Support for Mc-Blessing

To those who are struggling with this new Blessing Dispensation-I have to ask you. when did True Father quit being the Messiah? He must have had to set incredible indemnity conditions for us to be allowed to do this, don't you think? And I don't know about you, but I could not live long enough to be worthy of the Blessing.

My husband is my very best friend, and I sure do not deserve him.

I prayed for years and years and years to have a way to really help True Parents save this World and end God’s suffering.

Lo and Behold! The Blessing Dispensation finally came along-the answer to a prayer!

Now we have the opportunity to really and truly save our Heavenly father and America. We are engaged in the War of all Wars. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

Think of it as an adventure. See you on the front line.

Daniele Cohen, Bellevue, WA

Special Task Force

Jin Hun Nim inaugurated World CARP about four years ago in 1994. At the same time he established STF (Special Task Force) centers around the country as life of faith training grounds for young second generation and CARP members. Since then these centers have grown significantly. After the PLA Tour of 1997 there was a great increase in second generation participation in STF. Here are a few testimonies from some of those members about their STF experience:

by Victoria Wilding

Before joining STF, I was called "holy" by other Second Generation. This is because I pushed myself to keep a high standard. However, as some people noticed, my efforts to maintain a high standard were not completely sincere. I just had blind faith with not much heart behind it. And living for several years isolated from other Second Generation, I depended too much on my vertical relationship with God, having not much horizontal give and take with other brothers and sisters. For example, during the Pure Love ’97 tour, I was scolded several times by some onnis for not being horizontal enough. And it was true. In a way, living in the fallen world, attending high school, I had built myself a wall of protection. I made it clear to all that I was pure and holy. But behind this wall was an unsure young girl, waiting to grow up.

My first 21-day fundraising condition was like the great big metal ball which demolishes old brick buildings. It smashed the wall I had built around my heart. Of course, there was a lot of it left, but I felt more free to be myself. Some of both my childish nature and fallen nature came out, but people noticed a change, saying "Vicky! You look brighter! You’re laughing!" I could see more clearly where I was at and what I needed to change.

By the time it was God’s Day, when everyone was gathered in Boulder, Colorado, I was reflecting back on 1997. My heart was feeling like a desert, empty and dry. I realized that although I had been maintaining a so-called "high standard" by reading Father’s words every day and praying a lot, etc., it was as if I was forcing myself to do so, and it was not coming from the sincere depths of my heart. So I made my determination for the year of 1998: "To love God and True Parents, and to be able to do things because I love them and want to do them." I feel God took my determination seriously, because during the following months of witnessing He gave me the opportunity to accomplish my goal.

At first, witnessing was like a duty. It was hard to find motivation within myself to go out and witness. Recognizing this, I set my internal goal to be desperate, and earnestly tried to carry it out.

That is when I met Kenichi Nakanishi, From that moment, the battle had begun. I have never in my life invested so much effort into one person, but through it all I could become much closer to God’s Heart. For the first time, I could experience God’s longing heart for His children. I shed tears of pain like those of God when central figures failed to fulfill their responsibilities and He had to go through the long and difficult process to find a new person. I shed tears of joy like those of a mother at the time of birth. And I shed tears of repentance for following so far behind our True Parents. In short, witnessing to Ken was as much of a conversion experience for me as it was for him. I now feel the reality of the spirit world, and can connect more to Heavenly Father’s parental shimjung. Also, I understand more deeply the significance of True Parents and the urgency to share our blessings with others.

To recount all my experiences on STF would take an entire book. But they are so carved in my heart, and I will remember them for eternity. I have learned and grown so much this past year, but of course my heart is still so small and my love of and faith in God and True Parents so shallow. So with God’s help I’ve been allowed another year with CARP. I’m looking forward to this new challenge and I am determined to win the future!

by K. Ito

I really didn’t know what to expect in STF. I just heard that there would be a lot of fundraising and witnessing involved. However, what I gained in STF is so precious I would do it all over again.

The ’97-’98 STF year is about over. The year has gone by so fast. There is just so much stuff that I have gone through-it is just insane! The most important part of STF is that I could develop a real relationship with God and True Parents.

I can see now that fundraising was really establishing a foundation within myself. Every day I would go out to build my relationship with God and True Parents. I can really see that fundraising is truly a place to learn Principle, to learn about the basics of life of faith. From what I gained through fundraising, I went on to the foundation of substance, witnessing.

At the beginning of witnessing, I was really struggling over finding the heart behind witnessing. Every day I would pray, "Heavenly Father, I want to understand Your heart, I want to come closer to You...." Every day I would pray this way. One Sunday, near the end of February, I could somehow feel True Parents are really my parents. My prayer at pledge was so different from before. I can’t really explain it, but I felt really close to True Parents. After pledge I went back to sleep. I had a dream about Father. The first part dealt with us STFers going to a new workshop site (at the time we were searching for a place to hold workshops). The place was really messy, so we spent the day cleaning the place up. I was wandering around and came to a glass double-door. I went through and found myself at the bottom of a large, dark stairway. I went to the top and found a chapel. In the chapel there was a large picture of True Parents. I then realized that there was a person in the chapel and was headed my way. I suddenly felt as though I wasn’t supposed to be there and tried to hide. Then suddenly Father appeared; he was half standing, half sitting on a chair. He ran towards the stairs and jumped, slid and ran down.

Out of curiosity, I slowly went down the stairs. I saw that Father was preparing some lecture notes. I kept moving down. When I reached the bottom, I suddenly couldn’t see, as if a bright light was shining in my eyes. Even though I was blinded, I could sense where Father was sitting. I thought I should do a full bow for Father, but I tripped and fell into Father’s lap.

I just naturally wrapped my arms around Father and began to cry. I just cried and cried. I don’t even know why...I started to feel better and I let up some. Father then asked me "What else?" I was really confused; I said something like "I’m sorry" and I started to cry all over again. This time Father began to cry, too. He held me so tight it hurt, but what I felt was an intense, deep love for me. The tighter he held me, the more love I could feel. The love I was receiving hurt; it hurt because I was feeling so much of it, it seemed to physically hurt my heart. Father cried so much, not our of sorrow, but out of love. I couldn’t stop crying. I kept crying uncontrollably. I even woke up at one point and I was sobbing into my bed. I quickly returned to the dream. I was soaked in tears and in sweat.

Eventually the tears lessened. Because we were both completely soaked, Father suggested a bath to wash up. Suddenly water appeared and Father washed me. I wanted to give something back and wash Father too, but I woke up. I couldn’t go back to the dream, I couldn’t go back to sleep. It was definitely more than just a dream.

I had a similar experience a couple of weeks later in prayer. In my prayer, I suddenly found myself in a beautiful banquet room. The best tables, the best china, the best silverware and beautiful decorations adorned the room. The place was huge, there were also many, many rooms for people to live in. But the place was empty, it was dark, all the lights were turned off. The entire building felt so alone, so empty. At the end of the banquet hall was a table and two chairs set up. The chairs were for Father and Mother, but they were empty too...but I could feel that God was waiting. God is so lonely, waiting for people to come, to come fill up the rooms with cheerful faces, cheerful voices. Yes, I cried in my prayer. I knew that this was our mission in witnessing.

I am so, so grateful for STF. I would never have met God or True Parents anywhere else. Most definitely, STF is the best preparation for the Blessing. Since I have applied, I can really see the value STF has in my life. I know that I can take my experiences in STF to life in school and I see how STF is really a starting point in my life of faith.

by John Sapp

Just last week I started to realize that witnessing lifestyle is fun. Maybe fun is the wrong word...: fulfilling. When we first started, I didn’t want to witness. I mean, inside I wanted to, but when we went to campus, I "struggled" a lot. In fact, I thought it was stupid and old-fashioned even to teach straight Divine Principle.

Later, I figured out, by witnessing I can learn a lot about myself. Primarily: I’m weak, don’t have determination, procrastinate too much. I could go on and on, but it would just make me look bad, so I won’t. Witnessing gave me the opportunity to challenge my shortcomings in everyday life, an adventure I’m still enjoying. Not only have I learned about myself, but about other people as well. I’m more assertive, and can discuss almost anything very easily. Many times, I know what a person is like just from looking at them, or hearing them talk a bit. When you have approached so many people and conversed with them deeply, you gain a sense about people’s spirit.

For most of the time we were witnessing, that was my reason for going-to better myself. Just in the last weeks, though, I’ve realized how amazing witnessing is. At present, we have six guests in two-day workshop, three in seven-day, two in twenty-one day and four in forty-day actionizing. Do you know what that means? Those last six are members. One of them came out here to be an actor, but gave all that up for True Parents. Another was a Mormon priest when we witnessed to him. He went through so much learning about Principle, Father’s life and developing his faith as a Unificationist. He’s not just some Joe Schmo. His life goal was to be a saint for God. He’s an incredibly dedicated person. He was pretty arrogant when he went through seven-day DP lectures, but sobbed through Father’s life-course videos. One thing he said was he feels sorry for Father because, despite his greatness, his members have such low standards. I was like, "What?!? Who you callin’ low standard?!?" I didn’t really say that, but felt it. I thought about it later and realized it’s true. All of the problems of the church came from members who didn’t work hard enough or live by Father’s teachings. The guy’s name is Ken (he’s Japanese). Vicky Wilding is his spiritual mother. He really made me more determined to live by a high standard. The coolest guest so far is a Filipino named Jun. Cool name, huh? He’s is actionizing right now. He was studying art before he met CARP, but it looks like he’s here to stay. Right after seven-day, he told me how his life is so clear now and he’s already figured out how to influence future society to live a principled life through his life and art work. Whoa, man, I’ve been living with the Principle for 18 years and I never thought about how I’m going to influence the future like that. I’ve done art all through school, but I never dedicated my art to changing the future social climate of ignorance. Jun only had three days and seven days learning Principle at that time and he already thought like that. Makes me think about myself. How can I impact the future? They are actually cool people whom I probably wouldn’t be cool enough to hang out with at school myself, but they are learning the Messiah is on earth and dedicating themselves to working for him.

So that’s where I am. Now I can see the result from our witnessing is quite amazing; we are actually changing people’s lives. It’s not just CARP members, but regular old Second Generation who are doing it. When I see how these people feel so fulfilled in learning the Principle and seeing the love at the CARP center, I wonder what would have happened if someone never walked up to them to witness. They would be living such a lower and unfulfilled life. We really are giving life to people. It makes me want to bring spiritual children. I want to have a life-changing impact on people’s lives. I’m getting closer and closer all the time, but it takes total dedication. It’s not easy at all.

I’ve still got more to learn. Of course, it’s good that I want to have spiritual children, but I think my reason for witnessing should be purely for God. Because I want to bring people back to God’s side. I’m still growing and changing all the time. I can definitely say, my life will be better after STF. I’m trying to get my school to let me stay another year. With one more year, I could learn so much more than I did this past year, because I know what to expect and how to take full advantage of my time.

Looking at the movement’s present situation, my desire to volunteer longer for CARP solidifies. Simply pumping Second Generation through fundraising and witnessing doesn’t insure spiritual development. Honestly, if I didn’t have older BC’s around this year to tell me about their first-year struggles, I would have cracked early on. One second-year STFer made me sick with her desire to please God and make her fundraising goal. She was just too holy for the likes of me. Later, she told me how she used to hide in her room every day and beat the guts out of her pillow crying because she didn’t want to fundraise. I realized through her a relationship with God is not automatic, but can be built over time. By remaining on STF for one more year, I can fill that older brother position for the incoming group. Blessed Children have incredible strength in their unity, and are eager to learn from each other. Personally, I would not likely have made a sincere effort in STF had it consisted of a bunch of CARP members telling me what to do (no offense meant to CARP members). I don’t know if you appreciate the urgency of Second Generation’s situation, but we hear of our childhood friends falling left and right. The only way to change this pattern is to let experienced BC’s teach life of faith. In other words, without a two-year STF program, we have little hope of bringing True Parents’ message through the next century.

I don’t know if any of this sounds corny or fake to you, but it’s not fake. I mean, everyone wants to have a family of love someday, and CARP is where I’m learning how to make it. If every person in the country went through STF (not just members-outside people, too), divorce and family breakdown would be a concept of the past. Maybe when you joined you expected the world to become perfect in a few decades or years. Well, it didn’t happen. Does that mean True Parents’ teaching is not worth carrying into the future? If Blessed Children are to carry and pass on the virtues of True Parents to their children and society, they must be clear in their faith. So far, clarity has come neither from the home or from school. Don’t let go of that fiery dedication we always hear about from the ’70s. We aren’t here just to convert people but to teach life skills and learn life skills for ourselves.

by Miho Yoshida

I knew that coming to STF would help me grow, but I never realized how much it would change me. Although I’ve known my parents all my life, I never knew much about their past experiences. Even if they did share something, I could never see its value until actually experiencing it myself, and now I really respect and admire my parents for their sacrifice. Through STF, I could also experience the heart of True Parents and Heavenly Father. Being on the front-line has helped me realize many things about myself and how much I still have left to go in order to become like True Parents.

When I asked my elder brothers and sisters how their experiences were, they would tell me that they could realize their fallen natures through STF. However, I thought that I would not want to know about my faults, mainly because I thought that I did not have so many. However, by actively participating on the front-line, I could realize how many fallen natures I had. During fundraising, my Cain-side would sometimes block me from loving the people and being sincere with them. It seemed hard for me to deny myself to the very end, as if I were weak and gave up easily. I realized that I still need to make a lot of effort to become like the True Parents.

Before coming to STF, my life seemed all right, but many situations would come up where it seemed okay to be rebellious, arrogant or self-righteous. I would be a very helpful and "good" person, but when I was in conflict with people, I would never really make wise decisions. My original mind always told me to be humble or selfless, but then I would think that I could handle it myself, most of the time hurting others or spreading evil to peers. Then I would feel depression and self-pity not knowing where I went wrong. I was ignorant about serving others no matter how much pain or persecution I received. Living in a CARP center has helped me to open and grow my heart by really living for the sake of others and experiencing a small course of our early pioneers.

Through fundraising, I could meet many challenges, especially of my character. One day is like going through a small life-course.

Witnessing has been a very good experience for me. Actually dealing with people’s lives is an incredible responsibility, and I am so grateful to have been able to go witnessing, and for the wonderful facilities and educational sources we have. Witnessing is very tough, but I have really grown a lot and actually experienced God’s and True Parents’ shimjung. At first, I felt really dry and could not bring very many guests to the video center or Culture Night. The guests I did bring were not inspired by the Principle or could not commit to workshop. It was also really hard to push them. My attitude could eventually change as I got deeper into the heart of witnessing. I really wanted to save someone’s life. I would stay in Hollywood as late as I could, and if there was an evening program and I had not brought any guests, I would help out with the dishes. Eventually, I could meet Saul, a brother from El Salvador, who is attending the 21-day workshop.

When I first attended 2-day seminar at Chino Hills, there were four guests altogether. As they received more of the truth each day, I could see their faces brighten and felt that God really treasured these precious children. I realized how much life we could give to them by bringing them back to God. Everyone without True Parents is missing a big piece of their lives. After the workshop, I could see how important it was to save someone’s life. I also experienced Heavenly Father’s pain when I met someone who was so into their form of Christianity that they could not be open to a new truth. These people believe they are so close to God, but their close-mindedness makes them reject Him. Also, I feel sad when I meet people who are happy with their lives because they still do not know Parents.

Last week, I realized how hard it was for me to love people. I brought a guest to Chino who could stay for seven days. He was a really hard person to love because of his arrogance. I discovered that many times guests reflect their spiritual parents, so I really repented with tears and at the last moment asked him to trust God and give Him a chance. Unfortunately, in the morning, the guest turned his back on God and broke his promise. I tried to love him and stuck to him even if I could not like him. So I feel God could see my effort, but I felt so much of a lack of heart. These days I am trying harder to see from God’s viewpoint.

In STF, I could also gain a deeper understanding of the Divine Principle. Especially through attending workshop, I saw the importance of events like changing blood lineage and cutting the dove. The D.P. is a testimony to God’s heart. My heart really opened and grew during my STF year. I hope to continue helping out with CARP activities as I return to Chicago to start school. Thank you very much for this wonderful experience.

Special Task Force

by Joni Choi

The Special Task Force (STF) was created by True Father on August 4,1994 as the front line activity of World CARP. It is a program designed for high school graduates before they enter college. Time spent on STF is first of all service and public offering. For a whole year or maybe two, participants are faced with the challenge of living together with a large group of members all in pursuit of a common but difficult goal: to transform the American campus and save the spiritual lives of young students. During the first year of STF only five Second Generation participated, now there are twenty this year along and more are joining up for next year.

These one or two years have given spiritual rebirth to many Second Generation and gave them the chance to find out who they were and establish their own faith as opposed to simply following their parents. It serves as part of a formula course, which prepares the Second Generation for the challenges of college and the Blessing. For many it has been described as a conversion experience. Here is one of many testimonies from the participants this year. Cemo Runyon is 19 years old and participated in the STF program. This year she also was matched and Blessed to Sang Pyo Kim during Blessing ’98.


by Cemo Runyon

STF was definitely an experience for me. I went through hell to find heaven. Trust me, getting to heaven is no easy ride- I had to work my butt off to even catch a glimpse of paradise. However, the bumpy road along the way was well worth it. I wouldn’t have traded my experiences for a smoother more comfy ride. I gained a lot these two years here, internally as well as externally.

By summer time, I will by celebrating my second year anniversary in surviving STF. Okay, maybe surviving is a harsh word-I mean to say ‘of happily living in STF.’

Either way, I’ve been here for two solid years and I know how much I’ve drastically changed, and that is why I feel indebted towards STF. NO doubt I went through the metamorphosis kicking and screaming at times, but sometimes the best medicine is the bitterest.

My first year was about breaking concepts-not only about God, this crazy church and other people, but about myself as well. As much as I hate to admit, it was fundraising that changed my way of thinking for life. It was just the prescription I needed. My whole life I ate, slept and breathed in this imaginary box I built for myself. It was my protective shield against the world. It decided what I could and could not do. I concocted a belief system that was very unhealthy for me. I had complete faith that there were certain skills and talents that I would never attain so there was no use in even trying; to make matters worse, my concepts didn’t stop there. I misjudged people by the way they looked or behaved, I misjudged God based on my experiences in the church, and I misjudged the church based on my experiences with the people in it.

Okay, so I had misconceptions coming out of my eyes and ears. Then one fateful day on a long road towards Texas, my very Japanese team captain (a.k.a. the limousine driver) said in the friendliest way possible, "Okay Sheemo San, you are the next drop off." And so I began my life as a fundraiser on STF. Something inside me began to change. People who I was certain would never buy, loved my wind chimes and those who I thought would buy every chime on my display, kicked me out the door before I could utter a word. Instead of stuttering and bashfully talking to strangers, I began to confidently communicate with whomever crossed my path. And the idea that God was a Caucasian dude a long white beard (similar to Moses), who communicated from a distance with His wooden case was crushed by a different viewpoint. God became someone more personal, someone who actually had character and personality.

All of a Sudden I had stepped out of my small box and say the world and myself in a different light. People in general did not seem so different from each other (You’d be surprised at how many people tell you the same jokes if you are selling wind chimes on Christmas day). Things I would have never dared to do became a daily ritual (its actually not so difficult to sneak into a restaurant and fundraise to customers once you get used to it). The tears I cried and the pain I felt on the battlefield became my strongest connection to God. And I began to believe that anything was possible when it came to changing myself for the better.

When I changed enough and had finally realized perfection, I decided to stay another year of STF for the purpose of guiding those less fortunate than I. Okay, it was a joke. My point is, even though my fundraising days have changed me a lot, the road to maturity is longer than I can even imagine. Yes, I did break many concepts that year but I have many more to defeat. My protective box may have widened but it definitely has not shattered. The more I grow, the more I realize just how much more I need to know. Isn’t life interesting?

My path onward to another year of STF did not happen without a bit of coaxing. And now I find myself, wrapping up a second year as a professional STFer. My second time around gave way to even more winding roads and surprising turns. Hell became more real and heaven seemed less attainable, but the times I did meet God became more precious. And before the second year began, I knew there would be some nice new struggle waiting for me.

The most surprising turn of events happened the day I was sent to Chino Hills workshop site and became an honorary staff member. I remember that day very clearly because that day I was sure I was going to die. That never happened but I came pretty darned close. The first several weeks there felt like eternity. I never went through such a wide range of emotions. Since my responsibility was to take care of guests, my biggest struggle was stuffing down all the anger and tears and slapping on a happy face when a guest walked through that Chino Hills door. I couldn’t put my emotions first; I had to give when I felt like there was nothing left to give.

I thought for sure the leaders had made a big mistake when they chose me as staff and that it would not be long before they realized this truth. I missed everyone at the LA center and all the familiarities of that lifestyle. I had no idea what I was doing and was an emotional basket case most of the time. So why am I telling you all this? Because things did finally change.

Suddenly I found myself spouting out principle that I didn’t even know I knew and relating deeply with people I’d met only a couple of hours ago. I found the strength to be an example and guide people towards God. Of course, I still have my hang-ups but when I rise to the occasion, I am able to pull myself up. I’m constantly amazed at my own ability to underestimate my true potential.

In the back of my head I always knew that members must go through some transition process from being a "non-moonie" to a complete "moonie". However there was a time when I strongly believed that our "moonies" just poof-appeared. I mean, how could someone completely change their perspective on life by some seminar, and then agree to have their spouse chosen by a total stranger? In other words, I did not believe the Principle was that potent. That was, of course, until Chino Hills. And that was, of course, until I saw people change right before my eyes there. The guests began testifying to me about the power of the Principle, and I remember thinking, "Uhhh yeah, I guess they are right. Whoa, I’d better shape up and catch up to these guys."

And don’t worry, I did.

Special Convocation on "The Family and World Peace"

World Culture and Sports Festival 1998
Dr. Thomas G. Walsh-Louisville KY

On June 11-14, 1998, as part of the World Culture and Sports Festival 1998, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International sponsored a Special Convocation on "The Family and World Peace." Dr. Nicholas N. Kittrie, President of PWPA-USA and Chairman of the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Justice and Peace, was the Chairman of the Special Convocation. Over 300 participants, representing nine co-sponsoring organizations, gathered from over 70 nations throughout the world. The nine co-sponsoring organizations were the Federation for World Peace (FWP), the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS), the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP), the Literary Federation for World Peace (LFWP), the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace (MAFWP), the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), the Womens Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the World Media Association (WMA), and the Youth Federation for World Peace. The Special Convocations Steering Committee worked under the direction of WCSF 1998 Chairman, Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, and Secretary General, Mr. Neil A. Salonen, and was comprised of executives from each of the co-sponsoring organizations: Dr. Gordon Anderson (PWPA), Mr. Antonio Betancourt (FWP), Mr. Greg Breland (ICUS) Mrs. Tomiko Duggan (WMA), Mr. Taj Hamad (FFWPUI), Mrs. Betsy Hunter (YFWP), Dr. Frank Kaufmann (IRFWP), Mr. Michael Marshall (LFWP), Mr. Thomas McDevitt (YFWP), Mrs. Suk-Il Seip (MAFWP), Mr. William Selig (FWP), and Mrs. Nora Spurgin (WFWP). Dr. Thomas G. Walsh served as the Secretary General for the Special Convocation, and Mr. Frank LaGrotteria was the Conference Services Director.

The convocation opened on the evening of June 11, with a "black-tie" Opening Banquet. However, just prior to the Opening Banquet, Rev. and Mrs. Moon, in their suite at the Waldorf- Astoria, hosted a select group of over forty distinguished convocation participants, including former heads of state, religious leaders, scientists, scholars and martial artists. Rev. Moon spoke to them personally for nearly forty-five minutes in the living room of the suite, challenging each to reflect on the significance of the spirit world and the dramatic transformations going on in our world today.

At the Opening Banquet, entertainment was provided by Mr. Kevin Pickard and Mrs. ___. Rev. Kwak gave welcoming remarks on behalf of FFWPUI, and Dr. Kittrie then introduced the Founder, Rev. Moon. Rev. Moons address was entitled, "The True Family and World Peace." [both addresses are in this issue of UNews]

On the following morning, June 12, the first plenary session of the Special Convocation took place. There were five featured speakers: Dr. Kittrie spoke on "The Precarious Balance: the Family, the Individual, Human Rights, Social Stability and World Peace." Dr. Kittries presentation emphasized the tension, and even confrontations that occur between human rights initiatives and efforts to reinforce family stability. Kittrie states, "As we face these escalating family and human rights confrontations throughout the world, we cannot avoid asking whether growing human rights and family stability are compatible with each other." By thus accenting the difficulties associated with efforts to balance rights with communal goods, Kittrie set the stage for the speakers that followed, all of whom were critical of the twentieth centurys over-emphasis on rights at the expense of familial and social stability.

Brigitte Berger, Professor of Sociology Emerita at Boston University, and co-author, with husband Peter Berger, of The War Over the Family, spoke on "The Civilization-Building Role of the Nuclear Family." Berger argued that "the family is the culture-creating institution par-excellence....the most basic building block upon which all social forms rest." In particular Berger argued that "the nuclear family provided the emerging democratic capitalist societies of the West with their organizing principles and moral charter." Succinctly stated, for Berger, "the public lies at the mercy of the private," i.e., broader political, economic and social institutions are derived in large part from familial institutions often associated with private morality.

Elliott Abrams, President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spoke on "Rights, Wrongs and the Assault on the Family." Directly addressing the problematic introduced by Dr. Kittrie, Elliott Abrams described an "assault on the family," carried out in large part through court decisions guided by principles of individual rights. For Abrams, "the rhetoric of rights is used as a weapon against the family." By way of example, Abrams points to the way in which an "ideology of tolerance" has become an ultimate value, undercutting virtues such as chastity and fidelity, both of which support family order. In effect, the family, which Abrams refers to as the primary "seed-bed of civic virtue," is undercut and society suffers accordingly from self-inflicted wounds carried out in the name of rights.

Maggie Gallagher, author of The Abolition of Marriage," spoke on "The Family in Crisis." Gallagher points out that today half of all marriages fail and that nearly 30% of all newborns are born out of wedlock. This occurs despite the fact that children enjoy the greatest advantages when born into stable, two-parent families. The divorce culture has had an awesomely disadvantageous affect on children throughout the world. Gallagher disputes the popular notion that friendly divorces are better for children than conflict-ridden marriages. She says, "The hard truth is this: More divorce has not led to less parental conflict, to happier marriages, or to more children living with happily married parents." In one short generation, she notes, "marriage has been demoted from a covenant to a contract, to a mere private wish, in which caveat emptor is the prevailing legal rule." Today it is easier "to dump a wife than fire an employee." Gallagher concludes that society must rediscover the value of marriage and this rediscovery must be reflected in public policies that support marriage.

David Blankenhorn, Founder and President of the Institute for American Values and author of Fatherless America, spoke on "A Public Policy to Reinvigorate and Empower the Family." Like Gallagher, Blankenhorn stressed the way in which contemporary social policy creates a "marriage penalty," which undermines the incentives to keep marriages and families together. Blankenhorn argued that the tools of government must be utilized to support and enhance family relationships. For example, by revising the tax code in a family friendly way, or through divorce law reform (away from the "no fault" regime) which encourages low-conflict marriages to hold together. As he argued in Fatherless America, Blankenhorn stressed the way in which the divorce culture contributes to the impoverishment of our nations and our worlds children.

These presentations were followed by questions and answers from the audience, all of whom were clearly inspired, informed and stimulated by the dynamic and distinguished group of speakers.

In the afternoon, there were four concurrent panel sessions. Session One was organized by the World Media Association on the theme, "The Family, the Media and Popular Culture." The session was chaired by Mr. Arnaud de Borchgrave, Editor-at-Large at the Washington Times. Panelists included Don Feder of the Boston Herald, Humphrey Hawksley of the BBC, and Robert Wussler, former President of CBS Sports.

Session Two, on The Family and the State, was organized by the Federation for World Peace, and was chaired by Dr. Aziz Sidky, former Prime Minister of Egypt (1972-1973). Panelsts were Claude Durand-Berger, Director of Euroatlantis, Amb. Jose Maria Chaves, Ambassador Extraordinary and Permanent Delegate to the UN for the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Science, Culture and Education, Rt. Hon. Maxime Carlot Korman, former Prime Minister of Vanuatu (1991-1996), and Rt. Hon. Lloyd Erskine Sandiford, former Prime Minister of Barbados (1987-1989).

Session Three was organized by the IRFWP, and had as its theme, "Religions, Family Life and Society." Presenters were Dr. Christine Steyn from the University of South Africa, Dr. Charles Selengut, Sociologist at Drew University in New Jersey, Acharya Shrivatsa Goswami, the head of Sri Caitanya Prema Samstana in Vrindaban, India, and Dr. Thomas Selover of the University of Saskatchewan.

Session Four, on "The Family and the Culture of Peace," was co-organized by FFWPUI, WFWP and YFWP. Speakers were Dr. Jin Sung Park-Moon, Dr. Anie Sanentz Kalayjian of Fordham University, and Dr. Bahiya Mohamed Jawad Al-jishi the Director of Children and Science Centers in Bahrain.


During the evening dinner the participants were offered an orientation to Blessing 1998 by Dr. Hugh Spurgin and Mrs. Nora Spurgin. Their introduction was well-received by all the participants, who enthusiastically participated in a reading of the principles contained in the four vows of marriage that characterize the Blessing ceremonies. The session concluded with the sharing of a holy toast of Blessing, thereby setting the stage for the next days event at Madison Square Garden, which convocation participants happily attended.

On the evening of June 13, there was a Congratulatory Banquet celebrating the completion of the first stage of the 360 million couples Blessing. Convocation participants attended. The program, with Mr. Salonen as the Master of Ceremonies, included entertainment by Jamie Peterson and James Demler, followed by a series of special congratulatory presentations offered by several of the Special Convocations co-sponsoring organizations. Also, the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Mr. Hennadiy Udovenko, gave congratulatory remarks. In addition, True Parents made a special gift offering to each of the women recently matched and Blessed earlier that day with Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed and Socrates. Rev. Moon then spoke to the participants for nearly two hours. The grand finale featured the unveiling of a large life-size portrait of our True Parents, painted by the famous Korean artist, Mr. Moon-Sung Ok, who was there with his wife, Mrs. Soon-Him Lee .

The Special Convocation represented a unique accomplishment in being the first occasion in which the various organizations and federations founded and guided by our True Parents collaborated in such a close and focused way. The leadership and staff of each organization worked intensely to bring about an overall victory for WCSF 1998. The degree of unity, cooperation, and mutual respect was evident throughout, and contributed to the overwhelmingly positive experience for all those involved. Participants were unanimous in their appreciation for the phenomenal work of True Parents, and each look forward to the opportunity to participate in the activities linked to the next WCSF and Blessing 1999.

Dr. Walsh was the Secretary General for the WCSF 1998 Special Convocation

Second Generation Blessings

by Joni Choi

Greetings from the Second Generation Association! The Second Generation Association is an informal organization of the Second Generation Blessed couples. Starting from the 36 Blessed Couples (1986) to the most recent Blessing in Madison Square Garden, America has more than 100 Blessed Second Generation couples and the number of Third Generation is growing.

There were 12 new couples from the United States who attended the ceremony in Madison Square Garden along with 13 more couples from Japan and Korea. There were more couples from these countries but they could not make the ceremony in America. We were able to hold a small workshop in the New Yorker where the newly Blessed Couple received spiritual and practical guidance from elder brothers and sisters like Hyun Jin Nim, Betsy Jones, Moon Sook Choi, and In Ho Park.

In the future, we are finally able to hold our first annual Second Generation Association Potluck Picnic on the last weekend of June. Everyone contributed to the lunch by bringing a small part of the meal. Around 70 people and little 3rd Generation showed up at Belvedere and ended up playing soccer, volley ball or just hanging around after lunch.

While it was only a simple gathering, this picnic showed two major things. It demonstrated our desire to connect as a community of Blessed couples and it showed that if we all work together, we could create that community successfully.

Many people signed up for different programs that the SGA is organizing, such as the older/younger couple mentoring program and the networking program to help share our talents with each other. The next major activity is the 1992, 1995 anniversaries in August and hopefully other gatherings as well.


by Grace Hill (now wife of Inshunor Joergensen)

Grace Hill is 19 years old and has been participating in the STF program for the last year. She plans to go to Bridgeport and then medical school to study natural medicine when she finishes.

As I received my husband's ring from True Parents and turned and put it on his finger, I couldn't help feeling an overwhelming sensation of awe. As a blessed child, I grew up always knowing that I would go to the Blessing one day, but never did I dream that it would be anything this beautiful.

When I applied to the matching in April, I was still on STF (Special Task Force), so a small group of us received our matching results together. I had been preparing myself to accept anyone who Father matched me to-even someone who was both physically and mentally handicapped, spoke no English and was the ugliest person in the world. When we got our matching results back, I was surprised. Most of my peers had received Asian spouses, but I received a Norwegian. This was an added plus for my family because Norway was right next to Denmark, which is my family's National Messiah country.

I didn't know him at all, but many other blessed children did, including my older sister. They became quite excited. "You got matched to Inshunor!?!?" I called him a couple of times before I left for New York, and then we met for the first time the day before the Blessing.

The day of the Blessing was incredible-totally incredible. It started off great-with the Pro-family rally and the gospel choir, so that the spirit was really high by the time the Blessing ceremony began. My couple was chosen as one of the three couples to receive rings directly from True Parents. This also meant that we were in the center of the front row-right smack in front of True Parents during the entire ceremony. It was so awesome. There is something almost "magical" about the Blessing. You wait all your life to go to the Blessing, but when it finally happens, it feels just like a dream. Then during the ceremony, reality hits: "This is really it. And this perfect stranger besides me is my ETERNAL spouse."

I cried during Father's prayer. I really didn't feel worthy of such a Blessing. I also felt grateful for the first generation. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here.

I really felt God's love during the Blessing. Not only did I have the privilege of the receiving the Blessing from True Parents, but I received the most wonderful husband as well. I had waited all my life for an unknown "Mr. Someone." Now that "Mr. Someone" has a face and a name and is more wonderful than I ever could have imagined. I am so happy and eternally grateful.

Rhythm and Family Planning

Opinion by Cathi Close-Arlington VA

After the birth of my first child, about 13 years ago, I learned about a class that was being offered at a local Catholic church. The class essentially taught the rhythm method using a variety of techniques from temperature to interpreting cycles. It wasn’t taught as a birth control method but as family planning. The manual, which the church still uses, is called The Art of Natural Family Planning. This approach is not only endorsed by the Catholic church but taught there. It is not viewed as artificial birth control because it isn’t. It is an art and it is natural. I highly recommend the course.

Through this course (which couples take together), a woman learns things about her monthly cycle which she never knew before. This understanding offers us a deeper appreciation of the complexities and mysteries of our bodies, most especially, our reproductive system. Through learning more about the timing of fertilization, a couple can use their knowledge to either plan a pregnancy or space pregnancies. This is the essential concept here. It is recognized that new life is God’s intention through the love of husband and wife, but it is also taking into consideration that to a certain extent we can plan for these little lives and there’s nothing artificial or faithless about that.

Emphasis is put on love, not the sex act. If a couple are hoping to space their children, then during the wife’s fertile time, it can be an opportunity to practice other ways to love and delaying sex can become sort of like practicing chastity before marriage. It gives you something to look forward to! Nursing is also one form of God’s own natural family spacing (one that I wish far more women took advantage of). The fact that a woman’s menstrual cycle is delayed anywhere from 3 months to 2 years when she nurses is a very clear indication that God intends each little one to get lots of undivided attention from Mom and Dad.

I think it’s great to talk about the ultimate ideal and having as many children as possible. But the reality is that we are far from being close to that ideal. Rarely in this country do we live in a situation in which our extended family is involved and available to help us raise our children. This is part of the ideal which goes hand in hand with having a large family. Also, many women begin child-bearing now much later in life. This can work against having many children and increases the dangers of birth defects. There are many factors which each couple must consider between themselves and God. Family planning or the rhythm method is not the same as using a contraceptive. It is not demonstrating a lack of trust in God but a shared responsibility. After all, we are co-creators, aren’t we?

And above all, natural family planning still allows for those "acts of God" which birth control usually refers to as "mistakes." I had that experience myself and I wouldn’t trade the little guy for the world! Still, because of my age and other factors, my health was greatly at risk during that pregnancy. I endured eight months of extreme sickness during which our other children were seriously neglected and then two more years of other health-related problems, during which time our children continued to receive limited parenting and attention from me. This is real life and another pregnancy would probably devastate me and my family. So, what does one do? Stop having sex altogether? Just have faith and take whatever risks and additional children as they come? I could easily live with the first choice and I’m sure my husband would have no problem with the second. After, it’s not his body that dies a little with each birth....

Bottom line for me is, I’d like to stay out of a wheelchair as long as my littlest one is still in a stroller! (I’m certain this child is going to grow up and accomplish amazing things in his life. I’m just trying to survive until then!) He’s a child who clearly requires the stamina of a 22-year-old mother, not a 42-year-old one. So, as a result, I pray a lot...and take plenty of vitamins (I am sometimes dream of investing in a toddler straitjacket). I do have faith in God. I have faith that God provided natural family planning for situations like this. I abhor birth control devices. They give me the creeps. They cheapen the love act, not to mention cause a multitude of side effects.

Now, as for the ideal, let’s work toward it.e-mail: 

IRFWP Committee: "Religion, Family Life, and Society"

by Dr. Frank Kaufmann

The Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP) convened an "Afternoon Committee Session" entitled "Religion, Family Life, and Society," at the Family and World Peace "Special Convocation of WCSF 1998," Friday June 12, 1998, in the Intercontinental Hotel (New York).

IRFWP director, Dr. Frank Kaufmann moderated the two hour session during which time four panelists delivered papers and fielded questions from participants in attendance.

Dr. Christine Steyn (University of South Africa, Department of Religious Studies) presented "Religion and Family in South Africa: Part of the Problem" in which she developed the thesis that religion and family are not necessarily the panacea for all that ails us (socially). Rather she argues, much of the persistence of racism and other stubborn relics of the apartheid era, are perpetuated and perpetrated in structures characterized by strong families and strong religious beliefs. Dr. Steyn's presentation was well documented, as well as enriched by her personal involvement in academic as well as legislative efforts to lay wholesome foundations for the emergence of a stable, peaceful South African Democracy. Dr. Steyn concluded with constructive proposals, delineating elements which she holds when embraced would enable family and religion in fact to serve as the cornerstone of a desirable, future South African society.

Professor Charles Selengut (Drew University, Department of Religious Studies) offered a commanding presentation on "Spirituality and the Post Modern Family: Reflections from a Classical Jewish Perspective." In it he revealed the correspondence between essential elements of religious and spiritual life and the inherent dynamic of family life which provides for the divine the perfect vehicle for self-disclosure. Due to time constraints Dr. Selengut could present only the smallest taste of the full edifice of his thesis. He too provided the hearers with a rich combination of rigorous scholarship combined with personal anecdote derived from his own spiritual commitments in his conjugal and parental responsibilities and relationships.

Following Charles, his wife Mrs. Miriam Selengut presented related reflections on the same issues, from the wife's and mother's perspective. Together the Selenguts created a work valuable both for its scholarly inquiry into the relation between family and components of faith and spiritual life, as well as for its inspirational and educational qualities for us as members of families ourselves.

The third paper given by Acharya Shrivatsa Goswami (Head of the Sri Caitanya Prema Samsthana) was entitled "Family, Spirituality, and Ecology: A Hindu Perspective." It was a gently woven piece, seamless, bound by palpable Bhakti, love and devotion to Lord Krsna, myth and history, and artful analysis deriving social and particularly ecological implications. Sri Goswami generated parables for ecological health and responsibility through the actions of Lord Krsna, both in terms of the consciousness and labor of Krsna under the conditions of his own era, as well as presenting how these activities call us to like action in our current situation of a suffering and fragile ecology.

The final speaker was Dr. Thomas Selover (University of Saskatchewan, Department of Religious Studies), who spoke on "The World of Shimjung Culture: A Unification Perspective on Religions and Families." Dr. Selover communicated Unification Views via an examination of the 8 point "Family Pledge" which he described as "the closest thing to a creed" for Unificationists, and further narrowed his focus to Pledge Number 7, which speaks specifically about the establishment of a Shimjung Culture (Shimjung being the Korean term describing the hearts impulse to love). "Shimjung is the condition, or state of the heart," explained Dr. Selover, "but one imbued with directionality." He spoke of the "Four Great Realms of the Heart," and presented the position that "the re- weaving of brokenness is the role of Shimjung." The paper was well received, and seemed to dominate much of the initial part of the question and answer period.

The question and answer period did, however, ultimately move to address all panelists, and can fairly be described as vibrant and engaged. Informal conversation with the panelists persisted well into the subsequent break time.

Reflecting on MSG

by Tyler Hendricks-NYC

Well, this reflection is going to be a little peculiar, but it concerns an aspect of the MSG campaign that is little noted. That is the aspect of Father’s foundation in New York City and, believe it or not, the special quality of the city itself. That special quality is the energy and power concentrated in midtown Manhattan. To unleash that energy, Father purchased three major properties: 4 West 43rd Street, the New Yorker Hotel, and the Manhattan Center. This concentration of our movement’s energy is commensurate with the concentration of the energy of America and the world concentrated in midtown Manhattan.

In this world within a world, everything is within reach. This is different from Washington, DC, and Seoul. In those cities, our operations are scattered across the city. Even in the age of phone and fax, physical meetings are crucial, and offices being miles apart from each other and from the event location hamstrings operations. On the other hand, the operations of Blessing ‘98 took place within an area in which one could access everything by a 20-minute walk or taxi-ride of 5 to 15 minutes, depending on traffic. It is interesting how this hyung-sang aspect affects the sung-sang spirit and the overall outcome.

Furthermore, the people both inside and outside the movement in Manhattan have developed a professional and focused approach, having gone through so many "vertical" campaigns together. The church has developed a core team through True Parents’ and True Family’s speeches, holy weddings and holy days. New York membership, spread across diverse departments and areas, unites in a beautiful way when the occasion arises, bringing skills and resources together on an ad hoc basis for a common project.

This teamwork formed the core framework for the wonderful contributions of members from across the New York region, across America and even around the world. The campaign was relatively well-coordinated, focused, efficient and therefore successful. Of course, it was not perfect, but still it was a joy to behold the love and excitement that the New York membership and New York City itself created for Blessing ’98.

To the New York/New Jersey brothers and sisters, and to everyone who ever was one, and that includes just about everyone, my congratulations!