
On May 13, 1993, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, his wife, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, and thirteen of their sons, daughters, and sons and daughters-in-law, began a ministry of proclamation the likes of which the world has never seen. They proclaimed, throughout the world, "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age."

This crusade, which continues unabated to this date, is unparalleled first of all in its geographical extent. The Reverend Moon and his family have taken the proclamation personally to every state of the United States, to dozens of cities in Japan, dozens of cities and campuses in Korea, and to forty nations on six continents.

The crusade is unparalleled in rapidity. It has taken place with the suddenness of a bolt of lightning: over three hundred speeches delivered over this global expanse in the space of less than one year. Virtually one speech per day given throughout the world, by a member of this family.

It is unparalleled in the depth of its audience: ambassadors and representatives of nearly a hundred nations at the United Nations in New York; over fifty congressmen and more than one hundred congressional staff on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC; governmental, religious and social leaders at the Kremlin, the National Congress buildings of Korea, The Republic of China, India, Brazil and Canada, major national leaders in Kenya, Nigeria, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Egypt, Greece, Italy, England, Byelorrus and many other nations; faculty and students at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, Berkeley, UCLA, the University of Chicago... the record is growing every week.

There are more superlatives in terms of quantity, but far more important than this is the message itself. After enunciating a prophetic re-visioning of God's providence in history, the proclamation comes to an overwhelming conclusion:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great privilege to announce to you the establishment of the first True Family. Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon ... have achieved, on the family level, the central root, the central trunk, and the central bud of the Tree of Life mentioned in the Bible."

At this point, the listener is called not simply to witness this historic event, but to participate in it:

"It is our sincere hope that you will symbolically graft into this tree by joining us in our efforts to create an ideal nation and world. This marks the beginning of the Completed Testament Age. At the dawn of the Completed Testament Age, the time has come for each family to take up the messianic mission of completing the work of salvation all over the world. After restoring your family, the next step is to restore your community, tribe, and nation. We call this process tribal messiahship."

One and all ask, how do we practice this? What is the meaning of "tribal messiahship"? The present volume holds the answer to this question.

The Tribal Messiah consists of selections from the teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon on the topic of tribal messiahship. I draw back from the challenge of explaining "tribal messiahship," even in the moment of reflection afforded in composing this introduction. And yet, as the reader will see, the first sentences of the present volume consist of Reverend Moon's challenge to "come here and talk about tribal messiah!" If we hesitate even to talk about tribal messiahship, how can we even conceive becoming one?

Tribal messiahship is the fulfillment of the standards of true religious life as enunciated in the New Testament. Beyond that, it embodies Jesus' "counsels of perfection", heretofore thought unattainable even by faithful believers. "Blessed are the peacemakers," said Jesus, "for they shall be called sons of God." (Matthew 5:9) Tribal messiahship is the way to world peace. Peace is of little meaning if it is limited to one family, one tribe, or one nation. Such so-called peace would only bring more war and hatred. The genius of the Reverend Moon is that he embodies, at the cost of his own sacrificial suffering, God's desire that all His children find true peace, free from sin and ignorance, living with true happiness. But this desire can be fulfilled only when we, by our own will, become tribal messiahs.

Tribal messiahship is the fulfillment of the biblical vision of "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation" (1 Peter 2:9). This race, however, is the "love race," including all people in one global family. In fact, the Reverend Moon calls us to become "a royal family of God." Grandparents, he and his family proclaim, "will be in the position of kings and queens, representing God and good ancestors. Parents will be in the position of kings and queens, representing present humanity, and children will be in the position of princes and princesses representing all future descendants." expanding from such families, a holy nation is naturally created,

Tribal messiahs also answer Jesus' call for the "faithful and wise steward" (Luke 12:42), trusted by his master with all the goods of his household. God has indeed bestowed upon us the goods of this earth. Tribal messiahship requires wisdom in responsible care for the creation, based upon faith in the master who created it.

Throughout his teachings, the Reverend Moon explains the meaning of suffering in the course of bringing about God's kingdom on the earth. As Paul enjoined Timothy 2,000 years ago, a tribal messiah is called to "share in suffering as a good soldier" (2 Timothy 2:3). When our suffering is shared, of course, it is bearable, and it becomes the occasion of eternal joy as we share the bond of true love as brothers and sisters.

Tribal messiahs also inherit the commission given by Jesus to evangelize and teach (Matthew 28:19-20). To live for the sake of others means not only to serve others spiritually and physically, but to teach others the word which gives life, God has revealed His word progressively according to man's ability to receive it, Today marks the opening of the Completed Testament Age, in which God's word is made flesh as husband and wife, parents and children. It is the responsibility of tribal messiahs to witness to this truth, to teach it and to live it.

Let us not be those who merely follow a religious leader. Let us make the commitment of our entire being to the embodiment of the True Parents' way of life through tribal messiahship. With this hope, the present text is commended to the reader. May it provide the sustenance of life for us all, as we pursue the way of God's will in the Completed Testament Age -- the way of the tribal messiah.

This text is the translation of the Korean text published in December 1992, as Jong Chock Juk Messiah (The Messiah of the Tribe). It was edited by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon Speech Editing Committee of the Unification Church of Korea, working from speeches and sermons Reverend Moon delivered from 1965 to 1992. We owe deep appreciation to the committee for their monumental and historical work, This is a life-giving book in which is the presence of the living God.

Please bear in mind that there may be some errors due to the difficulties of translating spiritual concepts. We have tried to balance the Korean structures of thought with clarity in the English language. I would like to express my appreciation to the translating and editing team that prepared this text, and to all who assisted in the considerable task of its production.

Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

Continental Director

Unification Church of North America

New York, New York

May 1, 1994

Chapter 6 - The Restoration Of Kingship And Registration In The Hometown

Chapter 6 -- The Restoration Of Kingship And Registration In The Hometown

1. Hometown And The Ideology Of The Three Subjects

1) The Origin Of The Ideology Of The Three Subjects

God is the originator of the ideology of the three subjects. Who is the union of the three ideal original bodies? God is. Who is God? He is the True Parent among parents through whom we can acquire all that humans desire. He is the True Teacher of true teachers. He is the True Owner of true owners. (1990.7.1. Headquarters Church)

2) The Center Of The Ideology Of The Three Subjects Is A Life Of Living For The Sake Of Others

You must live centering on True Parents who possess the heavenly lineage. The ideology of three subjects is the way of life and ideology of True Parents -- to be a true parent, true teacher and true owner. It is an ideology of altruism, a concept of ever-expanding parental love. Is knowledge the only thing that is taught? You must teach how to build character. Considering all the different character types in society, parents who center on their parents alone are not sufficient. Therefore, as parents you must teach the ability to have the greatest love, centering on God. (1991.1.1 Headquarters Church)

I care for you with the heart of a parent, the heart of a teacher, and the heart of an owner. You have to understand this. What are we trying to accomplish through this? As we go visit the northern peninsula, the Chun La province, and the island regions and connect with those who are wandering all around this Korean peninsula, we are sowing seeds which can grow and spread to become heavenly sprouts so that on the basis of good merit, they may bear the same fruit. In this way, with the ideology of the three subjects we are trying to help promote goodness in this nation and the world. (1990.6.26. Kwang Ju Church)

3) The Ideology Of The Three Subjects And Us

Today is the day of the proclamation of the True Parents. In this hopeless world where one cannot believe in anything or hope for anything, one sprout of hope is blossoming; that is True Parents. The only hopeful thing left is True Parents.

At the very beginning I said that America is hopeless and is destined to decline, right? This is also true for the whole world. There is great chaos because it has become like the most pitiful of orphans, weeping because he doesn't know where to go and desperate because he does not have a parent. There is no true owner, no true teacher, and no True Parents in this world, All these three have been lost.

How can you gain back these three things? The three things are connected through the True Parents. True Parents are to perfect these three. The True Parent is the true teacher and the true teacher is a True Parent. Why? Right now, Satan holds all of humanity in a tight grip. Since the time of the fall of man, there was none who revealed this. You must understand this. True Parents are true teachers. They are true teachers because they teach centering on true love. This is the true owner. At times, they may give strict orders as if they were talking to servants. This is the true owner. No matter how difficult their situation is when they are commanding you, they still want to give all the rights of possession to you as your inheritance.

You must understand this clearly. You can inherit all of their heart, and thus have the potential to automatically become an owner; and also become true teachers and true parents. Other people cannot guide you. You do not need another teacher, owner, and parent. (1990.5.27. Belvedere)

What do you do once you get to your hometown? I am telling you to go in order to become an owner; then go in order to become true parents. You should go to completely educate the fallen world, the ignorant people. You are to go in order to complete the ideology of three subjects centering on the three loves. Who is the unity of the three subjects? It is God. Isn't God the Owner of owners? God is the Parent of parents. He is the root. God is the Teacher of teachers.... The ideology of three subjects centering on the ideal of creation and love is the ideology of owner, then the ideology of parents, and then the ideology of teacher. Making a comparison to the nation, parents are in a family, teachers are in a school, and the owner is in the nation. It all works out. The question is how to connect these together; there has been no theoretical way to harmonize them in love, but now because the Unification Church is equipped with the correct theoretical content, if it is applied to the nation, then the peace of the nation will be achieved. If it is applied to the world, then the peace of the world will come about. If it is applied to Heaven and earth, then the peaceful world of Heaven will dawn upon us centering on true love. (1991.8.29. International Training Center)

2. Eight Stages And The Ceremony Of Pal-Chung

1) Eight Vertical And Horizontal Stages

Has your body freed itself from the control of Satan and attained oneness with God? You cannot overcome Satan if you cannot completely deny yourself. Therefore, you must go through suffering for three and a half years. You should start from the position of a beggar and a slave of slaves, and then rise up. From a slave of slaves to a slave, adopted son, illegitimate son, child in direct lineage, next mother, father, God -- this makes eight stages vertically. Moreover, there are also eight stages horizontally: individual, family, tribe, race, nation, world, universe and God. In this way, there are eight stages horizontally and eight stages vertically. This is the Principle point of view. These are not my words.

I am the first to talk about these things. You cannot find them in the libraries. Can you unravel this with Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy? [No.] God, Satan and I are the only ones who know. I am the one who controls it. This cannot be done by God or Satan. (1989.4.1. Belvedere)

2) The Activities Of Satan And The Eight Stages

What is Satan biting onto right now? What has been his accusation historically until now, centering on the eight stages of the individual, family, clan, people, nation, world, universe, and God? He makes the argument, "You, God, are the original owner, and Your children, the ideal Adam and Eve, in other words the true parents, are Your original children. Yet because You as the original Father created me as an archangel, the Principle required that before I fell I should receive the love of Your true child. Without completely fulfilling this condition of love, as the Father of the Principle, how can you be in a position to love Your own son?" This is the problem. What Satan is saying is that although he has fallen, unless God first loves Satan, He cannot claim back what Satan now possesses, which is the love of Adam in the original Garden of Eden, and all the things that should have been dominated within the sphere of God's love.

He is arguing that all this can be taken back only after God and Abel become one on the individual level and by loving Satan, they set the condition of love on the individual level to reclaim what should have belonged to God; otherwise, these things cannot be taken back. After that, he insists, the same is true for the family, tribe, race, nation, and the world, and even Heaven and earth are in the same situation. This is the rope by which Satan grabs onto our neck, or how should I put it, strangles us. (1984.5.19. East Garden)

3) The Eight-Stage Victory Of The True Parents

Think of the absolute preciousness of the original blessed family. How much did God yearn for this until now and how much did Jesus long for a blessed family during his 33 years of life? During the past 2,000 years how much did they long for this path by which they could come into the era of the Second Coming and return to the original blessed family?

This will not come about with no effort. Since this is a course of restoration, it took me forty years to restore the right of the first son by going in and out of the eight stages seven times. Because Christianity and the free world could not do it, I had to pay the indemnity to turn it around and fit it into place. If you do not match it, then it would be devastating. Can you imagine how busy I was? If I could not indemnify it within forty years, there would be no way to reverse the past 4,000 years of history. This is true for sure.

This is not just some casual observation. There is a great interplay of different historical dynamics from Heaven and earth criss-crossing in a chaotic fashion. If these are not resolved, there will be disaster and destruction. (1986.2.9. Headquarters Church)

Is the direction, "be like the teacher," a good thing? [It is good.] I am trying to enable you to inherit freely all the blessings that I have been piling up. If I have crossed over a big hill, then you should follow a similar path, centering on my example. This perpendicular line is the same. This is how you should move forward while paying indemnity.

The individual indemnity, family level indemnity, clan level indemnity, racial level indemnity, national level indemnity, world level indemnity, universal level indemnity and indemnity of God's heart -- all these eight stages still remain. There are also eight vertical stages: the restoration of the individual, restoration of the family, restoration of the clan, restoration of the people, restoration of the nation, restoration of the world, restoration of the universe and, finally, God. This means that the vertical course of indemnity and the horizontal course of indemnity can be traveled up and down with ease centering on love. By making loving relationships on every level centered on God, we can bring everything into the sphere of God's love. When this is substantially accomplished, Satan will no longer be able to claim the possession of anything on the earth, and as a result he will be automatically chased out. This is the end for him. (1990.2.16. Central Workshop Center)

4) The Eight Stages And The Tribal Messiah

In order to rise up to the position of parents representing humanity, all matters must be resolved so that the first Adam, second Adam and third Adam can all say, "There is absolutely no condition here for Satan to invade." On the foundation of worldwide domain on the children's level, one must build the worldwide domain on the parental level. Of course, when we see how the growth and completion stages of this seven-year course of True Parents have been completed, then we see that True Parents can come into being as they enter into the direct dominion of God. Until that time Adam and Eve were to grow as a brother and sister, too; isn't that right?

Where do True Parents come into existence? It is at the place where oneness with God is attained. Accordingly, while one is still in the dominion of being governed by the Principle -- the indirect dominion -- one cannot become one with God. Unity between the indirect and the direct dominion is possible when a couple becomes one centering on love and completes their portion of responsibility. On the foundation of having completed their portion of responsibility, God and True Parents can become one. Isn't this how it is? For this reason we must rise up to that position.

After the liberation and restoration of the children have been completed, then things must unfold on the parental level. Five billion people in this world are all the descendants of Adam; after that, because of the religious sphere, they are all the descendants of Jesus. For this reason, the dispensation of restoration calls for the third Adam to come in the future and, although the fallen descendants have already expanded to populate the whole world, everything must be linked, and everyone must be restored back to the position of the original children of Adam before the fall. Accordingly, we must liberate the realm of parents.

Because the era of the liberation of children has already passed, we have now become children who can chase away Satan and be embraced by God completely; then the parents who can be embraced by God must create the realm of parents. In order to create the realm of parents, then the era of Adam, the era of Jesus and the era of the Second Coming must stand in the realm of liberation.

For me, I have been leading the histories of the individual Adam, family level Adam, clan Adam, people level Adam, and the national, world, and universal level Adams. Starting from the position of servant of servant, I climbed up the eight stages vertically. Not only must I ascend up these eight vertical levels, but also I must embrace horizontally the individual, family, clan, people, nation and world levels. I must complete the establishment of the realm of liberation that cannot be invaded by Satan through the process of ascending through all levels vertically and horizontally by paying indemnity for the five billion people of the world and the world itself. As long as I can complete the realm of parents by going through this course, then Satan has no right to make an accusation in the past, present or future. This is why I gave the direction for the completion of the domain of the third Adam -- since both Adam's family and Jesus' family failed, these failures must be restored. Moreover, in the years of Jewish history up to Jesus, from Abraham to Jacob and Moses, there were also many failures. These must be resolved as well. The liberation of the children's domain and even the liberation of the parental domain cannot be accomplished until these problems are resolved. Therefore, for the liberation of the parental realm, someone who is both a perfect national representative and also a parent on the world level must emerge. Although all the foundation has been laid, this has not been connected horizontally until now. The indemnity conditions for the formation of our Unification Church clan and people have been set, but this is not yet connected on the worldwide level. The center is already complete, but it is not linked to the world.

What do we have to do to link it to the world? Through the efforts of the tribal messiahs, the failures of the families of Jesus and Adam can be restored, and by setting the necessary conditions according to each time period, our foundation can be linked to the world and eventually all of humanity will be included. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)

5) Eight Stages And The Religion Of The True Parents

Human history until today is believed to be 850,000 years. This number is an approximation. During this time, religious movements started from a primitive stage and progressed, often under great persecution, until today. So who is the causal force behind such a history? It is God. It is God, and from the position of servant of servants, this history is divided up in stages. Consequently, among the servants of servants, the servant becomes the master. The master is not served by the servant, but the servant governs the master.

For this to take place, in order to become this heavenly master of servants, one must win the victory after receiving persecution as a servant which combines all aspects of the satanic world. For this reason, you must be ready to die. This is why we have the saying that those who are willing to die will live. Even when rising from the position of servant of servants to the position of a servant, and then ascending to the position of an adopted son, there certainly is persecution. It is the same when going up through all the eight levels, up to and including God.

Who has to endure all this? People go through changes but God is unchanging. Among the religions of the world there are religions that correspond to the positions of servant of servant, servant, adopted son, illegitimate son, true son, mother, father and True Parents. At the end, the religion in the position of parents will emerge. In the last days, there will appear a religion of true parents centering on the True Parents.

The meaning of the name "Unification Church" is that religions cannot be united without the doctrine of a religion that possesses the content of true parents. (1983.1.23. Belvedere)

6) The Ceremony Of Pal-Chung

After taking command of the history of the spirit world and the earth, swimming past all the coast lines of the Pacific Ocean, and then landing in Alaska after crossing the Atlantic, I performed the ceremony of Pal-Chung.1 The ceremony of Pal-Chung means that by settling down after passing through the vertical historical course of indemnity and the indemnity courses of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world, namely, the eight vertical and horizontal stages, the birthright of the eldest son will be restored. Therefore, the course of indemnity for all people in this world will be resolved. This will take place as a result of the Pal-Chung ceremony, I proclaimed this in Alaska on August 31, [1989.]

The reason that I performed the ceremony in August is that since I survived the three years from 1945 to 1948, I have to do everything according to the schedule of the dispensation from January to August this year. This is the reason that I did this with haste. Because on August 31, centering on the era of restoration, we can stand in the victorious position to serve the parents, we are to seek God after forgiving, with parental love, all the historical people that have wronged our brothers. (1990.1.27. Hannam-dong House)

As a consequence of the restoration of the right of the eldest son and the embrace of God, the history of war and conflict during this era of the restoration of the birthright of the eldest son has been consummated, and we have entered a time when we can attain harmony with love and without indemnity. The Pal-Chung ceremony was necessary to achieve all this.

By performing the Pal-Chung ceremony, parents who can stand behind their children, the first son and the second son, can come into being, and because they forgave these children, the era of the realm of parental forgiveness will come next.

Accordingly, I am proclaiming the era of dispensation of Ae-won. [Ae means love and Won means salvation; therefore, Ae-won means salvation through love.] It is not the dispensation of salvation. It is the era of salvation when love is being used to help. Until now, it was the dispensation of salvation through the restoration by indemnity. This will now vanish away because I have made the environment in which the brothers, through the restoration of the birthright of the eldest son, can be embraced by the parents directly and be forgiven centering on parental love. As a result, the forces opposing the Unification Church will perish. The era of opposition will pass away. This is how it is right now. There is no one in America now who opposes Rev. Moon. Even if there is, it is limited to extremists among the communists and the liberation theologians, They all do not really understand this world, (1989.10.3. Little Angels Performing Arts Center)

Because the vertical and horizontal indemnity of the eight stages has all been completed, on August 31 of last year I performed the Pal-Chung ceremony in Alaska, the highest place in the Western world. It is the highest place. Having done that I proclaimed the ideology of Heavenly Father on September 1st. It is the ideology of Heavenly Father. It is simultaneously the ideology of salvation through love, and the ideology of parents. The ideology of parents teaches one to love. Satan cannot oppose when you are loving someone. If Satan does not oppose the path of Unification Church, it will expand out to the worldwide level immediately. (1990.2.16. Central Workshop Center)

What can you do after the conclusion of the Pal-Chung ceremony? [The ideology of Heavenly Father.] The liberation of the realm of parents will take place. Because this time will come, I as the parent put you in the position of the tribal messiahs and begin the liberation ceremony for the position of Jesus' and Adam's family. By restoring the failures of the past through your families, the hometown of all people will be transferred to the homeland of the heavenly kingdom. Your hometowns are all different, right? Can you say that it is a Korean nation? Centering on me, and connecting to your hometown and having your parents' birthplace be chosen as the place of the parents of the heavenly kingdom, you will enter the era when your hometown can be recognized as the hometown of the heavenly kingdom. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes.] Only then can all the people in the world have a hometown. (1989.10.4. Hannam-dong House)

3. The Ideology Of Heavenly Father

1) The Reason For Calling It The Ideology Of Heavenly Father

Why did I talk about the ideology of Heavenly Father? We have the communist world and the democratic world, but how did these two worlds come into existence? Because they were formed based on the family, all we have to do is connect to the family centering on our ideology of Heavenly Father. You do not need all of this. As long as you set the condition, all will turn around quickly. Neither the communist world nor the democratic world has the true ideals of the family. There is family breakdown everywhere.

The Russian people have only two hobbies, and they are drinking wine and womanizing. Because their women also drink heavily, they like these women. This is the reason why the families are in chaos. Therefore by connecting to the family right now, by expanding the domain for educating the families, we will see the completion of the ideology of parents and the ideology of the kingship centering on the ideals of the family. By achieving this we can return to the original world. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)

2) The Background Of The Proclamation Of The Ideology Of Heavenly Father

How do we decide upon the standard of existence? When we consider the ideal of creation, we can conclude that it must be done with love. People were divided into two kinds because of the fall. Consequently, the whole world was forced into the realm of Satan. What God has to do here is to penetrate inside and take it all back. The era of individuals, era of the family, era of the race, era of the nation, era of the world, up to the era of universe ...all must be reclaimed. Indemnity must be paid on every level: from the individual, up through the family, clan, people, nation, world, universe, and finally reaching God. It is indemnity. In the Unification Church this is called the eight stages. Horizontally there are eight stages, and one must climb up vertically through eight stages also. I proclaimed that I have settled down after tying these together.

I have proclaimed the Pal-Chung ceremony in Alaska on August 31, 1989. The result of this is that no more indemnity for mankind or the world has to be paid. This means that wherever I or members of the Unification Church go in this world, persecution will no longer be present.

No matter what we do now, whether we build the Kingdom of Heaven or do some other similar things, no one can make accusations against us. The Pal-Chung ceremony is the occasion when we make the foundation for this. On the foundation of the Pal-Chung base, I proclaimed the ideology of Heavenly Father on September 1, 1989.

When the Pal-Chung ceremony was over, it meant that the restoration of the eldest son had been completed. It is the time of the restoration of the eldest son. Because the birthright of the eldest son has been restored completely, we are able to stand on the pinnacle of the world where we are invulnerable to any satanic opposition. If we move forward with audacity and power, then America will be pushed over, the communist world will be pushed over, and Korea will also be pushed. Japan will also be pushed. Thus, you should be strong and bold. (1989.10.4. Hannam-dong House)

After the Pal-Chung ceremony I proclaimed the ideology of Heavenly Father. Before proclaiming the ideology of Heavenly Father, I liberated the parents. Since the realm of brothers has been liberated, the realm of parents must be liberated next -- Parents of the world, parents of the nation, parents of the clan.... Jesus died because he could not become the tribal parents. Next, his father and mother could not unite before Jesus. If his father and mother had served Jesus, they would have become the father and mother of the clan and family in the realm of Adam; yet they did not understand this.

Jesus was supposed to simultaneously become the representative of the clan and the representative of the nation and people, but because he could not win the right of parents on the family level, he had to die. Since we, the Unification Church, have now liberated the realm of brothers, we should liberate the realm of parents. By following the path of tribal messiah today, you must resurrect and restore the opposition of your parents toward the Unification Church and the failures of Adam and Eve. Then you are to recognize and proclaim publicly the qualifications of having won over the family with the authority of the heavenly kingdom. This is the purpose of the proclamation of the tribal messiah. (1989.10.8. Headquarters Church)

3) Family Is The Center Of The Ideology Of Heavenly Father

The era of the ideology of Heavenly Father, which we are talking about here today and which is proclaimed as a result of having finished the PalChung ceremony, is to be created not with individuals, but with the family. This is what you must understand. You establish the ideology of Heavenly Father with the family. For this reason, the most critical question in the satanic world or the democratic world that surfaces at the time that God's will is being accomplished is the break up of families.

The communist world does not recognize the family. They say that the family stands on the foundation of exploitation. They do not have a relationship with God. This is the same for the democratic world. Therefore, in reality all the things that would contribute to the formation of a stable family have been thrown off balance. Although it is the very foundation of the society, the foundation of the nation and the foundation of the world, today the condition of the family becomes more and more chaotic. Accordingly, in the future the left-wing world and the right-wing world will be absorbed by us centering on the foundation of our family.

Then, centering on what do we achieve the ideology of Heavenly Father? This is to be attained centering on the family. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)

Now is the time when the establishment of a heavenly family must be the ultimate concern. If you were to leave the family out, then what can the ideology of Heavenly Father do? Without the family, the era of the ideology of Heavenly Father makes no sense. An ideology describes a kind of action. It is like crossing a bridge.

Isn't the unified nation a nation that unified the families? It has to take place centering on families. Satan has been guiding democracy in such a way that it destroyed the family. America is primarily a Christian nation, so why are the families in America breaking up? Why, when the Bible preaches no such law? This is because America has been dominated by Satan.

For this reason, now families must become completely centered on God. Parents should represent the dual characteristics of the absolute God, and should be served in that position. The dual characteristics of God, sung sang and hyung sang, always stay together without any possibility of separating. This is the same as Adam and Eve becoming completely one without committing the fall. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)

The ideology of Heavenly Father is restoring the kingship by centering on families and by linking them together. It is restoring the universal kingship; so, it cannot be accomplished without the family. Surely, the family is the center for this. It is through the unified foundation of the family, the Adam-type unified family on the level of tribe. Shouldn't Adam have a clan? This must all be connected centering on Adam's family on the level of the people. Through the unified foundation of family, the kingship will be restored. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)

4) The Ideology Of Heavenly Father And Kingship

What did I do on the first day of September? Since we have attained the liberation of the realm of parents and the realm of children, the unified family was established. The master of this new family is the ideology of parents centering on True Parents. Going over the ideology of brothers, it is the ideology of parents.

Because there is none among brothers who can deny the love of parents, here, with the foundation of family and with the fortune of unification having been firmly established, the universe starts to turn around to follow its true path. The world will begin to revolve on the normal orbit of day and night. By proclaiming the ideology of Heavenly Father after having done this, we are able to pass over to the era of unified kingship. God has to become the king. This is the first paragraph of the five paragraphs of our Unification Church pledge.

Centered on God, what are we? We are to be proud of the dominion of God. We are to pass over to the era of the unlimited power of love first by building the unified kingdom that the Unification Church is advocating and that God and Jesus wished for, and then by dismantling the hell on earth and the hell in Heaven. Having understood what perpendicular love according to the tradition of love is, and having realized clearly how it is combined centering on vertical love, one must apply it to daily life. By doing so, in any place in the world of 10,000 nations and in the heavenly world we can go beyond any boundaries, and as a result the era of liberation and unification will come.

The test that remains at the very end is to advance toward the world of ideal government centering on the eternal kingship and the eldest brothership. The president of Korea is the king of the nation, and the governor is the king of the province. It is this type of concept. For this reason, when I talk about kingship, do not think that it is odd.

In a county it is the kingship of the county, and in a borough, it is the kingship of the borough, and if it is a village, then it's kingship of a village; next in a family, it is kingship of the family. This is the ideology of kingship that was bestowed on Adam originally. Our family has this ideology and I have started it here, but we are to circle around for 10,000 years through this kingship so that we can pass through to the top and become branches or leaves that are linked to the root.

If you stand in this place, you will be connected to everywhere. A true family is connected to the true tribal county; the true family of a county is linked with the province; the family of the true province is linked with the nation; the true family of the nation is linked to the world; and the true family of the world is connected to the heavenly kingdom. What is to be done after making the connection? You are not to live for yourself when you occupy that position. You are to live for the sake of others. Centering on the basic altruistic principles of creation, you should sacrifice more as the scope becomes larger. You have to go through more suffering. In this way, the era of liberation and unification will come. [Amen.]

As I was saying "it will come," I ended with "Amen," so this means that in the end, we have to make this happen with our own hands, isn't that right? The unification of Korea is to be done with your hands, not mine. It must be done by the hands of Adam who has inherited the kingship, and the representative of Adam. You have to tie it to the kingship of the family. You should at least establish the tribal kingship before you die. Otherwise, there is nothing that can be connected.

In other words, this is very much like how fluid from the cells in a tree can pass through the branches, trunk and roots, able to get to any place through the tubular channels. Unless you can be equipped with the essential nature that can represent the actual authority of a king, you will lose the right to exist in the household of the heavenly kingdom.

What I am talking about here is kingship. This is what kingship is. Your father and mother are kings. They are kings of the family that represents the nation. In a company, the president of the company is the king. He is the representative of your parents. This is the bridge with which one can pave the way to inherit the kingship of the nation. The Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven is where we are all to rise to the equal status of royalty through this lifestyle and live on for 10,000 years. (1989.10.8. Headquarters Church)

4. The Restoration Of Kingship And The Tribal Messiah

1) Time Of Establishment

Originally, when Adam becomes perfect, then the father of heaven would be perfect, and when Eve becomes perfect, then the mother of heaven would be perfect, so that as they became the masters of the family, the kingship of the heavenly kingdom on the family level would be born. Therefore, Adam and Eve were to be kings on the individual level, on the family level, tribal level, people level, national level and world level. Because now the time has come when we can step beyond the national level, we can establish the kingship of the heavenly world after going beyond all the satanic kingships. This date is March 27, 1990. Consequently, the world will move according to Rev. Moon's guidance. (1990.3.27. Belvedere)

2) The Reason The Establishment Of The Restoration Of Kingship Is Possible

What is the first task before us? It is to stand on the side of God. What is next? Families must stand on the side of God. When this is done, the areas of the world will all become linked together centering on True Parents. According to the content necessary for restoration, first, the restoration of the realm of brothers has been completed and, second, the restoration of the realm of parents has been completed. Third, is the restoration of kingship.

Can the homelands be one? Where is the original homeland? Although the original homeland is the place of my birth, the homelands of all the tribes cannot be that land of Chung-Chu (the birthplace of Father in North Korea). They are the places where each of you was born. Do you understand? Although homelands are different and Satan has been governing over them, when God-centered parents are born in your homeland that place will become like the Garden of Eden. After that, your descendants who are born in the original garden that has not fallen will expand out towards the world. Centering on this perpendicular line, centering on my family, you will all become linked and tied together as one. You must love the vertical line more than your own family. Because True Parents represent the vertical direction, you must love them first, and then you can love your own family. If you do this, then Satan cannot conquer you. The restoration of kingship becomes possible as this becomes accomplished. (1990.3.27. Belvedere)

3) The Tribal Messiah And Kingship

The Unification Church is a religion. Religion seeks the path to eternity. The eternal God created men as the objects of His love. Eternal love wants the object of love to become better than itself. This is just like people wanting their children to become better than them. This nature comes from God's nature. Therefore, the value of man and woman is as the objects of love who can become even better than God. From this eternal love, the theory of eternity comes naturally, and we are to pave the way of eternity. We must erect the domain on the family level, tribal level, society and national level that can be welcome in the eternal world.

A true world cannot exist before a blessed family. Was there a world before Adam? The only thing that existed was the family that he was governing and attendance to God. It is the same thing. You must be rid of all the habits centering on this wicked and evil world. The restoration of the parental realm comes after having become liberated and able to sincerely inherit the original right of the eldest son with pride. The realm of parents can be restored only after passing through the realm of the eldest son building a family and having children. The parental realm had been lost.

You are destined to damnation if you do not understand the value of the heavenly blessing that can establish your birthplace as the original hometown by restoring the parental realm centering on the tribal messiahs. I am not talking to you as though I am just some stranger speaking casually as I walk past you. I am saying these things with the authority of the head of a family and nation, and as the central being of Heaven and earth, utilizing my spiritual sensitivity.

The kingship and nation are to become connected with the tribal messiah functioning as an axis. I have already laid all the foundation for the nation and the world. I am standing on the perpendicular position, connecting the horizontal and the vertical lines. You are the individual in the formation stage, the family in the growth stage, and the tribe in the completion stage who are to make the connections centering on the four directions. Based on this, you are to center it on the national foundation. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)

Your parents are in the position of fallen Adam and Eve. By making your father the head of the clan, representing the position of Adam, you as tribal messiah will fulfill your responsibility and gain the privilege to participate in the realm of direct dominion. Because the victorious condition of having indemnified the individual, family, clan and racial levels of the satanic world in this reverse order was achieved through me, you should serve me absolutely to become one with me and then become a part of Adam's family. You have to become a part of Adam's family. Do you understand?

The individual Adam has the position of God's son, and those who have become the sons should become the masters and kings of their families and kings and center of the tribe.... This is how it should be. Even when he enters the spirit world, Adam is supposed to be the king of the spirit world. Adam is the one who can claim the kingship. In this way, the kingship is established on the individual level, on the family level, on the tribal level, on the societal level, and on the national level.... All that Adam has lost, from the individual level to the world level kingship, I have won back through my accomplishment on the worldwide level. Because I have already taken it all back from the satanic world and in the spirit world, as long as you link up your family and tribe to my accomplishment, the nation and world will naturally be connected.

For this reason, the unified nation will come to exist. This is not done in the old-fashioned, primitive ways. The unified world cannot come to exist unless God and Satan come to an agreement in their conference and arrive at a single conclusion. (1989.10.3. Little Angels Performing Arts Center)

5. The Formation Of The Tribe

1) The Blessing Is The Formation Of The Tribe

If a radio or television station was to ask, as part of a quiz, who is the person that has been cursed most in history, people will immediately answer that it is Rev. Moon. The station will agree that this is the correct answer. For whose sake did I endure this cursing? Was it for Rev. Moon? Who was it for? Was it for the sake of the Unification Church? No. Was I enduring the cursing for the sake of Korea? No. It was for God; it was only for God.

If God says, "I will give the award of filial piety to my most filial son, Rev. Moon, even if everyone in the world does not like that," Buddha of Buddhism or Confucius of Confucianism of the past cannot object to it.

Why? Because that is how it is in reality. Who is the person that has striven the most to become the filial son that God is looking for and to build the clan that God wants in this historical era? The Unification Church performed mass weddings in order to form the tribes that God wants. People in the secular world denigrate the mass weddings saying, "Oh, no, we have a wicked and worthless phenomena taking place here. Mass weddings are simply intolerable. Korea has always been the Eastern nation of rituals and manners, so how can we allow this mass wedding?" You do not how much persecution I have received. (1988.1.31. Headquarters Church)

2) Tribal Messiah And The Restoration Of The Tribe

This is the time that we are crossing the 38th Parallel. When climbing over the huge Himalayan mountains, it is no use to climb the mountain right before you if you cannot ultimately conquer the highest peak. This the time that we are climbing over the highest mountain. As soon as we are able to climb over it, then big changes will take place in the nation. This cannot be conquered just anytime. If we lose the right opportunity, we cannot make it over the mountain. The same is for the leaders of Christianity. This is the time to climb over. Accordingly, since the wind is blowing now, this is the time to lay the foundation.

Why am I sending you to your hometown? You are supposed to climb over the mountain together with your parents. Do you understand? [Yes.] This is love. The unified tribe will be formed physically and spiritually only when you go to your hometown to move the people with the help of the ancestors. (1988.7.22. Hannam-dong House)

When we talk about our tribe, how many couples have I blessed so far? It's about 21,000 families. Dispatching the 21,000 families into the world is done from the position that represents the one Jesus would have had if he had attained unity with Judaism and the nation of Israel and thus had stood on a foundation to win victory. Do you understand what I am saying?

I have come back now after traveling all over the world. How far did I come? How far? To South Korea, right? Since I came all the way to South Korea, all the Unification Church members in South Korea should return to their hometowns. You are to return to your tribes.

A tree may look the same as another, but the seeds are different. Although all trees are green, their seeds are all different. Their tribes are all different. What I am saying is that there is no true seed. There is no true seed of love. Centering on your father and mother, the families of your older brother and sister must completely transform into the families of the Unification Church. This is the only way to settle down. It is not enough for them to become members of the Unification Church. The whole family has to go back to the hometown and implant its roots firmly. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

Even in the ideal world of God, what does an individual seek after his or her perfection? He or she must attain the perfection of a family. What is to be done after the perfection of family? We are not promoting families as the most important final unit. The perfection of the tribe must also be undertaken. God said to become fruitful and then multiply, right? You must possess a clan. A family has to establish the tradition of a tribe. A tribe must establish the tradition of a people. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

3) Tribal Messiah And The Formation Of A Tribe

Haven't I laid the worldwide foundation through my words? I have been doing this day and night 24 hours a day without sleeping and eating. When you can exert yourself like that for the sake of the restoration of your clan, then your family and relatives will serve you as their ancestor of ancestors. They will donate all their assets, asking you to connect all of their wealth with the benefit of the nation.

You have to implant the root deep from the position of loving the homeland more than anyone, loving the people there more than anyone, and loving your children more than anyone. You must understand clearly that this is the mission of the tribal messiah that has been left unaccomplished. You would be wandering around aimlessly without the national and worldwide course of indemnity that I have pioneered; but now on this foundation you can return to your clan and restore it.

As you mingle with the families of the same clan, you are to become their parents. Only after linking themselves to you in the position of the parent of your family and tribe can they start out fresh to reach the national and world levels and return to the heavenly world.

When the restoration of the tribe is completed, then the era of the formation of faiths will come. Do you understand? If Korea becomes united now, new tribes will be formed in the name of God. Jesus could not form tribes centering on the twelve disciples. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

4) Household Of God

After you return to your hometown, you are to become the eternal ancestors by implanting the root of the foundation for your family in your hometown centering on the original love that Adam and Eve should have brought to explode throughout the world. [Amen!] Then, if you are the descendant of ten generations in the tribe, it will be reversed, and you will become the ancestor of those ten generations. Heaven and earth will be turned upside down. This is what the calamity is. Heaven and earth will become earth and Heaven. Hell is to become heaven.

I am going to come visit you sometime. When I come, how are you to serve me? Should the village welcome me or tell me not to come? [They should welcome you.] From where? [From the hometown.] The government should pave the road... and cover it with what? With gold. You should cover the road with gold and lead me into the house that you love the most. I will not go anywhere else. God wants to dwell in the place that your ancestors, your grandchildren, you and your parents were born. Then what would make you worry? This is the foundation that you should lay.

Originally, after you go back to your hometown, you are to build a temple in the village. You should do it with the attitude, "I will lead God to the town as He comes to the county, and I'll lead Him to my house as He comes to the town." Having assisted Him into your house, you are to show Him to the place where you were born. After that, you should create the environment in which you can serve True Parents with a level of happiness that is greater than when a son is just born and the whole village is immersed in a celebration; only after that will the descendants who live in that environment become the household of God.

Do you know what the household of Heaven is? It is becoming part of the same group. Do you want to return to your hometown? [We want to return.] When you go back, are you going to go back as a dwarf or what? Did I come back to Korea as a dwarf? What did I bring with me? Didn't Jacob bring back with him all the blessings that he had received from heaven for 21 years? What is the gift that you can take with you after having been blessed? There is nothing else. All you have to take with you is true love. Do you understand? [Yes.] What is the most precious thing among all the gifts of blessing? There is one gift which the universe and history have been longing for until today, and one cannot forget this gift forever once one receives it. This gift is called true love. (1986.6.1. Headquarters Church)

5) One Who Is Qualified To Form A Tribe

If you do not possess a heavenly family and heavenly clan, if you cannot participate in the realm of the heavenly tribe, then you cannot enter that faith. You will be left out. (1985.8.16. East Garden)

Should the Unification Church members go back to their hometown or not? [We should return.] All of you must return. You must pack up and go back to your hometown.

Only after you return and, centering on the church, consolidate your foundation will the time come when you can pave the way and serve the new nation. Without this foundation, you cannot prepare the base to make a contribution historically and be linked to the nation and the center.

Next, if all your relatives and the people from your village join the movement centering on you and your family, then Satan cannot have dominion over Cain and Abel on the family level. He cannot do it. This is the message that you must convey clearly.

Since we have come upon such a time, in other words because it is the time of the restoration of Canaan on the family level, we must restore Canaan. Having done that you must form tribes. In this way the twelve tribes must be created in the world. Those who do not have this foundation will be ruined. You will leave and fade away. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)

6. Hometown Providence And Registering In The Original Hometown

1) Registration

When I say, "You should return to your original hometown in order to register," do you know what I mean by register? When a bride marries a bridegroom, she has to enter her name in her husband's family roster. She must cross her name out of her original family roster and move it to some other place.

Everyone living on this earth has a hometown. After one is born, one is immediately registered in one's nation. Regardless of which town, district or region within the nation in which one is born, one must register under that nation. This registration becomes the proof that one is a son of the parents in that house and a citizen of that nation. As long as that nation and those parents exist, the registered child cannot be taken off the roster.

The Unification Church is a religious organization. Therefore, we must seek a nation where we can dwell as a religious organization. We do not yet have a nation that we have established or can register in. We have to seek such a nation and register in it. Why do we need religion on earth today? It is because we could not register in our original homeland. From God's point of view, these people are not the citizens of God. They are not people who have a relationship with the original homeland and are registered there.

As God sees it, the homelands that men are born in today belong to the enemy. The homeland within that kind of nation is not a place where God can have dominion and be happy. This is the problem. For this reason, we have to return to a level higher than that of the religions today.

Today, we were all born in a period in history and registered in our homeland, but that registration has nothing to do with God. We have a nation that we have registered in, but that nation has nothing to do with God. We come to the conclusion that although there are many nations like this, they all have no relationship with God and the earth itself has nothing to do with God. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)

2) The Advent Of The Period For Registration

As the spring dawns upon the earth and the fresh green leaves of tribal messiahs sprout everywhere, the spirit world of that nation will come to our side. The time of registration centering on heaven will come. They say that twelve tribes and 144,000 will enter. Do you know what the number 144,000 signifies? The time of registration is approaching. Centering on the time of the unification of North and South Korea, we must head toward the era of registration. Your tribe must all stand in the same position in order to register as citizens of the heavenly kingdom.

I am not talking about individuals. Do you understand? The time of individual salvation will pass behind us. In the future, as long as the president of a nation joins the church and makes the pledge, the people will also become a part of the heavenly household, and as long as they perform the ceremonies that the church sets forth, they can all escape from the satanic world. (1991.8.25. Headquarters Church)

3) The Requirement For Registrat1on

What position are the people in this world standing in? They are caught between good and evil. If they did not fall originally, they would have been good. They were supposed to be only good. They have to be born as good. However, although they received life and were born, they could not complete the principled process of growth because of the origin of their birth. You have to understand that they did not bring consummation to this matter. An imperfect work still has a long way left to go toward perfection.

Even though something is eighty percent completed, the remaining twenty percent might stand as the subject and thus negate the value of the eighty percent. As we look at it from the perspective that desires one hundred percent perfection, something that is only 95 percent perfect still cannot enter the position of perfection. Consequently, it will also fall under the desired standard.

A creation made by the absolute being, God, has to be absolutely perfect. If something has attained absolute perfection, no one can criticize or correct it. It must be absolute. For something to be treated by the absolute subject as its object, it must also possess absolute character. It makes sense theoretically only when it possesses such absolute content. This is the problem.

So, how are people born? Before registering, what must be done to be born as an absolute being? Without knowing this clearly, one cannot enter the position where one can represent absolute perfection, a position where, having won all victories, one can assert one's subjectivity before God. ( 1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)

In the future when the Unification Church is welcomed by the nation, then the time of registration will come. You must register. If the 36 blessed couples want to register, then they must have a better standard and amore genuine motivation in their hearts than Jesus. Otherwise, they cannot register. Under this principle, the 72 blessed couples also cannot register. Without abiding by this principle, they cannot register. Incredible things will happen. (1972.6.13. Kwang Ju Church)

After persevering on to eliminate all the sorrowful results of the fall and become victorious children who can guide all nations with love, you should worship God and True Parents in your bedroom; then the registration process will automatically come to an end. From that moment on, the Kingdom of Heaven will continue on forever. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)

4) Hometown Providence And Registration

In the future when our ancestors shout out from the same position as us, there must no longer be any wicked opposition forces in the southern and northern parts of Korea. In order to bring resolution to this matter, I told you to return to your hometown as part of a pacification campaign to bring about the unification of North and South Korea.

Upon your arrival in your hometown, if the patriots and heroes cone and cry out that the ancestor of all patriots and heroes has come, then your ancestors, representing the angelic world and the spirit world who could not serve true ancestors of men, will also come and protect and assist you. As you indemnify all that the archangel could not fulfill, the dwelling place of God's love will be fixed upon the earth vertically and horizontally, and as a result, you will be able to inherit the position of a true ancestor and erect that firmly on this earth. The fact that this kind of time has come is unprecedented in history. You have to know that it is such a precious time; such things did not take place in the past nor will they in the future.

Why did I tell all of you to return to your hometown at this time? Since I gave you all the things that I have indemnified worldwide, you should take this foundation and seek out the original position of Adam and Eve; and after settling down you should inherit the position of an ancestor from which you can govern over all the lives which will be born for tens of thousands of years to come. You must understand that this is the time when you are bestowed with the special right to inherit such a position.

If you can shed more sweat and blood than that which the patriots and heroes have shed in your hometown, then in the spirit world, your ancestors will raise both of their hands high and praise you, saying "Our victorious ancestor has come." By making a foundation for this to take place, you are restoring through indemnity the situation in which the spirit world could not welcome Adam. This is the road that still remains before us. When this is achieved, in addition to the loud cry of acclaim from your people, God will also recognize that you have set the condition to stand in the position of parents by displaying such heart, and as a consequence your registration process will begin. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)

This is the last fight. Together with your family members, you have to restore the tribe. Didn't I tell you to go and live in villages? You have to enlist the support of your family members as you move and reach out. You are truly blessed people. (1988.2.24. Hannam-dong House)

Those members who have received the blessing in the Unification Church just need to introduce me as you host a party for each clan. You should proclaim who I am, saying, "He is the person who is the center of our nation and our world, and he is the ancestor of ancestors." If people do not object but agree, "You are right. That is true," then starting from that nation, the new era of registration for the heavenly kingdom will be opened.

Registration cannot be undertaken by the clan, but by the people. The reason that we are restoring tribes is that by forming the twelve tribes, we can create the sovereignty of a nation, a foundation of national sovereignty in the original homeland. Therefore, according to the amount of effort that you put in and the amount of contribution that you make in forming the tribes... [you can contribute to establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.] We are to enter the competitive period of the Unification Church centering on the clans spread out worldwide. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

When we talk about the tribal messiah in the Unification Church today, we are talking about sowing the seed of the true clan. The seeds were sown wrongly. Those blessed couples who did not take part in the mobilization will be crossed out. They cannot be registered.

We are to register in the future. When North and South Korea become united, those Unification Church families of the world, all those among the blessed families who have taken a part in the normal activities, will go beyond the tribe and be registered. (1990.1.14. Headquarters Church)

If you do not return to your hometown at this time, even blessed families will have a difficult time. Without participating in this, it is impossible to register you when we are forming tribes in the future; you have to understand this fact. Why is this so? The ones that we are supposed to save in spirit world are those who have gone to the front line. We are to save those who have passed away. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)

5) Registration Of The Original Hometown And The Kingdom Of Heaven

When you go back to your true hometown, you are to become the head of the tribe of 10,000 nations. Do you understand? The twelve tribes are to become seventy, next 120 followers, and then form a race and a nation. This will move everyone right into the Kingdom of God just as it is. For this reason heaven is being manifested on the earth and in Heaven. Because of who? It is because of the vertical True Father, because of the True Father centered on true love, because of the horizontal True Father centered on God. Sons and daughters born on account of true love can enter Heaven because they have inherited on earth the right to participate in the same place with God. (1988.5.20. Dae Gu Church)

From now on you are to go back to your hometown and initiate the fight to expand the foundation among your relatives and create a good environment centering on yourself. There will be competitions.

Accordingly, regardless of which tribe you belong to, you should contribute toward the formation of tribes together with the root that you have implanted in your hometown. There will come a time when registration into the main roster will begin, and which of the north, south, east or west branches one belongs to will have to be determined. The question is: after registering in this world, your family members are to go to Heaven or to the original hometown? You have to know that you are going in exile. (1989.4.6. World Mission Center)


1 Pal-Chung is not a word that can be found in the dictionary. It is a word that Father invented, putting two Chinese characters together to express a concept of the Principle. Pal means eight, and chung means many things, among which determination and fixation might be the primary meanings. The Pal-Chung Shik or the Ceremony of Pal-Chung is often translated as the ceremony of the eight stages, but this is not a literal translation.

Chapter 5 - Activity of Tribal Messiahs

Chapter 5 - Activity of Tribal Messiahs

1. Prayer For Tribal Messiahs

Heavenly Father! Today is January 3, 1989. At this time, 2:25 p.m., I have clarified all the contents of history and decided on the location of the Fatherland that heaven desires. As I prayed in greeting You on the first day of 1989, please bring forth tribal messiahs. Please gladly receive the Unification Church delegates gathered here at this hour, and the families who are blessed as tribal messiahs.

The people who belong to all the tribes on this earth are in the position of tribal level Adam and Eve. Their ancestors stand in the position of the unfallen archangel, and they should receive the support of Heaven to protect their tribes and descendants in the physical world. Thus they should become one body centering on the Messiah, and then the unity of Cain and Abel on earth will occur. The unity of the spiritual world and physical world centering on the vertical standard will also come about. Since the territory of the love of tribal messiahs centering on God is decided, Satan cannot reside where he wants. Therefore, according to the Principle, the time has come when Satan has to move out of his place and leave from here.

Since they know this, these families who bear the responsibility of tribal messiah should represent with all their heart and effort the road of hardship that was taken to restore through indemnity the external Cain nation on the world level. They should realize that in their family, they must work hard to restore their mother and father, siblings and relatives. Since that is so, no matter how difficult it is, in order to quickly bring about liberation, they must take on the responsibility of tribal messiah by offering all their heart with sincerity. They have gathered here to start this mobilization. In the name of Heavenly Father and True Parents, I want to send out these people who desire mobilization, so please receive us.

I pray that all people who are living on earth now will be filled with one mind, the mind of Heaven that cares about the nation. On the foundation of the fulfillment of Your desire having been prepared on earth, all the spirit men in the spiritual world who came with resentment in their heart now stand in the position of being harmonized and united with that place. By doing that they can perfect the vertical foundation of Cain and Abel, and they know that the basis for God to dwell in the heavenly world and the Physical world centering on true love has been decided. Moreover, the time in history that You desired has come on a worldwide level when the family foundation, tribal foundation and racial foundation can be connected with the national standard. Please make this time, as I proclaim this, a glorious time, a victorious time, a time of transferring everything, and in so doing, I fervently desire that You approve the right of tribal messiah.

Now we know clearly and pledge by raising both hands. Therefore, please receive it with glory. I pray that You record this event in the Book of Life in the spiritual world, that we proclaim tribal messiahship to all the cosmos in the name of True Parents and Your name. Now that we have finally reached this time in history, please receive this in gladness.

Now the central world headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth has been established, to which all people can connect to their hometowns by going beyond national boundaries and centering on Korea. A national standard now exists where ancestors of the original hometown can settle centering on true love. When all nations on a horizontal level can connect with this vertical standard, Satan cannot touch any of them. This is that kind of time.

When each person seriously asks where he is in the course of his lifetime, he can know the answer. When a person seeks to know whether he is a genuine child of Heavenly Father or not, he can realize how external and false he is. If he sees this, he cannot return to God without shedding tears of repentance. We know this is that kind of time.

Now your sons and daughters can return and do the mission of tribal messiah without persecution, centering on the foundation of victory that Jesus wanted. They have determined themselves to become tribal owners who can guard the heartistic foundation that can go beyond the nation and connect to the world. Heavenly Father, please bring blessing to them for their sake.

All people who chose the path of religion in this history full of resentment had to leave their homes and abandon their family; they even had to betray their nation. We can now attend to our nation, our hometown and our parents. Finally, we have won a victory in this world so that we can praise Heaven by that attendance. Please grant that we do not become people who forget this joyous age, people who deviate from righteousness. Please bless them that they become people who follow what is right and who form tribes that can connect to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Father, You know how much You have longed for this time in history when I can now offer this prayer, and You know how much I have hoped and worked for this time by risking my whole life. Though at this time I would like to liberate and comfort the Unification Church members who are following me, still we know that without fulfilling our responsibility for restoration centering on our tribes, neither the land of South Korea nor of North Korea can be saved. When we know this, we must again go the miserable road of the cross. In order to attend our physical father and mother, we must again fulfill our filial responsibility in the same way that True Parents have attended God on this earth and carried the cross of love. Thus we must take up the cross and attend our mother and father with love. I have bestowed upon them the right of tribal messiahship and the opportunity to accomplish this task. Heavenly Father, please mobilize all their ancestors, all the thousands of ancestors and, in the same way, that You have supported me in the past, please support them as well.

We can unify the world and establish the right of liberation by connecting to Father who is the worldwide center. By doing that we can become the ancestors who can liberate all people. Please make us people who can build Heaven's nation that is occupied by ancestors and citizens who can take care of the world.

True Parents also welcome this day with joy and establish it as a day of hope for the nation; therefore, Heavenly Father please bless it.

Let us remain connected to the providential effort of all the ages and continue to advance, always holding on to Your love. As they travel the way of Your will, I hope that You will give them good fortune in all their affairs. Let the glory of victory surround them for 10,000 years, and let that glory appear wherever they go.

Make them bold and strong. Allow them to establish their true messianic authority with a bold and strong mind that never loses the subjectivity of Heaven, and to take care of their parents, ancestors and environment with Your love. I sincerely wish and ask for this.

Even though we have not yet accomplished it, I give them the name of tribal messiah. With warm love, please give them great support and help them expand the realm of the restoration of their tribes so that they can achieve the standard of Heaven and advance to the world of the unification of north and south. Please allow them to connect to Asia, the world and finally to the liberation of Heaven. All this I proclaim in the name of True Parents. Amen! Amen! Amen! (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House; 1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

2. Resolution As Tribal Messiah

1) The Tribal Messiah Needs Determination

Until now you did not know how to go to your hometown. Why do I tell you to be a tribal messiah? I am telling you to become a true parent. Those who are here should say, "Thank you," even if I make you suffer until you die. You should know that if you suffer until your death, there is a hundred, even a thousand times more blessings of Heaven which will go to you. If you make an environment where you gladly take on that hardship, the Fatherland will be established automatically.

Thus, you have to become better than any filial son in history, any loyal person in history or any historical saint. You have to become better. You must inherit this tradition. In return for my sending you to sacrifice for the world, I am giving you the kind of love that does not exist in the world and giving you blessing. You must know this tradition clearly.

Your value, which is higher than that of any great saint, cannot be exchanged for a million dollars in gold. Knowing your great value, do not become a foolish person who abandons this in a brief instant. Can you abandon this because of your individual feelings or because of your individual difficulty? [No.] Unless you attain an unwavering standard, both your hometown and the Fatherland mav be lost. (1979.1.14. Belvedere)

Take responsibility for your tribe. Save your tribe. Take on this great tribal messiah responsibility. Risk your life and go.

How incredibly difficult has it been for me to pioneer this road of restoration by pushing forward through the opposition of all Korea, the opposition of all of Christianity and the opposition of the whole world? When you think about what I have persevered through and accomplished, you must at least be able to save your tribe since you are working in a situation where people do not oppose you but even welcome you.

You cannot think that meeting like this is normal or habitual. This is historical. We are going back, returning to the original ideal. This is different. This age will be different.

You should go out into a foreign land, train and develop new habits of working hard for God's will; then you should reform the whole village. You cannot follow. In the same way that God created the objective realm of His love by investing His whole being, you must also invest yourself completely. You must unite into one without fail. If you rise to the highest position of any people in your hometown, the spiritual world will support you. Watch and see whether that will happen or not. Make many video tapes and witness. (1988.6.15. East Garden)

How many tears have you men shed in your longing for me? That is the problem. How much have you lived with that kind of heart? I can weep for God so easily, even now. No words are needed. If Heaven asks, "Are you thinking about God's heart and will?" I can always say, "Yes." Since Heaven desires this, we must become like that.

As what kind of person should you return to your hometown? You have to become a person who is always connected to the heart and will of Heaven. (1988.6.1. Headquarters Church)

2) Become A Substitute

Who do Unification Church members love? We love both God and Jesus. While attending Jesus and God, we make a connection with our parents and become a person who loves the land of our hometown where our parents reside. Without a true parent appearing who can do that, there still is no true land of hometown.

In this world, where is the real land of hometown? Is it in a big church where many Christians gather? No. A true filial son is a person who can think first of the heart of his parents, even when he endures the pain of a bleeding finger. God does not want someone, who in a good place, sings of his comfort and sleeps a deep sleep.

Parents are drawn to a person who, even while he bleeds and is in pain, says, "Please forgive my lack," and does not hesitate to shed his blood and work hard with agony.

What will you do when you go to your hometown and meet your parents? What will a person who comes as a true parent do? Because that person comes in the place of our fallen ancestors Adam and Eve, he has to repair and heal the wound that they made by their mistake.

Adam's fall threw mankind into chaos. Jesus has to restore this. The fall cannot be restored without parents' healing efforts.

True Parents have to do this. Would they have to restore the three billion people of the world? No. Their filial sons and daughters, the loyal men and women who have done their filial duty to their Parents, go out in the name of True Parents and as the representatives of True Parents, restore them all.

What I felt as I returned to Korea was, "Heavenly Father! Can this Korea that You love so much really become the land of hometown for all people?" This country has to become not only the hometown for all people, but also the hometown for me. God loves, as His sons and daughters, the citizens of this country who fully accomplish their filial and loyal duty. We must make this land of Korea a foothold where the ideology that can save the world is fully established.

This is a harsh country where thirty million people have been mistreated and have had to face the cold wind that blows from the desolate fields and mountains, and even encounter the attacks of fierce beasts. Korea is in that kind of state. We have to think of making this country the hometown for God and the Fatherland for all people.

Just by our fighting for our nation we do not become a person who can establish God's nation. The nation we support has to be one which has determined to comfort the heart and mind of God, and to not only be responsible on the racial level for the path that the world has to go, but also to make the thorny path that God travels for the sake of world into a smooth and level road.

We have a place to go to. That place is hometown. We must go to our hometown, meet our parents and follow their laws. I have to take on the responsibility of parents in place of them, and by connecting to others with deep relationships of heart, we have to lead all people who are in the realm of death into the path of life. By doing that we can unite all levels into one and make the Kingdom of Heaven and of peace.

Has this nation become the Kingdom of Heaven? By centering on Korea, have all people and all nations been able to become happy for 10,000 years? No! But from now on, Korea has to prepare that kind of path.

This path we have to go, the path that God goes, is the path of the providence of restoration, and we must go this road absolutely. By establishing ourselves as true parents of our lineage, we have to realize that nation and take back the world again. This is the place that Heaven and earth must go without fail.

What are you to do after going to your hometown? You must meet your parents. Even though it is your hometown, you must also make a relationship of heart with your parents. If your parents are dead, you have to make a heartistic relationship with your hometown. If that does not happen, you cannot restore your tribe. A new parent and new son and daughter have to become united centering on a family that has established the heavenly new law, and they then form a restored tribe and nation. (1965.10.10)

3) Become The Best Filial Son

You have to return to your hometown and become a better filial son than anyone else. If there are filial sons in your hometown, you have to become a royal, filial son who is better than any of the filial sons who ever lived in that area in all history. If a loyal servant or employee is better than you, you have to become one who is even better.

Then no matter how much you have become a filial son and loyal servant, it still has no value if you do not also have a strong horizontal connection with True Parents. When a father stands on a horizontal line centering on True Parents, the vertical Father appears. As a perfect minus comes to exist, the perfect plus appears as well. (1988.5.21. Headquarters Church)

4) Go With A Grateful Heart

You are a group, going where? When you say, "I am going to my hometown," where are you supposed to go? If it is Choongbook, you have to go to your hometown in Choongbook.

When you were young, you ran around on a mountain, and there you plucked flowers and pulled out grass. You have to go to the place where you have many stories still lingering, the place where you can find all the numerous, stimulating elements which remind you of your father and mother and bring back your childhood memories. By going there you can look at the mountains and streams and say, "Here is the yard where I played a long time ago. The tree that I climbed has grown this tall!" You can hold the beautiful tree and feel fully all the memories of when you were climbing that tree, and suddenly your mother came and was so worried that you would fall that she wept as she warned you to be careful.

Again when you look at a well, you should be able to remember times when you were drawing water from the well and your beloved mother came and scolded you because she was worried that you might fall in. You should be able to think of times like when you took a bath in a pond like a naughty boy, or when you entered a rice paddy field and this happened and that happened. While remembering all these things, you can think of your mother and father, and how you loved your brothers and sisters. When you look for your mother and your mother is not there and your siblings also are not there, you go to where they are buried and say, "Mother, I am here," and tears will flow down your cheeks.

Which would make your mother happiest: for your tears to flow spontaneously and naturally when you call out "Mother" as you remember her with your mind and heart filled with love for her and your hometown, or for you to just sort of end up there alone and without any feeling say, "Mother, I am here"? Which kind of son would be more desirable for a mother: one who remembers in detail the circumstances of when you were young a long time ago and who longs for her with his mind filled with thoughts of her as he greets her in front of her grave saying, "Mom!" -- or a son who is less heartistic? Which son would be closer to the mother in the realm of the heart: the son who comes tearfully, feeling that kind of deep longing and love, or a son who does not have that kind of feeling but comes only with his ambitions for success and his achievement of having become a president or a government minister, and says, "I come as a son who can be a blessing to you, Mother." Would the first or the second son be closer? [First son.]

In the same way, when Reverend Moon of the Unification Church goes to his hometown, with what heart should I come? Should I be completely centered on God with my original mind, as a true son who is embraced fully by the True Parent of mankind who has searched for His object of love for so long? Shall I say, "Father, I have come," knowing that God created everything in the universe to be in the bosom of His love and feeling completely full of deep gratitude for all the things that God created, for their beauty and the value of His love as my True Parent'? Should I shed tears in front of God with that kind of heart, or should I simply announce, "I have come out of Danbury prison"? [The first.] You are correct. (1988.5.11. Chungjoo Church)

5) Take The Role Of Owner

You are the same. By returning to the hometown that you have been away from for forty years, you have to play the role of owner. Together with me you have to take the role of owner, of a new ancestor for your lineage.

In order to take the role of that kind of owner, I had to endure being chased out, but you can take the role of owner in this age when you can be welcomed. You must think of the fact that heaven and earth are completely filled with the love of Mother and Father. (1988.10.3. Ilhwa Yongin Factory)

When I remember my past, I remember searching through all the land and the mountain near the village where I lived, and feeling satisfied only when I had dug out what lives in the deepest gorge of that mountain. Similarly, I was comforted only when I exposed what insects or what fish lived in the swamp. In order to do that, I stayed up all night. I wandered all over the mountain and searched in every nook and cranny. When I remembered some of the creatures that I found, I felt comforted only when I was also able to remember where it lived. Because I have this kind of character, I could uncover Heaven and earth so completely.

This time when I went to Cheju Island, I felt the same. It is surrounded on all four directions by the sea. How can I live if I do not know what lives in it? I was frustrated. Since I did not know what lived on that mountain surrounded by the sea. I felt suffocated.

Since I have this kind of character, and since there is both the devil and God, if I think that I am enclosed in armor by the devil, how suffocated would I feel? God is calling to me while I am in there, but I cannot hear. We must destroy that being and that barrier to God. We must eliminate it without a trace. By breaking through in this way, I was able to disclose the Divine Principle and establish the Unification Church.

Thus you must become the real owners of your village. You must love everything, even insects, and in that way love your hometown. If a person who does not love his hometown says that he wants to love his nation, he is a fake. If there is no root, there cannot be a trunk. One cannot exist without the other. You must love your hometown, and as you love it, become full of ecstasy as a perfected man and perfected woman.... You must be able to attend your wife as a queen who is victorious in her fight with the world, as a queen of victory who pacified all the enemies of Korea, and as a noble person who attends her husband. Your wife has to realize that you have come together as a couple and she can attend you, her husband, as that kind of king.

Centering on this love, we can say that I am a part of a framework, a construction that is connected through 10,000 years of history. When we say that I am an essential part of one world of God's love representing the nation, representing Heaven and earth, and representing God, He will not deny this and say, "No." In your hometown you must become a person who can be proud of the authority of being a owner who can do that.

Your sons and daughters should become like that by inheriting this beautiful tradition. You should elevate your standard as much as you can as you mature yourself, your family and your tribe, and leave behind descendants who can completely inherit that kind of tradition.

By giving your love to your hometown with your blood, sweat and tears, you can make it your place of origin, where you can settle down. You are becoming the ancestor. You are the founder, the originator. It is the original ancestors responsibility to help refugees from the fallen world. You are to be like a true original ancestor. Without having the heart of an original ancestor, you cannot spread God's truth in your hometown. This is the teaching of the Divine Principle. (1988.6.1 Headquarters Church)

Now you should think that you are working as a servant of love for the Kingdom of Heaven. Think that you are a servant of love building the Kingdom of Heaven, a secret agent of love, an information agent for a network of spies. What is there that you cannot do? In order to live, a man can do the work of a woman. He can even take the role of a beggar. You should have the attitude that, in order to save your nation, to save your relatives and to save your nation, you can do more than that. When you actually work in that way, your village will submit naturally without a word. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

6) Become The Seed Of Your Tribe

Today you must return to your hometown and become someone who is able to be like a seed of Heaven. As you establish yourself and in essence plant that seed, you can create an environment that not only all Koreans, but also Heaven and earth can visit, that God can visit anytime. If you depart to the other world after having done that, you will be able to live in the spirit world receiving love as a true son or daughter in the Kingdom of Heaven. From now on, you must choose to live this way of life. (1990.1.14 Headquarters Church)

To go to your hometown when I say, "Go to hometown," is the way to sew the seed of heaven, right? This is the way to sow the kind of seeds God wanted to grow. Since your lineage is descended from fallen Adam and Eve, by your sowing new seed, your relatives can connect to a new root. When you plant new seed, you should pour buckets of fertilizer on it. You must go there ready to receive abusive language. You must be able to hear slanderous comments from people who do not understand your genuine heart and you may suffer many hardships. Endure for three years. Actually, it will not take three years. Everything will be finished in six months. When you were going out for the first witnessing campaign, I asked you to restore 120 house holds in place of your hometown and to establish a church center, right? You all failed that, right? Then I told you to do home church, and you failed that too, right? Now is the last time. The last. (1991.8.29. International Training Institute)

I blessed you as the seed to create a whole new historical world, as one family of God. You are the seed. So many families have grown up, but they did not become the family that Heaven and earth needed or God needed. They were not the true seed.

When I tell you to go as tribal messiah, I am telling you to go to your tribe, plant new seed, and -- since everything born there is false, since they are wild olive trees -- you must make them into true olive trees, engraft them and make fields of true olive trees. For your clan there is no greater gospel. This is the most precious accomplishment in the world.

If the Unification Church has that kind of authority, if Reverend Moon has the qualification to appoint you to that position on behalf of God, all of your ancestors who are now in the spiritual world will open their eyes wide with astonishment and gratitude.... How they must have longed for that moment for many thousands of years. Your individual life is not the only problem with which we must deal. Until now your ancestors in the eternal spiritual world have eagerly waited for the one day of happiness when their tedious environment can be totally changed. When you think of this, the greatest blessing for that clan is the fact that the opportunity has now been opened and the leader has come who can hoist the flag of a new age and mobilize and command his ancestors and relatives.

It is not always an appropriate time to plant. Do you understand? Not just anybody can plant the seed nor can it be planted anytime. Even if a person is chosen as a seed, he can decay. You must emerge with a mind concentrated on fulfilling God's will and, with the deep heart that God desires and your teacher desires, go to your hometown, become a true seed and grow branches of a true olive tree, and then give the members of your clan a branch cut from it. By cutting and giving them branches, you must engraft them all. You must sever the base of your clan, which has the root of death from Satan. You must realize that the territory of eternal life will expand in the realm of your clan as you graft onto this precious root of True Parents. Your clan must be engrafted to the root of the true Adam, the root which is united with and centered upon God's love, the root which is centered on absolute love from which no person can separate, and upon the ideology which enables mankind to complete its portion of responsibility. (1990.1.l4. Headquarters Church)

7) For The Restoration Of Your Tribe, Unite Your Mind And Body

Heaven always prepares everything before we go. But because we do not see the opportunities God sets up and properly inherit that preparation, we always lose it. By not acting upon this preparation, we do so much damage and harm to God's work.

When you became a member of the Unification Church despite so much opposition, you came with a very serious heart, right? How serious is this current time? You must know that the path you must go to completely win over our opposition still remains. You must still become a patriot who works to establish the Fatherland despite all the opposition. You become a vanguard of patriots by building a tribe. If you do not save your tribe, you cannot become a patriot. With that kind of mind, you must enthusiastically return to your hometown and reach out.

The process is simple. Cain and Abel have to unite. Body and mind have to become one. You must come to your mother and father with your body and mind united. This is an admonition, This is the secret of unity. A person who is not one in mind and body cannot bring about unity. One's mind must be thinking for the sake of God's will. That body must act for the sake of God's will. Since the direction of the mind is concern for God's will, the actions of the body must also be directed toward accomplishing God's will. Your mind and body can mix with each other. You have to know that.

By parents and children becoming one, centering on the family, you can restore the realm of your tribe. Since there are many blessed families returning to their hometown, those families have to invest themselves one hundred percent. The entire family has to become united as one in mind and body for the restoration of your tribe. All of them have to do that. In this way your grandfather, grandmother and all your other relatives have to come to want to live in your house, saying, 'I like your house, so I will live there." Then your grandfather and grandmother will shed tears whenever they have to leave you. This will also happen with your mother and father, your elder sister or younger brother. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

8) Make Associations With Other Tribes

The unification of Korea will happen when, centering on Reverend Moon of the Unification Church, all Unification Church members completely become plus to the nation as a minus and then form a minus on the horizontal level to me as a vertical plus. Since I prepared this foundation for a unified nation, your tribes should coalesce into one united whole in order to bring about the unification of North and South Korea. (1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

Those who restored their central tribe quickly will from now on emerge as leaders who can move all countries to unite into one country. Therefore, you must take on your tribe. The reason that the Israel people perished after following Moses is because the tribes did not unite.

When you look from a worldwide perspective, from twelve, they became 36, and then 360. Everybody has to be assimilated into that. We must go the opposite way of the twelve tribes of Israel and, instead of not uniting, we must bring all together under God. (1989.4.1. Belvedere)

9) Centering On Your Tribe, Compete

What do you have to think about today? [Pointing at one member.] What is your last name? [Morris.] As Morris, you do not represent America. You are a messiah representing your tribe. If you become that, I will entrust America to you. By entrusting America to you, I am telling you to save it. I will entrust to you the responsibility to save your nation. Do you understand? [Yes.]

Unification members can compete from now on. Centering on your tribe, compete to see who can make the number one tribe. Your ancestors also know this and are saying, "We must win! Why do you hesitate? Act! Act!" and in this way are already competing. (1988.11.13. Belvedere)

10) Tribal Messiahs Become Self-Supporting

What I have to do now is connect the fate of world. Everything is already prepared to unify the world into one. If North and South Korea become peaceful, the foundation for their unity is already set and when they unify, the world itself will instantly unify into one world. From this year, the more quickly you act, the faster everything will be fulfilled. By giving your utmost effort there, you shall totally advance! [Amen!]

Now even if I do not come to you, you can act individually, right? [Yes.] You are now grown people who have families, right? You are tribal messiahs. Who helps the messiah? If he has to be helped, he cannot become a real messiah. In Japanese, "messiah" means rice salesman. There is no special, real messiah. Who is to help the tribal messiah? Messiahs should all help the nation. Isn't that so? They have to help the nation. The nation should not help them.

Who has to pay taxes? Should the nation pay taxes, or should you pay the taxes? [We have to.] Should a tribe pay tax or a nation? [Tribe.] The tribe should pay tax. (1989. Hannam-dong House)

Should a tribal messiah come and ask for help? Tell me. I never prayed for help. What will happen if I help? If someone is helped, that assistance becomes a chrysalis [cocoon]. Before praying, act more, ten times more. If nothing happens by your giving all your energy even to the point of death, then pray. Even if you do a little bit, witnessing will work. Even if you do not pray, money will follow. That is how things are. (1990.5.25. Hannamdong House)

11) Work At Least Four Years In Hometown

For the sake of your tribal messiahship, you must run with all your energy. The day there is unity, you will automatically receive the blessing.

A long time ago I was fiercely persecuted as I developed everything, but now your relatives welcome you. Your ancestors are bound to help you directly. They are bound to teach you everything. Do you understand that? Unification Church members look simple, but they remain because spiritual world teaches them everything. Do you follow me because you like me? How hard it is to follow me, right! But it is not hard anymore. If you go through hardship for four years, you Unification Church members will hit the jackpot. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

From now on, do not close your mouth. If people come and gather, in the same way that I taught you for seven years in the 1950s without sleeping more than two hours a night, try teaching them for seven years night or day. You do not have to do it for seven years. It does not take four years. Everything will be finished in four months. If I go to hometown, I will unite everything instantly. You must teach your parents well. Teach your siblings clearly with sincerity. With your own hands, without borrowing another's mouth, you must teach through your blood and sweat. If your parents, elder brother, sister, younger siblings and cousins follow your example, they will all call you the treasure of their house. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

12) Plant The Root Of Heart

Until now you have been living in a foreign land. Now you are to return to your hometown. Go to your hometown, shed tears and give all your effort. Just as the people of Israel lived in Egypt for 400 years, we have done a similar thing for 43 years. Now you must return to your hometown and plant the root of love. Love God, and your parents, brothers and sisters, In that way, you must cut the source of accusation from Satan on a worldwide level. Because the Israelites did not do that, they could not form the ideal Kingdom of Heaven in their blessed land of Canaan. Do not desire something of Satan's world. Even if we wander around wearing nothing more than a sack, we are the best. With that kind of confidence and pride, you must advance by digesting all opposition and filling your village with the sounds of love. Remember this well and join the effort. (1988.6.1. Headquarters Church)

What are you to do when you go to your hometown? You should not fight. Instead, make effort to plant the root of heart so that it can blossom. In the land of your hometown, there must have been many loyal servants of the nation, many loyal wives, filial sons and filial daughters among the ancestors who lived there through thousands of years of history. You have to do more than them, so that your standard is greater than theirs. That is the condition you must set. If there is a patriot among those in the spiritual world who formerly lived in the area of your hometown, no matter what kind of patriot he was, your standard should be such that he must be able to bow down to you when you go to spiritual world and say, "You were exemplary." When these people were living in the physical world, they lived in the domain of Satan. So can they, who are in the position of the good archangel, surpass you, who centering on God, is sowing this heartistic seed of a new ancestry and planting the root of original heart in your hometown? You must make a foundation which moves them to naturally bow down to you.

Then the spiritual world will support you. To support you, they will pull the whole clan to you, gathering them closely around you. In that way, the spirits who are centering on God will come down and surround you in the position of Adam. Because your good ancestors will be surrounding you, they will create a realm where evil and Satan cannot invade. As you make a foundation centering on that standard of original heart, you inherit the position of the original true ancestor. Then through your heartistic connections with your clan -- your grandfather, grandmother and everybody else -- will be moved to bow down to you.

Thus you should live for their sake. Do many activities for their sake. Representing your clan, fulfill the mission of tribal messiah and thereby resurrect your clan.

In that way when your relatives support you, the village will support you. Then when many people join the Unification Church, their counties will automatically be connected to a province, and thus, from the bottom up, the family standard will be connected to the tribal standard. They will be connected through many layers. (1988.5.15. Headquarters Church)

3. The Goal You Must Accomplish

1) Foundation Of Heart

I am busy, but what did I come here to do today? I won a tremendous victory by establishing the heavenly conditions of indemnity, and in that way restored what had been lost on every level, from the individual standard to the family, tribal, racial, national, world and cosmic standard. Today I have come to hand all this down to the Unification sons and daughters who are throughout the whole peninsula of Korea. We say that the right of inheritance centers on true love, right? [Yes.] Also, the right to have the same rank? [Yes.] And the right of attendance, right? [Yes.]

Since this is so, we must have the firm belief that, "I represent the world! I will, with my own hands, unite Korea, unite North and South and unite our clan! I will be remembered as a true ancestor!" In that way you will be able to inherit the destiny of a heavenly connection with me.

What is it that you have to do before uniting North and South Korea? You must go to your hometown and move all your ancestors and everyone living in your hometown to sincerely love you. That is your task. You are returning with the restored right of the first son. When they try to oppose you, their hearts will beat faster with an uneasy feeling. Believe this. Do you understand? If you push forward with the confidence that any barriers will fall away, they will indeed be removed. Feel with assurance that you are a powerful representative of Heaven: "By the path that I am going my clan will be liberated and the tribe of the Kingdom of Heaven will be liberated. My country will be liberated, and my world and the Kingdom of Heaven, where I will go, will be liberated. You are that kind of representative.

Why? Since you have the rightful position of true child in front of True parents, you are endowed with the right of inheritance and the right of the same rank. You must believe this truth, that you have the special right of heaven, and invest everything to create the realm of true love. In the same way that God invested everything He had, by your investing completely, your clan will be resurrected and, as your clan resurrects, the nation will resurrect. (1988.5.17. Headquarters Church)

Why is it that I came to send you to hometown? I sent you to your hometown for you to form a ninety-degree angle between yourself horizontally with God as the vertical standard, and for you as the vertical representative of God and True Parents to unite in a ninety-degree angle with your clan on a horizontal level. Centering on the will of God to form heavenly tribes, I sent you to your hometown. Therefore their lives have to turn around 180 degrees, but before that, they have to make this ninety-degree angle with you. It is your hometown. Nobody can oppose you. I have prepared a foundation of victory on the worldwide level; then on this foundation of public victory that Father has prepared, you must return to your hometown. Then, just as I did, you must stand in the position of a substantial model of love for all of history, someone who has inherited the victory over historical struggles through the payment of indemnity. In this position, your whole clan and all future descendants will bow their heads to you and pledge themselves to you, saying that you are truly the ancestor of love. Without doing that, you cannot have victory in your hometown. (1988.8.20. Ilhwa Yongin Factory)

Would you like to fight for a good result? [Yes.] This is the fight to send your mother and father and your entire clan to the Kingdom of Heaven. You should go find them and fight for this result.

For seven years I slept only two hours a day. You have to do that, too. I made President Hyo Won Eu lecture sixteen hours a day for three and a half years. When President Eu was feeling tired, I would shout, "You, are you lying down in order to kill someone? How can you lie down without even telling me"? When I think about this now, my heart feels pain. He liked fish. Do you know a kind of tiny shrimp? Is it called gonjengee? That shrimp is preserved with salt. Wow! I could not even go near him, because of the smell. I can still visualize how he ate that with his hands in this way. Since our expansion in America I could have given him ribs to eat by the dozens instead. When I think of how wretchedly he lived, sometimes I feel pain in my heart. Why did we do that? We lived that way in order to establish a tradition.

From now on, you must proclaim the word. From now on, proclaim Divine Principle by staying up all night and lecturing in your town for eight hours or even more. Just as I did it for seven years, you can do the same. It will not take seven years. If you do this for seven months, everything will turn around. If that happens, you never know what I will bring to you in trucks when your clan invites me to come.

If your clan invites me, should I receive their invitation or not? [You should receive it.] Why should I receive it? Where Cain and Abel unite, God will dwell. When a tribe unites, Reverend Moon can go there anytime. When I go there, you can lead all of the clan, your grandfather, grandmother and all of your relatives; 120 people can gather and they should be able to bow, saying, "Our ancestor has come." That should be your desire. (1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

2) Securing The Right Of National Messiah

From now, you are all tribal messiahs. Since I dispatched all the tribal messiahs, you should make the right of the national messiah. (1990.3 27. Belvedere)

3) Responsibility To Fulfill In One's Hometown

From now on, you should not put the Unification Church behind you as everyone goes home, saying that he or she will eat well and live well. First, you should work in your hometown so that the church is improved. Second, your sons and daughters should not receive contempt. You should not become a begging tramp and be indebted in any way. By shedding blood and sweat to make a true and valuable foundation, you should raise your children and educate them with this new tradition. Moreover, you make your living by saving your clan, by investing yourself completely and, after that, allowing them to establish you. If not, with a sacrificial spirit you should just offer yourself as a clean offering. Without people who can inherit and exemplify this kind of spirit, we cannot prepare a national foundation for unity in South Korea. You should know this clearly.

When you think of becoming a true owner in your true hometown, understand that the individual is not the owner. The owner is the person who takes responsibility for his clan; the owner is someone who leads a tribe, and who represents the twelve tribal elders. Moreover, he is the owner who can represent the nation, and the messianic proxy who can represent the world. You should know clearly that when Unificationists return to their hometown, it is their responsibility and duty to represent Heaven and earth and to accomplish the responsibility of the owner and victor who is a true, loyal servant centered on God and who lives to liberate God and True Parents. [Amen.] (1988.5.17. Pusan Church)

In your hometown you must plant the new seed of God's lineage. You should do this such that all the hills and dales, the mountains and streams in essence bow their heads in praise of the great sacrifice made for this ancestry to finally begin. If a flower blossoms, you should regard the first flower as the flower of heaven; the second as the flower of Parents; the third as the flower of your first son, and the fourth and fifth flowers as yours. You rascals! Does doing things as you see fit work? Far from it. (1988.10.3. Ilhwa Yongin Factory)

4. Attitude At The Time Of Activity In Hometown

1) Do Not Envy

Why did the Israelite people who left Egypt perish when they encountered the seven tribes of Canaan? What did they think when they entered Canaan? How wretched they must have looked with everyone having wandered around and lived in the desert for forty years? Would they have worn beautiful clothes? They lived in the middle of sand, sand and more sand. Could they take a bath there? When they got to Canaan, the people there had nice houses, sheep, farmland and lived prosperously. When they entered Canaan, their elders should have taught them not to envy the women and men of Canaan. Unfortunately, they did not teach them to resist being contaminated by the materialistic standard there. You who are returning to hometown now are similar to the people of Israel who entered the land of Canaan, so do not envy rich people as you return to your hometown! Do not be jealous of men with power! Do not get spoiled! You must have the proper education. The tradition of loving God, loving your descendants and loving the people who are restoring the realm of Israel is the best.

When you attend a church holding your child, do not get distracted. You should soak that land with blood and tears and with weeping that makes your cells and bone marrow tremble. You should be filled with the happiness of returning home after thousands and thousands of years. Heaven should proclaim that this land, which has been drenched in blood and tears, is an exalted land. From there will start the Kingdom of Heaven. (1988.5.20. Taegu Church)

You are going back to your hometown to resurrect it. Your hometown is not yet connected. You have that kind of mission.

The people of Israel did not do that. Arriving after forty years of living like beggars, they deeply envied the seven tribes of Canaan; they envied their sheep, their houses and their way of life. After all, they had been living in tents. By adopting the customs of the Canaanites, they betrayed their nation, and they also betrayed God. (1988.4.6. Hannam-dong House)

2) Be Bold And Strong

Until now the foundation for salvation has only been on an individual level; but now there is a different foundation. Now you are on the level where you can unite with your family, and your whole tribe can represent the Kingdom of Heaven. You are on the family foundation, so have great confidence. In order to elevate your tribe, you have to be bold and strong. (1988.12.20. East Garden)

When you return to your hometown, there is no enemy like the Native Americans. When you return to your hometown, there is nobody like the Indians to attack you. The reality that your hometown will welcome you is a very surprising fact. Everyone will shed tears and clap their hands when you sincerely report the reality of how hard Reverend Moon has worked in this country, with sacrifice and effort that cannot even be adequately described with words, and explain that he is a righteous man whose stature is rising throughout the world. Moreover, when you explain about all the work you have done, as well, they will tearfully say that you did a good job.

When you return to your hometown, try lecturing in schools or colleges where there are students around the age of twenty. Everything will turn around suddenly. People who are close to the age of twenty are on your side.

Those older than twenty are like your elder brother, and those below twenty are like your younger brother. They will naturally unite with you. Those people who are slightly younger or older than twenty should respond to you. If there is a problem, they will follow you.

Since that kind of environment awaits you, where will you go? Will you just stay here or will you go away to your hometown? [Go to hometown.] This is the only way to become their true ancestor. This is an incredibly tremendous truth. Unification Church members are entering that stage all over the world.

Moreover, since you are blessed families, Satan cannot accuse you. Thus you must be bold and strong. If there is a confrontation, they will break down and have to yield. We will not break. Now, according to the Principle, Satan has no condition by which he can accuse you. In the viewpoint of Divine Principle, they have to receive your advance. They have to retreat.

Until now you have witnessed to ministers, political leaders and others, it should be no problem for you to make unity in your hometown, right? (1988.6.15. East Garden)

Now North Korea and Soviet Union are both in a state of saturation. They want to do things as they like, but because Reverend Moon intervened, so they cannot. Do you understand? According to the Divine Principle standard, I have already established a foundation through the victory of Parents' heart centering on true love. This has created a foundation on the worldwide level that is free from the realm of Satan. Therefore, if they invade that, the satanic world will utterly crumble. Now we have entered an age when they cannot hit the Unification Church. Have confidence. Be bold and strong. When the Israelites were entering Canaan, Joshua commanded the descendants, who were in a miserable situation after having had to roam around and beg for forty years, to be bold and strong. Those descendants who received that command entered the land of Canaan like beggars. Since they endured forty years of wilderness life, they were the most humble of all beggars and did not even possess a penny. Their situation was one of no-man's land. They probably entered with caps of sand on their heads. Their situation was a painful contrast to that of the Canaanites, who had sheep, houses and were all living comfortably.

Even so, they should not have been dazzled by that. Their mothers and fathers should have counseled them saying, "This land is not where you are supposed to live. You still have the responsibility to march into God's kingdom, going over this land and always toward a higher world." (1985.5.17. Pusan Church)

3) Have Strong Conviction

If you go with strong conviction, your ancestors will push down and pressure them so that if your mother or any relative does not support you, they will not be able to open their mouth. It is like saying, "listen to me." Why does this happen? You are standing on the foundation of Parents who are connected to the national standard. You are able to be connected to Parents centering on the original, tribal foundation of goodness, and on the foundation of driving Satan out on the worldwide level. Thus Satan will withdraw, and all your ancestors in the archangelic-type spiritual world will support you. (1989.3.19. World Mission Center)

4) Do Three Times More Activity

This time I returned to Korea and chased everybody out to his hometown. I dispatched everyone to his or her hometown. I told them to return to their hometown to do five times, three times more activity than what they did in the outside world or in a foreign country. If that happens, everything will suddenly turn around.

Become a high priest, Then, following my orders, plant a new heart. If that happens, Satan cannot interfere. If you go with that kind of determination, your situation will be the same as the situation of Adam and Eve before the fall. The archangel, your ancestors, will all come and cheer.

One iron rule that you must know is that you have to do more than any loyal servant, filial son or church minister have done who were born in that region. If you do more than them they will all support you, That is the condition. If you do that, you will be standing in the place which is above the realm that Satan can accuse. Therefore, Satan will not oppose you and, with the support of the spiritual world, your ancestors will appear to their descendants and spiritually help them to join the Unification Church. All of them will witness to your clan. (1988.6.15. East Garden)

When you go to your hometown, you must become the best among all the farmers if you work on a farm, or the best among all students if you go to school. (1988.5.11. Chungjoo Church)

Love your hometown. Even Ph.D.s are returning to their hometown, which they did not think about until now. You must love the mountains and streams of your hometown. You must love its nature. You must love the land with a passion greater than the feeling with which your grandfathers and grandmothers tilled the soil while shedding their blood and sweat. This is the path that Reverend Moon took.

Dr. Lee, did you ever pick weeds out of a field while you were busy going to school? Now you have to go back and shed more sweat holding a hoe than your ancestors did, while you are thinking about how they shed sweat. Try digging furrows, cutting fodder and feeding cows. You have to do more than what your ancestors did, but I am not telling you to do it forever. You have to at least set a condition. By doing that, your ancestors in the spiritual world can come down and help you. Do you understand? Spirits who lived and died in that village will come to the land where they lived, find people they can connect with and come down to those people and receive benefit. A person who does not know how to manage his household cannot save a nation. There is a saying that a person with moral training who can manage a household can govern a nation or world effectively, right? That is true.

I myself did not manage my household. The fighting until now was between the brothers Cain and Abel. By returning home you must serve God, find the right of the elder son and the right of the second son, and unite North and South. So, I, Reverend Moon, still have the responsibility to unite with my ancestors in the name of True Parents and offer this country to God. (1988.4.6. Hannam-dong House)

5) Love Your Tribe And Love The Earth

After returning to your hometown, the husband and wife should not fight. You should not fight even if you starve, or when you receive abusive language, and even when you cry, you should not cry for yourself. You have to cry for your clan. You must determine yourself that you will do what your parents in hometown, your ancestors did not do, which was tilling this land while attending Heaven and shedding tears. You can be a person who is like a parent, an owner who loves the land and its citizens. You can be a person who can protect the homeland and who can love your hometown in place of me. By your doing that, the Kingdom of Heaven will come to the land of Korea. Do you understand? Do not think lightly about this

Those who will go to your hometown, raise your hands. Can there be anyone who does not want to go? I have to strike the arm of that kind of person. If the 38th Parallel opens up, I would be the first to go to my hometown....

Since there is no persecution, as you do your tribal messiah work when you return home, everything will come under your influence if you just speak. (1989.1.1. Headquarters Church)

From now on, from the time I said, "Go back to hometown. Return home," should I love the sons and daughters of the Moon clan more than you? Or should I love you more than the people in the Moon clan? [You must love the children of the Moon clan more.] Now is the time to sacrifice the realm of Abel and restore Cain, just as Father taught. Since we have entered the period of conversion, the period of Abel's restoring the right of the first son, everybody has to return to hometown.

Since this is so, you should return to your hometown. When Unification Church members return home, you must love your tribe more than the Unification Church members of the world. By loving your relatives more than you love Unification Church members, you can become king of your clan. In other words, become a tribal messiah. Only by laying the foundation of tribal messiah can you establish a foundation for a racial messiah to come. (1988.8.28. Hannam-dong House)

Now when you return to your hometown, look at the mountains and fields of your hometown again and think, "This is God's offering that He gave me." Looking at grandfather trees that are older than you, the stones in the river that are older than you, and the gardens, you should be able to say, "How are you?" That is love.

You have to know how to love nature in order to love people. This is restoration. Because Adam did not love all things, you must love all things. When you return to your hometown, you must love the nature of the area. You must love everything from the grasses in your village to the natural landscape around it. When you are finished with that, then love people. You can love people from the position of first loving all of the plants and animals. You are supposed to love people after restoring all things.

No matter what high position a person has or how much he owns, this is the law. Even if a person is a criminal, you must love him more than you love nature. This is the ethic of Heaven.

Why cannot God strike an evil person? Even that person can dominate the universe and all things. God would have to strike the universe before striking a person, not strike the person first. Since God knows this natural law, He has to endure and persevere. Therefore, you must love all things, and then love people.

When you love people, you must love starting with the most miserable people, miserable children, and go up to those who are more fortunate. Many people who are poor in this world are very good and conscientious. We Unification Church families should love the poorest people in the world. Even if they are now in the world of the devil, from among poor people emerge those who can inherit God's heavenly destiny. (1988.4.6. Hannam-dong House)

This year I created the slogan, "Unification of Korea." This year, in this historical age, I will live a life of greater hardship than anybody else, and will return to my hometown after having traveled all over the world throughout my whole life. That is this year's slogan. How can we achieve the unification of Korea? I will stand in the forefront and take a path which has more hardships than that traveled by anyone else.

Our Mother here will do that. Mother can stay home if she does not want to follow. Now is the time she can do that. Why? Because I told everybody to become a tribal messiah and go to their hometown. Since I am now speaking about the fulfillment of tribal messiahship, that is possible.

Mother does not know why that is the case. Before this time I would tell her she must come with me, but from now on I can go around by myself. Why is that the case? I am a person, who more than anybody else in Korea, wants to stand in the most difficult position centering on God. Yesterday I traveled for more than twelve hours, even until after 11 p.m. It is utterly exhausting. While visiting regions, I should love all things, right? Then I have to love people. What should I love after that? I should love God. But a fallen person cannot love God without returning to the state of an original man. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

6) Tolerate Any Church

Telling the second generation to restore their hometown was among my directions this time. You should bundle them up and return to your hometown. This means you have to take the second generation, who can represent the ideology of home church that the Unification Church teaches, and return to your hometown. If one person brings ten or twenty young people and does whatever is needed in that village, even dying if they are told to die, the village people will not be able to oppose them, or their mother and father. Now the world is being pulled more and more into an environment in which it cannot oppose Reverend Moon. People will say, "Great." Things will turn around instantly. Go back to your birthplace and do not slander or oppose them. We have to enter existing churches and instill God's ideology there. (1988.4.6. Hannam-dong House)

5. Things To Do At Hometown

1) Hold A Feast

Last Thanksgiving, didn't I give you money to hold feasts? [Yes.] You must have had a lot of rice cake (ddeok). You should say, "This time I will sponsor a feast." If someone says that since he is thankful to Reverend Moon for having given the money before, he now wants to give money for the feast, even if he incurs a debt, he will be celebrated at a national feast.

Do you think a time for a national feast will come or not? [It will come.] When South and North Korea are reunited, should we hold a feast or not? [We should.] How many thousands of cows do we have to cook? [About thirty thousand.] Each family should cook one cow. Wouldn't they do this when such a historic day comes? When people made a sacrifice in the Old Testament Age, they always cooked at least one cow. If I pray that Satan cannot take away those who ate the meat and drank its broth at that time, then Satan cannot drag them away.

Last year I gave as much as 2.2 billion won for rice cake. That amount of money disappeared. It was for feasts. I think the whole nation must have eaten the rice cakes from the Unification Church! If the whole nation has forty million people, how much did each receive? Calculate. Fifty won. How many rice cakes do you get for fifty won? One? Half? [It is a hundred won for two rice cakes.] If you get two for a hundred, you can have one for fifty; so the forty million people got one rice cake each. Would they have spit on us after eating or would they say, "Oh, it is delicious. I want one more"? They must have said, "Why just one? They should give three," Now that I have given one, you must give the remaining two. That is how we establish the number three. The number three is the number of perfection, isn't it? So will you do it or not? [We will do it.] Will you pay the rice cake money or not? [We will.]

Since I did it, those who returned to their hometown should offer a feast to celebrate their glorious return, shouldn't they? I offered a feast. Religions teach the importance of fasting, serving and sacrificing. Now that kind of age is gone. In the Unification Church we did a lot of fasting and prayer vigils. Now, when you go home, you should hold a feast in order to save your kin and clan, even if you have to sell your house to pay for it. It is okay to sell off everything, right? In the future, the world will feed you. Since Reverend Moon is working hard for the world, the time will come when all nations will pay tribute to me.

That is why the Tong-A Ilbo [newspaper] is afraid now. Isn't it afraid of the Segye Ilbo? [Yes.] All the political parties are afraid. They shiver with fear. Will you be happy seeing this sight? [Yes.] They should not fall and die from shivering. We must catch them when they fall. We must feed them when they have not eaten. Why are they shivering? At that point you say, "Do not shiver; just bring your father and ancestors. You will be saved if you eat and dance joyfully at my banquet. Will you do that?" If they say yes, that is the restoration of the tribe. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

2) Hold A Welcome Ceremony On The Family Level

The Unification Church is a frightening organization. What does it frighten? The devil, sin and evil. That is the only way that hope can come. The conclusion is simple. At this time of transition I proclaimed to the nation a welcoming ceremony for the True Parents. You must go back to hometown. You must return gloriously. These days Korea welcomes me, doesn't it? [Yes.] You must be welcomed by your tribe, then Korea will turn around. May you become heavenly princes and princesses who serve! [Amen.] May you become royal couples who can do all these things! [Amen.] (1990.5.20. Headquarters Church)

Now, in order for Korea to change its direction at this time of transition, it must be centered on the True Parents. The root must be different. The time has now come when we must eliminate the root planted in the fallen history of selfishness and turn everything around by planting a root in the history of serving the whole. As we have proclaimed this through the welcoming ceremony for True Parents, we must also hold welcome ceremonies for the True Children and True Family. Your tribes must do that. So far the whole of the Unification Church and the nation have done this, but now you must go back to your own tribes and, finally, hold a welcome party centering on the true clan and tribe in which you celebrate the salvation of your ancestors. That is the proclamation of a tribal messiah. Then a heavenly country will naturally come into being. You do not have to think about other countries. There is only Korea. When it expands, there will be no problem no matter what part of the world we go to or what people we meet. Different cultures are not a problem. As all unite with one essential standard, the unified world of true love comes into being in which everything is harmonized and all things can be handled. For this job, along with the True Parents' welcoming party proclamation, you must also proclaim for yourself a welcome ceremony for the tribe. You have the responsibility to do that. (1990.5.20. Headquarters Church)

3) Follow Father's Tradition And Establish His Tradition

What can I do from now? You cannot complain even if I live happily with my family. Inherit the tradition I established. Until now, for the sake of restoration, Cain and Abel separated and so did the mother and father, but now one family moves and stays together even when you go witnessing. The time has come when one family can work together, even starving and getting cursed together. Then what is your hope? If families have wishes to ask me, what would they be? They will ask, "Oh! God and Parents, give me the land where we can go and receive blessing." Where should they go? Everybody said, "Let us go to our hometown." You must go to your hometown as a messiah centering on your family. You must know that you must go as a messiah centering on your family, as messiah centering on family.

What do you do in your hometown? You must make them become one with you. The method is simple. The son goes out as a teacher of heavenly tradition and shows an example of how to create the Kingdom of Heaven. The mother and father show the village parents how to create a heavenly village, then it will work. It is simple. Create a loving family, in which the husband loves the wife and the wife loves the husband and the parents love the children and the children love the parents, and bequeath it all to them; then it will be done. (1985.8.20. Belvedere)

From now on, do not complain and do not think of your sons and daughters. I deserted everything. You also must make a new determination, and take it deeply within your heart that in order to carry on my tradition, you must tread the path that I have gone. I have gone through all the historical indemnity necessary to become a parent, the heavenly parent, the true parent.

I have done this in order to stand in the position of the worldwide ancestor. But you must go this way in order to inherit the tradition to become a tribal ancestor, a tradition specific to your individual areas. You must establish the tradition for the sake of your tribe. From now on, the twelve tribes will be organized. So we need a tradition. Those who only think about themselves will be left out. (1984.4.1. America)

I pray that they all go back to their hometowns, fill up the land with loving tears by planting God and True Parents' tradition, and make conditions such that they offer a repentance by the sacrifice of their blood in enduring hardship and establish a heavenly foundation where there is forgiveness. I pray all this in the name of True Parents. Amen. (1988.5.11. Chung Ju Church)

4) Plant A Shimjung Realm

You must go back to hometown and create a realm of True Parents' shimjung. That is why I am assigning all of you to go to your hometown. Everyone is going back to hometown, right? Have you heard of going back? [Yes.] The shimjung realm of your hometown in South Korea should be on the same plane with the standard of shimjung I established through paying indemnity on the worldwide level. Where do we plant the original shimjung? In the hometown. (1988.5.15. Headquarters Church)

We must plant a true shimjung in hometown, Failing to plant it is the fall. You must become the head family of your clan.

5) Restoration Of The Tribe

A. Salvation of the Tribe

You must go back to your hometown before I do. In the process of restoration, parents do not go first. Abel must be restored first. If the Unification Church is Abel, the established churches and the people are Cain. They must be united and go back to hometown, What do you do in your hometown? You as an Abel must completely embrace the realm of Cain. As you all return to hometown, your hometown return is different from Adam and Eve's fall. The Parents achieved a total victory and restoration by overcoming all of Satan's persecution on the individual, family, tribe, racial and national levels, and by making indemnity conditions on the worldwide level. After this I have returned to you so that you can inherit it from me.

If you return home with this, you are not a wanderer. You have been a wanderer so far, moving with the wind. But now you will plant an unmovable frame of true love in the land where God can come. In whose name? [In God's name.] In the name of God, who is the vertical parent, and of the True Parents, who are the horizontal parents. As a result, our nation and our tribe will not perish. The seeds planted through the parents' victorious foundation cannot be touched by the devil. So you return to your hometown in order to save your tribes. The persecution and opposition will all disappear. The time has come when the intellectuals will perceive that opposing Reverend Moon only does harm to the country and the world. Thus we must return to our hometowns and work. (1988.5.20. Taegu Church)

Now the time has come. Do not go anywhere, but to your tribe. I have sent you so that you can become tribal messiahs. Centering on your own tribe, restore the Cain tribe. We must restore our tribes. It is the same as the effort to unite the northern and southern parts of Israel through Elijah. Through miracles Elijah eliminated all the prophets of Ashra and Baal, 850 in number. Then he thought that the people would serve the living God, but instead they tried to kill him, so he ran away. In despair he asked God to take his life, at which time God said that there were 7000 people who did not yet worship Baal. That meant there was the possibility for the two Israels to unite with Elijah.

If Korea is like the southern dynasty, all the people in the world are the northern dynasty. If 7000 people had been united, would Jesus have had to die? The restoration of the tribe did not take place. The families of Joseph and Zachariah did not unite. That is why Jesus died. The central figure can stand victorious only when Cain and Abel unite. Adam and Eve are saved through Abel. Only when Abel fulfills his responsibility, subjugates Cain and totally unites with him, can the parents appear. Otherwise God's will cannot advance.

Individually, you can come before God only when your mind subjugates your body and creates a man who is united in mind and body. It is the same with the family. You can go to God only when you totally unite with your wife. Your whole family can go to God only when you unite with your children. The whole can go to God only when the tribe unites centering on this family. Then you go to the realm of the nation. This is the path to find God. (1989.1.27. Hannam-dong House)

B. Method of Tribal Restoration

What did Jesus have to do on earth? He had to establish tribal messiahs. But since he died without accomplishing this, he automatically lost the level of the national messiah. So I am sending you across Korea with the mission of tribal messiah who can represent the twelve tribes.

However, you are not yet at the perfection level of the growth stage. You are marching to the satanic world centering on the connection of shimjung in which you serve God at the perfection level of the perfection stage. Thus, if you have faith and if husband and wife unite, everyone will be easily won over, including the father-in-law. You must have such a faith. You must bear the responsibility of Abel. You must fulfill the mission of the family level Abel.

Of course, you must give the offering according to God's will, but also Abel himself needs a strategy to subjugate Cain. For this purpose, what if Abel says to Cain, "Older brother, I am sorry that Father only loves me"? Wouldn't it make a good condition if Abel says, "I am sorry that God receives only my offering"? Standing in this position, centering on the family level Abel's standard of Heaven, before you brag about the right of Abel, you must use a similar strategy to subjugate the Cain families. You must use strategy.

Here, though God is the Abel of the universe and mankind is Cain before God, God has gone through the history of restoration with the body of a servant of servant, of an adopted son and of a child. You must inherit this tradition and go to your tribes, reactivate the tradition and subjugate them. This will not take long. The longest it should take would be three years. So we estimate ten years. (1968.3.3. Tae Jun Church)

You are Abel. If your family, in the position of Abel, unites your tribe, Mother and I can come. Since Parents are one and victorious, all is fulfilled if Cain and Abel unite centering on this. That is why I am returning you home as tribal messiahs. You must be as one when you are back home. Only through this will the desires of Jesus and the Second Coming be fulfilled. This is also the hope of the age of the Second Coming. Thus, the failures of Jesus will count as having been indemnified in this age of the Second coming. This way you can go anywhere the Parents go.

Where should you go? [To the place of our birth.] You must restore the Cain relatives. Blessed families stand in the position of Abel. Abel families must save the Cain families. By Cain family, I mean the nearby tribes. Thus, by uniting the entire tribe, you can automatically be connected to my victories on the national, worldwide and cosmic levels. You must make your tribe one. This is the last mission. (1989.3.19. World Mission Center)


What do you have to do? What is your first task? It is important to go out witnessing, but also you must save families. You must save your tribe. The nation is connected from above, and now is the time to save your tribe. Now is the time when you can unite your tribe at once even without effort. Work three times as hard as you did outside. Parents will quickly turn around with that effort. We must use things in your culture. If you make something like a movie and show it to your parents, they will say, "Oh, I did not know," and turn around. You must be responsible for your parents and family.

Where do Cain and Abel go after they are restored? They must restore the parents. The Principle is that you restore the outside Cain and Abel and then your own brothers and sisters. Thus, if externally our foundation can connect with the nation now, then you are responsible to restore your own brothers and sisters and parents internally. From now on, you must concentrate on this. That is my point, understand? [Yes.]

That is why you should serve your parents. You must serve your parents, be an example to your neighbors and become a child your parents like. You have been lecturing outside, but now you should lecture at home. If that does not work, you should ask someone in an Abel position to you to sacrifice for your family; instead of sacrificing for you, he sacrifices for your family. If you work on your family in this mutual relationship, a lot will be restored. Those whose parents are not restored, raise your hands. They all must be restored. (1974.4.29. Chung Ang Training Center)

C. Tribe Revival

From now on, we must do a revival for families. This will be a family revival representing the world. Your family revival involves your tribe, but it also represents all tribes. You must all think that way. You must think that not just in Korea, but also in the world many blessed families are connected to their own tribes, and your revival represents all these tribes. This way everyone in the world can participate in the revival. Today, since Korea became the basis of the Korean Unification Church, we can do a revival with our tribes representing the world. This is such a blessing.

For this revival festival you can cook a cow. It is up to you. If you want to cook a chicken, cook a chicken and you will be blessed that much. If you cook one hundred cows, you will be blessed that much. Everything will be determined by a serving heart and by how much effort you make. In proportion to this, your ancestors will be liberated. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

Now the reunification of Korea is possible. If you go to your hometown now and do a tribal revival, it will become a historic revival. This event is more remarkable than the March 1st Independence Movement. The circumstances have become such that the progress of God's way is welcome. If you cannot move your tribe even in such a circumstance, you must die. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)

Evil spirits gave medicine and then disease, Now good spirits do not give medicine and disease, they give medicine and send them to heaven. Our (good) ancestors gave medicine and let them live. Satan gave medicine and took them to the hell, but we give medicine and send them to heaven. In order to send them to heaven, your ancestors sometimes hit and give medicine. They say, "You rascal, why aren't you going? If you do not go, you will get sick." Wait and see. Your ancestors will do that. These things will happen, so they will not be able to help going. Even the governor of a state, in his arrogance, will be grasped by the neck by his ancestors and be told to go and bow in front of the Unification Church. Among these ancestors, if any of them committed a sin and became an enemy, he must indemnify his sin. Thus he must send his representative and beg for forgiveness. That is why these things happen.

So far Satan gave disease and medicine. He dragged them to hell this way. No one likes medicine, right? Medicine is a beating stick and suffering. Should you do a revival or not? [We should.] 'Truly, you must become a messiah. Then, if you just pray, you will appear with the right of messiah. So far we have kept talking about tribal messiah, right? Now you must do the work of the messiah, so you must do the revival. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

Why did I tell you to gather here? You must do a tribal revival, offering your life. In the future, the district leaders should be able to give a workshop, though they may not have it now. If you go back to your hometown now there is little you can do to earn a living. You must earn a living by the Divine Principle. If you simply teach them the Principle, they will say, "We will provide for your family." Who would let a priest starve? It must happen that way. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)

6) Tong Ban Outreach

What is our purpose? Tong Ban outreach, which we have been doing so far. Tong Ban outreach is our purpose. In your hometown, we can never tolerate Satan invading the Tong and Ban centered on your tribe. You must eliminate the root. Eliminate the weeds. (1988.6.1. Headquarters Church)

In the tribe, there are families. In the nation, there are many tribes and a nation is formed through a connection of tribes. The country can do nothing without following the Unification Church.

If we set up the tribal foundation, the nation will automatically be formed. Tribal and Tong Ban outreach are related. Tong Ban outreach occurs within the realm of the tribe. A village or Tong Ban are all within the realm of tribe, aren't they? That is why I used the term "Tong Ban outreach." If you become a tribal messiah, is Tong Ban outreach completed or not? It is completed. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

7) Building A Church

I wanted to buy 1500 churches across the country. How many are there now? [530.] We have established 530 bases. From now on, you must pray in these bases instead of at the holy grounds, okay? You know that though there have been so many religions, including Christianity, there was no religion that could serve the heavenly parents and plant the root of heavenly shimjung. You must set conditions to make churches in which a new root of shimjung can be planted.

Now is the time when the spiritual world can help us. You must organize your hometown and become the chief. Become the chief, establish a holy place and altar and, in this place of God, set up an altar of atonement. You must establish a church. Your hometown has experienced great sorrow throughout the fallen history! Just as the Israelites returned from Babylon after hundreds of years and restored the temple and served God, you must return and build a church. As for the myun level church, I do not build it. You must build it with your relatives. In order for your tribe, which is Cain, to be restored through indemnity, they must build a local church centered on you as the head and priest. Your close relatives must build it. You do not build it yourself. For the sake of God, you build a church and then a school, then you build your house.

If you have a house, sell it, if it is necessary, to pay for building a church and a school. Why? The second generation of Israelites restored Canaan. The second generation in the world now is on our side. You must establish an educational foundation that can make the second generation more loyal than you and pray, "The foundation of the present and future where You can operate will expand from here."

What do you have to build first? A temple to serve God. Next? For your sons and daughters, you must build a school where you become a tribal messiah teacher and show them your example of how you love God and mankind as their textbook. It is the same for me. I worked to make churches and schools, but the Korean government. gave no approval for schools. We built Sung Hwa University, right? One building cost enough money to build more than twelve ordinary buildings. It is a building to remain for a thousand years of history. Did I build the house for my own children or yours? Yours. You must make a donation and build the school. Have you made a donation? When I talk about building a church, you think I will do everything. This kind of thinking will lead you to disaster. If you cannot do it, I will have the Japanese members do it. Do you understand? If you fail your responsibility in your hometown, I will have the Japanese members do it, even by selling their blood. In the future, the husband or wife must go to the hometown church and live. You must invest blood and sweat to build a church.

Centering on these tasks and churches, you must make a prayer place. You should pray in the church, but if you cannot find a place to pray, you must make a place through selling your land and through a meeting of your relatives. You must make a place of prayer yourself. You must know this.

Next, if there is a rich person among your relatives, his house must become the church. You must even take down all the good houses and give to the church. In order to be an ancestor, you must make a church and then a school. You must pioneer a new history in order to keep the tradition. Each clan has its own tradition, right? Without this, forget about everything else. We must make an ideal blessed land where Heaven is served as Parents are served, and the clan can be settled eternally. If you set up a foundation of tribal messiah, your tribe must pay a tribute to the country. That time will come. Didn't you earn money and spend it on your own? From now on, everyone must pay thirty percent of what they make. How much do I give? (One hundred percent.] Not one hundred, but two hundred percent. I have done this all my life, even incurring debt.

God does not accuse you if you are indebted because of the providence of restoration, Those who are indebted for the sake of the God will be blessed. Understand? You will be protected. If you have money, you think of a bank account and your children's tuition, don't you? I think of the world, if I have money. That is why God protects me. Understand? That is the way to get a blessing. How much percent do I give? [Two hundred.] Two hundred? It is actually a few thousand. Even when I have money, I try to skip lunch or dinner, even though I am hungry. That is why a leader should not be indebted. I am not indebted to the Unification Church members, and nor to Korea or America or Germany. All the countries I have dealt with are indebted to me. Those to whom others are indebted never perish. Since you gave sincerely, you must reap sincerely. That means that you will get a tribute. The reason why the Japanese come to me and give me their life is that in the time of the Japanese occupation I secretly let the enemies go, though they would have been killed with just one word from me. Americans are like this now, and Koreans, too. You must know clearly. So how much will you give? Ten percent is for the church, another ten for the country, and another ten for the world. You must pay tax. You must know that.

When I visit you, if a church member has a house that is bigger than the church, he will be blasted. People like that in our church cannot be blessed, understand? They cannot belong to the family of Heaven. With this understanding, you must go back to your hometown and establish the 1500 holy places that I have determined. Didn't the Pilgrim Fathers build churches and schools better than the European ones, and then build their own houses? You must do likewise. After this, you must do more than establish an independent country. By all means you must distribute my plan. By distributing the design and making effort, our tribe and nation can have the best church. Shouldn't we have this? That is the only way to receive the blessing. I proclaim this today, and carry it out exactly. (1988.6.15. East Garden; 1988.7.22. Hannam-dong House; 1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House; 1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

8) Establishing A Lighthouse

When you go back to hometown, establish a lighthouse, okay? What is a lighthouse? At night, it gives light in the dark. What is it for? It is for the unification of north and south and east and west. From now on, you must light it up so that the light in the holy place does not go out.

6. Tribal Messiah And The Relationship Of Ancestors

1) The Original Ancestors -- True Parents

The world thought lightly of the Unification Church, didn't it? It thought that we would be extinguished and float away on our own. But that is not right. No one can solve the problem of the country. It is full of problems, and its fortune is declining. What is the original standard that will restore this? It is the ideology of the True Parents.

Adam and Eve had to become true parents on the family and tribal level, right? Historically, True Parents are ancestors. When a country is formed, who are the ancestors of the country? True Parents. Who are the ancestors of a family? True Parents. Who are the ancestors of the world? True Parents. (1990.5.25. Hannam-dong House)

2) Attitude Before True Parents

You must liberate your tribe. For your ancestors, go to their graves and pledge that you will give your life. You must start with the following declaration: "Our ancestors, I will be responsible for your errors. If there are people in opposition, I will get hit instead. I came to liberate you so that when I stand in front of God, you can help me without Satan's accusation." Centering on this, your ancestors from different generations should support you, just as I am supported. This way our nation can participate in the realm of Israel. This way you can go into the Kingdom of Heaven, a land of liberation. This is your responsibility. (1988.1.23. Ex-headquarters Church)

What will you do in hometown? First of all, you must take care of the graves. The Korean custom is to serve the ancestors. You can erect a gravestone, plant trees and make it your ancestors' favorite garden. Clean up the village and make it a place which everybody can praise. How would you feel? Make a bathroom in such a way that even a fly comes and runs away. If you do so, would you become the head of the village or not? The "head" is a bad word, but now it means being a king of good works. Only if you become an ancestor this way, will there be no trouble later. (1991.8.29. International Training Center)

Has there been a person who really loved his village? You know your village and each house, don't you? You know to whom a certain field of crops belongs, but you loved only your own fields. Is there someone who really loved his entire village? You only loved your own house? Is there someone who loved the village and the myun? No. Only God. That is why all things followed God as the master. There has been no master who could love the village, but because of Reverend Moon, these masters can rise. Who are they? They are the ones who are assigned to the mission today. You must live so that you are not ashamed before your ancestors. You must love the country more than your ancestors did. Love is such that if you give one hundred percent, 120 percent returns. True love never dissipates the more it is practiced. It moves history. (1988.7.22. Hannam-dong House)

3) Ancestors Are In The Position Of The Archangel

You go back to your hometown, and plant God's true shimjung of love and the original shimjung. Who then becomes the ancestor? You become an ancestor centering on God. Then the realm of ancestors centering on the heart begins to spread on earth at a level that transcends the nation. The time has come when a garden of shimjung can blossom in Korea. You must restore the fall centering on your family. So you must unite with God, and husband, wife and children must totally unite to form a four position foundation; then you can rule as an ancestor. Thus, centering on you, your ancestors are in the position of the archangel, and thus they are waiting for you to come to your hometown. (1988.5.15. Headquarters Church)

Your ancestors will all follow you. Your ancestors are in the position of the archangel, understand? The road of restoration is that of re-creation. According to the principle of creation, the angel was created first and then Adam and Eve. Hence, your ancestors, who went before you, are in the position of the archangel. You are in the position of Adam and Eve. Who protects them until they get old and married? The servants, not God, are supposed to take care of Adam and Eve. When the servants, namely, the angels, raise them and they get married, there opens a new area in which the servants are also blessed. Thus, the good spirits wait for the true Adam and Eve's appearance, upon which they return to the earth and welcome your steps toward returning home and saving the country. (1988.6.4. Hannam-dong House)

4) Support Of The Ancestors

If you return home with a determination to overcome indemnity and plant a seed of goodness, your ancestors must all support you and tell even the remotest relatives to welcome you with a big feast. Has it happened or not? I am worried because it did not happen. In the past, as I was following this course, a woman served me with rice and rice cake when I got hungry. The previous night her ancestor had appeared in her dream and had told her, "A precious guest will pass by a certain place, and you will encounter a disaster unless you do what I say. He is the top secret agent of Heaven. If you mess with this, your whole tribe will be wiped out. Take out all your possessions and make your best effort to serve him." Naturally, if your heartistic foundation coincides with mine, the spiritual world, which has served me, will also support you. It is not happening yet because you are still lacking in this foundation. (1988.10.3. Ilhwa Yongin Factory)

Your ancestors want to support their good descendants and want to come down. Many ancestors will come down around you. This is a world of religion centering on a tribe, transcending religious denominations. Your ancestors trust and love you, and want to follow you. Everything will follow you and want to be devoted to supporting you.

The Messiah is absolutely the central concept. Once an order is given, this is final. You cannot hedge and discuss it and say this and that about it. Once an order is given, it is all over. You must follow this. Such a center is the Messiah. So, standing in God's position, I send out the blessed families as tribal messiahs. So far God has not had such a family. Families could not have such a realm of love. Now the time is different. True Parents are on earth as such a family. God has sent the Messiah here. Now horizontally, you stand all over the world. I sent you out. This is what could have happened at the time of Jesus if the Cain and Abel tribes had become one and received the blessing. (1989.5.1. World Mission Center)

Now your ancestors will support you. In the past, evil ancestors used their descendants, but now is the time when good ancestors come out and act. There has to be someone who is willing to bear the cross of the tribe, pay indemnity for the nation, bear the cross of the country and world, and pay indemnity for the country and world. In the realm of the worldwide blessing, if you bear a cross and fight, everything can be quickly resurrected because of you. Then, in the horizontal position, a foundation is laid to save the ancestors across generations. That is the only way your tribe is liberated. Now you must pray like this: "Though I do not receive any reward, please forgive my ancestors' wrong doings. Please forgive that they did all kinds of things, hesitating on the path or going in the wrong way. Though they hesitated, please now open the road of resurrection for those ancestors who can stand for God's will."

First, you must liberate your ancestors. You must know this. Then you must liberate your tribe. For this everyone is assigned to their hometowns, right? Assigning everyone to hometown is the first event after 6000 years of biblical history. In the history of restoration, in which Cain must be saved first, there is no logic for saving the hometown. You are supposed to save it after you save Cain. You are being blessed because I paid indemnity for the worldwide Cain and came back. (1988.1.23. Ex-headquarters Church)

5) The Foundation Of Ancestors Is Hometown

We must show how to love your hometown in the right way. It is far from you to love the country and society, so go to your hometown. It starts from saving: "I did not know, but as I heard Reverend Moon, it makes sense with the great way of the universe." You must lay the foundation of heart; only then can ancestors come to their hometown and be restored through their descendants. How can ancestors come to Seoul and find Dr. Lee there? They are attached to their hometown. They only think about the hometown where Dr. Lee was raised. Your success is known only to you, but would your parents know? The restoration of hometown means the restoration of the spiritual world. With the support of the spiritual world, we should establish a foundation of tradition whereby our successors can advance. Heavenly fate works in this direction. I cannot do it blindly, but it must be done.

Love starts at my home. If I have received love from my parents, I must love them back. This is the heavenly way. The fundamental source of heart is the relationship of father and son. This is planted in the villages. Due to the fall, all this got overturned. This must be resolved on earth. You must go back to the village and become a better filial son and daughter than those who love their parents on Satan's side. Only then can good ancestors come down to earth. Spirits, who can move horizontally, then bring the name of the beloved one from their hometown and come to Seoul and support you. This way you expand your horizontal base. This is restoration. (1988.4.6. Hannam-dong House)

7. Hometown And Unification Of South And North

1 ) The Reason Why The North And South Separated

As soon as you go back, there is land which we wanted to buy to establish 1500 churches. Just as the Israelites came to the temple to resolve all their sorrows, you must cry as your nation's representative. Why is Korea so corrupt? Why did this nation become so pitiful, and why are South and North divided? It is because they did not serve God's will and lost it. As tribal messiahs, we must plant the tradition of the realm of heart in every place. You must cry with such right of ancestors. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

2) What To Prepare Before The Unification Of South And North

Will the unification happen? It will happen, right? [Yes.] Will you bring unification or not? [We will.] For something to look feasible and for something to be ordered are not the same. So far you have done what seemed feasible, but now you must follow my words. I did everything according to the word. I kept all my promises and did all I foretold. You must also keep your promise, then Korea will automatically turn around. The unification of Korea -- we will achieve this long cherished goal.

Centering on the unified country, if we achieve a Cain and Abel unity with China, the world will be automatically united. I have been making conditions for more than 35 years in order to achieve unity with communist China. At the 1981 International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, I said that I would be on the front line of Asia by universalizing technology with China, and the chairpeople thought I was joking, but I achieved it in five years. Wasn't a change of system announced on December 7, 1984? When we announced that the Soviet Union would fall, we said to wait for five years. How many years have passed now? [Four years.] How much did they oppose us? They sighed and worried about me. It was not to be listened to. It happened in this way because we announced it.

You also must announce the unification of Korea. Do you know the right methods or not? [We know.] If I hear that you are building churches, I may visit you sometime. You thought that I would forget, didn't you? Instead, I have all the maps. To wish to achieve the unification of South and North without first building a temple of God is to be a thief. Only when local churches flourish, can the sixty million people of North and South Korea unite and prepare a place where God can be served.

We must show the tradition of effort through your example so that the surrounding people can say with a desperate heart, "They are amazing. God will be with them." When we establish the country you desire, we will make it a source for educating the sixty million people. Do not do it in a clumsy or lazy way. Work hard. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

3) If The Tribes Become One, The Unification Of South And North Korea Will Occur

Among those who have lived here, there must have been filial sons and royal ministers. You must inherit the tradition of True Parents better than those filial sons and royal ministers, return home and plant it there. How do you plant it? You must serve your parents better than any filial sons who have ever lived, and you must be more royal than any royal ministers who have ever lived. Unless such a realm of heart appears, it will not take root. Thus, my declaration of return to hometown is the first in the history of religion. Though millions of years have passed by, now that I have come and indemnified everything, you can return home and win the repentance of your parents and tribe. I have not been able to do it. Now I am trying to do it for the first time.

Previously, we had to abandon our hometown and country. We had to desert Korea and fight in America. Why? Because Abel can return home only when he subjugates Cain and restores the elder son's birthright. He returns home with the elder son's birthright gained through winning a battle with the free world. Only when you love God more than satanic love, can the elder and second son go to God's bosom. Where does it start from? From your hometowns and families.

Just as one becomes a part of the True Parent's body, horizontally inherits the tradition of parental love and expands it through the tribe, nation, country and world, we must go to forty million people with the same principle. So inheriting parental love on a vertical level, we plant it horizontally so that it takes root. Our responsibility upon returning to hometown is to plant it with tears and blood from the highest level of love. Because you know this, I will find a landing place in your hometowns after having wandered in the wilderness without fulfilling the will for seventy years. When a family is established and a tribe spreads, we can indemnify the tribal standards of the families of Zachariah and of Joseph, which were lost at the time of Jesus. Centering on that standard, you, instead of me, are connecting to the country and going to the age of the unification of South and North Korea. (1988.5.11. Chung Joo Church)

If you go back to your hometown and connect your ancestors and tribe, the South and North will be unified automatically. (1988.5.11. Headquarters Church)

If you go back to your hometown, your ancestors are supposed to help. With regard to your tribe, you are Abels, and your parents and relatives are Cains. You are in the realm where Cain, Abel, country and world become one. There is no one to object to it. Thus, standing on the foundation of restoring the elder son's birthright, forcefully teach your tribe truthful values in a subjective manner. We must become one, from grandfather to father, mother, to our most distant relatives. We must work with purpose. We must unify the South and North, and for this all tribes must be one. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)

You must know what to do and where. From the tribal stage, you must go over the national stage. Since you are at the tribal restoration stage, I must become one with you on a national stage by connecting you with the truth. If we become one like this, the unification of South and North will automatically happen. We can digest China and the Soviet Union only when we become one like this. The conclusion is that we set up tribal messiahship. Where? In your hometowns in Korea. The idea of the Fatherland is vague, but assigning tribal messiahs is concrete. We assign a tribal messiah to the place where he was born. It is the return to hometown on a family level. There is an exact landing, and no more movement. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

4) Return To Hometown And The Unification Of South And North

The slogan of 1989 was "Unification of Korea." The Fatherland God desires is the Fatherland and hometown of mankind centered on true love! In other words, Korea is the Fatherland God desires and it is the Fatherland and hometown of mankind centered on true love! Korea must be the Fatherland and hometown of mankind, so Korea must be unified! So far mankind has not had a hometown and Fatherland! Korea must become that hometown and Fatherland! This means that Korea must become unified.

How is unification achieved? It is done through the principle of love and life. This is the principle of unification. First, with the individual centering on love, the body and mind become one. Centering on God, the mind and body of an individual become one.

Next is the unification of the internal and the external centering on the family! This is the unification of the internal and the external based on the relationship of the parents and children. It is the realm of unification based on one's family; one is to bring together one's family with other families centering on the parent child relationship. It is the internal and the external unification. By internal and the external unification, it is talking about one's family, the Abel position.

Moreover, next is the internal and external unity of the people. This is the same. After making the tribe one, it will become the Abel and bring many other tribes together. In order to make those tribes unified, one has to invest one's self for the restoration of the birthright of the oldest son. This principle is unchanging.

Next is the internal and external unification of the nation! South Korea and North Korea are different. For South Korea to stand in the internal position to unite externally, it has to walk the path similar to that of Cain and Abel. For this reason, South Korea must invest itself for the sake of North Korea. This is the reason that the president recently is repeatedly trying to give to North Korea, isn't this so? Because we have come upon such a time, he involuntarily has the desire to give.

However, one problem is that there is no way to protect or defend centering on this principle and rule. Because the path is not known, each person cannot ward off Satan from entering, so this has become a problem. For this reason, we have to quickly proceed on with education. You have to hurry up. In order to enter the native land and prevent Satan's invasion, all you have to do to bring it to a conclusion is to become a tribal messiah and live for the sake of the nation centering on the restoration of Cain and the foundation of tribe. We are dwelling in this era, the era of the internal and external unification of the nation.

If this unfolds all over, if in South Korea the tribal spheres can be unified on the world level completely centering on the Messiah, then this unified realm of love will go beyond the standard which has historically been dominated with Satan's love based on the national level. When this takes place, the nation will take on the form in which it will make an input for the sake of the world in the name of God. From that moment, Satan cannot raise the banner of opposition.

Up to now, Satan has been opposing religion centering on the national standard and by dividing into many nations. However, if we meet the standard of unity centering on the people now and on the national level in South Korea, then with this as the basis, when we enter North Korea, we will have already stepped over to the national standard. North Korea must become one automatically. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

Now, you have to go back to your hometown and play the role of owners. In your hometowns, you have to connect to me the individual, family, tribe, people, and all the way to the world. All you have to do is make the connection to the Republic of Korea. For the sake of the nation, you must mobilize the tribe and engraft them. All of you are to follow the path in which you can follow me. When you do that, the national standard will automatically be restored. You are not to claim the country of Adam and Eve through conflict. It is to emerge automatically when I send you to your hometown. (1988.10.15.)

What is the task of the Unification Church? The Korean people must accomplish the unification of the north and south, centering on the Unification Church. You must correctly teach the path that America must walk and the path that Russia must walk. In order to do that, you have to create the materials needed to teach the American people and materials with which you can teach the communist people, yet where would you gather those materials? They have to be made at the headquarters for the unification movement of the north and south of Korea.

This is the last fierce battlefield of the world. Because the pivotal point of the liberation of the world depends on this, the Korean people must not limit themselves to loving their own children, family and tribes, but also sacrifice for the sake of the south and north as a whole, as well as sacrifice for the sake of the world. Because such times have dawned upon us, you are to return to your hometown.

The unification of north and south will take place through the heads of boroughs and districts. It will begin to take place from the time you go back to your hometown and restore the four position foundation of mother and father. You must be able to engraft into the true love of God centering on your older brothers and sisters. Because they do not understand the true love of God, you must teach them. You have to become the educational resources. You have to teach them, "You must love the nation like this and love the world like that." You have to return to your hometowns and love in that manner. Unless you exert yourself, by shedding tears, sweat and blood, more than any patriot or filial son who has passed through that hometown land in history until now, even if God is present substantially He cannot guide you. This is the principle.

You must love Cain. In order for Adam to enter the kingdom of Heaven, he has to love Cain. Without loving the archangel, he cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. Some people did not return hometown for ten, twenty or thirty years after leaving home. This has been the case with me. You should not return to hometown. You must return only after defeating Satan and take with you the blessings. Because I have laid the victorious foundation of indemnity on the world level, those among your ancestors who are in the spirit world on account of the merit of that blessing are on the national level. You must understand that because the national level is within the world level, they are waiting for you, who are to return to your ancestors, in the position of archangels which had been created first.

What do you have to do? You must love God more than Adam and Eve. As long as you do that, your ancestors will support you from a hundred directions so that all sorts of miracles will take place. From now on, if your relatives try to oppose you with their mouths, then their mouths will be glued together. Their tongues cannot be moved; such phenomena will take place. All sorts of miracles will take place.

In this way, within one year we must place a banner in the families of the Korean people and, centering on the love of God, implant the true roots in those families. In order for the blessed couples to implant the roots, you must establish the bond of heart so that all of your relatives can engraft themselves onto the tree whose roots have been implanted. As this unfolds in the land of the South Korea, the land of the North Korea will also be connected automatically, so that there will be enough light of liberation radiating from the south and sweeping the north. Until now, the realm of love and heart of the True Parents has been lost, but for the first time in history, through the love of True Parents, we have established the standard that can cover over the divided North and South Korea, as well as the whole world. That is this horizon. I have come in from the world in the opposite direction and returning again, I am standing here. After entering, I have paid the indemnity to chase Satan out. From now on, as long as I connect you to the development and recreate the family, tribe, people and nation centering on your families, the world will then come to a conclusion.

The day that liberation is brought upon the problem of Korea, the problem of east and west will naturally be liberated. The key to this is Korea. Do you understand? (Yes.) There is no other way to open it except with the realm of heart of True Parents love.

You should understand this and go back to your hometown, and love your homeland with more effort than that which you have expended during your work throughout the decades that you have been in the Unification Church. Even a handful of grasses in your hometown should have formed pairs and receive the original loving heart of the Parents millions of years ago, yet they could not receive it. If this relationship of love can be bestowed upon them through us, then the land and creations can become one with us and return back to God, and by belonging to the name of the True Parents they can proceed forward toward the world of unification.

When you become one and make the effort, new roots will be implanted in the families of the thirty million people, so that not only would the unification of the north and south, but also the beginning point for the unification of the east and west, as well as the unification of Heaven on earth and Heaven in Heaven will emerge. You should know that the blessed era which comes only once in history is dawning upon us, and without falling off during this era but participating in it, you should become the victors who can praise the triumph that moves forward. As the original hometown becomes restored centering on God, Satan will be eternally locked up in the prison where he cannot resist, and the banner of liberation will be perpetuated together with the nation of true love. (1988.5.9. Guang Ju Church)

Centering on September 27, 1988, we are to return to the ceremony of the transition into the world unification. Centering on the Gae-Chun-Jer (the day of the opening of Heaven), it is amazing how the number matches so well with the year 4321. As I was carrying it out, that day came out to be exactly right. We can freely proclaim before Heaven and earth the appearance of the unified nation of the world, the new kingdom of Heaven on earth. Why? It is because all the members of the Unification Church are returning to their hometown. I have already distributed all the things they need to live in their hometown.

The meaning of the hometown providence this time is entering here to build a house and rear sons and daughters to raise meritorious ministers of Heaven. In the history of world religions, the concept of returning to the hometown is unprecedented. When one believes in a high level religion, one is taught to leave home, but there is no concept of returning to the hometown. You have to understand that the directive to return to the hometown is the joyful news given for the first time in history. When you return, you are to serve the parents and return after inheriting the nation of the parents. Do you understand? (Yes.)

In the future, I am going to order the dissolution of the Unification Church. What does one do in the Unification Church? One is to go to one's hometown and seek the nation of the hometown. What do you do in a church when you have created the nation that is directly connected to the hometown, and the kingdom of Heaven that is directly connected with the hometown? Isn't this so? It is found within you.

You are the ones who are to tie up the earth and also the ones who are to untie the earth. Just as the Bible teaches that in the spirit world it will be loosed or unloosed, according to how it is loosed or unloosed on the earth, just like how the key to the door of Heaven is given to Peter, I have given to you not the key to the door of Heaven but the kingdom of Heaven itself. This is the instruction which tells you to return to your hometown and then by sowing seeds of love restore the tribe. (1988.10.14. Headquarters Church)

5) The Unification Of North And South Is The Beginning Point For The Unification Of The Earth And The Unification Of Heaven

If you go to your hometown and bring unity, then your tribe as well as the nation will be connected. When you can connect to the nation, then liberation is next. The world will automatically be linked together. Until now, restorational history has been conducted centering on nations. If the sovereignty of one nation is formed on the national level, then there is the formation of the patriotic citizens centering on the nation. The character of people who try to leave something behind for the sake of the ideals of God's love even if it entailed giving their life for the people more than any people of any nation in history, then the connection will automatically be made to the realm of unified world. (1988.8.22. Hannam-dong House)

We have to reclaim the nation. Now, I am sending you to your hometown, as the tribal messiah of the hometown. I have sent you in order to restore the standard that could not be establish by Jesus.

Although you have gone to your hometown, there is no nation. Who is supposed to pioneer the nation first? It is your job. Because True Parents have the responsibility to be one step ahead in the dispensation of restoration and make the progress, I have been making all the preparation for the north-south unification movement; you have to understand this. You must go to your hometown. By restoring your tribes completely... this will expand out to the worldwide domain automatically when the one nation comes into existence. It is substituting the position of Jesus. Jesus failed at the restoration of the tribe.

When my work to establish the central nation that represents the nations in the world is completed, then as long as your tribes are restored, it will come to you automatically. If you can become the tribal messiah, you are making the link with the foundation for the national messiah, starting from the nation, on the world domain, by paying indemnity for the central nation.... What the unification of north and south signifies is the unification of the communist world and the democratic world. It will become the beginning point for the unification of the earth and the unification of Heaven. (1988.12.20. East Garden)

The way that the unification is brought about is that, centering on this love of Cain and Abel when the connection is made with the foundation that the realm of Abel can digest, Cain and Abel will become one, and the Abel will become the center at the place one level higher, and there, by expanding the foundation of having loved for the sake of the domain of Cain, a tribe or people that is greater in scope, and having brought harmony to them, as one reaches the level of the archangel, then all will come to a successful conclusion. This is how the principle model is. It will unfold based on this formula. (1986.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

6) The Unification Of North And South And Peace Will Come

I could not speak to my older brother about the principle. I could not even speak to my parents about the principle. How earnestly, do you think, I have longed to gather my family and share the words of the principle? However, the dispensation of restoration will not be fulfilled centering on one's own kinsmen. In order to restore the death of Jesus, I have to go out to the world and then return. There is no other choice for me but to turn it around and return to the point where centering on the spiritual foundation the substantial foundation can be built again.

The nation that stands before the world must be protected, within the nation the tribe must be protected, within the tribe the family has to be protected, and within the family the couple and children have to be protected, but in reality a nation wherein this can be done does not exist. Without the foundation of a nation, even if I were to love my kinsmen, I would be accused by Satan. You have to understand this. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

There is the foundation of God that He has been establishing on the earthly world throughout the history since the creation until now. Finally, in the era of Rev. Moon, He has renewed his expectations on the individual, family, and tribal level, but this tribe is becoming a tribe destined to doom. Everyone is only thinking about his own wife, children and parents, This will perish. I am not telling you not to do that. You are to settle down only after the fight and winning victory, after the unification of north and south. (1987.11.8. Church Headquarters)

8. Attending To The Holy Pictures; Raising The Unification Church Flags Submitting The Application Form For Membership

We, the Unification Church, are rewriting history. We are rebuilding a new heavenly nation. In order to do that, what do we have to do first? We need citizens and public service personnel, right? From the viewpoint of the dispensation, Unification Church members are the public servants, and the people who are submitting the application forms are the citizens. Their missions are different.

Those who have submitted the application forms have placed their stamp [signature] on them. However, people are very scared of putting their stamp on anything because, during the Korean War, it got them into a lot of trouble; they saw how people were executed and their families were massacred because of this.

Recently a regional leader from the Kangwon province came up and reported that members from a certain Catholic church went beyond their normal area of activity to do witnessing. However, when they got there they found that pioneering members of the Unification Church had already given lectures there and had seventy percent of the people sign applications. When the Catholics thought about the fact that Unification Church members already had a majority of the people sign their applications, they were displeased. They decided that they should also go and witness in the same region; as a result, they rushed there and visited all the places.

They visited all the important figures in the village and said, "You should believe in Catholicism. The Unification Church is a cult." Then these people said in reply, "We have already joined the Unification Church." They declared that they had already enrolled in the Unification Church party. They thought that joining the Unification Church was like joining a political party. They consider it something even greater than a party.

From now on, you will find that it is better to bring my picture with you wherever you go. My picture will protect you so that you can persevere through the most difficult hardships. In the Old Testament when Moses was performing miracles in order to liberate the people of Israel from the pharaoh and lead them into the land of Canaan, all firstborn sons died of a deadly disease, except for those who lived in houses which had the blood of lambs painted on their front door. In the spirit world, the spirits not only watch over our actions but also provide protection. (1984.1.15. America)

The Israelites met their doom because after they entered the blessed land of Canaan, they did not know what to do. However, I know what to do. Nonetheless, I did not talk about it. Do you understand what you have to do after entering the blessed land of Canaan? Do not follow in the footsteps of the ancestors.

If you understand this, you should prepare a prayer room in which you should put my picture and bow before it a thousand, even 10,000 times. In the past, the groups, such as that of He Hyo-Bin, who were preparing to receive the Messiah bowed 3,000 times each day. You should try this. When they were making clothes, they sewed each garment by hand, one by one. They believed that doing it on a sewing machine showed disrespect. Even with such great devotion, it was still not enough, But their effort did not yield rotten fruit without seeds. Although the result of this heart flowed away, it still left good seeds. It will revive.

I will not employ the service of those people who are not recognized in the Society of the Unification Church members. People who are like the beggars with no place to go should not come here. (1988.5.15. Headquarters Church)

The reason for this is that even in the satanic world, everyone hangs up the pictures of their parents. Because the last days have dawned upon us, we are to revere the heavenly parents and use them to educate our family in the right traditions. Rev Moon is very famous. Everyone, including the Christian ministers, acknowledges that I am a patriot living for the sake of the nation; isn't that right? Go, ask people. I am well-known as a patriot. Moreover, the whole universe bows down in recognition of my achievements, Furthermore, if, as a result, people come to say, "Since we have put the picture up, even a husband and wife cannot have a quarrel before it," and tell their children, "You should not do such things in front of Rev. Moon," then what is wrong with that? Because you are revering it more than the picture of your own parents, your ancestors will come and also revere it as their ancestor. Do you understand? It will become the altar where ancestors can come and provide service for the household. Because the way to receive heavenly blessing will open up as a result, even after you fall asleep at three o'clock in the morning they will chase out all the selfish devils from the surroundings of your family. (1991.8.25. Headquarters Church)

Having brought about unity in your family, you should implant the words of the teacher, and the mentality of the owner and patriot in the minds of your family members.

The love of God and love of man as expressed in the ideal of creation -- this horizontally and vertically combined ideology must expand from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation.... You should put up a public notice that states that you have won the right to a new tribe that has inherited the standard of the true lineage, and then, possessing the victorious kingship, raise high the flag. If someone passing by curses at that flag, then he/she will be punished. This is the reason why I told you to put up the flag. I have asked you to put up the flag again, right? Isn't hanging up the pictures and flags all you have to do?

When you hang the picture of True Parents in the room and put up the Unification Church flag, does your place fall under God's dominion or Satan's dominion? [God's dominion.] You will belong to God's dominion. I am trying to make you a part of God's dominion. For this reason, there were many people who were struck by lightning while they were cursing at the flag. This is quite miraculous. Some people developed sickness in their hands because they were pointing their fingers at me; they were able to recover from it only after holding their hand like this and praying in repentance for several days. This kind of phenomena takes place, right? Why?

When the heavenly fortune comes, it cannot be blocked by individual fate. It is an unchangeable destiny. When Moses held his rod up high, all who looked up to it lived. Do you understand? You will live as long as you look up to the Unification Church flag, bowing to it every time you come and go; every time you set out or come back, bow before the picture. (1991.8.25. Headquarters Church)

9. The Results Of The Activities Of Hometown Providence And Its Blessing

1) The Results Of The Activities Of Hometown Providence

Up to now, the reason that Unification Church members have been bearing the cross and receiving persecution is to restore the elder son during this era of the restoration of the eldest son. Should you suffer more hardships during the era of restoration of the eldest son? [We should do more.] We should be doing more. For this reason, a tribal messiah must liberate Jesus and me.

The family of Israel must liberate Jacob, the clan and people of Israel must liberate Moses, Christianity must liberate Jesus, and the Unification Church must liberate Rev. Moon. You cannot enter Heaven otherwise. This is the Principle. These are not merely my own words.

When I come to Korea and proclaim that I will bring its unification, who will help me? God will help me. For this reason, in the position of being one with God, I loved the satanic family, satanic tribe, satanic people, then the satanic nation, satanic world, and I even loved the spirit world and hell. I even loved hell. Because this is what I did, because I loved them, Satan cannot make any accusation even when everywhere I go becomes the individual heaven, family heaven, tribal heaven, people heaven, and national heaven. He cannot say, "You did not love me along with God." There is no room for such an accusation. For this reason, when you become one with me, when you become one with my word, the Satan that has been following you will be completely shaken off.

The meaning of tribal messiah now is that you are going with your family. You are blessed families, do you understand? You have passed the requirements for the family level. Sending the Messiah during the Old Testament Age was the sending of a bridegroom; in this Completed Testament Age now, what I am trying to achieve through my course of suffering is to send the Messiah on the family level.

God was trying to send the Messiah in the Old Testament era. He was trying to do everything in this way through the vertical path. During this Completed Testament era, we are to send the messiah to the four directions on the earth centering on me, and I am centering on the earth and God.

Whose responsibility is the messiah supposed to fulfill? He must restore the failures of Jesus. Did Jesus get married or not? [He did not.] Did you get married or not? [We did.] Centering on this issue of marriage, who is better? How did you get married? Was it done randomly or casually; how did you do it? Your blood lineage was transferred through True Parents. Your bloodline has undergone a transformation.

As a result, this has become the beginning point for the liberation of Jesus, for the historical wall to be dismantled centering on your family, and for the alleviation of the suffering of God and of the pain of the 2,000-year history caused by the failure of Jesus to marry and have children. Consequently, the land of your original hometown will come into existence. It is like the birth of the original hometown of Jesus. Do you understand? The original hometown of love will emerge.

What must we do next? You must liberate me. Unlike you, I do not have a hometown. Even now, shouldn't I go to my hometown? Isn't this true? I must return to my hometown. I did not have the free environment in which as a young man I could educate my mother, father and family members to start God's hometown there and begin God's nation in that place without any persecution.

I was unable to preach the words of the Divine Principle to my parents. My older brother was truly a great man. He was an exemplary older brother in his life of faith. He had received the revelation that our nation would be liberated. Moreover, although he did not know who his younger brother really was, he knew that I, who stood in the younger brother's position according to the secular viewpoint, was to become the greatest man in history. He understood this. He understood what kind of person his younger brother was. God told him, "He is the best of all the younger brothers in the world, so you must listen to whatever he says in your position as an older brother."

Therefore, Cain was restored naturally. Do you understand? It was restoration of Cain on the level of brothers. No matter what I did, whether I sold the house or did something else, he did not object to it at all. But I could not teach a word of the Divine Principle to such a great older brother. Can you grasp how miserable that situation was?

Traveling all over the world and learning while passing through numerous societies and national borders, I have given my life and suffered all kinds of hardships for the sake of resurrecting the people as citizens who can enter heaven. Yet I could not do a thing for my own mother and father; I lost everything there. This was because Christianity opposed me and the Korean nation did not fulfill its responsibility.

Even if I was to return to my hometown now, I assume that my parents have already left it and only a few brothers and sisters still remain. Probably one or two brothers are left. When I visit my hometown, this will probably bc the most incredible of any other sorrowful event that I have experienced outside of it.

For this reason, you must do your hometown mission so that you can do all that could not be accomplished before, either by Jesus, who has been waiting for the day of blessing while persevering through the past 2,000 years, or by my hard struggle during the almost seventy years of my life to love the enemy despite walking the road of opposition and cross; this is what you must do. Accordingly, you must understand that even if you are to suffer tens of times more than the hardships that you have been experiencing for the last several decades after joining the Unification Church, the glory and value of your returning home is better than any position you have now.

You have to shed sincere tears of love for your parents once you are there. You should say, "Father, Mother, I have failed to be a filial son. Older brother and sister, I am sorry to have caused your heart to suffer," and after bringing harmony through love, you should serve the family and rise up to become the ancestor.

You must become the ancestor. This is the beginning of the world. The grandfather is to become like the grandson and the father is to become the son. This is the phenomena that will unfold.

First, accomplish the liberation of Jesus, and then the liberation of who? [Liberation of True Parents.] You cannot accomplish the liberation of True Parents by sitting here. You must return to your hometown. You must have the determination that you will restore the environment that prevented Jesus from teaching the universal truth in the true sense of the word without persecution centering on his own clan; you must build the environment in which you can teach the universal truth without persecution and be determined to stand in the position to receive more persecution than I have received and to love your parents more than me. By your doing so, communism will collapse. Communism will retreat automatically. This is the Principle perspective.

The actions of a tribal messiah must surpass Jesus and me. Do you understand? (1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

2) The Value Of Having Participated In The Restoration Of The Hometown

Now the time is different. The past was the time of brothers. This is the era in which we must restore parents. It is completely different. You must understand the concept of parents,

Now, as long as you are proud of doing the mission of a tribal messiah and become a worthy Messiah like me, then you will not face opposition wherever you go. I have been carrying on the battle while looking to one side. By walking this path of life, I have laid such a foundation. It is not worthless; rather, it is very precious. You should realize this, too, How proud you should be of this time. This is the first time in history. (1989.4.2. New York)

Parents! Messiah! How much did the ancestors and religious leaders of the past yearn for a Messiah? No matter how much they yearned for him, they could not meet him. However, in this era, in your generation, this has become possible. You do not realize how blessed the generation is that can be together with the True Parents. This era is incredibly blessed.

Even Satan cannot oppose such parents. True parents can bring the true brothers into one and embrace them, but Satan cannot do that. For this reason Satan lowers his head in submission. This is the Principle. This is God's perspective of creation.

How proud we should be of this time in which you can be messiahs!? Do you understand? (1989.5.1. World Mission Center)

3) The Blessing Due To The Hometown Providence

The fact that the hometown providence has been proclaimed in this present era of religious history is extremely joyful news in the dispensation of restoration. However, until you heard the content and explanation of the good news, didn't you think that it was no big deal? If you did, how ignorant are you about the dispensation? (1988.7.22. Hannah-dong House)

I cannot love my hometown, isn't that right? Are you the ones who are blessed or am I? [We are.] You can meet your mother and father. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

For this reason, in your time you can embrace your parents and call out, "Father." Then your parents can also cry out, "Father!" So how happy must you be? As for me, I could not do this. I was never in the position where centering on the tribe I could call out, "Father," and my family members could feel my heart and shed tears. I could not call out the name of my father. I could not share with him about the victory of the heavenly kingdom. You have to understand that I possess this kind of sorrow.

You should love your family in place of me, who has such a sorrowful history. You must free your relatives. The word is the stick with which you can liberate them. It is miraculous that now the time has come for the proclamation of the word of truth. (1988.1.23. Headquarters Church)

Chapter 4 What is a Tribal Messiah?

Chapter 4 - What is a Tribal Messiah?

1. The Position Of A Tribal Messiah

What is a tribal messiah? He is the master of true love. To be a master of true love was the hope of Jesus, the hope of Adam and Eve, and the hope of God? Thus everybody has to become a master of true love and march on. If that happens, everything will be finished. Telling you to become a tribal messiah means telling you to become a tribal ancestor. (1989.1.3. Hannam-dong House)

In fact, to be a tribal messiah is the greatest assignment. It is like saying, "Hey! This is the best thing in the world. You could not buy it with billions of dollars. Hey! I finally realize it is the best thing in the world. There is nothing better, Nothing." How much did you think it was? If you retreat, how much would it be? You must know that it has a value that outshines the President of America or Queen of England. It has a value that outshines even Jesus.

You must understand that the tribal messiah is the vanguard who guides his tribe to their historical hometown in one generation. You must know that you are the vanguard, just like Moses was in the exodus. It is not blind devotion. Moses did not know some things, but I know everything concretely. I know everything logically. You must return to your hometown, but you cannot return to your hometown without finding Cain; that is a principled fact. Since the elder brother's tribe remains in the satanic world, you must save the elder brother so that his tribe can come to my tribe. If that is not done, you cannot do the work of tribal messiah because of Satan. By saving him, he becomes your fence, and you can return to your hometown and restore your relatives. If you do not do that, even if you witness to your father and mother, Satan will claim them again. They will be pulled away. Since there is that danger, God has to work this kind of providence. Even if you witnessed to your father, mother, your relatives and hometown, they will be pulled away again. (1979.1.14. Belvedere)

What is a tribal messiah? In one word, it is doing the work of raising your mother and father to the position of kingship. It means that you can then return to the hometown of the heavenly kingdom, where parents are centering on love; this is the original hometown where you were born.

If this is not done, there is no hometown. Where there is no hometown, there cannot be parents. By establishing this hometown, the hometowns of all the people who lived in Korea will be gathered in the place of the hometown of the heavenly kingdom. In this way all places that man was born on earth will belong to the heavenly kingdom, and we will inherit the position of a parent born in an unfallen place.

Then what is the problem? A tribal messiah first puts his father and mother in the position of messiah, with the same rank. After that, since there is no heavenly hometown, he has to find it. In this way the world hometown and cosmic hometown are connected, since Parents already prepared the grounds, and heaven and earth become the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven.

What, again, is a tribal messiah? First, it is making your father and mother into unfallen Adam and Eve. Second, by finding and establishing your hometown, the restoration of kingship occurs. If that happens, everything is finished, right? You just put kingship in there. First, you stand on the same level as parents, then restore your hometown. That means restoring kingship.

Thus all people who are born, whether in the former Soviet Union, America or anywhere, will come to have the hometown of the Kingdom of Heaven. In order for them to have the hometown of the heavenly kingdom, they must have parents in the heavenly kingdom. Becoming the parents of the heavenly kingdom is the mission of tribal messiah.

In this way, Satan also cannot reside on earth. Until now Satan has had custody of all the areas of the earth. Your becoming parents creates a region where a family of unity is born, and we can conclude that Satan originally could not exist in that place. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)

2. The Authority Of The Tribal Messiah

What kind of time is this time? From now on, without exercising the right of tribal messiah you cannot inherit tribal messiahship, you cannot inherit world messiahship.

Once you inherit this messiahship alone, you inherit everything that the vertical parent and horizontal parent did in your age. If you do not, you cannot receive that. In other words, you only have to advance to the position at which Jesus could have lived, married and saved the tribes of Israel.

You must indemnify Jesus' mistake. Jesus died without becoming a tribal messiah. If that is fulfilled, you can also inherit world messiahship since I have fulfilled my responsibility. Why? Since I have the ideology of the Second Coming that substitutes for Jesus, you can inherit the ideology of the Second Coming that substitutes for Jesus' realm of Israel.

In other words, you are standing in the position to accomplish what Jesus did not fulfill and the victory that I fought to win for forty years. You can inherit the standard on the cosmic level. You must indemnify Jesus' mistake and the fact that Jesus went to the cross, and you must indemnify my path of the cross.

The road that Jacob traveled is the road that the Israelite families have to go; the way that Moses went is the way the people of Israel have to go. The way that Jesus went is the way that Christians have to go, and the road that I went is the road that Unification Church members have to go. What is your authority? After a tribal messiah fulfills the responsibility Jesus had, I will hand the worldwide victory over to him. (1989.4.1. Belvedere)

3. The Mission Of A Tribal Messiah

1) The Duty Of A Tribal Messiah

What was lost due to the fall? True Parents were lost on the individual, national, world and cosmic levels. Adam and Eve were to become king and queen on all these levels if they had not fallen and had instead possessed the authority of a filial son and daughter in front of God's love.

What then is the Messiah, the Savior? What kind of Savior is he? He is not a Savior of power, or money, or knowledge? He is the Savior of love, of life and of blood lineage. Why? Because of the fall, man lost God's love, life and blood lineage and could not inherit them. The Savior is the one who comes to find and restore these.

You received the wrong seed. You received the seed of the devil, of the archangel. Your root is the archangel. Thus God worked for 6,000 years until now to send the Messiah. But because God is in a vertical position, it was difficult for Him to send the Messiah horizontally.

It is the same with me, In order to become God's son, I must enter a vertical position. I must experience feelings of east, west, south, north and all the feelings of front, back, right, left, above and below. When I reach the position where God can look and say that I have undoubtedly experienced them all, I enter the position of son, the position that a true person should reach. In order to block me from accomplishing this, Satan obstructs me in a hundred directions. The thing that Satan is most afraid of is grafting into God's love. He is not afraid of money or power. In front of God, power is useless. God is omnipotent and omniscient; therefore, He does not need knowledge. Does an omniscient being need knowledge when He is the King of knowledge?

From this viewpoint, what kind of person is the Messiah? What is the tribal messiah that the Unification Church is talking about today? Until now in order to send one Messiah, there has been much fighting to prevent the victory of a person with God's vertical standard of love. Two thousand years ago, Jesus came as this person, but he was killed. In this time of Reverend Moon, all Christianity and the whole world combined together in order to strike and kill me. But Reverend Moon is a smart person. I am proud of this. I am a very intelligent man, so the devil is most afraid of me. God, however, loves me the most.

What is it that Reverend Moon did until now? I have overcome communism and democracy. The right-wing and left-wing directions have disappeared. Now only head-wing remains. The world will go crazy trying to grab hold of the Unification Church and its head-wing philosophy. We have now entered that stage.

Reverend Moon is a smart man, so in order to deal with the world, I have dealt with the scholarly world. In order to end the struggle between science and religion, I have explained religion with scientific logic and taught a content that today's modern intellectuals can digest. Through ICUS (International Conferences on the Unity of Science), distinguished scholars of the world have come to appreciate me.

How miserable has God been? He has been seeking tribal messiahs until today. He sent Jesus in the position of tribal messiah. Today Reverend Moon of the Unification Church has fulfilled the indemnity conditions of the individual messiah, family messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah, world messiah and cosmic messiah. Now I have reached the stage where I can go over the 38th Parallel, the national boundary between North and South Korea. Therefore, the influence of Reverend Moon now is going all over Korea and making waves all over the world. It is making waves in five oceans and six continents.

What about Korea? A rabbit in a mountain thinks that her home is the best, right? She does not like where the tiger lives. I can take care of Korea any time, in any way. It is I who saved even America from its place of perdition. It is I who drew out the Soviet Union. It is not the CIA or the American government. If a man like that turned upon those churches who were opposing me, do you think they would have been well off? I would have taken them apart piece by piece. But I do not do that. I say to them, "Give it all you have got. Do the best you can." If they do their best but lose in the last wrestling match, are they still the champion? Would that kind of person receive the prize? He would be struck down by the public. He would disappear without a sound. In the religious world I did not fall away from the position of champion, but I have come this far with victorious authority.

God alone stood in a miserable position and sent one man Jesus; but they killed this tribal messiah. Through all sorts of hardships and difficulties God made Reverend Moon, and what did he do? Centering on all the rights of unity in the heavenly world and physical world, he has climbed from servant of servant, servant, all the way up to adopted son, illegitimate son and direct son; and from hell to heaven. Then he drove down an iron bar.

Reverend Moon, centering on God's love, sent the iron bar down from the world to the nation, from Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel to the lowest servant position, Through Reverend Moon, God's vertical love now extends down from heaven's highest place to earth's lowest place. You cannot take this out.

Moreover, even horizontally there is nothing that I have not touched. The fight is over. There is no one who will oppose the Unification Church from now on. I have cleansed all opposition, from the individual level, through the family, tribal, national and worldwide levels, up to the cosmic level opposition. In the middle of all this, a person who can call out Heavenly Father and True Parents, who determines himself to go beyond life if necessary, becomes someone who has no relationship with the world of the devil and the world of death.

In this vertical position, I have come to the physical world as the representative of God in heaven, and dispatched tribal messiahs on this earth horizontally at this time. Even if I die now, tribal messiahs will inevitably be grafted into this domain that is prepared in the world, connecting through this iron bar to the vertical world.

Thus what am I doing now? I am sending out tribal messiahs and making them become the ancestors of Abel-type relatives. These ancestors have seeds of life. The Messiah is the parent, and so he appears with the seed. Your relatives and mother and father have received the seed of the satanic world. If you strike against something with the seed of life, you will pass through wherever you go. Both the sticks of Moses and of the pharaoh's magician became snakes, but later Moses' serpent swallowed the serpent of the pharaoh's magician. In the same way persecution has now all passed away.

Tribal messiahship is what I hand down as the definitive core. Through it we can indemnify all the mistakes of Judaism and Christianity, and with victorious authority become the place where the blessings that Buddhism, Confucianism and all religions want to receive are combined. That is the tribal messiah. You do not have to worry about the nation. You do not have to worry about the world. All you have to worry about is your extended family. (1990.2.4. Headquarters Church)

2) The Responsibility Of The Tribal Messiah

The three conditions for returning home are true life, love and blood lineage. In order to actualize these, you must dedicate your life. I have risked my life and gone over so many hills. When you risk your life, the morning sunlight from the East that carries the dawn of a new nation will shine on the road of the Unification Church. The sunbeams that shine on that country are God's love, and the life force is God's life. This sun of hope and tradition will continue for thousands of ages. Thus by your inheriting God's unchangeable and eternal blood lineage, you can receive that sunbeam and attend Him eternally. That sunbeam symbolizes God, who is the essence of mankind's life, and symbolizes Parents. When you change your life by inheriting Parents' tradition, and this tradition of Heaven becomes subject in your life, withstanding any threat or opposition, your new day will begin.

Until that day, you must fulfill your responsibility by giving your utmost effort. I am handing down to you the supreme gift, the result of 10,000 years of faith, and the fruit of all the pioneering that God has done for billions of years since the creation of the world, If you inherit this completely, you will be able to honor the authority of the blood lineage established through the Unification Church, which you can be proud of throughout the whole universe and in the heavenly world. You should know that there is nothing more righteous or valuable than this. I ask you to become people who can go directly to the world of peace with that value. You should know that with your returning to hometown, the unification of a new nation will arise. Amen! (1992.1.26. Headquarters Church)

Originally, the ancestor of mankind was supposed to have his internal mind and external body united in an exactly perpendicular ninety-degree angle. Our original parent was to unite horizontally in a perfect ninety degree angle with God's vertical love.

Thus we must enter the original world where we are to make the right angle of heart, the world of original hometown, and lay the cornerstone correctly. We must not forget that we Korean Unification Church members have this destined and necessary mission at this final point of restoration, during which we are going to hometown. When man and woman are bound together horizontally, they should then fit perfectly in a ninety-degree angle with God's vertical love and become united. God will have dominion only when that place is realized. (1988.6.1. Headquarters Church)

In actuality, to restore your tribe, you must fulfill the responsibility of tribal messiah. There never was this kind of command in history. The position of tribal messiah is the position of a second true parent and is better than the position of Jesus. This position is endowed with awesome value. You cannot trade it with anything else.

Why do you have to fulfill the responsibility of tribal messiah? The first reason is that you must save your parents. The parent is in the position of the first Adam, and you are in the position of the second Adam. You must complete the mission of Adam by restoring and re-creating your parents.

The second reason is that you need a hometown. By completing the responsibility of tribal messiah, you will be able to have your own hometown. Ultimately the reason for fulfilling your portion of responsibility as a tribal messiah is the perfection of Adam's family. Concretely, you must educate your tribe. (1991.5.12. East Garden)

3) The Mission Of The Tribal Messiah

Just as you shed sweat for Heaven, you must also shed blood. You must gladly seek to go to the historical hill of suffering. You did not know until now that for your liberation you must pour out even more. You thought that it does not have anything to do with you and that everything will be fulfilled in relation to others, but you are wrong. We have to come back to the origin. You must know clearly that in order to return to the land of your hometown, you have the responsibility to destroy the false base.

Now we must fix your root. What happened to the root? Because of the fall, something went wrong with the original father and mother. Something went wrong with the first son. Thus, centering on True Parents and centering on the original right of Parents based on their true son and daughter and the right of the first son, we must reverse the situation of our ancestry. Thus you are destined to return to your hometown and restore your ancestors. (1988.6.1.)

Because of Adam and Eve's mistake, Jesus had to come as a true parent, right? He had to indemnify the mistake of the first parent and also fulfill his own desire. Centering on the example of how the third parent has carried the cross of love, you then are to demonstrate to your relatives your ability to love even your enemy more than yourself. By doing that you can destroy any historical barriers in your path and go directly to God. The mission of the tribal messiah is to demolish and go over any tribal walls remaining which block the way to God. Centering on what? Centering on True Parents.

Thus you cannot think only about yourself. Night and day you have to care for your grandfather, grandmother and everyone first, and then be the last to go to sleep. By working and shedding blood and sweat, you have to not only feed your son and daughter, but also your whole clan.

It is the same as being in the wilderness course. If you are among the 600,000 Israelites in the desert with Moses, you cannot just feed your own household. You have to go beyond your own tribe and put food in front of Moses and tell him that even if we die, we should die together. Even if you eat in one day what you have been eating for a hundred days, the twelve tribal leaders have to donate it in front of Moses.

Without living this kind of lifestyle, you cannot connect through heartistic relationships from your family to the tribe, nation and world. On the national level, I have established the standard of restoration through indemnity and prepared a foundation that can connect things, but I cannot make your own tribal foundation, right? That is the responsibility of each tribal messiah.

Do not look to me from now on. Until now I took responsibility for everything, but now you must take responsibility for your own clan. Your heart must be absolutely vertically connected with God in a ninety-degree angle, individually, and in your family and tribal relationships. Nothing -sleeping, waking, eating, living -should be centered on yourself. Everything you do is for your clan. You should feel, "Even if I die, and if I am a Kim, I must solve all problems and difficulties for the sake of the Kims." Even if Kim Il Sung comes out and asks South Korea for elections, he cannot make any progress because we have connected strongly with our tribes. The Unification Church has to make this preparation. That is the way to stay alive. That is the way to save the nation. That is why for the sake of the mission of tribal messiah we must march forward. In order to restore Adam and Eve's and Jesus' mistake on the national level of heart, the tribal messiah has to bear the cross. (1988.10.3. Yongin Factory)

If an individual gains victory and forms a family, that family has to go over the hill of restoring their tribe, society, nation and world. What is the desire of the individual? It is to establish a family that can stand on the side of God. After an individual establishes such a family, what would happen if he says, "To get to this point, I have overcome all sorts of hardships and suffering, but since now I am married, let's relax"? Let's say he lives in luxury and fun, and takes naps whenever he wants. What kind of realm is that? That is the realm where Satan surrounds him on every level, from the tribe to the world.

When we know this, should we say, "How wonderful"? [No.] In that realm, the more children you have, the more trouble you will have. You might wonder, "What is he saying now?!" But I am telling you something very interesting and important.

In order for an individual to find peace, he needs a family; thus the Unification Church has been fighting to establish true families. In the same way, a family cannot find peace without a tribe. Your tribe serves as a fence to protect you and your family from the blowing wind. Without connecting to your tribe, you cannot exist in a peaceful family.

In order to do that, you should become the tribal elder for your relatives. If you become their tribal elder, even if there is fighting going on, relatives from different villages will go out to the front line and fight, and the elder just has to direct their efforts. Then he can rest!

Therefore, I am telling you to fulfill the mission of tribal messiah. Have you heard that kind of talk or not? [We did.] I have taught you everything already. Do what? [Mission of tribal messiah.] I am telling you to do the work of a tribal messiah. Then I am telling you to become a messiah to a race. In the future if you go out in the world and witness, you are doing mission of a messiah on the level of race. (1972.5.18. Taegu Church)

4. The Proclamation Of Tribal Messiahship

1) The Day Of The Proclamation Of Tribal Messiahship

Why did I send you out as tribal messiahs? Two thousands years ago, Jesus was sent to this physical world from the spiritual world through a vertical course. Today Reverend Moon, in the position of God and representing heaven, is sending out thousands of messiah-type families who can represent their tribe. Now we cannot perish. I proclaimed tribal messiah this year January 3rd, at 2:30 p.m. (1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

2) The Background Of The Proclamation Of Tribal Messiahship

These days I do not cry, right? If I cry, God cries. The spiritual world cries. Even if I am in a very sorrowful situation, as a man who has the responsibility to comfort God, I cannot cry even if my younger brother is dead. At that time I should not cry, but must have what seems to be a cold attitude. Why did the words "tribal messiah" appear? For what reason did the words "tribal messiah" emerge? The position of the Messiah is the position of parent. Without becoming a subject of true love, one cannot fulfill the position of parent. Even in the fallen world something remains that is from the original world -that is, the parents' mind that lives for the sake of their children. Parents' love for their children is the only standard of heart from the original world that continues with any dignity in the fallen world. It is a realm of heart that is slowly being extinguished, but is like a kindling that still remains in its essential form since the creation of the world.

The crab apple of Taegu is famous, right? Sariwon's crab apple is also famous. If they are the same color and shape, you can exchange the Taegu crab apple with the Sariwon crab apple. When they are the same, it is all right.

Who is the most famous person in the Unification Church! I am, right? What about when you are the same as I? When they are same, even if they are exchanged, God will think it is all right. If you, who have been exchanged this way, play the role of the head of the Unification Church, would God complain or not? [No.] Then when I say to Unification Church members, "Whom do you want to resemble?" what would they say? [Father!] Right, they would like to resemble me. What then should Reverend Moon of the Unification Church say? I have to tell them to resemble me.

The road of restoration through indemnity is traveled by coming to resemble me. Without restoring what was lost, indemnity cannot be paid. That is why if you are thinking of taking the road of indemnity, you must come to resemble me, You must shed blood and restore through indemnity the standard that was lost a long time ago. The providence to restore a heavenly nation proceeds through the strategy of willingly receiving persecution.

Since Father has suffered, should you suffer or not? [We must suffer.] Some children from a rich household may squander the wealth they inherited from their parents in one generation after their mother and father die. Why is that? They are different from their mother and father, who did nor inherit anything but amassed their wealth by themselves, even one penny was precious for them. In that sense their son and daughter are different. They will perish because they are not like their parents. (1990.2.16. Hannam-dong House)

The religious body of the Unification Church is a tribe. It moves with my blood. It should cry when I cry and be happy when I am happy. It is my blood relative. We are establishing a new nation of heaven by demolishing walls and then uniting into one all races, nations and cultures. When this new united race becomes sacred, the heavenly nation will appear. When you live as people of that holy nation, you will connect with the Kingdom of Heaven. That does not happen with words.

Each individual has to work to proclaim this new race on every level, from the family up to Heaven and earth. Last time I came here I said that one person in every blessed family has to be mobilized. When the nation is having difficulty, we should spread out through the whole nation and fight for its life. I told you that this kind of age of national destiny is coming. This is why I sent your families to the countryside.

Now is the time to declare a victory centering on your tribe. To do this, Reverend Moon has to set up the absolute condition of victory on the worldwide level for all people and nations to go in the direction of heaven. Without doing that I cannot enter the nation and proclaim the last liberation is at hand by uniting tribes and following the public law. When I proclaim, "Satan be gone," your ancestors will come into your families and play the role of master. Things will be different.

If you can say, "In our family we have loved Heaven more than we have loved our parents, our spouse or our children, and we have sacrificed all our possessions, made an offering of our household, and are raising a heavenly family in order to fulfill the hope of our people," then you will be accepted. (1987.9.13. Headquarters Church)

3) The Meaning Of The Proclamation Of Tribal Messiahship

Now is the time to go out, after fulfilling the ideal family standard that Jesus could not fulfill. That is, now is the time for sending out the family messiah, As family messiahs, where are we sent? We are sent to our blood relatives, our kinsmen,

I walked the course of indemnity on the individual, family, tribal, racial national and world levels; thus you do not have to go the same kind of indemnity course as I have. Now I am sending you out as tribal messiahs in a position similar to Jesus' position. You are now in the position of being married. You have that kind of foundation of the individual, family and tribe being connected to one. I have always taken the indemnity course that connected with heaven. You did not. How can you then be connected to all those indemnity courses? You have not gone through those courses.

But I have blessed you. Having received the blessing means that you are in a better situation than Jesus. Satan cannot accuse those who have been blessed. He cannot accuse either the man or the woman who has been blessed, because their blood lineage is connected centering on God. When we see this, Satan cannot accuse on any level -individual, family, tribe, race, nation or world. If you act by taking responsibility in my place, Heaven will support you. The spiritual world is still helping us as they were doing in the past to support us when the Unification Church and I were pioneering in difficult times. At that time, even while we were being persecuted, Heaven helped the Unification Church develop into the age of tribal restoration. Now we do not receive persecution, so how much faster can we expand? (1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

4) The Purpose Of The Proclamation Of Tribal Messiahship

You who want to do the will of God must proclaim to your relatives that you are their tribal messiah. Whether they listen or not, if you do not accomplish your responsibility well, the time will come when you will be caught by Heaven. Thus you should proclaim your tribal messiahship. In order to fulfill this time we have proclaimed tribal messiahship, so you must act. All have to go to your hometown.

If you cannot go to your hometown, then you should work to save the nation. If you cannot go, work for the unification of North and South Korea. Even if you cannot do tribal messiah work, if you give effort to fulfill the responsibility of a racial messiah who can save the North, you will be able to surpass the domain of a tribal messiah.

Upon returning to your hometown, if you think only of your own problems, of making a living, educating your children and so forth, you will all perish. When the Hebrews were starting the exodus, those who did not go perished, right? You can become cursed people. Because this is the heavenly will, Father is proclaiming everything, that is, tribal messiahship, now, before it is too late. (1990.10.8. Hannam-dong House)

The purpose of the proclamation of tribal messiah is to endorse, approve and proclaim, with the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven, the family that fulfills the standard of Heaven and that was found by restoring the mistake of fallen Adam and Eve. (1989,10,8. Headquarters Church)

5) The Influence Of The Proclamation Of Tribal Messiahship

That is how it is with the road of restoration through indemnity, right? We must separate from Satan's accusations on the worldwide stage. Then by coming back we must protect the national standard in this way and establish the realm of tribal messiah. By doing that we are making a worldwide connection that can pass through east, west, north and south. Our blessed families, the blessed families of the world, who correspond to 21,000 families, can be connected in this way. As all of them become complete and victorious, they make a base for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)

The time has now come to make a coalition of tribal messiahs. Less than three days after I proclaimed the tribal messiah providence, the Moon clan decided they wanted me to become a tribal elder. A long time ago these were people who laughed and mocked the Reverend Moon of the Unification Church. But then they bring me to the meeting where tribal elders are gathered and tell me to become a tribal elder. That is, they want me to become the chairman of all the elders. When we see this we can know that God is helping. Everything is prepared. (1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

6) The Proclamation Of Tribal Messiahship And The Return To Hometown

Is today the last day of this year (by the lunar calendar)? Tomorrow is the lunar New Year's day? [Yes.] That is why before the last hour I must announce something. In the same way that I proclaimed tribal messiahship before, that kind of time is coming when you all must return to hometown.

I also want to go to my hometown right now. I do not want to stay here in Seoul. In this way when Unification Church members in foreign countries go to their hometown and fulfill all the activities of returning home, the effect of all this work will naturally allow me to return to my hometown in North Korea. Without a fight, things will just open up. The tides of this providence can fill up and flow through Father's hometown. That is the reason why we must make more effort than the junta of Kim Il Sung and form the heartistic hometown, the land of Canaan. This is the mission of the Unification Church. Thus you have to become tribal messiahs today. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

5. The Awakening Of The Tribal Messiah

1) The Reason For Giving The Responsibility Of Tribal Messiah

I am calling you in order to hand down something noble. If I fail in this, all the spiritual world will accuse me. I know that. How fearful. I know very well. No matter how difficult my life course has been in the past, that in itself is not a problem. More fearful than that difficulty is the accusation of the spirit world. Thus no matter how much persecution I was receiving, I knew it was the easy way. I know which way is more valuable.

So when I make a decision, your nagging me to change it is useless. I see, hear, taste, smell and touch everything, and then make my decision. You cannot complain. I experimented with everything before deciding. Thus you must listen to me. You cannot see clearly what to do yourselves, so you must shut your mouth. You must know this clearly. How fearful it is. Everything else is bad. The only way is to act. Only by constantly working can you gain victory. That is the position of True Parents. Until now I have piled up victorious conditions like a mountain. They make a beautiful mountain, a beautiful river and a beautiful field, Thus naturally all kinds of animals gather there.

Sometimes I drive you around constantly, and you run away. You have done it many times, That is fact, How foolish that is! I often see members who take that kind of attitude. I gather those kinds of members and command them with force, "Get out there!" I have seen those incidents many times. There is always a problem. How miserable a scene it is. So many times I have seen your ugly face, ugly eyes, ugly ears, ugly mouth, ugly mind and ugly body. In the past you have manifested all those ugly appearances. How shameful it is!

Now I have given you the name of tribal messiah. What kind of messiah? [tribal messiah.] Tribal messiah! As that messiah, what do you have to do? I have prepared everything for you also to become a national messiah, world messiah and cosmic messiah. I have prepared treasures that are as large as a mountain. If you can become a messiah, you will be able to inherit all this. It will be as if a pipe is connected to you, and like flowing water, all that treasure will be handed down to you,

If, after you inherit this precious thing, you fail, your descendants in the future will accuse you. God will not help you. Mother and I, the True Children and all Unification Church members will not help you.

You must follow my way. You must walk the same road that I walked in the past. After that, you can have freedom, then the new Heaven and earth will unfold. We desire freedom.

Will you become a messiah this time? [Yes.] Are you to go by yourself or as a family? [Family.] Until now the Messiah was just one man, but from now on there is also the family messiah. The Messiah as one man received persecution until now, but when the family messiahs take their place in this world, there is no one who will oppose us.

You are to enter Canaan, but you might make a tent by the Jordan River and say, "We have arrived, so we should live here for thousands of years." But you have to shatter that tent, step on it and throw it out in the river. Are you going to sleep by the Jordan River?

At the time of the crossing into Canaan, Moses should have come, burned down everything and kicked everyone out -forcing them into the water. They thought the Jordan River was deep, but they opened their eyes and saw that it was not so deep -it was only as high as their knees. They must cross the river before dying. If two-thirds of one's body is on land, one can rest there. Satan cannot take that away. It is okay if they die. Crossing the river is a success even if they die. That is the purpose of the long forty year course.

At that time, would their feet be light or heavy? [Light.] Would their knees be like the knees of seventy-year-old Father or like the knees of you who are in your thirties? So, will you go ahead of me or behind me? [Ahead.] What would Moses say then? Would he say, "Hey, you, why are you going ahead of me?" In the middle of the desert when people do not know where they are going, he will say, "Hey, you! Watch where you are going!" But when they can see the river Jordan and the land of Canaan ahead of them, he will praise them, saying, "Go ahead! Good, great, my sons and daughters." Before they reached the river, he told them to follow him, but when they can see the land of Canaan, he will say, "Go ahead of me." This is beautiful. The people of Israel all crossed, but Moses did not. What happened? Did Moses say, "Ah, cursed people! You have abandoned me. Die! Perish"? Moses instead said, "Oh, it is all right if I die, but may you all receive blessing forever." Moses would raise his hand and pray, "Heavenly Father, look at the race of Israel who are more brave than me. Protect their future! How hopeful they are!" God would respond, "Ah, you are a great leader! I will grant you your prayers! And you shall pass away in comfort." How wonderful a death that would be!

I am thinking these kinds of things. I also want to see that kind of brave Unificationist. While following me, you have become exhausted and sometimes look strange. But at this time you should bravely cross the river, saying, "I will cross to the other side first." If there is that kind of Unificationist, I will feel the same for you as Moses felt for those who were crossing the Jordan River.

We are the tribe of love, right? [Yes.] I believe in the tribe of love. I love the tribe of love. I want to guard and protect the tribe of love. I am proud of you who are in the tribe of love. The tribe of love can only go one way, not two.

This time, without fail, everyone with the responsibility of tribal messiah should return to his or her hometown and proudly say, "I have returned as a tribal messiah." This is for you and for your descendants. It is similar to the time when land was allotted to each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Now we have entered Canaan. A long time ago Canaan referred to the land past the river Jordan, but now this earth is Canaan. It is to be one people and one nation under God, There is no separate single place to go. Anywhere -whether it is Korea, America or elsewhere -each country can be one's Canaan. The Canaan of long ago had seven tribes who opposed the people of Israel, but now there are no people who oppose us. Everyone is in the position to be able to welcome us. The Israelites were like beggars when they entered Canaan; then, as they forsook their own traditions and followed the customs of the seven Canaanite tribes who were living well, they perished. But now we are in a position where people respect us and can follow us; so there is no way for us to perish. The Israelites were in a position where they chose to follow the customs of the Canaanite tribes. Now the external world is all ruined and decadent; only you have hope. Because they want to follow your example, the satanic world also will not perish. It is the opposite kind of situation.

At time of Moses, the Canaanite tribes had money, beautiful women and so forth, but the Israelites came as a group of beggars. Since they also wanted those things, they humbled themselves and entered into the Canaanite society. But now it is different, It is the opposite way.

Now is not that kind of time. Because people of today welcome us and almost envy us, it is different. The problem for the Israelites was that they followed the culture and tradition of the seven tribes of Canaan. That is how the Israel people perished. That is important. It is different now.

Unificationists are the center. The rest of the world is perishing and does not have hope. They look at us, saying that Unificationists are the only hope.

Unificationists have to become one and, from now on, fulfill their responsibility as messiahs. Be bold and strong! Just as God told Joshua and Caleb, be bold and strong. Since we have an earthly foundation prepared with Parents, Heaven and everything, let's push forward for the restoration of elder sonship! God is supporting you, and True Parents, True Family and the power of the Unification Church is protecting you from behind like a fortress. The only thing you have to do is march forward on one road. That is the road of victory.

When I was fighting in the American court system, I was ready to go to jail. You should determine to go forward for liberation despite the threat of jail. You and your family should fight and work, with more boldness than I had in court, to become the leaders of Canaan. Can you become that kind of soldier? [Yes.] Can you or can you not? [We can.] It is not just you alone. You must go as husband and wife, as a family.

You cannot have habits that you received from your mother and father and have kept until now. You must sincerely teach the heavenly tradition to your sons and daughters from now on. If you just let things continue as they are, your family's blessing will perish. That is why I am giving you the responsibility of messiah and pushing you out. That is the responsibility of us who are living in the greatest age of history. You must become masters who own this wonderful time of love when the spiritual world, the physical world, Heaven, earth and the cosmos are watching you! Amen! (1989.4,9. Belvedere)

2) The Nobility Of The Tribal Messiah

You think tribal messiahship is cheap? Smart Father dedicated his life to accomplish the mission of the messiah and still I am ashamed because I feel I am not worthy. The words "tribal messiah" for you are astounding! You can stand in the position of being more worthy than Jesus. Moreover, you can raise up the people who opposed the Unification Church and cursed it with all kinds of bad words to the position of unfallen Adam. Can those kinds of words even be possible now in this world? They cannot be possible because Reverend Moon, who is speaking now, is in the position of True Parent. I have fulfilled everything that I have said until now. There is nothing that has not been fulfilled. (1991.8.29. International Training Institute)

Why is the tribal messiah precious? Because he stands in the center of the family. That is the tribal messiah. What then really is the tribal messiah? I am the worldwide center and the center of the nation, but you do not have that position. You have not accomplished your five percent responsibility. Therefore, in the same way that I loved the world and loved the nation, you should love yourself, your wife and your family as if you were loving God. You should love your relatives like you love your children and your wife or husband. Centering on that kind of love, you are to love your nation in the same way and love the world in the same way. Since I am already connected with the nation and world, you will also be connected automatically.

When this happens, the road you go forms a foundation that can connect from the individual realm of heart to the family realm of heart, tribal realm of heart, national realm of heart, world realm of heart and cosmic realm of heart. You can see how important is this standard of tribal messiah.

When you see this from the Divine Principle point of view, if the family is the formation level, the tribe would be the growth level, and the nation, perfection. If you look centering on the nation, the nation would be the formation level, the world would be the growth level, and the cosmos, perfection. If you look centering on the world, the world is the formation level; Heaven and earth are the growth level, and God Himself is the perfection stage. They are combined by love. When we see the law of progress that connects in this three-stage law, we should know how precious the standard of tribal messiah is when establishing a heavenly nation. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)

You are the tribal messiah, tribal savior. You have the name of tribal savior. How long did Jacob's family long for the Messiah to come? They waited thousands of years. They were supposed to welcome him after waiting several thousands of years. I have appointed and sent you as tribal messiah to your tribe. So how precious is that messiah? (1990.1.14 Headquarters Church)

3) Realize The Value Of Tribal Messiahship

Those of you who came to this place have the same mission as the messiah of the Kim clan if you are a Kim. You should think, "I am the messiah," representing the Kim clan if you are from the Kim clan, or the Park clan if you are from the Park clan, and are responsible to build the nation of Heaven representing that clan. Think that you are the savior who redeems the Kim clan. In order to do that, you must fulfill the responsibility of high priest to the whole Kim clan. (1965.10.31. Taegu Church)

What is the last remaining goal? What is the final method to find the solution? What do we have to do to finish breaking through all the walls and to finally restore health to the world? We have to become tribal messiahs. When this is finished, there will remain nothing that can be an individual condition for accusation, a family condition for accusation, tribal condition for accusation, racial condition for accusation, and national and world condition for accusation. (1989.3.19. World Mission Center)

You must know the serious fact that you can now inherit the foundation of Israel through three ages. We should not forget that we can inherit the victory of Israel.

Do you understand how fearful are the words "tribal messiah"? If the messiah does not fulfill his responsibility, he has to die. He cannot return before he dies. This is the mission of the messiah.

You should not infringe upon the standard of the messiah. You should not violate it even if your life is extinguished or your whole clan is extinguished. Your mother and father cannot capture and kill you, right? They cannot crucify you. That is your good fortune. If Jesus had that kind of blessing, how well would he do his mission? Who has pioneered the tradition of returning to hometown by winning the fight with the world and making the necessary indemnity conditions? By making the realm of the tribe, I have opened the way to go, not only to this tribe, but also to the family. When have you walked the course of indemnity on the worldwide level? From the servant of servant level, all have to become sons centering on Cain and Abel, and return to the mother, the realm of Eve centering on the realm of Adam, right? After that we have to return to God who is the owner of all things. From now, that kind of time will come. Since we have found one vertical realm of heart, we should be able to embrace the world centering on the individual, family, tribe and race.

Therefore, do not take for granted the amazing realm of tribal messiahship that I have established for the sake of restoration through indemnity while holding thousands of years of unsatisfied desire in my heart. (1991.1.20. Headquarters Church)

I sent out blessed families as tribal messiahs, representing the families of the world. That is why you must become record-making men and women before the couples of the whole world. You must know that the son and daughter who were born to be a record-making man and woman have became ancestors of all the men and women on earth. You should, therefore, become sons and daughters who can take a direct route from here to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (1989.3.1. Headquarters Church)

6. Applying For Tribal Messiah Activity

1) Confirming The People Who Submitted Applications

From July 1st, blessed families should actively perform the responsibilities of tribal messiahship. When we send out applications that indicate the portion of responsibility that you have to fulfill as tribal messiahs, fill them out and submit them. I will not take responsibility for those who do not send them in.

Until now we have invested much effort, but it has not brought you much result. However, from now on what you invest will be your asset. Your effort will be your preparation for the future. You are being given a powerful weapon. During the daytime you should work to educate people and, at night, make money. There is no time to play around. You can cut down your sleeping time. Always think of how serious God is. Use all your time for the sake of God. Are you making a strong resolution to go back to your birthplace and fulfill the responsibility of tribal messiah? (1991.5.12. East Garden)

Those of you who applied to become tribal messiahs on the first of September, raise your hands. Hmm, you all did. (1991,8.29. International Training Institute)

2) Total Mobilization

From the first of September, there should be total mobilization! Moon Seung Lyong, you are chairman, right? You are to coordinate the packing and moving. Start with the company you operate. If you really need some people, you may discuss and choose a few people to stay behind; otherwise, there could be a problem. connecting to the company when we return again. You have to return again, right! After going to your hometown, you must establish yourselves in society, right? Because you have to come back and continue the business for the public, a minimum number of people can stay behind.

Because you have to go and then come back, there is no other way but to decide by yourselves to leave behind the minimum number of people. It is a clean sweep, That is why you are refugees! Pack up your bags and leave. (1991.8.29. International Training Institute)

Chapter 3 - The Essential Restoration and the Establishment of Elder Sonship

Chapter 3 - The Essential Restoration and the Establishment of Elder Sonship

A. The Essential Restoration

Due to the fall, we received Satan's blood. If the progenitors of mankind, Adam and Eve, had not fallen, they would have been God's children without sin. But they became Satan's children through the fall. Originally. human beings would be governed only by God. God is to be the only Lord of human beings, but Satan became our lord through the immoral relationship between Satan and human beings.

1) Foundation For The Separation Providence

Principle teaches that love is the governing power. That is why Satan has a right to claim ownership over human beings even though his love is immoral. According to the principle of creation, God is the original owner of human beings. Therefore, God and Satan together can claim ownership over human beings. But it is physically impossible to divide Adam into two -- one for God, and the other for Satan. God had to set up a certain rule to divide a human being in the viewpoint of the Principle. God set up the rule of separation in terms of internal-external relationship and subject object relationship, and in the position of God being an internal being and of creation being an external being. In other words, God divided fallen Adam and Eve into two through their two children.

Cain is the representative of Satan and Abel is the representative of sinless Adam. God put the second son in the internal position. Abel represents the second love between Adam and Eve, which contains less evil elements.

Abel is the fruit of the second love and Cain is the fruit of the first love. God took Abel because Adam and Eve's relationship is more principled than Eve and the archangel's relationship.

In the original system, the order of love should be from God to Adam and then to the archangel, so the position in restoration must also start from God to Abel and then to Cain. God restores the lost Principle by restoring this formula first.

The blood lineage of mankind was twisted by the fallen action. Satan's blood occupies mankind. That is why restoration should start from the origin, and the second son Abel must restore the first son's birthright.


The fall started from a mother's womb, so restoration must be established inside a mother's womb. The womb was the original starting spot of evil, so we must revert to the place of the first cause in restoration. That is why God initiated the providence to restore the birthright through these two brothers. Cain must go down to Abel's position, and Abel must go up to Cain's position -- the first son's position. But Cain killed Abel. This action is just the repetition of Adam and Eve's fallen action. This action created the same condition with which Satan controlled Adam, and is the opposite of restoration. This part is quite difficult to understand, so I will explain it with a diagram.

Because the distance was too far when the brothers were of different ages, God started to look for brothers much closer in age. In other words, God wanted to lead this providence of restoration toward a standard much closer to the origin. The best way is to push Cain and Abel back into their mother's womb, but this is physically impossible. This is like overlapping at the center. I coincides with II. The part of I is repeated in the realm of II.

So God's providence proceeded through the twin brothers, Jacob and Esau. The same principle applies to them. Jacob should take his elder brother Esau's position, and Esau should go down to his younger brother Jacob's position. The twin brothers' mother was Rebecca. When she was pregnant, the two babies inside her womb were fighting, so she asked God about it. God said, "Two nations are in your womb, and two people from within you will be separated; one person will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."

Jacob was setting up the condition not to be accused by Satan. He could buy the birthright from Esau with bread and lentils, so Satan could not accuse him even though he stole the birthright from Esau. The birthright was restored and their father's blessing was given to Jacob; but Esau was extremely angry and he wanted to kill Jacob, just like Cain killed Abel

2) Jacob's Mission

Jacob was to restore Adam's position as well as the position Abel lost That is why he had to be in exile in Haran for 21 years. He was not fulfilling his mission completely during that period. After 21 years, he returned to his hometown, Canaan, with his property. In the course of the fall, the mother initiated the fallen action and her son completed the action. Mother and son together brought the fall to mankind. Therefore, in the course of restoration, the reversal process must take place. That is why the mother, Rebecca, and her younger son, Jacob, cooperated to accomplish the purpose.

In the course of the fall, Eve lied to her father (God) and to her brother Adam; therefore, Rebecca deceived her husband, Isaac, and her first son, Esau, in order for Jacob to receive the blessing. Isaac, as the father of the two brothers, was in God's position, and Esau was in Cain's position.

That was just a foundation; the substantial restoration was not yet established. Until that time, Jacob's mother was fulfilling her mission, and then it was Jacob's turn to fulfill his mission. Jacob's mission was to restore Adam's position invaded by Satan and to restore the position of Abel, who had been killed by Cain. Jacob was to go up to Esau's position and to make Esau surrender to him.

You should remember how Adam lost his position, because Jacob's first chief mission was to restore Adam's position. Adam was dominated by Satan; therefore, Jacob had to fight against an angel at the ford of Jabbok. He wrestled with an angel all night until daybreak. What was the result of it? The angel admitted Jacob's victory and blessed him. In this way, the original position was restored.

Why did the angel hit Jacob's hip bone before giving him the blessing? The human fall was caused by misuse of the hip bone; therefore, indemnity was completed through the blow to the sinful part of the body. The principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" was applied there. For that reason, the angel was able to bless Jacob.

What was Jacob's second mission? First, he needed to win a victory over the angel. Adam's position was restored by winning an internal victory. Next Jacob was to restore Abel's position on this condition to restore Adam's position, Coming back from Haran after 21 years, Jacob gave all his possessions to Esau in order to appease his brother; he just wanted to receive the blessing from Esau. That is why the older brother Esau welcomed Jacob. In this way Esau went down to his younger brother's position. Because Jacob restored Esau's position, he could cross his arms to put his left hand on Joseph's elder son Manasseh and to put his right hand on the younger son Ephraim when he was blessing them.

According to the Bible, Jacob's nature seems very cunning, Isn't it strange that God blessed such a cunning Jacob? There is a clear reason for this from the viewpoint of the Principle. Because Jacob fulfilled his mission given by God, God could bless him. Can you believe such a story? Do you think I made up all those stories? All those things happened several thousands of years ago, so nobody could understand the true meaning of the stories in the Old Testament until the Principle was revealed.

The name Israel started from D in the above diagram. Even though Jacob set up a victorious foundation, at point E the original position was not restored. So D had to be restored at point E through a certain condition. If God had stopped His providence at Jacob's age, the standard prior to Jacob's age at that time would have remained unrestored.

Let's say God's providence started with Jacob and was completed during Jacob's generation, Then the generation after Jacob's age is to be restored due to his victorious condition, but the generations before Jacob's age -- from children to middle-aged -- cannot be restored. Therefore, restoration should start again from the origin -- the mother's womb.

3) The Providence Of Restoration Inside The Womb Centering Upon Tamar

God's third providence started once again from mother's womb -- which was where the fall originated. The first mother Eve fell because she did not believe in God's words, so Tamar, who was supposed to restore Eve's position, had to demonstrate absolute faith in God. She had to forget her self-esteem and pride and, furthermore, she had to determine to risk her life. Eve's faithlessness made her abandon her father, God. Instead, she accepted Satan as her father and put him in God's position. Therefore, Tamar, on the contrary, had to talk directly with God. Eve was not able to be united with her father, so Tamar had to be united with her father.

Judah was Tamar's father-in-law, which means he was in the position of father to Tamar. She became pregnant by uniting with her father, Actually, she conceived her son by her father-in-law, Let's examine this again by referring to Genesis 38. Judah had three sons and Tamar was the first son's wife. Her husband died; according to Jewish custom in this case, she was to conceive a son by Judah's second son, But the second son also died, and the third one was too young. That is why Tamar had to take the final method. Since inheriting God's restored blood lineage is the most important and most necessary task of all, she decided to abandon her pride and cast away her life.

In order to accomplish her mission, she risked her life. Isn't that so? She had nothing in her mind at all except the desire to accomplish God's will. Finally, Tamar set up a condition to restore Eve's fallen position by walking a course totally opposite to Eve. Nobody knew this fact except God. You are really blessed people with utmost benefit because you can know this hidden riddle and the secret within 30-40 minutes.

Tamar conceived twins. God had been waiting for that moment for 2000 years. When the time came for her to give birth, the first son Zerah put out his hand, and the midwife tied a scarlet thread on his wrist. This illustrates symbolically that communism would appear first. This symbolizes 7000 years of human history (the 6000-year restorational history plus the 1000-year kingdom = the completion of history) and shows that satanic communism will perish in seventy years. The reason 1978 appears is here. Communism started in 1917 (with the victory of the Bolshevik Revolution) and it is to continue toward reaching its peak for sixty years; but then it will start declining in 1978 and will be terminated after seventy years. This is the truth. That is why now is the time for those who are leaving communism to abandon it.

The fight took place within a mother's womb, and the second son Perez came out first, pushing Zerah aside. This restoration, this reversal of a situation, took place within the mother's womb. The principle that Jesus had to be born of Judah's blood lineage is set up here.

Centering upon this point, Cain went down and Abel went up, and centering upon this one point, history has been proceeding to expand from the family level and tribal level to the national level. At the same time, the expansion of the satanic world has paralleled it. These two different camps have proceeded to the national level and have formed two different realms of the world. F in the diagram is the history of Israel and G shows the Israel nation.

The satanic world is formed from the satanic nations expanding from the family level and tribal level to the national level. Circle H is the Cain nation which is expanding its realm, starting from the smallest family level and going up to the national level. Circle G is the Abel nation -- the chosen nation of Israel which also has been expanding from the family level to the national level. God waited for 2000 years until the formation of the one nation of Israel, Because Satan had already formed one nation, God had to wait for 2000 years,

Therefore, God's nation should excel Satan's nation, but Israel made many mistakes in the process of going through the restoration of history from the family and tribal levels to the national level.

4) Complete Restoration Through True Parents

John the Baptist came with the mission to restore all the mistakes committed by the nation of Israel so that he could prepare the foundation for the Messiah. John the Baptist appeared in the position of Cain and Jesus came in the position of Abel. Jesus was to come as the Messiah in the subject position to the Israelite nation that should have been united with John the Baptist. If the people of Israel had been completely united as an absolute object with the absolute subject, Jesus, they would never have perished.

God's providence is to reach the peak of completion with True Parents as absolute subject united with an absolute object.

Because Jesus was crucified on the cross, the True Parents in a physical form could not be actualized at that time. In other words, God's blood lineage was established, but the substantial True Parents with both a spirit and a physical body were not actualized. Christian history, I in the diagram, is limited to the spirit world and spiritual salvation, and the physical salvation -- physical redemption -- was not realized. There have been only a spiritual father and mother in Christianity until today. When True Parents come, we have to set up a symbolic condition to be born again as a new life from the mother's womb. We are now walking such a course of restoration.

The Holy Spirit has played the role of mother in Christianity so far. We are to go through the motherly Holy Spirit and the spirit of Jesus, and then to be born anew in spirit.

Of course, we are born out of our mother's womb, but when we think one step further, the origin of life is the father. Although our blood lineage can be restored by going through the mother's womb, in this case we still do not get to meet our father. That is why Christians have been waiting and hoping to go back to their father Christ -- the origin of life -- with the help of the mother spirit, the Holy Spirit's power. The life of a son and a daughter, prior to the fall, was started as a seed in father Adam's body. The seed of life is inside the father's body.

From the original viewpoint, we cannot be satisfied with only spiritual rebirth. We must be born again substantially with both spirit and body. That is why we must go back to the position of the seed in order to restart both physically and spiritually. In order to accomplish such a providence, True Parents as a bridegroom and a bride must come and we are promised to be born again as a new life by going through True Parents who re-plant us as new seeds; so we can be born again as a new restored life, Considering all the facts mentioned above, we can automatically know that a new Messiah is necessary.

5) In Order To Stand As Restored True Children

Because the restoration was not completed at Jesus' time, it has expanded to the worldwide level now. Therefore, in the Last Days, the world will be divided into two -- one representing Satan and another representing God. Nothing else exists. There will be great confusion and many problems in the Last Days. The new Messiah must inherit such a background and foundation in the world. The new Messiah must spiritually inherit all that from Christians who are in the position of seeds inside Jesus' body.

Since Christians still are not completely born, they are like seeds inside Jesus' body. The carrying of such elements has been only spiritual so, first of all, a substantial father must appear and set up a certain foundation. He has to set up a foundation on the E circle in the diagram, Mother fulfilled her mission at point E, but at J I have the mission.

For that reason, everybody has to be united with True Father during the seven-year period prior to Mother's appearance, Therefore, you must return to the position of seeds inside the perfect Adam who is not yet married. You must go back to the very origin. That means we must start from the sinless human being who is not fallen -- Father. After all, the seed that started from the body of Adam who is not fallen and who is single must dwell in the mother's womb. The egg in the mother's womb is original and we must return there. Truly such a work is to be accomplished by the Unification Church.

6) Heavenly Four Position Foundation

A very difficult task remains for the Lord of the Second Advent. He is to restore the position of Jesus who was banished by the nation of Israel. Of course, those who are already born and grown physically cannot literally go back to the position of seeds inside perfect Adam's body. Therefore, we are to set up the condition of rebirth by uniting with True Parents and the True Children born directly of True Parents. According to the principle that when Cain is absolutely obedient to Abel, both can be restored, we who are in Cain's position must be united with True Parents and sinless True Children, who are in Abel's position. By uniting with them, we can receive the same benefit as restored children. When sinless children are born of True Children, we must set up the condition that we shared food and other things the same as theirs. By doing this, we go through a course to participate in True Children's position.

Through whom do you set up a condition to be united with True Children and to be born again as new children? You must go through True Parents. Even though the father is very important, the father alone is not enough. You must go through the parents and their children. All women must be united with True Father, True Mother and their True Daughter. All men must be united with True Parents and their True Son.

Since a woman fell first, women are supposed to be restored first. Who stands in the first restored woman's position? That is the first daughter born of True Parents. The first restored man is the first son of True Parents. This is a very simple way to explain the essence of this process, but you must know that the process is very deep and complicated. With the birth of sinless True Children, for the first time in human history the heavenly four position foundation can be established. This is the restoration of the heavenly four position foundation in the Unification Church. Anything in the satanic world cannot be connected to this foundation. Since the chosen nation was not restored, this four position foundation on a family level must expand to the tribal and national levels. The central nucleus is the heavenly family -- the place for the establishment of the heavenly four position foundation. The nation built upon that foundation is the strongest nation with which no other nation can compete, and it is the nation that Israel failed to become. This nation will win against all the satanic sovereignty and will stand as the center of the external world.

Circle L in the diagram shows the satanic world. Once the heavenly nation is restored, it will expand to two, three and four sovereignties, and ultimately will continue to expand until it covers the whole world. The people who belong to the heavenly nation will automatically restore everything, Until we restore such a heavenly authority, we must go through a course that is like climbing up to the summit. Even though we have accomplished a great deal of results for restoration, unless we restore the one nation -- the heavenly sovereignty -- there is a possibility for everything to perish with the establishment of a satanic government -- a satanic sovereignty.

7) Our Most Urgent Duty

The work of restoring God's sovereignty is our most urgent duty. For that purpose, we must be absolutely united with True Parents. The members from Korea, Japan and all other nations of the world must be united with True Parents. You must have realized how difficult the way of restoration is by trying to unite all these different members from different countries.

Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born again," and Nicodemus raised an objection, "How can a man be born when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born?" Jesus responded, "You are Israel's teacher and you do not understand these things?" Jesus was talking about the very principle of unity.

The resurrection and new life mentioned in Christianity have to do with such a pattern of unity. At the point E in the diagram, the restoration of blood lineage was established through the mother, so the sinful blood lineage was restored to the heavenly blood lineage. The complete and the essential rebirth is to be established through the True Father. From that time of the new creation, the complete salvation of receiving both spiritual and physical redemption is possible. Our children can then go to the Kingdom of Heaven without going through the process of salvation. (1972.4.1. Paris Church)

B. Establishment Of The Birthright

1) Origin Of Israel's Birthright

When Jesus as the Messiah came centering upon love, did his blood lineage come from Satan or God? In order for Jesus to be the Messiah, he must be born with the birthright from God in the womb. You know when his blood lineage was changed and the standard of the birthright was restored. The Old Testament Age is the age to prepare that foundation. The Israelites, who knew the Messiah was coming and prepared the foundation for him, organized Judaism and tried to match it with the time of the Advent. Since the Messiah comes centering upon a national level religion, the Israel nation and Judaism in unity together were supposed to meet the Messiah. The religion of Judaism alone was not supposed to meet him. Judaism was in the position of Abel and Israel was in the position of Cain. Without restoring the birthright, the providence cannot proceed. If Israel and Judaism had been united, the standard of Cain and Abel restoration would have been established.

The first son and the second son were to be reversed, so the birthright was to be automatically bequeathed from parents on God's side. In other words, if Adam had not fallen, both his first son and second son would have been on God's side. If Israel in Cain's position was completely united with Judaism in Abel's position, on that foundation for restoring the birthright, Jesus in the parent's position could have engrafted the nation into God's lineage. Everything would then have been finished.

Who was the representative of Abel at that time? It was John the Baptist. There was no law of baptism in the Old Testament Age, but John the Baptist executed this new law of baptism. Everybody was receiving baptism from John. It takes only four hours to go around the nation of Israel. It is such a small nation that if you shout from one edge, the sound seems to be heard on the other edge. Rumors can be spread everywhere in a day or so. It would be easy to restore such a small nation. God is a very wise being. How difficult would it be to restore a big nation like China? God laid a foundation of Cain and Abel centering upon the tiny area of Israel, and expected the Cain and the Abel positions to be united centering upon Jesus.

One needs to get married in order to become a parent. Jesus was to be Abel before marriage. Who was Cain? [John the Baptist.] When Jesus and John the Baptist unite, Judaism can stand in a position to be automatically connected to them. If John the Baptist had listened to Jesus, Abel and Cain would have automatically become one. It could have been so easy to unite the nation of Israel with Jesus, John the Baptist and Judaism. If that had happened. there would have been no need for hurry, Unfortunately those on the Cain side did not unite with Jesus.

The Messiah must come centering upon a nation. Why? The satanic world is composed of many nations. Do you understand? Therefore, the Abel nation should make the Cain nations surrender. This is similar to Joseph's course in Jacob's family. All eleven brothers wanted to kill Joseph, didn't they? They sold Joseph to Egypt. But when Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt and saved the lives of his parents and all members of their tribe who were about to perish, they surrendered to Joseph. The family foundation of Israel was then restored. Through whom? [Joseph.] Six hundred thousand soldiers of Israel started out from Egypt. Later on, they entered the time of a huge national migration in order to restore Canaan. They organized the new heaven and earth.

When did Jesus' blood lineage change? It had to happen in a mother's womb, The satanic Cain was born first and stole the heavenly principle, so the lineage has to be crossed and restored in a mother's womb.

What is the history of Cain and Abel? It is the history of a younger son turning his older brother's birthright inside out. It is reversed after birth. The birthright of brothers is to be reversed after birth and then, finally, it is to be reversed in the womb. This is the providence of Esau and Jacob. Isn't it easier to reverse the birthright of twins in the womb? [Yes.] When Cain's birthright was given to Abel after birth, the older brother killed his younger brother. The hearts of twins are easily connected. When the younger brother of twins is sad, the older brother becomes sad, too. Restoration has to hap pen in the much more intimately connected position in the womb from which the twins are born.

Because the mother bore Cain after the fall, the mother must be the center of restoration. Restoration must take place centering upon the cooperation of mother and son. Rebecca deceived Esau centering upon Jacob. How could God take such a capricious woman? Eve deceived her father God and her husband, and she also deceived her older brother. Likewise, Rebecca deceived Isaac, who stood in the place of God, and her first son, who stood in the place of her husband. Eve deceived God and Adam, who was her husband and older brother as well. The older brother is in the first son's position.

Eve deceived two men centering upon Satan, so in order to reverse this and follow the principle of restoration through indemnity, a mother must deceive two men centering upon her second son and God's will. Eve deceived God and her husband, so Jacob united with his mother to accomplish God's will and restore this by deceiving his father and his brother.

What does God want to do with the cooperation of mother and son? He wants to restore the birthright. After coming back from hunting, Esau, the older brother, sold his birthright to Jacob for bread and lentils, so he was caught by this condition for restoration. He had to surrender to Jacob in actuality because he substantially sold the birthright. If Esau had not sold the birthright to Jacob, Jacob would have deceived Esau. Without a condition, deceiving is impossible. Right here, Jacob could have the name of Israel. For the first time in human history, the birthright was restored.

But the exchange of the birthright had not happened inside a mother's womb yet. What happened inside the womb later on? Judah was Jacob's fourth son and he had three sons, His first daughter-in-law was Tamar. Tamar knew the precious value of the tribe who had received God's blessing, so she wanted to do whatever it took to inherit and pass on the blood lineage of the blessed tribe.

One of the interesting stories in the Bible is about the fighting of the twin brothers, Esau and Jacob, inside their mother's womb. When Rebecca asked God why the two babies were fighting inside the womb, God answered, "There are two nations inside your womb and the older will serve the younger." Since we know clearly the principle that the second son should restore the birthright by winning a battle against the first son, we can understand God's answer.

Tamar had the same experience of two babies fighting inside her womb. and she prayed to God with the same question as Rebecca. God gave exactly the same answer as He gave Rebecca: "Two nations are inside your womb and the older will serve the younger."

Perez and Zerah were born with such a background. The older brother Zerah put out his hand first, and a midwife tied Zerah's wrist with a scarlet thread. This gives an advance notice that communism will surely appear in later history. Perez, who was to restore the older son's authority, drew Zerah back into the womb and he came out first. Here, finally, the restoration of the birthright took place in the mother's womb, Since he "broke out," he was given the name of Perez.

In the history of Rebecca and Tamar, we see how the first and second sons fought with each other in order to accomplish the change of blood lineage. When in Tamar's womb the first son became the second and the second became the first, then the birthright was restored for the first time in history. (1986.1.31. Hannam-dong House)

2. The Second Son And The Blessing

1) The Restoration Providence Is The Providence To Restore The Birthright

What would have happened if the progenitor of humankind had not fallen? The owner of this earth would be only one, not two.

Due to the fall, God lost His position as the Lord and human beings lost their position as God's children. Instead, Satan became the lord of this world and human beings became closely connected to Satan. It is not that easy to establish the providence of salvation in this world ruled by Satan.

As you learned from the Old Testament, Jews, the descendants of Jacob, were the first ones to win a battle against Satan. Therefore, centering upon the nation of Israel, a family, tribe and a nation are organized. God promised to send the Messiah who is to rule the world centering upon this nation of Israel. God has been pioneering the way centering upon a nation.

Israel means victory over Satan. What is it anyway? History has been the work of separating the satanic side from God's side. As you all know, Cain was the first son on the satanic side. Then what is Abel? Abel is also a descendant of fallen Adam and Eve, but he is on God's side. Abel is to stand in the first son's position on God's side. He is to establish the birthright for God's side. Then two birthrights can appear here -- one on God's side and the other on Satan's side. That is why conflicts and fighting have been relentless. The fighting has to do with the problem of Cain and Abel and of the satanic birthright and heavenly birthright. Since the older brother was claimed by Satan, the younger brother cannot escape being persecuted by him in his attempt to restore the birthright. While receiving such persecution, Abel has been separating from Satan and expanding the level of obtaining the birthright from the individual level up to the family level, tribal level, national level and worldwide level.

What does Israel mean? It is the place where there is a standard which can be victorious and replace the satanic birthright with the heavenly birthright. What then is the external world -- the satanic world? Satan has maintained the birthright on a national level. Since God has been looking for the birthright on the worldwide level in His restoration providence, Satan has been promoting division among all the nations and making people be very nationalistic. Satan causes people to care only about their nation, not the world. That is why all godly people always want to transcend their national boundaries and go out to the world. They are on the way toward the world. (1986.6.8. World Mission Center)

2) The Blessing Of The First Son

As you all know, after receiving the blessing, Jacob led the life of a servant and was treated with contempt for 21 years. He lived among Laban's clan and endured all their persecution for 21 years. But when he returned home with all the blessings he had won from Laban's clan, Esau completely united with him. At that time the realm of the Israelite clan was formed. Without winning the blessing of Laban's clan, Jacob could not appear as Abel in front of Esau's clan. When a heavenly clan confronts a satanic clan, the exchange of ownership between God and Satan takes place favoring the side which has most endured and led a life of love for the sake of others.

Why should this be? In God's world, originally the first son is to receive the blessing. The second son is not supposed to receive the blessing. Unless the second son restores the birthright, he cannot stand in the position of a son of a heavenly nation. This means that he cannot represent a principle standard to receive the blessing. Where do we see Jacob's shrewdness? He showed surprising wisdom in buying the birthright with bread and lentils. He knew that his older brother would be hungry enough to offer it when he returned from hunting. He had a right to restore the birthright even though his father opposed him. It was inevitable in order to indemnify the fall.

The clan of Abel had to enter the satanic nation centering upon Abel's family. Since the satanic world was holding the birthright, before entering Israel, Jacob's descendants had to enter Egypt -- the representative nation of the satanic world. They fought in Egypt. The clans of Israel endured persecution from innumerable Egyptians for the sake of God for around 400 years; finally, they defeated Egypt and were liberated.

They had to go through the wilderness course in order to restore the right to acquire the nation of Israel, which should have become the heavenly nation, but they failed. Their utmost hope was to build this nation. They could have encouraged each other to risk even their lives in order to establish this nation, but they fell into disorder and turmoil.

If Moses had not been hot-blooded and instead been more wise, he would not have killed the Egyptian. If he had been calm, he would have become a pharaoh, inheriting the sovereignty of Egypt. After becoming the pharaoh, he would have possessed all the treasures of the land. On the foundation of restoring the Cain nation, the restoration of the Israel nation was supposed to happen automatically. But because of his hot temper, Moses killed the Egyptian and blocked this quick way of restoration.

In the original world, only the first son is supposed to receive the blessing. Because Satan rules the whole world, which is in the position of the first son due to the fall, there is no way for Abel to win back the first son's position unless he wins a battle against the satanic world and brings back the gifts of the victorious champion. That is why the battles of the individual Cain and Abel, of the family level Cain and Abel, and of the tribal, national and worldwide level Cain and Abel have been inevitably developing in order to restore history through indemnity. Many religious people have been sacrificed in this restoration process, but until now, no one understood why this was happening. (1984.5.1. World Mission Center)

3) Why Was The Second Son Blessed?

The fall is the deviation from the realm of the ideal blessing. That is why fallen men come under the dominion of Satan. All the first sons became Satan's sons. Because of this, the first sons in Egypt were struck down. Why are the second sons blessed by God in biblical history? Without knowing the principle of restoring the birthright, biblical history is like a riddle. In the story of Esau and Jacob, Jacob with his mother received the blessing by deceiving Esau. God knew that Jacob had deceived Esau and He still blessed Jacob. This has been a mysterious riddle which cannot be logically explained in terms of the teachings of conventional religions.

There is no way to solve this riddle without knowing the Divine Principle of the Unification Church. The Unification Principle is not something ambiguous. It is the principle of re-creation. The principle of creation was destroyed, and it has to be re-created. The principle of creation is eternal. Centering upon such an unchanging, eternal principle, God is leading the way of restoration through history.

Father has been visiting strange lands for forty years. You are not supposed to settle until you restore the indemnity on the national level, starting from the individual, family level and tribal level, which is in 1992. (1986.1.21. Headquarters Church)

According to God's law of love, the second son is not supposed to go directly to his parents; instead he is supposed to make his first brother represent him. Because the first son committed sin, he pushes his younger brother to represent him in front of their parents. That is why the second son goes to the parents, instead of the first son. Even though the older brother came before the younger brother, the younger brother is more advanced. The second son receives the blessing in the Bible because he gets persecution. (1986.11.17. Little Angels Art Building)

3. True Parents And The Establishment Of The Birthright

1) The Establishment Of The Birthright

In God's original ideal of creation, both the first son and the second son would be on God's side. But the elder son was claimed by Satan and only the younger son could be on God's side. This has to be changed. That is why, in the Bible, Jacob is supported by and unites with his mother and takes away the birthright from his older brother with bread and lentils.

Nobody knew the reason for this biblical history, For the first time in the history, the Unification Church makes it clear. Unless the second son restores and establishes the birthright on the worldwide level, parents cannot stand as parents. That is because fallen parents bore Cain, who is the first son on Satan's side, and Abel, who is under satanic dominion.

When the elder sonship becomes God's and the younger sonship becomes God's, transcending the fallen dominion, the original world can be established. This is the original ideal of creation. Because God is absolute, God's ideal also remains absolute. We must actualize this ideal by passing through the restoration history of indemnity. (1985.8.16. East Garden)

The restoration of the birthright! How difficult it is! Because of this, everything has melted down. Countless religious people were sacrificed and Christianity suffered, shedding blood under the Roman Empire for 400 years in order to overcome the satanic world. Have you entered the catacombs in Rome? People made an altar and buried their ancestors' corpses. They lived, smelling the corpses and walking on the water under the altar. They did so because God ordered them to. Otherwise, who would want to live like that? Human beings cannot stand it alone. You can imagine how much God suffered. You must know about such meritorious services done in history.

Knowing such conditions made throughout past history, I unraveled them in forty years. It took several hundreds and thousands of years even for God. (Human history seems like 850,000 years to 1,500,000 years.) This is an incredibly surprising fact.

You might think that I lead a mundane life every day. Who has thought about the pain of my internal life? You are happy and you like me when you are loved externally. But have you tried to understand what kind of pain I carry?

The will of God must be accomplished centering upon God, not by the support of others. You cannot rely on anybody in the world because the birthright is restored now.

It is extremely difficult to restore the birthright. Nobody can claim that I am a person of mere words because I took the principle of restoration and actualized it according to the theory. (1986.2.9. Hannam-dong House)

2) The Result Of Winning The Birthright

The place where people bow in front of the four position foundation centering upon True Parents is not a fallen dominion anymore. We are entering an age when all the spirits in the spirit world will come to earth and protect us, like the archangels were to have protected Adam's family, because God rules us directly and because liberation has taken place. The spirit world was Cain's dominion and the physical world was Abel's dominion in the past, so earthly people have been utilized by the spirit world because it was time for Abel to be sacrificed in order to save Cain. Now the birthright is restored, so the spirit world takes the archangel position, and the Unification Church is Adam's dominion. The archangelic world is supposed to support us; it is not supposed to use us. That means there is no land in which Satan can take action. When we strongly and boldly march forward with an aggressive attitude and a determination not to yield to Satan, the satanic dominion will fall off a cliff. (1991.1.1, Midnight, Headquarters Church)

From now, you must have love instead of parents. You must become an older brother who can love Abel. Who is Abel? It is the enemy. We must initiate a movement to love our enemies more than we love our physical younger brother; otherwise, we cannot lead the world to God's side.

It is said, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son...," Isn't that so? Even though God sacrifices His loving Abel, He . . . ectly to the Kingdom of Heaven No matter how big the communist party is, it will fall down just like fallen leaves hit by fallen ghosts. At one stroke it will fall down. We will then make the rotten parts of it a fertilizer so that it can be a foundation for a new life to be resurrected.

Such a time surely has come. I have the authority of the first son who has fulfilled the individual level, family level, tribal level, national level and worldwide responsibility. Therefore, the more the Korean government opposes and hates Rev. Moon, the more confusion will take place. They will start perishing as their opposition gets stronger and stronger. The world will not be quiet and the people will not be silent. A whirlwind will automatically strike them. Heavenly fortune will come back a hundred percent. The problem that we must consider from now on is how to cope with such confusion and how to administer all the organizational systems, (1986.1.31- Hannam-dong House)

3) The Birthright Formed In The Spirit World

Satan prevented Abel from gaining the dominion of Abel in the spirit world. Now the birthright is exchanged, so all the walls in the spirit world will break down. Because the Unification Church with the restored birthright is welcomed internationally on earth, all the historical walls in the spirit world can break down. The wall of the satanic birthright is bound to perish, When the satanic birthright is destroyed, paths to the heavenly birthright, which have so far been blocked, will open in the world. The path for the first son to walk must be built.

I did that in Danbury. I paved the road -- the highway -- from hell to the spirit world. Therefore, once you follow this narrow path, even though it is zigzag, you will reach the throne -- the palace of the heavenly nation. This is impossible without the restoration of the birthright. (1986.2.9. Hannam-dong House)

Heung Jin stands in the position of the first son in terms of the heartistic standard in the spirit world. If he, in the first son's position, cannot become one with the second son heartistically, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Even Jesus could not go to the Kingdom of Heaven. Isn't this the Principle? In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the first son and the second son who have the tradition of the heart of True Parents' children must be united. Is Jesus in the position of the first son in the spirit world? He does not have the heartistic bond with True Parents that the True Children do.

Therefore, Heung Jin takes the position of first son in the spirit world. It is correct that Heung Jin is called Lord there. He went there instead of Parents, which means that the birthright is restored in the spirit world. That is why Jesus must serve him absolutely. (1987.12.4. Hannam-dong House)

4. The Restoration Of The Birthright And Us

1) The Reason That The Birthright Is Precious

Which one is more precious, Cain or Abel, in the Principle view? [Abel] No, you do not know that point well. Abel is the younger brother and Cain is the older brother. Know this correctly! The position of the older brother is more precious than that of Abel -- the second son. There is only one first son, but there are many younger sons. Can several people become the first son? The first son is precious because he is the only one. Isn't that so? There can be many second sons.

God feels deep regret and resentment that He has had to allow the first son to be claimed by Satan in the providence of restoration. That is why contemporary history is so troubled and sick. What is the disease? Mankind is attacked by the disease of fallen love. The first son was born of diseased love. It is impossible for a human being to be elevated according to the standard of the original law unless mankind understands this disease.

What then is the purpose of setting up Abel? It is not just to save Abel's children, but to correct the tradition of a family with the achievement of the proper birthright. The Unification Church members do not know this. Leaders think, "Um, I'm Abel!" and "That's it! We are in the position of Abel!" That is not all. The reason that you are chosen to represent Abel is to establish tribes under the restored first son. You are to set up the dominion of the first son first and then to receive the blessing, if the first son shares it with you. You are not the first son. Centering upon the Second Coming of the Lord, you should make a bond with the vertical spirit world. The bond with the horizontal world is not enough. It would be better if I explained this point in detail in terms of the Principle, but I speak simply like this because I thought that you already knew this. Because Rev. Moon of the Unification Church discovered this Principle, I could set up a powerful and logical system to explain why you must decide to "live for the sake of others." We are born to live for the sake of others. A man is born for the sake of a woman. (1985.12.22. Headquarters Church)

2) The Standard Of Restoring The Birthright

Jesus is mentioned as the last Adam in the Bible. Rev. Moon is called "parent" in the Unification Church. This means the third Adam. The third Adam is to indemnify the mistakes of the first and second Adams. Parents made mistakes, so parents should take responsibility to restore them.

Why do you have to be obedient to my words? Because I fulfilled the worldwide individual restoration of indemnity. I fulfilled the standard for the worldwide individual restoration of indemnity.

Next, what must happen? I am supposed to go out of the house. In the original Garden of Eden, the first son is supposed to go the way of the Principle. The first son and the first daughter are supposed to go through formation, growth and completion periods first. By doing this, they are to be perfected.

Father is the representative of the Abel world. I am in the position of the second son. I came as a third son, so I must restore the standard which the first son Adam reached. The first son and the first daughter were supposed to reach the way to perfection first. That is why I cannot reach perfection in the position of the third son. I must go out and restore the elder sonship birthright. I must fight outside, and come back after winning a natural surrender from the first son.

Then the first son must push me up, saying, "Go ahead! Because you belong to the heavenly side, you must go ahead of me; I cannot go first." Unless he pushes me to go up, I cannot go up. I must go by receiving the inheritance that allows me to go instead of the first son. After winning a victory on the family level, one is supposed to go to the tribal dominion and to win a natural surrender from the first son on the tribal level. Then one should go on to the national dominion. In religion, there is a term called "leaving home." Why is one supposed to leave home? Nobody knows without understanding the Principle. (1985.12.24. Headquarters Church)

People did not know why religion had to go through the suffering course and why religion has developed in the midst of receiving persecution. Rev. Moon is the first person who clarifies the secret content regarding the spirit world, religious world and the world of mystery that has been only known to God and Satan. This is not a futile argument. Try witnessing. When a person is strongly determined to go to the Unification Church, satanic phenomenon surely takes place. This is a very clear formula.

In order to win a victory, one must go out and restore the birthright. There must be a situation in which the first son serves his younger brother as his older brother and the first son must be convinced to receive the blessing through his younger brother. The first son must be in the position of the second son, and the second son must go up to the position of the first son. The birthright on the tribal level and on the national level is restored when the first son pushes the second son, urging, "Go up, instead of me!" Only when the first son pushes the second son up, can he go one more step up. Since this is the Principle, the standard of restoring the birthright must be completed, otherwise God's providence cannot be accomplished. This is the secret of religious history.

So what is "leaving home" in religious terms? In order to go a true religious way, one must leave his home and his nation. (1986.1.21. Headquarters Church)

3) The Essential Factors For Restoring The Birthright

Could you exchange your wife and son for satanic people? [No.] Jesus is God's son and He sent Jesus on earth. Can He kill the son of His direct lineage in order to make satanic people His children? In order to make the adopted son His direct son? Is such a God crazy or normal?

Since the beginning of human history, God has not been able to give blessings to His people. Instead, He made them sacrifice. He made them shed blood. How could Almighty God bear it when he saw Christianity receiving persecution from the enemy in Rome for 400 years? Why could God allow people to conclude that there is no God? Why has He been doing all this? This is the problem.

The satanic side is represented by Cain -- the older brother, and on the heavenly side is Abel. God is supposed to love the first son first, then He is allowed to love the younger son. But the first son was taken by Satan. In order to save the first son, God sets up Abel. God wants to restore the birthright through Abel. The birthright is restored through love, not through the fist. The second son is to restore the birthright by, first, melting the first son with love. Unless one sets up the condition of having loved Cain and receiving his natural surrender, one cannot love one's own children. In God's ideal of creation, the first son is supposed to receive love first, not the second son.

That is why, in the Bible, there is a history of hitting the first sons. Do you know how much God sacrifices his second son before hitting the first son? In Egypt, God hit the first sons of the Egyptians only after having hit the second son Abel for 430 years. God gives the blessing to Abel after his fulfilling his responsibility as a sacrifice in front of the whole nation. The law of the blessing is that after God receives the sacrifice from Abel. He should give a blessing to Abel that is larger than that of Abel's previous sacrifice. Because the Israelites had sacrificed for 430 years in Egypt, God had to give more blessing to the Israelites than to the Egyptians. When the Egyptians opposed this law of the blessing, God had to do something to get rid of their opposition.

If you want to live for the sake of God's providence of love, you must think that in order to save the whole world, all the Unificationists are to be sacrificed. If I do not inherit God's tradition of sacrifice, I am a fake and all my disciples are fakes.

Conventional churches have been opposing me for forty years and they might still be opposing me. Ah! Remnants of a defeated army!! The battle has finished. The theological field of the world now begins to change its direction and promote Rev. Moon's theology. Even though the central leaders already decided to change their direction and declare they are defeated, the remnants of the defeated army in the deep mountain valleys still oppose us. This is exactly what is happening with conventional Christianity. They will be extinguished in the very near future.

Did Rev. Moon love the satanic world more than he loves his wife and his children? We are not supposed to love our wife and our children more than the world. God must love Cain first before He loves Abel. He is not supposed to love Abel more than He previously loved Cain. (1986.2.1 Headquarters Church)

4) The Secret Method For The First Son's Submission

What is the secret method to make the first son surrender? Satan claims, "God is perfect and the Adam and Eve that God is looking for also must be perfect. Adam and Eve, if they had not fallen, would have loved me (the archangel) according to the standard of the Principle. Even though I am in an evil position after the Fall, if you are in a truly holy and righteous position, you must set up the condition of having loved me. Otherwise, you cannot act like God in front of me." This is the problem, Satan puts on the brake. "The person that you sent must love me. Unless the person in union with God stands in a position to love me, he cannot take back the right of the birthright, which is under my charge." That is why Jesus said, "Love the enemy." Loving the enemy does not mean loving only an individual enemy. Unless we love the enemy on the family level, tribal level, national level and worldwide level, we cannot restore the birthright of the enemy world. Satan, who is very well aware of what the course of God's restoration providence is, has been claiming this. You must know this clearly in order to restore the first son on a family level.

Therefore, after restoring the first son on an individual level, you must go out to the front line, where a satanic family persecutes you and wants to kill you, and fight with them. You must make them surrender to you by love and teach them our traditions and customs. Unless they pledge in tearful repentance to follow you at the risk of their lives after being naturally inspired by your beautiful tradition, you cannot restore the blessing from the satanic world. (1984.5.1. World Mission Center)

5) The Reason We Must Love The Enemy

Without love, you cannot make Satan surrender to you. In order to become a family qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, there must be the conditions that God loved the fallen archangel and that the family of God's children also loved Satan. You must also set up a condition to make the satanic world surrender with love after going out and fighting with them. You must be able to say, "I did not destroy the enemy by force; instead I restored the birthright by winning the natural surrender of the enemy."

God must set up the condition that He loved the enemy instead of killing him and that He loved the enemy Satan as a person substituting for Adam. Only when we win a natural surrender from the enemy Satan after enduring all persecution in tears, sweat and blood, and come back with God's love, are we qualified to receive the blessing. At that time, Satan will set you free. You must get an official recognition from Satan, "Ah! From now on you can become a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." At the entrance of the Kingdom of Heaven, you need Satan's signature first, next your signature and, finally, True Parents' signature. Only when you have True Parents' signature do you get to go to God. That is the Kingdom of Heaven. (1986.2.22. Headquarters Church)

So far religious people and divine religious leaders have gathered at the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven. In order to enter there, you must love the enemy. Who is the enemy? If there had been no fall, perfected Adam and Eve together with the archangel would have lived in the Kingdom of Heaven, dwelling in God's bosom. This is the original ideal of creation. Therefore, Satan, even though he is fallen, accuses God, "Even though I am fallen, is Your ideal of creation changeable?" It is not changeable. Satan continues to say, "Control me after realizing Your ideal," and, "Unless there is a condition that You and Your son restore the standard of love that existed prior to the fall and love me with the same original standard, nobody can enter the Kingdom of Heaven." God cannot but agree with him. That is why Jesus on the cross had to pray for his enemy. (1989.11.15. Hannam-dong House)

Chapter 2 - The Messiah and True Parents

Chapter 2 - The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. Messiah

1. The Messiah Comes As A Father

1) The Necessity Of The Second Coming

It is said that "The Messiah comes! The Lord comes!" What is the Lord going to do when he comes? He is to rule the nation and the world. The Lord will go around the world with his people according to his will and govern the world. The world that the Messiah wants to create is the world that God loves to be in. It is also the world that our conscience, which originates from God, longs to see. Racial prejudice, national boundaries, historical background or traditional thought would not be subjects for conflict in this world. There would be complete oneness about what goodness is and the contents would make a reciprocal base with God's view. The very day on which we can march forward to such a world is coming, and it is the day of God's advent on earth. It is the day of the Second Coming of the Messiah, according to the Christian concept. (1969.6.15. Ex-headquarters Church)

In the original ideal of God's creation, the way of restoration is not necessary. There is no need for the providence of salvation. We would not need a mediator, such as a Savior, the Lord or a Messiah. We would not need religion, Jesus or the ideology of the Second Coming. Because of the fall, we have needed them in order to complete the providence of restoration. (1987.5.3. Headquarters Church)

2) Jesus And The Messiah

Jesus came to earth and said, "I am the Messiah, the Savior." His words were most meaningful to those who were suffering to survive. He said, "Those who bear a heavy burden! Come to me. I will make you rest comfortably." How wonderful these sentences are! Leaving such words is much better than wanting to become a great man of these days. What a wonderful man he is to have such content! It was a historical proclamation.

When he said he was the Messiah, that was like saying, "I am the only one in all humankind." He was saying that he is the only one even though there are so many people living on the earth. When you are asked, "What kind of person are you?", you should be able to say, "I am the essence of the hope of humankind, the essence of life of humankind and the original body of the salvation of humankind." Otherwise, you are not needed in this world. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to Heavenly Father without going through me."

I think that such a proclamation alone can make Jesus qualified as the Messiah. We do not need miracles. When a person is truly connected to the origin, the root, he is the Messiah. Jesus bravely shouted out to humankind with a magnanimous scheme to accomplish salvation. That was enough for him to be qualified as the Messiah, (1962.10.28. Ex-headquarters Church)

3) The Messiah Is A Father

History repeats itself and progresses toward the destination -the harvesting point of the original purpose or intention. The destination is at a standstill; it does not move, but history develops in moving toward this objective. History is destined to reach the originally intended standard. What is that standard? Who should be the owner to control the standard? If there is Heaven, Heaven should be the owner. If there is God, He should be the owner. The original standard never changes and there should be a specific time and environment prepared to fulfill this purpose. God promised that when the time and environment are ready, He will send a leader.

Therefore, in the religious world is the promise that God "will send a leader to rule in the prepared time and environment in the Last Days." This is the "ideology of the Second Coming" or the "ideology of the Messiah" in Christianity.

What kind of a person is the Messiah? The Messiah is not a person who loves himself more than he loves the world. First, he loves God more than himself. The Messiah is the one who is responsible for mankind, knowing that he was recommended and elected by mankind. He is to acquire the victorious results centering upon one common purpose with them and, finally, he is to share the glorious position with them. Such a person is the Messiah, and only such a person is loved by all mankind.

What kind of ideology appears in the Last Days? Chun ju ju ee-"Heavenly Lordism" [Godism] does. This is our ideology. Heavenly Lordism is the ism of God and of me. Myriads of people in this contemporary time do not know whether God exists or not. They do not know how to deal with the environment of the Last Days. They are also very ignorant of the time of the Last Days. Therefore, when the time and the environment are dreary, Heaven sends somebody who can take care of mankind in the Last Days. Such a person is the Messiah.

The Messiah that our Unification Church is talking about is not one of the great masters of history. The Messiah is a father. What kind of father is he? God is the internal father and the coming Messiah is the external father. (1963.10.18. Kwang Ju Church)

2. The Messiah And The Restoration Of The Blood Lineage

1) The Core Of The Ideology Of The Second Coming

What is the ideology of the Second Coming? It talks about the Messiah. The Messiah that I am talking about is me.

You must inherit a new blood lineage. In order for you to inherit the new blood lineage, the Messiah comes as a father and he, together with Eve on the victorious cosmic foundation where Satan cannot intervene, restores the world. He will establish sons and daughters in a bond of husband and wife in a family unit and horizontally engraft them to his lineage. That is why there is the blessing ceremony in the Unification Church.

The Unification Church is different. Where does the blood lineage of the Unification Church originate? It originated from God. That is why the more the satanic world opposes us, the more they have to pay the compensation for damages. (1987.10.4. Headquarters Church)

Because we human beings received Satan's blood lineage, we cannot go back to God by ourselves. The Messiah must absolutely restore the blood lineage contaminated by Satan. In order to change the contaminated blood lineage, the Messiah must come. Unless the Messiah comes, the blood lineage cannot be restored.

The Messiah must come to earth because the root -- the blood lineage -- is different. Other religions do not know this fact. Only the Unification Church resolves the problem of the blood lineage and becomes the true root. This root is the deepest and the highest, so the Unification Church would be deeper and deeper and higher and higher. Because it will become higher than a nation and the world, people do not have any choice except to follow the Unification Church. They should know that heaven stays with the Unification Church. From now on we can mobilize the good spirits o the spirit world.

When Adam is perfected, he can control the archangels. Likewise where you achieve the complete standard of goodness, the good ancestors in the spirit world take the position of archangels. You should play the role of a center to expand the archangelic foundation, as your tribe, to the worldwide level. Religion has the mission to resolve such matters. Only when religion fulfills its responsibility can the tribes become liberated. According to the standard of goodness of each religion, the history of liberation takes place

The Unification Church is the world religion. Our root is different. We are to serve the Messiah and change our blood lineage. After chopping off all of the buds and uprooting the root of the past, you are to be engrafted to the Messiah's root and to become the Messiah's buds. We should bear the same fruits as the Messiah. (1988.1.7. Ex-headquarters Church)

2) The Messiah Is A True Olive Tree

What did Jesus do on earth? He paved the way for defeating Satan, the representative of all evil spirits. But he paved the way only fifty percent; that is why he must come again to pave the way a hundred percent.

God established religions to save this fallen world. This world became the field of the satanic world. The Bible mentions a wild olive tree which is controlled by Satan. Therefore, the mission of a religion is to create an olive tree which can be totally controlled by God.

The field of wild olive trees belongs to Satan, He takes complete charge of it, so God cannot deal with any of these trees. A religion has to change the Satan-centered field of olive trees into a God-centered field of olive trees and to expand the heavenly field in order to create a foundation to excel the satanic realm of the evil olive trees. That is the purpose of the cultural realm of religions.

God has been in the position to be deprived of the whole creation by Satan, so the ideology of the Messiah comes up to provide an example of a true olive tree because God cannot be defeated by Satan. The true olive tree -the Messiah -is not supposed to come alone. Because the satanic world is composed of societies and nations centering upon couples, the Messiah alone cannot become a true olive tree. Only when a true olive tree of the Messiah and a true olive tree of the Messiah's spouse become one, can the true olive tree fulfill its mission. Then it can bear fruit.

Jesus was to come as a bridegroom and to look for a bride in order to create the field of true olive trees. He was supposed to prepare to chop off the wild olive trees of the satanic world and to engraft them onto him. The chosen realm of the nation of Israel and Judaism was created as the tribes which can be controlled by God and which can be instantly chopped off and be engrafted into the Messiah.

Where do you have to cut in order to engraft something onto another? Should you cut the neck or the legs? [We must cut the root.] Human beings are opposite from trees. The human soul is the root, so you should cut the human neck.

When a bud of Jesus' true olive tree is implanted in the chopped neck, the person becomes a true olive tree. I clearly taught you the principle of engrafting. Originally we are all supposed to be born as true olive trees, but due to the fall we are born as wild olive trees. The history of salvation is the history to engraft the wild olive trees onto the true olive trees which can produce true fruit. That is why the history of salvation is the history of restoration.

Therefore, God now lets His servants cut off all the wild olive trees. (1985.1.1. World Mission Center)

3) Fallen Man Must Be Engrafted Onto The Messiah

What is the uppermost religion among all contemporary religions? The religion which completely denies the fallen world, centering upon the logic of love. After denying the fallen world, the religion must develop more positive love than that which it denies in the fallen world. When the world transforms itself into such a world of love, the ideal world comes.

What kind of place is the Unification Church? It is the place where God can experience love that He has never tasted before through relationships with human beings, and where God can implant the root of love in the human world that He has never done before.

Reverend Moon, who established the Unification Church, must lead the history of engrafting an individual, a family and so on, until the whole world is included, into the one root, one trunk, one branch and one leaf of love centering upon God's love. In order to be engrafted into the new root, you must cut everything belonging to the satanic world. Where do you cut? Should you cut your legs? You must cut your neck. That is why Jesus said, "Those who want to die will live, and those who want to live will die." Those who want to cut their neck will live, and those who do not want to cut their neck will die, because our destiny is to be engrafted onto the new root. It is a very simple content.

It is said, "In the last Days, the world of happiness comes, and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth comes." The world should become one. If we do not become one in the Last Days, we will perish. We will be exterminated. God will burn us unless we become one. If there are only two persons who keep God's root of love, God will leave only the two, and He will sweep away everyone else who is fake. Because He cannot sweep everyone away, He has to do the providential work of engrafting. God does bud grafting, so He wants to distribute bud grafts rooted in true love as quickly as possible. That is why the satanic world actively opposes us saying, "What kind of distribution is this? This is God's tactic to destroy our nation and our world." Externally the bud of a true olive tree and that of a wild olive tree look the same, but they are totally different. How wonderful it is when a child brings a bud of a true olive tree, which looks exactly like the bud of a wild olive tree, and says, "Oh! This is such a precious bud that I can never exchange it with the whole field of our wild olive trees. This is the bud of a true olive tree." Who can recognize this? Only God knows the value of it. This is charming because nobody else recognizes it. (1986.2.1. Headquarters Church)

3. The Messiah's Responsibility

What does God look for? Before establishing the true position and meeting the true tribe, He must find a true family. Before seeing a true family, He must find a true man and a true woman. For thousands of years since the beginning of human history, God has been calling constantly, "Let the man that I am looking for appear! Let the woman that I am looking for appear!" Actually, human history is more than several thousand years. We mention 6000 years of human history according to the Bible, but it should be lengthened to ten million years. Even now we talk about over 2.5 million years. For several million years while humankind has been developing, God has been calling, "My man and My woman! Where are you?"

Human beings in the fallen world also look for one man, There are so many men in the world, but they all are fakes. Everybody, man or woman, hopes to see the exemplary man -the real man -that God desires to see and that all women long for as an ideal man. Who is such a hoped-for man? He is the Messiah.

Who is the Messiah? His responsibility is not just to save individuals. He has to save the Messiah's family. In order to save the Messiah's nation more than his family, and in order to save the Messiah's world more than his nation, he should liberate God, who is the Lord of the Messiah.

Some religious people think, "I alone must go to the Kingdom of Heaven." Those people are in deep trouble. A wife must think to send her husband to the Kingdom of Heaven first and then she must think to follow him there. It is wrong to think that she alone must go to the Kingdom of Heaven, abandoning her husband. The Unification Church is a group of people who want to send a family, nations and the whole world to the Kingdom of Heaven first. The one who wants to liberate God first and then go to the Kingdom of Heaven is a person like Jesus, That is the Messiah's responsibility.

The Messiah does not think, "Oh, I must quickly enter the Kingdom of Heaven." The Messiah is responsible for sending individuals, families, tribes, races, nations and the world to the Kingdom of Heaven. He is also responsible for liberating all people from hell and sending them to the Kingdom of Heaven, because he is the one who is determined to carry all the sadness of God on his shoulders.

Such a man is the Messiah! The Messiah never dreams of thinking, "I will live happily in the Kingdom of Heaven alone." He has to send all mankind to the Kingdom of Heaven and when people in the Kingdom of Heaven look for him saying, "Where is the Messiah? Come on in! Come on in!"--only then can he enter it. If only an individual tribe asks him to come in, he cannot enter. Only when all mankind asks him to enter, and he looks back to make sure that nobody behind him needs his help, then finally he can agree to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Such a man is the Messiah, and this is the ideology of the Messiah.

God does not feel comfortable to see hell, so the Messiah is to liberate God from seeing hell and to create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. Only when God can finally see that the work of salvation is completely finished, will the Messiah be willing to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. These are very serious sentences and the most precious words of all.

There is no need for an individual Messiah who wants to carry only the individual cross. If there is only an individual Messiah, God would have to look for a family level and a tribal level Messiah again. Because the Messiah is responsible for representing everyone, from an individual to the whole world, he will only want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven after the salvation of all mankind is finished and they have safely entered the Kingdom of Heaven. What did Jesus call himself? He said he is the shepherd and we are the sheep. (1989.3.1. Headquarters Church)

The Messiah has nothing to do with the fallen dominion. Because he comes as the subject of original love", he bears no relation to the fallen dominion. He was born as an original son just like God's son and daughter in the Garden of Eden before they had anything to do with the fall. (1983.6.5. America)

Section 2. True Parents

1. The Messiah

1) The Core Of The Bible -True Parents

From where does a fallen man look for the foundation of the original true love? This is a matter for serious consideration. From where? The foundation starts from God and True Parents. It originates from the place when human beings are completely harmonized centering upon God.

What does the Bible teach us? The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments teach us the key point to accomplish God's will. The Bible should teach us the key point of God's desire, the ideal world of love -the key point of human desire, and the direct road to the Kingdom of Heaven. The key point is to look for True Parents, When a bridegroom and a bride who can combine the original standard of love become completely united, they automatically enter the realm of vertical love, then they are supposed to establish a strong standard of true love which can unite the whole cosmos with the brilliant and radiant five-colored light of love. If a religion does not have the content to teach this fact clearly, it cannot resolve God's will.

It is amazing that Christianity has such a content. Because Jesus knew the determining factor for the success of the providence centering upon all religions of the world, he put special emphasis on looking for a bride for himself as bridegroom. That is why the Bible concludes with a bride and a bridegroom. This means we must look for an original garden of love through the course of restoration.

Genesis says there were two trees in the Garden of Eden. One was the tree of life, the other one was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What are the two trees? They symbolize the true man and the true woman that God has been seeking. Due to the fall, the positions of True Father and True Mother are lost, so the trees symbolize True Father and True Mother.

When God led the Israelites in the wilderness, there was a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud. The pillar of cloud led them in the day time, and the pillar of fire led them at night. The pillars of cloud and of fire symbolize parents, representing the man and woman who are supposed to come in the Last Days. It shows us that the people of Israel should serve them. Anybody who does not follow the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud will perish.

When the Israelites were struggling in the forty-year course of the wilderness, not knowing where to go, God, with deep concern to elevate them after the fall, called Moses to Mount Sinai and gave him two tablets after Moses' forty days of fasting. What were the two tablets? They symbolize Adam and Eve -True Parents. Why do the Jewish people put the tablets inside the Ark? The two tablets symbolize the essential people, Adam and Eve, who are vital for fulfilling God's will.

Then what are Aaron's budded rod and the manna? They represent all things which are the origin of life from a reciprocal viewpoint. Human beings are to be one with all things, and then the union of human beings and all things are to be one with God. God directly worked through Aaron's budded rod and the manna because they were to be reciprocal objects to human beings. In order for the Israelites to be united with God, they had to be one with Aaron's rod and the manna. If they did not fulfill their responsibility to unite with the Ark, they would meet a sudden death. This shows that human beings are to be united with all things.

The forty-year course of restoration into Canaan guided the Israelites in the way to serve the Messiah who will come as True Parents in order to actualize God's ideal world and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Because they were about to fall in the wilderness, God gave the two tablets in the Ark, and the manna and the rod, as symbols of the Messiah. Serving the Ark absolutely would lead them to serve the substantial Messiah. It would show the way to start building the heavenly nation. The idea of the tabernacle was to discipline the Israelites to unite with a symbolic Messiah in order to prepare them for the coming of the real Messiah. (1985.4.7. Belvedere)

2) Jesus And True Parents

What are we supposed to know from now on? What will happen in the Last Days? Heaven and earth will be turned upside down. The heavenly law will be changed. Turning heaven and earth upside down does not mean that a cracking heaven transforms the circular earth into a square. The change of heavenly law means that the latter becomes the ancestor, and the former becomes the descendant. Because the true progenitor of the human race came to earth after 6000 years, we are supposed to receive his blood and body in order to be on the right orbit of life.

That is why Jesus said, "I existed before Abraham." What did he mean by that? Jesus came as a parent and a parent cannot be two. A parent is one. The originator of the human race cannot be two. From God's viewpoint, Jesus precedes Abraham because he came as the true parent of mankind. He is the first one; that is why he precedes everybody, Those who come after the very first one cannot be recognized in God's program. (1966.5.25. Chunju Church)

3) The Messiah Is True Parents

Who is the Messiah? The Messiah is an ideal man whose mind and body are united into one centering upon God's love, and he is an original man who transcends the fallen natures. Such a person comes as a center of the universe; he leads people to restore their original nature so that they can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

What should the Messiah look for? A bridegroom looks for a bride, which is Eve. Eve was lost, so he must look for Eve when he comes to the earth. Therefore, Parents' Day, centering upon the words "True Parents," was established for the first time in human history in the Unification Church because an original couple of a man and a woman centering upon God's original love was found. (1983.6.11. World Mission Center)

It is absolutely wrong for Unification Church members to think that we have nothing to do with Christianity. Why is that so? The Old Testament Age and New Testament Age existed in order to restore True Parents. The Completed Testament Age also exists for the restoration of True Parents. The content of those three ages is the same: restoration of True Parents. You should have such a concept. The Messiah is, in fact, True Parents; therefore, the content and the purpose of Judaism, Christianity and the Unification Church are the same.

Then what is different? Judaism wanted to receive the Messiah on a national level, and then to expand it to the whole world. Christianity was formed after Jesus' death in order to receive the Messiah on the worldwide foundation. What about the Completed Testament Age? It is the cosmic level, the time of the desire to receive the True Parents even in the spirit world. The dimension is different. You must clearly differentiate them from one another. (1984.4.29. East Garden)

The Messiah should act as the True Parent when he comes on the earth. Then what is the True Parent? He is a horizontal parent centering upon horizontal true love, representing the vertical True Parent. Christianity says that the Messiah is God and God is the Messiah. This is wrong. God is the vertical True Father. He is the only one vertical Father. There is no other. The Messiah is the horizontal True Parent. (1989.1.24. Ilhwa Yong-In Factory)

2. True Parents Are Absolutely Necessary

1) What Is The Truth?

What kind of a person is the true person that God longs for? To find an answer to this serious question, scholars read abstruse books and interpret the difficult passages. They have an excellent talent in explaining them. But how much do such things relate to God's true will? This is really a serious problem.

Where does God head for? The modern world abandoned God just like an old shoe, concluding, "God is dead. There is no place for the dead God to go and we do not need a noun called 'God' anymore." Morals are being destroyed in this present age. There is no content which sets up an absolute standard of goodness. Because people cannot set up the absolute standard of morality, they look to relative standards. The way to reach the absolute is totally lost.

Are there any special things about Reverend Moon? He eats and sleeps just like everyone else does. Is my opinion so different from others? It is almost the same as others. The question is, "Centering upon what, is it the same?" Centering upon the "truth," it is not the same. The truth is truth equally for the people in the past, present and future. The truth must also be the truth to God as well as to human beings. It transcends national and racial boundaries, the boundary line between the spirit world and the physical world, and the division between the poor and the rich. It also overcomes the divided cultural content of East and West. The truth can overcome everything.

From this viewpoint, what is the truth? No matter how much I declare something to be the truth, if it does not match with the truth of past history or of the future world, it will surely perish later on. Although its start and its process were good, it will get ruined in the end. If the standard of truth lacks something, it cannot survive in front of the truth. This is a very serious viewpoint.

What is the standard of truth? Centering upon what kind of people does the truth exist? The content which has universal validity is the truth. Should it be Korean or international', Should it be historical or contemporary? Scholars all know the answers to such questions. It must be international, rather than Korean, and historical, rather than contemporary.

Where is the root of the truth? The problems of juvenile delinquency or family breakdown result from the uncertain definition and standard of the truth. There is one more point to add. Truth does not belong to only one individual. Truth belongs to a family, a society and a nation before it belongs to me. It must belong to the world before it belongs to Korea, and it must belong to God before it belongs to the world. (1987.7.14. Alaska ISA house)

2) The Messiah Is A Model And A Standard

The Messiah is a true man who represents heaven and earth, the world, nation, tribe, family and the individual. He is a model who surpasses all levels, The Messiah is the one who does not have any conditions to be accused by Satan or human beings. In all aspects, he is a man with God's ideal standard and is officially recognized by God, human beings and Satan. (1989.3.5. Headquarters Church)

Reverend Moon has been teaching the American presidents, leaders and people how to walk the right path. Such an exemplary man should appear, Otherwise, nobody can officially recognize the true standard.

Without a criterion, how can we decide which one is good or bad? There must be an individual standard. There must be only one individual standard representing what the history of religion and of God's providence has been seeking. What can we do to look for such a man with this standard? In order to actualize the ideal, there must be an example of what God has been seeking in His providence. The content of the standard is love. There must be a man with this standard who can be the model of love.

How much would the satanic world oppose such a man? The whole satanic world is mobilized to deny him. The spirit world, the religious world and the secular world altogether deny him. In order for him to be a perfect standard, he must stand in a position to be denied and persecuted badly.

Would Noah have had to follow him if there had been such a model in Noah's time? Or would the model have had to follow Noah? What about Jesus? What about God? They would have to follow him.

Once one model is decided, a nation cannot survive without uniting with it. Even God must follow it. What about Reverend Moon? Can he do whatever he wants to do? The one man with the ideal standard is the Messiah. In religious terms, he is the Messiah; from the historical viewpoint, he is the Savior; and from the providential viewpoint, he is God's son and a saint.

Does the Unification Church have the proper content needed to represent such a model man? This is the problem. What about Reverend Moon? [He has it.] How do you know? All the great people, all the religious leaders and God in the spirit world should know exactly the same way. The spirit world must recognize him. It does not matter if the people in the physical world recognize him or not. The representative model should fight the secular world controlled by Satan after he has been officially recognized by the spirit world. When the individuals, families, tribes, races, nations and the world who have been opposing him can then also recognize him officially, the world meets the end. (1989.3.15. Belvedere)

What is a model? Consider a gold cast, Once a gold cast is made, from it can be made several thousands of the same kind by mass production. (1989.1.8. Headquarters Church)

A model has already appeared. You will enter an age when you must decide if you fit the model. When you fit the model, you will be officially recognized. When there is a model, it is imprinted on the original form and then the imprinted ones are passed over to the assembly line to be assembled. You cannot assemble them as you wish, but they must be officially recognized and assembled by the owner. After the goods are made in an international factory, those which pass the test are reproduced and distributed to the world. The "goods" found acceptable must engage in the movement to liberate the world.

To properly evaluate an individual on a scale, a model must first be prepared or chosen. This applies to a family, a tribe, a nation and the world. All Ph.D.s in econometrics from Harvard University must go through the same evaluation process by comparison to the model. Once a standard measure appears, everyone should strive hard to fit the original form.

Since there is a model, a tribe is significant. A tribe is needed more than a family; when tribes gather properly, they form a nation. The individual level represents the formation period; the family level represents the growth period; and the tribal level represents the completion period -these are most important. Individual perfection, family perfection and tribal perfection all must fit the original standard. Therefore, the Unification Church must initiate a movement to create such forms. (1987.3.15.)

3) What Are True Parents?

What is the True Parent that the Unification Church talks about? If there had been no fall, God would have been the vertical source of love and Adam and Eve would have been God's bodies. They were supposed to be God's bodies in which God is like a bone. God also has mind and body. God is to be the internal parents in the internal position and Adam and Eve were to be the external parents in the external position. Human beings are to serve both internal parents and external parents when the internal and the external parents are united in love. The True Parents -perfect human beings -are to be created by the cooperative fusion of God and human beings through love. There are no perfect human beings unless there is this fusion through love.

The perfect human beings are our original ancestors -the original human beings that God intended to create. We were to be born of such perfect human beings. Because we were to be born of such divine persons, we were to have both the divine nature of God and the human nature of horizontal parents. Only when Adam and Eve were bound up in God's love, could they become perfect. The root of our ancestral blood lineage lies where God's vertical love and horizontal physical love are bound up. From that point, the whole of humankind was to be born. However, due to the fall. man's love. woman's love and God's love are separated. Due to the fall. man's love, woman's love and God's love are not bound together. If there had been no fall, man and woman would have been automatically bound up in love. Why does a man want to be united with a woman? Because of love; then what do they want to do after being united in love? They want to receive God's blessing. This is the purpose. (1988.11.13. Belvedere)

True Parents means a perfect man and a perfect woman who are vertically connected with God and horizontally bound with each other at a ninety-degree angle. The blessing is the process in which I cut the neck of virgins and bachelors and implant the buds of the True Father and True Mother in them to graft them into God's lineage. (1984.5.1. World Mission Center)

4) The Reason We Need True Parents

What do True Parents bring on the earth? They have organized a new realm of heart centering upon true love in humankind and in the spirit world. What is the realm of heart? The realm of the fallen heart has a different blood lineage The root of the realm of true heart centers upon True Parents. It is not a fallen root. You are to grow by engrafting yourself onto the root, which is True Father. Burn the branches and cut off your bond with the satanic world!

After recovering the realm of the original heart by engrafting onto the original root, you can participate in the original position and in true love centering upon God's original and absolute love. Furthermore, you can inherit the universal way of God's true love.

The reason we need True Parents is to plant the original root centering upon the realm of the original heart; in the world, the root is different now. Due to the fall, the trunk and the branches are all different, not the original ones. A new trunk and new branches originate from the new root of True Parents. You are to cut off everything that has originated from the satanic world and engraft yourself onto True Parents, and you are to become the mainstream of the universe.

This is the Last Judgment. When does this judgment take place? It happens when the root and all the side branches of the satanic world are cut off. Only the mainstream who connect to the original root can inherit the position of heir to receive God's love. The Unification Church follows the heartistic way of truth by working to connect the trunk, the branches and the leaves which originate from the root of love to mankind in order to resurrect the world. For that reason, True Parents and their love are absolutely needed, (1987.5.10. Pusan Church)

What are True Parents? How are they different from your physical parents in terms of love? The concept of love is different. Your physical parents teach love centering upon the physical body, whereas your spiritual parents teach love centering upon the spirit world. The content is different. Because of the fall, we need spiritual parents as well as physical parents. What have your fallen parents taught you so far? They have taught you to go downward centering upon individualism, abandoning the way of higher dimension. From your physical parents comes the decisive line to drag you eternally into this fallen world. There is no way to cut this line without True Parents.

On such a foundation, True Parents teach you concepts of a higher dimension. The more you go up, the more important are the lessons they teach you. They teach you principles which will enable you to live in the eternal nation in Heaven so you will not have any problems harmonizing with the rhythm of that world. They teach you the lessons you need to know so that you will not have any problem breathing there. (1983.10.1. World Mission Center)

3. The Mission Of The True Parents

1) The Correct Establishment Of The Blood Lineage

What does the Messiah do when he comes on the earth? His root is God. That is the difference. The Messiah is rooted in God, whereas fallen men are rooted in Satan. What kind of being is the Messiah? He is bound completely to God's root of love and is the substitute for Adam, who fell in his immature growing period.

The Messiah comes to the earth for the history of recreation. God created Eve after the model of Adam. Saying that Eve was created with one of Adam's ribs means that she was created after the pattern of Adam.

Did God create Adam after Eve or Eve after Adam? Since Eve was created after Adam, when a perfect man in the position of Adam comes, Eve is supposed to become perfect after the model of the perfect Adam. Because Adam fell without fulfilling his responsibility, the person who restores what Adam did must look for a woman from the satanic world. He must not bring the woman to him by force. He should win a natural surrender centering upon love, and the satanic blood lineage should be absolutely denied.

How is the satanic blood lineage formed? If there is a bride, the bridal family, bridal tribe, bridal nation and bridal world all are tightly connected. When the Messiah seeks his bride. Satan will utilize all kinds of cunning methods to stop him. Because Satan is well aware that his nation will be uprooted by this man, he will do his utmost to oppose the Messiah. (1987.10.4. Headquarters Church)

What does Reverend Moon of the Unification Church do in this world? The Unification Church uses the words "True Parents," which is an astonishing term. Since false parents have been born, true parents must appear. What is the mission of the True Parents? They must correct the false blood lineage -the root of the satanic world and of the false life and false way of love. The Bible says, "Those who want to die will live and those who want to live will die." The reason why such a paradoxical statement has to appear is that Satan must die. (1987.10.4. Headquarters Church)

2) Salvation Is Through Love

Because our course of life is distorted due to the fall, it must be restored. The Messiah represents humankind and comes as the person in charge of restoring the disorder. The Messiah has to save the lost love itself. Innumerable religious people do not know that saving this lost love is much more precious than saving one Adam or one Eve.

That is why the Unification Church works for the unity of people. How should people be united? With force? With knowledge? With threatening power? People are united with essential love. Where does this fundamental love come from? It must come from God. Why must it come from God? Human beings are born of love. The love of parents is the root of your life. When that love is connected to God's love, the root of God's love itself can settle down within your mind and body. (1986.2.1. Headquarters Church)

3) Opening The Gate Of The Age Of The Blessing

What is the Holy Father in Christianity? It is God, What is the holy son? It is Jesus. What about the Holy Spirit? It is the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit like a dove or water or oil? What kind of spirit is it? It is a motherly spirit. When this motherly spirit on the spiritual foundation substantially meets the word with a substantial body, the wedding supper of the Lamb takes place. It is the moment when for the first time in 6000 years of biblical history, good parents are to be restored. History started with false parents and extended into the satanic world of 3.6 billion fallen people. They have to be born again through True Parents. How can they be born again when they were already born? The only way is through a graft. They all became the wild olive trees, In order for them to be engrafted into the bud and the branch of a true olive tree, they must abandon their life.

What will then be the future history? The religious age of a bride and a bridegroom will take place when the Lord as a bridegroom meets his bride. That is the True Parents' religion. Actually, it is not a religion at all. Religion will disappear at that time. Salvation is to be achieved by attending True Parents. The salvation age of attendance is coming. Therefore, True Parents' words should be the origin of your words and all the biological feelings of True Parents should become your biological feelings. True Parents' life should be the traditional foundation of the culture in your family.

Where are the cultural form and the historical tradition centering upon True Parents? The current world, cultural realms, nations and churches have been formed by the descendants of fallen ancestors through the satanic lineage. In order to clean up all those satanic results, Jesus came. This is restoration.

The vertical history should be indemnified horizontally in the Last Days. Eve and the archangel should center upon Adam and the original standard of the Garden of Eden. Centering upon God, they must be united.

What is the fall? It is the separation of all beings. The Christian cultural age and the archangelic cultural age have been separated, but they are to be absorbed into the Christian cultural age. The culture of Satan appears as the communistic dominion. But when the culture centering upon True Parents appears in the Last Days, both communism and democracy will disappear. The international trend of religious thought also will fade away and a new age of international culture centering upon the meeting of the returning Lord as a bridegroom and his bride will come. Such a world will be a united world of language, life, action, hope and heart, The Unification Church began with the longing for such a united world.

The Unification Church teaches that you cannot receive salvation as an individual. You cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven alone. That is Principle. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden are supposed to go to the Kingdom of Heaven together. The husband alone or wife alone cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. The ideal is that the united husband and wife -the united family -is to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. Can you be happy when your father goes to hell and your mother goes to Heaven? Is it good that parents go to the Kingdom of Heaven and children go to hell? What kind of Kingdom of Heaven is that?

The Kingdom of Heaven is the place where the husband and wife -a family -and furthermore, the whole tribe, the whole nation and the whole world are to go together. The place where the whole group can go together is the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the way of the Unification Church. The purpose of the Unification Church is not individual salvation. Our mass wedding ceremony takes place according to this principle. The mass wedding ceremony is an object of ridicule, seen as a kind of sideshow nowadays, but the content contains a great deal of importance.

Marriage is not allowed during the religious age of the archangel. Due to Jesus' death, the religious world had to branch out into two. One of them is Christianity.

Adam comes as a bridegroom and becomes one with Eve. This couple is to go back to God by loving the archangel. History is formed like that.

From now on marriage is necessary in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The time has come for the married Buddhist priest to win over the Buddhist monk. If Catholic priests and nuns remain single, they will all end up in hell. Now universal fortune seeks the bond of a bride and a bridegroom, Catholic priests and nuns must get married; otherwise, they will perish. The Unification Church blesses the bride and the bridegroom so they will not perish. Can Jesus manage this if he comes from the clouds? Can he build the Kingdom of Heaven if he comes as a ghost? It would be in vain if he comes from the clouds. (1971.10.3. Ex-headquarters Church)

4) The Accomplishment Of The Unification Dominion

The Messiah comes in order to accomplish unification. He comes to turn the world upside down. To do so, he comes with the new church that works for unity. (1989.3.5. Headquarters Church)

True Parents continuously want to love the fallen world with the original heart no matter how evil the fallen world is. They want to love the individuals, families, tribes, nations and the world with such an unchanging heart. No matter how much the world is wrong, they want to forgive and love it. Nevertheless, the whole world opposes them, but they must march forward toward the united world, forgetting and overcoming the individual, family, tribal, national and worldwide level opposition. This is the mission of the Messiah and the responsibility of True Parents and God. (1990.7.15. America)

5) The Liberation Of The Spirit World

The mission of True Parents is to indemnify, even conditionally, all the blocked realms of the spirit world from the very bottom of the earth. They must go through the course of indemnifying the entire history of mankind. Centering upon the conditional nucleus that can connect the vertical eight stages into the horizontal eight stages, they are to indemnify history. Father has been doing this for forty years. (1987.5.14. Korea)

4. The Proclamation Of True Parents

1) The Purpose Of The Proclamation Of True Parents

In order for you to become parents resembling True Parents, even though Father and Mother are not here, Father proclaims True Parents. The term "True Parents" means the perfection of everything. It is something that can make God perfect. When conventional Christians hear this, they ask, "What? Does something make God perfect?" They think God is an absolute Being, so He does not need anything. This is not true.

The content of the proclamation is: "When you live for the sake of the world more than True Parents and when you fly to the world like a swarm of bees, carrying a much heavier cross than Parents, the world will be transformed into God's nation at once." "Be absolutely obedient to Rev. Moon" is not the message the proclamation gives.

2) The Meaning And The Result Of The Proclamation Of True Parents

We have spent more money for saving the conventional churches, which have been constantly opposing us, than for the Unification Church during the last forty years. Even though America has been my enemy, I invested several billion dollars a year in order to save America. I was not indebted to the Soviet Union at all this time. I went there to give true love for their sake. My visit was not for making money. Gorbachev should automatically bow his head when he holds my hands. He was like a prodigal son driven out of his house, crying over the river. I had to go through countless years in order to hold his hands and finally meet him with rising heavenly fortune centering upon God's true love; because of this, Gorbachev's heart must bow down in front of me.

What do the True Parents do when they appear on earth? They have to live for the sake of mankind more than anyone has and they have to liberate God. When you inherit such a tradition, the pivotal point of peace for the unification of all nations will be implanted; it will revive nations and digest the whole world. When we cheered, "Heavenly Father, Mansei!" and "True Parents, Mansei!" in True Parents' welcoming rally, there were many ministers and elders from the conventional churches. They said on the way out, "Oh! What did I do? I must have been possessed by evil spirits. I have called them heretics until yesterday, but I have just given a cheer for True Parents. What is this?" Nobody forced them to raise their hands. They did it unconsciously. If they had not done it, their ancestors would not have been quiet.

True Parents' welcoming rally was held in order to correctly establish the origin of the beginning of history according to heavenly laws and y finished, all the wicked beings under Satan must disappear and world unification will take place. (1990.5.6. Headquarters Church; 1990.5.25. Hannam-dong House)

When True Parents' welcoming rally is finished nationwide, we enter a new age. Those who are spiritually open have already received the revelation that the old world is terminated and we are entering a new world. That is why the spirit world returns to you. The good spirits who had believed in the world's major religions -Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament -and had left a good reputation on earth have been helping the earthly providence according to God's will. So far there has been no way to be related to the earth without going through such good spirits in the good spirit world.

But because True Parents victoriously went over the battles against the individuals, families, tribes, nations and the world, the religious realm became liberated. There is no religion in the age of True Parents. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, there would have been no need for a religion, Centering upon the one ideal of Adam and Eve who are eternally united with God, ancestors in the spirit world would have freely related to their descendants on earth at any time. (1990.5.24. Hannam-dong House)

Because True Parents are proclaimed, Korea will not perish. A11 nations, including the Soviet Union and the whole world, will not perish,

If there had been True Parents in the Garden of Eden, Satan would have never existed there. Because your ancestors went to spirit world earlier than you and they are in the position of the archangel, you are to precede them. (1990.6.26. Kwang Ju Church)

3) The Influential Power Of True Parents

Every religion of high dimension has the ideal of a Second Coming. Why? What is the purpose of the Second Coming? It is True Parents, the Second Coming of the Lord. The Messiah means True Parent, which is the goal of human history, When all the crowds of people who have been wandering around like orphans without their own nations come to True Parents, one world or one house of the family of God can finally be built.

There is no Satan in the world where True Parents dwell. This is the Principle view. When True Parents appear, Satan is to disappear automatically. (1990.5.27. Belvedere)

When you know clearly of God and True Parents, you are liberated and you are resurrected. You must show God and True Parents to the world. When you become the substantial proof to represent God and True Parents, the whole world will be liberated. People must see God and True Parents in you, Because people are all aware of the original mind, they can easily recognize the ones with God and True Parents. The reason why I talk about this today is because today is the proclamation day for such a transitional period.

What is God's original ideal of creation? It is to build a kingdom in Heaven and on earth centering upon True Parents. Without True Parents, the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth cannot take place. When we ask Christians, "How come Jesus is in Paradise rather than in the Kingdom of Heaven even though he is God's first son?" they cannot answer. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth can be established only through the completion of True Parents and the foundation of love. Uniting the kingdom in the spirit world is True Parents' mission, not somebody else's, Because Jesus could not be the True Parent, he is in Paradise.

Human history is a mystery because people do not know about restoration through indemnity. The law of cause and effect surely applies to history, so the evil one is destined to perish. But we did not know why the evil would perish.

Why is God's ideal not accomplished? God's love which is ideal must appear, but people did not know where God's love could actually come from. It cannot come from the scholar's brain. It originates from the bone marrow of the original parents. Therefore, the fact that True Parents' history takes place in the human world means the foundation for the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven to be connected to the earth is established. Without going through True Parents, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be born. True Parents, in the position of having fulfilled the responsibility for the whole, should unite the indirect dominion of heart with the direct dominion of heart. Without the emergence of the foundation to unite the heavenly world with the earthly world, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be born. This is the ideal of creation, not my words. (1986.10.9. Hamnam-dong House)

4) True Parents And True Children

Are you the real children of True Parents? [Yes.] What are children? For what reason do we call True Parents and True Children "super champions"? [Because of true love.] It is the true blood lineage rather than true love. True Parents are connected to True Children through the true blood lineage, even though their bond is formed through true love. Those who are connected through the true blood lineage should resemble True Parents. Do you resemble me? Your eyes are blue and my eyes are black. Our hair is also different. I am an Oriental, and my face is flat.

To resemble me, you must resemble my core -the essence. You are to resemble my essence -winning over Satan and having absolute love for God, and then you are to control Satan. (1987.11.8. Headquarters Church)

Unless you can completely inherit from True Parents, serving them as your parents and feeling their liberation as your liberation, you cannot inherit God's blessing -the "heirship." (1962.10.7. Ex-headquarters Church)

With whom are the Unification Church members united? Who are True Parents united with? [God!] There is no other special way for you to live, except holding onto True Parents. Even for Dr. Lee and Dr. Yun, the base of the tree trunk that you know does not matter. Your past is in vain

After cutting the root, buds, base of a trunk, and the branches of the past you are to be engrafted to the new tradition of the Parents who are about to open a new history; then you are to carry on the new cultural background of the Unification Church. (1987.6.14. Headquarters Church)

How much should you love Father? You should go back to the original problem. You are not supposed to love with any trace of the satanic world. You must not love in the contaminated position. You must love Father more than you love your parents, spouse and children in the satanic world. That is why the Bible says, "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me 'is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me"; it also says, "Take your cross and follow me." You are to take up your own cross. Overcoming the power which pulls you in the opposite direction is taking the cross. Here you should shed bitter tears. (1988.6.1. Headquarters Church)

Chapter 1 - Key Words Regarding Tribal Messiah

Chapter 1 - Key Words Regarding Tribal Messiah

Cheju province regional director! [Yes!] Who is the representative pastor of Cheju province? [Pastor Suguipo.] You! Come here and talk about tribal messiah! Other people sit down. [Pastor Suguipo explains about tribal messiah.]

How is restoration through indemnity possible without knowing the Principle clearly? The messiah as the tribal messiah does not come automatically. You need to know clearly about Cain and Abel. The mistakes committed by brothers should be reversed. Due to Adam and Eve's fall, the elder brother was positioned on Satan's side. This should be reversed. This reversal of dominion has reached the summit of the world. The satanic world has developed until now centering upon the nation. That is why the Messiah cannot come unless there is a rational level of unity between Cain and Abel. You should know this clearly. Cain and Abel must unite in order to prepare a firm foundation for the tribal messiah to stand on.

This was true with Jesus' coming. Jesus came to earth 4,000 biblical years later than Cain and Abel. What did he seek? He came to look for a Judaism united with the nation of Israel, which were in a Cain and Abel relationship with each other. Nothing is possible without considering Cain and Abel's story. Satan's blood lineage came first. That is why the heavenly blood lineage could not be passed down. Without restoring the heavenly blood lineage, God's salvation providence is impossible. Therefore, the returning Messiah must deal with the blood relationship. The Messiah is in Adam's position. That is why a parent is restored through Abel, as the Principle makes clear.

What should Abel do? Abel should make Cain surrender at the national level. The nation of Israel is Cain while Judaism is Abel, so Judaism should control the Israel nation. On that foundation, Judaism was supposed to become one with Jesus. If John the Baptist had become one with Jesus Judaism would have been one with Jesus. John the Baptist was in the position of Abel in his relationship to Judaism. He was Abel from the horizontal viewpoint. Centering upon the unity between John the Baptist and Judaism, Judaism and Israel should have united. Then, the national level foundation for the Messiah could have been established. The parental position at the national level was to be set up on that foundation of oneness.

Do you understand that Parents cannot come without the oneness of Cain and Abel? On the foundation of unity, Abel should take the lead. The king of the Israel nation was not under the control of a high priest. If John the Baptist had united with Judaism, the Israel nation would have followed, That was the original order of what should have happened.

Isn't that so in America now? A minister blesses a president in the presidential inaugural ceremony. The minister is in the high priest's (Abel's) position and the president is in Cain's position. Cain cannot directly receive absolute authority from Heaven. He should receive it through Abel. Likewise, Parents cannot stand as Parents unless Cain and Abel's positions are set. God cannot dwell in your mind and body if they are not united. Do you understand what I mean?

Parents cannot be restored without the oneness of Cain and Abel. Why? Because the elder son, inheriting blood from the satanic world, became the root of evil. No life has been planted centering upon Heaven until now. All of the satanic blood lineage should be cut off, simultaneously, by centering upon the Heavenly Parents; then it should be engrafted into the original lineage before the fall. That is why there must be a resolution of the Cain and Abel conflict. On the foundation of restoring the birthright through indemnity, Abel is to play the role of the elder brother. The elder brother Cain should play the role of the younger brother. That means Satan completely surrenders to Abel.

Abel has to surrender to Adam. That is the Principle. Without that Principle, Parents cannot come. The Cain and Abel relationship was not to be indemnified centering upon Zachariah's family and Joseph's family, but was rather to be restored centering upon Judaism and the nation of Israel. The tribes are included in that. Joseph's family and Zachariah's family were not a problem for the Messiah. Judaism and Israel were supposed to become one. On that foundation of unity, the people of Israel were to follow the absolute authority of Judaism.

History has been the history of restoring the birthright. Nothing is possible without this concept, Immediately following World War II, the foundation was prepared to restore the birthright. At that time, centering upon the mother, Abel, representing the heavenly side, was to become the elder son and to make Cain, Satan's side, follow him. Only after Cain surrendered to Abel could the Second Coming occur. Abel was the realm of the Christian culture, which was composed of Christianity, and America. Who was to be the center? Abel was to be the center. Centering upon Christianity, America created world unity. Because Cain and Abel unity was established on the worldwide level, Parents could come.

In the world at that time, Britain was in the position of mother, and America had the position of having restored the birthright. The mother appeared, Abel on the heavenly side became the elder son, and the satanic world became the younger son, The Cain nations surrendered. Because the satanic world in the position of the younger son became obedient, Parents could come. For the first time in human history, the whole world was united centering upon the Christian cultural dominion.

Mankind did not receive the heavenly seed of life. No matter how much the mother and Cain and Abel were successful in uniting, they were like trees of false love rooted in the satanic world. They did not receive the seed of the true olive tree. The Eve nation, Abel nation and Cain nation togeth er were to look for the Father nation. Who is to come as the father? Isn't that a parent? What is a parent? A parent is the origin of the seed of life. In the course of the fall, the younger brother became the elder brother, and the elder brother became the younger brother; so in the course of restoration, centering upon the mother, heavenly elder sonship and younger sonship have to be correctly ordered.

After the correct order of elder son and younger son is formed, whom are they to look for? They are to look for the father. This is restoration. The seed planted on an individual level is to be restored on a national level. Centering upon Heaven, the mother nation, Abel nation and Cain nation are to be connected. If the two sons become united centering upon the mother, restoration is possible. If there is no unity, restoration is impossible. The term "tribal messiah" does not come into existence without a clear understanding of Cain and Abel.

It is not enough for our church members to just serve and attend Heavenly Parents. Our Parents' desire not just the Nam Won Church in Cheju province. They seek the entire Cheju province. In order to achieve our Parents' desire, there must be unity between the regional director and the governor of the province. Is unity established there now? You must know this point.

What is the church's mission? It is to digest and recreate Cain's dominion -- the satanic world. With what do you recreate? With love. You should melt the satanic world with true love. This is the formula, You cannot go in front of God without following this formula. If you go to the spirit world without going through this formula course, you will be stopped. You can never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

That is why you must talk about the restoration of Cain and Abel before mentioning tribal messiah. Who is the regional director here? The regional director should give direction to the governor of the province. County leaders are nothing. If Father brought all the presidents of the universities here, you must lead and teach them. The utmost desire of humankind is to attend Parents. What would you, in the position of orphans, desire more than meeting Parents? You must say to them, "Even though you are a very prominent president of the university, you must follow me -- a regional director -- if you want to meet and serve Parents." You must educate them. Everything will go smooth after educating the presidents of the universities and the governors of provinces.

Now the time has come to unite everything centering upon Parents. The opposition has disappeared. My standard is on the world level and cosmic level. There are so many nations in the world, How can I control all of them? The method to manage them is through the tribal messiahs. I penetrated all the national foundations and worldwide vertical standards.

Jesus did not fulfill the responsibility of the tribal messiah. Why didn't he fulfill it? He could not be successful, because of the opposition. At that time, Judaism, the Israel nation and the Roman Empire opposed and denied him. Now over 20,000 families are arranged (blessed) centering upon me. Jesus would have arranged such families if he had been successful in fulfilling the mission of the tribal messiah. What am I supposed to do with such an arrangement? The birthright is already restored, so parentship must be restored. Adam's family failed to restore it, and so did Jesus' family. This should be restored through indemnity.

I have exceeded Adam's and Jesus' vertical foundation. I have successfully established all the eight levels of the vertical foundation. You are supposed to lay the horizontal foundation. The eight horizontal foundations -- individual, family, tribe, race, nation, world, cosmos and God -- are to be focused on one point. Everything is to be connected centering upon the family. You are to be successful in winning both the vertical and horizontal victories on the worldwide level. The Unification Church has been persecuted on an individual, family, tribal, racial, national and worldwide level for forty years, Now everything is finished. The vertical foundation is firmly established. When the horizontal foundation is connected to the vertical foundation, there will be no more problems.

From this viewpoint, there is no opposition on the horizontal foundation. No opposition at the time of Jesus would mean that, on the foundation of unity with Israel, Judaism and the Roman Empire, the whole world would have welcomed the time to unite without any opposition. Now America is in the position of the Roman Empire, and Christianity is like Judaism in Jesus' time. My victory has eliminated all the negative environmental conditions for America and Christianity to oppose the Unification Church.

The world is to be controlled on the foundation of restoring the birthright. In order to manage all the tribes in the world, we should deal with over twelve nations. Those twelve nations should be connected into 360 degrees. I came to earth instead of God and dispatched tribal messiahs in order to stop the destruction of all the nations. If you create little controversies, the satanic world will fade away. You should take the offensive position over ten times more than the times the satanic world has opposed us in the past. Satan attacked ten times, didn't he? Moses encountered satanic attack ten times in the pharaoh's palace, Jacob was also deceived ten times by Satan under Uncle Laban. You must restore, through indemnity, their suffering. Attack Satan over ten times! You have received persecution, haven't you? [Yes?] Did you get angry or not? [We got angry.] If you are angry, you should retaliate with love. Satanic people have attacked us in order to destroy us, but we will completely besiege them in order to save them. Otherwise, over ten times more disasters will happen to you; Satan will proceed to bite you.

I am the representative of the world and, at the same time, the representative of the nation. I am in the center. You are the representative of your tribes and you are to spread out horizontally. You should fight the world, in my place, on the foundation of your firm belief in me. Flowers bloom on the branches, not on the trunk or on the bud, Because I indemnified the center of the nation and of the world, Satan cannot attack me.

I put you tribal messiahs in the position of victorious Jesus. What do I want to do with you? I am trying to indemnify the mistakes of Adam's family. Your own father and mother are opponents. Looking at your parents, centering upon True Parents -- the center of the heavenly nation and of the whole world -- they are opponents. Parents in the same tribe are opponents. You are Abel, the younger son, so you are the one who should liberate parents, God and your Cains in your tribe.

When blessed families can make the three generations in their tribe (parents, grandparents and elder brothers) serve the tribe parents as their parents, every family member will be liberated. The original Adam's family (before the fall), Jesus' family and the returning Lord's family are to be connected in a tribe. On that foundation, finally, satanic dominion will end.

You are to connect Parents' will to your family, which has been opposing you. After restoring all the opposition in your family, your parents who have been opposing you are to stand in the position of ancestors. They are to become ancestors of your tribe. Why is this to be so? On the foundation that your parents become ancestors of your tribe, your ancestors can stand in the position of original parents prior to the fall so that they can be embraced in God's bosom. Your hometown then belongs to God. For the first time in your tribal history, your original hometown comes into being.

Is your hometown Pyung Ando Chung Joo? No, it is the Parents' hometown. It is the hometown of the king, not of the people. Only by restoring your parents and your tribe, can your hometown become a heavenly hometown and your parents become the parents of heavenly blood lineage. Therefore, when tribal messiahs, following Parents' will and God's will, can restore their own tribes, a nation will be restored. When twelve tribal messiahs become united, the nation can be restored. It is only a matter of time. The tribal messiahs should be able to restore the birthright and all the mistakes of Adam's family and Jesus' family. They then should be able to restore and control all of the satanic world. I overcame those eight stages and was victorious over them. I arranged over 20,000 blessed families on earth, not in the spirit world, centering upon east, west, north and south.

The people of Israel longed to meet the Messiah for 4000 years. That very Messiah came into your own tribe. What does that mean? You are to indemnify Judaism and the Christian cultural realm, which nobly worked in order to meet the Messiah for thousands of years and which have been the mainstream of religion since the generation of Adam. The cherished wishes of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, myself and God are to be fulfilled.

Why was Israel chosen? It was to receive the Messiah. Even though you are collateral families, I endow you, the tribal messiahs, with privileged benefit, as though you are direct descendants. Tribal messiahs must fulfill their mission at the risk of their lives. A wife should play the role of a mother, and a husband should play the role of a father. They are to give rebirth to people and to enable them to be engrafted to the heavenly lineage, otherwise they cannot come back to this center. If they neglect this mission, they will be deprived of everything. Tribal messiahs, on the foundation of the restored birthright, must make every endeavor to fulfill the responsibility of liberating parents.

The returning Lord, representing Abel on the individual, family, tribe, race, national and world levels, must indemnify the mistakes of Christianity and the United States, and must destroy communism so that he can prepare the environmental conditions necessary to unite the world. Just as Heaven sends the returning Lord to the earth, Parents in place of God send you to the world as tribal messiahs. Parents bequeath the realm or authority of the religious mainstream, in which the promised foundation to meet the

Messiah has been established for 4000 years, to tribal messiahs. Though Heaven gave such privileged benefit to them, they became dimwitted and lost their ability to see clearly. They became people who do not know the world.

What is the responsibility of tribal messiahs? It is the restoration of kingship. Your house should be ready to receive and serve the king. What does that mean? The kingship which is to connect Heaven to earth must be restored. The sap of every tree must penetrate the root and the bud, and reach all the branches; then a tree survives. The restoration of kingship must go through the family. It must go through the individual kingship, family level kingship and tribal level kingship. You are the kings centering upon your tribes. That is why the Bible says, "They will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years,"

That is the reason why you must be absolutely united with the True Family. First of all, you must be united with my sons and daughters, more than with your own sons and daughters or anybody else. When connected at the family level, the kingship of a nation and of the world takes place, You should not be ignorant of what is going on in the world. You must not be blind and unknowing,

What should we do then? The restoration of the birthright at the worldwide level must be established, I indemnified the unfulfilled responsibility of Christianity and all the mistakes committed by the United States. Parents would start on the foundation of the restored birthright, which is achieved through the unity between the United States and Christianity. Because "parents" could stand firmly on earth, I send you out to the world. You are supposed to be like the bishops appointed by the Roman emperor. You must be the people who actively work for the sake of the world, but instead you look like good-for-nothing fellows. You are really unworthy to receive such a great blessing to be true tribal messiahs, even though you die thousands of thousands times.

When did you pay your individual indemnity? Have you put yourself in life and death situations as a living sacrifice? Have you been persecuted, dragged by Satan to every corner of the world? In the past people became sacrifices and offered their deaths, but you must not die now. Even good-for-nothing people of the world looked down upon me. Who didn't want to kill me? Everyone wanted to get rid of me, but I survived. You must not trample upon the public foundation set up with Parents' blood and sweat at the jaws of death.

I paid all of the indemnity, instead of you. The horizontal indemnity is also paid. The opposition has faded away and disappeared. Try to fulfill your tribal messiah's mission from a mere sense of duty for three years. Can you sleep at night when you are about to restore your tribe centering on your parents?

Restoration of the birthright should start from the restoration of parents, On that foundation, kingship is to be restored, and you can go back to the original standard. Wherever you go in the world, you must go to the center centering upon the family. The sap of a tree passes through all branches, buds and roots. The sap goes wherever it wants to go. Just as the sap penetrates all the parts of a tree, there is a way prepared for me to freely go to any place centering upon the center. Otherwise, you cannot go back to your hometown in Heaven.

Why do we need tribal messiahs? We are not born of heavenly parents. Our hometown is not a heavenly hometown and our parents are not heavenly parents. Only when we set up heavenly parents and a heavenly hometown can all humankind become the people of the heavenly nation and go back to the original position, inheriting the heavenly blood lineage. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth can then be established.

You should think of Cain and Abel when talking about tribal messiah. After the restoration of the birthright -- the elder sonship, what comes next? [The restoration of parentship.] Adam and Eve's blood became contaminated. The root is planted incorrectly, so you are to be blessed with and engrafted to True Parents' blood lineage. We all then get to come to one root which leads kings to be established.

When a tree is capable of producing fruits in all four directions of east, west, south and north, the owner protects the tree. He wants to protect the tree eternally. Only when the owner can harvest fruit from the tree is he willing to protect the tree eternally. On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus cursed a fig tree because it did not have any fruit. You will be eternally protected only when you restore yourself to the original standard on which you can be born again as heavenly sons and daughters. The Bible makes sense according to the principle of restoration through indemnity. After establishment of "parentship" and "kingship," God's eternal elder son should be created. God has been wanting to restore the elder son since Adam and Noah.

What should you do first if you are a tribal messiah? You are to restore the elder sonship birthright. The Messiah cannot come unless the birthright is restored. It must be accomplished on the national level. Judaism and Israel in Jesus' time were on the national level. If Jesus had influenced Rome, they would have been restored right away. What I have done so far is to restore Christianity and the United States in the position of Judaism and the Roman Empire respectively. Jesus could not influence the senior statesmen of his time, so I indemnified this. I influenced the U.S. Congress and the direction of the United States, guiding American presidents as well as the American people. Now there is no more opposition against the Unification Church. When you receive the seed of life from Parents, centering upon God's love, and plant heavenly love, heavenly life and heavenly blood lineage, you come to one root. Satan cannot dwell there. This makes logical sense. The restoration of the kingship is first.

Who was Adam? He was to be an individual king, a family level king, a tribal king, a racial king, a national king, a worldwide king and a cosmic king, but he lost his kingship. On the foundation that I made on earth, he will be the king of the heavenly nation in the spirit world. You must be the tribal messiah -- the king of a tribe. Nothing is possible without going through this course.

Those who want to be presidents are under my influence. Look! Who is the owner of Korea? It is not a president. Dr. Lee was expelled. Chang Myun was also expelled. The third president, Jung Hee Park, was supposed to unite with me and serve me, but he did not. That is why he was assassinated. The next one was President Chun. I made him president, but he betrayed me. That is why he was fired, too. It has become more and more difficult to become a president. If a president does something wrong, he will completely perish. His whole tribe will be mortified. Isn't it strange? Do you know why? Heaven does not stay with them.

If you lay the foundation of tong-ban kyuk-pa (tong-ban: subdivision, small section of a city in Korea; kyuk-pa: smash, crush. It means witnessing to every member of the tong-ban subdivision area.) centering upon the tribal messiahs, Cain's dominion will fade away. You must control the governors of provinces. If you cannot do it, quit your mission. You must also educate district leaders. You must be able to say to them, "If you want to be a governor or a district leader, you must listen to me." Such a foundation has already been made. Even though I have made all these foundations for you to go out and educate them, if you cannot do it, I will cut your neck. I will bring Japanese people and American people here and make you their servants. I am not going to say when I will do this. I will change your position right away. This means that, "The first becomes the last, and the last becomes the first." Ignorant ones become servants. What are you supposed to be? [Tribal messiahs.] In order to be tribal messiahs, you must restore the elder sonship birthright. You must restore the worldwide level of the birthright.

I indemnified the unfulfilled responsibility of the United States and Christianity, so the communist parties will perish. Father already taught that the communist party will not last more than 73 years. This is the 73rd year. Everything is finished. Situations will change rapidly.

What is the mission of tribal messiahs? It is to restore elder sonship. God, centering upon the religious dominion, has been working ceaselessly to restore elder sonship for several millions of years. Elder sonship has not been restored, because nobody knew how to do it. Due to my appearance, the restoration of elder sonship is possible for the first time in history. What comes after restoration of elder sonship? Restoration of parentship. After combining elder sonship and parentship, kingship has to be restored. This is a very clear formula.

I am the King of Kings in the spirit world. Spirit world has already decided who is the king. The spirit world already arranged the plan, before the Unification Church even started and won a substantial victory on earth. Now everything is ours. Actually, I do not even need to teach you this fact. In the name of God and of Parents, Heaven and earth from the same place dispatch the tribal messiahs. Tribal messiahs are dispatched out to the world from the very place where true life and blood lineage are completely united centering upon love. There is no satanic dominion any more. This is from absolute authority. Push those who have been negative! Ask your parents and the people in the villages who opposed and persecuted you, "What did Rev. Moon do wrong? You have got to listen to me, I am out here talking to you, not because I am worse than professors, but because I want to save you."

I have ordered you to have revival meetings with your close relatives. Are you holding the revival meetings? You should look for your relatives and witness to them. When all of your relatives support you, won't your parents support you? Let them look around together with you to see what is going on and make them surrender to you.

In your daily life, you should serve me more than you serve God. God cannot restore the elder sonship. It is to be restored through Cain and Abel. It is not supposed to be done by parents. Mankind should restore it. After the restoration of Cain and Abel, Parents will come. Only when Parents become one with their children will God come down. God cannot do whatever He wants to do because the human blood lineage was wrongly established.

When God is parents, then Jesus is Abel and the people of the world are Cain. The fallen world must be restored. Without restoring the fallen world, no one can go to the Kingdom of Heaven after they die. God wants to bring you to the Kingdom of Heaven, but how can He bring dead bodies to the Kingdom of Heaven? It is impossible for God to bring dead people to the Kingdom of Heaven. First, mankind must be liberated; next, God must be liberated. When Cain and Abel completely become one, God can be liberated. That is the way of restoring parentship.

When is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth to be established? The Kingdom of Heaven on earth takes place when the Unification Church and the world are united. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth, in terms of the church dominion, exists, but the original Kingdom of Heaven on earth exactly like the one prior to the fall is not established yet.

What should Abel do? He should restore Cain. Abel is in the growth stage from a horizontal viewpoint. I am in the completion stage, It is the national level. Next you must reach the completion stage. Only when you restore your family by making Cain and Abel unite, can your family relate to me. Otherwise, you can never get to where I am, even after death.

If Cain and Abel had become one, Jesus would not have had to die. The previous 2,000-year course of suffering and shouldering the cross would not have been necessary. If you do not restore your family as tribal messiahs, you cannot follow me. You cannot reach me. If you are not united with me, I will not bequeath anything to you.

Where is Jesus now? Is he in the Kingdom of Heaven or in Paradise? [Paradise.] You will end up being in Paradise, if you do not fulfill your responsibility as tribal messiahs. If you cannot establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, you cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven. Try visiting spirit world and see if what I am saying is true or not. What do you think logically? Would you pass through the Kingdom of Heaven or not? [I think I will not pass through it.]

How big is the tribal messiah's mission? I will not exchange one tribal messiah for hundreds of governors of the Cheju province. I will not exchange one tribal messiah for hundreds of presidents. If I had not known the value of it, I would not have even started this game. Do you think there is a person exactly like me in the world who will do what I am doing? Those who claim to be the returning Messiah all look like thieves to me. What happened to them? Even though they gain whatever they want, they cannot digest even one nation. They cannot digest Korea with their selfish greed. They would rather destroy their own tribes as well as their nation. They become traitors.

You have to wake up! You must be more active, working at the front line more than any patriots of South Korea and of North Korea. You should know clearly about tribal messiah.

What do I mean by saying that kingship cannot be achieved without a family? In order to acquire a cosmic kingship, one has to go step by step from an individual kingship, a tribal kingship, a national kingship, etc. There is a step-up order. That is why you must be united with the True Family on an individual level, a family level, a tribal level and national level.

Kingship is to go through a family of a tribal messiah. The kingship must be completely united with the descendants in the direct line. Tribal messiahship belongs to the second generation. My second generation must be completely united. Which do you have to cherish more, True Children or your children? One's own tribe should be sacrificed for the sake of the kingship and the prince, That is the way for a tribe to go.

In the future, the Unification Church members will not be able to see me easily. Do you understand this? It is very good now that you can see me, because I come and go without a fixed seat. Once I get a proper seat, how can you see me? There is no way for you to come and see me as you wish to do.

Do you understand about tribal messiah? [Yes.] What comes first? [Restoration of elder sonship.] What is second! [Restoration of parents.] Why is tribal messiahship necessary? It is necessary for the restoration of kingship, It is very simple. That is the conclusion. If you know the facts, everything will be okay. Human beings have been ignorant of such a simple fact. Actually, it is not simple at all. How complicated it is! Because I clarified it and set up all the necessary foundations for it, God is so happy, while Satan is on the edge of death; and you are also happy because Satan finally separates from you. This is exciting!

My words may sound conceptual, but haven't you seen my stories, which seemed like unattainable dreams, all come true! [Yes.] My words have to come true in reality. Reverend Moon of the Unification Church so far has been quiet, receiving all kinds of humiliation and opposition just like God has received. A motley bunch of fellows are creating a great stir to be the Messiah. Do you think the Messiah's job is easy? The Messiah that I know of is almost dying. I would escape from this mission if there was any possible way, but some people want to take this job. Is Messiahship acquired for free? I came to this point by confronting all difficult situations directly. I have not taken any detour. I have been proud of being the leader of the Unification Church in prison. I have not been ashamed of it.

Two-thirds of the people in Washington, D.C., seem to be thinking that Reverend Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent. What I have said has become a matter of consideration both in the government and among the people. Now people are interested in my words because they can see that what I said comes true in reality.

People in the secular world are more interested in my words than you are. What does that mean? It means you will be deprived of what you have. Let's say a person has a real diamond, but he regards it as a piece of glass or a piece of porcelain. Does such a person need that diamond? He will be deprived of the diamond. He may sell it out of ignorance.

Who was smarter, Jacob or Esau! [Jacob.] Yes, he was wise. Twenty-one years of suffering was not a serious matter to him, At the risk of his life he wanted to be an elder son in order to restore the lost birthright. You have got to understand that point. Likewise, we will be deprived of everything that we have, if we do wrong.

Because I have been a virtuous spouse, a loyal subject and a son of filial piety on earth, in the spirit world, you will have to achieve more virtue, more loyalty and more filial piety than I have achieved on earth. In a way, God would say that I am much better than God. God could not restore the birthright, even on an individual level. Of course, God could not restore a family level birthright. I have finished all the restoration necessary.

Look! There is no such word like "tribal messiah" in the Bible, but it is very essential in our vocabulary. How miserable our God would be if I had not shown up and restored elder sonship, parentship and kingship!

What I have done was more difficult than looking for a grain of sand, which had been thrown thousands of years ago into a boundless expanse of water. It is much easier to look for a grain of sand. How precious it is! How much is sacrificed for it? How much have you cherished this precious gift I have given you? You are so deeply indebted to me that you cannot pay it back even if you spend your whole life for it. It is not enough that you beg my pardon for the rest of your life. You can never pay that debt back. Complaint does not work. I am the one who is actually supposed to complain. Unification Church members cannot complain to Father, can they?

Wherever you go, you should be able to say right away, "The vital condition for the providence should be centered upon the restoration of the birthright, Otherwise, there is no place for Parents to stand." Without the unity of Cain and Abel, restoration and/or development do not occur. You should know this clearly. Therefore, you should respect Cain more than you respect yourself and create complete unity. Finally, you will then be officially recognized by heaven.

So far it has been the national level period, but from now on it will be the time of the worldwide level. I have indemnified the national level time period centering upon Jesus, and we are now liberated from it. You can become tribal messiahs on the worldwide level where there is no more persecution. From now on, when you are united with your spiritual children and restore your tribal messiahship, even other tribes in the spirit world will support you. A united front line will then take place. (1990,2.11. Headquarters church)