A Brief History of True Parents

By Reverend J. H. Pak

This is the introduction given to True Parents on their birthday February 13, 1997, celebrated in the New Yorker

I am unworthy to introduce my True Parents and yours. We are indeed honored to be present as participants at this historical True Parents Birthday Celebration in 1997, here in this great world capitol of New York City.

It is impossible to explain in any human language, the depth, the vast dimensions, and the historical value of our True Parents. I would not know where to begin. They are the culmination of 6,000 years of biblical history. They have been sent by God Almighty to conclude salvation history and start the Glorious Era of the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven.

There have been no greater peacemakers and unifiers in all of history than True Parents.

True Father was born in Jung Joo province in North Korea in 1920 on January 6 by the lunar calendar. True Mother was born in An Joo province, North Korea in 1943 on January 6 by the lunar calendar! How many couples called by God have the same day of birth? And not only that--they were born in neighboring provinces.

Together they have devoted their entire lives to establishing world peace and bringing God's Kingdom to the world.

Prior to the independence of Korea in 1945, True Father prepared for his great public mission. He began this preparation in Korea and Japan with deep prayer and meditation. During that time he received unspeakable persecution from Satan.

Following 1945 he began his public ministry in Pyongyang, with about 20 followers.

He was imprisoned by the communists for three years in Hungnam prison where he suffered near to death.

After liberation from Hungnam prison during the Korean War in 1950, True Father left for South Korea. 55 days later in January 1951, he arrived in Pusan. There he labored as a dock worker. From August of that year until May 1952 he wrote the original Divine Principle.

On May 1, 1954 in Seoul, he established the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, also known as Unification Church.

The success of his ministry spread like wildfire, reaching far and wide so quickly that religious and political authorities became shocked. On July 1, 1955, True Father was jailed but then released, due to his innocence, after just 3 months.

In 1957 he sent out 120 missionaries to cities and villages throughout South Korea.

On June 15, 1958, he sent the first missionary to Japan.

On January 2, 1959 he sent the first missionary to America. And in 1975 he sent missionary teams 2out to 120 countries worldwide. These teams consisted of representatives from Japan, America and Germany.

Today, True Parents are represented by their ardent followers on 6 continents, in 185 countries throughout the world.

Never in human history has any religious founder been represented in every country on Earth during his own lifetime.

On April 11, 1960 True Father and True Mother were Blessed in Holy Matrimony, established a True Family on Earth and thus began God's Tradition of True Family Life.

Through True Father and True Mother the way was opened for more couples to receive God's Blessing.

By a miraculous course known only to God and True Parents, this marriage Blessing, first received by 3 couples in 1960 expanded to an unimaginable 360,000 couples by 1995.

In November of this year of 1997, True Parents will give the Blessing to 3.6 million couples. We are witnessing with our own eyes the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

True Father knew human global conflict was coming because of the fallen nature of humankind. So on January 13,1960 he created the organization the "International Federation for Victory over Communism" to counter the dangers of worldwide Communism. He also created "CAUSA International" in 1981.

In April 1990, True Parents met President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow.

In December 1991 True Parents traveled to Pyongyang, North Korea to meet President Kim Il Sung. Through all these many anti-communist activities our True Parents forced the end of 70 years of communist tyranny and opened the way to freedom for half the world's population.

In order to lay a foundation for a peaceful world, True Parents established the Summit Council for World Peace, the Inter Religious Foundation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Youth Federation for World Peace and the Family Federation for World Peace.

In addition to these great federations for world peace, our True Parents are creating a home on Earth for all human life and effort: the Washington Times and Segae Times for media and information, Sun Moon University and the University of Bridgeport for international education, the Little Angels, the Universal Ballet and the New York City Symphony for the arts, and Han Ma Dang Games and the Il Hwa Chun Ma Soccer Team for sports.

Our True Parents' work covers all of human life and effort. At the end of this year, the World Culture and Sports Festival will bring together in this nation's capital a great many of these outstanding organizations for peace. Of course, the greatest of all contributions to world peace will be the Blessing of 3.6 million couples. This Blessing will take humankind beyond racial, religious and cultural boundaries, unifying all continents, all peoples. We will truly become one world, one family.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, in conclusion, as the "love disciple" John wrote of Jesus in his gospel, chapter 21, verse 25, "There are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." So history will record our True Parents, Their great sacrifice and

Their consistent practice of True Love. History will surely record the sweat They have shed for Earth, the tears they have shed for humankind, and the blood They have shed for God and Heaven.

Let us now express our pride and love to True Parents.

True Father's Speech to International Blessed Children in Korea (Sermon of Reverend Sun Myung Moon)

This material is excerpted from a speech Father gave on May 4, 1986 to Blessed Children attending school in Korea.

Western Blessed Children, your Korean life experience and your academic work is extremely precious and valuable, because the teaching of Unificationism will have to be conducted to the world's youth from the original Korean. Unificationism should be taught by those Western people who have lived in Korea and have a command of the Korean language. The truth translated into other languages cannot convey the original meaning because translations can distort the meaning of the message. There is a big difference between a lesson taught by a bilingual teacher and one taught from translated materials. For this reason, I wish that you Western Blessed Children could finish your school education as soon as possible and become world-level leaders who can illuminate the true way of life for all people all over the world, so that they can live meaningful lives.

For this reason the Korean Unification Church has brought Blessed Children from all over the world to the fatherland of faith and has provided you with the educational program for the future. You Blessed Children should work hard to carry out your future mission as heavenly-side teachers in your own country or in any other countries abroad.

If the Fall of Man had not occurred, education would have been conducted centering on God's will instead of being centered on Satan's false and misleading instruction as it is now. We are living in an age when any particular nation's philosophy, doctrine or "ism" cannot dominate the whole world. Only we have the great thought which has been revealed to us from God the Father. Study Divine Principle, Unification Thought and VOC Thought in Korean until you can give lectures in the Korean language naturally and freely.

By the time you finish your entire education in Korea successfully, universities from different parts of the world will need you and call upon you. I want you to complete even university-level studies in Korea. In 10 or 15 years from now, when you obtain a master's degree or doctorate, prestigious universities like Oxford, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge and Columbia will certainly compete to employ you as professors for their own campuses. When this happens, you will lead all the youth to the heavenly side. Through your scholastic position, you will exert a great influence on important scholars of educational institutions. Therefore, you had better realize the importance and the purpose of your education in Korea, and you should be proud of your position as God's pioneer, as well as future leader of university faculties.

I know that you are undergoing the difficulties of the language barrier and differences of culture and customs while living in Korea. This is especially true of Western Blessed Children. But bear in mind that you are in the process of preparing for the successful fulfillment of your great future mission.


At the present time there are important scholastic studies being made on me at leading educational institutions. Rev. Moon's viewpoint on religion, politics, culture and economy has become interesting research material for masters and doctoral studies. The instruction that you give concerning me in the future will attract students to your classes. Ministers and preachers from America came to Korea with the idea to go on a pilgrimage to the holy places where God's New Providence began. They unanimously thanked us for the clear answers they received from the Divine Principle in the Biblical questions. That's why they are witnessing to the fact that Rev. Moon is a man of great foresight who is saving the world from chaos through his remarkable understanding of God's Providence. Through their pilgrimage they came to realize the necessity and significance of learning the Korean language because English words cannot convey the depth of feeling conveyed in the original Korean.

I wish that you Blessed Children would realize how much I want you to be more enthusiastic about preparing yourselves for the accomplishment of God's Will. I know that you are having a hard time studying here, but once you have cleared the path for your younger brothers and sisters to come, they will find Korean life easier than you did. Pioneers at any time in history had to go through trials. Now, you are the pioneers of Korean study. For example, the Little Angels worldwide performances could not attract much public attention in spite of their intense preparation for three and one half years. But now, just three months' preparation creates a wildly enthusiastic atmosphere. This is because the Little Angels have established their own tradition and system of organization.

I hope that you Blessed Children, as pioneers, can clear away the difficulties for the international students who will come after you to study in Korea. Suppose that you write a book about your life in Korea which describes your difficulties as a student and in which you share the wisdom you accrued in overcoming those difficulties. This kind of book would surely serve your juniors very well.

An opinion might now be forming in your minds that Korean culture and the standard of living are very low compared to those of your own countries, but please understand that customs and cultures throughout the world are not permanent and will certainly fade away in the future. The cultures and customs in America, Europe and Japan are very different from those of Korea, to be sure. Also, you can see that there is disparity in many respects between Korean culture and customs and those of the Unification movement. Our humble way of life, mass weddings, religious understanding and devotion differ from Korean customs and culture. Through your commitment to your academic work and studies of Korean customs and culture, you will acquire a great knowledge which you cannot obtain from your parents. When you go back to your own countries after your graduation in Korea, you will have the ability to discern and to judge what is correct and what is wrong with the principled life that your family is living. Then you parents may ask you for a more definite explanation of the Divine Principle.

The future generations, regardless of race, will follow a course of life originating in Korea. They will be going in one direction toward one destination centered on one central point. No group of people should stick to their own way of life for the sake of enjoying their own comforts and for satisfying their own desires. If we aim at deserving the privilege of living in the Heavenly Kingdom, then we must break away from the Satanic world's grasp and instead put down our roots in Heaven.

The Blessed Couples of the "first generation: have their roots in Satan instead of me, because they were blessed in the process of growth. However, your roots as Blessed Children have their origin in God Himself and your home country is Korea. You cannot have two homelands. A homeland is only one, not more. Therefore, you are all required to come to Korea, your homeland, where you should put down your roots and become a big tree in this world, growing stems, branches, twigs and leaves. Your education in Korea is exactly what God wants for you. As Blessed Children you are the very first to have been born under the name of True Parents.

I hope that you can realize that you are now standing in the most valuable place because you are standing exactly beside the True Parents as the center root of the universe. When you begin your public life after completing your education in Korea, you will be welcomed by every country in the world. They will be waiting for you. Therefore, when you are facing hard times or are feeling lonely and homesick, you should be able to get past it.

When I returned to Korea, I blessed 36 couples of the second generation. This is an amazing event. This Blessing event for the "second generation" would not be possible without the foundation of a worldwide victory. From the viewpoint of the Divine Principle, it is impossible to establish the foundation in the Satanic world which can guide both the democratic and communist worlds. So the Blessing of the second generation is very significant because they have their roots in God. At this moment in time, the Unification movement has begun a new chapter of history because the first 40-year period in the wilderness has passed and the second-generation based providence has started. What I have been doing since my return in Korea signifies a movement to form a nation in Canaan. That's why on God's Day I chose this year's motto to be "The Creation of the Kingdom of Heaven."

You should give particular attention to the reason why the Israelites collapsed in failure after they went into the land of Canaan. The Israelite second generation destroyed themselves by becoming materially centered and lavishing on luxury and physical pleasures following the way of the tribes already living in Canaan. Do not repeat the same mistakes that the second-generation Israelites made in the past. Instead, you should live a humble life by living according to God's instruction and by following the way of Divine Principle life.

At the present time, Korea is facing a period of transition. Under these conditions, your studying in Korea is very important. You have coming here looking for your roots. This will be seen as an important historical event in the future. Remembering this, study Korean harder than you have been doing. Consider studying only English or Japanese to be a sin, since only one language was spoken in the Garden of Eden. It will be the Korean language which will be used universally.

So, I will allow you to be blessed to Koreans. Your older brothers and sisters who were just blessed did not have to go through the process of the indemnity stick because their roots are directly in God from their birth.

It is very shameful for those living in the present historical time period not to learn the Korean language because it is the time when people can directly enter into the Heavenly Kingdom.

Adam and Eve were 16 years old when they fell. You, at the age of 13 or 14, before that age comes, have come to the land of Korea, your homeland. Now, at this age, it is the time for you to learn your home language. At the same time I hope you can understand my intention when I tell you not to forget your own languages; it is because you will have to teach at the university level some day.

Despite the persecution of the last 13 years in America, including unjust imprisonment, I have loved America with the heart of Jesus Christ who forgave his enemies even while carrying the cross and being whipped by Roman soldiers. You Blessed Children must have had a hard time when you were younger. Your parents often couldn't take care of you because they had to go to many places for the sake of God's will. Sometimes you must have complained a lot about your parents, but you must feel great pride in them now that you are old enough to understand what they were doing.

Under no circumstances should you ever complain about your situation. Those people who came here and then go back to their home countries complaining because they felt hardships, cannot come back here again. It is as shameful as leaving your own family and country only to complain against them.

You Blessed Children have to learn all pertinent information about Korea during your stay here, including the history, culture and customs, as well as the history and traditions of the Unification movement. The time is rapidly approaching when the world will accept God as their Heavenly Father and will live according to the Divine Principle teachings. As this takes place, you Blessed Children who have been devoting yourselves to your studies in Korea should be and will we working as competent teachers. It is for this reason that I am thinking of letting you finish your college education in Korea before you return to your home countries and enter into graduate school. Finally, you should keep in mind that you should be the roots which can bear the most lovely flower of all creatures, burning the torch of truth for the new world to come with the mission from God as His chosen children.

God's Love Partner (Sermon of Reverend Sun Myung Moon)

This is an excerpt from the speech given on True Parents Birthday, February 13, 1997, at the World Mission Center, NYC. The interpreter was Mr. Peter Kim.

The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration which is equivalent to the process of recreation. Naturally the providence of restoration is through indemnity. The meaning of the restoration through indemnity means that we restore the original place and position which was lost because of the Fall of Man. Therefore this means the process of recreation. Humankind lost the original creation which God made. Therefore humankind has to recreate that original state. In order to do so we have to understand the principle by which God originally created.

One of the principles behind God's creation is that God needed a love partner. However in modern theology there is no such concept. We all are seeking love. We all have life. We all have lineage. In order to continue our lineage men and women contain sperms and eggs. We all have conscience within. But can we see life, love and lineage? No one can. Are you able to see your conscience? Even though they are contained within you, still you are not able to see them. We cannot see them nor touch them. Why can't we feel their existence? When we examine our body, in every square centimeter of skin there is one gravity. This kind of gravity is always upon us, but because of total balance we are unaware of this gravity. Our eyes continually blink and yet we don't notice because we are totally one with this function. If we place our hand on our heart we can feel our heart beating. With a stethoscope it sounds like a bomb exploding. However, in our daily lives we don't even notice that. Yet if Father is to touch one strand of Mr. Kim's hair he will immediately feel that. The reason being is because it breaks the balance. But because our heartbeat is in total balance with our body we don't even think about it for months at a time. Where there is perfect balance you don't feel any difference.

Whom do you resemble? (God) Well before talking about God, first of all you resemble your parents. In many ways we all resemble our parents, but we don't feel that because we are one with them. We all have love, life, lineage and conscience within. The reason we often don't feel them because we are in total balance with them. These four aspects of love, life, lineage and conscience resemble God. God Himself has love, life, lineage and conscience within Himself. But because they are in total balance within Him, then God doesn't feel them either. It is logical to assume that although God has love, life, lineage and conscience, He cannot feel the excitement, love and joy by Himself. Therefore He felt the necessity to create His love partner. God wanted to experience the powerful stimulation of love, life, lineage and conscience. Therefore He created His love partner.

God created the environment first in preparation for humankind. Without the four basic elements of sunlight, air, soil and water, nothing can exist on the earth. If we take away sunlight for example, then life cannot be sustained. If we eliminate water, then life cannot be sustained. Each one of them is necessary. If we look at this sister's head, it appears to be a solid thing, but if we look into it there is light, water, air and a element of soil. Within the environment there is always a formula of subject and object. Even within the mineral world the subject and object relationship exists. This is true within the plant, animal world and within men and women. All of us exist within the boundary of this formula. Do you understand? (Yes) The reason God created this entire world in the relationship of subject and object was because God wanted to achieve the love relationship. The love relationship requires the subject and object relationship. Without subject and object we cannot expect to

find the give and take action which creates the stimulating power of love. This give and take action creates a spherical motion which exists eternally centered upon true love.

When we look at the world of creation there are many different levels of subject and object relationships that occur. If there is a higher dimensional give and take action it will always absorb the lower dimension give and take action. When we observe the plants and trees growing they are actually absorbing the nutrients from the mineral kingdom. When they absorb the nutrients from the mineral kingdom then insects and animals in turn absorb these plants. Insects eat the vegetables and birds eat the insects. Larger birds absorb the smaller birds. The same is true within the animal kingdom. Who is the king of the entire animal kingdom? Human beings. In fact human beings are the most brutal animal of all be cause they kill animals and eat them. In this case who is supposed to absorb human beings? God.

Darwin's evolutionary theory claims that the strong eats the weak. We may feel that to be brutal. If we stick with this evolutionary theory then the strong can always kill the weak and there should be no crime involved. However, that evolutionary theory does not contain the principle. The ultimate purpose of all levels of creation is the original point of God's creation of love, life, lineage and conscience. This is true even for the mineral kingdom. Every aspect of creation has the same goal, the same terminal point which is the original point of God's love, life, lineage and conscience.

However, there is a certain process to reach to that original point. Minerals cannot reach to that point all by themselves. Rather they have to go through plants by being absorbed by the plants. The plants have to be absorbed by insects and small animals. Then small animals are absorbed by larger animals. The larger animals are absorbed by human beings. Then in theory they will become part of human beings and reach that final goal through human beings. When minerals are being absorbed by the plant, the plant is in the position of plus and the mineral in the position of minus. The ultimate goal of the minerals is to reach that original point of God's love, life, lineage and conscience. In order to be absorbed by the plant world they take many different shapes of flowers, grass, trees, fruits etc. Through this they feel proud of becoming a beautiful flower or delicious fruit in order to reach that original point.

In the same way plants feel pride in becoming part of the animal kingdom which will lead them to that original goal. Within the animals they desire to be absorbed by the higher being so that they can also reach that original goal. But if there is a choice, the animals will desire to be eaten by human beings because they have the most direct access to this goal. All aspects of creation all desire to reach that original life, love, lineage and conscience place. By doing so all of these animals, plants, and minerals desire to become apart of human beings sexual organ which is the original love, life, lineage and conscience palace. How precious this place is. All these created beings are all mobilized to complete this substantial portion of the living God which is our sexual organ. There are two kinds of sexual organs: male and female.

God originally divided the sexual organ into two creating a little distance. So that there drawing together and meeting would be like an explosion. This is where the stimulating excitement would take place. This is what God wanted. Why then were we given sexual organs? Because of love, life, lineage and conscience. Without going through that particular organ we cannot expect to have love, life, lineage and conscience. We all have these four aspects within, but a woman alone cannot feel the excitement of these God given aspects. However, if the most ugly young man should appear and stimulate her assets of love, life, lineage and conscience then these assets would explode like an

atom bomb in front of him. However, if the boy happened to be handsome the power of the explosion would be even greater.

In nature we can observe the same phenomena in a thunder storm. There is lightning, thunder and rain pouring down. This is like marriage in the world of weather. Even though a man by himself has the assets of love, life, lineage and conscience within nothing happens without his love partner. In order for human beings to have all of this joy and pleasure, the entire creation are all being mobilized for that purpose stage by stage. Ultimately in order to reach that ideal of God's love. The ultimate purpose of any small mineral is to become a small element of the human sexual organ. No matter how insignificant its role may be, nevertheless that is its goal. Which was easier for God to create, our five senses or our sexual organs? Until now humanity has not realized that the sexual organ is the most precious place.

Man's sexual organ does not exist for man. It exists eternally for his wife. There is absolutely only one owner eternally. Not two. The woman's sexual organ is absolutely only one, her husband. No power on earth nor in heaven can change that. Reverend Moon cannot change this. No matter how much power True Parents have they cannot change this. No matter how powerful God is He cannot change this. This is forever unchanging power.

The sexual organ is the place of the love king, life king, lineage king, conscience king. Connecting to all human history place. The owner of man's sexual organ is absolutely, eternally his wife. The owner of woman's sexual organ is absolutely, eternally her husband. No child wants to have two mothers or two fathers. They absolutely want only one. Therefore absolutely there can be no divorce. The fallen world means that this formula is completely broken down and ownership has been exchanged. Those of you who want to have divorce in your life please raise your hands? How about free sex? How about the consumption of alcohol and drugs? How about those who want to become gay or lesbian? That is the road that will drive you to the bottom of hell which is against the principle of creation.

Reverend Moon is teaching such a deep truth to mankind, and yet the Unification Church has been given many dirty labels by the world. Do you think that God is happy about that? (No) Do you think that God will come forward and destroy the Unification Church or would He help it to prosper? The reason that the Unification Church has grown and prospered in the face of the worst kind of persecution in this world is because God took the fortune from those who persecuted us in the worst way, and blessed the Unification Church with their fortune instead. That is how we have been prospering in this world.

If the people of America were to propose to Reverend Moon that he give up his position of True Parents and become the President of the United States of America. Do you think that Father would welcome such a proposal or would he spit at it? (Spit at it) The True Parents are forever absolutely only one. How can that ever be exchanged for anything. Never. Do you think that Father is happy sharing this kind of story with you? In the secular world many people oppose Father when he proclaims True Parents. But they are the ones who will decline eventually.

In the Garden of Eden the original couple, the original family was lost. Therefore we have to rediscover that original couple, and family by walking the road of indemnity. That is why in these last days Reverend Moon came to this world as True Parents and gives blessings to humankind so that their sins can be forgiven and build original couples and original family in this world once again. That is why Reverend Moon is holding a 3.6 million couples blessing this year. (Applause) You are clapping with excitement but Father feels miserable. Because when we go out to the world who recognizes the

value of the blessing? How many people. Father has overcome all the difficulties all of these years and has laid a strong enough foundation to launch this kind of providential campaign this year of 3.6 million couples blessings. That is why you are now clapping and many dignitaries in the secular world recognize it. However, Father had to pay an incredible amount of indemnity to do so.

We must understand that Adam and Eve gave birth to their children only after being chased out from the Garden of Eden. The children of Adam and Eve had nothing to do with God from their inception. These children had nothing to do with God's love, life and lineage. Therefore the world that they created was the world of hell. This is our present reality. No matter how famous you may be as a minister or theologian here today, unless we can clean up this mess there is no one who will be able to enter into the Kingdom of God. Reverend Moon has the right to proclaim that this is the absolute truth of it. Someone may declare that Reverend Moon is a dictator insisting upon his own dogma. Well, if you don't believe it, die and go to the spiritual world and see who is right.

At the time of the Garden of Evil it was Eve who began the deviation away from God. In the beginning of human history Eve committed sin. Since Eve became the first sinner we can call her a bad woman. Generally speaking is it men or women who actually push the world to the wrong direction? Generally speaking, wherever you may go it is easier to notice women who want to take it easy, eat delicious food, and wear luxurious and expensive clothing which Satan likes the most. They like to proudly walk down Fifth Avenue in New York City with their expensive clothing enticing men to look and admire them. Therefore we can generally conclude that women are the first target of Satan.

Regarding the restoration through indemnity, was Eve's behavior in the Garden of Eden good or bad? (Bad) How many male figures existed in the Garden of Eden? (Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, Adam and God) That is correct. Five male figures. How many women? (One) Only one woman. Do you think that God felt secure to leave Eve alone in the middle of the Garden of Eden? (No) Against whom do you think you would try to protect this particular woman knowing that this woman is supposed to grow to be your spiritual spouse? When a master leaves his home to go on a journey, usually he will leave some instructions or command to the closest person to him. Either his wife or children. Certainly not his servant or his driver. That is why God gave His commandment to Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He did not leave this commandment to the Archangel or anyone else. What is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is symbolic of the woman's sexual organ.

Humankind was unaware until now that the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil meant the fruit which had the potential to become good or evil. There is no literal tree of good and evil. This is symbolic of woman's sexual organ. The commandment should have remained with woman. God's original lineage was reversed through the Fall to Satan's lineage and Satan's tradition. Eve was in the position of God's daughter and His daughter-in-law as she was supposed to become Adam's wife. Also she was supposed to be in the position of Adam's mother and God's relative. However, she lost everything because of the misuse of her sexual organ. Her original position was to stand as grandmother, mother, wife, and daughter. After the fall everything was cut down and so God's side no longer had a woman figure. Because of this failure the religions of the world generally emphasize celibacy.

God began the providence of restoration from Adam's family all the way to restore the original state of the Garden of Eden where the restored Adam and Eve could establish the original family and expand this to the tribe, nation and world. Therefore Jesus came as the Messiah, but

even Jesus was unable to fulfill this mission completely. Therefore humankind is still awaiting the Lord of the Second Advent. After the Fall, Adam and Eve were split and this split is throughout history all the way down to Jesus. But at the time of Jesus, the Israelites and Judaism were supposed to become totally united centered on Jesus so that the ideal world could be built. But due to their disbelief, this mission was unaccomplished. Therefore, even after the coming of Jesus the entire world was divided into right and left wing which eventually became communism and democracy. Reverend Moon came to this world to reunite these two worlds. Now he is pushing to have humanity build one world, not a divided world. That is the goal that he has been pursuing.

Remember, you as an individual are not able to enter into the Kingdom of God. You need your family in order to enter. From this perspective should Jesus have married or not? (Yes) We lost everything at the time of Adam's family. At the time of Jesus the entire nation of Israel and Judaism should have worked together to form Jesus' family so that the entire nation and people could enter the kingdom together.

Immediately following World War II, Great Britain was in the position of the mother nation, America was in the position of Abel and France was in the position of Cain. England was an island nation, surrounded by the ocean. In a sense the island is always longing to become part of the mainland. The United States was probably the first nation to be established by the Protestants. The nation of France stood in the position of enemy nation to both England and America. However, these three enemy nations became one right after World War II. The real force to unite them was the power of Christianity. Christianity represents the bride culture.

Because of Jesus's crucifixion only spiritual salvation was accomplished. Christianity needed the substantial body, the substantial figure as Lord. On the other hand three axis nations existed at the time of World War II, these were Japan, Germany and Italy. Japan was an island nation like England. Hitler stood in the Abel position on Satan's side. He killed the Judeo-Christian world. He was the worst kind of man. After World War II, centered upon Christianity, the unification of the three allied nations came about. The reason God created the unification of the Christian world was for the sake of the coming bridegroom. England was in the position of the mother nation and she bore a son, America. France was in the position of the enemy nation, Cain's position. The mother nation and Cain and Abel combined into one.

If those allied nations had received the Lord of the Second Advent then the entire world could have been restored right there and then. However, they were waiting for the Lord to come on the clouds. The Christians were unaware of the true reality. Just as in the time of Jesus, the Israelites were waiting for Elijah to return in a fiery chariot. However, in reality John the Baptist came in the position of Elijah. The Christians made the same mistake right after World War II, they were expecting the Lord of the Second Advent to appear on the clouds. However, they should have realized that Reverend Moon came as the Lord of the Second Advent to work with them and restore this humanity. (Applause)

Reverend Moon had to come in the flesh in order to indemnify the time of Jesus. Nobody knew how to unite the communist and free world. The only one who was able to do this was Reverend Moon. However, he was rejected. Jesus wanted to embrace the right and left hand thieves, representing the right and left wing, in his time in order to build one world under God. Unfortunately this did not take place. This caused this right and left wing to be divided right there and eventually become the communist and democratic worlds. Reverend Moon's mission was to unite them together and to reveal the one world under

God. The original world which God had intended from the very beginning.

The restoration of the individual, family, tribe, nation and world was done by Father at every level making a circle of 360 degrees completing the entire circle. Through the blessing ceremony Father is accomplishing this clean up job from the individual, family, tribal, national and worldwide family. Once this 3.6 million couples blessing is accomplished within six months we can even undertaken 36 million couples blessing. (Applause) If we reach our goal this year, this blessing will become like a fad throughout the entire world. Like a heavenly wind sweeping throughout the world. Then elementary, high school and college students will begin asking their teachers the meaning of the Unification Church marriage. They will want to know is the Unification Church marriage better than secular marriages. What kind of response do you think that their teachers will give to them? (Yes)

At the beginning of human history, this evil seed was sown in the Garden of Eden. In these last days the secular world is reaping these evil fruits represented by all of the decadence of morality in this world. However, God cannot intervene directly in this, just as He was not able to intervene at the time of Adam and Eve's fall. The only person who has the right and knowledge to intervene at this juncture is True Parents. (Applause) No matter how powerful God may be, still He is not able to deal with fallen couples. Do you understand? (Yes) They represent evil parents, evil love, evil life, evil lineage and evil conscience. They cannot connect with God's original viewpoint. Therefore God cannot touch them. With the appearance of True Parents the blessing of marriage can be given and upon that foundation God is able to touch everything. Because of true love lineage. The fallen world does not connect with God's blood lineage. Through the blessing of True Parents humankind can reconnect with God's original blood lineage.

In this world there may exist those who are older than True Parents who, horizontally speaking, stand in the position of Father's elders, but once True Parents appear in this world they all become True Parents children and grandchildren downwards. Because only one line has to be established to God. Until this time two lines have existed. True Parents are needed in order to restore this satanic line and make one line to God. From God's viewpoint, fallen children exist in this world and they are supposed to be restored. The restoration through indemnity occurs through the restoration of the satanic lineage so that they are able to stand behind the heavenly lineage line and form one straight line behind True Parents. This is how they can follow True Parents into the kingdom. The last days means the crossing point of these two lines. The heavenly line goes above and the satanic line goes below.

Centering on this crossing point we can expand from the individual, family, tribal, national and worldwide level. This directional line is true love. This angle will represent individual, family, tribal, national and world levels as the angle increases. In the last days we have to totally negate ourselves. Otherwise we will never be able to join the heavenly line. Negation should occur at eight different stages. This is why most religions have encouraged individuals to leave their families, their societies and follow the path of God and live as monks and nuns. Because God have been alone up until this point and True Parents had not yet appeared. Therefore how could humanity marry and have children?

There are statistics which show that over forty percent of the priests, bishops, etc. are practicing homosexuality today. Who knows how many of them have HIV. On the contrary the Unification Church is instructing its membership to become tribal messiahs of their clans

and, as blessed couples, have their relatives all receive the blessing in True Parents name. Even you prominent theologians here today cannot deny this teaching.

There are two different lines of lineage. On Satan's side there is the elder son, elder king and elder parents. This group has to be restored back in order to rejoin the heavenly lineage. Simply speaking we have to restore the secular families back to the heavenly families. This is what is needed. From God's point of view there are two different kinds of mothers and children. In order to restore them it requires that the younger son take the elder sonship, father should become the son and the son should become the father etc. This kind of reversal is needed.

Adam was in the position of head of the family. Jacob was in the position of head of the tribe. In Jacob's time, he had to implement this course of restoration which was the reverse course. In the Garden of Eden Eve cheated God's elder son, Adam and God. Through this she turned over the entire family right to Satan. Therefore at the time of Jacob, through cheating her husband and elder son Esau, Rebecca took this family right back to the elder son and God. This was the reversal of this course.

Israel means victory. What is the meaning of this victory? The reversal of the lineage from Satan back to God's side. At the time of Tamar she was married to two of Judah's sons. Both of them died without leaving children. Tamar felt the importance of the continuation of this lineage and wanted to marry the third son. However, Judah forbid it. Risking her life, Tamar deceived Judah, her father-in-law, into having a sexual relationship with her by disguising herself as a prostitute in order to continue this lineage. She conceived twins who fought in her womb to be born first. God told her that two nations were fighting in her womb. The restoration which took place at the time of Jacob between the elder and younger brother, now took place directly inside the womb of Tamar between her two sons.

Through this complicated course of restoration through indemnity, then at the time of Jesus was the time when mother Mary had to reverse the course of Tamar before she could give birth to Jesus. This is the brief history of the Old Testament era and the dawning of the New Testament era. By the time Jesus was born the Roman Empire had spread throughout the world. Therefore Jesus needed the national level foundation in order to deal with the Roman Empire. If Jesus had not died, but rather had been supported and accepted by the Israelites and Judaism, upon that foundation he could have conquered the Roman Empire within seven years. However, he was crucified.

We need to clearly understand the relationship between mother Mary and Zachariah's family. If Jacob's family was the starting point at the tribal level, then Mary and Zachariah's family were the starting point of the national level providence. In the family of Jacob, Rachel should have become the first wife, not Leah. However, Leah became the first wife. Therefore, in this regard, that particular providence failed. The mother was supposed to assist her daughters so that order could be established in the correct way. However, this was reversed. If Rachel's mother had been totally united with Rachel and had pushed Leah away, then at the tribal level Rachel could have become the first wife of Jacob. The same mistake took place at the time of Jacob, because of these two wives, just like at the time of Adam and Eve. Eve was supposed to become the first wife of Adam, but only after she had made a relationship with Satan did she become Adam's wife. This meant the order was reversed. Also within Jacob's family the order was reversed.

At the time of Jesus, on the national level, in the family of Zachariah this order had to be straightened out. The position of the original wife was taken by Elizabeth, Zachariah's wife. Elizabeth's

son was John the Baptist. However, through them alone there was no way to complete the restoration. There had to exist the younger sister's position in order to establish the heavenly lineage. Because of the Fall of Man, restoration always has to come about through the second wife, the concubine line. That has been the history of restoration.

In Jacob's family, Leah hated her younger sister Rachel and she completely dominated Jacob and produced ten children, whereas Rachel had only two children. However, Elizabeth, the wife of Zachariah actually volunteered to introduce Mary to Zachariah because of her revelation from God. She allowed Mary to stay in her family for three months. A woman doesn't become pregnant through staying overnight. If you really dig into the bible you will see this. Therefore, after three months of staying in Zachariah's household Mary became pregnant. However, Mary had the responsibility to indemnify the failure of Eve as well as the failure of Rachel and Leah. Therefore whilst she was pregnant she had to deceive her husband figure (Joseph) as well as her father figure.

Because of Mary's success in reversing the course which had failed at the time of Eve, Rebecca and Tamar, now the son she had in her womb at the national level was completely sanctified. That is why she was able to give birth to the holy son of God, Jesus. Jesus was born completely free of Satanic accusation. God controlled everything concerning his conception and birth. He was God's begotten true son. There is no way out from the restoration through indemnity. We have to go through that course. The message that Father wanted Mr. Peter Kim to read to you given this year on the Day of the Victory of Love. However, briefly Father will explain to you the meaning of the Day of the Victory of Love and we will conclude today.

Because Jesus went to the spiritual world without establishing his own family on this physical world, he has to come back again. Because Jesus did not have his family foundation here on the earth he remains in paradise, not in the kingdom of heaven. On the cross Jesus promised the right hand thief that he would be with him in paradise that day. He did not say the kingdom of heaven. Why? Because the kingdom of heaven is only open to the family level perfected people.

The meaning of the Second Advent is coming down to this earth to find his bride and establish his family. Because Jesus lost his bride in this physical world he has to return again to this physical realm. Jesus gave the keys of heaven to Peter and told him, "Whatever is bound in earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever is untied on earth will be untied in heaven." This means that this world is now completely decadent. Therefore these problems have to be solved in this realm. God has to restore his family, nation and world here in this physical world to begin with. Where did God lose His family, his tribe, his nation, his world? Right here on this earth.

Most religious leaders and Christian leaders do not clearly understand the spiritual world. The physical and spiritual world is like two palms together. Counterparts of each other which should become one. Unless we have total unity between mind and body we cannot have the spiritual and physical world united. Do you want your love partner to hold double standards? (No) Do you think that God's mind and body are separated? (No) God is absolutely one, and upon that foundation He created this entire world. Because of the Fall of Man, only human beings are still separated. Therefore we must become one between mind and body. Once we are absolutely one then, and only then, can we become united with God. That is the only hope that we have. Satan always tries to divide us. Wherever conflict exists, there Satan resides. Within Christianity there is always conflict. God cannot be with them.

Whenever you are divided one from another God is not present. The beginning point of peace is your mind and body unity. The war between the mind and body is the most fearful of all wars. We need a cease- fire. I control my body no matter how difficult the situation may be. The problem with fallen human beings is that there five senses all operate in two different ways instead of one absolute way. Do you young people here understand this clearly? (Yes) The problem is your inability to unite your minds and bodies. The mind is so sorrowful to have lost God's true love because of the fallen body. Do you American women understand? (Yes)

American and the Christian world have been my enemies. They have wanted to kill me until now. But my desire is to save this enemy. The most fearful enemy is our own body. Because our body connects to satanic love, life and lineage. We must be vigilant in controlling our bodily desires. Father has sent you all out fundraising where you must be like beggars, without any personal dignity. This is a most serious issue. In the fallen sense, the sexual organs of men and women are their worst enemy. This is because of the Fall.

In the Last Days, the children from the second wives, or the concubine lineage, will become the leaders of the world. Because of this law of restoration through indemnity the lineage of the first wife will have to go through the lineage of the second wife. That is the reversal process. Originally in Jacob's family centering upon Rachel, the second wife, she was to produce the elder son of Jacob. However, because of the conflict between Leah and Rachel, Rachel lost that right.

In order for us to feel true joy we have to comfort God who has been suffering great han throughout the course of history. The only way is to reverse the world of hell into the world of the kingdom of God. That is our mission and that is the meaning of a day such as this and the attitude we should have deep within us on such a day as this. Do you understand? Upon the victorious foundation which True Parents themselves set up, Heung Jin Nim could pass into the spiritual world. Even in the spiritual world Heung Jin Nim could travel freely between the spiritual world and the physical world based on True Parents victorious foundation here. Also he was able to expand his influence throughout the spiritual world and become king and embrace Jesus and lay a strong enough foundation. Therefore at the time of the 3.6 million couples blessing Heung Jin Nim will be able to give blessing in the spiritual world. (Applause)

In the world of the Unification Church we have no concept of death. We are living together with the spiritual world are we not? (Yes) Centered upon God's true love I give my blessing upon the Unification Church for long life, long peace, success and victory in restoring this entire world.

March 1997

Wind in the Grass

Brian Henesy

Up on the hill. Sun burnt grass. Waving in the wind , to me really waving the breath of God exhaled through the trees. A thousand smells fills my soul from the earth. Where feet have cut paths through time. Winding through the fields, to share this moment alone. I am really not alone, to fill my self with the breath of the Earth. For this breath picks me up high with the clouds. And only these thoughts is were I want to be. To rest my thoughts on the wind, my thoughts on a magic carpet sailing above the land to meet this moment is to leave behind the troubles of the day. Big or small they don't belong here. Here I can only meet those who have known something greater. My thoughts like the pages of an old book. Guide me to be here with you, its the only place to be in your Garden. Were the Swords of War lay in the sand. May I to place my sword here. And pick a Rose from your garden of treasure. A red Rose as a memory to take with me and to carry always. How can I stay longer in your Garden.

May I drink from the Silver challis some water. To drink a toast to the peace makers and to those who road Horses into Battle. And to those who died and fought for you.

Across the land and plains, where your temples grew. Symbols of your garden for all to see. To here the voices of time echo here. The voices of those who new what they Died and fought for. As I drink from this challis, I here a thousand cups come together. In toast of your name and honour. But I am blinded by the beauty of your Sword of peace. I will return to polish my sword to. That I may rub shoulders with your Nights of Honour. assembled in your garden. The message is clear you have shown me. When I return it will be in fullness of Knowing you. And that I to must live by the sword the sword of peace.

White War

Deep in the middle of the Korean mountains
Spirits like smoke are rising up.
Under a fearsome phosphorescence
A living being is trying to move.

Mourning and repentance is spilling out on the earth.
Groanings of appeal are reaching out to heaven, and
Tears flowing ceaselessly make me forget who I am.

This is the place, ChungPyung.
Cold, cold water cleanses my dirty flesh,
Cutting deep like a flaming sword.
My sins and sinful past are sawed off
By the claps of bleeding palms.

This is the spiritual battlefield,
A white battleground, against my old self.
My two eyes stare at the unseeable enemies within myself,
And aim at them with an angel's spear.

It is an extremely gruesome and tense battlefield, but
I wish not to bequeath defects to my descendants.
Only a repenting spirit who is willing to suffer
Will survive on the frontline of the all-out offensive.
I am standing on that field today.

This might be the new seat of mercy, ChungPyung Holy Ground.

Rev. Inhoi Lee Chung Pyung Lake, Jan. 25, 1997

True Family Festival in Toronto, Ontario

by Mitch Dixon, Toronto, Ontario

We, in Canada, recognize True Parents earnest desire for a great victory of the 3.6 million couples blessing in November 1997. Father and Mother are giving great support to each nation with National Messiahs and 120 Japanese sisters being sent out. Dr. and Mrs. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Habara, and Diane and I are the National Messiahs to Canada, representing Adam, Eve, and Abel countries. We have not yet been assigned a National Messiah from a Cain country.

I arrived in Canada November 30 from Arkansas. One hundred twenty Japanese sisters began arriving on December 3 over a two week period. As soon as I arrived in Canada, I was told that no new members have joined from here in several years. During December our main focus was workshops acquainting the Japanese sisters with a new country and finding housing for 120 sisters.

Right before, Christmas we heard that Rev. Pak wanted us to hold a True Family Festival (pre-blessing ceremony) before the end of the year. We scheduled on for December 29. With the help of Stoyan and Lilly Tadin, Canadian national leaders, we managed to find one couple to attend, an Hispanic doctor and his wife. We hear reports, coming in from around the world, of large numbers of pre-blessing candidates. We are inspired by this, but we have not yet found this to be the reality here yet especially with the WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant) community. On January 25, we held another True Family Festival. This time we had two couples, a Filipino couple and a Korean couple. These couples came through Dr. and Mrs. Lee and Hisako Yokota, a Japanese missionary sister.

We have increased the witnessing activity substantially here in Canada with the help of the Japanese sisters. We have a full lecturing schedule. I have been doing most of the lecturing, but when we had need for more lectures simultaneously, Doug White and Jim Brennan also lectured. I have received a lot of help and support also from Michael Trusilo, Michel Lajeunesse, Guy Delisle, Fumiko White, Abdoulaye and Sybil Wone, and Alex Smyth in other ways. Mike Templeman, Paul Sullivan, Brad Gartner, Victor Martinez, and Dionisije Tadin have offered various helpful suggestions.

A very big support has come from Stoyan and Lilly Tadin, Franco Famularo, and Robert Duffy who have made the move here to Canada quite pleasant and welcomed. I am grateful to all for their help as we march to the goal of 3.6 million couples. The last half of January we started holding weekly ministers conferences in a mini format of what was held in Washington, DC in 1996. In February, we plan to increase this one day format to a three day format with a True Family Festival (pre-blessing) held at the end of each conference.

We are anxious and striving for increasing our numbers. We especially want to establish success among the white Christians. As we compete with Africa for numbers to the Blessing, it keeps ringing in the back of my mind, the Scripture which says, "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." I believe though, that with the help of God, the white Christians can be saved too. It must be so, I am a white Christian. If I can believe, others must be able to also.

True Family Festival at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota

by William Hilbert

From combined reports by Jim Gavin and Jim Bard of Region 7, and Kevin McCarthy, national lecturer.

On Saturday, February 8, 1997 a True Family Festival was held at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the village of Porcupine, South Dakota. Members of the Lakota Indian Gray Eagle Society very warmly and positively responded to the True Family Festival and Marriage Blessing.

The all day program was broadcast by live radio to four Indian Reservations in South Dakota within a 150 mile radius of Porcupine.

Thirteen couples and eight widows with pictures of their husbands received the marriage Blessing. Many of the couples were elder respected couples who have many children and grandchildren who they will invite to the next TFF on March 15.

The Dakota Sioux Indians are a very renowned tribe with a very rich and deep spiritual tradition. They, like most Native Americans, also have suffered much hardship and pain.

The Dakota Sioux are probably best known as the tribe which suffered the massacre at Wounded Knee (South Dakota) in 1890 in which over 200 men, women and children were massacred by federal troops in the last recorded battle between Native Americans and the government.

In recent history, the Dakota Sioux have been at the forefront of the Indian rights movement. They have seen the traditional ways passing away and its place the rise of alcoholism and drug use. Among the greatest concerns of the elders is the situation of the youth, the breakdown of the family.

This concern brought three of their top leaders to the True Family Values Conference in December. These three leaders have since received the blessing at the True Family Festival in Los Angeles. Chief Red Cloud, Rev. Rene Mills and Elaine Quiver and their spouses are the key leaders of the Dakota Sioux Tribe.

Rev. Kevin McCarthy came from Washington, DC and gave two lectures about the history of God's Providence and the meaning of the Blessing.

Rev. Mills was the MC and he invited many important elders to come and share about their concerns for the family. Many important leaders, considered Chiefs among the people, shared very deeply about their concerns and support of the True Family Festival.

The officiating couples were all blessed in December of 1996. They were: Oliver and Izabell Red Cloud, one Chief of the Lakota people: Charles and Elaine Quiver. Elaine is the President of the Gray Eagle Society; and Rev. Rene and Verola Mills. Rene Mills, Elaine Quiver and Jim Gavin were the chief organizers of the event.

Jim Gavin was the Emcee for the Blessing and 16 other members came to support the program.

Throughout the day the Porcupine Singing and Drum group provided beautiful, spiritually rich, dramatic music. They were led by the Tribal councilman of the Porcupine District. Many important leaders, considered Chiefs among the people, shared very deeply about their concerns and support of the True Family Festival.

Rev. Cecil Wenton, a Presbyterian Pastor, and his wife participated in the Festival and said they would bring members of their congregation to the next Blessing. Emerson Spider, chief priest of the Native American Indian Church, and his wife Elizabeth were both very moved by their experience. Emerson gave a beautiful testimony of their love, courtship and family life and how grateful he is to receive the marriage Blessing. Former President of the Lakota Sioux Tribe, Johnson Holy Rock, spoke and encouraged everyone at the meeting, to receive this Marriage Blessing.