Whence American Manhood?

by Paul Angus Sullivan

The tragic state of affairs within America and Canada today are directly opposite to the fact and intent of our forefathers and the constitutions of this continent. The condition of this continent relative to our forefathers is filthy. Our youth are rude and callow, the femininity, grace and graciousness of our women has been replaced with carping feminist prattle and by girls & women who insist on being referred to as guys, weight-train to have bodies like boys and comport themselves like men, but are as spiritual as Ophelia.

Canada and The United States of America have fallen from being the greatest Christian civilization in history to being the continent of pornography to the world. That is to say we are now anti-Christ's. We have fallen from being the greatest economic engine in all history to being a continent of welfare wimps and socialists.

At one time the central concern of the people was their virtue, today the highest concern in the public discourse is values, relativistic secular values! How the mighty have fallen. A cursory look at women's TV and the massive sales of women's 'literature' like Gothic novels or the massive sales of The National Enquirer, and men's magazines, too, reflect the dumbing-down of this continent. Publications of wit and wisdom, like The Idler die on the vine.

In the last US presidential election we had Ross Perot, George Bush and William Jefferson Clinton: So, we had a man's man, a man who was the incumbent president and a lady's man. If the result of this election does not confirm the fact that women and children should not be made to suffer the onerous task of being enfranchised, nothing will. Governance is man's responsibility before God. See 1 Tim. 2:12. The Western World slides down the suffragettes' toilet to the glee of the WCTU. Simply said, it should be obvious that a ship can't have two captains, as the Swiss constitution clearly foresaw.

As we may see, the banking cartels as Satan's minions and the suffragettes as Eve's minions brought down North American manhood as they had brought Adam down and replaced this continent's mission with wage-slavery to banking debt and institutional socialism, replacing the Churches' mandates, all of which resulted in the 'dumbing-down' of the greatest creativity and spirituality of the nations and the West at large.

A century ago North American men clearly understood Lord Acton's statement: "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." These men had, prudently provided for direct powers to be within the jurisdiction of the local communities and forbade the federal governments from direct powers, apart from setting standards etc. The feds were left residual powers.

The direct powers referred to in these constitutions are the power of direct tax and the power of 'central' money . This was clearly understood by the creators of the constitutions and by the citizens of the "New Worlds." Benjamin Franklin and Lords Thring and Carnarvon expressed these truths clearly and forcefully in the constitutions of this continent. Jesus had affirmed this in Matthew 17,25-26: Wherein He said that government income should be by tariff not by direct tax upon the citizen. The men who wrote the constitutions knew that direct taxation was antiChristian and it was to be left to the local community's tithes.

When the banking families of the 'Old World' conspired with the banking families of the 'New Worlds' and in turn, the politicians and the media to trench the constitutions of this continent with The Bank Act and the Income Tax Acts, they opened up the Pandora's box of massive federal trenching into the affairs of the local communities. These two great Nations will continue to slither into hell until we return to the letter and intent of our constitutions, or, we shall implode by debt. For proof see 'The Case Against The Fed" by Professor Murray Rothbard, my book, web page or bibliography.

We, in North America were creative, innovative, inventive, productive, and each generation left the following generation surpluses. The USA & Canada were the most fruitful & bountiful nations in all of history. In those days, a man could have a wife and eight children, he could feed them, clothe them, & educate them, without his wife having to work and without debt, as we once did, in both countries.

For the few wise men, that is to say those who understand first cause of the problems of this continent, I write so that you might appreciate that the return to our constitutions would be the crux- pivot towards the healing of our nations. Most of the institutions which are destroying us are financed by direct taxation. The consequences of the trenching of the constitutions is our funding of our massive central bureaucracies, myriad institutions and government duplication and the funds for much of the worlds nations' meddling. As I prove in my book and on my web site, the first country to rectify their fallen jurisdictions will become, once again, wealthy and healthy, industry can only boom and their large competitive edge will force other nations to return to honest jurisdictions or die to the competition, and, perhaps virtue may flourish again.

Also, as a religious aside, federal direct powers are anti-Christian as they negate Christ's teaching that direct powers belong to the communities, not to the state. If there is any root cause of America and Canada's death throes it is the abuse of direct powers by the federal governments. Agencies like ATF, FBI, IRS, FDA, EPA, DEA, RevCan and many other Canadian equivalents, all these confiscators of private property and their interference are contrary to the constitutions and contrary to the intent of the framers of the constitutions and they are anti-Christian and inimical to our forefathers & God as we know Him.

A cursory check of North American history clearly shows North American men & women were happy, & relative to others elsewhere, were ecstatically happy, well adjusted, took joy in their nature, functions, and families, and required no artificial support. What happened ?

The confoundation which assists in the creation of playboys, tarts, thugs, gangs and other emasculated entities is an historically recent phenomenon in America & Canada, a continent which had, for some centuries reveled in its innocent yet disciplined childhood, sturdy manhood and robust womanhood.

The feminization of North America into a whimpering, whining, hedonist matriarchy goes back to the collapse of cowardly wimps at The Battle of Suffragette in WCTU lands. Feminism demeans not just men, women, and children but the family unit itself, the essential building block of this or any other nation. Feminism justifies lesbianism, unmarried parenting (fornication), divorce, homosexuality and so, a multitude of evil. It is witchcraft. It is a result of confoundation. Hosea: 3The people die for want of knowledge2. Without the truth & a stubborn maintenance of morality, the people become confounded. Confoundation occurred during the death of every nation throughout all of history.

Illustrations of this confoundation abound. A few examples: Instead of teaching chastity in schools, the children are taught "safe-sex" and condomology. Instead of the survival of Newfoundland's fishermen and their families, the confounded preach the salvation of harp seal pups, which eat the fishermen's catch. Instead of concern for lumber & logging families, hysteria over forests, which are renewable anyway, even if unreforested. Instead of teaching virtue, we teach values: i.e. their `own thing1. Instead of the innovator who creates the business, you deify the unions, which ruin business. This is confoundation.

Instead of leaving our children surpluses, as our forefathers have done for centuries, this generation leaves this and the next generations indentured to governments, in debt to beauraucracies, owing banks and moneylenders. This is not just wrong, it is Evil !

If twenty children in a schoolyard beat on one child, that is obviously wrong, but if twenty factory workers gang up on the owner, with a union, that1s all right. No wonder our productivity is down the toilet. Without even discussing the illiteracy of our children, the adults, elect those least able to rule. Political illiteracy.

When the majority within a nation are confounded, then the nation dies. As in the death of Rome, the confounded scream for bread & circuses, that is, welfare and entertainment. Hosea: 3The people die for want of knowledge2, knowledge which should be being disseminated by teachers, preachers & the media. But what has become of them? Basically, they have been secularized, unionized, and they are, now, non-Christian or anti-Christian. We must return to our strengths and virtues or its over. Back to our mission, our reason. Laws against Christianity are a denial of the foundation, growth and, once near- perfection of this continent.

These North American nations were, once, Christian missions: Columbus' major intent was to proselytize Christianity to the Orientals. The Puritan Fathers were the first settlers due to their love of Christian principle & their desire to express it in their daily lives which was denied by their European masters. And lets not forget the Christian missionaries martyred here.

The ongoing election & re-election of the merely well intended, those who compromise reason & principle, is proof positive that most people should not be enfranchised as they clearly demonstrate continuing, repeated, & ongoing imprudence. Elections, today, are no better than popularity contests, as ludicrous as a high-school student-council election. The lifetime accomplishments of Perot or Bush are awesome compared to all the accomplishments of Gore & Clinton combined. This reflects on a grossly irresponsible voter & media.

Rant and rave, throw an hysterical tantrum, but men and women are different. They have different functions and roles. The Bible says they have different obligations to God, they have been different since Eve and they will be different forever: Rude opinion can not alter an absolute. But today, feminist rationalization dictates up is down, right is wrong and so women are men and men are women. Said the Bard: "Forgive me this my virtue when virtue is vice and vice is virtue."

Ask a woman of virtue who has had children to testify to the nurturing instinct. It is an ongoing sacrificial familial socialism for the edification of the children within the family. Ask any man who has competed in athletics, business, or scholarship to testify to the competitive instincts of manhood. Will these factors influence their voting practices ?

There are always, & everywhere, more women born than men. Women outlive men, and women have more leisure than men. So it should be apparent, that women outvote men. Is it a coincidence that since women were enfranchised the Western World's wealth has vanished, & manhood disappeared, problems multiplied and virtue vanished ? It's a coincidence ?

All of the above suggest: Due to the massive duty & obligations of fatherhood, relative to other functions the vote should be limited to the family unit, with the husband voting or empowering his wife to vote for the family. He must have attained at least twenty-five years of age, & not until the birth of the first child. The exit polls in the USA show unequivocally that Clinton & Gore were elected over Bush or Perot by a preponderance of the votes of women, youth and minorities.

Patriarchy or matriarchy. Here is a quote from Paul's Epistle 1 Timothy 2:11-12: " I permit no woman to teach nor to have authority in the councils of men, but to remain silent". Why did he say this?

It is the wise, not the popular who should be elected, and it is the wise, not the popular who should be voting, and it is the wise, not the popular who should fill, at least, the upper houses.

This reversal of righteousness, this deification of witchcraft is the first cause in the creation of the playboys, wise guys, homosexuals, lesbians, molesters, fornicators and the multitude of emasculated entities.

The suicide rate for boys between 10 & 19 is up 200% from 1960, the suicide rate for young men between 20 and 29 is up 350% in the same time period. Its about time to wake up. Can you list the cardinal virtues? Can you list the theological virtues? Why can't you. Isn't co-ed no-ed ?

When Christ instructed His followers to pray for the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (KOHOE) He meant that mankind could and would evolve into a paradise as was God's original intention for Eden 1. The foundation for this was accomplished by Christianity and Canada and The United States Of America were the growth stage of this process.

Canada and The United States Of America were evolving these circumstances and to a great extent living them until external influences outlined above conspired with us to fall in 1913 and 1917. It is important to clearly understand this if we wish to rectify the forces opposed to the KOHOE and the True Family model which rectifies the Adam/Eve history of fallen mankind.

That mission, and sacred trust of all the "New World's" was to protect the foundation and growth stages of the KOHOE for mankind would do the right, given the right set of circumstances, due to the force of our original mind's desire to please God and others, and the intrapersonal directive force of one's own conscience. The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is this conduct in these circumstances. Women and youth must repent of the vote. As woman has usurped the ballot box, man may pick- up the cartridge box, as Ruby Ridge, Waco, Montana & Oaklahoma prove beyond a reasonable doubt!

TV Evangelism-a Way to Touch the Hearts of Millions

by Erling Lea-Austin, TX

The old saying goes that if you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes the truth. So I say if you repeat the truth enough times, then it will be recognized as the truth!

Do you know that sales of sunglasses like those used on Miami Vice went up 300% as the show gained popularity? Why is Coke still advertised even though everyone on the planet knows what it is? Haven't you heard people say, "Well, they say that so-and-so did such- and-such?" More often than not, they refers to the media.

It is incredible how TV influences society. Many conversations center on TV programs shown the day before-even newspapers follow television programs. TV is truly powerful in its effect on us all.

In fact, just the other day I caught the Tonight Show. Jay Leno went around the streets of LA and asked what the passers-by knew about space. They could answer nine out of ten questions about Star Trek, but only one out of ten about astronomy.

You may ask, "What can I do about that? I can't do much; it's the people with money, expertise and position in the industry who determine the content of these shows, and there's little I can do." While it's true that there are a lot of highly-educated and experienced people in TV, it's also true that there are opportunities to learn the basics almost for free, and to air your work on local access cable TV channels. TV audiences are tired of the same old same old and are always looking for something news. Just look at how America's Funniest Home Videos has taken off. Hollywood was shocked, but now it airs twice a night during prime time and has one of the highest ratings. In my town, 160,000 people, two thirds of the city, have the opportunity to see True Parents and our teachings via cable.

My point to you is that there is a way for you to have an impact through this influential medium. I have made an instructional video which is simple and easy to follow. It explains:

1. How to get into public or leased access TV in your area

2. What to call your program

3. Where to buy video tapes formatted for airing

4. How to finance your programs

5. How to be in your own program, and make your own program

6. How to make your own DP programs and lectures

7. Where to get Unification Movement programs

8. How to get response to your programs

9. How to choose and develop series and non-series programs

10. How to get more airtime than other producers

11. How to make a live TV show

12. How to deal with other producers, to promote your programs, etc., etc.

The video costs $12.00, and check, cash or money order is accepted.

Please make checks payable to Erling Lea, 8201 Brettonwoods Ln., Austin, TX 78753. Phone (512)837-8705; Fax (512)837-8731. email HighIdeal1.AOL.Com

To Prepare The Whole World To Receive The Prayer Given Next Year November 29

On August 10, 1996, at the Little Angels Auditorium a blessing of 318 couples from Korea, Japan, and Taiwan was officiated by Rev. and Mrs. C.H. Kwak represening Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. This is the first blessing that will be included in the blessing of 3.6 million couples in 1997. There will be blessings in184 nations throughout the world continueously up until November 1996 when the 3.6 million couple blessing takes place in Washington D.C. These blessings prepare the participants to receive prayers given by Rev. and Mrs. Moon on November 29, 1996, which will complete their blessing.

The Unification Movement and Sect Hysteria in the Media

by Jeff Tallakson-Washington, DC

As the new millennium approaches the tension between conventional society and new religious movements (sects) seems to be increasing . The phenomena is widespread and many nations have counter-culture spiritual movements which have been vilified by the press and governments . At the same time traditional religions seem unable to deal with destabilizing social trends. In the CIS public officials make demagogic statements about banning sects, as if all society's ills will be solved by that. Actually sects are few, small and not as ubiquitous as might be imagined from the sensationalist press. From a purely academic perspective, it is understandable that as social ills permeate and social breakdown changes family statistics, then incipient social- spiritual movements will naturally arise. All will be opposed by the structures of the establishment and tradition. Most will fail. A few will become the religions of tomorrow, as this is how every religion began. To endure, a religious movement must solve social problems . If successful, then new religious configurations ultimately alter culture. They would necessarily be new, not old, (since the social problems arose while the old was on watch) and so they would naturally be misunderstood from conventional viewpoints and opposed by conventional religious and political establishments. I draw your attention to this editorial from The Washington Times , A Word To Our Readers or We Bad

The editorial came in the wake of a Conference ; The Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP) Conference held was held in Washington, DC July 30 to August 1. The Conference was sponsored by organizations founded by and associated with Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. Dr. Moon is also the founder of The Washington Times, a newspaper which is often quoted and which has stood over the last ten years as a conservative counter- point to the dominant medium in the Capital, the Washington Post. The whole conference was carried by C-SPAN television network.

That week Washington Post published three articles attacking the conference as well as the Unification Church and Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. The Washington Times has a policy to NOT write about anything having to do with the Unification Movement not Dr. Moon, unless other newspapers take up the story first. Even then, the Times usually avoids dealing with news about the Unification Movement or Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. This time they made this exception. Here is an answer from the Washington Times to the hit pieces of the Post. It is insightful and helps to put things into perspective which may be important for understanding social movement in the future.

A Word To Our Readers The Washington Times Friday August 9, 1996 / Page A5

Many of You have called or written to The Times to express your dismay and anger over the stories in The Washington Post about the convention, held last week in Washington, of the Family Federation for World Peace. The stories in the Post attempted to ridicule the conference, and by falsely implying that the conference was connected to The Times, attempted to ridicule the newspaper.

This conference attracted a wide diversity of speakers and participants, including two former presidents of the United States, a former prime minister of Great Britain and 36 one-time heads of state or governments, university presidents, the president of the Family Research Council, the executive director of the Christian Coalition, the widow of Martin Luther King, and other scholars, clergymen of all faiths, and prominent political figures of all parties and ideologies. The sponsoring Family Federation was founded by the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon.

The participants met to encourage a reawakening of family values, to move beyond the cliches to consider how to create a new ethic of family values appropriate to the times, to reconcile the family and the explosive information age in which the prevailing media casts itself as neutral in the struggle between the forces of social decay and morality.

Representatives of all faiths met in what former President Gerald Ford called a spiritual Olympics to consider what Sir Edward Heath, the former British prime minister, described as the position of the family in world affairs. Many prominent speakers rallied participants to work to uphold the traditional values of faith and family, as understood and practiced throughout the history of our country by leaders of all the mainstream religious and civic institutions. Oscar Arias, the former president of Costa Rica, cited the family as "the oldest institution in human history," and said that "everything that threatens the dignity and integrity of the family threatens society."

Former President George Bush admonished the participants to remember the words of his wife, Barbara, to a college graduating class: "What happens in your house is more important than what happens at the White House." Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King, called for "a new revolution based on nonviolence."

Maureen Reagan, the daughter of former President Ronald Reagan, described the central role of women in restoring the values of a society adrift: "The woman is essential to society. Deny her value and there's chaos."

Few Americans would argue with such sentiments. Nevertheless, the stories in The Washington Post, which consistently mocks and trivializes the beliefs of men and women of faith, imputed dark and sinister motives not only to the organizers of the conference, but to the participants as well, and, by implication, this newspaper.

Many of You have asked, what's going on? Only those in charge at The Post can answer this. But the rest of us are entitled to speculate. The owners and editors of The Post, contemptuous as they have demonstrated they are of men and women of faith (The Post recently described evangelical Christians as "largely poor, uneducated, and easy to command"), are not likely to have had a theological purpose for this remarkable coverage, consisting of three lengthy stories over the span of merely one week.

The target is clearly The Washington Times, which has been an obstacle to suppressing dissent since it came on the scene in 1982. In the early days of our existence, The Post printed many stories, with not- so-subtle allusions to ancestry and race, about the ambitions and motives of the men who organized The Times. Ben Bradlee, then the executive editor of The Post, labored tirelessly and tediously to foster the fiction that the nation's capital, despite the presence of The Times, remained "a one newspaper town."

When he retired, still bent badly by his failure to eliminate the obstacle to a long-sought monopoly, The Times had begun to thrive. These curious assaults ceased. Last week, we saw a reprise of this sordid campaign, with "news" stories riddled with inaccuracies and slurs, inventions and invective. Recent months have not been kind to The Post. The Post has lost circulation over the past three years, years in which the circulation of The Times has grown dramatically. Advertising lineage, the lifeblood of newspapers, is down sharply at The Post, up sharply at The Times. The Post has reported that its advertising lineage is down 15 percent so far this year.

During this same period, The Washington Times has prospered as never before in its history, scoring dramatic gains in circulation and advertising, and becoming one of the most influential newspapers in the world, with its exclusives quoted daily in the major world capitals. Whitewater, Travelgate, the FBI files scandal, a flood of disclosures of secret arms and technology deals throughout the world- all are stories broken or developed by The Times. Business Week magazine said it best: The Post is out, The Times is in.

We have done it, not with attempts to undermine the credibility and stability of our rivals, but by aggressive reporting, lively writing, and spirited and balanced presentation of the news, buttressed by the owners' guarantee of unqualified editorial independence, crucial to all great newspapers of the world. Commentary is not disguised as news, but clearly labeled as commentary. Our readers know from experience that the editor-in-chief is the sole arbiter of the editorial content of the newspaper.

The Times is now available to readers throughout the world on the Internet's World Wide Web, and the phenomenal growth of the National Weekly Edition of The Washington Times will almost certainly enable it to surpass the circulation of The Post's national weekly edition sometime later this year. The cloud once no bigger than a man's hand is now a thunderhead above the presses on Fifteenth Street NW.

In the parlance of the young, "We bad." We're going to get Badder, and we're here to stay. Our readers and advertisers-and our colleagues at The Post-can count on it.

Wesley Pruden, Editor in Chief; Geoffrey H. Edwards, Vice President, General Manager

The Role of Peninsular Nations in the 21st Century

by Reverend Kwan Hyun Chang

On August 20-22, 1996, 75 political leaders and academics from 27 nations joined together at the Sheraton Walker Hill in Seoul, Korea to inaugurate the Federation of Peninsular Nations for World Peace. This was the second of three organizations of nations founded by Reverend and Mrs. Moon this summer; the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace was organized in Japan in June and the Federation of Continental Nations for World Peace was organized in the United States at the end of August. The conference was sponsored by Professors World Peace Academy, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Family Federation for World Peace, and the Summit Council for World Peace.

The purpose of these meetings was to create federations of nations based on geographical similarities and common roles of similar nations in the world family of nations. One of the keynote speakers, Dr. Andrei Kozyrev, the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation from 1990-1996, noted that during the Cold War period world organization was based on the bi-polar power dominance of the United States and the Soviet Union. Now that the world is changed, the creation of such federations based upon natural characteristics rather than force might yield some very fruitful insights for world peace and development.

The first session was an Inaugural General Assembly in which the Right Honorable Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada from 1984-1993, gave the keynote address, "The Role of Peninsular Nations in the 21st Century." This was followed by an introduction to the Founder, the Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, by Professor Tor Ragnar Gerholm from Sweden. Professor Gerholm is the current Chairman of the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) and was the Co- chairman, along with Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak, for this conference. The Founder's address was then read by Reverend Kwak.

The first plenary session, on Geo-Political Issues, was chaired by General Saiyud Kerdphol, Supreme Commander General of the Royal Thai Army, 1983-1986, and a Senator in Thailand (1975-1991). It contained a speech by Dr. Kozyrev on "The Geo-Political Issues Facing the World," Dr. Anirudha Gupta, Professor of International Studies at Jawaharal Nehru University in New Delhi, on "Issues facing South Asia," and "Geo-Political Issues from a Turkish Perspective," given by the Honorable Deniz Baykal, Chairman of the Republican People's Party in Turkey.

The second plenary session, on Economic and Development Issues, was moderated by Mr. John Arentoft, a member of the Danish Parliament from 1973-1987. Dr. Stoyan Ganev, Former President of the UN General Assembly, Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, and Director of the New England Center for International and Regional Studies at the University of Bridgeport, spoke on "The New UN Rationale for Development for Peninsular and Geographically Similar Countries and the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations." Dr. Hassan Al-Alkim, professor of political science in the United Arab Emirates, next spoke on "Issues Facing the Arabian Peninsula."

The third plenary session looked at "Social Issues and Challenges of Modernity to Peninsular Nations," and was chaired by Dr. Baharudin Bin Ahmad, professor at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, in Malaysia. The first speaker was Ki-Shik Hahn, Professor of Political Science at Sun Moon University of Korea who developed the concept of masculine and feminine cultural elements and the role of Korea in the creation of global culture as many of the major cultural traditions are meeting on the Korean peninsula today.

Next Mr. Arne Bonde, former editor of Olso Norway's largest daily newspaper and current editor of the magazine Kulturelt Perspektiv, spoke on the contributions to global culture being made by global communications and media networks. He also emphasized the importance of moral values being transmitted by the media. The third speaker, Dr. Luigi Brunamonti, Secretary General of the Research Center for Human Evolution in Rome, spoke about the need to ensure that all human beings fully develop their educational potential and conscience. Finally, Mrs. Eugenia Roman Danuta, of the Harmony Foundation in Romania, spoke about how ethnically mixed families provide the model for world peace and understanding.

The closing session was moderated by Professor Gerholm, who explained how the conference had enabled him to develop a new perspective on the important historical role of peninsula nations and the value of the conference. The moderators each summarized the highlights of each panel.

Summary of Confernce

Then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney gave his summary of the conference, which will conclude this report:

This has been a stimulating conference that has benefitted not only the delegates from peninsula states but others from countries like Canada which share most of your values and many of your challenges. I'm especially grateful to the organizers of this conference, Neil Salonen and Gordon Anderson and Reverend Kwak. I have organized a number of conferences in my time, and I know how tough and difficult it is particularly on short notice and I know that on your behalf that we thank them for their thoughtfulness and their concern that has made our participation here both intense and enjoyable.

I suppose that a brief summary of what we've been talking about before I try and place it in a larger context is in order. It might be that peninsular nations, despite their being, of course, in different parts of the world, they share a common feature in that they fostered many of the world's great civilizations. Today, in the view of many of you, they should pool their resources to provide leadership in the creation of a new 21st century civilization. With the breakdown of bipolar politics after the Cold War, there are, in the minds of some of you, new global conditions that make global alliances of island and peninsular and continental cultures a creative approach to world affairs. You can be absolutely certain that there is only one super power left. All you have to do is turn on your television set every night and all roads lead to Washington and anybody who fails to understand that, fails to grasp the reality of the new international politics. I'm not saying that's good, bad or indifferent; it's simply a fact of life. And in some way, as many of you have pointed out, this has to be dealt with.

Basic values like family and freedom and pluralism and honor and integrity which have been nourished by traditional cultures must be sustained in this new global culture. The role of the family is basis of society, must not only be recognized, it must be strengthened and enhanced. Some of you pointed out that you live in a world that transcends the sovereignty of the nation state. In the information age, the age of global air transportation, global economies, modern states can no longer control ideological uniformity, the so-called ethnic purity, nor economic development and isolation from other states. We should adopt policies that recognize these realities. And lot of you felt as well that we should endorse the effort to create the federation of peninsular nations and continue and support and nourish this founding spirit. There is a resolution on your tables that I'm sure expresses gratitude to those with the foresight to convene this meeting and also resolves to follow through and perhaps bringing about some structural changes that will ensure that this requires a degree of permanence.

In some important ways, this convention is really about a very simple question. How do we, peninsular states and others, improve the human condition economically, socially, environmentally and spiritually, to an extent that wars of any kind become unthinkable options at all times. James Joyce, that great Irish poet, once remarked that the past is consumed in the present and the present is alive only because it gives birth to the future. We were considering the future. And if we take heed from the brilliant analysis and recommendations heard from political leaders and others who have addressed this conference, I think we will have taken another small step on the way toward a more secure and bountiful future. If we in this room and thousands of rooms like this around this region and around this world, fail to learn the devastating lessons of 50 years ago, then world affairs could again tailspin out of control with consequences to horrible to contemplate. Remember the comment of President Truman, a page of history is worth a volume of logic. And so our collective agenda remains extraordinarily complex and difficult, very difficult of attainment. Just consider some of the problems that we and our children and grandchildren have to deal with. The control of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology, globalization, competitiveness, international trade, social dislocation, the growing disparity between rich and poor in our societies, within our societies in Canada and in the United States, and north and south in our world. The rise of fundamentalism, the dangerous effects of environmental degradation to our atmosphere, our forests, and our streams and our oceans.

Yesterday's media, to show that hope springs eternal, carried a report from a bipartisan committee of the Council of Foreign Relations of Americans that states flatly that the United States, quote, "is damaging it's own interests by crippling the United Nations and using it for partisan, political purpose," unquote. But then, the study makes important recommendations that will no doubt help the United States to remedy this problem, thereby, I think, replicating a formula used by this conference and others sponsored by this organization. Namely, that progress on great problems is made incrementally by bringing thoughtful people together with a well-considered agenda and inviting their reflections and their recommendations for solutions. That's what the organizers of this conference have done. That's what the Council on Foreign Relations did, and that's why solutions emerge. Who knows where the good ideas and the generous perspective provided by this conference will end up. I have no idea and neither do you. I know only that the ideas that we've heard summarized by our three moderators, will contribute towards the cause of greater peace and harmony throughout the world without which no economic progress or prosperity is possible and without which no social justice is possible in any way. I ask you if you've considered the list of the nations, where would the peninsula nations be without these great multi-lateral institutions. At the mercy of the super powers who can act unilaterally when it is to their advantage to do so, that's where. That's where you'd be. That's where we'd all be. And so our agenda is intimidating, but remember the comment that there are no brave men. There are only ordinary men who rise to meet great challenges.

I can remember the G-7 meetings that I was privileged to attend with President Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl and Nakasone and the others. These people were there by and large because their economies represented 63 percent of the wealth of the world, not because there was anything special about them. It could have been someone from Denmark or Portugal or Malaysia or Turkey. And I would have agreed with that, provided that you kept me there, too. My point is that it has with these conferences at that level, the G-7, that these conferences have infinitely more to do with the strength of your economy, where you happen to be born, than with the quality of leadership. Although I must say, that in those days that leadership was very high class. And so my point is that this group is not a G-7 organization, but it has its own dynamic and will make its own unique contribution to the well-being of the world. Remember as well that these important issues will be resolved only when the greatest challenge of all, namely how we insure the survival and flowering of the family, society's most indispensable cornerstone, and most evident golden opportunity--how this is effectively dealt with. Remember the words of the prophet Joel that young men have visions and old men dream dreams. Most societies are entitled to most of their visions and their great dreams, because without them the nation will perish. And a nation that is not built squarely on the fundamentals of the family has no chance whatsoever of durable success. So I think that if we focus on this priority, solutions to other problems will fall into line. With leaders of your skills, and with the enthusiasm and resolve of participants from this conference, I am confident of a promising outcome. I leave you with a line from Yeats, who once wrote, "Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say that my glory was that I had such friends." The cause of peace and prosperity in the world has been well served by friends such as yourselves. I commend you for your commitment. I salute the leadership you continue to provide. I congratulate you and thank you and I say au revoir.

The Federation of Island Nations for World Peace

by William Selig-Washington, DC

The first world conference of the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace convened world leaders, statesmen, ambassadors, scholars, and scientists from over forty island countries to discuss the role of island nations in advancing the prospects for world peace. Co-hosted by the Summit Council for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, and the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace (Japan Chapter), the program was held June 17-18, 1996 in Tokyo, Japan.

At the opening plenary before an audience of more than one-thousand distinguished guests, Mr. Takeru Kamiyama, co-chairman of the World Convention Organizing Committee, explained that Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon's vision for establishing the Federation stemmed primarily from their deep concern that Japan, as one of the most prosperous island nations, fulfill her potential as "Mother of the World."

The Founder's Address by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon was delivered by Mrs. Motoko Sugiyama, President of the Women's Federation for World Peace. According to the Founders, Japan has been able to make miraculous economic strides because of the fortune granted to her from Heaven. The Federation was founded so that Japan could share her heavenly fortune with other island nations by establishing sisterhood relationships.

In his remarks to the assembly, Dr. Bo Hi Pak, co-chairman of the World Convention Organizing Committee, touched on the religious aspect of peace, recalling a quote by the founder, "If we have not achieved peace, it is because people forget its most fundamental aspect. Before we talk about peace among nations, we must settle our peace with God."

The theme of the conference, "The Role of the Island Nations in the 21st Century," represents a new approach to promoting peace in the international arena. Nations of the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and Pacific have traditionally had little opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from one another. Delegates, therefore, spent time discussing the characteristics, challenges, and concerns island nations share.

Throughout history, the ocean has been an indispensable avenue for the transmission and reception of culture and ideas. Seventy percent of the world's surface is covered by oceans, and given their geographical locations, island nations constitute an integral part of this make-up. Recognizing this unique characteristic, current Marshall Island President, Amata Kabua said, "Island nations see the ocean as a medium which connects us all, not as a vast barrier which separates."

Dr. Toshio Kawabe, professor emeritus at Tokyo International University, highlighted the constructive roles the sea may play as the Era of the Pacific quickly approaches. It is crucial that nations properly utilize this natural resources for the oceans have the powerful potential to support international cooperation and prosperity.

The Rt. Hon. Michael Moore, former prime minister of New Zealand, examined the economic aspect, identified the greatest immediate threat to the peace and security of island nations as "the power the great exporting and importing nations have to devastate our economies by protectionist walls of tariffs and import control and restrictions."

Environmental and Technological Concerns

After a survey of the challenges, delegates identified a number of new strategies to counter the problems of the post-cold war world. All participants believe that adapting to the changing global landscape and working towards solutions to such problems are necessary steps in ultimately establishing world peace.

Former Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Rt. Hon. Edward Seaga, discussed the development of the computer and of atomic energy, and other technological developments affecting growth of the island nations.

Most participants considered the deterioration of the environment a major concern for island nations. Former Prime Minister of Iceland, Steingrimur Hermannsson elaborated on a number of environmental concerns which affect not only island nations, but also all countries of the world. Deforestation, land erosion, the depletion of the ozone layer, nuclear testing, and the use and storage of toxic chemicals in landfills and in oceans all contribute to the degradation of the environment.

The ultimate irony of the situation, as Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, former prime minister of Canada and keynote speaker noted, is that humanity permits the conduct that brings such destruction and suffering to the world.

"[W]e forgot the fundamentals of civilized life. We forgot the inherent truths taught by all of the world's greatest religions. We forgot the values that promote successful family life. We forgot the strength of fraternity and the importance of dialogue amongst human beings of different backgrounds. We forgot, as President [Lyndon] Johnson once said, that `jaw, jaw, jaw, is better than war, war, war.'"

Family Values Can Pull Us Together

Many participants emphasized that the loss of family values and traditions has contributed significantly to the rise of the insidious problems prevalent throughout today's societies. Former Ireland Prime Minister, Albert Reynolds said, ". . . the seeds of real peace in any country are sown in the family home. From there it permeates communities, then countries, and then continents. World peace starts at home in every home. We are all interdependent."

"We now have a framework in which island nations can actually accomplish something. There is a spirit of collective action and shared solidarity; with this one voice the smaller nations of the world will be heard," said Marc Louis Bazin, former prime minister of Haiti.

Other speakers included the former prime minister of Australia, Sir John Gorton; the current speaker of the House of Solomon Islands, Paul Tovua; the former Minister of Finance and Economics of Fiji, Tomasi Vakatora; and many other eminent statesmen.

For the participants, the conference was an opportunity to establish a support network with their counterparts around the world, an invaluable resource for continually learning through shared experiences. The spiritual essence of the gathering was as intense as the substantive discourse.

Hon. Alison Clark of New Zealand offered encouraging remarks to the delegates at the closing assembly. "This convention brought old friends together and provided every one with the opportunity to meet new friends. Don't forget the vision when you return to your respective homeland; put it to good use as we enter the next century."

Other observations and recommendations included:

Lord Healey, former chancellor of the exchequer, United Kingdom noted there is an urgent need to build and strengthen global institutions through which nations can address global problems.

Joel C. Hart, member of the Executive Board of the Independent Party of Tahiti said, "We would like to propose that this convention remind all colonial nations of their obligation"clearly stated in UN charter" that they conduct their colonies to their independence."

Hon. Stephanos A. Stephanou, Deputy Secretary General, Democratic Party, Cyprus called to "exercise pressure on both sides to allow reunification through peaceful negotiations."

Mrs. Mavis Holmes-Hanek, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and Environment, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, said "[The Ministry of Health and Environment] would like to invite [the Federation] to consider creating workshops, symposia, forums, etc. in conjunction with the ministry in order to develop policies beneficial to all mankind."

Hon. Paul B. Chow, member of the National Assembly, Seychelles Islands emphasized the importance of distinguishing between the bigger and smaller island nations because of the tendency of smaller island nations to emulate the world's metropolises. Perhaps, he said, it is better for smaller island nations to look to the bigger island nations, such as Japan, instead.

Hon. Hamilton Greene, former prime minister of Guyana recommended that the Federation target young people, the leaders of the 21st century, in order to give them new hope for a better world. If children are brought together "to pray and play together, instead of fighting, they will keep talking when push comes to shove." Activities for such programs could include the renovation of churches and mosques.


Despite the shortness in time to prepare for the conference, it was a tremendous success. Many letters of welcome were received, including from former UK prime minister Sir Edward Heath, former Canadian Governor-General Edward Schreyer, former Costa Rican president, Mario Echandi of Costa Rica, and former Haitian president, Ertha Trouillot.

The master of ceremonies was Antonio Betancourt, executive director of the Summit Council. The meeting managers included: Takeshi Furuta, Isao Fukui, Hiroshi Matsuzaki and William Selig.

Just a few weeks after the conference, a follow-up seminar was held in Japan to study in-depth the Unification Worldview and its application towards bridging peace among the island nations of the world. Centering upon Japan, the Federation of Island Nations will surely have a busy schedule in the year's ahead and play a major role in the dispensation.

The Federation of Continental Nations for World Peace North American Chapter

by Dr. Frank Kaufmann-NYC

The North American chapter of the Federation of Continental Nations for World Peace (FCNWP) was formally founded at an impressive Inaugural Convention held at the Meadowlands Hilton (New Jersey, USA) from August 30 - September 1, 1996. August 1996 has seen a flurry of world-level activity under Reverend Moon's sponsorship defying all historical records. From July 30 - August 1, 1996 the Inaugural Convention of the Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP) stunned the world with an unprecedented gathering of world leaders, including two U.S. presidents. In addition to major conventions in Latin America Reverend Moon also hosted the Inaugural Conventions of the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace (FINWP) in Tokyo, and the Peninsular Nations Federation for World Peace (FPNWP) in Seoul. Now this constellation of organizations comes full circle in this week's convention for continental nations.

Reverend Joong Hyun Pak, Continental leader for North America and responsible leader for the Continental convention, benefited greatly from the excellent and fruitful efforts of Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President of the Unification Church of America, and Mr. Michael Smith, President of the American Constitution Committee. These three were well supported by Mr. David Eaton of the New York City Symphony, who managed the conference, and led a fine support staff.

Approximately 70 full participants benefited from a well conceived program of speakers addressing issues pertinent to the concerns of continental nations. The opening plenary was open to the public, and was attended by several hundred local guests. Those hundreds in attendance were first treated to a rich and erudite social history of the United States; the keynote speech delivered by University of Bridgeport president, Dr. Richard Rubenstein. Following Dr. Rubenstein's address, Reverend Dr. Pak then read the Founder's Address, namely Reverend Moon's teaching on the historical and geo- political relationship among island, peninsula, and continental nations, and the role of human responsibility in the evolution of human affairs. The Founder's Address brought the crowd to their feet in an ovation lasting several minutes, a rare and uncommon event for any speech read on someone else's behalf.

The remainder of the program included a host of prominent speakers including the United States governor (Pennsylvania) Robert Casey, the Bush and Clinton Administrations appointee Patricia Funderburk Ware, Dr. Glenn Bassett, Director of the Business School at University of Bridgeport, and renowned Chicago University Political Scientist, Professor (Emeritus) Morton Kaplan. The event came to a magnificent conclusion with the Banquet Address from Canadian (former) Prime Minister the Right Honorable Brian Mulroney. His captivating address was followed by the farewell remarks of Reverend Pak who used his time to introduce the highlights of Reverend Moon's incomparable career of service to humankind. The result of the convention was to produce a significant community of leaders ready to commit to on-going peace activities linked to this federation and to the many other peace and social action initiatives of Reverend and Mrs. Moon.

Tears, Gratitude, and Elation at the 1996 Autumn Classic

by Mark Turegano-Port Jervis, NY

"I ended up with 4 faults (penalties), but that's just fine!" said Debbie Stephens, after her performance in The $100,000 Autumn Classic Grand Prix Horse Show held at New Hope Farms on Saturday evening (September 7th). Debbie Stephens is one of the best equestrian riders in the field of show jumping in America and is a stunningly attractive world-class competitor who has won numerous international Grand Prix competitions.

Normally, Debbie would have been disappointed with the 4 fault performance. (The 4 fault penalty is assessed for having knocked down one rail in the event.) Had she left that one rail up she would have qualified for the jump-off round and a chance at the lion's share of the $100,000.00 in prize money that the contest offered along with many sought after points in the USET's computer ranking system.

But Debbie had a different focus on her mind. Debbie had eagerly volunteered this year, as she did last year, to spend a part of her day with two terminally-ill children from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Make-A-Wish is the well known foundation that tries to grant terminally and severely ill children a "last wish," normally, a meeting or experience with a sports or entertainment celebrity. Two such children, whose "wish" was to meet some of America's best riders, were guests of The Autumn Classic this year, and Debbie, along with Margie Goldstein, two-time rider of the year and also a competitor at the Autumn Classic, had just spent valuable preparation time before the contest showering the two, 10 year-old girls (named Lisa and Morgan) with hugs and affection as well as toys and presents donated by corporate sponsors of Make-A-Wish.

Debbie was one of the favorites to reach the final jump-off round at this year's event but had absolutely no regrets about her performance. She spoke during an on-site interview after her jumping round and said that she could not help but think about Lisa and Morgan whose tragic lives she had now become a part of and about the immense good fortune that has come to her in her own life compared with the sadness constantly facing these unfortunate children and their families.

Margie was also touched by her encounter with the two girls, whom, she said, were so animated and joyful in spite of their affliction. One of the girls had been a fan of Margie Goldstein for several years and religiously watched her perform whenever she appeared on ESPN. At the start of the Grand Prix event, Lisa and Morgan were given a carriage ride around the New Hope Farms ring in front of the capacity crowd of 2200. At the last minute, a show coordinator persuaded Margie to ride in the carriage with the girls. Margie then went up to the girls and said, "Do you mind if I ride along?" The girls were stunned and beamed as they and Margie did several rounds in the carriage together along the perimeter of the course. The Make-A-Wish theme then streamed through the arena's speakers and there was not a dry eye in the house.

After the girls finished their ride and received their presents, which included special pins from the Orange County Executive (Joe Rampe), the girls, their parents, and the riders posed for pictures. Joe Rampe, the County Executive, was also invited to join in the picture. In a poignant gesture, he declined and said softly to one of the officials, still with a tear in his eye, "This is too important a moment for those girls and their families to have a politician in the middle of it."

The actual competition was one of the finest The Autumn Classic has hosted and featured 36 of the best riders and horses in the world.

Along with Debbie Stephens and Margie Goldstein were Lisa Jacquin (an Olympic Team Gold medalist in 1988), Tim Grubb (past member of both the English and American Olympic teams), Laura Chapot (Rookie of the Year and last year's Autumn Classic Grand Prix Winner), and Samantha Lam (a 21 year old Chinese-American sensation, who trained her own Grand Prix horse without the help of a professional, a rare accomplishment for a rider her age in the sport).

Of the 36 riders to start, 7 finished with clean (fault-free) rounds and earned the right to compete in the timed jump-off. Both Margie Goldstein and Samantha Lam made the jump-off but could not best 46 year-old Marc Jungherr, a long time Grand Prix rider who for 15 years had not won a major Grand Prix competition. Marc blistered his way around the jump-off course and beat his nearest competitor by a full two seconds on his 9 year old gelding, Roscoe. He was nearly as stunned as his fellow riders, who had not seen him in the winner's circle for a good many years, and who himself could scarcely believe that his horse had navigated the course in virtual record time.

A quiet, good-natured individual, Marc was patted and cheered by the other riders who shared in the thrill of his winning the $30,000.00 check that went to the evening's victor. In addition to the check, Marc received an exquisite, hand-crafted watch (valued at nearly $1,000.00) from Christian Bernard, a perennial sponsor of The Autumn Classic Show, and numerous bridles, jackets, and trophies along with those valuable USET and World Cup points that contribute greatly towards the year's final rankings.

The Autumn Classic, a six day event that takes place annually at New Hope Farms, hosted nearly 1,000 horses this year in one of the largest shows in the event's history and occurred remarkably smoothly while dodging the rains and winds of Hurricane Fran that veered west of the New York area on Saturday, the day of the heaviest schedule of competitions. The weary, but satisfied, competitors loaded up their horses, gear, and mobile furnishings during the late afternoon rains on Sunday and moved on to the next major event -The Gold Cup in Devon, Pennsylvania-with nothing but praise for The Autumn Classic and the spectacular grounds and arenas at New Hope Farms.

As a final thought, it is important to recognize two more of the major sponsors of The Autumn Classic Horse Show: Go World Inc., who has generously supported the show since its inception both with monetary sponsorships and travel vacations for winning riders and trainers, and the Ginseng Up Corporation, whose Ginseng Up soda has made a big hit with all the riders on the show circuit and has likewise been a strong backer of the show for the past 8 years. Without their support, the show would not have been able to obtain the recognition it has achieved in the riding industry, and we want to express our sincere appreciation to these two fine companies (along with Christian Bernard) for their generosity throughout the years.