The Little Spider

by Melvin D. Perry-Berkeley, CA

This is a story about a little baby spider who saved Jesus' life. King Herod was very much afraid of the baby Messiah and ordered all newborn children killed. Jesus' parents fled to Egypt for safety. They traveled during the night so the Roman army would not see them. But the vast Roman army was quickly catching up to them. Joseph and Mary were less than a day's travel ahead of the approaching army. Instead of going across the open plain, they were guided toward the mountain regions.

It was much quicker to cross the plains and very difficult to go over the rugged mountain terrain-especially when you are carrying a newborn baby. Guided by total faith, with God they started their journey over the mountain tops. From their viewpoint, they could see the campfires of the army's soldiers and at times heard their voices. Mary was becoming very fatigued and needed some rest. After all, she had just recently given birth and had very little time to recover before they had to flee for safety.

As they went over one of the mountain tops, they came across a series of caves. Joseph, lighting a torch, looked into the caves to see which one was better suited to hide in. Mary was so tired, she was already resting on the ground when Joseph returned to her and Jesus. Jesus was calmly sleeping in Mary's arms. Joseph carried Mary and Jesus as quickly as he could to the back of the cave. Before they left their home, Joseph, being a carpenter and therefore skilled with his hands, had made a sword to protect his family. While Mary and Jesus slept, Joseph kept guard just in case the soldiers entered the cave.

They were so far in the cave that they could not see the opening any more. This was Joseph's strategy. For what soldier would want to search a deep and dark cave with the chance of meeting a mountain lion in one of them. The Roman army was already at the bottom of the mountain which Joseph and his family were on. By morning they would surely be at the caves. Joseph and his family were guided by Heavenly angels to cross over the mountains. Without questioning, they followed with total faith in God.

The cave they were hiding in did not have a mountain lion in it, but it did have another inhabitant: a little baby spider. This spider was awakened when Joseph carried his family into the cave. He was curious as to why anybody would want to enter a cave-especially at night! So when Joseph came out of the cave, the little spider climbed onto Joseph and went with him to the mountain's edge. There they saw the soldiers preparing their weapons.

With tears in his eyes, Joseph quietly prayed to God for the protection of his family. Joseph knew that tomorrow might well be his last day alive. But he made a pledge to protect Mary and the baby Messiah. The little spider heard Joseph's prayer and was deeply moved. He did not know anything about the baby Messiah, but his heart was moved by the sound and feel and vibration of the love of a father. When Joseph returned to the cave to check on his family, the little spider jumped off of him. The little spider wanted to help, but what could a spider do-especially a baby spider? So the baby spider thought for a moment, and immediately he had an idea.

The spider crawled to the cave's opening and began to make a spider's web-but not any ordinary spider's web. This was his first spider's web and he wanted it to be the biggest and best of any kind. After all, he wanted to protect the baby Messiah whom he had heard Joseph praying about. All during the night this little baby spider kept weaving this beautiful web. The cave entrance was at least seven feet tall and four feet wide. Never once did he take a rest or slow down. This spider was focusing everything he had for the completion of his first spider's web.

As the sun was coming up over the horizon, the Roman soldiers were preparing their journey up the mountainside. Joseph was deep in the cave preparing to defend Mother Mary and Baby Jesus. The baby spider was still weaving as the soldiers came closer and closer. The baby spider was very slow compared to the much older and experienced spiders, but he kept working as fast as he could. The soldiers were going into each cave, looking to kill the baby Messiah. As they approached the opening of the cave, where Joseph's family was, they stopped.

They stared at the beautiful web. The morning dew was already covering the web, and as the light of the morning sunrise hit the web, an array of incredibly beautiful colors was reflecting off it. It looked as if a rainbow were covering the cave's entrance. The army commander was so impressed with the beauty of the web that he did not want to damage it. So he began to think of excuses for not destroying it.

He finally reasoned that it would have taken many days to weave such a huge web, and if anyone had entered the cave they would have surely damaged parts of the web. So he gave orders for no one to damage or enter the cave. From this reasoning, he was sure that no one was in the cave. Joseph was at the back of the cave, hearing every word the soldiers were saying. He was curious about the spider's web, which surely had not been there when they entered the cave. After an hour, when the army had moved onward towards other mountains, Joseph awoke Mary and they made their way to the opening of the cave.

There they saw the same rainbow effect which the Roman soldiers had seen. Mary woke Jesus so he could see the beautiful web. Jesus saw the different colors and began laughing with great joy. After a while Joseph used his sword to cut an opening and they exited the cave. During the whole crisis, Jesus had been asleep. Not once did Jesus cry or make trouble to endanger his parents' and his own life. As they left the cave, Jesus was smiling and waving towards an area of the cave. Mary was curious, but figured that babies will be babies.

Jesus was waving directly toward the little spider who had saved him and his family from death. The little spider was honored to have saved the baby Messiah's life. That baby spider had not complained or given up. He only knew that someone needed help. So instead of thinking only about himself, the little spider started to think about serving others. And from the sacrifice of the whole night's rest of a little spider, the whole world was able to come so much closer to God-all because someone thought of another being. And as Jesus waved good-bye to the little spider, the baby spider fell asleep with a huge smile on his face. Goodnight.

Reprinted from "American Neighborhood," the newsletter of the Northern California Unification Community 

The Japanese Providence in South America

by Chantal Chetelat Komagata-La Paz, Bolivia

Already one and a half months have passed since I left Japan for Montevideo, Uruguay, together with 4200 Japanese women (including seven Western, seven Philippine and about 40 Korean sisters), through the Family Federation for World Peace. We spent between one and two weeks there, in a big stadium, receiving Father's love, Rev. Zin Moon Kim's guidance and accomplishing the sisterhood ceremony with Uruguayan women. Then we went to our respective mission countries, 120 to each one of the 35 countries of the American continent. Our mission as national Eve is to unite with the national Adam (the four national Messiahs centering on the Korean Messiah) and each one of us has the determination to bring 160 to 180 couples to the next blessing. On that foundation we can go back home and witness to 120 families of our tribes in Japan. The persecution in Japan being extremely intense and South America being the area with greatest potential right now, we were asked to sacrifice our families in order to revitalize that area and create model countries. Our external goal is to teach the Principle in order to recreate God-centered families and thus help prevent developing countries from becoming materialistic and atheistic powers. Our internal purpose is to love others more than our families- that is, to practice the Principle. Everything is at our own expense, including the very expensive ticket, buying centers and providing for our own living expenses. Unless Japan sacrifices for the world, satan is not going to leave that country and it is doomed to hell, including the second generation.

It's really terrible how fast moral degradation is taking place in Japan right now, because internal values are not being taught. Pornography is displayed in convenience stores and video shops. Middle and high school girls are using prostitution as an easy way to make money. They call it "telephone club," get appointments with older men and don't even think it is immoral. If a society teaches its children only external values like the importance of studying, getting a good job and making a lot of money, why should those children think that making money by selling their bodies is bad?

Masayuki and I are very worried about our children. We know that the values we teach inside the family are most important, and the example we live is even more essential. But we cannot neglect the influence the environment has on our children. Especially in Japan there is so much homogeneity that if one is different and acts differently, he or she is bullied by the others. Therefore we need to change Japan. But the citizens of a developed country are often too comfortable and arrogant to think about God. I struggled in Japan for four years trying to find people who would be interested in spiritual values, but was not able to do anything. My frustration was great because I wasn't able to be proud of and love our True Parents. This summer I participated in the ten-day workshop in Alaska for Seminary graduates and received so much love from True Parents and so many new insights into the Divine Principle from Rev. Sudo's lectures that I returned to Japan determined to make a difference there. But somehow the conditions are not ripe right now in Japan, and when Father's direction to go to South America came in November, I knew this was the only way to prevent us from dying in Japan and to save the country indirectly.

We are now on a heavenly race to create a country which will be a model nation for the rest of the world. That's our purpose in South America. What country will be the first to accept the Principle in its Constitution? Of course, I cry every day because I cannot love my husband and my own children face to face and through that feeling I can understand God's Heart. He has been longing for thousands of years to meet His children. My children (ages six, four and two) miss their mom very much, too, and they can learn substantially to relate to True Children's hearts of missing their parents. Also, it's an opportunity for the mothers in the community to sometimes love my children and expand their own hearts, and give an example of unselfish love to their own children.

All the women from Japan sacrificed their families and therefore we can invest all our love into the people here. There are many wonderful people in Bolivia. Most are Native Americans (they originally came from Asia, crossed the Bering Strait and went all the way from North to South America) who have suffered tremendously, are still living in very humble conditions and therefore are searching and can relate to a suffering God. Universities' fees being free, many people study, including night classes, and the educational level is fairly high, making it easier for them to understand the depth of the Principle; but the number of street children who don't even go to elementary school, because they try to get money by polishing shoes, selling things or begging, is great. It is still a country of extremes.

Father created a newspaper in South America (Tiempos del Mundo), corresponding to The Washington Times he established 14 years ago in the USA. Former Pres. Bush and many heads of countries participated in the opening ceremony Nov. 23 in Buenos Aires. Through Tiempos del Mundo, Father intends to spread true values, unify the continent and thereby bring great development to all the hemisphere's nations. Father has been investing so much in this part of the world and without doubt it will become a leading area in the coming century. We just need to harvest the fruits.

Because I am the only one in the group of 120 sisters who can speak Spanish, I am extremely busy teaching the sisters Spanish, interpreting for them, meeting students and other people, and teaching the Principle. Days pass by so quickly that a year will be over soon. We'll be going to the United States in October to prepare for the great Blessing of 3.6 million couples in Washington DC. Then we'll be flying back to Japan in November. But who knows what will happen next?

The First True Family Festival in New Jersey Dec. 28, 1996

by Francesco Santelli & Christine Libon

A miracle in itself, this Festival was indeed an answer to the prayers of many. Francesco Santelli took a leave of absence from our Clifton NJ U.C. choir several months ago to focus his efforts on minister outreach. Again and again he invited Bishop Horace Williams to the True Family Values conferences in Washington DC. Month after month, however, the response was "I'm so busy this month; but please call me again." In September, after two years' of deepening friendship, Bishop Williams attended the conference bringing guests, and now on Dec. 28 he hosted and participated in the True Family Festival in which five couples were Blessed:

1. Bishop Horace and Mrs. Avada Williams
2. Rev. MacArthur and Mrs. Burchell Caldwell
3. Minister Naeem and Mrs. Victoria Johnson
4. Bishop Ralph and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson
5. Mr. Juan Carlos and Mrs. Christine Libon

Rev. and Mrs. Caldwell, and Min. Naeem and Victoria Johnson, were two couples who attended the DC conference on True Family Values. Rev. Ralph and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson are friends of Bishop Williams from Connecticut. Both Bishops Williams and Johnson are members of the Full Gospel Alliance for Holistic Ministry (an alliance of about 15 churches), of which Bishop Williams is president. Bishop Williams is an ICC minister who has been to Korea. He has been a solid rock in his support of the ICC meetings and Francesco Santelli's work with other ministers. His own church in Newark NJ, the Word of God Christian Center, is small but dedicated and spirited. Rev. MacArthur Caldwell is the assistant pastor and Minister Naeem Johnson is music minister.

A Special Coincidence

As I prepared to go to the Christian Center, I thought, "All the people at my blessing will be my elders; how nice it would be to have a guest with whom to celebrate this joyous occasion!" A few minutes later, my doorbell rang! Scout's honor! To my happy surprise, there stood Sandra Carre, a whom I had not seen since she returned to Colombia one and a half years ago. She came to the ceremony and to the three subsequent dinners. She remarked, "All your friends are so nice. This church is different." She has many questions, and she and her father, whom I first met, are now reading Divine Principle.

God is dramatic and artistic, creating this incredible climactic event. Volunteers worked feverishly behind the scenes preparing the main ceremony area, creating bouquets...oh! the many details!

"I shall possess, within the veil, a life of joy and peace." Until now, I was never quite sure which veil. When the Japanese sister in a motherly position brought me the wedding veil and placed it over my head and face, I knew God was giving me this marriage blessing. Suddenly, I was enclosed in a beautiful, bright, quiet and holy place, apart from all else momentarily.

The choir sang, "Tu Es Sacerdos," "One Hand, One Heart" and "Edelweiss". Dr. Tyler Hendricks, who led the preliminary part of the Festival, especially seemed to enjoy these heavenly selections. "Tu Es Sacerdos" is a Latin composition meaning "You are sacred in eternity, according to the order of Melchizedek," and was dedicated to Bishop Williams. "One Hand, One Heart" is from the musical, "West Side Story," and expresses the hope to two lives becoming one, as much a prayer as a song. Probably the most familiar was "Edelweiss" with very appropriate lyrics, as we stood in white, ready to meet God and invite His presence in our vow of conjugal fidelity.

The refreshing light-filled droplets of water were projected through space and arched toward me as the couple before us was blessed. My inner self said, "Splash me! Splash me!" Facing my husband, Rev. Kim directed, "Bow...bow...bow," as we received the Holy Wine.

I stared long at the floral arrangement before me, huge pink lilies, pure white stalks of tall gladiolas, tropical bird-of-paradise, carnations, roses. Though I had seen all these before, never had I felt the beauty of God's creation so intensely as on this day.

Rev. Kim officiated at the ceremony on Saturday, December 28. On Sunday he shared in his testimony how the number 28 is his life fortune number: it is his number on two different ID cards; he was Blessed at 28 years of age; Dec. 28 he officiated at the Blessing ceremony.

One common experience was shared by Mrs. Sabo and myself; looking at Mrs. Kil Hwan Kim's eyes as she stood beside her husband, we saw True Mother's eyes. This feeling was very strong throughout the ceremony.

Bishop Williams' church is a "whole family" church; Burchell Caldwell and Victoria Johnson are the nieces of Mrs. Williams. They are of Jewish and Black heritage. I spoke with their mother as we sat together at dinner (at Rev. Chamblee's restaurant). We conversed extensively, especially on the topic of the many miracles which the Lord is still performing in the present day and age. (Coincidentally, Burchell and Victoria are nine years apart in age, just like my sister and me.) One thing that Momma said rings so true: "Sometimes all you have to do is think on the Lord and He answers your prayers." She was also very curious about the contents of Rev. Kim's prayer in his native Korean language. I was humbly grateful to be in the company of devout Christians; sometimes Momma prays long, starting with the sick and needy.

Christmas, True Family Festival, True God's Day, all within one week, to be remembered year after year. It's almost too glorious to bear. Please read Bible verses Galatians 6:7-10 and 6:1 from Rev. Kim's Dec. 29 sermon.

"Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease"-then we shall truly know how great is this blessing. I want to help these True Family Festivals to continue, by witnessing, perhaps by sewing wedding veils, by singing in the choir, through prayer. I know there are many ways each of us can contribute to the success of future Festivals. Blessed are those who love the Word of God and the Word made flesh. Let's fulfill our responsibility for Blessing '97.

Thanks and recognition to the Committee: Rev. and Mrs. Kil Hwan Kim, True Family Festival chaircouple; Francesco Santelli and Larry Haft, TFF coordinators; Rev. Baldwin, ceremonial preparations; Kathy Sato & Annie Gagne, hospitality; Hatsue Kumagai, decorations; Francesco Santelli & Yasuko Kono, music & choir; Hope Igarashi & Lydia Compton, food & cake; Larry Haft, general affairs; Don Makowski, video. 

TFV Ministry holds True Family Festivals Nationwide

by William Hilbert-NYC

This December 1996 and January 1997, 17 True Family Festivals were held in 13 cities throughout North America. There were 80 couples Blessed. Of these there were 30 ministers. Of these 2 were Muslim Imams and 3 Native American Chiefs. The rest were Christian ministers. In some cases these leaders Blessed some members of their congregations (this is one of the primary goals of the True Family Festival).

Because there were limited opportunities nationwide some participants came from quite a distance to attend the Festivals.

December was just the beginning of our effort to spread the Festivals to as many cities as possible. We want to increase their frequency and size throughout the new year.

The True Family Values Ministry of the United States and Canada, along with the entire Unification Movement worldwide, will focus on the accomplishment of the 3.6 million couples Blessing in 1997.

The North American goal is 360,000 couples. To reach this goal there must be a winning formula for education and preparation to encourage couples to receive the marriage blessing from True Parents on November 29th. The success of the Empowering Christianity Through True Family Values seminars for clergy gives us a foundation to work with churches and mosques to conduct educational seminars and True Family Festivals.

One of the specific goals of TFVM for 1997 is to complete the education of 20,000 Christian ministers, Muslim clergy and other religious leaders through 3 day regional seminars and a monthly newsletter; 4500 have already been educated by TFVM.

Local TFVM will also conduct introductory educational seminars for congregations and co-sponsor True Family Festivals marriage blessings with local churches to prepare families and individuals to receive the Blessing.

At the True Family Festivals couples participate in the Chastening Ceremony, the Ring Dedication Ceremony, the Holy Wine Ceremony and the Holy Blessing Ceremony. We may invite our relatives, friends and everyone we meet to receive the marriage blessing at True Family Festivals throughout 1997.

Everyone will reconvene on November 29th for the International Blessing ceremony officiated by True Parents at RFK stadium and by satellite at locations throughout the nation and world.

After this couples should complete the Separation Period of abstinence, the Three Day Ceremony and create a True Family Tradition of absolute faith, absolute love, absolute obedience and absolute sex.

Each state Blessing committee made up of all supporting organizations will reach out to their communities in cooperation with the TFVM, and work to educate and prepare hundreds of thousands of couples.

We will educate and prepare churches, mosques and other groups to receive the Blessing by teaching True Family Values. True Family Values explains about how each family may receive God's Blessing. It is a contemporary message that addresses the issues faced by families and individuals in today's society. There are already many ministers who are interested in studying more

about True Family Values and about the Blessing. These ministers went to the Empowering Christianity Through True Family Values seminar in Washington DC last year.

TFVM headquarters is preparing the following materials to support the development of True Family Values Ministry nationwide.

The Holy Communion of Marriage-a one hour presentation for congregations to invite them to the True Family Festival (will be available to be purchased by participants) $24.95 additional workbooks $2.00 each plus $3 shipping [Is in stock]

The Blessing of Love-a one hour presentation for congregations to invite them to the True Family Festival (will be available to be purchased by participants) $24.95 additional workbooks $2.00 each plus $3 shipping [will be ready to be shipped by 1/20/97]

Empowering Christianity Through True Family Values-10 presentations (will be taught at the conference and available to be purchased by participants) $70 plus $5 shipping, additional workbooks $5 each. [will be ready to be shipped by 1/28/97]

Each of these seminars includes: lecture manual, transparencies, transparency masters and a workbook.

Seminar materials for regional TFVM seminars and local outreach available by mail order. Call 212 997-0050 239.

TFVM HQ is encouraging Tribal Messiah couples to serve, educate and bring bless couples to True Family Festivals in local churches and community meeting halls. The theme of the Festivals is, Empowering the Family and the Church Through True Family Values. Regional Festivals

The True Family Values Ministry is holding True Family Festivals, a marriage rededication ceremony for betrothed and previously married couples, throughout the country. It is an inspiring revival for Christians (or Muslims) and is preparing couples for the 3.6 million couples Blessing in November 1997.

The first True Family Festivals in North America took place in Philadelphia with five couples and Los Angeles on Saturday December 22, 1997 with one couple.

Region 1

Boston: There were two True Family Festivals in Boston in December. On 26, 1996 one minister's couple received the Blessing and on December 30, 1996 another couple received the Blessing.

Region 2

Newark: see the article on the Festival by Santelli and Libon.
Philadelphia: Five couples received the pre-Blessing.
Brooklyn: Six couples received the pre-Blessing.

Region 3

Washington, DC (notes by Nicholas Kernan): The inaugural True Family Festival in the Washington DC region was held on December 28th, 1996 at the Washington DC Unification Church. Seven couples were Blessed. Among these seven couples were one minister's couple, one minister's son's couple, and three Muslim couples including an Iman and a Muslim community leader.

The officiators were Rev. & Mrs. Joong Hyun Pak. Rev. Chang Shik Yang gave the opening remarks. Rev. Phillip Schanker gave the True Family Values presentation. Rev. Cleveland Sparrow gave the pastoral address. Rev. Levi Daugherty was the emcee, and Mr. Neil Salonen gave the congratulatory address.

Some of the ministers and community leaders who attended the ceremony said they were inspired to attend the next ceremony.

The next True Family Festival will be held on January 25th.

Region 4

Charlotte, NC: The first True Family Festival in Charlotte on January 8th at the church of Rev. Roger West, the Genesis Church of God. Four couples attended. There are other positive ministers who are interested in holding the Festivals in their churches.

Region 5

Miami, FL (notes from Carol Miyazaki): On Saturday, December 28, 1996 the Florida Unification Church hosted a True Family Festival Marriage Blessing in Miami. The five couples Blessed included two Christian ministers. There were also three races represented, white, Hispanic and black, among the five couples.

Rev. and Mrs. Young Sik An, regional director of the True Family Values Ministry, officiated a truly moving ceremony that was orchestrated by Florida state director, Pastor Georg Beutl.

Afterwards, one newly Blessed wife expressed her heartfelt gratitude and shared that although she has known of the Unification Church for some time, she never thought she would qualify to receive the Blessing. She echoed the sentiment of others when she expressed how welcomed she felt and how much love was being bestowed upon her.

A wonderful dinner was served by the Miami church members and in the evening we were entertained by the newly Blessed couples and the local church members. The "Miami Blessed Choir" serenaded us with some beautiful songs of love and later showed us their many talents with a charming play. Our program officially closed after the entertainment but guests lingered afterwards not wanting to leave this heavenly environment.

Region 6

Chicago, December 27, fifteen couples and nine ministers participated.
Detroit, MI, December 29, eight couples and two ministers

Region 7

Minneapolis, MN: Eight couples received the Blessing. Of these two were Christian ministers and two were Native American Chiefs.

Region 8

St. Louis, MO (notes by Rev. William F. Stoner): Rev. Samuel Bradford, pastor of Shiloh A.M.E. Church in East St. Louis, Illinois, was Blessed in Chicago at a True Family Festival officiated by Rev. Ki Hun Kim on Dec. 27, 1996 at Rev. Barrett's Church. On February 15th, 1997 Shiloh A.M.E. Church will be the host church for a True Family Festival. Rev. Bradford has become so very committed to True Family Values because it's not merely a ceremony but a method of promoting

peace and reconciliation within the inner city. He has created the motto, "Stop the violence, Save the children, Heal the family", and has thus gained the attention of Mayor Bush of East St. Louis.

Region 9

Houston, TX: There was a True Family Festival in Houston on December 29th for one couple.

New Orleans, LA (notes by John Monestere): The First True Family Festival for the State of Louisiana was held on Sunday, December 29, 1996 at the Unification Church in New Orleans.

The church center was beautifully set with floral arrangements and Christmas decor as the backdrop for this holy occasion. The atmosphere was highly spiritually charged with the presence of God, Jesus, and True Parents embracing the participants and attendees.

Mr. James and Pastor Flora Washington of Miracle Faith Temple received the Holy Wine Ceremony and recited the Blessing Vows. The officiators were Rev. & Mrs. Gregory Rameriz of the Unification Church of New Orleans. The emcee, John Monestere, the President of the Family Federation for World Peace for Louisiana, guided gave a step-by- step explanation for the ceremony. Mrs. Mihoko Monestere played piano for accompaniment and offered the congratulatory song. The Festival continued with the cutting of the wedding cake and a toast with non- alcoholic champagne as well as a delicious buffet dinner.

Region 10

Denver, CO (notes by Roger Fuehrer): On God's Day, 1997 the Rocky Mountain Region held its first True Family Festival at the Denver Unification Church. This was put together rather quickly, but the spirit world helped immensely. There were four couples who received the Blessing. They included, amazingly enough, an Afro-American, a white American couple, an Asian couple, and a Hispanic couple. hereby representing the four human races.

The service lasted one hour and fifteen minutes. Counting all who attended the service and the wonderful dinner thereafter about 125 people attended, excluding very young children.

On Sunday, January 5th two events took place at the Denver Unification Church. One was the culmination of a three day internal Guidance workshop. Such a workshop was long overdue, since it had been years that such was held. Attendance was very good, about 55 members and included members from Wyoming, New Mexico and Nebraska. The purpose was to gain "absolute unity" as directed by Reverend Shin. A great step was made in that direction to help us unite for the ominous 1997!

The culmination of the weekend was a "Blessing Robe Ceremony" that Rev. Shin was inspired to have since he and Mrs. Shin would be gone for two months to Korea. Rev. Ephriam and his wife received the robes from Rev. & Mrs. Shin. Tremendous spiritual energy was received during this 30 minute ceremony.

Being spiritually open at times, I saw the light of the Holy Spirit come through the roof and envelope the participants at the True Family Festival on God's day. Again this beautiful light came through the ceiling and engulfed the participants during the "Holy Robe Ceremony".

Immediately, Rev. Ephriam and Rev. Shin felt a tremendous flow of spiritual energy, Mrs. Shin and Mrs. Ephriam burst out in uncontrollable tears. Soon Rev. Ephriam was crying in a like manner. After the exchange of robes and Rev. and Mrs. Ephriam stepped down to deliver a short speech. I clearly saw a door open above them and

walking through the door was Jesus and his disciples, adorned in the most beautiful white-golden robes I have ever seen. They slowly walked down these spiritual steps and followed Rev. and Mrs. Ephriam. Such a sight. I wish all could have seen and I will never forget! But all felt this amazing spiritual event.

Region 11

Seattle, WA, January 4, two couples.

Region 12

Los Angeles, December 22 & 28, eight couples, three ministers and a Native American Chief.

Region 14

Toronto, ONT Canada: There was a True Family Festival in Toronto on December 28th for one couple. 

St. Petersburg Student Wins Miss World University

by Oleg Sergeyev-St. Petersburg, Russia

On the 8th of December 1996, the 19th "Mister & Miss University Pageant" was held in Tokyo, Japan. Ekaterina "Katya" Plaksina, from St. Petersburg, was named by the judges to be Miss University 1996. Katya is an art student in the 1st year of the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture.

The sponsors of pageant were Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principle of Japan, Youth Federation for World Peace and Women's Federation for World Peace. The Mister & Miss University Pageant was first held in Japan in 1978. Since then it has been held annually in different countries. Pageants have been held in Seoul, Moscow, Pyong Yang, Beijing and New York.

Can you imagine a beauty pageant without a swimsuit competition? The "Mister & Miss University Pageant" differs from other beauty pageants, as it evaluates not only external beauty, but also their inner beauty; their ideals and aspirations, their communication with people of different nationalities, and other "internal" qualities. Another difference is that not only young women, but also young men participate together in the Pageant.

The event is also a festival of entertainment by the participants, and is televised in Japan. Students entertained in national costumes with their songs, dances, and dramatic productions showing the uniquely beautiful folk and cultural art of their countries, or to express the kind of music and ideals which inspire the youth of their home countries.

A young Russian 17 year old, Katya Plaksina said, "Sometimes our Russian-ness is used to block others, to keep them out, as if to say, `Our culture is superior to all others.' But young people today want to embrace the people of the whole world. So I danced and sang Russian folk songs as best I could, as an offering to the young people of the world. I said in effect, `This is Russia. We have a beautiful gift for you. Please receive the best I have to offer from my beloved country. I love my country and I love you.' I danced and I sang and I was declared the best by the judges. Thanks to the friendly and warm atmosphere made by each participant, the Pageant helped each to realize our responsible role as a member of the world family. We explored possibilities to create new culture, based on peace and friendship between nations."

The Chairman of Pageant Organizing Committee, Mr. Tokuno Agi greeted the large crowd in Tokyo's Shinjiko Luminae Hall, and described the purpose of the Pageant as lasting world peace, which he said, depends friendship and harmony among young people.

The Pageant program included two phases: the first gave participants an opportunity to show their entertainment skills in singing, dancing, and sporting skills. In the second phase, judges asked participants questions to evaluate their ideals, their views on the family and on societies' problems, their understanding of world problems and their suggestions for their solution. Katya said these questions were the most difficult of all. But some of the questions were easy, like: "Tell about the most bright experience in your life." These questions gave judges an understanding of the internal world of participants. The judges were distinguished people from Japanese society and international personages interested in world culture.

The judges of the Mister & Miss University Pageant were: Hikouki Yamoguchi (Professor of Kamadzava University) Chairman of the Committee of Judges Tomoko Inukai (Art Critic) Michimasa Irie

(Professor of Ioyama University) Akiko Inoe (Professor of Women's Koritsu University) Don Chor Kim (Ministry of Culture of South Korea) Yoshiro Nakamatsu (Chairman of International Inventor's Association) Tamiko Hirano (Opera singer) Shin Ilimatsu (Professor of Tokyo Electro-Mechanical Institute) Sergei Harlamov (Embassy of Russian Federation; Department of Cultural Exchange) Sinsuke Kobaya (President of Company "Magic hand")

The concept for the Mister & Miss University Pageant was originally proposed over 19 years ago by Rev. and Mrs. Moon. They suggested that a beauty pageant emphasizing moral values and internal character should be promoted, since the media and entertainment industries go to great efforts to promote external beauty as a universal and commercial value. The pageant began in Japan and each year has been increasing in size, number of participants and media impact.

Students from 16 countries became the participants of the Pageant - Chinese Taipei, Croatia, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Rumania, Russia (CIS), Sri-Lanka, Tanzania, Tianjin China, Venezuela, and USA.

As with all beauty pageants the highlight was the decision of the judges, who announced the crowning of Frederic Ancheta (from Philippines) as Mister University 1996 and Ekaterina Plaksina from St. Petersburg (first year art student of St. Petersburg Academy of Culture) as Miss University 1996. These two will spend the coming year speaking in public arenas in favor of moral values in society and international cooperation.

Katya said, "Winning was a complete surprise to me. The other participants were all such beautiful people, so talented, with such beautiful hearts. I just wanted to take them home with me. So as far as performing I decided to just do the best I could to represent my beloved Russia. I hope this pageant can be held in St. Petersburg in the coming years." 

Original Mind and Conscience

by Peter Steeghs-Center Point, TX

Recently there has been much talk in our church about conscience; and it is proposed that conscience and Original Mind are basically the same. I believe that a lack of distinction between the two is contributing to confusion and to an unbalanced perspective. I would therefore like to propose that the original distinction, as outlined in the Divine Principle, between Original Mind and conscience be maintained.

Conscience cannot be related to a universal standard, at least not automatically. In the English language, conscience is defined as "conformity in behavior to one's personal standard of right and wrong." Simply, then, conscience is a personal sense of right and wrong. Since this sense of right versus wrong is individually based, conscience is neither experienced nor expressed in a uniform manner. What may be unconscionable to one person may be very acceptable to another. For some people it may be conscionable to keep a wallet they find in a public place ("finders keepers"), rather than feeling obligated by their conscience to return it to its rightful owner. For some people it may be unconscionable to take human life in any circumstance, while for others it may be quite honorable to take their own life, assist someone in suicide, or assassinate someone for particular reasons.

The formation of individual conscience is based on the way values and attitudes in a person have been formed. Varying sociological and cultural factors in the environment will play a major role in both the formation and expression of conscience. For instance, in terms of what constitutes "truth": in some cultures loyalty may be seen as a much more important function of conscience than, perhaps, honesty. For these reasons, responses in regard to conscience will vary from person to person, and culture to culture; and at least on their most basic (formation) level, are not uniform in all people.

Original Mind, on the other hand, however, does pertain to a universal standard of ethical principles on the basis of which behavior is guided. Behavior based on these ethical principles is focused on the fundamental, common good of all people, and is not just limited to the benefit of the person, family, group or nation.

In fact, at least four different levels of cognitive reference can be distinguished, based upon which, people tend to make their decisions, and act. In a sense, these levels represent a progression of moral development, and also represent an ascending progression of internal responsibility and freedom.

Level 4: behavior based on the directions of another person(s) Level 3: behavior based on the standards of the group Level 2: behavior based on individual conscience Level 1: behavior based on universal principles/ethics (Original Mind)

To explain what I mean, I will give a more detailed description of the four levels, and match them with examples of corresponding reasons which persons might give as an explanation for behavior, depending on the point of reference from which they operate.

LEVEL 4 (The directions of others)

Behavior is based on obedience to the directions of others. In following directions and rules of others, the person is primarily motivated by avoiding disapproval, dislike, punishment; and/or by trying to gain approval and rewards (Good Boy/Good Girl).


a. My father told me to do that. b. My boss directed me to shred all the evidence. c. My gang leader told me to break into that house. d. My master ordered me to throw poison gas onto the subway. e. A voice in my head told me to do that.

LEVEL 3 (The standards of the group)

Behavior is essentially determined by the rules and standards which are in force in the general social surroundings (or sub-group). Standards are followed in response to expectations of the environment. The person is essentially motivated by maintaining respect and acceptance, and by avoiding social condemnation.


a. Everybody has always done it that way. b. They all threatened me into doing it. c. We are all supposed to do that. d. Everybody was doing it, too. e. My friends would look at me strange if I didn't go along.

LEVEL 2 (Individual conscience)

Behavior is based on specific values which have been internalized subconsciously from upbringing and the environment, as well as by conscious choice. The person tries to avoid self-condemnation by living in accordance with his own standards, and is primarily motivated by a personal sense of right and wrong (individual conscience). Convictions are not primarily contingent upon the opinions of others.


a. It does not feel right for me to do this. b. To me it really feels proper to do that. c. I would not be able to live with myself if I had not spoken out. d. I must do this, no matter what they say. e. I call it the way I see it, not how they want me to.

LEVEL 1 (Cosmic perspective/Original Mind)

The person acts from transcendent beliefs which are grounded in universal ethical principles, self-evident truth, and the belief in a higher power. Operates from a sense of internal unity of self, and a sense of unity with others. Perceives reality from a unified cosmic perspective which encompasses the common good of all people. Appraises religious beliefs from a viewpoint of universality, rather than particularity (i.e., dogma), and is in his/her beliefs and actions guided more by spirituality than by religiosity.


a. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
b. Love your enemy.
c. We hold this truth self-evident: that all men are created equal.
d. One nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.
e. I have a dream: that one day all men will live as brothers.
f. He continued to fast until all violence between the factions had ceased.
g. Though he was a Hindu, he raised the child in the Muslim tradition of the child's deceased parents.
h. His entire life was a day-after-day sacrifice to lay conditions for the restoration of the world.

It should be noted that, based on psychological research, most people generally appear to operate from a Level 3 base of reference. Furthermore, only Level 1 can be seen as the Original Mind level, since it is the only reference level which is solidly based on transcendent, self-evident ethical principles which are consistently, uniformly and universally applied.

In summary, I believe that the distinction between conscience and Original Mind, as originally stated in the Divine Principle, should be maintained-or at very least, a distinction be made between conscience and "Original Conscience." 

Notes to an Atheist

This is the second section of a two-part article. This article is based on two on-line discussions I recently enjoyed. I have written it as a "practice letter," addressed to a future friend who happens to be an atheist.

Dear Friend: Let us continue our discussion about the reality of God, and the legitimacy of religion. I have mentioned how Science has been unable to guide either politics or the economy, on any scale. You see, certain matters are "internal" to human nature, and thus, are extremely difficult to quantify.

This will be clearer if we look at our personal lives. Science has tried very hard to understand human nature. Studies of both Mind and Brain have fallen far short of expectations. Science cannot grasp our emotions, much less our dreams. Even though dreams are intimately familiar to all humans, including scientists.

Let me put it to you bluntly. Despite centuries of steady advance, science has not given you piece of mind. It has not gotten you a secure or satisfying relationship. Nor will it, until its vision is greatly expanded. Only religion can do this, with any consistency. If you have found these things in some other way, then congratulations, you have been very lucky.

This leads us to another objection to Faith. One that you personally are too polite to mention. In my native San Francisco, however, they can and do mention it-quite loudly!

Anti-religious people claim that the American colonists were a dour folk, who wore black and never smiled. That the Puritans never had fun, and worse, never allowed others to do so. Free thinkers were, it is claimed, put in the stocks-or burned at the stake.

Historically speaking, this is completely untrue. If such people exist, (then or now) they are few in number-and they need therapy!

Let me spin this another way. The folks who hold it against religion are themselves going about it all wrong. At the extreme, "swingers" are desperately seeking pleasure, but seldom do they achieve it, in any lasting sense.

Look at any modern, "grownup" publication, in pretty much any field of interest. You will find dozens of ads for self-help books, therapy sessions, sex-enhancing techniques, and much more. It seems that a lot of folks are coming up short in the "fun" category.

Research indicates that the faithful, and the long-time married, are far healthier, and more satisfied, than singles or even newlyweds. This includes everything from life expectancy to sexual satisfaction.

My point is: the Puritans are having all the fun!

Getting Philosophical

Let's look at a philosophical objection used by both humanists and liberal believers. I've heard it phrased best by a popular radio host: "Fundamentalists do good because they're afraid of being sent to Hell. Humanists do good because it's the right thing to do." Concluding that humanism is better; a way of life based in reason, not fear.

However, the above quote is wrong on several counts. As I mentioned earlier, God does not condemn you. Your own actions, rooted in your inmost mind and heart, are what blesses or condemns you. Even so, fear is not always bad. It is perfectly legitimate to fear a fall from a lofty cliff-or a spiritual fall into a terribly dark place.

On the other hand, the humanist's "right thing to do" has turned out to be an amazingly flexible concept. Flexible enough to justify all sorts of things, including actions which defy common sense, much less anyone's sense of justice. One need only look at the history of "social engineering" to see this.

The American Founders knew this well. If you have no soul, then what is your value, compared with that of the "whole people," as embodied by the State? The Constitution we all respect is designed to be a restraint on State power. Only God-given rights are beyond the State's reach.

Clarke's Law

Let's go back to the beginning of our discussion. We wondered if there was, or could be, such a thing as the "supernatural." Take a look at the history of technology. Many invisible forces, in common use today, were unexpected discoveries. For example, X-rays and microwaves were discovered quite by accident.

A famous sci-fi author coined the precept now known as Clarke's Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Perhaps certain "spiritual" phenomena will, in future years, be as routine in our lives as microwaves are today.

Where in the universe are these forces, you ask? Any good Physics textbook will have a scale of "size and force," ranging from the smallest particle to the largest galactic cluster. Near the bottom of the scale is a "particle desert," a vast area unknown to science. (Technically speaking, it's between the Quarks and the Planck Limit.)

That is only one place where these new forces might be found. We already know that, within outer space's Black Holes, the known laws of the universe have broken down. This does not affect us directly-we think.

The latest "Superstring" cosmological theory posits that there are more than the three (or so) physical dimensions we are all familiar with. Eleven or more, though they are said to be "tightly wrapped." Still, this opens up a wide field of speculation.

Perhaps, beyond the four known main forces (gravity, electromagnetism, etc.) there are other, as yet undiscovered ones. Several recent, competing Theories of Consciousness are trying to quantify one of these. This is not goofball stuff; it has been well covered in Scientific American and elsewhere.

What is to come

My dear atheist friend, let me conclude by assuring you that God did design this universe, and that He endowed you and me with an invisible soul. Within it can be found the key to our emotions, as well as our relationships.

Also, there is yet much for science to discover, and more technology that we can develop. Things that are as far beyond today's technology as my little Macintosh computer is beyond a cave man's stone tools.

I think we'll find that, sooner or later, Believers and Scientists are going to end up on the same side of the fence. Then things will really fly! And that's what I would say to my atheist friend. Others of you, wiser

and more learned than I, may wish to write your own letters. In fact, I hope that you will. The Principle contains so many breakthroughs, that all of the "old arguments" will end up seeming dim in comparison. As the book itself says, the symbolic new Sun of truth has already risen!

MOKSA: Testimony at Leaders Meeting

January 2-3, 1997 by Do Hi Pak

During the leaders meetings January 2 " 3 in Sao Paulo, True Father and Do Hi Pak spoke of a special treatment that has healed cancer in a number of people. True Father encouraged national messiahs to take the treatment to their mission countries. Do Hi Pak was the Regional Director in Region 2 when he became ill.

True Father introduced the subject: Do Hi Pak used to have cancer in his lymph nodes and almost died. He had surgery and chemotherapy. After one chemotherapy treatment he had no energy and felt like dying. The hospital said he should take that treatment six times, but he decided to seek other treatment instead. In the end, he was completely healed of his cancer, not (only) because of surgery and chemotherapy, but because of this treatment.

True Father thought when missionaries go to their countries, they can share this story about cancer.

Mr. Pak took a very strong, green, celery-like herb to cure his cancer. It is very bitter. Instead of being eaten, the herb is dried, crushed and burned. Then the diseased area of one's body is bathed in the smoke from this burning herb. The burning herb does not itself touch the skin, just the smoke. An elder Korean man developed this method, which employs a ring made of soy beans and powder.

This treatment healed Mr. Pak. True Father has also taken this treatment 80 times because of a tumor in his cheek. After he had taken a number of treatments, he had some swelling in his cheek, then it was opened and found to be totally cured. True Father is very healthy now.

A sister with cancer was also successfully treated in this way. She has recovered completely.

In True Father's experience the drug had the following effects:

1. After the treatments, True Father had a very comfortable feeling.

2. He also had a good appetite. As one gets older, one doesn't swallow so well. But after that treatment, food went down more easily.

3. Also, True Father's saliva gland had dried up. Because of this problem, if he talked too much, his mouth became dry. Since that treatment, however, his salivary gland has healed and is working normally.

Do Hi Pak continued: Rather suddenly I became ill and checked into a hospital for tests. I went first to a hospital in New Jersey and then to one in New York, two different hospitals. They did not find anything wrong. Then one Korean doctor recommended a specialist whom I visited, and eventually I was diagnosed with cancer.

This was a difficult discovery for me because I had felt that those who work for Heavenly Father would not develop such illnesses as cancer. Initially, cancer does not cause pain. When you start feeling pain, it is already beyond recovery. I was surprised to learn that other members are dying of cancer. The doctor I had seen recommended I get a second opinion, which I did. It was the same diagnosis: cancer. He said it was most unusual for such a healthy man to have cancer. He strongly urged me to have an operation; without it, he said I would have no hope of survival. Other doctors told me I was lucky to be diagnosed at such an early stage, but I did need an operation. The next morning when I woke I had a deep prayer and asked Heavenly

Father if I should have the operation. I received an inspiration that I should be operated on by someone I know. We don't realize how complex our system is; if it malfunctions even for a short time, it has a bad effect on the whole system. So, it is very delicate to have surgery. One should be careful in deciding to have surgery. Cancer can be benign or malignant. If it is malignant, one can die in 3 months. There is no guarantee that doctors will cure the cancer 100%. They examine the patient, calculate the odds of success and then operate.

Because of my dream, my wife and I decided we should go to Korea to find a surgeon. Fortunately, my main surgeon was my relative. I had good surgery and thought it would take care of everything. But after the surgery, I was told I had to continue my treatment with chemotherapy. I had to go to the hospital every 20 days and stay there for 5 days. Chemotherapy not only kills cancer cells but good cells as well. So there are serious side effects of chemotherapy. Half of the people who receive chemotherapy end up dying. When I returned from five days of chemotherapy the first time, I could not move. My head felt empty; I felt as if I was dying. After this experience, I decided to stop going to chemotherapy and informed the doctor that I would not go through with this treatment. He said that is something one simply has to go through and recommended I continue, but I decided to stop.

My wife was praying for me. She had a dream the day of my operation that True Parents operated on me. That is why I thought with the operation I would be OK. We had 5 children, and we are not economically well off yet. She felt quite helpless, but one day she read an article in the newspaper about a natural treatment called Moksa, a smoke treatment on the skin (which True Father spoke about yesterday). Her brother was an acupuncturist, so she knew the value of the moksa treatment because it is based on the same principle. She recommended that I stop chemotherapy and do the moksa treatment, called dem in Korean. I hesitated, but eventually visited a therapist for 10 days. He told me I could have been healed without surgery.

After the initial treatments, I began to feel dramatically healthier. I decided to continue treatment, and my wife learned the treatment method from the therapist so that she could treat me herself at home. Gradually I began to have confidence in this method. After 50 days I had a great deal of confidence. The reason I could go to the 40-day Chung Pyung Lake workshop was because of this treatment. The surgery had taken away a lot of cells around the cancer and was taking a long time to heal and caused me a lot of pain. I began researching the treatment and gave testimony about it.

I was very grateful to True Parents and others who had been concerned about my situation. After a certain period, I became confident that this method can, in fact, heal my cancer. After that I reported to True Father. In the beginning I had not been able to believe 100% that what they advertised would really work for me, but when I saw that this worked not only for me but for others, I became convinced of its effectiveness. One person who had undergone surgery for cancer had a relapse after three years and was told he had no hope of recovery. It was a death sentence for him. His health had already deteriorated to such an extent that he had an oxygen mask over his face. He felt so miserable; his situation was desperate, and he knew he was on the way out.

This person received a recommendation to try this moksa method for three days. After three days he felt such a great difference that he became quite excited. He bought a lot of moksa. There are three main places (on the body?) one is supposed to treat with moksa. He asked his daughter to do these treatments every night. After seven days there was an even more dramatic improvement, and he was able to do away with his oxygen mask. He felt he had changed so much, 1000% more

than he had expected. He was so excited.

One church member, Tom , had lymph-node cancer. I also recommended this method to him. He, too, had dramatic results. After the moksa treatment, the size of his swelling was reduced to half.

This moksa treatment is not just something that I have heard about. I have direct experience with it. As True Father has taught us, if we don't see substantial results, we should not talk about it. So, I held this back for a time and did not talk about it. I wanted only to give testimony through my own positive experience. True Father, after receiving my report, said that this natural method from ancient oriental medicine was a natural cure. He spoke at length about it.

This Moksa treatment appears to be better for Orientals like Koreans than for Westerners. It has a particularly positive effect on women, particularly for uterine cancer. When I told him about it, True Father already knew about this. Now I hope the members will learn about it.