Chapter 7 - Leaders Building a World of Peace - Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 7

Leaders Building a World of Peace

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

This address was given on August 24, 1992, to the assembled leaders attending the World Culture and Sports Festival Seoul, Korea.

Distinguished chairpersons of the First World Culture and Sports Festival, distinguished guests and participants from Korea and around the world:

As founder of the World Culture and Sports Festival, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for having gathered here in such a large number to pray for the success of this festival.

I would like to speak to you this evening on the topic, "Becoming the Leaders in Building a World of Peace." During the mid-1930s, when I was sixteen years old and the Korean peninsula was under the forced occupation of Japan, I received a special mission from Heaven through Jesus. I am seventy-two now, and in the intervening years there has not been even a single second when I did not think of God's will and His commands.

I lived my boyhood and youth under the colonial rule of imperial Japan. So I know only too well the excruciating pain and tragic circumstances suffered by the weaker and smaller nations of the world. Because I possess a certain degree of discernment into God's heart, it was with unspeakable pain and sorrow that I witnessed, first, the cruelty of the more powerful nation as it plundered the weaker nation of Korea and, later, the terrible carnage of the Second World War.

Then immediately following World War II, in a development that compounded our already difficult situation, the Korean peninsula was divided between north and south. In 1950, the Korean War broke out and Koreans found themselves in a fratricidal conflict. Various countries of the world on the left and right chose to support one or the other of the opposing sides. I witnessed this tragic history directly, and I know from my heart of hearts how much pain and sorrow has been brought to God and humanity by the loss of a world of peace.

How do you imagine God has felt since the time of creation as He had to watch while time and time again brothers set themselves against each other, with Cain, the older brother, taking the life of Abel, the younger? All wars since the beginning of human history have been, in their essence, struggles among brothers. The Bible teaches us this through its record of the murder of Abel by Cain in the family of Adam. Why do such conflicts among brothers occur over and over on the levels of family, tribe, society, nation and world?

Original Sin

The reason lies in the sin committed by Adam and Eve, the parents of Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve were the original ancestors of humankind, placed in a position to represent all the men and women who would come after them. As such, they should have brought God's ideal of creation into reality. By breaking God's commandment, however, they forfeited their position as the true parents of goodness for all of humanity who would be born after them. Instead, they became fallen parents of evil. It is this evil that is the original sin, the fundamental root of all crime and unhappiness in human society.

The original sin of the first human ancestors was that Adam and Eve broke God's commandment and engaged in an illicit sexual relationship. In this way, they formed a blood relationship with the devil, and became fallen false parents, passing on false love, false life and a false lineage to the entire human race. There is only one way for humanity to escape this world of evil and struggle, and that is to be reunited with their true parents and be reborn through them. Only when this is accomplished can the true way to cast off original sin be revealed.

After I received my calling at the age of sixteen, I spent the years searching for the answer to precisely this problem of how to bring salvation to humankind. The result of that lonely search for truth is the new expression of God's truth that we refer to today as the Unification Principle, Godism and Headwing philosophy. On Aug. 15, 1945, the day Korea was liberated from imperial Japan, I began proclaiming this truth on the earth. Because I have proclaimed these teachings, I have had to undergo tremendous persecution and attack.

Think for a moment about the fact that I have been imprisoned as many as six times in my life. This alone is enough to tell you how harsh the attacks against me have been. The First World Culture and Sports Festival, being held during this forty-seventh year since I began proclaiming the Divine Principle, is a holy celebration. It is an occasion to let the entire world see, and to offer to God, the harvest reaped from the seeds I have sown and nurtured for the liberation of God and humanity and for the realization of a world of peace. Everything I have striven to achieve during my life has been for the purpose of confirming the fact that all people in the world are brothers and sisters before God, our common Parent. Our common ties as members of the global family centered on God transcend our differences based on race, nationality and international boundaries.


The primary institution in which my teachings are being practiced is the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, that is, the Unification Church. There is now no country in the world where the Unification Church does not exist. The Unification Church has put its roots down in all races, nationalities and countries. The International Marriage Blessing of 30,000 couples will be held tomorrow in Seoul's Olympic Main Stadium is certain to be a testimony to the fact that humanity is one great family centered on God.

With the Unification Church as the root organization, I have founded many other organizations for projects in a wide variety of fields. These organizations are for the purpose of building a world of peace in which we, the human family, centered on God, can rejoice in our freedom, ideals and happiness. For the World Culture and Sports Festival, I have gathered the most prominent of these organizations here in Seoul. During the festival, a new unified structure will be founded to facilitate stronger mutual ties and closer cooperation among these organizations.

The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, the Professors World Peace Academy, the World Media Conference, the Summit Council for World Peace, the Assembly of the World's Religions, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the international performing arts groups and International CARP will meet during this time of the International Marriage Blessing and provide forums for us to enlighten our intellects and reaffirm our determination in devoting ourselves to the cause of building a world of peace.

The International Marriage Blessing of the Unification Church, which I will be conferring during this time, is the blessing of resurrection. Through this ceremony, humanity is able to cut itself clear from original sin and recover true love, true life and true lineage of God. It is within the context of this ceremony that we can give birth to peace that enables us to realize the ideal of the great brotherhood of humanity which transcends race, nationality and international boundaries.

As the founder of these organizations and groups, I wish to reaffirm here this evening that their purpose is to bring about world peace, according to the ideal of God and humanity. They are not created for the benefit of any particular group or political faction. They do not serve the narrow interests of any particular nation or state. Rather, they exist to bring happiness, peace and freedom to God, the Creator of the universe, and to all humanity.

Family Salvation

Our movement, thus, must bring salvation to all families, all nations, all states and, finally, to the entire world. It must be a family- saving, nation-saving, world-saving movement.

Our families are being destroyed by the debasement of sexual ethics through illicit relationships and decadent lifestyles. Every nation is suffering the agony of the destruction of its moral standards and the accompanying increase in crime. There is no solution in sight to the conflicts between political factions. Poverty and ignorance continue to plague us. There is no sign that we may be nearing solutions to the world's international border disputes, to the attitudes of prejudice between religious groups, or to the conflicts between the various races and ethnic groups. World peace is under constant threat from the selfish actions of the world's countries and peoples.

Environmental pollution also is destroying our planet to the degree that we are approaching a serious crisis for the future of humankind. We may all find ourselves on a common path of destruction, unless we are able to resolve the crisis we face through a love which transcends all national boundaries and ethnic differences and encompasses all the world's people. Let me emphasize again: any successful resolution of this crisis must be based on an effort to build a unified world through a movement of true love rooted in the Divine Principle, or Godism.

In early July, I spoke in five cities around Korea at rallies held by the Women's Federation for World Peace. There, I declared that my wife, WFWP President Hak Ja Han Moon, and I are the True Parents of all humanity. I declared that we are the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah.

Why would I stand before women leaders of Korea and make such an astonishing and fearful announcement? The reason is that God has been carrying out His providence to send the Messiah as the second perfected Adam who has subjugated Satan, in order to establish a perfected Eve who will represent all women. God has done this, because it was when Satan caused Eve to all that human history came to be permeated with sin.

Also, women are the central point for the love, peace and spirit of service which protect our families, and it is the healthy family that must be the starting point in our work to build world peace. The establishment of God-centered family ethics and the education of our children lie at the innermost core of my teachings as the person who has declared for himself the responsibilities of the Messiah. The family is the holy sanctuary that must cleanse this defiled world.

House of Unification

That is the reason it was necessary that I, as the Messiah, make my declaration to women leaders gathered around President Hak Ja Han Moon, my wife, who stands in the position of perfected Eve. This declaration is an exhortation and notice to all who follow my teachings to join Mrs. Moon and me in our attendance to God on the path of sacrifice and service for the salvation of this world.

As I conclude my remarks this evening, I would like to propose, so that all of our activities for world salvation can be carried out more effectively, that we establish "The House of Unification for World Peace" as a structure for the peaceful unification of the world.

To avoid any possible misunderstanding, particularly regarding the title of this structure as rendered in the Korean language, let me state clearly that I am not proposing to create a political party. The House of Unification for World Peace that I propose is not a political party. It will not have the function commonly associated with political parties, that is, to seek the executive powers of government in a given country. It is, rather, a "house" to reinforce the concerted actions of the world's countries, and foster a unified foundation and common effort for world peace.

If we say that heaven is a symbol of man, then earth is a symbol of woman. The house is the stage on which a woman's life is played out. The mother is the center of a nest filled with love for all the members of the family. The family, with the mother at its center, is the basic unit making up the nation and the world. I use the word "House" in the title of the structure I am proposing, because this word contains the meaning of "exalting the earth, centering on the mother." It also signifies "to teach." The word "House" in this title, therefore, signifies a center for the education of women.

Through this structure, we can provide new impetus to the work of giving opportunities for meaningful exchanges and education on a God- centered vision for world peace to people of all countries and all walks of life, including political leaders, scholars, religious leaders, journalists and educators, as well as leaders of women and youth. This vision of world peace will be centered on families in which mothers, representing all women of the world, accomplish mind- body unity through love.

If you will embrace my proposal and join me in this task, then our efforts are certain to bring the world of peace which is the object of God's desire to all of humanity within the remaining eight years of the twentieth century. We who are gathered here this evening will be the leaders in opening the gates to a world of peace in the coming twenty-first century.

I pray you may have a pleasant visit during the time of the festival and that God will bestow His boundless blessings and protection upon your work.

Chapter 6 - The Reappearance of the True Parents and the Ideal Family - Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 6

The Reappearance of the True Parents and the Ideal Family

Reverend Sun Myung Moon President, Federation for World Peace

This address was given on July 6, 1992 at the rally for leaders of the Women's Federation for World Peace, Seoul, Korea

President Hak Ja Han Moon, distinguished guests, and women leaders: Today, I received much comfort through the words of President Han. As I went along this single road following the order of heaven, my life has been one of extraordinary suffering. The road establishing the way of heaven is a straight road, and it allows for no compromise. This road does not allow one to worry about honor or human dignity. It was a lonely road on which one can live only for God's will.

Just as each individual has his own fortune, the family and the nation also have a family fortune and a national fortune, and beyond this there is the fortune of the world, and there is heaven's fortune for all of heaven and earth. Even though a person may have been born with a lot of fortune, when his family fortune declines he must endure hardship. For a person who has both good individual fortune and family fortune, when the national fortune declines, he cannot help but be ruined.

Going beyond this, the national fortune and the direction of the world is decided according to the direction and the progress of heaven's fortune which is above everything and includes everything. Establishing the way of heaven in the world means making the way the individual or nation is going correspond to the fortune of heaven.

Today, let us think about the evils of Korea and the problems of the world: economic depression, environmental pollution, political irregularity, racial and religious strife, the decay of ethics and morality, the collapse of the sense of values. Is there anyone who can fundamentally solve these many evils and problems? It has not been possible through human wisdom or effort. We have not been able to find a solution to these problems by mobilizing economic power or governmental power; rather, the evils of humankind are gradually becoming worse.

Now humanity has to humbly listen to the voice of heaven and find the road of resolution directed by God. This country and its people must accept my teachings. This is not because I am trying to raise myself up, but because it is the will of God. God has revealed the principles of heaven through me, and He has given me the answers to the fundamental problems of humankind.

My life has been truly difficult. I have been beaten, persecuted and unfairly imprisoned by successive governments, and due to the prejudice and malicious opposition of some Christian leaders, all types of rumors have been spread about me. But, thanks to the protection of God, I have laid a miraculous and victorious worldwide foundation. Such a foundation has been without precedent since the dawn of history.

In America, which is a prepared nation representing world Christianity, I have a record breaking foundation that no other non- white person has been able to achieve. Of course, I had to suffer from racial discrimination and religious prejudice; I even had to surmount unfair imprisonment. Nevertheless, I rebuilt the Christian foundation, which was shaking at the roots; I educated and trained the youth who were suffering from drugs and immorality, and I gave hope to America. Neither the government of America nor the people can ignore my foundation.

The same is true for Japan and Europe. Already there are Unification missions in 160 countries which are developing every day. Each of these missions has become the symbol of each kind of religious activity and the symbol of the movement to rebuild ethics and morality.

Unification by Giving True Love to Others

From the early 1980s I ordered world-level academic meetings to be held with the theme of the collapse of the Soviet empire. In 1985 an academic journal published an article, which has now become world famous, prophesying for the first time the collapse of the communist Soviet empire.

On the basis of such a foundation, I visited the Soviet Union and I met Mikhail Gorbachev. Now in three of the fifteen republics of the former Soviet Union, there is a movement to make Unificationism the national religion.

Already tens of thousands of university students have studied my teaching, and the Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principle(CARP), which is the Unification Church university student organization, has been organized in over 700 universities. This year, tens of thousands of high school teachers and students will attend Divine Principle training workshops.

Do you think this kind of activity is the result of human power alone? It is real proof that the living God is working together with us. Miracles are taking place as confirmed atheists change their views of life and the universe to one centered on God, after five days of Divine Principle lectures.

I have established a huge foundation in China. I prepared important projects like the construction of the Panda industrial city many years ago, and many underground missionaries have been working hard until this day. Only God knows how much I have done to bring about the unification of North and South Korea. The unification of North and South Korea is not merely a visible and external unification; it is a providential unification centered on God. It cannot be established without going through my foundation.

The unification required by God's providence is not for unification in itself; it is so that on the foundation of unification, eternal freedom, peace and happiness can blossom. It cannot be unification by force or where one side is miserable. It must be a unification by true love in which each lives for the other and gives and gives again. Therefore, the unification of the fatherland cannot be exploited for the benefit of any individual, political party or government. When all of our hearts and actions, colored with love, reach out to the hearts of our fellow countrymen in the north, then true unification will come.

In Order for World Peace to Come

Women leaders! Centered on God's true love, I have expanded supra- denominational and supra-religious movements of reconciliation to the worldwide level. Without reconciliation and interchange between the divided religions, how can world peace be realized? Isn't it true that today there is still appalling religious strife in the Middle East, in Ireland, in the Balkans and in other areas?

Last year on August 27, I gathered together all the highest religious leaders of the world and established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. We joined together in order to realize world peace through the unity and cooperation of religious people. It is truly a precious organization. There may be important differences among religions, but there are just as many common points and all have the purpose to seek for the Absolute Being.

It is an important fact that God established all religions with a providential purpose for the whole. Therefore, they must unite together. Just as President Han mentioned in her address, Christianity teaches that man ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; this means that our human ancestors committed the sin of disbelief and fell. If our human ancestors had not fallen, as God's precious son and daughter -- namely, God's prince and princess -- they would have inherited God's blood lineage; they would have inherited their Father God's possessions -- namely, the creation. They should have grown to perfection and become the ideal husband and wife of love. However, through the fall, they changed from God's blood lineage, they were robbed of God's possessions and they lost God's heart.

God's providence of salvation as the providence of restoration for complete recovery must take responsibility for the mission to restore the blood lineage, to restore the realm of ownership and to change the realm of the human heart. As a result of the fall, Adam and Eve came to be one with Satan and they followed him to hell. The eldest son Cain followed Eve and the second son Abel followed behind him.

God's providence of restoration has been carried out in such a way that the condition to separate from Satan is established through the second son, who starts later and represents the side of goodness, subjugating the eldest son, who starts first and represents the side of evil.

The basis of the providence of restoration is to send the restored Adam namely, the Messiah -- who will change the blood lineage, ownership and heart. However, the heartistic position of the original son cannot be restored at once. The providence must be accomplished gradually, starting from the position of the servant of servants.

In this world which is held under the power of Satan, Abel who is on the side of good should complete the mission of the servant of servants by living for Cain with true love. Then Satan cannot accuse him, but instead cannot help but praise and recognize him. After that, the missions of the servant, the adopted son, the illegitimate son and the direct son are restored following the order of love and affection. Restoration can only take place on each level when the Abel side lives for Cain's side through true love, so that Satan cannot accuse him.

If Abel in the position of the true son and daughter makes Cain surrender and they become one, the mother Eve can stand on that foundation, and when Eve fulfills her responsibility, Adam can stand on that foundation. Then for the first time God can come to dwell on that foundation and the eight necessary stages of the vertical course of the providence of restoration can be completed.

If we look at the stages of the providence of restoration horizontally, there are also eight stages: they are the individual, family, tribe, race, nation, world, cosmos and God. Jesus came as the second Adam, the Messiah, but unfortunately the chosen people of Israel did not know who he was.

Will today's Christians be able to recognize the Lord when he returns? The Lord of the Second Advent will not literally return in the air on the clouds. There are people who believe and are proclaiming that on October 28 of this year, they will be taken up to heaven on the clouds, but it will not happen like this. Please believe me, this kind of event will never happen. The Lord who went through the cross will return through the cross.

When Jesus died on the cross, there were three types of people connected with Jesus' crucifixion. There was the first type, the thief on Jesus' right who repented of his sins and testified to Jesus; there was the second type, the thief on Jesus' left, who was a sinner who did not repent and who vilified Jesus. The third type was Barabbas, a criminal who surely should have been crucified, was saved when Jesus was crucified instead.

At the time of the Second Advent, these three types are realized on the world level. Western Christianity is the first type in the position of the thief on Jesus' right. Although they still have original sin, they believe in the Lord and they are in the position of good. The materialistic, atheistic communist bloc is the second type and is in the position of the thief on the left. Islam in the Middle East is the third type and is in the position of Barabbas. Because Jesus died instead of him and because Israel caused Jesus to die on the cross, Islam came to occupy the land of the Middle East which had been divided between the twelve tribes of Israel. The Lord of the Second Advent, who is in the position of the reborn Jesus, has to straighten out the worldwide achievements of these three types which came about through Jesus' death.

In order to straighten out the Western world of Christianity, he has to bring about a new movement of religious reformation, overcome the atheistic ideology of communism and bring all the communist world back to God's side. The ideology which can overcome the left wing and right-wing ideologies and bring about a unified harmony between them is my proposed Headwing ideology of Godism.

I Have Fulfilled my Mission as the Lord of the Second Advent, the Savior and the True Parent

As I have mentioned before, the left-wing and right-wing worlds are already being straightened out through the Headwing ideology. Also the religion of Islam has started to promote reconciliation and cooperation. A miracle took place last April when representatives from eight Middle East countries took part in a mass holy wedding of the Unification Church. I conducted the blessing ceremony through which fallen people can be cleansed of sin. I solved the historical conflict and settled the tension between the left and the right; furthermore, I established the miracle of bringing about reconciliation with the world of Islam.

These kinds of works cannot be performed through the ability or planning of an individual alone. God chose me to be the Messiah and during this time He has been performing His work of salvation.

I have fulfilled my mission as the Lord of the Second Advent, Savior and the True Parent. I am proclaiming this in this place because the time has come to do so. Those who accept this will be blessed. If this race listens to me, how good that would be for this country. How good it would be if the statesmen listen to me. Whether a person listens to me or not is his individual responsibility; however, the time is coming when all people of the world will want to listen to me.

People generally believe that the Messiah is thought only to be the Lord of Glory and have the authority of judgment, but they are wrong.

God does not want to look at this sinful world. He has thought about judging the world and wiping it out in an instant. However, the God of true love always worries about the eternal life of humankind. You have to know God's heart which has endured for so long, trying through true love to make humanity comply of its own free will.

From the point of view of fallen man, the Messiah is the Savior, but from God's point of view he is the True Parent, the True Son who will realize the ideal of creation of true love, which was lost at the beginning. The Messiah is the person who has pioneered the way of sacrifice, dedicating his life to liberate God from His grievous sorrow that was caused by the fall. He is not a person who stands only in a glorious position. He always weeps together with God's heart, and he is concerned about how to make Satan surrender.

He is deeply concerned and anxious about realizing God's purpose of creation. He knows better than anyone else the heart of God. Who is like a servant of servants, wandering and shedding endless tears in the satanic world in search of His lost children, and unless he completely liberates God from His sorrow, he cannot receive glory.

Complete the Ideal of the True Family

Leaders of the Women's Federation for World Peace! It must have been difficult for you to have a succession of rallies, and you probably complained when you heard this rally was going to be held within ten days. However, if together with me you devote your heart sincerely every day, then God's will of goodness shall be accomplished. I have no intention of exploiting you. You need me. You must become one with President Han and be like an extension of her, and in your family you must educate your children and your husband properly. I want all of you, under the ideal of true love, to receive God's blessing.

What I am most concerned about is for each of your families to complete the ideal of the true family by becoming one through true love. City, town, village, county, ward and block leaders of the Women's Federation for World Peace: through you, morals can be restored. If you expand this movement of true love, what movement could be more patriotic than this?

There is a mountain of work to do. We have to spread a movement for proper morals, a movement for the eradication of drugs, a no-smoking and no-drinking movement, a movement for the removal of the red light districts, a movement to expose immorality in the leaders of society and to inspire and encourage the youth. When the Korean society based on you women leaders becomes purified, and harmony is realized through true love, then the cherished hope of the Korean race, the unification of North and South Korea, will be achieved. Not only that, our nation will come to lead the world, and a peaceful world will be realized.

You Must Become One with True Parents' Family

Women leaders! Until this day I have never directed my followers to do anything that I have not first done myself. I sincerely ask you to practice true love and devote yourself, even if it is one hundredth of how much I have, and raise up a great movement of national salvation.

The most effective units of the Women's Federation Movement are the town, village, county and ward. When the movement of true love rises up in these basic units, then it will go through the level of neighborhood and come to settle in the family. We have to go through the original homeland before the fall and recover the family which has been separated from God before we can hope for eternal settlement. God has worked so hard. He has suffered so much to raise up the perfected Adam. That is why the True Father came about. The true man of heaven has been born.

Because the satanic world knows this man is the true groom, the master who comes as the king of the Kingdom of Heaven and earth. individuals in the world are trying to destroy him by uniting individuals, families, nations, the world and the universe against him. From the position of having to suffer all kinds of persecution, plotting and slandering by Satan, he has gained victory on the individual, family, national, world and cosmic levels and has become one with God. As the first victor of history, he came to the satanic world of the individual, family, nation, world and cosmos.

The True Mother, who has been in the position of following after the True Father, has for the first time in history come to stand in an equal position. Through her worldwide declaration of the liberation of women, the True Father and the True Mother will take their children, go before God, and inherit all the authority and power of heaven. They will establish the original family, and reclaim the tribe, race, nation, world and cosmos, and reorganize the perfect world of God's will.

All men are in the position of the archangel. Therefore, they stand in the position of having to give back all women. Women stand in the position of being the extension of the True Mother, the perfected Eve. From the position of the extension of Eve and on the condition of becoming one with the True Mother, they come to the condition of becoming one with the True Father. From this position they must educate their sons and daughters in the thought of the True Parents.

Through this education the sons and daughters come to have the status of being true sons and daughters and they should become one with their mother. Then they should reeducate the worldly father and receive True Parents' blessing. From the position of being grafted to the True Parents, they come to learn the family duty of the True Parents.

Because Adam and Eve fell on the family level, restoration also has to be accomplished on the family level. Restoration has to go beyond the levels of county, ward and block, and settle in the family, and then the families must meet the True Parents. The True Parents have gone over the individual peak, the national peak, the world peak and the cosmic peak, and have been victorious. However, in order to save each family they have to come back to the cosmos, the world, the nation, and return to the family. That is the meaning of this meeting.

The rally on April 10 was the True Parents' world rally, and its purpose was so that rallies could be held on the national level, the city level, the district level, down through the town, village, county, ward and block levels, until they arrive at the family level. By becoming one with True Parents' family, it is possible for you leaders of the Women's Federation for World Peace to attain family restoration and become absolute victors. You have to connect this to your tribe. The True Parents have already assigned tribal messiahs all over the world; if you receive education from them and become one with them, the restoration of the nation also will be accomplished naturally.

In this way the unification of North and South Korea, unification of the world, and the unification of heaven and earth will be realized; God, too, will be liberated. After this happens, we will come to see an age of peace centered on God.

Let the True Mother and the women of the world join together to meet the True Father who comes as the groom and, standing in the position of the bride, let us restore the ideal family of creation.

I pray that you become members of the Family Federation for World Peace and create families which will receive much blessing.

Thank you very much.

Chapter 5 - The Central Role of Women in the Ideal World - Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon

Chapter 5

The Central Role of Women in the Ideal World

Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon President, Women's Federation for World Peace

This address was given on July 6, 1992 at the Rally for Leaders of the Women's Federation for World Peace, Seoul, Korea

My fellow co-workers and women members! I am very happy and honored to stand before you as President of the Women's Federation for World Peace today.

Let me express my deep appreciation to all of you members and supporters who prepared this rally today.

Today, I would like to speak to you on the subject of "The Central Role of Women in the Ideal World."

If someone asked you whether our world today is good or evil, what would you answer? Without a doubt, you would answer that it is evil. But it is not just the world of this age that is evil; we cannot help but say that all the ages of the past and all the nations and the world were evil. Therefore, our world has been one in which sin continues to grow more than good deeds, war more than peace, immorality more than righteousness, hatred more than love, and division and discord more than unification and harmony.

No one wants this kind of evil world. Therefore, we cannot help but investigate how we can establish an ideal world of true love overflowing with peace, freedom and happiness and clear up this world of evil. What all individuals and leaders of the family, tribe, race, nation and world desire as well must be the establishment of a world overflowing with freedom and happiness. Since the beginning of human history, for thousands of years, humanity has been struggling toward this kind of ideal and dream, but we have not yet established the ideal world we desire.

Today, I would like to reveal to you the fundamental cause of these problems. In addition, I intend to present the solution which will make it possible to realize the ideal world which people have desired so much. This is not content which comes from human speculation or wisdom. As you already know, my husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, has devoted his entire life to solving these problems. During the time I have lived supporting my husband, I have been moved and inspired beyond words by his teachings and by his life of love for God and humanity.

Be Fruitful, Multiply and Fill the Earth

If a wife, as she lives supporting her husband, gains deep insights into the truth and is continuously moved and inspired by his life and character, this is an occurrence which should be revealed to the world. Why? Because the fundamental reason for this world becoming an evil world where sexual license, criminal activity, conflicts and corruption are rampant is the breakdown and disharmony in the basic relationship between husband, wife and children.

At present, over five billion people are living on the earth, but if we look at it in another way, only two people are living here. We could say that a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, only two people, are living here. Countless numbers of people are living together and there are all kinds of relationships and problems, but at the core of all of those problems are the problems and relationships between two people, a man and a woman. When we look at things in this light, it becomes important for us to investigate the way of heaven that man and woman were to go when God created the first ancestors.

In Genesis it is recorded that after God had created the heavens and the earth, He created the ancestors of humankind: a man, Adam, and a woman, Eve. At the same time that He gave them the three great blessings, and He gave them a portion of responsibility. The three great blessings were: "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing...." But to the man and woman He also gave the responsibility: ". . . but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat. . ."

This teaches us the purpose for which God created the universe and humanity, and also shows us the basis for life. The blessing to be fruitful means that all people born on the earth must grow to be people of perfected character. The second blessing of life, to multiply, means that, as a man and a woman with a perfected character, they must establish the bond of husband and wife, give birth to children, and raise them. God's purpose of creation is, as a husband and wife fulfilling their duty as father and mother leading a family, they should construct a far more comfortable, prosperous world and establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

This purpose of creation was to be realized if the first ancestors had obeyed God's commandment, ". . . but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat...." But before the first ancestors, Adam and Eve, were perfect, while they were still immature, they did not keep God's commandment; because of Satan, they fell, and all humanity became the recipients of an evil blood lineage.

Due to the Immoral Fall of the Original Human Ancestors, Humankind Has Lost the Purpose of Creation

Ladies! What is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God told the original ancestors, Adam and Eve, not to eat? It is not the real fruit of a tree. It is a way of expressing the husband and wife love relationship that the first ancestors were to have in the future. Due to the temptation of a third being, while still in an imperfect state, the first man and woman entered into an immoral sexual relationship. Actually, in the Garden of Eden, the third party besides Adam and Eve was the archangel. In the Bible it is revealed that Lucifer was the archangel who tempted Eve and committed an immoral sexual sin. This was the fall of man, the original sin which planted the root of sin in the world.

Man committed the sexual sin before his Father God, the Lord and Master of heaven and earth, and the first ancestors had children out of this immoral love; and the world of evil was realized. In other words, they married centered on Satan and by planting false love, false life and a false lineage they became ancestors of evil.

As human society expanded from the individual, family, tribe, race, and nation to the world level, due to this immoral relationship between man and woman, the root of the evil blood lineage was established everywhere, at all times, and this world became hell on earth: it became a false world filled with sin, war and fear. The fallen ancestors, Adam and Eve, should have established the position of True Parents as the eternal good ancestors of humanity, but they fell to become false parents leaving a blood lineage of evil.

This is the first cause of all the tragedy and misery of humankind. What could be more tragic or cause greater indignation than becoming the descendants of false parents and all humankind losing their True Parents? And how great must be the suffering and sorrow of God, the Father of humanity, whose purpose of creation, to establish the true ancestors of humankind and to multiply people of goodness, was stolen by the blood lineage of sin through the immoral fall of the first human ancestors.

Just as the cause of a disease must be discovered and treated in order to save a person suffering from it, in order to liberate human society from the suffering of such sin and misery, the fundamental cause of this sin and misery must be revealed and corrected. The fundamental cause is the fall of the human ancestors, the original sin. Accordingly, unless the cause of the disease called original sin is eliminated, we cannot pull up the root of misery and sin from the world. No matter how many great men, heroes, scholars, politicians or philosophers appear and try to straighten out the world through the reform of the laws and systems or through the education of moral principles, unless the original sin and the content of the fall is clarified, it will be impossible. All remedies will prove useless. That is because the original root of sin and misery is still alive, and it will continue to sprout buds.

The Role of Religion: The Salvation of Humankind from Evil

Religion teaches the fact that man fell, it reveals the contents of the fall, and directly and indirectly shows God's providence through which He seeks to save man completely from sin. Therefore all religions are the most active prescriptions for saving the sinful world. Religion is the fount of all education or teachings. The teachings of the four great saints Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed and the teachings of the founders of other religions transcended their ages and locations and have preserved the conscience and morals of humanity, and have been the generative powers of cultural development. Accordingly, all religions seeking to liquidate the world of evil and to establish the ideal world which God and people desire are co-workers and collaborators.

Among them, the scriptures through which God most directly revealed His providence of salvation is the Bible. Through the Bible we can know that the ancestors of humanity, Adam and Eve, committed the original sin and became false parents, and that God's work in the providence of salvation is to restore the lost purpose of creation. The main point of the message of the Bible is that in order to give rebirth to all, the Messiah or the True Parents must come in place of Adam and Eve who became false parents. Adam should have become the true father, and Eve should have become the true mother; that was the purpose of the original creation. In order to restore the purpose of creation back to its original state, God cannot help but carry out the providence for the recreation of Adam.

That is the main point of the providence of preparing the chosen nation of Israel and having Jesus born there. From the time Adam and Eve fell and humanity multiplied with its blood lineage centered on Satan, God immediately began working to separate the blood lineages of goodness and evil. From Adam's family, God separated the second son, Abel, who was in a position to relate to God, and the first son, Cain, was in a position to relate to Satan. He sought to restore the order of the creation to its original state by having Cain yield to Abel of his own accord. Through Cain's murder of Abel, the history of struggle to separate good and evil was extended for a long time.

The Mission of Jesus who Came as the True Father

After Noah, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob through the help of his mother, was able to make his elder twin, Esau, yield of his own accord. Jacob took a decisive role in the establishment of the chosen people of Israel. Jacob's son, Judah, had twins Perez and Zerah through his daughter-in-law, Tamar. Perez struggled with Zerah inside Tamar's womb and, pushed Zerah aside, who was supposed to be born first. Instead Perez was born first as the elder brother. The battle of the first and second born is the battle of good and evil. Thus, when the younger brother won over the elder brother while still in the womb and was born as the first son, this achieved restoration within the womb.

Jesus Christ, who came as the Messiah forty generations later, was born from the lineage of Perez, because of this restoration within the womb. Conceiving and giving birth to Jesus was an act of extraordinary devotion and risk in which Jesus' mother, Mary, put her life on the line. Because God's providence of salvation is the providence of restoration, God had to carry out a providence to cut the blood lineage of sin. This sin has been transmitted from generation to generation because the ancestors, Adam and Eve, had an immoral sexual relationship due to the temptation of Lucifer, the archangel, who became Satan.

This course from Cain and Abel until Jesus was born is the history of the chosen nation of Israel. Due to the fall, Adam fell to the position of a false father. Accordingly, following the course of restoration of the struggle to separate good and evil, Jesus came as the true father of humanity, that is, as the good second ancestor of humankind. Because of that, Jesus had to restore as his complement a woman in the position of Eve, and they had to become a couple, have children and take dominion over creation. This was the purpose for which Jesus came as the Messiah.

Thus Jesus came as the Messiah to restore the three great blessings which God gave to Adam and Eve: be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over all the creation. However, Jesus, who came as their father and Messiah, was crucified by mankind. What an incredibly unfilial act! What a horrendous sin! Jesus who died on the cross promised that he would come again to the earth, that he would come as a bridegroom, and that all people on the earth should prepare themselves as brides and be ready. In Revelation. Chapter 19, it is recorded that Jesus returns to the earth and holds the Marriage of the Lamb. This refers to the restoration of the position of the true couple and the True

The Messiah Reveals the Path of the True Parents, the True Couple and True Children

Members and women co-workers! How can we straighten out this society in which all kinds of sexual sin, immorality and corruption are destroying our families? It will bring a destruction like Sodom and Gomorrah's upon itself. The fire of judgment has already begun to fall. The frightening disease, AIDS, is a warning from heaven against the chaos of sexual immorality.

Jesus said he would come again in the Last Days of this evil world. The returning Jesus will come as True Father of humankind. He will show the way of the True Children, the True Couple, and the way of the True Parents which all men and women must go. Only in this way can the problem of sexual corruption, the original sin, be fundamentally solved. This will be the true gospel which will save humankind from the world of sin.

The mission of the Messiah, the Savior, is to teach the way to end the tangled history of sin created when humanity lost the way of the True Parents, the True Couple and the True Children.

Today, in this place, I proclaim to the whole world that my husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, has devoted his entire life to pioneering this path of the Messiah, the True Parents. As you well know, my husband Reverend Moon has revealed the purpose of the creation of God, and through examining the original sin committed by the first ancestors he has pioneered the future of humanity despite the brutal opposition and persecution of this evil world.

According to the Divine Principle, the teaching of my husband, each major religion is awaiting the return of its founder in some form: the Maitreya, the True Man, the new Confucius and the return of Jesus will be fulfilled by the return of one Messiah, the return of the True Parent of humankind. All religions will be united into one. That Messiah, the True Parent who comes, will not be the same Jesus who died 2000 years ago, as some Christians believe, nor will he come on the clouds in the air; rather, a new person who has inherited the mission of Jesus is to be born on the earth. The country in which that person is born is the nation of Korea; however surprising it may be, the fact is that the Messiah, who is the True Parent of humankind, comes as a Korean.

Unification is the Key to World Peace

When will the Messiah who is coming in this way appear? According to the Divine Principle, the Last Days are the time when this evil world comes to an end, and the Messiah is to return. Briefly, the Last Days are from the end of the first World War to the year 2000 -- a period of about eighty years. During this period the Lord of the Second Advent, who is the True Parent of humankind, is to be born in our land of Korea. This is the worldwide historical age of transition when the Lord of the Second Advent is building the ideal out of the world filled with sin, war and struggle.

Therefore, this era is an age of great chaos with the confrontation and struggle between goodness and evil occurring in the mutual relationships of all parts of the world: the individual, family, tribe, race, nation and the world.

The Realization of World Peace Through the Power of Women

Women leaders! What I am telling you today is not only for the Unification Church members who are following my husband. Now leaders from every level of society, in more than 160 nations, and many thousands of young people, are following this teaching and shedding sweat to build a new unified world overflowing with freedom and peace. Already Korea is being looked to by many people from all over the world as the country to which the True Parents of humankind have come, and the number of foreigners who are visiting Korea to learn the Korean language, culture and manners is rapidly increasing.

Our Women's Federation for World Peace has the fundamental remedy to save our families which are threatened by the present day reality of the degeneration of sexual morality, the proliferation of drugs and all sorts of wantonness and sexual corruption. This is a worldwide women's organization which was founded last April 10, in Seoul Olympic Stadium with 150,000 Korean women, including representatives from 72 countries. We cannot wait any longer to save the society of tomorrow, which is rotting with all kinds of immorality and corruption, and the fallen social climate where men have oppressed women.

Finally we must endeavor to learn and practice the duty of the True Parents, the true spouse and the true child. Through the organization of the Family Federation for World Peace, we must make sure that immorality and corruption will not be able to set foot anywhere in this world. In this way, humankind must cleanse the evil blood lineage and suffering which was caused by the original sin of fornication committed in the Garden of Eden, which has lasted until today, and quickly prepare to meet the new world.

Until now everyone has been helpless to stop the wantonness and immorality which has been destroying humankind. But now a new truth which can completely solve these problems has appeared in Korea in the very age in which we are living. The truth which was revealed by the True Parents will be the light which will bring about the unification of North and South Korea and build a world of peace and happiness. Let us learn this new truth and rise up and become women soldiers who will end this world of sin, which has caused us to suffer since the beginning of history. Let us build a unified world overflowing with freedom, peace and happiness.

Let us go the way of the True Mother. Let us go the way of the true wife. Let us go the way of the true daughter. Thank you very much.

Chapter 4 - Women Who Will Take the Leading Role in the Ideal World - Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon

Chapter 4

Women Who Will Take the Leading Role in the Ideal World

Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon President, Women's Federation for World Peace

This address was given on June 10, 1992 at the first Nationwide Rally of the Women's Federation for World Peace, Seoul, Korea.

Distinguished guests and members of the Women's Federation for World Peace:

I am very honored that I can share my beliefs about world peace with such a tremendous gathering of women leaders from every level of society. The title of my address today is "Women Who Will Take the Leading Role in the Ideal World."

We are now entering the pivotal age for the creation of one world. The time in which we are living is the age where humanity has started to go beyond the barriers of ideology and language, the differences between cultures and the conflicts between races.

It is the cherished desire of humankind for all war, oppression and exploitation to be banished forever from this world leaving only the promised future of true freedom, peace and prosperity.

All the while, my husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, has advocated the ideology of Godism and has overcome strong opposition and persecution from those individuals who have relied on strength alone. In the past he played the deciding role in opening the door to leave behind the age of the Cold War. Today in this historical age of transition where conciliation and cooperation are sought, I am presenting Godism to be the great principle and basis upon which we can build the eternal world of peace. I would like to stress again that the Headwing ideology and Godism proclaimed by Reverend Moon must be the principles followed by all women who will pioneer the future world.

To Possess God's Love

Originally God created an object of love in order to feel joy. Where does the heart of a sculptor, who is willing to invest his youth and work unceasingly day and night in order to create one masterpiece, come from? Doesn't it resemble the heart of God. Who created an object of love in order to feel joy?

If we look at the world, we can see that everything has an inherent duality. Minerals, plants, animals and people all exist in pairs. Do you know why everything exists in pairs? It is to be able to interact with each other. In the world of minerals, there is the action between the positive ions and the negative ions. If there is no common point between atoms, they will not join together. God also is unable to hand down His system if the reciprocal elements are not right. However, on the opposite side, if the reciprocal elements are right, then even God cannot prevent them from becoming one. Even though it is on a low level, the action in the world of minerals can become the ideal model of the love of creation.

So it is inevitable that centered on true love, God's heart and an individual's heart, the whole of creation and even animals will be able to communicate together. The problem is that you have not had such a relationship. If you go into the land of ideals, then the whole of creation is harmonious. In the land full of love and joy, if I laugh then the whole of creation, including God, laughs in harmony.

Ladies and gentlemen! All of you have loving husbands and loving wives, don't you? How much do you love your spouse? If somebody offered you a billion won or ten billion won for your wife, would you sell her? Is there a wife who would exchange a truly loving husband, if she were offered heaven and earth? What it all comes down to is that man was born for woman, and woman was born for man. It is all because of true love, which always exists for others. God created woman and man as the harmonious yin yang, so that they could realize the ideal of love. We can only find the unified true love through true man and woman. God and an individual as well, become one through true love.

Marriage is such that, after a man and a woman join together horizontally through absolute true love, they try to possess God's vertical, absolute true love. The absolute God set up true love in the highest position as the center of absolute true value. When a true man, a true woman, and God become completely united, centered on true love, then they will find the solution to all problems concerning our view of the universe, our view of life and our view of God.

The Path of Sacrifice

God's true love is such that, though He loves and loves again or gives and gives again, He forgets what He has done. If some kind of memory about what you have given remains, then love cannot be eternal. Because love is an eternal action, you should not remember what you have given. Love continues to flow because you give and give and forget what you have been given.

So the path of true love is not to receive something, it is the path of sacrificing and living for others. That is why when God Himself created an object of true love, God stood in the position of living for others. He wanted to invest and invest again, one hundred percent of everything He had. The reason why God wanted to invest Himself completely is that He wanted His object of love to be better than Himself. The creator of the heavens and the earth, our heavenly Father God, the original central existence, has this kind of heart. So the act of living for others, which is contained within true love, means that you give one hundred percent or even one thousand percent until there is a vacuum. In the earth's atmosphere, when a low pressure system forms, then a high pressure system starts circulating automatically. It is the same with love. When you create an absolute low pressure or vacuum of love, then God's love starts circulating. So living absolutely for others is like creating a typhoon which unleashes tremendous power.

My dear members of the Women's Federation for World Peace! There is an old saying that, "Women are weak, but mothers are strong." A woman by herself may be weak, but if a woman as a mother assumes the position of being the subject of love, or as a wife or a daughter, if she performs the role of being the center of love, then she will be the strongest of all. The reason for this is that if a woman as a mother, wife or daughter assumes the position of being the subject of love and if she gives one hundred percent to her object, then God's love will come to fill up the vacuum that is left after she has given everything. That is when the power of God's love starts working. So even though she is a woman, if she resembles God and assumes the position of being the subject of love, then a tremendous force will be let loose and the power of that love will give life to the family, it will give life to the nation and it will give life to the world.

Centered on True Love

The fact that Yu Kwan Sun, a young girl of sixteen, caused such a great surge in the Korean Independence Movement, was a miracle which occurred out of her burning, sacrificial patriotic heart to save the nation.

God stands in the position of being the subject of love living completely for His children humanity. Through continuing the action of His original nature, which is to give and give again, He can exist for eternity. In this way, the way of true love, the logic of eternal life, is established.

If God's companion of true love, humanity, had matured according to God's will and inherited God's absolute unchanging love, then the world would have seen a history of absolute unity, and there would not have been a history of war, bloodshed and misery. If your mind and body become one centered on true love, then each of you will become God's companion of love and will come to be in the position of God's eternal object. Not only that you will come to inherit the eternal love of God.

Contained within the inheritance of love is the right to inherit, the right to live together with God and the right to participate in what God does. Even though a woman may have been born to a lowly family and did not graduate from elementary school, if she becomes the wife of the president and they become a loving couple, then what belongs to the husband belongs to the wife. She can be together with her husband day or night; she also has the right to participate in what her husband does.

Because true love contains the three great attributes of "inheritance," "living together," and "participation," if you stand in the position of being one with God's absolute, unchanging true love, then you can go to where God is and you have the right to be together with Him and participate in anything and everything He does. Because humankind fell, God's heart came to be full of grief. There are those who have experienced God's sorrowful heart. Such people, as they walk along, will stop and burst into tears because they feel God's grief so deeply.

Even in the fallen world today, there are many cases of a mother feeling intuitively that something has happened to her child and sometimes, even while she is sleeping, she wakes up calling her child's name. A mother's love is like this.

If we can come to absorb, in our mind and body one hundred percent of God's love, which wants to live for others for eternity, then the root of God's true love will form in our hearts and we will be able to communicate with God freely and feel everything He does; then our body will automatically act in unison with our mind. Centering on true love in the world of the mind, the body was created to be the body of unison. So you must know today that we have to recover God's true original love in order to bring back the unified world of our mind and body.

According to the principle of "unison" which arises from true love, when a person becomes one centered on true love, and enters the realm of communal oneness, then we can say that God's love is my love, God's life is my life, God's blood is my blood and God's creation is my creation. Accordingly, the mother and father who embrace the universe in their hearts, will have their names entered in the family register of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Is love first or is life first? Love is first. A person has life because of love, and conception takes place centered on the ideal of love. So the essence of a person's life is love. Therefore, it is a heavenly law that life, which has its essence in love, must be "a life for others." So we can say that from the moment a person is born, he was born for his mate.

If we say that I was born only for myself, or that everyone else was born for me, then the concept of love cannot be established. The starting point of love is when you sacrifice yourself and live for another person. The person who lives for his family can initiate family love, and a person who sacrifices himself for his friend can initiate friend's love.

If you sacrifice for others, it may seem as though you will lose everything, but actually the opposite is true. Not only do you become the subject of love and master of everything, you go to a higher level.

It is a principle that love is such that, the more it sacrifices for others, the higher the level of that love becomes. If you sacrifice for some bigger purpose, you will not be absorbed by it, rather you will stand in the central position of it, and a new and higher level will be realized. Christianity has become a religion of resurrection because it teaches people to sacrifice themselves for others. The sinless Jesus went to meet his death on the cross, praying, "Not as I will, but as You will," fervently asking God to forgive the ignorance and sin of the Roman soldiers who were piercing him with spears.

Jesus' life was a model life showing how to sacrifice and live for others. It should have become the base and central ideology of Christianity in making the new history of resurrection. If you sacrifice your life for others, then you will come to have a higher level of life.

God Always Protects

It is precisely through true love that the base to occupy hell is formed. If you come to possess true love, then all pain and suffering will resurrect in that true love and become joy. In other words, true love, which is part of the original nature of a person, transcends any individual desire for power, knowledge or wealth.

Seen in this light, God's strategy to save humankind throughout human his. tory, and the strategy of Satan, who has tried to prevent God, has been completely opposite. It has been God's strategy to be hit and then take, while Satan always strikes first to take, but loses.

Look at the First, Second and Third (war of ideology) World Wars. The side which struck first perished. God does not recover what has been stolen from Him by killing the people on Satan's side and taking back what is His. God, as the master of the universe, has the power to strike and take back what is His at will; however, He does not do this. Rather He lets His side be struck first.

Parents cause their unfilial child to repent by continuing to sacrifice for him or her. In order for God to set up the great highway of heavenly law, He went to Satan and taught him that when the master comes, he should do this or do that. But history shows us that the master who went to teach was beaten. But what happened after he was beaten? He could receive everything with compensation added. Confucius, also, received a lot of persecution and Jesus died being accused of rebellion against the Roman Empire. But as history passes, the names of the saints remain. Who became a saint in their own lifetime? Even though they died wretched deaths in their own lifetimes, as the different ages of history pass they gradually go up to a higher level.

God does not ask compensation to be paid for only ten or twenty years. The longer the time that passes, the more God recovers until finally the whole world is completely recovered. Patiently waiting for thousands of years, God has calculated the compensation to be received. It is like putting money in the bank: over the years the interest keeps accumulating until one day you have more than enough money to buy the bank. God is a being who bides His time and uses the strategy of being hit first and taking back later.

If you are persecuted by the evil world, then heaven will help you and let you jump over all these hardships. God has let my husband and experience this kind of thing many times. Being persecuted is another way to inherit the possessions of the enemy. God always protects those He loves in such a way. The reason why God cannot kill a person He wants to punish is because He knows that the individual has parents, a wife or children who still love him. Because God also has gone through the valley of tears, when He feels the heart of the person's parents, wife or children, He cannot strike that person.

Meet God and Self

If you truly come to feel God's heart, how can you settle accounts with your enemy? On the contrary, what you should do is mobilize people to help your enemy. Wanting to embrace your enemy and to become one centered on love means that you will come to stand in front of the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven. There, the heavens and the earth will be moved and God, also, will start to cry. God will say, "You resemble me!" and He will be so joyful. Because God is like this, we can come to understand the words "Love your enemy." That kind of power is not caused by knowledge, money or authority. It is caused only by true love.

Therefore, just as you live for your lovely children and parents, you have to go beyond the feeling that North Korea is your enemy and you have to desire unification with sacrificial true love in your hearts.

The unification of North and South Korea, which we desire so much, is only possible with the spirit of sacrificial true love, through which we can love even our enemies. Just as parents take care of their children, or just as brothers and sisters love each other, we should treat the pain of our brothers and sisters in North Korea as "my" pain, and we should meet together and work so that we can be unified again under the unchangeable true love of God.

The point of intersection, where, centering on true love, Adam and Eve can meet God and settle, can only be at the angle of ninety degrees, where vertical and horizontal meet. This is the official point which causes true love to settle.

God is the parent of vertical true love; Adam and Eve should have been the parents of horizontal true love. We should have been born inheriting the love, the life and the blood lineage of these two types of parental love; then my mind becomes the vertical "me" and my body becomes the horizontal "me." When my vertical "me" and my horizontal "me" become unified at the point of ninety degrees, then a person can become the companion of true love of the eternal God.

God has true love, true life and true blood lineage. Because we originated from God, we also should have true love, true life and true blood lineage. Centering on the true love of God, an individual was born to be one body with God. Just as God's mind and body, centering on true love, are naturally united, the mind and body of all humankind also should have been naturally united through true love.

However, fallen humankind inherited Satan's love, life and blood lineage. The body is the front line for Satan and the mind is the front line for God; both continually struggle against each other. The love which an individual has today does not center on an individual's mind, but on his body. Our bodies became Satan's dance hall. Our body is the past to which Satan's anchor is attached. The mind is in the position of being a plus representing heaven, but the body has become another plus and is toying with the mind. It is our duty to rectify this situation within our own lifetime. God knows this and so He made religion as the repair shop. This is why religion teaches us to deny the body through fasting, sacrifice and service. Religion teaches the mind to over come the body. In order for the desires of the body to be weakened so that the body follows the mind, we need to live a life of faith through which the mind conveys good habits to the body for at least three to five years. Religion tells us: do not rest, pray constantly.

God stands only in the vertical position, so He can only be active through the mind. Satan is active in all directions. He can be active in each one of the 360 degrees and so fallen humankind is bound to fall prey to Satan's activity.

Because the mind is in the vertical position, it is one. Because the vertical base is not the horizontal base, the mind cannot enter the horizontal base. Because it is easy for the mind to be dragged along by the body, the mind in the vertical position has to lead a life of devotion and prayer, through which it can receive three or four times more strength. Then it can dominate the body freely and lead the body along the right way for three to five years, creating good habits. There is no method to repair the body other than the union of the vertical and horizontal. Unless humankind goes through the door of a religion that teaches people to lead such a life, humanity cannot go back to its original position. The road of philosophy, knowledge or conscience alone is not enough. The vertical mind and the horizontal body have to become one.

What is the cause of the fall of man, which led to an individual's mind and body not becoming one with God's ideal? The Bible tells us that it is because man ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However, what part of the body did Adam and Eve cover after they had eaten of the fruit? They should have covered their mouths and hands, but they covered their lower parts; after that, they married, centering on Satan. This is the origin of how Satan's evil blood lineage multiplied.

However, the origin of true love, true life and the true blood lineage for a person are the sexual organs of love. Because of the fall, the organs of love, which should have been the most holy place, became the most abominable place, destroying the way of heaven. The organs of love became the headquarters of evil. And from here they sowed the seeds of false love, false life and the false blood lineage.

The ancestors of man, Adam and Eve, fell when they were teenagers and still not mature. Historically, the evil blood lineage of humankind started because Adam and Eve had sown the seeds of evil. So when the time of the Last Days comes, the youth all over the world will destroy the ethics of love as Adam and Eve did, and the tide of corruption will flow throughout the world.

When we see these phenomena, we must know that the age of Satan's dominion has arrived. It is at this very time that the day of judgment, when God rules with His rod of iron, has arrived.

History teaches us that any city or country which ignored God and engaged in wantonness was destroyed. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone; Rome was destroyed because the people became morally decadent and did not keep their chastity.

Look at America, Europe and Japan, the advanced nations of the world. Who is able to stop free sex, which is rampant everywhere? This world is becoming cosmopolitan and is full of corrupt love and drug abuse. This is the method by which the body is being dragged to its death. It is not the path our mind wants; it is crying out in despair.

All the people who were called to lead humanity back to the embrace of God failed. Somebody must appear who can lead the people of the world out of the fallen environment to the road of truth.

We can compare fallen man who came to stand on Satan's side to a wild olive shoot. From among fallen men, God has separated the wild olive shoots. Those wild olive shoots which are in the sphere of religion belong to God. God can dominate these wild olive shoots freely. He has prepared everything so that when the Lord returns, he will be able to cut down the trees in one stroke and graft them onto him. In this way the wild olive shoots become the true olive, returning back to their original state. That is why the people who already believe in a religion must find the original true father. This is because they were not born with the original seed of life from the true father. They were unable to fulfill God's ideal and connect with God's blood lineage centering on the original true love; therefore, the Messiah has to come.

Do You Know Who the Messiah Is?

The Messiah is the person who has come with the tremendous responsibility of coming as the True Parent, pulling out and throwing away the roots of all those born from the false parents and restoring them to their original state. He has the responsibility to banish Satan, liberate humanity and build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and thus be welcomed by all.

If you become sons and daughters who can inherit God's love, God's life and God's blood lineage and also inherit True Parents' love, True Parents' life and True Parents' blood lineage, then like God, your mind and body will not fight, and you will become the true unified origin of world peace. The point where the mind and body become unified will be the starting point for the eternal world of peace.

My dear members of the Women's Federation for World Peace! Let us all fulfill our duty as servants with the heart of parents. Let us shed our sweat for the earth, our tears for humankind and our blood for heaven. And let us liberate our Parent, the Lord and Creator of the universe, from His grief -- and in order to build one world of peace, let us march forward along the road of salvation bearing the cross.

Please do not forget that, even though our destination may be in the world, our starting point must begin when our mind and body become one, centering on true love. Each of us must remember that not until my family becomes the place of eternal happiness and true love will our hope for the ideal country, the ideal world and the ideal Kingdom of Heaven on earth bear fruit.

In the not too distant future, our Women's Federation for World Peace will be joined by all people in the world and will become a Family Federation for World Peace; then we will build a world of true love in which all races will live for each other for eternity.

Let us determine to rise up and take the lead to complete this historical mission. I pray that God's blessing may be upon you and your families.

Thank you very much.

Chapter 3 - Unification of the World and the Responsibility of Humankind - Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon

Chapter 3

Unification of the World and the Responsibility of Humankind

Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon President, Women's Federation for World Peace

This address was given on April 10, 1992 at the founding rally of the Women's Federation for World Peace, Seoul, Korea.

Distinguished guests, representatives of the Women's Federation for World Peace from seventy countries, women leaders and members of the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia:

Let me first express my deep gratitude that such a tremendous crowd has gathered today for this grand occasion: the establishment of the Women's Federation for World Peace and the Seoul Rally of the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia. By your presence, you bring many blessings to our Federation's future, and inspire us to multiply our determination to achieve world peace.

This may be the first time that women have taken the initiative by bringing so many women together in one place. I am certain that from this day forward, women around the world will come to understand their noble role which has been ordained by God, and that a road will be opened for us to build an ideal world filled with peace, happiness and freedom. To mark this occasion, I would like to speak to you on the topic, "Unification of the World and the Responsibility of Humankind."

I want to deliver a declaration centered on the teachings of Reverend Moon, which are based on the heart of God that transcends past, present and future. My words today are a declaration before heaven and earth, with history as my witness. The words I am about to speak may seem unfamiliar to some of you, but they deal with the secrets of heaven that all women today need to understand.

History Began in a Diseased State

We live in a diseased world whose destruction is inevitable. Every day we hear the ugly sounds of its final death rattle.

We can trace the origin of this disease to the original human ancestors, who lost their position in paradise. Our original ancestors contracted a serious disease. In religious terms, this event is referred to as the human fall. Thus history began in a diseased state. This disease and Satan have been the focus of human history.

The tragedy of human history was that it originated with Satan, the lord of evil, who stood in contra position to God's ideal of creation. The marriage of Adam and Eve, resulted in the children of evil. Inevitably, humankind inherited Satan's love, Satan's life and Satan's lineage. The human reproductive organs, by which husband and wife are intended to join together in virtue, were originally intended to be temples of true love, true life and the true lineage. Love should be an experience in which a husband and wife join in a virtuous union to procreate children who will carry on the lineage. The center of life is love, and the human lineage is transmitted by means of the love and life of a husband and wife. The linkage of love, life and lineage is what gives history its continuity.

After the fall, the human race has been held captive by satanic love, satanic life and a satanic lineage. Adam and Eve were in their youth when they sowed the seeds of false love, false life and the false lineage. Thus, when the Last Days come, we can expect the increase of moral decadence among young people to arise as a global phenomenon. In fact, we live in just such a time now.

Satan used fallen love as a condition to create a den of sin in which an eternal blow could be struck against God's ideal of true love. The relaxation of standards concerning sexual behavior, the increasing moral decadence of young people, the plague of drug addiction, and the decline of family structure and traditional values has turned this world into an earthly hell. Thus, it has become impossible to find a true man, true woman, true brothers and sisters, a true husband and wife or true parents anywhere. Until now, there could be no hope of creating a true society, true nation or true world.

Mankind Must Engraft Onto God and True Parents

The world must understand that Satan exists and that he has brought about this reality we face today. With this knowledge, we can find the cause of the disease and uncover the origin of the human fall. We must reveal to the world that Satan, Adam and Eve formed a trinity of evil, and that it is up to us to restore the trinity of God, Adam and Eve that is in accordance with the ideal of creation.

For this issue to be resolved, someone must testify to the fact that Satan committed sin and clearly explain the fundamental truths concerning the sin committed by the original human ancestors. God and Satan have always known the details about the fall. There were many things that Adam did not understand, however, because he was still young at the time. In the Last Days, the restored and completed Adam will come and make all this information known. He will reveal the sins committed by Satan throughout the course of history. When he comes, it will be possible to expel Satan from this world. For the first time, humankind will be able to make a fundamental change in direction toward a world of hope, peace, happiness and freedom.

In order for humankind to make a total break from the false love, false life and false lineage that derive from Satan as their parent, it is necessary that we be grafted onto the true olive tree. That is, all people need to be grafted onto God and True Parents in order to recover true love, true life and the true lineage. This will make it possible for us to build heaven on earth as well as in the spiritual world. This, in fact, is the final purpose of God's providence of salvation, restoration and recreation.

Thus, the reappearance of the True Parents is an event of the greatest historic importance. The True Parents represent the conclusion and final fruit of human history. The True Parents embody the completed form of human cultural history. They signify the victory of religion and philosophy within his tory. Prior to the emergence of True Parents, however, there must be a period of restoration through indemnity, that is, a period of recreation.

God's Providential History of Restoration

I would like to speak for a while about this historical period, based on the biblical record, to illustrate the difficulties. By understanding this, we can understand how important it is that we fulfill our responsibility today.

In the record of the Old Testament, history was a course of indemnification, eye for eye, tooth for tooth and life for life. The responsibility of the fall passed from Eve to Adam, with Satan at the center. As seen from the standpoint of Eve after she had received the seed of false life, the fall occurred when Satan took over God's position as Eve's father and became one with her to bear Adam. In the course of the fall, Eve placed the archangel in the position of her father and Adam in the position of her son. Consequently, women, who in the course of the history of restoration through indemnity have come to stand in the position of Eve, have had to risk their lives, if necessary, in order to assure that God's will is passed on to the next generation.

When we study the historical record in the Bible, we come across a number of events that seem to defy explanation. God's original intention in His creation was that Eve would become one with God, her Father, and with God's son, Adam. As a result of the fall, however, she became one with Satan and Adam, the false son. Immediately after the fall, God began working through the family of Adam in order to undo what had been done, that is, to accomplish restoration through indemnity by the reverse course. He worked with Adam's family, because even the fall had not deprived the members of this family of the element of eternity with which they had been endowed at their creation.

Cain, the first fruit of the love by which Satan took Eve, was conceded to the side of Satan, and Abel, who was born as the second fruit of the love with her husband Adam, was placed on the side of heaven. This was the beginning of the history of the struggle between good and evil aimed at fundamental restoration through indemnity.

It was necessary in history that the second son be blessed so that the second son realm of heaven could restore and claim the birthright of the first son held by Satan. For example, Cain and Abel made offerings to God simultaneously, but God received only the offering of Abel, the second son, while refusing the offering of Cain. The reason for this was that the second son on heaven's side should restore the birthright from the first son.

Had Cain made his offering through Abel, an orderly path could have been established from God to Adam and to the archangel, and restoration could have been accomplished. Because Cain killed Abel, however, heaven established Seth and extended the providence to his descendants.

Cain and Abel were brothers who had been born into this world. Because of their failure to accomplish God's will in their position outside their mother's womb, God's next dispensation had to be carried out within the maternal womb.

Thus, when Rebecca asked God why it was that Esau and Jacob fought within her womb, God said to her: "Two nations are in your womb, . . . the older shall serve the younger." (Genesis 25:23) From that time, Rebecca came to take greater care of the second son, Jacob.

Jacob, as the second son, had to restore through indemnity the birthright of his brother Esau. For this to be successful, Rebecca needed to fulfill her responsibility in the position of Eve.

The blow struck at the firstborn of Egypt during the course of the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt and Jacob's switching of his hands over Joseph's sons Manasseh and Ephraim at the time of their blessing (Genesis 48) all contained the hidden will of heaven to bring about a reversal of the realms of first and second born.

God's Providence to Send the Messiah

In her fall, Eve deceived God, her Father, and Adam, who was in the position of her son. To restore this, Rebecca stood on the side of heaven and deceived the father Isaac and her son Esau so that Jacob could receive Isaac's blessing. Jacob purchased the birthright of the firstborn, and initiated the lineage of the Israelites on the foundation of a victory won through the cooperation of a mother and her son. He conditionally claimed the first-son realm and the second- son realm for the side of heaven, and established the foundation of victory for the Israelite nation that was to descend from him.

Jacob, however, was more than forty years old at the time that he took full control over the birthright of the firstborn. Thus, the realm of the human age prior to forty was still left without the condition of having won victory over Satan. Once again, therefore, a dispensation was carried out for the purpose of gaining victory in the womb. Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, had in her womb the twin sons Zerah and Perez. Although Perez was the younger, he pushed his brother Zerah aside in order to be born first. In fact, the name "Perez" is derived from this event. (Genesis 38)

At the beginning of history, the lineage of Satan was planted in the maternal womb. With Tamar, the womb was restored to the side of God. The side of heaven took control over the first-son realm and the second-son realm so that God's original lineage could be established. It was in this way that the tribe of Judah came to form the foundation on which the Messiah would later be born.

As a woman, Tamar placed herself in the position of having deceived father and son; she denied her father-in-law and his sons, in order to separate the position of Eve from Satan. As a result of Tamar's separation of the womb from Satan, a basic tradition was established whereby God's children could be conceived and given birth without Satan's invasion. It was then up to the Israelites and Judaism to carry on this standard of victory in the womb until such time that the Messiah could be sent as the True Parents. Because Satan had already been able to establish his nations in the world, the sending of the Messiah had to wait until such time that the Israelites could establish a national base sufficient for indemnifying the other nations of the world.

God waited nearly 2000 years until there was a sufficient national foundation, and a woman who could stand in the position of Eve, for Him to carry out His providence. This finally took place through Mary, the mother of Jesus. When Adam and Eve committed the fall, they were already engaged to be married at a later date. In the same way, Mary and Joseph were betrothed to each other centered on God. As with Rebecca and Tamar, Mary was a revolutionary woman called by God to take part in the process of recreating Adam.

Mary risked her life to form an absolute unity with God, and placed herself in the position of having deceived father and son in order to accomplish the history of restoration through indemnity. It was in this manner that Jesus was conceived. During the time that Jesus was in Mary's womb, Satan could make no invasion in terms of his lineage. Jesus was born of the womb of a victorious woman as the first fruit of the first love who could be claimed only by God. It was the first time in history that a child was born as God's only begotten son.

Even among the saints, there exists no one else whose birth followed such a process for making a separation from the satanic lineage. Thus, we refer to Jesus as a saint among saints. This was the reason that the Christian cultural sphere was able to spread throughout the world. Finally, in our century, God has worked to use the victory of the Second World War and the Christian cultural sphere to accomplish the unification of the world.

The Pioneering Road of the True Parents

The Second World War had a particular significance in the context of God's providence. In this war, the results that the fall had on the brothers Cain and Abel, who were born of Eve was manifested on a global scale. Thus, the island nation of Britain stood in the position of Eve. The United States, a nation historically "given birth" by Britain, stood in the position of Abel. France stood in the position of Cain holding the birthright of the firstborn. These three countries formed an alliance led by the United States. On the other side, the satanic Eve country Japan, the satanic Adam country Germany, and the satanic archangelic country Italy formed the Axis Powers. It was God's plan to establish a unified world on the basis of the total victory of the Allied Powers, who had been placed on the side of heaven.

God's fervent hope for the post-war world was that God and the True Parents, who are the Adam who brings true love, could form a central point, around which humankind could make a quick separation from the false seed inherited from the false parent. Humanity could then make a new beginning by connecting to the True Parents' original true love, true life and true lineage. In this way, the world would inherit the seed of true love.

Opposition from Christianity, however, forced the True Parents into the wilderness. As a result, the course of indemnity built up through the 4000 year history of Israel was lost. It became necessary for the True Parents to go a single generation, forty year course of indemnification in order to bring God's will to completion.

The Lord of the Second Advent comes as the third Adam. He brings with him the contents of the secrets of heaven and completes a course of indemnification of the satanic side on the level of individual, family, nation and world. He makes total indemnity for Adam's misdeed and the mission that Jesus left uncompleted.

In this way, the third Adam must take the fall committed by the first Adam on the family level, and restore it through indemnity on the worldwide level. He then must complete the victory by restoring the entire world through indemnity.

The Lord of the Second Advent Fulfills the Highest Victory

The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, and I, his wife Hak Ja Han Moon, standing in the position of the True Parents, have borne upon ourselves all the historical conditions of invasion from the satanic side. In a state of unity with God, we have walked the course of worldwide indemnity so that all of humanity may be liberated from their bondage. In contrast with Jesus, the True Parents are given the historic calling to climb over the Hill of Calvary without succumbing to physical death. It has been the fate of the True Parents to go this pioneering course.

Two thousand years ago, the mind-body split of the world could have been bound together in unity, if only Judaism, in the position of Abel, and the nation of Israel, in the position of Cain, had become one for the purpose of attending Jesus. On this foundation, and centering on Jesus' true love, the Israelites could have been grafted onto the true lineage and been reborn as the nation holding the birthright on a worldwide level.

The Israelites took great pride in the knowledge that they were God's chosen people, but they failed, at least at that time, to comprehend the will of God for worldwide salvation centering on Jesus the Messiah. They only believed that when the Messiah came the whole world would bow down to the Kingdom of Israel. They did not realize that God's will was not to limit salvation to the individual, family or national levels, but to bring it to the entire world. Today, Christianity faces a similar situation.

For the entire period of his 33 year life on earth, Jesus invested every last ounce of his energy into the mission for national restoration. Finally, he was forced to leave it unaccomplished. In order to complete this mission, God, in the twentieth century has established the United States, which has become the central Christian nation, in the position of a second Israel. The United States and Christianity are called at the time of the Second Advent to stand in the positions of Cain and Abel, respectively, in order to re-indemnify the failure of the first Israel, that is, the nation of Israel and Judaism of Jesus' time. It is up to the United States and Christianity now to accomplish restoration through indemnity and complete the work of unification.

As a result of Jesus death on the cross, not only was the mission that should have been accomplished during the time of Jesus left uncompleted, but also the nation of Israel itself was lost. For this reason, the Christian Church sought to establish itself as a spiritual nation during the course of its history.

In the time of the Second Advent, it is necessary to re-indemnify the failures of Israel. To do this, the Messiah of the Second Advent must be able to achieve victory at the highest point in the world.

The biblical record of Jesus' trial and crucifixion contains references to three criminals: the two thieves who were crucified along with Jesus on his left and right, and the notorious prisoner Barabbas. These three represent three ideologies that came into being as a result of Israel's failure on earth. At the time of the Second Coming, the three paradigms can be identified as Christianity in the position of the thief on the right, communism in the position of the thief on the left and Islam in the position of Barabbas.

As he now achieves his Second Advent, Jesus is responsible for binding the left and right together to give them a common direction and then add the Islamic realm as well. He should make restoration through indemnity so that all things are resolved in a common direction. He comes with the crucially important mission to have all humanity, now speeding toward hell, turn 180 degrees toward heaven.

Jesus of the Second Advent, who has come in the position of the True Parents of humankind, has devoted immeasurable effort to gather together the entire spirit world and realign the nations of this world, centering on Christianity, so that God's foundation of victory can be reformulated on a worldwide level.

World Peace Centered on the True Parents

Centered on Christianity, however, Britain, the United States and France opposed the True Parents. Therefore, heaven had the Unification Church prepared to take the place of Christianity. Through the Unification Church, it became possible for the True Parents to pass over the mountain of tribulation. Here, they were opposed not only by the communist world standing on the satanic side, but also the Christian countries and the entire world. Finally, now, they have come to the point where the side of heaven can claim and welcome the satanic side. Today, Korea, Japan, the United States and Germany now emerge in the world as countries able to receive True Parents. God has been able to carry out His history of indemnity centering on these countries.

In the context of the worldwide dispensation of the True Parents, Korea has been placed in the position of the Adam country, Japan in the position of the Eve country, the United States in the position of the Abel country and Germany in the position of the Cain country. Japan was once an enemy country of the True Parents, the United States and Japan were once enemies and Germany was once an enemy of the United States.

True Parents, in order to fulfill what Christianity in the United States failed to accomplish after the Second World War, have fostered cooperation among these four countries at the center of the providence and walked a 21-year course of re-indemnification. Through their success, they have established the realm of victory.

The Unification Church, which has victoriously crossed over the Hill of Calvary on the individual, family, national, world and cosmic levels, has given the United States a new sense of direction. It has given new hope to Christianity, and is resolving the issues related to the communist and Islamic worlds.

On the Korean peninsula, the Jacob and Esau of the twentieth century confront each other in the form of the two Koreas. The True Parents working with true love in this conflict, with Kim Il Sung in the position of the false parent, have restored through indemnity the realm of the victorious parent. Through this process, Korea is established as the third Israel that has accomplished history's ultimate victory and becomes the chosen nation of the new unified world.

Korea, as the third Israel, is the base from which the True Parents and their children are able to accomplish their fervent hope for a unified world of peace. It holds a central position for building heaven on earth and in the spirit world.

It should be understood that, from the providential standpoint, the great prosperity experienced by Korea, Japan, the United States and Germany in the post-war period has been due to the fact that these countries received God's blessing, with Korea as Adam, Japan as Eve, the United States as Abel and Germany as Cain.

The Age of Women

In the Garden of Eden at the time the fall was committed, the archangel was with Adam and Eve. In this age, when the seed planted then on the level of the individual is bearing its fruit on the worldwide level, the Adam country of Korea has as its neighbor the Eve country of Japan and three archangel countries the United States, China and Russia who vie for advantages on the Korean peninsula. With the protection of God, however, these countries are developing an alliance among themselves centered on Korea. Though Jesus was not able in his time to bring about a unification of the nations of Asia, today we are seeing the fulfillment of the will of God on a worldwide level.

Similarly, the significance of the coming of the Asian-Pacific cultural sphere is that a worldly sphere of material and spirit, such as what Jesus sought to accomplish in his time, is now being constructed in Asia. In other words, the countries of Asia must now establish a unified world centered on the True Parents.

Now is the time to attend the True Father, who has established the victorious tradition in world history, and the True Mother, the global representative of women who has gained victory as the representative woman in history. By doing so, we must establish not only a true concept of manhood, but also the true concept of what it means to be a mother, a wife and a daughter, in the context of a new society, nation and world, and become forerunners in inheriting the tradition of the True Parents and harvesting the victory.

We women have the mission to give proper guidance to men who lead lives of moral decadence and disorder so that the tragedy of the destruction of Adam and Eve may be resolved within the context of history.

Beloved women members, today's rally is being held by the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia for the important purpose of establishing the Women's Federation for World Peace. In the age of women that is now dawning, our members must embrace our husbands and properly educate our children so that we may be a model movement for practicing true love throughout the world. We must gain the active cooperation of our husbands and children for the development of the Women's Federation for World Peace.

Our women's movement is not for women alone. First, a movement of true love for our husbands and children must bear fruit in ideal families. The ideal families formed in this manner will come together to form ideal nations and an ideal world. For this reason, the Women's Federation for World Peace must some day develop into a Family Federation for World Peace.

For the sake of world peace, we women must take the lead in government, finance, culture and society. The basic values we should uphold in this federation of women are found in Headwing philosophy and Godism. These values are what unite left and right and overcome atheistic materialism. They are certain to be the guiding ideas of the world of the 21st century.

As women, let us remember our forbearers, Rebecca, Tamar and Mary, who fulfilled major responsibilities in the history of God's salvation providence. Let us inherit the strength of will by which these historic women over came life threatening dangers and difficulties. Let us establish our families as homes for true parents, true husbands and wives and true children, so that we may join in the holy cause of changing this world of evil into a heavenly world. Let us march forward toward a world of peace centered on the True Parents, who are the center of true love.

I pray God's blessing may be upon you, your families and this beautiful world.

Thank you.

Chapter 2 - The Way to World Peace - Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

The Way to World Peace

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

This address was given on August 28, 1991 at the founding of the Federation for World Peace, Seoul, Korea.

Since the Fall of Man, there has been a constant war going on within each of us. It is an inevitable consequence of the Fall of Man that there is continuous struggle and conflict going on within ourselves between mind and body, and between the desire for good and the desire for evil.

Originally mind and body were to be one. The human mind represents God's mind. The human body is to be a container to accommodate the mind, or a dwelling place for the mind. Separation came between these two when the Fall of Man occurred.

The Fall of Man resulted in the body coming under the domain of Satan or selfishness. Thus, tragically, the human body has become the servant of Satan.

On the other hand, the human conscience is the agent of God in the individual person. One's conscience does not exist for the benefit of oneself. The conscience is planted by God for the sake of righteousness. Yet the body rebels against this conscience. The body only seeks after comforts and tends to act selfishly, going after carnal desires. The conscience in turn is trying to chastise the body and direct it toward the mind. This is why there is always inevitable conflict and struggle within one's self.

This is the reason why the traditional religions of the world unanimously teach the principle of chastisement of the body through fasting, prayer, and other disciplines -- doing things the body does not want to do. Religion is the training ground where the desire of the body is suppressed, thus bringing the body to the will of the mind. For this reason religion has been the instrument of God to bring men back into the original ideal.

However, no one is capable of dominating his body without uniting with God within himself. The only power that enables the mind to have dominion over the body is that generated by the unity of the mind with God's truth and love. Mind is subject and body is object. God's love and truth have the power to bring them together into one harmonious person. This is what religion defines as a man of perfection or a holy man.

God-centered men and women in perfection are called men and women of goodness. These good men and women may receive God's blessing of marriage and be united into a couple of husband and wife. This will be the beginning of one ideal family of men on the face of the earth. This model family is what God wanted to have as a building block of the society, nation and world.

The Family is the Foundation of Peace

There is an old saying in the Orient that "once peace is dwelling in the family, everything goes right." A happy and harmonious family is a family of peace and the foundation of the heavenly kingdom.

The dynamic of the family is true love. You must love God first, then love your husband or wife and your children with truly pure and sacrificial love. This is the manifestation of true love. God created love as the supreme force in the universe. He has created nothing greater in this universe. True love is supreme.

True love, of course, originates from God. God has invested everything, every ounce of His energy, for the creation of all things and mankind. Love is the only thing that when invested fully, returns fully; When you invest true love, no attrition occurs. It will multiply and prosper. Investing 100 percent of true love will yield or return 120 percent. One might think that those who practice true love would become poor and miserable, yet the end result is to the contrary. By practicing true love you will acquire prosperity and eternal life.

This kind of family of true love becomes the foundation for creating a society, nation and world. That society, nation and world shall be true love centered, and shall become ideal and peaceful. There you will find understanding instead of misunderstanding. You will find unity instead of division. You will find unselfishness instead of selfishness. This is the society, nation and world where sacrifices and good service become the dominant virtues. The realization of the ideal of God is the way to achieve the ideal of true peace in the world.

The Ideal of True Parents for True World Peace

When the Bible says that God sought to create human beings in "His own image," this means that the invisible God wanted to manifest Himself into a visible form. In other words, men and women would have become the personifications of God.

If the first man and woman had realized the ideal of God, they would have become the first visible form of God and created the first family of man. Then God-centered children and grandchildren would have formed an ideal society, nation and world. In this case the invisible God would become the vertical True Parents of man centering upon true love, and the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, would have become the horizontal True Parents of mankind centering upon that same true love. Centered upon these True Parents of man, humanity would have become one family eternally fulfilling true brotherhood.

However, the fall of Adam and Eve meant that humanity lost True Parents. That day we became orphans. Brothers turned into enemies. As a result, nations came to develop antagonistic relationships rather than friendly ones. Accusations abound on every level.

In the final fulfillment of human history, therefore, God's work of restoration is the restoration of True Parents first, liberating humanity from its orphan status. Today this is the central dispensational work of God -- to bestow True Parents upon mankind, to create the original family of man centering on God and true love.

Ladies and gentlemen, today's creation of the Federation for World Peace must be different from that of the League of Nations and the United Nations. Most important is that we must found this organization upon the true ideal and philosophy of lasting peace as well as the ideal of True Parents. In the final analysis, peace in God and with God is the newest level of awakening. This is therefore a refreshing new beginning toward the attainment of peace. The exclusion of God from human efforts for peace is the core reason for their failure. Therefore we shall make God the center of this movement and the dynamics of this movement will be true love.

Historical Gathering

For men and women who are fervently longing for world peace, today's gathering is an historic gathering. There are many presidents and former presidents here today, as well as prominent religious leaders and leaders from every walk of life. This is truly a rare and extraordinary assembly. Furthermore, there are leaders from the East bloc and the West bloc. Until recently, those leaders were mired in the Cold War and locked in a chilling confrontation. In this auditorium, however, there is no East or West. Everyone is gathered together in one spirit of cooperation and reconciliation.

On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall finally came tumbling down. Ever since that event we have been living in a different world. The world is moving quickly toward reformation, change, mutual understanding and friendship. Everyone today feels acutely that the mood of the world is opening up to the blossoming opportunity of peace.

If you agree that the principles I have expounded are the fundamental criteria for peace, then true peace is reachable and achievable. The industrialized North must reach out to help liberate the South from pervasive impoverishment. The developed nations must reach out with a helping hand toward the developing countries and the new democracies. Each nation's attitude must be changed from a selfish one to an unselfish one. That in itself is a revolution. Nations can do this when leaders see from the position of parents. The most unselfish and sacrificial love of all is the love of parents. From that perspective one can see that all nations are brother and sister nations. Then a fresh new vision emerges and new opportunities will open up in front of us.

It has already been announced that in September North Korea and South Korea together will become member nations of the United Nations. This is another significant positive development toward the achievement of world peace. Then the number of member nations of the UN will reach 163. What should be the priority of those 163 countries in the days to come?

The time of colonialism is over, where the powerful nations exploited the weakest ones. The law of the jungle and Herbert Spencer's "survival of the fittest" do not apply in our world. The age of the superpower arms race that drove the world and humanity into fear and uncertainty has also passed; humanity ought to be liberated from the devastating threat of nuclear arms. What time is it in God's timetable? This is the time that the Holy Scriptures refer to as that of "beating our swords into plowshares."

This is the time for developing mutual trust based on a high moral standard. It is a time when all the member nations of the United Nations in a relationship of mutual respect and love, should jointly declare one final war against our common enemies -- the scourges of hunger, ignorance, disease and crime.

This is in God's plan. From this time on, the definition of "my country" will expand. Although everyone has their home country where their family lives, in a larger sense, the world now becomes "my country" because it is where God, my Father, and my brothers and sisters -- all the people of the world -- live.

From this point of view, advanced nations should seek to share high technology with the developing nations and new democracies. To do otherwise would be a moral crime. Things which are good and beneficial must be shared among all nations. When a new discovery is made, it should benefit all nations. If something is good for humanity and the world, we must fulfill it, transcendent of national boundaries. For a long time, I have been fighting for equal opportunity in the use of high technology by all developing nations.

A Century of Peace

Ladies and gentlemen, your coming to this place is not an accident. Nothing happens by accident. I feel you are ordained to be here. You are chosen by God as champions of peace.

Within our lifetime we shall commemorate the year 2000. That year will be history's new turning point. A new era is unfolding. With the cooperation of God and man together the twenty-first century will be a century of peace. In order to make that happen we shall work tirelessly together for the next nine years. If we do, we shall be able to eliminate all obstacles which might hinder the attainment of peace.

The twenty-first century shall be a righteous century. In the twenty- first century, wealth will not be the dominating factor. Instead, the human spirit and human soul shall be dominant. The twenty-first century shall be the era of unity between God and man. It shall be the era where a new awakening will come to every man -- a realization that he shall benefit himself more when he genuinely lives for the sake of others. In the twenty-first century, selfishness will decline. Life, honor, and glory based on unselfishness shall be triumphant. These are the characteristics of the coming twenty-first century.

The era for peace is approaching. Even the opportunity for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is closer. The twenty first century shall be a hopeful and glorious century. To make this happen, the Federation for World Peace will provide the ideal and philosophy to educate the world's population. The Federation will assist spiritually, mentally and financially in the development of needy nations. The Federation will set a high moral standard and take a dynamic role in building a world of peace.

Ladies and gentlemen, you are the apostles of peace. A bright new hope as well as an exciting new future is awaiting us. Today we should fervently feel the desire to fulfill the great mission that is being bestowed upon us.

In order to achieve this sacred duty and the historic responsibility of building lasting peace, we should dedicate our lives. our fortunes and our sacred honor with total commitment. The very first item on our agenda shall be to invite God into our individual hearts, and those of our family, society, nation and world. When God is with us, who shall be against us?

Respected friends, my beloved brothers and sisters, we are called to this sacred mission -- the building of world peace. Our noble march shall begin today toward that glorious future. Let us build a true world of peace together with God.

Thank you very much.

Chapter 1 - True Unification and One World - Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 1

True Unification and One World

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

This address was given on April 10, 1990 at the Eleventh World Media Conference in Moscow, Russia.

It is a great honor and pleasure to convene with you this historic 11th World Media Conference in the city of Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union. The theme of this conference is "The Advancement of Global Communication and Cooperation," and I feel there is no place more appropriate to gather for these discussions than right here in the Soviet Union.

Furthermore, it is an added pleasure for me to open these proceedings because we are simultaneously conducting the Third Conference of the Summit Council for World Peace, and a gathering of the Association for the Unity of Latin America. Both of these excellent organizations are also committed to the quest for world peace.

For me to come to Moscow is an emotional experience. I would like to express my appreciation to the Soviet government, especially the officials of Novosti Press Agency. You have welcomed us to your great capital in a most hospitable manner. My wife and 1, and our entire family, are moved by your kindness. I am sure that all of the guests in this room who have come from every corner of the world, including former heads of state and government, will join with me in expressing our deep gratitude to our hosts in this country. Would you join with me in giving them a round of applause?

I was recently asked by members of the Soviet media regarding my views on the importance of a spiritual renaissance as a precondition to social, economic and political progress. I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on some of those views. I believe that such a spiritual renaissance is vitally important. To achieve it, a deeper understanding of the human situation is necessary. This calls for some reflection on philosophical and religious topics. It may not directly concern either communications or media, but for me it is the fundamental understanding necessary to secure true peace in our world. Furthermore, it is the essence of my lifelong search, discovery and teaching.

God's Original Ideal

When we observe our universe, we recognize that every being exists through the union of paired elements. This is true on all levels, beginning even with the mineral realm. Molecules are made from the union of a positive ion and a negative ion. On the level of plants, existence and reproduction require the union of stamen and pistil, representing the male and female aspects.

The pair system is even more obvious on the level of animals. Fish, birds, mammals and all animals exist as male and female. Finally, the supreme creations of God, human beings, are either men or women. The first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, were the original ancestors of mankind. What is the purpose of the pair system? Why did God create in this way?

The Creator made all things male and female so that they might unite through their give and take of love. Through the action of love, each species multiplies and extends its lineage.

Human ambition is limitless and infinite. Then, what is the true goal of this infinite desire of man? For woman, it is man. For man, it is woman. Man and woman can find true love only through each other. In history, differing views of life, the universe and God have presented unresolved problems. The solution to these problems is to be found when true man and true woman unite with God in true love, creating absolute oneness. This is the source of absolute value.

Man exists for the sake of woman. Woman exists for the sake of man. Each is to be the object of love of the other. God is a being of absolute love. He wanted to create objects of love, human beings, upon which He can pour out his love. In doing so, He would naturally look forward to the return of that love from men and women. In this way, God would feel infinite joy. Adam and Eve must be united in love themselves first, in order to become perfect objects of the love of God. Therefore, a period of growth and maturity was necessary before Adam and Eve could stand as the mature human couple resembling God and receiving and returning His love.

The pattern of true love is not that of being served; it is to serve others. When God Himself initially created His object of love, He invested every ounce of His energy -- 100 percent of His being. This established the pattern of true love. In other words, the tradition of true love as total investment was established by God. At that point, true love became the center of the universe. And even almighty God chooses to be obedient to it.

When God created, He totally spent Himself. He made of Himself a vacuum. In the atmosphere, when a low pressure area comes into being, high pressure air is automatically attracted. Whenever someone serves others to the absolute degree, energy rushes in to fill that person up. Therefore. all the love that God has given to create His perfect object must ultimately be returned to Him by men and women.

Only love transcends all barriers. When you are united with God in true love, you have dominion over all of God's creation, both physical and spiritual. When you live completely for others, you are reaching the very essence of God's own being. God's vibrations become your vibrations. God's feelings are naturally transmitted to you. Living this way, you become a resonant body of God's heart and love. As much as two tuning forks resonate together, you and God always resonate together.

That is the ultimate, original state of the human being. When you achieve that state, the love of God becomes your love, the life of God becomes your life, and the blood lineage of God becomes your blood lineage. The world which God created becomes your world. We are to share the love of God with all things in heaven and earth. We are to be citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven with the heart of parents.

Man's Separation from God

The law of cause and effect is clearly evident in history. Whatever you have sown, you will surely reap. Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, engaged in sexual immorality and the abuse of love while they were still growing. This was the fall of man. God wanted them to grow in purity until He blessed them in heavenly matrimony, becoming the foundation of God's true love, true life and true blood lineage. Humanity, descending from this perfected and blessed Adam and Eve, would naturally become the sons and daughters of God, enjoying the love of the Creator, and living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world.

However, before Adam and Eve matured and received the blessing from God, while they were still teenagers, the archangel tempted Eve and engaged in fornication with her. In this way, the archangel became Satan. By engaging in relations with fallen Eve, Adam also fell. This is how the beginning of human history was sown. Today, we are reaping the consequences: immorality is rampant. Teenagers, in particular, are the victims of widespread sexual degradation. Modern society in the advanced nations is little different from Sodom and Gomorrah of biblical times. God abhors this immoral behavior. We must fear the wrath of God. His punishment is imminent.

The Struggle of Good and Evil

God is the center of goodness. Satan is the center of evil. The history of humanity has been the history of struggle between good and evil -- between God and Satan -- working through men and women. But the respective strategies used by God and Satan have been exactly opposite. Satan, being arrogant and greedy, always attacks the side of goodness. God's camp is always hit and suffers, but this gives God the opportunity to bring justice. The side of good is vindicated and occupies new territory. Satan's side must withdraw and decline.

For example, in World War I, the belligerent nations were ultimately defeated. The same was true in World War II, where the Axis powers, after initially attacking, were finally defeated by the Allies. Every exploiting power will ultimately decline, while whoever suffers persecution for the sake of good will ultimately be raised up by God.

My own life is representative of this. I have been struggling for the sake of good and the cause of God, but the opposition has been relentless. Years ago, I was tortured and beaten, and I have been imprisoned numerous times. One would think that my movement would die out and be forgotten, but the opposite has occurred. I have built a worldwide foundation, and have continuously advanced and prospered.

Conscience: Teacher and Parent

Every human being, throughout his life, has a most precious teacher within himself. Nevertheless, that teacher has been mistreated, trampled upon, and abused. That teacher is the human conscience. Your conscience always speaks out for your own benefit, trying to connect you to true love. Like a parent, your conscience urges you to be a good, unselfish individual, and guides you to do the will of God. But within each person there is also a rebel who always goes against the conscience. That rebel is the physical body.

The body has trampled and abused the conscience miserably. When one becomes aware of this, can he take the side of the body which has been the enemy of his own conscience, and which has greatly damaged his own life and personality?

Your conscience should be your constant internal teacher and parent, leading you to complete unity with the ultimate parent of mankind, God. The conscience, then, is the agent of God within you, and may even be called a "second God." Do you think you should be sympathetic and protective of your body, the enemy of the conscience? Or do you think you should control and confine your body and vindicate your conscience? Your body only goes after carnal desire. When it is hungry, it steals and satisfies itself. It always seeks for comfort, and wants to take advantage of others. The body has its own realm. To conquer the realm of the body is an awesome responsibility which every person must undertake.

When this is achieved, the mind as the vertical self and the body as the horizontal self are completely harmonized into oneness, and a person reaches perfection, united in love with God for eternity.

The Role of Religion

God is the source of true love, true life, and true blood lineage. Since we human beings originate from this source, we must also have true love, true life and true blood lineage. However, because of the fall of man, tragically, man never achieved the position of being the child of God. Instead, men and women have received love, life and lineage from Satan.

Due to the fall of man, love today is basically self-centered. That self-centered love does not originate from the mind, but is centered upon the body. The body is where Satan's activities are conducted. The body is Satan's dancing place, the mooring post of Satan. The mind represents God's position the plus position. But the body, which should assume the object or minus position, tries to make itself another plus, and continuously teases or fools the mind. In human life, it is crucial to correct this relationship.

Therefore, God established religion to rehabilitate fallen man. Through religion, God is teaching people how to strengthen their God- centered mind, and reverse the body's domination of their life and personality. That is why religion oftentimes demands fasting, sacrificial service and a meek and humble attitude. These are methods for reducing the power of the body and causing the body to submit to the mind. Normally, in religious life, it takes about 3 to 5 years to change from the habit of a body-centered life, and create a new spirit-centered way of life.

Furthermore, the Bible says, you must pray without ceasing. This is vitally important because Satan controls the environment of the fallen world. Satan tempts and distracts fallen man from all directions 24 hours a day, while God is only able to work from one direction, the vertical direction of the mind.

The Restoration of God's Ideal

In the eyes of God, the fallen world is the world of spiritual death. His will is the restoration of that world of death into the world of life. Restoration is another way of saying salvation. When the original ideal state has been lost, it must be restored. When a healthy man becomes sick, a physician must come and bring him back to his original health. By the same token, the God-intended original ideal was lost. Therefore, the work of God is to restore this fallen world to the original sinless state.

In order to accomplish that task, God sends the Messiah. But before the Messiah comes, God prepares a certain chosen group of people to be ready for the Messiah. This is what the Bible calls the orchard of wild olive trees.

The orchard of wild olive trees represents a certain sphere in the fallen realm which God can still direct and control. After this has been prepared, the Messiah comes. The Messiah then cuts all the wild olive trees in the orchard of God, and grafts into them the true branch of life. In this way, the wild olive trees all become true olive trees. They are returned to the original state of man.

The religious people of today are these wild olive trees in God's orchard, but even the most devout religious person must still seek the Messiah because he has not yet received the true lineage of God. The Messiah comes as the True Parents of mankind, restoring the position of Adam and Eve. Therefore, in order to be connected to the true lineage of God, each person must unite with the True Parents, and become a recipient of true love. By doing so, each person can become a true son or daughter of God. In this way, the Messiah brings salvation to humankind.

The Messiah, in the position of True Parents, must root out the trees which have grown from false seeds, subjugate Satan and connect mankind into oneness with God in true love, making all people true sons and daughters of God. In this way, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth can be created, where men and women will finally be able to enjoy true freedom.

What is the way of unification? Let us consider the first human family. First of all, there is God. Second, there is Adam and Eve. Adam is masculine, and Eve is feminine. They compete with one another to secure the love of God first. If they are selfishly motivated, there will be no unity. However, if they are unselfishly motivated, Adam will say, "I want to reach God first solely for you, Eve." The woman will be overjoyed. She, in turn, will say, "I only want to reach God for your sake, Adam." Then the husband will be fully satisfied. There is no struggle; there is unity even in their competition.

This is not only the way husband and wife can be happily united; it is more than that. It is the very key to the unification of all people.

God-Centered World View

Throughout history, God has been working through the human conscience. In spite of God's efforts, however, every attempt made thus far to restore man into the original starting point -- the heart of God -- has failed. It still remains for someone to liberate humankind from this satanic environment and lead a successful search for truth and true love. That is the mission of the Unification movement.

Godism is a God-centered world view, whose essence is the ideal of true love. Godism has two distinct missions: Bring unity between God and man, and bring unity between mind and body.

Since I have discovered the solution to these two fundamental problems the unity of mind and body, and the unity of man and God -- I must proclaim this truth as clearly and effectively as possible without any hesitation.

When you follow this teaching, I assure you that you can definitely conquer the carnal desires of your body. You can become 100 percent united with your mind. Then you are eligible to become the true object of God and establish a true love partnership with God.

Whenever two people are bound together by true love, they are entitled to three important rights: First, the right of inheritance. Second, the right of dwelling together. Third, the right of participation.

Take for example the relationship of husband and wife. The husband might be the president of a great nation, while his wife might be a woman of very humble origin and very little education. If they truly love each other, however, they are equals. They own all things in common, live together, and participate on an equal level.

In the same way, when man and woman are connected to God through true love, they will also enjoy the rights of inheritance, participation and living together eternally with God. When you reach this depth of heart, you will constantly experience the presence of God, and God will truly dwell among men.

True Parents

True love always travels the shortest distance at the greatest speed. Therefore, true love coming from God to the earth travels the shortest distance -- a vertical line. The love between man and woman also travels the shortest distance, forming a horizontal line. When the vertical true love meets with the horizontal true love, the crossing point must absolutely be 90 degrees. There is no other way these love lines can intersect.

Who is God? God is the vertical True Parents centered on true love. He is intimately close to each of us because He is our vertical parents. When we welcome the perfected human ancestors -- perfected Adam and Eve -- as True Parents, we create a 90 degree crossing point between the vertical true love of God and the horizontal true love of True Parents. We have two sets of True Parents. From them we receive true love, true life and true blood lineage. This creates one world totally resonating with true love.

The Soviet Union

Ladies and gentlemen, I am very grateful to have the opportunity to share with you these reflections on the nature of God and humanity. I am also very happy to be here in the Soviet Union. My heart truly goes out to the people of the Soviet Union. Many of you have gone through unbearable suffering, and that saddens me. I love your country and your people very much. I clearly envision a moral and economic renaissance for the Soviet Union that will dramatically affect the entire world. I will do all I can to encourage and support that renaissance.

You are undertaking a new Soviet revolution, but this should be a revolution without blood or bullets -- a revolution of the heart and soul.

I have been speaking about the importance of the family. But I want to tell you that in the depths of my heart, I feel that the Soviet people are a part of my family. I assure you that my wife and children feel the same. Also, I assure you that members of the Unification movement worldwide will do their utmost to work together with you for the future prosperity and well being of all humanity.

I believe the Soviet Union will play a key role in God's plan to build a world of lasting true peace. This vast union of nations, which stretches from the Far East, with its border on my country of Korea, to the very heart of Europe birthplace of Western civilization -- has a natural destiny to be a bridge between Europe and Asia. We must regard ourselves as being members of one global family living in one global house.

May God bless the Soviet Union and all its people. 


A textbook, according to Webster's, is a manual of instruction, a book containing a presentation of the principles of a subject, used as a basis of instruction. A textbook for world peace, then, would instruct humankind on how to achieve a peaceful world through the application of the principles which can bring peace. This describes perfectly the book you are holding in your hands.

In these speeches the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon elaborate on the principles and conditions conducive to fostering world peace. Reverend Moon, founder of the Unification Church, established the Federation for World Peace in August 1991. Now a significant worldwide movement, the Federation emphasizes the need for a harmonious relationship between God and human beings as a precondition for realizing peace. It also recognizes the centrality of the family in shaping the individual personality and in fostering harmonious human relations.

Reverend and Mrs. Moon believe that because of recent religious and political developments, a unique opportunity now exists to promote world peace. They teach that all people are God's children and are thus brothers and sisters. They call upon such nations as America, Germany and Japan to share the fruits of their technological research with the developing nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America as a means to end the gap between rich and poor and alleviate human suffering. They have supported projects such as the International Relief Friendship Foundation in order to provide technical aid, food, clothing and medicine to the developing world. They have developed the fishing industry on every continent as a means of providing an alternative food source to those who continue to be victims of world famine.

Reverend Moon's message and his passionate concern has been echoed by the work of his wife, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon. This has led to her founding the Women's Federation for World Peace which emphasizes the special role which women are meant to play in promoting world peace and development. First established in Japan, the Women's Federation for World Peace has sponsored tours to the United States to promote American and Japanese cooperation and understanding. The Women's Federation has supported social programs in Southern and Southeast Asia. The Women's Federation for World Peace stresses that beyond her own children, a woman must empathize with and embrace all children who seek the comforting embrace of a mother. It has provided scholarships for advanced studies to women students in China, South Korea, the Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Thailand.

Beginning on April 10, 1992, Mrs. Moon began to reach out to women in her native land of Korea when she spoke before an audience of 150,000. Her message calls for women to have a larger vision, and she proposed the means to do this through a powerful religious and philosophical message referred to as Godism. Godism clearly demonstrates the important providential work which God is seeking for America to realize at this point in history.

The speeches in this volume offer insight into the message being conveyed by God through Reverend and Mrs. Moon. Although profound and challenging, the essence of Reverend and Mrs. Moon's message is that today's battleground is no longer a political demarcation line. It is instead the line which divides mind and body. Whereas St. Paul lamented the contradiction between mind and body, Reverend and Mrs. Moon boldly maintain that God has now offered a new way for good to overcome evil, and the path can be opened to a world of God-centered peace.

This victory of the human spirit comes upon the foundation of God's labor to save humankind. Further, it stands upon the foundation of Reverend and Mrs. Moon's lives of prayer and sacrifice, which have deeply touched those who have had the opportunity to observe them on a day-to-day basis. Finally, it stands upon the discovery of God's eternal purpose of creation in the absolute love between husband and wife, which is the foundation for world peace.

These speeches were delivered before audiences composed of leaders in government, media, religion, the sciences and academia, gathered from the four comers of the globe. Here we witness the emergence of Reverend and Mrs. Moon and the ideal of True Parents. This is the foundation for the realization of world peace in our time.

The editors pray for the reader's deep comprehension of the vision of the True Parents and of its overriding role in the accomplishment of world peace.

October 20, 1992