The Rebirth of a Nation: Nepal

by Ginger Nicholls -Katmandu, Nepal

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., "I have a dream." I can see the day when all of the world's children shall be lovingly fed, clothed, and able to receive an education. Together, my husband and I share a dream to realize the rebirth and development of a nation whose ancestors have been waiting patiently for the providence of National Messiah. This quiet endurance characterizes the Nepalese people as they struggle to live among rugged mountain terrain. As the only Hindu Kingdom in the world, Nepal's treasure lies in the magical beauty of the greatest mountain range in the world - the Himalayas.

As our flight descended into Katmandu, the capital of Nepal, in January, l997, I caught clear sight of the mountain range. I became overwhelmed with tears and an embrace of God's love. All my fears and doubts concerning our new destiny as national messiahs to Nepal were melted by an incredible sense of peace and reassurance. It was going to be OK.

I should begin by explaining that I had adapted my lifestyle over the last l0 years to deal with osteoarthritis (affects the spinal joints). This condition I had developed one year after leaving UTS as a Div. graduate (l986). With my husband's help, I maintained various public missions, however, any prolonged sitting or standing resulted in extreme back, shoulder and neck pain.

Therefore, when we heard of the NM providence, we quickly dismissed ourselves as unworthy, unqualified, and physically limited. Besides, after moving 8 times in 6 years, we finally had found a place in the British Church where we felt at peace and had a vision to create a language school.

However, without realizing it, God had been quietly preparing us through various difficulties until the moment when He was ready to call us--quite unexpectedly. Consequently, when Heaven's call came and we were asked by the British Church to join the Aug. l, l996 Chung Pyung 40-day seminar, it was difficult to say no. It must have been my ancestors who caused me to choke with emotion when the fax arrived. I think they realized the dispensational value of the NM mission more than I did.

Still, I had little confidence that I could go to a third world nation and not be more of a burden than a help with my physical limitations. The overnight flight to Korea and 40-day seminar was daunting enough, but Tr. Father was asking national messiahs to dedicate the rest of their life to their mission country (plus two generations!).

Fortunately, there was another sister in my region who was determined to join this new providence who had more serious health problems than I did. Petra and Philip Hill (NM to Slovenia) had volunteered despite here diabetes and related complications. In fact, out of l3 Blessed couples living in our region of SW England, 5 families had agreed to become NM's, and both husband and wife of each couple faithfully attended the first 40-day seminar for western NMs despite leaving children and money problems behind.

As to be expected, I struggled immensely due to the tight schedule and my health situation. Most of the 40 days I had a chest infection and although I was allowed to use a mat on the floor for my back pain, I couldn't participate in prolonged clapping without causing my shoulders to seize up. I kept thinking how crazy I was to have agreed to attend the NM 40-day seminar. In all honesty, I just wanted to go home. When it came time to break the 7-day fast, I had lost so much weight that I looked and felt like someone in a refugee camp.

Before we had left England to attend the 40-day seminar, I had made a pact with God. If my health was restored by attending Chung Pyung, I would go anywhere in the world. My husband and I also entertained hope that our infertility would be solved as we had been trying unsuccessfully for 7 years to conceive. Previous to that, we had waited 7 years to be re-blessed after l982 broken blessings. When it came time to decide whether we should participate in the 'Korean lottery', we took a leap of faith and John chalked his mark on the top line. I'll never forget that moment as we listened in anticipation to receive our mission country... NEPAL! I felt immediate shock at hearing a third world country, but my dear husband had only positive words of encouragement. "Nepal has beautiful mountains . . . It's a peaceful country." I united with my Abel mind and began to feel hopeful about the future.

In the last days of the seminar, I was given a chance to see Dae Mo Nim personally. Even so, I left Korea without any apparent physical change to my back pain, possibly due to a mechanical cause. However, my experience with her gave me confidence that God believed in me, even if I found it hard to believe in myself.

A few days after returning to England, my parents and younger brother arrived for a visit. Our hospitality toward them set the stage for us to ask if we could stay in my parents' home for several months while preparing to go to Nepal. Another national messiah, Dennis Pearson (NM to France), had advertised at Chung Pyung for mall managers to work with his business over the holiday season in Minnesota. John and I were fortunate to work with Dennis for 2 l/2 months in my hometown of Minneapolis. to raise money. Interestingly, we had worked at the same mall 7 years previously raising money to move to England. By the end of the season, Dennis (and partner Scott Pankow) had made sacrifices to their business to help finance at least 6 or 7 national messiah couples.

When we first arrived in Nepal, we soon came to appreciate the difficulties and indemnity paid by those who had come before us. Rainier, a German missionary from l975, had dedicated l7 years trying to establish a foundation in Nepal. Before family problems finally caused him to leave, in l992, he had prepared the first Blessed Nepali member, Ram Prasad Pokharel (l989) to become a student of UTS. Shortly before Ram was to leave Nepal, he was murdered by thieves on a visit to his village. His brother, along with 5 other Nepalese members received the Blessing in l992, and his brother took over national leadership.

The first previously married couple were also blessed in l992. Having two daughters previous to receiving the Blessing, Mrs. Rabindra Baile gave birth to the first blessed child, a son. Sadly to say, the baby died soon after, and Mrs. Baile would not be able to have any more children.

Japanese missionary sisters arrived in l994 and without knowing any English or Nepali, they struggled to not only lay a foundation for WFWP, but they decided to help the few young Nepalese members build the church foundation. A new Nepali member, Dr. Kishor Rajbandari, arrived in l995 with his wife and two children (having joined in Germany). He soon became national leader, but after the Blessing in l995, family problems caused him to step down, and a Japanese sister courageously took on the task of national leader.

Fundraising had not been firmly established in Nepal as a means of financial support and there were no church businesses to rely on. Only CARP had been registered, but since l994, Japanese sisters were providing all of the financial support of the church. Nepalese members began to rely on financial aid from Japan. Without substantial leadership to raise members, unfortunately, in l996, the five l992 Blessed members all left Nepal to live with their wives in Japan and Malaysia. Furthermore, out of 24 new blessings of single members in l995, by the time we arrived in Jan. l997, l9 were broken blessings (most of them were Nepalese brothers rejected by Philipino sisters).

It had been very difficult for most of them to go against their Hindu tradition and accept a match from True Parents (rather than marry within their own caste, selected by their own parents). Some were made outcasts or severely persecuted by their family, especially after the marriage broke down. Therefore, our first priority, after arriving in Nepal was to re-educate and counsel Blessed members, which in this case, our own experience of broken Blessing proved helpful.

Both our Japanese and Korean NM had arrived in Nepal at the end of l996 to help with the FFUWP campaign, but they had to return to their countries soon after we arrived. Despite having very limited experience as a leader, my husband soon took over national leadership responsibility. It always takes time to gain the trust of members, especially when there are old resentments and misunderstandings to clear up. We experienced this first hand.

The Nepalese membership consisted mainly of young brothers who affiliated themselves with CARP--whether they were a student or not. CARP had been registered as a non-government organization. with eleven Nepalese board members following legal procedures. However, legal procedure and heavenly restoration are two different things, causing the members to have a more 'horizontal' understanding of U.C. membership rather than a 'vertical' understanding regarding the Cain/Abel relationship. In fact, most Blessed members did not understand the meaning of a foundation of substance.

When my husband felt things were getting out of hand with regard to members taking too much subjective control of CARP property, he voiced his concern to our Nepali church leader, who in turn locked the CARP office without informing members of the situation. The result of this action led to a group of Nepalese members taking over the Nepalese church leader's house and demanding that my husband and I leave the country--or they would destroy the property.

Fortunately, with the help of our Japanese sisters, who felt responsible for mistakes they had made in the past, the Nepalese members finally cooled down. My husband made a public apology, but maintained his position that our community is not simply run as a democracy, but with a serious set of restoration principles.

Our five month stay in Nepal allowed us to have such a wide range of leadership experiences that it would be impossible to describe them all. However, the overriding factor was that due to the NM providence (based on True Parents' victorious foundation), we seemed to be able to make progress much more quickly than during previous years.

One of our major prayer concerns was how to secure a longer visa and create financial stability. God soon answered our prayers when a l995 Blessed couple gave us an opportunity to co-found an extension of their established primary-secondary school, Holy Vision. Mr. Godural, a Nepali Hindu, wanted to establish a "model" Unification school that would not only help us to solve visa and financial problems, but would seek to raise up future leaders of Nepal. Next January, I will begin teaching English part-time as well as become Vice Principle of the school. My husband will help as school counselor, but will focus more on leading the FFWPU. We managed to bless the two other Nepalese co-founders of the school--one of whom will be the Principal.

With time running out on our visas, and no clear information regarding pre-Blessing ceremonies, I quickly contacted the Philippine continental HQ of SE Asia and received inspiration to get started. On June l, we held a determination meeting at the top of Nagarkot Mountain, challenging our young Nepalese members to "save their country". Many volunteered to go out on teams with a Japanese sister to hometowns and remote villages. Before leaving Nepal on June 25, about 200 couples had received the Blessing, including many professionals and l4 SaiBaba couples we had personally witnessed to. All 200 couples participated in a formal Blessing ceremony including indemnity ceremony. Now, our small group of members were on fire!

When we left Nepal, we felt as though we were leaving our family behind. We left our heart in Katmandu, and we're anxious to return. Nepal may be a poor, undeveloped country with cows roaming the streets and the smell of garbage in the air. But we don't encounter problems such as homosexuality, divorce, and crime as we do in the West, and the future is bright with hydroelectric potential from the mountains.

We're still hoping to conceive, although at the age of 40, my health does not make me the best candidate, especially during the occasional bouts with dysentery. An offering of a Blessed child would bring a grateful joy and comfort to our hearts and make our life in Nepal complete. If this doesn't happen, there are many orphaned children waiting for loving parents.

The NM mission is not just another burden to carry. After many tearful, enduring years, it is a precious gift from God and True Parents', both for us and Nepal. I've heard there are 40 more positions waiting to be filled as Cain National Messiahs. Whoever you may be, we welcome our Cain NM with open arms. Nepal is waiting for you.

Our school in Nepal is urgently looking for short or long term British or American teachers of English who have at least a BA or BS (in any subject) with a salary provided. Contact John and Ginger Nicholls Cleeve House Seend, Melksham Wilts. SNl2 6PG England Tel/Fax: 44-l380-828-549

The Principled Academy Victory Trip

by Kristina Seher-Berkeley, CA

How many of us are struggling to make a goal (bless 185 couples!), to make good spiritual conditions, to mobilize the spirit world, and to bring a victory? And each of us adults has many stories of overcoming obstacles and bringing victory in the final moment from our years of witnessing and MFT. is a story of some of our second generation kids doing just that.

Two years ago my husband urged me to teach my middle school math students some aspects of money management: how to make money, how to save money in a bank, how to keep records, etc. As I thought about my goals for the students, I wanted them to know the value of money-how hard their parents work to support them, so they would not waste things or money. I also wanted them to feel confident they could earn their own money whenever they needed it. I wanted them to feel they never need to go on welfare, but they can always earn for a good cause. So I encouraged the class to start a class business.

They started out with a bake sale, which raised $56 profit. They saved $5 to be used as change, and all trouped down to the local Bank of America to open a savings account, the Sunshine Middle School Fund-raiser Account (now renamed the Principled Academy...Account). After many discussions among the students and with various parents, it was decided to earn money for a class trip to Washington, DC. The nation's capital is something every American child should experience.

Their next project was for each student to painstakingly design Christmas and God's Day holiday greeting cards. Robbie Wackler kindly wrote all greetings in beautiful calligraphy. We met with several printers and came to the sad realization that we wouldn't be able to afford to print the cards (to make the project profitable we would have to print several thousand cards, and we only had $51 to spend). So we met with several copy store managers and found one who would color-Xerox the cards for a discount, giving us 30 days to pay. The result of the first month of sales all went to paying the Xerox bill, but finally we were making a profit. The students even had a spectacular MFT-type experience when one man was moved by the spirit world to make a $100 donation while they were selling cards at a WFWP conference-and he didn't even want any cards! I was moved to tears, telling them, "Heavenly Father wanted you to have this special experience, just like your parents had on MFT doing bar runs late at night!"

For Valentine's Day the students had a catalog sale, at Mother's Day they had a flower stand, and in between these there were occasional bake sales and hot dog lunches at the school. By the end of the school year they had earned $329 each-not enough to take a trip to Washington. Several days of intense discussion followed-should they take a shorter, local trip and spend all the money, or should they work for another year and make the grand goal of going to Washington? They finally decided to save for another year, to visit the nation's capital. I was proud of the decision.

So, the second year they arranged with the Principled Academy to serve a hot dog lunch at the school once a week, in addition to their catalog sales, greeting card sales, soda sales, bake sales, etc. Thanks to the faithful support of the school community, the class was able to make its goal. The airline tickets were purchased in February. The entire class (Chris Barker, K. Buscovich, Christella Hardman, Philaine Seher, Henry Bechtel, Julie Zingertal and Ariana Richie) had a fabulous six days in the nation's capital during May. And they earned the whole trip themselves!

We flew out of the San José ¡ airport at 8:22am Saturday May 24, arriving in Baltimore that evening. We took a train to Union Station in Washington, DC and ate a leisurely dinner in a superb international food court. Most of us enjoyed new taste treats, but the boys settled for good old McDonald's burgers! The five-block walk to our hotel on a balmy spring night was filled with delights. We were wowed by the magnificent dome of the Capitol and the stately Supreme Court, all lit up. Our lodgings were in a Quaker dormitory run by the Friends on Capitol Hill for peace activists. It was a beautiful old home, four stories tall, with a living room, dining room, and seminar room where we had our morning services (complete with the Friends' guitar), as well as bedrooms and many bathrooms. The five girls and I roomed in one big room, and the two boys with Mr. Allen Wright (Mother Mary Ann Wright's son) and several other gentlemen guests, including a paleoanthropologist doing an internship at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, and a wonderful Muslim scholar who has written a book showing how much Judaism, Christianity and Islam have in common.

We had our morning service and breakfast each day at our home, and then set out walking for the day's adventures. During the six days of our trip we enjoyed special tours of the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, Mount Vernon, the FBI, the Washington Times, and the Pentagon. We browsed through the Smithsonian Museums of Air and Space, the National Museum of Art, the National Museum of Natural History, the Museum of National History (where the girls and I especially appreciated a wonderful First Ladies exhibit), and the National Archives. We walked and wandered and read and thought through the memorials to the Vietnam War, the Korean War, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. It was deeply moving to be at the Vietnam memorial on Memorial Day, May 26. We saw hundreds of mementos left near the wall, including flowers and letters written to the dead soldiers. The one which moved me the most read: "Dear Dad, here is the first photo of a sonogram of your new granddaughter (still unborn). I know she will get to know you and love you just as I have...." K. Buscovich said, "This is the best day in the whole year to be here."

Some of the most unexpected things were touching. We suddenly found ourselves facing the Hard Rock Café ¡ after leaving the FBI building, so naturally we had dinner there. After leaving the exciting atmosphere, we saw a unicyclist juggling away off in the distance. Upon reaching her, we discovered a wonderful plaza with an unprecedented view of the Capitol nearly a mile off in the distance. The stone floor of the entire plaza was engraved with quotes from U.S. presidents and foreign dignitaries describing the beauty and uplifting architecture of Washington, plus original floor plans for various public buildings. We were moved by the quotes and the girls were inspired by the unicyclist spinning around to classical music coming from her boombox. They spontaneously began to dance and spin. The setting sun played on a beautiful fountain in the plaza and all felt right with the world. Later that same night we were walking from the Lincoln to the Jefferson Memorials, and stopped to ask directions from a trolley car driver. He called out, "Get in, I'll drive you there for free!" He asked us all about our class and our trip. We took a picture with him before he let us out at our destination.

One afternoon we met the middle school class from the New Hope Academy in Maryland. They toured the Supreme Court with us and then we sat on the grass in the shade of a spreading oak and celebrated Chris Barker's 14th birthday with a decorated chocolate cake and cold milk. Students from Maryland and California introduced themselves and shared together. Many exchanged addresses before we parted. We invited the Maryland students to visit us in California. They were inspired that the Principled Academy students had completely earned the money for their trip. Later that night we celebrated Chris's birthday again by dressing up and going out for a fancy dinner. Chris amazed everyone by devouring a 16-ounce New York steak, and then (while everyone else ate dessert, groaning about how full they were) Chris ordered and ate a whole chicken-fried steak dinner! I guess when you turn 14, you get really hungry!

We returned tired but happy on Thursday evening, May 29. It was a trip we will remember all our lives.

The trip was so successful that we are making plans for the next trip in May 1999 for the students currently in 5th and 6th grades at the Principled Academy. They began fundraising for their trip by putting on the last regular hot dog lunch of the school year, on June 11. Again, thank you all for your support of this wonderful project.

The Principled Academy is dedicated to character education, academic excellence, and partnership of home, school and community. We are currently enrolling students in preschool through 8th grade for the 1997-98 school year. Please call (510)293-0300 for enrollment information or fax us at (510)782-5315.

The Principled Academy is seeking a third grade teacher. Please call the school and/or fax your resumé © immediately in order to be considered for the opening.

The Open Blessing (Or, The Blessing Free To All)

A talk given by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak at the Chicago Family Church, August 3, 1997

Mrs. Pak and I have been traveling together with Rev. and Mrs. Al Sharpton, both of whom are well-known in New York and elsewhere, and are also a blessed couple. Before coming to Chicago we visited Barbados, in the Caribbean. We met with some top leaders there, among them one well-known religious leader who had been blessed earlier in Washington, DC. Barbados was celebrating that day, August 1, their national Emancipation Day. We attended the ceremonies and met the Prime Minister. Rev. Sharpton and I both spoke of True Family Values and the Blessing with him and others. There is great potential there.

In Chicago we received a warm greeting from a very busy Rev. Jesse Jackson. We plan to meet with him again in New York.

As of this day, August 3, our North American Continent has a total of 210,000 couples for the upcoming Blessing. We hope to soon reach our goal of 360,000 couples.

Sitting here with us now is Mr. Joe Willett from Kentucky. He and his wife Sun Willett have the honor of being the first American couple to fulfill 185 couples. After reaching a total of 185 people, the Willetts then began to bless the leaders of their community. They have blessed a good cross-section of their hometown community, including the mayor. The mayor then brought 12 additional city officials to be blessed! So far Joe and Sun Willett have blessed 400 couples and, without a doubt, they have become our model Tribal Messiah couple. As a result of this achievement, Joe Willett will represent their family in Korea when True Father makes the special Proclamation.

When we think of today's topic "The Open Blessing" we also think of the long years of struggle of many brothers and sisters in the past, the indemnity that had to be paid by early members, and the seriousness with which we learned to approach the Blessing. The Blessing means everything to us and even the apprehensions in past years that perhaps we would not be chosen for it after a long period of waiting, leaves some of our members in confusion today as they watch the Blessing being offered so freely, so openly to all! In other words, it is being given so cheaply, meaning that it is being offered "free, without price." This is quite a change.

As we know, there are 66 books in the Bible, the very last one being John's Revelation which has 22 chapters. In the last chapter, in verse 17, after Jesus sent his angel to testify, we read:

And the Spirit and the Bride say "Come." And let the one who hears say, "come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.

The meaning of this verse is: Come. Everybody come. In the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Bride, come and we will give you the water of life. Free. No cost.

Water of life is the source of life. We believe the water of life is: True Love, True Life, True Lineage; Eternal True Love, Eternal, Undying True Life and Pure Lineage--these three elements come from the water of life. Actually, this is the most precious, costly gift from God and yet the Bible says "everybody come and you can have this free." How come? Let us now explore more deeply this "Open Blessing."

How many couples throughout the world have so far received this Blessing? Seven million couples, and the numbers are growing every second. So in America and throughout the world we are seeing 'hurricanes of Blessings'. Among the 210,000 blessed couples in America, 500 Christian minister couples thus far have been blessed. And 5,000 of the couples have been blessed in Christian churches. Not in hotels, not in parks, not in other public places, but in the Christian Church.

Blessings are also taking place in Muslim mosques, Jewish synagogues and Buddhist temples. So the millions of Blessings that have resulted from True Father opening the doors to free Blessings are taking place everywhere throughout the world. Heung-Jin-Nim, Dae-Mo-Nim and Jesus Christ and all the saints and sages and ancestors coming down from the spiritual world, are working with us to create this wonderful miracle that is taking place everywhere. It is truly a day of miracles!

Even we are surprised. In just one week the Blessing numbers have grown a million times worldwide. Imagine. In just one week. And we have heard that the President of Ghana has received the Blessing. Not the former president--but the present president. He is reported to be a very good person, very respected and a good leader for the nation of Ghana. Of course, some former presidents, former prime ministers and top leaders of the world are lining up now to receive the Blessing.

So the Open Blessing is creating tremendous power on this Planet Earth!

Let's think for a moment: Why do we need this open Blessing? Please pay close attention to the words. Today is the time of the Messiah. The Messiah, the True Parents are living on Earth. We are the luckiest people in all of history to be living on Earth today, at the time of the Messiah. Living during the Messiah's era, the True Parents era. This can happen only once in a lifetime. Only one lifetime can they dwell on Earth. They will go to the spiritual world and never be here again in the physical body, only in spirit.

In his lifetime, the Messiah must live for the sake of all the people. Will only the good-looking, the healthy, the strong receive the Blessing? The Messiah comes to give the Blessing to everyone who will receive it. We must reach out to everyone, everywhere--the rich, the poor, the person in the hospital, in the home, on the street, the lame, the sick, the thief, the gambler, the drug addict--they must be changed--all must be saved if possible.

All are children of God and True Parents--whether they be handsome, educated and healthy, or handicapped, uneducated and unhealthy--all need the Blessing. We must reach out to everyone, the suffering ones as well. This is our mission. To extend to them, to all people, this eternal message, this eternal love which is their inheritance!

With the remaining time of our True Parents on the Earth, we must reach to all the corners in order to cover the Earth with Blessings. This is our responsibility. Someone may say, "Oh yes, I did my 185 couple Blessings. I finished. Now I can relax." No! Keep going. Why not make your goal 1,000 couples as some others are doing. We must keep going as True Parents are. How can we stop when True Parents are not stopping!

Last year Mrs. Pak and I attended 47 days of training at Chungpyung workshop. It was not easy, especially that first workshop. We were then chosen to be National Messiahs to Switzerland. I know it was our crown, our honor to be chosen for that but on one hand, I was struggling. Why? I had been serving in America for 22 years. I was not expecting to go to Switzerland. I actually thought I would continue to work in America for a longer period. But now, suddenly, I was being asked to serve in Switzerland! One part of me was happy and proud. The other part was challenged. I was always thinking: I have been in America so many years but because my mission demanded all my time, leading and guiding people, I had no time left to witness for spiritual children here. I gave my best. I loved America, but my tree of life bore no fruit here, this tree of life was bare, very poor--no spiritual children. That was my struggle. Then True Father opened the door of the Blessings!

Mrs. Pak joyfully went out to give Blessings. She thought she would keep going until we had 780 couples. But now that she is close to that number, Mrs. Pak is planning to continue on to 1,000 or more. Why not? In the beginning, Mrs. Pak and I knocked on doors with not too many results. But we learned as we went along. Then Mrs. Pak realized she could do better--and faster--alone. So she liberated me to keep my busy schedule at Headquarters!

The spiritual world is working so powerfully with all of us. Some blessed couples like to go together to give Blessings. Some are finding that taking a child with them can bring added power, sometimes even guidance when the child is spiritually attuned. So however we do it, we definitely have the Blessing Fever! Some second generation children are going alone to do Blessings. This is greatly powerful. Our second generation is beginning to appreciate the strength and dedication within their own homes. And even though their fathers and mothers are working hard full-time for the Kingdom, still they are together, not divorced. So they are beginning to see the value of their own family, especially as they, and all of us, are seeing first hand and with sadness how few families exist intact anymore. It is rare to knock on a door and find a father and a mother together, married .

The second generation is also beginning to value the first generation members as they realize how hard and steadfast we have worked in our missions. Most importantly, the second generation is learning the real value of the Blessing, the value of a true family.

Another way we can understand this free Blessing is by looking back to when God created Adam and Eve. They were to have gone through the levels of formation, growth and perfection, arriving at the Blessing. So we also have had to walk the path through these levels, finally receiving the Blessing, all the while following True Parents, our models of perfection. Now, as we are nearing that perfected level, we are looking at these newly Blessed people and thinking: "I came a most difficult path, paying a price, but now you are coming without cost." If we think in a negative way toward the situation, we are wrong. But if we look at it in a positive way, then we can say we are inviting them to the Blessing with True Love. Because it is through True Love that we can feel joy and satisfaction that we have paved the way for them. Just as the Messiah paved the way for us.

America has the most developed highways. America is the kingdom of highways. After World War II, during President Eisenhower's term, America's wonderful system of highways developed. Plans were drawn, trees were downed, rocks were blasted out, as these super highways were constructed. When these systems of highways were finished and opened, did it make travel easy or difficult? Obviously, it made the traveler's journey easier. In Los Angeles, they have now planned a new system of automated travel. You sit in an electric-driven car and it moves safely, protected, to one's destination.

You and I, we earlier members, have gone through formation, growth and perfection, by climbing a high mountain, a rocky mountain. We carved out the mountain, driving the nails, chipping at the rugged, jagged edges as we climbed the steep peak to safety, each time making it smoother and easier for the ones behind us.

This past Spring, I visited Switzerland in the area of Interlaken. There is a beautiful hotel on the lake that I wanted to view as a possible workshop site in the future. The owner of this hotel just recently received the Blessing.

Behind this hotel is the famous mountain Eiger. As I stood gazing up at this very high, very steep, beautiful glacier mountain, a woman approached me and asked "are you Japanese"? "No, I am Korean" I said. She then went on to tell me that three young Japanese men were presently climbing this mountain. "How long will it take them to reach the top?" I asked. "Three and a half days" she answered me. Now in three and a half days of climbing they must stop sometime to sleep. How? Where? Perpendicular, that's how! Because the mountain goes "straight up" with nothing but solid icy rock! No ledges to nestle upon. With their strong ropeline secured somewhere above, and then attached, one man to the other by rope, suspended, dangling against that rock, they sleep. Can you imagine!

As they approach the peak, the first one that reaches it will certainly not shout to the others to hurry; but rather he will pull the others by the rope to safety and together they share the victory.

We elder Blessed couples went a very difficult course, paying so much indemnity as we climbed our high, spiritual mountain peak, but now we help our younger spiritual brothers and sisters to more easily and safely climb to the top, the level of perfection, the Blessing. Now the open Blessing is given and we all share the victory.

America is now in an economically good period. Hotels are packed with travelers, people are economically able to travel and enjoy many things. The economy is too good! People are living in good houses, eating well, relaxing! But where are the American families! We cannot find couples as we knock on doors across America. America is in danger.

Society is filled with young drug users, alcoholics, homosexuals, and such. They have learned an immoral life. America is a most dangerous place right now. Who will save this America? Our Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, our Blessed couples, working hand-in-hand, are out everyday conveying and proclaiming this message of peace and salvation, the Blessing.

What are the four points of the Blessing? 1) Never divorce; 2) No adultery; 3) Teach a pure life to second and third generations; 4) Teach these True Family values and Blessing vows to relatives and the community. Every household is given this Certificate of a True Family and what that family is to uphold. As we give the Blessing, it is then passed on to others. This is how we will reach all the corners of the Earth.

Recently, I visited Camp Sunrise in New York, where a Second Generation Workshop was in progress. Mr. Bruce Grodner and Mrs. Debra Grodner are the directors there. The Grodners are pioneers for over 20 years in the Church. Visiting there at Camp Sunrise that day were Bruce Grodner's parents. When we were introduced, the father acknowledged the introduction and then very quickly proceeded to painfully verbalize his many concerns over the years for his son and daughter-in-law. I respectfully listened for the long time that he spoke and when he was finished I began to speak to this man, this successful Jewish man who had always headed a company and lived a life of leadership and responsibility. I spoke to him, not about the things that were troubling him, but rather about True Family Values, the Blessing, the condition of America, what we are doing about it. He became so excited and called to his wife (who had remained in the car during this whole conversation), "Come out quickly" he called to her. "You must come and hear this good news!" Here was a man now in tears, who, according to his son, never expressed emotion publicly. He and wife both became emotional and so inspired. At this point I asked them "Do you want the Blessing?" "YES!" was their reply. So they received it right there. And when I suggested to them that they must now go and focus on blessing others, the father went that very moment and called his daughter at home! How beautifully the Spirit of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit cuts right through our struggling, hesitant thoughts and brings instead a clear and truthful understanding.

Incidentally, this marriage, like many marriages we see today, was being challenged before this moment. Amazing wonder of Heaven! We are saving marriages. It is fashionable today to be divorced. It is a lifestyle now in America. But True Parents are literally saving families every day. And the power of God is flowing. So many times members tell of the many years they have tried to witness to their families to no avail, but now suddenly these same families are receiving the Blessing. So amazing and so powerful these times are. And God is using us as the saviors for American families. This is our honor and our duty. Please understand all this deeply.

From the beginning of the Bible, in Genesis, as we read of God's Creation and His dream for Adam and Eve all the way to the end in John's Revelation, 22:17, where Jesus gives his last prediction, the dream is being fulfilled finally by True Parents. God has been disappointed so many times down through the years, crying tears as each era of time passed without the expected results, and now finally God's dream of hope is being fulfilled.

John's Revelation is all about the Second Advent, True Parents coming, to fulfill the dream of God, the dream for Adam. Now God is giving the Water of Life, free.

There are two years and five months remaining until the year 2000. This is a very serious time, the year 2000. It is the culminating point of God, True Parents, Jesus Christ. Such a serious and important point of time. Our Messiah Jesus Christ came two thousand years ago. And now, two thousand years later, his mission of True Parentship and Messiahship must be fulfilled before the coming of the New Millennium, the twenty-first century.

All of human life down through history has been a struggling, suffering, fallen, bad life. But before the turn of the century, we will begin a New Heaven and a New Earth, a new people. Everything must be cleaned up, all fallen lifestyles cleaned up before the twenty-first century This is the vision given in John's Revelation 2,000 years ago. "I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth coming, for the first Heaven and the first Earth passed away... And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God..." (Rev. 21:1-2)

"...the holy city of Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper. It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names were written on them, which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel." (Rev. 21:10-11)

"And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was a single pearl, And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass." (Rev. 21:21)

Everything will be beautiful, with clear rivers flowing, and the light of True Love shining so that not even sunlight and moonlight will be needed, just the light glowing from True The life of True Love is only brightness. So this wonderful vision given to John 2,000 years ago must be fulfilled.

Now is the Dispensation of Open Blessing, Free Blessing. So, Brothers and Sisters, if you have reached 185 couples, please keep going until you have doubled that or even tripled that. Some members are feeling shy, discouraged. They have been unable to challenge themselves with door-to-door witnessing. Couples that have fulfilled their 185 goal can accompany the hesitant ones until each gains confidence. You will be a mobile Blessing team (MBT). In New York this is how many couples are helping others. Members are experiencing partnership and love as they clean up society.

Benefits are coming from this Open Blessing. Many good things are happening even beyond our expectations. Sometimes, over a period of time, some have lost appreciation for the value of their own personal Eternal Blessing from God (because we keep it to ourselves). But now in our witnessing we are gaining a new appreciation for its value as we bring this Blessing to others and as we educate others of this Blessing, we re-discover the value of our own Blessing.

Some couples say "I don't see the value in my own Blessing so how can I go out teaching value to others?" But again, I say to you, if you will go out and begin to do it, you will begin to look at your own life differently. As you look at others struggling with divorce, single parenthood, lonely, just seeing this day and night, you will naturally come to appreciate what you have.

America is a super country. But under the shadow of prosperity, families are broken down and people are suffering. This has become a "broken down marriage culture." We are bringing in a new culture!

In conclusion, I want to mention that also in the Book of Revelation we read of the 144,000 to receive the Blessing, in white robes. Well, America, a Christian country, the Bride country, has already reached 144,000 couples and way beyond, and we are on our way to 360,000 couples soon. Maybe each couple can bring 20 more couples with them to RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. Incidentally, Dr. Tyler Hendricks put it so aptly recently when he said "R.F.K. means Royal Family Kingdom!"

By the year 2000 we can achieve the Bible's dream. We bow our heads, join our True Parents crusade, and during their lifetime on Earth we eat our Messiah, we eat our True Parents, we eat our Blessing. How wonderful it will be when we arrive in the spiritual world and we are greeted by Abraham and Moses, Joshua and Caleb, everyone coming to congratulate us for the wonderful work we did on Earth, and how we faithfully followed True Parents. Amen.

Teleportation and the Coming Kingdom

Down poured the rain as I, along with thousands of other dispirited commuters, sloshed my way towards Grand Central terminal and the train to Westchester. Not for the first time, my thoughts turned to how much time is wasted just getting from one place to another-all those billions of hours the human race spends sitting in cars and trains and boats and planes just to get from one place to someplace else.

Fearing the onset of a depression to match the weather, I quickly comforted myself with the thought that, even though it would not emerge in my lifetime, yet another step towards teleportation had recently been accomplished in the laboratory.

Of course, teleportation-the travel from one place to another without the bother of having to traverse all the intervening places-has been around for some time in the fertile imaginations of science-fiction writers-"Beam me up, Scotty" being just the most famous of the genre.

Indubitably, the scientist's task of creating a real teleportation device is a lot more complicated than the author's, who can offhandedly scribble "and the multiphasic neutronium plexitron hummed and her living room was replaced by the IRS office on Mars"-but an honest-to-goodness real step in the right direction just recently happened. Mind you, it was just one atom and the distance was only millimeters, but it was real matter and it was the second step towards real teleportation.

It is not something you learn in high school (but then, what is, these days), but the first step happened decades ago and now features in commercially-available devices. The step up from no teleportation to a microscopic amount of it involved electrons, just bits of atoms, in the phenomenon known as tunneling.


Schematically, this remarkable phenomenon-which is totally impossible according to the old-science view of matter-involves an electron zipping around in area A appearing in area C without ever being in area B.

It is clearly very difficult to explain such phenomena with classical 'billiard-ball' type physics. Such quantum tunneling occurs because, while the electron has a probability of being in A and a probability of being in C, it has a zero probability of being in B.

Unfortunately for the reluctant commuter, such 'teleportation' tendencies of electrons usually cancel each other-tunneling devices have to be designed very craftily to bring out this side of the electron's character.

This is why, even though we are basically just a mass of electrons (along with some nuclear matter to keep it all together), we can only move from one place to another by sequentially traversing all the intervening space. Thus the slosh through the rain. Overall, however, I must admit that this cancellation is a Good Thing, as otherwise our electrons would be bopping about all over the cosmos instead of sticking around and giving us a body to commute with in the first place.

The modern explanation for such odd behavior is that the electron is ruled by what is called its wavefunction, an abstract aspect internal to the electron that decides (on a very primitive level, to be sure) what the electron will do. This inherent directive aspect of the electron-call it its mind, if you must-creates the probability of finding the electron somewhere. And mind is master: if the wavefunction says be in area A and area C but never in area B, the 'body' of the electron obeys.

Measuring the internal

One of the great triumphs of the new physics is that it has a highly accurate mathematical description of the mind-like wavefunction as a set of "probability amplitudes," one for each of the possible things the electron might do (such as go from area A to area B).

The techniques using probability amplitude have been remarkably successful and accurate. As Richard. P. Feynman, one of its pioneers, has noted: "The theory of quantum electrodynamics has now lasted more than fifty years and has been tested more and more accurately over a wider and wider range of conditions. At the present time I can proudly say that there is no significant difference between experiment and theory! ... To give you a feeling for the accuracy [of the quantum description of the electron]: if you were to measure the distance from Los Angeles to New York to this accuracy, it would be exact to the thickness of a human hair. That's how delicately quantum electrodynamics has, in the last fifty years, been checked-both theoretically and experimentally" (QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Princeton U Press (1985), p. 7).

Hardly modest, but then his recent obituary did merit almost a full page in The New York Times.

The measurement of a probability amplitude is complex-not in the sense of not being simple, but in the mathematical sense of needing a sophisticated kind of number called complex.

The key characteristic of the regular numbers we use every day (the real numbers to a math major) is that they have a magnitude, a size-2 is bigger than 1, 4 is bigger than 2, etc. The complex numbers, on the other hand, have an imaginary side to them as well as a real one (see previous column or any math book) which gives them another characteristic-they have a direction as well as a size-think of them as little arrows and you'll do fine.

Now if you were ever bored in school by the monotony of 2 + 2 = 4, you will love the diversity of complex numbers, where 2+2 can be any number of a variety of answers-the direction has to be taken into account as well as the size.

A very simple and widely used technique used to calculate with probability amplitudes in QED uses this representation of the complex numbers in a method, technically known as 'Feynman diagrams,' but often called "adding little arrows."

The wavefunction of the electron-its mind, so to speak-is a set of probability amplitudes, a set of little arrows. These arrows, of course, are not pointing anywhere in regular space, they are pointing in abstract dimensions, the so-called internal spaces of the electron.

This is how tunneling makes sense. All the little arrows combine to give a big probability of going from area A to area C and back again-like 2+2=4. But all the little arrows for going from A or C into B cancel out-like 2+2=0-and the electron never goes there. The electron, unlike others I know, does not have a problem with mind-body unity.

This behavior of the electron has been around for decades. Now matter is made of atoms, and atoms are made up of electrons and quarks (particles that can teleport just like the electron but are a lot more reclusive.) So, while it is obvious that in regular matter the teleportation tendencies of electrons and quarks cancel out-the 2+2=0 type situation-there is, in principle, no reason why, given the right set-up, these teleportation-tendencies can not be encouraged to emerge-just as it took careful design to get the electron to reveal its tunneling propensities.

This has happened, the second step towards real teleportation I mentioned in the beginning. Just recently they got atoms in the lab to interfere with each other, to exhibit the 2+2=0 type of behavior that underlies teleportation.

In the spring of 1991 four different laboratories independently demonstrated the interference of atoms. "The first to report was Professor Jürgen Mlynek.... The sketch of [his] apparatus might have come from Young's own papers: the experiment itself was a repetition of the original 1803 version, with the crucial difference that the slits were irradiated not by sunlight but by a stream of material particles.... The most mysterious feature of the experiment the fact that each atom traversed the apparatus alone, uninfluenced by the jostle of other particles." (Hans Christian von Baeyer Taming the Atom: Emergence of the Visible Microworld, Random House, NY 1992, p. 166-7)

As atoms are considered to be "real" matter (no one has much to say about what electrons or photons are) such experiments can be considered to be exploring the teleportation of matter. Commercial applications, it should be noted, are probably quite a way off.

The next step is just one of scale, how to get a quintillion, quintillion atoms to do it all at the same time. Once that's done, Sony, no doubt, will be ready to bring out its portable teleportation device-the No-Walkman, perhaps.


The new-physics understanding of the electron's internal aspects has some profound implications for philosophers as well as for commuters hoping to avoid the rain.

The chance-and-accident perspective of evolution founded by Darwin is built upon the mechanistic perspective of matter developed by Newton and, as he was the first to admit, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." One of those upon whom Newton clambered was Rene Descartes.

Before Descartes, there was little impetus to explore the world through the methods of science because the world of material was inextricably mixed in with the realm of the mind. Descartes, however, separated them; he divided the world into two sets of the res extensa (extended things) and res cogitans (thinking things). To him, the great difference between mind and material was that matter has extension while mind does not.

With mind and matter dissociated, Newton was free to explore the workings of the material world without reference to the realm of the mind-and, in the process, gave birth to modern science.

Later, Darwin would articulate his vision of the chance-and-accident origin of species based on the mechanistic concepts of Newton and the mind-less matter of Descartes.

But, as we have just seen, Descartes was wrong. You cannot differentiate between mind and matter using extension.

The mind-the inherent directive aspect of the electron measured by the little arrows-also has extension; it's just that it's in an internal dimension rather than an external one.

Just as it took Einstein to reveal that the belief in the absolute reality of physical extension was mistaken-it is an artifact of the fact that we habitually travel around at speeds significantly slower than that of light-quantum physics says that the division into mind and body is also mistaken-it is an artifact of a limitation of our senses as we cannot directly perceive extension in an internal dimension-just its projection as probability.

So teleportation takes another tiny step out of the pages of science fiction into everyday life. How wonderful to think that the Kingdom of Heaven will not just be a place where the major ills of our age will seem as a nightmare-even the minor nuisances will be gone. Step into the booth, dial home-or Seoul, or the Andromeda galaxy-step out: simple. As for sloshing about in the rain, I'm sure people will still do it, but only when they want to.

Well, those thoughts cheered me up no end-here's the station. Now for the slosh to the car, the slosh from car to front door, and I'm home. Primitive!! Tell me about it!

Teens and Sex

by Roger Wetherall-NYC

Young people face many challenges and problems that kids of 50 years ago never had to deal with. Designer drugs, divorced parents and violence in the schools are not easy to grow up amidst and still turn out to be a normal adult. The miracle is that despite all of this so many young people do manage to make it.

Premarital sex is the biggest challenge to youth. President Clinton has spoken of teen pregnancy as being the nation's most serious social problem. After years of research, most everyone agrees that it is not beneficial for teenagers to indulge in sexual activities. Sociologically, psychologically, medically, morally and spiritually, 99% of the evidence shows that Teen Free Sex is a big no-no. So why is it getting more and more out of control?

What exactly is the problem? Is it teen sex, or all extra-marital sex? At what age does it become 'OK' to have a relationship outside of marriage? Today's abstinence educators and advocates are often reluctant to deal with the topic of extra-marital sex beyond the teenage years. That would be hitting a little too close to home. Many of them are unable to honestly admit that they did not have sexual relationships before they were married. In a recent article in US News and World report (May '97) several prominent people were asked whether they had had sex before marriage and most of them could not give a straight NO! So the message that we are giving our kids is "Do what I say, not what I do. (or did.)" Kids know this. They are not stupid. They hear their parents, teachers and pastors telling them not to have sex but they know that their parents, teachers and pastors did have sex when they were teens. They look at the people they know and see that the ones they look up to are or were involved in pre-marital, extra-marital and non-marital relationships so they wonder why they should wait until they turn 21 before they get in on the action too.

In a society that is so busy pointing the finger and looking to place the blame on someone else, it is time to take a closer look at me. I. Myself. Yes that's right the one who is reading this article right now. Not the guy next door or my parents or friends, but Me. Numero Uno. Whether you are a teen, a 20 something, or a parent with 5 children, we all need to ask ourselves the tough questions:-

Have I lived the kind of life that I would want my children to follow? Am I living the kind of lifestyle, I want them to emulate now? Do I think it is important for my children to refrain from sexual relationships until they are married?

We're looking for a few good men and women!

Our society needs heroes. Not the kind of comic book characters who blow away everything that gets in their way, but the kind who can be an example of purity, fidelity and happiness within marriage. A child's first heroes should be their parents. And, we need sportsmen and women, actors and actresses, politicians, community leaders, teachers, ministers, students and MTV idols to stand up and say that they will wait until marriage. It used to be the case that people were ashamed to say that they were promiscuous, now people are ashamed to say that they are not! To turn this culture around is going to take some brave people who can stand up for what is right.

The Pure Love Alliance wants to make it popular to be pure. We are not talking about a life of eternal celibacy and monastic confinement but about an experience of the greatest possible joy and fulfillment. Sexual love is not something dirty that we should be afraid of or try to hide. It is the absolute highest expression of love that can occur between a husband and wife. Within the realm of security and total love of a committed marriage, sexual love is the most exciting fulfilling gift that any of us can ever hope to experience, or give to our spouse. People need to know that there is hope beyond the soap operas and tabloid sex scandals. Each one of us needs to be a hero.

I am not afraid to say that I waited until I was married to have sex. Along the way there were many tests and trials. My high school friends were doing it. Even my girlfriend wanted to do it. Sometimes I was weak in my resolve and I let my curiosity take me further than I wanted to. I still have regrets about that. Sometimes, in the heat of passion, I seriously considered forfeiting the battle because it seemed to be too difficult. Yet I am glad that I did not. Now when I make love to my wife, I know that I am giving her the real thing: pure, untainted whole-hearted love. She knows that too and is filled with gratitude and loves me even more because of it. This is not to say that I am the world's best lover. Hey, I've got no idea how I compare with other guys. But you know what, I don't want to know. I just want to be the best lover I can possibly be for my wife and to love her more and more each day. No guilt. No comparisons or performance standards. Just great fun and fulfillment.

Now I have a son (7 months old) and one day when he is old enough to understand I will be able to tell him of these things and hopefully inspire him to wait for the day when he too is married before giving the most precious gift of his sexual love to his spouse. I hope that by the time he reaches that age, society will also have come to support a more responsible attitude to sexuality than the one we live in now.

There is a battle being waged in this society. This battle will not be won over the conference tables but in the hearts of each one of us as we determine how we are going to live our lives. It is not possible to get rid of adultery, pre-marital sex, pornography and prostitution through legislation. Only when we can control our own desire for such things will they disappear. When we decide that we are not going to watch programs that portray sex without consequences or responsibility, when we stop buying the soft porn magazines and when we stop fooling around with the secretary at the office or the postman, that is when things will really begin to change. It is not kids who are the problem. It is all of us. Every one of us has to take a stand for what is right and be willing to speak out about our own mistakes and regrets in an honest way. Then others will also get the courage to do the same and just maybe, we can make a better world for the next millennium or more.

Rev. Sharpton Blesses as "The Prince of Peace"

Rev. Juanita Pierre-Louis,-NYC

The Grand Ballroom of the historic New Yorker Hotel became the house of harmony and Holy Blessing on July 24, l997, at 8:00 pm. Rev. and Mrs. Al Sharpton were inaugurated as Co-Chairs of the Coalition for Harmony and made altar calls to ministers and elders from around the country to rededicate their families and marriages to God.

Reverend Sharpton, father, husband, mayoral candidate and President of the National Action Network became Co-chairman of the Coalition for Harmony. The Coalition for Harmony was founded by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak and Rev. Simon T. Levine in 1990. This coalition was formed to address a racially intense situation in Brooklyn, New York during the Korean store boycott. Many people misunderstood Rev. Sharptons' leadership at this time. Rev. Pak, 1st Co-chair said that under Rev. Sharptons advice and prayerful watch, the boycott came to a peaceful end. Amidst the climate of racial injustice and tension the Coalition for Harmony was a force to create unity and resolve conflicts through the spirit and heart of true love and family values.

Respecting differences in belief and opinion, the Coalition for Harmony advances the theme of working together to achieve common objectives and provides a forum for God-centered solutions based on a multi-racial, multi-cultural foundation.

At this inauguration, The Rev. Simon T. Levine, Award for Harmony was given to Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Mt. Vernon, N.Y. and former Secretary General to the National Baptist Conference, Father Arthur Minichello, St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church, Bensonhurst, Brooklyn and Father Oswaldo Cardenias, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Sunset, Brooklyn, NY. One of the recipients of the award, recalled Rev. Sharpton's part in the Korean Store boycott and heralded him "The Prince of Peace".

Reverend Simon T. Levine was the founder and pastor of the church of The Open Door A.M.E. Rev. Levine passed into his eternal life on January 27th, l996. In honor of a distinguished man or woman of service to God and His or Her church, the award is presented to an individual for outstanding devotion and service to the community.

True Family Values Ministry Presentation

After the inauguration of Rev. Sharpton and Mrs. Kathy Jordan Sharpton as Co-Chairs of The Coalition for Harmony, Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President of The True Family Value Ministry of America, gave an eye opening and very informative presentation on True family values.

The True Family Values Ministry seeks to empower families of the world by renewing marriage and family life thorough God's gracious love, education and reaffirmation of the sanctity of marriage.

The ministry is dedicated to bringing families to God, helping one another fulfill our God-given potential, and making our families those in which God's love can dwell anew.

Dr. Hendricks pointed out that more and more objective scientific research points to the fact that the host of ills that beset our society-crime, drugs, poverty, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.-are rooted in the breakdown of the family. Only by strengthening our families can we hope to have a prosperous, safe and , and healthy society. But how do we strengthen the family? Through the father - mother relationship centered on God, children learn the essence of love. As they grow and develop centered on this essence, they themselves become aware of a God-centered love, which they can learn to give. In The world there are so many variations of family life, that some communities depend heavily upon the extended family ,especially grandparents ,to raise children, where the nuclear family (father & mother) is not intact.

But at this time The True Family Value Ministry is celebrating marriage, by helping couples to rededicate their life to God. so that their families can be stronger, their communities safer and our world a better place to live for all. Dr. Hendricks received a round of applause.

The Charge

Mr. Allan Inman and Rev. Juanita Pierre-Louis , Master and Mistress of Ceremony then gave an arousing introduction too Rev. Al Sharpton as he entered the stage. The crowd stood enthusiastically and applauded Rev Sharpton as he mounted the podium.

The Reverend began immediately to challenge and charge the enthusiastic audience with the order of the night, to rededicate their marriage and family to God, and recognizing the messenger.

Rev. Sharpton spoke candidly about the Million Man March, he stated that there are those who would not support the Million Man March because they didn't like Minister Farrakan. But we never know who God will choose as His messenger. It is the Message that counts.

And to the accusations about his affiliation with Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the True Family Value Ministry, he decreed that, the world needs the message of true families. I don't care if it comes from Rev. Moon, Rev. Sun or Rev. midnight. This is the message God is sending us today".

The African-American Family

Rev. Sharpton said that the white Christians had sought to destroy the black people by tearing apart their marriages and families, because they knew that if you destroy marriage and family, you destroy the life of the people. Therefore, we must restore, rebuild, and strengthen the marriages and families of Black America and that's why he's working with the True family value ministry.

He masterfully linked the cause of family values with the cause of social justice, saying that true family life leads to mutual respect, fairness, and justice . The Reverend said that if men have the support of their wives and wives the support of their husbands, they can take on the difficulties of society. He doesn't need approval from Mayor Giuliani, he said, because he has the complete love and approval of his wife. When he leaves home in the morning. There was laughter and approval for the audience. He reiterated that for all these reasons, he has rededicated his marriage, plus, he added, Kathy(his wife) wanted to do it.

With these and other soul stirring words, Rev. Al and Mrs. Kathy Sharpton , newly appointed co-chairs of the Coalition for Harmony and Advisors to the True Family Value Ministry inspired fifty prominent clergy and elders to come forward and rededicate their marriages.

It was an eternal moment of God's love when the Paks and Sharptons stood in front of the stage, and between forty and fifty couples from an audience of 250 (many of whom were clergy who have already received the blessing) stood up and made their way to the front. Then all received Rev. Sharpton's Holy wine Ceremony prayer, then the sprinkling, Blessing vows and Blessing prayer from Rev. Pak.

The evening was celebrative, festive, and Blessed!

Rev. Juanita Pierre-Louis is the Asst. Director of the True Family Value Ministry of Harlem.

Questions and Answers about the Upcoming Blessing

by Chris Corcoran-NYC

Since the World Culture and Sports Festival III is fast approaching, I thought it would be helpful to give a brief overview of the event, particularly the Blessing part, and raise some questions and answers which may help explain it.

The World Culture and Sports Festival III will be held this year in Washington, D.C., from November 23 to the 30th. The first two festivals were held in Seoul, Korea, in 19??.

Rev. and Mrs. Moon first presented their vision for the Festival just after the Summer Olympics of 1988. As they stated in the founding declaration, "There can only be a peaceful family of nations when you have nations of peaceful families."

Their statement summarizes the reason for the WCSF and should be the main starting point of any discussion about the Festival and/or Blessing.

Since the Festival is based on the ideal of establishing families that are dedicated to the service of God and mankind, it is fitting that the heart of each Festival has been the International Blessing Ceremony.

Couples from every corner of the globe-from almost every religion, race, nationality, and culture-make a sacred commitment in this Ceremony to practice true love as a way of life: empahsizing purity before marraige, fidelity within the marriage, and the eternal nature of marriage.

Here are some suggested speaking points concerning the Blessing.

What is the Blessing? The event in question is a marriage blessing and rededication ceremony. It is not a legal rite of marriage nor is it a conversion to the Unification religion.

What will it be known as? The official title is : "Blessing '97: Worldwide Movement for True Families".

Who are the sponsor(s) of the Blessing '97? The primary sponsor of the WCSF III, of which the Blessing is a part, is the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Also, each of the participating organizations is a festival co-sponsor.

What are its main features?

Inter-religious: It is the only event in the world that gathers husbands and wives of all faiths for the purpose of voluntarily renewing their vows. It affirms the ideals of all religions.

World PeaceIt has the unique goal of achieving world peace through the restoration of the family, beginning with the marriage partnership itself.

Marriage CultureIt promotes and strengthens the marriage culture by emphasizing God's new relationship to the married couple and by teaching an ideal family model. Families now have a clearer vision of how to achieve strong, healthy families.

What is the role of Rev. and Mrs. Moon? Rev. and Mrs. Moon are officiating and "sealing" the Blessing.

By what authority do Rev. & Mrs. Moon conduct this event? Jesus Christ called them to this mission and we believe they have the authority, given by God, to perform this ceremony. They have blessed hundreds of thousands of couples during the past 37 years, painstakingly laying the foundation to conduct this ceremony.

Are they the only ones able to officiate at one of these events? No, any couple, under the auspices of FFWPU, which has already received the Blessing is able to confer this on other couples.

How does one qualify to be Blessed? Any couple with an intact marriage and who agrees with the four vows can participate.

Why would someone participate? To renew their marriage and bring more of God's blessing into their marriage.

What is expected of those who participate? Those who participate are encouraged to join the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. This is a voluntary, international organization formed by Rev. and Mrs. Moon to bring together all Blessed couples for the purpose of promoting strong marriages and a new marriage culture. The main condition of membership is to keep their vows, i.e., no adultery, raise pure children and put God at the center of their family.

What happens to those who break from the program? What happens to anyone who breaks their vows? It is a very serious mistake that has far reaching consequences. However, we seek to heal problems and bring reconciliation. There are bound to be some problems, but by and large our marriages are much more successful than society's as a whole.

Aren't there some sort of ceremonies after this that the couple must participate in? Rev. Moon has not clearly spelled out what couples should do after this Blessing.

Will there be other similar events in the future? Yes, definitely. How soon? Rev. Moon has set a goal to bless 36 million couples by next year and 360 million by the turn of the century.

Why does the world need such an event? We have to solve the breakdown of the family if America, and the world, is to survive. So many problems, including drugs, criminality, sexual diseases and poverty are directly related to family breakdown. The only way to solve the breakdown of the family is to restore the sanctity of marriage. This event must be a cause, a crusade, to mobilize society to change.

Why 3.6 million couples? The number 360 symbolizes all humankind, just as the 360 degrees represents a circle. In 1995, Rev. and Mrs. Moon blessed 360,000 couples based on the same symbolic meaning.

When will Rev. and Mrs. Moon be satisfied? Sociology and psychology confirm the traditional religious and folk wisdom that healthy families-with no divorce or adultery-lead to a healthy society and world. Rev. and Mrs. Moon want to all people in our common quest to build a healthy world for our childfren.

What about single people or homosxuals? We are upholding the ideal of true love between a husband and wife as God's plan. We realize that there are many good people who, for whatever reason, do not practice this. We are not doing this to judge other peoples' lifestyles but rather to bring together and strengthen the family of man.

Proclamation Of The 3.6 Million Couples Marriage Blessing

The advent of the third millennium heralds a time for humankind to re-examine its past and determine our course for the future from the perspective of God's original ideal in creating humankind. In so doing, we can discover the eternal principles which are the basis of happiness, harmony and fulfillment, and we can determine a beneficial course for ourselves and our posterity.

In creating the world, God intended that Adam and Eve would become the first true parents of humankind. As such, they would establish a true family with God at the center. As that family multiplied, it would grow into a true nation and world of peace and harmony. In a world of such loving relationships, God would be able to dwell eternally on the earth.

Unfortunately, Adam and Eve abandoned God's principles of true love and failed to become true parents. Therefore, God sent the Messiah--a second Adam--to restore the failure of the first Adam and establish the original ideal of the true family, true nation and true world. Jesus came as the second Adam. He came to a nation which God had prepared for thousands of years. Tragically, in spite of this national foundation, people at that time could not understand the mission of Jesus, and he was unable to establish a true family and a true nation. This is the reason Jesus promised he would return. Accordingly, a third Adam must come to fulfill the mission of the true parents of the worldwide level.

The Second Advent is the period of time when the Messiah comes to accomplish the original ideal of creation as the third Adam. He comes to fulfill all of the promises of the Old and New Testaments and to bring about the Completed Testament Age. He does this by fulfilling the position of true parents, establishing a true family and sharing the blessing of true love with all humankind. Through a special marriage blessing, couples worldwide have the opportunity to become true families..

On August 25, 1995, 360,000 couples participated in an international blessing at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul, Korea. This year, on November 29, another international blessing ceremony, this one for 3.6 million couples, will take place at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. As of July 15, 1997, more than 3.6 million couples worldwide participated in blessing ceremonies in preparation for this event.

Having achieved this, it is with great joy that we announce a new campaign to share this holy blessing with 36 million more couples throughout the world. This is truly an historic turning point. These true families, sharing the blessing of God's love, will lay the foundation for the kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven.

The ideal of true families centered upon God and true parents is the foundation of a national and global ideal which transcends religion and ideology. Through the fulfillment of this ideal, God's providence of salvation will reach its successful conclusion. The historical mission of all religions will be accomplished.

The age of religion and individual salvation is therefore passing and the age of family salvation has begun. For this reason, The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Unification Church) is giving birth to a much larger, non-denominational, family-centered organization, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.

We invite the leaders of the world and the people of all nations to join us in this noble endeavor, by actively promoting and participating in the international blessing ceremony for 36 million couples, transcending race, national boundary and religion.

For more information please contact:

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification 3600 New York Avenue, Washington, DC, 20002,202-269-5340