My Ten Days at Chung Pyung Lake

by Kevin Brennan-Ossining NY

This report I give to you in hope that it may help you be better prepared if and when you go there, as I have some sorrows resulting from my lack of certain information during my trip. This should be explained a bit before the "most important idea" (next paragraph). All the holy songs and clapping sessions (usually "Song of the Garden"), the midnight prayer meeting, and most lectures were in Korean only-well, after all, this is in Korea. In addition, on True Day of All Things (May 26), we were tested to write (our choice, Western or Korean letters) two of the holy songs in Korean. Otherwise, how we celebrated True Day of All Things was by a special morning service, without doing the climb to the five holy trees that morning. For the lectures, there was translation into Japanese and English, for which you need a battery-powered radio and set of headphones. If you want to take pictures of the five holy trees, etc., be sure your camera has film; I and others slipped on this point. If for some reason you want a personal appointment with Daemonim, try to find someone who can discuss it with you and who knows how to arrange that even before you start your trip; that way you can plan it better.

The most important idea I heard there is the liberation of evil spirits from attending members and possible only there based on the work of Daemonim and Heung Jin Nim. When members participate well and with right heart in the ansoo (clapping sessions), but also in the rest of the workshop activities as well if with right attitudes, evil spirits which wormed their way into the flesh of members get driven out of the members but in a new way. Realize that if there is nothing for the driven-out evil spirits to look forward to, they will just want to get back into the members, but that is not how it is done at CPL (Chung Pyung Lake). Instead, angels under Daemonim’s direction take these spirits on a tour of spirit world from hell to heaven, which they could never do on their own, and then they persuade them to attend Heung Jin Nim’s 100 days DP workshop in the spirit world. When they see shining good spirits/blessed couples who used to be evil spirits like themselves (which gives them hope to become likewise), and when they realize that God suffered even more than they have, they quickly forget their resentment and accept the path of the 100-days workshop leading to their cleansing and becoming blessed couples. Just in the last year or so alone, there have been hundreds of millions of such couples blessed in spirit world and, by June 13 and after, there are going to be many more of them, some from evil spirits liberated from members and others from elsewhere in spirits world. Father is also giving various directions to mobilize new good spirits/blessed couples to assist the efforts to bring more of earthly married couples to the blessings on earth. With a rapidly growing base like that in the spirit world concerning the blessing providence, it sounds like some dramatic and worldwide changes (for the better) should develop soon on earth.

When evil spirits get liberated from a member and become good spirits/blessed couples, they also become new spiritual children for that member-a completely new way for members to gain spiritual children. We were told that, according to Father, each member has over 3,000 evil spirits, on average, and that even in 40 days of right efforts it cannot be cleaned up completely-but let us do the best we can. After these spirits complete the 100 days workshop, they can join their spiritual parent (the member), but only when the member returns again to CPL; until then, the spirits have to stay there at CPL. However, nobody mentioned whether Father might quickly mobilize many such spirits from CPL for the blessing providence work without waiting for their spiritual parents to make a second trip to CPL which, in some cases, may be long after their first trip.

These reformed spirits, after their liberation, can see that their spiritual parent (member) still has his share of fallen nature, bad habits, etc., and that they need better than that if their restoration is really to be made complete, so they want to help the member do better. Concerning this, we were told that "Daemonim knows everything." With the help of such reformed spirits, the member may improve, but it is also possible, if the member does not improve, the reformed spirits may chastise him.

The preceding describes what I believe is the most important part of the CPL workshop. Like so many other things, however, I realize there are no guarantees that it will actually work for each attending person, depending on his conditions, attitude, taking responsibility, etc. I recall now that as evil spirits get this liberation from time to time during this workshop, the member does not necessarily feel it taking place. Some may have made real headway even in ten days, while others may not, even over 40 days. This time there were maybe a few hundred members in 10 and 40 days together. There were also two three-day workshops, one on each of the two weekends I was there, entirely Japanese and Koreans, swelling the population to about 2,000 the first weekend and to about 3,500 the second weekend, but there was no midweek three-day.

Being on time for everything was very important, according to Daemonim. The daily schedule was to arise by 6am (some including myself got up earlier), climb the mountain to the five holy trees and pray at each (taking me an hour and 15 minutes on average) 600 feet above the workshop halls. Breakfast was 7:30am. Each meal was followed by a 70-minute clapping session (we were asked to come 10 minutes early), and breaks and lectures until the next meal or in the evening until about 11:30pm, followed by the holy candle prayer meeting at the tree of love, 11:45pm-12:15am. During the three-day workshops, the clapping sessions were shorter and some parts of the rest of the schedule were different. Even before the official starting time of the 10-day, everyone was asked to attend the three daily clapping sessions, which implied that the clapping (ansoo) sessions were the most important part of the workshop. Later on, I heard that Daemonim arranged it that the angels do their work best when the participants do the ansoo the same way the leaders do it, whether at the time it be clapping, or on the head, neck or lower parts of the body (in a sequence usually).

On the first day, someone on staff said Westerners do not clap hard enough. Later, by asking around, I got the story a bit different: Daemonim wants members to clap enthusiastically at least (or with right heart and attitude), but not so hard as to cause bruising. I saw some members had various degrees of bruising. Also, members could hit themselves and their spouses fairly hard but should be gentler when hitting others. We were cautioned to be more careful about certain places such as the spine, since that is more dangerous. It was plain to me that some energetic members hit with vigor and others more softly. I would hit moderately hard, partly because I had not enough energy to sustain continued hitting with vigor.

Since there was no midweek three-day, that part of the ten-day schedule surprised me. While the clapping sessions continued, all those lecture time periods became free time for us, with us being asked to responsibly choose any activity which would bring us closer to God. Forty days was not like this; they had a continuous lecture schedule throughout this period. We could pray at the holy trees if we chose, or go to the lectures with the 40-day folk, or study the DP lecture individually, etc.: these choices were up to each of us. Discussions were mostly individual to individual at the mealtimes, etc., except we were asked to not let our discussions become too horizontal.

Initially there was no definite direction concerning how and about what we might pray at the holy trees, but soon the ten-day group got hold of a prayer list, designed for each of the five holy trees, prepared by the 40-day group.

Be ready for all of the 6am to midnight schedule, including the climb to the five holy trees, the clapping sessions, the lectures, etc. Also be ready to sit on the floor throughout most of the schedule. During the more crowded 3-day workshop periods, parts of my feet and legs got sore; I used my jacket as a cushion to bring partial relief.

Some information I needed but didn’t obtain, such as under what circumstances would it be suitable to arrange to see Daemonim. I now realize I may have missed a legitimate chance to see her.

Practical info: try to obtain as much info as possible from those who have been there, because CPL staff are very busy and don’t know much English. Phone 011 82 356 844 335 and fax 011 82 356 844 336 from USA (in Korea you do not need the 011 82).

Be careful how you arrange ground transportation to CPL, because a taxi from the airport to the training center can cost $60-$100 or more. I arranged my trip through a travel agency; I was supposed to meet a group at Kimpo airport to go by van to the training center, but somehow I had no name of anyone from this group and I ended up not finding them. Only because I independently had a few names and phone numbers around Seoul was I able to find my way to another van leaving four hours later for the training center and arriving there after midnight. During daytime hours, but no nighttime, there is public transportation by both bus and train from the airport to within a short taxi ride to the training center. Depending on which way you go, it takes between two and four hours to get there, and you may want to obtain more information before you start your trip, either from the training center or from anyone else who has such information.

There are no laundry dryers (except clotheslines) and the few washing machines have instructions in Korean only, so almost everyone hand washes their laundry. You may want to obtain a copy of the six-page "Meaning of Resurrection in Chung Pyung," not included below and excerpted from Father’s speech given on True God’s Day 1996. Even more informative is the 102-page Chung Pyung Special Workshop Guide, which contains some speeches and information.

Here are some excerpts from Daemonim’s speech at the 269th Chung Pyung Three-Day Workshop:

Restored Blessed Christian Spirits Were Sent to the United States

On May 1 at 10am, great numbers of Blessed spiritual people descended. Not all those who were blessed in the March 20 Blessing could descend because they had not yet completed their training course. Those who have not yet fulfilled their required course have 40 more days of training in the traditions of Blessed Family life.

America is a Christian country so, in order to restore it, we need to witness to more Christians. Therefore, True Parents asked Daemonim and Heung Jin Nim to send those good spirits who were devout Christians from first and second spirit blessings to be sent to work in the USA. On May 3 at 11am, a total of 160 million devout Christian spirits arrived in New York. Soon many Christians on earth will be in a position to be restored through the work of these good spirits.

Therefore, I believe a great number of Christians will come to our June 13 Blessing. Before these good spirits were sent out they were again taught strongly what they are supposed to do. These people led very dedicated lives while they were on earth and some of them were martyrs who died for God and Jesus. They stated that after they completed their 100-day workshop they could really understand the value of the Divine Principle. "We came to the spirit world only waiting for the Messiah, but you have True Parents with you in person and True Parents have taught you everything. Therefore you must live better and be grateful to True Parents. You must be determined to change completely to God’s original ideal, becoming good people who can reach unity with God and True Parents."

This is such a wonderful time. There are multitudes of good spirits here but you don’t see them so you don’t know the value. Therefore, you are not here in great numbers. If you really knew, there would be so many members here it would be overflowing even out to the gate. You wouldn’t even worry about what to eat or where to sleep. If you knew the reality of how valuable these good spirits are, you would fight for this like crazy. Now, these good spirits have to help us who are blind and deaf and mute. They will be guiding us and protecting us.

Now is the time all the people who were religious when they came to Chung Pyung and were sent to Heung Jin Nim’s training center in the spirit world are coming to our side. In the future we will see great things happening. So the more you come and the more spirits you liberate, the more you are protected. This is so important.

Some members are asking me to give them more spirits but I can only give you those whom you yourselves sent up to Heung Jin Nim. True Father said that this is the gate to the spirit world, and it is only here that we can send them up, and only here that they can come down to you. Please come here often so you can receive many good spirits to protect you. Let us pray.

Chung Pyung News

The Third Blessing of Spirit World Couples will be held at the same time as the Blessing ceremony in Madison Square Garden in New York on June 13, 1998.

On the morning of May 9, Heung Jin Nim gathered together many good spirits to have a special meeting. Heung Jin Nim stated that since there would be a 120 million couples Blessing on June 13 on earth, there should also be a Blessing goal set for the next Blessing to be held in the spiritual world. The goal was set for five billion spirit world people to be Blessed in the coming Blessing. He urged all those present to work hard for this goal. Those present pledged their support.

Spirit world participants at the meeting agreed they would work to bring many people to Chung Pyung and help them work hard to separate their spirits from Satan (purify their souls and hearts from evil) while they are on the Chung Pyung grounds. The good spirits said they can do it. They are determined to make the Blessing goal. Therefore, our members on earth should gather many spirits from the environment and come to Chung Pyung to liberate them. Spiritual liberation can be done only through the gate of Chung Pyung. When members come to Chung Pyung, good spirits help them liberate more spirits to go to Heung Jin Nim, enabling them to be Blessed. The more spirit world spiritual children we can gain, the more our lives can be improved and protected. So work hard to gain more spiritual children in the spirit world.

On May 1, at 10am, the Blessed spirits from the second spirit world Blessing held in March descended through Chung Pyung. At this time the True Parents asked that 160 million fervent Christian spirits from both of the previous spirit world Blessings be sent from Chung Pyung to the United States to work under Heung Jin Nim and Jesu Nim (Jesus) for the restoration of Christianity. They arrived in New York on May 3 at 11am.

Also, seventeen key Japanese religious leaders in the spirit world have received the Blessing. Mrs. Erikawa came to Chung Pyung to pick these leaders up to bring them back to Japan. Overall witnessing will be improved. Our members will have these spirit world leaders’ support and companionship when they witness. We must even reduce our sleeping and eating time so we can go out to speak to the people. We should let heaven use our bodies for this purpose. We must be determined to fulfill God’s will centering on God and True Parents.

The following is a prayer list at the five holy trees suggested by someone in 40-day workshop:

1. At the tree of love, repent for: sexual problems, sexual relations, masturbation, pornography, getting too close to one’s spouse before the right time, hatred and resentment, bad motivation in loving others. Prayer for: restoring true love and pure motivation.

2. At the tree of heart, repent for: not being able to understand and comfort God’s heart, and deliberately hurting other people’s feelings. Pray to understand God’s heart (a) at the time of creation, (b) at the fall, (c) during restoration.

3. At the tree of all things, repent for: misuse of things, self-abuse by drugs and eating junk food, stealing, misuse of public money and failure to tithe, and bad attitude toward all things. Pray for: (a) more wealth for members so that they become better able to support God’s work and become better providers but without becoming indulgent, complacent, etc., and (b) fertility, that worthy, prepared, spiritually healthy now-childless couples become able to have children.

4. At the tree of loyalty, repent for: our lack of faith and loyalty to God and True Parents, our not really believing and following True Parents’ words and directions, our not being serious enough for good ancestors, and not being committed enough. Pray to become faithful, loyal and obedient and to become unchanging and absolute in our faith.

At the tree of blessing, repent for: not appreciating the Blessing enough, blocking God from working through us, and failing to do better towards fulfilling the three blessings. Pray: to be able to fulfill the purpose of creation, to become exemplary Blessed couples, to succeed in our missions as tribal and national messiahs, and to be thankful for all blessings in my life. 


by Mary Penn-NYC

Is There a Cosmic Law of Love?

Does the Atom Have a Higher Standard of Love than Humans?

Forgive me for assuming I can answer these questions for you since I am not a scientist. Many people have said these things in theological language, but we must say it in scientific terms so that all people can understand what we mean. Half the world still doubts there is a God. Let us try to make our theological words clear to all humans.

When someone says to you, "What do you mean by God?" do you say how stupid he is? No. You say how stupid I am that I cannot give him a convincing answer. My own child did this to me until I gave him the answers that I am giving you now on a twelve-year-old’s level so that all people can easily understand.

First, God is the word we use to talk about the strongest force in the cosmos.

What is this strongest force in the cosmos? Nothing less than Love.

1. Love is the strongest force in the cosmos.

2. God is Love. Where Love is God is. Where God is Love is.

3. Love is harmonious interaction between two or more things: which creates energy, which is eternal. Energy changes forms but cannot be destroyed.

4. There is a harmonious relationship in every atom between the proton and the electron, which is love in its simplest form. Hydrogen is the simplest atom, having just one proton and one electron.

5. Atoms are created with the standard of absolute love in their nature-under no circumstance will the atom of its own will split itself apart causing the big bang.

6. If the atom had the standard of love popular among humans, 60% of them could split and cause the bang of all bangs, possibly setting off a chain reaction which could destroy all physical material, which is made up of nothing but atoms. All material substance could disappear.

7. Atoms have the lowest form of love but have the highest standard of love.

8. Humans have the highest forms of love but many follow the lowest standard of love.

9. Love is the glue which holds all atoms together. Love is the glue which holds atoms to atoms forming molecules which form all material substance.

10. Then we can say absolutely that God is omnipresent in every atom which exists. He said, "I am closer than hand and foot." He is cradling us in His loving arms through every atom in the air we breathe, food we eat, clothes we wear, home which protects us, and all material substance to serve us. We can say God’s physical body is the entire Universe. To do evil we have to kick against the entire universe.

11. There is no secular and sacred-all natural substance is sacred because God’s love is in every atom holding it together. This means we must love the material world because we love what is close to us before loving God directly.

12. If we love by choice, then God also loves as we love because we are made in His image.

Saint Paul said in Romans 1:19-20, "For what can be known about God is plain to (all), because God has showed it to them. Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."

Humans are the only creation able to choose to love or not love. So now you can see who created hell on earth and that we are the enemy of Love: the enemy of God. What could be wiser than seeking to do God’s will every moment of our life? It is the highest enlightened self-interest: whether we live or die we win. Sometimes it may seem bad for our physical well being, but there is no happiness greater than eternal True Love, both on earth and in spirit world! 

Infringement of Religious Freedom in Singapore

I am writing to you to let you understand the state of our Church here in Singapore and also the plight of members who have foreign spouses. Our church was registered on 10th Oct. 1980 and was de-registered on 2nd April 1982. Sixteen years have passed but the relentless and ruthless persecution of the Singapore government on our members has not stopped.

Early this year, a brother who is blessed to a Korean, returned back to Singapore for the Lunar New Year. His wife has entered Singapore on two previous occasions but this time unfortunately, the immigration barred her from entering and she was detained at the airport and put on the next flight back to Korea. Her baby boy was weeping when the authorities separated him from the mother and the family was broken up from their annual reunion dinner that they planned for some years.

Almost every year there are a number of such heart-breaking news that strikes fear and terror in the hearts of Unificationist couples here in Singapore.

We have decided to publicize our situation here in Singapore on the Internet in order that we can have a united stand. The situation in Singapore has divided us as the situation has made it practical for each couple and family to fend for themselves; the Church may be banned but we are not going to let it happen to our family

Editor’s Note: Articles About Spirit World

This month’s issue contains two articles that include material about the spirit world. Both treat spirit world in rather familiar terms. One, the cover story, relates about the marriage blessing of spirit persons. The second is an account of the work with spirit world taking place at Chung Pyung Lake. While many people have experiences of spirit world by which to interpret these articles, many do not have such experiences and may wonder at them. The editor offers the following comment for those of the latter group:

While taking spirit world very seriously, Unificationist ideology is firmly planted on earth, following Jesus’ saying that "what is bound on earth is bound in heaven." God created the earth and its fullness for His glory and our joy and happiness; He will not destroy it and the ultimate human fulfillment is based upon our life on earth.

Nonetheless, we do live beyond the physical life. The problems we fail to resolve on the earth we carry to the spirit world. It is only wise for us to do all we can on earth to solve the problems that we may encounter in the next life.

The Divine Principle states, "During the period when the providence of restoration is to be completed after the Second Coming of Christ, God will complete the cosmic foundation for the Messiah by working throughout heaven and earth based on the Completed Testament Word."(Exposition of the Divine Principle, p. 185) This indicates that from the 1950s, it was clear that Reverend Moon’s work would ultimately relate directly to spirit world. Therefore, what is taking place now should come as no surprise.

Court Hands Down its Decision in the Case Against the Unification Church

HSA Russia-Moscow

On May 21, 1998, in the Kuzminsky District Court of Moscow the final hearing of case No. 7C "N.V. Babkin, N.K. Russkikh and others vs. the Unification Church of Russia concerning compensation for moral damage" took place.

In several interviews with the mass media the plaintiffs insisted that they had presented undeniable evidence of the destructive effects of the Unification Church's activities on themselves and their adult children who are members of the Unification Church. The chairman of the St. Petersburg Inter-regional Committee for Defense Against Totalitarian Sects, N.K. Russkikh, insisted that the Unification Church had caused her severe moral damage by "zombie-izing" and committing "psychological assault" on her adult daughter. She and the other plaintiffs stated that their children becoming members of the Unification Church had caused them physical and moral damage.

In the course of the case the plaintiffs could produce no evidence of any damage suffered by them because of the Unification Church. The Director of Public Prosecutions in the Office of Public Prosecutor of Moscow's Kuzminky and Presnya Districts produced no evidence of any legal violations by the Unification Church. The psychological examinations of the plaintiffs' adult children carried out by psychologists from the Legal Expert Medical Service of St. Petersburg City Administration confirmed the absence of signs of "dependent mental disorder," and the psychologists' report pointed out that conflict situations had existed in the families long before the children joined this church.

The court dismissed the plaintiffs' case.

City of Carson Includes Bridge Ceremony in 5th Annual Youth Conference

by Paula Fujiwara-Whittier CA

After experiencing the "spirit of the bridge" last October for Carson’s first Interracial Bridge of Peace Ceremony, city officials decided to include the bridge ceremony in their 1998 Youth Conference, held Saturday, April 11 at the Community Center. So they asked the Interracial Sisterhood Project of Southern California to bring back their bridge for the occasion.

The Youth Conference, sponsored by the City of Carson Recreation and Community Services Department, included a full day of activities. Workshops were conducted first on the issues of teen pregnancy, peer pressure, teen suicide, erasing the color line, and domestic violence. A session was held after lunch on "Parents and Teens Mass Communication." The Bridge of Peace Ceremony was held before dinner and the day continued all the way to midnight with career workshops, a talent showcase and a dance.

Donzaleigh Abernathy, daughter of the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, who worked with Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the Keynote Speaker for the conference. She has an acting career in films and TV, and is about to publish a book documenting the civil rights movement, entitled Partners in History. Donzaleigh spoke at the opening of the conference and during the Bridge Ceremony: "I want you to know that the most important thing in life is love, (especially) ‘agape’ love: understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill love for all mankind. It is the love of God permeating through your human heart. That’s the only kind of love that’s going to make a difference in the world...that’s going to solve the problems which face each one of you. Always know that God has something for you to do. You were given a life force and you are being asked to be the best you can be."

The atmosphere for the Bridge Ceremony was heightened with solos sung by nine-year-old gospel phenomenon Jentry Jenkins and duets by Liz Prowell and Karen Lee. ISP chairwoman Sheri Rueter, who was emcee for the ceremony, explained the significance of the bridge crossing as an opportunity for repentance, reconciliation and healing of the wounds of past wrongdoings. The ceremony was unique because of the variety of "partners for peace" who met on the bridge: interracial pairs and male-female pairs as well as parents and their children.

During dinner, ceremony participants shared about their experience. Carol Davis, the president of the Carson Women’s Club, crossed the bridge with her 16-year-old son: "At that moment it was like my son and I bonded. It was a really bringing-together atmosphere and I wish that a lot more parents were here with their kids." Her son Michael added: "I felt that the program here today meant a lot of good for the young people like me. I felt pretty good (crossing the bridge) because I really love my mom; I think that we should have a good relationship between me and her." Parent Josephine Marco exclaimed: "I thought it was the greatest experience I ever had and to have the biggest surprise that my son would cross the bridge with me.... (T)his is a beautiful program. I hope it grows and grows." Gregory Warren crossed the bridge with his wife, two daughters and a young man from his church. "I will plan to come back because this is very fulfilling and very rewarding. I think that everyone here has enjoyed the day and it’s an experience for everyone to live this and I thank you for coming up with the idea." Ashley, who is going on thirteen, had this to say: "I thought the bridge was nice because you got to meet new people and you got to hug...and it was like increasing the peace because there were a lot of different people and you got to join and let everybody know that it’s togetherness and this is what it’s all about." Del Huff of the Carson Human Relations Commission remarked, "I have participated three times in the sisterhood program (bridge crossing) and each time thinking that it can’t get any better than this it has been taken to a higher height. I look at this as a ministry to God’s people. It’s an experience as to how He intended us to live and the oneness that He created for us. The bridge crossing was a magnificent addition to the youth conference this year. I recommend this for anyone and everyone."

The bridge of peace ceremony is a tradition taking root in the City of Carson. The city is planning a second annual interracial bridge ceremony for October and will continue including the ceremony in the annual youth conference. The ISP is ready to work with any group wanting to include a bridge ceremony in their event. 

Blessing Revelations from Heavenly Father

by Billie-Ann Sabo-Los Angeles CA

Even away from home, with my mind totally focused on Madison Square Garden, Heavenly Father can reveal so many things through dreams. As long as we keep our minds open and receiving, we can be filled with wonderful inspirations. I try to feel God even when I sleep.

In Region 12/Los Angeles, I am the Regional Blessing Coordinator. Almost every month, for the last year, we have had members fly to L.A. to join our MBT. We are known for our very high spirit and unity. Our region is very blessed to have a wonderful Regional Director, Rev. In Hoi Lee, and State Leader, Rev. Godwin D’Silva, who totally support our blessing activities. Rev. Lee taught us to have a very high standard when giving the blessing, so our numbers are not as high as in some areas, but each blessing we do is backed up with a name, address and telephone number.

Almost a year ago, Heavenly Father revealed to us that we should stop doing door to door and start setting up tables in shopping centers. This proved to be a very good way to bless many people and most members across the United States started doing tables. After RFK, and at the end of our three-day ceremony, Heavenly Father sent me a revelation while I slept. Office building blessings. The next day, I convinced my husband that this truly was an inspiration from God, and asked him to try blessing people in office buildings. The first day, he blessed over 300 couples and, thus, office building blessings (shop to shop) were born. This revelation was actually very powerful as it liberated us from tables and many members nationwide were now using holy chocolates in a blessing basket.

Even with all we had been shown, Heavenly Father was not through with His revelations! We were only able to use holy chocolates for a very short period of time; then the direction came down not to give them to adults anymore and we had to go back to juice. This was devastating news, but only for a few hours. Even though I’m a new member (22 months old) and did not believe in God before joining the Church, our movement has given me strong faith and complete belief in the power of prayer.

After receiving the news about the discontinuance of the holy chocolates, I prayed so strongly for Heavenly Father to reveal a way for us to continue to bless hundreds of people quickly with juice. I knew we couldn’t go back to bottles of juice at the tables. He had to have given us the chocolates for a reason and I was determined to find it. It was nighttime and He guided me over to a Christian bookstore in Pasadena. Even though I had been in this same store many times buying communion cups, that night right by the door was a display of little disposable juice cups from Compak Corporation. I couldn’t believe it! Heavenly Father had truly answered my prayers and in a two-hour period! I wasn’t sure at the time how to sanctify the cups, but I knew He would give us the answer. I bought some cups and hurried back to Pasadena House to show Rev. In Hoi Lee. I was so excited by what Heavenly Father had given us, it felt just like Christmas! Within days, the entire country was informed about the disposable juice cups and began using them. Two weeks later, we were able to obtain permission to put our seed wine directly in the juices at the factory and Rev. Kim of Chicago Church visited the company and blessed the juice.

Meanwhile, by that coming weekend, we were able to hand-sanctify the cups and use them on our Mobile Blessing Team, inside our blessing baskets. Brothers and sisters were skeptical at first, but through my husband’s example they were able to bless many hundreds of people with no problem. Because we were completely mobile now, we started witnessing at tourist attractions, such as Grauman’s Chinese Theater (where the movie stars’ footprints are in the cement) in Hollywood, and members were able to bless more than 200 in a day.

We continued blessing this way until our MSG mobilization began. While mobilized in New York, my husband Joe is the acting blessing coordinator in Los Angeles. He had continued leading the team to tourist attractions. This was good, but the daily results were only around 1500. Two weeks ago, I received two very strong dreams about MBT/LA and saw our members very clearly at the beach, tables in the sand, members in bare feet and serving our holy juice on trays in Dixie cups! After the second dream, I called my husband and told him I was certain this was again a revelation from Heavenly Father as a way to bless more people.

He agreed to try it with the Memorial Day MBT team. The very first day, the whole team called me in New York, cheering and shouting with happiness. It was wonderful! They blessed almost 9,000 couples that weekend. Last weekend, they went to the beach again, and blessed another 12,000 couples! Los Angeles is truly on fire, and we want to share this method with all members. I truly believe it can work the same in any high-traffic area. Our numbers are high, and our blessings are good, because we are using good standards. Through my husband’s dedication and hard work pioneering the way once I receive the revelations, he has been able to bless over 12,000 couples himself since mid-January!

My dream: three or four tables in the sand at the beach. Not on the boardwalk or sidewalk, but in the sand (we have the right to be on a public beach-no problem). Members should wear beach-type clothes-shorts, sandals, whatever, so they fit in. No sign is necessary at the table; keep it simple. Depending on the size of your team, place three to six members in the sand, holding trays with juices poured in Dixie cups (no plastic communion cups!). They will give the juice to people. The second set of members will then guide these people to your tables. At the tables will be another set of members to help the people sign our application and explain more about what we’re doing.

It’s very simple but very good. If you pre-plan your strategy, a high-traffic area, set up like this, can support over 30 members at one time.

Blessings have gotten a little out of control with standards being dropped in some cases to fulfill such high numbers quickly. But if we just "tune in" to Heavenly Father, He will show us how to accomplish our tasks every time.

Good luck!


Blessing in Korea

The stadium in Seoul was packed. During the entertainment a few famous singers performed and one of them, after some swingy Latin-style songs, acknowledged his belief in True Parents. He had a fan club of wild-dancing youth off stage; apparently some of the brides and grooms too-hey invited one couple to come up on stage and dance. He sang, the couple did a subdued version of the twist for maybe a third of the song, and a few elders (men only) shared the joyous scene.

Just before it came time to receive the broadcast from New York, thousands of blessed wives donned their holy robes and veil, filling almost the entire stadium with white and black -- interspersed with various other colors too, of course, not every couple dressed for the blessing and not everyone was an already blessed couple.