Love , Truth and Videotape

How are we to understand what is going on these days? School kids are shooting other school kids. The actions of children indict the society. Children do not think logically. Robert Woodson is the founder of the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise. His organization is networking with thousands of just plain folks around the country, who are taking initiative to do something about their local problems. He brings results by working with the local people. Children stop shooting.

Woodson is a prophet of sorts, and a lover of humanity. The solution, he says, does not come from the official experts. The official experts, and the government bureaus which patronize them, send in trained personnel to solve neighborhood problems. These personnel do not live in the neighborhood. They have an office there, which is open from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. This is not working, says Woodson, and we have a 5 trillion dollar invoice from the architects of the Great Society to prove it.

The problems, says Woodson, are irrational in nature. People who are doing evil to themselves and others are doing irrational things; they are not thinking or acting logically. It’s not a logical thing to do to get oneself addicted to drugs, to become pregnant at 13, to shoot little children in a school yard. These are irrational acts; they verge on madness.

We cannot apply rational solutions to irrational problems. What we need, in the words of Peter Kreeft, is an exorcism. Woodson calls for local, faith-based work-what boils down to traditional evangelism, mixed with a strong dose of tough love.

Woodson points out that in case after case, tens of thousands of dollars worth of health-care expertise cannot get one person off drugs, but rebirth in Christ can do it.

I would like to apply a slightly different perspective: what Woodson calls "irrational," I would like to call "spiritual." Rebirth in Christ is not best viewed an irrational act; it is most rightly viewed an act of the spirit.

In other words, children shooting other children have a spiritual problem. Teenage girls getting pregnant have a spiritual problem. To put it bluntly, they are possessed by an evil spirit (or many evil spirits). Before you turn the page as any good secularized rational person would do, please consider some excerpts from an article about Bill Clinton. You will see that the line between secular and sacred is becoming blurred. As you read it, guess who wrote it and where it was published.

It had occurred to me that Bill Clinton's swelling popularity could be explained by America's love of bad boys and anti-heroes.…

It had even occurred to me that Bill Clinton was so preternaturally lucky he seemed to have cut a deal with the Devil. Given the carnage that always surrounds Mr. Clinton, and given the fact that he always smilingly walks away stronger than ever, I could easily see him as Faust or Dorian Gray or Joe Hardy in "Damn Yankees."

Perhaps Bill Clinton is the Devil. It would explain a lot. Certainly, Hillary Clinton is condemned to her own little hell. Certainly, the voters have closed their eyes and made their pact with the Devil: Keep us prosperous and we won't hold you to any special moral or ethical standards.

The Mephistophelean scenario has a wonderful logic. It would explain the extraordinary level of human sacrifice around Bill Clinton - why so many people around him end up dead, jailed, betrayed, shackled, exiled, subpoenaed, depressed, humiliated, broke, ruined and smeared. James McDougal dies abruptly, a broken, crazy man, in solitary confinement in Federal prison while his ex-business partner has more political lives than a black cat.

It explains why our moral universe has turned upside down. It's fine if Mr. Clinton preaches against tobacco one day, and the next goes to a fund-raiser given by a lawyer trying to reap a tobacco windfall.

Even the angelic seem possessed. Billy Graham telling Katie Couric that the President should be forgiven all because "the ladies just go wild over him"? Why should Mr. Clinton have to show any responsibility when he is deemed an innocent victim of his own sex appeal by the nation's most respected preacher?

You expect the feminists' heads to start rotating on their necks any moment now. They've abandoned everything they've fought for all these years to join the let-devils-be-devils chorus - as long as the sex is consensual or the President at some point, sooner or later, eventually takes no for an answer.

Okay, who wrote that? Pat Buchanan in the Washington Times? Emmet Tyrrel in the American Spectator? Perhaps an angry friend of the Branch Davidians? No, nothing like that. It was written by a traditional liberal columnist named Maureen Dowd and published on the op-ed page of the New York Times (March 11, 1998).

The point is that it is becoming increasingly clear that what is going on in this society can best be explained spiritually. Physical and spiritual realities are converging. Private lives, the most private aspects of our lives, become public discourse. Everything is in the open. I am sure that this is the first time in history that the details of a man’s effort to seduce a woman, to persuade her to touch his sexual organ, or another man’s fetish for toes, or another man’s to wear women’s lingerie, are public knowledge of great interest to a vast audience. I repeat my opening sentence: how are we to understand this?

First of all, it is not just circumstance. It is not just that people are becoming degraded all of a sudden. Men and women have had sordid relations from time immemorial; that is not new. What is new is the extent to which it is being discussed and scrutinized. Second, it is not something planned into being. Mr. Clinton did not have this on the agenda of his second term. The media did not expect it; nor did the American public. The Washington Times’ headline on the day of Clinton’s re-election was "They’re Back–To Face the Music?" But I am sure that the editor was thinking of whitewater gate, not zippergate.

Third, the phenomenon has historical meaning. The Divine Principle provides help here. As Reverend Moon often preaches, the seed planted by the sin of Adam and Eve has borne its fruit and will be harvested in the Last Days. The world, he says, will be stripped naked; it is as if Satan has the right to lay bare all the sexual sin of the human race, and stick it right into our face. The origin of sin, the misuse of love, takes over the human race. What was hidden is in the open. Everywhere we look, we see it. We are forced to decide: is sex outside the realm of God’s Blessing of marriage right or wrong? In other words, it is the time of judgment.

At this moment, a standard of sexual purity and marital fidelity must arise. That is what the Family Federation is attempting to do and to support others in doing. Beyond politics, beyond race, nation and religion, the judgment is based upon the original standard of righteousness given by God to Adam and Eve. "Do not eat the fruit; for the day you eat of it, you will die." In other words, love God before you love each other. Then your love for each other has God inside of it. Then it is the knowledge of good. Otherwise, it is the knowledge of evil.

Challenge of Communication

Any fool, if given the choice between life and death, will choose life. If people know that free sex leads to death, and absolute sex leads to life, they will choose absolute sex. The problem is that people do not know this.

But wait a minute. Almost all Americans agree that adultery is wrong, that pre-marital sex is wrong and divorce is wrong. Why do we continue to carry out these wrong behaviors? Obviously the matter is not as simple as we would like to think.

We can learn something here from the pro-life movement. There is a valuable article in the current issue of First Things, entitled "Abortion: A Failure to Communicate." The author, Paul Swope of the Caring Foundation, points out that while the pro-life movement engages more people than the civil rights movement did, it has made little impact on the mainstream culture. The reason for this, he suggests, is that the message of the pro-life movement has had only themselves in the audience. Thus it has been logical and reasonable from the perspective of the pro-lifers. But the motive to have an abortion does not turn on logic, and the perspective of a pregnant woman is different from that of pro-life organizers.

Thus, the pro-life movement sought for years to convince women that abortion is murder, and to appall legislators with photos of dead fetuses. But research shows that women are already aware that abortion is murder, and harping on that just makes them feel more miserable, isolated and terrified-which feeds into the decision to abort.

Now the pro-life movement is taking a new approach. The new approach is based upon the perception that a woman aborts because she views (and the culture of individualism tells her) that becoming a mother before one was planning to do so is tantamount to death. Your life is over, your options are closed, you are trapped. The pregnant woman is thinking first about herself, not the unborn child. It is a question of her own life versus the unborn child’s life. It is a terrible choice to make. A decision to abort is made at great cost, but it is seen as a sacrifice necessary to preserve one’s own life.

The pro-life people now are working to reshape the way an unmarried woman might look at bearing a child. They try to show that the act of courage and dignity is to keep the child. They argue that this is what can open one’s life to authentic growth and freedom through responsibility. In markets where such advertising is carried on, numbers of abortions have fallen dramatically.

Now, how do we apply this lesson to achieve the goal of sexual purity and faithful marriage? I’m not ready to present a full-blown ad campaign, but would just like to sort out a few lessons.

One, we must put ourselves into the shoes of the person suffering through a difficult marriage. This person does not need to be told that "divorce is bad," or "divorce will hurt your children." The fact is that remaining in the marriage is looming as a worse evil, as hurting the children more. What must be communicated, then, is that overcoming the blockages of the marital relationship is the best way to find personal freedom, spiritual growth and true eternal love. That is, the challenge must be recast as an opportunity.

In one way, this is an argument easier to make by the pro-marriage position than by the pro-life position. A woman with an unplanned pregnancy has to shift her life plan and priorities. A couple in a difficult marriage simply has to be convinced to stay the course, that is, to NOT shift their life plan and priorities. They must be convinced that their original hope for the marriage CAN be fulfilled, if they just work at it more.

Two, effective advertising presents a role model, a person with whom one would like to identify, who is facing the same challenge and is opting to do the right thing. This is a rich vein to mine for the pro-marriage position.

Three, another effective theme was to present the pro-abortion viewpoint as something thrust upon the woman by people who don’t really care about her. Abortion is something "they told me": "They said you wouldn’t be bothered by a voice calling for you in the night." "Everyone’s telling me how I should feel"- "Telling me … what to do, then not sticking around when it really counts. So now it’s all up to me. But abortion? Not me. I have to live with myself."

Thus, choosing to keep the child is equated with independence, with thinking for oneself, and with spiritual growth. Along this line, the pro-divorce argument can be presented as something put forth by callous losers, by those who bounce from one affair to another, who don’t have concern for your children or your future. "Divorce?" say a man and woman to the camera, "We faced it. But that wasn’t what we got married to do. Our commitment was stronger than that."

Overcoming Temptation

The serpent convinced Eve that she would be better off by eating than not eating the fruit. Eve convinced Adam of the same thing. Anyone who commits fornication or adultery similarly believes that they will be better off by doing so. The culture persuades us that we will be more beautiful, more masculine, happier and healthier, by engaging in free sex.

Our job is to convince people otherwise. As the Pure Love Alliance campaign has pointed out, effective advertising has turned smoking cigarettes into a questionable activity. What we need for the absolute sex message is role models of success. It seems to me that this has a lot to do with the Family Federation and the Blessing of marriage.

FFWPU Germany Starts Program: ‘Love as the Chance and the Way’

by Nina Kirchberger-Frankfurt, Germany

The program "Love as the Chance and The Way" was introduced by the German FFWPU Vice President Siegfried Klammsteiner (Frankfurt am Main) and Thomas Schuh (Munich). It was developed to support blessed families in their efforts to reach out to other families in society, as well as to enrich and strengthen their own interpersonal relationships.

"Love As The Chance And The Way" is not aimed at people of a specific religion, but it leads participants to realize that the ultimate solution to problems in relationship is within a person's readiness to live and sacrifice for others, which is one of the basic principles of any religion.

This concept is quite different from numerous programs on human relationships, which are offered in Germany. Since the era of the Enlightenment man's emotional sphere has become greatly dominated by the intellect, says Siegfried Klammsteiner. With the coming of the so called New Age Movement, the direction became opposite and now it is the emotional sphere which is paid the most attention. Emotional healing of different kinds became very popular, also among many members of the Unification Movement. However, centering on emotions in solving family problems is an easy step to selfishness, which eventually makes the way to the ultimate solution much longer. On the other side, even many of those on the path of emotional healing (outside of the Unification Church) feel, that there is much more to it and are not satisfied with what they are offered by psychologists. It is the sphere of Heart which they are missing, and it was opened with the coming of the True Parents. It is what the Unification Movement is reach with, but it proved to be so difficult to bring people to understand, what Gods Heart is about.

The program is an attempt to teach people about God's Heart through relationships in the family. It helps participants to discover their own original heart, as the first step to healing their personal problems.

There are three main parts to the program, which deal correspondingly with the personal development, partnership in marriage and parentship. Lectures are short and supported by group exercises, guided meditation and role plays (for example, playing a conflict situation in order to find the way out of it). Here some of the topics discussed: "Love as the way to self-realization", "To deepen understanding of your desires and the ones of your partner", "Clarifying your expectations in a relationship", "To fight in a right way, growing together", "Using the healing ability of the partnership", "Realizing dreams of closeness and intimacy", "From stress to joy in dealing with children", "Taking children's feeling seriously", "To stay in love in spite of children".

The program was developed through the joined efforts of Siegfried Klammsteiner, Thomas Schuh, two other UC members-Gerd Schmidinger from Austria and Annemarie Hanisch from Dusseldorf-together with the "outside" professionals Gerhard Pfeffer, a psychotherapist from Heidelberg, and Dagmar Persch from Frankfurt. The latter is known in the city for her courses of "Emotional Clearing".

Siegfried Klammsteiner, 44, is an experienced DP lecturer and former national leader. He also taught many CARP and HARP members about the Blessing. He and his wife Margaret have three lovely children. Siegfried completed a professional course in family therapy. Though it remains his main sphere of interest, his mission includes PR work and dealing with the finances of the German Church.

Thomas Schuh, 31, was blessed to Mitzue from Japan in 1992. They have a son and their second child is about to be born. Thomas recently finished his education in natural healing.

Besides weekend courses and evening programs special one-week seminars are offered for those who would like to become trainers themselves. The first seminar of that kind took place this February in Schmitten, Germany. The participants arrived not only from Germany, but from other European countries, such as Great Britain, Holland and Austria and even Russia.

The course materials are now being translated from German into English. The next weekend seminar will take place in Frankfurt area March 27-29.. The course for trainers is scheduled for the 6th-12th of July. To register or for additional information contact Siegfried Klammsteiner via e-mail: <> . Nina Kirchberger, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Chicago Ministers Speak Out on Reverend Moon, True Family Values and the Future of America

Reverend Joong Hyun Pak convened a major Regional Directors meeting in Chicago in early March. Three special ministers were invited, Rev. A. Dunlap, Rev. A. Waller and Rev. T. L. Barratt, and several Chicago Unificationists also gave valuable testimonies. The following excerpts are taken from notes of that meeting.

Rev. Dunlap: As program chairman of my denomination in Chicago, I made a plaque for Rev. Moon and got a lot of pressure not to do that. But I said I love him and am going to do it. I'd rather be a man than a mouse.

I was impressed that Rev. Moon went to jail fighting for the rights of all. Rev. Moon is color-blind; he teaches that all are equal under divine love. If we had more Rev. Moons in the world, we wouldn't have all the crime and divorce. I married a couple who kissed in the wedding ceremony for 15 minutes, and their marriage lasted for 3 months.

Rev. Moon was put in jail by the elites, though the people love him. You can't keep a good man down. Send your children to work in humble places. Rockefeller sent his sons to work in coal mines. I sent mine to work in construction. Then they appreciate education. Marion Anderson went to singing school owning one dress, her mother washed it every night. Put cardboard in her shoes.

The drug industry in America makes more money than General Motors. Who has the planes? It's everywhere, in the White House, state houses, even AME churches. College students shooting up. Now Russians are bringing their women over to be prostitutes. America better clean up its own house before worrying about Hussein. Clinton was a draft dodger, and wants to send the poor people to fight. The leaders should go to the front line. But they send the poor, and kill innocent people in Iraq.

We have to give vision. Our blacks in Chicago are divided across economic lines. I've been in jail 40 times in America. I'm 67 years old. Rev. Moon is trying to bring people together. I will die for him, because he and Bishop Kim and Mrs. Kim and Michael Jenkins believe this.

Your strongest point is that you bring all races together. Second is the strength of your marriages. Third, you have a strong family ideology and practice. It is necessary for the USA to survive. All the churches need this.

Rev. Waller - I don't recognize denominational lines. If we work together with Rev. Moon, we can change this nation. I've seen True Family Values save families in my church. It teaches them how to give and take. Dr. Moon is reaching out to mankind. You have lifted me up a lot. I thank God for what you've done and the doors you are opening.

I answer critics with the Bible-love your enemies. I can't waste my time hating people; the Bible tells me to love everyone. We have to work together in unity for Christ.

If they say Rev. Moon claims to be Jesus: we all are brothers in Jesus and with Jesus. Rev. Moon was anointed by God through Jesus Christ. He's using Rev. Moon as He uses us. The head has many members and God uses the whole body. He's using all of us. Jesus had 12 disciples. Peter could heal and teach. Jesus is using all people who serve him. Rev. Moon is representing the same God. Look at how the sun came out when Rev. Moon prayed. God sent that miracle because He was pleased with the work. Rev. Moon is here to help us.

Christians have to realize that they can remain of their own faith as well as be Unificationist. That opens up pastors to the Unification movement.

Rev. Dunlap - I don't depend on people, but on God and love. Bring the people together. It's hard, trials and tribulation, but have good cheer. Make the spiritual foundation, then economic, then social, then political. TFV is about sharing and bringing races together. If we can do that, we can bring people together.

Rev. Pak: Rev. Barratt gave great speeches at the Holy Wedding and RFK Stadium and the press conference. Also, he connected us to Minister Farrakhan. Even I was afraid of Minister Farrakhan before that. So I repent that I didn't trust Rev. Barratt. But even I get persecuted by UC community over Minister Farrakhan. Minister Farrakhan trusts Rev. Barratt.

Rev. Barratt: Rev. Pak credits me, but I credit the hand of God, working through men of God. Merging of spiritual forces is ordained by God. On a Sunday morning Bishop Pak was speaking at our church, and Minister Farrakhan phoned. I had not spoken to him for months. When I woke up, he said, you were on my heart, and you have stayed on my mind all day. I told him that the reason is that a man of God is here who wants to meet you, he is a representative of Rev. Moon. So it really came through God. My call did not get through, but God did get through. So it is God who is merging these powerful spiritual forces. No doubt. I believe the counsel of Gamiliel.

I believe my life is guided by God and there are no accidents. Every meeting is a divine providence, orchestrated by God. One of my members, Cynthia Caradine, comes rarely because of distance and children. But she heard I was speaking in her area that night, and she invited Maria Helena and Maartin to attend. It was her, and God was behind it. God is behind all of it, you are just a player to bring His plan to fruition. I could not orchestrate Minister Farrakhan phoning right at the end of Bishop Pak's sermon. I could not have interrupted the sermon for the phone call.

Let God handle it. God is smarter than us. You don't have to do wrong to let God do right.

We're all ready to work with you, and there are ministers in your communities whom God has predestined. Nothing is an accident. Keep pursuing God. God will work through the small people, like Cynthia Caradine and Maria.

We can do True Family Revivals in America. This is God's movement. It's not pushing Rev. Moon; it saving your own community. What's bigger - your hatred of Rev. Moon or your love for your people? Even the 3rd world can move to 2nd and 1st by getting the families together. When they hear us, Rev. Moon isn't such an issue. We know people all over the country. We'll travel, meet and preach. Bishop Greer will be married April 7 and wants it to be a Blessing. He's from elsewhere but will be Blessed in Chicago.

Evang. Maria Helena Tonneyck: I love ministers work. Spirit world is totally with us and the churches are open. Just go to the positive ones, there are plenty. Daily witnessing spirit is crucial. I cannot rest without calling a minister. I started ministers' work four years ago. I know so many ministers now. I am not a teacher and I do not know how I did it. But here are points:

1. Be bold and also humble.

2. No sense of making them join the Unification Church. Just love and serve them, help them. How? If they have a special event you can attend - birthdays, revivals. Attend their revivals in other churches.

3. Report everything to your central figure.

4. Go to their church even for a few minutes; if you do, they are so inspired.

5. I feel it is life or death.

6. Think about and pray for the pastor constantly. Spirit world will tell you about him. Spirit world works if you go out. I always expect a good result, even if it is a small and poor minister.

7. Always bring a gift. Financial sacrifice - never go empty-handed. A cake.

8. Bow and show great respect to the minister. I ask him to pray over the gift. Once it turned out that one poor minister’s father was a bishop over 90 churches.

9. Prepare the street address a few days before, not at the last minute. Arrive 30 minutes early, to see the building, get the atmosphere, pray, meet congregants. Never break an appointment, even if something happens in your family.

10. Follow-up immediately, even that night. Tell them you love them and you want to help them and support them. They don't have people like that. Attend them to bring them to True Parents. Don't forget the small ministers for the big ones. Call them all. I visited a small one who was sick and broke. He was so moved and invited me to a revival with a very big minister, who invited me to his church, a big wealthy one.

I gave up my Christmas to be with Rev. Barratt's small Christmas service, and he invited me to his home and family. I left my son at home.

11. Be wise, find out each minister's character. Find out what they like, their birthday. God will tell you how to break through. To do that, you must visit many times. He will never forget you if he knows you left your own schedule to help him. The work is all heart. I cannot preach, but I go there and God tells me what to say.

I kept going with Rev. Barratt even though I couldn't hardly walk anymore. It's a network; they all know each other. Whether a big or small one. You have to love them, even if you don't know what to do, you just go. I tell them I want to help their church. God exists and knows what we want. He will open the door of the church.

Rev. Jenkins - Ministers may not look too powerful, but by working with True Parents they become powerful. They become new people; God makes them great through True Parents. All the hatred is gone, even not thinking about black and white, and loving America. Now our enemy is the serpent.

If we do street blessings without doing churches, it will be a big body with no head. Without Christianity, God cannot save America.

Chicago Approach Book Developed

Rich & Yukimi Lemont-Chicago, IL

In the never-ending battle for Truth, Justice and the True Parent's Way Chicago Region 6 has developed an approach book to use in contacting Christian Ministers and familiarizing them with the True Family Values Ministry.

The book was developed in response to a request from Rev. Ki Hun Kim, regional director for Chicago. 24 pages of color photos and proclamations and letters of appreciation focus on some of the 23 Blessing activities that took place in Christian churches that TFV works with. Others show some of the TFV lecture seminars and prayer breakfasts and Awards Banquets that TFV have sponsored.

Copies of the Approach Book can be ordered from Chicago Region 6 HQ. The cost is $30 per copy. Call, fax, write or e-mail: Chicago Region 6 HQ; Attn: Nobuko; 7450 N. Sheridan, Chicago, IL 60626; TEL 773-274-7441; FAX 773-274-9860;


True Parent's birthday activities this year had a new twist; Chicago Regional Director Rev. Ki Hun Kim carried birthday greetings to True Parents from the Mayor of Chicago as well as an album of cards and photos from TFV ministers in Chicago. The Chicago ministers lent substance to their wishes with a birthday gift of over $7000 to our True Parents. Some of the ministers and their cards are shown.

CAPTIONS for Photo montage:1 Rev. Thomas Jackson from New Original COGIC brought 2 buses to Blessing '97.2 Rev. T.L. Barett from Life Center COGIC. True mother spoke in his church in December 1996 and several pre-blessing ceremonies took place there.3 Dr. Hycel B. Taylor was the guest speaker before 1000 plus ministers and lay leaders at the Second Annual True Family Values Award Banquet.4 Rev. Walter Butts of Mt. Carmel Children of God has been working with Chicago church since early CAUSA campaigns and attended the ICC conferences in Korea. He has appeared as a featured singer at many TFV events.5 Msgr. Edward Bikoma gives his Masses in Aramaic, the language of Jesus, a language he grew up speaking as a boy. He has supported our work to "ensure True Family Values all over the world" since ICC days.6 Rev. Lucius Hall has supported many TFV events since he attended the ICC conferences in Korea. His position as Special Assistant to the Mayor puts him in a special John the Baptist position.7 Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley sent his personal wishes to True Parents home at East Garden.8 Rev. Connie Bansa, a recipient of the 1997 TFV Award.9 Bishop Ocie Booker, presiding bishop for Chicago sends his greetings.

Abstinence and Personal Development

by Matthew Jones-Albany, NY

Adapted from his paper Abstinence: Creating a New Family Culture for the 21st Century submitted to the Hyundai World Student Essay Contest.

Sexual Abstinence before marriage is crucial for personal maturation. The following character traits are basic in the make up of any individual. The degree to which we can create high levels of these positive traits in ourselves will determine our likelihood of success in marriage. In my view, it is indispensable to practice abstinence in order to develop these character traits.

Self Esteem

Developing a high self-esteem is one of the most vital traits for a developing human being. It is important not only for personal development, but also for developing relationships with others. The reason is that, as Brian Tracy says, "it is impossible to like or love anybody else if we do not like ourselves." The importance of developing a high self-esteem before marriage is obvious; it will allow one to love one's spouse more and create a deeper relationship.

Many young people who are sexually experienced, however, suffer a loss of self-esteem, particularly when they contract a sexually transmitted disease. According to the Medical Institute for Sexual Health, more than 80% of people with herpes say they feel "less confident" and "less desirable sexually."

Even if one escapes a sexually transmitted disease, casual sex alone can lower self-esteem. A twenty year old college male who had a one night stand with a girl he met at a party, writes "You feel pretty crummy when you get drunk at a party and have sex with some girl, and then the next morning you can't even remember who she was."

Teenagers who become absorbed in an intense sexual relationship are turning inward at the very time in their lives when they should be reaching out, forming new friendships, joining clubs and teams, developing their interests and skills, and taking on bigger social responsibilities. All of these are important nutrients for a teenager's self-esteem. Along these lines, the psychiatrist Samuel Kaufman writes:

"A girl who enters into a serious relationship with a boy very early in life may find out later that her individuality was thwarted. She became part of him and failed to develop her own interests, her sense of independent identity. Such an occurrence leads to lower self-esteem and can be avoided by abstaining from sex until marriage."

From my early teenage years, I decided that I would save sex until marriage. Looking back on my time as a teenager, I have to say that this time was precious, knowing that it did give me a sense of accomplishment and thus built my self-esteem.


Learning to discipline one's self is vital to personal development. In order to be successful in anything, we need to practice self-control and self-discipline. In fact, discipline is so important because we derive self-esteem from it. An example of this is the feeling I receive when I get my homework done instead of watching television. I feel good about myself. This feeling comes from what Tracy calls the "law of control":

"The law of control says that we feel good about ourselves to the exact degree to which we feel we are in control of our own lives... We feel bad about ourselves or out of harmony with ourselves to the degree to which we are controlled by outer circumstances."

Sexual abstinence before marriage is a form of control over our bodies and lives. The human body naturally desires sexual fulfillment. The discipline is learning to control or channel that sexual energy into something productive.

Casual sex, on the other hand, breeds lack of discipline. It encourages one to follow bodily instincts, rather than controlling them. The attitude that promotes this lifestyle perhaps comes from what social scientist James Q. Wilson posits as a prevailing characteristic of American life: "American people have embraced an ethos that values self-expression over self-control."

We know the importance of self-control by looking at the effects of a lack of it. As Thomas Lickona writes:

"The breakdown of self-control is a big factor in many of the sex- related problems that plague American society: rape, promiscuity, pornography, addiction to sex, sexual harassment, sexual abuse of children and sexual infidelity in marriage. Knowing the power of sex, it is no wonder that Freud once said sexual self-control is essential for civilization."

While trying to control one's sexual desire is important, I do not think the sexual desire can be completely controlled (as to simply overcoming it). Rather, the key is to have enough self-control to channel one's sexual energy into other areas. The notion of channeling one's sexual energy is written about by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich. Hill says that "sexual transmutation", as he calls it, is practiced by all highly successful people whether they are aware of it or not.

"Sex transmutation is...the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature."

Sexual desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will power, persistence and creative ability unknown to them at other times.

The transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power, to be sure, but the reward is worth the effort. The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit of man. If not given this form of outlet, through transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels.

This philosophy is consistent with my experience. Growing up, I believe I channeled my energy and desire into sports.

Goal-Oriented Way of Thinking

Learning to set goals is crucial to personal development. As Tracy explains:

"The human being is built as a goal-seeking mechanism. Unless we have goals we go around in circles and drift with the tide and end up no where. When we set goals, we go straight and true, we develop direction, we develop focused and channeled energy."

Sexual abstinence before marriage, if one has a clear purpose for it, develops a goal-oriented frame of mind. My purpose of abstinence from sex until marriage was ultimately to achieve a lasting and loving marriage with my wife, and together with her create a beautiful family. Having this goal gave me clarity and direction in my teenage years. An abstinent life style has helped me to develop the habit I have now of being a constant goal-setter and developing the ability to envision my ideal outcome.

Delaying Gratification

One hallmark of good character is the ability to delay gratification, making short term sacrifices for long-term, greater gain. Many teenagers have sex so early because they do not see the value of delaying gratification. This ability is closely related to self-control and having goals, still it is a distinct positive character trait in itself. When one delays gratification, one can appreciate life so much more.

Let me offer a simple example. When we were growing up, my parents used to go out a few weeks before Christmas-buy us toys, and then put them in the basement until Christmas. Being the immature boy I was, I used to go up to my brothers and whisper, "Wanna go look at the presents?" We would then tip-toe downstairs and quietly go through all the presents. Although we had a blast discovering what new presents we would get, when Christmas came, we had nothing to look forward to. The excitement was gone and Christmas was dull. If I could have controlled myself and waited till Christmas day, I would have appreciated the presents so much more.

This phenomenon of delaying gratification, as it is related to premarital sex, is also discussed by educator Allen Bloom:

"The most interesting students are those who have not settled the sexual problem and who are still...fresh and naive, excited by the mysteries to which they have not yet been fully initiated. There are some who are men and women at the age of sixteen, who have nothing more to learn about the erotic. They may become competent specialists, but they are flat-souled...unadorned by imagination and devoid of ideals."

All successful people in some way make sacrifices in the present for greater gain in the long run. Waiting for sex until marriage is one of the ultimate forms of this discipline.

Peace of Mind

Having peace of mind is one of the key ingredients to personal happiness and development. One thing that disrupts one's peace of mind is fear and worry, which often comes about from being sexually active. Every year, one of every ten teenage girls in the United States becomes pregnant and twelve million people are infected with a sexually transmitted disease with 63% being under the age of twenty-five. Knowing these statistics, it is no wonder that one high school girl told a nurse, "I see some of my friends buying home pregnancy tests, and they are so worried and so distracted every month, afraid that they might be pregnant." Another health education coordinator says, "I see kids going to the nurse, crying a day after their first sexual experience, and wanting to be tested for AIDS."

Remaining sexually abstinent before marriage gave me complete freedom from these worries. Sexually abstinent people can enjoy relatively much higher levels of peace of mind because they do not have to worry about pregnancy or STD's.

Being Loved

The single most important factor in my personal growth was receiving love from my parents. Children need love like roses need rain. Without love, children do not grow as human beings. Who wants to give that love and support more than a parent? It is a sad reality of today that so many relationships between parents and children are distant, especially in the teenage years.

One reason this distance develops is that children begin to develop different values from their parents. For example, a child knows that his parents would not approve of his smoking, experimenting with drugs, or having sex before marriage. Therefore, if a child does any of these, he naturally would want to distance himself from fear of punishment or disapproval.

In my case, the first impetus to practice abstinence before marriage came from my parents. Through their love and encouragement, I adopted this value as my own. I knew my parents were proud of me for that. Further, I did not feel I had anything to be ashamed of in front of them. As a result, I became very close to my parents.

Although parents may be too afraid to say it (perhaps because they were sexually active before marriage), it is likely that many fully support sexual abstinence before marriage, particularly in this age of AIDS and other STD’s. If young people live by this ethic, I believe their relationship with their parents can only be enhanced. This will allow them more fully to receive the love they need to grow.

In sum, sexual abstinence helps to promote desirable character traits in the individual. By developing self-esteem, self-control, peace of mind, a goal-oriented way of thinking, the ability to delay gratification and by building good relationships with our parents, we are on the road to becoming fully developed human beings. The more our personalities and characters are developed before marriage, the higher chance we have of succeeding in marriage.

4th America's Friendship Project to be held in Guatemala

by John Gehring-NYC

The America's Friendship Projects (AFP) were begun in 1996. These projects are an effort to bring students and young adults from the America's together to provide service, share friendship, culture, ideals and faith.

The first American Friendship Project was hosted in Haiti, 1996 and was followed by projects in Honduras and in the Dominican Republic. The 4th AFP will be held in Guatemala on May 14-23, 1998 and will involve fifty youth from a dozen nations in an effort to deepen links of friendship and promote peace and cooperation.

The Guatemala project will focus on a theme of, " Sharing True Values through Educational Uplift". The work service will be a continuation of a project sponsored by the World Student Corp which built two local schools in Santiago Atitlan a decade ago. Over-crowding and high demand from local villagers makes building a second floor of the school a necessity.

The project will be bi-lingual (Spanish and English) and involve youth from over twelve nations. Participants arrive in Guatemala City for a two day orientation on May 14th. The service portion will follow as participants travel four hours to the beautiful but poor rural community of Santiago Atitlan.

The work site is nestled between three volcanoes and the beautiful Lake Atitlan. The overcrowded five room rural school house offers scholarships for local villagers and therefore needs to be enlarged in order to provide greater opportunity for the rural poor of Guatemala.


The Religious Youth Service (RYS) RYS was initiated in 1985 as an international service project that has involved tens of thousands of young adults from over 90 nations in active service. The RYS has helped sponsor nearly 70 service projects in twenty seven nations for the purpose of building intercultural and interreligious friendship and cooperation.

Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP). Began in 1992 and a UN registered NGO with chapters in over 180 nations worldwide, the WFWP has had numerous peace activities, promoted service and educational outreach globally. The WFWP has cooperated with the RYS in sponsoring American Friendship Projects since 1996.


Participation Fee: $200. This covers room, board, local transportation and fees. Optional Additional Sightseeing-Adventure: following the program a two day sightseeing and fun program will be held. The cost is $100 for room, board and fees. Participants cover their air travel to and from Guatemala City. (around $ 500 from NYC)

For more information please contact:

Mr. Gerhard E. Bessell
13 Avenida "B" 25-25, Zona 13 * Colonia La Libertad
Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala
e mail:
tel. 502 333-3077
fax 502 333-2197

or the International Office:

Prof. John W. Gehring
4 W. 43rd St. New York, NY 10036
fax 212 869-6424
phone 212 869 6023 ext. 429
e mail

How Father Gives a Sermon

by Rev. Won Pil Kim-Oslo, Norway

This sermon was given at the Sunday Service, March 1, 1998, at the Norwegian HQ, Oslo. Based on unofficial notes by Pastor Knut Holdhus.

Today there seem to be more children here than adults. In such a case, who should the preacher focus on, the adults or the children? If the message is geared towards the adults, the children won't understand. If you are just focusing on the children, the adults can't receive it. How can we make a good Sunday service? Many adults didn't come today, but the children did. We have to take time to reflect on this. If the children can understand our sermons, it's quite amazing.

The purpose of the service is to understand the message of the sermon. If you can't understand the sermon, you won't have a heart to come here. If you hear a message that can help you in your life, you will automatically come back. A sermon is different from a lecture in school. A sermon is able to reach our heart and because of that we are able to attain a higher spiritual level. A sermon doesn't just convey knowledge. If we can't get liberated or resurrected or are not reborn through the Sunday service, we can't easily attend it. Please, think about this.

When Father used to give sermons in Korea, he really prepared a long time. The late Rev Hyo Won Eu used to prepare his sermons by writing everything down. He had to prepare the whole week for the sermon. Father told him he should pray for three times as long time as his sermon would last. Christian ministers often prepare three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, for the Sunday service. They read the Bible and many books as well. Father is different! He has prayed so much for Heavenly Father, our members and all mankind. Many times Father spent all night in prayer in preparation for next day's sermon. Father used to take his place in front half an hour before the service began. Many times he would get his topic five minutes before the start. Then he would speak without any notes. During Sunday services with Father many would receive revelations from Heaven.

Father speaks according to what kind of audience he has. He adjusts his message when he sees who is present. Father is also able to point out who has prepared with prayer and other conditions for the Sunday service. Father would suddenly point at that person and ask him to say a representative prayer. During the prayer that person would sometimes go to the spirit world. Suddenly he would become quiet. We waited for five minutes for him to end his prayer, but nothing happened. Then Father would tell the person to stop the prayer. The person would regain his consciousness and would complete his prayer. Only Father would know that the person he had asked to pray had been in the spirit world during the prayer. That person had actually prepared with his whole heart and in deep prayer before attending the Sunday service. That is why those kind of phenomena would happen during the service.

Father took responsibility for the whole service and would himself be MC and give the sermon. Really he showed us how to hold Sunday services. Now he does not organize services any longer. The Church leader (minister) does it. He must therefore prepare in prayer for the whole service, but different persons may take responsibility for the prayers, the MC-role, the collection, music, etc. They should however all prepare with prayers. If they really prepare in advance, the congregation will change a lot. The atmosphere will change. Don't you think so? If we don't prepare for meeting Heavenly Father, we may get hurt instead of receiving grace. This is like a spiritual hospital. Here spiritual sickness may get cured. When Father would go up on the podium, he thought about curing people who in a sense are like criminals. He felt he was carrying out an operation. If his mind was not clear, he might kill the patients. If the doctor kills the patient, who should indemnify that? The doctor has to take responsibility.

If Father couldn't prepare well for the service, he would straight away start to repent. Father used to teach us that if the minister came late to the service, he should be very serious about his mistake. If 100 persons waited for him, and he was ten minutes late, 1000 minutes would be wasted. If an operation is scheduled to begin at 10 o'clock, and the surgeon is ten minutes late, the patient might already be dead. Please, consider this if you're late. If everyone has the right attitude, the atmosphere will be so different. In the Bible we read that when two are gathered in the name of God, our Heavenly Father will be there with them. If one or two in a congregation has such an attitude, the other members too can inherit that kind of spirit.

Globalization and the Media: Looking to the Twenty-first Century

by Reverend Sun Myung Moon

This is the Founder's Address given at the XIV World Media Conference, Washington, DC. November 26, 1997.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for your participation in the Fourteenth World Media Conference. I find it particularly meaningful that you will be discussing various issues faced by the media as it seeks to respond to the age of globalization in the 21st Century, which will arrive in just a few years.

We live in an age when the global environment is undergoing exceptionally rapid change. It is incumbent upon the media to respond to these changes more quickly and more correctly than other sectors of society. Otherwise, humanity faces a future of even greater confusion and instability.

Right now, the most important factor bringing about change in the world is that increasingly, our means of communications function at the speed of light. Every day, new technologies are developed which seem to transcend time and space and connect even the farthest corners of the Earth in a matter of seconds.

In the past, newspaper editors would demand that reporters gather local news and publish it more quickly than anyone else. But what is the situation in 1997, just three years prior to the beginning of the 21st Century?

Today when reporters consider their local community, they think not only about the physical and geographical region in which they live. They also think about their associates and neighbors around the world with whom they are connected through e-mail.

When a reporter gathers information concerning this or that issue, he or she uses the Internet to find relevant material from around the world. For those who gather information, "local community" no longer refers just to the region in which they live but to the whole world.

As recently as a hundred years ago, at the start of the 20th Century, news often traveled by train, ship or even at times by carrier pigeon. People had to wait days or weeks even for such important news as the battlefield situation in the First World War.

In the latter half of the 1990s, however, the Internet and telecommunications have made it possible to transmit news in a matter of seconds. The entire world can receive information about major news events almost simultaneously. It can be said today that the entire world is our local community and that local news has come to mean news about the whole world.

Because electronic communications technology is bringing the world together in this way, economic and cultural exchanges have already entered a borderless age.

The age has come when all the Earth's citizens influence each other's lives. The economy of any particular country or region cannot but be influenced by the world economic situation.

For these reasons, we must think of the world as constituting a single community. And we must pose the question: "What should be the form and content of the media in a global age?"

I hope that in the course of this conference you will have a great deal of discussion on a variety of topics related to this question, and that you will be able to obtain useful results.

I also would like to take this opportunity to present some of my views on globalization and the media in the 21st Century.

First, I think the media in a global age should move beyond "functional journalism" toward "value journalism." The news media do not completely fulfill their mission simply by giving their audiences a factual account of the news. Rather, through commentary and criticism, the media must awaken their readers and viewers to an awareness of truth and lead the way in elevating society's spiritual and moral values.

In the global information age of the 21st Century, the peoples of different nations will exercise tremendous influence on each other across international boundaries. Thus, the immoral aspects of any one major country's culture can easily have a negative influence on other countries. The coming of the information age, which itself is a result of advances in industries that apply communication and information technologies, is the fundamental factor hastening us into a world in which information is shared by all humankind. In such a world, merely reporting the facts of the news will be much too elementary. It will be an important role of the media to determine how to interpret and evaluate the facts, and thus provide the direction in which the audience is guided.

Here it is important to examine the worldview, philosophy and historical outlook held by media organizations and journalists themselves. In other words, it will be necessary for journalists to share positive and idealistic values regarding humanity and world peace and prosperity.

Thus we should have a global perspective.

If the kind of media that satisfies people's base desires and interests from purely commercial motives sets the trend, then the world will become an even more gloomy and unhappy place in the 21st Century.

We have been through the most difficult ideological war during the 20th Century. Isn't it true that during the ideological struggle of the Cold War, Communism's dialectical materialism was on the ascendant in many parts of society?

It was only a few years ago that even many intellectuals and journalists in the Free World were under its influence and confused.

I met the challenges of that age with the greatest seriousness. As a result I was subjected to much misunderstanding and criticism. On the one hand, I led the Unification Thought Movement and the campaign to realize ideal families. On the other hand, I worked to liberate the Communist bloc and to teach students and intellectuals in those countries a system of values to prepare them for the world after Communism.

In 1982, at a time when the Free World was confronting its greatest challenge of the Cold War, I founded The Washington Times. It was a time when Washington, D.C., which in many ways is the capital of the world, had only one newspaper, the Washington Post.

At the time, I observed the world not merely from the standpoint of the international power relations of the Cold War but from the standpoint of the history of God's providence of salvation. I had already warned that the Soviet Communist empire would soon come to an end. During preparations to hold the Second International Conference of the Professors World Peace Academy in Geneva in 1985, I told scholars from around the world that the theme of that conference should be "The Collapse of Soviet Communism."

The scholars, who viewed the situation from the perspective of U.S.-Soviet relations of the time, were stunned to hear this, and were at a loss. In the end they were persuaded, and the conference was held under the theme that I had suggested.

When the Eleventh World Media Conference was held in Moscow in April 1990, I met then-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, accompanied by a group of Free World journalists whom we had come to know primarily through The Washington Times.

In my meeting with President Gorbachev, I told him that the future of atheistic materialism could be nothing other than self-destruction and that he should repudiate materialism and attempt a revival of spiritual values centering on religion.

Within two years of that meeting, the Communist Soviet empire collapsed. My prediction in 1985 concerning the end of the Soviet empire came true, and many scholars who knew about this were again amazed.

Where do you think Rev. Moon gets this ability to predict historic changes in the world situation? I would like to tell you quite honestly the reason. Without any doubt it is that, as a religious leader, I stand in close communion with God. I have an absolute commitment to bring about God's plan and God's will for the future of humankind.

I have consistently appealed to leaders in all fields of life - who have been entrusted by God to prepare for the building of the future world - so that they may fulfill their responsibilities.

The age of the Cold War is coming to a close. Humankind is at a critical point. We must prepare for a new millennium in which we can all live on the Earth as brothers and sisters under one God, based on the principles of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values.

We need to ensure that the world of the 21st Century and beyond will be a world of peace in which all humankind will be able to live in freedom and prosperity, sharing in love and happiness.

The issue of ideological confrontation between East and West has concluded and now we must resolve the issue of the difference in economic standards between North and South. I have previously advocated the sharing of scientific technology and the construction of the International Peace Highway. This arises from my insight that humanity must be united as one family and live in a state of interdependence.

Now that the East-West Cold War has ended and scientific technology is advancing day by day so that the world can grow into a single community, do you think that humankind will automatically live in peace and happiness? Absolutely not. During the 21st Century, human society will face issues even more fundamental and even more dangerous than those of the Cold War.

According to what I have perceived, the most serious problem to beset humankind in the future world will be the issue of immorality and moral decadence destroying family values. Moral decadence is truly the original sin that pushes humanity into the abyss of suffering and despair.

Whether the world of the future will resemble heaven or hell will be determined by whether we can establish a moral code that sustains the purity of the family and protects family values.

Is it possible that issues faced in common by many countries throughout the world, such as the moral decline of young people, endless drug-related crime, increases in divorce, family breakdown, AIDS, and sexual crimes can be resolved by means of political power? Until now, we have been unable to resolve these problems even through education in school or religious instruction.

What good will it do a society to be economically prosperous and politically free if it is unable to solve the issues that cause all its families to exist in agony? Humankind has come to a point when it must find a teaching that protects and uplifts family values, and a method for putting such teaching into practice.

In the post-Cold War age, we must protect and uplift family values.

This is the most important message that Rev. Moon would like to give to you journalists who are participating today, representing all journalists around the world.

Currently the World Culture and Sports Festival III is being held in Washington, D.C., and the International Blessing Ceremony will be on November 29th at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium and all around the world. Initially, it was planned that 3.6 million couples would participate in the events. Surprisingly, though, the number of participants will now exceed 36 million, or ten times the original goal, by a few million couples. This celebration encompassing all humankind will surely be the foundation for a majestic beginning, encouraging all the people of the world to determine to protect and uplift family values.

I ask you journalists assembled here, as well as the leaders who have participated in this festival, to give us your enthusiastic cooperation at the national level so that this event can be developed into a global festival involving 360 million couples.

Expanding and solidifying this movement for true families so that it becomes a worldwide phenomenon is surely the most important spiritual and cultural revolution for humankind in the 21st Century.

Last June, in remarks commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of The Washington Times, I announced my intention to establish newspapers in 185 countries and to start a news service to link the entire world as a local community.

This enormous project is founded on my conviction about the future that I described above. Springing from my dedication, it is a gift to the people who will live in that future world. I would like to request the participation and cooperation in this project of the many distinguished journalists gathered today from around the world.