the street. You can talk to him in the following way, even though he might wonder about you at first. You just smile and say, "Were you ever in love?" He will look at you and remember one time when he was. Then you can ask him, "What would you have done if you had to take her to lunch and you didn't have any money?" If he understands your situation in this way, he would gladly give you the money. I know one thing: if I was approached by an enterprising young man such as that, I would gladly give him a 100 dollar bill. The woman would be so impressed with him. If the woman is critical about all of this, then she doesn't deserve the young man. He should let her go and immediately find someone else.

There are ways to do things. Many ways. You have to be able to put up a show instantly without any planning. You can go up to a complete stranger and if you are sincere, you can say, "Oh, you are just like my sister. You really make me feel like my sister made me feel at home." If you are truly sincere, she will feel natural and she won't refuse to listen to you. You have to think always that you are in a drama. You are an actor at that moment. If you have an important enough reason, there is nothing that you cannot do.

If you have a noble idea, you can do almost anything. Your idea will guide your actions. There is almost nothing that I don't know about in the different ways of the world. I don't show it so much, but I know about hundreds and hundreds of things. If you are good at singing, you can sing out in the middle of the town. If you are good, eventually someone will be interested in you. He will come out and listen to you, because secretly he always wanted to do the same thing, but could never do it by himself. Then, he will start singing with you.

After a while he will feel close to you and ask you where you live. You can say where you are staying, but don't ask him anything. Then, he will ask you, "Why don't you stop by my house on your way home?" Well, that's what you wanted him to say to begin with, so you accept his invitation. If you linger three or four hours, it becomes dinner time. Why should you stop? That's how you can make friendships with people.

What upsets me is that you are a perfectly capable group of young people. Life is more than sitting around like a stone wall. You joke with your best friends, but I'm now telling you to extend that joke to a complete stranger. You joke all the time with close friends, however; if you want many people to work with you then you have to extend yourself and make new close friends. If you want to see the mayor, you don't have to make an appointment all the time. Just wait in the town hall for two or three days and stop him when he comes out. One day you can just walk in and say, "Are you the mayor? You aren't any better than me; you aren't any more handsome than me." You can tell him that you are more intelligent than he is. He will be offended and ask you, "What do you know that I don't know?" Then you can ask a fast question, "Did you ever see God? I can arrange that. You can see God." Or, you can bring some caramel and candy and offer him some. If he refuses you, then even in America, that is impolite. So you can say, "You aren't a quality mayor." If he is older, you can ask him, "How do you know that I won't be your son-in-law someday?" That might get his attention. After all, you never know what the future might have in store for you or him, so you can say that. If he treats you as if you are insane, you can tell him that you are offended.

I know how to make good friends with congressmen and senators. Don't do it in the normal way that everybody else does. Don't fall into the expected categories that everyone else does. Just go and kick the door in and say, "I want to see you!" He will be surprised and come out to investigate about you. Then you tell him why you came and why you want to talk with him. You have an important and urgent message. If the secretary gets in the way, just yell over her protests. You have to make a close relationship in the minimum amount of time.

There was one instance when I kept visiting someone, and that person said over and over that he didn't like me. I just kept on going until he changed his mind and began to like me. How many times do you think that I visited that man? I visited him for one year and six months. I went again and again. Finally the whole household came to the point where they were waiting and hoping for my visits.

If you need champions, then why aren't you going out to get them? If I was a state leader I would go around the entire state in one week. You have to be constantly on the move. You have to always be like that before you can expect anything. You have to be on your feet all the time. Go out and visit and invite others to visit you. That has to be going on all the time.

Have you ever been out street witnessing? Do you know what kind of face you have out on the street? Do you know what you look like? You have to know about yourself. You have to know if your face or your character will interest others. If you just sit still, people will think you are half asleep. You have to study how to make your eyes move so that people will know you are alert. Your eyes have to scan quickly, and gestures will help. Don't sit still; your body should be moving along with your eyes. That is one of the basic things you can do to improve your appearance.

If you do that, people will think you are exciting. When I was a teenager I used a friend as a platform and gave an impromptu speech. Some friends went along with me, knowing what I was going to do. They liked me because of that. After I had finished speaking, another one said, "You want to do another speech? You want to climb up on me?" They didn't mind. If you really do things naturally, it's okay.

If you are the state leader and you find some nice woman, you can even stand on her back. She won't mind, as long as you feel very sincere and are natural about it. Surely, people will stop and listen to your speech. Someone might come up and protest to you about abusing women, and you can say, "Do you think you can do the same thing that I am doing? Then, try it. And if you can, what is your protest about?" When you really need some attention quickly, you should be able to do things like that. I have all kinds of friends. Wherever I went I had friends. In fact, there were too many friends and they insisted upon following me, but I was too busy to be friends with everyone. That is how I spent my days. That is why I know that no matter what, there is nothing you cannot do in order to get God's will done. Make your own story, make your own novel, then act it out. Become the hero of the novel. Follow your script and live out the drama in real action. Think that life is that. Figure out the course of action, how you will do something, how others will respond and then how you will move after that. Plan it and do it. I have that spirit and that is how I could come to America and visit some of the top officials and offices. I just walked in and that's how it went.

Try to imagine what I have to do. If I go to Africa, I won't be quiet, and that's not bad. I will stir things up and something nice will happen in that country when I go. How about you? How many stores would you want to manage someday? If you want to manage 100 stores, you have to raise that many people to at least run the stores while you manage the whole operation. Our members now operate many businesses. If I myself were to run each business, I know I could make it successful. There is no way that it would fail. I can understand how, in the very beginning, a member who has no experience in doing business before and is learning as he goes along, is bound to lose some money. That's understandable. For the first few years that's how it goes, but you should learn quickly and then you can begin to be successful.

If I were the lecturer, do you think people would come? Do you think I could persuade them and move their hearts? You might say to yourself, "Father, that's a good idea. Why don't you do that?" Why can't I do that? You know why. You know whose responsibility it is to do these things. I have already done all these things myself a long time ago. I am teaching you again, but I have already taught you how to accomplish in these areas. You must teach others. You know whose responsibility it is to hold banquets and visit the people day in and day out. You go ahead and do these things with all your heart. Go fervently to the homes and take care of the people. Then, their hearts will be moved by you. I cannot understand how the state leader can stay in his room the whole live long day. Even the sisters who are graduating from the seminary, don't sit and wait for people to invite you. Just get up and go out. Invite yourself in with poise and charm.

You have to go after the people. Don't go after the small ones all the time. You have to grab onto the big guys in order to advance quickly. Do you want to become famous? Can you just sit tight? You'll never become famous if you just live like other people do. You have to live differently and become greater than others. You have to do more things and make more effort than anyone else.

Are you the champion of the Unification Church, or are you a member of the Unification Church? There is no champion that doesn't use all his limbs, hands, arms, legs and feet. I am waiting and hoping that you will change. You have graduated from the seminary and I am really wondering when you will change. How many more years will it take for you to become different from what you have always been? When are you going to be different? It's a very serious question. If you are not going to do something first and yet expect to be put in a high position, you are just a swindler.

Creating the Foundation for Success

Did you hear that New Hope won first prize in a tuna tournament this summer? Well, what do you think? Did I win that prize by sitting here in Morning Garden and doing nothing? No. I went out every morning even before the sun came up. And then, did I just hold the lines all day knowing that the tuna had to bite? Is that how I got more tunas than anyone else and won the first prize? No. It never happens that way. One thing that no one said this year was, "How come the New Hope won first prize this season?" There wasn't a single soul who had that question. Everyone knew why the New Hope got first prize and when I got it, no one complained about

I went out so seriously every day for several years already. I developed a new technique for the hand line method and tested it over and over again. I proved it worked and there is no doubt that this method is really the best. So, I can now tell others to do the same. Those who follow the instructions precisely have caught more fish than anyone else.

People all around have become definitely impressed. They all thought that some miracle was going on. At any rate, many people came and asked questions and looked around. They know that I have gained real expertise in this area. They really want to find out about my method and some try to spy on the boats and find out what is going on. By now, if I were to announce a tuna seminar, I know that there are so many people interested in my method that they would certainly come and listen to me.

I have about ten hours of lecture contents. I can lecture at least ten hours about tuna fishing. Would you like to hear this lecture now? There is no question that I have the contents and the ability to give such a lecture, but I don't have time, so I won't give it today. Are you disappointed? If the tuna had ears to listen, they would be very interested in listening to my seminar. There is nothing that I didn't do. I did what all the fishermen did and then I went several steps beyond. If I didn't do something, it was something that wouldn't get the job done, so I naturally wouldn't do it. However, anything that would work, anything that would get the job done, I tried. I have the confidence to say that there is nothing I haven't done or tried. Many professionals come and they don't just catch two, three or four fish. It doesn't just happen like that. But here, we have people who never fished before and they come and get five, six, seven tuna. The one without experience used to try and if he caught one during the whole season, he was very lucky. I certainly understand all about that.

When I first started fishing, I went for weeks without catching one tuna and there were more tuna around then. Many professionals were catching fish around me. In the midst of them, I lost fifteen tuna in a row. That was the way I started. It wasn't easy in the beginning, but once I found the pattern, I caught fish over and over again. And now that I am teaching you, you can catch a fish without any experience at all. Five years ago, tuna was only five cents per pound. We have been working to gradually raise the tuna price. We aren't gaining money by doing that. Not yet. So far, we are even losing money. This year the price went up to $2.50. This means if you catch a large fish, you can make close to two thousand dollars. You should have seen how many boats came out this year. Hundreds of boats came out. Next year, we hope the price goes up to at least $3.50. This means one fish can make more than three thousand dollars. Can you imagine how many boats will come just to try it out? If you catch one fish, that's enough money for fifteen cows. So, on one line there are fifteen cows. That's some kind of fishing.

I have a real hope that someday a woman will catch a fish by herself - - a solo effort. For now, at least in pairs, the women can catch tuna. I am truly looking forward to seeing women come out and fish amongst the men. So, you women, you aren't interested in this because you are women? "No!" Okay, I am going to assign a boat for the women too.

If you catch three fish, that is almost ten thousand dollars. This could cover one family's food expenses for an entire year. How many boats do you think will come out and compete for that kind of money? Who will prosper the most? The towns like Gloucester. There is the same number of fish lo be caught, but there will be ten times the amount of boats coming out to fish. And those fishermen will spend money in the small, local town. The higher price is for their benefit as well.

We caught 165 fish this year. Isn't that incredible? That's a lot of fish. That's an increase of 150% from last year. Last year we caught 64 tuna and that was a lot of fish then, but this year we caught 100 more fish than that. Next year we can catch 500 or 600 tuna and that's only one-third of the quota. Imagine if we ever did that! Imagine if we ever caught one-half the quota! And yet, we can do that someday. I am sure of it.

Investing Yourself to Gain the Result

When I used to hunt in the mountains, there was quite some stir over that. I was more successful than anyone else. I had never used a gun before, so I first practiced with clay targets. I quickly got up to shooting eighteen out of twenty-five targets, which is pretty good. I have a very quick reflex. Well, the first time I went hunting, I took Colonel Pak with me. Colonel Pak served a long time in the Korean army where he was a rifle instructor for several years. However, I more than doubled his result. Do you think that I'm a capable person? If you are really following me, you should be like me. You have to at least mimic me. You have to show some sign of who you are. Let me ask you again, are you a champion yourself, or are you considering yourself a candidate to become a champion? You definitely need men don't you? Well, if you just sit tight, do you expect them to come to you? What should you do?

Pretend you are dying and when someone walks by you they will take sympathy on you. You have to start something and motivate something to happen. What do you smell with your nose, what do you hear with your ears, what do you touch with your hands? What do you do anyway? You have to smell for the sake of mankind, hear for the sake of mankind and touch for the sake of mankind.

Have you ever looked at a spider web? I am fascinated by the spider web, especially the king spider. Usually you think there is no spider in the web, that it's a dead web. However, if you throw something in there and it gets caught in the web, very soon the spider will come out. It never fails that the spider comes out. Well, do you have your spider web? If something gets entangled, do you come out to see what it is? Do you have such a sense about things? If you don't, it means you are not even up to the spider level. Whenever the spider moves to a new place it immediately starts making its web, its network.

The spider has to make his web precisely. He has to push himself from interval to interval just right, and in this way, the thread is connected to make the web. He does this thousands of times; he is completely an expert at it. He doesn't have to think about it. If you don't believe it, go to the spider web and see how he works. I tested it many times. I tossed in some flies or bugs and watched. The first thing the spider did was to wrap the bug up in the web. Before he examines it, the spider does that. Then, he takes a good look at it and starts to eat it. You should do things exactly the same way. Make a web and if something touches it, go out and catch it first. Then, look at it and see what you've got. Once it is in the web, don't take off for lunch or go to sleep. For example, if someone comes to listen to you, don't say, "Well, it's already twelve o'clock; let's go to bed and talk about it tomorrow." No, you have to stay up the entire night and talk to him. When he understands what you are conveying, you can give yourself a brief break, but go right on until he becomes your member.

Don't you see? If you don't even have the thinking of a spider, what can you become? So, you need manpower and what else? You need money. Well, if you have manpower, you will also have money. If you have money first, it does not mean that men will always follow you. However, if you have people first, then the money will surely follow.

If you decided to act now, which method would you take? Would you follow Tiger Park's method or Dr. Durst's? Why do you say Tiger Park? You are Americans. Now I am really curious. I coached Tiger Park closely and he has developed a fighting, championship spirit. Those who are not in CARP please raise your hands? Are you interested in CARP even though you are not members? Then, why don't you join CARP from now on? Maybe I will disguise myself and go around to the campuses and see what is going on directly. Don't make a scene if you recognize me. Just go on. Would you like to see me come to the campus in this way? If I appear like that, you will never notice me.

A New Beginning

Today is the first of October. October is the month of success. In this month, your fortune will open up to you, whatever you have sown for the year. From this first day of October, will you go forth and give all your effort? Would you like to go to the campus and work with CARP, or would you like to do what no one else is doing right now? Well, you've got to do something before you get old and die. Today may be a good day to start.

Years ago, we didn't have the science conference. No one was ready to do that, but I pushed them to go ahead and do it. If we hadn't done that, where would we be today? There would be no understanding from the scholar's world toward us. It would be downright miserable; no one would recognize or understand anything about what we have. But now, many people have been able to study and understand something of the message we have. It made quite some news that Unification members were educating the highest scholars in Western society. When people started to see that, it made them wonder about us. It was like lightning striking down into the culture.

The science conference is not attended by members; they are just staff members and coordinators. It is attended by the scholars in the different sciences. Through this they are all becoming educated about us. It is causing a chain reaction. In Germany there were only fifteen positions that could be opened for the conference, but over four hundred scholars applied to come. There are many more scholars who don't even know about the conference. When they find out, then thousands will be trying to come. However, the young professors won't even try to come. Only the famous ones, only the ones with experience, expertise and recognition in their field will be allowed to come.

What would happen if I stopped the science conference from now? Would you continue on with it? Who will do that? Last year the budget for the conference alone was 1.3 million dollars. Is that a small amount of money or a lot? If I bought lunch for seminary graduates with that kind of money, you would have lobster lunches all year long and still have plenty of money left over. Why don't I do that for you instead of spending all that amount in just one meeting? Is it more worthwhile to have the science conference than feed you lunch? If you just need money all the time, what do you expect to gain? You have to come to the place where you can give more money than you need to receive; everything increases from there.

The structure has now been made. We can bring all Europe into unity. It is taking visible shape. We are preparing the road, bringing all these scholars together. Technology and science can be guided by a deeper understanding of their purpose. I want to show the way in the technological areas, such as in Germany. I have already made good relationships with people in Germany who have a substantial role to play, particularly in the area of machine making. The standard has yet to be set and I want to pioneer that standard for the next century. I want to uplift technological standards in the East and go past the standard already set by Germany. In this way, Korea can go beyond the standards set by Japan. Why? So that Korea can better serve all of Asia and then the world. You cannot do anything for others if you are below or equal to their standard. You have to have something very great, something of the best quality to offer.

I have worked very hard in Europe for three years already. I have brought all the members together, centering in London and they are working together as if they came from one country, one nation. That is the way it should be. I performed a matching in Europe with all the European members. When you look at them, you can never tell which one is French or which is Italian or German. There really isn't that great of a distinction.

I was amazed after I matched them, because 90% of them were international matchings. I didn't plan it that way. I was just trying to put together the best match for each person, but almost all of them were from different nations. It was almost a completely international matching. The European Economic Market (EEC) has an ideal, but they have three big obstacles: the different languages; the boundaries between different nations; and the reluctance of people to marry between the different cultures. People are usually bound to marry someone from their own race or culture. However, through marriage, all these barriers break down. Let's face it. As long as these barriers exist, the EEC is only a nice dream. It will never work in a substantial way; there will always be friction and tension somewhere. They have no idea how to make their ideal come about. However, Reverend Moon, through matching and marriage, and teaching members how to live in a selfless way, can show them how to fulfill even more than their ideal. Now, the biggest headache that the EEC has is Japanese technology. The Japanese learned everything from them, copied it and then digested it, which means they improved it. Now the Japanese are ahead of the Europeans. This is what bothers the European nations. I want to make it so that the Europeans are competitive again with the Japanese. I have approached several people in Germany and they are all for the idea. I thought of this more than fifteen years ago. I already understood this problem and prepared for it. Now, it's incredible because no one thought the world would be like this, but I already predicted it years earlier.

Then, we can build the best machine making factory in Germany. How? Already members from Europe are working in Japanese factories. They are learning everything there. Then, in Germany we can hire people from all the different countries that really need the work. This is part of the EEC plan, so we will cooperate with that. You have to understand this world. You have to go into the world so that you can really turn it around. Always think very far ahead and on a very large scale. People don't really think like this so much. My plan in Europe will leave many of them scratching their heads. I have already begun with a prototype factory right here in America.

I thought of how to recycle automobiles. Once you have the machine making technology, you can buy old automobiles such as a Mercedes and fix it up completely new. Many people would want to buy such a quality automobile. In this country, there is so much wealth that it is a virtue to spend a lot of money, but it isn't a virtue to keep automobiles for years and years, even the very good ones. There is no need for this waste and the common philosophy of the people about buying and using things is changing.

We can overhaul the engine and completely recondition it. There is a good way to do it quickly and I have thought about it seriously. Now, they have to fix broken engines cylinder by cylinder, but there is a way to recondition the engine every 100,000 miles. In this way, the engine can last indefinitely. The engine is just a huge block of steel. There is no reason not to be able to fix it and make it run even better than new. If you have the technology to do it, it's no problem. We could recondition more engines than Ford produces in one year. However, the price will only be one-half to one-third of a new one. This is not just thinking. We are just on the verge of making such an enterprise come about. If you need a small engine for a fishing boat, you don't need to go out and buy a new one. There are so many broken engines that are easy to get. We can fix those engines, put them in the boat and there you have an inboard motor. The cost is almost nothing. Some engines are almost given away. What will they do with an engine without the body of a car? They will sell them for almost nothing.

We can remake those engines and they can run a boat the same as if a new engine were on it. We can send those kinds of boats and engines to Africa by the dozens. Some of the African countries don't even have one boat in their entire nation, and yet, the opportunities in fishing are vast. Can you now understand why I would think of machine making factories? Everything has a connection to the whole world. You have to have a mind like that.

Do you have the capability to implement these plans and run these operations? What will pave the way? The science conference will do that. They understand the problems such as in the EEC and in the American economy. They can make the plans and influence the politicians in order to make things happen. The whole basic outlook towards science has to be restructured. There has to be a whole new understanding of values and the application of science. There has been a long term misunderstanding about these things.

The Time to Begin is Now

Four years ago, we bought fourteen acres of land right next to this house. We are one of the biggest landowners around here. Maybe that is why they are so excited. There is nothing wrong with what we are doing. We are going to make a marine college here and it's about time. The United States has needed one for a long time. They have nothing to say. Wait and see.

My mind is full of all the things that I have to take care of. Can you unload my mind? There is no boat that we cannot build. Steel boat? We have already done that. Wood boat? We have already done that. Fiberglass boat? We have already done that too. You name it, give us a few months and we will come up with it. The more factories that we start, the more people we need to run them. You are the ones who ought to do that. You have to start thinking like this. Make a plan and implement it; buy the factory, pay the people, make the thing work, bring the standard up beyond anything else around. I know it takes a long time. It's impractical for you to start out just like that. However, you won't sink. All you need to do is raise up the people around you. You don't have to find a genius to help you. Just find good people.

I have made all the foundations already. The foundation for you is already prepared. You don't have to bring the people in by the millions, but surely you can bring them in by the hundreds. After a few years, you can find the way to do that. If you aren't motivated, if you still have something which is holding you back and you don't move, should we then give up all these plans? Should we come down to the beginning level and witness like we did twenty years ago? Should I go back out and begin again myself?

Then, who will bring the people? One thing you cannot worry about now is your family. I am not denying you anything. Just think with me for a moment. If you are Blessed, within one year after you begin family living, many of you will have a baby. Within three years, many of you will have two babies. Within five years, many of you will have three babies. Many families will consist of five people: mother, father and two or three children. How are you going to feed them?

Don't you see? Don't you really see that you have to get on your feet now and start running? Don't worry about the whole national foundation, just do your part. You should start running in these next three to five years. At the same time, I will do my portion of work. If you bring more people, you will set the foundation, not only for your own family, but also for many, many families in the future. You have to see that.

If you have one or two babies, you can get along without too many changes, but after three babies, you really have to stop and consider things. You have to pay so many expenses, medical and otherwise. It just takes a lot to raise children; you have to support them. If your head has become so big because you have graduated from seminary, you won't go and dig a ditch, you won't do the humble job, then you might find yourself in an awkward situation.

Well then, shouldn't I chase you out? Shouldn't I say, "This is your area. You have to live or die with it."? Shouldn't I just push you and make you stick to it, even though you are in your early thirties? It's a good age. In ten years, more and more young people will come into the church and they will ask you what you did. How can you say, "Well, I graduated from UTS, but it was all too heavy for me, so I lingered behind the providence."? Can you say that?

My mind feels urgent. The more you linger, the more heavy you will become and finally you will not be able to move at all. Start moving now in the lowest place and don't be bothered by it. You will rise up quickly. Can you understand my feeling? Do you know why I called you here almost suddenly, at such short notice? Why did I call for all the seminary graduates? You were given the mission to witness and you found it very difficult to do that. Where will you apply yourself? In what position will you function? If you cannot do that, what can you do? I am thinking of giving you a new area. Do you want to keep going as you have been? If you keep going like that, if you sit long enough you will perish. Until now you haven't made any action. It has been a few years already and you may have tried, but nothing has improved.

So now, the only way is to try something which might work for you. If you hadn't gone to the seminary, but had instead gone out for two precious years of witnessing, how many members would you have increased? You have been dealing with the upper echelons of people, but there is so much more for you to do. Somehow, since you have graduated from the seminary, there must be some way to use all that knowledge.

If you gel a new assignment, will you have a real objection? Why not decide that whatever you do, you will put your whole mind and heart into that and make something of it? Our purpose is to raise up the standard, not only in America, but in missionary countries as well. We have to back up our ideas with some kind of substantial support.

I seriously thought about the recycling business; first, scrap metal, collecting it and reusing it. After that we would do the same with paper and other products. We would have to build a huge factory to recycle these things. However, after investigating this area, we found that it would be very, very difficult for us to enter into, as it is under a type of "mafia" control. You would have to sacrifice yourself unnecessarily and I didn't think that was a wise idea. We have something better than that to do.

The Plight of America's is Fishing Industry

Then, we looked at the fishing industry. As you know, fishing used to be one of America's major industries. However, in the past twenty to thirty years it has steadily been declining. Now, it has gone down to such a level that it cannot rise up again on its own. On the other hand, are the fishing grounds in America lacking? No. In fact, America has three of the four best fishing grounds in the world.

There is a problem with the depletion of some species, but there are many, many species which are not utilized at all, and they are perfectly good to eat. The only problem with them is that they are not popular in the market. However, this can change. The government recognizes the situation, but they are at the point of throwing up their hands, especially if the fishermen just don't want to go out to sea anymore. What can they do? We can analyze the problem in a very simple way. Why are the fishermen reluctant to continue? They go out for several days and work very hard, but when they come back, they get almost nothing for their catch. There is no place for them to sell; there is no market for many of their fish. The wholesalers have been exploiting their situation for a long time; they force the fishermen to accept very low prices, knowing that if they don't sell their fish, their only choice is to throw them back in the water.

There is no steady income guaranteed in fishing. Sometimes the fishermen catch enough, but many times they don't. There is a limited number of fishermen. Not everyone can be a fisherman. It's a very tough life out on the sea. Once a fisherman goes out of business, he never returns to it. They will do anything else, but they won't return to it. It's just too much. Already, almost 50% have given up their boats and they will never come back to try again.

There is another problem with fishing: the wives. The fishermen go out for a week, two weeks or a month and this happens all year long. Many women just can't take that way of life, living alone for so much of the year, and they simply leave. This truly discourages the fishermen. It's a tough life to go out to sea; however, you can tolerate it if your family is intact.

Fishermen work hard to bring in the fish, but there is no guarantee that they will get a good price for them. Most storage for fish is inadequate, so if the market already has too much of a species, they won't get anything for it. Or, they may be able to catch a species, but it isn't popular on the market. This is especially true in America, where many kinds of fish aren't even known about. The market is completely unpredictable; some fish you can catch, but you cannot sell them. At the same time, they are not sure their family will remain intact while they are out working so hard. For many men, it's just too much.

For us, the solution is simple. If you can overcome these three problems, you can participate in a very wonderful business. Everyone knows that this is the case, but they cannot overcome these three problems. So, stretch your imagination. We will build our own boats. Then, we will catch the fish ourselves. Next, we will process and sell the fish by ourselves. Finally, we will export what is left over to foreign countries. Whatever we catch, we can sell directly. If this point is solved, then we can grow. You might worry that we will deplete the fisheries. However, scientists have studied this, and they know that a great deal can be taken from a species before it's depleted. In other words, there is a certain amount that you can take, and the species will be able to reproduce, year after year. There are still plenty of fish out there to be caught. We have to determine that we will become the best in fishing, processing, selling and exporting. This will become a merit to us.

Even though you might start up businesses in this area someday, the first thing is that you have to become familiar with the ocean. The business is secondary. The internal character needed to practice a good business comes first. You have not been out on the ocean for a long time, and some of you have never been on the ocean. Even if you are enthusiastic and like the idea, you have to get acquainted with the sea. You have to know what it is really like. That is the purpose of this summer training, of the seventy days out on the ocean. I myself pioneered and perfected this program. It took several years to build up a foundation for you to inherit. This year the method and procedure has been standardized. All you have to do is study it and practice it. It has been an exciting and rewarding process. From the beginning, I backed up this program by designing the boat that is most ideal for tuna catching. As you know, we first bought the boat that is considered in the market to be most ideal for tuna fishing, called the "Mako." However, I immediately saw that it was lacking many things. So, from scratch I designed and developed a much better boat than what now exists.

The Role of Tuna

In the last few years the fish price was so low, you wouldn't believe it. Sometimes they would just throw the fish right back into the water. The price had to go up just to stabilize the industry. We have been part of the push which has caused the price to go up from only ten cents a pound. When I came here five years ago, people didn't even bother with it; they just threw the fish back. Can you imagine that? Every year, the price has risen steadily until this year it is up to $2.50, and next year, we will see the price go to at least $3.50 per pound. We are paying out of our own resources, and we will have to pay more and more. This is a hard thing to do, but we have to do it for the sake of the future. We have an objective now. What is that? To catch tuna. All you need to do is catch tuna. It is good training for you, but more importantly, it benefits the fishermen.

The value of the tuna is in sushi. You have to deliver it fresh. As long as you deliver it in this way, no Japanese restaurant will refuse it. They will pay the best price for top quality fresh tuna. The Japanese understand the value of this fish. Fishermen shouldn't get a small amount of money for those tuna. Until I came out fishing, fishermen never got the benefit of the tuna price. That has changed now. Here, all the companies that deal with tuna have Japanese companies right behind them. In other words, the real buyers are in Japan; it's coming out of their pockets.

If we drive up the price, the Japanese will have to go back to Japan. Then they will tell everyone, "Well, because of Reverend Moon, we had to forget about buying tuna because the price went up so high." The news will spread overnight in Japan that Reverend Moon is taking over the entire fishing industry in Gloucester. It will have that kind of psychological impact. After all, the Japanese have no idea of what really goes on in Glouchester.

So long as our business can manage at $3.50 per pound and even more, we will buy and sell it. Then, we can begin to make a foundation. Do you understand? When the tuna price goes up and stabilizes, other fish prices will also go up. Years ago, whiting, herring and fish like that were only fifty or sixty cents per pound. That was when tuna prices were also next to nothing. But now, the price has been going up for tuna, and these fish should also go up in price. Presently we only pay ten cents per pound for fresh frozen herring.

The same thing can happen with these fish as with tuna. Why not raise the price back up to $1.50 per pound for these fish and sell them in the market? The tuna serves as a standard setter. By stabilizing the price of tuna, the general price of fish will go up. Whatever we catch, we have to be sure it is consumed, in other words, sold. When we are capable of this much, we can also sell what other fishermen bring in. In this way, we make the foundation from the bottom to the top.

Someday, the fishermen should say in unison that Reverend Moon really made a contribution to the fisherman, because he brought up the price and stabilized the market, and opened up a sales net to secure their future. They should be able to see their future become brighter and brighter.

Establishing a New Foundation

At this point, I feel that things have stabilized. From now on, there will be an increase in price. It is really up to us though. The question is, how fast can you build your own boat and how fast can you train yourself for fishing? We are going to produce 300 training boats to begin with. We will put them all around the three coasts of the United States. If you stay there all the time and go out every day for all the seasons, you will learn very quickly what goes on in that fishing area.

You can find enthusiastic young volunteers. They will be happy to learn about fishing. You can take them out and teach them. Then, you can also explain to them about Divine Principle while you are fishing. They won't mind. You can find young people like that, with a good nature and open mind. Whatever they catch with you they can keep. You can make friends with anyone this way.

If you witness to five people and bring them in, you will get a second boat. You will receive one boat for each five people that you bring. If you expand to ten boats, which is fifty people, you can graduate to a stern trawler. We have already built such boats and you will see one today. A boat like this, eighty to ninety feet, would cost you one- half to one-third of a million dollars. That's a regular stern trawler. You can catch almost anything with it. I want you to go through the training course and someday be able to take responsibility for such a boat.

We will build 300 "Good Go" boats which we developed for tuna fishing. It is also an all purpose speed boat. At the same time, we have already begun to build thirty stern trawlers. We will organize like this: ten regions will receive ten boats each. In each region we will train the personnel to do the basic maintenance of these boats. Then, you will use the boats just like a school, to teach young people about the ocean. Also, a trailer goes with each boat, and one van for each region in order to haul the boats and maintain them. That will be your basic equipment. Eventually, each region should receive one stern trawler.

Next summer, when the tuna season comes, we will have all these boats assembled and ready to begin fishing in Gloucester. Next year, we will go out and stay out. We will have a mother ship, a supply boat where you can get food and evening meals. Only if there is going to be a storm will we come back. After the storm, we will go right back out again. We will develop that kind of training program. Then, the people of America will start to get our message. They will see how serious we are.

One problem is how to get those boats produced within one year. We should have thirty centers with ten boats each. That's 300 boats all around America. Each Ocean Church center should function as a church, and each boat is also a church. So, we have "boat church." The center on land is the center for these boats. It is like the state center with the boats being smaller centers under its direction. Can you imagine starting off with all 300 boats up here in the bay? Imagine the service we would have! Likewise in your local region, all ten boats should go out, and you should gather around and have morning service on the ocean. After that, go out fishing. Then, when you come back in the evening, you should have a worship service on land. Keep that schedule every day. As soon as our thirty centers are open, we will spread the news that more than 600,000 dollars worth of boats is being invested in this area, all for the sake of reviving the fishing port.

All those interested in such activities can receive great benefit from our various programs. We can teach them without asking anything for catching the fish. We can also teach Divine Principle workshops. If you can get fifty or sixty people interested, you can begin to manage a stern trawler. The One Hope boats are for your training, but the stern trawler is more serious.

With that, you can create your economic foundation. And, you will provide the livelihood for those young people whom you have trained. You can put the best people on the waiting list, and when we finish building the training boat for them, they can be responsible for it. I don't think fifty people in each center is a real problem. We can send you the boats you need within the year. Those who are really smart and the best in many different abilities can receive a training boat. You have to evaluate them and recommend them accordingly.

After training on the small boats, we can go out and fish from the stern trawlers. We can then sell the fish directly to the customers. In order for that to happen, we have to create a sales network. For the sisters who don't want to go way out on the ocean, they can sell fish to the homes directly. Just go out in the morning and come home in the evening.

Each region will have three trawlers; from those you can make your economic foundation. Catch the fish and sell the fish. You can do everything in your region. When your spiritual foundation is made, you can begin to make a substantial plan for your region, your local city and your own members.

Without a doubt, the fishing industry is declining. If the mayor and businessmen see such activities in their city, they will surely become interested in helping you. You have to make known to them what you are doing. Our small boats can be used for all kinds of things. We can offer ourselves as a supporting committee and use our boats to back up the work of the Coast Guard. We can offer these boats for many kinds of community service projects. If we continue like this we will develop real fishermen, something like the "heavenly marines."

We already have the small boats and we will develop thirty centers. Then, we will also build a sales network system. The business can help to support projects of the church, and through the business, you can support yourself. We will mobilize all our resources. We can sell the fish by van. Just do your job and bring in the people and train them and revitalize your community. This is the first phase.

Expanding the Foundation

So far, we have only discussed the primary industry. What about the secondary industry such as boat equipment? This means lines, nets, engine parts, electronics and whatever the boat requires to fish successfully. There is a whole area of secondary industries to support the primary one. All this has to be researched. We also have to develop all these areas. The government has been concerned about the declining fishing industry, but they haven't been able to do so much. Once they see us moving ahead and really making substantial progress in this area, they will want to help us as well. This is one thing that America must do right away. If they don't do something about it, there will be trouble from such nations as Russia, Norway, Japan and others who want to fish in the 200 mile limit. They see that America is not utilizing these fishing areas and they desperately want to use them for their markets. Eventually, there will be no way to keep these boats out of American waters. If we are catching the fish, we can respond to the pressure by selling large quantities of fish to them at a good price. Since they won't have to travel all the distance to get the fish that they need, they will be happy to buy it, and America makes a good profit. There is nothing wrong with that. However, if we don't catch the fish, they will keep coming in to fish and they will complain about not being able to feed their people. Their complaint against America will be right in that sense. However, with God's help, we shall go out and make this foundation. Then, great changes will occur in the fishing industry. We are not just thinking about it. It is all well underway, even as I am speaking to you. Once you get the feeling for the ocean, you will never want to give it up. That's the fastest way to get close to the heart of fishing. You have to just go out and do it. The tuna is the greatest of fish. The whale is actually much larger, but it is not a fish; it is entirely something else. But tuna is a fish, so we can say that it is the "king" of all fish.

In other parts of the world, we already have four long range tuna boats in operation. These boats are fishing in Africa. They are about 150 feet long. Along with that, we are operating ten shrimp boats in South America. In their first year of operation they were able to regain their entire capital investment. Everyone down there is talking about us and calling it a miracle. And they are right.

Once you get accustomed to it, there is no reason why you should stick to the land. There is more opportunity on the ocean, more to be done and more to be made there than on the land. This is really the case. Would any of our wives leave because their husband stays out for six months? Or, would the husbands leave if their wives are out there? Nor will we be stuck with the fish if we bring them in, because we will have our own sales network. Likewise, the sales people won't be stuck if the fishermen come in and refuse to sell lo them because they are Moonies. We will catch the fish, sell the fish and go on from there. First we need training.

We have members from all over the world. We can make branches in Germany, France, England, Japan and all over the world. We can process the fish so that it is really fresh and of good quality. Americans don't like herring and it's price is always at the bottom. However, in Germany the price begins at $1.00 per pound because they really like that species.

To produce 300 boats in one year is no small operation. It is likely that the Mako company doesn't produce that many boats in one year. In the future, if one of you is an enterprising person, you can open up your own branch boat building company. There is nothing to it. You start from the mold. Once you have the mold, you buy some fiberglass and resin and you apply it until you have the proper thickness. That becomes your hull. Then you have the deck. This is the same procedure.

Finally, you assemble it together. It's not that difficult if you are quick to learn things.

Your church mission is one thing and you can be anything, CARP leader or state leader, while your business can be something else. So, why not build boats, or fish the trawler, or sell fish by van? Why not? If your state leader understands this, they will move the state center from the middle of the state to the sea shore.

How good a fishing boat is the Good Go? It is really very good. The number one fishermen amongst the members this year was Gerhard and he had One Hope 1. It's a pretty good boat. It's our first boat and he drove it. At first, Gerhard didn't think we were capable of building such a beautiful and strong boat. It's beautiful like a woman, isn't it? The difference between the One Hope boat and other boats is like night and day.

[Gerhard Peemoeller's Testimony of the One Hope Boat]

This boat is very special. Father is the true man and this boat is very much like Father. I call this boat the 'messiah' boat. It is really like the true boat. When I saw the boat go in the water, I was very surprised. I first drove the boat at night time; I couldn't believe how well it handled. Compared to the Mako, which is a similar size, this boat is much more stable in the water.

This boat is something else. When you are out on the ocean and the waves are coming to a small boat, you really hit into that wave and it's quite rough. But this boat is amazing. It goes into the wave and cuts into the wave. The water splashes way out away from the boat. It almost doesn't hit into the wave at all, but just cuts smooth and soft through it. This boat is about 2,000 pounds heavier than the Mako. That means it is 2,000 pounds more stable and solid. Considering that, and then knowing it has the same engine as the Mako has and vet doesn't burn any more fuel than the Mako, makes you wonder what the secret is.

Even though this boat is twice as heavy as the Mako and has the same engine, it doesn't burn twice as much gas. It burns a little bit more, but not so much. It is almost the same. There is something special about this boat; the way it is designed has a certain impact. On or out of the water, people look at it and they really know it is a very remarkable boat. Driving the boat in water is a wonderful experience. It is much more stable than anything comparable.

This boat cannot be compared to any other boat in its class and size right now. It's stable in the water. Anyone who has ever been out in the water in a Mako or something comparable can immediately find out the difference. The entire boat itself, how it is designed and how it fits together is just a total experience. Many fishermen have been coming around and looking at it and asking if they could buy it. These boats could be sold so easily. It is really the 'true' boat.

When I hear Gerhard talk about the One Hope boat, it reminds me of the expression, "love at first sight." Once you see this boat you will understand this. Especially when it is running, it presents such a beautiful profile. There is no question as to what a beautiful boat it is. Imagine, this fiberglass boat will last and last. No boat has lasted long enough. In the future, the lower the number is, the more valuable it will be. One Hope 4 or 10 will be far more valuable than One Hope 3,000. So, if you take good care of your boat, in forty or fifty years it will be extremely valuable. It will be the pride of your entire state. People will look at this boat and you won't have to tell them to believe in Unification Church. They will just believe it by themselves. Do you understand how that could happen? Every house would want to buy one of these boats. Living in a house that has such a boat will be more pride than living in any mansion. You should sleep and live right on the boat, and create a wonderful history for it.

Every Unification family should buy one of these boats. That is how historical and precious they are. Those who want to own a boat like that, raise your hands. If you are persuaded simply by my talking to you and Gerhard's introduction of it, then wait until you see it with your own eyes. Wait until we produce everything, the boat, the trailer, the van, the engines, everything with our own hands. Do you believe it? Those who feel really excited by the whole idea and want to go into it with all your effort, raise your hands.

The Ocean Church Mission

The reason I called the seminary graduates is because I want you to become leaders for each of the thirty centers. You are the ones to become regular fishermen. You are the ones that have to educate fisherman. You have to teach them Divine Principle and Victory Over Communism, and eventually Unification Thought. You have to educate them so they understand God's will and purpose. That is how you will equip them to enter into the future. Otherwise, they will decline into the past.

You have to be able to teach them from the very beginning. Perhaps, I will get a helicopter and visit all the boats. I will let you know when I am coming. Maybe I will meet you out on the ocean and eat lunch with you. Isn't that a wonderful idea? We can eat the fresh fish that you just caught. Wouldn't you like that? Now you know why I called you. If you really implement this plan, don't you think Unification Church will grow? We will have 300 churches very soon from the original thirty centers.

Imagine driving this Good Go, this fast and beautiful boat. It is unsinkable. It does not sink because it is foam filled. It takes water up to the brim and still stays afloat. When there is a big storm, it will not sink. As long as you have a life line you can tie yourself to it and you will be all right. Maybe the fish will die from the storm, but you won't. It's a sport boat, but it is also a safe boat.

Later on, we will build similar boats for the commercial market. If you want, you can become a sales representative and sell those boats. This will also help your economic foundation. Look at it this way. If you become rich, then the Unification Church will become rich. However, if you sell that boat and donate the money to Africa, it's even better. Would you say "no" or "yes" to this idea? Then, who profits if you are successful? Success can be a very good thing, if you are willing to invest it in others. This is why I want to train you. It is your job to make these thirty centers a success. If you do that, the initial investment will not be lost. If you extend your success to others, it will never be lost.

The Role of America and Japan

When you talk about the fishing business in general, you cannot leave the Japanese out of it. The reason is this: the way they process fish and sort it out; the way they package fish and sell it. No one can even come close to Japan in these areas. Japan is truly envious of the fishing grounds in America. They cannot get along without fish; they must have fish in their diet. They cannot catch enough in their own waters, so they are dying to have a connection with the fishing grounds here in America.

America is aware of that too. The American fisheries would never continue without the market that exists in Japan. They have so much fish, but where are they going to send it? American people simply don't eat that much fish. However, thanks to the Japanese almost every bit of fish that is caught here is bought (by the Japanese) at a reasonable price.

However, the Japanese are almost over extended now. There are no large Japanese companies working here in America without some support from Japan. The Americans don't want the Japanese to go beyond what they can handle, because the American companies want to continue to sell to Japan, and the American government understands this. Today, some Japanese companies are buying the fish in America and then selling the fish to another company in Japan.

The American companies are saying, "Let us buy the fish from our own fishing grounds and sell them to you in Japan. You go back to Japan and buy from us there." They would much rather do that. Japan is looking for, and needs a company here which is American, but focused Upon the Japanese market. They want to be able to trust that company fully and know that it would sell the fish to Japan. It is just like the American companies in Japan. They have Japanese representatives there, but in essence the company is always considering the American market. So then, how shall we meet that qualification? All the American members married to Japanese spouses will form a company. Which is it, an American company or a Japanese company? Well, it is an American company. The Japanese can look at it, however, and feel quite confident that it is also a Japanese company. Then, the Japanese will want to invest in this company. This is truly possible and is quite practical, isn't it? We will prove this out.

We will even let Middle East entrepreneurs invest their oil dollars in this effort. The desert countries have never invested very much in fishing because many of them don't have coastal waters, or their fishing grounds are not so good. They drill for oil and live off of that, not fishing. However, when they start to eat fish, they will find out how good it is for their appetite and their health. From that point, we should try to develop a good relationship with them. Then, there will be a boom effect. Good things could happen. New international relationships could be built.

Think about yourself. Where are you going to be ten years from now if you invest yourself and work towards this goal? You will have security for your family. There are already large Japanese companies working very strongly here in America, but we will have our own sales network here in America, as well as back in Japan. When we have a good wholesale and retail net, we can move forward with confidence.

We cannot use other wholesalers because they will just pay us the cheapest price, and then make the most money by increasing the price to the consumer. That is why fish is close to $2.00 or more per pound once it gets to the consumer's table. We have to make our own foundation, from catching fish to processing it to retailing it. Actually, we should eliminate the need for the middle man. This just adds extra cost to the consumer. Why should the people pay for a wholesaler if the fish can come directly from the processor to the retailer? This is where we can truly make an impact on the market and everyone will benefit. Even though we have such a plan, there are problems. Fish resources will be depleted by over fishing in some areas, especially certain fish which are already popular as table fish. These species, like the striped bass, which are already very expensive, won't be available anymore. If too many are caught, the supply will be exhausted. For that reason, we have to go into fish farming; we have to go into it as soon as possible. The tuna is one example. They lay close to a million eggs. However, out of a million eggs, only two or three fish will ever get to full size, over 600 pounds. We have to devise a way to hatch those eggs and protect them. Look at the salmon. They have been coming back, largely due to salmon hatcheries. We have to make a plan to do the same for the tuna. If you can hatch and protect them to a certain size and then let it go into the water, there will be a tremendous increase in the amount of tuna available.

Tuna is an excellent source of protein for human consumption. One tuna has more meat than two or three cows. However, no one has been thinking about that. Instead of letting cows eat up all the grain, people could eat that grain. Why not catch tunas instead? It is a much healthier protein to eat as well.

Accepting a New Assignment

Maybe you haven't thought about the fishing industry so much, but based upon what you have heard, you have come to have some new perspective on it. What do you think? Are you thinking that this could really work? When you were carp fishing in Barrytown, you were already starting on this providence. You didn't know it then, but you certainly were. Those who made the nets with me remember going late into the night and even the next morning without any sleep. That was not unrelated; it was actually part of your initiation.

So, you might as well take it, because I am planning that each Unification Church leader should spend eighteen months on the boat as training. We have a saying in Korean which goes, "The one who gets the first punishment gets away the easiest." It means, if you get the task the first time, it is not as hard as when you get it later on. Are you interested? Are you starting to dream of fish already? You should be dreaming of something because it is already late into the day, and I am sure you are hungry by now. Are you at least imagining lobsters or fish? Those who listened intensely, did you connect with lobsters? If you have done so, then you have certainly listened. You won't have to be convinced.

The lobsters must be cooking and cooking for you and they might be worried that the customers have turned them down, making their effort meaningless. Should we make the assignments now or should we eat first? We now have our own seafood restaurant. Should we eat first or decide later? Let's eat first and when you go to the restaurant, look at the Good Go boat. Look at One Hope 4 and you can see what I have been talking about all morning long.

You have had a long time to enjoy your reunion, and after our meeting tonight, you can spend another night here. Then, the conference is over, and you can leave tomorrow. Did you take the tour, go around and see the castle? Do you like Morning Garden? Is it a good place? We will buy many places like this around all the coastal areas. We will use them for training centers, research centers, and centers for the fishermen to come back, rest and recuperate. Did you see the Good Go? That's our pride. A boat is the pride of any American family. They really take care of their boats and go to the lakes or the ocean with them. Are you ready to order a boat now and apply for it?

The members of the boat building factory always want to do things like other companies. However, when I look at the list of things there is so much that we don't need to do. Many factories operate with a great deal of waste. Then, I advise the members to use just what they absolutely need to use. There is always plenty of room to save costs and yet not affect the quality of the boats. It just takes an alert mind.

Getting back to the original question and explanation that I have given to you, should we position these boats all around the coastal waters? It's easy to say, "Yes", but do you consider all that it means to you, the change in life style that you will have to make? Once you assume the position, will you really determine to work there for three or four years and not run away? Certainly you wouldn't say in front of me, "Oh, yes Father, I will run away." However, just to say "Yes" in front of me is not right either. You have to consider what you are saying. It will be your foundation. It will be America's foundation. That is a real and eternal foundation. It will not fade away.

The Foundation for Africa and South America

I cannot stay here all the time. I have to go to all the different countries. If I stayed in this country all the time, what would happen to the other countries? They would blame me for not coming to them. The African countries and South America, especially Brazil, are really asking for me. The members know that so much more could happen and develop in their countries and they are really eager for me to come there.

I am thinking seriously about establishing machine factories in countries like Zaire to make farm machinery. People are farming with ox carts and hoes there. However, we can make farming machines that will work there and we will teach them how to fix the machines when they break down. It's incredible. White people occupied Africa and made colonies there, but they never educated the people. They just took everything for their own use. They didn't show them how to make farms and they didn't tell them how to reap crops, vegetables or fruit. They never introduced anything, not even how to make bread. They are still eating the bare minimum of staple foods in Africa, like the wild potato. There are just a few kinds of food and for every meal they eat almost the same thing. No one ever educated them. They received very little education, even at the grammar school level. They cannot read or write and they cannot begin to understand the modern world. How can they hope to survive? All these wrong doings were made by white people. If the white people don't try to solve these things, it may be that the yellow people will go there and correct them.

In Africa, we spend only 10% of what we spend here in America, but it is enough to get a whole movement going in one country. A little bit has a tremendous impact in Africa. Don't you think we should do that? We should show them everything, how to grow and harvest vegetables and fruit, how to produce crops and bake bread. One problem in the past was that when they received education, they chased the white people away. The white people responded with, "Why even bother to educate them?"

Finally, a few Africans would get to go to London or somewhere in Europe, and you can imagine how they felt when they came to those continental countries. They saw the difference between the living standards in the Western world and their life back in Africa. This caused a lot of anguish and anger. Even though there have been some reforms, this racial concept is still there. White people don't like people with color; they don't like black people.

What happens is that the communists use this as a vulnerable point. They agitate the people and say, "Look what the white people have done to you and look what they think about you. They don't care about you, they are only using you." Then, the communists tell them that their only hope is communism, where they will live in the laborer's kingdom, the common people's kingdom. It has always been proven to be a lie, but if you don't really know about communism, it is very sweet talk. This is how the communists start racial wars. If you have doubts about it, you have to study more. It's very clear to see their strategy. Before such things happen, the white people of the Unification Church should go to Africa and pay indemnity for the wrong doings of white ancestry and make things more even. Then, they will begin to trust you.

Most recently in Zaire there has been a spiritual church which the white people have massacred. It was a new Christian denomination and this awful thing is now history. No one tells this story in public. They just want to put a lid on it and forget about it. But the black people will never forget about it. We will have to open that up and indemnify it. Someone will have to pay for it and ease their hearts.

When I bring these things out in the open, am I cruel or just trying to find fault with white people? Do you think that it's good for me to bring this out? It's good because it's the only way to make things even and start things new. We have to be sure about that. We cannot hide the things that we did. I want to go right now and help them, but I cannot go to them with empty hands. My first priority is to get you on a solid foundation.

Creating Your Own Foundation

It is not my credibility that concerns me. It is your credibility that I want you to build. You have to accomplish something. I want to start some foundation for you so that in the future you will have some protection. Otherwise; the persecution will be too severe if I were to leave. This is why I am hastening so much. It is why I go through so many sleepless nights and compact three years of effort into one.

Many people say, "Father why don't we take a little longer to do this project?" When the fishing industry becomes prosperous, I want to donate hundreds of boats and give them away for all kinds of good programs. The point is, how to make a good quality boat without a great deal of expense. Once we do that, the American people will work hard and give the boats away. You might like the idea, but don't want to work so hard.

I understand this about you. You don't want to work hard if you can get away with it, but this is the only way for you to get results. l have to push you, but you get the results, you get the benefit. Each boat cost twenty-five thousand at the minimum. If we were to sell them, the retail price would be around thirty thousand. The material alone costs sixteen thousand, while the rest of the cost is labor.

These first boats are for you to use for your programs. So we need to make the boats just as good, but cheaper. One thing that we can do is make many of the parts ourselves. The parts we have to buy, we can buy in large quantity. This brings down the cost. If you really keep a close check on everything and buy everything at the time when its more of a bargain, you can reduce the cost by two or three thousand dollars. With the extra, you can give benefits to the members making the boats.

We will have to put at least twenty million into this project. If you were to deposit that into the bank, you would get three million dollars every year without doing anything. That's only two or three percent interest: it is not much, but it adds up. I know that when you first invest money like this, you will lose in the first few years. We might lose up to one-third of the original investment. I know that we will lose this good money, but that is how it is when you start a new venture. The typical way of working in a factory is that you work for a few hours then take a break. Then you work a little bit more and then you have to have some coffee. By the time you have four or five breaks, it's time to quit. I don't think about work that way. I like to work twenty-four hours around the clock in order to finish more quickly. Time to eat doesn't take an hour, it only takes half of that time. The fastest way to eat is just to pick up the food with your hands. I have trained myself how to eat fast. I can eat one meal in one minute. You can put all your food into the soup bowl and just drink it down. Can you imagine it? You might be thinking, "What kind of a lifestyle is that?" That's the lifestyle to make the foundation. That's what kind of lifestyle that is.

If you have a choice, if you really want to establish the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, then you cannot go about it in the old way of doing things. Just forget about that. You have to devise a whole new way to make things happen. I have worked to the point that when it came to dusk I wasn't even sure if it was morning and the sun was rising or if it was evening and the sun was setting. When I was eating something, I wondered if it was breakfast or dinner. You might hear this and think it is just a story, but I have lived through this. This is exactly how things happened.

I have a record in Korea. We built the Il Hwa factory, three stories, a steel reinforced and concrete foundation building. This was a regular building and usually it would have taken two or more years to build it. To plan it would take six months, preparation takes another six months, and then it takes at least a year to build it. Our factory only took three months from start to finish. We poured the concrete for twenty-four hours, using lights and two different shifts. We did it like that. The training center we built in just twenty-eight days. One man went away for a few days and came back to find a whole building there. He thought he was lost. We built another training center which is not as large, but just as substantial, in only seven days. Can you imagine building a permanent house, including the foundation, in just seven days?

The tempo that you work at really upsets me. I don't even want to come look at it. You do things so slowly, dragging them on and on. The garden lies in front of you, and you can make it in just a few days. You've gone on and on for two months now and you aren't even beginning. I am studying Americans now and learning about you. I am now thinking of how to lay everything out for you and show you how to accomplish really fast and efficient production. That's for your sake.

You have to investigate how to improve the speed of production. Invent a machine if you have to. The leader has to take responsibility. If he cannot do it, then someone else has to come in and do it. You cannot do it the easy way. No other factory would ever try to push this hard. Well, we have to be reasonable, but as much as we can, we will try to bring the costs down for these 300 boats. We can bring the costs down, of that we are sure. How about you? Don't you think this is the best way? Then, would you want to work slowly and get only a little bit of benefit, or work very hard and get a great deal of benefit? One is easier, but the other is more sure in the long run. This will be your foundation.

No one is thinking this way and it just baffles me. Anyway, we can put everything together for less than twenty thousand dollars. I am sure of that, including all the parts and the trailer, everything. Mako is now twenty-two thousand dollars without a trailer. You have now seen our boat. It's a handsome boat isn't it? The Mako boat, speaking honestly, is one class lower. Our boat can still run in twenty-five knot winds. From twenty-five to thirty-three knots is small craft advisory conditions, but our boat can still run. It is as stable as a midsized boat. The boat will be produced; there is no question about that. We may have to build it in Alabama where things cost less and the weather is better so that we can build it in an almost open space. Now then, the question of building 300 boats is settled.

The New Assignment

At this time thirty people will be assigned to manage centers. Initially, let's begin with volunteers. Those who want to take this new mission, stand up. From the way you look, I think you will all get sea sick when you first go out. "Soft bones," is the term I am thinking of. If you don't get sea sick, raise your hands.

I want to select first those who can get along with the ocean. Some people are born in such a way that the fish will follow along with them. Just like some people are born to make money in business, some are born to make money in fishing. I will first go around and pick those who are best suited for this life. It is like a matching ceremony isn't it? Then, let's begin. After you are picked, please register your names.

With these members I feel that I have more than enough to create the ocean kingdom. What about you? You have to be very flexible and you have to be able to make very quick decisions, especially when the sea is rough. You must always be thinking that the ocean is dangerous. You have to be able to handle that. You have to have a body which can handle the harsh weather and hard work. Can you understand that? Well, I have picked twenty-four members, and this will be it to begin with. Six more members will come later on.

We need good lecturers as well. Education doesn't exactly need a big person. Those who are state leaders already, please raise your hands. You should come to Ocean Church, but not just yet. Seminary graduates are directly responsible to me. They don't go automatically to HSA or to CARP or anywhere else. No one can just reassign them at will. Since they were especially trained at the seminary, they are under my responsibility. Now, it is pretty much understood. For you new center leaders, the boats are still in production. This means that twelve of you will receive your assignments tomorrow. The other twelve will be temporarily assigned as a state leader. However, when the new boats come out, you will be assigned a boat and you will go to your new mission. Until the first twenty-four boats are produced, you will go in this order. It will take about two months. Daikan is the one who is advising Ocean Church and I trust him to pick the first twelve leaders from you.

This is not a separate organization that I am starting. It is very much a part of our movement. Tiger Park will come to visit you and Reverend Kwak will help you organize your lecture programs. You are very much a part of the movement. In a real way, you are just like a state leader, especially in your region of Ocean Church. Don't settle down, but keep moving and visit all the ports in your region. We have to reorganize quickly and leave no blanks. As you see, many people have been recruited to be state leaders and new leaders for Ocean Church. Now, those left will have to work twice as hard.

First Instructions

Then, God bless you. If you new Ocean Church leaders do well, you will develop faster than the inland churches, including the state centers on the coastal lines. You have more motivation to create something. When you go to your assigned area, first visit with the Coast Guard chiefs, the Police chiefs and the mayor. Introduce yourself and explain what you are going to do. Let them know that your interest is to revive the fishing industry in America, and that you will train many young people to work hard and live sacrificially for the sake of the seaport. Tell them that boats, trailers and vans will be coming into their area. Assure them that you will do your best to reverse the trend of young people, from living in a decadent way to a constructive and creative way. You will quickly have to form a lecture program, and when there are enough people assembled, give them a lecture. In this way, explain to them all these things.

There are a few crucial ports to which you will first be assigned. You are in the position of director for that port and/or that region. A few boats and a few members will come under you. They will be notified that you are coming. Since you haven't had any experience this summer, and those who are assigned to you have already had some amount of substantial experience, you can learn from them. You have to let them know that you want to catch up and close the gap quickly. Many of them will be European members and they will be happy for you to be the director there because you can link them to America.

Your main task is to lecture and educate the young people in the region. While you are doing that, you can take them out to sea and fish together. Lecture in the boat and train them as you are fishing. All these things are done at the same time. I have already directed you how to bring them along. After they go through a period of training, let them apply for a boat. The boat that comes to Gloucester during the summer can fish the East coast. It is best for this boat to go to Norfolk first and the crew can get their experience there. Fish there and you will learn what you need to know. During the tuna season, we need a tender boat; this boat can come up from Norfolk and provide chum for the boats and buy tuna.

There will be many boats assigned to Alaska, trawlers as well as small boats. A plan to organize and supervise the boats, especially training captains, has to be made. Each boat has to have a good captain and a trained crew. The members who go Lo Alaska cannot become isolated. Allen Hokanson should go there and help to organize these things. He should live with them and try to train them day by day.

All the fishing vessel captains must come through Alaska. They have to go through Allen, or the person who is in that position. The boat operations and the training of the crews are under him. Whoever is in that position cannot care about himself so much, but has to really care about training others. Allen has a high standard and that is why I am putting him up as an example. He has to go with the others on their boats and be on board with them. He has to educate them and then branch out, training many other groups after the first one. He will have to become something like a "mother hen" up there.

This is a good type of activity for him and if he establishes himself in a good way there, he can become anything. He is the testing case. If he can establish himself with the captains in Alaska and gain their respect, he can then move forward. There will be a leader who works on land with the business and Allen should establish himself on the ocean. These two must work together. The motto for the business manager on land and the captains on the ocean, especially Allen, is "To Be One." Allen should captain one of the new boats and compare it with the Green Hope. How many boats are needed in Alaska? What is the optimum? We have to consider how to keep our expenses down, especially mechanics expenses and food expenses. We have to train our members about mechanics. Also, if we eat fish a lot, we can cut down on the really expensive costs of meat. If you spend without consideration, there is no end to it.

On the long line fishing vessels which are our commercial boats, we pay the crew members a salary and a food allowance. Do you know what they eat? They eat rice and vegetables and the fish which they catch from the ocean. They fry it, bake it and fix it in all kinds of ways. In this way, they can save their food allowance and add it to their salary.

We too can train that way. You have to find the way to do that. If you spend and spend, you will never be able to save. You should always think how to economize on the boat, including the cost of repairs. As you will soon find, you have to make sure every member is trained in engine maintenance. You are the leader and director, but you also have to be a first class mechanic. If you don't know something, you cannot teach others. You have to be a first class mechanic: there is no other way around it. Start with an engine book and just learn. You have to know the engine inside and out, and be able to take the engine apart and put it back together. To qualify yourself as the director of your region, you have to be the expert on the boat.

When I come to visit you, I want to see you taking that boat out. You are the leader and director of the sailors, fishermen and oceangoing people. You are not administrative directors. You have to be busy, directing the spiritual education of your area. At the same time, you have to learn the business side; you have to find out how to sell fish. Sometimes you may catch a great deal of fish, but you don't know where to sell it. That's part of your training. After you understand how to be self supporting, it's guaranteed that someone will buy whatever fish you catch. Each region should work together in a smooth manner. You have to know how to work in all the departments: witnessing, fishing, education and also, business and fish sales. Then, we will expand and move forward and we will fulfill the purpose of the church. The first thing you need to do is go and make friends. Ask them questions and find out as much as you can. Then, get a book about the local area and study the fishing there.

For at least half a year you have to do that. Around the coastline, we can set up various factories such as a net making factory and a boat making factory. If those factories are in your region, you have to manage them as well.

If you manage things well, work really hard and move around quickly from project to project, your foundation will be set. It is your foundation. You can even someday run for congressman or senator, representing the fishermen in your region. This will be to your credit. The whole town will notice your existence. You have to be welcomed by the people. I believe there will be a substantial number of good people who will come around you and ask for your guidance. Then, educate them and inspire them to work for the sake of the country.

You must learn quickly, each to your ability. A very good person to inherit from is Daikan. One thing that Daikan never did: complain. Six o'clock is the quitting time, and I always say, "Bring the lines in," but Daikan would always linger on for five more minutes because the tuna might strike at any minute. At least three times the tuna struck at that last moment. I wouldn't be happy if at the end of the day when I said, "Let's go!" everyone would be so happy and just jump to bring the lines in. Daikan goes very slowly because he is hoping the tuna will bite at the very last moment. You never know.

From next season onward we will charge participants a minimum fee for the training program. They should at least pay for three meals a day. It takes one or two hours to go out to the tuna grounds. If you can stay out there and keep fishing, it makes a big difference. We will place a big boat in the center and you can moor around it at night. You can go back and forth to the big boat from your anchor spot. Other people argue about their anchor spots because it makes a big difference where you are, whether or not you will get the tuna to bite.

Those who have been out tuna catching in any season, raise your hands. Those who have fishing experience, the European and American members, have to help the new leaders.

Questions and Answers

Do any of you have questions right now?

Member: If some of us don't get boats right away, can we go on a commercial boat to get some training?"

Well, not here because it is getting too cold, but you could get on a boat fishing for bottom fish. If you want to fish here for one day tomorrow, you can at least do that. Anyway, for twelve of you, the boat is already waiting. We are short of trailers and vans. We will first have to tow your boat to your location, put it in the water, leave it there and use the van to tow another boat. Soon, each boat will have a trailer and three to five boats will have one van. That will be the standard.

Member: "What is our priority? Fishing, selling fish, training, lecturing?"

Before you get your boat, you can do public relations. This is first. You start out that way; you are the main force. However, CARP members should also help and the state leaders should assist you. First you have to make a foundation. Then, you can branch out from there. We haven't done that yet, because we aren't planning to go commercial at first. We ourselves need 300 boats which we don't intend to sell. These are for training. Eventually we will sell other boats similar to the One Hope boats. They will be a Good Go, but not a One Hope. The One Hope boats are special. However, when people see these boats, they will want one. It's already happening. People want to buy the One Hope boats now, but we are not selling them.

The First Priority

You should go directly to your states from here and become active. For example, Dr. Durst has to go out often to the states. I would like to see him go around to all fifty states at least once a month. That means he would be on the road all the time. However, if Dr. Durst talks to an audience of 100 people, how long would he take to reach the entire population of America? If he did that every day, how long would it take him? It would take ten thousand years.

Instead, if he concentrates on New York and can reach 7,000 people and bring them into the Home Church activity, it is much faster. If he gives banquets and public talks for five years in the same area among those 7,000 people, and does this over and over again for five years, it will bring a much better result. When New York starts to understand and get our message, then so will the entire United States. The whole nation can turn around very quickly if that happens.

In this way, Home Church is a more direct restoration. More people can be restored more quickly, so he is concentrating on this. Instead of inviting people to headquarters, he should go out into the Home Church area and make two or three tours all around there. He shouldn't do so many banquets then, but have meetings instead where he can give lectures. He should do that two or three times each day. One or two hours at one place and then move on to another place and spend a few hours there. Those people are there to stay. They won't go away. It's the same way in which I approached the people when I first came to the United States. It's the fastest way. I know. Through the revival meeting, the banquet meeting, these kinds of meetings, you set a very good atmosphere for people. State leaders should operate like that. And you should operate like that. Then, with his experience, Dr. Durst will know what needs to be done. He will visit your center and work with you. You can call on him for that.

Tomorrow, you will all go to your new assignments or back to your old ones. May God bless you in your work. Let us give three "Manseis" for the victory of Ocean Church.

Colonel Han's Prayer

Heavenly Father, we are thankful to have shared this time with Father. Time is moving, and on this particular day we find a great transition occurring. Not yet within America, but within ourselves. Heavenly Father, help us to change in the most dramatic way, because we have to catch up and fill in the gap between what you expect and need of us, and where we are at this particular moment. Heavenly Father, help us to overcome all our self-imposed limitations.

We want to inherit the tradition that Father has set up in Korea, Japan and now in America. We know that tradition has been so painfully established. We pledge to quickly change and inherit your tradition, to work selflessly for the sake of mankind and for the sake of you, Heavenly Father. At this moment, we are deciding within ourselves to work with all our might according to the examples you have given to us. We are about to begin Ocean Church. It is a historical development in this country.

Later, in history, all of America will witness to this day. Let us pray deeply about the next years to come. True Parents have already put in so much sweat and tears, and they have invested so much in the seminary so that the students could come to this one day. Many are working in CARP and many have become state leaders, and today many were assigned as Ocean Church leaders. Their success depends on their hard work.

When this becomes successful, we know that America will have hope. If we do not act according to the standard, then this country will still have to go through more turbulence, more indemnity and more misery and the results of that will not be guaranteed. So then Heavenly Father, taking your pattern, let us dedicate all of ourselves to you. Live or die, we will do your will. If we live, we will do your will here on earth and if we die, we will continue to do your will in the spirit world. Heavenly Father, help us to remain on earth as long as we can to complete this historical task We are so grateful to have the privilege to do your work along with True Parents. We are the happiest people on earth, even though there is hard work waiting for us. Even though there is no luxury in our lives, we are the happiest people in history since we have True Parents. Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for all that they have done already for this world and for America. Protect them and their family because we could never replace them. We want to someday take over their burdens and pledge lo carry on until you have educated us properly how to do so.

We pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Amen.

Chapter 1 - The Way of Tuna

Chapter 1
The Way of Tuna
July 13th, 1980 -- Belvedere

The Unification Church is very special, with its understanding of the role of Abel. The world would never imagine that I spend a great deal of time on the ocean to catch tuna, so before I start on the main topic I want to talk a little about tuna. If you think some fish are beautiful, then you would have to consider the tuna to be the beauty queen of all fish. How many of you have ever seen tuna? Well, most of you haven't, so you may not know what I am talking about.

Tuna are completely streamlined for fast swimming and they are the only fish which can fold all their fins right next to their bodies when they are swimming really quickly. It is like the concept of the Concorde: for take off the wings are spread out, but for cruising speed the wings are swept back. A tuna's side fins are completely hidden when it is speeding along, giving it a completely smooth surface. A tuna can swim up to ninety knots, like an airplane of the ocean! Water resistance is greater than air resistance, so airplane designers will have to study tuna when they want to come up with ideas for more efficient airplanes. The average cruising speed for tuna is thirty-five knots.

Tuna do not live in just one area, but swim in all five oceans. If the ocean were divided into sovereignties, then the tuna would be in trouble because it would need a visa. But tuna just fly through the water, in all five oceans of the world! Furthermore, tuna have solid meat which is good for eating. In the future, tuna will provide food for the world.

Tuna fishing is the king of sport fishing because it is so exciting and thrilling. Tuna fishing is really the ultimate goal of fishermen. I would like to generate world-wide interest in this apex of the sport by perfecting the skill of catching tuna. You have to outsmart a tuna in order to catch it because they are very smart fish. However, once you master the skill, you become an addict. Even when you think you will finally leave the fishing ground for the day, your attention is drawn back to the area and you are eager to return.

Tuna fishing requires a boat that is from twenty-five to fifty feet long. Getting a boat and all the necessary equipment, plus daily expenses for fishing, requires money that only more wealthy people can afford. Only people who have a strong interest in the ocean can concentrate on this kind of sport fishing. For this reason, people who can afford it always concentrate on tuna. Women of the world always dream of having diamonds, and sports-minded men always dream of catching tuna. Tuna fishing is more than just a sport or a hobby; it is really a battle, and this is why I like it; you must be ready to go after the goal and gain the victory.

A big tuna weighs over 1,000 pounds, which is six or seven times the weight of the average person, and is thirteen to fourteen feet long. When we pull a big tuna aboard the New Hope, it stretches diagonally across the whole boat, touching each side. Tunas are caught with a hook and long line, and great skill and knowledge are required to win the battle. After long, long hours of waiting, a tuna will strike and for that moment, you forget everything else. In Gloucester, three to five hundred boats gather for the tuna season. People sail for months from the West Coast and through the Panama Canal to come for tuna fishing in Gloucester. In some cases, boats come from South America. For that season, the richest and most famous boats assemble in Gloucester.

The fishermen are more proud of their boats than women are of their finest jewelry. These boats each need four crew members to go along. You can imagine that no one can afford to do that except wealthy people; they spend all that money and time to get there just for the excitement of catching tuna. Five hundred boats use about $50,000 worth of bait a day. Tuna season normally lasts seventy days, and the bait alone costs $3.5 million. If each boat is crewed by three people, that is 1,500 people in one area. If each boat spends $500 a day for seventy days, that is $1.5 million. This is the investment that they make in order to have a chance to catch a part of the quota of tuna that the government allows to be caught each year.

If the government allots 1,800 tuna and you sell each tuna for $1,000, that is only $1.8 million. In other words, tuna fishing is not a money-making investment. It is extraordinary to break even at tuna fishing; it is virtually impossible. When I see the enthusiasm these people have for tuna fishing, I think that if they loved America the way they do fishing, it would have become the Kingdom of Heaven a long time ago. I always think that if Americans have that kind of heart and soul, why not harness it for kingdom-building?

During the tedious wait for a tuna to strike, people may complain and fight, but when the tuna bites, they are instantly united as one. I have never seen such instant unification! That is the unification spirit I am trying to promote, so rather than just talk about it, I particularly want Unification people to come from all over the world and experience it.

The one thing men cannot say they have experienced is the pain of giving birth to a child. Only women know it through experience. However, tuna fishing is usually in the man's world, and it is difficult for women to understand it. The rugged tuna world is far apart from the world of make-up, manicures and jewelry. Fishermen usually wear nothing from the waist up, and they get deep tans.

I have experienced all kinds of sports in the man's world, yet I have never found any that was as exciting as the struggle with tuna. Do you have an appetite for that? Not everyone can do it; you have to be born with the traits for it. However, women can be interested in it too. I am always studying how the American fishing industry can become prosperous once again, so whenever I am in Gloucester I am always planning how to interest American young people in the ocean.

Tuna season is like the Olympics of sport fishing, and I determined that I would be a record breaking tuna fisherman. It took me twenty- two long days to catch my first tuna, however. There were many strikes during that time, but for lack of experience they were all lost. When a strike is so exciting, you can imagine how disappointing it is to lose the fish, but then you restore your spirit and resolve to go on. When the sun starts to sink at the end of the day, I feel like ordering the sun to stay up so I can stay out and get another strike. You really don't understand how I feel. If you have this kind of spirit when you attack any task or problem, there is nothing you cannot do. Though you lose the tuna, you just keep trying until you catch one. That's the way it goes.

When I first started out, people laughed at me as a novice. I thought, "They should watch me for three years and see what happens." All the professional fishermen were astonished that I broke record after record during those three years. Now they feel threatened by this "novice" who is having an impact on their world. They worry about what to do with the Moonies who are stealing all the honors. They can't stand to see us taking all the records, so they have started getting up earlier in the mornings in order to beat us. When they discovered that I was going out at four-thirty in the morning, they decided to go out one-half hour earlier. But, it didn't last; after the first day, only a few people came out at four. In the meantime, I started going out at three-thirty in the morning. When they resolved to go earlier than that, I started going out at two-thirty!

When you go out that early, you usually have to wait four hours because the tuna come to breakfast on time . . . their time. However, it was a war and I went out early. Now people are giving up trying to beat the Moonies; they know that for sheer consistency and hard work, they cannot compete with us. What is interesting is that even with all those boats anchored up and fishing, the first strike always comes to the New Hope. Yesterday when I went out, it only took four minutes for the first strike to come!

Do you have some interest in this? How about the women? If you are interested, you have to marry a tuna fisherman to enter that world. Those who don't know the taste of tuna fishing don't really know the taste of life. When the interest in tuna is so great, will the number of people getting involved start to shrink, or become greater? A person with a really masculine character who tastes the spirit of tuna fishing wants to go out each day, regardless of how rough the sea is. This is the fundamental attitude of the men of the ocean. When you know this thrill and excitement, even if you are seasick, you still go. Tuna fishing is the best way to learn about the fishing industry.

People begin fishing with smaller boats, but each year get bigger ones. They make it their goal to beat the best person of the previous year. In Gloucester, excitement starts to swell when tuna season comes, because they know the top champion always comes Reverend Moon in the New Hope. I feel it is good competition and young people will want to challenge that goal and record. If I set a goal for them to challenge, then the America fishing industry has some future.

Today, that industry has almost come to a halt because no one has that spirit. American women are not particularly fond of fish smells or the life of ocean going men. It is an extraordinary woman who is interested in the ocean and its fish. When the battle starts with the tuna's strike, there is no time for courtesy or pleasantries. A team has to be organized and busy, and a fisherman would even yell at his own father at such a time. It is a rare woman who wouldn't mind being kicked by her own husband in the heat of a tuna battle. What about Unification Church women?

I am certainly not fishing for money. I already have the foundation to move in any direction. My goal is to break the record and demonstrate the sea-going spirit to the world. Year after year, I have set the record and people know now it is not happening by chance or coincidence, and that I have a special secret. People want to learn that secret, so they are trying to be nice to me. The other fishermen follow the New Hope with their binoculars, and when I get a strike, everyone's eyes are on me. Anyone in Gloucester who is interested in tuna fishing knows about the New Hope.

We want to establish something permanent in Gloucester, so we recently obtained a big estate there, which used to belong to the Catholic church. That house is being prepared to welcome people from all over the world. If anyone is invited up there to participate in our tuna fishing. they will not refuse. The mayor has been negative toward us, but let him come and see what we are doing. I see this house as an essential diplomatic base.

Gloucester is close to Boston, a major city in the world, and near Provincetown, where the Pilgrims once landed. The spirit of this nation was born in the New England area, so it is an important area. It is a cultural center of America, and well known as a seaport. Thus, it is a strategic location to show the world my spirit.

Recently, we bought a marina that was up for auction and many people bid against us, but the price kept rising and soon everyone stopped bidding. Even the mayor was interested in that marina, and he was anxious to keep us from getting it because it was such choice water- front property. Many powerful corporations bid, but I never paid attention to them, and eventually, we bought it.

Now we have that marina, plus a dock and an estate, so Gloucester is being impacted by Moonies. Also the entire sport fishing industry is influenced by us, especially by our first opening of the world tuna tournament this year, offering the first prize of $100,000. Everyone was completely shocked when the announcement was made, but they became eager to see the Moonies come to their town. Gloucester citizens, the police chief and Coast Guard are all excited. Everyone's eyes popped at the thought of $100,000 and all of a sudden, they didn't mind the Moonies so much anymore. They say it is the most exciting event in a century in Gloucester. Boston, Gloucester and Provincetown are all bases for the tournament, so it is a topic in those cities as well. Everyone is talking about who will win the prizes, but I know who will win. However, since I am sponsoring the tournament, it would not be good for me to win first prize. I will, therefore, be the honorary chairman and compete, but I will not take the prize even if I do the best. Moonies can win, however.

The most important thing will not be who wins first prize, but which boat does it. I am determined that our people work the hardest for all three prizes. If they win, people will want to know which company made their boats, and then they will discover that I designed the boats and created the company that made them. I have planned down to the most minute detail what kind of boat would be best for tuna fishing, and yesterday I checked what our factory is doing, specifying what details must be changed. The people of the world will know these boats are my creation.

No one thinks I will build boats, but you will see that our boats will be 21st century boats. Once our boat is proven the best for tuna fishing in this contest, there will be a great market for them. I know the advantages and disadvantages of different styles, and through design, I compensated for all of those things. Mr. Henry Masters is our brother from England, and I have guided him directly in completing the plans. Our boats will win the prizes in the tuna tournament. You wait and see. The fact that we bought some property in Gloucester was world news, reported in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Time magazine devoted almost an entire page to it. When the media finds out that Ocean Church boats win the world tuna tournament, that will really be news. They will wonder when a religious leader became such a fantastic boat designer.

Many thought it was just throwing money away to offer $100,000 for the tournament, but there are specific reasons. That prize brought more than $200,000 worth of publicity. The people who were anxious to get rid of the Moonies have seen the excitement build in Gloucester, and now they are embarrassed to be seen in public. The tournament will last seven days, and whoever does the best during that time will win.

This tournament is not just an exciting event in America, but in Japan as well. Japan is a great consumer of tuna, and the major Japanese tuna companies are represented in Gloucester. They will send their best people, and everyone will watch to see what happens. The major seafood companies will see that Reverend Moon's boats and people are winning, and they will know they can't help but deal with us in the future. The big Japanese companies are backed by their government, but we are backed by heaven. We will compete with them, and in the next few years we will beat them.

There are four major fishing areas in the world -- one is in Norway, but the other three surround the United States. One is the Bering Sea, in Alaska; the other is the Gulf of Mexico, and the other is along the East Coast, especially in the Gloucester area. A few years ago, the American government set up a 200 mile limit for off-shore fishing by foreign boats. Foreign governments are trying all kinds of strategies to get inside that 200 mile limit to fish. There is a great deal of diplomatic pressure to use these fishing grounds which are monopolized by the American government.

However, we are not foreigners. The Japanese companies see that Reverend Moon has a base in the United States, and furthermore, has so many Japanese people working with him who are engaged to Americans. They realize that we are their only link to America. We are becoming the best bridge for Japan to trade in sea products with America, and vice versa.

The American and Japanese governments are fierce competitors, but by using our organization as a link, we can smooth out the bad feelings and work for the benefit of both countries. I am interested in marketing strategy. Mitsubishi and Marubeni have to use many middlemen, and each level needs to get some profit. My strategy is to send the product straight from the factory to the retailer, bypassing the middlemen. Then the product can be provided much more cheaply to the consumer. This is why I have created mobile seafood stores, which are converted vans fitted with refrigeration. We are good at preparing fish; the Japanese in particular know how to fix fish in many ways. Once we prepare the fish, all the people have to do is enjoy it at home. Many Americans don't know how to prepare fish, so we do it, and all they have to do is eat it. The lines will be blocks long outside our mobile stores. One van will be responsible for twelve home church areas, roving around, serving 4,380 homes. The vans will have special theme music and special signs so that people will get to know you when you come to their homes.

We will also cater and start seafood restaurant chains which will provide fresh, cooked fish for banquets. If you have the reputation that in a few hours you can provide good food for one or two hundred people, you will get an incredible amount of business. More and more the American diet will include seafood, because people are realizing that eating large amounts of red meat isn't healthy. Seafood provides much more healthy forms of protein.

My plan for marketing in Japan calls for 7,000 seafood vans to cover the whole country. Once they are in operation, they will make twice as much as the MFT fund raisers. When B and C members see how successful our A members are in the fish business, they will want to do it too, instead of their own jobs. Once we demonstrate reliable income, we can buy vans on credit, and when bankers see what the Moonies are doing, they will want our business. Whoever does well in this business will rise to ever higher levels in Japanese-American trade.

We have ordered 100 vans and thirty have arrived. Right now, three members are working in one van, but in six months they will branch out, with one person per van. I want to see it expand, from one van to three, then three to nine, and nine to twenty-seven, so that in three years, Japan will have 7,000 vans. If we have 800 by the end of one year, there can be far more than 7,000 by the end of three years. We will use exactly the same system in America.

Home church will be developing side by side with the marketing plan, so we will offer service to the people as well as income, and in this way, the home church providence will prosper. All the experts trained in this system in Japan will come to America and install their system here. At the same time, through a fellowship organization, we can make friends with wealthy people who are interested in tuna fishing. Through the tuna tournament we can organize them into a club and then expand it throughout the world. Tuna travel the world, so when the season ends in Gloucester it begins somewhere else. If we sponsor tournaments in five places around the world, that is $500,000 in prizes. That investment will lure tens of thousands of influential people. Their boats are capable of crossing the Atlantic or Pacific, going from one tournament to another. Once this plan has momentum, the government will have to be supportive, and they will organize all the necessary supplies. Also, since there are already many marine facilities around the world, we will create a system so that the major vessels can provide fuel to the sport fishermen. As the club's influence grows, these things can be arranged. People will certainly see that Reverend Moon is the king of the ocean, not only in generating healthy sea sport, but in generating trade and commerce as well as good food to benefit the people of the world. Eventually we will have our own capacity to supply our boats. The tournament fleet will be moving from one ocean to another, with an oil tanker accompanying it. The major corporations of the world will want to participate because the worldwide publicity will be so great. Imagine tens of thousands of boats coming to Gloucester for the competition; they will bring tremendous prosperity to that small sea town. All those people will have to eat and sleep somewhere and get supplies, so the economic impact will be tremendous.

There are many resources that can be transported from one part of the world that is rich to another part where there is famine. This is why I created the International Relief Friendship Foundation. American companies sometimes have a surplus of products which become burdensome because they must be stored and, at the same time, the companies must pay taxes on them. Many times they cannot sell these old products for whatever reason, so they are in a dilemma. Often they are willing to give that material to some organization as a contribution, but even the churches today don't know what to do with so much material because they don't have the capacity to handle it. However, we have created a foundation which can receive surplus commodities, plus a fleet to transport them from one port to another, so we can meet that need.

This has tremendous implications. Any government that is interested in the welfare of its people will link up with us because we have so much ability to help them. To implement this, we need properly trained and skilled manpower. Where can we train people? I want to have 200 of our boats deployed along the American coast with three people on each boat, which means 600 people. Once we have continued for three years, three people won't be necessary; one person can do it. This kind of system can be expanded very quickly.

The young people who become experienced in small boats will want to handle bigger and bigger boats. In about sixteen years, everyone can be a trained, experienced captain of a big boat. We can get government loans and create more fishing boats, assigning an experienced captain to each one. Then, their mission will be to catch specific fish that are in demand.

Cold storage is the big problem in the fishing industry. Therefore, I am investigating advanced techniques of making dry fish powder that doesn't need cold storage. Millions of tons can be stored in bags in open air. We will develop powder for different fish and combine them, like multiple vitamins. This powder can be used in daily cooking, to supplement the overuse of flour and starch. You will be able to create new cuisine by using fish powder in nutritious cooking.

I will soon test fish powder bread versus wheat flour bread. Once people taste it, they won't have to be persuaded which is better. The best test will be giving it to children, who are very honest. I am sure they will all take the fish bread. There is already a fish powder company operating in Norway, and one of our members is researching that process in depth. The problem now is not in catching the fish, but in marketing the fish before they spoil. We are working on the solution to that.

Because we have a way to store the fish, we will catch as much as possible without hesitation. Already, we catch more tuna than anyone else. The fishermen will bring their catches to us because we will have no limit on how much we can buy. Therefore, we can provide a tremendous incentive for the fishing industry. I have the entire system worked out, starting with boat building. After we build the boats, we catch the fish and process them for market, and then have a distribution network. This is not just on the drawing board; I have already done it.

All these ideas I conceived many years ago, and I knew just where to start -- with tuna fishing -- because it is the essential way to train people in the fishing spirit. I have been doing that for seven years. Furthermore, another reason I have pursued this direction is that resources on land for feeding the world will soon be inadequate. There is a limited amount of land, and it gets poorer over the years, but the ocean is boundless. You cannot eat all the plants that grow on land, but everything that comes from the ocean can be eaten, and it is all good for the body.

Animal feed can be produced from the ocean; when seaweed is properly processed, there is tremendous nutrition there. In addition, we will not just harvest fish that grow wild, but will farm fish as well. Normally a calf cost one-fifth the price of a full grown cow. The tuna, however, has a tremendous capacity to multiply; one tuna lays 150,000 eggs. Would you have to pay one-fifth the price of a tuna for one little egg? Tuna farming is already in the experimental stage. Most baby tuna are eaten by other fish, but when they are protected they will grow quickly. There is great potential in tuna farming.

I am the founder of this gigantic spiritual movement, but I am also laying the foundation to solve future physical problems of the world. I know that all this is basic for future food production and solving hunger in the world. Some environmentalist might ask me, "Reverend Moon, why do you kill tuna all the time?" My answer is, "How can you worry about tuna when all the people may die? I want to prevent such a future from happening." In another way, I view a tuna as an offering, and I am in a position as a chief priest to offer it to God. I seldom eat the tuna I have caught because I see it as a sacrifice for the sake of mankind. In the Old Testament, the priests killed and burnt offerings on the altar, and blood was shed.

Another health food trend in the near future will be to eat raw foods like fish, grains and vegetables. It is medically true that raw foods give you more energy. Fish powder will solve many things because it will contain most of the nutrition you need. With a bag of fish powder you can travel anywhere in the world and eat wherever you are. The land has been fully exploited by man, but God preserved the ocean resources almost totally untouched. (There are even precious stones in the oceans).

This year, we have saved and numbered the tail fins of the tuna I have caught, and when they are preserved, each state center will have one. When people look at those fins, they can feel they are looking at the future food messiah who will solve the food problems of the world. Since I am so enthusiastic and have so many plans about the ocean, anyone who comes to the Unification Church cannot help but pay attention to the ocean. Would you like to go to sea? [Yes!] When did you become so enthusiastic about the ocean?

For seven years I have been going to the ocean and praying out there, early in the morning and late at night. As Unification Church members you cannot help but pay attention to the ocean. Did you think about the ocean before you joined the Unification Church? When you think of the ocean you think about the movie, Jaws, don't you? Now, instead of thinking a shark will use you as his food, you can think you will use the shark to feed the world. Not only men, but women will do it also. That is a long standing goal of mine.

If there are any people who don't want to do this, raise your hands. From next year on, we will have ocean workshops lasting six months, and once you pass, you will go on a tuna tour around the world. You will even sail to Korea. We have radios, so I can command our worldwide fleet from one flagship, directing each ship around the world.

In the future when the Communist threat is ended, there will be no more war. Instead of being scrapped, all the government naval vessels can be utilized by us as mother ships for peaceful purposes. They can supply the fleets that are harvesting the resources of the ocean. An aircraft carrier is like a floating island and can travel thousands of miles with no problem. I will get one aircraft carrier for each ocean, or two for the big oceans. Then we can get airplanes, and they can use the carriers as airports. Would you want to join that fleet and become captains?

Usually Americans don't like the smell of fish, and when you talk about fish, you shake your heads. Now, you will be different. I am not just thinking about all these things, but have already started them. You sisters, show me your muscles! Oh, not very much. I have the ambition to train many women captains. You will still have your charming woman's smile, but will act strongly like a man. That will be very poetic. Our sisters will create literary masterpieces based on their experiences at sea. That is my thinking.

If your husband had this kind of dream, would you be a happy woman? To reach that goal, you will have to go through a great deal of misery because it is a tough process. You have to taste bitterness in order to appreciate sweetness. I would like to mobilize the spirited young men and women of the world and bring them to the horizon of this goal. I knew that governments and religions would persecute us, but I always had an alternate plan for building the kingdom of heaven on earth. I always thought that if people don't like me, I would build the kingdom on the ocean first and then bring it to land.

In the last ten days, I have become deeply tanned and my goal is to become darker than any black man in America. Then l want to see what white women will say. I am watching how Mother will react to having a black husband. I know that Mother will say, "Father, you are so handsome in your dark skin; I love you even more." She will have a black husband in the summer and a white husband in the winter.

My topic was supposed to have been the "Way of Abel, but instead it became the "Way of Tuna. Well then, when the way of tuna is followed properly, you will surely end up in Abel's role. I started with only my bare hands when l arrived in America, but in a few years I have truly created an empire. Do you know what is happening in Alaska? The most advanced seafood processing factory is being built there; even the state government is amazed. Now, people are asking my guidance for the Alaskan seafood industry because our factory is so exemplary. We have a shipyard in Alabama which can build boats up to 300 feet long, which is a gigantic boat. One of those would cost several million dollars. Wouldn't you like to go out as captain on one of those boats?

When transported to Japan, the tuna price is usually twenty times that in America. In order to do that, it must be fresh. For that reason, I researched how to transport tuna, and now that we can do that, we can utilize the same method for other fish as well. I have opened the door.

Anyone who has at least three spiritual children can come to Boston, though I think that maybe one-third of you will lose your enthusiasm after your first experiences on the ocean. You will spend more time in the bathroom, not sitting on the toilet, but leaning over it. Will you mind? It will be the world's most exciting drama and comedy. The interesting thing is that at sea you may be in the bathroom all the time, but as soon as you are back on solid ground, you feel fine and are truly hungry. In some cases, a person is so engrossed in throwing up out of his mouth that he doesn't notice that his bowel movement has come out the other end! The Unification Church is really something else. You are proud of it though, aren't you? Wouldn't you like to have dark skin like mine?

On the ocean you won't have good food like you do on land. You just have raw fish, but it will certainly be very fresh; just dip it in soy sauce and eat it. Now you know why I have been spending all my summers on the ocean these last seven years, and why tuna are so important. Now you know it is directly linked to the dispensation, so it can be a topic in your prayer.

It so happens that tuna season in Gloucester comes in the middle of vacation season, which means people from all over the world can come. The estate I bought is now tuna tournament headquarters. Would you want it to be an impressive place? There are thirty bedrooms there and this house will be used year round, not just in the summer. Famous professors will come for seminars there.

Our whole budget for the summer has been spent already, so I told our people that if they want to eat they can either have sand or go get tuna. Now the staff is fishing very hard to get tuna so they can go on. Tuna fishing is certainly not a vacation for me; it is a war and a battle, I sleep two or three hours at the most at night. The young people are always dozing off; my driver always sleeps in the car, but I never sleep on the boat. When God sees me, He cannot help but say I am something special because no one can keep up with me. Christian ministers are very interested in their honor and future, but I am crazy about the salvation of the world, how I can feed the world population, how I can help this nation. That is what I am thinking about day in and day out. In the summer your face should be tan and dark with the appearance of rugged men and women who are committed to the mission. Would you like this tough mission? Your "thank you" doesn't sound very strong! However, it is a beautiful day today, the best day for tuna fishing. Tuna is the Abel of the sea, so this wasn't too far from my original topic. From tuna, you have learned many things about my vision of the future and what fishing is all about. God bless you.


March, 1987 -- - New York

Reverend Moon is a man with a vision. That vision, far reaching in its goals and comprehensive in its content, stems from the conviction that this world and especially the human beings who occupy it were created in order to share in a relationship with God. However, human history and current events show that we have fallen far short of becoming this kind of people. Rather than returning joy and glory to God and living with respect and love for one another, we have inherited and now participate in a history filled with selfish strife and stubborn ignorance.

It has not only been humankind who has suffered throughout human history. God, who created all things from the perspective and heart of a parent, has surely cried out in pain over each careless act that brought further misery into the lives of His children. How does one respond when he perceives this, the suffering of God and the plight of humankind? How does one face this endangered world and take up the task left by great prophets and religious leaders before him? How does one who hears the call, "Take up the cross and follow me," truly answer that call, and to the fullest extent, live out what that means?

From early on in his life, Reverend Moon has been patiently and painfully giving his full attention to these questions. Through years of scriptural study, ardent prayers and a daily life that rigorously tested every detail of his search, he discovered the answers. He realized that he could not just give words to bring solutions, but had to exemplify those words in his daily life. The arduous task which he began, of bringing a new and vitally needed message to this world, has been somewhat documented, but not fully as of yet.

The thirteen speeches and numerous excerpts contained in this volume are part of this man's vision. Indeed, they are a special part because they reveal the high hopes and practical plans of a man truly desiring to bring God back into the lives of men and women, and the world back into the bosom of God. Whenever Reverend Moon puts his hand and heart towards any project, large or small, he is always motivated by this singular desire. So it is with his vision of the ocean.

Reverend Moon recognizes that mankind has been greatly wounded by prolonged poverty and extensive violence. Our earthly environment has also suffered tremendous abuse through the centuries of unchecked and unwise use. Humankind has largely failed to develop an internal sensitivity, a spirituality, to guide its external technical advancements. Thus, we face a dilemma which threatens worldwide survival.

Reverend Moon perceives the task of healing this situation on both universal and individual scales. To have a good world, there must be good men and women within it. To have good men and women, there must first be good children, raised in good, God centered families. From such families, good communities, societies and nations can grow and expand. In this way a good world can unfold, imbued with the spirit of God and built by the hands of mankind.

Tragically, we are often unaware of our precious value in front of God and fail to act accordingly. In other words, we are ignorant of and fail to manifest the full dignity of our human responsibilities. Young people today especially find it difficult to experience the presence of a loving God in a chaotic world that appears bent upon its own demise. Consequently, they give up and live out their despair in destructive acts such as drug abuse, immature and immoral love, and cynical lifestyles that pursue only self fulfillment.

One of the cornerstones of Reverend Moon's message is that we are given life for a purpose; to experience and manifest God's very essence, which is love. This purpose can be realized as each of us becomes attentive to and fulfills the fundamental responsibilities of human life. The first book of the Bible, Genesis, expresses this purpose as the three Great Blessings. These three blessings are the core of Reverend Moon's message, and his clear explanation of how they can be accomplished is providing inspiration and direction for people throughout the world.

The First Blessing calls us to the full realization of each individual as a true child and person in the image of God: "Be fruitful, . . ." The Second Blessing calls us to expand upon this through the attainment of mature and lasting love between a man and a woman expressed through marriage and family centered upon God: ". . . multiply, . . ." Therefore, children can be raised in a loving and secure environment which produces an ever-widening spiral linking God to people and people to God. Building upon the first two blessings, the Third Blessing exhorts humankind to take its proper position in the universe: ". . . and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and of the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." Thus humankind indeed becomes the God-centered caretaker of the world, empowered by the benevolent love of God rather than greed and selfishness. In essence, these are the responsibilities of humankind, and when respectively fulfilled, they become the wonderful blessings of life.

Reverend Moon came to America with this and much more in his mind and heart. He came with a special concern about the youth of this nation and the depth of this care is reflected in many of his speeches. Although he has begun an incredible array of projects, the central focus of his efforts has been to raise up the youth of this nation so that America's future and the future of the world can move in the direction of God's will -- towards the establishment of a heavenly kingdom on earth.

Ocean Church is one such project, for as Reverend Moon has often said, "Whoever is concerned about the future must look towards the ocean." Although he officially inaugurated Ocean Church in 1980, Reverend Moon had already spent more than a decade of active and intensive fishing upon the ocean. But it was not just for fish that he went to the ocean; he went there to pray and meditate. From those seasons of hard work in all kinds of severe conditions, he was able to lay the concrete plans which are now unfolding in the Ocean Church providence. The speeches herein outline the development of those ideas.

The ocean is the world's most vast resource. It is also the world's most delicate resource. To properly use the ocean, men and women must receive training so that they can become people of the highest caliber. If the ocean is utilized with anything less, it too will go the way of many other aspects of the Creation which have been, and still are, plundered and polluted to the point of no return.

One of Reverend Moon's desires is that ocean-going individuals and related communities and enterprises can be duly inspired to wisely integrate their approaches to the ocean. If we understand our position to be that of good stewards, we will want to use the ocean for the benefit of all. We will also be concerned to balance development of the ocean's resources with proper conservation and management. Many of Reverend Moon's speeches contain references to the potential of the ocean as well as the need to protect and take care of it. It is truly one of his greatest hopes that the resources of the ocean can be utilized in their full measure in order to better feed the world's hungry.

The solution of these and other related problems begins with dedicated individuals. In the following speeches, one will find that Reverend Moon regards every aspect of the ocean as a tool for teaching. No small detail lacks importance to this end. In training young men and women to take care of their boats, he asks them to do so with the spirit of taking care of the entire world. In discussing the minute procedures of catching a tuna, he asks them to accomplish what is often difficult and sometimes dangerous with the spirit of taking on bigger and bolder projects that yet lay ahead.

For Reverend Moon, the ocean is not only a classroom; it is also a cathedral. It is not only a place to learn daily realities; it is also a place where little exists that can close the mind and corrupt the heart. Out on the ocean, without the pressures and pretensions of modern life, a young person's heart can unfold naturally. At sea, the elements are Much larger than the person. When the sun rises on the ocean, an entire horizon opens up and the mind can aspire to great thoughts. When wave upon wave rocks the boat, the rhythm of life itself begins to beat within the heart. One cannot help but feel part of a grand panorama that has pattern and power, beauty and abundance. There, the presence of God can be keenly felt and clearly known. Awe is a common experience, almost a daily event.

In the following speeches, one can see that Reverend Moon has experienced these things to the core of his being. Without hesitation, he has shared his experience in every possible way with those who have been with him and for those who will come after him. The ocean-going tradition is the tradition of the poetic heart that bears practical responsibility. It is in the spirit of that tradition that we commend this volume to you.

The Editor
