True Parents Birthday Pledge Ceremony

Reverend Sun Myung Moon
New Yorker, February 13, 1997

By sharing these rice cakes with True Parents this morning, we have to make sure that our minds and bodies become one. Also between husband and wife there should be absolute unity. Between families, nations and the world absolute unity should be obtained before sharing this precious food with True Parents. As Blessed couples we offer Pledge service with our families. After the Pledge service we are supposed to share holy food among our family members. Originally, Adam and Eve, without the Fall, were supposed to share this kind of food with their family members, centered upon God. But due to the Fall this did not take place. Therefore, as Unification Church Blessed couples, we are the ones who are doing the will of God which was originally the responsibility of Adam and Eve's family.

Through offering the Pledge service every Sunday morning and sharing the holy food, we have to learn how to become united among our family members. Then upon this foundation we have to expand this unity to the level of the tribe, nation and world. It is our mission to spread this kind of tradition to the entire world. As Unification Church Blessed couples we are supposed to be longing for each Sunday morning to arrive. Because that is the day that we can worship God and offer our Pledge to God and share this holy food. By doing so we can expand our territory and expand our tradition, centered upon God, to the whole world. This Sunday Pledge service when we bow to God was originated by True Parents. Every Sunday we offer this Pledge service together with True Parents whether we are with them physically or not. How precious it is.

As parents we have to make certain that we bequeath our tradition to our children and to their generation. Through the Sunday morning Pledge service we have to demonstrate to our children how much we respect our True Parents. Through this our children will learn how to worship and treasure True Parents so that the tradition can be handed down and inherited generation after generation. It should be our most earnest desire to keep this tradition in our family, worshipping together and offering Pledge service every Sunday morning with our family centered upon True Parents. This is a most precious tradition.

No matter what our circumstances or where we might be in our daily lives, we should always remain faithful to maintaining this kind of tradition centered upon True Parents. Even if we are unable to physically do the Sunday Pledge service because we are up in an airplane or something, we should remember that particular moment and spiritually set that kind of tradition.

On each major holiday we gather and celebrate these holy days in almost exactly the same way. Many of you fly thousands of miles in order to attend this ceremony. What is the significance? That is the question. We have to understand that when we go our separate ways and return to our missions, usually our minds and bodies are divided, people are divided, there is conflict throughout the world. However, whenever this kind of major holy day comes, we know that we have to cleanse ourselves internally and externally. Then we attend this ceremony and we build our unity and harmony horizontally as well as vertically with True Parents, centered upon God. That is the significance.

It is miraculous that through paying appropriate indemnity, we are the ones who are now in the position to build this relationship with True Parents centering on God. Through this to restore this entire world from family, tribal and world levels. But when God originally created Adam and Eve they were the ones who were meant to build the ideal family, nation and world. But because they failed, we are now in the position to pay indemnity. We have the privilege of being with True Parents to build the original world in the place of Adam and Eve. It is your greatest honor to attend these Unification Church major holy days as the representatives of your tribes and nations at this kind of ceremony.

We stand in the position to prepare ourselves for months, sometimes one whole year, through taking cold showers and other conditions in order to cleanse ourselves to be able to attend this kind of ceremony. By doing so we should be able to inherit this kind of tradition to our coming generations. It is also important for us that we should prepare our offering. Not just overnight. Rather we should take months in order to prepare our offering. Even if it means skipping meals and buying good clothes. Whatever we sacrifice in our lives we can save money out of that and prepare our offering. Then that offering will be used to develop our public missions.

In the Old Testament the laws and commandments were incredibly strict. The next stage was that of the New Testament and now we live in the age of the Completed Testament. True Parents have completely liberated us from these many restrictions and laws. Therefore, our Blessed couples are in the position of offerings. True Love is our motto. True Love is the way that we reach the Kingdom of Heaven. True Love is the means, way and purpose of our lives. Once we are centered upon True Love then all of our things become holy things. When a mother gives birth to a child, she never feels dirty when she has to touch her baby's waste. We should have that kind of heart and love towards the entire world. That is truth.

During the Old Testament era they usually shed the blood of an offering and then burned the offering. In the New Testament era through offering ourselves as children, we were waiting for the True Parents. Now that True Parents are here, we should be able to offer everything through True Parents as a holy offering. Then True Parents will offer these holy offerings to God. That is how the entire created beings will be liberated. That is the order. We must understand that the Lord of the Second Advent was supposed to come in glory. He was supposed to be received by every human being with praise. However, in reality, the Lord of the Second Advent has been receiving an incredible amount of persecution and mistreatment at the hands of this world. This is the greatest tragedy of humankind.

The countries responsible for persecuting True Parents, and in particular those countries who imprisoned True Parents, will be remembered as shameful nations in human history. Particularly countries like North and South Korea, Japan and America. Those countries are the worst places, from God's viewpoint. These countries are all now experiencing difficulties. The family breakdown is rampant in this nation of America for example. Particularly in America and Japan the problems of youth are now uncontrollable. It is equivalent to the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden once they fell.

True Parents came to this world in order to restore true sons and daughters, true family, for God. But instead of welcoming True Parents the central nations persecuted True Parents. These are the countries that must repent. True Parents central mission is to establish God's true sons and daughters and true family on the Earth. However, these three major providential nations have only persecuted True Parents. Now is the time when the Unification Church will be lifted up and these nations will decline into a miserable situation. The families in the nations of Korea, Japan and America are problematic now. We could say that Korea is the worst country, probably worse than the Mafia. Japan and America are also terrible. Here in America we find so much organized crime; Chinese Mafia, Korean Mafia. True Father is not an ordinary individual. Rather True Father is connected to the entire human history of thousands and thousands of years. The culminating point of the entire history of humankind is True Father. Originally the Christian culture represented the bride culture which was supposed to create the family culture. Therefore, you have to understand how precious is the position of Blessed couples. They represent the entire universe. That is why Satan has been desperately trying to eliminate True Father. It is amazing that we could have a special ceremony entitled The Safe Settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and Declaration of Liberation of Indemnity on November 1, 1996 in Uruguay. By True Parents' declaration at this ceremony last November, Satan's efforts to destroy all Blessed couples from True Parents downward, has now been eliminated.

One major difference between Jesus and the Lord of the Second Advent is that Jesus came to establish the national level sovereignty, but True Parents represent the entire world. Therefore, blessed children are in the position of national messiahs. When they are at the national level Satan can still find reasons to criticize and attack them. But once the Lord of the Second Advent is at the worldwide level Satan cannot do any harm to him. That is why our blessed children are still vulnerable to Satan's attack as they stand at the national level only. Because of the vulnerability of this blessed children's level, True Father can still be indirectly attacked. But not directly.

Jesus was supposed to have established his family which could have supported him and assisted him to become the national level messiah. Then eventually he could have conquered Rome which represented the entire world. However, this did not happen. Because of this failure Satan put Jesus on the cross and killed him. Now, at the time of the Second Advent, True Parents have laid a strong enough foundation which Satan cannot destroy. Also True Parents have accomplished each level of their responsibility. This is why True Parents now stand at the worldwide level. Also True Parents have united the chosen nations of Korea, Japan, America and Germany and have them under their wing. That is why Satan is unable to attack True Father directly. Even if Father does not have this family level foundation, Satan still cannot destroy Father. Because Father is now standing at the worldwide level. Father has the national level already. Under God's direction Father has established this foundation over all the various denominations and Catholics as well as Protestants. They are now under Father's wing.

We have to remember that Father is the one who has been going through these eight different stages for the past forty years single-handedly. Without Father's accomplishment in this regard, nothing could have been done. Satan cannot occupy Father's position. The forty years history of the Unification Church centering upon True Father, has been the course of being hit first and then claiming ownership. This has been Father's strategy. By doing so Father has been carrying all the Blessed couples along with him. The Blessed couples families have been cut off from the Satanic root and engrafted into True Parents and are following this heavenly way. The blessing ceremony is the engrafting ceremony. It began with 3 couples, 36 couples, 72 couples, 430 couples, 777 couples, 1800 couples, 6000 couples, 6500 couples, 30,000 couples and 360,000 couples. These different stages of blessing history were created by True Father.

The Old Testament and New Testament history represented the entire spectrum of the restoration of elder sonship. Upon that foundation we can begin the restoration of Parentship. After Father won the victory over communism, then True Parents and the Completed Testament Era was declared by True Parents. Through the demise of communism, True Father harmonized the democratic world and the communist world. In fact, after the demise of communism and the destruction of democracy all that will remain will be the true family and true children system centered upon True Parents. That is what is happening now. No nation in the world is able to solve the family problems that are now rampant worldwide. Because Adam's family's corruption is now being seen in the youth and family problems of today's world. The only way to solve this is for individuals, families, tribes, nations and the world to have their center in True Parents. This can occur through blessing. The establishment of true families is the answer.

Through declaring the Family Federation for World Peace last year, a new transitional time period began. The conclusion is that True Parents are the only ones who can solve the family problems worldwide. These are now the Last Days. This is like the time when the Israelites were supposed to come out of slavery in Egypt. Because no matter how difficult their situation might have been, it was their responsibility to inform their tribal members to leave the country at the same time. That kind of responsibility is upon our shoulders right now. We have to make sure that our tribal members receive this truth. This is the time when we have to make sure that all of our tribal members participate in this year's Blessing. Even if they don't want to come, it is still your responsibility to make them come to the Blessing. Because once they participate in the Blessing their attitude will be completely changed.

Satan has been shedding the blood of God's children for thousands of years in order to prevent the establishment of the true family. But we live in the age of True Parents. This is a golden opportunity for us. We don't need to shed our blood. We just have to do our absolute best to bring our tribal members into this Blessing. If we cannot accomplish this we had better die. No matter how difficult it may be, you have to make this substantial foundation. This is the mission of Blessed couples. Especially American families. You American families are more troublesome. Even before coming to a holy ceremony such as this, some of you may wander around the night before and go and drink in a bar. Then you casually decide that you have some money and so therefore you can offer something when you come here. With that kind of miserable attitude you are certainly not worthy to come here. Is there even one of you here who has prepared yourself for months and even years, cleansing yourself from head to foot in order to be prepared to attend this holy ceremony? God has been preparing Himself for millions of years to have this kind of holy day. Can we lower God's holy standard? No, we absolutely cannot.

When doing our mission we cannot take a break when God does not take a break. Can we claim vacations when we are missionaries for God? We don't have our sovereignty yet. All families are still under Satanic control. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be you have to liberate your family and nation. No blessed family has that unchangeable, unique, eternal site yet. You know this to be true. Therefore, how can you build the Kingdom of Heaven? Without the establishment of the true family site the nation has no foundation. This is clear. None of you are able to deny this. We need absolute families and absolute nation for God. No Blessed couples have this absolute individual, family and tribal base yet.

You cannot attend this kind of holy ceremony with the same attitude that you have when going to a drinking bar, or on vacation. Your attitude in attending this kind of ceremony should be more serious than if you were going to see your dying parents and children. Father is now clearly warning you all on this his 77th birthday. We have to realize how hypocritical our life of faith has been. When a mission is given to us we carry that mission upon our shoulders. We have to ask ourselves if we have been successful enough to push that mission even higher so that we can carry True Parents and God to an even higher position instead of being crushed by the weight of our mission. If we cannot become such people then we will eventually become extinct. Do we all have holy salt? (Yes) The world where we have to use holy salt is not the Kingdom of God. We have to create the world where we don't need holy salt. Such a world has not yet appeared. At the time of the holy matrimony of True Parents, actually True Parents could have burned the entire world except for themselves. Because the rest of the world was so stained and dirty that it didn't have to exist. Apart from True Parents there was no one else who was qualified to exist. However, True Parents could not do that. The rest of humanity had a different lineage. Through celebrating the major holy days and holy ceremonies we are still trying to turn ourselves towards the heavenly lineage of God.

We really have to seriously and clearly understand the significance of this kind of holy day. True Parents Day, True Parents Birthday, The Day of All Things, Children's Day and God's Day and all other major holy days. Father has been so serious in order to be able to announce these major holy days throughout these years. We have to live up to the expectation and standard of True Parents. However, when we look at ourselves we are in fact like garbage. Even so True Parents cannot become like us. True Parents have the responsibility to indemnify and restore the foundation that Adam and Eve destroyed by their fall. Father has been walking the path of restoration and indemnity these many years with confidence and showing his smile. That is why Satan could not attack Father.

Father has been teaching us with the body of parents, shoes of the servant, with sweat for earth, blood for heaven and tears for humankind. That has been Father's life course. By doing so Father has set the example of how to become sons and daughters of filial piety, patriots, saints and holy sons and daughters of God centered upon True Love. Without True Love nothing can be connected. Even though we know that this formula has existed, can we claim that we have really paid indemnity on the individual, family, tribal and national levels?

God gave the commandment to Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now True Parents is giving this warning to you his children. Once a person has absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience how can anyone dare to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? We have to understand that when God first gave the commandment to Adam and Eve He didn't give this commandment without practicing that standard Himself. God already applied this standard when He created the entire world and Adam and Eve. Upon that foundation He gave that standard to Adam and Eve so that they could become the love partner to God.

Father gave the declaration of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in Brazil a few years ago. By so doing, Father initiated the second generation forty years course era. Through this God and Father want to make sure that through offering absolute faith, love and obedience we build the original family and world which Adam and Eve lost because of their fall in the Garden of Eden. That is the key. Just as God gave the commandment to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, in this Completed Testament era True Father is giving us warning to have absolute faith, love and obedience to God and True Parents. Without being equipped with this absolute standard of life we cannot enter the Kingdom of God.

Blessed husbands are in the position of restored Adam not Archangel. Since we are in the position of restored Adam and True Parents are in the position of God, when this kind of warning comes from True Father then no matter how difficult it may be for you to follow this direction, we absolutely must do it. As restored Adam, you must continue to restore your relatives and tribal members. There must be two different types. The Cain and Abel type or the Archangel and Satanic type. Your mission is to unite them. That kind of significant mission is upon our shoulders. We don't need 3.6 million couples Blessing. Centering upon the restored Adam's family we should be able to restore two Archangel families to make our environment there. Then the Satanic world would disappear. The Satanic world is always opposing and attacking to prevent this coming about.

From 1992 Father could finally bless 30,000 couples and by doing so now on the worldwide level this vertical journey started at the growth stage. The 360,000 couples blessing represented the growth stage. This year the 3.6 million couples will represent the world wide level. Perfection stage vertical course. By doing so Heaven and Earth will be connected. Because of this condition the entire 360 degrees to this entire world is now open. There is no blocking. There is a vertical connection between Heaven and Earth and so people in the spiritual world can receive this Blessing also. Because of this condition, at the time of the 3.6 million couples Blessing, Father will allow Heung Jin Nim to exercise Blessing in the spiritual world. This means that all those people who could not enter the Kingdom of God can now receive Blessing in the spiritual world. Then they can stand behind Heung Jin Nim so that they can eventually enter the Kingdom of God. That is the course of restoration through indemnity.

Originally, Adam was supposed to be on top and the Archangel at the bottom, but because of the Fall of Man the order became reversed. Now True Parents have made it right side up. That is why we are the ones who have to be absolutely united with True Parents with the standard of absolute faith, love and obedience. That is the only way that we can be connected to True Parents and God. Also it is the only way that we can eventually enter the Kingdom of God following True Parents. It requires a family unit to get into the Kingdom. Centering on God, morning, noon and night, loving God, talking to God, 24 hours a day. There is no other way except to follow True Parents with absolute obedience. This is my conclusion this morning. We must understand this.

True Father is now 77 years old. No one knows how hectic and busy Father's schedule was last year. Each time Father gave a heavy mission to President Joo he was struggling in his mind. However, he constantly followed Father and now after everything is done he realizes that this is the way it should have happened. Father never found one son among us who is just like Father, a son who would say, "Give me more responsibility. I will do even more than what you ask me to do." None of us really understood the course of indemnity because none of us have paid the proper indemnity in order to do our mission. That is why we have no other choice but to stand behind Father and hold onto the string which originates from Father. Some of us are 1,000 miles apart from Father but are still hanging onto this rope.

There are ardent Christians, both Catholics and Protestants, who do not know Divine Principle yet, but once they clearly understand True Father's teaching how eager and enthusiastic they will become to follow and work with True Parents. But we stand in the position to lead those people and be even ahead of them. But we are not worthy because we have not done this ourselves. Therefore, if we continue to trail behind like this, eventually the order will be reversed.

On this significant 77th birthday of True Father you are being given this warning. This is the turning point, the transitional period when we have to make sure that we give absolutely everything to God and True Parents. Following them with the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Even if it requires us to sell our home and everything that we have and sacrifice our family and entire tribe to do so. We have to make sure that we are with True Father no matter what. We have to be determined and have conviction, that we will hang onto True Father until we lose our lives. Even if Father is inside an airplane to get away, we have to hang onto the airplane until our arm falls off. That kind of conviction is required. If Father were to bite us in order to loosen our grip on him, and if we were to lose our arm we still must hang on. We should put our leg around Father so we can still hang onto Father; then Father may threaten to cut off our leg. We should be ready to tell Father, "You may cut it off, but I will still be with you." If in fact Father really cuts off our leg there will be bloodshed. Then blood will spread over Father's body. That is the condition for us to say, "You see, you have shed my blood so therefore you must forgive me through this condition."

In reality no parent can cut off his son or daughter's leg and shed their blood. However, Father gives such an extreme example so that we can make sure to be truly united with him. Those who clearly realize that they have received the Blessing raise your hands. What kind of Blessing are you belonging to? True Blessing, mediocre Blessing or the worst Blessing. (Truly absolute Blessing) (Laughter) It is easy to say absolute, but then why do you laugh? It is not a laughing issue at all. By hearing True Father's words this morning can you imagine how serious True Father's life has been? It is not a children's game. Father has been building the railroad tracks and the railroad cars in order to carry all of humanity and the entire dispensation. This has been an extremely difficult life Father has lived.

We do not truly understand indemnity. Therefore we need True Father and we have to hang onto him. The second generation are not an exception to this. The second generation children in Korea who choose to go to other universities rather than to Father's Sun Moon University, will be separated from the second generation who follow Father's direction to study at the Sun Moon University. There will be a red line under their name. Their parents are responsible for this. Even if you graduate from Harvard or Yale universities Father doesn't care. Many of True Children study and graduate from Harvard, but Father directs them to go attend the Unification Theological Seminary eventually. The goal of True Children going to these Ivy League schools is so they can understand the Satanic world first. Then by doing so lay the foundation in the physical world, then go to the Unification Theological Seminary and study.

The Blessing will no longer be given by True Parents after the 3.6 million couples Blessing. The time is coming when True Parents will not bless anyone anymore. Then your children will surely complain to you because they will want to receive the Blessing from True Parents directly. When Father selected the four major national messiahs of Uraguay, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, Father gave the Blessing to their children even though they were still very young. Also Father paid all the debts those four national messiahs had before they were chosen. Because Father wanted them to come to South America and work with Father. As a national messiah you shouldn't have any debts. Father has set up a paradigm or example which national messiahs should follow from now on.

Let us make sure that we are absolutely united with True Father. The course of indemnity is not a random formula, but rather it is extremely scientific and tight. In Father's family he was the second son. When Father was born the entire tribe of Father was incredibly attacked. All manner of accidents took place. The invisible Satan appeared and exercised physical power in order to destroy Father's family at the time of his birth. The elder brother of Father suddenly became crazy, Father's elder sister suddenly become crazy. In the year that Father was born, five out of the thirteen family members died. There is no exception to the law of indemnity.

In Father's children generation the second son died by accident. Also Heung Jin Nim died by accident. Also within the church membership, former President Eu died in the hospital. He was the second son of the three disciples. If not, the first son would just be naturally grabbed by Satan. By the same principle Ye Jin Nim and Hyo Jin Nim are on the same hook right now. We are responsible to restore that.

Satan still continues to cling to the three nations of Japan, America and Germany because Father gave them a chance to be restored. Through this Satan is continually attacking Father. We have to overcome this hurdle. All three major nations are suffering with the breakdown of families and the problem of youth. The Mafia tried to destroy Father but they have not succeeded. All those gays and lesbians will eventually realize that they need families also. They will probably be at the end of the line following Father in the future. That is Father's right. God cannot subjugate this world situation right now, and Satan doesn't have that right either. But True Parents alone have the authority and right to deal with this world's problems right now. In the original Garden of Eden Satan's evil seed was sown there. Now in the last days we have to cut them off, root them out and burn them in order to cleanse this situation. We are now harvesting evil fruits as a result of the evil that was first sown in the Garden of Eden. Now we have to engraft them onto the good tree so that good fruits can be harvested.

We have to keep our Sunday morning Pledge tradition. This is so very important and we must not forget that. Father has seen some second generation children who don't know about Sunday morning Pledge service at all. Never even heard about it. How can we say that they are from Blessed couples? True Parents have been keeping this tradition for forty, fifty, sixty years. As Blessed couples who received the Blessing from True Parents, can we comfortably sleep on Sunday morning while True Parents and other couples are doing Pledge service? Such lazy couples deserve punishment. Just think about how many thousands of years God has been waiting to celebrate this True Parents Day. The words "True Parents" are not simple words. If we research we will find it contains thousands of years of history of sweat and tears of God. The goal of creation for God was finding True Parents.

Do you consider True Parents as important as your relatives? (More important) Our life has been just for ourselves thus far. In order for us to be able to attend a holy ceremony such as this, we should do at least one day fasting a month and save that money and bring it as an offering. If this kind of offering money is collected Father will never spend it personally. That kind of offering would represent ourselves. By offering this small amount of money we are offering our entire body and mind. That kind of prayerful preparation is necessary. We should prepare ourselves for an entire year by fasting and setting all manner of conditions and then finally when this holy day ceremony comes, we offer ourselves with a prayerful bow. Our daily life is so low that we cannot even reach any level at all. But because of these seven major holy days we have the privilege to bring ourselves up to the heavenly standard. These seven major holy days represent seven different bridges that can bring us closer to the heavenly standard. Rather than on our mundane level.

We can judge ourselves as we follow these seven major holy days. Then we will see if Father is just about two steps above us or if we are 10,000 steps below Father. It is all up to ourselves. We have to sacrifice ourselves in order to come up closer to Father. In the earlier days when Father first began this movement, Father instructed the early members not to go to college. But later on Father allowed them to continue their education but he never allowed them to go to graduate school. But many of them, without Father's permission, went to graduate school anyway and got their degrees. They will be punished. Father will put a red line below their name. Wait and see what kind of end they will have to their lives. Even among the 36 couples, some of them boast that their children have Ph.D.'s. But if they did so without Father's permission they will be punished. Since the Kingdom is here with us, we have to be able to find our own course.

This is a time of fear. But for those who have prepared themselves this is a time of peace and joy. Father is now sending all the national messiahs out to their mission countries even if it means abandoning their wives and families. Some of the national messiahs are appealing to Father with the excuse that their country does not grant them a visa, so can they be taken off the list of National Messiahs.

Even though the entire world is opposing Father he never compromises himself. Rather he continually marches forward. Yet, some of the national messiahs want to give up because their small country opposes their entry! There are many different ways to get around these obstacles. For example, during Jacob's 21 year course, he came up with all kinds of tricks in order to please his uncle and accumulate his wealth. Then eventually he won the victory. By the same token, the national messiahs can find the way if they are truly desperate. Directly or indirectly. National messiahs should have better strategy than Satan has. Because they are in the position of governor or governor-general of each nation as national messiah. In these countries, if you are able to unite three former presidents then you can use their foundation and convince the incumbent president. In South America all the heads of state down there know Father. Father has laid the foundation on that level for our national messiahs.

Please understand that this kind of ceremony is a fearful place. If you are not properly prepared you will be punished. Your ancestors will come and attack you if you are not really qualified. One way that your ancestors will punish you is to take one of your children away, an accident, fire in your house, anything could happen. Eventually that kind of disaster will come upon you and your couple. Because if we truly don't understand our Parents' suffering we will be punished. Many who held critically important missions within the Unification Church died of cancer. Father's heart is going out even to those people in order to cure their disease. In order to do so Father himself experimented with the mugwort moksa treatment. Father realized that this is it. Now he is spreading this method to the entire world through the national messiahs.

On God's Day in Brazil Father declared this method of treatment and gave $1000 to each national messiah so they can buy all the necessary equipment in order to offer the mugwort moksa treatment in their nations. Imagine that there may not be any more holy day celebrations with True Parents, but rather Father gives this right over to you so that you can hold this holy day ceremony with your own tribe. In order for you to prepare yourselves for that kind of time period, Father is giving you this kind of teaching this morning. You have to understand clearly. It is a serious issue and Father is telling you the truth this morning. Father is now driving the entire universe, spiritual and physical worlds in one direction. Based upon the worldwide family scale, Father is going to give Blessing.

In order to achieve the goal of 3.6 million couples Blessing, each nation has been allocated a certain number of couples. Each nation must fulfill its responsibility in this regard. Probably the most advanced, rich nation will become the last in terms of fulfilling this responsibility. If this becomes the trend then those people who live within those countries will have to shed so much more sweat in order to achieve the goal. Father is now giving an instruction to Reverend Kwak. Since Reverend Kwak is the President of HSA International, Reverend Kwak always has to report to Father in regard to the public projects and foreign mission related matters. Then receive the decision from Father directly and then implement Father's decision. Not his own decision. From now on Father has to depart from us at the individual, family, tribal, national and worldwide level and go on in his own course to establish the restoration of kingship successfully. The King cannot meet just anyone. That time is coming. Even someone like Reverend Kwak will not be able to see Father freely in the future unless he makes an appointment and that appointment is granted. Therefore, Father does not go back to Korea now. Father left Korean Christianity and he is now working on worldwide level Protestantism and Catholicism. Father no longer is dealing with the Korean national level Christianity. But rather Father deals with them at the worldwide level; South America representing Catholicism and North America representing Protestantism. Father can no longer concern himself with the family or nation. Because Father has now completed all the necessary conditions.

Now is the time that even if Father were to hide himself in a deep mountain, sooner or later the worldwide Christianity will come and find him and beg him to lead the unification of Protestantism and Catholicism. The time is here that even if the entire North and South Korean governments turn their back on Father the entire population in the Korean peninsula 70 million people will eventually come and beg Father to lead the unification of the Korean peninsula. In terms of the conflict between the east and the western cultures, people will have to eventually come to Reverend Moon in order to solve this problem. Then from tomorrow on Father can take it easy and rest. Even if Father stops helping the South American church and other projects, eventually the world will be restored by Father. Don't you think it is time for Father to rest?

All the nations have national messiah teams. Plus Blessed couples are there. Father has bequeathed all that he has to those nations and members in the world. That means even without Father, God's Will can be accomplished in this world. If Father stops working physically here, then the entire spiritual world will come down and work directly with us. Because once Father's physical involvement ends, it means the entire spiritual world has to come down and replace that work. That kind of era is coming now. Our ancestors in the spiritual world are in the position to support restored Adam's family based upon the Blessing from Heung Jin Nim. Then they will come down and eventually have to support us in the position of restored Adam in this physical world. Therefore, if we are not strictly following the truth our ancestors will come and destroy us.

Throughout the entire world, how many of those who are above elementary school level have not yet heard about Reverend Moon at all? What do you think the percentage is? Above middle school age we can say that virtually everyone has heard about Reverend Moon in the entire world. While they do not understand the Divine Principle they are at the end of the line. But as soon as they understand Divine Principle they will become the first. If Father had never exercised his right of giving the Blessing from the beginning then the amount of opposition from the world would certainly have been less. Because of the Blessing many thousands of parents became angry that their children were matched and married by Reverend Moon. That is how the opposition began. The interracial marriages that we have conducted caused a lot of opposition as well. Father knew that no Korean or Japanese parents would agree with him on this issue. But Father did it anyway.

When the time comes for Korea and Japan to be united as one nation, from which lineage do you suppose the leader will emerge? From this kind of interracial marriage lineage, the new national leader will appear. That is the formula actually. For example, when the time comes that Great Britain and France become one nation and one leader will have to be selected. Instead of selecting a strictly British or French leader, the new leader will more likely emerge out of this new mixed lineage. The same principle can be applied to the merging of any nations.

Father knew from the beginning of the Blessing history, that in order to prepare the future world, even though there would be an incredible amount of persecution, he had to do so. Otherwise, there would be no way for Father to make preparation for the future. Here in America there are thousands of interracial couples who married outside of the Unification Church. But these couples are not actually maintaining a high standard of life. They are the ones who are practicing drug abuse, homosexuality in some cases; etc. But eventually when they recognize the value and standard of the Unification Church international, interracial couples, they will bow down and follow our couples. That will be the trend. In other words, these two extremes will meet and whatever was in between will naturally merge together.

We can now go out and declare to those international, interracial couples who do not have confidence in maintaining their married life, to come and join the Unification Church and your lives will be guaranteed. We can launch the campaign of receiving these international, interracial married couples into the Unification Church. That time is now coming. If you have a younger brother or sister who is living an immoral life, what is your responsibility? You have to do your absolute best to restore them back again. This is truly the time of blessing and grace from God. Even if you have brothers and sisters who have lived the most terrible kind of life, in this precious era, if they learn the Divine Principle they can participate in this Blessing and be forgiven. Do you understand that this 3.6 million couples Blessing has the meaning of the liberation of the families of the world. (Applause)

If we have 3.6 million couples blessed, don't you think that all kinds of types of people will make up that number? Robbers, swindlers and all kinds? A real mixed bag. If we have to deal with the individual crimes of each of these 3.6 million couples it would take tens of millions of years to cleanse them. But because of this particular time of grace and blessing, with one prayer from Father everyone will be cleansed. True Love power is the most formidable power on Earth! (Applause) Once this True Love power is activated, even the strongest and worst of satanic love will be eliminated. The church leaders who officiated at the preparatory blessing services throughout the world have reported that no matter how unprepared people may be, all of them have changed greatly after blessing. Some of the wives of these couples have admonished their husbands after the blessing saying, "True Father is my true elder brother now. If you dare to fool around again I will report you to my True Father." This is truly the time of women's liberation. (Applause) This is the way that you women can create ideal husbands.

As a woman, what position do you desire to obtain? Father's elder sister, younger sister, or grandmother? (Laughter) Which one of these positions would you feel most comfortable in with True Father? (Younger sister) How about your husbands? (Younger brother's position) Archangel's position. You husbands must understand that no matter what Father does with your wives you have to be happy. Because they are now in the position of True Father's younger sisters. When you offer yourselves completely then and only then will your wives return to you and take the position of your wives. In the Garden of Eden Eve was in the position of Adam's wife. But that wife was taken away. In the time of restoration, even if Father takes your wives away from you and even sells them, you cannot complain. The Archangel cannot have a partner. We have to understand this clearly. Therefore Father is mobilizing women from all over the world now. The women are on Father's side. They are like True Mother's younger sisters. Do you think that Father created this particular theory in order to please you or is this the theory of providential restoration? It is the formula. What is your preference, particularly you Western women. Do you want to follow your husbands, listen to your children, or be united with True Father? (United with True Father) But look at Father, his hair is a different color and his face is different. In a way he looks like swindler. (Laughter) Are you still willing to follow him? (Yes) Father ordered the Japanese movement to mobilize 22,200 blessed wives even though they have to abandon their husbands and children. Father instructed them to kick their husband and children away if they try to grab onto them. Their direction is to follow Father.

Would you Western wives do this? (Yes) Can you Western brothers accept this challenge? (Yes) Will you still be united with True Father even if Father sells your wife and children? (Yes) Satan has done all kinds of tricks on this Earth throughout history. The restoration through indemnity is a serious matter. We have to have that kind of attitude. The time is here where we need the kind of condition where we don't need men, women and children. That kind of condition is needed. The satanic world is claiming not to need husband, wife and children. But the heavenly side needs everyone.

If there is a woman who has practiced free sex for many years prior to joining the Unification Church, but after joining the church she is matched to a virgin man and they become a couple. Do you think that when they go through the Blessing that God will punish them? What do you think? No matter how dirty and terrible an environment that Satan has created up until this point, when the time comes for God to restore the entire world at once, Satan even contributed to that purpose in a way. Because the entire world will be restored at once. No matter what situation they may find themselves in. We have all heard about naked men and women streaking, running through the streets. When you happen to see a naked person streaking on the street you should not feel shameful. If he wants to show everything you should look at that. Suppose your wife is streaking on Fifth Avenue and she suddenly sees you. If you show shame at seeing her then she will have to stop streaking. That is no good. You have to even encourage her to keep on. Instead of feeling shameful you have to be happy to embrace her and show to everyone that you are doing also.

Suppose the time comes when everyone should be naked and streak down the street. Between the wife who used to live a life of free sex before the marriage, and another woman who was totally pure and shy, who would be more aggressive at streaking? If everyone has to do streaking, then the wife who does so aggressively and boldly will be more praised than the wife who is very shy and tries to hide. Because that is against the trend. There will be those who wonder why True Father, as the founder of the Unification Church would mention such things. We often hear from Father the meaning of the concave and convex relationship. When Father explains this to us do you think that God is pleased by Father's explanation of the male and female sexual organs or would God be upset? (God would be happy.)

Another way of interpreting blessing is gold plating our sexual organs with 18 karat gold. Ordinary people cannot discern whether it is pure gold or not. Do you understand? Because there is no 24 karat gold sexual organ. What about the Lord of the Second Advent's sexual organ? Do you think it is a pure 24 karat gold sexual organ or a 23.999 karat gold? Just by looking all qualities of gold appear the same until they are thoroughly tested and examined. Isn't that true? (Yes) People go with all kinds of fake gold. It is okay even if it isn't 24 karat gold. Many Western people don't care about the quality of the gold in terms of their spouse. Even gold plated sexual organ is fine for them. They don't pay attention. This is the difference between Eastern and Western people. Amateurs cannot discern just by looking if it is 18 karat gold, or 24 karat gold. Of course God is not going to stamp you as pure 24 karat gold or 18 karat gold. Only True Parents have the right to place a stamp on whether you are pure 18 or 24 karat gold. Then you can be taken as pure gold and enter into the Kingdom. However, there is a catch; even if in quality you are not 24 karat gold, at least the color should be the same. (Laughter) That means that your family must resemble True Father's life.

We must try our absolute best to become true pure 24 karat gold for the sake of your entire family and descendants. Eventually they should become 24 karat gold as well. Do you understand? (Yes) This is the life of the Blessed couples. If some couples are only 14 or 18 karat gold Father will put them in the furnace again and get 24 karat gold out from it. Make sure that you give the right and proper education to your children for the future of your generations.

If you have five children and are willing to offer them for international interracial marriage, then your descendants will be purified in a much shorter time period. Because they will have to go through much more heartache and suffering than ordinary couples. Perhaps you have five sons and your five daughters-in-law all come from enemy countries one to another. In order to harmonize and live together in one family is not easy. There is much suffering to go through. Once you digest these five different nationalities and win the victory with them it means you have conquered five nations. When Father deals with the Unification Church membership he is dealing with the five different races of the world without any discrimination. Father deals with you all on an equal basis. That is why Father can fly from one corner of the world to another at will any time. There are no boundaries for Father. That is what is known as the Kingdom of God.

On this my 77th birthday I give you this clear explanation this morning. Before celebrating this holy ceremony Father sheds many tears, feeling like the sinner of sinners, the criminal of criminals. This is Father's serious preparation. If you are not properly prepared for this particular ceremony you will be attacked by Satan in some way. Because still the law of indemnity exists and it applies to Father's life as well as our lives. When we turn 360 degrees we should not have even a speck of guilty conscience. We should be crystal clear in our conscience. Last year alone Father spent 70 million dollars for educational purposes in South America. Realistically speaking, Father lost all of that money. Father borrowed that money and spent it. Who else in this world does that kind of work? Out of the 33 nations in Central and South America can any head of state or religious leader dare to do that? Father is the only one who went that far with that kind of sacrifice. Therefore God bestowed blessings upon Father. With this blessing from God Father could lay a strong enough foundation in South America within one year, equivalent to the foundation laid in America in the last twenty years.

When Father conducted the providence in America he began from the bottom up. However, in South America Father began the providence from top to bottom. It was easier. Out of the 480 million people in South America, none of them can compete with Father in terms of offering the sacrificial life, offering love and heart for the sake of the entire South America. Eventually the entire South American people will have to follow Father and become united with him because of this True Love. Father stands in the absolute subject position in heart so eventually all creatures, all humankind will automatically have to unite with the Absolute Subject of Love. Those who work harder, and offer more will become the central persons in God's providence.

When the national messiahs go to their assigned nations they need to go down to the bottom levels and serve. If they refuse to do so and just try and maintain their position, they will fail. Only those who serve at the grassroots levels together with the local people and pour their hearts and love into their nations will become successful. They will become like fertilizer for those nations and they will become victorious. In conclusion, Father is asking, what is this year's motto? Love True Parents and Be Proud of True Parents. The fact that we established a family means we have sown a seed for the nation. The individual doesn't matter so much anymore; what matters is the family unit. Father has been harvesting the family level seeds from all different races and continents all these years. But for us, we don't even have to go out to the world. We only have to focus on our own tribes and neighbors and harvest these 160 families.

Your mission is only the territory of your relatives. How much easier it is for you compared to True Father's course. You have absolutely no excuse. Those who have the confidence to fulfill your mission of accomplishing 3.6 couples Blessing this year, show your hands. (Applause) Father wants Reverend Kwak to keep a baseball bat in his hand all the time and if he sees anyone neglecting their mission in this regard then he can freely use it. Particularly those who are sleeping and hiding, Reverend Kwak's baseball bat will fall upon you at any time. Father is ordering all of us to make our absolute commitment to Reverend Kwak to accomplish the 3.6 million couples Blessing this year.

Suppose there are two individuals: One accomplishes his or her mission by fasting everyday, eating just one meal and pushing him or herself in the difficult path. The other individual accomplishes his or her mission by taking it easy and living the life he wants. When God looks at them, to whom do you suppose God would give His sympathy? (The first one.) You all like the easy life but Father likes hard work. Therefore you have to take a good attitude from now on and take the high and difficult road in order to accomplish your mission. The easy lifestyle is no good. You have given your pledge to Father this morning that you will fulfill your responsibility of accomplishing 3.6 million couples Blessing this year. Therefore Father will take it easy and relax because he trusts you.

After we achieve this goal this year, then even if Father passes into the spiritual world, Father's will has been done. Once Father steps back from this providence and rests himself somewhere in the world, many of you will come and beg him to push you. But Father won't do it anymore once that time comes. Once this Blessing foundation is made your own physical parents will have to do the work. If the children work harder than the parents that lineage has hope. Do you think that the second generation children should work harder than the first generation parents or less hard? (Harder)

This teaching we have received this morning is the gift from True Father on the occasion of this 77th birthday to all of us. Also Father is ordering Reverend Kwak to give a speech this morning from 9 a.m. to our general membership. The very speech which Father gave on January 2 of this year which took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In that particular speech, Father went into deep explanation of the heart of restoration and what our attitude should be. Those of you who need breakfast raise your hands. Only the persons who showed their hands should go take breakfast, the rest of you should go directly to the Grand Ballroom. (Thank you Father. Applause)

April 1997

What The Boston Globe Did Not Want You To Know

Readers will recall from last month's UNEWS the free publicity the Boston Globe extended to Steve Hassan on February 4 of this year. We thank you all for your many letters to the various parties in Boston. Despite our protests the Globe "stands by" this prejudiced report. Yet, it was a report in which the Globe very selectively accounted for the integrity and credibility of Steve Hassan's activities. In this regard, we wanted to provide our readers with one more piece of information that the Globe did not want you to know:

In a decision dated March 28, 1996, Justice Christina Harms, a presiding judge in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, ruled that Steve Hassan's testimony could not be introduced on the basis of being expert testimony. After reviewing the decision of the federal judge in U.S. v. Fishman (see last month's UNEWS) Justice Harms ruled:

"The Court found in that case [Fishman] that the theories regarding brain washing, if you will, or mind control or cults that the experts wanted to testify to, were not generally accepted within the scientific community. And those experts, and in particular the expert, Doctor Singer, in the Fishman case, that expert had a Ph.D. in Psychology, something more than Mr. Hassan has. He has a Master's Degree.

I am persuaded by the findings and the reasoning in Fishman that similarly Mr. Hassan's views or theories published or as explained from the stand on what is a cult and what is not a cult and how mind control or thought control or brain washing or the like fit into that, is not sufficiently accepted within the applicable scientific community to constitute an area of expertise. And so to that extent, I reverse my ruling, I reconsider and I vacate my qualification of him as an expert in cult and mind control."

This decision is all the more remarkable when one recalls that it is the State of Massachusetts alone that licenses Steve Hassan to hold himself out as "a mental health professional," and Steve is only authorized to do so within the limited confines of Massachusetts. Why did the Globe not report this fact?

As reported elsewhere in this edition, in the intolerance and folly that follows the efforts of advocacy journalists and corrupt editors to impose their values upon their readers, censorship, the arch-enemy of a free press, runs buck naked around the editorial department.

Victory Over Drugs

Last month we reviewed the complicated history of drugs, and their production and use. We touched on the corruption and tragedy that follow the drug trade.

Is there a drug crisis in America? You bet there is. We're surrounded by debate on what to do about it. All of us have been touched, in some personal way, by illegal drugs-or by misused legal ones. We all pay for the accidents, illnesses, crimes and other problems stemming from drug abuse.

Many people have mistaken ideas about who uses drugs. There are abusers of every age, race and income level. We think first of crack cocaine from dirty tenements, but there are also misused prescriptions from gleaming clinics. Both alcohol and nicotine are powerful, addictive legal drugs.

How is society dealing with these problems? Are the current solutions working or not?

There are efforts to cut the drug supply, through border controls and raids on drug labs and distribution places. Certainly this is worthwhile. However, the huge profits available will still motivate criminals to "find a way." The effectiveness of such "interdictment" is often indicated solely by an increase in the street price of drugs. Recently, Insight magazine ran a series of exposes about border corruption, and the tons of drugs that may be slipping through a deliberately torn barrier.

Some take to opposite tack, saying that the laws themselves are the problem, and that all drugs ought to be legalized. We won't get into the details of this fierce debate here, but we surely don't want cheap legal cocaine lying around where children might find it, as they can find alcohol in so many homes now.

Ideally, the law should hold up a standard, not be watered down for every fad or vice. That's how God's laws are, and man's ought to reflect them.

Several years back there was a Just Say No campaign. While this did reduce overall drug use, it is difficult to "get the message" to everyone. Meantime, drug dealers have started using modern marketing techniques to gain new customers. Many religious leaders have realized that one must also "say yes" to something positive, which is the reason behind the success of several well-known street ministries, both Christian and Muslim.


We must understand the attractiveness of drugs. There is a real "forbidden fruit" factor, in that the very illegality of drugs makes them attractive to many rebellious young people.

Inner-city kids, especially those from broken homes, are attracted by the "easy money" in drugs, and the flashy lifestyle of the dealers they see.

Some adults have openly advocated drug use, and written glowingly of their alleged experiences. Back in the sixties, Timothy Leary single- handedly popularized LSD, saying it would expand one's mind. Yet, his friend Richard Alpert (now Ram Dass) was later to write: "No matter how high we got, we'd always come down in the morning-and fight about who was going to do the dishes."

Carlos Castenada wrote several bestsellers about peyote-munching, spiritually open Mexican Indians. But he barely mentions that the datura, loco weed, etc., they were supposedly swallowing are in fact rather poisonous.

British writer Aldous Huxley wrote of the "profound experiences" he had trying LSD. However, this calm, secure, educated fellow never watched a semi-literate school dropout having a "bad trip," and nearly drowning himself, as your author has.

Reality Check

People must understand that there is no future in drugs, for themselves or anyone. Certainly, no real skills are involved in dealing them-and no pension plans. More likely: a violent and early death.

Drug users generally share a distinctive attitude. They'll say: "It's my body and my life! Don't tell me how to live it!" They will belittle the dangers involved. Some want "the high" so much they will ignore anything else, even their own children.

These selfish drug users must understand that they are part of a larger whole. They are pulling down their families, jobs, society and nation. Every dollar they spend is "soaked in blood." It funds the violence in their own neighborhoods, in Columbia and Southeast Asia, and all along the way here. They must realize that America is their home, and the hope of the world-and that many who flood this country with drugs actually plan to ruin it.

You may not believe this, but there are scientists who claim that the fight against drugs is useless, even pointless and wrong. They claim that humankind has a "fourth desire" built in, after those for food, shelter and sex. A desire for "alternate consciousness," which means, "wants to get blasted." (Read Intoxication by Ronald K. Siegel.) Another man claims, half-seriously, that "beer was the cause of civilization." That people settled down at the riverbanks to grow grain for the mash.

Siegel describes the use of natural intoxicants by many animal species. In this regard, note that: a) wild animals have somewhat limited entertainment options, and b) the Fall affected the entire creation, not just people.

Remember the classic velvet painting of "dogs playing pool?" Hmm, how about opossums hang gliding, or chickens playing Nintendo?

These otherwise intelligent scientists know even less about people than did the fourth century Christian writer, St. Augustine of Hippo. He wrote: "We are made for Thee, and our hearts are restless until we rest in Thee." Religious people know a little secret: that long before the dawn of secular history, there was a Fall of Man. We spurned God and, as He then said: "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children."

Inner Pain

Ever since the Fall, people have lived with a kind of pain they don't understand; an inner or heartistic pain. Psychologists have made good efforts at studying this. Religious people know that Original Sin is passed down through the generations. Secular experts now realize that many terrible behaviors, such as alcoholism and child abuse, are usually passed down within families. Also, certain "subcultures" pass down behaviors like drug abuse. This fallen world, and our own fallen natures, lead us to such pain

that we seek to "drown it" in countless ways. Modern chemistry has provided us with some very powerful agents to use in this quest. Of course, these cannot really work-that is, to solve our problems. Hopefully, people will realize this before things have gone too far. It has been said that even Satan has no use for a zonked-out druggie.

Clearly, the real "fourth desire" is the desire for True Love. It simply the fulfillment of God's intentions for us, as we've learned from religion, especially from the Divine Principle. There we learn of the true source of joy, of the Three Blessings, and of an unfolding Providence of God that we can be a part of.

Does this seem too simple? It isn't! Unselfish love fills hearts, and far outshines any transient thrill that drugs might provide. Rev. Moon speaks eloquently of "swimming in a pool of True Love."

Through a series of recent campaigns, we Unificationists have come into contact with the real heroes of the war on drugs. The people out on the streets with the kids, the gangs and the gun-toting dealers. People making amazing efforts in the face of huge, and often growing, problems. All over America, Unificationists are wondering, "What can we offer; how can we help?"

In 1978, in response to then-Sen. Bob Dole's "cult menace" hearings, we put together a rather amazing "before and after" photo album of our members. Obviously, we'd managed to covert and clean up some rather unusual characters. But our numbers were small, and not everyone was "seeking" something profound, as most of our converts had been.

During 1983-84 we fielded dozens of IOWC teams, "street witnessing" in cities all across America. Naturally we came into contact with a great many people, and a portion of them were "street kids." We learned, the hard way, that it was very difficult for such kids to take on the burdens normally shouldered by our full-time members. Some tried, a few succeeded.

New Image

We can make an important contribution here. Although relatively few young people have managed to become full-time members, the course we've followed in Russia points the way. Statistically, religious youth of any flavor are far less likely to get into trouble. Gaining even the most basic grasp of Divine Principle can make a great difference in their lives.

Young people can gain a new "self image." Forget psychobabble phrases like "self esteem." Studies have found that young punks have, if anything, too much of that heavily-promoted commodity. As an older generation puts it, these cocky kids "think they've sprouted wings."

We do need a God-centered sense of personal value. Like the poster says: "I know I'm something, `cause God don't make no junk!" People who perceive no bright future are quite willing to ruin their solitary -and deeply lonely- selves. They'll be less likely to wreck what God Himself has provided for them.

The only real solution to the drug crisis is to end the demand. Dealers would be out of work, and there would be very much less trouble.

In Russia, people are making big changes in their lives after hearing a brief, five-day Principle workshop. Including folks who had been lifelong atheists, even combative Marxists. America has made it illegal to read a Bible in school, while in the

C.I.S. they now encourage it. (The Koran, too.) Many of their schools, at all levels, are using Principle-based textbooks. And some still wonder how our society got to be so violent, so drug-soaked . . .

We share big ideas and big hopes. This country can be "liberated" as completely as the Soviet Union was. I hope that everyone can get involved, as much as they are able. We live in special times, and there is much to do!

True Parents' Birthday In New York

by Dr. Frank Kaufmann-NYC

North America was blessed indeed to be selected as host for the 1997, True Parents' Birthday. We were all disappointed when North America fell out of the running at the last moment at the time of God's Day. So when the chance arose to receive True Parents so soon, this time for the Birthday, the American family was especially ready and excited. Despite this uncommon readiness, Father and Mother somehow outstripped us, giving more to enrich the occasion than we could anticipate.

Father and Mother returned to the States early February 11, 1997. They invited those on hand to welcome them home to a generous breakfast during which time Mr. Kuh Beh Pak told those gathered about the vast range of activities undertaken by True Parents during the five months since we last saw them here in the States. One of the highlights of Mr. Pak's report was his account of how Father's initiatives ultimately embrace the full cycle information. Beginning with National Messiahs, and ending with Wacom's proposed computing and telecommunications hardware, we find within the realm of Father's creativity the alpha and omega of information, from news-makers, through news providers, to news transmitters.

Father spoke after Mr. Pak offering graceful yet penetrating wisdom regarding our lifelong pursuit of mind-body unity centering on God. He revealed how this task correlates to forming a harmonious Blessed couple. Also he explained how our "ten" senses function in such a harmonized individual.

On February 13, 1997, two days later, True Parents began the public celebration of the Holy Day at 7:00 am with the Main Ceremony in the Crystal Room. There Blessed couples joined the True Family for Pledge Service followed by an impromptu speech from Father which lasted over 3 hours.

The moment that speech was finished the True Family raced to the Grand Ballroom, leaving themselves no time for breakfast or any sort of break to recover from such an exhausting investment at Pledge. As Father arrived he quickly apologized to those members and religious leaders who had been waiting. This was barely heard, however, amidst the cheers and joyous well-wishes that emanated from the capacity crowd on hand. As the crowd settled down, prominent guests offered representative gifts. Dr. Richard Rubenstein, President of Bridgeport University, brought up a gift from the university administration, students, and faculty. Father Athanasius Paul of the Coptic Orthodox Church offered a congratulatory plaque on behalf of the first 100 Christian Ministers in the United States who received the preliminary Blessing. Finally, the United Nations Association awarded Father a Human Rights Award.

After cutting their Birthday Cake, True Parents sought a way to convey to those gathered the official speech from the 1997 Day of Victory of Love. Currently only a Korean transcript exists. Mr. Peter Kim was commissioned to translate the Korean text into English on the spot as he read aloud. He faithfully, and with quite impressive success undertook the translation and presentation for some time.

At a certain point Father broke into Mr. Kim's reading so as to give a live rendering of the essential message from the January 2, 1997 speech. For the next several hours Father delighted his listeners with pearls of wisdom from the "earthiest" to the "heavenliest." Most importantly Father revealed the secret to being a man or woman of God; the core message from the Day of Victory of Love Speech. To paraphrase, after giving several penetrating examples, Father urged us

to imagine the most profound imaginable sadness that could befall us, and in that moment decide that you can continue full of joy for God's sake. This is the meaning of the Day of Victory of Love. No tears. Bring joy to God and take away his Han. It was close to 5:00 pm before Father took his leave.

The evening entertainment came not long after that. Doors opened at 6:00 pm and the performance began at 7:00 pm. Mr. Alan Inman did an able job as MC creating an atmosphere both elegant and energetic. The True Family themselves were both regal and intimate. The program while a family affair never sacrificed an unbroken quality of professionalism, and was most especially characterized by a more international flavor than ever before. Brothers and sisters from 5 nations, each selected for their proficiency in some manner of the performing arts had the memorable treat to perform for True Parents on their birthday. These included native music and dance from Turkey, Mali, and Russia. The Kirov Ballet performed three enchanting pieces, including a timely performance of "Cupid."

The students of Bridgeport University performed a narrative in dance with some choreography reminiscent of early Michael Jackson videos. Many were especially thrilled to hear a couple of vocals performed by Hyo Jin Nim, a performer with over 14 albums under his belt. We were happy for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that he is a superb vocalist. Technical difficulties forced him into some improvisation which he handled with aplomb.

The day was sweet from A to Z. We have fond memories of spending True Parents birthday with all the members of the True Family. Alas such opportunities have become increasingly rare.

True Family Values Seminar and Festival at National Headquarters

by Misa Muratake - Tarrytown, NY

I would like to share with you some up-dates of what has been going on with the True Family Values Ministry in Region 2: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.

We had the third Empowering Christianity Through True Family Values conference for clergy in the region a few days ago on February 27, which took place at HSA-UWC National headquarters. There will be two more seminars in March at the headquarters.

Dr. Andrew Wilson and Mr. Michael Inglis were the lecturers. Rev. Joong Hyun Pak gave the closing remarks and officiated at the True Family Festival. David Fastiggi was the convenor and emcee of the seminar and Ralph Oppenheimer was the emcee of the Festival.

There were 18 ministers and religious leaders present and a total of over 40 participants. Besides Christian ministers/leaders, we had one Muslim Imam leader with us this time.

After the seminar, two ministers' couples participated in the Pre- Blessing ceremony. From Westchester one Youth Ministry leader from Yonkers participated. He was very inspired by the whole experience of the conference. Having observed the Pre-Blessing ceremony, he was so moved and said that he would like to be Blessed!

As I have been privileged to work with the True Family Values Ministry in Westchester, I feel very urged to share with you my experiences with this ministry and the vision and inspiration that I have been experiencing since I began to work with TFVM. As you may know, the focus of the TFVM Conferences is not to convert Christian ministers or religious leaders to make them into Unificationists. Rather, the conference invites participants to share the vision for the model of a true family, which each of us is called to build in our own families, including religious leaders.

So it is a ministry, inspired by the Holy Spirit, in which we and Christian/religious leaders can work together to rebuild this nation once again.

Supported by scripture, the seminar explores the issue of `absolute sex,' and ultimately invites participants to the Blessing, which is a `sanctification of marriage' and a `rededication ceremony.'

Many participants feel inspired that this ministry can truly bring practical solutions to the problems of their Church and express their desire to participate in the Blessing.

One lady, a wife of a Christian Pastor, who participated in the pre- Blessing Ceremony at the 2nd TFVM Conference in the Poconos, was so happy to be Blessed. After the ceremony she said in such an excited, bubbly voice that she will share this Blessing with her children and all of her relatives, as well as the congregation of her husband's church. (She means that she will bring them all to the Blessing.)

For me, it has truly been an experience of witnessing Jesus' words that the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. I am witnessing that Jesus' foundation, which he has prepared for the last 2,000 years with his tears and prayers, is finally connecting to True Parents through the True Family Values Ministry at this time.

Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, our continental director, shared in one of the leaders' meetings how much True Parents love this nation of America, because it is a Bride nation, prepared by Heaven for her bridegroom,

True Father. Rev. Pak felt that this was one reason why Father supported the TFVM conferences to be all-expenses paid up until now.

True Father is loving and serving Christian leaders (his bride) in this way. Rev. Pak emphasized how much we need to appreciate the way America and American Christians leaders are responding. If we hosted this kind of conference in Japan or Korea, even if all expenses were paid, ministers would never come. But in America, many Christian and religious leaders are attending the conference. Rev. Pak emphasizes not to make ministers or their congregation into Unificationists, but to genuinely work for and serve them. If their churches become stronger, then they will naturally testify.

We are involved in grassroots efforts to visit our assigned Churches and to try to take care of the ministers. As I attended TFVM conferences more and more, I came to realize how much the Christian and religious foundation in America has been prepared by God and Jesus. Just like Jesus brought each of us to True Parents whether we knew it or not, Christian leaders, churches and religious leaders are being prepared by Jesus to be connected to the True parents. We have touched only a handful so far, but I know that there are many more out there who are waiting to be touched.

On Sunday, April 13th, there will be a pre-Blessing ceremony in the Manhattan Center after the monthly General Sunday Service. Each one of us is encouraged to bring one couple to this Pre-Blessing Ceremony. Nationwide, so far, over 200 couples have been Blessed at over 50 True Family Festivals, 85 minister/religious leader couples have been Blessed. I know that if we allow ourselves to work with the high spiritual world, we can reach out to many, many prepared people.

Misa Muratake is the Westchester Assistant District Leader

The Phoenix or Rebirth

by Dan Fefferman

This is from a sermon given in the Washington, D.C. Church, February 23, 1997

The mythical Phoenix bird is thought of differently in the West and the East. In the Orient, the Phoenix (Japanese FU SHI CHO) is the symbol of royal dignity, heavenly authority and glory. Usually appearing in pairs, phoenixes surround the heavenly throne. In Unification Church tradition, phoenixes appear on either side of the twelve gates symbol and signify of God's blessing. They also symbolize the concept of the True Parents as God's representatives.

In America, the Phoenix is known as the Firebird. Although it was known in the Roman world, it comes to us mainly through native American traditions. The American Phoenix is usually solitary. It consumes itself in its own flames, then rises again from its own ashes. It is the symbol of resurrection, spiritual passion, and eternal life. Like its oriental counterpart, the American Phoenix is a heavenly creature of great glory.

I recently had a powerful dream which I would like to share with you. I dreamed I was a member of a tribe of nomads, wandering the land, looking for a place to settle. We reached a lake which seemed promising. But the lake had dried up into a muddy wasteland in which people and animals were mired. A wise man helped us negotiate a way to survive. We could either wait patiently in faith that the rain would eventually come, or we could move on to another lake.

In the next scene, the lake was full of water again. We were using its water to raise abundant crops. But next to the lake was a dusty area, which we were preparing to irrigate. As I was digging in this dusty area, I found an ancient fossil--a neck bone of some huge prehistoric being. We began to find more fossils and to piece them together. But we couldn't tell whether it was a mastodon, a dinosaur, or something else. Whatever it is, it was extremely ancient. The bones were brittle, and seemed to carry a fierce power in them. Was this the Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Finally I found the last piece. It was the creature's beak. As I put the beak in place, I looked at the beast in wonder. "What are you?" I asked. Tyrannosaurus, a huge pterodactyl, or what? Finally it began to dawn on me. The being was not a dinosaur at all. It was a Phoenix. And I knew that, no matter how old and dead it seemed, it was alive.

This dream had a powerful effect this dream had on me. I awoke shaking. And for several hours I could not get this dream out of my head. I began working with the symbols. And I have come to believe that the dream has an important meaning for me personally, and that it could also have meaning for us collectively.

Piecing It Together

Having studied Karl Jung at seminary, I look at each part of my dream as an aspect of myself. Thus, a part of me is the nomad, another part is the wise old man, a part of me is even the lake, the crops, the dusty area--and yes, as awesome as it seemed to me at the time--a part of me is the Phoenix. On this level, the dream is a message from my own soul, that it is time for me to rise again from the dust, to live, to breathe, to burn with passion, and to fly.

Jung teaches that dreams often contain symbols of mankind's collective unconscious, including archetypes, which are especially powerful energies.

The archetypal theme of death and resurrection is found in all mythologies and religions. One of the common elements in nearly all of them is the idea that a person goes through a symbolic, or sometime real, death before emerging into his new self. In the Bible, Elijah goes into the cave to hear the still, small voice of God--then emerges with renewed faith to recommit himself to his mission. The story of Jonah is essentially the same. Jonah retreats from his calling, and ends up in a dark, scary place--the belly of the Great Fish--where stays for three days. He hears God's voice again and then emerges determined to go to Nineveh and face his destiny.

Even nature gives us clues to this spiritual reality of rebirth through death and resurrection. Rivers freeze in the winter then overflow in spring. Seeds fall to the ground and are buried in the earth, where they lie dormant. Then they put forth their shoots and live again. The mother bear goes into its cave to hibernate, then emerges with her cubs as the snows begin to melt. The caterpillar spins its cocoon and disappears, then flies away in a glorious new form.

We even have the same thing in fairy tales, like Pinochio, the wooden boy who ventures inside the whale's belly to find his Father and thus become a real boy. Isn't this same theme repeated in the story of Jesus' resurrection? He dies on the cross, defeated. Then he stays for three days and nights in the tomb, descends into hell, and resurrects to sit as a glorious heavenly being at the right hand of the Father.

It's all the story of the Phoenix, rising from its own ashes, but told in different ways. In are more recent myth, we see the young hero Luke Skywalker enter a cave under the tutelage of his master, Yoda, in order to face his own terrible shadow. From this encounter he gains the determination to re-enter the world and face the real Darth Vader, to defeat him in spiritual battle, and restore him to his original nature of goodness. All of these are examples of what the mythologist Joseph Campbell calls "The Hero's Journey." It is a journey, I submit, that we are all destined to take.

On a personal level, I find resonance with all of these stories as a hint about my own spiritual renewal. I feel myself going through a profound spiritual renewal.

What is my secret? It is that I have begun to recommit myself to life. It's just that simple. I have decided to live my dream passionately, like the Phoenix--like Father--and not to die.

A Sign of Resurrection?

I said earlier that I thought my dream had significance on the collective level as well as the personal. Here's what I think it may mean. To be honest, our Unification community in the Unites States has been going through a very dry spell of several years. We have not succeeded in bringing new members, we have failed to meet many of our goals. And even though there have been substantial victories such as Mother's tour and the establishment of Parents Day as a national holiday, important sectors of our American movement are seriously discouraged.

But what my dream tells me--really what all of the myths and stories about resurrection tell us--is that dryness and decay always give way to new life. The dried up, muddy lake becomes the source of new life once the rains inevitably come. The Phoenix rises from the dust of its own ashes and becomes a thing of splendor.

When it comes time for a being to hibernate--to spin its cocoon, to become cold and stiff with winter, to fall to the earth and be buried- -it never knows exactly how it will look when it comes out. It may not even be sure that it ever will come out. The only thing it knows is that it is changing.

Isn't that what is happening to us today? For several years it has felt like we have been dying. Now we look around us, and we see 3.6 million couples getting ready to be blessed. RFK stadium waiting to be filled. Japanese sisters descending like rain from heaven to help us. I don't know about you, but I find the situation bewildering. Inspiring. A little frightening even. We're changing. The Blessing itself is changing. Beginning this year, the majority of blessed couples will be non-UC members. What will be the character of Father's new world-level tribe after this?

The Japanese Sisters

Speaking of Japanese sisters, I see that we have quite a few new arrivals here today. Let's all give them a round of applause, shall we? We are all very grateful that you have come to us, making great sacrifices, to help us achieve victory this November. If you'll permit me, I'd like to take this opportunity to give you one piece of advice. May I? My advice is: have a great adventure while you're here. That way you can take home some wonderful memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life.

I visited Japan three times, and even though I did not stay long, I did bring back a wonderful memory each time. Let me share just one of them with you today. In 1970 we worked to mobilize the World Anti- Communist League rally at the Budokan. My best memory from that trip was having the communist Zen Gakoren group come and try to break up our rallies at Shibuya station. I only wished I had save one of the rocks they threw at us as a souvenir. So member, what seems like suffering today will probably make the best story ten years from now. And always save the rocks.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that, as you know, America is very different from Japan. As human beings we have much in common, of course. But our cultures, customs and values are very different. You drive on the left; we drive on the right. You open your books from to the right; we open our books to the left. You sit on the floor; we sit on chairs. You sleep on your backs; we usually sleep on our sides. We do rude things like blowing our noses at the table. You do rude things like making slurping noises when you eat noodles.

Bridging the Culture Gap

But there are also more internal differences. Japanese culture tends to place the group first. American culture emphasizes the individual. Thus, oriental culture stresses loyalty, filial piety and obedience. American culture stresses honesty, integrity and creativity.

Essentially, these difference stem, I think, from the difference between Confucian culture and Judeo-Christian culture. Confucius taught that filial piety is the first and highest duty, and that from this, all other duties flows. But Jesus taught that we should love God even more than we love our parents. He even taught us to deny and hate our parents in order to follow him.

A few weeks ago we heard a sermon in this church from a distinguished UTS professor who stressed that filial piety is the supreme value. While I listened to it, I couldn't help thinking. "OK, I agree--absolute trust, absolute faith, absolute obedience to God and True Parents"--these are all very important. But I felt in my heart of hearts that something was still missing.

As I thought more deeply about this problem, I discovered the missing piece. The missing virtue in the formula of "absolute trust, absolute faith, absolute obedience" is Conscience. That is why Father has taught us that conscience must come before teacher, conscience must come before parents, conscience must come even before God.

We need filial piety. Absolutely. As we have been taught, if Isaac had not demonstrated absolute filial piety to Abraham, the foundation of faith could not have been established. But filial piety is a coin with two sides. If Abraham had shown filial piety to his father, Terah, we'd all be back in Ur of the Chaldeans making idols. If Moses had shown loyalty to his King, who was also his adopted Father, the Israelites would never have left Egypt. If Mary had remained a dutiful betrothed wife to Joseph instead of going to Zecchariah's house, Jesus would never have been conceived. If Martin Luther had maintained his vow of obedience to the Pope, the Protestant reformation would never have happened. If the Founding Fathers of America had remained loyal to the English throne, God- centered democracy might never have become a reality.

These examples show that many of God's champions were exactly those people who had the courage NOT to go the way of filial piety, but to go the way of conscience. As Martin Luther said, "Here I stand, I can do no other."

Father's Words

So we are faced with the fact that Conscience and Obedience are sometimes hard to harmonize. How are we to reconcile these two viewpoints? Our pastor, Philip Shancker, gave us a clue a few weeks ago when he quoted the following words from our True Father:

"The day and the moment will come when even God seems to be saying 'I don't know you.' At that time you will feel that you are utterly alone in all the universe. If under those conditions you still do not give up, but insist, 'No matter what God thinks or what True Parents say to me, no matter how unsympathetic the church members are, this is the right way and I will go on anyway.' Then at that moment you are elevating yourself to the highest level of faith. Once you reach that level you can be trusted unconditionally by God and by me, and eventually the whole world."

I submit to you, brothers and sisters, that we must understand the concept of absolute faith in light of what Father has said here. Ultimately, absolute faith means believing in your own highest conscience.

So, my Japanese sisters, welcome to America. Welcome to the land of the Phoenix, the land of freedom, the land of conscience, creativity, integrity and honesty.

And to the rest of my brothers and sisters I say, Let us inherit the spirit of these sisters. They have come here like the Heavenly Rain to bring new life to our dry spirits. Let us be unafraid to face the darkness of the cave, but instead face our doubts and fears courageously, knowing that if we persevere sincerely we will find the light. Let us shed or old skins, our old ways, and yes even our old institutions if necessary--and let us venture forth with passion to live our dreams according to our highest conscience as true sons and daughters of God and True Parents. Let us die and rise again, like the Phoenix.

And finally let us be proud and love True Parents by bringing about the victory of the 3.6 million couples Blessing.

The North American Leadership 40-Day Workshop A Report and Testimony Dr. Tyler Hendricks

Manhattan Center, New York, March 2, 1997

A number of years ago True Father convened a meeting with a number of Ph.D. students and began by asking us a simple question. Father asked, "You believe in the spirit world don't you?" I was struck at that moment because I had reached a point in my life where my response would have been that I indeed did believe in the Divine Principle, the spirit world etc. But did I really believe in the spirit world in subject position to the physical world? Was I really serious about True Father's work in the spirit world, and the presence of spirit world in my daily live? Father had struck a chord, asking a crucial question.

All the conditions Father makes on earth are for the victory in the spirit realm, for the sake of mobilizing the spirit world. Chung Pyung Lake is a place where the spirit world is absolutely in the subject position. In order for us physical people, whose lives and missions are very much centered on the physical world, to bring ourselves into the right relationship with the spirit world, we need to make our physical bodies suffer. We need to close down much of the physical stimulation which tends to keep us so absorbed and stressed out with physical world activities. The purpose of Chung Pyung Lake is to enable us to meet God. We know that we meet God through suffering. Therefore, life at Chung Pyung Lake is a life of suffering.

From the first moment that I arrived there, I realized that this is a place of suffering. Through our physical suffering we can meet God. The purpose of the 40 day workshop is not so that we might learn Divine Principle in a more deeply intellectual sense. It is the same Divine Principle. But the purpose of Chung Pyung Lake is to remove our fallen nature and to enable us to liberate ourselves from evil spirits. It is a different purpose to a traditional workshop. It is a purpose which causes one to confront oneself, to ask ourselves, "what we have been doing with our lives?" "What kind of heart and relationships do we have?" "What kind of luxuries, conveniences or excuses have we been making for ourselves?" "Why have we have remained in such a rut for so many years spiritually?" We realized at Chung Pyung Lake that if something does not intervene from God then we will remain in this same rut for the rest of our lives on earth, comforting and congratulating ourselves, having our little victories or defeats, but still remaining at the same level. We need some kind of dynamite underneath our spiritual lives in order to shake loose all the concepts, illusions, self-deceptions, jealousy, anger and resentments that we carry with us. The unredeemed sins of misused sexuality, misused public funds, and hurting other people's hearts. If we don't have something to shake us up we tend to become very comfortable with our present state of being.

What we realized at Chung Pyung Lake was that all of those sinful experiences manifest themselves as they connect to ongoing behavior, words, thoughts and actions that we carry out in our every day life. When we carry these out, spirits connect to us. The spirit world is very alive. True Father has opened up all the gates of the spirit world. All the spirits are coming down. These are the Last Days. For centuries spirits normally had a very difficult time to reach to the earth. But now spirits can come very freely, even from the lowest realms of the spirit world. They attach themselves to us. Sin is a condition which makes a base for us to have give and take with Satan. When we commit even small sins they lead to bigger sins. Small or large evil spirits attach themselves to us when we make a common base. They receive evil vitality elements from us, especially from blessed couples.

What we learned at Chung Pyung Lake is that we have so much heavy baggage in our hearts and our minds. Our patterns of thinking are not simply our own psychology, our own habitual thought patterns, but rather they are connected to actual spirits that are attached to us. But we can be liberated from them. Physical and spiritual illness is all connected to the spiritual world. It is connected through our long relationship through bad conditions that we have made. Of course, physical illness normally has a physical base, but there is a deep relationship with the spiritual side of our existence as well.

The purpose of Chung Pyung Lake is to give us the chance to liberate ourselves from these spirits. Daemo Nim is not a doctor for us to visit and receive a cure. We go there to treat ourselves. This was her guidance to us all the time: we can and must solve our own problems. She created the entire atmosphere in order for us to cure ourselves. This is our responsibility, our five percent. This is what is so confrontational. We are able to free ourselves and our descendants and go to the Kingdom of Heaven. We can completely liberate ourselves from 6,000 years of sin, if we want to. It is all up to ourselves. We simply need to ask ourselves if we really want to liberate ourselves.

The next step was, do we really believe this? This was another fundamental guidance: that we open our hearts and have faith that what is happening is true. The spirit world really exists. The angels are real. The spirits are real. These are not concepts. If you really believe it, then are you prepared to work with it? This is the real meaning of faith. This is what we are confronted with when we go to Chung Pyung Lake for 40 days.

Special Geography

Chung Pyung Lake was purchased by True Father in 1971. Father knew that this was a very special place. Even I, an uneducated westerner, could see that it is a very well-balanced meeting place of steep mountains, deep water and very pure air. There are huge mountains, deep ravines and a large lake, which narrows to a couple hundred yards across at the point of the workshop site. On both sides of the narrows are dramatic mountains with holy grounds at their top. One, across the water, we never accessed, but the one above the workshop site we climbed to everyday. Our church owns about ninety percent of the land in this whole area. When you climb to the top of the mountain and look out it is hard to imagine that Seoul is just fifty miles away. There are ranges upon ranges of mountains in every direction.

The famous gate to the Chung Pyung workshop site is an important boundary The angels remain inside; once you go outside the gate, the angelic help is no longer with you. Nobody goes out through this gate during the workshop unless there is a health reason. The workshops take place in tent-like structures with concrete ondol (heated) floors. There is aluminum scaffolding covered by heavy tarpaulin where the eating area is. When there is a high wind it is pretty shaky. One night we felt as if there were a blizzard outside, the walls were shaking so much, but it was some windiness.

If you continue around the corner of this ravine going up the mountains you come to the structures where the workshops take place. Daemo Nim's quarters are here, together with a special prayer room and meeting room for counseling. Above this structure is a bathroom, both permanent structures. Then there are more tent-like structures. First is the one for the western members and then there is a larger structure, twice as big, for the Japanese 40-day workshops. Then there is another large one for the 3-day workshops. These 3-day workshops are going on almost continually; when we were there the 170th 3-day workshop to take place in the last two years came and went. Then the next step on the path leveled out is a larger area which is centered upon the Tree of Love. That is the first of the five holy trees. Directly across from the Tree of Love there was a hill which has now been flattened. There, an area the size of a couple of football fields exists now. This is where an education center for 10,000, topped by a global conference center for True Parents is going to be built. It is directly across from the Tree of Love. This is a very commanding point where you can see out in every direction. It is a very beautiful spot.

Continuing up the hill is another very large structure for the Korean 40-day workshops. Then if you continue up a very steep paved road, at a walking distance of about fifteen minutes, you come to the area where the spring of holy water, the Water of Life. Three more special trees are situated surrounding the spring of the Water of Life. First, the Tree of Heart, then the Tree of All Things, and finally, directly above the Water of Life, the Tree of Loyalty. From there begins a much narrower and rougher path up the mountain. Another fifteen minute hike up this steep trail brings one to the final tree, the Tree of Blessing. We walked this path and prayed at the five trees every morning, and we drank of the Water of Life every morning and anytime during the day. According to their schedules individuals would go up during the day time or at night to visit the different trees. Especially the Tree of Love, which was close to our activities, was a popular place. We were encouraged to pray at the Tree of Love.

At each tree you pray for that specific realm. There are special angels at each tree that deal with those specific issues. The Tree of Love; the misuse of love and sexual sins. The Tree of Heart; opening of our hearts, developing our heartistic relationships. The Tree of All Things deals with material things, the use of money and assets, and the multiplication of children. The Tree of Loyalty; loyalty to our central figures, loyalty to True Parents and to God. Finally the Tree of Blessing, which connects to our own Blessing and the 3.6 million couples Blessing. We could deal with the challenges that we have in these areas at these specific trees, praying and engaging the angelic world.

Liberation Ceremonies

The central activity of the workshop were the Liberation Ceremonies, three of which, each 70 minutes long, took place each day, one after each meal. They consisted of singing a holy song, "Grace of the Holy Garden," continually for the entire period, at a rapid clip, clapping at a 4/4 tempo with all our strength. As the Promise Keepers say, "real men sing loud," and we definitely sang loudly. The purpose of the clapping is very unique and deep. It is not just to keep the tempo, although it surely does that, creating a powerful martial atmosphere. The deeper purpose is to, well, to put it bluntly, cause pain. It doesn't normally hurt to clap your hands, does it? But try clapping hard, with your hands flat against each other, palm to palm, for 70 minutes, without stopping. Clapping begins to be seen in an entirely new light!

This kind of clapping is a form of what is called, "ansu." Ansu is an Asian form of medical treatment; it is called a high-powered acupuncture. Before I go on, let me mention, as I will again, that we were told clearly: don't try this at home! There are pressure points on the body's surface, connected with internal organs and muscles. If there is a disease, then when you clap the pressure point, even lightly, it will be rather painful. If you slap it several times, blood will appear under the surface of the skin, dark in color. By use of ansu, Asian doctors will treat the afflicted organ. If there is no disease, then the slapping does not hurt, and no blood comes to the surface. Daemo Nim has adapted the use of ansu to the singing and clapping sessions. At certain points, as signaled by the leader on the stage (one among the several cheerleaders revving up the spirit as model singers and clappers), we would begin to self-administer ansu, slapping our own arms, legs, chests, even heads, faces, and, gently, eyes and ears. The only part which could not be self-administered is the back, and this would be provided, gratis, by you to the person sitting in front of you, while, for an equally low cost, the person behind you would apply it to you. Imagine 200, 300, 400 people all doing this simultaneously, while singing loudly to the beat of a big bass drum! If you know a better way to create an intense spiritual atmosphere, the world will beat a path to your door.

My first real experience of ansu was during the first 3-day workshop. All of a sudden, out of the blue, as the Liberation session was about to begin, one sister began to hit my back. I tell you, it was excruciating! I felt as if I were Jesus, hanging by ropes to a pole being whipped by the Roman soldiers! She hit me five or ten times. It wasn't even during the liberation ceremony, she just felt inspired. (Laughter) I think she had something against me, because she said, with a rather gleeful expression, "You don't have any laptop computer here." (Laughter) Afterwards, people were looking under my shirt to see the marks of her ansu. They would recoil in shock at the show of black and purple blood. Of course, I felt a little pride; "aw, shucks, it waren't nuthin'" Then a few moments after that we did begin the liberation ceremony. This was even more painful. I imagined that there must be an enormously strong German brother behind me. But when I looked back there sat this humble little Korean sister. (Laughter) But after that day, I didn't feel any more pain when anyone hit my back. Towards the end of the workshop I spoke with that first sister and explained how painful that first time was. She said, "Really?" Her husband was surprised and said, "She can't slap hard at all. I have to get someone else to hit my back because she is so weak." I realized it wasn't a physical thing. The pain I felt had a spiritual cause. It works like this:

Daemo Nim said that our evil spirits are lodged between the cells of our body. They are really in our bodies. The Bible also mentions this, as does Divine Principle. St. Paul said that the law of sin "dwells in his members." To get rid of them, you have to shake them and try to dislodge them; it becomes very painful. Daemo Nim said they get intoxicated and disoriented and loosen their hold. Then the angels who are experts at pulling out evil spirits come and remove them. Where they take them to is another special blessing of Chung Pyung Lake. In the Bible it tells how Jesus removed evil spirits. But those spirits were able to return, with their friends. Many spiritualists today can take out evil spirits, but they can return to the host, with other spirits. But the victory of Daemo Nim and Heung Jin Nim led to their dominion over these very strong angels, whom they employ to assist us.

Immediately after the lunar New Year, Daemo Nim said that God had sent His own angels to Chung Pyung Lake to work with us. These are the top angels. These angels take them to Heung Jin Nim's 100 days workshop in the spirit world. Spirits who don't want to go there are taken on a tour by him of the spirit world so they can fully understand what is going on. It scares the hell out of them. It is that kind of reality education. After this 100 day workshop these spirits are prepared to receive the Blessing next November 29, 1997. True Parents will not only bless 3.6 million couples on earth, but also in the spirit world. What a grace, a miracle, for these spirits to receive the blessing in the spiritual world. I was always witnessing to my spirits how great it would be for them to go up to that workshop; much better than hanging around with me here on earth. Then they can return and work with us from a position of a resurrected spirit. At that point is where judgment returns to us. After we return from Chung Pyung Lake, we should be working for the 3.6 million Blessing. After they are blessed these spirits return to us. If we are working strongly for God's providence, they will multiply our work 100 fold. They are our mobilized spirit world. But if we are slacking off and deviating, they will become agents of God's punishment, or, let us say, wake-up call, to us. This is a reality we were told at Chung Pyung Lake.

The ansu became a more and more central experience. Even after the seventy minutes were over people would be asking each other to give them ansu We were told that only at Chung Pyung Lake is this practice to be carried out. Only at Chung Pyung Lake can it be carried out responsibly with angels who can cooperate and take out the spirits. People were very serious to cleanse themselves. It did seem that the more we went through the mortification of the flesh the more cleansed and liberated one felt. Several people had marked improvement of physical health as well.

Keeping the Schedule

The other two sessions in the morning and afternoon were devoted to reading Exposition of the Divine Principle. The new translation was appreciated by everyone. We would have three readers each session at the microphone. Everyone would read along out loud. It became a very powerful experience. The unison reading of the Divine Principle mobilizes the spirit world, illuminates your mind and heart. Of course it is not without challenges. You have to fight against sleep. But as you confront many things you are learning Divine Principle in a much deeper way. We read the entire book through eight times during the forty days. During the evenings there were two more sessions which were devoted to lecture practice and reading True Father's words and giving testimonies. We would finish at 11:40 p.m. and then would take our holy candles and go up to the Tree of Love for a group midnight prayer.

Sometimes there were be 2,000 - 3,000 people gathered at the Tree of Love for the closing prayer; a short prayer and singing Song of the Garden and closing the day together.

Daemo Nim is like Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a prophet who came and wrought awful warnings of judgment on the sinners of his age. I really felt that Daemo Nim was a modern day Jeremiah. Because she is a woman there is a certain softness to her delivery, but she delivers a powerful indictment of our condition. She would say, "If you could see yourselves spiritually, you be so afraid; you would realize you are destined to hell." She would beg and plead with us to wake up and become serious and work hard, because we are just covered, infiltrated with evil spirits. She told us that the evil spirits don't just disappear when we die physically, but they go to our children. It is for the sake of our children, then, that we have to liberate ourselves. Our children inherit everything that we do not resolve; this is the meaning of inherited sin. Once we are in the spirit world, how can we reach our children? It is not even easy to come back and communicate with them. Even if we could they might not listen. If we cannot communicate with our own children here on the earth, how can we expect to do so from the spirit world?

She told us that we might be forced to be in the position to wreak accidents and punishment on our own children to wake them up if they are going in the wrong direction because of the evil conditions that we made and they inherited because we never resolved. She was really strong on that. We was pleading for the sake of our lineage.

Chung Pyung Lake is the only place where you can liberate yourself and save your second and third generation. Daemo Nim told us, "Father is begging me to get all the evil spirits off of you. You have spirits in every cell, huge volumes. Don't fall asleep. Never take it easy. Not one of you can go to the Kingdom of Heaven. All of your spirits are going to go to your children. You are your children's ancestors. If you live wrongly then your descendants will suffer. You don't want to do evil, but evil spirits make you do evil. If you work hard you can see the evil spirits inside of you. You must win the battle against Satan. You can never sleep. Satan is making you sleep. This forty days is your chance to go to the Kingdom of Heaven and to save your children." Father gave so much responsibility to Daemo Nim.

Personal Testimony

I would like to take the last few minutes to give a personal testimony. I received a lot of spiritual support at Chung Pyung. For the first thirty four days of the workshop I was doing fine, in a way. I was designated the director of the Western workshop and we ended up directing the national messiahs as well. But it really wasn't a big challenge because the workshop runs itself. It is self-motivating, with the same schedule every day. It was just a matter of keeping things on course. I made it my goal to, as a minimum, absolutely maintain the schedule. I thought that maintaining the schedule was the bottom line. That is hard enough in itself, no sleep in the daytime, no dozing off. Just eat the food that I'm given, be on time for everything, fulfill all the conditions (including a cold water condition every other day), work with all of my effort and try to be a good example. I apparently did that successfully for most of the workshop, because many people told me that I was inspirational to them. I was always humbled, because I was just trying to keep the schedule. But I surely was grateful if God could use me to inspire people.

At the same time, I was having no spiritual experiences. Right and left, people were giving their testimonies of angels appearing and doing surgery on them, dark clouds of evil spirits coming out of their mouths, ghosts appearing through the walls, and so forth. I didn't have any of this happen. One brother said that he had a bad back for many years which no one was able to cure. One day he was walking down the mountain and he stumbled and fell. There are all kinds of rough spots down the mountain paths there, rocks and protruding roots, and something like that hit him as he fell right on his back, exactly in the place that solved his back problem! However, I had no such experience. I had no trouble to climb the mountain; I just went up can came down. My challenge was to get more deep about it! I began to wonder what was happening. I wondered if it was a test of my faith to believe everything even though I wasn't experiencing it myself. I did believe. I was set to go through the whole workshop without any special experiences. Because it was a wonderful experience anyway. I felt so much spiritual support enabling me to physically maintain everything. I really didn't feel sleepy. There really were no problems for me_except for an increasingly sore back from sitting cross-legged on the floor ten hours a day.

Then, in the early morning of the sixth day of the fast, I woke up with excruciating pains in my mid-section. I couldn't move for quite a while. Pain as I've never experienced was shooting up and down my body on my left side, centering on my left kidney. Two or three hours later it was time for Pledge Service (it was a Sunday). It took me half an hour to get my clothes on. All of a sudden I was struck physically and couldn't function well at all. I thought perhaps I hadn't drunk enough water and so I began drinking water. Then I wondered if I had gotten a little too much ansu in the kidneys because you are not supposed to be hit in that area. Certain external reasons came to mind. But the external is only that; external. There is always in internal cause. and indeed, from that point on, my heart began to really open up. I don't know why. But just when I hit my physical limitation, I felt so sorry to God. That day I went through the Liberation Ceremony struggling, but still I made it. Then during the Divine Principle reading, I just couldn't make it sitting on the floor. I just had to get up and sit in a chair, and one brother, so generously, gave up his chair. I sat down on his chair and tried to read and began crying and crying. My heart just opened up. I really hardly ever cry, maybe once every ten years. But the gates to my heart opened and I couldn't stop crying.

During the next several days Liberation Ceremonies, all of a sudden I would begin crying. This was such a big breakthrough for me. I felt so much repentance when I was crying. My physical limitation is really a shadow of my spiritual limitation. Working so hard, but somewhere inside there is something very wounded; very broken. I repented so much in my heart for my attitude to True Parents, my attitude to Reverend Pak that I just cannot be a good enough leader. I hold a certain position and responsibility, but internally, deep inside, I am a man of so much failure. So much incapability to give the fruits to True Parents for America. This kind of really deep pain I felt at Chung Pyung Lake in those final days. I am so grateful that I was able to get in touch with that awful reality within myself, and at least repent honestly and deeply for it. Even the repentance is cleansing.

Throughout the workshop we had been hearing about these angels at each of the trees. But I had not had any experience of them consciously, so I thought that maybe a lot was happening unconsciously. But on the thirty eighth night, I was praying, just the same as I had any other night. As usual I would pray, "Angel of the Tree of Love, please take out the spirits in me which I have accumulated due to so many sins of love." All of a sudden on this particular night, as soon as I requested the angel to take out those spirits I felt this sucking sensation pulling something out from my body. It was as if there was a huge suction cup above my head. I felt it pulling from the bottom of my feet up through the front of my body and top of my head and out. It kind of pulled my body forward. I realized it was truly happening to me. The more I repented and requested for it to be taken out the more I felt this sensation. Then the public prayer ended. Then the angel very matter-of-factly said, "Is that all? You can ask anytime and we can do this." So I prayed, as I usually did, for a few moments after the prayer ended, and asked the same thing and had the same experience. Whenever I went to the Tree of Love after that I would ask for it to happen and I felt that kind of experience.

I feel so grateful to God for this experience. It is really true. I always had believed it in faith, but to have your spiritual and physical senses resonating with each other so that your spiritual experience is felt as a physical experience brings it all to a whole different dimension. It is so elevating. I realized that it is really true that the angels are there and waiting for us. It took me thirty eight days for me to experience it myself. I don't care if it takes one day or thirty eight days, it is all up to God and my own effort. But for me it happened right at the end. I feel so grateful to God and I do feel so empty in a way spiritually. I feel good. (Applause) I feel tired. Those who go there with bad health come back in good shape and those who go in good health come back in bad shape. You have to forgive me because I am a little under weight. But I feel spiritually strong and very determined.

This I impressed upon everyone as we reached the end of the 40-days. Chung Pyung Lake is really a foundation of faith. Forty days period of separation from Satan. Whenever there was a forty day condition in the Bible, Satan always attacked at the end. The spies went into Canaan for forty days and Satan attacked at the end with the false reports and the attempt to stone Joshua and Caleb. Moses was up the mountain for forty days fasting. He came down the mountain and Satan attacked and he broke the tablets. There was four hundred years waiting for Abraham, and then he had to make the three offerings. Satan attacked at the three offerings. Satan came to Jesus at the end of the forty- day fast.

Therefore I warned everyone that when they return Satan will take the opportunity to claim the forty days if he can. He will invade the stage of creating the foundation of substance. The foundation of substance means unity with your central figure. Unity with Abel. I have made a very sincere effort to make better unity with Reverend Pak and True Parents.

The Korean Regional Directors were all on the floor together with us. Same level, same schedule, same everything, but they were really the heartistic elders and parents to everyone. We really came to appreciate the Korean Regional Directors and the KEA leaders. They were all such a blessing for us all. Thank you all for this opportunity to give this report. God bless you all.