21. Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God

Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

February 9, 1958

Genesis 32:1-28, Acts 1:6-11


Please allow these sons and daughters who lay prostrated here to see for ourselves whether our own minds and bodies are in darkness. Please guide us not to have a self-centered mind or a mind full of doubt. Please allow us to be true sons and daughters who can comfort the Father's shimjung. You toiled solely to seek us. Let God's internal mind embrace our pitiful bodies.

If we are to feel sorrow, then please allow us to feel the sorrow of the 6,000 year history. If we are to be subjected to privations, then please allow us to endure the privations of 6,000 years. Father! Please allow us not to betray the Father while we live on this earth. Guide us not to have our bodies bound by the chains of Satan and therefore create a condition of sadness. Beloved Father, I pray this with a sincere heart.

Now, since Your sons and daughters have gathered together and You are the master here, please do not allow their minds and bodies to wander about at will. I sincerely wish and desire that You will allow this hour to be one in which we rely only upon the Father, when we feel the shimjung of the Father's compassion deep in our hearts and are able to be embraced in the bosom of the Father's love.

Through the word we just read, we understand that Jacob is the standard for our faith. Please allow us to follow the faithfulness of Jacob, who risked his life laboring for the sake of the one will. I pray You will allow us to experience his shimjung. Beloved Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will allow us to return glory to the Father by having our footsteps and our minds represent the Father's will and defend the way of the Father's will to the death.

Please let us reveal the Father's power by meekly obeying the word the Father commands. Since we are exposed as insufficient before the Father, please watch over us with eyes like a flame. If You find some inadequacy, Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will forgive us for that.

In the midst of this race, which is caught up in darkness, there are sons and daughters who are wandering around because they do not know which way to go and where is the way of life. Therefore, beloved Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will guide these people and bestow upon us the grace that You would grant in the final days. Allow us to be the people who can attest to the word of life before the race.

Through this pitiful race, please let all humankind in the world kneel down before the Father and make Satan submit on this earth. Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will let us be filled with victorious excitement and happiness in relationship to Satan.

With You alone in charge, please allow this hour to be one in which we clear away all sins with the Father's precious word and find the road of life. Ardently soliciting that the Father will personally govern our minds and bodies with firmness, I prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of the sermon about which I would like to share my thoughts with you is "Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God." I will speak briefly upon this subject.

The story of Jacob is recorded in Genesis. He was tested representing Heaven even after he had gone through a course of atrocious troubles. During the course of those trials, Jacob kept in his heart the thought that he was the blessed, chosen person. He fought to the finish with an angel who was trying to hold that will in check. He then won the victory and was granted entry into the realm of a person chosen by God. Because Jacob attained victory after struggling against all kinds of difficulty centering on God's will, God granted him the name "Israel." We use the word "Israel" frequently today.

This is not a simple noun. This word represented an historical life. This is the noun of victory that concluded the 2,000 year history from Adam to Jacob. We should not forget this. Furthermore, we must realize that after setting up Jacob and granting him the blessing to be called Israel, God felt happiness. At the same time, He was sad.

The Will of God Who Let Jacob Take Pains

The reason God carried out the dispensation of toiling for several thousand years looking for Jacob is because Adam, the ancestor, had fallen. Owing to his fall, Adam lost the blessing God gave. That blessing had to be recovered, but the historical course of recovering God's lost blessing was indescribably sorrowful. You must understand that the God who blessed Jacob with the name Israel had this kind of sorrowful shimjung.

When God granted the blessing of "Israel", the word was not to be limited to the one generation of Jacob. It represented the ideology and ideal of the whole creation. This one word was fraught with God's shimjung in its entirety.

Jacob was exhausted from toiling for several decades at Laban's house. He had come through a difficult life course to establish the land of Canaan God had granted. Then he went looking for Esau in the country of Edom, losing everything he had for the sake of carrying out the will of Heaven, which had blessed him through the uplifted hands of Isaac.

However, the homeland he returned to was not the original homeland in which he could have had joy in his own time. It could not be the seat of joy for him. Even as he was going back to see his homeland, for which he felt affection, and his brother, Jacob was anxious and worried. You must not forget that this is not a state of affairs only Jacob, one individual, had to endure. This is a course all of humanity must walk.

The Jordan and Jabbok Rivers blocked the road that led to Jacob's hometown. With the blessed land in front of him, Jacob could not sleep. Instead, he had to pray shedding tears. The ancestors had left behind this state of affairs. This was the situation of God, who was conducting the providence of the heavenly principles. We should know that Jacob felt this in his heart more deeply than anyone else.

This situation was not limited to Jacob's generation. It recurred in the course of the history of the chosen Israelites. All the prophets and sages who appeared in association with God's will had to bear this kind of shimjung. In order to enter into the bosom of the Father, they had to cross the hill of struggle with a barrier of darkness in front of them. You should bear this in mind.

God granted the blessing through the hands of Isaac and urged Jacob to abandon everything and go back to his homeland. Why could God not make Jacob's path smooth? Why did He let the kind of heartless circumstance develop in which He sent an angel and let the angel hurt Jacob? Why did He not give a word of advice to Jacob who was appealing all night before Heaven, bearing the will of the heavenly principles with a fretful shimjung on the banks of the Jabbok River?

We should not forget today that this was an indescribable state of affairs and a fretful shimjung of vicissitudes incomprehensible to man. As he returned to see the homeland God had granted, Jacob's road was a wilderness one. We must realize through the course Jacob walked that there are twists and turns like this in the course we walk today.

Why could Heaven not help but pose these kinds of circumstances? Needless to say, selecting one person and setting him up is the will of God's providence. Yet establishing a foothold behind the scenes through which people can push out Satan is a more important will of providence. These are the kinds of ups and downs whereby God could demolish a wall of turns and twists in the invisible world humans know nothing about, but which God and Satan know well. In order to set up such conditions, Heaven could not help but put Jacob through extraordinary circumstances. You must understand this.

From the day he was blessed by Isaac until he returned to the homeland where Esau lived, Jacob did not have one day of happiness. This shows us that if a person receives God's blessing representing God's will, he cannot but go through a life course of anxiety until he settles all before Heaven and earth from the position of a sacrificial offering.

Because such a course of history remains, when you march forward today bearing the responsibility, you will have to go to the enemy's world as Jacob did and walk the course of struggle where you too fight alone in a difficult environment.

If Jacob had fallen down exhausted in the course of the struggle, then the name Israel would not have been given to him. The grace of blessing through the name Israel would have had nothing to do with Jacob. In order to attain the blessing Heaven had bestowed through the hands of Isaac, Jacob rendered devoted service toward Heaven with a burning shimjung that could overcome any difficulty or hardship. You should understand that was how he built a victorious foothold after fighting valiantly in a wrestling match with an angel at the Ford of the Jabbok River.

The Content of "Israel" Which Jacob Received

You should know that Jacob was a representative heavenly soldier who, centering on the word Heaven granted, walked the road of fierce struggle not to lose it, even at the risk of his life.

What forewarned this? Ancestral Adam and Eve should have been obedient to God's word to the end in order to bring in the day of hope. However, they weren't. In order to restore this one fact through indemnity, there had to be someone who would defend God's word to the death, unlike Adam. You should understand that Jacob, who received the call from Heaven, was exactly such a person.

Jacob came to be in the position of receiving a heavenly trial. He never relaxed his mental vigilance for a moment. You should know this. He firmly believed in the word of blessing from God and kept a firm conviction not to retreat before the fight ended, even if he were to lose an arm. Only after gaining victory in a battle like this was the blessing of being named Israel granted. You should not forget that this became the victorious foundation for the Israelites.

Why was Jacob placed in this kind of situation? This was on account of the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, distrusting God's word and betraying Him. Their descendants had to believe in God to the end centering on the word, even if God forsook them. Because Jacob maintained faith to the end, centering on the word from a position like this, he was able to surmount all pretexts for Satan's ridicule.

If the angel had not appeared to Jacob, who was keeping vigil at the side of the Jabbok River in place of God, Jacob would have had to receive a trial from Satan. In order to reveal a representative too trustworthy for Satan to ridicule, who could fight centering on the word, God sent an angel to Jacob and let them fight all night long.

Harboring a will to fulfill absolutely the will that was bestowed upon him, Jacob fought at the risk of his life to beat off the angel. Before someone like this, Satan could not dare pose a pretext for ridicule and could not make any excuses. Because this kind of victory was attained on the banks of the Jabbok River, Heaven was able to inspire Esau, who was the object of the second trial, and subjugate him before Jacob. You should understand this.

The name of Israel, established through Jacob, and the base of Israel established in recognition of Jacob's services were not to be blessings for the one generation of Jacob. The name was for the formulation of a national level, state level, and world level Israel after the individual and family level Israel were started through Jacob. Passing through the course of history, the descendants of Jacob should have realized and believed that this was the will of God.

Yet the descendants of Jacob have gone along believing that the blessing extended by virtue of Jacob belonged only to them. You should know that today the Israelites, who were covered with the glory of being chosen, are scattered without a trace of their former glory.

Moses' Love for the People and the Course of Tribulation He Walked

Although Jacob had formed a family in Haran and moved forth victoriously, there was yet another hill to cross: namely, the battle with the angel on the banks of the Jabbok River. The descendants of Jacob did not know this. In other words, the descendants of Jacob had to go into Egypt and endure a nationwide trial in the bosom of the Pharaoh for four hundred years. At this time, Moses appeared. By winning the hearts of the Israelites, he stepped forward bearing the responsibility of restoring the land of Canaan, promised to Jacob in ancient times.

The Israelites had to prepare a nationwide victorious foothold in Egypt resembling the victorious foothold of Israel Jacob had created in his time. In other words, in spite of being utterly exhausted, the Israelites had to establish a victorious foothold like that gained from the battle with the angel on the banks of the Jabbok River in enemy territory. They could not establish this. The Israelites forgot they were standing in a position to pass through the heavenly trial process on a nationwide level.

In order to regain the hearts of the people, Heaven set up Moses and made him prepare for forty years in the palace of the Pharaoh representing the people. He also had to go through a forty year course of a shepherd's life in Midian. Because the Israelites in Egypt were not able to attain the blessing that Jacob, the ancestor of the chosen people, had attained in ancient times on the banks of the Jabbok River, Moses had to leave for the wilderness to walk a nationwide level course in order to regain their hearts.

In the same manner as Jacob went into the wilderness of Haran after receiving the blessing meant for Esau, Moses came to bear the responsibility to re-establish the blessing from God representing the Israelites. As such, upon seeing the people fighting amongst themselves, unable to unify, Moses expressed resentment. Upon seeing the race being subjected to unjust treatment by aliens, he came to fight at the risk of his life against that foreign nation.

The Israelites were to fight against Egypt by following Moses. Instead, they chased him out. This is similar to when Jacob left his homeland after receiving God's blessing. Jacob left the family of blessing and went to a satanic family, Moses also left the people of blessing in Egypt and started off on a forty year wilderness course in Midian. Moses' leaving for the wilderness in this manner was not a matter that pertained only to Moses, one individual.

Why could Moses not avoid a path like this? It was because the victorious foothold Jacob had achieved representing God's shimjung had disappeared. Moses felt more keenly than anybody the responsibility to prepare this foothold again on a nationwide level. Moses prayed ardently for the sake of the Israelites, who were experiencing toil and moil in the bosom of an enemy. He prayed more than anyone. You should feel Moses' shimjung to the marrow. He never forgot the Israelites in their course of toil and moil, not even for one day, not even for one moment.

Although he led a miserable and lonely life as a shepherd in the wilderness, Moses forgot about his miserable conditions. Thinking of the Israelites toiling under mistreatment by their enemies in Egypt, Moses shed tears of sympathy. You must know this. Moses' lonely state of affairs and his shimjung touched Heaven deeply. Because Moses was concerned for the sake of Heaven and appeared as a representative concerned for the chosen people, God called Moses again and dispatched him to the palace of the Pharaoh.

This is just like Jacob's course when he went with all his belongings to see Esau after toiling for twenty-one years at the house of Laban in fear of Esau. You should understand that Moses walked a difficult course like that of Jacob.

By setting up Aaron and Miriam, who represented the word, and by showing the works of three great wonders, Moses stepped out to look for the palace of the Pharaoh where Heaven commanded him to go.

What happened then? God did not provide a smooth path for Moses. Instead, someone tried to kill him as he retired to rest. Again, this is a course similar to that of Jacob. Moses had to go through the circumstances of Jacob wrestling with an angel on the banks of the Jabbok River, imperivous to his own injury. Moses was put in that same situation by God. You should know that after going over this kind of trial without a hitch, Moses met the chosen Israelites again and built the altar of Israel on the nationwide level, representing God and the people.

The Responsibility of the Israelites With Respect to Moses

What can we learn from all this? If the question is whether only our ancestors, Jacob and Moses, must walk this kind of course and bear this kind of responsibility, the answer is no, that is not the case. Not only Jacob had to carry out the responsibility. All the members of Jacob's family had to appeal to Heaven with a fretful shimjung and bear the responsibility, even more so than Jacob. Nevertheless, the family members of Jacob did not know this. This was the very point of Heaven's sorrow.

Moses stepped forth to look for the Israelites, trusting the word God had declared in the Midian wilderness that even if heaven and earth might change, His promise would not change. Moses appeared again before the Israelites with a firm resolution and determination. There were not only the trials from God; there was also opposition from the Pharaoh's royal court, like the opposition Jacob received from Esau. You may know it very well from the teachings of the Divine Principle, but you will have to look again at the fact that the Israelites built a nationwide level altar for the second time through subjugating Pharaoh and by bringing down upon Egypt ten calamities, which indemnified the fact that Jacob had been cheated ten times.

If God felt sorrow, what could have been the reason? If God felt sorrow, that sorrow was not because the enemies were evil. It was because the altar of the Israelites who had followed on the road of God's toil had collapsed. You should realize that was the source of God's sorrow, and it was the grief of humanity.

For Moses, who had to go into the land of Canaan leading the mass of 600,000 people, there were yet other trials barring his passage. These were none other than the Red Sea course and the wilderness course. What does this mean? It means that Moses had to pass through his wilderness course of an ordeal on a nationwide level. Moses drove the Israelites along toward this fate.

In the wilderness, the Israelites had to lift their hands if Moses lifted his hands. If he sat, they had to sit. If he went, they had to go. In other words, by becoming the second Moses, the mass of 600,000 people should have represented Moses and God. Instead, they forgot about this. To put it another way, when God pulled them out of the Pharaoh's court, the Israelites considered God to be their loving God and they were grateful. Since there was a solemn promise yet to be fulfilled, they expected Him to guide them as far as the land of Canaan.

Why, then, did this people fall in the wilderness? It is because they did not have the mind of Moses while living the life of wandering shepherds for forty years in the wilderness. Moses had fought with a heart of integrity for the sake of the chosen people God loved. If the Israelites had had even a little bit of that heart, they would not have collapsed.

God wished to establish the blessing of Israel on a nationwide level. His hope was for Moses and the people to become one. However, since they became divided, the representative, Moses, also collapsed. As Moses fell, the Israelites came to pieces. You should know this.

When the people came out to the wilderness and said they were hungry, God fed them with quail and manna. Why did this same God let the Amalekites attack the Israelites? This is because man had betrayed the will of the heavenly principles. Whenever human beings attempt to seek the will of the heavenly principles, there remains a providential condition to be satisfied for God to strike from the opposite side. For this reason, God could not help but attack the Israelites through the Amalekites. You should understand that Heaven had this kind of fretful shimjung.

Moses should not have died, and the race should not have fallen and collapsed. This happened because they failed to pass this test. Moses had responsibility toward the race as a guardian, so even though he had not erred himself, Moses built an altar of atonement for forty days after climbing Mt. Sinai. He represented the race that had distrusted, and he fasted and sacrificed in order to restore Israel, which was on the brink of collapse.

If the Israelites had kept the qualification of being the chosen people, then when Moses went up to Mt. Sinai with a grievous heart, the mass of 600,000 people surrounding that mountain should have been diligent in their prayers, saying, "Oh, God, please send our guardian Moses back down to us." They should have appealed to Heaven without sleeping and eating. However, there was no such person at all.

It was not for his own sake but for the benefit of the race that Moses had to fast and pray. Yet because the people were not even dreaming about it, they had no choice but to meet with destruction. Even though Moses faced the peak of difficulty, like Jacob praying on the banks of the Jabbok River, no one could lead the mass of 600,000 Israelites into the right path in Moses' place. If even one such person had emerged and led the nation, they would not have been in a difficult position, but would have stayed in a comfortable place. Since that was not the case, Satan took the people. This is the kind of path our ancestors walked.

The Significance of the Trial and Ordeal

By again setting up guardians, Joshua and Caleb, who substituted for Moses, the second generation was led into the land of Canaan. Once inside the land of Canaan, the Israelites had to make material the ideology of the sacred temple and be united into one with it. However, since they could not, the Israelite people fell down. In the fullness of time, the race which does not unify centering on the word will inevitably be forsaken by God.

Adam and Eve could not become the masters of all creation. All of creation was created through six periods centering on the word. Therefore, when the time to cross the hill of the worldwide level came after crossing the nationwide level hill of the restoration of all creation, the trial of whether or not to erect the word of God will inevitably take place in relation to the number six. The matter of attacking Adam in place of the archangel will inevitably take place.

That is why six centuries before Jesus' coming, the Israelites were tested as to whether they kept to the word of the Old Testament. When the time came for the Israelites to spread the will throughout the world, Heaven struck the people. This is the period when the Israelites were taken captive in Babylon. Subsequently, this race, which had betrayed God in the past, stood at a crossroads where they had to settle the grave issue of whether or not to betray again.

Because they had betrayed Heaven, when this race came to cross the hill of the new number six, Heaven could not help but allow Satan to attack and strike. This is why God allowed the Babylonian captivity.

What should the Israelites have done at that time? Holding onto the word God gave, entertaining the shimjung with which Moses looked out for God's concerns and loved the nation even while wandering about in the wilderness, they should have gone to the enemy country Babylon and defended the word to the death. They should have been that kind of race. Since they were not, the Israelites disintegrated.

The Israelites stood on the historical course to restore the standard of the word on the second nationwide level centering on the Old Testament. If they had kept the heart of integrity of being God's chosen people, then even if they were taken captive in Babylon, a new leader like Moses could have emerged to guide them onward.

After the lapse of six centuries, what took place? Just as Jacob ignored Esau's being in the line of direct descent, and as Moses ignored the chosen Israelites because of the will, Jesus came to the earth and stepped forward ignoring the Old Testament, which was the Esau-like word. The Israelites, who were in Esau's position and were to welcome Jesus, could not receive him favorably. That's why the realm of death on the worldwide level has been formed. You should understand this.

What kind of people were the Israelites? They resembled the archangel who tested Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Five hundred years ago, there was some attack upon the New Testament. The Renaissance, centering on humanism, caused the feudalistic society centering on Christianity to collapse. The sovereignty of the Papal court crumbled, and it was destined to go through a period of captivity in Avignon, owing to the attack of France. What does this explain? In the course of restoration, the second Israelites should have been formed at the time of Jesus. However, since Christianity, which bore the new mission of the second Israel, could not fulfill its mission, Christianity was struck on the worldwide level. You know this very well from study of the Principle.

The Pope had to repent before Heaven and entertain the heart of integrity that God had established. By upholding this will until the final days, he was to arrive at today. Then at the time of the final days, what will the Popes have to do? They should understand that the established word and denominations will be in the position of Esau, and they will stand in the position of the Israelites.

God's Hope Regarding Christian Believers

If God had a hope, what would that hope be? God's hope is to restore the chosen Israelites, who were revived to represent the lost, fallen humanity of this world. You must understand the providential will of Heaven in wishing to restore the Israelites. Where did the Israelites who were established through Jacob and Moses disappear to 2,000 years ago? They became enemies of Jesus. Jesus' course was such that he had to establish the Israelites and the Jewish nation as the foothold for restoration of the world. Centering on this foothold, he should have unfolded a lightning war for the restoration of Canaan on the worldwide level. However, because of his death, Jesus was put in the same situation as Moses. That is why today's Christianity has been cast into a wilderness age. Like the Israelites who lost their master, Christianity continues on a wilderness course.

Jesus should have restored the chosen, second Israel and the Jewish people should have restored the worldwide level land of Canaan centering on him. Where did the chosen Israelites who bore this sort of responsibility disappear to? Where did Judaism go? With the disappearance of the Israelites, the disappearance of the Jewish denomination, the disappearance of an individual Israel like a Jacob or Moses, and the disappearance of the family of Israel, Jesus' situation became pitiful, and he died.

Jesus did not die because he wanted to. The established theologians today are under the false impression that Jesus could not help but die. After being pursued by the nation and denomination, being cursed by the family and betrayed by the twelve and finally even the three disciples, there was no place whatsoever for Jesus to go other than to death.

God did not send Jesus to have him live his thirty-odd years of life in misery. Jesus was sent as the Crown Prince of Heaven and as the master throughout heaven and earth. He alone represented the ideology of creation. God's loving, beloved son, did not experience hardship due to his own wrongdoing. Because of the ignorance of the race, the denomination, the society and the family, Jesus walked the road of tribulation.

Where would the Israel Jesus was looking for be amongst us, we who committed the historical sin of killing Jesus! You must appeal with your very heart. Where would the denomination that Jesus was looking for be! You should pray with your very heart. You should understand that Jesus came to this earth 2,000 years ago and looked for the Israelites and such a denomination.

Jesus died because the chosen first Israel rejected him. For that reason, by erecting the Christians who believe in him as the second Israel and spreading them throughout the world, Jesus is again trying to make things right. Now is the time.

What kind of mission do the Christians spread all over the world have? Because Israel, which was established after being chosen in advance, was lost because of rejecting and crucifying Jesus, the course for the construction of the second Israel has been left for today's Christians to walk.

What kind of situation are the worldwide Christian believers placed in? It is time for them to unite into one denomination centering on a person resembling Jesus' twelve disciples or Jesus' three special disciples. Since Christianity has lost this organization, it is facing a matter of grave concern. By having each of their positions determined in an organization of ranks centering on the twelve tribal chiefs and seventy elders, the mass of 600,000 people could have passed through the wilderness course. However, the Christians throughout the world, who bear the mission of the second Israel, do not have such ranks today.

Jesus died because the twelve disciples who represented twelve ranks and the three disciples could not fulfill their responsibility. Christianity throughout the world should realize that the time is near to unite by formulating twelve denominations centering on the world's most prominent ones.

What life is Jesus leading now? Because Jesus did not attain all of Heaven's will on this earth, in the same manner that Jacob and Moses had to lead the lives of shepherds, Jesus too lives the life of a shepherd in the spirit world. Since he has been praying for you without rest upon arriving at the spirit world, his life is like that of a shepherd.

What has Jesus done in the spirit world? After gathering the people who died believing in him throughout the course of the 2,000 years since his death, Jesus established the second Israel in the spirit world to replace the one which had been lost. This is paradise. The first Israel who tried to kill Jesus was lost. In accordance with the principle of restoration through indemnity, after his resurrection, Jesus restored the first Israel in spirit by gathering the faithful believers who had come forth seeking him. Those restored people in spirit world are in the state called paradise.

The Qualification of the Master of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

How is the world of paradise constructed? The spiritual people in paradise have been left with the unsatisfied condition to establish a foothold that welcomes Jesus on the earth, having received the blessing of being the first Israel. Therefore, all spiritual people in heaven are fated, through returning to the earth, to restore through indemnity the fact that the first Israel rejected Jesus. They must do this by setting up the presently living Christians to represent the blessing of the second Israel and then uniting with these people. You must understand this. Today's Christians do not understand this.

What kind of time is the final days? Just as when foreign nations were attacking the Jewish people who believed in the word of the Old Testament, there will come a time to strike the Christians who believe in the word of the New Testament. That is why secular humanism is striking Christianity. Likewise, even in the midst of Christianity being struck, there must come forth one religious denomination that can hold onto the word. That denomination must be a reformative one.

During Moses' course, when the time came to attend the holy temple after attending the tabernacle, the Israelites did not know that there was a trial yet to be endured, the trial of having to fight in union. During the transition from the age of attending the holy temple to the age of having to complete the holy temple of a substantial entity, a cosmic battle had to take place. Because this battle could not be stopped, today it has expanded worldwide.

In the same manner, you should have the holy temple of the substantial entity ready in the final days. What do you have to do after attaining the holy temple of the substantial entity? You should build the kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Because of their fall, humankind lost the word. Therefore, the word of the Old and New Testaments came out and guided mankind in the right direction. Now the new word will come out and restore the people who are unified with that word into substantial entities. The age of feudalism was the period of putting God first in importance. Then the Reformation came into being. Owing to that, man stopped thinking of putting God first in importance and instead came to think of the possibility of uniting with God. Mankind has passed through this kind of course; now it has come to the age of restoring the holy temple of the substantial entity.

What should you do from here? After passing through this time of centering on the New Testament, the ideology of the Completed Testament will appear on the worldwide level. When that happens, you must become masters who can embrace the world, the representatives of Jesus. To be a master of the kingdom of Heaven on earth, you must become the holy temple of the substantial entity. After that, you must become a master who is acclimatized to the surroundings. To become this, you must go through a course of ideological revolution.

What form would that course take? Since history will reap what was sown today, in the worldwide-level final days, men of faith with established concepts and doctrines will stand in a position where all could betray Heaven. Who are they? They are the people standing in a position like the archangel's. In the same manner as the archangel seduced Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, in this age of the final days, there will inevitably appear a time when spiritual denominations resembling the archangel will emerge and oppose God's will.

As we realize that God unfolds the providence of restoration in accordance with principles of this kind, what must we do to become the chosen Israelites in these final days? You must make up your mind. You must make a resolution. What kind of people will you have to become? You must fill the place of Jacob. You should become a person who represents Jacob who, having gone through a twenty year course, fought with faith on the banks of the Jabbok River. You should become a man who can represent Moses, who walked on appealing to Heaven, holding the Israelites together in the wilderness course. You should be like Jesus as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, worried about Israel, which represented world humanity.

The Position of Christians Faced With the End of the World

Now then, second Israel, scattered all over this world! Where can you go? The time has come when Christians of the world should appeal to Heaven. In the same manner as the distressed Israelites wandered about looking for a leader, asking who could guide them to the promised, blessed land of Canaan while in the enemy court of the Pharaoh. Christians today also will have to look for the ranks and tribes to which they belong.

The established church will collapse. Only when that happens will it be possible to divide into twelve ranks. Try your utmost to stop it.

Because Christianity must go through the fate of the worldwide level restoration by forming ranks, even if it controls a nation, the time will come when Christianity will lose its prestige before the society, family, and even before the individual.

The Israelites formed ranks just before leaving for the wilderness. They waited until the last minute, not carrying out the rank formation when they were in Egypt. The time has come for world-famous Christianity to start the formation of ranks, because the Second Coming for the sake of the restoration of Canaan on the worldwide level is near.

If before his death Jesus had arranged for every man of faith to be able to belong to a tribe by having formed ranks on the earth centered on Peter, John, James, and the other disciples, Christianity would not be in confusion today. The time to get this under control is near. The time may come when it is possible to attest to all by setting up one group who has received rejection from the bottomost position. You never know. The Unification Church may be just that kind of a church. Who knows?

Today, in Korean Christianity, a new denomination has emerged centering on some miracle worker called either Elder Nah or Elder Park. This denomination is breaking the church apart now. This kind of thing happens because the rank formation has to be made. What would be the matter of concern left unresolved here? It is the concept of established doctrine. This is an enemy before God. The concept of those with established doctrine is, "Since I am an elder son like Esau, I should get God's blessing." This kind of petty thought should be discarded. One little mistake and you will insist upon this and easily become like the Israelites who rejected Jesus.

Since we have reached the end of history, how can we get over this barrier now? Who is going to be the enemy? The archangel was the closest person to Adam in the Garden of Eden, and he became the enemy. When Jesus came as the second Adam to restore Adam, the high priests of Judaism who corresponded to the archangel type in the spiritual world were his worst enemies. Because they attacked Jesus after inheriting what the archangel did for the second time, they should go to hell.

In the final days today, teaching professionals will strike Heaven by becoming archangels before the Lord of the Second Coming. However, even if put in this kind of circumstance, the historical fate will go over, uninfluenced by the environment. Who is to walk this kind of road? Men of mission must emerge who are like prophets and can speak the new word and reveal the new end. However, they will receive rejection before the established denomination and therefore will move onto a new stage.

What kind of age is coming at the same time? The age of attack from the spiritual world will come. In a similar way as the archangel harassed Jacob on the banks of the Jabbok River and attacked Moses and Jesus, in the fateful age of the close of the world, all men on earth will oppose. Even Heaven's attacks will come.

The Faith that Can Cast Off the Yoke of Satan's Ridicule

Jesus said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46). This was because, as the hero of the restoration of the whole universe, Jesus had to indemnify the fact that Adam, who represented the universe, had betrayed Heaven. Because in this situation Jesus said, "I know God," even as God was saying, "I don't know you," he was able to bring about spiritual resurrection. You must be aware that this kind of crucial historical moment is left for you to overcome too. Since you feel that the world's fateful close is infiltrating into the realm of your life today, you should understand that this is advance notice of the time when Moses and the race were to unite. This is advance notice of the age when Moses and Pharaoh fought against each other.

Where did God's sorrow originate? You should understand that God feels sorrow not because those leaders did something wrong. It was their followers who made God sad by their mistakes.

What is the purpose of your walking the road others do not know about, this road that others do not walk? By becoming one rank, God can operate. After putting your strength together and uniting, you should become a successor who defends the footsteps of Moses to the death. He had a tough struggle in relation to the will of the heavenly principles. He forgot about himself to the extent of not noticing whether he ate or starved. You also must become the successor of Jacob. As Jesus' successor, following in his footsteps, you must fulfill the mission. This is the condition that enables the faithful believers in the final days to enter into the realm of the chosen Israel.

Because Jesus knew this kind of principle, he said the one who wished to live would die, and the one who wished to die would live. In other words, if you wish to subjugate Satan, you must step over even death centered on God. Only when man can step forward without being shaken even if Heaven betrays him, constantly faithful, will Satan separate from him. Then he will be able to escape from all conditions of Satan's ridicule.

Now you must understand that after spiritually erecting the Christian believers scattered around the world as a second Israel to replace the first Israel that was lost, Heaven will construct the third Israel where these are all made one by uniting.

Therefore, you today must become ancestors of the third Israel like Abraham. You must become ancestors like Jacob and Moses, who was the representative of the race. You must become the representative of the third Israel like Jesus, who is the world's representative. Furthermore, as you look back at the course of the history of God's providential restoration, you should know that you should become the individual and race, the state and the world that can comfort God, overcoming Satan, who ridiculed Heavenly Father in the past.

What is Satan? He is a traitor rejecting God. Yet even Satan does not dislike God. That's why God cannot help but reciprocate with Satan. Satan, too, likes God. Because this kind of condition exists, it could not but take a long time of 6,000 years. In the position of being fond of God, Satan says things like, "Please set me up and allow me to govern the whole universe as it was willed to be governed through Adam. Then I will absolutely obey God."

Through confronting God, Satan has been working to attain His affirmation. He will try to stand in the position where, by objecting to the will of the providence to the end, he will force affirmation to be given.

Even a treacherous subject who relies on the strength of a loyal subject dislikes the king. But this treacherous subject is asking to be heard, after eliminating the loyal subject

Because the whole world is inside the realm of Satan, if this acknowledgment is given, then it is possible that the whole world can be returned before God. Then why can't God do it? The rule of Heaven cannot be broken. Since God is the God of law, He cannot run counter to order. For this reason, even if He has to endure all kinds of trouble, God does not acknowledge Satan. He tells man, after setting him up before Satan who controls the world, to stop Satan who ridicules Him. This has been God's fretful shimjung.

If a man appears who stops Satan from making ungrounded accusations, Satan will not be able to be critical of God. If a master appears who brings out and restores the heavenly principle that the archangel is to be governed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, all Satans will have to succumb. Attaining that does not mean to go to God's royal seat in the spiritual world, as in the case of Jesus. It means establishing such a day on earth. The time to establish a day like this is the age of the Second Coming.

You should not stand now in Satan's position, which is to offer opposition. You should follow the footsteps of God, who toiled for 6,000 years. You who are faced with the final days today should experience the shimjung of God, who toiled in the course of restoration from Adam's age, the first start of God's eternal world, until today. You should follow after God. In spite of being faced with a fate of this kind, you are not even dreaming about it. That means the situation is serious.

The Way to Win Satan's Trial

There should be a chosen Israel of Heaven who can say, "God! Please receive glory through me and take rest." Jacob, Moses, and Jesus represented this kind of mission. Only if you become someone who can fight against Satan, after inheriting the struggle that God has had with Satan, will the decisive sovereignty of Israel be set up before Heaven. Therefore, we should bring the war that defamed God to a conclusion. Because no objection can be raised, the war will be concluded. The time when we have to start the construction of the third Israel centering on such people will have to come. The struggle of having to attack the blessed land of Canaan, which was their own homeland, was left to be carried out by the Israelites who were in the land of Egypt in Moses' age. In Jesus' age, the struggle of having to build the blessed land of the worldwide level Canaan centering on the Israelites was left to be carried out. To those of us who have to build the third Israel today, a fierce battle to accomplish it in union has been left to be carried out.

What kind of people must you be today? At the time of the re- organization of the new Israelites, as the chosen people who will be put up before God in association with Heaven, you should willingly become a member of one trio, a platoon leader, a commander of a company, a regiment and a division. Who is going to be the commander of these heavenly soldiers? This is the problem. The time will surely come when this has to be done. In the end of history, all things will be united into one world. Because a mass of people want the unification of thought, and the world on earth is in need of a unification ideology, the time of unification when it is possible to be well-informed of the heavenly ideology will surely come.

What has happened in the course of history up until this time? If two got into a fight, the one with a bit more goodness would win. That is the principle. What is going to happen if the world on earth goes into the realm of one ideology? Whatever has a bit more goodness than the earth will win. This is the age when the spiritual world will attack the earth. For that reason, many kinds of diseases of the nervous system crop up, unnamed neuroses and whatnot. There is no medicine for this. For these kinds of problems you need the tonic of heaven and earth!

The time has come for the spiritual world to attack the earth for the sake of the ideology which can get heaven and earth in harmony. It is the time when men on earth should substitute for God's will on earth. In order to become one, there will surely be a battle. The time of becoming one world after fighting between two sides is the very time of judgment when Heaven unifies by becoming the center. Likewise, in a situation like this, where the spiritual world is attacking the earth, the Lord of the Second Advent is to come with the mission of supreme commander representing the earth.

You who are about to start the course of constructing the third Israel! What do you have to do? You will be able to free yourselves only if you get to know the law of the spiritual world. You have to know the set-up of its chain of command. The army of a nation must know the password that is being used among its own army in order not to be attacked by its own during the fighting.

Now is the time when the password of Heaven is being heard. Now is the age of communication in code. It is the age of communication in the providential code, the historical code, the period code, the humanistic code, and the mission code. In addition, it is the age in which, through a code like this, connection can be made, the operation plan can be carried out, and the ideology of unification on earth can be represented.

Today the established churches raise objections, uttering the names of such as Elder Park, Elder Nah, the Unification Church, calling them a gang of heretics. We can take that. Modern times are such that science is discussing the age of the cosmos. This is the kind of age when an artificial sun is made. Since we have arrived at this kind of age, we should not hold fast to antiquated religious concepts. The one comprehensive Unificationism that can stand up and step over this will have to emerge.

There is a short-wave mechanism that can decode a secret code. If there is one with the short-wave mechanism who can decipher God's secret, he will become victorious. For that reason, when the spiritual world comes down attacking the earth, the method of war will be different. The war will definitely take place, but I don't know its limits. When a war of this kind takes place on the earth, conscientious people at that time will have to be mobilized.

The Way to Become the Ancestor of the Third Israel

Now you must understand that, in preparation for this one day in the final days, history has unfurled until today, sacrificing conscientious, good people. Today, we who are faced with the fateful fall, should look for and enter the last, unitary world of ideology and be able to sacrifice everything. Then we should become true heavenly sons and daughters who, riding upon Jesus' shoulder, can confidently say, "God, please take charge of me." God also wishes to see sons and daughters of this kind appear.

You should heed that the mission to unravel all things in the world of paradise and introduce heavenly life does not rest on Jesus or God. It rests upon you today in the final days. A representative must emerge who can take on all the operational plan in place of Jesus and fight on behalf of God and fulfill the responsibility. Only then can God and Jesus be liberated. With this kind of cosmic mission in front of you, you should find and move forward on the course of the triumphant Israel.

For that purpose, you should find your leader and the rank to which you belong. Also, you should know what kind of position you are in before Heaven. You should become representatives of Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and Jesus, who are unchanging. You must become someone who can receive a respectful bow from Satan along with praise, saying, "Yes, you are God's son (or daughter) who has the qualification to be able to return glory before God on behalf of the ideology of the creation." When you get to command Satan, you will then be able to stand before God representing the ideology of the holy temple on the worldwide level of the garden of Heaven on earth.

Before that happens, you will face one big, fierce battle. Various denominations will attack you. You will be tested spiritually. As God struck Moses, you too will have this kind of course. As the race betrayed Moses, such a course lies before you too. As Jesus was forsaken on the cross by Heaven, such will happen to you too. As Jesus was betrayed by the race, such a course will lie before you. Knowing this, you should not be dispirited when it happens.

God's will is not easy; it is extremely difficult. For that reason, you should not fall down in the course of battle, even when receiving extremely heartrending objections, bearing on your back the worldwide level agitation. Until the world and heaven and earth find one unitary point, you should move forth, fighting continuously.

In this process, please don't bewail your fate like the Israelites bewailed the lack of food and water in the wilderness after leaving Egypt. Please don't complain about no one giving you recognition. Please consider it to be the best thing if you have found and held onto one leader who understands you and who is like Moses. By grabbing and holding only onto God and Jesus, who understand you, and by believing that this is the best thing, if you hold onto that man even if everyone rejects you, you will then inherit what that man is to attain. Only then will you be able to participate in God's glory with the qualifications for being the chosen people of the third Israel.

Then you will be able to be the man of God's glory. At the same time, you will be the man of historical glory who represents the ideology of the whole universe. Only if we appear before Heaven representing the world as glorious sons and daughters will God be able to take a rest for the first time.

We will not receive such blessing as the angel gave to Jacob. We will receive the blessings God planned to bestow upon Jesus by personally lifting His hands. In other words, God will bless you who are restored in the final days to be His sons and daughters who represent Jesus, the heroes of the eternal third Israel. He will bless you for the first time to be substantial beings of happiness, glory and beauty that Heaven can rejoice about eternally.

Likewise, by penetrating into the sphere of God's love through Jesus' love, if you attain God's love, you will then be able to become the ancestor of the third Israel. You must understand this for certain.


While the rank formation has been done in the name of the second Israel in the spiritual world, Christianity, which is spread throughout the world today, has not been able to accomplish it. Father! Please awaken this race, which is asleep. By awakening the sleeping Christians of the world, formulate the ranks which can replace the blessing of the second Israel on the earth in order that the spiritual world may become one. Please grant us the right of being the chosen people, able to build the third Israel on the worldwide level today.

Please allow us to inherit the heavenly mission to go forward as far as the world through the tribe organized in rank, through the race and through the state. Allow us to inherit the course on which Moses fought. After we inherit the course on which Jesus fought, please allow us to repulse Satan's reproaches and slanders. Going further, allow us to be able to attend the Father. Please grant us the Father's glory. Father, I pray this sincerely from the bottom of my heart.

I ardently pray that You will raise these people to be sons and daughters of happiness who, after receiving the word delivered today, can overcome the tribulation of the chosen people Israel, whom God selected. Please allow these people to accomplish the course of the restoration of the worldwide level Canaan. Now, in the course of the fight with Satan, please allow us to unite and win the victory. Please allow us not to betray the will of Jesus, who is like one center. Please allow us not to make the center suffer.

We know that the race was the one that betrayed Moses, yet Heaven needed them for the purpose of constructing Israel. Now, ardently soliciting that You will allow us to be sons and daughters who will not let Heaven worry and who will more than accomplish the estate of the third Israel, I prayed all this in the name of the Lord. Amen.  

20. Let Us Be the People Who Attend God

Let Us Be the People Who Attend God

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

February 2, 1958

John 14:1-17


Father of love! Please allow this hour to be a time when these sons and daughters who are lying prostrate before the dignified presence of the Father can have the sanctified minds and bodies the Father wishes for.

When the Father is in charge, please let there be no one who has a mind and body unable to feel His presence. Allow each of us to offer his or her mind and body to the Father. At the same time, allow the Father's heart-warming shimjung to be transmitted through our mind to our body.

Since Heaven is so sincere now, please let us be just as sincere. Allow us to become the holy temples in which the Father can dwell.

Please allow us to be the people who can shed tears, holding onto the Father who has trodden along for the long period of 6,000 years seeking unworthy man. Please let us shed all false sins. Allow our bodies and minds to be full of love so that we can be embraced in the Father's bosom. Let us experience His piercing, sincere shimjung.

Although there are many people on this earth, no one knows of the Father's shimjung. Although there are many people who love their own children, no one knows of the Father's shimjung toward all His children. Father, please look with compassion upon all the people on this earth who don't know You.

Please look with special compassion upon the thirty million people of this nation of Korea. Father! Your hands of compassion are extended to the people of this nation, although this nation has nothing to boast of, nothing to offer to the Father. Yet since these people are so worried about the Father's difficult situation and path that they really don't know where to turn, Father, please come visit this nation and guide this people.

I sincerely wish and desire, Father, that many proud sons and daughters of the Father will emerge from among the people of this nation, sons and daughters who can unify the minds of humanity around the world, and who can uphold the will of the Father and build the Father's altar.

We know that the Father is eternally concerned about us. If there are children who have a feeling of impatience for the sake of the Father, if there are denominations like that and a nation like that, then the Father's ardent shimjung wishes to seek them and rest with them. Please allow us to be the children who can offer our bodies to the Father and whose minds can console You.

By Your presence with us, I sincerely wish and desire, Father, that You will allow this hour to be one in which You will personally and with compassion show us the way to walk, what to do, and the way to fight for the Father.

Since we wish to receive the Father's words today, please do not allow us to remain stuck in any of our own doctrines, assertions, or concepts. By letting us be immersed only in the Father's words, and by allowing those words to become the soil and water that give rise to the works of re-creation, I sincerely wish and desire that You will allow this one hour to be one in which we can be molded into the Father's hyung-sang.

Please allow us, as obedient and humble sacrificial offerings, to have the shimjung to eagerly await the Father's commands. Then, my Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will allow the works of re- creation to appear in this hour so that we may be reborn by the words into resembling the Father's hyung-sang and sung-sang.

Please do not allow the mind of the deliverer and the minds of the receivers to remain as two in this hour. Let this hour be one in which we can live and die together for the sake of the one will. Let us listen to the words with a happy mind for the sake of the one will. Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will not allow any room for Satan to take pleasure in.

Father, I ardently pray that You will give rise to the miracle of re- creation in this hour, so that we may experience that fretful situation in which Jesus had to walk the road of the cross, leaving behind the beloved disciples and humanity. By experiencing with our minds and bodies the shimjung of our ancestors, even though their time has long come and gone, let us be able to carry out the responsibility in response to their shimjung.

I believe that numerous believers are lying prostrate before Your knees, insisting upon themselves, unaware of this hour of opportunity. Father, please guide them to be able to share in the providential grace by lowering Your hands of love wherever they gather. Allow them to reap a victory. I sincerely wish and desire this.

I believe that the family members scattered in solitude throughout the country are making an appeal before the Father on their knees in this hour. I ardently solicit that You will bestow upon their minds and bodies indiscriminate grace and the hands of sweeping love. Earnestly soliciting that You will allow us the grace of compassion by which we can be embraced in the Father's bosom as living sacrifices in this hour, I prayed all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

I will speak briefly centering on the words, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The topic of my sermon is "Let Us Be the People Who Attend God."

Humankind, All Creation and the Center of God's Hope

There are many people living on this earth today. They live with individual visions and opinions, with various doctrines and assertions. However, there is no one who can step forward with pride before Heaven and earth, bowing respectfully with a truthful mind and body. There is no one who insists upon God and who was sent by God.

Many people on this earth today live according to their own individual visions and opinions. However, if their assertions and actions do not correspond to the will of the heavenly principles and the providence of the heavenly way, then at some time they will surely end up being subverted. We have witnessed this numerous times throughout the course of history.

What must we human beings ultimately seek for? The numerous people who left after having come during history are said to be hoping for a person to emerge on this earth who can step forward insisting that his mind and body represent God and that all his actions are for God's sake. He has given up all of his own doctrines, opinions, and subjective actions. In addition, wishing for this kind of representative to emerge, Heaven has been unfolding the dispensation for a long time, enduring limitless toil and suffering. You should understand this well.

What is the source of sorrow on the earth? It is not because there are no doctrines or men of action; it is because there is no doctrine that can be asserted which represents God's shimjung and will. No one takes action representing God. That is the cause of sorrow and sadness.

In order to eliminate the lamentation and suffering which are spread throughout this earth and the human world and all of the bitter resentment that is piercing to the marrow, doctrines and opinions that can represent God must emerge. One person who can represent God must emerge. Therefore, you should realize once more that the time has come for you to understand that this one person is the purpose of the providence. This person is also the purpose of history.

The ideology of creation that God wanted to enjoy centering on human beings, that of living with all creation in Heaven and on earth, was not realized on this earth due to the fall of Adam and Eve, our progenitors. God created all existence in six days through the word. All things were the objects of accomplishment of the word. In other words, all of creation is the substantial object of God's word.

What, then, would all creation hope for after they appeared as the substantial object through the word? They could have hoped for one mediator, one center that would enable all of creation to move if God moves and rest if God rests. If human beings had become such a center, the chaotic history that has unfolded on this earth would not have taken place.

God's hope is to see one existence emerge who can represent Him and who is able to take action on His behalf. God not only wished for this in the course of providential history after the human fall; it was the center of hope that God wished for from the time of the creation. You should know this.

Jesus Came as a Substantial Being of the Word

What is this center of hope like? He represents the word. He is the embodiment of the word. At the same time, centering on God's love, he must become the embodiment of life. This is the problem. Only when he becomes the embodiment of life will he become for the first time the substantial being who can represent God's hyung-sang and the one doctrine which can represent God's word. You should understand this.

In the Bible, there is a verse that reads, "I am the way and the truth and the life," (John 14:6). Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. What did this foreshadow for all mankind? This foreshadowed that, although God's word has gone back unchanged to God's spirit without being attained due to the fall of Adam and Eve, because man lives on this earth, God will again bestow this word upon humanity.

Because the word God spoke at the time of creation is connected to humanity, humanity has cherished that word as the one unchanging goal, the one hope. For that reason, a substantial being of the word must come in order to attain it.

Where must the substantial being who can represent God's word go? You should know that the course of the providence is the 6,000 years of God's toilsome efforts to look for this one person. Although all of creation created in five days are equipped with a substantial body of the word, human beings, created on the sixth day, have come along until today not having a substantial body of the word. This is in spite of the fact that they were present before the word. You must understand this. To find and establish a substantial embodiment of His word has been God's fateful course, the course of restoration, and the course of history.

That is why Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth (the word) and the life," (John 14:6). This explains that Jesus was the substantial being of God's word whom God had been hoping for.

What kind of word was the word of Jesus? It was the word Jesus announced by appearing as the one fruit of the heart-warming shimjung of God, who had wished to speak to human beings during the course of history for 4,000 years. It was to demonstrate God's fretful shimjung before humanity and all creation in place of God. The one who came as the hero of the word for the accomplishment of this was the very Jesus you believe in today.

Likewise, Jesus appeared as the substantial being of the word for whom God had searched for 4,000 years. The word that was buried in God's bosom should have appeared through the world of creation, but that didn't happen. However, with the appearance of Jesus, the word that had been buried in God's mind could be transferred to Jesus' shimjung. You must know that this is the most joyful good news for humankind.

What must Jesus have felt when, after appearing as the substantial being of this historical word, he announced the word? In short, what kind of shimjung could he have had? Jesus knew that his word represented the will of the historical providence. What's more, he felt the shimjung that his word represented what was hidden in God's mind. He understood that his word was the word that could repeat the history of re-creation representing God until God's will was attained on this earth for the whole of eternity.

For that reason, in order to receive Jesus' word today, we must know that Jesus is not someone who simply went through a life time of thirty-odd years. Jesus' word is not a word to explain life in that era. Jesus' word represents the 4,000 years of history, the world of that era, and human history up to now. At any rate, there was no one at that time who understood the value of Jesus' word.

What was the cause of God's lamentation? The cause of His lamentation was the fact that all that was created by the word did not appear as the embodiment of the word. Jesus came as the incarnation of the word of re-creation representing God's shimjung. He propagated the word to initiate the work of re-creation. However, there were no people who would come forth before that word. You must know that this was the source of Jesus' sorrow.

The Word and the Incarnation

You must realize that even now the word of God is being conveyed to each one of you. God appeals to you with a heart-warming shimjung. For that reason, the heavenly principles get connected to our minds without our being aware of it. Therefore, our minds come to pursue Christ.

That is why numerous people have appeared trying to discover truth, constantly asking, "What is truth? What is the true word?" throughout the long course of history. Likewise, you must know that it is no exaggeration to say that human history is none other than the course of discovering the truth.

Therefore, when Jesus' shimjung representing God's shimjung, the word that substitutes for the sorrow, comes to appear on this earth, all people must accept that word. It can demonstrate the power of re- creation. Otherwise, the will of Jesus Christ, who toiled for thirty or so years after he came to this earth and for 2,000 years from the time of his death until now will not be attained.

What is the cause of God's sorrow? The purpose of the providence is to find the embodiment or temple of the word through Jesus, who is the embodiment of the second word and who represents God's word, which is the first word. The fact that there is no substantial representative of this third word is the cause of God's sorrow. You should know this.

Jesus, the incarnation of the truth, said, "I am the way and the truth." What was the purpose of these words of Jesus? The purpose of the 4,000 years of preceding history was the embodiment of Jesus. Jesus spoke in order for human beings to become substantial beings of the word like him. This was to be attained only if people came to believe in Jesus' word. Because human beings did not believe in Jesus, Jesus' life came to an end at Golgotha.

What God wanted and what God wished to find was one substantial being who possessed His word, one who could inherit the will from God and to whom God could entrust the will. Jesus was that substantial being. He was united with God's word. That is why Jesus' incarnation was the purpose of the whole history which God had unfolded in the providential dispensation. Then God stopped in His footsteps. Taking Jesus as His holy temple, He was able to hand over the will to the earth for the first time.

How did Jesus see himself? Jesus knew he was the holy temple that God could operate through. If God wanted to operate, Jesus knew that He had to do it through him. Because Jesus sensed this, Jesus realized that he was the holy temple God had been seeking for 4,000 years. He was the foothold upon which God could operate. He was the substantial being who represented the numerous prophets and sages who had toiled to fulfill this one will.

Because Jesus was this kind of substantial being, he realized that as long as God did not change, he could not change. As long as God did not move, he could not move. For this reason, even if all people tried to push Jesus away, he wouldn't be pushed away. In other words, you must know that Jesus appeared in place of Adam at the risk of his life to restore what Adam could not become. On this foundation, Jesus' disciples realized that Jesus' word was the word of God's re-creation.

In the same manner as God operates through Jesus, Jesus operates through a person who resembles him and who walks the way Jesus walked in his place.

God does not belong a certain era; God is historical. He is the God of the period and at the same time, He is the futuristic God. Since Jesus was the holy temple with a substantial body God could operate through, if humankind had become united with Jesus, the whole providence would have been accomplished and humankind could have been united with God.

What takes the lead today in the course of history? Because Adam lost the word owing to the fall in the Garden of Eden, the word takes the lead. The substantial entity appears after the word is found. Then, equipped with a substantial entity, the life of God will move. Where does God's life move? God's life moves in that center where, having found the word, unification is accomplished relying upon that word. Furthermore, God's love will begin to bud after love relations are formed. Only then will the substantial entity of God's life come into being.

The Purpose of Jesus' Coming

Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life." This was meant to show us God's word personally and to show us God's substantial entity. It was to show us God in person. Jesus Christ's was not a life that simply passed through thirty years or so. He was the embodiment of life who appeared resembling the shimjung of the love of God, who had loved humankind throughout His toil of 4,000 years.

What was Jesus, the central being of the word, to do after having come to this earth? God had toiled for 4,000 years to establish Jesus instead of the lost word in the Garden of Eden. He was the second Adam, the incarnation of the word. After attaining the word and the substantial entity centering on God's eternal love, God tried to form a love relationship with human beings. Even though God and Jesus were able to be united centering on eternal, true love relations, human beings could not form an eternal love relationship with God.

God's love appears centering surely on the word. Jesus, who was God's word and embodiment, appeared. Yet while the word has remained, the substantial being, Jesus, has left for good. That is why we ended up living in a sorrowful world where we must live centering on the word.

In the end, what do human beings wish for through the word? It is to find Jesus again. Having the word in our possession will not be enough. We must attend the substantial being. However, because there is no substantial being to attend people yearn for that. The earth is to be moved by finding and setting up the one person who is one with God's word. History has flowed forth to look for this substantial being of God's word.

What is the purpose of Jesus' announcing the word? It is to see the emergence of people who can represent God's and Jesus' word. The word that God and Jesus spoke will bear the fruit in the final days. History up to now is the history of the process of re-creation. Therefore, the focus of the word Jesus spoke at the end was, "I am the bridegroom and you are the brides." Yet the person who possesses the word of immutability, who can represent the word of Jesus, the bridegroom, has yet to appear. You should understand this.

God's hope was not for Jesus simply to leave after having come to this earth; neither was it for Jesus simply to propagate the word. God hoped for one substantial being who could represent God's and Jesus' word by qualifying, through the word, to be the bride.

Jesus came to this earth as God's body. Centering on God's life, he was to accomplish the garden of God's love. This was the purpose of Jesus' coming. Jesus' body was the substantial being in whom God could rest. For that reason, just as God loves Jesus and Jesus loves human beings, someone was required who could love.

Because Jesus came with this understanding in his heart, he opened the way for the faithful believers in later generations to be able to become his bride. Jesus is the bridegroom of humankind. Humankind must come to be the bride of Christ. For that reason, as Jesus was so sincere toward God, human beings have to be very sincere toward Jesus. Jesus was to have found a person like this.

Owing to the fall of humankind, the word was lost in the Garden of Eden and so was the substantial being. Human beings should have found the word and the substantial being in Jesus when he came. Yet because humankind killed Jesus, we experienced only the grace of being able to receive the word.

It is a blessing for you today to be in a sphere where you can recreate Adam's hyung-sang before the fall by relying on the word.

The Faithful Believers in the Final Days Should Possess the Word

The one who will come as the substantial entity is the Lord of the Second Coming. Because this is the principle of creation, the Lord of the Second Coming cannot come on a cloud. The principle of the rule of Heaven cannot be reversed. Human beings have longed until today for a substantial being of the word since Jesus left. This is the ideal of a Second Advent; it is the hope of the 2,000 years of Christian history.

Jesus stopped Mary Magdalene when she tried to grab hold of his resurrected being. Human beings cannot grasp Jesus in a substantial way. You should understand that Jesus did that because he could leave behind nothing but the word.

Therefore, now you should become the second Christ incarnate who can represent this word and be a representative of Jesus' mind, Jesus' sense of responsibility, and God's shimjung. Humankind, including Christianity, living on this earth today can find the word in place of such a shimjung. Relying upon that word, they can find a substantial being of that word. Yet they don't know or appreciate this.

This time we should march forward, regardless of life and death, holding onto the word of God. Ever since receiving the fallen lineage by running counter to the law in the Garden of Eden, we have lived in sin until today. However, now we are able to live in joy relying on the new word. All mankind should now march forward toward that world in which they can live realizing the value of eternal life holding onto and standing by the word. You are living in such a time. Do you want to walk this road later? You can't. You should realize that you are living in this kind of fateful, historical moment.

Representing God's word, the collective shimjung of God's 4,000 year providential history, and the will of God, Jesus had a shimjung of love. He lived centering on God's will and formed a love relationship with God. For this reason, he was able to resurrect even after he died on the cross.

God's love is eternal. God's life is also eternal. Because Jesus was the united being of the word and its embodiment and represented God's eternal love and life, no death or tribulation in this world could affect Jesus eternally. In short, Jesus already had the power of resurrection.

What shall we do now? If there are doctrines we can stand by and actions we can follow, what are they? They are none other than the word Jesus Christ spoke and the evidence of Christ's actions. You should understand this for certain. You should ask yourselves whether you have become a possessor of the word who can represent God and Jesus. You should ask yourselves whether you can be acknowledged on earth and in Heaven.

Because human beings fell, the word of promise could not appear as the word of fulfillment. That is why it is said to be the Old Testament and the New Testament. The word of promise must appear as the word fulfilled. In spite of this being the most serious matter facing humanity today, they don't realize it. This is a matter for the faithful believers seeking for Heaven to solve in union. This is Christianity's problem and it is the problem of the union of all branches of religion.

This world today is a world in which disintegration and factional fighting are taking place. Why do these phenomena occur? When Jesus came to this world, this world was disintegrating. Therefore, Jesus delivered the word to settle this disintegration and factional fighting. However, because human beings at that time did not believe in Jesus' word, the factional fights and disintegration could not be completely resolved. That's why factionalism and disintegration are taking place in the world today. Now the word of completion has to emerge that can get this chaotic world under control; the word which can unite all doctrines and thought.

You should seek for the truth. If you look over the course of the history of this world today, there have been numerous races and many different religions. However, they are marching forth toward one unitary point, toward the goal of unification. Through what kind of word would this goal of unification be achieved? Unification will be achieved by the word of God's promise. Human history cannot free itself from the foundation that God established by the word of His promise. That's why world history has developed centering on Christianity. Now the time has come to unite into one. Accordingly, a new word will emerge full of the wisdom that can unify everything.

Jesus' Shimjung

Do you have any idea how lonely Jesus was? When you think about his saying, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head," (Matt. 8:20), we can understand how lonely Jesus was. Jesus demonstrated his tragic feeling through a figure of speech, through symbols, but now the time has come for us to know the meaning of his words. Now the time has come for Jesus to rest. God will rest in Jesus, and Jesus will rest in us. Therefore, you should understand that now the time has come for you to take charge of all creation in Heaven and on earth.

Relying on the word of promise, we will be able to go any place. Relying on the word of promise, we will be able to become one and meet the promised Lord. We will be able to live happily in the midst of God's word, having love in its center. That is why it is said in the Bible that faith, hope and love will remain, but that the greatest of those is love. Now the time has come to find the word that God and Jesus expressed, embracing us in love.

Now if that word appears in reality, all will have to accept it. If you act against the word, you won't be able to feel God's love. However, if God's word, which Jesus spoke from the bottom of his heart, appears in the final days, the person who listens to that word will be able to feel God's love. The person who can feel the love of God will be the possessor of God's love. You should understand that God's word is not to establish a certain principle; it is to create His life and ideology.

Although there are doctrines and principles of numerous religions which profess the truth on this earth today, none of them, even if practiced as professed, will comfort our minds and bodies and allow us to be steeped in the word eternally. Since the love of God, the origin of life in the universe, has moved our mind and body, if the true word of God is revealed, it will be able to settle the fundamental differences in all doctrines and opinions.

What is the word of Jesus? The substantial being, the love of promise, and the life of promise was to be found through the word of promise. By adding the word of truth to this word of promise, Jesus' word enabled the substantial being of the truth to be found. It enabled true love and true life to be found.

Jesus is still praying, even after going to paradise. The reason for this is that he could not fulfill his earthly mission when he came. Originally, Jesus was not to go to paradise. That is why Jesus cannot rest before a hero of the word, a substantial being of life who can represent God's one ideology on this earth appears. Centering on God's love, he will start building a world in which to rest eternally. You should know that until that time, God cannot rest either.

What should we lament about now? We must lament that the word of Jesus cannot come out of our mind and body unconsciously. We must lament that in spite of the actions he took, Jesus could not come into his own on the earth. We should lament that, ignorant of all this, we could not shed tears of pity.

You should become a person who can let Jesus rest. You should become a cell that is one with Jesus. Originally, the Israelites and the world's humanity of the time should have become the limbs of Jesus. Through that, Heaven and earth should have been united into one. You must understand this.

Jesus was a pitiful man. Christians today think Jesus is sitting on the the right hand of God on a throne, but Jesus was a man to be pitied. Jesus came with the cosmic mission to build the one ideal world. He came with the word of hope that could move the world and connect it to the top of Heaven. Yet mankind on the earth did not trust him. Therefore, he could not finish speaking what he wanted to say. He could not finish everything he wanted to do. You should understand the shimjung of Jesus, who was in this kind of regrettable situation.

To put the will into practice, Jesus propagated the word from district to district. However, people did not trust him. For that reason, God, the angels, and the whole universe grieved in sorrow over the case of one man, Jesus. Yet in spite of the fact that we today are the descendants of ancestors who committed the historical sin of not trusting Jesus, people do not know where on this earth they stand nor where they or this world are going. Seeing this, we today should be able to feel sorrow the way Jesus grieved 2,000 years ago over the Israelites, who were on the brink of ruin.

What is more, you should become a substantial being of the word that is God's last hope. Through the shimjung of the heavenly principles, you should become a substantial being who can represent the collective historical substantial being. By doing so, you should be able to say, "Oh, God, who unfolded the providential dispensation for 6,000 years! Please see me and send the Lord here!" Furthermore, you should understand that the question of where God should allow Jesus to actualize his Second Coming is a matter of concern for God.

The Responsibility of the Third Israel

The Korean people today must open their eyes. We have nothing. We are abused by others, and we live in a difficult environment. Yet our minds will have to represent Jesus' shimjung and God's love, and our bodies will have to become substantial beings of Heaven. Where would a person who can do so be found? In the long history of 6,000 years, God has not sought you, one individual being. You should understand that God has toiled to restore the whole Korean people, the whole of humanity.

You should become a substantial being who can represent God's shimjung when He grieved over the fall of humanity. You must represent Jesus' sorrow and the ancestors' shimjung.

The Israelites should have attended Jesus, but they did not. That is why Jesus went looking for Judaism. In other words, Jesus tried to transmit God's word using Judaism as a foothold. However, Judaism put up opposition so Jesus went looking for a family. The family too rejected him. That is why he had no choice but to look for disciples. You should understand this.

Because the chosen race did not attend Jesus, the grounds of God's hope, the road that the world was to take, were broken up. Because the family did not attend him, the road that the denomination was to take was broken apart. Everything was broken up. Who is to know Jesus' sorrow about this? God had established Joseph's family by toiling for 4,000 years. Joseph was a direct descendant of Abraham. Yet where did that family disappear to? Where did Joseph and Mary go?

When the foundation of restoration based upon the Israelites fell through, the foundation of restoration based upon Judaism fell through and so did the foundation of restoration based upon a family. Then Jesus had no place to go. In the end, the twelve disciples also rejected him. Even the three disciples chosen from among the twelve rejected him. Therefore, Jesus could not but be hung on the cross.

Today, you too must experience being pursued, expelled, abandoned and rejected. Through that you will learn about God's grievous situation and Jesus' sorrowful shimjung. Being crushed by the race, expelled by the denomination, driven out by the family, forsaken by the parents and rejected by the disciples, you will understand God's mind and the minds of our ancestors.

Although we are a pitiful and lonely group of people the word of God that others are ignorant of abides with us. We should feel this. Then we will be able to represent Jesus, who was fighting for the world, and be able to practice the will. Therefore, don't be discouraged because it is difficult. Since this word you are listening to is the word of God, where that word is present, God's love will move and life will put forth buds. Then you should attest to that word.

Now you should have the love to love the human world, to comfort Jesus who died on the cross and to fulfill the mission of the second Israel.

In order for us to remain as ancestors of the third Israel, we cannot escape the road of the second Israel. In order to save the world, Jesus let the second Israel take the road of the cross after their calling. Jesus' disciples crossed that road and the hill of the word that the faithful believers walked. We are faced with a common road of fate that we cannot but cross.

Faced with this kind of situation, what should we do? Jesus left without being able to express all of God's internal shimjung. Therefore, with the foundation of this one shimjung, no matter what kind of difficulty comes our way, no matter what kind of rough road lies before us, we must march on with gratitude. In short, we must become heavenly soldiers.

You have to be the ancestors of the third Israel. You are placed in the final days and should understand that the word of the last days is the word of Heaven's love. Therefore, you must understand that if God's word stays on one side and you on another, that is not an acceptable scenario. We will have to become visible substantial beings of God's word. You have to let God's internal shimjung become your internal shimjung. You must become a substantial being of the original mind.

You must carry out the mission of the second Lord of creation to propagate the word of God. You must be a propagator of the word, a propagator of life, and a propagator of the substantial being. Only when you become united centering on love can you attend God eternally.

This is the standard of the third Israel. Only when this happens can you implant the word, the substantial being, and the life.

You must fulfill the mission of being able to recreate the second Israel by becoming a substantial being of the word who can attend God. You must feel the word upon seeing it and become a substantial being of life and one who represents the shimjung of 6,000 years. Only then can you be the sons and daughters who are fully connected to God's internal shimjung. Only by becoming such children of God will you will be able to live in eternal glory centering on God's love. You should bear this in mind.  

19. Let's Be the Person Who Has the Heart of Jesus Christ

Let's Be the Person Who Has the Heart of Jesus Christ

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

January 26, 1958

Philippians 1:1-11


Father of love! Please forgive the minds and bodies of these sons and daughters gathered here knowing the Father's will, and guide them to be the ones who are not looking the other way despite the fight for restoration yet to be concluded, take the Father's command to heart and carry it out as was given; this I desire.

Please allow this hour to be the time when the depth of our heart can be filled with the Father's original nature, and the time for which the Father's nature can be longed. Please allow us to comprehend in this hour the shimjung of the Father, Who has wandered around looking for us for 6,000 years. Allow us to understand that the Father has toiled for us. I sincerely wish and desire for You to allow this hour to be the time when we can realize that the Father has fought, enduring the hardships and privations of the cross for us.

Although there are a great number of people living on this earth, there is no throng of people who can represent the cosmic shimjung. Neither is there anyone who can sing the praise of being the Father's son and daughter, and can sing in praise of God's glory. Please allow this hour to be the time when we can prostrate ourselves in awe and reverence before the Father, Who let us feel the Father's love after having called for us who are unworthy, and allowed the grace that we can connect with the shimjung of the prophets and the shimjung of all creation.

We understand that the grace You commanded is a stroke of the lash, and that our heart which adores the Father must be grand. Yet, our ardent passion is not grand, so please forgive us and allow this hour to be the time when we can be sons and daughters who can be afraid of the Father's sorrow. So, beloved Father, I sincerely wish and desire for You to bless us to have a true heart that can, by admitting to having made all kinds of mistakes, by repenting of our sins and evil and officially recognizing everything of ours, of our own accord, possess only the Father, love only the Father and trust the Father only.

Father, please take personal charge of this hour and govern. I sincerely wish and desire for You to guide this hour to not to be the time when Satan seizes an opportunity. Please allow this hour to be the time when our minds and bodies become one with the Father. Allow the altar we are building this hour to be a sanctified altar representing all living creatures in Heaven and on earth. This, beloved Father, I wish and desire to be done.

Since I feel that the won han (grief and bitter resentment) of the earth and Heaven is filled, beloved Father, I pray sincerely that You will allow our minds and bodies to become sacrifices specially offered before the Father. Please reveal Your words to us now, and allow, this hour, the hearts of the giving person and the receiving person not to be divided into two separate parts, but to be united. By so doing, beloved Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You allow this hour to be the time when we can feel the substantial entity of the Father, and feel ourselves to be the sacrifices offered as a substantial entity before the Father to strike the distrusting group of people.

Please console the sons and daughters who are gathered this hour in their sorrow, and ardently soliciting for You to govern according to your will. I pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Centered on the passage of Scripture reading, "God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Jesus Christ," I will speak on the topic "Let's Be the Person Who Has the Heart of Jesus Christ." Starting from that day when Adam and Eve fell, what could have been God's hope? It was finding the person who can represent God's shimjung, who has reached the completion of being a holy temple where God can dwell, and has the shimjung that corresponds with God.

Jesus Christ, who came on this earth as God's substantial entity holy temple representing God's will, is God's holy temple that appeared in place of the providential course in which God had toiled during 4,000 years of history. At the same time, today we should feel that he was a man who appeared with a living heart in a substantial body representing the internal shimjung of God who had carried out the dispensation for 4,000 years.

Jesus' Shimjung

The body of Jesus Christ knew how to feel and experience God's shimjung, and Jesus' heart knew how to feel God's shimjung. Therefore, Jesus' leaping heart, by adopting Heaven as the artery and humans as the vein, should have formed all relations whereby Jesus moves when Heaven moves and Jesus gets emotions when humans get emotions. That was the mission of Jesus Christ who came to this earth. However, there was no one who could understand the internal shimjung of Jesus Christ who felt God's shimjung, who could understand the external heart of Jesus who felt God's shimjung. For this reason, the heart of Jesus Christ was a heart that had experienced loneliness of which no one knew for thirty years of preparation period.

Why did Jesus feel such sorrow? The reason is that, due to the fall of human ancestral Adam and Eve, the will of God, Who wished to enjoy glory through the attainment of the ideology of creation, did not become realized and all created things came to stand in a position of having lost their master. God who was looking at this came to feel inexpressibly lonely, because Jesus knew of God's shimjung, Jesus also felt loneliness. Accordingly, you too should become the people who feel that the world of creation has become a world that is indescribably desolate like Jesus did.

What kind of life did Jesus, who had passed through the thirty-year preparation period, live after that? When he came to appear upholding the will for God and preach the new Gospel before the Israelite people, whom God chose and raised after having toiled for 4,000 years, his heart must have been overflowing with the indescribable sense of mission. You should not forget the fact that Jesus who, after liquidating the sorrowful life of thirty years by eliminating Heaven's sorrow and grief, bore the mission to restore again the hero of the lost Eden, appeared with a pulsating heart that was expressible to none.

Jesus came to deliver the new words on God's behalf, after having appeared before the chosen people of Israel who had followed the will, who were called for in behalf of the will of providence. They had not prepared the environment in which they could attend Jesus as a man who represented the whole of an ideology, as a substantial entity of their hope, and as their glory itself. They instead emerged raising the standard of revolt before Jesus who had appeared with a full heart. In the same way that God felt sorrow because Adam and Eve, whom God had raised for His will, had fallen, when the raised, chosen Israelite people did not come to appear before Jesus venerating the will, Jesus could not but feel again the sorrowful shimjung that God felt after losing Adam and Eve. You should understand that.

Jesus' shimjung, who was looking over the distrusting Israelite people, might have been limitlessly sad. His sense of indignation might have been great, too. He might have felt eagerly like giving orders to judge them, making appeals and curses before Heaven. However, casting off such shimjung in entirety, pressing down the throbbing chest and pulsating heart, Jesus endured and forbore, thinking of the shimjung that God might have felt after Adam and Eve fell from Eden long ago, and harbored a sorrowful shimjung. Furthermore, you must understand that Jesus had placed his hope in the Israelite people who were putting up opposition.

John the Baptist, who should have built the altar of atonement for the Israelite people or even the family of Joseph, who had been guided by the hands of God as the blood relative of the chosen people for forty or so generations after Abraham, disappeared. Mary, who bore Jesus in pursuance of the will and then nurtured him after birth for thirty years, his brothers and sisters and the clans also, all disappeared.

Jesus' shimjung said, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head." (Matthew. 8:20) You should be able to feel and experience the pulsating heart of Jesus who had to carry out the fight, clinging onto the will of Heaven in lonely circumstances this hour. The more he came to know of the huge effort God had made, the bigger the feeling of fretfulness and indignation must have been. The greater the hope and expectation of the chosen Israel, the more serious the cutting pain, pierced with bitter resentment, in the heart of Jesus Christ must have been. You must feel the state in which Jesus' heart might have been when he stepped out of the house, without uttering a word, bearing all this. You must understand that this is the very time when you must reflect, in a manner of awareness, to find out in what state is your heart pulsating today.

True Friend of Jesus

Although the time has passed, the pulse of Jesus Christ's throbbing heart keeps its stroke through your heart and blood vessels, arteries and veins today. Therefore, you should become the people who can represent the pulse of heavenly heart. Jesus has been waiting eagerly for 2,000 years for a person, who can bear the responsibility, like this taking his place. You must know that God has been waiting for 6,000 years.

When you come to think of this, you should understand what the throbbing heart of Jesus would have been like, placed in a situation where there was nowhere to put his feet. He turned around and went out to the wilderness, leaving the chosen Israelite people behind. He left Judaism, said to believe in Heaven behind. He left behind even John the Baptist, who was preparing the Messiah's path. He went eating locusts and wild honey, going through all kinds of hardships while toiling in the wilderness throughout thirty or so years of lifetime. He left behind the family of Joseph, transmitted as the chosen blood relative of Abraham, with his back to Heaven, withdrawing himself from home and denomination.

Jesus was in a situation where, if there had been bitter resentment in the footsteps of him who turned around and walked away, he could have blamed the people with the grief-soaked shimjung for Heaven. If that grief-soaked shimjung had given vent to its anger, he could have made the appeal of judgment asking for the flame of curse to be thrown over. Nevertheless, Jesus was anxious about the course that the people of the nation had to take, and felt concern about the people who betrayed and rejected him, and so he walked toward the wilderness to embrace them again. You should feel the lonely shimjung of Jesus in a situation like this. You must become the people who can inquire, in a manner of feeling, into the heart of Jesus Christ who, after burying all the fateful things that are historical and giving up everything to prepare for his mission in its entirety and to solve the current and eternal problem, stepped out toward the barren wilderness against which there was no place to lean.

Jesus went out to the wilderness, leaving behind the people of the nation and fasted for forty days. As Jesus thought about having to go out into the wilderness and wander around in solitude without being able to eat anything in this manner, he could have felt terribly mortified. However, having thought of God's shimjung that had endured and forborne for 4,000 years, Jesus who still felt some lingering expectation toward this people of the nation made the sacrificial offering on the people's level before God for forty days without eating anything in the wilderness to establish the foundation of the second life for these people. This you should be aware of.

You may know too, from your experience of fasting, that Jesus grew gaunt and his body wasted with hunger during the forty-day fast. Although Jesus felt his shimjung indescribably squeezed and his heart became weak during the forty-day fasting course, it was because he felt God's shimjung deep in his heart that he crossed the hill of forty-day fast.

What then can we do today? We must become friends of Jesus' who can understand his situation and do something about it. At the same time, we must become friends who, holding onto Jesus Christ who could not eat, can be fearful listening to the sound of Jesus' heart, who was dying, and cry.

Though his body was without strength, to Jesus, fostering the boiling heart in a fighting course to break open the blockage that trapped the new ideology of chun ryun (heavenly principles) and, thinking of the lonely shimjung of God, was nursing the heart that was deeply touched, no friend ever appeared. Instead, Satan appeared and tested him. You should become the people who can feel the heart of Jesus Christ, who had to fulfill his own mission even in the situation like this.

We should feel the throbbing heart of Jesus who, at the time when Satan appeared and carried out the three great temptations to destroy Jesus' mind and body, stepped forward newly determined, representing God's will, representing the people and representing the ancestors. Jesus, who had reaped a victory over Satan's temptation, knew it would be difficult to restore the Israelite people who rejected him, and also that it would be difficult to restore Judaism which rejected and expelled him. You must know that he went out to the wilderness and had direct negotiations with God, after having stepped forward resolutely with burning loyalty, full of fighting spirit, to restore this sinful castle town.

From that day on, Jesus stepped forward risking his life. Even if he were to die for the sake of the Israelite people, he realized his body was not his own. Against the Satan who tempted him and toward the Israelite people who rejected him, Jesus launched the second offensive movement. You should feel again this hour the throbbing heart of Jesus Christ in this situation.

Anyway, people often say that his being Christ might have enabled him to handle such a situation with patience and to endure and forbear such tribulations and accusations. However, you should know that, because he is Christ, it is impossible for him to endure more. Because Jesus was more sensitive than other people, and his shimjung was hurt in a more extreme way than others, he had a grim shimjung that no one could have.

When Jesus Christ, who was standing in such a position, stepped forward to restore the lost castle town, people did not believe him. Even when standing in a position where he had passed through the life of such sadness, the life of being hard up for clothing and the life of starvation, there was no person, a friend, who would participate in Jesus' situation on the earth. That is why Jesus came to have the shimjung that felt that only God is his friend, only God is his father. Similarly, people at the time did not believe in Jesus.

God Is with Me

Even if the people of the nation betrayed, the denomination accused, relatives and kinfolks looked the other way, and all his belongings would become lost, the only thing that filled Jesus' welfare, his hope and his shimjung was that "God is with me indeed," this one fact that "God is mine." This one fact made Jesus feel concern about Heaven again, in the 4,000-year history, raise again God's will, transmitted to the Israelite people, and keeps the thought of planting God's shimjung in all humankind.

Before he went to the wilderness, Jesus thought of God as the God of love. He thought of God as the One who raised him and comes, looking in happiness, as the eternal God of love. However, when he came to step forward with a full shimjung like this, he was put into the difficult situation of God who, being on reciprocating relations in the old days, always brought him up, embraced him and comforted him, and came to feel God's difficult position and sorrowful shimjung. At the same time, as he came to step forward with such shimjung making an appeal by saying, "I will fulfill the mission to accomplish" the will, he could step forth, starting from that day, before enemies with a new determination, along with God, not as a reciprocal God but as a directive God, as God who is with him. Therefore, Jesus, who started a new course of struggle after the forty-day fast and stepped forward at the risk of his life to dissolve God's resentment of 4,000 years on behalf of the people of the nation and to destroy God's enemy, Satan, appeared not as a representative of himself but as a figure who had been missed for 4,000 years, and who represented God's shimjung.

The words that Jesus spoke after that were not the words of himself, and Jesus' actions also were not for Jesus' own sake. The words that Jesus spoke represented God's words, and the actions of Jesus also represented God's actions. Jesus truly felt that God dwellt alive in his mind and moved his heart.

Accordingly, Jesus entered, looking into an Israelite village again. Now, again you should think about the shimjung of Jesus Christ who, although he could step forth to the wilderness with a lonely shimjung when faced with the rejection from the people of the nation the first time, this time stepped forward with the resolution and determination to run against and fight out the suffering and persecution that are coming en masse, no matter how strong they may be.

Jesus who stepped forth to find and offer the lost Israel to God again. Who would have recognized Jesus, who could not suppress the throbbing heart that was beating faster as his burning firm belief that he could never retreat even if his body faded away got fierier? There was absolutely no one who could understand Jesus' throbbing heart in this world. Only God alone understood Jesus' situation.

In the midst of it, Jesus started walking the three-year course of public ministry. Initially, he chose and raised apostles from among disciples. However, whenever Jesus came to face the disciples, he returned God's shimjung, grieved for 4,000 years over the loss of Adam, to them. Who were these disciples? They were disciples who had the mission to be God's substantial holy temple. Besides, Jesus felt deep in his bone marrow that he would personally guide them to be God's substantial holy temple.

Israelite people, opposing Jesus, were not Satan's tribe but God's sons and daughters who were to emerge as God's substantial entities. They, nevertheless, put up opposition, not knowing of God's will. Can you imagine how Jesus' heart, who felt God's shimjung and grieved looking at them, must have felt? You should understand this.

As we look carefully over Jesus' three-year course of public ministry, we realize that Jesus did not live for his own sake, but he lived, first, for the sake of God, and next for the sake of disciples and humanity. Jesus did not live for his own sake, but lived representing God's shimjung.

The Distrust of the Israelite People and the Lack of Enlightenment of the Disciples

What is more, Jesus' throbbing heart represented God and the Israelite people. Therefore, God's sorrow is Jesus' sorrow and the grief of Israelite people became that of Jesus. Here, the disciples who represented God, Jesus and the Israelite people could have become not three, but one. Jesus felt deep in his heart that God, the people and he must become united into one. You should understand that Jesus treated and loved the disciples following him more dearly than his own children.

Jesus' three-year course of public ministry was the course of the life of true love he led with a parent's shimjung who sacrifices for the sake of children. There was no one who understood Jesus, who represented God's shimjung, feels pity for humankind struggling in the realm of sins and evil, and represented the shimjung of the people and disciples. There was absolutely no one who understood Jesus' situation on this earth.

Jesus tried to move on, fighting with the heartrending shimjung of Heaven in the midst of no one's recognition. Can you imagine what Jesus' shimjung, rejected again by the people, who lost the people that had followed him and who had to pray alone at Gethsemane in the end, would have been like? You should think about this. Jesus' shimjung, which prayed all night at the Garden of Gethsemane, was indescribably heartrending. The three disciples following Jesus, nevertheless, could not harmonize with him in action but, instead, acted individually. Despite that all Jesus had to go through and all that had to appeal with a shimjung like that of Jesus, and despite the appeals Jesus made with a shimjung that cared for the beloved disciples and was concerned about them, they were ignorant of Jesus' shimjung and fell asleep.

The shimjung of Jesus, who stood in a circumstance that called for a showdown between life and death and stood at the crossroads of living and dying, was an unspeakably fretful shimjung that felt as if Heaven and earth were being melted away. God knew of Jesus' shimjung like this. However, the three disciples whom Jesus had brought up for three years like his own sons and daughters did not understand Jesus' shimjung and dozed off to sleep. That is why he came out three times to wake up the disciples with a burning, fretful shimjung. You should feel that pitiful shimjung of Jesus.

What kind of shimjung could Jesus feel at this time? He felt the sorrow God had felt at the time of losing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Although Jesus went through the course of the three-year public ministry because the Israelite people, who were chosen as the nation before Jesus, put up opposition and even Judaism itself raised objections, when he came to not be able to find one person who absolutely trusted him, he must have realized that the people could not be trusted.

There was no one who dealt with Jesus' feeling the sorrow God felt after Adam fell and that Jesus felt during his thirty-year private life and three-year public ministry and, further, that heartrending shimjung of Jesus who prayed at the garden of Gethsemane. No one felt God's shimjung. Even those disciples, who shared his feelings during the three years of public ministry, did not know.

Despite the life of being one walked for God, despite the purpose of Jesus' having walked for the sake of the people, for the sake of the world and for the sake of humanity, the thing that was left after walking the 33-year life course was himself alone. On top of that, at the time Jesus finished fasting for forty days, the enemy Satan appeared to Jesus who was deeply agonizing with fretful shimjung and sorrowful circumstances.

In a time like this, what would Jesus' shimjung have been like, and what about his throbbing heart? Despite being placed in a fretful situation where there was nothing that could be trusted in the human world, no place to lean on and no place to settle down, the enemy Satan appeared and tried to tempt Jesus. That made Jesus' shimjung indescribably bitter. Nevertheless, he was anxious worrying about the well-being of the chosen people and humankind. You must understand the shimjung of such a Jesus.

Since we have the responsibility to walk the course of indemnity for the historical mission again, we should be able to represent Jesus' heartrending shimjung representing God's shimjung, be able to fight for Jesus and feel concerned for Jesus' throbbing heart. Heaven is waiting eagerly for true sons and daughters such as these to appear.

Jesus' Shimjung, Which Bears the Cross

Although Jesus was victorious in the battle against Satan on the wilderness course, after having disconnected all conditions of hope, Jesus still had reasons to make a substantial sacrifice offering. You should understand this.

Accordingly, Jesus went into Jerusalem with the beloved disciples. He lost the chosen Israelite people and the denomination and walked the path of Golgotha all alone to be sad. You should understand such circumstances of Jesus, too. What is more, you should understand Jesus' shimjung walking along the path of Golgotha in desperation, bearing the cross in silence, looking at the chosen Israelite people who were hounding him with whips, yelling and howling, even though in this circumstance it was the Israelite people that are to be reproached, and the twelve disciples that are to be cursed.

Since Jesus was human, if he had humane emotion, he must have felt mortified. Curses and bitter feeling must have sunk deep in his mind and the feeling of great indignation must have overflowed his heart. However, Jesus understood that the will of God, Who wishes to restore this people and this world, is yet to be completed and closed his cursing mouth and changed his sorrowful shimjung.

Because Jesus realized that the providence of salvation that saves the latter generation humankind would be destroyed if he cursed at this people for Heaven and judged for God, he could establish one standard of salvation. If Jesus had expressed his feeling of being mortified according to how he felt, and stood in a position of cursing and feeling bitter as a substitution for God, this world would have its hope all disappear. This world would have seen its end then.

Because Jesus knew such things, Jesus' shimjung, who knew that there was God's will yet to be attained even if he had to cross over the hill of death, said, "Father, forgive them; for know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) to the people whom he should have cursed and fretted, and to the enemies on whom he should have taken vengeance. Similarly, you must understand that it was the moment of anxiousness and seriousness when the second will of providential salvation had just been inherited and started its dispensation. That is how God could establish Jesus as the executor of the second salvation, and to command the grace of resurrection over the humankind.

Jesus, who was faced with such a situation as this, forgot the enemies' nailing him against the cross, worried about God's shimjung reminiscing on the history, was concerned about the posterity of the future and forgot his blood and flesh being shed and torn apart. Further, bearing Heaven's historical sorrowful shimjung on its behalf, taking on the historical God's resentment and the responsibility for the historical salvation, Jesus made an appeal saying, "Heavenly God, please grant us redemption!" You should become the people who can think of the shimjung that was gradually stopping Jesus Christ, who was in such a situation.

The life of Jesus who, after having been born of a human for the sake of all humanity, not being able to find even one place of comfort, lamentably, being driven hither and thither, like a lonely orphan, walked the lonely path like a driven exile. As we think of this one fact that such a life ended as a death on a cross at the top of Calvary in the end, we have to try to imagine how God's shimjung, looking at this, could have felt! God's sorrow would have made Him wish to knock the bottom out of Heaven and earth. Since it is written in the Scripture that the whole Heaven and earth was dark for three hours at the time of Jesus' death, it is to indicate that God bore a suffocating shimjung looking at the scene of Jesus being offered as a sacrifice on the road of death at Golgotha, in spite of Jesus being the son whom God had waited trusting for 4,000 years, and Jesus being the second Adam raised by God to restore Adam who had been lost for 4,000 years. You should understand God's sorrowful and agonizing shimjung in this manner.

Because Jesus who knew this understood that God's sorrow is greater than his sorrow, God's pain is greater than his pain and realized that God's will to restore the people of the nation even if they were being distrustful is yet to be attained, Jesus in spite of all could become a sacrifice of tame submission saying, "My death is insignificant." You must learn about Jesus who was filled with shimjung of this kind of tame obedience and filial piety.

Though Jesus died in this manner, there was absolutely no one who consoled Jesus in his death, and attended Jesus' dead body as God's son. Furthermore, the Roman soldiers who treated Jesus as they pleased, held up their spears in the end and thrust them into Jesus' heart. You must learn about Jesus' heart that became the target of thrusting this way. You should stop to think about Jesus' heart, which stood before the cruel enemies who were determined not to leave even one drop of blood in Jesus' heart, even after all blood had been drained out.

God's and Jesus' Wish for the Faithful Believers in the Final Days

What then was God's won han and sorrow for? Who would be the one who can represent the life of Jesus Christ who had lived on the earth, who can feel the heart of Jesus Christ who had testified to God's will like his own heart and can inherit Jesus' will in his place? God wishes to see such a person appear. Similarly, after losing the first chosen people of Israel, Jesus rose from the dead, pushing the grave open three days after his death and unfolding the gospel campaign for the sake of salvation of the second Israel. You should know that the people who were restored in this manner are the Christians scattered all over the world today.

Who are the Christians of the world today? They are the second Israel who is to restore the mistakes of the first Israel, and become the second chosen people.

In the meantime, because this one hope and the will of salvation are left to be fulfilled before these people and before the humanity, Jesus as well as God has unfolded the dispensation to attain the one will for which Jesus prayed on the cross. Now with who is this hope going to stop being a mere hope? You must realize that the stopping point is you who are the second Israel today.

We of today should restore the collapsed Israel that was to appear representing the 4,000-year-old history into a restored Israel, and the Israel that was rejecting Jesus into an Israel that welcomes Jesus. Although the Israel that proscribed Jesus who had represented God's shimjung has collapsed, only when we who are the second Israel today can undo the ill feeling derived from the unjust treatment in place of God, will we be able to receive the returning Lord. Heaven is demanding this.

What then would be the greatest request directed to the faithful believers in the final days? Who would be the person that can receive the returning Messiah? It will be the son or daughter who feels and experiences the internal conditions of that throbbing heart of Jesus who bore fretful a shimjung. Only when such sons and daughters come into being on this earth can Jesus Christ's han be resolved and God's grief and resentment liquidated. Only then, you should realize, can humankind receive a single day of bliss.

Although Jesus regained the single day of resurrection, and he met, even after the resurrection, with the disciples who had proscribed, he did not rejoice. Even when Mary Magdalene, after the resurrection, tried to grab Jesus as she met him, he told her not to do so.

Though it was one blissful day, and one joyful moment, because they were ignorant of that background fact of historical sadness linked together, they were not able to establish one condition of bliss before Jesus for him. By understanding this, and by transcending Mary's shimjung who tried to grab Jesus after the resurrection, you should fathom Jesus' internal shimjung and see through his heart. By doing so, you should cultivate the qualification of being a victor who, after developing the qualification of being one central character, takes Heaven and earth upon his shoulder. You should become the people who possess God's shimjung and Jesus Christ's shimjung, which can tread upon any kind of Satan in the human world and step forward before Heaven.

Since Jesus offered the sacrifice of blood to fulfill the mandate of Abel's blood in history, what will we have to do after that? Without putting an end to the fact that Jesus shed blood, by repossessing our minds and bodies as the blood of God's living beings, we must become the qualified people having the heavenly shimjung that can work through that blood.

You should understand Jesus' shimjung which bore the forgiving heart again, upon being faced with those who had proscribed. You should understand the shimjung that, when the disciples who had come forth with a determination to pin the faith upon each other's sleeve and to go the road of life and death, being unified whether to die or to live, came forward proscribing him, treated them with a magnanimity right then and there and forgave them, rather than cursing, even if he himself had to go through the hill of death instead. You also should be able to feel Jesus' shimjung who, rather than ascending to Heaven directly in solitude with a heart of bliss after resurrecting, leaving behind all the disciples who proscribed him, came to see the disciples who had rejected him.

The Starting Point of Dissolution of Historical Anguish of Resentment

From where then should the dissolution of historical anguish of resentment start today? You should realize that it starts from the point where you console Jesus in his sorrowful shimjung and make him into a joyful shimjung. If there is a person who grieves on the earth today, you should become the ones who can grab him and feel sad.

As you come to look at the Christians scattered throughout the world who are in the position of the chosen, second Israel on the earth, you should realize that the heartrending situation of Jesus Christ, who, by winning the hearts of the chosen Israel again and building the God's altar, had to offer a living sacrifice, remains being congested as the historical won han. Further, you should become the people who feel and experience the situation of Jesus Christ who became the protector of these people after mobilizing the second Israel who is scattered throughout the world today, who became the representative fighter for these people, and who battled with Satan for these people. Only when you become believers who feel and experience shimjung of this kind, can you inherit Jesus Christ's mission.

By desperately defending the footsteps of Jesus Christ who stepped forth after giving up everything, you should become the people who can beat off Satan's temptation, similar to that Jesus received in the wilderness, traps similar to that concerning what are Caesar's or the spear hacking of the Roman soldiers, and reap the victory. There should have been one comrade who would fulfill the mission like this. At the same time there should have been one family, one tribe, one society, one nation and one world that could attend Jesus. Where were they?

Today, we should be united. The time has come when we have to climb, stepping over denominational divisions, and must unite in place of God's shimjung. The time has arrived when you have to possess the substantial entity of Jesus Christ after passing through the words. The substantial entity of Jesus Christ was based on the foundation of the words of the Old Testament. Because the Israelite people did not know that Jesus was the gate of the substantial entity to be passed through, you should know that their foundation folded. Further, you should be aware that the era in which you must pass with the substantial entity of Jesus Christ is approaching, having exceeded the era when you pass through with the words of the New and Old Testaments.

What was the source of Eden's won han? Although the fact that the words got lost surely served the purpose of being the condition of won han, the greater won han was the fact that the substantial entity was lost. Who then is going to climb, stepping onto the words, and open the gate for the passage through the substantial being? This is the problem. Since there is no gate, you must understand that today we carry the mission to become the stone of this gate and build this gate.

God does not attach importance only to the words. More than the Old and New Testaments, namely, the words of the Holy Bible that hundreds of millions of people are reading, the greater importance is given to the one son who passed through these words. What kind of man is that son? He is not a man who knows the words intellectually, but a man who knows by heart and body. The era of knowing intellectually has passed.

The time when the substantial sacrificial offering that knows the words by heart and body and can fight against Satan, even by himself, representing God is approaching.

Jesus passed through thirty years of life for one human being to be able to represent the words, even if he or she has to sweep aside the words of the Old Testament to dissolve God's fretful shimjung. It was a life course in which he toiled, by being unified with God's shimjung, to build on earth this one gate that no one could separate, and a course of struggle for the sake of finding one person who has the qualification like this. When he came to be faced with the fate of having to die because there was no person like this, Jesus left the words of won han by saying, "I am the bridegroom, you are the brides."

Who is going to dissolve this won han today? Although Jesus strove and toiled to dissolve God's han, he died without fulfilling this task.

Now, today facing the end of the 6,000-year history, who will be the bride on this earth who, after inheriting that work of dispensation, will strive to carry out this mission and dissolve the han of God and Jesus? That bride will not be the person who only knows of the Old and New Testament, nor some theologian of today either.

Jesus Christ endured hidden sorrow and received rejection that no one knew of for thirty years for the sake of God. Jesus, who had fought Satan without eating for forty days, stepped forward to embrace again the disciples who betrayed him, even after they had pledged to die together when it was time to die and to live together when it was time to live. It would not have occurred to humans to wish to see him even in dreams, but Jesus visited again to see the disciples after the resurrection. Such was Jesus Christ who represented God's shimjung in this manner. You should not attempt to sell him away.

Where is the second Israel, the Christians, who are to represent him and are now scattered throughout the world, headed? Since all of the Sadducees and Pharisees, who had been setting up denominations, ended up not accepting Jesus, you of today should become the people who rise, and go beyond such denominational divisions.

Let's Be the True Son and Daughter Who Dissolve God's Han

You should become a substantial sacrificial being who rises, stepping beyond such denominations for the Father's words, like the way God received Jesus' sacrificial offering. Despite it being time for a substantial entity of living sacrifice, unified with the shimjung of Jesus and God, whose hearts are contiguous to each other, to emerge above the denomination that represented this people of the nation, this people of the nation and humanity today are asleep.

The world has taken shape through the movement of a heart. History has unfolded through Heaven's shimjung and Jesus' blood and flesh. So, today, you should realize that the one substantial entity that can bring forth fruit now is you yourselves.

Only when you become a reciprocating partner who has Jesus Christ's fretful shimjung and realize that, can you remain as the third Israel. We can only become the forefathers of the third Israel when we have this kind of determination today. We will also become the children of original nature of the so-called Heaven on earth, namely, the Garden of Eden. Only when you go through all pain that is historical, by being equipped with a substantial entity of the grace of resurrection, and become able to step forth looking for Heaven by shaking free from periodical won han, you can then be found and raised as God's son and daughter. Like the way Jesus' life of thirty years emerged as the substantial entity of sacrifice for God's shimjung of 4,000-year history, today we too should become God's children who can move if the Heaven moves and rest if it rests, representing God's shimjung who has unfolded the restorational dispensation for 6,000 years and Jesus Christ's shimjung.

By feeling sorrow then upon reminiscing over the history of 6,000 years, by feeling sad looking at the previously distrustful Israel, and by being concerned bearing the mission to build the garden of repose of the third Israel in the future, we should become sons and daughters who can vow before Heaven by saying, "I will bear this responsibility all by myself," despite whether anyone is going or not going. What is more, we should fulfill the responsibility of a successor who can defend Jesus' footsteps to the last.

You should now understand what the words of New and Old Testament mean. By understanding what Jesus' shimjung is and how Jesus' heart is more than the words of New and Old Testament, in other words, by knowing the internal shimjung and the external heart's movement of Jesus, when Heaven moves, you too should be able to move.

Only when you act in response to Heaven's motion and rest, and offer yourselves as the sacrifice of victory before the Father for the heavenly principles, Jesus will dissolve the han on this earth. God too will be able to dissolve han on this earth, and all humankind and all creation, all can enjoy the glory of triumph before God in response to Him.

Please do not think that you are standing in this situation by accident. Please do not think that you have inherited the altar of an inevitable course for historical fate. Only now when you get up, stepping on the barrier of sorrow that Jesus built and crossed at the top of Golgotha, and go up from the garden of Gethsemane to the top of Golgotha and build an altar of triumph through offering the twelve disciples brought together as a living sacrifice, and become triumphant sons and daughters who can subjugate Satan and say, "Father, please receive the glory alone!" will you then be able to become victors who are qualified to be the brides before the Lord.

18. Let Us Climb over the Hill of Historical Misfortune

Let Us Climb over the Hill of Historical Misfortune

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

January 19, 1958

Matthew 23:27-39


Please forgive us for not having felt the love when we came before the Father's throne. Please forgive us for not have exerted ourselves for the sake of the world.

Please allow our hearts to feel sorrow when we fathom the Father's course of tribulations. Please allow our hearts to feel hardships. Please let us become the sons and daughters who can feel the pain.

We know that we have not become these sons and daughters. Father of love, please allow us to possess the life of Heaven in this hour. We are sons and daughters who have survived and gathered here in search of Heaven. Even if we cannot stand before the Father because of all our sins, we have fallen down prostrate, observing the blessed grace of the Father who built the altar of blood while fighting for 6,000 years. Please forgive us.

Based on this, my beloved Father, I pray earnestly that You will allow our minds to bring joy to the Father. Allow our bodies to bring joy to the Father. Please let us offer all of this hour as the Father's own.

Please penetrate into each of our hearts now, and allow us to search for the purpose of the demand and center of the desire found deep in our hearts. If we have some selfishness, please allow us to be awakened to ourselves and realize we have not established the center of Heaven before the will of the dispensation. Please guide us so that we can examine ourselves and not violate the will of Heaven.

Please let the desperate heart of adoration be the only thing that fills the minds and bodies of Your sons and daughters who have gathered here. Let this be the heart which will enable us to admit we are sinners, to prostrate ourselves before You and to report everything frankly. Let us repent in tears before the Father.

My Father, I earnestly wish that, by doing so, You will let the work of resurrection take place centering on that mind. We have prostrated ourselves before the knees of the Father, Who has been guiding us until this hour today. We know that the conditions of the appeals we make here are not all conditions of loyalty. Father, please let us open the gates to our hearts and be immersed in the will of Heaven. Please allow us to be embraced in Your bosom of love. By doing so, we wish that You will let us experience the Father's heart and emerge as the glorious ones for which the Father hopes.

Although we have come together now as individuals, the whole gathering must become one live offering before the Father. Even if our historical enemy, Satan, envies us and is obstructing us, Father of love, we earnestly beseech You to protect our sincere hearts, which long to be the Father's children.

Today is a holy day, so please bless these people. Drive us on, we who have come forward to save these people who are so ignorant of their path. Let us win victory in the last battle of restoration in the Last Days and become the central people who fulfill the will of Heaven.

Father, please take charge of everything this hour. Is there something about which we are knowledgeable? Father of love, we pray You will let us forsake everything this hour and offer all as the Father's own.

We know that today there are many sons and daughters who are making lonesome appeals to the Father in the countryside. Wishing that You will work with them wherever they are with equal grace and bestow a great blessing, I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The title of the speech I want to briefly reflect upon with you is "Let Us Climb Over the Hill of Historical Misfortune." I will speak briefly on this topic.

The Destined Path of Misfortune We must Cross over

You know very well that although many people are living in this world today, a destined path of misfortune lies before them that they have no choice but to cross over. Even in Christian thought, there is judgment in the Last Days. You know very well that, consequently, many Christians have lived their life with the concern of how to cross over this hill of death.

When we examine ourselves, who are living in the present era, we find that the more we recognize the fact that we have a sad fate we do not even understand, the more we feel that grave problems can be found in the path before us, in our surroundings and in our minds and bodies. This mission to break through this unfortunate environment lies with us today. This is the mission for the rest of our lives. The day you can overcome this sad environment and step over the unfortunate history of the past is the new day when you can greet the garden of hope.

When we, who are in this point in time, look back at history, we can see that the hill and environment of misfortune that we now face are not just the current situations. You have to understand that through the 6,000 long years of history, our ancestors also walked the course of misfortune.

You must trace back in history and feel that our ancestors could not escape from the position of misfortune. At the same time, even in their relationship with the Creator, people could not escape from the position of misfortune. While you feel this kind of urgency in your heart, on behalf of history and the ideology of creation, at the same time you must one day possess the day of joy in which you have won the victory on behalf of history. Otherwise, hope and joy both will be cut off from human society today.

Because people have passed through this kind of historical course, God has been feeling responsible for the task of getting rid of the curtain of misfortune that covers the human spirit and life, the curtain of misfortune passed down through history. People who have been seeking the way also have felt a sense of responsibility to solve this one problem for the sake of humankind. If the countless religions that have come into being until now have left behind an unsolved task, it is our mission to solve this problem.

You know that Heaven was mobilized to break through this barrier of misfortune that remains with humankind. You must understand that, at the same time Heaven is mobilized to remove this fate of misfortune, the spirit world also has been mobilized. Moreover, people on earth also have been mobilized.

Humankind must search for the one historical time to climb over the barrier of misfortune. Because they could not find that time, today we have again inherited the history of misfortune. Therefore, we must now become united to step over all barriers of misfortune. If we cannot step over them, your descendants will have to climb over the barrier of misfortune. There will be no way for them to avoid the path of death, grief and tears our ancestors walked. When we think about this, we can see that you today are not a simple being. The pleas of Heaven and the pleas of humanity are vested in you. Furthermore, you are in a position to resolve all the pleas of the past, present and future. If you cannot pioneer and overcome all the barriers of misfortune through your daily life in a whole lifetime, then the historical, providential hope of the whole which is vested in you will be shattered. The hope of the spirit world, who looks toward you and hopes to climb over the barriers of misfortune with you will also all be shattered. When you consider this, you must realize you are not simply an individual.

There are many people today, but we must reflect upon how many of them are leaders who can fight against the invisible Satan and the forces of evil that are blocking us. Who can fight on behalf of the heart of the misfortune of God, the angels and even on behalf of the humanity of the future?

When we reflect upon this, we can understand that we are not the only ones who are faced with this kind of position. The countless prophets and patriots who have been associated with the dispensation of God until now also have been in the same position of fighting to solve this one question, even as they were abandoning their lives. You must feel this deep down to the core of your bones.

The Miserable Fate of Noah

Please look back at the Old Testament again and consider Noah. Noah was the one person God finally found from among many people, after He had worked hard for the 1,600 years that followed the tragic fate of the first human ancestors. What kind of person was this Noah? He had to possess a heart that could feel Heaven's heart of misfortune on behalf of the countless people of that time. He could comfort God on behalf of the heart of misfortune that the people of that time felt.

Noah shouldered this historic mission and conducted the conflict from the distressful position of misfortune. He was trampled upon, ridiculed, driven out and chased around for the sake of humankind and Heaven. You must never forget the kind of life of Noah.

What appeared in front of the life of Noah? Since he was the central figure of God's dispensation, whose purpose was to establish the principles of indemnity, the ark appeared representing the sad and unfortunate situation of the 1,600 years. The ark that Noah was faced with represented the historical misfortune.

Noah felt a sense of mission to climb over the hill of the 1,600 years of misfortune. Because of this, Noah who shouldered the responsibility, and God, who gave the responsibility, became one in heart. You have to understand that because Noah knew that the ark was entrusted to him as a historical indemnity condition, he had to lead a life of all kinds of misfortunes and walk a thorny path for 120 years.

Noah received the prophecy that there would be judgment of the earth by water 120 years later. He began to pour out all of his heart to build the ark from that day. However, it was not just for one year. He persevered in building the ark for 120 years. Noah's attitude as he was building the ark was that he was not doing it for the sake of his own family nor was he building it for his own descendants. Moreover, he certainly did not do it for the sake of the evil world. He built the ark only for the sake of accomplishing the will of God and nothing else. You must reflect back upon Noah, who embraced all the sorrows of God and the countless prophets and patriots of the 1,600 years and continued the battle. Although the ancestors who had served the will of God in the past had walked a sorrowful path, Noah conducted endless internal conflicts of mind and body to drive away and overcome the sad and difficult environment that rushed toward him.

He continued this fight for 120 years. While there was no one who sympathized with him, Noah remained loyal with all of his heart for the sake of establishing the will of God. When we think about this, we can see that the heart of Noah was truly a distressed heart that had no precedent in the 1,600 years. Because God recognized Noah only after he went through that kind of process, the day that the promise of Heaven was fulfilled, the judgment took place that could get rid of the grief of misfortune.

The more Noah shouldered this great providential mission, the less he could lead a comfortable life. He could not live a joyful and peaceful life. His body suffered pain, his mind suffered pain and persecution came from the environment. As you can see, Heaven could stand on his side only after he was put through a difficult crisis in which there was no one on his side. Only after he persevered through 120 years of persecution, sorrow and an indescribable fate of misfortune, was God finally able to emerge as his friend, consoler and leader, Who could lift the misfortunes away from Noah.

However, you have to understand that during the accomplishment of the promise, Noah had to struggle with all his might and carry on a merciless conflict in an environment of misfortune. Both in his internal and external life, he could not find a place of rest. Noah did not know that there were both the barriers of internal misfortune and the barriers of external misfortune. The providential will of God was not completed when the external ark was built. After building the ark, there was the judgment of God. After that, he had to build a new family in the restored garden. Noah thought that everything would come to a conclusion after the ark was completed. He did not know that after crossing over the hill of external misfortunes, there remained the hill of internal misfortunes. Eventually, due to the mistake on that day, Noah's family fell.

Abraham and Moses Were Responsible for the Misfortunes of the Whole

It was the same for Abraham. Inheriting the will of Noah and being chosen as the ancestor of faith, Abraham also shouldered the mission to climb alone over the barrier of the misfortunes of Heaven and earth. This is the reason that Abraham could not avoid the path that Noah walked.

From the time Abraham left the homeland he loved, in other words, from the moment that he received the order from God to leave Ur of the Chaldeans, he had to lead a life of misfortune such as he had never experienced. After leaving Ur of the Chaldeans and coming back to the land of Canaan through Egypt, until he went to visit Lot to set the condition of the restoration of all things, Abraham had to feel the sorrowful heart that no other seekers of Heaven could experience until then.

He did not have any relatives there. He did not have any comrade. He did not have any friend. Even then he had to be responsible for the heart of all the misfortunes of humanity from a position of responsibility for the whole history of restoration. You have to understand the unfortunate life of Abraham, who had to overcome everything with the mind-set that no matter what kind of misfortune, tribulation, sorrow, difficulty and pain came his way, he would fulfill the will of God.

Although Abraham greatly exerted himself until the time he built the altar and offered the three great sacrifices, he did not even know that the internal sorrow centering on the sacrifice would confront him. Thus, we must reflect upon the position of Abraham. He was in an environment of misfortune. Feeling that he was confronted for the sake of others, he should have known that he was representing a historical mission and the mission of the age. He should have known that he must also represent the mission of the future generations and the mission of Heaven. However, his thoughts could not reach that far.

He thought that by climbing over the hill of external misfortune, everything would be resolved. He did not know that he had to resolve not just the misfortune of that time, but also the misfortune of the future. Abraham should have set the one standard point of restoration in the eternal history of humanity, but he could not accomplish that. Therefore, although he overcame the life of external misfortunes and went as far as offering Isaac as the sacrifice, that alone did not put the matter to rest. The internal misfortune has been passed down until today. Abraham, who was responsible for the historical misfortunes, was in a miserable situation.

Possessing the heart of misfortunes that people could not feel before then, how often did Abraham make a pledge and determination before God that he would take on the responsibility? He was concerned that, asleep or awake and in every moment, if he neglected the fact that he was the sacrifice centering on the will of God, then God's will could not be realized. Furthermore, he mourned for Heaven, and he decided that he would offer himself for the sake of Heaven. You have to understand this unfortunate heart of Abraham.

When we look at Jacob, from the day he inherited the foundation of Abraham and received the mission to realize the blessing of Heaven, he led a life of misfortunes. He not only led a life of misfortune in Laban's house in Haran for the long period of 21 years; he also had to bring Isaac to internal submission. You have to understand that in the path Jacob traveled, there were always conditions for sorrow.

Why Moses and the Israelites Could Not Overcome Misfortunes

The path Moses walked was the same. Moses had the mission to restore, through indemnity, the 400 years since Abraham on the level of the people. The 40 years of his life in the palace of the Pharaoh when he was preparing to serve the will of God was a period of misfortune. The 40 years of his life in the Midian wilderness, when he was carrying out the will, was a period of misfortune. The 40 years of the wilderness course, when he went toward the land of Canaan guiding the 600,000 people, was also a period of unspeakable misfortune.

Moreover, there was a time when Moses alone possessed the heart of misfortune that the people did not understand and went up to Mount Sinai to fulfill his responsibility as the representative of the people. You have to learn to experience the sad heart of Moses who abandoned the crowd of 600,000 in the wilderness, forgetting everything of the eighty years of his life and the sad environment he was suffering through, and went up to Mt. Sinai for the sake of the will of God.

There was no one, among the Israelites, who understood the tragic heart of Moses as he climbed Mt. Sinai. Forgetting eating food and wearing clothes, Moses poured out all of his heart and mind and appealed to Heaven out of desperation.

When we fathom this, we can understand that no one understood the heart of the ancestors who shouldered the mission of restoration from the time of Noah until now. No one appealed on behalf of their sad and unfortunate life. Thus, the prophets and patriots in Heaven are lamenting whether someone can take responsibility for the misfortunes and grief they left behind as they fought on behalf of Heaven. If you do not take responsibility for the unfortunate fate, they will accuse you.

Although the people as a whole had the mission to enter the blessed land of Canaan given by God, they complained and wanted to quit in the wilderness. The people did not know that at that time Moses tried to raise one life and use that life as a living sacrifice to save the lives of the whole people. Only God understood this. Only God was his friend, and God related to him as his Father.

Because Moses knew that God was like that, he felt a sense of responsibility to eradicate the sad and unfortunate heart of the Father, even if it meant not eating for forty days. By making the appeal with all of his heart, he could receive the words that could resurrect the Israelites.

This was a happy event. However, the Israelites did not know there was someone who became a sad, unknown sacrifice in the background for the sake of introducing this joy. If they had understood this, then the multitude of 600,000 would not have fallen down in the wilderness. Even after that, if they had the unyielding faith to uphold the Ten Commandments of Moses and become sacrifices for the sake of alleviating the sorrowful heart of God, they could not have fallen in the wilderness.

Although Moses received the external tabernacle, he did not know he had to uproot even the internal misfortunes of his ancestors. This was the case with Noah, Abraham and Jacob. Although the living environment they found themselves in was unfortunate, even Moses did not know that he had to take charge of the internal misfortunes of his descendants. Thus, when Moses struck the rock twice, the 600,000 Israelites, who were led out of the palace of Pharaoh with the help of God, fell in the middle of the wilderness.

What was another reason they fell? It was their ignorance of the heart of Moses. Because they did not inherit the loyalty of Moses, they fell in the middle of the wilderness.

When you think about this, you must come to the realization that the place you are standing on right now is the place where Noah was building the ark, where Abraham was offering the sacrifice, and where Jacob was raising the sheep for 21 years. It is where Moses exerted himself for 120 years and offered 40 days of fasting and prayer.

The Attitude of Jesus Who Suffered Misfortunes

The Israelites had been promised the garden of hope by God and were offering the joy of glory as they left the palace of Pharaoh. Yet when they neglected the heart of God, that joy disappeared and became enmity and was targeted toward Moses. When this took place, we have to understand that Heaven had to strike them.

What must we Christians possess today? We must possess the mind-set that we will fight against the forces of Satan, who tampered with our history and our path. We must possess enmity toward Satan. That kind of person will not perish. However, you must not possess a grudge or enmity directed at each other on your own side, rather than at the satanic forces. You have to understand that if such people are in a religious group, it will surely be shattered.

Considering this, we can see that those who understand the will of God have been praying with concern that the people might stand in the right position. If there are those who have the mission to guide the people and the world on behalf of the will of God, then when the time comes and the environment permits, they will liquidate many enemies of the people.

The people who have much and are thinking and acting selfishly will perish, but the people who have a sense of mission to fight against the enemies of the people and sacrifice their minds and bodies will not perish.

What kind of position then do you who are living in the Last Days occupy? If you have come forward on behalf of all the ancestors, you must pass through the course from Noah to Abraham and walk the course that Jacob, Moses, Jesus and all the ancestors walked while fighting the enemies. You must follow the example of how they suffered and took on the mission. If you do not have this kind of mind-set in this hour, you cannot be sure who will surpass you. You have to take note of this.

Moses fought on while feeling the loneliness of Elijah, who appealed to Heaven, "I am the only one remaining." Moses' heart for the Israelites and his urgent yearning for the one day when he could alleviate the bitter grief of the people were constant. Even if he fell down repeatedly, he could continue the mission of guiding Israel. He lived like this, not out of the desire to live for his own sake. His life was for the sake of the will and for the people.

John the Baptist was born six months before Jesus came to the earth and fought for the sake of the will. When he emerged to take on the will, his living environment was miserable. He could not avoid the environment of misfortunes. His thirty years of preparation in the wilderness for the sake of the Messiah, for whom God had been prophesying for 4,000 years, was indeed a difficult life that no one understood. Only he could understand it. However, although he lived through thirty sorrowful years with this kind of heart, John the Baptist did not know that Jesus was the teacher who had experienced more miserable internal misfortunes.

Matthew and John also walked the path of misfortune. However, there had to appear one person who could represent the 4,000-year history. On behalf the misfortunes of Heaven, earth and all of humanity, feeling the most miserable heart experienced in history, that person had to defeat Satan, who had caused this history of misfortune. Heaven had to raise this kind of person.

The person who came with this responsibility is the Jesus of which you already know. While feeling a heart more miserable than anyone else in the 4,000 years of the history of the restoration, Jesus was capable of winning the victory in the fight against Satan, who had caused the history of misfortunes.

Although it is not written in the Bible, Jesus himself walked a path of unspeakable misfortunes during his thirty years of private life in the family of Joseph. This was for the sake of embracing the people and representing the heart of God. It was for the sake of embracing the religious sect and the tribe in God's place.

The Responsibility of the People of Faith in the Last Days

However, although Jesus had the desire to embrace his family, the tribe, the religious sect and the people, he was persecuted by the people, ridiculed by the sect, chased out by the tribe, and in the end betrayed by the twelve disciples. When we think about that, it is an extremely sad thing. He could have easily cursed humankind. On the contrary, however, Jesus overcame any feeling of hostility toward his enemies. Instead, Jesus understood that his path had been blocked and he was concerned about who could inherit the heart of historical misfortunes to comfort the internal heart of the Father on behalf of Heaven.

The countless people who were following thought they would be given the blessing of Israel and that the blessing of Judaism would be fulfilled. They thought Jesus would build a historical kingdom of Heaven centering on them, but he died on the cross.

Jesus was in the position to walk through the formula course of the ancestors. He walked the path of the cross, knowing that the greater his mission on the earth, the higher his ideology. He knew that the greater his sense of responsibility, the more his gospel would spread to the world. Although the people were opposing him at that time, he felt that the enemies in the world would submit in the future. He chose the path of the cross, thinking that he must not stand in a position on the level of the people, but must step above it and subjugate the enemies on the world level. When we look at the verses in the Bible about the thirty years of Jesus' private life in the family of Joseph and the three years of his public life, we can see that he represented the historical and heavenly misfortunes.

The countless people who were following Jesus believed he was the Messiah and the Savior of the people when he showed them the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Yet when Jesus passed away, all the people abandoned him and went away.

If the people who were following Jesus had understood the internal heart of Jesus toward Heaven, if they had understood that he possessed a deeply penetrating heart toward God and that he came to take responsibility for the whole history of the dispensation, they would have realized his situation and followed him. Furthermore, following them, the whole Israelite people also would have followed Jesus.

However, the works of Jesus' gospel, which should have decorated the 4,000-year history of restoration as the one glorious page, was recorded as a history of tears on an altar of blood. Because Jesus knew that it was inevitable that this would not end with him but would continue repeatedly, he prayed, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46) He did not offer this prayer because he was concerned about himself. You must understand that he offered this prayer out of concern for the people and the innumerable future generations.

Ladies and gentlemen, please do not despair because you do not have anything. Do not lose hope because you do not know anything. If you are to despair, it must be about the fact that you have not felt the heart of God, Who has been fighting on in the course of history. Moreover, you must become concerned about your failure to feel the heart of the prophets and patriots who exerted themselves while building the altar of blood. Furthermore, we must feel distressed about the fact that we could not have a firm resolution and feel enmity toward Satan, who envied us that we could become the true children of God and the true friends of Jesus and who has been tempting us.

When we look back at the course of history, we must realize that our countless ancestors had to climb over the hill of misfortune on the level of the family and the people with this kind of heart. We who must climb over the barriers of misfortunes on the world level must not repeat the mistake of Noah's family. We also must not repeat the mistakes of Abraham, Moses and John the Baptist.

If today, 6,000 years after the human fall, there is no one who has felt the totality of the sorrowful heart of God, then you should pray, "Father, please raise me up so that I can represent the heart of Abraham, Jacob and Jesus and feel the whole heart of the Father. Let me feel the heart of love toward Adam before the fall, and even the penetrating heart of grief that could not be revealed to the people after the fall." You must be able to pray, I will become a historical and universal sacrifice.

Who understood the sad situation of God, Who from the time of the creation until now could not raise His hand? People have understood God only as the God of love. They did not know that God is also a God of indignation and righteousness. Although God deals with men with love during the process, in the end, He must judge and strike. You must clearly understand that God is both the God of love and the God of righteousness who has a heart of indignation.

Only those who can understand this can drive out the seven Canaanite tribes and build the blessed land of Israel. You who have been called as the faithful people of the Last Days today, you who have come following the will, unlike other people, you must understand that although God is a God of love, He relates with you with the idea that He must judge you with righteousness. You have to comprehend the situation that forces Him to do that.

We who are living in the Last Days must understand the historical heart of the Father. At the same time, representing that heart, we must fight to fulfill the wishes of the Father, Who has deep grief in that the will has not yet been realized on the earth. The person who comes to complete this mission from the position of a true son of God is the one who is called the Lord of the Second Advent.

The Role and Mission of the New Religion

At the time of Noah, God struck, centering on the ark. At the time of Abraham, God struck, centering on the altar. At the time of Moses, He struck Pharaoh, centering on the Israelites. He could not succeed in striking the satanic world, centering on Jesus. This is the reason that Jesus passed away leaving behind the term "judgment."

How are you going to climb over the historical hill of misfortune that lies ahead of you? This depends on each of you. You cannot force your way into the gates of Heaven. Therefore, you must climb over this hill of misfortune by yourself and break down the barriers of misfortune. Only when you can alleviate the deeply-rooted grief of the Father and become the brave soldiers who can fight with the hope of Israel moving toward Canaan can you completely cross this hill.

If you carefully examine your life course based on history until now, you will find that in the end of time in the future, you must cross many hills of misfortune. At that time, you must pass through the individual gate. After passing through the gate on the individual level, you must then pass through the gates on the family, national and then world levels.

What kind of mission have you taken charge of? You are either in the position to take responsibility for the misfortunes of the ancestors of the past or to take charge of the mission of the period. If you are not in a position to take charge of the mission on the world level, you are in the position to take responsibility for the eternal will of the dispensation. You must keep this in mind.

What direction has history been pursuing until now? World history has been moving toward the heavenly Messiah. Therefore, the history of misfortune will now pass behind us. The era of faith will also pass behind us. Until the time of the Messiah, who comes with a new mission to solve all the misfortunes of the world and bring an end to the misfortunes that have penetrated all areas, you must have courage and march forward.

Among you who are living in the last era of the dispensation of restoration today, there are those who have the fortune of the time, one period or those who represent the fortune of the world and of Heaven. All the indemnity conditions which have been passed down in history must be horizontally restored through indemnity at once.

How can one connect all of them and rally them? This is the very mission of the enlightened and religious people. Moreover, it is the mission of religions to actually bring this mission to a conclusion.

From the birth of the universe until now, on what have human beings centered themselves? Until now, people have set the love of parents, couples and children as the goal. In other words, through this and that kind of religion and ideology, history and time have been in flux, but the way and the laws of the parents, couples and children have never been trampled upon even once.

What must people of the Last Days do? They must be able to transcend personal emotions. While searching after the way began by first cutting off their personal emotional attachments. This is the battle on the way to Heaven.

Although the issue of human emotion has been the purpose of the historical religious faiths, this cannot connect with the vertical ideology of the heavenly principles. Although the 6,000-year history of humanity has progressed to establish this one thing, because this alone cannot solve all the problems of the universe, there must come forth a religion with the one ideology that can institute the laws of heavenly life.

At the time when we can soon enter the time of heavenly fortune, what kind of person can be raised as the true parents, true children, and true husband and wife? These people are linked with human emotion and the heart of God. They are the people who have experienced the universal hardships found deep inside the heart of God. They are the people who, centering on the love of God, have felt something based upon which they can say that God is their Father.

Throughout the passage of the 6,000-year history, people have failed to solve the vertical and horizontal human problems. This is the reason people have been seeking the religion that can solve these problems. At the end of time, we must climb over all the hills and barriers that come our way.

The Path We must Travel

We must understand that God is the True Parent, Who in the long course of history has been persevering through everything concerning humankind. What kind of person is Jesus? Jesus said, "I am your bridegroom and you are my bride." In the same way, the religion that solves the problem of the bride and bridegroom, in other words, the problem of heavenly emotion (love), is the one that can climb over the last hill. In this sense, Christianity is the central religion.

Jesus said, "I have become one with God; I am the only begotten son of God." Moreover, Jesus said to humanity, "I am the bridegroom and you are my bride." For a long time, God hoped to climb over this barrier of misfortune on the world level centering on this kind of standard. The person in charge of this task was Jesus.

Now, what must you do? You must become the people who can embrace the heart of Jesus, who had the heart of the misfortunes of the bridegroom for 2,000 years, and the heart of the misfortunes of the countless prophets and patriots. Only if you are this kind of person can you be called the children of God and brothers and sisters before Jesus Christ.

If you try to become this kind of person, Satan will attack you. This is the purpose of Satan's attack. However, if a new ideology, doctrine or some new religion and new central figure come forward to confront this, even the attack of Satan can be warded off. If done, Satan cannot drive you away. There cannot be any more revolution and change. At that time, the eternal ideology can finally be unfolded.

You must not think that you will go to Heaven. You must think that you will construct the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Before building the Kingdom of Heaven, you must first become a citizen of the kingdom. To become a citizen of Heaven, you must become one in heart with the Father, to the point where you can confidently say that the Father's heart is your heart and your heart is the Father's heart. Having done this, you must represent the heart of God and represent the hearts of the Lord and the ancestors on the earth. Only then can you solve all problems.

The spirit world has been mobilized and is trying to climb over the barrier of the historical misfortunes. We who are living on the earth also have the mission to carry out this task. Now if you want to possess this sense of mission and be able to penetrate through the last historical barrier of misfortunes, you must understand the unfortunate heart of God, the unfortunate heart of history and the unfortunate heart of the present and the future. We must feel a sense of enmity toward the enemy of the True Parents who is blocking our path, the enemy of the true children, and the enemy of the true bride and bridegroom. If you have not become sons and daughters who are burning with this kind of enmity, you cannot climb over the hill of the last judgment.

You must fulfill the historical mission, the mission of the present era and the mission of the future. Which era are you living in now? You have to understand the problems that concern your era. In the future, the era of the ideology of the Creator God is coming. In the future, someone will come forward to restore this world who has the heart toward Heaven and feels enmity toward Satan that people ordinarily do not have or feel. It is the mission of Christianity to attend and assist that person at that time.

Each day must be lived for the sake of the Father's will. Your whole life course must also be for the sake of the will of the Father.

You must walk the course that your ancestors walked. We are in the same position as the Israelites who came out of the wilderness. Moses and the Israelites were chased out of the wilderness and suffered tribulations. Jesus also was ostracized by the people and the church, and his family members did not believe in him. You will also have to experience this kind of sad and distressful situation, but do not lose hope. If you have to do something in this unfair situation, then you must experience the heart of the Father, who has been afflicted throughout history. Thinking that the sorrow of the Lord is your own sorrow and the pain of the ancestors is your own pain, you must unite your hearts and remain unchanging for thousands of years for the sake of that will. You must feel a sense of enmity toward Satan. Heaven is demanding young men and women who can do that. The will cannot be entirely entrusted to the ministers and the elders. If they fail to accomplish the responsibility, the deacons must do it. If the deacons cannot do it, the young people must rise. If they can save the church and the people, then they must rise. Heaven has been searching for sincere young people who are overcome by the misfortune of Heaven.

If this mission is entrusted to us on behalf of the people, we must become the elite troop who can feel the bitter heart of the Father, embrace the sorrow of the Father in our bodies, and march forward toward the enemy. To do that, you must unite your life and ideology.

You must fight to uproot the sorrow of Heaven, the sorrow of Jesus, the sorrow of our ancestors and the sorrow of our descendants.

The history of misfortune is coming your way now. Therefore, you must exert all your heart and will, offering all of yourself. Even if you are suffering mistreatment and grief, you must make the determination to become the sacrifice before the people and the world on behalf of Jesus. You must be able to raise your hand and pledge before Heaven.  

17. Where Is the Refuge in Which Heaven Can Dwell?

Where Is the Refuge in Which Heaven Can Dwell?

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

January 12, 1958

Matthew 8:18-22


Father of love, I have come with words of truth in this hour. Please let the heart of the giver and the hearts of the receivers become one. Father, we wish for You to allow us to become one in heart and will so that when the Father stops, we stop. When the Father moves, we move.

Please allow us to feel the heart of Jesus, who was concerned about the faithless land of that time, comforted the sorrowful heart of God and felt heartbroken himself. On that foundation, please let our minds not stagnate in this hour. Let us act after connecting with the heart of the Father and the historical heart of Jesus.

Please allow us to feel the distressed heart of the Father. Let us experience the heart of Jesus Christ, who felt distressed for the salvation of humanity, so that the beloved brothers and sisters who have gathered here can cleanse all the sins of darkness that remain inside their hearts. Beloved Father, we ardently wish and hope for this.

We know that the work of Satan, who is trying to block the grace of the Father, is ahead us. Father, please allow us to escape from the invasion of Satan and be embraced in Your bosom of eternal love by understanding when and from what position comes the grace of the Father. Beloved Father, we sincerely desire and want that even just for this hour You will allow us to feel Your hands of compassion that have not forsaken foolish and inadequate us. You have sought for us while You were leading the dispensation for 6,000 years.

We have entrusted everything in this hour. Wishing earnestly that the Father will personally govern from the very beginning to the very end, I pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.

You know very well that when God was creating all things of Heaven and earth, He began with the intention of finding eternal, peaceful rest in the created world. However, you also know well that this foundation God created was handed over to Satan because of the fall of man.

Consequently, although a long period of 6,000 years has passed, you must clearly understand that in not even one small corner of this earth has a nest, a place of rest, been secured. You have to fathom the aching heart of God that came into existence because of this.

The Will of God Toward Adam and Eve

What did God use then as the basis to create all things? He began to create all things through the eternal and unique words of truth. The purpose of God's creation of Adam and Eve was His hope that they would perfect the purpose of those words and become the substantial bodies in which He could substantially dwell. Furthermore, when God blew in the breath of life, He tried to create a place of rest in their minds by dwelling there as the eternal subject of life. God created Adam and Eve after establishing this great purpose of the heavenly principles.

To put it another way, after creating Adam and Eve, God tried to establish the laws of life in the Kingdom of Heaven with words. Through their bodies, He tried to form the altar in which He could personally dwell. In their minds, God tried to build the holy temple where He could directly settle down.

However, the laws of the heavenly principles, which can act on behalf of the words of truth, also disappeared from human beings due to the fall of Adam. Adam was created as the body of God. When he fell, the temple in which God could live also disappeared from the human world. The basis of the mind where the invisible God could dwell, sitting on the eternal throne as the substantial hero, also disappeared.

The laws which represent the words, the ideology of creation and the body (the holy temple of all things) all went out of line with the original will due to the fall, so did the mind that can represent the holy of the holies in the invisible world. The sorrow of God began from there. Therefore, the minds of men, who were created for the sake of Heaven, also became sorrowful. The body that must relate with that mind also became sorrowful. The result was that the laws which represent the words of truth, based upon which the mind and body could move, also disappeared from human beings.

When we examine the standard and content of the basic principles of Heaven, where, among the innumerable people on this earth, would the laws of the words of truth that Heaven is seeking emerge? Where would the substantial temple, where God can dwell, emerge among those who were born of the sinful lineage due to the fall? Where on this earth would the temple that will become the holy of the holies, where God can dwell, instead of the infinite invisible world, emerge? Countless people throughout the course of history have tried to solve these things. Today, in this hour, you must realize that countless prophets and patriots have walked through a course of shedding blood and tears while offering many sacrifices, all to accomplish this purpose.

Therefore, there must now appear on this earth the person who possesses the words that can be considered the best in Heaven and on earth. A person must appear who can build the substantial temple of the invisible God to bring Him joy and give Him support. He must possess the cosmic value that represents Heaven and earth. The basis of one power which can represent the spirit world and the throne of the Father, which can also attain the substantial ideology to be able to move the world of creation, is the hope of God, the hope of humanity and the hope of all people of faith who must receive salvation today.

What have we humans lost? Looking at it centering on ourselves, we have lost the laws of the words based upon which we can stand before Heaven. We have lost our bodies where God can dwell and the temple of the mind that can represent the center of the throne of eternal life. Similarly, because people have lost all right of possession, they are endlessly struggling in search of something. Consequently, today you must consider the search for the words of God that can represent the heavenly principles as your own hope. Today and tomorrow, you must dash forward at full speed.

The Words of Truth for the Sake of Building the Kingdom of Heaven and the Restoration of the Substantial Body

After passing through the era of words, what kind of era will come? The era when we must pass through the substantial body will come. Consequently, the greatest purpose in twentieth century civilization today is actualizing the substantial realm, connected to the words of the basic principles. You have to understand that this is the reason that people in the Last Days today long for the appearance of the embodiment of the laws of the heavenly and human principles which God originally proclaimed to humankind.

If the words and the embodiment become one, people no longer remain at the level of materialistic animals, but are put in the position where they can perform the duties of the heavenly principles as the beings who possess the internal heart. You have to realize that their heart is stimulated by actions which can transcend the living environment and head toward the eternal ideology. When you think about this, if you do not set the standard with which the forces of your minds and bodies can relate, you can only recognize the existence of God as some conceptual deity. You cannot feel Him as a substantial deity.

Therefore, after connecting with the words and the substantial embodiment now, you must end the period of history centering on the will of the invisible sin that you have adored. If you cannot do that, there is no way for you to be in accordance with the purpose of the great dispensation of the heavenly principles. Furthermore, you will fall into a miserable situation where you cannot exist in this substantial world that we call the realm of the ideology of the creation.

You must realize that this kind of historical fate lies before you. Therefore, you must now connect with the words and move forward to connect with the one embodiment which can stand as living proof of the words. You must search vigorously for the place where you can solve all the problems.

If God were to come seeking us in the midst of all things of Heaven and earth, with what is He going to come? God will come with the laws of the words He spoke. This is the word of God for which all of humanity has hoped, the words that are greater than any other thought or words of any individual on this earth. Accordingly, it is your fate to restore the words established at the time of creation as the words that can govern your life. In other words, you must restore them as the words that can save your life.

Only after crossing over this can you form the one family, society, tribe and build the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth, using God- centered individuals as the foundation. Therefore, until the time that you fully digest the words as your own, you must overcome any kind of hardship and sorrow. You must feel that the course of conflict still lies before you.

When we look at reality today, religion represents the field of metaphysical truth and the natural sciences represent the field of physical truth. Where would all these go? We have lost the word due to the fall of Adam and Eve. By losing the words, we have lost the substantial embodiment. By losing the substantial embodiment, we have lost the ideology. Therefore, in the Last Days, we must restore this centering on some person. Therefore, one person who stands on the cutting edge of scientific civilization must appear today, in the concluding era of human history, as the embodiment who represents all physical ideologies.

When we look at ourselves, where must humanity head? Our bodies must be in a position to connect to the ideology of the natural sciences. Our minds must be in a position to connect with the world of the metaphysical and supernatural sciences.

However, although our minds try to perform goodness and live for Heaven, our bodies try to carry out evil and head toward the world. Living in this confused situation, divided into two, is the reality of human beings today. Therefore, people have been seeking endlessly, until now, for the master who possesses the words of Heaven that can unite these two and the laws of heavenly truth. People have been longing until now for the emergence of the new words, which can truly transcend the world of our minds and connect with the spirit world, but can also connect to the field of natural science.

Accordingly, if you possess these words today, you will live with more confidence than anyone else in the world. You will be overwhelmed by the joy of possessing the highest ideology that no one else in history could possess. Therefore, today you must at any cost find the laws of God's words lost in the Garden of Eden.

Jesus Came to Restore the Laws of the Heavenly Principles

The history of Christianity, up to now, has been establishing the words. Christianity has been trying to find and install the words of Heaven's laws through the one substantial being who represents the heart of Heaven. It has not been able to establish that completely. Therefore, in this era of the end of history today, you have the mission to build the nation of God by finding and establishing the new words of truth that can penetrate into the infinite spirit world and the natural sciences.

God must help people cope with that kind of mission to establish His own victorious will on this earth. This is the reason that God sent the one subject figure who can claim back the words that He gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden, ". . . of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." (Genesis 2:17) God sent one person to the earth who could represent the heavenly principles, the hope of the universe and the hope of humanity. Not only that, he could also represent the internal heart and the external substantial body of God. That person was Jesus, whom you believe in today.

Jesus came with this kind of will. What were his mind and body like? Jesus' mind was not his own. His mind was the mind of the Father. Jesus' body was not his own; it was the body of the Father. Moreover, the words Jesus wanted to speak were not his own words; they were the laws of the heavenly way that represent the will of God. They were the words of hope for all humankind. Through those words, Jesus appeared on this earth as the substantial temple of Heaven, the representative of the throne of the substantial God.

Jesus had the mission to restore all people and raise the people with the words which included both the heavenly and the human principles. This was so God could recognize them as the substantial beings who possessed the value of the words. Possessing the 4,000-year-old will of the internal dispensation of God, Jesus felt irrepressible pain in his heart as he watched the people of this earth. The heart of Jesus was incredibly sorrowful as he watched the people who were living according to the laws of the fall based on bodily enjoyment, the people with fallen minds and bodies in which Satan could reside.

Because Jesus had the mission to achieve the orderly purpose centering on the laws of the heavenly principles, every one of his words, steps and actions was concentrated on testifying to the heavenly principles. On the contrary, because people who live within the realm of Satan are moving according to laws which are not in line with the heavenly principles, they do whatever they please.

Therefore, Jesus had to fulfill the mission to make these disorderly people live according to the conditional words of Heaven and to expand that from the level of the individual to the levels of a society, a people, a nation and the world. However, before he could do that, he died on the cross. The people of that time should have revered the words of Jesus as the unique and unchanging words of truth, the words of God the whole universe had been awaiting for 4,000 years. If they all had become the embodiment of those words, then Jesus could have created a place of rest where he could dwell in place of God. However, because their ignorance led them to become faithless toward the words of Jesus, Jesus could not create that kind of environment.

The Mission of the People of Faith Who Are Living in the Last Days

In the original Bible verses, a scribe came before Jesus and said, "I will follow wherever the teacher goes." Jesus replied, "Foxes have their holes and birds in the air have their nests, but the son of man does not have a place where he can lay his head." What Jesus meant by those words was that because there was no one who could receive his words as the words of hope, he could not find a place of rest for his heart.

Furthermore, only when a person comes forward who can understand the words of God and represent the heart of God centering on those words can Jesus establish the heavenly laws, live a heavenly life, and discuss the heavenly ideology. There was not even one such person. Accordingly, the heart of Jesus in looking at this world was indescribably distressed and sad. You must learn to feel the heart of Jesus, who was mourning because he could not find a place where the precious words of Heaven could rest.

In the Last Days today, what kind of mission then must you shoulder? You must become people who can possess the words of God in your minds and bodies. In other words, you must come to possess the words of God, which no one else could possess until now, completely in your minds and bodies.

Moreover, when we consider it from this position, what was the fall in the Garden of Eden? It was the failure to unite the mind and body as the place where the words of God could dwell. Therefore, now your minds and bodies must become the resting place for God. You are living in this kind of time. Therefore, you who are living in the Last Days must clearly understand that Jesus left without finding a person who could inherit his words on this earth.

What did Jesus then leave behind on this earth? Jesus left behind the words that came through his mind and body. Therefore, your first mission today is to alleviate the grief of God that came about because of the fallen people in the Garden of Eden, and also the sorrow of Jesus, who was pleading desperately to awaken the ignorant people 2,000 years ago.

If the words that produced the miraculous works of creation were to appear on the earth again, human minds would have to move according to those words. Although humankind has fallen, this must be so because they still have the original heart. Therefore, in this historical, concluding era, you must now find, during your life, the words that can move your original hearts and bodies. You have to clearly understand that if you cannot find these words, there is no way for you to form an eternal relationship with God. You will be enslaved by lamentation and grief.

What must you do for Heaven now? You must mitigate the sorrow of Jesus, who said, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20) You shoulder the historical mission to alleviate this grief of Jesus today.

You must realize the words Jesus spoke then were not meant only for one young scribe. Those words apply to everyone in any period during the thousands of years of history. Therefore, the desperate voice of Jesus calling out to you is still heard in your ears today, in this moment. You have to clearly understand this.

What then is the central purpose of God doing away with the mistakes of the first Israel and unfolding a new movement by raising the Christians, the second Israel? He was trying to establish the temple of the words that Jesus was trying to build. Therefore, you must now recognize the words that God is conveying to you as the words of the eternal laws. You must think, These are the words of life for me. You must not only receive those words; you must also see them as the words with which He created humankind at the time of the creation. If you do not possess these words and cannot substantially feel these words of God through your flesh, you cannot become the sons of God.

The Human Mind and Body must Become the Resting Place for God

Consequently, God has been leading men to sacrifice their bodies and cultivate their minds to pursue goodness. Moreover, when the minds of people are near truthfulness, if the words which fulfill the purpose of that truthfulness emerge, God made it so that people will be pulled by those words. In this way, God hoped people's bodies would also move harmoniously with their minds. You have to understand that God had this earnest and desperate heart that longed to reveal the words people could understand through their minds and bodies.

If in your course of seeking Heaven in your life of faith, you have not experienced your minds and bodies being governed by the words, then you can never escape from the realm of sorrow and mourning. You have no other choice but to remain in that state forever.

If, on the contrary, you have felt or experienced that the laws of the heavenly principles that represent your body and life, and your substantial and mental self has become one, you will not fade away from this earth for eternity when you go to the spirit world. Therefore, you must secure the one nucleus that will never disappear in your minds and bodies. You must establish the laws of the heavenly principles that can never be separated from your minds and bodies so that you can create the place of rest where God can dwell in person.

Thus, you must now reflect upon yourself as to whether you are capable of receiving the words of the laws of the heavenly principles. Now that the Last Days have come, everything will come to a conclusion. Philosophy will come to a conclusion, science will come to a conclusion, and the world economic system based on material will also come to a culmination point. At one point in the future, due to infinite progress in science, scientific research will invent improved food.

Furthermore, you who are living in the last concluding era today must repent about your faith until now and try your best to live according to the words Jesus gave us. Therefore, you must find the words of the Heavenly Father. If there is someone who is not trying to seek these words but instead forsakes them, they will surely be judged. Those who are avoiding or blocking the words that seek them to realize the holy of the holies of Heaven will surely perish. Because Jesus understood this, he could not speak all the words he wanted.

The more you feel a sense of mission to establish the laws of the heavenly principles, the more you must make your best effort. You must liberate the grieving heart of Jesus, who said, "If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?" (John 3:12) You must understand that in the concluding era of human history today, the historical sorrow is implanted deeply inside Heaven and the earth. Accordingly, even in this moment, God is watching over all human beings today with concern for how they are living and how the faithful believers are conducting their life of faith.

Therefore, you must have room in your heart to cherish the words which represent the infinite universe, the words which represent the eternal laws. It will not be acceptable for you merely to have the vulgar hearts and vulgar emotions with which you have lived on the earth until now. You must come to possess a new heart that can receive the new words. Therefore, in this concluding era, when the temple of the words is sought, it is a great fear that you might become the heir of Adam, who betrayed the words of the heavenly principles.

Where did sin begin? It began from the point of not being able to receive the words of God. It was human responsibility to receive the infinite words, but that responsibility was not fulfilled. Therefore, the place of rest where you must welcome the words now must be your mind. In this manner, you must realize the substantial body centered on the words.

Those words are linked to the sphere of your character. In other words, your words must become the words which represent the laws of God's heavenly principles. Your actions must become one with the words of those laws. Just as you come to know things through the Principle, when the substantial being who represents the words appears, God's heart will dwell there. Therefore, those in whom God's heart dwells move toward the direction where they can be connected to the eternal ideology. Their minds and bodies can live a life on behalf of the ideology of the Father in the actual sphere of life.

It is our hope to enjoy that kind of life. The place where the will is actualized is the ideal garden of Canaan and the lost original Eden. You have to clearly understand this.

The People of Faith must Become the Brides of Jesus

What was the grief of Jesus? It was the sorrow of not having a place of rest. Moreover, his sorrow was not having even one believer who could inherit the will of his mind and body. Not only did he have no one who could inherit his words, it was Jesus' sorrow that he did not have even one person who could attend his body as the body of God. This was the sorrow of God and the sorrow of all humanity.

Consequently, God and Jesus have been saying in the 2,000-year course of history since then, "I am your bridegroom and you are my bride," and he has been entrusting his body to you who are like the bride. Jesus is hoping to usher in the one day of peaceful rest. You have to understand that, to found this one day, God and Jesus have been fighting from the background with concern.

If you live by the words of God, what must you do? First, you must create an environment in which you can become intoxicated with the words of God. You must then attain the qualifications of the bride who can relate with Jesus, the bridegroom. Even in this moment, right now, God is longing for the appearance of someone who can become Jesus' spouse.

God is trying to entrust Jesus to you, the prince of Heaven, the master of all things, and the Savior of all humankind. At that moment, you must stand in the position of the bride who can attend Jesus as the bridegroom. Only if you connect with the ideology of Jesus, the life of Jesus and the historical will of Jesus in this way can you become completely one with him.

Moreover, if you now shoulder the historical mission to realize the substantial being through the words, you must possess the words of Jesus as your own. You must consider the body of Jesus as your own. Not only that, the desperate heart of Jesus, who lived for all the humanity of the world, must rise in your minds and bodies. This is why for 2,000 years until now Jesus has been looking for the bride who can represent his ideology and attend him as the bridegroom. You have to understand that, even in this hour, Jesus is searching to find the true brides who, as the substantial beings who represent his will, can overcome everything about which he is concerned and can comfort Jesus.

Are you aware of the fact that Jesus, who lived the thirty years of his life to give everything he had, shouldered the cross and traveled the path of Golgotha from a position of being betrayed by the nation, the people, his tribe, his family and even by his beloved disciples? Do you understand Jesus' heart? Do you understand that situation? Moreover, do you understand the hope of Jesus? Who understands?

Jesus remained unchanged toward Heaven, even in the position of death. Bearing the cross on his back, he crossed over the path of the world Golgotha for the sake of the people. If you are ignorant of this Jesus, you cannot meet the one who is coming again with the ideology of world salvation.

Jesus went the path of Golgotha on behalf of the people. Jesus should have lived peacefully in the environment of the people, but because they were faithless, he had to walk the way of the cross for their sake, instead. Jesus should have reaped the victory of Heaven, but because the people betrayed him and he was driven out from the sect, the society and the family, he did not have any place to turn. He came with the hope of Heaven toward the earth, but all of that was undermined, and he was in a sorrowful situation. The result was that he had to walk the way of the cross alone on behalf of the people.

Therefore, you must understand now that the fate of the 2,000-year history since Jesus was to pioneer the path of Golgotha on the level of the world. You must also understand that Jesus has been struggling to cross over the path of Golgotha on the level of the world through the second Israel on the world level, as the bridegroom whom you long to meet.

The Qualifications of the Bride and the Mission of Christians

Where do your hearts lie today? Where is your body today? The position that you are in is the environment of the cross. You are facing the course of Golgotha on the level of the world on behalf of Jesus Christ. Because we have inherited the path of Golgotha on the world level, when Christianity today goes forward with the Gospels, no people or environment can avoid the path of Golgotha. The conflict of Golgotha on the world level centering on the Christian nation will take place. You have to understand that such a time is the Last Days.

Now you who are living in the end of the 6,000-year history must learn to fathom the heart of Jesus, who has walked the path of Golgotha on the world level until now. You must experience the heart which allowed Jesus to sacrifice his own body and mind and forgive his enemies. In this way, many true believers must emerge on this earth who can truly attend Jesus, who set the standard of loving his enemies.

At such a moment, the substantial foundation where Jesus can rest in peace will finally be realized on this earth. Where are you dwelling now? Just because there is individual persecution or the persecution of the family, have you tried to make preparations to leave? Because the people and the nation persecuted you, have you made preparations to leave? If there are such people, how would the heart of Jesus feel as he looks down upon them? You must have the mind-set, I will go forward toward Heaven even if the whole world, Heaven and earth were to oppose me. Although it is not clear how many people can be found on the earth who have such determination, which is the qualification of Jesus' bride, you must clearly understand that Heaven is looking for precisely this kind of person.

Because Jesus understood this heart of God, he could give up everything and sacrifice. Accordingly, now you must reflect upon the footsteps you are leaving behind. You must look back and see where are your footsteps. In doing so, you have to understand that the place of rest for Jesus, who is walking the path of Golgotha on the world level, is nowhere other than with you.

What mission did Jesus have while he sought his resting place on the earth? He had the mission to become the bride of God. If there was a disciple on the earth who attended him, then it was his mission to become one with him and become the bride of God. However, Christians today do not really understand this.

Christians in the world today are looking for Jesus, the bridegroom. Searching for Jesus, the bridegroom is to search for the Father, who is the master of that bridegroom. If you look at Revelation 14:1, it is written, "Then I looked, and lo, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads." In other words, to become the chosen child of the Father, it is not enough just to have the name of the lamb. The name of the Father must also be included.

Who are the 144,000 who will enter? Jesus' seal alone is not enough. Even if Jesus the bridegroom calls you the bride, the Father must bless you. Therefore, only when the Father can raise His hands and bless you as the eternal hero of humanity who has not fallen in the Garden of Eden can you be part of the 144,000. At that time, you can usher in the one day when you can set the eternal ideology of God as the center and feel the infinite love of the Father.

Moreover, because you have to become the holy of holies and the resting place of God, you must become the bride who can serve the body of Jesus and at the same time inherit his heart. Only when you enter the last stage where you can take charge of the heart of God through this process can God finally find peace through you. Not only that, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and we ourselves can also find peace. Yet people today are not well aware of this.

The Mission of the New, Young Believers

Among the people of faith today, there are those who are seeking a place to rest because they have received the blessing of God and are happy, but they must not do that. They still have the path of Golgotha before them. Therefore, you must now make the effort to follow the example of the life of Jesus, who crossed over the path of Golgotha. You have to clearly understand that in you lies the will of the heavenly principles by which you must stand in the reciprocal position to fulfill the will of Jesus and bring him peace and comfort.

Furthermore, when the words of Heaven and the embodiment of those words, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as well as God, the subject of the words, can dwell in you, the purpose of the dispensation is finally realized. Only when you stand before Heaven as the representative of the value of the creation can God finally entrust all of His remaining tasks to you and rest.

When we think about how it is the course of the Christians to shoulder this amazing and gigantic universal mission, the people of faith must not just remain sitting down today. They must bring a movement of new life on the earth. However, you must understand that if in your progress on that path there is someone who tramples upon the holy of the holies of the words, in other words, the resting place for the words, then that person is your enemy.

Now you young people must go forward to fulfill what the ministers of the Christian churches are not able to accomplish. Many ministers today are guiding their flock to the wrong place. I am not saying this just to criticize the ministers and elders of the Christian churches.

This is the truth. Since they have misunderstood the will of God and have been trampling upon the flock of sheep, now the sheep are not to follow them. They are to seek other flocks of sheep and unite with them. You have to understand that it is the Unificationist ideology that has understood this mission and has been conducting this kind of gathering and movement.

Are there young men and women among you in whom life is throbbing? If there are, then you must attain the qualifications to go before the Christian ministers and elders today to testify to the heavenly principles. You must criticize their characters and judge them before the heavenly value. When you do that, Christianity today will be revived. You must have the uncompromising mind-set that whatever violates the heart of God, whether it is someone on earth or in Heaven, you will not tolerate it.

If you have entered the Unification Church today, you must transcend the religious concepts of Christianity. You must step above the skeptical concepts of the Christian faith. The position of the concepts of faith until now could not provide a place where God could rest nor a place where the substantial body of Jesus could be attended. You must have the audacity to step over them mercilessly and go beyond them.

You must not become like the young scribe in the Bible who came with some worldly conditions and tried to satisfy his own ambitions and greed. The position of Jesus who said, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head," (Matthew 8:20) is the way that Heaven takes and the path that the heavenly principles move along. You must abandon everything and follow that path. Only if you take these steps can you become the sons and daughters of the Father who can inherit the unfinished task, the representatives of the heavenly will.

When you look back at all the ancestors during the historical course, Noah suffered for 120 years, Jacob suffered for 21 years, and Moses wandered for 120 years. Moreover, Jesus wandered for the entire 33 years of his life. If you are already trying to rest and enjoy yourselves, you are robbers and thieves of Heaven. If we rest before Heaven does, we are thieves. Therefore, you must sympathize with the heart that cried out, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20) When you do that, Heaven will sympathize with you.

Moreover, you must feel the heart of Jesus who stayed up at night to pray for the sake of the Israelites and cried out that only God was his resting place. You have to feel deep in your bosom the heart of the bone-melting and blood-boiling pain of Heaven, which cannot be described in words. You must feel the heart that looked at the people and the world and shed silent tears.

The Eternal Resting-Place of God

If there are those among you who have been chased out as members of a cult and were derided as doomed, you will never perish. Jesus has been searching for this kind of person until now. Jesus has been looking for this kind of person as his resting place. Therefore, you must understand that before fallen humanity now is the fateful course in which they must find the subject of the words and the substantial bride and stand as the substantial body of God.

In setting the laws of the words, what must you do with your body? You are to reflect the unlimited light of God. When we examine this from the standpoint of the ideology of the creation, if our minds symbolize the sun, our bodies symbolize the earth. All things symbolize the laws of God's words. In other words, all things symbolize the words of God. The earth symbolizes the human body. The sun symbolizes the human mind.

In this way, the creative powers of the eternal God form the sun. Centering on the sun, the earth circles. According to the movement of the earth, all things grow through the one set of orderly laws. They are passing through this kind of process without contradiction. Likewise, centering on the love of God, you must move when God moves and halt when God halts. You must maintain a relationship of the heart which will make it impossible for God to leave you behind, wherever He goes. By establishing the eternal ideology of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, when you stand in that position as the resting place through which the laws of the words can pass, then you can finally emerge as the representative of God, the lord of all things.

However, you have failed to become dignified before God, the earth and all things. You who have failed to cope with this historic mission cannot dare to open your mouth and utter any words. Accordingly, you must make note that this kind of universal mission lies with you.

Jesus knew that if someone interfered with him in the course he was traveling, it was not simple interference. He knew that even the enemies who blocked his way were, as it turns out later, in the position of doing it for his sake. This is why Jesus could forgive and love them, and in the end, even wish them blessing.

Therefore, you must realize that when enemies appear in the middle of the path you are walking, their purpose is to set you straight on the course from the deviation you have made to the side path. Thus, you must have the attitude to wish blessings for those enemies, and pioneer the path of Golgotha on the world level. In this way, you must cross the path of Golgotha on the world level and build, in your minds and bodies, the garden of rest where God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can dwell. By winning all the battles with Satan, you must become someone whom even Satan can bless as the son of God.

Furthermore, only if you can become someone who can drag Satan before God and request a trial, saying that this Satan is the enemy that has been trampling upon humankind for 6,000 years, can you stand as the ruler who can govern the universe. For 6,000 years humans have been dragged before God, where accusations and charges were made. Now you must drag Satan before God and press charges against him.

Now you must possess the heart that can connect with the heart of God and the body that can connect with the laws of God. If this takes place, there cannot be any mistake or friction there. There will only be the unification of the ideology, action and life. Moreover, when this is done, God can dwell on the earth to find the eternal resting place and rejoice for eternity with humankind. You must keep this in mind.  

16. Heaven Is Calling Us

Heaven Is Calling Us

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

January 5, 1958

Genesis 3:1-14

We can understand the origins of humanity's grief through the verses in the Bible. We can also learn within the Bible that the first human ancestors were chased away from the bosom of God.

God created all things based on the ideal of creation. After that, He created Adam and Eve as the central beings of the universe who could attend God and rejoice with all things. Yet because of their fall, God's purpose of creation remains unfinished. God has regretted creating humankind. This is the sorrow of God and the lament of all things.

The Heart of God, Who Was Calling for Fallen Adam

The happiness and hope of humankind, who should have enjoyed their life centering on the ideology of eternal goodness, was cut off at this point. God and humankind should have enjoyed eternal joy and peace centering on the eternal ideology. Yet the hope of the Creator and of all things has been fundamentally destroyed. We must realize deep inside that this is where the sorrow of God and of humankind can be found.

When God created all things, He poured out all His heart and soul. You know very well through the Divine Principle that He poured out all His energy, especially when He was creating Adam and Eve. Through exhausting toil, God created them as the temple where He could dwell.

When God created all things, it was for the sake of letting them live with humankind for eternity. It was done so that God could be happy when people were happy. God established this purpose of creation. Because of the fall of Adam, God could not experience even a moment of this joy. You must keep in mind that this is the reason God is trying to re-create this time again.

You must fathom the painful heart of God who called out to Adam, "Adam, Adam," after Adam and Eve fell. God was in the position to abandon Adam and Eve, who had abandoned Him, the Creator, but God looked for Adam, calling out, "Adam, Adam!" We must realize that God was not just calling for the two people, Adam and Eve. It was a historical calling.

Until today, people on earth have been ignorant of the internal heart of God who called out to Adam after the creation. The voice that called out to Adam, at that time, became the words of sorrow that represent the 6,000-year history of grief today. We have to understand that God called Adam with the sorrowful heart that represented all the grief inside the fallen realm after the creation of the world. Although 6,000 years of long history have passed since Adam, we have to know that God is connecting the events of that time to the present era and is calling out to us, the second Adam and Eve, in the same manner.

The people of faith who have served the will of the dispensation after the fall have mourned for the earth that cannot hear the voice of God calling for Adam and Eve. They grieved on God's behalf because they could feel this heart.

We must realize the distressed heart of God, who was calling for Adam and Eve after the fall. This was the heart of the Father who felt indescribably heartbroken when He saw that Adam had entered the forbidden place and fallen. When we grab onto that heart and mourn with the same heart, God can continue again in His dispensation of restoration toward people on the earth. You must never forget that God has been calling out to you by setting up countless prophets and saints throughout the course of history until now.

The voice calling out to fallen Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is still heard today. After the fall, for 1,600 long years of history, God called for Adam with the same ardent heart. Clinging to the one person, Noah, who could remain loyal to Heaven, He was finally able to call out, "Noah! Noah!" You must learn to listen to this historical voice.

The Ancestors Who Suffered in Order to Liberate God

God called Noah in order to be liberated from the bitter heart, which was broken when Adam and Eve fell. However, was there anyone who fathomed the heart of the Father? There was no one on earth who knew that God worried for 120 years after calling Noah for the sake of the one day when the grief would be removed. If there are those among you who have experienced the heart of God that grieved after losing Adam and Eve, then you will not be able to relate to God without shedding tears.

Adam should have remained in the position of the blessing. If there is someone on the earth who feels the mourning heart of God at the time that Adam was chased out from the bosom of God, then he must repent before God on behalf of Adam.

The sorrow of Heaven began from the fall of Adam. God felt a deep bitterness because of this. He is pleading and appealing to you out of grief, even at this moment. If we understand this fact, then we will not feel satisfied, even if we cry and mourn until our bones, flesh, mind and body are deeply pierced.

Among the prophets and saints who came in the course of history, among the ancestors who stepped forward on behalf of God, there is none who shed tears of sorrow. Those who represented God did not avoid the path of suffering. This was what Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did. This was true for them as individuals, and it was true even for Moses, who represented the people. It was true also for Jesus, who came on behalf of the world, the Savior of all people.

Today we must mourn to the same degree that God mourns. When God feels highly indignant, we must simultaneously feel indignant.

Adam and Eve forgot God. After abandoning God, they tried to seek joy centered only on themselves. This has been left behind during history as a condition of sadness. This mournful earth was created from the selfish actions of Adam and Eve, who betrayed the will of God and neglected the heavenly principles. The sorrow of God began when humankind neglected the sorrow and indignation of Heaven and sought satisfaction and comfort for themselves. Therefore, we must become the fruit of the tears, shed by the prophets and saints who came during the course of history.

We must become the representative of Heaven who suffers hardships and agony. Coming to know about the sorrow, grudges and distress of Heaven, we must battle with evil. While doing so, we must fulfill our mission of supporting the Father, Jesus, the historical prophets and saints, and comforting Heaven. The Father must be looking for this kind of person. All of our ancestors, who have lived on the earth, also have been seeking this kind of person.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the new life that you are now leading after clearing away your life until now, how many hours have you suffered the rejection and ridicule of all people, in place of Heaven, from a position of hardship? Because fallen humanity is living in the sad course of fateful history, people who seek Heaven cannot avoid this kind of path. This is the ironclad rule of the fallen world.

Therefore, in the course of history, God was the God of those who mourned. While He was unfolding the will of the dispensation, God grieved while watching His sons and daughters being violated by the evil forces. However, God does not want to always live in sorrow. You have to understand that it is the hope of God to be liberated from sorrow, grief and distress and usher in the day of joy as soon as possible.

Although 6,000 years of history have passed since the fall of man, until today there was not even one son and daughter who could usher in the one day of hope and sing the glory of Heaven together. Consequently, the Christianity that God raised is a religion of tears. Christianity is the religion of the cross.

The Path Jesus Walked and the Path the Chosen People Walked

Before the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who was driven out by the Israelites, there lay the path of the valley of tears, the path of the cross. Jesus was ostracized by his family and chased out by Judaism. Jesus Christ was accused of being a cult figure and was chased out by the Israelites and the entire nation of Israel. Fathoming his situation and heart, we can understand that the path he walked was for the sake of the Israelites and his tribe. The path the Israelites took and the path Jesus took were opposites. The greater the gap between the two, the greater the sorrow and bitterness of God. You have to understand that the course of faith during the 2,000 years after Jesus was a history of conflict carried on to turn these contradictory paths into reciprocal ones.

Please set yourself in the middle of all things of creation. After dividing your mind and body, please make a comparison and criticism. Please be criticized before God. Be criticized before the prophets and saints of history and before the true shepherds, who are persevering through the path of sorrow and pain despite the tears they shed. You will not have anything to boast about. The more you think about it, the more you will not be able to deny that you deserve to face the repercussions of sin.

Our countless ancestors have passed through the altar of a history of blood and tears. Today God is trying to place you on top of the altar and establish you as the fruit of the victory. If you turn away from the will without knowing this, where will this people go? Where did the tribe that opposed God's chosen Abraham go? Where did the Israelites who did not feel pain in their heart with Isaac and Jacob go? They had to struggle in misery. They fell into sorrow and lament.

Moreover, how was it at the time of Moses? The ignorant people did not understand the distressed and burning heart of Moses who climbed Mt. Sinai and appealed to Heaven for forty days without eating anything, for the sake of the people. If the people had understood his distressed heart and shared his grief, they would not have fallen down in the wilderness. They would not have made conditions to allow the nation of Israel to later subject Jesus to the cross. Moreover, the history of sin would not have continued until today. Because this was not done, the suffering of God was indescribably great. Until now, God has been walking the path of the cross and has been establishing religions throughout history.

If we are to leave something behind in history of which we can be proud, then to represent the heart of God, we must be able to say, "Oh Father! Please hand that sorrow over to me." The people who step forward praying, "We will shoulder the burden that God is bearing," will not decline. However, if an individual, society or a nation does not understand the sorrow, indignation and hardships of God, then it will decline. It is the same for all.

If the faithful people of the Last Days understand this historical tradition and provide the protection, feeling this sense of responsibility, they must then partake in the sorrow of God and shed endless tears of which others are not aware. They must receive the persecution of which others are not aware. Even as they are suffering the pain of which others are not aware, they must never make excuses for themselves. Jesus was this kind of person. How many people in the world can follow his example?

If there are the sons and daughters of God among these people, who walk the path through which they can receive the blessing of God and judge sins on behalf of all humanity and the world, then God's statesmanship will be transferred to them. The universal mission will also be fulfilled through them.

Therefore, we must shed tears on behalf of the sorrow of God. We must shed tears for the sake of humanity, whom the Father loves. We must shed tears on behalf of the sorrow of Noah. We must shed tears on behalf of the sorrow of the 6,000 years, which include the 4,000 years from Adam to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, to Moses, to Jesus, and the 2,000 years since Jesus.

If there is someone who can respond, "Father, I am here," to the voice of God, who is calling out for His sons and daughters on the earth, then even if his hands are ugly, his heart has been wounded and his appearance is humble, he will never perish. This is because he can represent the sorrow of God and his heart can connect with the heart of Heaven. The basic rule of the heavenly principles is that the path he is walking cannot be blocked even if the whole world is mobilized. Because Jesus understood this kind of basic principle, he mourned for the sake of the Israelites who betrayed him. He shed tears for the sect that persecuted him. He wished blessings upon the enemies who were putting him on the cross.

The Qualifications to Stand Before God

If the people of faith today are trying to stand as the bride before Heaven and Jesus, the bridegroom, yet have not experienced the sad heart that Jesus and the prophets and saints of the past felt, then they must repent. Despite the fact that sons and daughters must emerge, who know how to mourn over Heaven, the nation and the world, if people are seeking happiness even as God is mourning, they will surely be ruined. This kind of nation will come to ruin.

God has been calling for you through the countless prophets and saints during the thousands of years of the course of history. For those of you who are receiving the grace of God, today is the time when you must look back on your past, examine what kind of attitude you have and what position you are in, and make a cold appraisal.

What is God prophesying to the world by raising us? The time when we can shed tears for ourselves has passed. Since now is the time of a world ideology, the time when we can shed tears for the family has also passed. The sorrow of God has passed through the stages of the individual, family, society and people and has even passed the national course. Now God mourns for the world.

Each of you stands in the position of Adam and Eve, who lived in the Garden of Eden. Only when you become sons and daughters, whom the Father can welcome with outstretched arms, can you finally stand before the Father, Who has been calling out to you with an ardent heart. To do that, you must climb over all the hills of sorrow, pass through all paths of the cross and, as a free and liberated person, be able to attend the eternal Father saying, "My Father." When these sons and daughters emerge, God's joy will begin. This was the historical hope. The day this hope is realized is the day of the Second Advent. Christianity is supposed to play the central role in actualizing this.

You must never turn away from the historical calling. You have to understand that God does not call human beings only at the end of history. He is calling us even now. There are many denominations in the world of the truth that has progressed centering on goodness until now. Now the time has come when we must find, among them, the true shepherd who is connected to the heavenly principles. Those who are stepping forward to walk any kind of path of death and tribulation to meet and follow the shepherd must first partake in the grief of Heaven.

The leaders of the religious world today must understand this situation of Heaven. If, on the contrary, they assert only their own views and fight with each other, their denominations will decline.

You who have embarked upon a path that is different from others must, for the sake of the people, bring an end to the works of the fall that have come down from the ancestors. You must wish for one person to appear who can help you go before God. You must know that the day this hope is realized is the day of the Second Advent.

Not having the sons and daughters whom He can bless and rejoice over is God's grief and sorrow. Not having a kingdom centered upon Him is God's sorrow. Not having a people centered on Him is God's sorrow. Not having a country and a world centered on Him is God's sorrow.

You have to understand what God wants in raising you. You have to understand that He is watching over you while He is feeling the deep distress of the past, present and the future.

Whom is God going to choose and elect as the heir of Abraham? To whom is He going to transfer the blessing of Israel and Jacob? To whom is He going to hand over the tasks of Jesus? God's hope is to find the one person who can fulfill this. This remains as the condition that must be set in this era.

The Path of the People Who Have Received the Royal Summons

When we look back at human history, we can know that for 6,000 years, God has been unspeakably sorrowful. As it was for Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our ancestors, there has come a time when we must take on the responsibility on their behalf and liberate God from His grief.

When we look at the corruption of this era, we can understand that before us lies the historical, fateful path of Golgotha on the level of the people, which we must cross over with tears. It is our inescapable fate to walk through this path. It is the will of the dispensation that we leave victorious accomplishments here. When we look at the history of the dispensation, we can fathom the heart of God, Who mourned over humanity in the past, is mourning in the present, and even for the future.

When Israel ostracized Moses, who was responsible for them as a people, Israel broke apart. When Israel ostracized Jesus, who came with the responsibility for the world, Israel became a people who had to wander all around the world. This is a fact of history.

Although our people do not have anything of which to be proud, if we become a pitiful people before the world centering on Heaven, in other words, if this nation stands in a position more miserable than any other nation on behalf of the world, there can be hope here. If we shed sad tears while starving and lamenting for the world in that kind of position, we can come alive again, even from death. This people will lead the world in the future if that takes place.

We must protect the path Jesus walked with a humble attitude. Protecting the path Moses walked, we must climb over the historical hill and bring an end to the inadequate past on behalf of the position of the first Adam and Eve. We must attain again the original ideology of the creation. We must usher in the day when we become the sons and daughters to which God can relate in joy and receive the blessing and glory of the Father in harmony with all things. Only then can we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. After you overcome all historical sorrows and pass over the hill of sadness, you can finally participate in God's joy.

Excerpt from "Summary of Sermons" Vol. 28.  

15. The Meaning of the Trinity

The Meaning of the Trinity

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

January 3, 1958

I formed trinities, but you probably do not really understand their heavenly value. You understand the meaning of the word "restoration" through the Divine Principle. What are you going to restore? What did Jesus have to restore on the earth? What was the central responsibility of Jesus in the dispensation of restoration? It was restoring the number which was lost in Adam's family. Jesus came to the earth with the mission to restore this.

The Meaning of the Number Which Appeared in the History of the Dispensation of Restoration

In Adam's family there were three sons and their spouses, eight people in all. God had to carry on the dispensation for 1,600 years to restore these eight members of the family. Moreover, He chose Noah and raised eight members of Noah's family to continue the will of the dispensation for 120 years.

God raised Noah through the ten generations after Adam. When Noah could no longer serve the will because of the mistake of Ham, God prolonged His will ten more generations and came upon Abraham. However, because Abraham made another mistake while making the offering, it was extended two more generations. In this way, in the time of Jacob, one stage of the 2,000-year dispensation was finally concluded. You must be aware of this.

The twelve sons of Jacob symbolized the time from Adam and Noah. They symbolized the number that restores this, the number that horizontally restores the vertical history. Jacob had to raise twelve children who possessed this kind of significance.

As you understand the history of restoration through indemnity, on the day the 6,000-year history of the dispensation comes to a conclusion, all the contents of God's dispensation during the 6,000 years will be manifested horizontally. If the 66 books of the Bible are the records of the 6,000-year history of the dispensation of restoration, then the realities inside the 66 biblical books will be unfolded at once on the earth. Consequently, there are those who are responsible for indemnifying the first chapter of Genesis. There are other people who are responsible for indemnifying the second chapter. In this manner, many people are in charge of different parts of the 66 books of the Bible.

What kind of time then is the Last Days? It is when the whole dispensation that emerged during the vertical historical course manifests itself all at once and becomes completed on the earth. The dispensation of the restoration of God must be completed on the earth. Therefore, the vertical history of the dispensation must manifest itself throughout the world on the horizontal sphere.

What does this show? On the whole, it shows the conflict between Cain and Abel inside Adam's family. Historically, it shows the entire history of conflict. What kind of person must you be if you want to become a victor by completing the will of the dispensation in the midst of this? You must find and establish the central standard for which Jesus hoped when he came to the earth. Otherwise, there is no way you can stand as the victorious bride before Jesus, the bridegroom, in the Last Days.

Jesus lived thirty-three years. He resolved the three stages of the historical course through the thirty-year preparation period, the three-year period of practice, and the three-day period of perfection. Moreover, when we look at his three-year public life, we see that, when he started to serve the will, he passed through three great tests. In the Garden of Gethsemane, he prayed three times before he bore the cross. When he was offering the three prayers, he did not pray alone but brought along three disciples: Peter, James and John.

While Jesus was desperately praying with his life on the line, the three disciples should have stayed up the whole night and prayed with the same mind-set as Jesus. Instead, they fell asleep. Therefore, their bond with Jesus was cut off. This is where heavenly sorrow was left behind. You have to understand this.

What then is the mission of each of us? We must make a breakthrough in our fate of restoration. What must we do? We must become Peter, James and John in the Garden of Gethsemane. Someone must cope with the responsibility. You have to keep in mind that you are in the position to take charge of this responsibility.

God Is Trying to Establish the Will on the Unchanging Foundation

The sorrow of Jesus is that the twelve disciples did not receive his will. The three disciples, who represented the twelve, did not understand Jesus' heart. You have to understand that Jesus' distress as he was facing death still remains today as a source of grief.

What then must you do today? You must become Peter, James and John. Based on unity before the Lord, you must form a model no one can divide. Only then can you finally stand qualified before the sorrowful heart of Jesus Christ, who was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Because we seek to restore this will, we must create this structure of trinities.

Why did Jesus bring the three disciples along? In respect to Adam's family, Jesus represented Adam. His three disciples represented the three sons of Adam. Peter, James and John represented Cain, Abel and Seth. Jesus came to the earth, found three disciples and carried on the mission of restoring the form of the eight members of Adam's and Noah's families. He was to find a spouse and create a family with eight members, yet he died a bachelor without accomplishing that will.

Therefore, he has been toiling for 2,000 years with the idea of the bride and bridegroom left unfulfilled. From that time to the present, the last will of the dispensation on earth is to establish this basic standard on earth. In other words, the standard of the three sons centering on Adam in Adam's family must be established.

In our church today, we have formed trinities with three men and three women. The reason is that those of us who must attend the Lord in the future need a model to represent the couple of Adam and Eve, the three sons and the three daughters-in-law in Adam's family.

Therefore, if these three people do not become one, it might be shattered again. The three men especially must become one. Dead or alive, you must become one in spirit and body. In this way, you must build one subjective form that transcends time, a foundation that is not constrained by the limits of time. You have to understand that otherwise there is no way you can proudly stand before the Lord who is to come again.

If three people become one and make the foundation that can represent the will, if you form a trinity determined to remain unchanging even if Heaven changes, then on this foundation, God will accomplish His will.

I have formed trinities, centering on you, to fulfill this. In forming the trinities, ten of you must become united centering on three trinities. The reason is that the trinity represents the three disciples who prayed with the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. At the same time, it is the basic form that establishes the form of the three sons centering on Adam. Moreover, the meaning behind forming a group based on the trinities is that this vertically represents the ten generations from Adam to Noah. Because the leader of the group has the responsibility of two people, they can be seen as having completed the form of twelve people.

This is the form that can represent the twelve generations from Noah to Jacob. On the historical sphere and on the vertical sphere, they can represent ten and twelve generations. Because the horizontal twelve forms that can represent the 2,000 years of vertical history have been completed, as long as people who represent the twelve sons of Jacob become one, the family of Noah, which sought the purpose of God's dispensation, and the family of Jacob can both be restored. In this manner, three groups combine to form one larger group. This larger group represents the number thirty-six, thirty-six people.

This represents the 12 sons of Jacob, the 12 tribes of Moses and the 12 apostles of Jesus. The number 36 symbolizes the combination of the representatives of the 6,000 -year history.

This is the reason that if 36 men become one, we can complete the vertical and horizontal forms of the central figures God tried to find throughout the 6,000-year course of the dispensation. This important mission and responsibility rest with the 36 people. There is great significance in this.

If 36 men and 36 women join, they become 72 people. There were 70 followers centering on Jesus, 70 elders centering on Moses, and 70 members of Jacob's family. Accordingly, if Jesus and his spouse and the 70 followers join, they number 72 people. The mission to match this number of Heaven and earth lies with us. We must climb over this hill.

The Course of Faith in Which We must Be Tested More than Three Times

The three people that belong to the trinity must become one in heart. If not, you cannot enter Heaven. The idea of unification begins from this point. If three people cannot become one in heart, they cannot enter Heaven. They cannot even go past the door. They cannot even catch sight of Heaven. Using the united three people as one unit, twelve people must become one in heart and unite. If the three groups come together to form a larger group, and the thirty-six people in this larger group become united, Satan will become powerless. No one can break it apart.

Even in the world, if three people come together, there is nothing they cannot do. In our church, eight members must move. No matter how much persecution the church might receive, if the leader and his wife and three men and three women, all together, eight members, become one, no one can break it apart. This is an ironclad rule. I have made the trinities because each of us has the mission to create this form of restoration.

Heaven's work is also performed in this way. God does not work by raising one person. After raising more than three people, He strikes two. When the works of grace begin in Korea in the Last Days, God will base them upon this principle.

Heaven always raises three people and picks one person out to use him. Is not this the way the situation in Korea is unfolding? In the Last Days, there will emerge people who are like Peter, James and John, who are to fulfill the mission of the three disciples. If one is absent, the remaining two can easily be dismantled. However, if three become one, it cannot be shattered. This is the main reason spiritually-open people are easily shattered today.

We must eradicate Satan. To alleviate the grief of God, we must become united thoroughly, down to the new members. Satan cannot bear it. In the historical formation, this will match the operating number of Heaven and earth. The four directions come into being centering on one point: there are east, west, south, north. There are four seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter. If we divide the four directions into twelve directions again, then there will be three directions in the east, three in the south, three in the north, and three in the west. If the number twelve is established centering on Jesus, then we can complete the shape of the four directions of east, west, south and north as well as spring, summer, fall and winter.

Looking at it centering on Jesus, Peter, James and John symbolize the spring. They represent January, February and March. If they had passed through the twelve months and drawn an even circle centering on Jesus on one track, Jesus would not have died.

Behind the three disciples, corresponding to the spring, are October, November and December. This shows that there is space for Satan to invade. This is the ground for the three great tests.

When ten people try to become one, there will always be three people who interfere. There will be a group of people who hate and poke for no reason. Accordingly, you must be tested at least three times. Because this kind of phenomenon takes place in the Last Days, there will be this kind of test and trial in an individual's faith. There will be this kind of test when one develops from individual faith to the family unit. When moving from the society to the nation and from the nation to the world, there will also be these three great tests. Therefore, in the worldwide Last Days today, humanity must step over the three tests of Heaven and Satan. These are the First, Second and Third World Wars. The same is true for individuals.

Today we each have the responsibility to develop our standard so that it will match this essential, central form. Even in the spirit world, there are 24 elders for spiritual beings and countless spirit men centered on the 12 apostles. When we examine the movement of the subdivisions of the seasons on earth, indeed in a year there are also 4 seasons, 12 months and the 24 solar terms. There are 3 months in each season. Similarly, Heaven and earth are revolving according to the laws of movement, but human beings are revolving in the opposite direction. This is the fall. Jesus came to the earth to fulfill this mission because he had the responsibility to rectify this. The people of faith today must also fulfill this mission. Because the people of faith have this mission, the history of Christianity shows that it also passed through the form of 3 stages.

For example, Protestantism came out of Catholicism. A new religion must come forth from Protestantism. When we examine the division of denominations, 3 denominations divided into 12, and they again expanded into 36 denominations. They will divide until they reach the number 360. You have to understand that when this takes place it is the Last Days.

Moreover, when we look at nations, the world is divided into three blocs centering on the three great nations. This is passing through and crossing over the end of history. This is not only true for the democratic camp; it is also true for the communist camp. It is divided into three blocs too.

The Christian View of Ethics

When we look at the way Christianity is divided into three denominations and is again divided into many more denominations, the most principled bridge at the present position is uniting the minds of twelve people centering on the trinity. The time has come when this work has to be done.

What did Jesus offer through the 33 years of his life? For 33 years, Jesus poured out all of his heart and energy and exerted himself to become the hero who can unite the hearts of 12 people.

Who then are the people qualified to alleviate the grief of Jesus now? It is the bride who can solve this by understanding the essence of what Jesus was trying to do. Obtaining the qualifications of this bride is the way of the truth in the Last Days. The course of the truth is becoming one in heart with more than twelve people. God cannot directly reveal this kind of principle. He simply taught without elaboration, "You must believe and worship Me without questioning; You must strike your body to comply with the truth; you must unconditionally serve and sacrifice." This is the foundation for the Christian view of ethics.

The reason is that one must be able to wish blessing even upon one's enemies. Only when this is done can one step over and rise above those enemies. Similarly, Christianity has set the standard of truth by which it can rise from January to December and rise above it.

People who have been searching for the truth have been ignorant of this until now. They only knew that persistence with patience was the way of the truth, so even on the path of suffering, they unconditionally obeyed, sacrificed and served. Beginning from January, they united with the hearts of all the other people and soon they could pass through all of the twelve months.

There are people who were born with the forms of the spring, summer, autumn and winter. Because of the principles of the heavenly way that require people to pass through many different forms of people, human beings whose fate it is to move forward on this foundation must begin in January. Passing through February and March, they must pass through the autumn and winter seasons. They then must pass through the judgment.

Consequently, the Christian truth is one of sacrifice and service. You have to understand that under this principle of crossing over infinite numbers of Heaven and earth, God has introduced this content to humankind.

If we have come searching for the direction of Heaven and earth with the right frame of mind, we must not see those opposing forces as our enemies. They are fulfilling the mission of driving you toward the right path. If you were left alone, you would deviate to the side path. You have to become the people who can welcome Satan. God has hope even for Satan.

Although today the Unification Church is being persecuted, I am grateful for it. If we did not receive opposition, where would the Unification Church be diverted to? Even when constructing a building, one must dig deep and lay down concrete. If one digs shallow and puts in the concrete, one cannot build a strong building. Because Jesus understood this situation, he could join his hands and pray for the sake of Satan.

Therefore, this year's direction from Heaven to you is to train you rigorously. This year is a year of training, a year of hardships. It must become a year when you can courageously overcome suffering, and you must quickly find more than twelve people with whom you can become united in heart.

The Life of Achieving Unity, Centering on the Trinity

Those who can become members of Heaven on behalf of the ideology of Heaven will be great in number. Many billions of spirits are dwelling in the spirit world. The ideology that all of those spirits can raise their hands to welcome is the original ideology by which we must abide. You cannot enter Heaven if today ten people cannot become one on the earth.

From now on, let us become the historical representatives who can become united in heart with other people. Until now, God helped unite your hearts. God had the responsibility to serve you.

Knowing this principle, on this day of January 3, you must make an especially firm determination. When we change the trinity once every three months, you must become one with each other, regardless of with whom you are put together. You must think that it is a historical and fateful meeting: "Due to what karma in the long 6,000-year history do I meet you now?" In this manner, three people must become one, ten people must become one, and thirty-six and seventy people must become one.

Therefore, this organization must not deviate from the principles and rules. Organizations cannot exist outside rules. They are the life of an organization. The center of Heaven and earth and the center of our minds must become one and revolve according to the numbers of this form of Heaven and earth. We must revolve according to the laws of the revolution of the world of creation.

Each day our hearts must revolve around the heavenly principles. For a year or for a lifetime, we must revolve centering on the heavenly principles.

When we wake up in the morning, for whom must we circle around? Are we going to circle for the sake of the heavenly principles? Moreover, when leaving, you must ask yourself, "For whom did I move? Was it for the sake of the heavenly principles?" The foundation for that movement is the trinity and the trinity group. Outside these, there is no foundation of life. This is the reason that we formed the structure of the trinity anew this time. The question here is to what extent we think about the will of Heaven and act as if it were our life.

All the members of our church are equal and members of the same family. Therefore, all that is needed is that we set the condition of basic principles and become one according to the laws. From this year on, you must make a new determination and carry on a new movement.

We must begin an offensive. In this regard, you must march forward. The amazing fact is that as you lay down this kind of foundation through your actual life in the heavenly principles, the shape of one universal unit begins, centering on you. This is your source of joy. Please think that as you walk the path of the will during the 6,000- year history, you are the most tragic actor. We are trying to accomplish tasks no one else can do. We are trying to walk the path that others cannot walk. Satan cannot bear this.

We have put together the manuscript kept inside the office for the compilation of history, but the number is not written on it. 

14. Let Us Celebrate Christmas on Behalf of Heaven

Let Us Celebrate Christmas on Behalf of Heaven

Former Church Headquarters

Seoul, Korea

December 25, 1957

Luke 2:1


By virtue of Jesus' birth, the providential will that God had been working to fulfill for the 4,000 years since Adam had come to pass. Moreover, we can also say that the wish of our ancestors in the history of the dispensation of restoration since the fall of Adam was also realized through Jesus' birth. We must think again about the fact that Jesus' birth was the moment when both the will of God and the will of humanity were accomplished.

Since the birth of Jesus, 2,000 long years of history have passed. Now we feel we are living in the same kind of historic, universal and intense period as the time when Jesus was born 2,000 years ago, when the will of God and the will of humanity were realized.

The Meaning of the Birth of Jesus

Although Jesus was born in the small, bloody body of a baby, he was the incarnation who could represent the Will of God. His crying voice and movements represented God's grief of 4,000 years. They manifested the pattern of all the things that God tried to carry out on the earth. They expressed the sorrow suffered during the 4,000-year course of history when indemnity was being paid for the sins of humanity. Therefore, through his birth, we could usher in a scene of joy when a new history of goodness began.

When we think about how, due to one man, Jesus, the worries of God, the worries of humanity throughout the course of history and the worries of that time could all be gotten rid of, it is clear that Jesus was truly an immense personality. We stand in awe of him. However, in his time, there was no one who bowed before him with utmost sincerity on behalf of the heart of the Father, the hearts of all people and the countless prophets. You must feel indignant about this.

What kind of mind-set then is appropriate for those of us who have gathered to celebrate this birthday of Jesus? We must be able to represent the heart of the Father and the hearts of the countless prophets who came throughout the course of history. Moreover, we must feel the desire to offer a gift to baby Jesus on behalf of the hearts of the chosen people, who longed for the promised day at that time and yearned and prayed for the Messiah. You have to understand that only then can we comfort God's heart and the hearts of the faithful believers of that time. Though history has passed by, you can attain the right to participate in the glory of the Father with the qualifications of the chosen people in place of the Israelites.

Furthermore, you must offer gratitude with the feeling that the birthday of Jesus is the day that all things in Heaven and earth can express joy. It was the day of God's liberation from grief, as well as the day that the wish of all people was brought to fulfillment. While doing so, you must offer the gift you have prepared through your life of faith, with a nervous heart. With the heart that represents the heart of Father, the historical heart and the heart of the time, you must bow before Jesus and congratulate him.

Let us then examine who worked and how hard they worked for the birth of Jesus Christ. First, God worked for 4,000 years. Our ancestors, many prophets, wise men and heroes also worked hard. Moreover, the followers of Judaism, who represented the chosen people of the Israelites, also toiled and offered their lives. Similarly, until the birth of Jesus, you can find many hidden historical efforts that do not seem to have any direct relationship to it.

That is not all. Jesus lived his thirty years of life after coming to the earth. Since then, 2,000 dispensational years have passed for the sake of the will of the heavenly principles. Here we can find the historical grief of the past that existed before Jesus, as well as the 2,000-year history after Jesus that has been added to it.

The hope of Jesus, who was born for the sake of historical liberation, the liberation of the period, and the liberation of the future, has not reached fulfillment even now, 2,000 years later, because of the mistakes of the people during his time. Therefore, the sorrow of the 2,000 years after the death of Jesus has been piled on top of the sorrow of the 4,000-year history before his time.

God's True Intention for Having Jesus Come

What kind of mission do we bear on our shoulders today? We bear the mission to alleviate the bitter grief of God which remains, even after Jesus came and passed away. Likewise, we are living in an intense time when we are faced with the will of God's dispensation of salvation for the last time since the creation of the world.

In this moment of Christmas, if we are to express congratulations and take the responsibility to return the grace of celebration to Heaven, then we must embrace the heart of Jesus, who was concerned about this world. We must embrace the heart of God, who felt concern as He guided the dispensation for 6,000 years. We must build the altar of celebration for the glorious birth that came into being for the sake of the will of the dispensation. Otherwise, there is no way we can manifest our value as people who have accomplished, on earth, the glorious will in which God has been celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ until now.

Moreover, we who have prostrated ourselves before the altar of the Father must be able to represent the heart of Mary, who celebrated the birth of Jesus before Heaven 2,000 years ago. At the same time, we must go one step further and represent the blissful heart of God, who allowed the birth of Jesus. We must represent the hopeful heart of the prophets who worked hard for several thousand years until the time of Jesus' birth and actualize their long-cherished will.

Similarly, we must feel the sorrowful heart of God, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds at the moment when Jesus was born on earth as the one who was prepared to liberate the historical heart of the whole. We must feel the heart that agonizes over the fact that Jesus had to lie in a horse manger. Making the preparations to greet Jesus, who is coming with a new determination, we must step forward as the prepared people of glory about whom God can be happy. Otherwise, you must understand that Heaven's intention for having us celebrate Christmas cannot be brought to pass.

Until now there were many people on earth, but it is not an exaggeration to say that there was no one who truly celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, the one who came with the mission to fulfill the whole will of God's dispensation. What kind of mind-set then must we have today? We must be able to represent the heart of God. We must be able to represent the hearts of the many millions of believers, heavenly soldiers and angels in Heaven. We must cultivate the resolution and sense of responsibility to put to rest all the bitterness and grief of God for Jesus. Similarly, if we do not offer bows of congratulations with a heart that prepares for the day of hope that will come in the future, then the hope of God will end with us. It will not be transmitted to our descendants. You have to clearly understand this.

Although, at the time of Jesus, all the people looked upon Christ, they did not think about the will of the dispensation that would unfold after Christ. Although they watched the birth of Jesus, they did not think about the will of God that would come about after his birth.

Therefore, although it is good to celebrate the birth of Jesus from the position of the Israelites, it is better to celebrate his birthday by figuring into the picture the will of the dispensation after the coming of Jesus; in other words, by substantially understanding the whole value of Jesus.

The birth of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago begot the result of increasing the sorrow and grief, because of the faithlessness of the followers of Judaism. What must we do today to alleviate all this on behalf of the 6,000-year history? We must become the prepared incarnations who can remove all historical sorrow. Furthermore, we must also become connected to the heart of Jesus who is to come. Only then can the significance of our celebrating the birth of Jesus go beyond us and become linked with the eternal, historical ideology of our descendants.

The Believers of Judaism Did Not Understand the Will of God

As you can see, although God wanted to be congratulated for the birth of Christ, He did not want to be congratulated only in the present moment. He wants someone who possesses the ideology that can pierce through the past, the present and the future to offer congratulations with a heart that can relate with His heart.

What kind of people then should you be? You must become people who can represent the heart of God, Who toiled for the birth of Christ. Moreover, you must represent the hearts of the prophets and patriots who came before Jesus and have been exerting themselves in the spirit world since then.

How then must God's heart have been as He looked down upon the birth of Jesus? Angels prophesied the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, but there was no earthly person who prophesied the birth of Christ. This was God's sorrow. If there had been people who watched the birth of Jesus and proclaimed it as the advent of the Messiah in place of the angels then, then, just as there was celebration of the birth of Jesus in Heaven, the same celebration could have taken place on earth. On the contrary, we know that because the believers of Judaism, who represented the Israelites, did not accomplish this mission, Jesus had to die on the cross.

Therefore, you have to reflect upon whether you are capable of paying indemnity for the condition of faithlessness made by these ancestors and can actualize this will with a sense of responsibility. Moreover, when we reflect upon whether we can actualize this task and even pass that will to our descendants, we have to realize how intense is this moment today. We must reflect, and make a new determination and resolution.

If the Israelites at that time had connected with the heart of the angels and represented the rejoicing heart of Heaven, if they had embraced the heart of God who mobilized and sent the angels, Jesus would never have died on the cross. Had the chosen people been prepared to face death to carry on the fight of testimony and had shouldered the cross of Jesus to fulfill their responsibility, Jesus would never have died on the cross. Since the believers at that time listened to the prophecy of the shepherds and the testimony of the three wise men and John the Baptist, they should have been able to fight for the faithless people with a celebrating and glorious attitude from the day of the birth of the historical Messiah for which humanity had been yearning. If there were such believers, then the sorrow of having lost Jesus would not have been transferred to us.

Heaven made this move on that day, in that hour, 2,000 years ago. Yet human beings on earth have not been able to stand before Heaven with this kind of heart even after 2,000 years. As you have gathered with the intention to celebrate the birth of Christ on behalf of Heaven, you must understand clearly that this is the source of God's sadness.

This moment when we are celebrating the birth of Christ, God will examine whether He can find the same ardent heart He possessed within each of you. He felt irrepressible joy over the birth of Christ, for whom He had yearned as the only hope and about whom He had given prophecies through the angels and shepherds.

If we can receive this day with this kind of attitude, then even if we did not directly witness the birth of Jesus, and even if 2,000 long years of history have passed by, our heart can transcend the historical distance to connect with the heart of God and the angels. You have to understand that now is this kind of historical moment. If you have truly reached this state of heart, then you will feel the welling up of sorrow.

We are the pitiful people who cannot testify to the glorious Messiah with overflowing joy. Instead, we must testify to the sad story of how he died on the cross. You will feel this today.

When you consider this, you must come to the realization that throughout the passage of the long 2,000-year history until now, countless believers have celebrated this day. Yet there is almost no one who truly celebrated for the heart of Heaven. Moreover, in regard to the issue of restoring this day through indemnity on behalf of the 2,000 years, you must now step forward in their place and testify to the death and sorrow of Christ. Just as 2,000 years ago, believers testified to the imminence of the arrival of Christ after listening to the voices of the angels, wise men and shepherds. Only when you realize that it is your fate to accomplish this task will you not be ashamed to stand before Jesus, whose birth was historic.

The Way to Truly Celebrate the Birth of the Messiah

You who have gathered here today with a new will! You must think about the situation of Jesus and understand that inside Jesus' heart, there was the penetrating sorrow of the 4,000-year history before his birth. Moreover, you have to understand that penetrating deeply into this day is the sorrow of the thirty years of his life after his birth, as well as the sorrow of the 2,000 years after he died with the words of promise that he will return.

What kind of mission then must we fulfill today? You must, first, make a deep reflection as to whether you have made it possible for God to comfort you with the same sorrowful heart He felt toward Jesus. You must stand in the position from which you can take over the sad situation of Jesus. Next, you must become people who can receive comfort from all the prophets and patriots who came in history and who can be guarded by and receive the testimony of the heavenly soldiers and angels.

You must represent the value for which Heaven mobilized all heavenly soldiers and angels at the time of the appearance of Jesus. You must be able to grab hold and give comfort to Jesus with a heart that can represent the concerns of the countless prophets and patriots at the time of Jesus' birth. If you have not made this kind of preparation and determination, you cannot inherit the will and ideology of the dispensation of the present and the past centered on the day of Jesus' birth.

Due to his death, Jesus' intention to realize the purpose of God's dispensation of the 4,000 years was prolonged 2,000 more years. It became a 6,000-year history of restoration. The hope of the ancestors, which should have been fulfilled through Jesus, was prolonged for 2,000 years. The concerns of many apostles and believers and millions of angels were added to the concerns of God. You should feel a sorrow that is more intense than that of God, Who handed Jesus over to the cross, and that of Jesus, who was walking toward the cross. You should feel the sorrow of the millions of believers and angels in Heaven at the time of Jesus' death, as well.

By doing so, while reflecting on history, you alone must make preparations, on behalf of all things of creation, to alleviate the sad and grieving heart of Heaven and earth. You must earn the qualification to celebrate Christmas in the way Heaven wants by longing for the one day of the Second Advent and by making thorough preparations. Only when you understand the ideology of the coming Messiah and make the determination to shoulder even the mission of the angels to testify when the will is manifested, can you celebrate Christmas in the way Heaven wants.

You, who have gathered here today to conduct this service of celebrating the birth of Jesus, must realize that only when you eliminate the grief of God, Jesus and the millions of heavenly soldiers and angels can God finally behold the one day of eternal celebration. You must become qualified to inherit the will of Heaven and materialize it on the earth. God can then celebrate eternally.

As you can see, today you stand in the important focal point of history. Therefore, you are living in a time when you must prepare for the one day of hope when Christ returns. You must reflect upon the birth of Christ and celebrate it as historical witnesses and the heirs of God's dispensation. Only then can God look down upon you and be liberated from all the bitterness and grief that have plagued Him until now. Moreover, while you feel the joy of accomplishing the will of Christ in his place, at the same time, Jesus can also return his glory to God because of you.

This is a summary of an article in Sel-Gyo Mal-Seum Nae-Yong Yo-Yak, published by the Witnessing Department of the Seung- Hwa Youth Association.