NYC Family Federation Holds Ministers’ Luncheon

by Eric Holt,-NYC

Approximately 200 ministers and community leaders gathered at the beautiful Bridgewaters Restaurant in New York City’s South Street Seaport on Saturday, January 24, 1998, to partake of the culinary graces of God and to address the theme, "A Stable and Secure Family Culture". On this crisp New York afternoon, participants began arriving at the catering facility which was ornately decorated with boats and ocean-faring paraphernalia. The banquet hall afforded a breathtaking view of the New York Harbor.

After some spirited warm-up piano entertainment from a local clergyman, emcees Edner and Juanita Pierre-Louis opened the program and invited participants to begin a sumptuous lunch.

A little while later, Fannie Ladybird Ray, a former NAACP woman of the year, introduced Barney Webster from the Dance Theater of Harlem. Barney delighted everyone with his creative dance interpretations of "I Believe I Can Fly" (Rev. Al Sharpton’s theme song) and "Amazing Grace".

Before his speech Rev. Sharpton received a Family Federation Leadership Award, presented by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, continental Director of the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace. Rev. Sharpton, alluding to the recent scandals plaguing the White House, cautioned clergy to "look in the mirror" before rushing to judge the President. He urged those present to work for resurrection of the family in New York by participating in Blessing ’98 in New York. At the conclusion of his speech, Rev. Sharpton presented an award from the Coalition for Harmony to Rev. Pak

Linda Haft, a representative of Free Teens, an abstinence program for teens, offered an overview of a two-part slide presentation. Afterwards, several clergy signed up for a presentation in their churches.

In his keynote address, Rev. Pak reiterated several themes from his recent message to the Board of Directors of the National Baptist Convention. He reminded the audience of the history-making event on November 29, 1997 at RFK Stadium – Blessing ‘97. Then, utilizing Biblical themes (Revelation 22, in particular), he explained why only "true families" can enter the Kingdom of God. God is love, and love exists in a relationship. God wants to live with us and to experience love with and through us. Joy and happiness come from the give and take of love – fundamentally in a family. The family of God is the multi-colored love-race. Rev. and Mrs. Moon, through the inspiration of God, started the True Family World Movement, the centerpiece of which is the Blessing. On June 13, 1998, 360 million couples all around the world will rededicate their marriages. New York City will be one of the locations where this will take place. Rev. Pak exhorted those religious leaders present to join forces to bring this great moral revolution to New York.

Later, several community leaders from Harlem were recognized for their contributions to their communities. Harlem notables Ann Bradshaw, Ruby Kitchen and Preston Wilcox received handsome wooden plaques from the Family Federation.

The luncheon concluded after all participated in a toast of Holy Wine in which married couples pledged absolute fidelity to one another, and singles pledged sexual purity, preserving themselves for their future marriage partner. Everyone was urged to bring this marriage rededication Blessing to their local church and community.

New Look for the Unofficial HSA E-Directory

by Peter Wettstein-WWW

With a new look for the new year, the E-Directory is finally up-to-date again. The pages load now also much faster. However, there is a trade-off: Your browser needs to support frames. If you are still using a browser that does not support frames, please let me know.

You can access the E-Directory at

For European members, there is now a mirror site on Paul Ettl's server at,

which should give you faster access.

Thank you all for your patience during the reconstruction work.

Marriage Renewal and the Holy Honeymoon

Dr. Tyler Hendricks

This is an unofficial document, which you may find helpful. A lot of people have worked on it. I offer it until something more official is set forth.

Men and women are meant to become true parents, giving birth to sinless children through godly true love. But we are not one with God, so we are incomplete parents, giving birth to imperfect children. We suffered as children who never received true love from our parents, and we pass our difficulties on to our own children. In our hearts, we long to separate from this lineage of immaturity and selfishness. Through Reverend and Mrs. Moon, God is now bestowing the chance to separate from this unhealthy inheritance and begin completely fresh in our marriage. This means that we can eradicate the lineage of the strife-filled world and create a healthy society, nation and world. We find that health, personally and socially, begins through the perfection of marriage. This is why the commitment to love each other truly within marriage, family and community is the universal value shared by all religions and ethical systems.

It is time to recover the original blessing of love. We believe that this is ours to have today. From that inner renewal of ourselves and our marriages, we can set a foundation for God's blessings to multiply upon our nation and to the entire world. Today, we can take the all-important first step to receive this Blessing. What follows is a simple and basic explanation about how to receive the Blessing.

Affirmations of True Love

Our undertaking begins with a commitment to marriage and its ethical and moral requirements. We invite married couples to support these affirmations of true love and practice them appropriately.

1. Affirming the eternal true love of husband and wife, we rededicate our marriage to God.

2. We will be faithful in marriage forever.

3. We will teach our children sexual purity.

4. We will support all people to uplift sexual purity and marital fidelity, beyond race, nation and religion.

For unmarried youths and singles, we offer the following affirmations and encourage you to think deeply upon them:

1. Affirming the necessity of sexual purity for my spiritual growth, I will refrain from all sexual relationships before marriage.

2. Following my conscience, when it is time for marriage, I will respect my parents' and/or spiritual elders' guidance in choosing my marriage partner.

3. I will serve as a good example in this for my brothers and sisters, colleagues and friends.

4. I will encourage others in these ideals, beyond race, nation and religion.

For unmarried youths and single, partaking of the holy wine represents one's commitment to these affirmations.

Holy Wine (Nectar) Ceremony

We then partake of a spiritual grace for the Blessing through the Holy Wine (Nectar) Ceremony.

The Holy Wine (Nectar) represents God's love, the original love of the world, which is the root of the lineage of goodness. God's love infuses new life into us as a couple. We are reborn as true parents, inheriting the love, life and lineage of God. This is the redemption of our bodies, as husband and wife together.

Following the Holy Wine or Nectar, pray in gratitude for separation from any wrong-doings of the past, from the evils of this world and its broken history, and for the chance to begin anew.

Holy Blessing

A sprinkling with Holy Water represents your renewal as a husband and wife standing together as a Blessed couple. Again pray, for the new life of yourself, your couple and the world. Joyfully honor the true love you are given to enjoy and take responsibility for as an eternal husband and wife.

Chastening Ceremony: Repentance and Forgiveness

In the Blessing, married couples can cleanse the sin committed between men and women. In man-woman relations, to some degree, we all have erred, as have our ancestors.

To end the resentment, guilt and shame within us, we repent and forgive each other. We symbolize this by gently and with love striking our partner's backside or shoulders three times. Carry this out with a light spirit, grateful for God's mercy and your spouse's understanding. First, the husband chastens his wife, three times. Next, the wife chastens her husband, three times. As we do this, we determine never to hit each other again.

Commitment for Renewal

By your participation in the Blessing for world peace, you are part of an historical event together with millions of couples all over the world under the love of God. It is the first step toward a destiny in marriage greater than we ever dreamed. What are the next steps? How do we really grow spiritually over the long term? How do we strengthen the spirit, resist temptations, and become true spouses and true parents?

We encourage couples to invest the forty days following the Blessing for the sake of spiritual renewal. The number forty represents purification and offering. Just as Jesus began his mission on the foundation of forty days of fasting, couples who have received the Blessing are asked to make a financial offering and offer a period of sexual abstinence for forty days. Let us consider the purpose of this. We live in an era of excessive permissiveness, justified by saying that human beings cannot control their sexual desires. The Family Federation rejects this demeaning view of the human being. Human beings differ from all other creatures because we are endowed by our Creator with the capacity to postpone sensual fulfillment for the sake of a higher ideal. This capacity for self-restraint allowed the great men and women of history and the world's great civilizations to emerge and prosper.

Civilizations collapse when self-indulgence rather than self restraint becomes the norm. The Family Federation laments that America, as a nation, is falling into a life style of self indulgence. We believe that one way we can respond to this is through showing exemplary commitment of husband to wife, wife to husband, and parents to children.

Putting our beliefs into practice, we married couples who have joined the Family Federation show a concrete example of self restraint to our children and society by voluntarily refraining from all sexual relations for the 40 days which immediately follow the Blessing. We realize that this sacrifice is small when we consider the exemplary followers of the great religions, who lived their lives in celibacy out of their commitment to God. It is also small when we think of the many young people who willingly gave their lives for their country without ever having the opportunity to marry or have a family, so that we might enjoy the blessings of freedom. We make this symbolic offering in respect of that tradition and in a sense of commitment to posterity.

The forty days also is a step in the process of transformation and renewal. It can be a time to re-evaluate, reflect upon and rebuild from the ground up. Even the strongest of marriages can get better, for we are people of love, and love is infinite. But the fact is that most marriages have suffered the stresses and strains of life in the world. This time to focus on renewal can help every marriage. Couples can treat is as reliving their time of engagement, sharing that excitement and anticipation. Marital problems often work out during this time, which is an opportunity for spiritual and marital growth. We offer the following plan for your consideration.

The 40 Days of Purification and Renewal

Forty days is six weeks, with the final "week" being five days long. We offer the following series of themes for your prayer, meditation, conversation and activity on a week to week basis. The questions are intended to be a guide for personal reflection. It helps to write down these reflections in the form of a letter to your spouse. It is also valuable to maintain a personal journal. We urge you to develop this outline with the resources of your faith community and personal exploration.

Week 1: To Remember

Recall and reflect upon your marriage from the first time you met until the time of the Blessing Ceremony. Remember the good and beautiful, and the bad and unhealthy. Explore the meaning of your common path as a couple, and be willing to learn from your marital history. On a larger scale, recall and reflect upon the history of your country, people and religious faith.

1. What situations in our marriage do I remember that built a strong loving relationship between us?

2. What situations in our marriage caused us pain and alienation?

3. How did we meet and develop our love?

4. What would I do differently if I had the chance?

Week 2: To Repent

Repent for what was bad and unhealthy. Strive to feel remorse for having caused grief and pain because of your failings and insensitivity toward your spouse. Take personal responsibility; do not blame. Know that through the love of God and your spouse, forgiveness is yours. Build the power to forgive your spouse and to accept forgiveness from God and your spouse.

On the larger scale, repent for what was bad and unhealthy in your country, people and religious faith.

1. How do I discover an objective view of myself in my marriage?

2. Am I able to make fundamental changes? Can I accept my spouse as he/she is, and look for the problem in myself?

3. Realizing my weaknesses, can I yet find the power to love? What is the source?

Week 3: To Recover

Recover what was good and beautiful. Strive to bring to light an understanding of our original potential as human beings before God. Develop a sense of gratitude for your spouse.

On the larger scale, recover what was good and beautiful, and develop a sense of gratitude for your country, people and religious faith.

1. What are areas of improvement in our marriage?

2. What are some issues or behaviors where I could make some positive changes?

3. In what respects could my partner change for the better?

4. What did I see first which I loved?

Week 4: To Respect

On the foundation of gratitude, develop a greater appreciation for your spouse. Based upon this, come to respect your spouse as you would respect the most noble and cherished person.

On the larger scale, develop a greater appreciation for your country, people and religious faith.

1. How can I develop a sense of awe and respect for my spouse? What does it mean to honor my partner?

2. How do I increase my appreciation for my spouse?

3. How can I show gratitude for my spouse?

4. How can I develop an awareness of the God-given qualities in my partner?

5. How do I detect situations of disrespect towards my spouse and how can I avoid those situations?

Week 5: To Restore

Through appreciation and respect, restore the original excitement, idealism and hope of your marriage. Acknowledge the need for healing your relationship as a couple and for turning healing efforts into positive patterns of behavior. Capture your original love. On the larger scale, restore the original excitement, idealism and hope of your country, people and religious faith.

1. How can I revive our love for each other?

2. How can I re-romanticize my marriage?

3. What new behavior will bring healing to past wounds?

4. What conditions need to be accomplished to indemnify past failings in our marriage relationship?

Week 6: To Re-determine

Determine to work from that point of original love forward, avoiding the mistakes which you committed before, and building upon the successes and strengths of your marriage. Develop a sense of higher purpose for marriage and strive to be motivated constantly by the assurance of God's blessing upon your marriage.

On the larger scale, determine to build upon the successes and strengths of your country, people and religious faith.

1. How can my love for God be applied in my love for my spouse?

2. How can I develop my faith that God desires to be present in our marriage relationship?

3. How can we agree upon daily conditions that will allow us to make marriage building a joyful daily activity?

4. How do we define a clear vision for our marriage? What is in my opinion a deeply satisfying marital relationship that would display our God-given original nature?

Week 7: To Re-create

Through the final week, which is represented through three days, bring this process to a climax in which you re-create, and are re-created by, your spouse. The period of celibacy is complete and we renew the act of love as a re-creation of joy and holiness and of your very being as husband and wife.

On the larger scale, pray deeply for your country, people and religious faith, seeking God's guidance for the world.

What follows is an explanation of this three day's spiritual and physical celebration of true love between husband and wife.

The Holy Honeymoon

Having completed the 40 day period, we are ready for the final step of the Blessing of marriage, a three day ceremony so joyful that it has been called the holy honeymoon.

Jesus said, "But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father." For three consecutive evenings, blessed husbands and wives should meet in the privacy of their own bedrooms or a favorite place to offer a special prayer of thanks.

The two handkerchiefs given you are a souvenir gift of this Holy Blessing. They are color-coded with a pink spot for the wives' and a blue spot for the husbands'. They represent the purity of God's True Love. During the holy honeymoon, husband and wife each use his or her handkerchief each evening when bathing as a purification to prepare for a prayer of thanks. You should view this cleansing with the handkerchief as cleansing of the mind and body of past misconduct. Thank God for His gift of sexuality, which enables you to become one body with your beloved. More than any other part of your body, your sexual organ exists to bring joy to your beloved, and in that sense it belongs to your spouse more than to yourself.

As you are about to pray, greet each other humbly and respectfully in remembrance of the great commandments given by all religious and ethical teachers, to "love the Lord your God with all your heart . . ." and "love your neighbor as yourself." Begin with a prayer such as the Lord's Prayer or holy words of your faith. Then offer personal prayers of thanks and determination to create an eternal family centered on God's ideal for husbands and wives all over the world.

After the prayer is a time to enter into the most intimate and precious relationship of sexual love that only a husband and wife brought together by God may experience. The union of man and woman was meant to be sacred and joyful, but the sinful world has taken its toll on our marriages. Through this sacred union, you can renew the feeling of purity in love by coming together centered on the True Love of God. The husband should help his wife experience a new sense of self-esteem as God's Daughter and a Heavenly wife. He humbly encourages her to take a motherly leadership role in the prayers and in their sexual relationship during the first two nights. A husbands' identity as a man is strengthened and renewed by a true wife. The key for healthy families is for women to have a position of esteem and respect in the household. For this reason, on the first two evenings of the ceremony, the husband should be beneath the wife during the love act. Through this gesture, the husband indicates his recognition that his own spiritual growth and the family's prosperity come through his relationship with his wife. She is not only in the role of wife towards her husband but also in the role of mother. Most men hold their mothers in awe and they should do precisely the same with their wife. On the third evening the husband and wife consummate their marriage with the woman beneath the man. This symbolizes the man reaching true maturity to assume his proper position as the loving head of the family. To renew his dignity as a Son of God and a true husband, the wife supports him and respectfully follows his leadership in both the prayer and the act of love, from that moment and for always. Through the ceremony, both husband and wife receive a new commitment from each other, centering on God.

After their holy union on each of the three evenings, the couple offer prayers of thanksgiving that this most intimate of relationships is now centered completely on God, bringing joy to God, Heaven and Earth. We thank God for having taught all of us to become True Parents in our families centered on Heaven. At the conclusion of the third evening, dry your sexual parts with your Holy Handkerchief. Do not wash it, but store it safely as representing your eternal love life together. Please pray and reflect upon the meaning of this beautiful ceremony of love, and follow your heart and wisdom in creating through it the most holy, refreshing and powerful new birth in your blessed marital life. The whole three evenings should bring Glory and thanksgiving to God in the Highest. Amen!


During and following the forty days, we encourage you to do something for the sake of the public. For example, it is a wonderful time to speak to your children and friends about your renewed commitment as a couple and about your experiences of renewal. Your married friends may also want to participate in the Blessing. If the opportunity presents itself, consider sharing with adolescents at the local schools about premarital purity and marital fidelity. Too often students hear about abstinence but from people who have never intentionally practiced even one week of celibacy. Let them know that love is worth waiting for!

Congratulations and welcome!

Love Comes Alive

by Miho Yoshida

"One love! One life! One man! One wife!"

Chants like these filled the usually uneventful surroundings as a string of around 8,000 people, many carrying pure love placards, marched down Pennsylvania Avenue. Cars honked, answering the "Honk for purity!" placard, and people stuck their fists formed into "thumbs up" signals out of the windows. All of the passersby gawked at us in awe. With the police escort, we knew we were, for that one moment, the center of attention of the whole cosmos. Our cries for purity and family would affect many different people all over the world. To know that this was happening filled me with a silence and awe. It was fun and inspiring to participate in the Love Alive event.

Bringing so many young people together really helped to make certain the urgency of the problem of sexual immorality. It also helped me be more optimistic about our future. I could see how many young people actually do care about family values and I could be assured that the world was not going to fall down the drain of immorality. Coming together on this issue of family also helped raise the pride and confidence of many young people who were able to see that there were many supporters.

The afternoon was clear and brisk. The Love Alive rally, packed with excellent speakers and eye-catching local entertainers, had drawn a modest but energetic crowd of a thousand people. The crowd kept getting larger and larger. I could see everyone having a good time, dancing to the beat of gospel music, crooning over the life-sized dancing STDs. They were drawn in by the a cappella group from Howard University and the many distinguished speakers, including the mayor’s wife, Cora Masters Barry. I really could see how important each felt the issue was and how enjoyable it could be. The march was a huge success. We blocked traffic for miles, and the whole city of Washington could hear the echoes of our call for family values. The young and old, black, yellow, brown and white, were all devoted to this issue of bringing peace and breaking down barriers of race and religion so our children can be free of broken marriages and sexually transmitted diseases.

The day concluded with a concert given by Washington’s own Kenny Lattimore, the up-and-coming R&B artist. He really put so much heart into his singing, touching all members of the audience. It was sad to see the adorable girl stricken with HIV whom Kenny dedicated one song to. His concern for family values was inspiring. The facade of false love and free sex will fall and be diminished while true love will dominate the world and last for eternity. Reflection on the "Love Alive March"

by Steve Schneider

The march itself passed by like a kind of dream. I was concentrating so hard on trying to keep an even pace and keep everyone in line so that I didn’t have time really to see what was going on all around me. I remember the way our voices sounded shimmering off the buildings that day.... I remember the shouts, the chants, the clapping.... I turned around and could see hundreds of picket signs bobbing up and down, off into the distance..... As we went on, more and more people were getting caught up into the excitement and joining the march ahead of us; so our position in the front of the march slowly started being moved toward the middle. Somehow we got to the White House as planned.

When we got to the Ellipse, it was a breathtaking sight. There were people milling all around, too many for the eyes to focus on any one. Somehow I ended up helping them carry the banner to the front of the stage, and there we stood, waving and singing, staring out onto a sea of faces. Staring directly out at those thousands of people was a moving experience, especially seeing the way they responded to the chants we were calling out. For the first time I could see the result of our collective efforts manifested on that one day.

Looking out at those thousands of people, I could realize what a profound impact a group of individuals can have when they unite together. I really felt like this event was the beginning of the healing of the moral problem in this country, and in the world.

Jin-A Children Continue Tradition of Giving

Children at the Jin-A Child Care Center at 77 Jay Street in Clifton, NJ have been eagerly collecting canned goods for their annual charity project. This year the recipient was Bishop Joseph Robinson from the Assembly Holy House of Prayer in Paterson, NJ who will in turn distribute the food to needy families. Part of the school’s curriculum is to teach children about caring for the not so fortunate and caring for their community.

Bishop Robinson joined the children at their annual Christmas party on Dec. 19, where he was presented with the donation. During the holidays the focus is on religious harmony. Children learn about the deeper meaning of religious holidays such as Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza and True God’s Day. After the celebration, children and parents joined in a candlelight prayer for needy children around the world.

In caring for the community, children from the pre-school and kindergarten are making their 8th annual visit to the mayor and city hall employees to sing Christmas carols. This year, children made a huge Christmas card for the mayor in gratitude for the service he and city employees provide year ’round for the city of Clifton. Jin-A Child Care Center is serving the community by providing quality child care for almost 90 children.

Fishing in a Foreign Land

by Rick Swarts-Montevideo, Uruguay

I have had much opportunity in the past few months to experience fishing in a foreign country - specifically the Pantanal area of Brazil. The Pantanal is the world's largest wetland, and a virtual cornucopia of exotic birds, spectacular flowering plants, and myriads of aquatic reptiles and mammals. It is the home to the jaguar, the cougar, the caiman, the giant river otter, and the anaconda. And it is also home to myriads of fish, which grow very large and attract fisherman from all over the country and the world.

I have been working in the Pantanal doing ecological studies, and have been learning a lot in my spare time about the art of fishing in a foreign environment. I have also been learning a lot about mosquitoes, as part of a personal experiment for my brother-in-law Wally Kieselowsky. You see Wally developed a special concoction out of his backwoods home in Pennsylvania that he claims repels mosquitoes. Not exactly approved by the FDA, and being personally concerned about the effects of DEET found in the normal insect repellent, I decided to conduct my own field tests. After all, the Pantanal is also renowned for the size and masses of its mosquitoes, whose huge black swarms sometimes obscure one's vision. And I could get many bottles of the stuff for free. When I told a local here that I had an all-natural insect repellent that would not cause cancer, he looked at me sideways, and muttered something about it better work - because the choice down here is between cancer in 20 years or death in one day from having all the blood sucked out of you.

At any rate, I would like to pass on to you my acquired knowledge about the art of fishing in a foreign land, and specifically Brazil's unique and eccentric fishing customs and etiquette.

Actually, it is not necessary to have to speak fluent Portuguese to be part of the fishing community here. Yes, it is certainly true that a few, well-chosen expressions are useful. I have gained the greatest use out of three: (1) "Eu nao falo Portuguese ("I don't speak Portuguese"- which is useful when someone rambles on and on in Portuguese, as if you understand what in the world he's talking about); (2) "Os Peixes estan picando?" ("Are the fish biting" - usually the prelude to having the person rambling on and on in Portuguese), and (3) "Como tiro o Piranha de meu dedo?" ("How do I get this Piranha off of my finger" - usually ... well, never mind).

It is also important to know something about the fish you are going to catch. You have to know which species is which, in order to meet the fishing regulations. Here the fisherman are provided with a yard-long, white ruler with the ruler labeled with the minimum size the species must be. Take Jaú for instance. The ruler lists the minimum of this species as 90 centimeters - about 35 inches. Right away, I know that I don't have to worry about what Jaú looks like - I will never catch anything that big. Likewise, Pintado have to be 80 cm (31 inches). Again, I know that whatever I catch cannot possibly be a Pintado. That brings us to the famous Dourado. Dourado has a rich, golden color, and it likes to jump a lot when it is hooked. That should be easy to identify. Unfortunately, there is another fish called Piraputanga, which is also a rich, golden color, and which likes to jump a lot when it is hooked. How to tell the difference? Well, a Dourado has to be 55 cm, while there is no minimum with Piraputanga. Right away I know that if a fish I catch has a rich golden color, and likes to jump, it must be a Piraputanga.

When one does not know the language, it is helpful to have non-verbal communication skills. Luckily, that is my strong suit. I can illustrate how that skill works with the following true accounts about my recent fishing experiences.

It seems that during late September, the Curimbata like to migrate up the Miranda river, where I normally fish. The Curimbata is a bottom-feeding fish, which gets to be up to 20 inches long. When they migrate, there are so many of these fish, that they surround your boat and you see a literal sea of fins sticking out of the shallow areas. There are so many fish in fact, and they are so active, that the river has plumes of fountains everywhere. However, the Curimbata themselves are not a sportfish, since they don't seem to take any bait (and you only need to reach down with a hook and you can catch as many as you would like). Fortunately, with the Curimbata migration come numerous sportsfish, like the aforementioned Dourado and Pintado, as well as the Piau, all of which like to eat the Curimbata.

Now, normally one is fishing in virtual isolation in the Pantanal. The Pantanal is itself as big as the country of France, with numerous rivers, and so one pretty much has a large section of the river to himself or herself. However, when the Curimbata migrate up the Miranda, the fishermen migrate with them. Somehow, all the fishermen in the vast Pantanal are able to fit into the area with the Curimbata, which is about the size of two football fields. This results in a little overcrowding. Those fisherman who like their peace and tranquillity and who can't stand crowds, tend to keep their distance, maybe 10-15 feet from another boat. However, the vast majority like to crowd one boat with another. That way they can share their fishing nets, trade hooks, and get a close look at the size monofilament the other is using when they untangle their lines.

Curimbata migration or not, the first day I went out I could not catch anything but Piranha. Now, mind you, the first few Piranha are very exciting. They are a fierce-looking fish, have good size, and they dart every which way when they are hooked. But the Piranha will also eat anything you throw into the water, and is considered a junk fish as far as sportfishing is concerned. I quickly recognized that not everyone was sharing my enthusiasm for this fish. After about my 50th Piranha or so, I realized that it was no longer exciting to hold each one up proudly to the other fisherman, and motion to them where they can fish to get a lot of great Piranha. Usually, they moved away from me pretty fast.

Well, I was out fishing by myself the last Friday of September - my fishing guide not showing due to some freak occurrence where mosquitoes attacked him in mass, and the other guides not available due to the vast numbers of fishermen in the area. Not being able to catch any Piau, Dourado or Pintado, I began to closely observe the other fisherman. I noticed that one group of nine boats, packed against one bank of the river, were having marvelous fishing. They were catching Piau after Piau after Piau. And not one Piranha. However, they were so tightly bunched that I was not sure I could get my boat in there. However, I was wrong. An opportunity presented itself, and I smoothly worked my boat right into the middle, and prepared for the greatest fishing of my life.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, and unhooking two fishing lines that had stuck in my motor when I moved into the area, I settled down to fish. That is when I began to notice the other fisherman were staring at me. What is wrong? Am I still bleeding from that Piranha bite? Finally, in a flash it dawned on me: everyone was using crabs while I was sitting there with fillet of Curimbata for bait. It dawned on me when people started saying "#&%$#@ fillet %$#@! Fortunately fillet is the same in English and Portuguese.

Well, the next 30 minutes was one of my more event-filled and thrilling fishing experiences. I caught Piranha after Piranha after Piranha, which seem to love fillet of Curimbata. I was wrapped around everyone else line. I got caught twice in the my neighbor's anchor line. I would no sooner throw my line in the water, then a Piranha would grab it. I thought this was simply amazing, since only moments before I arrived I didn't see anyone catch any Piranha at all. However, for some unexplained reason (I couldn't understand the Portuguese), it didn't seem that the other fisherman were sharing my bubbling enthusiasm.

To complicate matters, it was also about that time that the first results of my Wally Insect Repeller experiment began to come in and I began to notice that it had an interesting side effect. It seems that the Wally repeller attracts mosquitoes rather than repels them. My boat over swarmed in mosquitoes, and I nearly slipping into unconsciousness from slapping myself, I decided to move on. Anyway, the Piau had mysteriously stopped biting anyway. And I felt I needed to get back and warn my fishing guide about the Wally Repeller, since I had given him five bottles of the repellent, and apparently he already has some kind of natural attraction to mosquitoes.

Well, the following Saturday I made sure that I had crabs, and headed out for this prime fishing area. The group of nine boats were still there, but my keen eye spotted an opening on the upstream part of the group. I knew this was my lucky day. And this was just such a day where my skills in the art of non-verbal communication came in handy.

Deftly maneuvering my boat into the area upstream of the spot and setting my anchor, I settled back and relaxed and let the current drift me exactly into the narrow gap between the boats. Well, a solar flare must have affected the currents just then, because I missed the location by a few boat lengths. Otherwise, I would not have banged into this other boat, with its three Brazilian fisherman, whose intense fishing was distracted only by their obvious admiration for my seamanship. Another less knowledgeable person might have interpreted their glaring and strong words as criticism for our unexpected meeting, but my skills in non-verbal communication allowed me the insight that they were just kidding. How else to interpret the courtesy that the fishermen extended to me in reaching out full-length over their motor in order to support my boat?

Well, I decided that we were a little too close even by Curimbata fishing standards. Fortunately, my seasoned boating mind quickly grasped that I could leave my anchor intact and maneuver the back end of the boat to the half-submerged tree and tie it there. I knew I couldn't just use the oar to get there against this current, by now affected by rip tides, since I tried it three times and kept banging back into their boat. So I fired up the motor and proceeded to the submerged tree, a plan hindered only by the fact that by the time I shut the engine off and reached out for the tree, the current (influenced by now by El Nino) had pushed me back into a meeting with my colleagues in the other boat.

By now we were having a lot of fun. They kept acting like they were angry and the more I laughed at their funny antics the more they pretended to be angry. Finally, I worried that I was encouraging them too much and they might tip their boat over with their hilarious, exaggerated movements, so I headed out for the tree once more. This time I had the correct speed, angle and vector, and I had accurately adjusted for solar flares, rip tides and El Nino. And I darn well would have made it had it not been for my anchor line getting caught up in my motor. The fellows in the other boat sure looked happy to see me, having by now decided to discontinue fishing and focus all their attention on their new friend.

Well, it is not easy to disentangle an anchor line from your motor, especially when trying to engage in good-natured banter in a foreign language with your fishing colleagues parked alongside you. Complicating matters in this case was the fact that by now my anchor had somehow got tangled up in their anchor line, causing both boats to slowly drift past the other nine boats whenever I had to lift my anchor.

A man less learned would have thought I had shot beloved Aunt Ramona or something, the way my new found amigos in the linked boat were acting. But I knew everything was alright when one of the more entertaining fellows started making thrusting motions toward me with his fishing knife, an obvious non-verbal communication of "Its alright to cut our anchor rope if that will help." And frankly it did help. Unfortunately, by this time we had drifted through the fishing spot with the other nine boats, all of which had actors and comedians every bit as talented as my new friends. Apparently acting angry is a Brazilian way for fishing buddies to communicate. As they courteously offered advice, no doubt helpful, I didn't have the heart to say "Eu nao falo Portuguese," so I just politely smiled, resulting in more of the animation.

When I finally got my anchor up, I looked up and noticed that a boat had moved into the spot vacated by my new found friends, who by now had drifted quite some distance away. I thought the fellows in the other boat would have been displeased to have lost their spot. However, I knew they were good sports when they began waving their knives toward me. Obviously showing a person how to fillet a fish is a Brazilian way of saying "Your welcome any day. Come back again soon." Nonetheless, I decided not to stay and fish in the area, since all the commotion of the other fisherman had probably scared off all the fish. I fished some distance away the rest of the day.

As you can see, I am learning a lot during my stay here in Brazil. Already I am building a reputation for myself. I cannot wait for my wife Lourdes, a native Brazilian, to come down here from the states and see how all the fisherman stare at me when I go by, like I'm some kind of superfisherman or something. I am sure she will be impressed.