Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon Urges Women Leaders to Evangelize

Ariana Moon
October 29, 2012


More than 1,200 women welcomed WFWP Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at the 20th Anniversary National Assembly of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in the M Resort Spa Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. See speech below.

The presence of Dr. Moon, affectionately known as “Mother Moon,” is especially significant considering the recent passing of her husband, founder of the Unification Church Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, and the ongoing organizational restructuring within the church’s administration in the United States. Furthermore, this assembly marked only Dr. Moon’s third public appearance at a WFWP event, the first two having been at the inauguration and the tenth anniversary of WFWP.

“Today is the 20th anniversary of WFWP. Now it is the time for women to work at the forefront,” Mother Moon said in her long-awaited keynote address. “With motherly love, women can make our dreams come true. And if you want to prove that we are true children, true sons and daughters of God that who have a clear goal, what do you need to do? You need to witness. Give Divine Principle lectures. For this reason, with this purpose, you need to live with life-or-death resolve, investing yourselves completely. If you want your family, your neighbors, your country and your world to become like that, then women should work at the [fore]front.”

The assembly, attended by more than 1,200 people, marked only Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s third public appearance at a WFWP event, the first two having been at the inauguration and the tenth anniversary of WFWP.

The assembly, attended by more than 1,200 people, marked only Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s third public appearance at a WFWP event, the first two having been at the inauguration and the tenth anniversary of WFWP.

Messages of Congratulations from Officials

The morning event, which began at 10:00 a.m., included several statements of welcome from government officials, including Gov. Brian Sandoval of the State of Nevada; Katherine Duncan, the founder of the Las Vegas Ward 5 Chamber of Commerce; Sheila Jones, a member of the Georgia House of Representatives; and Gayle Anderson, the Chief of Diplomatic Relations /Protocol and Global Trade Representative for the Commission on Economic Development for the State of Nevada.

Gov. Brian Sandoval acknowledged the efforts of WFWP through a letter read on his behalf, part of which follows:

"[Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's] legacy of working across all lines is something that I strive to emulate in my work as a state representativerder to make Father and Mother Moon proud," said Sheila Jones.

"[Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's] legacy of working across all lines is something that I strive to emulate in my work as a state representativerder to make Father and Mother Moon proud," said Sheila Jones.

“I commend the Federation for working nationally and globally in maintaining service projects in over 40 countries in areas of educational- and foster-parent programs, vocational-training programs, aidsprevention education, hygienic instructions, nutritional guidance, youth-volunteer programs, and school construction and management. I commend the WFWP for its work towards making our world a better place. Thank you for celebrating your 20th anniversary in the state of Nevada. We are so very happy to have you in our state and hope you will enjoy your time with us.”

Katherine Duncan, who the night before had participated in WFWP’s Bridge of Peace Ceremony, said: “I am deeply honored to have this opportunity to welcome you, Dr. Moon and all of the accomplishments and contributions you’ve made in the United States and worldwide. As Father Moon has said, let us make Las Vegas a loving, thriving ‘sunshine city’ benefiting all people and families. We here at the Chamber of Commerce are going to make ‘sin city’ into ‘soul city’ by crossing that bridge of peace in order to make Father and Mother Moon proud.

“In the world today, humanity faces many adversities such as hunger, poverty and war,” said Sheila Jones. “It seems that all you hear on the news or read about online is the desperation experienced throughout the hundreds of countries on this planet. But there is hope. Through hard work we can change the path that humanity takes from one of despair and struggle to one of prosperity and cooperation.

“Today I congratulate Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon for helping humanity get on the right path. She has demonstrated that working with people of all ideologies, creeds, colors, ages, social classes and backgrounds is both necessary and possible. Her legacy of working across all lines is something that I strive to emulate in my work as a state representative. I am humbled and honored to know Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and thank you for giving us the right direction to follow.”

Sun Jin Moon, the fifth daughter and tenth child of Father and Mother Moon, took the podium to read Mother’s Moon’s speech with a voice that at times choked with emotion at the mention of her late father.

Sun Jin Moon, the fifth daughter and tenth child of Father and Mother Moon, took the podium to read Mother’s Moon’s speech with a voice that at times choked with emotion at the mention of her late father.

Sun Jin Moon Reads Speech on Mother Moon’s Behalf

Following the congratulatory remarks, a video featuring the accomplishments of WFWP settled the garrulous audience of 1,200 into a mood of humble appreciation. Dr. Lan Young Moon, president of WFWP International, then re-energized the crowd and roused all to their feet during her introduction of Mother Moon.

“Yesterday, Mother Moon completed the 40-day memorial ceremony for Father Moon’s passing,” said Dr. Moon. “She then rushed right over to the United States without taking any time for rest. Even in the midst of deep sorrow, I saw Mother Moon maintain her tranquility and encourage us, her followers, to march forward without stopping. Ladies and gentlemen, Mother Moon, the greatest and most beautiful role model for women in history, the true mother, true peacemaker, and true educator, is here with us. Let us give her a big round of applause and cheers!”

After Mother Moon was welcomed with a standing ovation, a multi-tiered cake was presented to her to cut with her daughter, Sun Jin Moon, as part of a well-known Unificationist tradition. Mother Moon then accepted two flower bouquets and a gift from Nandi Moton, WFWP chairwoman from the state of Georgia, and all offered a symbolic bow of respect to her and her late husband.

Unificationist-born youth Hiyomi Carty sang, “Mamma,” an Italian favorite covered by Pavarotti and Andrea Bocelli, and charmed attendees with her operatic vocal ability.

Sun Jin Moon, the fifth daughter and tenth child of Father and Mother Moon, took the podium to read Mother’s Moon’s speech with a voice that at times choked with emotion at the mention of her late father.

“The goal of WFWP was not to become another secular women’s organization,” said Sun Jin Moon on her mother’s behalf. “It does not aim to be an external, political, or combative women’s rights movement targeting the misdeeds of men. Nor does it exist just to advocate the expansion of women’s rights, gender equality and the women’s labor movement. Rather, it is a global peace movement on an entirely new level with the providential significance of realizing the ideal world that was God’s vision at the time of creation.

“WFWP was inaugurated in an historic moment of providential significance, and has engaged in diverse activities over the past 20 years, geared to realizing the vision and ideals of pure love, happy families, and a peaceful world that transcends the barriers of race, religion, language, and national boundaries. This has been carried out in the spirit of Rev. Moon’s founding message, which urged us to expand a model movement of true love to the whole world based on living for the sake of others.”

A 50-minute video tribute followed, including segments featuring Rev. and Mrs. Moon at historic speeches, church celebrations and international meetings with leaders such as Kim Il Sung, intimate moments with children and grandchildren. This video brought forth ample tears for those who continue to hold him dear in their hearts.

Gayle Anderson, the Chief of Diplomatic Relations /Protocol and Global Trade Representative for the Commission on Economic Development for the State of Nevada, also offered congratulatory remarks.

Gayle Anderson, the Chief of Diplomatic Relations /Protocol and Global Trade Representative for the Commission on Economic Development for the State of Nevada, also offered congratulatory remarks.

“Women, Let’s Work at the Front”

Finally, in what was the highlight of the event, Mother Moon delivered an assertive message of repentance and re-dedication to God. (Much of the speech’s translation from Korean to English is included below, and a full transcription is pending.) She said:

“Father came to America and said, ‘America has a disease so I came here as a doctor. America is caught up in fire, so I came here as a firefighter.’ I feel like that was yesterday but it’s already been 40 years. How much Father bled, sweated and shed tears. America and all its members should repent in front of God. This country represents Christianity and should have lived for the sake of others, but didn’t complete its responsibility. How did America treat Father? It sent Father to Danbury [prison]. When is this country is going to repent for that? Right now America is on the edge of a cliff with its president election, between going with God’s direction or falling. But the Unification church is in the same situation.

“What do you have to brag about? Money? Erudition? You need to clear your mind and repent. Appreciate your Mother. Appreciate God. If you live with appreciation, everything looks so beautiful and happy.

“Today is the 20th anniversary of WFWP. Now it is the time for women to work at the forefront. With motherly love, women can make our dreams come true. And if you want to prove that we are true children, true sons and daughters of God that have a clear goal, what do you need to do? You need to witness. Give Divine Principle lectures. For this reason, with this purpose, you need to live with life-ordeath resolve, investing yourselves completely. If you want your family, your neighbors, your country and your world to become like that, then women should work at the [fore]front. Do you agree? [Applause]

Following the congratulatory remarks, a video featuring the accomplishments of WFWP settled the garrulous audience of 1,200 into a mood of humble appreciation.

Following the congratulatory remarks, a video featuring the accomplishments of WFWP settled the garrulous audience of 1,200 into a mood of humble appreciation.

“The world says, ‘If there is a great man, there is a greater woman behind him.’ [Applause] If you don’t have a wife, then you can’t be a complete man. Vice versa for women too. But I think women love peace more than men. Do you agree? [Applause] That’s why women need to work at the front. [Applause]

“It’s been 20 years since Father proclaimed an era of women. Now that era is an adult. After Father’s Seonghwa, I emphasized two things. First is church revival. I have so many regrets. I wish that all 6.5 billion people knew Father as the True Parents when he was alive. Divine Principle is medicine – medicine for the 6.5 billion of humankind. Father was working on the world providence, so he put people in charge in every country. But they didn’t fulfill their jobs. There is no country I can brag about.

“Second, we didn’t educate our second-generation members as leaders. As a result, they did not witness. Therefore, I created a leadership institution at the Cheong Shim Graduate School of Theology that will be famous all around the world, which prepares people who graduated from college to teach the Divine Principle and to publicly witness for three years. Depending on their goals, they will then work in ministry or for another organization. It’ll open next February. People from all countries can apply.

“Father had lots of plans when he was in Las Vegas. ‘Sin city’ was to become ‘sun city.’ I know there are lots of poor, teenaged women here, so I started programs through which we can educate them. So you in WFWP especially should work hard. There is no stopping for us. Only going forward. I think the more diligent people are women, as opposed to men. So, all women, let’s work at the front. Who has hope that you will repent and restore everything for future generations? [Big applause]

“Thank you. I want to ask you one more time not to make God wait for you too long. Do you understand? I’ll finish my speech now, but I brought Father here, and he wants to hear songs. [Applause] Who should sing? [Audience: “Mother!”] Okay, okay. I’ll sing one song. I’ll sing ‘Ga Go Pa’ [“I want to go”].’

Leaders of every nation have failed to educate their successors

Hak Ja Han
October 27, 2012
WFWP Assembly
Las Vegas, NV -- HC 9.13


Until now, True Father carried out his work for the providence worldwide, and he established leaders in each nation to take charge of their respective nations, but they have failed to fulfill their responsibilities. Not one nation can boast of having made any great achievements. In particular, they have failed to educate their successors, their second-generation members, and their leaders. Therefore, to set an example for others, I have established a military-type school. [Applause]

It is not a military school like West Point. Actually, it is an educational institute for the nurturing of leaders, which will become world famous in time. It offers courses for a master’s degree.

We will select students with the required qualities from amongst the graduates of four-year colleges and focus on educating them in the Divine Principle and character development for two years, after which they will go out to work in the field. Thus, they will be educated for a total of three years. Then, we will send them out to carry out witnessing work officially. Depending on their aptitude, they will be able to choose between spending their life in the ministry or working in other providential organizations.

Women as the Turning Point for Peace

Hak Ja Han
October 27, 2012
Women's Federation for World Peace's Twentieth Anniversary National Assembly
M Resort and Spa, Las Vegas, Nevada, HC 9.3


Distinguished guests from around the world, peace leaders and women representatives from all fifty states of America! Dear members of the Women's Federation for World Peace USA, and WFWP International.

My husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who has ascended to the spirit world, and I, would like to extend our sincere welcome to you for coming to Las Vegas to attend this historic WFWP USA Turning Point Assembly for the "Abel Women UN." We are gathered here to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Women's Federation for World Peace in the United States.

First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the seven million caring leaders and citizens from 194 nations who sent their great love and respect to me upon the passing of Rev. Moon. Thank you to all who visited the prepared altars around the world to offer condolences.

Rev. Moon came to earth as the True Parent of humankind, and proclaimed throughout his life, the vision of an ideal world that was God's purpose at the Creation. He devoted all his effort, often at the risk of his life, to promote a peaceful world where conflict and war could no longer exist.

This past July 16, after completing a busy schedule in America, Reverend Moon and I returned to Korea which we have proclaimed the providential homeland of God. Immediately upon our arrival, we held the inaugural rally for the "Abel Women UN" – an organization led by women that will play an active role in building a peaceful world in this new era.

The event was attended by 25,000 people at the World Peace Center in Chung Pyung, Korea. Among them were woman leaders representing 194 nations.

Beloved woman leaders, that was the last providential event on earth that Rev. Moon hosted. About fifty days later, he put the providence on earth in order, and then prayed the words, "I have completed everything." Soon afterward, he passed into the heavenly realm.

In the Korean language, this transition is called the Seonghwa, which means "ascension of peace and harmony."

Creation of the Abel Women UN

Beloved woman leaders from around the world, we now carry the heavy responsibility to complete the providential mission of the "Abel Women UN," which is the final organization that Rev. Moon and I created together.

Let me explain what I mean by the term, "Abel Women UN." As you may be aware, people who endured unbearable suffering all over the world in the aftermath of the catastrophic Second World War, founded the United Nations with a deep yearning for peace based on the viewpoint that war must never be waged again. This was in accordance with God's will.

However, what is the reality today? In the almost seventy years of the United Nations existence, it has been unable to prevent the outbreak of war, including the Korean War. Although the Cold War has ended, the world is still not free from the threat of war. There are still conflicts large and small which stem from divisions between rich and poor, different races, and people of different faiths. Despite the original intention of its founding mission to maintain global peace, the UN has seen repeated breakdown in its efforts to attain that noble goal.

At the time of the inauguration of the UN, there was a compromise negotiated between the U. S. and the former Soviet Union, rendered by the confrontational structure of the Cold War. As a result, the UN was limited in its ability to bring about a lasting world peace sufficient to transcend the interests of individual nations.

This is why we have proclaimed that, from the viewpoint of God's Will, the UN has been unable to emerge from the position of "Cain" – representing a secular view of life from which the heart of God is missing. We now emphasize that the re-creation of an Abel United Nations that recognizes God, is an absolutely critical step toward building a world of lasting peace. Unending peace for humankind is what God envisioned at the time of the Creation.

Respected women of peace! The United Nations has struck a brick wall and is unable to move beyond merely attempting to balance the self-interests of its individual nations. Until now we have depended on government organizations, created by men, to bring about global peace. To surmount the limitations of their efforts, I believe that a peace movement of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), guided by women, should take root as the cornerstone of a new system that can resolve problems arising with respect to world peace.

Such a dynamic women's peace movement can only be realized through global cooperation that goes beyond the NGO level. It is our sincere hope that the launch of the Abel Women UN can establish itself as a starting point in society, with the new leadership paradigm of the Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN).

A new women's peace movement

Looking back, today's historic Abel Women UN assembly actually began in 1992 with the establishment of the Women's Federation for World Peace, which the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and I jointly founded as a central organization for a new women's peace movement. With the declaration of "the advent of the global era of women," by Rev. Moon, WFWP was inaugurated on April 10, 1992, at Olympic Stadium in Seoul, in accordance with the Will of Heaven. That inaugural event was attended by women representatives from some 70 nations plus 150,000 Korean women.

The goal of WFWP was not to become another secular women's organization. It does not aim to be an external, political, or combative women's rights movement targeting the misdeeds of men. Nor does it exist just to advocate the expansion of women's rights, gender equality and the women's labor movement. Rather, it is a global peace movement on an entirely new level with the providential significance of realizing the ideal world that was God's vision at the time of Creation.

WFWP was inaugurated in an historic moment of providential significance, and has engaged in diverse activities over the past twenty years, geared to realizing the vision and ideals of pure love, happy families, and a peaceful world that transcends the barriers of race, religion, language, and national boundaries. This has been carried out in the spirit of Rev. Moon's founding message, which urged us to expand a model movement of true love to the whole world based on living for the sake of others.

WFWP is an organization compelled by maternal love. We have achieved remarkable growth and development through promoting the establishment of families centered on true love. Its extensive educational programs and worldwide volunteer activities are aimed at elevating the status of women. These activities have contributed to the alleviation of international conflicts and excelled at promoting reconciliation.

In September 1993, after only one year of active service, I was invited to give an Address at the UN headquarters in New York; and then, after three years of sincere investment and hard work, the Women's Federation for World Peace was approved by the United Nations Economic and Social Council as an NGO in General Consultative Status, which is the highest status given to an NGO by the United Nations. Since then, our status has been approved continuously at the reevaluations held every four years. I am confident to say that these reviews reveal and endorse our true value, based on our activities and achievements. Among the more than 3,500 NGOs affiliated with the UN, only 140 have received the General Consultative Status that WFWP has achieved.

Substantial efforts to build peace

Our WFWP Women's Conference for Peace in the Middle East has been held every year since 1997. It has attracted much interest and participation from woman leaders of more than twenty nations from the Middle East. It has now expanded and given birth to more concrete activities in the field, which I am glad to be able to report.

For example, this year WFWP sponsored the sixteenth annual Middle East Conference, which was held as a session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations Office in Geneva. That conference, entitled "Children affected by conflict and disaster: Prevention, protection, healing and empowerment" was attended by woman leaders from eighteen nations of the Middle East, and also by diplomatic officials, UN ambassadors to Geneva, representatives from UN agencies and global NGOs from around the world. These 180 or so participants came together to discuss this very severe issue of children's protection. The women gathered came to many serious conclusions, and resolved to apply solutions in the field, and to reconvene with their results and findings.

Today each of the WFWP chapters around the world is actively conducting relief aid work to address problems caused by natural calamities and poverty in various parts of our global village. One outstanding program is the "1% Love Share Project" which helps women and children in North Korea. Their slogan, "Let us share a little of what we have," has helped to reach so many people and, I am happy to tell you they have achieved wonderful results.

From the founding of WFWP, and reaching the highest status as an NGO in consultative status under the UN, our members have never lost their vision for a loving and safe world, and have quietly pioneered the path of a women's peace movement with an unwavering heart. WFWP stands at the center of a new women's movement for world peace, continuing to emerge fresh and vibrant with the power to heal.

At this time, I would like to request a big round of applause to express our infinite gratitude to these woman leaders all over the world who have never held back in their encouragement and participation.

However, WFWP must not remain at its current level. It must now develop to the next level by working in common cause and cooperation with woman leaders and NGOs from all parts of the world, to serve greater numbers of women and families in smaller and more remote parts of the world.

WFWP should go beyond the level of a women's NGO, and bring together governments, organizations and individuals from every country to forge a unified international effort modeling the ideal of the Abel Women UN by utilizing the Global Women Peace Network. Let's work together to bring this about, and in fact, it is God's absolute decree.

Foundation Day is just ahead!

In giving my sincere congratulations and encouragement to the excellent women here today, I would like to declare the launch of the United States Assembly for the Abel Women UN.

As we usher in an age of universal and historic revolutionary change, I would like to emphasize the shining truth that women make up half the world's population. Let us now become aware of our historic mission to expand the scope of our activities to all regions of the world.

Beloved woman leaders who seek peace! What is the path that humankind should take today? In the end, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the logic of love and the understanding that we are all one family under God. This is the teaching of true love with God at the center that my husband and I, as the True Parents, received from Heaven. We have championed and taught this precious truth throughout our lives. This ideal represents the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness.

This is a historic time of a great cosmic revolution in which we must change history. We must harmonize the spiritual and physical worlds and create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or delay it. Heaven has already proclaimed that the thirteenth day of the first lunar-calendar month in 2013 will be Foundation Day.

Therefore, it is now time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven's decree. I hope you will bear in mind today, that this fateful date of Foundation Day is approaching and that we need to devote ourselves completely with a commitment of intense sincerity until that day comes. Let us go forward together, following the guidance of True Father, the King of Peace, and Savior of Humanity, who now presides over God's Providence from the heavenly realm, and that of True Mother here on earth!

Beloved woman leaders! The course for humanity is set. Now that we have the upcoming Foundation Day, which heaven has given us through the True Parents, what reason is there to hesitate? We now have less than four months to go. Heaven will bless your endeavors to establish a world of peace through the leadership of the Abel Women's UN.

I would like to reemphasize that the priority of the Abel Women's UN is to create a true family movement that emphasizes "living for the sake of others," based on true love, and is carried out in conjunction with education focused on principled true family values.

Women as a turning point

Beloved leaders! We women were not put on earth merely to help, or to be protected by, men. We are independent individuals who, as representatives of the feminine aspect of God's nature, are meant to help men become more complete. Through true love, women are to be men's precious partners in love. Men and women are absolutely equal in terms of value.

Men and women who unite through the true love that is inherent in the original ideal share the same position and have equal worth. Also, they attain the right to be with each other, wherever they may be. Thus, a man and woman who are brought into oneness through the original love in God's ideal of true love have been created as equal beings, sharing not only the same status and the right of participation, but also their possessions with each other.

Men and women do not need to struggle with each other, because they do not need to imitate the characteristics, dispositions or roles of the other. It is not necessary to confront, compete or covet the things of the other, or take them by force. Instead, by giving what one has to the other, with true love, and by completing the other, they can become united as a greater whole and share in a relationship of joint ownership.

Now women and men should play a major role in world history, by serving alongside each other like the wheels of a great engine pulling the construction of a peaceful world forward. Today I invite women to accept an important role and become the turning point in building a new century characterized by a loving, peaceful culture.

I sincerely ask you to follow the path of a true mother, the path of a true wife, the path of a true daughter and true sister, and the path of a true woman leader, who will build a unified world where freedom, peace, and happiness overflow. Begin in your family, your church, your community.

Rev. Moon always urged us to live without casting any shadow, which he called a "life set at high noon." If every one of us lives like a brightly shining lamp, no shadows will be cast. No places of darkness will be created. If we only receive things, they become our debts. Please repay your debts by living a life of true love, of living for others, spreading light throughout the world and wiping away the tears of those less fortunate.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am grateful to you for listening closely to me today. I pray that God's blessing will be with you, with your families and with your work.

Thank you.

Everything depends on you fulfilling your obligations

Hak Ja Han
October 27, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas, HC 9.13


Whether we knew it or not, it is clear that all the people of the world, with one heart and one intention, sent Father off. In fact, your responsibilities are very important. Everything depends on whether you fulfill your obligations or not. We don’t know how many years later it will be, but eventually we will all go to the spirit world.

Father, who is now in the spirit world, trusted that we were doing our work on earth, even though he knew that some could not be trusted. Therefore, you need to do your best during this period, so that when you enter the spirit world, Father will remember you and say, Ah! At least you tried; and now you’ve come.

What should you do to make this possible? Father gave us our goals before he passed away. Foundation Day is not the end. We need to do our best until we have liberated all humankind and brought

the world’s 6.5 billion people into God’s presence. This is why Father urged you for a very long time to fulfill your mission as tribal messiahs.

The reality, however, is that you have been unable to witness even to those people around you. How pitiful that is! At present, America is internally struggling. The American members need to reflect on themselves and repent….

The American people in this day and age are living in the same era as the Lord’s Second Coming, and if they say, “We didn’t know,” for the most part, you are responsible for their ignorance. It will not end with just accusations. You will not find even one place to hide in in the eternal world, nowhere. Do you understand this point? Father believed in you. Why, then, did your witnessing not succeed? Why

were you unable to restore your tribes? The more I think about it, the more fully I realize that you did not receive much help from Heaven. You did not reach the standard of becoming God’s object partner. You should repent for that….

Because Father knew that he had a stubborn streak to his character, he began his work with his mind centered first on Heaven in all respects, going through a long period of devoting himself in prayer as if offering penance, saying, before wishing for dominion over the universe, let me gain perfect dominion over myself!

On the other hand, what have you done? When you were promoted to a slightly higher position, you thought of it as success—you men in particular. In this regard at least, women have sinned less than men.

Father spoke harshly to women, telling them they must pay indemnity for Eve’s fall, but now the era of indemnification is over and this is no longer necessary. We are now in the realm of equal status, equal rights and equal participation, aren’t we? [Yes] It is true that women need to take the lead at this point, which is why I brought all my daughters-in-law with me….

Many men are here in Las Vegas. Is it easier for men to unite or for women to unite? [It is easier for women to unite.] The men here should think to themselves that they are mourning at Father’s grave side for three years and try to unite. Is there anything you cannot achieve with True Parents?...

One Bible verse states, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” I believe we need to place great importance on this. It suggests that depending on whether we fulfill our responsibilities on earth, the stage for Father’s work in the spirit world will widen. Thus, the earthly plane is very important. That was why God created the heavens and the earth, and why He created Adam and Eve on earth. He spoke of the kingdom of heaven being on earth first.

Father alone cannot achieve the kingdom of heaven in heaven. Though God is the God of light, until now the spirit world has remained in darkness, because the evil spirit world has grown strong. Did you know that? Most spiritual mediums form connections to the middle spirit world. If you go up a mountain there are mountain spirits, for example. When they pray they can only form a connection to that level of the spirit world; they cannot connect to a higher plane.

If I continue talking about this, it will interfere with today’s program! I believe that I should have hope in all of you, so will you help? [Yes] Will you men help? [Yes.] You should work, with women leading the way.

The only way we can save America is for women to take the lead. After close observation, I’ve come to see that politics cannot be trusted. It is full of men who live day to day. When they think something is righteous, why can’t they go about it like a man? They look petty, small-minded and ludicrous to my eye. They have bigger bodies and greater strength than women do. Yet, how can they be so narrow-minded...?

Since we are living in that kind of era now, men should not think themselves superior and should make unity. Only when they are united can they exert their full power. Who is interpreting into English? [It is Moon-shik Kim.] Men, pay attention! [Yes!]

When Father first came to America, he said, “America is sick, so I have come as a doctor. America is in flames, so I have come as a fireman.” At present, America is in flames and is about to fall off a cliff. Not one nation in the world respects America. That is why America has adopted the no-visa policy. In the past, America was arrogant.

The truth is that, now, America is more unstable than any other country. The former Soviet Union is looking to the future and doing everything it can to become one with Europe and keep China in check. In fact, a minister in Putin’s administration attended our most recent UPF assembly.

I see that it all depends on how you do. Those who say, “It won’t be; it can’t be,” won’t be able to achieve anything. Those who translate their words into action can accomplish what they set out to do. This observation is based on the reports I’ve received. Do you understand? [Yes.] I hope Father continues to love America, because, if he does, it will give me a reason to come here more often. The fact is that when I leave this time, I don’t know when I will come again. It all depends on how you do. I hope you will not think this is a small thing but actually return to the mind-set prevalent at time our church began. You should strive to create an environment in which the sound of Divine Principle lectures never ceases in our churches.

To give Divine Principle lectures, you first need to have the right attitude. Okay? No matter how difficult your environment is, you are standing in Father’s place conveying Heaven’s word. You should therefore think, “I believe I should first have dominion over myself.” When you think like that, you will automatically change your clothes and dress more smartly, wash yourself when you find yourself dirty, and invest all your sincerity. That’s natural. Giving birth to something living cannot be done by merely killing time and hosting programs. The same is true for women giving birth. Just because the time has come does not mean a woman will have her baby at that moment. I could explain this better if men had experienced the pain of labor even once. If so, men would become so much more humble.

You should not be self-centered. You need to put yourself aside; to do so, you first need to unite your mind and body and thus begin working and acting on what you say. This is how you can achieve freedom and peace. If I am happy, and those around me are happy, that is freedom, isn’t it? The problem is your own self. The kingdom

of heaven is where such people live together. All you need to do is to translate Father’s teachings into action and lead your lives accordingly. Stop giving excuses and stop making up theories for not doing that.

First take dominion over your own selves.

That is why I am doing so many things now. It is all for you and your future generations. How could you possibly deal with the Christians of today? Not knowing that the Lord has come again, those old-fashioned Christians hang on to their worn-out Bibles and offer prayers and devotions asking the Lord to come on the clouds. If they come to understand the providence, how much will they repent and lament? “The Lord came and went while I was still alive!” How devastated would they be by that thought? This fact would dumbfound them more than the fact that they waited two thousand years for nothing. I will create a book that will make them throw away their Bibles, a book that will make them feel that Father is eternally alive.

Yesterday, I heard a brief report to the effect that members in South America held a bazaar to raise money to come here, and they prayed, “Please let us earn just $1,000.” They were able to come because they made $1,070. As you can see, Heaven helps you with even the smallest things based on your thoughts and efforts; these members came here with joy, gratitude and hope in their hearts.

Know this! Our future is not dismal but bright! Open your eyes in the morning feeling nothing but gratitude. Go to sleep at night with a grateful heart, saying, “I did this and that today. I was able to do all this thanks to our Heavenly Father’s protection. Thank you. Tomorrow, I will make even more effort to return all that I have received to God.” If you do that, you can’t help being happy.

Many of you have come from America, Japan, Korea and other places to attend the Women’s Federation assembly. Let us begin our work from this point. [Yes.]

Then let us shout loudly three times. Heavenly Father, thank you! [Heavenly Father, thank you!] True Parents, thank you! [True Parents, thank you!] All of us, thank you! [All of us, thank you!]

Address to Women’s Federation for World Peace 20th Anniversary Las Vegas Convention

Hak Ja Han Moon
October 27, 2012
M Resort, Las Vegas, United States

Distinguished guests from around the world, peace leaders and woman representatives from all fifty states of America, dear members of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, WFWP International!

My husband—Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who is now in the spirit world—and I would like to extend our sincere welcome to every one of you for coming to Las Vegas to attend this historic United States Assembly for the ‘Abel Women UN’ at which we commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Women’s Federation for World Peace in the United States.

First of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the 7 million leaders from 194 nations who sent me their great love and respect upon Rev. Moon’s passing, and who visited altars around the world to offer condolences.

Rev. Moon, who came to earth as the Savior and the True Parent of humankind, proclaimed throughout the globe the vision of an ideal world, which was God’s purpose at the Creation. He devoted his effort, without regard for his own life, to creating a peaceful world where conflict and war are no more.

Last July 16, after completing a busy schedule in America, we came to Korea, which we have proclaimed is providentially God’s homeland. Immediately upon our arrival, we held the inaugural rally for the ‘Abel Women UN,’ which will play an active role in building a peaceful world in a new era.

The event, which was held at the Peace World Center, was attended by 25,000, among whom were woman leaders representing 194 nations.

Beloved woman leaders from around the world, that was the last providential event Rev. Moon hosted on earth. About fifty days later, he put the providence on earth in order, and then prayed the words, “I have completed everything.” Soon afterward, he passed into the heavenly realm, a transition that in Korean we call seonghwa.

Beloved woman leaders from around the world, please remember that we carry the weighty responsibility to complete the providential mission of the ‘Abel Women UN,’ the final organization that Rev. Moon and I created together.

As you are well aware, representatives of all the world’s peoples, who had endured unbearable suffering in the aftermath of the catastrophic Second World War, founded the United Nations with a deep yearning for peace based on the viewpoint that war must never be waged again. This was in accordance with God’s will.

However, what is the reality today? In the sixty years of the United Nations’ existence, it has been unable to prevent wars breaking out, including the Korean War. Even though the cold war has ended, the world is not free from outbreaks of war, whether big or small, that stem from conflicts between rich and poor, between races, and between people of different faiths. Hasn’t the UN seen repeated breakdown of its work to fulfill its original mission to maintain global peace, according to the purpose of its founding?

At the time of its inauguration, the UN was the result of a compromise effected between the U. S. and the then Soviet Union under the confrontational structure of the cold war. From the outset, therefore, it was limited in its ability to bring about lasting world peace transcending the interests of individual nations.

This is why we have proclaimed that from the standpoint of God’s will, the UN has been unable to emerge from the position of Cain. This is why we emphasize that the renewal of the UN is absolutely critical to building a world of lasting peace as originally envisioned at the time of the Creation.

Respected peace leaders!

The United Nations has struck a brick wall, being unable to move beyond the level of balancing the various interests of individual nations. In history up to now, we have depended on government organizations centered on men to bring about global peace. Now, however, to surmount the limitations they have demonstrated, I believe that a women’s peace movement centered on a nongovernmental organizations (NGO) should take root as the new system resolving problems that arise in the field.

Since such a women’s peace movement can only be realized through global cooperation that goes beyond the NGO level, we hope that the launch of the ‘Abel Women UN’ will be the starting point from which the women’s peace movement can establish itself in society as the Global Women’s Peace Network (GWPN).

Looking back, today’s historic ‘Abel Women UN’ assembly began with establishment of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, which the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and I jointly founded as a central organization for the women’s peace movement. With the declaration of “the advent of the global era of women,” WFWP was established, in accordance with the will of Heaven, on April 10, 1992, at Olympic Stadium in Seoul.

That inaugural event was attended by woman representatives from some 70 nations plus 150,000 Korean woman leaders.

Furthermore, the goal of the Women’s Federation was not to be another ordinary women’s organization. It does not aim to be an external, political and combative women’s rights movement mainly targeting men, which advocates expansion of women’s rights, gender equality and the women’s labor movement. Rather, it is a global peace movement on an entirely new level with the providential significance of realizing the ideal world as God envisaged it at the Creation.

Inaugurated against a background of such providential significance, WFWP has engaged in diverse activities over the past twenty years, geared to realizing the vision and ideals of pure love, happy families, and a peaceful world, transcending the barriers of race, religion, language, and national boundaries. This has been carried out in the spirit of Rev. Moon’s founding message, in which he urged us to expand a model movement of true love to the whole world based on living for the sake of others.

Based on motherly love, WFWP has achieved remarkable growth and development through a campaign to promote the establishment of families centered on true love through various educational programs and through volunteer activities aimed at elevating the status of women. These activities have alleviated international conflicts and promoted reconciliation.

In addition, after the special address I was invited to give at the UN headquarters in New York, in September 1993, and based on three years of hard work, the Women’s Federation for World Peace was approved by the United Nations Economic and Social Council as an NGO in general consultative status, which is the highest status given to an NGO. Since then, our status has been reapproved continuously at the reevaluations held every four years. These entail strict assessment of activities and achievements.

I believe it is safe to say that they recognize our true value, because among the more than 3,500 NGOs affiliated with the UN, only 140 have received this highest status.

Our WFWP Women’s Conference for Peace in the Middle East, which has been held every year from 1997, has attracted much interest and participation from woman leaders of the twenty-some nations in the Middle East. Now it has expanded and given birth to more concrete activities in the field, which I am glad to be able to report.

At the end of June this year, WFWP sponsored the sixteenth annual Middle East conference, which was held as a session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations Office at Geneva, on the subject of Children Affected by Conflict and Disaster: Prevention, Protection, Healing and Empowerment. It was attended by woman leaders from eighteen nations in the Middle East, diplomatic officials including ambassadors to the UN in Geneva from nations around the world, and representatives from UN agencies and global NGOs. These 180 or so participants came together to seriously discuss current problems. I am informed that they resolved to apply the results of their discussions in the field.

Furthermore, each WFWP chapter is also actively conducting relief aid work to address problems caused by natural calamities and poverty in various parts of the global village. In particular, under the slogan, “Let us share a little of what we have,” they are carrying out the 1% Love Share Project to help children and women in North Korea, and I am very happy to tell you that they have achieved wonderful results.

As can be seen, from the founding of WFWP to reaching the highest status as an NGO in consultative status under the UN, our members have never lost their founding spirit and have quietly pioneered the path of a woman’s peace movement with an unwavering heart. Therefore, I would like to offer a big round of applause to express my infinite gratitude to them, and also to the woman leaders who have never held back in their encouragement or in their participation.

WFWP stands at the center of the movement for world peace it has developed. This, however, should not remain at its current level. WFWP should develop it to the next stage, so that it can work together in solidarity and cooperation with woman leaders and NGOs from all parts of the world and push onward along the path toward realizing a world of lasting peace.

In order to do so, WFWP should go beyond the level of a women’s NGO, bring together governments, organizations and individuals across the world and move forward. A unified international effort under the ideal of the ‘Abel Women UN’ (Global Women’s Peace Network) is absolutely necessary to bring this about. It is, in fact, God’s absolute decree.

Today, as we usher in an age of universal and historic revolutionary change, I would like to give my sincere congratulations and encouragement to you on this, the opening of the United States Assembly for the ‘Abel Women UN,’ which is being held in order that women, who make up half the world’s population, can be aware of their historic mission, and that we can expand the scope of our activities to all regions of the world.

Beloved woman leaders who seek peace! What is the path that humankind should take today? In the end, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the ideology of one family under God. This is the teaching of true love with God at the center that my husband and I, the True Parents, received from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. These ideals alone represent the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness.

This is a historic time of a great cosmic revolution in which we must change history, unite the spiritual and physical worlds and create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or delay it. Heaven has already proclaimed that the thirteenth day of the first lunarcalendar month in 2013 will be Foundation Day.

Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. Today, I hope you will bear in mind that that fateful date is approaching and that we need to devote ourselves completely, with a life or death commitment, for the remaining time, following the guidance of True Father, the king of peace, and savior of humanity, who now presides over the providence from the heavenly realm, and that of True Mother here on earth.

Beloved woman leaders! The course for humanity is set. Now that we have D-day, which Heaven has given us through True Parents, what reason is there to hesitate? We now have less than four months. Heaven will bless your endeavors to establish a world of peace based on the Abel Women UN.

However, I would like to reemphasize that the priority of the ‘Abel Women UN’ should be creating a true family movement that emphasizes living for the sake of others based on true love, and carried out in conjunction with education in proper values. War and conflict arise from selfish motives—desiring to take others’ land, others’ possessions or the like, by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for the sake of others— that is, giving based on true love.

Those leaders who turn their faces away from the new realities of the world, or who fail to see them, will be pushed aside by the changes coming upon us like a tsunami. I believe the time has now come for us to step forward boldly and receive new opportunities and values.

Beloved woman leaders! Women are not here merely to help or to be protected by men; rather, they are independent individuals who as representatives of the feminine aspect of God’s nature are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centering on true love, women are men’s precious partners in love. Men and women are absolutely equal in terms of value.

Men and women who unite through the true love that is inherent in the original ideal share the same position. Also, they attain the right to be with each other wherever they may be. Furthermore, they attain the ideal right of inheritance, where all their property belongs to each equally. Thus, a man and woman, who are brought into oneness through the original love in God’s ideal of true love, have been created to become equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with each other.

Therefore, men and women do not need to confront or contend with each other, because they do not need to imitate the characteristics, dispositions or roles of the other or to covet those things and take them by force. Instead, by giving what they have to the other with true love and completing the other, they can become united as a greater whole and share in a relationship of joint ownership.

In the twenty-first century, women should play a major role in world history by serving, together with men, as one of the wheels of the engine pulling the construction of a peaceful world forward. Going beyond a century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building a new century characterized by its loving, peaceful culture, and their role will be more important than ever before.

I sincerely ask you to follow the path of true mothers, the path of true wives, the path of true daughters, and the path of true woman leaders who will build a unified world where true freedom, peace, and happiness overflow.

Rev. Moon always urged us to live without casting any shadow, which he called a life set at high noon. If every one of us lives like brightly shining lamps, no shadows will be cast. When we receive things, they become our debts. Please repay your debts by living a life of true love while spreading light throughout the world and wiping away the tears of those less fortunate.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am grateful to you for listening closely right to the end of my speech. I pray that God’s blessing will be with you, with your families and with your work.

Thank you.

Forty Days after Father’s Seonghwa is a new starting point for the providence

Hak Ja Han
October 25, 2012

Hak Ja Han, May 5, 2013

Hak Ja Han, May 5, 2013

For forty days after True Father’s Seonghwa Ceremony, True Mother prepared meals for Father three times a day, and she testified how he would come and share them with her at Cheon Jeong Gung. The conclusion of this brief stage of Father’s eternal life in the spiritual world was marked on earth by a ceremony that True Mother conducted at Bonhyangwon, Father’s burial site (the name means “Original Hometown Garden”.

You may not be aware of this, but today marks a new starting point for the providence. During the last forty days, Father has visited many places in the spirit world. He has met figures from providential history, and he has personally experienced God’s creation of heaven and earth.

I have been speaking with Father heart to heart over the past forty days. I have been preparing. Father’s thoughts have become my thoughts, and my thoughts his. Much has happened in the last forty days during which Father has been coming to Cheon Jeong Gung.

Father completely approved of my determination to renew the Korean church in spirit and truth. He told me that he is very grateful.

The Unification Church in Korea has been around for fifty years.

During that time, Father led the worldwide providence. He has entrusted the Korean church to you, believing that you will do your best. However, the reality is that you (starting from those who hold the positions of responsibility) have been unable to fulfill your missions. It was set to grow, to develop, but that never happened. He was heartbroken and very sad. He lamented, wondering why so little result occurred after he had placed his trust in you. I think there have been more bloated reports than actual results. However, under my leadership, it will not continue like that. I hope you understand.

In his final days, Father emphasized to us to live at the risk of our lives, investing all our strength. How do we practice this teaching? You must be aware of the sin of not having been able to serve Father and return glory to Heaven.

This was some time ago, but in ordinary society when the master of a wealthy household died, the son would live by the side of his grave for three years. He would serve his parents* without the help of his family, eating raw food and living alone like a homeless person. Then the world would bestow on him the title “son of filial piety.” As we have failed to fulfill our responsibility to serve Father, I have set up a special team of bodyguards here. I’ve told them to live by the side of Father’s grave for three years. Seeing the standard of piety toward parents in society, how can we do less for the king of kings, the savior, the Messiah, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the lord of truth, holiness and virtue? These men swore an oath to me.

Two among them have doctoral degrees in theology. They are people who attended Father very closely...

What have you been thinking during the past forty days? I received many letters and your thoughts have been conveyed to me, but we must now invest our lives totally. This is what we must do. We weren’t able to do this with Father. What other time would call for us to commit our lives? Many people have desired Father’s love, for Father to take care of them. They have given back so little. Do you admit that? I know there are many among you who should wear sackcloth and repent. Please pledge your absolute devotion once more to Father today. Even Father is making a new beginning in providential history. In this situation, we on earth are also doing so. What does it say in the Bible? “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Please remember this: This is the time when we can return the value of Father’s love to him. Your life… How long do you think you have left? Twenty years? Thirty years? When we think of God and of the world’s 6.5 billion people, we have so little time. All those people are our people, our brethren, our family.

How can we offer the world to God, when we fail at even offering this nation, Korea? When will we offer all 6.5 billion people to God? Everyone, will you live at the risk of your lives, investing all your strength? Your voices are too weak. Please speak up.

This is the final stage. We have no more chances to repay our debts to heaven. Think about it. Because I am on earth, Father will show us even greater substantial phenomena. You will experience these through Chung Pyung. Father has promised. If you want to see Father, bring your results, come to Chung Pyung, and see Father. In the history of the providence, Father never revealed his body easily, even while he was imprisoned. He told us that in prison he protected his body. Do you think Father will just appear anywhere? No. Father will come only to me or to Chung Pyung. Do you understand? If there is anyone among you who did not know that, it has now been explained. Let’s advance in an orderly manner, centering on one heart and one vision and centering on the Principle. If you are willing to make that vow, let us applaud in order to congratulate Father on his new beginning. Thank you.

True Mother's Address to American Leaders with Greeting from Dr. Chang Shik Yang

Hak Ja Han
October 24, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am now in Korea with our True Mother and the other Continental Directors, preparing for the holy ceremonies on the 40th Day after our True Father's ascension. Directly afterwards, True Mother is planning to travel to the United States to speak at the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Women's Federation for World Peace. I know that all our American members are looking forward to welcoming her back to the United States at this critical time in our nation's history.

I was able to report to Mother about the special "town hall" visits with our new President, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, who visited all 12 districts of the United States. I shared about the many tearful moments, with very honest questions and comments from our members, and candid and caring responses from our President. I candidly explained that there were times of reflection on the many good developments that were achieved during the last few years, and there were also many expressions of profound disappointment and a loss of trust toward our headquarters, as a result of the problems that occurred.

As Continental Director of North America, I want to again offer my own sincere apology to all brothers and sisters. I couldn't properly fulfill my responsibility. While it is true that I was often asked to be with Father in Las Vegas, this is no excuse. I am deeply sorry to God, True Parents and True Family, and especially sorry to all of you for the tragic turn of events that we have all experienced.

However, God is eternal, absolute, unique and unchanging, and He has not changed. Now that True Parents are one with God in heaven and on earth, the stability of our families as we go forward lies in our unity with them.

Although several weeks have now passed, I wanted to share with you a summary of True Mother's guidance and direction earlier this month to the three American leaders: Dr. Michael Balcomb, Dr. Michael Jenkins, and Rev. Eric Holt, who were all called to Korea together with me at the beginning of this month.

When we arrived in Seoul we first had a meeting with Hyung Jin Nim, who shared with us True Mother's desire for America and its leadership before leaving for America. The next morning, October 1st we met True Mother at the Cheong Jeong Gung, where she spoke to us and gave new direction for our American church leadership. Several continental directors and international leaders were also present.

True Mother's words give us a fuller understanding of how she has completely inherited all the traditions of True Father. True Mother is walking with True Father every minute attending the Won Jeon and spending a great deal of time in prayer. She deeply loves all brothers and sisters throughout the world and especially in America. Because of America's historic, central role as the Elder Son Nation, she sent our World Chairman and International President of the Unification Church here to America as our newly appointed American President. She has asked that he completely focus here in America to bring True Parents' love to all members, and to lead the American Church and the Elder Son Nation to fulfill its providential destiny. Her deepest wish is that we unite with True Parents and Hyung Jin Nim, and go forward to victoriously realize God's historic Blessing of marriage on Foundation Day, and then on to the rapid expansion of Cheon Il Guk.

During the town hall meetings when Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim met with all of our brothers and sisters, we could all feel the presence of our True Parents in those meetings. The heart and spirit that Hyung Jin Nim inherited through his time of directly attending True Father day and night for a year and a half was apparent to us all. We could deeply understand why Father anointed him as the central person to lead our global church and movement under the guidance of True Parents. As he demonstrated an unconditional willingness to receive brothers' and sisters' pain and suffering as well as their inspiration and hope, we began to feel that God is truly guiding us to fulfill His dream for America and for Cheong Il Guk. Let us support him with our whole heart. I also want to encourage you to support Dr. Michael Balcomb in his important new role as Vice President, especially when he begins to travel the nation preaching and teaching Divine Principle next month.

We have just begun an important new chapter, and a new history of God's providence in America is now unfolding.

God Bless you and your family,


Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director, North America

True Mother's Address to the American Leaders

October 1, 2012
Cheong Jeong Gong Chung Pyung Lake, Korea

I called this meeting to encourage everyone to do their absolute best from now on. For the providence there is no stopping, only marching forward. The Unification movement started with the Holy Spirit and truth. Based on God's Shim Jung (heart), profound investment of heart was given by True Father from the very beginning. However, after many decades, when I look at our movement, I see that we didn't grow enough based on the practice of Shim Jung, true love and care for the members.

In the early days, when people heard the Divine Principle, they didn't want to leave. They felt so much love. In the early life of faith of members, no one wanted to go home even if they missed the curfew (in Korea after the war) and were stuck all night. They wanted to stay with Father and would often show up naturally without asking permission because their hearts were so moved. They just came based on the heart. Even though the movement's size was small back then, because of this unity and harmony the church could grow and progress.

In those early days of the providence, we heard many amazing stories and witnessed many spiritual experiences in our movement. When it came to pioneering, many wives gave up everything to develop the providential foundation that God needed. Our faithful women members, especially, gave up everything. They put their children in orphanages and sacrificed everything to build God's kingdom. Because of this, great persecution came. Many times the husbands who hadn't joined the church did not want their wives to support God's providence. But even though there was great persecution and suffering, these women did this in obedience to the calling they felt directly from God. That's the way the Unification Church started.

Until the time of the 430 couples, the Korean church went through incredible tribulation, but we won the victory and survived and grew. One of the 430 couples was Rev. Kuboki from Japan. He was included in the 430 couples as the first Japanese to be part of that Blessing, because he spearheaded the pioneer mission for the Unification Church of Japan. Because he had gone through that kind of sacrificial life, he could be part of the 430 couples. Over the years, our Father expanded the blessing to the 400 million-couple level conditionally throughout the world, centering on our tradition. The Unification Church tradition is centered on Blessed couples. They become the foundation upon which True Parents can stand.

When we look honestly at our situation today, however, we can see that we didn't do our responsibilities correctly. As we know, some of the True Children's issues have become very serious in the United States. Though it is true that the True Children are accountable for their own portion of responsibility, the fact that such a tragic thing occurred is something that all leaders must take some responsibility for, because it happened while you were there.

According to the Principle True Father's mission was primarily to embrace and love the Cain children of the world more than his own. Because of that the True Children were often neglected. Because of the complete commitment that Father made to the public mission, True Children sometimes asked, "Is Father our father or father of the leaders?" Father rarely could sit down with the children because a condition had to be set to deny himself and his family completely while focusing on the rest of the families of our church and the world. Father never explained why he had to walk such a path in public life.

To try to compensate for this, True Father assigned three of the 36 couples to take a special role in caring for our three eldest children. (There was a providential reason for this, connected to the role of the archangels in the Garden of Eden.) It was their responsibility, on behalf of True Parents, to make sure the children could gain the proper foundation.

However, the three primary couples couldn't fulfill that mission properly. Of course, the True Children have their own five percent portion of responsibility, and no one can do that for them. Yet if the 36 couples who had been assigned that mission could have fulfilled it, then the True Children's path could surely be more likely to succeed. The fact that they couldn't do this is one of the reasons why the first-born True Children were easily confused and misled.

I found myself called to stand with True Father in every situation, and by condition I could not intervene or help them in their responsibility either, we had to deny ourselves and our family for the sake of the world. If True Children had grown up with the proper education, and perhaps if they had stayed in Korea, it may have been easier for them. Yet as you know, in obedience to God's providence, Father brought our family to America in 1974.

As soon as we arrived in America, True Parents began to make every possible condition for America, touring the nation many, many times. True Father and I had to unfold and develop the providence relating to the whole world, working from America.

True Parents were bound by the Principle to put the world and all of the Cain children of the world first. We couldn't even eat meals with the children alone, always representatives of the Cain world had to sit closest to True Parents. When the True Children went to school they were often bullied and persecuted, externally because they were Asians, and internally because they were True Parents' children. At that time Asian and other minority children were not welcomed in many schools in America, especially where we lived.

True Parents suffered great anguish and sorrow that we could not intervene in the course of the children but could only try to educate and love others. A few years ago, when one of the eldest children's life became very difficult, I cried out to Father and was deeply worried. I asked Father, "What can we do?" but he told me that even though our children were going through great suffering and were being attacked, we still had to focus first on the children outside of our own family. He would encourage me, saying "Mother, though our children suffer now because we are sacrificing our lives and our family for the world, God will eventually set the condition to redeem them."

Since Father's first mission was to take care of the children of the world, those children in Cain's position were loved before and more than Father's own children. So even though it is understandable that people will criticize and blame the True Children for some of their actions, I ask that those who have received True Love from True Parents, although in the Cain position, that you please remember this principle.

Knowing that because of God's strict principle you received True Parent's love first, it is important to love and embrace the children of True Parents when they go through difficulty. As the extended family of True Parents that you please remind others that we don't really have the condition to condemn anyone, for as Jesus said, "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." From this strict principle, even though we are hurting, we don't have the right from heaven's perspective, to casually pass judgment on the True Children. Why? This is True Parents' realm of responsibility. Though Father and I anguish over the path some of them have taken, only True Parents can restore them if they went astray, through the principle of indemnity. Father is working now from heaven to correct everything on earth and in heaven through the Principle.

American leaders and members know the situation in America, and you also know that you could not fulfill your responsibility to truly change America to become the Elder Son Nation. If America could have been transformed, then the negative influences of the secular and non-religious world could not have so much negative influence on our own blessed children or on all the families of America. Those who understand this principle and yet cast stones at the True Children will one day have to repent.

After True Father's Seonghwa, on September 17th, I proclaimed that I will directly inherit True Father's heavenly tradition. To do that, I will lead our movement starting with a thorough reorganization, first externally and then internally. The spirit of love should be there whenever someone comes to our church. They should immediately hear the Divine Principle.

Our first president, President Eu, gave lectures continuously. Even with a physical handicap, he spoke 18 hours a day. He couldn't even stand up, but sitting down he would lecture continuously every day. You who are gathered here know that even as a healthy man, when you give Divine Principle for several hours, you become very tired. However, Rev. Eu lectured 14 -- 18 hours per day, every day. Father himself would attend the lecture and listen to Rev. Eu. The 36 blessed couples were educated by True Father in this manner. That's one of the reasons the members value the 36 couples so much. They were raised with deep heartistic education by True Father, and through Divine Principle.

This is now a new period in history, a new time. This is the second phase of True Parents' course, centering on True Mother. True Parents are walking a new path in history that has never been done before. It is a path in which True Father, who is in heaven, is one with me on earth and is guiding the providence through me. Do you believe that? (Yes).

Father is taking us back to our roots again as he begins a new course of education in heaven and on earth. All of us have to have a new beginning based on overflowing of love and heart for people, and we all should now build our tribes and bring them to our church through witnessing.

America as the Elder Son Nation is now 40 years old in providential terms from our church perspective. America in God's eyes and from this viewpoint, has become an adult nation as a central nation in God's providence. Yet, we could not take care of the problems in the families of America (including our own) to truly lead and serve the world. God is sad that America, though it has done many incredible things for God's providence worldwide, could still not really come up to the level necessary to lead the world to understand True Parents and realize the Kingdom of God on earth.

God poured out more care for America than on any other nation in God's providence, and Father and I still have incredible hope that with Father's victorious Seonghwa, America will go through a profound awakening. From that perspective, we should repent and in particular take care not to accuse True Children. True Parents will take care of them. That's our responsibility, and True Children have their responsibility as well. Your love and understanding will help us fulfill.

I have heard reports that on different web sites there are many who are really criticizing True Children. As I was praying about this difficult situation I began to think, "What is the situation of those who criticize others, in terms of their own life and family?" All of us need to be careful, for from heaven's point of view only those who have fulfilled their responsibility can really give the constructive advice needed. Everyone has their own portion of responsibility.

In the American church, we must realize that the 40 years Father invested in America were the very central years of the providence. America has to rise up at this time.

Since True Father's ascension, Father, as the embodiment of the "God of the night", works directly through me as the embodiment of the "God of the day". Could Father fulfill his mission now in heaven without having me on earth? (No.) Father needs the God of the Day, which is the role of True Mother. Without me, there would be no direct way left to build God's kingdom, because now Father has to dwell through me on earth and guide us. Because of this True Parents are still on earth and they are leading us in oneness with God from heaven.

First of all, we must all repent. Father's Seonghwa was absolutely the most glorious in all of eternity, and yet, I felt sad; for that Seonghwa to truly be comforting to God, all the current world leaders of every field and for that matter all the world should fully recognize Father. In that respect, we have to admit that we didn't do our mission well.

We are all grateful that we had the Cheongshim Peace World Center, so that Father could have a proper Seonghwa in a place that was holy. But who prepared that? Only the spirit world was able to prepare this. Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim clearly laid the foundation and raised the whole Chung Pyung activity for this important moment.

Eric Holt, you are the person working in finance. How much did America contribute to the Cheon Jeong Gong? Do you all know the miraculous conditions and spiritual phenomena that were prepared here through Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim? Some members deny this or criticize this because they don't know or understand this providence well.

However, if people are really mature in seeking understanding, and have participated deeply with the providence here, then they can understand. If, centering on True Parents you make the right conditions of unity with me, I will be able to reveal more of what's going on in this providence and its importance. This area is directly under True Parents responsibility, and I will directly guide the Cheon Jeong Gong and Chung Pyung.

Our utmost mission now is to bring members to the church, and we must also focus on educating and raising our second and future generations so they don't run away. We need to help them connect and reconnect. The American leadership and blessed families must now pay more attention to our own blessed children so that they can live the Divine Principle lifestyle and live for the church. It is not easy for the younger generations and all of our children who grow up in America and a world influenced by the modern, secular culture. However, we must educate our children and youth to understand that the life of faith is more important than external accomplishments and success.

When we think about God's own process of creation, God was really invested in creation and in nature. He created Adam and Eve to become His embodiment through obedience to His Word, the practice of true love, and by establishing a true family. But because of the Fall, we see a different reality. We are living in a satanic world. Therefore, to restore people we must first give Divine Principle education. As long as the young people in our second and future generations are centered on Absolute Sex as a guiding principle in their life, they will be protected. They must practice this way of life until they receive the Blessing. It's time that you take really good care of the second generation in America.

My first focus then, will be on church reorganization and development. My next focus will be on the second generation and youth. I have decided, after much prayer, that a special international scholarship fund will be created. I want to grow this fund to be a major foundation to help Blessed children throughout the world, especially those who show an inclination toward leadership, and who have the heart to lead the world.

Even though I cherish Father's helicopter, which Father loved it so much, through prayer I could receive Father's guidance and direction from Heaven. I received his permission to sell that helicopter to prepare seed money for this scholarship fund. I reported to Abonim and He agreed that this money can be seed money to take care of the younger generation throughout the world. In particular, this scholarship fund will focus on whoever can become a great church leader. This fund will become huge in the future, and will be utilized to educate future leaders.

Last night, which was the Chusok Full Moon festival, I sat in the garden behind Cheong Jeong Gong and waited for the full moon to rise. Many evenings Father and I watched the moon come up in the sky. It rises on the east coast but due to the mountains it takes another two hours before it can be seen at Cheong Jeong Gong. I waited last night for those two hours together with Father. Father's presence was absolutely one with me, and I could see Abonim in spirit. I told True Father, "Please don't worry, Father. All of your foundation will expand."

You three Americans here, and Dr. Yang, do you pledge to me that you will fulfill your responsibility to raise the elder son nation to serve the world? (Yes)

Michael Jenkins, you will be in charge of all asset management and business in America. Remember as True Father taught us that these assets are not for America alone, but belong to the world providence. Rev. Holt, you have a new mission working with Rev. Jenkins, in the accounting area, to support this work. Together the two of you should develop the business foundation and the US asset base, so it grows in such a way that America can take care of the whole world properly. Remember, please work with profound heart, and work hard. Don't waste even a minute, and work to restore all the assets and properties that were lost because of the tribulation of the last few years. Grow this asset base so that America can truly lead the world. To do your responsibility you have to risk your life to fulfill your mission.

Yang Chang Shik: You couldn't fulfill the role of the continental director to oversee all the situations at the New York Headquarters. But I understood the situation, because you had to totally follow Father's direction to fulfill Father's Las Vegas Special Providence. But now, you must accomplish that responsibility.

Michael Balcomb, you have a doctorate from UTS, right? (Yes, Mother.) At this moment, I am appointing you as Vice President of the Unification Church, centering on Hyung Jin. You should absolutely unite with Hyung Jin, the new President of the Unification Church of America, whom I have appointed. Rejoicing in God's word, you should revive the American movement to inherit the proper tradition of True Parents and become a shining example to the world as the elder son nation.

I am thinking to do some special charity work in America. I want to help the people of Las Vegas, working through the Women's Federation for World Peace. Therefore, later this month I plan to visit Las Vegas and will speak at the WFWP program. Father started many providential works in Las Vegas, small and large, from the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead to different tourism businesses and most importantly the completion of the Peace Palace, which will become the Global Center for Family and Peace Education.

We have to complete and fulfill those projects and their purposes. I want to continue to show Father's legacy and deeply engrave this legacy into the heart of Las Vegas, where True Father lived his final most important years with True Love for all humanity. I want to fulfill Father's work to transform Las Vegas from "Sin City" to a Shining City. We must educate everyone, through the Divine Principle, that Father is the Messiah.

I conclude by saying actually this is the brightest time in all history. Though there is tribulation, everything is prepared for us now to quickly realize Father's incredible victorious fortune, which is coming to us. If we unite together properly, we can build God's kingdom very rapidly from now on based on the Shim Jung, the heart of God, and true love.

Do you pledge to fulfill this? (Yes.) That said, the four of you must totally unite centering on the World President, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, centering on the Will of God. We are a proud and glorious people because we have True Parents and the Divine Principle. America is the gateway to the world. I will now conclude this meeting with you as the American representatives. You don't have time to stay here now. Go back to America. Hurry back and expand this work.

You American leaders should help educate the American families and especially those that are having difficulty understanding what's going on with the tribulation and trials, so they can unite with me and move forward with confidence. If they really can't understand, please ask them to come to Chung Pyung. Through study, prayer, and spiritual condition, they can come to a deeper understanding.

Our Unification Church must be reborn with spirit and truth

Hak Ja Han
October 13, 2012
Blue Sea Garden in Yeosu on HC 8.28


To date, we have held many ocean workshops here. What was the purpose of having ocean training workshops? Our Unification Church must now be reborn with God’s spirit and truth. This is the time, while reorganizing external activities, we should maintain internal stability. Japanese women have worked so hard for the global providence, but from now on we should have results to show that “we accomplished this.” I will make that happen for you. Eternally maintaining the foundation Father established is a matter of urgency. I will put everything, one by one, in order, from one to ten, and we should keep Father’s teachings alive, without letting them drop to the ground.

I came from Geomun Island and this place also needs to be organized again. I consider our second generation important. In order to ensure that in the end your efforts have not been in vain, I should educate those in the second generation. What should you leave behind, you blessed members who are living in the same era as True Parents? What will it be? Will it be your honor? Your money? What should it be? If we don’t leave a solid foundation for later generations, when will the world center on God? Korea and Japan must be the world’s center. When you spin a top, it keeps spinning, doesn’t it? That is what Japan and Korea must do.

You must be reborn through the Principle. Do you understand what I mean? I said that our church must be alive and breathing, and must be somewhere that Divine Principle lectures continue without end. Give lectures to three people at the church every day, teach the Principle, share the teachings. Eventually we need to give birth to new Blessed Families. The sooner the better. It is urgent to the hour.

I am seventy years old. Isn’t that so? If I live another thirty years in good health, I will be a hundred years old. How will I look then?

Think about that. You are younger, so you can have more hope, but I feel a great sense of urgency. Do you understand what I mean? [Yes] Take ownership and do activities that are alive and “breathing.” Then the spirit world will assist you 100 percent. What is the wish of those in the spirit world? What is our wish? It is the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. Isn’t it? Cheon Il Guk. How exciting, elating and divine would it be to realize that in our lifetime? If we go through life feeling that, how could we sit calmly and placidly? We are bound to exert ourselves.

Our goal won’t disappear with the passing of Foundation Day. We have to bless all of humankind and create Cheon Il Guk citizens. In order to do that, what should you do? [Mother wipes away tears.]

Those in the spirit world won’t help people who do only what they are told to do, who only live from one day to the next without making any distinction between them. Do you understand? You must be able to feel the true meaning of risking one’s life and giving one’s all.

I am asking you to become people who report to Heaven every day and who move with Heaven all the time. Now, you must work hard as if twenty-four hours aren’t enough hours in a day. You need to work in place of the spirit world, so think of one day as forty-eight hours.

You should be reborn in God’s word. Without considering any condition, you purely wanted to come and see me and wanted to listen to me with a thankful mind. You didn’t think to yourself, If I make this much effort, I will get this much back, or if I do this, I will become a leader.

That type of mind-set didn’t exist in the early days of the church.

We have to go back to that time. We must build a movement in which true love overflows.