Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, “I found it marvelous”


It has been more than two years since I was first invited to attend the international and interreligious meetings. Slowly, I began to understand the philosophy of life of Reverend Moon. Then afterwards I followed the forty days of studying the Principle. After that, I understood a lot about the value of marriage and the dignity of marriage and it is this that moved me–and the love that is repeated in the writings of Reverend Moon.

I came here without anyone’s name. Then I was presented the first day with three ladies from Japan. But myself, I thought, since it is said that the matching depends on Reverend Moon, I would rather from the outset not take trouble that I make the choice. I’ll submit myself to whatever he is going to decide. So, I saw her only Thursday, Friday, yesterday and today. Look, I found it marvelous. Why do I consider it marvelous? I’ve seen so many fiances and so many engaged couples, but it turns out to be disastrous. But with the matching, I consider her to be a twin soul. 

So, I said to her, “I’m 71.” She’s 43, I said, “It’s up to you; I don’t want to become a burden.” 

She said, “No, no, no, I do accept.” She accepted and that is that.

From Today’s World, May 2001, p. 12.