Pastor Mark Abernathy, “Don't Stop! Don't stop loving! Don't stop blessing!


My experience with becoming involved with True Parents started in 1988. I was invited to come to ICC [International Conference for Clergy], which was happening in Korea. My wife and I had a very small ministry. And as I began to listen to what was being said at these workshops that we were taking, I began to see a transformation happening in my life. I had been looking for something a little bit different than what I was raised up on. It was like God had other things involved with me.

From my experience reading the Divine Principle, I realized that True Parents and Jesus had so much in common. He spoke about Jesus speaking to him on Easter Sunday and how the transformation of his life took place. The moment I read this I realized that it resonated very strongly with my ideology, I began to study the Divine Principle. I found out that it paralleled the Bible. I found out that True Parents received this from Jesus. As a young Christian minister I realized that this was a chance for me to develop myself to become a tribal messiah.

Some years passed, and my daughter went through an experience in her life, in a relationship that wasn't too good. It wound up being abusive and my daughter had to leave her husband. My daughter felt she was hopeless and that she would never ever have another chance to be restored.

As I began to teach the Divine Principle to her, as I began to pray with her, the next thing I see, I see a light start to brighten in her eyes. I was beginning to see that there was hope available and then all of a sudden, God brought somebody new into her life. It was an exciting moment. What made it such an exciting moment is that she asked me if I would bless them on the back porch of our home. So when we went outside on the back porch and began to do the blessing, all of a sudden my daughter falls to the ground and begins to weep. The next thing I see is my grandson of fifteen years old, he falls to the ground. And then my grandson looks up at me and says, "O Grandpa, now I know who God is." He had experience of who God is, and I'm telling you, at that very moment was when I realized that this blessing is real. This blessing can change your life. I don't know if it has changed your life, but it has changed my life and it has changed my family's. It turned my life around.

As I began doing blessings, I went to my church. I went to my family church, and I began to bless every couple and everybody because I saw what it did in my life. I saw what it did in my family's lives. And as my church started to get blessed, I blessed four hundred and five hundred and six hundred. The next thing I know, my wife is doing four hundred and five hundred and six hundred and my daughter almost has four hundred and thirty herself. I'm excited about this! You can take it as far as you like. The sky's the limit! You just have to go out there and find the people who are desiring to be blessed. What we have to do is feed them with this.

What I have come here to tell you today is, Don't stop loving! Don't stop blessing!