Brian Goldstein, “He spoke for nine hours straight with every human expression”

It was the tradition of the New York members to travel upstate each Sunday for service with Reverend Moon at Belvedere, his family residence at that time. However, he gave that service at the extremely early hour of five AM, within the restored garage, where we all sat on the floor, winter or not! His attitude was that we always need to be humble before God and that by arising before others we made a good tradition of being serious about our life of faith.

For the next sixteen years or so, I attended his services and those given by members of his family and our leadership. These meetings were held there and at the subsequent residence, East Garden, with the Conference Center he especially built to receive leaders who visit from all corners of the world. I felt especially blessed as many in the world, even within our membership, hardly ever or never got to experience seeing him in person. On one occasion, he spoke for nine hours straight with every human expression of seriousness, sadness, humor, or pathos, and he was never once boring! Even after many hours, neither he nor any of those listening wanted to tear themselves away from the passion of God speaking through this loving and giving man.

From I Am in This Place, p. 84.