Boston Globe's Defense

TO: Matthew V. Storin Editor, The Boston Globe
FROM: Peter D. Ross
RE: Your Respone
DATE: February 6, 1997

While I was pleased to learn that you had discussed my criticisms of the Boston Globe's recent promotion of Steve Hassan with "relevant editors", I am displeased by the defensive posture you have chosen to adopt. In response to the conclusions you have reached, I respectfully submit these responses to two of your written statements:

1. "I understand your concern about the term 'Moonies.'"

No, Mr. Storin, you do not understand my concern about the term "Moonies." You have not understood it in the past, you did not understand it when I made available to you pertinent materials, and you still do not get it.

Nevertheless in an apparent effort to live with whatever fleeting qualms of conscience you might now have for the repugnance of your editor's decision to exploit this term, you stated: "it has been commonly used in U.S. publications for a number of years." For my part, I continue to teach my four children that two or more wrongs will never make a right. If your editorial staff had read the materials I had submitted they could have informed you that a bigoted and hostile press first coined the term "Moonie" and then subsequently sanctioned its promiscuous use. Our sincere efforts to stanch the harm caused to our lives and the lives of our families have in recent years prevailed. Had you taken the time to read the materials I had submitted to your staff, you would have noted that the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, ABC News, Nightline, Reuters, Oxford University Press, as well the New York City Commission on Human Rights and the New York Civil Rights Coalition have recognized our plight and have taken a moral and professional position to do their part and stamp out the licentious use of this epithet. Moreover, I have an entire file drawer of letters from many other sources affirming the same. Where does this place the Boston Globe? You and your staff are out of step with media and civil rights organizations like these. You and your staff have chosen to keep the Boston Globe in the dark ages of bigotry. Moreover, it is chilling for me to read in your letter the implication that you arrogantly retain the prerogative to use this term whenever you or your editors deem fit in future reports.

I will note for the record that in my recent phone conversation with Ms. Wilkinson she at least made genuine effort to appreciate the pain caused to our community by the intentional and conscious decision on the part of the Globe to use this term for its own purposes. But please, Mr. Storin, do not write to me with patronizing or condescending sentiments claiming that you understand my plight and the anguish and pain of my community. You do not.

2. "We feel the piece was carefully reported."

I do not harbor any personal offense at the fact that you could only make such a statement having summarily dismissed my five essential criticisms of John Koch's journalism in this particular article. But the fact remains, this was not an example of true or good journalism. It will garner no commendations nor win professional accolades.

Rather, it will be remembered as an infamy. I am confident that in the days to come when less-blinkered reviewers consider all the circumstances and the contents of this pretense, they will not reach the same decision as your own. It is indeed tragic that a journalist and editor of your stature has to vainly hide behind trite and banal references to responsible standards of journalism while defending this article. Was it really worthy of so great a professional compromise? Again, there is an icy silence in your letter, for there is not an iota of regret or professional accountability expressed.

In conclusion, Mr. Storin, both the fact that the Globe published such an article and that you yourself have gone on record in the manner of your letter, are proof positive of a real and deeper issue. It is my contention that there is a malignant prejudice that corrupts the reportage of the Boston Globe when it comes to the Founder of our Church, our Church as an institution, and ourselves as a people. The Globe perpetuates and propagates a culture of contempt towards us. And why? What have we done to you, the Globe, or even to society that deserves such disdain and mockery? Is it because we are religious or of a religion different from your own? Is it because our Church was founded in Asia? Whatever answer you may find after examining your soul, my own experience of racism and bigotry is that there is never really a rational explanation for either. Rather, as Melville wrote, "Ignorance is the parent of fear." In this matter, you were presented with an opportunity to responsibly liberate us and yourself from the ill-effects of such a culture. You missed this opportunity. I pray you will not squander the next one.

In the meantime, I will pass on your letter to Church officials and to our community. I will also speak with Mark Jurkowitz. As to your invitation to write a Letter to the Editor or your non-suggestion that I take my chances and submit an op-ed piece to David Greenway, I say: "No thanks."

cc: Ms. Mary Jane Wilkinson, Assistant Managing Editor/Features

cc: Mr. Mark Jurkowitz, Ombudsman

Attack on Religious Liberty

The season for religious liberty has once again come. It brings fresh hopes for greater religious acceptance and an end to the previous winter of oppression and persecution. The U.S. State Department's recently published annual report on human rights cited several countries for having committed violations of religious rights. Among others, China was cited for its persecution of Catholics while Germany was cited for having intimidated and harassed the Church of Scientology. The United Nations too has shown increasing concern over the plight of those who suffer because of their religious beliefs. The plague of church burnings in America has been halted. With the demise of the Cult Awareness Network, the American media has lost its agent provocateur for cyclically publishing accounts of those claiming to have spent months with aliens from outer space who did to them what was done to Pierce Brosnan and Sarah Jessica Parker (?) in Mars Attack.

But while religion can begin to bathe in ever-warming suns, religious bigotry takes more than a season of good-will to weed out and toss on the chaff pile. It knows no season and merely suspends activity until like a parasite, it finds its next host. Having returned from Brazil last fall with an exotic tick on board (just below my ever- disappearing navel), I know the concern for all the potential maladies one wee tick can wreak.

For older members of our community in America, the name Steve Hassan resonates with images of a tick. Like all parasites, the tick - or in this case Steve - has no life without the host. Waiting in the grass for a potential host to pass by, he affixes himself, gorges himself, then falls away bloated. And Steve's preferred host is a compliant journalist or a TV hostess. And so this month we want to bring to your attention a recent report published in the Boston Globe. Our purpose in doing so is not to draw more attention than is needed to the tick but to expose the conduct of the host.

Of concern here is the serious misconduct of Boston's pre-eminent daily newspaper. Of even greater concern is what was exposed of the Globe's propagation and perpetuation of a culture of contempt towards the Founder, our Church, and our entire community, by the most senior members of its editorial staff. To expose, protest, and redress this culture of contempt is the purpose for bringing this matter to your attention. It is one thing for the small-minded individual bigots of this world to vent their stuff. It is an entirely different matter when institutions of society - government, academia, religion, the theater, the media - grant license to such bigotry. Events of the past few years alone show us that our society does have troubled souls who need little or no provocation to react angrily and resentfully to their own bitter life experiences and wreak real and tragic harm to others in reprisal. We ourselves have witnessed the bombing of our Church center in France when the government conducted one of its witch hunts. We have seen the destruction of our Church center in Brazil after the media had incited the mob. We have seen the desecration of our most cherished rite - the Blessing - by government agents in the Philippines. Closer to home we have seen church property burned to the ground just a few hours from New York City when associates of groups like the American Family Foundation turned a zoning meeting into a three-ringed circus of malevolence. We have learned of a pregnant mother kicked and stomped in Manhattan while her assailant shouted "Moonie."

It is our obligation to protest when influential newspapers like the Boston Globe betray standards of responsible, fair and objective reportage and repeatedly subject our Church, our Founder, and our community to contempt thereby exposing us to foreseeable risk of harm.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Our task then is to do more than merely protest. We must educate with the truth those who are ignorant and afraid and we must strive to dispel reckless stupidity with reason and civility. Please carefully review these materials and responsibly support our endeavors. To restore does not mean to ignore.

Boston Globe - Bashing Hassan

Subj: Boston bashing
Date: Mon, Feb 10, 1997 1:14 PM EST
X-From: (Peter D. Ross)


Hi Richard:

We must conclude our review of the Globe with a "Call to Civil Action." An introduction to whatand how is necessary. This should be printed in an appropriate place in this extraordinary supplement to the UNEW after they have read all the materials.

After folks read the material we do want them to be primred and ready to storm the Bastile. But as you and I know, in our beloved community we have a wide range of dappled characters and so we have to shepherd them wisely!

And so my thoughts are:


We invite you to act in order to protest this unwarranted attack. Moreover, as a community we must act together and expose the culture of contempt that is propagated by the Boston Globe. In addition, please invite your friends, neighbors, and family to do likewise.

We invite you to write to the 3 parties listed below. Steve Hassan is NOT one - please do not waste your time. Poor Steve is not the object of our concern but the decisions and actions of the Boston Globe are. Please be brief in content and civil in tone and the two main issues that need to be expressly referenced are:

A. To protest the Globe's conscious and deliberate decision to refer to us with epithets.

B. To protest the violation of our civil rights by the Globe and the perpetuation by the Globe of a culture of contempt that will foreseeably cause the violation of our civil rights by others.

Your correspondence should be forwarded to all 3 of the following:

(i) Mr. Richard Cole, A.A.G. Office of the Attorney General Civil Rights Division 1 Ashburton Place, 19th floor Boston, MA 02108

(ii) Victoria L. Williams Office of Civil Rights 1 City Hall Plaza, Room #966 Boston, MA 02201

(iii) William O. Taylor Publisher, Boston Globe 135 Morrissey Boulevard Boston, MA 02107-2378 Richard, these names/addresses can be placed in separate boxes or otherwise clearly delineated in an appropriate place after folks have read everything else! Thanks.

Before the Boston Globe Published the Hassan Article

This is the correspondence Peter Ross had with the Boston Globe before the article was published.

TO: John Koch, The Boston Globe
FROM: Peter D. Ross
DATE: January 9, 1997

I appreciate that you called to confirm you are writing a profile on Steve Hassan-his life, his book, and his activities. You did tell me that the impetus to do so was because someone-and I assume it was Mr. Hassan himself or his publicist-sent you a copy of Mr. Hassan's book. I can reasonably deduce that Mr. Hassan's book was forwarded to you for this very purpose. I cannot entirely know the criteria by which you then deemed Mr. Hassan and his book worthy of mention in the Globe. However you stated that the issues raised in his book were factors as was the fact that Mr. Hassan has garnered a certain public notoriety through his appearances on national television. I appreciate your invitation to submit my perspective on Mr. Hassan for your reference and while you encouraged me to be "pithy" I will endeavor to do my best. In this regard, I thought it best to confine my comments to three areas: Mr. Hassan's theories about "mind control"; his illicit activities; and the nature of his association with the Unification Church.

Repeatedly Repudiated

Mr. Hassan is not an innovator or a new-thinker in propounding his theories about "mind control." Harvey Cox has stated that the allegation of brainwashing and mind control in this context is simply "a more psychologically acceptable way of expressing what was expressed previously in other ways. The brainwashing version of the evil eye myth holds that 'these people' are the victims of prophets, spell-binders, witches, or hypnotists." Hassan's theories are otherwise almost entirely derived from the work of two discredited scientists: psychologist Dr. Margaret Singer (University of California) and sociologist Dr. Richard Ofshe (University of California). Mr. Hassan also refers to Dr. Robert Lifton's book, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. This work examined the techniques practiced by the Chinese Communists to politically indoctrinate their POW captives in an effort to alter their political beliefs. It is a real stretch to apply such theories to religious conversion.

The theories advanced by Drs. Singer, Ofshe, and Mr. Hassan have been consistently repudiated by the Federal Courts, the established scientific community in America, and the established religious community in America. Hassan's theories can best be characterized as "junk science."

* The Federal Court decision in U.S. v Fishman (San Francisco, 1990) not only repudiated the theories of "mind control" as advocated by Hassan and his ilk, but the court refused to recognize its proponents as acceptable expert witnesses.

* These same theories of "mind control" have been rejected by the American Sociological Society and the American Psychological Society as "negative value judgments in scientific garb." These pre-eminent organizations advocated this position in an amicus brief filed in Molko, Leal v HSA-UWC. Not only did these professional organizations reject the conclusions of their errant colleagues, they went further and stated that the very methodology relied upon to support such theories have "been repudiated by the scientific community."

* In a brief filed in the same case by the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC), Americans United For Separation of Church and State, The American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., and The Southern California Ecumenical Council, the religious community repudiated the notion of "mind control" as an "attempt to reduce conversion to a psychological pathology." These groups attacked the theories of mind control and brainwashing as "pejorative characterizations of religious conversion proffered in the guise of scientific objectivity."

It is interesting to note that when Steve Hassan gave a presentation on deprogramming and exit counseling to Russian scholars in Moscow a couple of years ago, these scholars noted that what he was advocating was what the KGB had tried to do to them for years!

Brief Association

Mr. Hassan was in the Church for only two years before being forced to sever his relationship with the Church by his family. There is no mention in his book of him ever making a clear decision to join or indeed to leave. At best, he was a mere trainee, someone who had a significant experience during a brief association.

* Mr. Hassan claims in his book and public utterances he was deceived, that he was never told he had unwittingly become involved with the Unification Church. This is not true. Rev. Wayne Miller, who until recently was the Director of the Manhattan Unification Church, taught Hassan his first introductory lectures on the Divine Principle. Wayne has signed an Affidavit stating that Hassan was told before his first lecture that what he was about to hear were the teachings of the Unification Church of the Reverend Moon.

*Mr. Hassan claims that he quickly rose to the ranks of being a top leader in the Church with ready access to the Founder. This is also false. He never ascended higher in the ranks of the Unification Church than a young trainee in a small Church center in Queens. The President of the American Unification Church at that time has previously made a sworn statement that Mr. Hassan was never an assistant director of the Unification Church at national headquarters or a director of the Church's student organization, CARP, at Queens College, nor did he hold any other official position.

* Mr. Hassan has used a series of personal notes, referred to as "Master Speaks," to ridicule and misrepresent the teachings of the Church and its Founder. Mr. Hassan has been repeatedly challenged by the Church for his intentional misrepresentation and mischaracterization of these materials. What Mr. Hassan refers to as literal and verbatim "translations" have been reviewed by linguistic experts and determined to be simultaneous paraphrases of what the "translator" believed Reverend Moon to have stated. Hardly definitive. Recently Mr. Hassan removed these materials from his Home Page when challenged by the Church.

* As a former associate of the Church, particularly one coerced to sever his affiliation, Mr. Hassan's public and inflammatory claims about his experience with the Church can most accurately be characterized as "apostate atrocity tales." Throughout the history of religious bigotry false, exaggerated, and incredulous stories have been disseminated to evoke fear, hysteria, and hatred of new and persecuted religious communities. Similar to many other victims of coercive faith-breaking, Hassan went on to become a self-proclaimed "expert" on the Unification Church. While many people join the Church everyday throughout the world and others leave for all sorts of reasons and get on with their lives, Mr. Hassan has make his apostasy a career and his primary source of income. Whatever the true nature of his inability to forget and leave the Church behind, he has no legitimate justification for a twenty-year vendetta against the Church. As the Eagles sing: "Get Over It!"

* Mr. Hassan's ill-will towards the Unification community is evident in his persistent use of the pejorative term "Moonies." This term was first coined by hostile detractors of the Church who knew full well the impact of the suffix "ie" and its informal, disrespectful, and derogatory register. After an effective effort to sensitize the public of its dehumanizing and harmful effects, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, ABC News, Nightline, Reuters, Oxford Publishing Company, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the New York Civil Rights Coalition among others, have all affirmed the pejorative and unacceptable use of this epithet. Though having been so notified, Mr. Hassan continues to perpetuate the term for his own designs.

Unlawful Activities

Soon after his own coerced renunciation of the Unification Church, Mr. Hassan was an active participant in abusive and unlawful "deprogrammings." The Unification Church legal office has sworn statements from two Unificationists, both of whom incriminate Steve Hassan in their unlawful imprisonment and abusive attempted faith- breaking. One, is that of Arthur Roselle who has stated in his affidavit that he was kidnapped, beaten, held against his will, and treated like a prisoner of war at the hands of violent captors. Mr. Hassan was an active participant. In an attempt several years ago to clean up his past, Hassan asked Arthur Roselle to commit perjury and renounce his former affidavit. By doing so, he not only re-opened an otherwise dated incident, but he has increased his criminal culpability by soliciting another to commit perjury and by his attempts to obstruct justice. And why? So he can try and fool the public that he is a good guy, just trying to help people out.

In the words of John Sweeney, former president of Citizens Freedom Foundation (one of many defunct "anti-cult" groups) Steve Hassan "is really greedy." According to Sweeney, Hassan claims to be able to walk into a room and freeze a cult member by looking him/her in the eye and to then get the person to follow him! Hassan is happy to charge thousands for his work, according to Jeremiah Gutman, New York attorney and former president of the ACLU.

Does Television Legitimize?

For all of my statements above, I have clear and irrefutable evidence. And so perhaps you may ask, if all of this is so, why has Hassan appeared on such programs as Nightline ? Incidentally, on Nightline, he went off and unilaterally attacked Arianna Huffington for allegedly belonging to one of Steve's 2,500 cults (ask him to name them all!), spent time railing against Jehovah's Witnesses, and then in his usual chicken-little mode warned a shocked Ted Koppel that we are all vulnerable!! As we say in Ireland: "you can only bring Steve somewhere twice and the second time to apologize."

I do not believe that his 15 minutes of fame legitimizes him, his theories, or his activities. His public-speaking programs consistently attract the smallest of audiences. His appearances on radio, television, and in tabloid magazines, perhaps say more about the contemporary premium placed on entertainment by these media forms. It certainly should never be interpreted as a measure of the credibility and legitimacy of who Mr. Hassan is and what he does. For he is far too easy to caricature: a nattering nabob of negativism; a quack dispenser of snake oil; a jester who is animated by the click of a television light; a congenital liar who hasn't met a tool of false propaganda he couldn't use; and the chicken-little of those who feel that new religions are to be feared. But don't take my word for it. As

I mentioned, John, there are objective and eminent authorities who can also provide you with a less irreverent account of Mr. Hassan. I mention two:

1. Marvin Bordelon, Executive Director, American Conference on Religious Movements. Telephone: (301)770-2821.

2. Dr. Gordon Melton, Director, Institute of American Religion. Telephone: (805)967-2669

While I am satisfied that you use any of this material, either paraphrased or as a direct quote, I do ask for the opportunity to respond to any particular allegation Mr. Hassan may make about the Unification Church, its Founder and members, that is not covered in these materials.

Again, I can only wonder why it is you deem it fit to extend the imprimatur of The Boston Globe to further serve Mr. Hassan's penchant for self-promotion. I recognize that the debate about "cults" in religion raises many issues. None however are novel or unique and the lessons of history can assist in their resolution. The bonafide scholastic community has consistently refuted the rantings and ravings of hate-mongers who attempt to debase the dialogue. The religious community has been unequivocal in their condemnation of the activities of Hassan and his ilk. So too should the press critically examine the claims and objectives of sloganeers and night-riders, like Mr. Hassan, who serve no other objective than to undermine the democratic, constitutional and civic protections afforded religion.

Follow up

TO: John Koch, The Boston Globe
FROM: Peter D. Ross
DATE: January 13, 1997

I want to remind you of my invitation to you to interview those who have suffered personal injury as a direct consequence of Steve Hassan's illicit activities. I was prompted to first make this suggestion by way of a voice-mail to you last Friday for two reasons:

1. Your statement to me that you have spoken with people in the Boston area who appreciate Mr. Hassan's work. Whatever their personal experience, it is fair to suggest that you speak with those who have a contrary personal experience.

2. Your characterization of some of my previously-submitted comments regarding Mr. Hassan as "ad hominem." I will not apologize for my comments nor indeed defend myself further by claiming moral justification - "he has spoken falsely about an entire community for twenty-plus years and therefore I can say such-and-such." No, my defense is the facts and a reasoned interpretation of those facts, for an "ad hominem attack" normally refers to an unbridled personal attack that is not otherwise grounded in reason. Mr. Hassan's personal and professional character deficiencies are manifested in his public utterances, published writings, and abusive activities. They are discernible to those who dare to exclaim that the emperor has no clothes!

Absolute Sex - Exploring Its Meaning

This is based on the sermon given by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak at Belvedere on February 1, 1997

Last year, True Father gave his now-famous sermon, "In Search of the Origin of the Universe." This speech has been advertised in newspapers in every state across North America. Also, in 1996 this speech was given at Inauguration ceremonies for the Family Federation for World Peace in 185 nations throughout the world. True Father, True Mother and Leaders, announced this message to the world.

Many good responses came. For instance, I am National Messiah of Switzerland. On November 8, 1996, in Geneva, Switzerland at the Inauguration of the Family Federation for World Peace, I read this message.

One particular ambassador, whose son and daughter attended this speech, was taken a written copy. When the ambassador read this powerful speech, he called our church center in Geneva and testified that it had effected a change in his life. He was very impressed. This is how meaningful this message is.

But in contrast, recently we have been printing this speech in many newspapers, but journalists and media people do not grasp the content of the speech. The key point of the speech "In Search of the Origin of the Universe" is "absolute sex." This morning, we want to explore the meaning of "absolute sex." Father said this is his ultimate, perfect truth-- absolute sex.

We know we will be asked of the media, the ministers and others "what is the meaning of absolute sex?" Why? Because when we open the dictionary or encyclopedia we cannot find these words, absolute sex! What is absolute sex? Father has created completely new words. So if they ask us "what is the meaning of absolute sex?" we need to have some better understanding of its meaning. True Father said absolute sex is the First Article of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This week, standing in True Parents position, I officiated at a True Family Values Festival for 50 ministers in Chicago. As I gave the officiator's address at this event, I told the ministers "after today, you must practice absolute sex. If you do not follow absolute sex, this ceremony has no meaning. You will lose this Blessing. Can you promise to practice this?" I asked them. "Yes," they said. The wives were so happy. In this kind of practice, husbands and wives can relax when their spouses are away. They do not have to always worry. Very wonderful.

Actually, Father taught absolute sex in many, many different ways, on different occasions and at every opportunity. So I always remembered this and tried to understand and organize these explanations of "What is the meaning of absolute sex?" This is Father's teaching so we have to understand.

Who is God? God is the Creator. God is the Parent of us, His children. But God is invisible. We cannot see God. However, God needs love. In order to practice love, He needs partnership. Why does God need love? Because He hates loneliness! Do you like loneliness? Of course you don't. He needs someone to have the emotion of give and take love with. And then He can have the feeling of joy and satisfaction. God needs a partner. Love cannot be practiced alone.

The root of True Love is God. The owner of True Love is God. Because He needed partnership, He first created all the cosmos. The cosmos has two parts--the visible world and the invisible world. This visible

cosmos is substantial and material. God created all this. He used material to create Adam and Eve, subject and object. This subject and object, this Adam and Eve then become God's partnership. This is the purpose of God's creation.

However, this purpose of God's creation is not fulfilled. Humankind completely lost God. Some people cannot even believe in God. Some even say He does not exist. Others say God may be dead. Many, many theses have been written about God. If we look at the Old Testament, we find that God appears "symbolically." That is, the sun is the symbol of man, the moon is the symbol of woman, symbols of masculinity and femininity, and so forth. And dual characteristics such as light and shadow, and cold and hot; in every sense all these cosmic dual characteristics exist, don't you agree? We can see God in all these many ways.

In the New Testament age, the visible God came in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus, the begotten son of God. He himself was the masculine image of God but Jesus could not succeed in bringing the feminine image of God. So he brought the 'spiritual' feminine image of God, the Holy Spirit. The disciple Thomas asked Jesus Christ, "can you show me God? You always talk about God but I cannot believe because I cannot see God." Jesus said, "what are you saying, you have seen me so you have also seen God." Jesus meant that his body, his image, was a copy of his father, God, a partner.

If Jesus, in the New Testament, had found his spouse, his feminine counterpart, he would have made his True Family, then the Living God would have come down vertically, 90 degrees, and dwelled with that family. The most important purpose of creation of humankind is: God needs a substantial image of Himself. He needs a substantial physical body. Because God is spirit, an invisible Being, he wants to pour His spirit into a substantial body where He can dwell and have give and take of love. This is the purpose of creation.

Jesus Christ and his spouse would have fulfilled this purpose. This would have been Second Adam and Eve fulfilling the original purpose. So True Parents have come in Third Adam and Eve position, coming for Second Advent. Most important, God wants to dwell with us. Through our True Parents, we can be engrafted and born again as children of the Third Adam, the True Parents; we can receive the Blessing; and become true children of the true family. God wants to dwell inside of the Third Adam, and then all people. Where? Within sexual love, in give and take of sexual love. That is where God wants to dwell. That is the most intimate, most close place.

Which is good--husband and wife just looking at each other for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, even a whole lifetime? Or having close, intimate relationship? Of course we want to have close intimacy. So in this Completed Testament Era, the most important requirement is absolute sex.

From the vastness of the cosmos, the essence of all things went into the creation of Adam and Eve, down to their utmost holy place, the sexual organs. First Adam, Second, Third Adam came, but that is not good enough. It takes two representatives, the substantial masculinity and femininity of God, centered on True Love, in closeness--I in you and you in me--kind of closeness that is essential. This love, if husband and wife are really having this kind of give and take love, this kind of ecstasy, makes the world move, don't you think so? This is true sexual relationship, holy sexual relationship.

God doesn't want to dwell in the blue sky; God doesn't want to dwell in some house somewhere, do you understand? But God wants to dwell in the most intimate place of human beings. For that we need absolute sex, absolute masculine sex, absolute feminine sex. These two sexes,

centered on God and True Love and give and take. This is fantastic eschatology, this emotional wonderful part where God wants to dwell.

This part [pointing to the board] is the cosmos, this part is the human being.

This part is absolute sex. So who has sex? Man and woman, right? How do we distinguish which is man and which is woman? Is it because man wears a necktie that we know it is a man? Or maybe because man has short hair and woman has long hair? But today, men have long hair too. And men are also wearing earrings, and even their voice is sometimes feminine. And women now are using very short hairstyles, unisex. In this world now we can't distinguish who is man and who is woman! So the way we distinguish is through the sexual organ.

The conclusion is: God created man and woman to practice love. Most important is this part, this sexual organ, to have sexual relationship. Man and woman, yang and yin, subject and object. Sexual organs are convex and concave. Hyungsang and Sungsang. And why did God create all of this? For absolute sex and absolute sexual relationship. Who is the owner of this absolute sex, and sexual organs? God is owner. And God is owner of partnership.

Why did God create these dual characteristics and parts? Because our original parent, God, exists by dual characteristics. So in this sense, does God have a mind and body or not? God is invisible but He also has mind and body, don't you think? God is an emotional God or unemotional God? He is sometimes angry, sometimes sad. In the Bible we read where He is sometimes disappointed and upset. Sometimes He is very happy too. In the beginning when He created Heaven and Earth, one day, after His hard work in creating, God said "it is so good, I am so happy." He is a very emotional God; He has a mind. Also He has a body.

Humankind and all the cosmos is a copy of God's nature and formed of God's nature. Does God have a sexual organ or not? God also has a sexual organ. God is invisible but he has a mind part and a body part, with a sexual organ. It is clear. So as a copy of this, humankind came out in the form of man and in the form of woman, with sexual parts, where God comes down to dwell together with us.

Think about it. As human beings we have emotion, intellect and will. This is important. Through our intellect, our brain part, we understand things. To have strong determination, which part do we use? Our Will. But the most sensitive emotional part is which part? Our sexual organ. People think of the brain as being the most important part. No. To create the sexual organs, God really invested all His energy, all His techniques. The brain is very important but if we did not have the sexual organs, human beings could not multiply, and generation after generation would not exist. Also, without this part, God's purpose of creation, give and take of love, is impossible. Love is the most important, most valuable thing.

If we think vertically, God is subject and we are object partnership. In this sense, Adam and Eve were partners to God. God is the symbol of masculinity; we call Him Heavenly Father, not Heavenly Mother. God needed a feminine partner who was Eve. Wonderful. God created Eve last. Most beautiful of creation, most creative climax was woman, not man. Woman is symbol of beauty. Man is symbol of muscle, ugly muscle (laughter). Woman is symbol of beauty and peace--Women's Federation for World Peace. Now a new culture is coming, woman's culture. Now even computer and other technology being developed is so sensitive-- like woman's character. What is the meaning of marriage? What is marriage? Two absolute sex

objects--masculine absolute sex and feminine absolute sex. These two become officially one, under God's blessing and permission, This is the meaning of marriage. Walking down the aisle to the wedding music is only the beginning of marriage. But it is when the two go together to the marriage bed that it becomes a real marriage. When we enter into sexual life, we need passion and desire (eros), but because of today's fallen world, people, even religious people, think passion is like a fallen act, or something not to be entered into. Many become priests and nuns.

Actually, what we think of as carnal desire or eroticism, is rightful, but these have been misused since the fall of man. Without these emotions, we cannot begin married life, sexual life. And without these, God's substantial love cannot exist on Earth. God would not have a dwelling place. Also, without this passion, this erotic sexual life, multiplication could not come about. Sons and daughters could not come into existence.

Without the four realms of heart, we cannot understand God's love and also we cannot perfect love. If we do not have our children and descendants, we cannot become a second visible God. God is the original God, we are the second creators, and become the children of God. For that we need to receive God's character of creativity. How do we create? Actually, we can make this kind of microphone I am using now, or this kind of podium I am standing behind, or we build houses, everything. All wonderful things, But the most important creating we do is our children. Multiplication. Then we become truly the creator God.

We have two kinds of love--we have spiritual love with our spiritual body and we have physical love with our physical body. Man has a physical body and a spiritual body, and woman has a physical body and a spiritual body. Our spirits must love one another, and through our physical sexual parts we must love each other. This way we can make the perfect love. We can do that. God can really come down and dwell with us. We become completely one.

Why is marriage important through this absolute sexual life? Through this sexual life we can truly understand the deep feelings of love and understand and have the experience of True Love. Sexual love is necessary for energy. We need this energy. Through this energy we become one. Through this energy our two different lineages can merge. Husband's lineage, wife's lineage mingle and from that comes a copy of the two, the second generation. How about interracial couples? From that mingled lineage comes mingled character as well as color. Wonderful. In our children, the father's character comes out, mother's character comes out. If in our blessed families the husband is good Abel character, this will be inherited by second generation. And if the wife is good Abel-type character, second generation will be even more wonderful Good and heroic persons will come forth. On the contrary, in the satanic world, husband's Cain-type character and wife's Cain-type character produces bad children. Entirely different.

First, let us think about what absolute sexual organ means. What is it's purpose. Absolute sexual organ means absolute sex. God really created this sexual organ using more of His energy than on any other part. All of His abilities were poured into the creation of the sexual organ. We have to understand this. In the human body, as man and woman have give and take of sexual love, then comes multiplication of descendants. This new life coming out. Through which part does it come? Through the nose? Mucus comes out the nose. Ears? No, wax. Mouth? Only saliva. Life can come out only through the sexual organ. Through our brain we can make robots. But can a robot make a baby? No. Even after 1,000 years of development, impossible. Man may try different means, but there is only one way to make the baby. Anything else is only destructive. So this sexual part is most important.

Consider the distinction between man and woman. Who can know which is masculine or feminine? Only through the sexual part can this distinction be made. Where does God dwell--in our brain? No, in our sexual organ. The Origin of the Universe is the sexual organ.

The substantial experience and feeling and understanding of love is through this sexual organ is love. Father said the sexual organ is the Palace of Love. True life, true love, true lineage comes through the sexual organ. Without the sexual organ, we cannot find true life, true love, true lineage. The Palace is the living palace for a King and Queen, the most noble, most holy palace, the holy of holies.

Father said something so interesting. Father said the sexual organ is the "magic box between Heaven and Earth." This is true. For instance, man and woman can spend one night together and a baby can be born! That's a magic box. In Korean, we say, cho hwa tong, meaning magic box. A magician pulls everything out of a magic box! That is the best expression!

Father said this absolute sex is more important than God, more important than husband and wife, more important even than children. Without this part, no love exists, no lineage exists, no children exist. Even husband and wife would be like two sticks touching. No feeling, nothing, not becoming one. So only through absolute sex can come true love. We say God's love is almighty, love is the most high value, but now we say absolute sex is most valuable.

The sexual organ is the starting place of the Kingdom of Heaven. What is the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Hell? Centered on Satan, Adam and Eve got the children, family, tribe, nation and world--this is the Kingdom of Hell. These children came from where? Adam and Eve's sexual organ, sexual life. The Kingdom of Heaven is centered on God. From absolute give and take sexual life comes family, tribe, nation, world and cosmos. This is the Kingdom of Heaven. So good or children and bad children come out from the sexual organ. Beautiful children, ugly children come out from which place? The magic box!

True Father is truly the Messiah. Who knew all this before in human history? Only he knew. So the starting point of the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven and on Earth is where? With these two, Adam and Eve. These two sexual parts of give and take come out as Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of Hell? So good or bad comes out through sexual organ. Patriots or traitors come. Peter and Judas came out these same sexual parts. One went the good way, one became betrayed Jesus. In conclusion, we know that good sexual parts produce good children, bad sexual parts produce bad children. Absolute sex brings absolute good people.

Sexual organs have form, are visible. Then multiplication comes through give and take love. This is the purpose of the sexual organ. Father said sexual organs' use is to be only 90 degrees. That means if husband and wife are one, then it is 90 degrees. But in today's world, a may husband goes 91 degrees by getting another woman besides his wife, and then 92 degrees, and so on up to 365 degrees. However, only 90 degrees in one direction is allowable. This is a problem for men and women, different mates.

God said the Tree of Life symbolized Adam, woman is symbolized by the Tree of Good and Evil. That is so meaningful. Because if Eve had used her sexual organ in the right way, good babies would have come. Wrong use brought bad children. If used well, good results come. If used the wrong way, bad results come. Adam and Eve both used their sexual organs in the wrong way.

Into the holy of holies, only the high priest went once a year. If all the people went into the holy of holies, what would happen? They would die. If we read in the Bible Hebrews 9:7, St. Paul said only the high priest could go into the holy of holies one time a year. Other people could not. That means regarding the sexual organs, only permitted person can go in. Who has the key to the sexual organ? The husband has the key to the wife's sexual organ and wife has the key to the husband's sexual organ. No one else is permitted.

Who has ownership of sexual organs. The husband has ownership of his wife's sexual organ and the wife has ownership of her husband's sexual organ. Without permission no one else can go in.

Finally, God is eternal, unchanging, unique and absolute. Love is also eternal, unchanging, unique and absolute. Sexual organ is also eternal, unchanging, unique and absolute. So True Father said only absolute sex now.

The Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of Hell starts with the sexual organ. Right now, we have bad, polluted sexual organs so we need to have pure, clean sexual organs. We need to be born again. Reborn. Who can enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Those who practice absolute sex, absolute love; absolute couples, absolute family, only this kind of people can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Spiritually, we know love, physical, substantial absolute sexual love is the most important condition to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, so Father said Absolute Sex is the First Article of the Constitution of God. Now we realize. Father has said all this in so many different ways, so as I examined and organized all of Father's words, I came to understand more clearly.

The meaning of all this is: absolute man and absolute woman and absolute love and absolute sexual love, in these areas God is dwelling. With all this completed, we have finished our life on Earth and then we follow this pattern to the spiritual world. That is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven.

Is the Kingdom of Heaven full or empty? Empty. No one has entered. Not even Jesus Christ. He brought absolute sex, but he didn't have absolute sexual life; he could not experience absolute love so Jesus had to stay in Paradise. He needs to come back and find his physical, substantial partnership. his true spouse. Then he can have a true family and experience absolute sex, absolute true love. Then he goes to the Kingdom of Heaven. In this physical life, we are so lucky to receive God's Blessing.

The Messiah, Christ, True Father, True Mother, True Parents, what is their purpose of coming to the Earth? John's revelation, chapter 19, v. 7 speaks of the coming Marriage of the Lamb. Even Christians could not explain. They said, "Marriage of the Lamb means the bride is Christianity." It's true that the Christian church is the bride, but most important is the coming of this Third Adam, second Messiah, True Father. He is looking for True Mother, his spouse, true wife, true bride. And then the wedding ceremony, and then the cosmic holy wedding. In 1960 the Holy Wedding was in Korea. That was the first appearance. The appearance of the Messiah means God's substantial absolute sex appears. First time in human history. Absolute pure and holy, God's substantial sexual organ. Man's organ, woman's organ, the Messiah and his Bride, they become the model of absolute sex. Model of absolute sexual love life.

I was in the 430 Couple Blessing. At that time, I was a church leader in the countryside. Father came with Mother to my region. Father called all the blessed couples of the 430 Blessing. We were in the 40- day separation period. Father sat down with us and taught us about husband-wife sexual

relationship. Honestly, at that time I so appreciated Father. I thought, he is truly my father, truly my mother. So close a feeling. Without his physical children, how could Father and Mother teach this most deep secret of human life? Most deep secret of human life he gave to me. That meant he was truly my parents. Even my physical parents didn't teach me this way. But True Father did. I remember deeply, tearfully appreciating Father.

So if we can be born again, change the blood lineage, then we pass the absolute sex taught by True Parents. We need to receive absolute sex partner, absolute sexual life, absolute sexual love which we inherit from True Parents.

Wow! Wonderful! If you truly understand this meaning, then you will be jumping and dancing. We are such lucky people.

What is absolute sex? Father said "all my love (mong ddang nae sa rang )." God most likes absolute sex. First Article of the Constitution of Kingdom of Heaven, absolute sex. We now realize that absolute sex is pro sex, "proud sex," "positive sex," "pure sex," "monogamous sex," and "joyful, happy sex." This is absolute sex. We must appreciate True Parents. Without True Parents' revealing of this most deep secret, we could not find; we were blind. Now we see our purpose for being created. So liberating. Amen.

A New Curriculum for Education in the Four Great Realms of Heart

by Rev. Zin Moon Kim-Sao Paulo, Brazil

This is the Sunday Sermon given at the church HQ in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on January 5, 1997 translated from the Japanese by Rev. Hideo Oyamada.

What is the heart of children, brothers and sisters, husband and wife and parents? I don't intend to explain the Four Great Realms of Heart, but the content of the education of heart. We have four responsibilities centered on love. Because of irresponsible love there is so much confusion. People love without responsibility. Because there are Four Great Realms of Heart, then there are four areas of responsibility.

Even children, whom we normally think are not responsible, have their own realm of responsibility. As children begin to walk, their learning responsibility should also begin. Because the mother takes care of children, the husband does not know about this early development of responsibility so much.

What is the difference between humans and animals? Responsibility. Animals have none; humans have it. If children are taught responsibility at 3 years old, they will be responsible till 100. A Korean and Japanese proverb says that what is taught the first three years will make a difference for ones whole life. After 12 years in America, I can see there are so many problems between husband and wife and within the family. Children are like a toy for parents; parents care for their children during the day, then they set them aside and are by themselves at night. In the Bible God first gave man responsibility, then freedom. In the Garden of Eden he first commanded them, "Don't eat." Later they were to have been given the freedom to eat. If a child is not given responsibility early on, then his or her reason will not develop. In the four areas of responsibility, that of children is the most important. Second is that of brothers and sisters. Then there is conjugal and parental responsibility.

The theme of this sermon is the content of education. Based on these four areas of responsibility, there are four types of education. The education of children is the curriculum of elementary school. The education in the responsibility of brothers and sisters is the curriculum of junior high and high school. Education of husband and wife's responsibility is the content of university education. Finally, education of the parents' responsibility is the content of adult education.

The irony in speaking about the content of education is that today the more educated people are those who cause the most problems. The less educated people don't know how to make problems as well as educated people do. For example, a person may kill another person. He then can be put in jail or hanged. But if Saddam Hussein and an American or other president, who are highly educated, fight and kill thousands of people, no one puts them in jail. Their education has given them the capacity to commit much greater crimes than less educated people, but they often escape any punishment at all.

So the content of education is a big problem: so often it is just about how to make money. Developing ones humanity should be the primary point of education, but making money, in reality, is the main point. If the child needs money, he can kill his parents and take the money. In human life, however, there are things that are more important than making money. If people focus on making money, then social problems will continue. I have been in America 12 years, in Africa five years, in Europe one

year and in Japan for two years. My experience is that America emphasizes making money too much and therefore has many problems. An FBI report on crime in America reveals how serious the problems in American society are. The two main problems in America are money and freedom. Why aren't there more blessing candidates in America than in Africa? Africans have no money and no choice. Americans have so much money and freedom without responsibility, so they have many problems and few blessing candidates.

A certain African family which immigrated from Africa to North Carolina aptly illustrates this problem of freedom without responsibility. The father was 67 years old. He graduated from Cambridge University in England, one of the top universities in the world. He had eight wives and 25 children. Not long after his arrival in America he was interviewed by the media. The interviewer asked him, "Is it not difficult to live with eight wives? Isn't it difficult to control them?"

"Before I answer, I want to ask you something," the African gentleman said. "If you answer well, then I will answer you. During my 67 years I have had only eight wives. Other then them I have had no other sexual relationships. I have only relationships with these eight women. How many women have you connected with?" The journalist estimated he had had sexual contact with some 80 women. "You have (sexually) connected with more than 80 women, but you have no responsibility for them. I have always been responsible for my eight wives. Who is worse, you or I?" The interviewer could say nothing because he was conscience stricken. People so easily seduce wives and leave the children and wives to fend for themselves. One sister, a 31- year-old church member, confessed a problem to me. She wanted to be a candidate for blessing, but she had been married three times. She had six children from and three ex-husbands from those marriages. I was angry with her and shouted. "To educate six children well is your responsibility. What kind of man can love you, such a woman?! If a man were to love you, it would only be a night job!"

So, the content of education is a problem. As it is now, it doesn't teach life for the sake of others. Some of our members are upset if they don't go to school, but leave school is not a problem; the problem is not to go to church. That is a serious problem. One of the most famous universities is Seoul University. Almost all the big criminals in Korea graduated from Seoul University. The same is true of American criminals; many of them went to Harvard or Yale. The most educated people are the biggest problem makers. So, education, as it is, is a major problem. It is far from ideal.

Now I want to explain what the content of the four kinds of education should be.

I. Elementary School: Education in Children's Love

The content of the elementary school curriculum should be education of heart. Especially children must be united with parents centered on parental love. They should be educated to understand the four types of love. That is vertical education along the axis of parental love. The parents have already experienced all types of love. They already understand this realm step by step. I will discuss the content of an ideal curriculum from elementary school through university and adult education.

Elementary education in Children's love should include four main points:

1. Children should be educated to be able to feel all kinds of love when they become one with their vertical parents.

2. Children should learn how to connect to higher positions: elders, parents. The family is bigger than the individual. They must be taught to connect to the higher realm.

3. They should learn to love not only oneself, but other people. Especially the must learn love for elders.

4. Finally, the should learn that the family is the foundation and base of the society. The family is the most important institution.

Current elementary school texts contain nothing about these four points.

II. Junior High and High School: Education in Fraternal Love

Junior high and high school should teach love of brothers and sisters. The content of their education should be:

1. How to embrace all of humanity. That is critically important. All students of junior high and high school should learn to think in terms of all humanity.

2. Horizontal love. I am a representative or microcosm of the whole world or global society.

3. Life for the sake of others. That is the most important content of the curriculum at this level.

At the 40-day workshop in Chung Pyung Rev. Kim experienced how a deficiency of education in life for the sake of others seriously affected the workshop experience of several otherwise very capable second-generation participants. They were students at top universities. In the beginning of the workshop, they seemed to be having a good experience, but within a week, they were having a hard time, feeling down about the workshop. I felt some strange feelings from them. They clearly did not know how to live for the sake of others, and this was seriously affecting their workshop experience. They knew how to receive from parents; they didn't know how to give. Theirs was an individualistic life style. Because their parents did not teach their children to live for the sake of others, they do not have the standard of living for others.

Daemonim took bad spirits (along with their bad habits and customs) away from workshop participants and sent them to Heung Jin Nim. So, after a short time at the workshop there a tense atmosphere developed. Among the trainees, the self-centered people, especially these second generation participants, were attacked by bad spirits. The spirits were looking for a chance to invade or to maintain their abode in their host. Finally, the attacks became so strong, because of the poor conditions established by some participants, that they were advised to leave the workshop so that they not become even more evil. Among those asked to leave were these second generation members. You must teach blessed children to live for the sake of others. This is a big problem and challenge.

In Sutaekri training center in South Korea True Father spoke with some 5th or 6th grade elementary school children. "Did you do pledge service every Sunday?" he asked them. Only about 16 children raised their hands. They were honest, as they usually are at this age.

Father did not accuse the children because he knew this was the fruit of their parents inadequate standard and training. Babies are so cute, but they become bad because of their father and mother, especially of their mother. True Father advised the children to have pledge service every Sunday. Some children raised hands and told Father, "I want to do Pledge Service on Sunday, but my parents never wake up on time."

Father smiled, but he was angry inside.

Life for the sake of others is the most important content of junior high and high school education. These children will soon be spouses. They will soon be a candidate for the Blessing. After high school they are the age of marriage. But among our blessed children there are so many problems. Such children are not well prepared for the Blessing because the parents did not educate them properly. We ourselves never learned such content in high school.

III. University: Education in Conjugal Love

The curriculum of University education should focus on how to love husband or wife. It should include these points:

1. Unity between husband and wife. That is unity between heaven and earth. We should teach that marriage does not have a single meaning, that is, of a single man and woman coming together for their own sakes. It is also the marriage of heaven and earth, of macrocosm and microcosm.

2. The vertical axis of love.

3. The horizontal base for receiving this vertical love.

Usually True Father teaches us that the foundation of unity between husband and wife is not just external, but that they should be united on the foundation of God's love. If the husband has a nice job, he can forget God and True Parents. His love, then, becomes purely horizontal, and he is a heartistic thief.

IV. Adult Education School: Parental Love

(Pointing to one sister) She has been embracing her baby during the whole service until now. Who gave her the baby? (God did.) That is easy to forget. We should always say, "Thank you, God." If you embrace your baby, you feel so good. But I have to check myself whether I am a spiritual thief. First say, "Thank you, God and True Parents," Before doing our job also we must express such gratitude. Then Heavenly Father will always be beside us.

The content of the curriculum of adult education should focus on parental heart, the love of parents for children. There are two main aspects of the education of parental love: 1. Parents have already passed through children's, brothers and sisters' and husband and wife's love. Parental love includes the other three, so it is all- inclusive and can be united with God's love. Parents become the substantial embodiment of God's love, God the creator. Such a person should clearly understand we are second God. We have dominion within our family. That is a kind of love. We should emphasize that the whole family should become the realization of God's ideal of creation. There is, therefore, a great deal to learn about the education of parents. 2. The first blessed family in a tribe becomes the center of the tribe. If that family fulfills its responsibility fully, it will be able to possess the kingship.

Leaders should write this sermon down and educate the members. This is not the Catholic church. Here we learn and educate our children. After my sermon I will examine you. The Unification Church is not a church where we can afford to learn and forget. We learn and then teach what we have learned.

If we go to spiritual world without these four kinds of education, this is a big problem. Especially we want to ask the husband: "Did you love only your young and beautiful wife, or did you love her at every stage of her life?" If his wife was educated in all the four realms of

heart, then she will always be young and beautiful in the spiritual world. A husband who has been educated in all the four realms of heart can see both the young face of his wife and the old face of his wife.

True Father said the first generation was going to hell. What is the content of hell? The fire-and-brimstone image of hell is symbolic. The real content of hell is that there we cannot do what we want to do. Centered on the four heartistic realms, maybe Rev. Kim will go to hell! What is the criterion or standard centered on heart, that is, the dividing line between heaven and hell? If we were not educated centered on heartistic love, then we automatically go to hell. Buddhism says hell is fire and snakes. That is a kind of textbook for not being an evil man; that is hell on an intellectual level. It is a very symbolic education.

We must ask how we educated our children in the four great realms of heart to prepare to go to heaven. The education of the Unification Church is 100,000 times better than secular education.

One 430 couple husband was proud that his child was going to Harvard. But he never visited the church. For him Harvard is absolute! Rev. Kim felt very short tempered with him for this attitude and shouted at him: "Your children never visit the Unification Church. You should be ashamed. Your children should learn Divine Principle well and practice it in daily life. That is what is absolute!"

True Father's Directions For 1997

As at each holy day leaders meeting, True Father reads instructions from his pocket notebook. Because these are laptop notes of an incomplete translation, they are assuredly incomplete.

I. The Meaning of the Blessing of True Parents: The meaning of the Blessing of True Parents is the completion of the Old Testament Age, the New Testament age, and the Completed Testament Age by the Messiah. Who is the Messiah? True Parents. They are the Messiah desired in the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages. The Completed Testament Age is the time when that desire is fulfilled. At that time you can have your homeland and settle down. Through the blessing of True Parents you can be the ones who complete all these promises. All the sacrifices of the Old Testament and New Testament ages were focused on us as their hope. That which can complete the victorious Messiahship is the victorious Blessing of True Parents!

II. The Blessed Family and the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth: Without the blessed family God has nothing. The place where the heavenly center can settle down is the loving family. Completion is only in the family. Neither power nor knowledge but only love in the family can bring this completion. Since the family is the place where love starts, that is the only place it can be completed. You can then set out to complete the nation from the family. When all the complete families gather together, they can create a complete nation.

A. The completion of the individual occurs in the family. That is, the blessed family. In the blessed family completion occurs.

B. The 3.6 million couple Blessing will be completed through the national family. We need the 3.6 million blessing for each of us to be part of the complete world.

C. The age of the worldwide kingship and appearance of the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. When the kingship is spread around the world continuously, then the Kingdom of Heaven will appear on earth.

III. The Age of the Kingdom of Heaven of Peaceful Unification:

A. The age of the single tribe and single lineage. This is the tribe of True Parents.

B. The Age of the Cultural Authority of Unified Language: In the ideal world there cannot be two or more languages. Think of how much harm different languages have caused. There are 1600 languages in the world. My speeches have to be translated into 1600 languages. Now we have to save the resources. This kind of multi-language publication causes so much harm. No matter how difficult it is, we must unify language. Without the ideal of True Parents' hometown, no one can imagine the ideal of unified language. If you can communicate in True Parents' language, you can communicate with heart. Will you try to strengthen or weaken unity? If you don't learn the Korean language, when you go to spiritual world your ancestors will ask you if you spoke to True Parents in Korean or English. You may say you did not have time, but they will still accuse you. If you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you must learn Korean. Those who don't learn Korean can they enter the original Kingdom of Heaven, or not? Western members, if you don't learn

Korean, you cannot get into heaven! (To Korean national messiahs) Please teach them.

C. The Age of the Cultural Authority of True Love: You must accomplish this.

D. The Age of the Realm of Liberation and Freedom: There will be an environment created in which you can do whatever you want.

E. The Age of God's Direct Dominion. God has no body, so he has to create the Kingdom of Heaven with the children who are his substantial body. That was the first purpose of creation. The second purpose of creation is to create the world of love. Also, God wants to bequeath all his possessions to his children. Whoever is in the realm of absolute dominion will receive the absolute inheritance.

F. The Age of the All-Encompassing Blessing of All Nations: There is no one who does not receive the blessing.

G. The Age of Unifying the Spiritual World and Physical World. When the two worlds become one, then you cannot deceive other people. .The conclusive assignment is the completion of the 3.6 blessing couple Blessing. That is crucial.

IV. The Responsibilities of National Messiahs.

A. Education of children, schools

B. Hospitals. The hospital means the Moksa treatment. All nurses are being trained in this method.

C. Blessing Heads of State and Ambassadors.

D. Planting Trees

E. Agriculture, farming, ranching

F. Fish farming

G. Industrial business.

H. Sending couples to the Blessing to connect with the providence of the Blessing.

I. Tribal messiahs are a necessary foundation for the national messiah. The national messiah will bring couples to the Blessing and educate and support the tribal messiahs under them to bring couples to the blessing in order to qualify as Tribal Messiah and to restore the failure of Jesus.

J. Newspapers (by April 1997). The newspaper is responsible for educating society and the public.

K. The development of Local Reporting. Networks of information gathering for the newspapers. Do you need a newspaper absolutely?

L. Martial Arts Organization. This organization will work to eliminate social ills. You have to first find 33 people. Each department must prepare blessing candidates.

True Father on National Messiahship

Following are excerpts from unofficial laptop notes of True Father's talks and meetings over a period of four days at True God's Day in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

LEADERS MEETING, December 31, 1996, True God's Day Eve:

Jesus 33 years: For 33 years of Jesus life he was not able to unite with John the Baptist and Mary. He could not be blessed and become subject. It is important to indemnify these 33 years. If 33 people assume the position of restored John the Baptist because he failed his responsibility causing Jesus to fail his mission, if these 33 establish their position, then the national messiah's position can be established.

GOD'S DAY 1997 MIDNIGHT, January 1, 1997:

On Foundation of Family and Tribal Messiahship: What is this year's slogan? "Loving True Parents and being proud of True Parents is accomplishing the 3.6 million couple Blessing." You are saying love True Parents, but I have to love God. In accomplishing the 3.6 million couple blessing, you must love True Parents in the same way they love God. You are the national messiah? To be the national messiah, you must have the qualification of tribal and family level messiah. ... This is the way of True Parents. You must be proud of your family, then of your tribe, (then of your nation) ... Then you can give the rest of mankind the Blessing based on God's true love.

* * *

Restores Jesus' Position: The national messiah position, by restoring the position of tribal love, represents the Roman Emperor. ... The assignment of national messiahs has to come from the True Family level. The victorious tribal messiah foundation allows you to restore Jesus' position and assume the position of national messiah.

* * *

Our 160 Couples a Necessary Foundation: The national messiahs must restore 160 blessed couples in 180 nations, then you will be free and able to restore your own physical country. National messiah's have to achieve a tribal messiah's victory to become national messiah. The 3.6 million couple Blessing is how to accomplish this. That is how we can bring victory in the whole world. Our failure or success determines this victory. Once we have achieved victory in the 3.6 million couple Blessing, then the whole world will be ready to join in the Blessing. It will be the liberation of all mankind.

* * *

Conditions for National Restoration: National messiah's, if you train 780 representatives, then your country will be restored. Then I want to visit your country in my airplane. If the president or prime ministers and cabinet ministers are part of your (team of) 33 leaders, then the country will be restored. We should be able to have a seminar in the congress building in each country. That is the position of a national messiah.

LEADERS MEETING, January 2, 1997:

Our Gratitude: National messiah's, did you feel grateful to True Father that you were sent out? Or did you just go? Status of King and Parent: The national messiah position is like a

place where you are already established in kingship and have followers and have sons and daughters. You have such status. You national messiah's are in such a superior position. All that Jesus could not accomplish, you are in that position already.

Guide Diplomats: You go to your mission country not to make money but you must restore all of the wives of diplomats and ambassadors. We need to network embassies and the political world... Each country's head consular officer is in the archangel position. The foreign embassies themselves are like archangels. They are not there to benefit the country, but to take something. You must guide them.

Did You Fulfill Home Church?: You national messiah's are riding on my back. All of you attending this meeting will be recorded. Such a long time ago True Father mentioned home church. Have you fulfilled it? True Father spoke so often about the Home Church providence.

Choose 33 Leaders: To save the world, True Father had to work night and day. What have you been doing? History is alive. Because we did not fulfill home church and tribal messiahship, this does not exist in your nation. Now you must find 33 people and work with them to establish national messiahship. The 33 people True Father chose in South America were the foundation to receive True Mother on her speaking tour. On the foundation of family and tribal messiahship, True Father established the Family Federation for World Peace, a worldwide body which was inaugurated over a three month period from September through November last fall. That created the atmosphere for the 3.6 million couple Blessing this year.

Be a Filial Child, Not a Thief: Will the filial son go before his parents (who are) in a difficult situation asking, "Please help me?" or will he say, "I will support you. I don't need any food or money or any support from you. Father, you need more money for your activities, I will bring it to you." Who is the son, the first? or the second? The second, right? Do you want to be filial children? (Yes) Were you filial sons until now? (No) Many of you are like thieves. If True Father has money, you make a hole and take as much money as you can. To be a national messiah, you must be a living sacrificing, shedding sweat, tears and blood for your nation. That is the original pact you must follow.

Digest in Silence and Be the Owner: You national messiah's should carry on the tradition of Jesus. The issue is, who will be the owner? America is like my enemy. It opposes me to the end. I always digest with silence. How has Japan treated me? There were church leaders who opposed me, proclaiming True Parenthood.

Model National Messiah: National messiah's, if they have a strong pioneering spirit, can become model national messiah's. Who will take responsibility over the battleground to preserve our tradition?

Sunshine Even in a Rat Hole: Is the path of the national messiah a difficult path? Easy path? An upward or a downward path? Many of you are 40 to 50 years old with a lot of experience. You will not starve to death. I trust you. If you live as True Father lives, constantly speaking and teaching, you will be OK. True Father feels sorry for his own lips and tongue. If one person accepted my words, a thousand opposed them. But their children will say, "My parents are wrong. Rev. Moon is not wrong." After winter, summer comes; the darkness becomes light. There is a time when there is light even in a rat hole. Sunshine will even penetrate a rat hole.

Unique Historical Value: Those who want to live will die; those willing to die will live. This does not happen often in a lifetime. Only once in history. Your value as national messiahs is only once in history. You are born as one of a handful of princes in God's kingdom.

Should you just fall away without any result or concrete accomplishment?

Not Less than Ambassadors: It is not just national messiah but the national messiah group. National messiahs from the seven providential countries are not less than the ambassadors. In your mission country, you must even be better than the ambassadors from your own country.

Ancestor of a Nation: National messiahship is not simply a mission. You are the ancestor of that nation.


Be an Example of Prayer and Investment: I am hoping you will do even more than me so that your descendants will receive even greater blessing. I have set the vertical tradition; you are responsible to set the horizontal tradition. People will crowd over you once the time has come. You have to prepare the proper tradition. National messiahs should do their best in their country as representatives of their True Parents and then their country will develop. That is the mission of national messiah. ... You really serve the nation and the people and set an example for your nation in terms of your prayer life and investment in your nation. You have to be the ancestors of that nation. Do you understand?

Have at Least Four Children: There is no better hobby or activity than making babies. So should you make babies or not? You should at least have 4 children to represent the four directions. You learn to understand the 4 different types, directions, seasons. Actually there are 12 types of people. That will cover 360 degrees, 12 months and 4 seasons. How many disciples does True Father have? True Father also has more than 12 children.

Reintroduce Proper Tradition by Reversing the Satanic Process: What was lost by our ancestors, the proper tradition, has to be reintroduced by national messiahs. There is a saying that beginning is already half the task. That is a restorational concept. Satan's camp always attacks God's camp. Then God's camp goes up through religion and (eventually) wins the victory. Because Jesus could not complete his mission, Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been divided. You have to restore Zachariah, Elizabeth and Mary, also Jacob's course.

Our Family Pledge No. 1 is: "Our family pledges to seek our original homeland and establish the original ideal of creation, the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true love." True Father doesn't want to talk about his suffering and prison and such things. We reverse the process of the satanic turn. The process becomes opposite in a restorational direction. Because the false parents initiated the false love, life and lineage, True Parents come to reverse this into the true love, life and lineage and expand it. This has to begin with the family. Without the family there is no nation and world.

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Learn , and teach, Korean by 2,000 A.D.: All the Japanese and Western national messiahs, you came because your Korean leader could not come, right? (Yes) I called all the Korean national messiahs thinking I would not have to hear any translation in my ear. I don't feel good about that because I don't want to hear foreign language in this kind of conference. Language has to be one. From 1985 on, True Father said to learn Korean; that was 12 years ago. From now on Korean national messiahs will teach you Korean. You (Korean national messiahs) should teach them two or more hours a day. How many hours do you need for eating a day? You spend three hours eating per day, right? That means you need to work (at Korean) at least that long. More than three

hours. Otherwise, you must pay indemnity. To Western members, distribute the Korean language instruction book. It is the best gift. No matter how great you are, without language you cannot transfer (your knowledge?). Korean national messiahs must teach Korean (to their national messiah team) within three years. Learn Korean before the year 2000. If you cannot accomplish this responsibility, you might as well die and confront your failure!

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Commit Yourself to Absolute Sex and Teach It: You national messiahs, have you brought your wives yet? (No, we are by ourselves, mostly.) If the wives come, what will happen? Absolute sex means that even if there are beautiful women, your eyes will not turn. If we do this, can you keep yourself from temptation? Do you know how much suffering Heavenly Father and I went through to establish absolute sex? Even if there were one thousand beautiful women and True Father were thrown in with them, even if they were to touch me, I would have total control. Restoration involves the path in which you must give the most beloved partner to the enemy and bless them. Do you understand? Free sex was initiated by our ancestors. The only thing that will absolutely shatter free sex is absolute sex.

The Kingdom of Heaven can start only through the lineage from True Parents. The time has come to reveal everything. If you don't know absolute sex, then grave consequence will ensue. You have to walk bearing the cross of love. The easiest way is to walk the path of absolute faith, love and obedience. True Father is very serious when he thinks about absolute sex. You have to understand that you are truly indebted to True Parents.

I am worried when I assign 120 sisters to each country whether they can keep their purity. Many national messiahs are living alone, so I cannot relax and find peace in my mind because I wonder whether, when they face temptation, they can handle it. I think there may be one or two thinking in the wrong way. Please be careful. I don't say these words in vein. If you make a mistake, you will affect thousands of ancestors, generations and descendants. Absolute sex! You Western members must memorize this important point. You have to emphasize this point. There will be immediate punishment and consequences. Until now, True Father knew about many cases but did not say anything. Do you know what is the greatest sin? The one who destroys the ideal of heaven and earth by disobeying absolute sex. This is the gravest sin. The time will come soon when this will be encrypted into the law system.

When the sisters come, please repeat this with your own mouth to them. You must guide and educate these 120 Japanese sisters about absolute sex. If Japanese sisters who are mobilized can keep their purity till the year 2000, then God can bless the nation of Japan. So, please educate them. If you make a mistake after being blessed, should you be expelled or not? If you are to be forgiven after a mistake, maybe there has to be a special amnesty from heaven. Maybe it will take dozens of years of indemnity. Then maybe it can be forgiven.

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National messiahs should create something they can leave behind.

1. Witness to embassies.

2. Be responsible for children in the countries. Educate them from kindergarten, elementary, high school. The mothers should educate children, at least till the age of ten. Through this kind of education, your own family can be saved. You try to educate Cain children first. They will be moved and follow you as parents. Then

your own children will be moved by what you are doing and will want to be educated by you.

3. Next, if you are responsible for the nation, you have to take care of the environment. You have to take care of the mountains and the rivers. ... You must make beautiful mountains and pure water. National messiahs must take care of their nations. ...You must take care of the environment by planting trees and taking care of the water.

You have to develop this kind of hobby or leisure activity... The hobby and leisure business is actually very fun and exciting. Everyone is looking for fun. Those who understand about the hobby and leisure activities can harmonize with the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. ...You should work not for the money but for the fun of it. Money can disappear soon. People who work for only money (may go to hell). Whatever you do, you should enjoy it and have fun. If I start to do something, then I feel I was born for that task. I am thoroughly involved and enjoy it. If you do that, you can be guaranteed of being successful.

What will you leave behind in your nation? You have to develop the foundation for the hobby and leisure business which will be connected later with the ideal world. True Father wanted to catch 3,600 different types of fish, but he could not accomplish that yet. When True Father fishes, True Father loves the fish like a parent and they love him back. If he does this as a hobby, then True Father can connect this to the original world. .. Those of you who work there should feel you want to work there without salaries. ... You come as the messiah to create fun and hobby. You are the fun and hobby messiah!