Sun Jin Moon 2014-2019 Part 1

Sun Jin Moon 2014-2019 Part 1 (pdf)

Building a World of Lasting Peace in the Americas and the World (Hak Ja Han - Delivered by Sun Jin Moon - April 22, 2014 pdf)

Sun Jin Moon appointed Director-General of FFWPU International HQ (May 20, 2014 pdf)

Our Challenge at this Time: Building a World of Lasting Peace (Sun Jin Moon on behalf of True Mother - August 10, 2014 pdf)

Amazing experiences with True Mother (August 13, 2014 pdf)

Sun-jin Nim speaks about True Mother (August 13, 2014 pdf)

Learn from True Mother's Example (August 13, 2014 pdf)

Let’s Learn from True Mother’s Example (September 13, 2014 pdf)

Sun Jin Moon represents True Mother at the Global Youth Festival in Japan (September 23, 2014 pdf)

Sun Jin Moon visits Unification Church Family members in Okinawa (Myungho Moon - September 26, 2014 pdf)

Sun Jin Moon: The Japanese Church Understands a Mother’s Heart (Myungho Moon - September 27, 2014 pdf)

Sun Jin Moon speaks at the Saga Rally Commemorating the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the Unification Church of Japan (Myungho Moon - September 29, 2014 pdf)

True Mother said to me, "Don't worry about me. We need to console and love the members" (October 1, 2014 - Tokyo, Japan pdf)

Conveying True Mother's gratitude and love to you (October 1, 2014 pdf)

I cannot begin to convey my feelings of respect to each Japanese member (October 1, 2014 pdf)

Meeting with Elder Japanese Blessed Couples (October 1, 2014 - Tokyo, Japan pdf)

Gratitude and Love from True Mother (October 1, 2014 - To longtime members of the Japanese church pdf)

Peace through Unity (October 1, 2014 - Celebration of the fifty fifth anniversary of HSA-UWC Japan pdf)

Reflections on Sun Jin Moon and the Rallies Commemorating the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the Unification Church of Japan! (Myungho Moon - October 2, 2014 pdf)

Message of Blessing to Japan, by Director-General Sun Jin Moon (Moon Myungho - October 2, 2014 pdf)

Sun Jin Moon, American Unificationist leaders and Japanese members celebrate the 55th Anniversary to FFWPU Japan (Michael Balcomb - October 2, 2014 pdf)

The hope of all people is a world of true love and peace, in which we live as one family under God (January 31, 2015 - Interfaith Peace Blessing pdf)

Congratulatory Address to the Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival in Marikina city, the Philippines (February 1, 2015 pdf)

The purpose of today's Blessing Ceremony is to realize a world of true love and lasting peace (February 1, 2015 pdf)

Congratulatory Address at the Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival (February 1, 2015 - Marikina city, the Philippines pdf)

Victory Celebration for the success of the Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival in the Philippines (February 2, 2015 - Hoon Dok Hae pdf)

True Parents Opened the Way (Sun Jin Moon - February 2, 2015 pdf)

Sun Jin Nim’s Speech at the Victory Celebration (February 2,2015 - Hoon Dok Hae Victory Celebration for the Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival pdf)

Come to experience a deep and eternal love with your partner (February 21, 2015 - Multicultural Family Educational Peace Festival 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal pdf)

Multicultural Family Educational Peace Festival 2015 Congratulatory Address (February 21, 2015 - National Stadium in Kathmandu Nepal pdf)

I congratulate members for your noble quest for peace, prosperity, and true love for all families (February 22, 2015 - Multicultural Family Educational Peace Festival 2015 Victory Celebration pdf)

Sun Jin Nim’s Speech at the Victory Celebration in Nepal (February 22, 2015 pdf)

Multicultural Family Educational Peace Festival 2015 - Victory Celebration (February 22, 2015 - Victory Celebration in Kathmandu Nepal pdf)

Universal Peace Federation International Leadership Conference - Founder’s Address - Hak Ja Han (Delivered by Sun Jin Moon - March 1, 2015 pdf)

Beyond the Challenges of Our Time: Transforming the Society, Nations and the World (Hak Ja Han [Read by Sun Jin Moon] - March 1, 2015 pdf)

Beyond the Challenges of Our Time: Transforming the Society, Nations and the World (Hak Ja Han [Delivered by Sun Jin Moon] - March 1, 2015 pdf)

Beyond the Challenges of Our Time: Transforming the Society, Nations and the World (Hak Ja Han [Presented by Sun Jin Moon] - March 1, 2015 pdf)

Our Heavenly Parent's Dream (Hak Ja Han [Read by Sun Jin Moon] - March 1, 2015 pdf)

2015 Cheon Il Guk Leaders’ Assembly - Opening Address (March 5, 2015 - Cheong-ah Camp pdf)

Appointment of Sun Jin Moon as the International President (Man Ho Kim - March 11, 2015 pdf)

I have been praying for the True Family to unite and love and support True Mother (March 13, 2015 pdf)

Inaugural Address by Sun Jin Moon, International President (March 13, 2015 - Cheon Jeong Gung pdf)

Inaguration Ceremony for Sun Jin Moon, International President of FFWPU - Program and Biography (March 13, 2015 pdf)

FFWPU International President's Inaugural Address (March 13, 2015 pdf)

Inauguration Ceremony for Sun Jin Moon, International President of FFWPU (March 13, 2015 - Cheong Jeong Gung pdf)

We cannot begin to fathom the heart of sorrow and the outpouring of tears that were shed by True Parents (March 29, 2015 - Memorial Service for the True Children who Ascended to the Spirit World pdf)

Remembering Saints and Patriots (March 29, 2015 pdf)

Memorial Service for the True Children who ascended to the Spirit World (March 29, 2015 - Hannam dong International Training Center pdf)

Sun Jin Moon 2008-2013

Sun Jin Moon 2008-2013

Sun Jin Nim Graduates From Harvard (January 2, 2008)

Memories of Hyo Jin Oppa (March 19, 2008)

What is Positive Psychology? (Sun Jin Moon - June 2008)

Helicopter Landing Testimony (July 26, 2008)

True Parents (September 27, 2008)

Sun Jin Nim's Kitchen Ministry (Satchiko Kuriyama - October 2008)

Interview with Sun Jin Moon (November 2008)

Interview with Sun Jin Moon and In Sup Park (January 9, 2009)

"Card of Happiness” Can Change Your Life (September 9, 2009)

Card Of Happiness Can Change Your Life (October 18, 2009)

The Basic Premises of Positive Psychology (December 29, 2009)

The First Basic Premise of Positive Psychology: 'Practical Idealism' (May 14, 2010)

Happy World Chairman Sun Jin Moon Showers True Love on Japanese Members (July 19 2010)

What is True Mother saying? (October 12, 2012 - Hoon Dok Hae)

True Mother sends Sun Jin Nim and In Sup Nim to South America (Dong Mo Shin - October 6-13, 2012)

Witnessing the amazing grace and forgiveness of God and True Parents (Sun Jin Moon - February 22, 2013)

Father always seemed so invincible, ever so passionate about God (August 23, 2013 - International Leadership Conference)