This Week in History, May 18-24

his Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of May 18-24.

May 20, 1984

True Father and True Mother passing on their blessing to all Unificationists gathered at the Belvedere training center in Tarrytown, NY, on May 20, 1984.

True Parents begin the tradition of Ae Chun Candles with blessed families


True Father and True Mother brought two burning candles in after Sunday Service on May 20, 1984 and passed its flame on to those Unificationist couples present. True Father called these candles the Ae Chun Cho, or Love of God candles, referring to the love that God has for humankind. This pair of candles, representing the father candle and mother candle, signifies the harmony and love of True Parents and whenever they are lit, the authority of true love is present. On this day, True Father prayed: “Wherever this candle burns may the family be united, and may that family have peace, connecting with the sovereignty of Your Love through this light.”


 May 18, 1975


43rd street building becomes the new headquarters location

When it was purchased, the building at 4 West 43rd street in Manhattan became the new National Headquarters for what was then known as the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA UWC), and enjoyed its first Sunday sermon on May 18, 1975. Today, it also houses the Unification Theological Seminary(UTS) and weekly Sunday Services for the Family Church of New York City (FC NYC).

This Week in History: May 11–17

This Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of May 11-17.

May 15, 1961

  • 36 Couples’ Holy Marriage Blessing

May 15, 2014, marks the 53rd anniversary of the 36 Couples’ Blessing. On that day in 1961, True Father blessed 36 couples, some of whom he had newly matched and others of whom were previously married. True Father called these couples the “ancestors” of all the blessed couples to come after them, meaning that their role was to exemplify marriages that have been dedicated to God and saved from Satan’s influence. In True Father’s words, these 36 couples were “the representatives of all types of people on earth” and needed to “pave the way to the Kingdom of Heaven and act as guides for others.”

May 12, 2003


U.S. clergy and Israeli rabbis sign the Jerusalem Declaration.

  • First Pilgrimage of the Middle East Peace Initiative

The Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI) had its first pilgrimage from May 12 to 19, 2003. The first group went to both Rome and Israel, with the purpose of fostering reconciliation among the major religions of the region. True Father believed that Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders should take initiative in resolving their differences and restoring peace. He stated that the “deep-rooted conflict between major religious traditions” was the foundation for “violent wars all over the world.” Most of the MEPI pilgrimages have been based in Israel, the center of inter-religious significance as well as strife. This peace initiative has enjoyed repeated success over the years, and initially consisted of 131 U.S. clergy and staff from the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC).

May 13, 1993

  • Declaring the Completed Testament Age

On May 13, 1993, True Father set out on a 12-city speaking tour of the United States, declaring the Completed Testament Age in which all people would live under a new example and vision for families and communities united under God.

This Week in History, May 4-10

This Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of May 4-10.

MAY 6, 1973


The Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) was founded by True Father during an assembly of 168 Japanese and Korean professors, to “contribute to the solutions of urgent problems facing our modern civilization and to help resolve the cultural divide between East and West.” The organization held discussions such as healing historical tensions, first only in Korea and Japan, then spreading around the world to more than a hundred countries.

MAY 7-10, 1981


The Unification Theological Seminary sponsored a conference entitled Alternative Religions: Research and Study. The conference was held at Loyola University in Chicago, where scholars from all over the U.S., Canada and Great Britain presented their research of alternative religions from a variety of viewpoints and disciplines. They discussed topics such as the impact upon a person’s faith after initially being introduced to a new belief system.

MAY 6, 1982


This unanimous court decision entitled the Unification Church to tax exemption privileges granted to all religious groups. The case generated interest in mainstream religious circles, and organizations in support of the Unification Church were the American Jewish Congress, The Catholic League for Religion and Civil Rights, The National Association of Evangelicals, and the National Council of Churches. Also, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia recognized the rights of the church’s foreign members to enter the country as missionaries on the same basis as members of other churches. Clearly, the church had vindicated most of its claims in the eyes of the law.


This Week in History: April 27 – May 3

his Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of April 27-May 3.

APRIL 27, 2002

True Parents pose with participants and dignitaries at the 144,000-Couple Clergy Holy Marriage Blessing, April 27, 2002.

True Parents pose with participants and dignitaries at the 144,000-Couple Clergy Holy Marriage Blessing, April 27, 2002.


True Parents held a Marriage Blessing for 144,000 clergy couples around the world on April 27, 2002. More than 700 clergy couples attended the main ceremony in Washington, D.C. while thousands of other couples participated in all 50 U.S. states and 196 nations via satellite connection. Following the event, True Parents declared the total victory of the interreligious and international ceremony in which 144,000 couples, including those of the Christian faith, had been blessed in marriage and offered to Heaven. Among the thousands of participants were 21 clergy couples matched directly by True Father and taught the significance of the Marriage Blessing by then Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) President Dr. Tyler Hendricks.

APRIL 30-MAY 2, 1991


As detailed in Dr. Thomas J. Ward’s book March to Moscow, from April 30 to May 2, 1991, the American Leadership Conference “sponsored an unprecedented seminar and fact-finding tour in Washington, D.C., for approximately 200 high-ranking government officials and political leaders from all 15 republics of the Soviet Union”. During their stay, the Soviet leaders received an introduction to Confederation of the Associations for the Unification of the Societies of the Americas (CAUSA) theory, and were given an inside look into the philosophical application of American democracy. During the conference, they were also able to see democracy in action as they met with federal officials in Washington, D.C., and city and state officials, and business leaders in New York City.

MAY 3, 1976


Unificationists clean New York City in May 1976 in preparation for the Yankee Stadium Rally.

Unificationists clean New York City in May 1976 in preparation for the Yankee Stadium Rally.

True Father launched the “America the Beautiful” project on May 3, 1976, as part of the campaign to raise awareness for the upcoming Yankee Stadium Rally. More than 1,000 members from across the United States took up brooms and dustpans to clean the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. Dressed in white jumpsuits with the God Bless America Festival logo on the back, members cleaned in their witnessing areas every morning from 7 to 8 a.m. The Church’s folk-rock band Sunburst provided free lunch-hour concerts, and hundreds of additional members arrived for the final push. They spearheaded street rallies and massive ticket distribution efforts. Church leaders were cautiously optimistic that the Yankee Stadium Rally, scheduled for June 1, 1976, would attract a large overflow crowd.

MAY 1, 1954


The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) was founded in Korea on May 1, 1954. The church expanded rapidly in South Korea and by the end of 1955 had 30 church centers throughout the nation. In its early days, the church was known as “the wailing church” or “the church of tears” because of the passionate sermons given by True Father and his followers about learning the way of service and sacrifice for God and humanity.


This Week in History April 20-26

This Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of April 6-12.

April 20, 2014



aster is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary, as described in the New Testament. True Father often talked about Easter. This year it took place on April 20, 2014.

In his autobiography, As a Peace Loving Global Citizen, True Father recounts struggling with the deep questions of life that we all ponder at one time or another:

“It was the night before Easter in the year I turned sixteen. I was on Mount Myodu praying all night and begging God in tears for answers. Why had He created a world so filled with sorrow and despair? Why was the all-knowing and all-powerful God leaving the world in such pain? What should I do for my tragic homeland?”

The next morning, Jesus appeared before him, and asked him to continue the work that he had begun, to comfort the heart of a suffering Heavenly Parent, by bringing His children home. This intimate moment was the beginning of True Father’s lifelong mission to teach the world about God and to bring about peace on earth. He said, “Jesus spoke clearly about the work I would have to do. His words about saving humanity from its suffering and bringing joy to God were extraordinary.”

You can read True Father’s speech on April 10, 1977 about Easter here.

This Week in History, April 6-12

This Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of April 6-12.

April 11, 1990

  • True Parents Meet Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev

Organizers of the 11th World Media Conference, which took place in Moscow in April 1990, learned by late afternoon on the day of True Father’s address to the conference, that President Gorbachev had given his approval for a meeting with True Father. Larry Moffitt, who helped organize the media gathering, noted that the “maximum victory” for the Moscow event “was defined early on as a cordial meeting between True Father and Gorbachev.” In fact, expectations had risen to the point that a failure to secure such an invitation would have been interpreted as a providential setback. Thus, organizers breathed a collective sigh of relief when True Parents, along with twenty-eight former presidents or prime ministers and several assistants, entered the Kremlin at 4:30 p.m. on April 11, 1990, and were seated in a conference room.

There was an initial meeting of President Gorbachev with all present, which was followed by a private meeting between the president, True Parents, one ambassador and a couple of senior staff. During the 90-minute open meeting, President Gorbachev said that the media conference was “very important” and expressed satisfaction that it had been “very successful so far.” True Father thanked him for the opportunity to come to Moscow, explained that all former heads of state at the table were supporting him, and urged him to consider the World Media Conference his “asset.”

Dr. Bo Hi Pak, who attended the half-hour private meeting in President Gorbachev’s personal office, reported that the president was “completely free, embracing and talkative.” The Segye Ilbo newspaper reported that President Gorbachev “asked Rev. Moon to help either directly or indirectly in the development of the Soviet Union by using the multi-national economic foundations and worldwide organizations of the Unification movement.”

April 10, 1992

  • Inauguration of the Women’s Federation for World Peace

True Mother delivered the keynote address at a packed Seoul Olympic Stadium for the inauguration of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) on April 10, 1992. There, she testified that “The Reverend Sun Myung Moon and I, Hak Ja Han Moon, standing in the position of the True Parents have walked the course of worldwide indemnity so that all humanity may be liberated from their bondage.” WFWP was established as a way to empower women to rally together under the banner of peace. In his Congratulatory Address, True Father proclaimed the beginning of the “Age of Women.” Thousands answered the call, and under the direction of True Mother, began a movement that would span the globe. Since its inception, WFWP has become a formidable voice in the struggle for women’s rights around the world. The organization holds forums at the United Nations, and continues to do service work and projects that encourage racial and religious reconciliation both locally and abroad.

True Father passed “all his victorious foundation” to True Mother during the founding WFWP rally.

April 10, 1992

  • Participation of Muslims in the Blessing

On April 10, 1992, forty-two Muslim couples took part in a Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Unification Church in Seoul, South Korea. The Blessing was the culmination of an Inter-Religious Leadership Seminar. True Father termed the participation of Muslims in the wedding “a miracle.” In fact, it was extremely significant, as it broke the religious barrier and opened the door for True Father to extend the Blessing to people of a faith other than Unificationism. This was a key stepping-stone towards expanding the providence of the Blessing and instilling inter-religious harmony as one of the Unification Church’s key pillars. In the years since, the Holy Marriage Blessing has been given to thousands of people of all races, nationalities, and religions.

April 10 to 19, 1985

  • The First Interdenominational Conference for Clergy

In 1985, the Unification Church sponsored its first Interdenominational Conference for Clergy (ICC) in Korea and Japan. Between April 10-19, 64 ministers from 21 denominations attended the seminar under the theme, “True Father and Korea in the Providence of God.”

The conference came out of the many outreach activities that were spawned after True Father, while still incarcerated in Danbury Federal Prison, asked American Unificationists “to focus on educating 70,000 ministers,” and on that foundation,” to send 7,000 ministers to Japan and Korea.” This direction also led to the creation of the Confederation of the Associations for the Unification of the Societies of the Americas (CAUSA) Ministerial Alliance, the 300,000-videotape project, and many other projects.


This Week in History March 23-29

“This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of March 23-29.

MARCH 24, 2012


The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony held in 2012 held great significance. With it, True Father was able to open the gates of victory, liberation and completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and humankind, and bestow God’s grace of forgiveness and rebirth on all who participated. On this day True Father said:

“As we have now entered the era of the kingship of the King of Kings, all families who have received the Holy Marriage Blessing can now make a new beginning. At this Blessing Ceremony, all blessed families can stand virginal in mind and body before God.”

Thousands took part in the Blessing Ceremony in Korea, or via satellite from all over the world. Unificationists prepared for the ceremony by repenting for their past sins, and pledging to move forward living a life inspired by the teachings of the Divine Principle, on the foundation of receiving this special grace.

MARCH 26, 2005


On Saturday, March 26, 2005, the Cheon Seong Gyeong (Holy Scripture) was made available to anyone wishing to convey True Parents’ heart to all people in the world while also inviting anyone to one’s home to participate in Hoondokhae (the daily reading of True Father’s words). The Cheong Seong Gyeong text was put together with the idea of maximizing our spiritual practices in our daily lives and sharing true love and happiness with the world. It is one of eight books that True Father bequeathed to humankind upon his ascension to the Spirit World.

MARCH 20 – APRIL 10, 1992


Friday, March 27th, 2009, marked the 46th True Parents’ Day. This is the first holy day established by our True Parents. The eight Unification Church holy day ceremonies include a Confucian-style offering table with towers of various fruits, nuts and packaged sweets. The first four holy days relate to the order of creation (parents, children, created things, and God). The second four relate to events in Unification Church history. Holy day ceremonies can be conducted at home or at local churches. The main ceremonies for Holy Day are conducted in the presence of True Parents.

On the 18th anniversary of True Parents’ Day, True Father said: “My goal is to make all of you the true parents of your own lineage. It is the greatest honor that I can give to each of you.”

This Week in History, March 16-22

“This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are important to Unificationists. This installment covers the week of March 16-22 and includes an extended story of a firsthand account of events in 1974 in Indiana.

MARCH 16 – AUGUST 1, 1972

One World Crusade buses parked at Belvedere International Training Center.

One World Crusade buses parked at Belvedere International Training Center.


Two evangelical bus teams, with approximately twenty-five members each, traveled across the United States from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., supporting the witnessing activities of pioneer Unificationists in the various states. Mobile Unit #1 (the northern bus) campaigned in 22 cities and 22 states, traveling a total of 8,400 miles. Mobile Unit #2 (the southern bus) campaigned in 21 cities and 20 states, traveling a total of 7,780 miles. The bus teams spent about a week in each city, and many members joined the church as a result of their efforts. Mr. David S.C. Kim emerged as the One World Crusade’s leading “field general.” He chronicled bus team activities in over 40 reports, under such titles as “Marching across This Great Land to Make It Free,” “One World Crusade Is Marching On” and “Mobile Unit 2 Moves West Coast States.” In December 1972, he was named Executive Director of the One World Crusade.

Two years later, also on March 16, the 32-city tour began. Read more about this tour of the One World Crusade in 1974 through a firsthand account by Carol Rengnez.

MARCH 17, 2007



True Father delivered his “New Civilization” declaration before some 700 Unificationist movement leaders and Ambassadors for Peace on the grounds of Hawaii King Garden in Hawaii’s Kona district, on March 17, 2007. His speech, “A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will—The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World,” became the foundation for a global “New Civilization” tour. True Mother and Hyun Jin Moon began the U.S. phase of the tour in late May, delivering the message in twelve U.S. cities, with two of True Parents’ daughters-in-law covering cities in thirty-eight states during May and June 2007.

MARCH 20 – APRIL 10, 1992

Students of the former Soviet Union hold one of their Divine Principle workshops.

Students of the former Soviet Union hold one of their Divine Principle workshops.


More than 7,000 high school students and their teachers from across the former Soviet Union, attended Divine Principle workshops held during spring break. Twenty-three different workshop sites were used in the Crimea, on the coast of the Black Sea, to accommodate forty workshops. Unificationist missionaries based throughout Eurasia, under the leadership of Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, took on Divine Principle lecturing and other staff responsibilities. Dozens of members from the United States also came to Crimea at their own expense to take part. The Divine Principle education of 7,229 participants over 22 days set a world record. It would actually be surpassed in the summer of that same year, when, over a period of eight weeks, 18,042 guests (university and high school students and professors) attended 129 workshops held at 26 workshop sites in Latvia, Lithuania, the countryside outside Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Central Asia.

This Week in History: Back home again in Indiana

It is the 40th anniversary of the 32-city Day of Hope tour that began on March 16, 1974. This is one of several historical tours that contributed to the growth of Unificationism in America. Carol Rengnez, then member of the One World Crusade (OWC), shares her personal account of the events of this tour that led her to attend True Father’s talk in Indianapolis 40 years ago and officially become a Unificationist in Detroit.

I remember going to the church center in Indianapolis for a lecture, and a group of Unificationists walked in the door, so excited, with little flags on sticks that said, “Forgive, Love and Unite”, “Support the President”, etc. I discovered that they had just met True Father at the Detroit airport where they had held a rally to support President Richard Nixon. I asked them, “Why did you not ask me to go, too?” I was a part-time student and working full time at General Motors, but when I saw their joyous faces I saw I really had missed something special, but was not sure what it was.

A demonstration in support of the National Prayer and Fast for the Watergate Crisis.

A demonstration in support of the National Prayer and Fast for the Watergate Crisis.


My cousin came to stay with us in 1973. I had not yet heard of True Father or Unificationism. One day, she came back from the store down the street and said she had met a “China girl” asking for donations. Days later it was my turn to go shopping. On my way I heard someone say “One World Crusade.” I looked around, then down, and saw a “China girl” holding a can marked “One World Crusade,” with some single dollar bills in it. I didn’t say anything but just gave her two dollars and then went into the store. Later my cousin and I both agreed, “Something is going on.”

A year later, my mom read aloud from the newspaper, “Forgive, Love and Unite.” She agreed with the statement. Another evening, she remarked, “A Korean missionary is coming to speak here in Indianapolis.” Hmmm. In the fourth grade, one of the nuns had told us about Korean Christians who would refuse to deny their faith. When they did, their enemies would chop off their heads! My faith wasn’t as steadfast as that. The same year at band camp, we learned the Korean folk song “Arirang.” I loved it.

One day, my friend met a “German girl” at the transmission shop. She told him, “If you want to get tickets to hear a Korean missionary speak, go to the Holy Trinity Church,” where her team was staying. I was interested too. “Hmmm … something is going on,” I said. We went together to the church basement and Gabi, the “German girl” answered the door. Another girl invited us to a table to talk about the speech coming up and showed us some books. As I reached for the Christianity in Crisis book with True Father’s portrait on it, she pulled it back, as though the book were too precious to be held by just anyone. She gave us the tickets though.


The night before the speech, I was babysitting for my five younger brothers and sisters on my parents’ 29th anniversary. During the evening, my brothers had a big fight. I ran upstairs and prayed more fervently and desperately than most nights. “My parents love each other so much, and they love us so much, but why can’t we brothers and sisters do that for each other?”

In all my 18 years of prayer, God never answered. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t believe in God; I just always did, but not getting answers was starting to bug me. I did everything I was supposed to, but those statues never talked back to me. No vision came, as it had to the three children of Fatima. No voice came in a burning bush, as it had to Moses. Since the age of 10, I spent my playground time practicing the organ for Mass, but even then, when I was all alone in that church, God never spoke.

This time, I took Him by the shirt and shook Him. I told Him that I knew to be really happy, I had to go help poor people. But He needed to give me a sign as to what to do—maybe the Peace Corps? I cried and cried, but still no answer, not even intuition.  “What kind of God are you?” I yelled. No answer.


The following day, with that chip on my shoulder, I went with my friend downtown to Monument Circle for the speech. As we parked the car, we heard a band playing. “Something is going on,” I said. We ran, and saw a brass band playing in front of the Columbia Club. “Hurry and go in,” Hildegard exclaimed, “You will miss the program!” As we entered, we read the “Forgive, Love and Unite” speech posted in the lobby. The New Hope Singers began the program. They were so vivacious and their of rendition of “Ezekiel Saw the Wheel” was beautiful.

Next came the fantastic introduction of True Father. True Father looked so elegant and dynamic, and True Mother had that beautiful, creamy complexion and a knockout smile. True Mother sat down and True Father began to speak with the aid of a translator.

As the fast-flying, energetic Korean syllables came out of True Father’s mouth, people started to stir. As he spoke on the topic of John the Baptist not understanding how to help Jesus, some began to make loud comments. The real nasties were the older women with mink coats, huffing and cackling. When their feathers got too ruffled, they started yelling out loud!

I was so ashamed. The whole room started to buzz with murmurs and shouts. How horrible, I thought. This man came all the way from Korea to tell something to the people of Indiana, and these loudmouths are taking over his speech. I wanted to stand on top of my chair and tell them how ashamed they should be, that if they wanted to speak, they should use their own money and get their own hall.

I was burning inside, but too timid to actually do it. Instead, I thought, “I will give him my eye contact to show him that I support him.” However to my surprise and everyone else’s, several seconds later TrueFather began to sing a Korean folk song! People were so surprised that they calmed down, and the fur-coated chicks left the room. Then True Father began to speak in a very different manner: dead serious. I tried to keep eye contact. I wanted to show him that no matter what, I wanted to hear what he had to say, but a few times I had to look away, as I felt he was looking through me.

When the program finished, I saw the Christianity in Crisis book on sale in the lobby, the same book the girl at the church wouldn’t let me touch.  “Now I’m gonna buy it and read it!” I thought. My friend bought a book titled New Hope, and we exchanged them with each other. We also signed up for our first workshop.

We couldn’t understand everything True Father was saying, but he was so serious about it. He had total conviction about how Jesus got the short end of the deal, so to speak, that I wanted to hear more. Two months later we joined the movement of New Hope and were able to be at Madison Square Garden that same year.


When President Abraham Lincoln asked for 7,500 volunteers to enlist for the Civil War, Indiana had 200,000.  Indiana limestone was used to build the Empire State Building and other historic buildings, and her farms fed the nation. Tough cookies like actor Steve McQueen, who did his own stunts, came from Indiana, and they are some of the best homegrown, homespun people anyone could ever meet.

Many tough-cookie brothers and sisters who joined in this state went on to be True Father’s driver, security, top lecturers and top go-getters for The Washington Times newspaper. I also heard True Father was interviewed by an Indianapolis radio station prior to the speech. He loved that interview and the city. Indianapolis was the first city on that tour, to ask as the first question, “What do you believe about Jesus?” Even for journalists, the first question was about Jesus. People used to say, “There are more churches on every corner in the state of Indiana than any other state.”

After recently looking through old photos, I found a photo of my dad at age 8. It was a picture from his first Holy Communion, rosary in his hand, hair all greased down. On the back of the photo was written, “1930, Holy Trinity Church”! My grandma and dad had gone to the same church where I received the tickets for the 32-city Day of Hope tour! I realized that God does speak, but in mysterious ways.

I like to reflect on this quote from True Father, and feel proud to have been a part of that “young generation”:

“In my generation, I developed a national-level foundation (Korea) and brought great victory. My strategy in America since 1974 was therefore to connect the foundation of this spiritual victory to the substantial world stage through the young generation.” (1986.01.21)

This Week in History, March 9–15

“This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of March 9-15.

MARCH 14, 1961

  • Col. Bo Hi Pak, the Third Unificationist Missionary in America, Arrives in the United States
True Parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon (left), at the airport with Col. Bo Hi Pak (center) as he departs for the United States. Col. Pak’s father stands to his right.

True Parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon (left), at the airport with Col. Bo Hi Pak (center) as he departs for the United States. Col. Pak’s father stands to his right.

Col. Bo Hi Pak came as a diplomat to the United States on March 14, 1961, serving as the assistant military attaché at the Korean Embassy in Washington, D.C. In 1962, True Father conceived the idea of forming a Korean children’s dance troupe “as a means of promoting world peace and sharing the Korean culture throughout the world.” He asked Col. Pak to take responsibility for assembling the group. Col. Pak agreed and the group was christened the Little Angels. In America, Col. Pak witnessed and held Bible study sessions in his home. In early 1963, he incorporated the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) in Arlington, Virginia. The following year, he published a translation of the Divine Principle entitled Outline of Study: The Divine Principles.

March 11 – November 8, 1994

Former U.S. President and First Lady, George and Barbara Bush at a WFWP conference.

Former U.S. President and First Lady, George and Barbara Bush at a WFWP conference.

  • Sisterhood Ceremonies

True Father understood that women would play a leading role in fostering peace in the Completed Testament Age. Under the auspices of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), more than 200,000 Korean and Japanese women came together to create sisterly ties on 38 separate occasions between March 11 and November 8, 1994. The sisterhood ceremonies in America between Japanese and American women had a significant impact due to the involvement of persons with exceedingly high public profiles, most notably, former President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush. They were deeply touched by their experience and later traveled with True Mother to speak in support of her work on a six-city speaking tour of Japan.

March 10, 1997

The Cheongseong Wanglim Gungjeon overlooks Cheongpyeong Lake.

The Cheongseong Wanglim Gungjeon overlooks Cheongpyeong Lake.

  • Groundbreaking Ceremony for the New Major Sanctuary in Cheongpyeong, Korea

On March 10, 1997, a groundbreaking ceremony took place at Cheongpyeong for what was to become a major sanctuary, intended to hold up to 10,000 workshop participants at a time. In design, it was understood to be a replica of a palace in heaven, attested to in calligraphy provided for the occasion by True Father which read, “The Heavenly Palace That Came Down from Heaven.” A small mountain was leveled to construct the magnificent marble structure overlooking Cheongpyeong Lake.

This Week in History, March 2–8

"This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of March 2-8.

MARCH 8 – APRIL 27, 1994

Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon receiving flowers after her March 17, 1994 speech at Howard University, Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon receiving flowers after her March 17, 1994 speech at Howard University, Washington, D.C.


Between October and December 1993, True Parents’ and members of their family toured America and delivered the “True Parents and the Completed Testament Age” message to audiences in forty U.S. cities, on weekends and often in churches. The following spring, between March 8 and April 27, 1994, True Mother and her adult children and in-laws undertook a 100-campus speaking tour in the United States, once again proclaiming “True Parents and the Completed Testament Age.”

In a message given to young people at East Garden during the tour, True Mother shared the following:

“What is our destiny at this point? First of all, mothers and children must unite together and then restore the father in each family. Eventually, each family must be united with True Father and True Parents. This is the way the entire five billion people of the world will have hope to be restored. All throughout the country, in the major universities, True Children and I are giving this proclamation at each campus. It is giving hope and light to those young people who do not know what to do and where to go. It is our mission to go out and reach every one of them. They are the ones who are still longing for parental love, true love. They are the ones who are waiting and searching. We have to give them this proclamation, so that there is absolutely nobody in this country who says they did not hear about it.”

This Week in History: February 23 – March 1

"This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of February 23-March 1.

FEBRUARY 23, 1977


True Father gave a speech at the New Yorker Hotel at the celebration of True Parents’ Birthday in which he declared this day to be the first day of the Kingdom of God. He said, “Today let us truly proclaim the day of liberation… This is the new beginning of the new history of Mother and I giving God, the author, the privilege. Therefore, this is the first year of the Kingdom of God.”

FEBRUARY 25 – APRIL 17, 2001


True Parents hold a “We Will Stand in Oneness” Resolution at the final tour stop in Washington, D.C.


“We Will Stand in Oneness” featured True Father as the keynote speaker and covered 52 American cities (in all 50 states) in 52 days. True Father’s informal remarks preceded each speech and often ran for an hour or more. He emphasized the sanctity of marriage, particularly marital fidelity. He stated that husband and wife were “owners” of one another’s “love organs” and that each possessed “only one key.” He typically elicited laughter with his exclamation “No spare keys!” Some 21 “national evangelists” from among the original 120 joined the tour and gave witness to True Father prior to his address. Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, founder of the Amani Temple African American Catholic Congregation in Washington, D.C., declared that True Father possessed a “Triple-A Rating,” being “Anointed, Appointed and Approved.”

FEBRUARY 28, 1969

Thirteen couples, representing the thirteen founding colonies, await True Parents’ entrance.

Thirteen couples, representing the thirteen founding colonies, await True Parents’ entrance.

Brides preparing for the Blessing Ceremony at Upshur House.

Brides preparing for the Blessing Ceremony at Upshur House.


The major focus of True Father’s stay in Washington, D.C., was the Blessing of thirteen American couples, representing the thirteen founding colonies: six previously married and seven new couples. This ceremony, held at the historic Upshur House, was the first marriage Blessing in the church outside Korea as well as the first Blessing of non-Koreans. Those blessed were Edwin and Marie Ang, Philip and Vivian Burley, George and Diane Fernsler, George and Sylvia Norton, Robert and Vivian Oswald, Vernon and Maxine Pearson, Carl and Linna Rapkins, Ken and Orah Pope, Galen and Patty Pumphrey, Wesley and Gladys Samuels, John and Marie Schmidli, Jon and Sandra Schuhart, and Fred and Jacque Stock.

FEBRUARY 28, 1972

The One World Crusade rally on Wall Street

The One World Crusade rally on Wall Street


On this date True Father established the “One World Crusade” (OWC) as the official name of the mobile units composed of pioneers working for the Day of Hope speaking tour. OWC was the engine of the Unification Church’s evangelical activities from 1972 through 1974. Following the Seven City Tour, True Father appointed Mrs. Young Oon Kim and Mr. David S.C. Kim as OWC “commanders.” With twenty-five members each, they set out on separate northern and southern bus team routes across the United States.

MARCH 1, 1973


The movement convened its first 100-day International Training Session on this date at Belvedere in Tarrytown, New York. The schedule included forty days of intensive study of the Divine Principle, thirty days of the movement’s Victory Over Communism (VOC) ideology and thirty days of Unification Thought, a recently published application of the Principle to philosophy. The six hours of daily lectures were interspersed with talks from True Father, fellowship, discussion, examinations, lecture practice and participation in the ongoing New York City witnessing campaign. Belvedere Training further solidified the American movement. As one of the original forty-eight trainees wrote, “Europeans were not the only ones wearing smiles of eagerness and anticipation. Some American brothers were intoxicated in those early days, because [they] were so many fine people together and Belvedere was the holiest place in America.”

Contributed by Lymhwa Kim

This Week in History: February 16-22

“This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of February 16-22.

FEBRUARY 22, 1968

True Parents bless 430 couples in Korea on February 22, 1968.

True Parents bless 430 couples in Korea on February 22, 1968.


The 430-Couple Blessing was held at the Seoul Civic Center on February 22, 1968. According to True Father, the Blessing of 430 Couples represents the establishment of national indemnity. In the 4,300th year of Korean history, True Father blessed the 430 Couples. It also represents the number of years of the Israelites’ slavery in Egypt. Therefore, the Blessing of 430 Couples means the liberation of the nation of Israel. (Excerpt from Blessing and Ideal Family, Part 2)

FEBRUARY 21, 1976


True Father conducted a Blessing Marriage Ceremony of 74 couples on February 21, 1976, “so everyone could be happy” and drew his birthday remarks to a dramatic conclusion by saying:

“From this moment on, the more opposition we get, the more victories. Anything the outside will give to us in the form of persecution, suffering and pressure, an equal amount of blessing will be restored to us. … The winning of territory inch by inch will continue to the year 2000. Every day’s work will accumulate to the Kingdom of God from this time on. Even though the satanic world is attacking, they are no longer advancing. We are the force that is advancing.”

FEBRUARY 18, 1976


Senator Robert Dole (R-Kansas) chaired sessions on February 18, 1976, that allowed Church critics to air grievances before officials from seven government agencies.

Senator Robert Dole (R-Kansas) chaired sessions on February 18, 1976, that allowed Church critics to air grievances before officials from seven government agencies.

On February 18, 1976, anti-Unification Church organizations sponsored “A Day of Affirmation and Protest” in Washington, D.C., which included a two-hour presentation of grievances against the Church to U.S. Senator Robert Dole (R-Kansas) and representatives of seven U.S. government agencies. The “Dole hearing” provided Church critics with a well-publicized, credible forum in which to air their grievances before important national-level figures. More troubling was the fact that Church representatives were excluded from the proceedings. Senator Dole refused to meet with HSA President Neil Salonen, and Church members could only maintain a vigil of protest at the back of the meeting room. Whereas the movement was able to conduct its Day of Hope tours within a climate of receptivity, the Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument rallies of 1976 unfolded within a climate of increasing negativity and even persecution.

Contributed by Lymhwa Kim

This Week in History: February 9–15

"This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders, and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of February 9 to 15.

FEBRUARY 12, 1965

Unificationists greet True Father upon his arrival at San Francisco Airport, 1965.

Unificationists greet True Father upon his arrival at San Francisco Airport, 1965.


True Father departed Korea for his first world tour in January 1965. At 5:30 a.m., on the still, cool morning of Friday, February 12, True Father first set foot upon the continent of North America. Twenty-seven “highly honored, greatly privileged and totally breathless” members greeted him at San Francisco Airport. The highlight and major purpose of True Father’s tour was the selection and sanctification of sacred grounds. The first “Holy Ground” established by True Father in the United States was on Twin Peaks overlooking San Francisco. In the next 44 days, True Father traveled by car to all 48 states, setting up a total of 55 Holy Grounds. A key part of each ceremony was the burying of a “holy rock” from Korea. A pebble was gathered from the grounds of the City Hall at each stop in America and put into a sack for later transport to Korea.

FEBRUARY 15, 1974


As a result of increased visibility following True Father’s meeting with Richard Nixon, True Father faced mounting opposition during his 32-city Day of Hope tour. “Nix-on Moon” placards denounced Rev. Moon as a fascist backed by money from the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. More common were disruptions during speeches by fundamentalist Christians exhorting audiences and calling Rev. Moon a false prophet. A widely reprinted article published in The Washington Post on February 15, 1974, written by Laurence Stern and William R. MacKaye, quoted the general secretary of the Korean National Council of Churches, who labeled the movement “a cult… a new sect which has been undermining the established church.” Equally significant was a widely circulated document originating in Louisville, Kentucky, entitled “The Satanic Beliefs of Rev. Moon.” The document was purported to have been created by an interdenominational group of ministers and laymen known as the “Concerned Christians.”

You can read the article by Laurence Stern and William R. MacKaye here.

This Week in History: February 2-8

This Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of February 2-8.

FEBRUARY 3-5, 1972


True Father beaming at the podium during a Day of Hope tour stop.

True Father beaming at the podium during a Day of Hope tour stop.

FFWPU USA rented New York’s Lincoln Center for three nights and charged local Unificationists with making plans for the first of seven revival meetings. They agreed upon its theme, “The Day of Hope: The Day of the True Family” and designed the tour’s official poster. On January 14, 1972, 72 pioneers arrived and hit the streets to sell revival tickets. Each revival stop featured opening remarks by local directors, music by the “Unification Chorale,” introductions and three nights of talks by True Father on the topics of “One God, One World Religion,” “Ideal World for God and Man,” and “The New Messiah and the Formula of God in History.”

FEBRUARY 4, 1969


True Father spent 39 days in the United States during his second world tour in February and March, 1969. Accompanied by True Mother, Mr. Eu (then president of HSA-UWC, Korea) and Mr. Kuboki (then president of HSA-UWC, Japan), True Father arrived at San Francisco International Airport on February 4, 1969 and at Washington FFWPU headquarters on February 9th. It was during this stay that the attending American Unificationists heard of anti-Communist and student activities of the Korean and Japanese Unificationists, as well as Mr. Eu’s Divine Principle lectures, for the first time. In addition, True Father’s tour of machine shops in New York City raised Unificationist members’ consciousness with regard to economic enterprises.

FEBRUARY 7-8, 1975

40,000 couples were present for the 360 Million Couples’ Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony in Seoul Stadium in Korea on February 7, 1999. Participants around the world participated via satellite.

40,000 couples were present for the 360 Million Couples’ Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony in Seoul Stadium in Korea on February 7, 1999. Participants around the world participated via satellite.


The church launched a worldwide mission, part of which entailed the international Holy Marriage Blessing of 1800 couples in Seoul on February 8, 1975. Billed as the “largest wedding in human history,” the ceremony brought together couples from 20 nations, including 76 couples from the United States. 24 years later, the Holy Marriage Blessing of ’99, held in Korea on February 7, was truly a historical occasion as an astounding 360 million couples were blessed in marriage.

Compiled by Lymhwa Kim, Editorial Team.

This Week in History January 26 – February 1

This Week in History briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C.” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of January 26th to February 1st.

JANUARY 31, 2009

The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony on True Parents’ 90th Birthday at the Manhattan Center, NY, January 31, 2009.

The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony on True Parents’ 90th Birthday at the Manhattan Center, NY, January 31, 2009.


The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held in the Hammerstein in the Manhattan Center in New York City on the occasion of True Parents’ 90th Birthday. This was the last Blessing officiated by Rev. Moon in the United States before his ascension in 2012.

JANUARY 31, 1974

Rev. Moon and members of the Unification Church in America hold a national prayer and fast during the Watergate Crisis at the Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. July 23, 1974.

Rev. Moon and members of the Unification Church in America hold a national prayer and fast during the Watergate Crisis at the Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. July 23, 1974.


On January 31, 1974, True Father was invited to the Presidential Prayer Breakfast. A post-breakfast rally at Lafayette Park brought out Edward and Tricia Nixon Cox, the son-in-law and daughter of 37th U.S. President Richard Nixon, who greeted well-wishers who rallied to “Forgive, Love and Unite” as an answer to the Watergate Crisis. On February 1, 1974, Rev. Moon had a twenty-minute audience with President Nixon, reportedly telling him, “Don’t knuckle under to pressure. Stand up for your convictions.”



The “Dole hearing” precipitated a crisis for the Unification movement. It was one thing to square off against media critics or against deprogrammers operating outside the law. It was quite another to witness one’s accusers receive a sympathetic hearing before a panel of government officials, and to be showcased with no opportunity for defense. The Unification Church regarded this as persecution. Its immediate response was to gather parents to show support for the church. The goal was to have 200 parents sign a telegram to Senator Bob Dole of Kansas protesting the way the church was being treated and “to have thirty parents come to Washington, D.C. to stand in support of their children.” The church was pleasantly surprised that over 800 parents sent telegrams and over 60 rallied to its support by traveling to Washington, D.C. Over the next several months, the church sponsored nine local or regional Parents’ Conferences which led to the first National Parents’ Conference at the time of the Yankee Stadium Rally. Beyond this, ministers were contacted, “not in direct support of the Unification Church” but in support of the church’s rights, “because if they were threatened, the rights of all religions in this country could also be threatened.” The church hoped to have 40 ministers sign a telegram but discovered that more than 200 ministers responded.

Compiled by Lymhwa Kim, Editorial Team.

This Week in History: January 19–25

“This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification Church, the lives of the Founders and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the week of January 19th to 25th.

JANUARY 21-24, 1974


In Oakland, California, Mayor John H. Reading proclaimed the period from January 21-24, 1974, as “Day of Hope Days.” Single days of “Hope and Unification” were proclaimed in Berkeley and Hayward, and on January 21, 1974, Rev. Moon was awarded the key to the city of Berkeley by Mayor Warren Widener.

JANUARY 21, 1974

Unification Theological Seminary

Unification Theological Seminary


The former St. Joseph’s Seminary, situated on 250 acres in Barrytown, New York, was purchased on January 21, 1974, at a cost of $1.5 million. The property became the Unification Theological Seminary. Also, by 1974, the church purchased nearly 300 acres of greenbelt land in Tarrytown, New York.



From January 26 to February 9, 1992, The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) held 27 workshops at 18 different workshop sites in the Crimea south of the Ukraine for 3,160 students. In the spring, from March 20 to April 10, 1992, the first Divine Principle workshop for high school teachers and students from throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States shattered the previous workshop records with 7,229 participants. They filled 40 workshops at 23 workshop sites. That summer the largest series of Divine Principle workshops in Unification Church history educated 18,042 guests at 129 workshops held at 26 sites over a period of 8 weeks in 5 different regions of the country.

JANUARY 22 – MARCH 8, 1995

American and Japanese WFWP presidents, Mrs. Nora Spurgin and Mrs. Motoko Sugiyama, cross the “Bridge of Peace”

American and Japanese WFWP presidents, Mrs. Nora Spurgin and Mrs. Motoko Sugiyama, cross the “Bridge of Peace”


Between January 22 and March 8, 1995, 4,000 Japanese women traveled to Washington, D.C. to be paired with an equal number of American women in eight separate sisterhood ceremonies sponsored by the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP). These were set to coincide with the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. Each ceremony included a dramatic “bridge-crossing” during which a representative group of the Japanese delegates crossed over a special bridge, met their American counterparts in the middle where each bowed, embraced the other, and then walked down together, hand in hand. Following the highly successful Washington, D.C. conferences, WFWP sponsored Japanese-American sisterhood ceremonies in eight U.S. cities during the remainder of 1995, with several thousand more women from both countries participating. In 1996, WFWP conducted a number of “African-American/Caucasian-American” ceremonies. Activities in America inspired Austrian-Croatian, Czech-German, Russian-German, Hungarian-Slovakian, and Italian-Slovakian sisterhood ceremonies conducted by WFWP chapters in Europe.

JANUARY 27, 2001

True Parents with dignitaries at Assembly 2000

True Parents with dignitaries at Assembly 2000


At Assembly 2000 in August, 2000, True Father proposed the establishment of an interreligious assembly at the United Nations including the appointment of “religious ambassadors.” During two International Leadership Seminars in Washington, D.C., Ambassadors for Peace were appointed. In May, 2001, 260 additional leaders were appointed at an international symposium in New York. In October of the same year, True Father directed the American movement to carry out International Leadership Conferences in every state with a goal of appointing 2,000 new Ambassadors for Peace by the end of the year.

Compiled by Lymhwa Kim.

This Week in History: January 12–18

This Week in History” briefly lists significant events in the history of the Unification, the lives of the Founders and world events that are momentous to Unificationists. Most items are marked according to the solar calendar. Items marked “H.C” correspond to the Cheon-gi or Heavenly Calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar. This installment covers the movements during the week of January 12 to 18.

JANUARY 13, 2001

Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon cut a cake at the Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship, January 13, 2001, Cheong Pyeong, Korea.

Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon cut a cake at the Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship, January 13, 2001, Cheong Pyeong, Korea.

Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon cut a cake at the Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship, January 13, 2001, Cheong Pyeong, Korea.

Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon cut a cake at the Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship, January 13, 2001, Cheong Pyeong, Korea.


Rev. Sun Myung Moon—called and known by many as True Father—conducted the Coronation of God’s Kingship Ceremony on January 13, 2001 in Korea. Dr. Bo Hi Pak explained the meaning of the Coronation of God’s Kingship on July 1, 2001 at Washington D.C.’s church headquarters. Originally, Adam and Eve were to be wed before God as God’s son and daughter and then become parents. This would have been the day that the ideal of creation was completed. He explained, “First, this day completes the ‘Restoration of God’s Original Standard’ and ‘Recovers God’s Total Ownership.’ Second, it is the total liberation of God. Due to the fall of humanity even the Creator, God, has suffered a broken heart and has been captured under Satan’s bonds throughout all of history. Third, it marks the total unity between God and all God’s creatures. Just as God recovered God’s original position as the Creator, God finally could be united with all creatures completely, once again. Father said that this day established the beginning of the new era.”

JANUARY 17, 1990


David S.C. Kim with Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Unification Theological Seminary.

David S.C. Kim with Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Unification Theological Seminary.

January 17 became a historic day when the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) was granted its absolute charter by the New York State Board of Regents. The day was long in coming since the seminary’s inception on September 20, 1975.

JANUARY 14, 1975


On January 14, the first International One World Crusade (IOWC) team, which included some 340 American and European members, flew to Japan where they joined forces with Japanese Unificationists to conduct Day of Hope rallies in major Japanese cities. From there, the global team ferried across to Korea where they supported massively attended Day of Hope rallies in major Korean cities.

JANUARY 17, 1974

Perry Cordill, International One World Crusade (IOWC) team leader in 1973, leads one of the rallies for the Day of Hope Tours, 1973.

Perry Cordill, International One World Crusade (IOWC) team leader in 1973, leads one of the rallies for the Day of Hope Tours, 1973.


On January 17, 1974, the San Francisco Day of Hope banquet attracted more than 500 guests to Benjamin Swig’s Fairmont Hotel. In Berkeley, where Rev. Moon spoke at Zellerbach Auditorium on the University of California campus, The Daily Californian reported, “Rev. Moon’s followers have waged one of the neatest and best-run publicity campaigns seen here in years.” In San Jose, January 17-24, 1974, was proclaimed “Hope and Unification Week,” while in Oakland, Mayor John H. Reading proclaimed the period from January 21-24, 1974, as “Day of Hope Days.” Single days of “Hope and Unification” were proclaimed in Berkeley and Hayward, and on January 21, 1974, Rev. Moon was awarded the key to the city of Berkeley by Mayor Warren Widener.

JANUARY 14, 1972


The first step taken in preparation for the Third World Tour was the selection of pioneers for the two-week training session scheduled to begin in New York City on January 14, 1972. The pioneers housed in the three-story, stone and stucco Bronx center, seventy-two pioneers and staff traveled daily to St. Steven’s Methodist Episcopal Church, where they were accommodated more comfortably for meals and lectures in the basement social hall. The training session focused on building solidarity—a difficult task—given the factions which had developed in the American church. One pioneer described the challenges of the early days:

“There are about eighty of us. We come from different centers throughout the United States. We didn’t know each other when we first started. Each of us had different songs, different ways of praying, and different ways of applying the Principle. It was hard to unify at first. But we knew it was necessary.”

Compiled by Lymhwa Kim.